VOLUME 1 2019 - NEWS & INFORMATION - Faith City School

Page created by Francis Fisher
VOLUME 1 2019 - NEWS & INFORMATION - Faith City School
Phone: +64 6 345 7737
                                                                                Cell: 027 36 11986
                                                                               Fax: +64 6 345 7483
                                                                   Email: admin@faithcity.school.nz
                                                                   127 Springvale Road, Wanganui

                                                                   Wednesday 13th February 2019

            VOLUME 1 2019 - NEWS & INFORMATION
I hope your children are settling into school for the
2019 school year and that you had an enjoyable          TE REO LESSONS & KAPA HAKA
Waitangi Day last week with your families.              All classes will be having Te Reo lessons
                                                        with Whaea Christine on Friday Mornings.
YEAR 7 & 8 TECHNOLOGY LESSONS                           Kapa Haka for Senior Students in Room 4 &
It has been a very busy start to the year,              5 who have chosen this option is also held
with Year 7 & 8 students starting                       on Friday Mornings.
Technology Lessons this week.
A letter went home to Parents of Year 7                 SENIOR STUDENTS LEADERSHIP TEAM
& 8 Students on Monday this week                        The Staff and BoT are in the process of
confirming the Schedule for Technology                  appointing school leaders for 2019.
Lessons as we had a last minute change                  Senior students (Year 8’s) are in the process
.                                                       of submitting their CV’s, and will be
• Year 7 Students will be attending lessons             presenting a speech to Staff. Once the
EVERY Monday afternoon at 1.00-2.45pm                   speech presentations have been completed
• Year 8 Students will be attending lessons             students will be short-listed and interviews
EVERY Wednesday afternoon at 1.00-2.45pm                will be held.
Students are reminded that they must be in              HOUSE LEADERS FOR 2019
correct school uniform and have the correct closed      In 2017 we introduced School
school shoes (black lace ups) or covered in sports      Houses at Faith City School as
shoes or they will not be able to attend                part of our PB4L Programme
Technology Lessons.                                     (Positive Behaviour For
                                                        Learning) We have four houses,
SWIMMING LESSONS FOR ALL STUDENTS                       these are: Whero, Kowhai, Ka-
Swimming will be starting on Fridays this term with     kariki and Kikorangi. All students are in a
the first lesson starting on 8th                        house and can earn house points for
March. Lessons have to start a little                   appropriate playground behaviour. The
later to accommodate the Masters                        winning house is rewarded each week with
Games. This means                                       an early morning tea.
that we will be swimming at the                         Last week our students voted in their houses
beginning of Term 3 for the first two                   for a House Captain and Deputy House
weeks (Friday 3rd May and Friday 10th May).             Captain for 2019. House Captain and
Please ensure that your child brings their named        Deputy Captains must be in Year 7 or 8.
swimming gear with them on Fridays.                     Congratulations to our students who were
Please see over the page for scheduling for             appointed to these roles.
individual classes for swimming lessons.
                                                        Names of these students have been
FOOTBALL LESSONS FOR ALL STUDENTS                       published on the School Notice Board.
All students will be having Football lessons with
Central Soccer on Wednesdays this term.
Lessons will start for all students on                  UPCOMING EVENTS FOR THE YEAR
Wednesday 27th February and will be
each Wednesday until 3rd April (6 Weeks                               There is a calendar included
of lessons) ALL students will need to                                 in this newsletter with some
ensure they have their sports gear with                               of the upcoming events for
them on Wednesdays.                                                   the year.
VOLUME 1 2019 - NEWS & INFORMATION - Faith City School
There will be a Faith City School                         SPORT (after school sports)
Community Picnic Dinner on                                Mr Andrew Marsh (Room 5
Monday 11th March at school from                          Teacher) oversees School Sport.
5.30-7.00pm.                                              He has been collecting all of the
Parents /Caregivers and students                          sports forms that have been
(including siblings not at Faith City School) are invited returned and is currently working on
to bring along their own picnic meal (including their
own cutlery, blankets etc). Families will set up their    creating teams. He
picnics in the school lunch area (weather permitting)     will be sending out a school notice
but if the weather is poor on the day we may end up       with the various teams that
eating in a classroom.                                    will be happening for this
Teachers will be in attendance at the Picnic and          term. Thank you to all of
Classrooms will be open so that Parents / Caregivers
have a chance to meet and speak with Teachers             those who returned their
informally and view their children’s classrooms. (Please sports forms promptly.
note Formal Parent/Teacher/Child Interviews will be
held later on in the year.

SCHOOL                                                  STUDENTS
A reminder that students are
only permitted to ride these                            On Fridays our Senior
items at school on MONDAYS,
WEDNESDAYS and                                          Students will be having
FRIDAYS, (not on Tuesdays                               Badminton Lessons at the
and Thursdays). Students may                            Springvale Stadium.
still ride scooters to and from
school on Tuesdays and                                  These lessons start on
Thursdays but may not use                               Friday 8th March (the
them during the school day.                             same week swimming
We would appreciate your support in this matter.
PLEASE NOTE: All scooters etc. must go home             starts) and will continue
at the end of the school day. Any scooters etc. left    for 4 Fridays as follows; Friday 8th
at school will be at the owner’s risk. Teachers will    March, Friday 15th March, Friday 22nd
not be held responsible for lost or stolen scooters,
skateboards and ripsticks that have been left           March and Friday 29th March
outside overnight.
HELMETS                                                 Please ensure that all Year 6, 7 & 8
We are recommending that students who have
helmets and are using scooter, skateboards and          Students in Room 4 & 5 students bring
ripsticks wear helmets at school while they are         their PE Gear on Fridays as well as their
riding these items during breaktimes. We are not        swimming gear. Students will be
making this a compulsory rule but are
recommending it for your child’s safety. It is          transported back from the stadium by
pleasing to note that many students are already         Bus returning to school at 2.50pm on
using helmets.                                          Fridays.

                       All students are expected to participate in swimming on Fridays (from
                       8th March) unless they have a note excusing them in their record book.
                       With only one term of swimming students cannot afford to miss
                       swimming lessons. Please don’t allow your child to miss swimming
                       unless they are really sick.
A lot of children find the chlorinated water very hard on their eyes. If they have
goggles can you please ensure that they bring them.
These need to be clearly named. Not having goggles can hinder their
swimming progress as children can be reluctant to put their head under water.
The swimming timetable for Term 1 2019 is as follows:
Room 1: 1.45pm until 2.45pm           Room 4: 12.45pm until 1.45pm
Room 2: 12.45pm until 1.45pm          Room 5: 1.45pm until 2.45pm
Room 3: 1.15pm until 2.15pm           Room 6: 1.15pm until 2.15pm
VOLUME 1 2019 - NEWS & INFORMATION - Faith City School
If your child is sick or going to be absent for                All Teaching Staff have been issued
any reason please text, phone or leave a                       with school cellphones so that they
message on either your teachers school                         can keep in contact with Parents and
cellphone or on the Office phone or Cell                       Caregivers. If you would like to
phone before school starts.                                    contact your child’s class teacher
                                                               you are able to send text messages
As we use electronic registers in the classrooms, if           to their school phones directly.
your child is late to school (after the bell has rung),
they must report to the school office as the roll will         You may text the teachers
have already been completed and will not be able               cellphones anytime during the
to be altered by the class teacher.                            school day.
If your child does not report to the school office then        Teachers will be able to send group
the school secretary will not be aware that your child         texts with important class information
has arrived at school. This may result in a phone call         and updates to parents from their
asking the whereabouts of your child - when in fact            class cell-phones. If you would like to
they could have already arrived at school. This is             be included in these group texts
worrying for both you and us and causes unnecessary            please text your number to your
work.                                                          child’s class teacher and they can
ALL STUDENTS PLEASE REPORT TO THE OFFICE                       add you to their group.
IF YOU ARE LATE! The sign-out book MUST be used
if you are removing your child/ren from school at
anytime during the school day. The sign-out book is a
bright red book and is kept at the reception desk in the
school office.

                                                               In June this year the Faith City
                                                               School community have the
                                                               opportunity to elect their Board of
                                                               Trustees to govern the affairs of our
                                                               school for the next three years.
                                                               Have you considered standing as a
                                                               Board of Trustees candidate for the
                                                               upcoming election?
                                                               Being a school board trustee is an
                                                               important and rewarding role that
                                                               needs people with a range of skills
                                                               and experiences, who believe in
                                                               making a positive difference to our
                                                               children’s learning and development.
                                                               Primarily the board is accountable
Out of School Music Classes are a National Funded Scheme       for student achievement, setting the
funded by the Ministry of Education. It exists to provide an   vision for the school and ensuring
introduction to a chosen musical instrument of choice for      the school complies with its legal and
                                                               policy requirements.
Primary and Intermediate aged children.
                                                               More information will be available
Faith City School Uniform is available                         closer to the Elections but give it
                                                               some thought before the Election
exclusively through Andersons Uniforms                         Process Begins. If you are interested
situated at 184 Victoria Avenue. Phone:                        in becoming a school trustee talk to
(06) 348 9232 Andersons Uniforms are no                        one of the current trustees or log
                                                               onto http://www.trustee-
longer stocking our Girls Cullottes. These are                 election.co.nz/becoming-a-trustee
available from The Warehouse Wanganui.
VOLUME 1 2019 - NEWS & INFORMATION - Faith City School
IMPORTANT Dates, 2019                                  NEW FAMILIES MEETING
                                                       MONDAY 25th February
                                                       If your child has started attending Faith
                                                       City School in the past 12 months or if
                                                       your child is enrolled to begin school at
                                                       any time this year, there is an
                                                       introductory meeting at the school on
                                                       Monday 25th February. This meeting
                                                       is on at 1.30pm in the Faith City
                                                       Gymnasium Lounge.
                                                       A light afternoon tea will
        Monday 11th March
                                                       be provided. The
                                                       meeting will be finished
                                                       by 3pm. Pre-schoolers
                                                       will be given supervision
                                                       in a separate area if you
                                                       need to bring them with
                                                      UNIFORM SWAP - DONATION DAY
                                                      Due to the success of the Uniform
                                                      swaps last year and the amount of
                                                      uniform we still have available we will be
                                                      running another Uniform Swap during
                                                      this Term. We will notify Parents when
                                                      this will take place
                                                      Our Uniform Swap—Donation Days are
                                                      a great opportunity to bring in your
                                                      child’s outgrown uniform and trade it
                                                      with another more suitable sized item.
                                                      Please do not bring in damaged
                                                      clothing or clothing
                                                      that is in poor
                                                      condition. Any good
                                                      quality, clean and tidy
                                                      uniform is welcome.
                                                      You can choose to
                                                      either donate an item
                                                      or items or swap an
                                                      item with another one.

                                                           BEYBLADES AT SCHOOL
TRAFFIC SAFETY                                             Toys are not allowed
Faith Academy (in co-ordination with                       at school (unless
the NZ Police) trained some of our                         students are bringing
Senior Students, last year, as Traffic                     them for News Days)
Wardens for the 2019 school year.                          however we have
Students: Please listen to the traffic                     been allowing
wardens’ directions so that you can                        students to bring
cross outside the church safely. They are there in their   BeyBlades to school
own time and are doing a great job to keep you safe!       over recent weeks. These are
                                                           particularly popular with some of our
Parents/Caregivers; Please ensure that you are not         students in Rooms 5 & 6. At this
walking across the car park to get to the other side.      stage we will allow BeyBlades to be
Please walk around the edge of the car park instead.       bought to school and played with
Children may see you walking across the car park and       during breaks providing they are
copy your behaviour. Crossing the centre of the car        played with responsibly. Students
park may put students in the direct path of moving and     who are bringing these to school are
reversing vehicles who may not see them. Please            reminded that they are not to
don’t ride your bikes on the school grounds or allow       TRADE or SWAP these with other
your children to do so. This is a safety issue.            students. Thank you for your co-
                                                           operation in this matter.
A reminder that children who are cycling need to cross     Ruth McLeay, Principal
at the student traffic crossing (while walking their
bikes) and then walk across the road with their bikes
before cycling home. They are not to ride on the           OVERDUE LIBRARY BOOKS
footpath or to cross the road in front of traffic while    A quick note from our School
riding their bikes.                                        Librarian. Any overdue library books
                                                           from 2018 that are not returned by
PLEASE REMEMBER THE SPEED LIMIT IN THE CAR PARK            Monday next week (18th Feb) will be
AREA IS 10KM PER HOUR. THIS IS WALKING PACE!!!             charged to parents accounts.
VOLUME 1 2019 - NEWS & INFORMATION - Faith City School VOLUME 1 2019 - NEWS & INFORMATION - Faith City School VOLUME 1 2019 - NEWS & INFORMATION - Faith City School VOLUME 1 2019 - NEWS & INFORMATION - Faith City School VOLUME 1 2019 - NEWS & INFORMATION - Faith City School
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