Covid Recovery Pulse - ICICI Direct
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Auto retail picking up pace… Daily vehicle registration trend MOMENTUM PICK 1,08,000 Daily Vahan registrations have averaged at ~63,200 units i.e. 79% of pre-Covid levels in August 2021 99,000 90,000 85,197 84,723 81,000 73,665 76,219 69,185 71,091 Daily Vahan registrations in August 2021 have averaged (average daily units) 72,000 65,850 63,202 60400 at ~63,200 units i.e. 79% of pre-Covid levels and is 62,624 63,000 55,285 54,207 55,599 down ~11% on an MoM basis. The start to September 54,000 2021 is soft with average reading at ~60,400 units, 45,000 broadly in line with the sluggish start to the month. With 36,000 Covid abating pan-India, registrations are expected to 24,428 27,000 pick up pace but will be constrained by lower vehicle 18,000 production given the global chip shortage, especially in 9,000 th e PV space. 0 (Note– Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Telangana are non Vahan states. They combined form ~15% of Jun-21 May-21 Nov-20 Oct-20 Aug-20 Aug-21 Jul-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 Sep-20 Sep-21 Dec-20 Feb-21 Jan-21 MTD ICICI Securities – Retail Equity Research auto volumes and ~20% of tractor volumes) E- Way bill generation E-Way bill generation for August 2021 began on a strong note, reaching 4.6 crore. If we compare this to the average bill generation in the months prior to Covid-19 (October 2019-February 2020), it has reached ~115% levels of the average 5.5 crore bills. E-Way bill generation for January, February, March, April, May, June and July hovered at 114%, 116%, 129%, 107%, 73%, 100% an d 117% levels, respectively. 2
All-round improvement in core sector demand… FA STag volume Monthly average peak power demand in 2019 & 2020 MOMENTUM PICK NPCI data reveals that FASTag driven monthly vehicle volumes for Average peak power demand for August grew sharply by 16.18% to 184.4 ICICI Securities – Retail Equity Research August, 2021 at various toll plazas (201.2 million) were up ~4.6% MoM GW vs. 158.7 GW in the same period last year. There has been a marginal an d up ~4% from pre-second wave level attained in March, 2021. increase of 3% on an MoM basis. Peak power demand during the period was registered on August 13 at 196.5 GW. P etrol & LPG demand Diesel demand 4 10 Diesel 8 3 MMT 6 MMT 2 4 1 2 Diesel demand fell 9.3% MoM in August for PSU OMCs . Petrol demand increased 2.5% MoM in August whereas LPG demand de-grew 1.7% MoM in the same period for PSU OMCs. 0 0 May-19 Aug-19 Nov-19 Feb-20 May-20 Aug-20 Nov-20 Feb-21 May-21 Aug-21 May-19 Aug-19 Nov-19 Feb-20 May-20 Aug-20 Nov-20 Feb-21 May-21 Aug-21 Diesel Petrol LPG 3
GST collections make strong comeback in July GST collections IIP Trend MOMENTUM PICK GST collections 140000 120000 116393 100000 102709 80000 92849 123902 119847 115174 113865 113143 32172 141384 110818 105361 104963 105155 103491 103184 60000 102083 100289 99939 98202 97590 95379 95480 91916 90917 87422 86449 40000 62151 20000 0 Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar ICICI Securities – Retail Equity Research FY19 FY20 FY21 GST collections made a strong comeback in July and came in at | 1.16 During May 2021, IIP data saw a jump of 28.6%, led by 33.5% & 23.3% jump lakh crore. GST collections grew 33% YoY but the base was low in manufacturing & mining, respectively. However, electricity data declined to 7.5%. The exceptional rise was largely due to a lower base in the previous year led by nationwide lockdown (in April 2021, no data is available on account of Covid-19). 4
MOMENTUM PICK ICICI Securities – Retail Equity Research Pankaj Pandey Head – Research ICICI Direct Research Desk, ICICI Securities Limited, 1st Floor, Akruti Trade Centre, Road No 7, MIDC Andheri (East) Mumbai – 400 093 4
Disclaimer ANALYST CERTIFICATION MOMENTUM PICK I/We, Pankaj Research Analysts, authors a nd the names subscribed to this report, hereby certi fy tha t all of the views expressed i n this research report acc urately reflect o ur views about the subject issuer(s) or sec urities. We al so certi fy tha t no part of o ur compensa tion was, is, or will be directly or indirec tly rela ted to the specific recommendation(s) or view(s) in thi s report. It is also confirmed that above mentioned Analysts of thi s report have not received any compensation from the companies mentioned in the report in the preceding twelve months and do not serve as an officer, director or employee of the companies mentioned in the report. Terms & conditions and other disclosures: ICICI Securi ties Limited (ICICI Securi ties) is a full-service, integrated investment ba nking a nd is, inter alia, engaged in the business of stock brokering a nd distribution of financial products. ICICI Securi ties is Sebi registered stock broker, merc hant banker, investment adviser, portfolio manager and Researc h Analyst. ICICI Securiti es is registered with Insurance Reg ulatory Development A uthority of India Limi ted (IRDAI) as a composite corporate agent and wi th PFRDA as a Point of Presence. ICICI Securities Limi ted Researc h Analyst SEBI Registration Number – INH000000990. ICI CI Sec uriti es Limi ted SEBI Registratio n is INZ000183631 for stock broker. ICICI Sec uriti es i s a subsidiary of ICICI Bank which is India’s largest private sector bank a nd ha s i ts various subsidiaries engaged in b usi nesses of housing financ e, asset ma nagement, life insura nce, general i nsura nce, venture capital fund management, etc. (“associates”), the details in respect of which are available on ICICI Securi ties is o ne of the leading merchant ba nkers/ underwri ters of sec urities a nd participate in virtually all sec urities trading ma rkets in India. We a nd our associates might have i nvestment banki ng and other busi ness relatio nship with a sig nificant percentage of companies covered by our Investment Research Department. ICICI Sec urities generally prohibits its analysts, perso ns reporting to analysts and their rela tives from maintaini ng a financial interest i n the securi ties or derivatives of any companies that the analysts cover ICICI Securities – Retail Equity Research Recommendation i n reports ba sed on tec hnical and derivative analysi s centre on studying charts o f a stock's price movement, o utsta nding positions, trading volume etc a s opposed to focusing on a company's fundamentals a nd, as such, may not ma tch with the recommenda tion in fundamental reports. Investors may visit to view the Fundamental and Technical Research Reports. Our proprietary trading and investment businesses may make investment decisions that are inconsistent with the recommendations expressed herein. ICICI Securi ties Limited has two i ndependent equity researc h groups: Insti tutional Researc h a nd Retail Research. This report ha s been prepared by the Retail Researc h. T he views and opinions expressed in this document may or may not match or may be contrary with the views, estimates, rating, and target price of the Institutional Research. The information and opinions in this report have been prepared by ICICI Sec urities and a re subject to cha nge wi thout a ny notice. T he report and i nformation contained herein i s strictly confidential a nd mea nt solely for the selected recipient and may not be altered i n any way, tra nsmitted to, copied or distrib uted, in part or in whole, to a ny other perso n or to the media or reproduced in a ny form, wi tho ut prior written consent of ICICI Securi ties. While we would endeavour to update the i nforma tion herei n on a reasonable basi s, ICICI Securities is under no obligation to update or keep the informa tion current. Also, there may be regula tory, compliance or other reasons that may prevent ICICI Sec urities from doing so. No n-rated sec urities i ndicate that rati ng on a particular security ha s been suspended temporarily and such suspension is in compliance with applicable regulations and/or ICICI Securities policies, in circumstances where ICICI Securities might be acting in an advisory capacity to this company, or in certain other circumstances. 6
Disclaimer This report is based on informa tion obtained from public sources and sources believed to be reliable, but no independent verificatio n has been made nor is its accuracy or MOMENTUM PICK completeness guara nteed. Thi s report and i nforma tion herein is solely for i nforma tional purpose a nd shall not be used or considered a s a n offer document or solicitation of offer to buy or sell or subscribe for securi ties or other fina ncial instruments. Though dissemi nated to all the c ustomers simulta neously, no t all customers may receive thi s report a t the same time. ICICI Securities will not treat recipients a s customers by virtue of their receivi ng this report. Nothing in this report constitutes investment, legal, accounting a nd tax advice or a representation that a ny investment or strategy is sui table or appropriate to your specific circumsta nces. The securi ties discussed and opinions expressed in this report may not be sui table for all investors, who must ma ke their own investment decisions, based on their own i nvestment objectives, fina ncial positions and needs of specific recipient. This may not be ta ken in substitution for the exercise o f independent judgment by any recipient. The recipient should independently evaluate the investment risks. T he val ue a nd return o n investment may va ry because of cha nges i n interest ra tes, foreign exc hange rates or a ny o ther rea son. ICICI Sec urities accepts no liabilities wha tsoever for any loss or damage of any kind a rising o ut o f the use of this report. Past performance i s not necessarily a guide to future performa nce. I nvestors are advised to see Risk Di sclosure Document to understand the risks associated before investi ng in the securi ties markets. Actual results may differ materially from those set forth in projections. Forward-looking statements are not predictions and may be subject to change without notice. ICICI Securi ties or its associates might have managed or co-managed public offering of sec uriti es for the subject company or might have been mandated by the subject company for any other assignment in the past twelve months. ICICI Sec urities or its associates might have received any compensa tion from the companies mentioned in the report during the period preceding twelve months from the date of thi s report for services in respect of ma naging or co-managing public offerings, corporate fina nce, investment banking or merc hant banki ng, brokerage services or other advisory service in a merger or specific transaction. ICICI Sec urities encourages independence in researc h report prepara tion and strives to minimize conflict in prepara tion of research report. ICICI Securi ties or its a ssociates or its analysts did not receive any compensation or o ther benefi ts from the companies mentioned i n the report or third party in connec tion with prepara tion of the researc h ICICI Securities – Retail Equity Research report. Accordingly, neither ICICI Securities nor Research Analysts and their relatives have any material conflict of interest at the time of publication of this report. Compensation of our Research Analysts is not based on any specific merchant banking, investment banking or brokerage service transactions. ICICI Securi ties or its subsidiaries collectively or Research Analysts or thei r rela tives do not own 1% or more o f the equi ty securi ties o f the Company mentioned in the report as of the last day of the month preceding the publication of the research report. Since a ssociates of ICICI Sec urities are engaged in va rious fina ncial service busi nesses, they mig ht have fi nancial interests or beneficial ownership i n various companies including the subject company/companies mentioned in this report. ICICI Securities may have issued other reports that are inconsistent with and reach different conclusion from the information presented in this report. Neither the Research Analysts nor ICICI Securities have been engaged in market making activity for the companies mentioned in the report. We submit that no material disciplinary action has been taken on ICICI Securities by any Regulatory Authority impacting Equity Research Analysis activities. This report is not directed or i ntended for distribution to, or use by, a ny person or enti ty who is a citiz en or resident of or located in a ny locality, sta te, country or o ther jurisdiction, where suc h distributio n, publication, availability or use would be contrary to law, reg ulation or whic h would subjec t ICICI Securi ties and a ffiliates to a ny registra tion or licensing requirement within such jurisdiction. The sec urities described herei n may or may not be eligible for sale in all jurisdictions or to certain category of investors. Persons in whose possession this document may come are required to inform themselves of and to observe such restriction. 7
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