FINAL RESUME ON THE RESEARCH UNIT - Institute of Genetics, Environment and Plant Protection

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FINAL RESUME ON THE RESEARCH UNIT - Institute of Genetics, Environment and Plant Protection
Research evaluation

IGEPP - Institute of Genetics, Environment and Plant

Agrocampus Ouest - Institut supérieur des sciences
agronomiques, agroalimentaires, horticoles et du
Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture,
l'alimentation et l'environnement - INRAE
Université de Rennes 1


     Report published on June, 29 2021
FINAL RESUME ON THE RESEARCH UNIT - Institute of Genetics, Environment and Plant Protection
In the name of Hcéres1:                        In the name of the experts committee2:
 Mr Thierry Coulhon, President                 Mr Marc-Henri Lebrun, Chairman of the

Under the decree No.2014-1365 dated 14 November 2014,
1 The president of Hcéres "countersigns the evaluation reports set up by the experts committees and signed by

their chairman." (Article 8, paragraph 5);
2 The evaluation reports "are signed by the chairman of the experts committee". (Article 11, paragraph 2).
FINAL RESUME ON THE RESEARCH UNIT - Institute of Genetics, Environment and Plant Protection
Tables in this document were filled with certified data submitted by the supervising body on behalf of the unit.

Unit name:
Institute of Genetics, Environment and Plant Protection
Unit acronym:
Current label and N°:
Application type:
Internal team restructuring
Head of the unit (2020-2021):
Ms Maria Manzanares-Dauleux
Project leader (2021-2025):
Not yet determined
Number of teams and/or themes:

    Chair:                      Mr Marc-Henri Lebrun, CNRS, Thiverval-Grignon

    Experts:                    Mr Sylvain Billiard, Université de Lille
                                Mr Frédéric Choulet, INRAE, Clermont-Ferrand (supporting personnel)
                                Mr Bruno Favery, INRAE, Sophia-Antipolis
                                Ms Elena Kazakou, Montpellier SupAgro
                                Mr Bruno Le Cam, INRAE, Beaucouze
                                Mr Xavier Nesme (retraité), INRAE
                                Mr Patrick Saindrenan (retraité), CNRS-Université Paris Sud
                                Mr Bruno Touraine, Université de Montpellier (representative of CNU)
                                Mr Éric Wajnberg, INRAE, Sophia-Antipolis
                                Mr Jacques David, Montpellier SupAgro

                                Mr Pascal Simonet

                                 MrJean-François Carpentier, Université Rennes 1
                                 Mr Romain Jeantet, Agrocampus Ouest
                                 Mr Christian Lannou, INRAE

The joint unit “Institute of Genetics, Environment and Plant Protection”, IGEPP, is supervised by INRAE,
Agrocampus Ouest and Université de Rennes 1. It was created in 2012 by the fusion of two large joint research
units (Plant Breeding and Biotechnology, APBV, and Biology of Organisms and Populations applied to Plant
Protection, BiO3P) supervised both by INRAE, Agrocampus Ouest and Université de Rennes-1. The research fields
of the two founding units were respectively plant science (APBV) and crop health management (BiO3P). This
fusion has created a very large unit of 242 people studying major arable crop plants and the organisms
associated to them -pests, parasites and beneficial microbes-, mainly located on the same site (INRAE-Le Rheu,
192 people, 76 %) with significant shared resources (greenhouses, experimental fields), platforms (Bioinformatics,
Cytogenetics, Metabolomics) and a Center for Plant Genetic Resources. IGEPP has five research sites located
in either Rennes (INRAE-Le Rheu, University of Rennes-Beaulieu Campus, Agrocampus Ouest-Rennes), Angers
(Agrocampus Ouest-Angers) and Ploudaniel (INRAE-Ploudaniel). The IGEPP unit was composed of six teams
during the evaluated period and will be reorganized into eight teams for the project (four new teams resulting
from the reorganization of two previous teams).

IGEPP relies on a research ecosystem corresponding to the field of fundamental and applied agroecological
research. IGEPP is a member of the Environmental Sciences Department of Rennes-1 University. IGEPP is an
essential component of this department, and brings in all its expertise in plant sciences and plant pathology
aiming at improving agriculture. IGEPP is part of the Carnot Plant2Pro Institute that brings together sixteen
academic research laboratories and three technical institutes (ARVALIS-Institut du végétal; l’Institut Français de
la Vigne et du Vin; Terres Inovia). In Rennes, IGEPP has developed an academic partnership with the UMR IRISA
(Institut de Recherche en Informatique et Systèmes Aléatoires), which is today the largest French research
laboratory (more than 850 people) in the field of computer science and information technology. IGEPP-INRAE
researchers and engineers are hosted and associated to IRISA teams. In these joint teams, they shared
knowledge, expertise and software for the integration of data, assembly of heterozygous genome, variants
discovery and reconstruction, or metagenomics. IGEPP is also an associated member of the Earth Sciences and
Astronomy Observatory based in the Rennes area (OSUR). IGEPP is leading regional and national platforms in
metabolomics (P2M2), plant cytogenetics (CMV) and bioinformatics for arthropods (BIPAA). Through these
platforms and its team’s research activities, IGEPP is an active partner of the GIS Biogenouest that structures and
facilitates research in genomics in Bretagne-Pays de la Loire region. Overall, IGEPP contributes to the scientific
structuration of Rennes and Bretagne-Pays de la Loire region in the area of agriculture, agroecology, genomics
and environmental sciences. IGEPP has recently initiated a partnership with the ANSES through the creation of
the Pole NemAlliance allowing the setup of an applied research laboratory in plant nematology, unique in
France. IGEPP is also an active partner of two joint technological research laboratories (Unités Mixtes
Technologiques, UMTs: INNOPLANT and PISOM), with French technological Institutes involved in agriculture
(Terres Innovia, FN3PT). INNOPLANT is an UMT with FN3PT aiming at improving potato breeding and culture initially
created in 2013 and renewed in 2018 until 2022. PISOM is an UMT with Terres Innovia aiming at improving pea
culture initially created in 2013 up to 2017. PISOM was transformed into an Associated Partnership laboratory
(APL) with Terres Innovia in 2021 for eight years, with broader objectives aiming at improving oleaginous and
legume protection against diseases. IGEPP teams also belong to three GDR (Groupement De Recherche –
Research groups): Ecologie Chimique-Chemical Ecology; Ecologie Trophique-Trophic Ecology; and Epiplant.
IGEPP is also a member of four RMT (Réseaux Mixtes Technologiques-Technological Joint Network) which
objectives are to foster collaborations between academic research, agricultural education and agricultural
technical development funded by the French ministry of agriculture. These four RMT are: VEGEDIAG (Diagnostic
in plant Health); ELICITRA/Phytostim (to understand, develop and promote the plant defense strategies); BIOREG
(Biodiversity for the natural regulation of bio-aggressors); and SdCi (Innovative cultivation systems).

SVE-1: Agronomie, Biologie Végétale, Ecologie, Environnement, Evolution
SVE-2: Biologie cellulaire, Imagerie, Biologie moléculaire, Biochimie, Génomique, Biologie Systémique,
Développement, Biologie structurale

IGEPP management team (DirIGEPP) is composed of its director (Ms Manzanares-Dauleux, Agrocampus Ouest)
and four deputy directors from INRAE (Mr P. Crestot, Ms R. Delourme, Mr C. Mougel, Mr J-E. Chauvin) with distinct
tasks (links with supervising institutions, links with internal administration, human resources, scientific life, Ploudaniel
site management, respectively including its Director).


                                                                                       Number       Number
                                                                      Active staff
                                                                                      06/01/2020   01/01/2022

                                              Full professors and similar positions       7             7

                                        Assistant professors and similar positions       15             15

    Full time research directors (Directeurs de recherche) and similar positions         10             10

    Full time research associates (Chargés de recherche) and similar positions           24             23

                Other scientists (“Conservateurs, cadres scientifiques des EPIC,
                                                                                          0             0
                                                   fondations, industries, etc.”)

                                                            High school teachers          0             0

              Supporting personnel (ITAs, BIATSSs and others, notably of EPICs)          136           128

                                                                 Permanent staff         191           183

       Non-permanent professors and associate professors, including emeritus              2             0

     Non-permanent full time scientists, including emeritus, post-docs (except
                                                                                         11             8
                                                                  PhD students)

                                                                    PhD Students         20             17

                                         Non-permanent supporting personnel              18             17

                                                            Non-permanent staff          51             42

                                                                             Total       242           225

IGEPP develops research projects in plant biology and plant pathology focused on a few important crops
(potato, pea, Brassicaceae, wheat) and their associated bioagressors/pathogens. IGEPP has six teams for the
current period (BP, Demecologie, EGI, MVI, RA, RCA). Research performed at IGEPP has provided an excellent
qualitative and quantitative scientific publication output (455 publications in peer-reviewed international
journals for the 2015-2020 period among which 249 (55 %) were as first/last authors in excellent journals for
example such as Nature Communications, Nature Methods, Nature Plants, New Phytologist, Nucleic Acids
Research, Plant Biotechnology Journal Plant Journal, PLOS Biology, PLOS Pathogens, PNAS, Systematic
Entomology, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, Trends In Genetics). IGEPP honored 337 pluri-annual contracts
(260 public and 77 private contracts). Among the public contracts, IGEPP coordinated ten European projects
and was involved as a partner in twelve European projects. IGEPP was also involved during this period in five PIA
(Projets Investissement d’Avenir) and five PPR (National Priority Research Project) and 25 ANR projects, eight
being led by IGEPP.
IGEPP as a whole is a recognized reference at the international level in plant genetics and physiology, plant
and bio-aggressor genomics, entomology, ecology, population biology and plant pathology. The BP (evolution
of plant polyploidy), EGI (molecular, ecological and evolutionary bases of adaptive traits of phytophagous and
beneficial insects) and RA (interactions between plants and soil borne/aerial pathogens) teams demonstrating
strong leadership at the European level. IGEPP has also an exceptional collaborative network at the local and
national levels, including strong links with socio-economic partners from the agricultural field (public, private,
farmer organizations). IGEPP has set up three joint structures with agricultural technical institutes (FN3PT, Terres
Innovia), and ANSES. IGEPP has also been key in associating socio-economic partners to academic teams into
ten funded “Investissement d’Avenir” ANR projects (PIA, PPR) devoted to improve agriculture. On the applied
side, IGEPP has developed original methods to control plant diseases, and adapt cultivated plants to the novel

needs of agriculture. In addition, IGEPP has released varieties for organic farming, a field of applied research
lacking academic support. IGEPP has a strong involvement in training through research by hosting PhD students
and managing Master programs, as well as through the bi-regional doctoral school EGAAL. The management
of IGEPP was very efficient in driving a strong participative management of a very large unit with many shared
resources. In conclusion, IGEPP is an excellent research unit. Overall, IGEPP is recognized for its excellent
fundamental and applied research outputs in plant genetics and physiology, plant and bio-aggressor
genomics, entomology, ecology, population biology.

The evaluation reports of Hceres
are available online:

Evaluation of clusters of higher education and research institutions
Evaluation of higher education and research institutions
Evaluation of research
Evaluation of doctoral schools
Evaluation of programmes
International evaluation and accreditation
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