The Fracking Industry and Its Potential Impact on the Illinois Economy

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The Fracking Industry and Its Potential Impact on the Illinois Economy
The Fracking Industry and Its Potential
     Impact on the Illinois Economy
                                                                    by Dave Bieneman, Ph.D.

                                     Introduction                                      will be able to eliminate its dependence
                                     Technological advances have changed               on non-North American (all but U.S.,
                                     the future of the oil and gas industry            Canada, and Mexico) oil sources within
                                     in the United States. The utilization of          five to ten years.
                                     high-volume, high-pressure hydraulic
                                     fracturing (what is commonly known                The fracking process originated in the
                                     today as fracking) over the last ten              1940s while horizontal drilling was first
                                     years on shale rock formations has                used in the 1930s. The current method
                                     dramatically increased the amount of              of fracking combines the two techniques
                                     oil and gas that are considered to be             and injects a much larger amount of
                                     recoverable in the U.S. If the trend              fluid into the well than did the previous
                                     continues, it is expected that the U.S.           method. The procedure is conducted

Illinois Department of Employment Security | Economic Information and Analysis Division | July 2013
The Fracking Industry and Its Potential Impact on the Illinois Economy
A Basic Overview of Hydraulic Fracturing:
                                                                                      do not follow proper procedures.2
                                                                                      Large resources of oil have been
                                                                                      found in shale rock in Texas and
                                                                                      North Dakota, while shale has yielded
                                                                                      primarily natural gas in Pennsylvania.
                                                                                      Expectations are that southeastern
                                                                                      Illinois also has extensive natural gas
                                       1                                              Natural Gas and Other
                                                                                      Potential Power Sources
                                                                                      Investors in clean-technology industries
                                                                                      have changed their focus over the past
                                                                                      few years. It used to be that investments
                                                                                      were made with the intent of one day
                                                                                      making the fossil fuel industry obsolete.
                                                                                      Now the concept seems to have
                                                                                      changed to helping companies make
                                                                                      fossil fuels less dirty. The reasoning
                                                                                      behind this is twofold: 1) technological
                                                                               2      innovation has made domestic oil
                                                                                      and gas deposits accessible that were
                                                                                      previously not accessible; and 2)
                                                                                      advances in the renewable energy field
                                                                                      have come slower than anticipated so
                                                                                      natural gas is seen by environmentalists
                                                                                      as a much better alternative than coal.3
   1. A high pressure solution of water, sand and chemicals is sent through a
      well drilled horizontally through a shale deposit.                              Exhibit 1, on the next page, shows that
   2. The solution creates cracks in the shale, allowing natural gas or oil to be     the price of natural gas spiked in 2008
      released.                                                                       at over $12 per thousand cubic feet
   3. The mixture is reclaimed through the well, with the oil or natural gas          and bottomed out at a price of about $2
      flowing up the well and and the waste water stored for treatment.               in 2012 because of the warm winter.
                                                                                      The price has been trending upward
                                                                                      since then to just under $4 in 2013.
by pumping water and sand (typically         The industry has already proven that     Because natural gas is a relatively
includes 99.5% water and sand) mixed         it can generate employment growth        cheap source of energy now, demand
with chemicals through a well into           and increases in tax revenue while       for its use is increasing. It is expected
shale rock containing some form of           also contributing to the nation’s move   to be used more often for electric power
oil or natural gas. The water creates        toward energy independence. The          generation in place of coal and is likely
pressure in the rock, creating fractures     fracking industry hopes to expand        to be used in other industries such as
that allow the oil and/or gas to escape.     rapidly in the U.S. but must address     transportation. Gasoline prices are also
This in combination with the horizontal      the main environmental concerns of       plotted on the chart and are shown to
drilling makes it possible to cover a        water contamination, air pollution and   have been over $3.50 a gallon for about
much larger area from one drilling pad.1     gas leaks which can occur if operators   70% of the months since early 2011.

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Exhibit 1. Prices of Gasoline and Natural Gas
                                                                                                                                                                                            natural gas is expected to put upward
                                                                                                                                                                                            pressure on natural gas prices in the
                $4.50                                                                                                                                               $15.00

                                                                                                                                                                                            The lower price of natural gas caused
                                                                                                                                                                                            the outlook for coal to decline and
                $3.00                                                                                                                                               $10.00
                                                                                                                                                                                            also had a negative short-term impact

                                                                                                                                                                              Natural Gas

                                                                                                                                                                                            on the outlook for renewable energy.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Now that natural gas prices have risen
                $1.50                                                                                                                                               $5.00                   the outlook for coal is still in decline
                $1.00                                                                                                                                                                       but the outlook for renewable energy
                $0.50                                                                                                                                                                       has improved. Renewable energy
                $0.00                                                                                                                                               $0.00                   sources such as solar and wind produce
                                                                                                                                                                                            intermittent power, only when the
                                                           Gasoline                                                       Natural Gas                                                       environmental conditions are right.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Backup power plants are needed for the
                                                                                                                                                                                            times when solar and wind are unable
Data Sources: Haver Analytics, Henry Hub (LA) [natural gas], Department of Energy spot prices
                                                                                                                                                                                            to generate the required amount of
[retail gasoline]

Exhibit 2. Employment for Combined Industries, NAICS 21111,                                                                                                                                 So when the price relationship between
213111, and 213112                                                                                                                                                                          natural gas and renewable energy is just
                                                                                                                                                                                            right then the public can take advantage
               600,000                                                                                                                                              3,000                   of using renewable energy while still
                                                                                                                                                                                            having access to reasonably-priced
               500,000                                                                                                                                              2,500                   energy via natural gas-fired power
               400,000                                                                                                                                              2,000                   plants when required. This relationship
                                                                                                                                                                                            could lead to further investment in

               300,000                                                                                                                                              1,500                   both renewable energy generation and
               200,000                                                                                                                                              1,000                   natural gas power plants.5

               100,000                                                                                                                                              500                     Oil and Gas Employment
                    0                                                                                                                                               0
                                                                                                                                                                                            and Wages Data
                                                                                                                                                                                            Fracking is having a large impact on
                                                                                                                                                                                            the industrial economy as Exhibit 2
                                                             U.S.                                                           Illinois
                                                                                                                                                                                            shows the level of employment (for
                                                                                                                                                                                            the U.S. and Illinois) for the sum of
Data Sources: Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW), Bureau of Labor Statistics
                                                                                                                                                                                            the three industries 1) Oil and Gas
(BLS), Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES)
                                                                                                                                                                                            Extraction (NAICS 21111), 2) Drilling
                                                                                                                                                                                            Oil and Gas Wells (NAICS 213111),
As technological innovation has                                                                             plants have an overall fuel efficiency                                          and 3) Support Activities for Oil and
increased the short-term and long-                                                                          of 65 percent compared to the fuel                                              Gas Operations (NAICS 213112).
term supply of natural gas, new power                                                                       efficiency of about 30 percent for coal                                         Even with a decline around the Great
plants being built are increasingly more                                                                    power plants. Natural gas also burns                                            Recession, national employment for
likely to burn natural gas than to burn                                                                     cleaner than coal so power plants have                                          the combined industries has steadily
coal. One reason for this is that the                                                                       an easier time of meeting air quality                                           risen since 2005 by 60-70 percent from
new combined cycle gas turbine power                                                                        standards. This increased utilization of                                        2005 to 2012. Illinois employment is

 3 | Illinois Labor Market Review
Exhibit 3. Average Weekly Wages for Combined Industries, NAICS
21111, 213111, and 213112                                                                                 The Illinois
                                                                                $1,000                    (SB1715) is

                                                                                $900                  said to be the
          $2,000                                                                $800                  strictest in the



                                                                                $700                  United States,
          $1 400
                                                                                                    giving oversight
                                                                                                        to the state’s
          $1,000                                                                $400
                                  U.S.                        Illinois                                       of Natural
Data Sources: Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW), Bureau of Labor Statistics
(BLS), Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES)                                                   (IDNR) and
on a much smaller scale but has also                  the U.S. than the onshore work typical
been trending upwards, only between                   of Illinois. Projects outside of Illinois
30-40 percent over the period. It should              could be bigger and more hours worked           Agency (IEPA)
be noted that some of the employment                  in an average week than those projects
in this industry comes from self-                     inside the state.
employed contractors and the numbers                                                                oversight to the state’s Department
employed within the industry are likely               Potential Legislative and                     of Natural Resources (IDNR) and
undercounted by the Quarterly Census                  Environmental Barriers                        Environmental Protection Agency
of Employment and Wages (QCEW)                        Growth in employment and revenues             (IEPA).7 The Illinois Hydraulic
program.                                              may come slower than desired due to           Fracturing Regulatory Act has been
                                                      barriers set up by state governments.         passed by the Illinois state legislature
Exhibit 3 shows the corresponding                     Some states have not allowed fracking         and has now been signed into law by
average weekly wage data for both                     within their borders as environmental         the Governor. It will likely lead to
the U.S. and Illinois. Both series show               concerns have weighed heavier than the        large-scale fracking in the state.
a saw-toothed pattern that could be                   need for new jobs.
related to bonuses paid in one quarter                                                              The legislation includes a requirement
of each year. The overall trends are                  It is known that Illinois has at least one    for companies to disclose the chemicals
similar with perhaps a slightly more                  working fracking well, which is located       they use in hydraulic fracturing fluids.8
positive trend for Illinois as compared               in White County in southeastern               The objective of supporters of the
to the U.S. However the average                       Illinois. Since regulations have not          legislation was to have a bill in which
national wages in this industry are                   been in place in the state, companies         the environment is protected and yet
approximately two and a half times as                 were not required to specify the amount       give certainty to the industry so that it
large as those seen in Illinois. Part of              of fluids used in drilling so an exact        can be successful. The industry is much
this difference may have to do with the               number is unknown.6 The Illinois              more likely to make large investments
nature of offshore work more typical                  legislation (SB1715) is said to be the        in Illinois now than if no regulatory
of oil and gas extraction in the rest of              strictest in the United States, giving        requirements were in place. Wayne

 4 | Illinois Labor Market Review
Tier) that has suitable       Potential Illinois Economic
                                                          geological formations         Impact Compared to Impact
                                                          to take advantage of          at Bakken Formation
                                   Jasper Crawford        the technology. Right         The Loomis study examines potential
                                                          across the state border in    impacts that the fracking of shale
                                                          Pennsylvania the fracking     gas in southeastern Illinois would
                                   Richland Lawrence      industry has generated        have on the economy.12 The study
                                                          economic growth.              projected total annual employment
                                                          Estimates for the state of    impacts ranging from 1,034 full-time

                           Wayne       Wab                New York suggest that         equivalent positions under the low-level
                                                          15,000 to 18,000 jobs         investment scenario up to 47,312 under
                                                          could be created in the       the high-level investment scenario. The

                                  White                   Southern Tier and western     highest scenario translates into $9.5
            Franklin                                      New York with another         billion of economic impact for the state.
                                                          75,000 to 90,000 jobs         In addition the largest employment
                                                          possible if exploration and   impacts for secondary industries under
           Williamson Saline Gallatin
                                                          drilling were expanded to     the high-level investment scenario are
                                                          southeastern New York.        in order of impact: 1) food services;
            Johnson Pope Hardin                           Tax revenues to local and     2) private hospitals; 3) real estate
                                                          state government would be     establishments; 4) wholesale trade
                                                          expected to go up by 1.4      businesses; 5) health practitioners; and

                                                          billion dollars.9             6) architects and engineers.

                                                           Evaluation of the four       The Bakken formation is a shale rock
                                                           major geologic criteria      formation that lies in northwestern
The 19-county area in southeastern Illinois is             by the Illinois State        North Dakota, northeastern Montana,
                                                           Geological Survey            and Canada. Both oil and gas have been
the most favorable area in Illinois for shale gas
                                                           indicates that the geology   found in the Bakken and harvesting
                                                           for the 19-county area       the fuels was done using fracking
                                                           in southeastern Illinois     technology. QCEW employment and
County has already collected about           is the most favorable area in Illinois     wage annual data are now available
$200,000 in the last two years from the      for shale gas resources.10 The Illinois    for comparison for the year before oil
processing of records and collecting         Basin in southeastern Illinois has         production rapidly expanded in the
fees related to companies wanting to         significant reserves located at shallow    region with the most recent available
explore for oil and natural gas in the       depths, making long-term production        data.13
area so the industry appears to be on        a possibility. However people are
the verge of making a large economic         worried about what issues the fracking     The region of study includes those
impact.                                      industry might bring to the rural areas    counties in Montana and North Dakota
                                             of southern Illinois. Thousands of         that have wells producing oil from the
In another example, the New York             workers could be transplanted into the     Bakken formation. The data show that
State Assembly recently extended             area causing housing shortages and         27,954 jobs were added between 2007
a moratorium on fracking to 2015             overwhelming businesses. Another           and 2011, a 35.9 percent increase in
after beginning it in 2008. This has         possibility is that dramatic increases     jobs for the region. Average annual
caused some anguish among the                in revenues would override any             wages for all jobs in the region
state’s citizens as unemployment is          inconveniences caused by a growing         increased by 53.1 percent between
high in an area of the state (Southern       industry.11                                2007 and 2011. Total employment for

5 | Illinois Labor Market Review
the nation decreased by 4.4 percent
between 2007 and 2011 while average
annual wages increased by 8.1 percent
as a comparison.

The industry composition of the new
jobs in the region shows that 38.1
percent were in mining, quarrying,
and oil and gas extraction; 17.5
percent were in transportation and
warehousing; and 12.9 percent were
in construction. The largest percentage
of employment growth for a particular
industry sector was professional and
technical services, which grew from
501 workers to 2,407 employed. The
largest percentage increases in average
annual wages were in real estate, rental
and leasing; professional and technical
services; and wholesale trade.             away from the center. However, the           of 750 trillion cubic feet of recoverable
                                           negative impact on unemployment rates        natural gas and 23.9 billion barrels of
The impact of the oil and gas boom         continued all the way out to the biggest     recoverable shale oil.16
has not only helped the economies of       circle which represented 300 to 400
the immediate area but effects have        miles from the center.14                     The fracking industry has already
also spilled over into surrounding                                                      increased employment in various parts
counties and states. As employment         Conclusion                                   of the country including North Dakota,
has increased because of the oil boom,     Oil and gas reserves accessible in shale     Montana, Texas and Pennsylvania.
wages have risen dramatically and the      rock in the United States are likely to      The passage and signing of strong
unemployment rate has decreased.           change the global balance of power           regulatory legislation in Illinois should
These effects can be seen to a lesser      in energy production. The U.S. will          provide certainty to the industry
degree as you move further away from       account for a third of new oil supplies      allowing it to move forward. The
the Bakken site.                           over the next five years according to        southern region of the state has been
                                           the International Energy Agency (IEA).       in dire need of jobs for some time,
Researchers for the Federal Reserve        This change will make the U.S. a net         especially since demand for Illinois’
Bank of Minneapolis drew concentric        exporter rather than its current status as   high-sulfur coal went into decline in
circles on a map with the Bakken at        the world’s largest importer of oil. The     the 1990’s. The fracking industry could
the center of all of the circles. Using    IEA expects the U.S. to overtake Russia      supply tens of thousands of jobs for that
county employment and wage data the        as the world’s largest producer of           area and jobs that pay good wages. The
researchers showed that counties within    natural gas by 2015 and to become “all       state of Illinois would also benefit from
the zero to 100 mile band were ranked      but self-sufficient” in its energy needs     increases in revenues.
a clear second in wage impact behind       by about 2035.15 Estimates show that
the zero mile band. Going out further      the lower 48 states have 20 shale plays
to the 100 – 200 mile band the results     (geographic areas where companies            Dave Bieneman is Manager of
showed not much more impact on             are actively looking for oil or natural      Economic Analysis for the Illinois
wages than for other bands even further    gas in shale rock) that contain a total      Department of Employment Security

6 | Illinois Labor Market Review
End Notes

   1 Jamey Dunn, “While hydraulic fracturing is hardly new, it’s growing and so is the controversy surrounding the
     practice,” Illinois Issues, May 2012.
   2 Bill Dedman and Karen Weintraub, “Disputes over environmental impact of ‘fracking’ obscure its future,” NBCNews.
     com, April 5, 2013.
    3 Jonathan Fahey, “Drilling is new focus for clean energy investors,” Aurora Beacon News, May 4, 2013. http://
   4 Myra P. Saefong, “Natural gas: commodity market’s ‘sleeping giant’,” Marketwatch (March 15, 2013), http://www.
   5 “Natural Gas Prices Rise from Historic Lows,” Wall Street Journal (Associated Press), April 17, 2013. http://online.
   6 “Ill. high-volume ‘fracking’ under way,” (Associated Press), May 29, 2013.
   7 “Put Illinois to Work,” Chicago Tribune (Editorial), April 22, 2013.
   8 Karen Boman, “New Albany Shale Could Create Jobs, Economic Growth in Illinois,” Rigzone, February 12, 2013.
   9 Mark Green, “Fiddling While New Yorkers Struggle to Find Jobs,” Energy Tomorrow, March 8, 2013. http://
   10 Robert M. Cluff and Donald R. Dickerson, “Natural Gas Potential of the New Albany Shale Group (Devonian-
     Mississippian) in Southeastern Illinois,” Illinois State Geological Survey, April 1982.
   11 Tammy Weber, “Scenic, struggling S. Illinois braces for oil rush,” Yahoo! News (Associated Press), May 5, 2013.
   12 David G. Loomis, “The Potential Economic Impact of New Albany Gas on the Illinois Economy,” Loomis Consulting,
     December, 2012.
   13 Paul Ferree and Peter W. Smith, “Employment and wage changes in oil-producing counties in the Bakken Formation,
     2007-2011,” U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Beyond the Numbers, April 2013, Volume 2, Number 11. http://www.bls.
   14 Dulquun Batbold and Rob Grunewald, “Bakken activity: How wide is the ripple effect?,” FedGazette (Federal Reserve
     Bank of Minneapolis), May 7, 2013.
   15 “US shale oil supply shock shifts global power balance,” BBC News, May 14, 2013.
   16 Wayne County Farm Bureau, Press Releases, 2012.

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