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INFO SESSION WITH The goal of this workshop is to provide the THE CALQ necessary tools to emerging filmmakers so they can self produce in a professional manner while Thursday January 25 2018 I 6pm to 9pm WORKSHOPS Guests : Laurent Rozencwajg (CALQ) and Alain respecting their artistic approach without tak- ing major risks. You may send a draft of your Rondeau (SODEC) project at prior to the � GRANT WRITING FOR SODEC Free Entrance upon Sign Up workshop. � PRODUCTION 101 : PRODUCING YOUR FILM Un événement incontournable de la session, SCREENWRITING & FICTION venez rencontrer le chargé de programme du � SCREENWRITING & FICTION DIALOGS Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (CALQ). DIALOGS Les programmes seront présentés en détails et un Monday February 12 2018 I 6pm to 9pm � DIRECTING NON PROFESSIONAL ACTORS Tuesday February 13 2018 I 6pm to 9pm échange avec le public ainsi qu’une période de � FROM BOOK TO SCREEN : HOW TO ADAPTATIONS WORK questions-réponses suivra la présentation. Vous Saturday March 3 2018 I 10am to 5pm serez mieux outillés pour comprendre les attentes Instructor : Alexandre Auger (Prank, Yo, 2x4) � DISTRIBUTION STRATEGIES $150 / $225 des financeurs et augmenterez ainsi vos chances � VISUAL STORYTELLING AND AESTHETICS de voir votre projet appuyé ! Throughout this two-part workshop, partici- � ON SET : DIRECTING AND STAGING GRANT WRITING FOR SODEC pants will be encouraged to give structure to their ideas, explore their own unique perspec- � MENTORSHIP FOR FICTION FILMMAKERS tive on reality and develop their narrative style. Wednesday February 7 2018 I 6pm to 10pm Added emphasis will be placed on group work Instructor : Hany Ouichou (ART & ESSAI : Ceux EVENTS AND MEETINGS qui font les révolutions à moitié n’ont fait que through the analysis of participants’ diverse proj- ects. The goal of this workshop is to jump-start � INFORMATION SESSION WITH CALQ se creuser un tombeau, 12 heures au Mexique, participants’ creative process while encouraging Prank) them to reflect on their subject matter. � DISCUSSION ON PRODUCING $40 / $60 Participants should forward a one-page descrip- A FIRST FEATURE FILM tion of their project so far to services@mainfilm. Participants will gain an in-depth understanding � MEET & GREET: CHLOÉ ROBICHAUD before the start of the workshop. of the application’s essential elements, including � OPTIQUE MAIN FILM up-to-date budget and application forms. All information required to submit a complete DIRECTING NON PROFESSIONAL proposal will be provided. Upcoming SODEC ACTORS deadline is March 9 2018. Thursday March 1 2018 I 6pm to 9pm $35 Member / $50 Non Member PRODUCTION 101 : Instructeur : Mathieu Arsenault (Nathan, Mai- PRODUIRE SON FILM sons modèles) Saturday February 10 2018 I 10am to 5pm Many filmmakers choose to work with non pro- All our workshops are in French. Saturday February 17 2018 I 10am to 5pm fessional actors, some of which decide to make Instructor : Hany Ouichou (ART & ESSAI : Ceux it their trademark. In search of realism or due to Main Film offers personalized workshops according to your needs qui font les révolutions à moitié n’ont fait que limited budgets, many reasons will lead you to in English and in French for individuals and groups se creuser un tombeau, 12 heures au Mexique, work with new or non professional actors. This Prank) training will offer tools and techniques which will Contact us at or at 514-845-7442 $150 / $225 optimise the director’s work. IDo you want to produce your film professionally or do you want to start your production compa- ny? This workshop will provide you with tools to produce your works and master all elements re- lated to the Producer role while creating a short or medium length film. * MEMBER RATE/ NON-MEMBER RATE EVENT THEORETICAL PRACTICAL
MEET & GREET: VISUAL AESTHETICS ON SET: DIRECTING AND STAG- SOIRÉE OPTIQUE CHLOÉ ROBICHAUD (DOP) ING Thursday March 29 2018 I 6pm to 9pm Samedi 17 mars 2018 I 10h à 17h Saturday March 24 2018 I 10am to 5pm Tuesday March 6 2018 I 6pm to 9pm Free entry upon sign up Dimanche 18 mars 2018 I 10h à 17h Sunday Martch 25 2018 I 10am to 5pm Gues: Chloé Robichaud (Pays, Sarah préfère la Instructeur : Alex Margineanu (Montréal la Instructors: Maxime Giroux, Director (Félix et Main Film soirée optique offer a unique chance course) blanche) Meira, Jo for Jonathan) & Benoit Finley, Actor for emerging filmmakers to present their short Free for members / $10 Non members 150$ / 225$ (Running, l’Apt du 5e, 30 vies) or medium length films (documentary, fiction or Chloé Robichaud will share her journey, artistic $200 / $275 experimental) to film enthusiasts while network- This theoretical and practical workshop will approach and work ethics in this initmate meet ing with professionals of the industry. Invited explore how to use composition to guide & greet where she will related on her own expe- This workshop offers a rare opportunity to ob- filmmakers obtain 2 free drink tickets for pre- the viewer’s eye and achieve the desired vi- riences in dealing with actors and their impor- tain a real exchange bewteen director and ac- senting their films. sual effect. Participants will discover a broad tant roles in her fiction films. tors in order to explore actor direction and on range of cinematic terms, including framing, camera acting. Through multiple practical ex- FROM BOOK TO SCREEN : HOW covering a scene and camera movement, ercises, the director-actor duo present different ADAPTATIONS WORK in order to develop a better understanding methods of directing actors and how they need Wednesday March 7 2018 I 6pm to 9pm of how to translate their intentions to the to adapt their acting according to the on set screen with greater agility Thursday March 8 2018 I 6pm to 9pm staging. You will develop skills on communicat- Instructor : Alexandre Auger (Prank, Yo, 2x4) ing your intentions to the actors and translat- DISCUSSION : $60 / $90 ing it in terms of framing. For actors, you will 1st FEATURE FILM During this workshop, you will discover how to learn how to adapt your acting according to ex- adapt any literary artworks to a screenplay. You pressed intentions and staging. Wednesday March 21 2018 I 6pm to 9pm will learn how to represent a style, a discussion Invited filmmakers : Sophie Goyette (Mes nuits visually without losing its’ nature, yet still respect- MENTORAT POUR CINÉASTES feront écho), Bachir Bensaddek (Montréal la ing your vision. You will also gain some legal DE FICTION blanche), Ian Lagarde (All You Can Eat Buddha) knowledge in order to gain new streams of in- et Lawrence Collins-Côté (Écartée) Saturday April 7 2018 I 9am to 5pm spiration. Free upon sign up Instructor: François Bonneau (By-pass Films : DISTRIBUTION STRATEGIES Prends-moi, Naissances) Don’t miss out on this unique event where you $50 / $75 March 15 2018 I 6pm to 9pm can meet 5 renowned filmmakers who will un- Main Film propose aux cinéastes qui ont un Instructor : Stéphanie Demers (Fragments Dis- veil their artistic vision and personal experiences projet de court ou moyen métrage, le men- tribution : Cash Nexus, Toi) during one of the most monumental event in torat pour cinéastes de fiction. Un producteur $35 / $50 the life of a filmmaker: producing your first full aguerri étudiera votre dossier* et vous rencon- Films are made to be seen and the possibilities length film. They will discuss about the chal- trera en tête à tête pendant une heure pour for achieving this are endless. This fundamental lenges faced while screenwriting, being on set, discuter des enjeux artistiques et logistiques workshop will guide participants through the preparing for production and distributing their de celui-ci. Il vous accompagnera également process of developing a distribution strategy for films. This meet and greet is crucial for any dans l’élaboration d’un pitch percutant, commu- their own films. The instructor will explore the filmmaker who wishes to produce their first full niquant la meilleure image de votre film. Vous various stages of marketing a film, including es- length feature film. pourrez ainsi susciter l’intérêt de futurs soutiens sential promotional materials, key players and en seulement quelques mots. potential venues in order to provide participants with the tools to develop strategies that are most *Votre dossier comprendra : relevant to them. Topics include: self-distribution, CV (3 pages), festivals, film markets, galleries, distributors and intention de réalisation (1 page), the Internet. synopsis (1 page), scénario. A envoyer à Période d’inscription et de remise des dossiers : jusqu’au 25 mars 2018 * MEMBER RATE/ NON-MEMBER RATE EVENT THEORETICAL PRACTICAL
SUPPORT PROGRAMS : CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS TRICYCLE FICTION SUPPORT PROGRAM Tricycle is a program offered by Main Film to support the creation of short films. Over a four-month period, successful applicants can take advantage of expert advice from leading professionals and access production and post-production equipment at no charge. Deadlines : June 1st, October 1st, February 1st FILM FACTORY EXPERIMENTATION AND RESEARCH SUPPORT PROGRAM This program offers artists the chance to take creative risks, to explore and experiment with the film- making practice as an art form. Successful applicants are given access, at no cost, to the environment, equipment and workshops needed to help them explore new creative avenues. Deadline : February 2018 DOC ! SUPPORT PROGRAM FOR DOCUMENTARY FILM This program is designed to foster and stimulate the production of medium- and feature-length documentaries. Successful applicants may be eligible for a discount of up to 90% on Non-Member rates for all equip- ment needs. Applies only to film shoots of more than 14 calendar days. Submit any time! For more information, please contact or
MAIN FILM 3981, boulevard Saint-Laurent #750 Montréal, QC, H2W 1Y5
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