Corporate Monthly Client Report For Middle Park - FC - WPMU Dev

Page created by Adrian Jimenez
Feb 12, 2018 at 4:35am

Corporate Monthly Client
Report For Middle Park

An overview of activity and performance of
for the 30 days prior to Feb 12, 2018.
Corporate Monthly Client Report For Middle Park FC

O Updates

It 's crit ical t o keep WordPress, along wit h t he plugins and t hemes t hat you are using, up t o dat e.

Every t ime we send you t his report we check t he st at us of t hese for you, and let you know what updat es we've performed since your last report .

Should you wish t o discuss any of t hese updat es, please get in t ouch wit h us.

WordPress Core

     _     WordPress is at the latest version.

Update Log

Plugins & Themes

     !     2 plugins or themes are available to update.

  Update                                                          New Version                                                                            Released

         WP S mush Pro                                            2.7.8                                                                                Feb 8, 2018

         Def ender                                                1.7.5                                                                                Feb 7, 2018
Corporate Monthly Client Report For Middle Park FC

· Security

Security Tweaks

Securit y t weaks help secure your websit e from harmful bot s and at t ackers.

      _   All security tweaks are resolved.

We are const ant ly monit oring your sit e for securit y improvement we can make, malicious files t hat might have been insert ed by hacking and any ot her
securit y concerns we can find.

We also check whet her your sit e has been blacklist ed at all, as t his can indicat e securit y problems.

In addit ion t o t his we log all significant aspect s of your sit es act ivit y so t hat we can examine suspicious act ivit y, we can provide you t hese report s in more
det ail on request .

File Scanning

We run regular code checks t o look for vulnerable, harmful, and malicious code across your ent ire websit e.

      !   Your website has 4 scanning issues that need attention.

  Item                                                                                                                                                                   Issue

  !    error_log                                                                                                                           Unknown f ile in WordPress core

  !    wp_cache_mutex.lock                                                                                                                 Unknown f ile in WordPress core

  !    staging                                                                                                         This directory doesn't belong to WordPress core

IP Lockouts

We are aut omat ically prot ect ing your login area and files from hackers and bot s.

     !    There have been 196 lockouts in the last reporting period.

Last Lockout                                                                            February 12, 2018 at 1:25am

Login Lockouts                                                                                                 195

404 Lockouts                                                                                                       1

Audit Logging

Here is a summary of event s t hat happened behind t he scenes on your sit e.

  T ype                                              Event                                               Logged

                                                     Login                                                    78
  User                                               Updated                                                   1
                                                     Registered                                                1

  Content                                            Updated                                                   6
Corporate Monthly Client Report For Middle Park FC


SEO Crawl Report

This SEO analysis picks up any issue Google may encount er crawling and indexing your websit e including accessibilit y checks and st ruct ural improvement s.

     !    8 SEO improvements available

_    Canonical
    T he canonical link tag is being used on your site. is set as the preferred URL for search results. Verify this is correct, as canonical tags are often hard-coded and
    may not always reflect the latest changes.

_    Favicons

_    Generator
    Consider improving: you may want to obscure this info.
    WordPress 4.9.4

!    H1 Headings
    Multiple H1s are being used on this page.

           You can improve your H1 by adding more keywords from the page to your H1 header. T his will help search engines find the most important content.
           You can improve your H1 by adding more keywords from the page to your H1 header. T his will help search engines find the most important content.
           Contact MPFC
           Good Work! Your Header and Keywords correspond
           The Latest MIddle Park FC News
           You can improve your H1 by adding more keywords from the page to your H1 header. T his will help search engines find the most important content.
           Good Work! Your Header and Keywords correspond
           Meet Middle Park
           Good Work! Your Header and Keywords correspond
           Middle Park FC
           You can improve your H1 by adding more keywords from the page to your H1 header. T his will help search engines find the most important content.
           You can improve your H1 by adding more keywords from the page to your H1 header. T his will help search engines find the most important content.
           You can improve your H1 by adding more keywords from the page to your H1 header. T his will help search engines find the most important content.
           You can improve your H1 by adding more keywords from the page to your H1 header. T his will help search engines find the most important content.
           You can improve your H1 by adding more keywords from the page to your H1 header. T his will help search engines find the most important content.

_    HT T PS

_    Image ALT s

_    Meta Robots

_    Meta Description

!    Microdata
    We did not find any microdata embedded on your page. Adding microdata will allow search engines to provide more relevant results from your site.

!    OpenGraph
    We did not find OpenGraph information for your page. Adding OpenGraph information will improve how content from your site is displayed on social media.
!   Robots.txt
    Good news! We located the robots.txt file and search engine crawlers have access to do their job. However, we haven't been able to find any sitemap information in it.

_   S itemaps

_   T itle

_   URL S tructure: query vars

_   URL S tructure: underscores vs dashes

_   URL S tructure: capitalization

_   URL S tructure: hashes

!   URL S tructure: keywords
    We could not detect any keywords in your URL. Having the right keywords in your URL can increase your search click-through rate.

!   Anchor T ags
    Empty anchors were found on your site. Make sure all of your links have descriptive anchor tags to improve accessibility.


_   Redundant Anchor T itles

!   Relative Anchors Pointing to Invalid IDs
    We found some of your relative anchors are pointed to invalid IDs.

!   Uninf ormative Anchor T ext
    We found anchor tags that are not informative enough. Make your anchor text more descriptive.


_   Duplicate Element IDs

_   List of ARIA Roles

_   List of ARIA Landmarks

_   Label Duplicate ARIA Landmarks
Corporate Monthly Client Report For Middle Park FC

° Performance

Performance is crit ical t o your sit e's success and key ranking fact or for search engines. Consequent ly we are always assessing t he speed at which your sit e
loads, your upt ime and what can be improved.

It 's import ant t o not e t hat it 's almost impossible t o achieve a complet e 100 score in all aspect s of your sit e, but we're always working t owards t hat

The report below illust rat es how you are performing, and anyt hing above 85 is excellent .

If t here are any quest ions you have regarding t his please just let us know.

Performance Test Report

This report det ails your overall performance score benchmarked against Google PageSpeed. A score above 85 is generally recommended.

     !    Your website scored 76/100 on the last perf ormance test.

!    Reduce server response time                                                                                                          Server                      4 2/100

!    Eliminate render-blocking JavaS cript and CS S in above-the-f old content                                                            Resources                   66/100
    Your page has 4 blocking script resources and 10 blocking CS S resources. T his causes a delay in rendering your page.

_    Prioritize visible content                                                                                                           Content                     93/100

_    Leverage browser caching                                                                                                             Resources                   99/100

_    Minif y CS S                                                                                                                         Resource                   100/100

_    Enable compression                                                                                                                   Server                     100/100

_    Optimize images                                                                                                                      Resource                   100/100

_    Avoid landing page redirects                                                                                                         Server                     100/100

_    Minif y JavaS cript                                                                                                                  Resource                   100/100

_    Minif y HT ML                                                                                                                        Content                    100/100
Browser Caching

Caching st ores t emporary dat a on your visit ors devices so t hey don't have t o download st uff t wice if t hey don't have t o. This result s in a much fast er
second t ime round page load speed.

     _     Recommended cache settings are enabled f or all f ile types.

  File T ype                                 Recommended Expiry                                                                                         Current Expiry

  Javascript                                 8 days                                                                                                        _    1 week

  CS S                                       8 days                                                                                                        _    1 week

  Media                                      8 days                                                                                                     _     3 months

  Images                                     8 days                                                                                                     _    2 months

GZIP Compression

Gzip compresses your HTML, Javascript , and St yle Sheet s before sending t hem over t o t he browser. This drast ically reduces t ransfer t ime since t he files
are much smaller.

     _     Gzip is enabled f or all recommended f ile types.

  Compression T ype                                                                                                                                             S tatus

  Html                                                                                                                                                    _    Enabled

  Javascript                                                                                                                                              _    Enabled

  CS S                                                                                                                                                    _    Enabled
Corporate Monthly Client Report For Middle Park FC

‚ Backups

It 's absolut ely crit ical t hat your sit e is cont inually and securely backed up so t hat should you run int o any problems wit h your server, securit y or web
development you have a complet e and recent copy of your sit e ready t o rest ore at t he click of a but t on.

We're are current ly backing up your sit e on a weekly basis using Amazon's dist ribut ed S3 cloud st orage, so you can be assure your dat a is complet ely safe no
mat t er what happens.

More informat ion is below, if you have any quest ions please just let us know.

     _      Your website is all backed up.

Last Backup                                                                                                                                     February 6, 2018 at 9:17pm

Last Backup S ize                                                                                                                                                    64 4 .2 MB

S chedule                                                                                                                                                              Weekly

S torage Used                                                                                                                                                           8.8 GB
Corporate Monthly Client Report For Middle Park FC

± Uptime


This report det ails how accessible your websit e's server has been performing over t he period including any downt ime and your average server response t ime.

                      !    Your website had a 2h 23m downtime during the reporting period.

Availability                                                                                                                                                 98.39%

Outages                                                                                                                                                            25

Downtime                                                                                                                                                     2h 23m

Last Downtime                                                                                                                          February 5, 2018 at 5:26am

Response Time

This graph shows your server response t ime over t he report period. A lower response t ime is bet t er.


Response Time (ms)



                                    Feb 6, 2018          Feb 7, 2018          Feb 8, 2018    Feb 9, 2018   Feb 10, 2018           Feb 11, 2018                Feb…
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