The DS3 Programme Delivering a Secure, Sustainable Electricity System - "Shaping the Power System for the Future" - EirGrid

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The DS3 Programme Delivering a Secure, Sustainable Electricity System - "Shaping the Power System for the Future" - EirGrid
The DS3 Programme
Delivering a Secure, Sustainable Electricity System

            “Shaping the Power System for the Future”
The DS3 Programme Delivering a Secure, Sustainable Electricity System - "Shaping the Power System for the Future" - EirGrid
The EirGrid Group
EirGrid Group is the licensed electricity Transmission System Operator
and Market Operator in Ireland and Northern Ireland.
Our mission is to provide quality, efficient, independent transmission
and market services for the benefit of communities, farms and
businesses across Ireland and Northern Ireland.
We own and operate the East-West Interconnector between Ireland
and Great Britain.

  DS3 Programme
  The aim of the DS3 Programme
  is to meet the challenges
  of operating the electricity
  system in a secure manner
  while achieving the 2020
  renewable electricity targets.
The DS3 Programme Delivering a Secure, Sustainable Electricity System - "Shaping the Power System for the Future" - EirGrid
Impetus for DS3
In response to binding National and         Achieving this level of renewable                  2020 Renewable Electricity Targets Across the EU
European targets, EirGrid Group began       integration on a synchronous system
a multi-year programme, “Delivering         is unprecedented and presents
a Secure, Sustainable Electricity           significant challenges for the real-                   2020 Renewable Electricity
System” (DS3).                              time operation of the power system.
                                                                                       **%         Targets Across the EU
Ireland’s target under the EU                                                                      Wind as % of Demand
Renewable Energy Directive (2009/28/           The renewable electricity
EC) is for 16% of the country’s total                                                                                                                                              33%
                                               targets for Ireland and                          Source: The National Renewable Energy
                                                                                                Action Plans (NREAP) January, 2012                                63%
energy consumption to come from                Northern Ireland, which will                     Note: The Danish wind target was               72%                       60%
renewable energy sources by 20201.             largely be delivered by wind                     increased subsequenty in quarter 2                                                          6%
                                               generation, are the highest                      of 2012
In order to achieve the 16% target                                                                                                      50%

the Government set a 10% renewable             for any synchronous system
transport target, a 12% renewable              in Europe. See figure on                                 40%             31%                             8%
heat target and a 40% renewable                page 3: Penetration of Non-                      37%                                     37%                                       10%
                                                                                                                 21%                                          SWEDEN
electricity target.                            Synchronous Renewables                                                          24%                                       LATVIA
Similarly in Northern Ireland, the                                                                                       UK
Department of Enterprise, Trade and                                                                                               NETHERLANDS
                                                                                                                                                        39%                          43%
Investment (DETI) published the                                                                                                         19%
                                                                                             55%                              27%
Strategic Energy Framework (SEF) in
September 2010, which also set out a                                                                          40%                             GERMANY                                        11%
40% renewable electricity target to be                                                                                 10%                                        1%
                                                                                       23%                                    FRANCE           26%     SLOVENIA                    ROMANIA
reached by 2020.                                                                                      20%
                                                                                           PORTUGAL           SPAIN                            ITALY               23%


 Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council -

The DS3 Programme Delivering a Secure, Sustainable Electricity System - "Shaping the Power System for the Future" - EirGrid
Shift in Electricity Supply
The last few years have brought                has decreased due to the economic                     All-Island Wind Connection Rates
considerable changes to the electricity        downturn. With these uncertainties
                                                                                                     HISTORICAL AND FUTURE CONNECTIONS REQUIRED TO MEET 2020 RES-E TARGETS
sector. Most notable have been the             in mind, it has been estimated that
drive towards greater environmental            between 4,400 and 4,900 MW of total
sustainability, energy security and            installed wind capacity on the island
economic competitiveness. As a                 will be required by 2020.3                                                                       Higher
result, there is a commitment to                                                                                                                Rates
increase the level of renewable                                                                                                                Required

generation on the power system.                   Renewable energy sources                  2020
Renewable energy sources, in                      met 21.4% of the island’s                Targets
particular wind generation, are                   electricity demand in 2014,                                                                                       MW/yr
fast becoming a cornerstone of                    22.6% in Ireland and 17.7%
the all-island generation portfolio.              in Northern Ireland.
Installed wind generation capacity
on the island of Ireland has grown
                                                                                                                                        230 MW/yr
from 145 MW at the end of 2002 to
2,825 MW as of December 2014.2
This figure is set to increase over                                                                       120 MW/yr
the next few years as Ireland and
Northern Ireland work to meet their
renewable targets by 2020. The actual
amount of renewable energy this
requires will depend on the demand                                                                     2000    2002     2004     2006     2008     2010     2012     2014     2016     2018     2020

in future years, the forecast of which                                                               Source: EirGrid Group All-Island Renewable Connection Report and 36-Month Forecast (Qtr 4, 2013).

  All Island Wind and Fuel Mix Report (December 2014).
  All-Island Generation Capacity Statement 2014-2023.

The DS3 Programme Delivering a Secure, Sustainable Electricity System - "Shaping the Power System for the Future" - EirGrid
The growth of wind generation                                                      Penetration of Non-Synchronous Renewables
presents a range of operational            What is a ‘synchronous                  IN EACH EUROPEAN SYNCHRONOUS SYSTEM 2010-2020
challenges for the power system. The       system’?                          Penetration of Non-Synchronous Renewables
technological characteristics of wind                                        IN EACH EUROPEAN SYNCHRONOUS SYSTEM 2010-2020
generation are different to traditional    A synchronous system is a
generation sources. Wind generation,       power grid where electricity
which is dependent on weather              is generated at a single                               37%
conditions, is inherently variable. This   synchronised AC frequency.
variability must be managed to ensure      Ireland and Northern Ireland
demand for electricity is met at all       form such a system – all of the
times. Additionally, wind generation is    conventional generators on        30%

                                           the island run in synchronism,                                                                   16%
a non-synchronous technology, which
poses challenges when integrating          producing electricity at 50Hz.    20%                                                                                                       11%                    10%
                                           Synchronous systems can                                                                                               7%
into a lightly interconnected
synchronous system.                        operate in relatively small       10%
                                           regions, such as Ireland and
                                           Northern Ireland, or span vast     0%
                                           areas, such as Continental               2010   2015   2020   2010   2015   2020   2010   2015   2020   2010   2015   2020   2010    2015    2020   2010   2015    2020
                                                                                       IRELAND &           GREAT BRITAIN         CONTINENTAL          SCANDINAVIA              CYPRUS                 MALTA
                                           Europe.                                  NORTHERN IRELAND                               EUROPE

                                                                              Source: The National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAP 2010)

The DS3 Programme Delivering a Secure, Sustainable Electricity System - "Shaping the Power System for the Future" - EirGrid
DS3 - Delivering a Secure, Sustainable Electricity System
The DS3 Programme is designed to         The DS3 Programme is made up of                                                                Programme
ensure that we can securely operate      11 workstreams, which fall under the       DS3 Programme
the power system with increasing         three pillars of System Performance,       Objectives                                          Establishment and
amounts of variable non-synchronous      System Policies and System Tools.
                                                                                    The DS3 Programme has
renewable generation over the coming     Each pillar is fundamental to the
years. Together with the on-going grid   success of the programme and               been created to meet the                            Since 2011 the focus has been on
infrastructure development (Grid25       to achieving the 40% renewable             challenges of operating the                         creating the correct technical and
in Ireland and a similar programme       electricity target. The programme          electricity system in a secure                      commercial mechanisms to incentivise
which is under development in            brings together many different             manner while achieving 2020                         and improve system performance
Northern Ireland) and the addition of    strands, including development of          renewable electricity targets.                      and capability. Some of the work
renewable generation capacity, the DS3   financial incentives for better plant                                                          completed within the DS3 Programme
programme is critical to meeting the     performance, and the development of                                                            includes:
                                                                                                                                        • A multi-stage consultation process
renewable electricity targets by 2020.   new operational policies and system
                                                                                                      CE              SYS                  for System Services, including
As operators of an island power
                                         tools to use the portfolio to the best
                                                                                                   MAN                   T
                                         of its capabilities. Standards for wind                  R                                        consultations on the approach
system, the TSOs (Transmission

                                         farms and conventional plant are also                                                             used, the products required and the

                                                                                   SYSTEM PER

System Operators) are facing unique
                                         being reviewed to give enhanced                                                                   financial arrangements;

challenges with regard to managing

                                         operational flexibility for the future.                                                        •   The approval of a number of Grid
the variability of wind generation
                                         The programme involves many                                                                        Code modifications in Ireland and
while maintaining power system
                                         different stakeholders, including the                                                              Northern Ireland;
stability and security. As these
                                         Distribution System Operators (DSOs),                                                          •   The implementation of the Wind
challenges will not be encountered
                                         Regulatory Authorities, Conventional                       SY S                                    Security Assessment Tool (WSAT)
in larger systems for many years,
                                         Generators and Renewable Generators,                              T E M TO O L S
Ireland and Northern Ireland have                                                                                                           in both Dublin and Belfast Control
                                         as well as Government Departments.                                                                 Centres;
the opportunity to lead the way in
the integration of non synchronous                                                                                                      •   The decisions on RoCoF (Rate of
renewable generation.                                                                                                                       Change of Frequency) from the
                                                                                                                                            Regulators in both jurisdictions.

The DS3 Programme Delivering a Secure, Sustainable Electricity System - "Shaping the Power System for the Future" - EirGrid
Implementation Phase                          Stakeholder Engagement                      The relationship with the DSOs is
                                                                                          critical for the overall safe, secure and
Since 2014 the main focus has moved           Given the scale, extent and impact of       efficient operation and development
towards the implementation of increased       the DS3 Programme, there is a role for      of the power system. A high degree
performance capability for the generation     all stakeholders in ensuring its success.   of TSO-DSO co-operation is required
portfolio, and developing the required        EirGrid Group is committed to engaging      to allow each party to fulfil their
system policies and tools needed to meet      with all our customers and stakeholders     obligations. A Joint Working Group
the 2020 targets. Future work to be           in this regard.                             and an Operational Oversight
accomplished by the DS3 Programme                                                         Committee were established with
                                              A DS3 Advisory Council was established
will include:                                                                             both ESBN (ESB Networks) and NIE
                                              to provide a forum to discuss issues
•   Adapting and refining system                                                          (Northern Ireland Electricity) to
                                              which may impact on the success of the
    operational policies to assist in                                                     ensure a considered and co-ordinated
                                              programme. The Council is comprised
    securely managing the voltage and                                                     approach across the island.
                                              of experts from academia and industry
    frequency on the Irish and Northern
                                              across Ireland, Northern Ireland and        To ensure the successful delivery
    Irish power system;
                                              Europe. It meets approximately every        of the DS3 Programme, the system
•   Design, development and                   four months and has met 11 times since      operators are also working closely
    implementation of enhanced system         October 2011.                               with the regulators, government
    tools in order to manage the increased                                                departments and all relevant industry
    organisational complexity. For example,   The wider power industry is updated on
                                                                                          stakeholders. The objective of all
    the inclusion of a ramping tool and a     recent findings and developments in
                                                                                          parties is to ensure that the 2020
    voltage trajectory tool;                  the DS3 Programme through Industry
                                                                                          40% renewable policy targets are
                                              Forums. These are held roughly every        delivered in a cost-efficient manner
•   The development of a long-term
                                              six months. Attendance has been             without adversely affecting security
    Operational Policy for large-
    scale Demand Side Management              consistently high at the 10 Forums that     of supply of the all-island power
    penetration;                              have been held to date.                     system.
•   The implementation of an enhanced         The TSO-DSO interaction is an
    Performance Monitoring system.            important element of the successful
                                              implementation of the DS3 Programme.

The DS3 Programme Delivering a Secure, Sustainable Electricity System - "Shaping the Power System for the Future" - EirGrid
The Three Pillars of DS3
The DS3 Programme is built
around three main pillars: System        PERFORMANCE
Performance, System Policies and
                                          MONITORING                                                                RENEWABLE DATA
System Tools. Each pillar is vital
to the success of the programme                                               A                 SYS
and the delivery of the renewable     SYSTEM                                RM
                                                  DSM                                                             VOLTAGE


electricity targets. Together with   SERVICES

                                                             SYSTEM PER

the on-going grid infrastructure
development (Grid25 in Ireland and


a similar programme which is under
development in Northern Ireland)     GRID CODE   ROCOF
and the addition of renewable
generation capacity, the DS3
Programme is critical to meeting
those targets by 2020.

                                                                              SY S
                                                                                     T E M TO O L S

                                                                            WSAT          CONTROL
                                                                                        CENTRE TOOLS

                                                                            MODEL DEVELOPMENT

The DS3 Programme Delivering a Secure, Sustainable Electricity System - "Shaping the Power System for the Future" - EirGrid
The DS3 Programme Delivering a Secure, Sustainable Electricity System - "Shaping the Power System for the Future" - EirGrid
System Performance
System performance refers to the          •   To identify and incentivise          Demand Side Management (DSM)
performance of all plant connected            the necessary System Services        will play a key role in facilitating the
to the power system. In order to              required to operate a secure power   management of more renewables due
ensure the system performance                 system with a significant level of   to its inherent flexibility. Demand
required to meet the 2020 targets,            renewables.                          Side Units (DSU) and Aggregated
considerable work is needed in the                                                 Generator Units (AGU) currently
areas of Grid Code modifications,         The Grid Code sets out the               operate commercially within the SEM
Rate of Change of Frequency               performance standards for all plant      and are centrally dispatched. The
(RoCoF) modification and the              connecting to the power system.          wider DSM space is also evolving
provision of System Services. This        Compliance with it is essential to the   rapidly with significant work being
will require greater participation        security of the network. The Grid Code   carried out in developing storage
from demand connected loads and           reflects the dynamic nature of the       solutions, integrating electric
enhanced performance monitoring           power system, where technology is        vehicles, etc.
capabilities. The main aims of this       continuously evolving and, in tandem,
pillar are:                               operating practices and procedures
                                          are constantly updated. In February
•   To provide certainty around current   2013, Ireland Grid Code modifications               PERFORMANCE
    and future plant performance          regarding wind farm power stations                   MONITORING
    capability, and to ensure the
    continued reliable performance of
                                          were approved by the Commission for
                                                                                                                                               A                 SYS
                                          Energy Regulation (CER). In Northern
    all plant connected to the power      Ireland the Wind Farm Power Station
                                                                                          SYSTEM                                             RM


                                          Setting Schedule was approved by
                                          the Regulator, URegNI, in November             SERVICES

                                                                                                                              SYSTEM PER

•   To ensure the development of a
    portfolio of plant aligned with the   2013. In Ireland the Distribution Code

                                          modifications for these wind farm

    long-term operational needs of the
    power system;                         standards have been agreed by the
                                                                                    GRID CODE                    ROCOF
                                          Distribution Code Review Panel.

                                                                                                                                               SY S
                                                                                     8                                                                T E M TO O L S
At high instantaneous non-                     Review was carried out to identify             The detailed design and                   •   Engagement with industry through
synchronous renewable penetration              the new products that are needed to            implementation phase of this project is       workshops presenting proposed
levels, frequency control becomes              complement the transition towards a            now underway.                                 business processes and working
more challenging, due in part to               power system with high levels of wind                                                        examples;
                                                                                              Performance Monitoring, including
the presence of Rate of Change                 generation.
                                                                                              both commissioning and on-going           •   Publication of draft test procedures
of Frequency (RoCoF) protection
                                               In December 2014, the Regulatory               testing of generators, needs to evolve        for industry comment;
relays and the potential for large
                                               Authorities in Ireland and Northern            to meet the changing nature of the
amounts of wind farms to shut down                                                                                                      •   Development of the business case
                                               Ireland published a decision paper             system. It is essential for the TSOs
during a fault scenario4. A RoCoF                                                                                                           and scope for the roll out of high
                                               endorsing DS3’s ground breaking                to understand the capability and
decision paper was published by                                                                                                             speed data recorders.
                                               approach to solving this issue known           compliance of the generation portfolio
both the Irish and Northern Irish
                                               as System Services. The decision               with respect to the Grid Codes,
Regulators in the first half of 2014.
                                               changes the commercial focus of                their registered technical operating
Both approved, in principle, the TSOs’
                                               generation towards better performance          characteristics and their capability
proposed modification to move to a
                                               and greater flexibility, essential for a       to provide the contracted levels of
RoCoF standard of 1Hz/s over 500ms.
                                               system like ours with increasing wind          System Service provision. Performance
However, the decisions outline the
                                               penetration. This solution will shape          monitoring in turn helps to flag non-
need for the implementation of the
                                               the evolution of market policy in              compliances, so that the generating
new RoCoF standard to be linked to
                                               Europe, the US and further afield.             units can remedy these issues, submit
the completion of generator studies
                                                                                              derogations or revise their contracted
over a period of 18 to 36 months.              The significant elements of the
                                               decision are:
A central aspect of the DS3 Programme
                                                                                              Work completed to date includes:
is the System Services review.                 •   An increase in the annual budget
System services are products, other                cap from €60m to €235m;                    •   Standardisation and documentation
than energy, that are required for the                                                            of existing processes on an all-
                                               •   Doubling the number of System
continuous, secure operation of the                                                               island basis;
                                                   Service products from 7 to 14;
power system. For example, reactive                                                           •   Development of a detailed design
power is required to enable the system
                                               •   Movement to a hybrid regulated
                                                                                                  specification for the enhanced
operators to manage voltages across                tariff / auction procurement
                                                                                                  performance monitoring IT system;
the system. The System Services                    mechanism;

    RoCoF protection relays are an islanding detection method for embedded generation units

System Policies
As the level of renewable                represents a secure operational level    acted upon. For example, EirGrid
generation increases, the TSOs will      given the current plant portfolio and    analyses the High Wind Speed
be required to update and develop        system capability.                       Shutdown of wind turbines (see facing
new system operational policies.         The DS3 Programme aims to address
                                                                                  page) to help determine operational
                                                                                  policy for high wind situations.
This is needed to manage the             the various factors that influence the
increasing complexity associated         SNSP limit, with the ultimate aim
with integrating large amounts of        of increasing the limit from 50% to
variable non-synchronous renewable       75%. This target will be reviewed          What is SNSP?
generation.                              as the DS3 Programme progresses,
                                         depending on the progress of various       System Non-Synchronous
In particular, operational polices                                                  Penetration (SNSP) is a
will need to be developed to support                    PERFORMANCE
                                         workstreams. Each   year the TSOs
                                         publish the Operational
                                                         MONITORINGCapability       real-time measure of the                                    RENEWABLE DATA
frequency control and voltage                                                       percentage of generation that
                                         Outlook – this briefing paper sets
control. Renewable generation                                                       comes from non-synchronous
                                                                                                      A                     SYS
displaces traditional generation
                                         out their view of how operational
                                                                                    sources, such asMwind and                  T
                                                    metrics for the Irish and                      R
                                                   Irish power system are DSM
sources and also tends to be located                                                                                                          VOLTAGE

                                                                                    HVDC interconnector imports,                                        FREQUENCY

far from load centres. Thus, the power                                              relative to the system demand.

                                                                                         SYSTEM PER

                                         expected to change between now and
system can experience a wide variety

of different power-flows and voltage

profiles over the course of a day.       The DS3  Programme
                                                GRID    CODE  collates various
This needs to be carefully managed       system statistics and regular reports
while “keeping the lights on” for all    on key system indices. This provides
electricity consumers.                   clear information to the industry and
                                         to the general public on the progress
EirGrid Group currently has a
                                         being made in integrating renewables
maximum System Non-Synchronous
                                         into the power system. It also allows
Penetration (SNSP) level of 50%.
                                                                                                          SY S
                                                                                                                 T E M TO O L S
                                         broad trends to be identified and
This level is based on the results
of detailed technical studies, and

                                                                                                        WSAT          CONTROL
                                                                                                                    CENTRE TOOLS
HWS Shutdown (%)




                                                                                         Example of High Wind Speed Shutdown of a Wind Turbine


                                       Wind Speed (m/s) and MW output
             Wind Speed (m/s)
             HWS Shutdown (%)

             Average Output (MW)
System Tools
The evolving power system requires        be dispatched down (e.g. to maintain     (RCUC) tool, which will take account
new principles and operational            system security). This is done using     of new operational metrics; 2) the
practices. This, in turn, means we        the wind dispatch tool, which sends PERFORMANCE
                                                                                   development of a tool to present
must develop and implement new            out instructions electronically to wind MONITORING
                                                                                   power system data recorded by Phasor                                                   RENEWAB
and updated system tools.                                                          Monitoring Units (PMUs); 3) the
                                          farms. To aid tracking of dispatch
                                                                                                                                    A                 SYS
                                          instructions, the tool will also provide provision of the necessary training for
An important tool used in the Control
                                          downstream reporting systems with  SYSTEMControl Centre staff on any new tools          RM
                                                                                   or policies. DSM                                                                     VOLTAGE

Centres is the Wind Forecast tool. This

estimates the level of wind power         reasons for each wind dispatch. SERVICES

                                                                                                                   SYSTEM PER

production over the coming hours          The stability of the power system is   In keeping with the natural flow of

and days. At present, forecasts are       affected by wind generation. To study  DS3 from System Performance and

supplied by two external providers                                       GRID CODE
                                          this in real-time, an online Wind                    ROCOF
                                                                                 System Policies  to System Tools, much
while a project has been completed        Security Assessment Tool (WSAT) was    of the activity in this area will be
to improve forecast accuracy and Grid     introduced into the Dublin and Belfast driven by the  outputs  of the other
Controller user interface.                Control Centres. WSAT provides a       DS3  workstreams,   especially Frequency
                                          real-time assessment of the transient  Control and Voltage Control.
The development of online
SNSP, system inertia and RoCoF            and voltage stability of the power
monitoring within the existing            system, allowing Grid Controllers to
                                                                                                                                    SY S
Energy Management System (EMS)            take appropriate actions if necessary.
                                          Further extensions of WSAT may
                                                                                                                                           T E M TO O L S
is complete. Furthermore, an EMS
Integration project for Ireland and       include assessment of frequency
Northern Ireland is underway. This        stability, calculation of security based
will deliver enhanced operational         regional wind curtailment amounts
flexibility to the Control Centres.       and enhanced look-ahead capability.                                                     WSAT          CONTROL
                                                                                                                                              CENTRE TOOLS
When there is high wind generation,       Other work areas will include: 1)
especially during times of low            the continued development of the
demand, wind generation may need to       Reserve Constrained Unit Commitment                                                     MODEL DEVELOPMENT

Further information on the DS3 Programme can be found at                                                          12
The DS3 Programme is focused on
developing the Irish and Northern

Irish power system for the future.
The current 40% renewable
                                                         AN                SYS
electricity target for 2020 presents                    M                     T
very challenging future operational                    R

scenarios for the System Operators.

                                        SYSTEM PER

Many different aspects of system
operation are being reviewed and


revamped under the auspices of DS3.
In tandem with this, the electricity
industry as a whole is addressing the
major changes to standards, practices
and financial rewards which will be
required to meet the targets. By
working together to overcome these
challenges, Ireland and Northern
Ireland can lead the world in the
integration of renewable energy.
                                                         SY S
                                                                T E M TO O L S
Further information on the DS3 Programme can be found at
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