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ELEFANTEN IN NOT zieht Bilanz DER JAHRESBERICHT 2017 in Bildern Wieder einmal ist ein grossartiges und auch rastloses Elefantenjahr vergangen. Tausende von Menschen haben meinen Film Where the Elephant Sleeps gesehen, sie sind begeistert und betrübt, und sie wollen die Botschaft weiter tragen, die der Film hinterlässt: Elefanten gehören in die Freiheit, und nicht unter das Joch der Menschen. Jedoch eine Freiheit, der wir ebenfalls Sorge tragen müssen. Einfacher gesagt als getan. So haben wir in diesem Jahr den Schwerpunkt auf Aufklärung gelegt. Ich danke für Ihre Treue und Unterstützung, und darf das auch im Namen unserer Indischen Kollegen ausdrücken, vorallem aber im Namen des Vorstands von Elefanten in Not. Mit freundlichen Grüssen, Brigitte Uttar Kornetzky Präsidentin ELEFANTEN IN NOT Botschafterin Elefanten in Gefangenschaft, FIAPO, Indien
WHERE THE ELEPHANT SLEEPS at the Tecnical University, New Dehli represented by Ms. Vasanthi Kumar Sept 14, 6pm. LH527
Elefanten in Not schaltet eine online Petition, deren Unterschriften dem nächsten Supreme Court Hearing vorgelegt werden sollen. Der Link zur Petition https://www.change.org/p/mr-gajender-singh-125-jaipur-elephants-must-go-to- sanctuary Official Nomination of WTES at the Environment & Wildlife Film Festival 9th VATAVARAN, New Dehli Artikel in SwissInfo vom 29. Aug 2017 https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/opinion_the- dark-side-of-the-elephant-ride-business/43294296 WHERE THE ELEPHANT SLEEPS aired at ND-TV three times, June 2017. The award winning film has received many nominations at film festivals and is screened all over India.
http://www.petaindia.com/blo g/watch-full-documentary- showing-plight-captive- elephants-jaipur Where the Elephant Sleeps (99min Filmoriginal) https://vimeo.com/154293 https: 352 https://vimeo.com/2124541 56 mit Untertiteln in Hindi
National Institute for Rural Development „Seeing, Sowing and Reaping.“ speaker: Brigitte Uttar Kornetzky, with screening of her film WHERE THE ELEPHANT SLEEPS. About conservational and selfsustaining bridges in rural development areas. Workshop at the NIRDPR, National Institute for Rural Development, Hyderabad
National Institute for Rural Development NIRDPR, Hyderabad
Gonikoppal Public School, Karnataka Brigitte Uttar Kornetzky at the Gonikoppal Public School after teaching on elephants and conservational issues in rural areas. ... next day, an elephant could be viewed from the roof of the school in like twenty meters distance.
Autographing session after lecturing the children on elephants and their environment, Gonikoppal Public School, Karnataka
Where the Elephant Sleeps with panel discussion. Moderation: Dr. Shiela Rao (right) , Brigitte U Kornetzky (left) and Dr. Surendra Varma (middle in small picture) Rangoli Theatre Bangalore, Nov 26th 2017
Manas/Buthan border Brigitte Uttar Kornetzky travels to Buthan to investigate the whereabout of this elephant. The animal belongs to a camp of four Royal Buthan Elephants, three females and one bull. Tied on his front and back feet and tied to a log, this tusker suffers through his musth. He killed his mahout.
Foot prints of elephants in the size of baking tins in a rice field in Kaziranga, Assam, India.
Documentation of the construction of tonges to monitor elephants in the rice fields in Kaziranga, Assam, India. The roof is donated by the Corbett Foundation, the bamboo sticks and the construction is build by the villagers to control their fields.
A herd of six elephants killed by the Guwahathi-Naharlagun Express in Balipara, Assam`s District Sonitpur, an area considered to be an elephant corridor. ©unknown Among them one baby elephant and a pregnant female. Sonitpur has lost 70% of its forest, forcing elephants to stray into villages and crossing tea plantations. Post mortem by forest officials
Pavankumaris` eyes were washed by her mahout with grany salt and mustard oil. As a result she got conjunctivitis which can easily lead to blindness of the eye. Elefanten in Not washed her eyes with boiled body warm water, and called the vet...
eye cleansing by Brigitte U Kornetzky
with the two mahouts of Pavankumari Brigitte U Kornetzky discussed the further upkeep and daily medical care of the elephant.
As for the wound caused by the usage of the sharp ankush Brigitte U Kornetzky called a doctor who removed the puss from inside and desinfected the deep wound.
Smiling Tusker Elephant Camp bright future a model for captive with bright elephants. future in India A model.
Elefanten in Not sends Steve Koyle, an experienced elephant foot caretaker to the elephant camp to take care of the feet of these three ladies. At the same time he will advice the mahouts how to maintain footcare for their elephants on a regular basis.
Subcutaneous filariasis. Dhanmayas` back is occupied with pustules caused by nematode parasites in the form of worms settling in the fat layer of the skin. Elefanten in Not calls the doctor.
This image says more than words: „I AM THE FOREST.“
WHERE THE ELEPHANT SLEEPS screening of the documentary film at the S.V.Public School, Jaipur
JAIPUR LITERATURE FESTIVAL 2018 presents Brigitte Uttar Kornetzky and her film WTES WHERE WHERE THE ELEPHANT SLEEPS THE documentary film by Brigitte Uttar Kornetzky on the hidden scandal of elephants working in the tourism ELEPHANT industry at Amer Fort and Hathigaon, Jaipur SLEEPS
WHERE THE ELEPHANT SLEEPS film screening. Sanskar School, Jaipur, Jan 25th, 2018
WOW WONDER WONDER OF OF WORDS WORDS WOW Brigitte Uttar Kornetzky, special guest of honor, at the JECRC University with her film WHERE THE ELEPHANT SLEEPS. „Elephants need our help. We should be proud of our heritage animal, the mightiest and most gentle animal of the jungle. They need our voice...“
WOW. WONDER OF WORDS It`s not just about paper and a pen... It is about the compassion that will turn the table.
WOW. WORDS OF WONDER WOW. WONDER OF WORDS. The Award of Gratitude of the JECRC University in Jaipur goes to the inspirational speaker Brigitte Uttar Kornetzky for her engagement in the elephant protection in India and her documentary film Where the Elephant Sleeps.
ELEFANTEN IN NOT Tätigkeitsbericht 2017 (Seite 1) ° wie jedes Jahr unterstützt Elefanten in Not wieder mit zwei Patenschaftsbeiträgen die Elefanten im Malur Rescue Center und im Marakannam Rescue Center des WRRC. ° Die Präsidentin von Elefanten in Not schreibt einen Artikel in Welt der Tiere, Ausgabe 6/17. “Lieber tot als lebendig“ und in Albatros, Ausg. 49 (beide in deutscher Sprache) ° „The Dark Side of the Elephant Business“ article in SwissInfo by Brigitte U Kornetzky, 29. Aug 2017 ° Elefanten in Not konnte Dank einer Schweizer Stiftung das Sicherheitsgehege für Gomathi in Marakannam bauen. The award winning film WHERE THE ELEPHANT SLEEPS has received many nominations and awards at film festivals and is screened all over India in schools and universities to thousands of people. Here are some of the festivals and screenings: ° Indian World Film Festival ° June 9th, WTES at the NIRDPR ° Int. Film Festival Jakarta, Bali. International Award of Merit ° 7th Dada Phalke Int. Film Festival, New Dehli, Nomination and Special Mention of the Festival
ELEFANTEN IN NOT Tätigkeitsbericht 2017 (Seite 2) ° 9th VATAVARAN Wildlife & Conservation Film Festival, Official Nomination New Dehli and Bangalore Travelling Film Festival ° IndieEarth Int. Film Festival, Chennai ° Rangoli Theatre, Bangalore, mit Dr. Shiela Rao und Dr. Surendra Varma ° Literature Festival Jaipur 2018, with Brigitte U Kornetzky ° JECRC University, inspirational speaker: Brigitte U Kornetzky „Wow. Words of Wonders“ ° NIRDPR Institution, workshop on environmental filmmaking and rural development. Inaugural words by Brigitte U Kornetzky ° WHERE THE ELEPHANT SLEEPS aired three times at NDTV, June 2017. ° Artikel „The Dark Side of the Elephant Ride Business“ by BUK https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/opinion_the-dark-side-of-the- elephant-ride-business/43294296 ° Die Präsidentin berät Smiling Tusker Elephant Camp. Elefanten in Not sendet Steve Koyle zur Fusspflege der Elefanten.
ELEFANTEN IN NOT Tätigkeitsbericht 2017 (Seite 3) ° Gonikoppal Public School, Karnataka ° Sanskar School (wiederholt), Jaipur ° S.V. Public School, Jaipur ° Elefanten in Not schaltet eine online Petition, deren Unterschriften dem nächsten Supreme Court Hearing vorgelegt werden. Der Link zur Petition https://www.change.org/p/mr-gajender-singh-125- jaipur-elephants-must-go-to-sanctuary ° Aufklärungsarbeit und Unterricht in indischen Schulen und an Film Festivals haben deutlich dieses Jahr bestimmt und sind auf hervorragende Resonanz gestossen. ° Weiterführende Recherchen sind Voraussetzung für unsere Arbeit mit den Elefanten. ° Tätigkeitsbericht der Indienreise 2017/2018
ELEFANTEN IN NOT Der Finanzbericht 2017 Im Geschäftsjahr 2017 setzen sich die Finanzen aus Spendeneingängen zusammen. Einnahme/Ausgabe Total 49`279,91 CHF // 42`318,12 CHF Saldo Total // 6`961,79 CHF 31.12.2017 Abschluss Total 49`279,91 CHF // 49`279,91 CHF Total 0,00 CHF // 0,00 CHF PostCheck Konto 61-176809-2 Total Kassa // 6`961,79 CHF
Der Bericht der Revision
ELEFANTEN IN NOT dankt unseren treuen Spendern, Mitgliedern und ehrenamtlichen Mitarbeitern in der Schweiz als auch in andern Ländern für ihre kostbare Unterstützung. Dank Ihrer Hilfe werden wir uns weiterhin für unsere geplagten Dickhäuter einsetzen können in der Hoffnung, ihre Lebenssituation deutlich zu verbessern und ihnen ein kettenfreies und stressfreies Leben zu ermöglichen.
Unser Dank für die gute Zusammenarbeit geht an: Ms. Suparna Ganguly (Managing Trustee WRRC) Ms. Timmie Kumar (Help in Suffering, HIS) Ms. Vijaya Kumari Sinha (Managing Trustee Help in Suffering, HIS) Abishek Singh (Managing Trustee AngelEyes, Jaipur) Subrahmanian Santakumar, EleFriends 101 Rohit Gangual, Raksha Harsh und Manoj Vardhan, Tourism & Wildlife Society of India Chetan Bhattacharji, Editor in Chief NDTV Ayesha Kagal, Priya Thuvassery, NDTV Fred Deltour und Asthon Hennekam, Transcendental Life Foundation Stefan Weber, ASTG, Aktionsgemeinschaft Schweizer Tierversuchsgegner Nayan Das und Reshmi Bhatterchajee, Smiling Tusker Elephant Camp Dr. Naveen Pandey, veterinarian, director of Corbett Foundation Ms. Vasanthi Kumar Mr. Sandeep Singh and Ms. Girdhar Kumari Dr. Surendra Varma Frederic Deltour and Asthon Hennekamp
Wir von Elefanten in Not wünschen allen ein erfolgreiches und gesundes Neues Jahr 2018. Der Vorstand Brunnadern, Februar 2018 Brigitte Uttar Kornetzky Maya Conoci-Haas
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