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TAO Project TAO: The University of Tokyo Atacama Observatory Constructing a 6.5-m infrared telescope at the summit of Co. Chajnantor in Chile (5640-m alt.) Purpose: Giving opportunity to young researchers to make Survey or Challenging studies.
Engineering observations of TAO’s instruments on Subaru NIR Instrument: SWIMS MIR Instrument: MIMIZUKU These are the 1st gen. instruments for TAO. Accepted Eng. obs. prior to the completion of TAO were proposed. in FY2016. to secure their smooth startup of science operations on TAO.
SWIMS : 1st Gen NIR Instrument for TAO 6.5m Simultaneous-band Wide field Infrared MOS Spectrograph Simultaneous imaging/spectroscopy in 2 bands (0.9-1.4 μm & 1.4-2.5 μm) Slit mask Wide field-of-view with good pixel or IFU resolution 9.6’ Φ FoV, 0.126ʺ/pix, with 4k x 4k pixels (on TAO 6.5m) Multi-object spectroscopy with cooled multi-slit masks 0.9-2.5 μ m simultaneous spectroscopy for ~30 objects (R~1000) IFU module also under development 2m x 2m x 2m, 2.4ton First-light was achieved in May, 2018. HAWAII-2RG x4 for each
Imaging Performance Image Quality Best Seeing 0.37”@Ks 30sec 0.095”/pix, FoV 6.4’ x 3.2’ Distortion < 1pixel over the full FoV System Efficiency (incl. telescope) Detector 2 in blue-arm has lower QE System efficiencies in blue-arm Filter Detector #1 Detector #2 J 0.31 0.23 H 0.48 N/A (0.41) Ks 0.41 N/A (0.34)
Long Exposure Test : Jan. 2019 No major problem found with ~1hr integration Preliminary Result : NB1261 imaging in 2019/Jan run Z=0.9 Large Scale Structure Field 66min integration (2min x 33fr.) 4C65.22 LimMag=21.8AB (3σ, 1.3”apert.) in good agreement with prediction of 22.0AB No strong crosstalk Courtesy : T. Asano (Tohoku => U. Tokyo)
MOS First Light : Jan. 2019 All the hardware / software work properly Slit Introduction : ~15min No need to point to zenith 0.9-1.4um during MOS slit exchange raw spectra 1.45-2.5um Paα emission of a z=0.15 merger raw spectra
Summary and Future Plan SWIMS has been commissioned at Subaru Telescope in FY2018 Both imaging and MOS spectroscopy are functioning well. Proposing to serve to the community as a PI instrument at Subaru for S20A-S21B It will then move to TAO 6.5m telescope.
MIMIZUKU : 1st Gen MIR Instrument for TAO 6.5m Mid-Infrared Multi-field Imager for gaZing at the UnKnown Universe Wide wavelength coverage: 2–38 µm Imaging and Low-res. Spectroscopy High Spatial Resolution: ~1” @ 30 µm Accurate calibration of the telluric atmospheric absorption MIMIZUKU (2.0 m x 2.0 m x 2.1 m; 2.4ton)
Field Stacker (FS) Telescope Placing two movable pick-up mirrors on the telescope focal plane. Simultaneous observation of target and reference star. Compensate time variation of the atmosphere. Accurate calibration!! Test this device in the engineering observation!!
First Light : 2018/7/3 MIMIZUKU on Subaru α Her (off-focus) Moment of the FL
Normal Imaging Observation N-band Image Q-band Image (Log-scale) (Linear-scale) FWHM Sys. Eff.※ N-band 0.32” 18% @ 11.6 µm Q-band 0.59” 2.1% @ 20.8 µm α Her @ 11.6 µm α Hya @ 20.8 µm ※ Sys. eff. incl. tel. and sky • Diffraction limited image is achieved • Acceptable system efficiencies are confirmed Low Q-band efficiency is due to sky condition? Working almost as expected.
Field-Stacker Observations Imaging Spectroscopy Field-Stacker observation of V582 Cas & V530 Cas (Angular separation: 4.3 arcmin) Target acquisition software works well • Targets can be introduced with one command • Target positions can be adjusted graphically
Field-Stacker Observations • Photometric counts show global fluctuation (~10%) • But their ratio can be measured with a few % accuracy We can compensate the atmospheric variation by using Field Stacker!!
Summary and Future Plan MIMIZUKU has been commissioned at Subaru Telescope in FY2018 All observation modes are functioning well Field Stacker successfully compensates the time variation of the atmospheric absorption MIMIZUKU will be transported to TAO in FY2019
Summary SWIMS and MIMIZUKU have completed their engineering observations on Subaru We confirmed that all observation functions are working well SWIMS team is proposing science operation on Subaru for S20A–S21B. MIMIZUKU will be transported to TAO in FY2019. First-light of TAO/MIMIZUKU will be 2020 – 2021. First-light of TAO/SWIMS will be after 2022. We would like to thank all Subaru staff !!
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