MAY 2022
                                                 OFFSHORE WIND FARMS
                                                 While Northern Europe and the UK started investing in offshore
                                                 wind more than 20 years ago, France was slow off the mark.
                                                 Now, that is about to change, as the development of the first
                                                 French projects gets under way.

                                                 This article was originally published in Project Finance
                                                 International Magazine.
                                                 In the past, France has struggled to            However, this model has now proved
                                                 anticipate fully the specific characteristics   effective. The first three French projects,
                                                 of offshore wind projects and the               each providing approximately 500MW of
                                                 differences between such projects and           power for a cost between €2 and €2.5
                                                 other major public tenders. As of spring        billion, were thus financed through limited
                                                 2022, only one demonstration offshore           recourse financing in 2019
                                                 wind turbine, accounting for 2MW, is            (Saint-Nazaire), 2020 (Fécamp) and 2021
                                                 operational in France, compared with, for       (Courseulles-sur-Mer), respectively.
                                                 example, 2,542 wind turbines in the UK,         Saint-Nazaire is expected to be the first
                                                 accounting for 12.7GW; 1,501 wind               industrial-scale French project to enter
                                                 turbines in Germany, accounting for             into operation by the end of the year.
                                                 7.7GW; 599 wind turbines in the                 Fécamp is due to be commissioned in
                                                 Netherlands, accounting for 3GW; 631            2023, as is Saint-Brieuc, a project also
                                                 wind turbines in Denmark, accounding for        providing approximately 500MW of
                                                 2.3GW; and 399 wind turbines in                 power. Courseulles-sur-Mer should finally
                                                 Belgium, accounting for 2.3GW – a               enter production in 2024, followed by the
Deployment has taken a long                      performance all the more remarkable,            Noirmoutier and Tréport wind farms a few
time, but this has been due,                     since the Belgian coast is only about           years later.
                                                 approximately 65km long.
in part, to the fact that                                                                        Secondly, and even more significantly,
France had to invent and                         Development of the first French projects        after a relatively timid start when it was
build the French offshore                        is now well under way. Deployment has           difficult to understand whether France
wind model from scratch                          taken a long time, but this has been due,       was driven by a real conviction around
                                                 in part, to the fact that France had to         offshore wind power or by the sole need
                                                 invent and build the French offshore wind       to comply with renewable energy
                                                 model from scratch. France had to               production quotas imposed by the
                                                 develop balanced and fundable regulated         European Union, a significant change has
                                                 contract models, in an environment in           taken place at the political and
                                                 which France can perhaps be singled out         strategic level.
                                                 for the specific nature of its legal
                                                 framework and the number of public              To highlight this change, it is enough to
                                                 parties involved.                               consider the number of discussions that
                                                                                                 have recently been held by a number of
                                                 In addition to an agreement with the State      public players concerning the energy mix
                                                 authorising occupation of the public            (see box). France has finally convinced
                                                 maritime domain, each wind farm project         itself that renewable energy has a place in
                                                 is based on a power purchase agreement          the national energy mix, without the need
                                                 with EDF acting as a compulsory buyer –         to pit nuclear energy and renewables
                                                 now a contract for additional                   against each other. Moreover, on the
                                                 remuneration, a so-called "feed-in              contrary, nuclear is an easily controllable
                                                 premium contract" in more recent calls for      basic energy that renewables can
                                                 tenders – and various contracts                 effectively supplement as part of an
                                                 concluded with RTE, the operator with           energy mix promoting the decarbonisation
                                                 the legal monopoly for the electricity          of electricity production.
                                                 transmission network in France, for the
                                                 connection of the wind farm to, and the
                                                 injection of electricity into, the network.

the now clear political will, France can
 Recent public discussion papers
                                                 base its high ambitions on a number of
 RTE: "Futurs énergétiques 2050 –
                                                 significant advantages. There are a
 principaux résultats", October 2021
                                                 number of factors lending credibility to
 French National Assembly: "Rapport              this scenario.
 d'information sur les freins à la                                                                Particular attention must
                                                 France has undoubted geographical
 transition énergétique", June 2019
                                                 advantages, its coasts being among the           also be paid to the way in
 French Energy Regulatory                        most extensive and exposed in Europe.            which the deployment of
 Commission: "Study on strategic                                                                  future projects will be
 perspectives of energy", May 2018               The first projects have provided the
                                                 country with infrastructures and
                                                                                                  organised by the State
 ADEME: "A 100% renewable
                                                 production tools developed not only by a         within the exclusive
 electricity mix? Analyses and
                                                 bench of big companies active in the             economic area.
 optimisations", January 2016
                                                 sector in France, but also by smaller
 French Economic, Social and                     French companies with the creation of
 Environmental Council: "La                      "wind offshore" clusters in some regions.
 transition énergétique: 2020-2050: un           Following such initial projects, large
 avenir à bâtir, une voie à tracer",             France-based suppliers and contractors
 January 2013                                    have also entered the market, so there is
                                                 now a comprehensive ecosystem of
In fact, such decarbonisation of electricity     competent operators in all segments of
production was already the purpose of            the value chain, such operators having
the new multi-year energy programme,             demonstrated their ability to be
made public in April 2020, which provides        competitive in this sector and several of
for an acceleration of the launch of             which have pursued successful
offshore wind projects. Indeed, in               international development.
2021/2022 alone, France is set to launch
no fewer than five new calls for tender –        Unlike fixed wind turbines, which got off
calls for tender 4 to 8 – resulting in more      to a slow start, France is leading the way
projects being initiated in two years than       in terms of floating wind turbines, which
in the last ten years.                           are seen as an important growth driver
                                                 for the sector. Four pilot projects
Launches are also expected to continue           launched by the State under the
at a sustained pace. Whereas the multi-          supervision of ADEME are thus well
year energy programme suggested that             placed to be among the first farms in
1,000MW of new projects would be put             operation in Europe. To date, only the
to tender annually from 2024, last               Portuguese Windfloat Atlantic project
February the State announced that it             (25MW, 2020) and the British Kincardine
wanted to build no fewer than 50 offshore        project (50MW, October 2021) have been
wind farms, bringing the national installed      commissioned. The Norwegian Hywind
capacity to 40GW by 2050, which is               Tampen project (88MW) should be
expected to cover 20% of France's                operational by the end of 2022.
electricity consumption by then.
                                                 Floating wind turbines also play an
The new geopolitical situation following         important role in the new industrial-scale
the war in Ukraine and Europe's aim to           projects recently put to tender. Following
phase out Russian gas is unlikely to             the launch of a first tender for a 250MW
reverse this trend. On the contrary, the         wind farm in the south of Brittany in
European Commission's recent                     2021, the government announced, on
REPowerEU initiative is based on an              14 March 2022, the development of two
acceleration and amplification of the            floating wind farms in the Mediterranean
development of renewable energy,                 with a capacity of 250MW each, that may
including offshore wind power in                 be later supplemented by two extensions
particular. France's position is likely not to   of 500MW each under separate calls
change, given the tension that now reigns        for tender.
over power production. And apart from

                                                                                                                             CLIFFORD CHANCE   3
                                                                                            FAVOURABLE WINDS FOR FRENCH OFFSHORE WIND FARMS
Although not as technologically advanced         • The State has implemented a so-called
                                                 and therefore still more costly today,             "envelope permit", which makes it
                                                 floating offshore wind turbines offer              possible to change the characteristics
                                                 attractive advantages compared with                of projects, within certain limits, without
                                                 bottom-fixed offshore wind turbines. For           the need to apply for new
                                                 example: wind farms can be located                 authorisations. Producers can thus
                                                 further from the shore in deeper water,            delay their technological choice for as
                                                 where the wind is stronger, thus avoiding          long as possible in order to benefit from
                                                 constraints linked to the characteristics of       the latest technical innovations and the
                                                 the sea floor; and construction and                best prices, which, in turn, allows them
                                                 assembly operations can be carried out             to seek premium that is as low as
                                                 at port and are thus facilitated, even if this     possible during the bidding phase.
                                                 may require modifications of
                                                                                                  • The State has improved the grid
                                                 port infrastructures.
                                                                                                    connection regime, charging the cost
                                                                                                    to RTE and no longer to the
                                                 It is also hoped that the development of
                                                                                                    producer, and improved RTE's
                                                 floating wind turbines will facilitate the
                                                                                                    liability mechanism.
                                                 acceptance of offshore wind turbines,
                                                 thanks to a more limited impact on the           • The State has reserved the possibility
                                                 marine environment, a lower visual                 of carrying out soil studies in the call for
                                                 impact, and decreased competition with             tender phase, with the objective to
                                                 other uses, coastal fishing especially,            enable bidders to formulate
                                                 thereby reducing the number of                     more-informed proposals and
                                                 objections and appeals liable to slow the          accelerate the schedule for the
                                                 pace of the projects.                              deployment of projects.

                                                 In recent years, the State has carried out       Other factors will, of course, be important
                                                 significant work to improve the applicable       to achieve the ambitious objectives stated
                                                 legal framework and facilitate the               by France, especially in a context where
                                                 implementation of projects. Notable              the number of projects will multiply in
                                                 innovations include:                             other countries, with a corresponding risk
                                                                                                  of increased competition in attracting
                                                 • Improved conditions for public                 operators and capital.
                                                   participation in projects. Since the
                                                   adoption of the Essoc Law of 10                With this in mind, it is particularly
                                                   August 2018, any consultation                  important that France integrates future
                                                   procedures (public debates in                  projects into the scope of the now proven
                                                   particular) must be organised before           contractual structure it has devised and
                                                   the launch of the call for tender, which       which was successfully "project"
                                                   was not the case originally. Hopefully,        financed. This model is built around a
                                                   this will also contribute to greater           balanced and proven allocation of risks
                                                   acceptance of offshore wind projects.          from which the State should not deviate
                                                                                                  significantly, so as not to jeopardise the
                                                 • The State has pursued reforms specific
                                                                                                  attractivity of a still recent French scheme.
                                                   to disputes concerning offshore wind
                                                   projects in order to reconcile the right
                                                                                                  Particular attention must also be paid to
                                                   of effective recourse with the need to
                                                                                                  the way in which the deployment of future
                                                   deal with a particularly high volume of
                                                                                                  projects will be organised by the State
                                                   litigation in the sector causing delays in
                                                                                                  within the exclusive economic area. The
                                                   the project development, as
                                                                                                  challenge will be, in particular, to ensure
                                                   demonstrated during development of
                                                                                                  that the unilateral authorisation serving as
                                                   the first projects. Thus, after initially
                                                                                                  a basis for the occupation of the area by
                                                   appointing the Nantes Administrative
                                                                                                  the producer provides a sufficient level of
                                                   Court of Appeal as having primary and
                                                                                                  comfort to the producer, hopefully
                                                   final jurisdiction for disputes related to
                                                                                                  comparable to that offered by the
                                                   offshore wind projects, the State has
                                                                                                  agreements for occupation of the
                                                   now devolved jurisdiction in this area to
                                                                                                  maritime public domain concluded for the
                                                   the Council of State itself, i.e. the
                                                                                                  first projects, which were established in
                                                   highest administrative Court.
                                                                                                  territorial waters.

Optimisation of the connection system          the State's responsibilities in the context
will also be very important, as it is one of   of said calls for tender (prior organisation
the major interfaces of the projects. From     of the tender process, completion of soil
this point of view, while the risk of delays   studies, established recourse to a
in the grid connection by RTE is now well      competitive dialogue phase prior to the
covered, this coverage may, in practice,       submission of bids, etc.), will inevitably
lead RTE to push for the producer to           lead to a significant increase in workload
freeze its technological choices as early      for the competent authorities.
as possible, in order to "de-risk" the
project for RTE by giving it more time to      The State must therefore equip itself with
design and roll out the connection.            the necessary means to manage
                                               effectively all the issues head on, both at
This approach makes sense from the             the central level and at the decentralised
carrier's perspective. But it could prove      levels in the regions. From this point of
counterproductive at project level,            view, an international benchmark offers
depriving producers of the full benefit of     some interesting examples, and France
the aforementioned "envelope permit" to        appears to be currently understaffed
the detriment of the bid competition, thus     compared to some of its
leading to an unavoidable need for             European partners.
additional remuneration for the producers,
and increased costs for the State's            Given the scale of the obstacles already
budget. The State will therefore have to       overcome, however, none of these
ensure that it finds an effective and          challenges seems insoluble. On the
sustainable solution to enable producers       contrary, following the re-election of
to fully integrate the benefit of              President Macron who has pledged an
technological developments, which are          increase in offshore wind to 40 GW over
set to remain dynamic in this sector,          the next 30 years and unless an
perhaps by allowing itself to rebalance the    unfriendly majority is elected at the
connection regime to the benefit of            National Assembly in June, there are even
producers, or even to consider certain         good grounds to hope that most will
exceptions to the monopoly held by RTE,        resolve themselves naturally, thanks to
going beyond the mandate under Article         the determination that France is now
L. 342-2 of the Energy Code.                   showing in the sector.

This may seem anecdotal, but it will also      Ultimately, no one knows whether France
be important for the State to expand its       is destined to become the "Saudi Arabia
dedicated staff. The increase in the           for offshore wind power", in the way that
number of projects launched, the need to       Prime Minister Boris Johnson plans for
monitor simultaneously the development         the United Kingdom, but it does have
of projects already awarded (including         some significant advantages enabling it to
leading the authorisations application         rise through the ranks and compete with
procedures) and the allocation of new          the best in the class.
projects, combined with an increase in

                                                                                                                           CLIFFORD CHANCE   5
                                                                                          FAVOURABLE WINDS FOR FRENCH OFFSHORE WIND FARMS

                                                 Gauthier Martin         Delphine Siino Courtin      Daniel Zerbib
                                                 Partner                 Partner                     Partner
                                                 Paris                   Paris                       Paris
                                                 T: +33 1 4405 5181      T: +33 1 4405 5236          T: +33 1 4405 5352
                                                 E: gauthier.martin@     E: delphine.siinocourtin@   E: daniel.zerbib@
                                                    cliffordchance.com      cliffordchance.com          cliffordchance.com

                                                 Daphné Celet            Clémence Graffan            Elise Mayer
                                                 Avocat                  Avocat                      Avocat
                                                 Paris                   Paris                       Paris
                                                 T: +33 1 4405 5924      T: +33 1 4405 8389          T: +33 1 4405 2460
                                                 E: daphne.celet@        E: clemence.graffan@        E: elise.mayer@
                                                    cliffordchance.com      cliffordchance.com          cliffordchance.com

                                                 Nina Yoshida
                                                 T: +33 1 4405 5242
                                                 E: nina.yoshida@

This publication does not necessarily deal with every important
topic or cover every aspect of the topics with which it deals.
It is not designed to provide legal or other advice.


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