Page created by Leroy Haynes
#BeActive at home
         #BeActive at Home

               A guide to keeping active at home during the Covid 19
  A guide to keeping active at home during the
             pandemic, brought to you by Carlow Sports Partnership
         in conjunction with Kilkenny Sports Partnership and the Carlow
  Covid 19 pandemic, brought to you by Carlow
                 County Council Community Well-being Campaign
     Sports Partnership in conjunction with
             This guide features tips, plans, links and ideas for keeping
          Kilkenny           Sports
                 well physically                  Partnership
                                 and mentally during   this pandemic.

     and Carlow County Council Community
               Well-being Campaign

 This guide features tips, plans, links and ideas for keeping well
Martha Jane Duggan | Carlow Sports Partnership
                       email: mjduggan@carlowcoco.ie | 059 9136207

Be Active as much as possible!
Be careful to start  easy
                 As the      – gradually
                        coronavirus             increase
                                     COVID-19 outbreak         the Sport
                                                          continues,  amountIrelandof
                                                                                    is physical activity that
you are doing. Bekeeping
                   as active     asand
                          the health  your    ability
                                         well-being      allows.
                                                     of our staff, our If you feel unwell on any day, do
not push yourself to complete these exercises.
                 communities   and the public at the forefront of  our decision making.

                                                                         Sport and physical activity is essential to our
                 Week 1                  Week2                         Week   3              Week 4
                                                                         physical and mental wellbeing, our sense of
                                                                                                                       Week5                                  Week 6
                                                                         positivity and our long term health.

              AM         PM          AM             PM                AM        PMIreland our
                                                                           At Sport          AMmission PM             AM
                                                                                                         is to continue                                 PM   AM   PM
                                                                           supporting responsible sport and physical
                                                                           activity participation while minimising the spread
  Mon                                                                      of COVID 19 to flatten the infection curve.


  Wed                                                                          #BeActive At Home
 Thurs                                               You can #BeActive at home by...



  Sun                           WALKING                        MOVING                        RELAXING                     WORKING OUT
                            Even in small spaces,            Build movement                  Meditation and                Create your own
                      walking around or
Why not attempt the exercises        on pagesbreaks
                     walking on the spot,
                                               4-7?  in to your     deep breaths can
                                                        Try to do each
                                               daily routine
                                                                          one 10-12 times
                                                                     help you remain
                                                                                           circuit workout
                                                                                                or as many times as you are
                                                                                              at home - no
able. Combine them withcan the
                                  you     programme
                                             e.g. jogging on or the exercises
                                                                           calm     on RTE 1 television
                                                                                               equipment    and use the chart
                         remain active          the spot or                                 needed, just a
here to keep a record of what you have been            doing each day for the next few
                                             some stretching                                littleweeks.

For those of you who can go outside to walk, Carlow Sports Partnership have put together a 6-week walking
                            You fitness.
programme to help you maintain      can #BeActive at home with others by...
Remember to adhere strictly to    GOtheONLINE! HSE guidelines       on exercise
                                                                BUDDY     UP!        during PLAY!Covid 19. Wash your hands before
and after exercising. Be advised       that these restrictions
                           Follow an online exercise class.
                           Many of these are free and can
                                                                              may be altered
                                                            Find a physical activity
                                                            accountability partner
                                                                                                   at any time.
                                                                                       Play games and activities
                                                                                       with your family. Many of
                                   be found on Instagram, Facebook,        and ask a friend to            these can be found online
                                      and Youtube. If you have no          virtually hold you to            such as GoNoodle, and
                                      experience of these classes,            your deadlines.           require little to no equipment.
                                        remember to be sensible                                        Activities can be adapted to suit

  Why walkingRemember
               is so to...
                      good for you
                                          and know your limits.                                         people of all ages and abilities.

  Any little bit of activity is better than none at
  all – even small amounts of physical         activity SET A GOAL
                                      BE HEALTHY                                                         SCHEDULE
                                      Eat healthily    #BeActive for                                   Set an alarm                         REMINDER!

  bring physical and mental health and  benefits.
                                            stay        30 minutes                                     on your phone
                                                      hydrated                each day                  to #BeActive
  Go on, try it! Physical activity:
  ●      Helps to prevent falls
                                          Follow @SportIreland on social media for
  ●      Reduces the risk of heart attack    and
                                          more     stroke
                                                ideas   on how to #BeActive at home.
  ●      Helps to maintain good bone density
                                 It is important to stay up to date as social distancing guidelines
  ●      Reduces the risk of dementia
                                 may change over time. The most up to date advice, information
                                     and resources can be found on: www.hse.ie/coronavirus
  ●      Improves your mood

   2            For a comprehensive guide to being active during Covid 19, visit https://www.sportireland.ie/covid19
Martha Jane Duggan | Carlow Sports Partnership
                                            email: mjduggan@carlowcoco.ie | 059 9136207

      Did you know that just 30 minutes
      of physical activity a day can make
      a big difference to your health?
      ....#BeActive at Home
      COVID19, and the restrictions
      needed to contain and manage
      it, has disrupted everybody’s
      routine from a community, work,
      family, shopping, entertainment
      and physical activity

      Carlow Sports Partnership is committed to
      creating a supportive environment which
      encourages people to lead active and
      healthy lifestyles.

      We continue to do this in line with the latest
      advice from the Department of Health

      and the Department of the Taoiseach.
      It is very important to:

          Keep yourself mobile by getting up and moving around as much as possible.
          Go outdoors, walk and get fresh air within the recommended restrictions
      ■   Keep the distance of at least 1m but where possible 2 meters from other people                   activity has
      Be advised that these restrictions may be changed or altered at any time so please                   numerous
      follow the latest advice from the Department of Health.
      This booklet provides information to Be Active at Home specifically for older adults,                benefits. It
                                                                                                           also boosts
      people with a disability and those cocooning.
      Be aware that this crisis will pass and you will need to maintain a good, strong
      working body and mind to be able to enjoy life afterwards.
      If you have ANY queries about what you can do, how to do it or anything contained in
                                                                                                           your spirit
      this booklet you can call us. We are here to help and we want to help you.
                                                                                                           and you will
                                                                                                           feel good
      Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to undertake these exercises safely. Remember to start
      out gently and gradually increase your level of physical activity. If you have not been active for
      some time, it would be best to consult your GP before undertaking an exercise
      programme. Cease performing these exercises if you experience pain or you feel unwell. The
      authors and advisors, who have created this brochure, accept no liability for injury caused as
      a result of participation in these exercises.
For a comprehensive guide to being active during Covid 19, visit https://www.sportireland.ie/covid19               3
Martha Jane Duggan | Carlow Sports Partnership
                  email: mjduggan@carlowcoco.ie | 059 9136207

Be Active as much as possible!
Be careful to start easy – gradually increase the amount of physical activity that
you are doing. Be as active as your ability allows. If you feel unwell on any day, do
not push yourself to complete these exercises.

              Week 1          Week2             Week 3         Week 4           Week5            Week 6

            AM      PM      AM        PM      AM      PM      AM      PM      AM       PM      AM      PM








Why not attempt the exercises on pages 4-7? Try to do each one 10-12 times or as many times as you are
able. Combine them with the walking programme or the exercises on RTE 1 television and use the chart
here to keep a record of what you have been doing each day for the next few weeks.
For those of you who can go outside to walk, Carlow Sports Partnership have put together a 6-week walking
programme to help you maintain fitness.
Remember to adhere strictly to the HSE guidelines on exercise during Covid 19. Wash your hands before
and after exercising. Be advised that these restrictions may be altered at any time.

  Why walking is so good for you
  Any little bit of activity is better than none at
  all – even small amounts of physical activity
  bring physical and mental health benefits.
  Go on, try it! Physical activity:
  ●     Helps to prevent falls
  ●     Reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke
  ●     Helps to maintain good bone density
  ●     Reduces the risk of dementia
  ●     Improves your mood

  4          For a comprehensive guide
                                 guide to
                                       to being
                                          being active
                                                                   19,visit   https:/
                                                                       visit https:/ /www.sportireland.ie/covid19
Martha Jane Duggan | Carlow Sports Partnership
                                            email: mjduggan@carlowcoco.ie | 059 9136207

      Did you know that just 30 minutes
      of physical activity a day can make
      a big difference to your health?
      ....#BeActive at Home
      COVID19, and the restrictions
      needed to contain and manage
      it, has disrupted everybody’s
      routine from a community, work,
      family, shopping, entertainment
      and physical activity

      Carlow Sports Partnership is committed to
      creating a supportive environment which
      encourages people to lead active and
      healthy lifestyles.

      We continue to do this in line with the latest
      advice from the Department of Health

      and the Department of the Taoiseach.
      It is very important to:

          Keep yourself mobile by getting up and moving around as much as possible.
          Go outdoors, walk and get fresh air within the recommended restrictions
      ■   Keep the distance of at least 1m but where possible 2 meters from other people                   activity has
      Be advised that these restrictions may be changed or altered at any time so please                   numerous
      follow the latest advice from the Department of Health.
      This booklet provides information to Be Active at Home specifically for older adults,                benefits. It
                                                                                                           also boosts
      people with a disability and those cocooning.
      Be aware that this crisis will pass and you will need to maintain a good, strong
      working body and mind to be able to enjoy life afterwards.
      If you have ANY queries about what you can do, how to do it or anything contained in
                                                                                                           your spirit
      this booklet you can call us. We are here to help and we want to help you.
                                                                                                           and you will
                                                                                                           feel good
      Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to undertake these exercises safely. Remember to start
      out gently and gradually increase your level of physical activity. If you have not been active for
      some time, it would be best to consult your GP before undertaking an exercise
      programme. Cease performing these exercises if you experience pain or you feel unwell. The
      authors and advisors, who have created this brochure, accept no liability for injury caused as
      a result of participation in these exercises.
For a comprehensive guide to being active during Covid 19, visit https://www.sportireland.ie/covid19               55
Martha Jane Duggan | Carlow Sports Partnership
                  email: mjduggan@carlowcoco.ie | 059 9136207

Be Active as much as possible!
Be careful to start easy – gradually increase the amount of physical activity that
you are doing. Be as active as your ability allows. If you feel unwell on any day, do
not push yourself to complete these exercises.

              Week 1          Week2             Week 3         Week 4           Week5            Week 6

            AM      PM      AM        PM      AM      PM     AM       PM      AM       PM      AM      PM








Why not attempt the exercises on pages 4-7? Try to do each one 10-12 times or as many times as you are
able. Combine them with the walking programme or the exercises on RTE 1 television and use the chart
here to keep a record of what you have been doing each day for the next few weeks.
For those of you who can go outside to walk, Carlow Sports Partnership have put together a 6-week walking
programme to help you maintain fitness.
Remember to adhere strictly to the HSE guidelines on exercise during Covid 19. Wash your hands before
and after exercising. Be advised that these restrictions may be altered at any time.

  Why walking is so good for you
  Any little bit of activity is better than none at
  all – even small amounts of physical activity
  bring physical and mental health benefits.
  Go on, try it! Physical activity:
  ●     Helps to prevent falls
  ●     Reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke
  ●     Helps to maintain good bone density
  ●     Reduces the risk of dementia
  ●     Improves your mood

  6          For a comprehensive guide to being active during Covid 19, visit https://www.sportireland.ie/covid19
Martha Jane Duggan | Carlow Sports Partnership
                                            email: mjduggan@carlowcoco.ie | 059 9136207

      Did you know that just 30 minutes
      of physical activity a day can make
      a big difference to your health?
      ....#BeActive at Home
      COVID19, and the restrictions
      needed to contain and manage
      it, has disrupted everybody’s
      routine from a community, work,
      family, shopping, entertainment
      and physical activity

      Carlow Sports Partnership is committed to
      creating a supportive environment which
      encourages people to lead active and
      healthy lifestyles.

      We continue to do this in line with the latest
      advice from the Department of Health

      and the Department of the Taoiseach.
      It is very important to:

          Keep yourself mobile by getting up and moving around as much as possible.
          Go outdoors, walk and get fresh air within the recommended restrictions
      ■   Keep the distance of at least 1m but where possible 2 meters from other people                   activity has
      Be advised that these restrictions may be changed or altered at any time so please                   numerous
      follow the latest advice from the Department of Health.
      This booklet provides information to Be Active at Home specifically for older adults,                benefits. It
                                                                                                           also boosts
      people with a disability and those cocooning.
      Be aware that this crisis will pass and you will need to maintain a good, strong
      working body and mind to be able to enjoy life afterwards.
      If you have ANY queries about what you can do, how to do it or anything contained in
                                                                                                           your spirit
      this booklet you can call us. We are here to help and we want to help you.
                                                                                                           and you will
                                                                                                           feel good
      Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to undertake these exercises safely. Remember to start
      out gently and gradually increase your level of physical activity. If you have not been active for
      some time, it would be best to consult your GP before undertaking an exercise
      programme. Cease performing these exercises if you experience pain or you feel unwell. The
      authors and advisors, who have created this brochure, accept no liability for injury caused as
      a result of participation in these exercises.
For a comprehensive guide to being active during Covid 19, visit https://www.sportireland.ie/covid19               7
Martha Jane Duggan | Carlow Sports Partnership
                  email: mjduggan@carlowcoco.ie | 059 9136207

Be Active as much as possible!
Be careful to start easy – gradually increase the amount of physical activity that
you are doing. Be as active as your ability allows. If you feel unwell on any day, do
not push yourself to complete these exercises.

              Week 1          Week2             Week 3         Week 4           Week5            Week 6

            AM      PM      AM        PM      AM      PM      AM      PM      AM       PM      AM      PM








Why not attempt the exercises on pages 4-7? Try to do each one 10-12 times or as many times as you are
able. Combine them with the walking programme or the exercises on RTE 1 television and use the chart
here to keep a record of what you have been doing each day for the next few weeks.
For those of you who can go outside to walk, Carlow Sports Partnership have put together a 6-week walking
programme to help you maintain fitness.
Remember to adhere strictly to the HSE guidelines on exercise during Covid 19. Wash your hands before
and after exercising. Be advised that these restrictions may be altered at any time.

  Why walking is so good for you
  Any little bit of activity is better than none at
  all – even small amounts of physical activity
  bring physical and mental health benefits.
  Go on, try it! Physical activity:
  ●     Helps to prevent falls
  ●     Reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke
  ●     Helps to maintain good bone density
  ●     Reduces the risk of dementia
  ●     Improves your mood

  8          For a comprehensive guide to being active during Covid 19, visit https://www.sportireland.ie/covid19
Martha Jane Duggan | Carlow Sports Partnership
                                            email: mjduggan@carlowcoco.ie | 059 9136207

   The  6-Week
    Did you       Walking
            know that         Programme
                      just 30 minutes
      of physical activity a day can make
   Walking is a powerful and scientifically proven method of transforming your body
   and boosting your mood. Research shows it can add years to your life and add life
      a big difference to your health?
   to your years. Additionally, it is a good way of managing weight. Going for a walk in
   these troubled times (subject to Government and HSE guidelines) will benefit your
      ....#BeActive at Home
   body in other significant ways too.
   It will do you good to get out of the house and get some fresh
   air! COVID19,       and the
        REMEMBER observe          restrictions
                                social distancing protocols and wash
   yourneeded        to contain
          hands before              and manage
                         and after exercising.
   Warm it, up
            hasby disrupted       everybody’s
                   walking at an easy   pace for the first 4 minutes of
   each work out and do the same to cool down at the end.
        routine from a community, work,
   Endurance Walks: Build strength and stamina. Walk at a
        family, shopping, entertainment
   steady, brisk pace.
        and physical activity
   Four by Twos: Boost your endurance so longer walks are a
   breeze.   Alternate 4 minutes of fast walking with 2 minutes of
   brisk walking.
        Carlow Sports
   30-Second      Surges:Partnership   is committed
                           Increase your              to
                                            overall walking  speed.
   Alternate   30aseconds
                     supportive  environment
                             of speed   walkingwhich
                                                with 1 minute of easy
        encourages people to lead active and
   Even healthy  lifestyles.
          Stevens:    Improve your body’s ability to go longer at top
   speeds. Alternate equal amounts of fast walking and brisk
       We continue to do this in line with the latest
       advice from the Department of Health

             the Department of the Taoiseach.
    WEEK 1is very important to:                                    WEEK 4
    Day 1: Endurance – 15-min brisk walk                           Day 1: Endurance – 30-min brisk walk
       ■ Keep yourself mobile by getting up and moving around as much as possible.
    Day 2: Four by Twos – (explanation above). Do 2 times
             Go outdoors,–walk
    Day■3: Endurance            andbrisk
                           15-min   get fresh
                                                                   Day 2: Four by Twos – 4 times
                                         walk air within the recommended
                                                                          restrictions– 30-min brisk walk
                                                                   Day 3: Endurance
             Keep the distance
    Day■4: 30-Second     Surgesof at least 1m but where possible 2 meters
             – (explanation above). Do 8 times
                                                                           from other people
                                                                   Day 4: 30-Second                  activity has
                                                                                      Surges – 16 times
                                                                   Day 5: Endurance –30-min brisk walk
                           15-min  brisk walk may be changed or altered
                                 restrictions                      Day 6: at
                                                                                 time so–please      numerous
                                                                                          6 times, 2 min each
          6: Even Stevens   –  (explanation  above). Do   6 times
                the latest advice from the Department of Health.
      This2booklet provides information to Be Active at Home WEEK
   WEEK                                                            specifically
                                                                            5     for older adults, benefits. It
                                                                   Day 1: Endurance – 35-min briskalso       boosts
      people with a disability and those cocooning.
   Day 1: Endurance – 20-min brisk walk                                                               walk
   DayBe2:aware   that
            Four by    this–crisis
                    Twos    3 timeswill pass and you will need to maintain
                                                                   Day 2: Foura good, strong
                                                                                 by Twos  – 5 times
                                                                   Day 3: Endurance – 35-min briskyour       spirit
      working body and mind to be able to enjoy life afterwards.
   Day 3: Endurance – 20-min brisk walk                                                                walk
      If you  have  ANY  queries  about
   Day 4: 30-Second Surges – 12 times    what you can  do, how  to do it or  anything  contained in
                                                                   Day 4: 30-Second Surges – 20 times
   Daythis  booklet you–can
         5: Endurance         call us.
                          20-min       Wewalk
                                   brisk  are here to help and weDay
   Day 6: Even Stevens – 6 times, 1.5 min each
                                                                    want 5: to                       and you will
                                                                               help you.– 35-min brisk walk
                                                                   Day 6: Even Stevens – 6 times, 2.5 min each
   WEEK 3                                                          WEEK 6                            feel good
     Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to undertake these exercises safely. Remember to start after.

   Day 1: Endurance – 25-min brisk walk                            Day 1: Endurance – 40-min brisk walk
   Day 2: Four by Twos – 4 times                                   Day 2: Four by Twos – 5 times
      out gently and gradually increase your level of physical activity. If you have not been active for
   Day 3: Endurance
     some              – 25-min
           time, it would be best brisk   walkyour GP before undertaking
                                    to consult                        Day 3:
                                                                              exercise – 40-min brisk walk
   Day 4: 30-Second
     programme.    CeaseSurges   – 16 times
                          performing                                  Day pain
                                        these exercises if you experience 4: 30-Second
                                                                                or you feelSurges    – 20 times
                                                                                             unwell. The
     authors  and  advisors, who   have
   Day 5: Endurance – 25-min brisk walk  created this brochure, acceptDay 5: Endurance – 40-minasbrisk walk
                                                                       no liability for injury caused
     a result of participation in these exercises.
   Day 6: Even Stevens – 6 times, 2 min each                          Day 6: Even Stevens – 6 times, 2.5 min each

For a comprehensive guide to being active during Covid 19, visit https://www.sportireland.ie/covid19                99
Martha Jane Duggan | Carlow Sports Partnership
                      email: mjduggan@carlowcoco.ie | 059 9136207

Be Active as much as
                     possible!                                                              Lateral Arm Raises

                                                                                            Start with your arms straight by your sides or
Be careful to start easy – gradually increase the amount          ofyour
                                                           touching   physical
                                                                          wheels. Raise activity       that
                                                                                        your arms out to your
you are doing.10
               Be minute
                  as active as your ability allows.30If youyourfeel    unwell on any day, do
                                                           sides to shoulder level and then lower arms to
                                                                sides again.
not push yourself to complete these exercises.
     Home Exercise Circuit
                Week 1                       Week2           Week 3              Week 4                  Week5                    Week 6

                        - Circuit
                                 PM                      AM         PM         AM          PM         AM           PM           AM           PM
     Perform each exercise for 30 seconds. Repeat 4 times.
  Mon          Add dumbells for extra resistance.
      All exercises can be completed seated or standing.                        Seated




   Fri                        Supported By



  2       Twists/Rotations                                   3 Star Jump Arms
Why not attempt the exercises on pages 4-7? Try to do each one 10-12Start
                                                                     timeswith or
                                                                               youras  many
                                                                                    arms        times
                                                                                         straight by your as  you
                                                                                                          sides      are
                                                                                                                or touching
able. Combine    them
           Start by       with
                    stretching    the
                               your     walking
                                     arms  out in frontprogramme
                                                        of you, then or the exercises on your
                                                                                               1 television     andout
                                                                                                     Raise your arms   use    thesides
                                                                                                                         to your   chart
           turn as far as possible to the left, back to the centre,                      above your head, touching your hands together.
here to keep  a record of what you have been doing each day for the next
           then as far as possible to the right. If you have
                                                                                              few weeks.
                                                                                         Lower your arms to your sides again.
For secs
    those oflimited mobility
              you who     canin your
                                 go trunk, this exercise
                                     outside             can be
                                                  to walk,   Carlow Sports Partnership
                                                                                       have put together a 6-week walking
            done from the neck upwards, completing the exercise
                 help the
                       youhead maintain     fitness.
                                  from left to right.
Remember to adhere strictly to the HSE guidelines on exercise during Covid 19. Wash your hands before
and after exercising. Be advised that these restrictions may be altered at any time.

   Why walking is so good for you

   Any little bit of activity is better than none at
   all – even small amounts of physical activity
   bring physical and mental health benefits.
   Go on, try it! Physical activity:
   ● Helps to prevent falls
   ● Reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke
   ● Helps to maintain good bone density
  Standing                                                                      Standing

   ● Reduces the risk of dementia
   ● Improves your mood

  10           For
               For aa comprehensive
                      comprehensive guide
                                    guide to
                                          to being
                                             being active
                                                   active during
                                                          during Covid
                                                                 Covid 19, visit https:/
                                                                       19, visit https:///www.sportireland.ie/covid19
Martha Jane Duggan | Carlow Sports Partnership
                                                    email: mjduggan@carlowcoco.ie | 059 9136207

    4   6-Week
        you       Walking
            know that         Programme
                      just 305minutes
                Chest Press                                                                High Knees

       of physical activity a day can make
                Tuck your arms and elbows close to your sides to                           Start by raising your arms out in front of you, keeping
   Walking start.
             is aWith
                    powerful           and
                        your hands facing       scientifically
                                           out, push  your arms
            straight out from chest level. Slowly bring your arms
                                                                      proven methodthem ofattransforming                  your
                                                                                              hip height. Lift your right knee up tobody
                                                                                     right hand and lower back down. Repeat on the left.
   and30boosting      your
            back ensuring        mood.
                            you keep          Research
                                     your elbows  tucked into yourshows it can add years
                                                                                     Continuetothis your
                                                                                                    movement  life    andyour
                                                                                                                alternating   addlegs life
                                                                                                                                      at a

       a big difference to your health?
            sides. This can also be done against a wall to add                  30   speed that suits you.
      secs                                                                     secs
   to your years.
            resistance orAdditionally,             it is a good way of managing weight. Going for a walk in
                          with weights in your hands.

   these troubled times (subject to Government and HSE guidelines) will benefit your
       ....#BeActive at Home
   body in other significant ways too.
   It will do you good to get out of the house and get some fresh
   air! COVID19,       and the
        REMEMBER observe          restrictions
                                social distancing protocols and wash
   yourneeded        to contain
          hands before              and manage
                         and after exercising.
   Warm it, up
     Seated hasby disrupted       everybody’s
                   walking at an easy   pace for the first 4 minutes of         Seated
   each work out and do the same to cool down at the end.
        routine from a community, work,
   Endurance Walks: Build strength and stamina. Walk at a
        family, shopping, entertainment
   steady, brisk pace.
        and physical activity
   Four by Twos: Boost your endurance so longer walks are a
   breeze.   Alternate 4 minutes of fast walking with 2 minutes of
   brisk walking.
        Carlow Sports
   30-Second      Surges:Partnership   is committed
                           Increase your              to
                                            overall walking  speed.
   Alternate   30aseconds
                     supportive  environment
                             of speed   walkingwhich
                                                with 1 minute of easy
        encourages people to lead active and
     Standing                                                                   Standing
   Even healthy  lifestyles.
          Stevens:    Improve your body’s ability to go longer at top
   speeds. Alternate equal amounts of fast walking and brisk
       We continue to do this in line with the latest
       advice from the Department of Health

             the Department of the Taoiseach.
    WEEK 1is very important   to:                                  WEEK 4
                                                                                  1 Bicep Curls

                                                                                    Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and elbows
    Day 1: Endurance – 15-min brisk walk                           Day 1: Endurance      – 30-min
                                                                                    tucked             brisk
                                                                                            into your sides.   walkyour arms by your side
       ■ Keep yourself mobile by getting up and moving around as much as possible.
    Day 2: Four by Twos
                        10– minute
    Day 3: Endurance –walk
             Go outdoors,
                             (explanation above). Do 2 times
                           15-min   get fresh
                                                                   Day 2: Four
                                         walk air within the recommended
                                                                            30 by Twos
                                                                                    hands to–your
                                                                   Day 3: Endurance Slowly
                                                                                         – lower
                                                                                    and elbows tucked in, bend your arms and raise your
                                                                                                4 times
                                                                                                   shoulders keeping your hands facing up.
                                                                                                  your hands
                                                                                             30-min     brisktowalk
                                                                                                                 hip level and then repeat
      Home Exercise Circuit
             Keep the distance
    Day■4: 30-Second     Surgesof at least 1m but where possible 2 meters
                                                                                    this movement.
                                                                           from other people
                                                                   Day 4: 30-Second                  activity has
                                                                                         Surges – 16 times
             – (explanation above). Do 8 times                     Day 5: Endurance –30-min brisk walk
                           15-min  brisk walk may be changed or altered
                                 restrictions                      Day 6: at
                                                                                  time so–please     numerous
                                                                                                6 times, 2 min each
          6: EvenAerobics
                  Stevens   –   - Circuit
                               (explanation   2
                                             above). Do   6 times
                the latest advice from the Department of Health.
      This2booklet provides information to Be Active at Home WEEK
   WEEK  Perform each exercise for 30 seconds. Repeat 4 times.     specifically
                                                                            5     for older adults, benefits. It
                                                                   Day 1: Endurance – 35-min briskalso       boosts
      people with a disability and those cocooning.
                   Add dumbells for extra resistance.
   Day 1: Endurance – 20-min brisk walk
          All exercises can be completed seated or standing.                    Seated
   DayBe2:aware   that
            Four by    this–crisis
                    Twos    3 timeswill pass and you will need to maintain
                                                                   Day 2: Foura good, strong
                                                                                 by Twos  – 5 times
                                                                   Day 3: Endurance – 35-min briskyour       spirit
      working body and mind to be able to enjoy life afterwards.
   Day 3: Endurance – 20-min brisk walk                                                                walk
      If you  have  ANY  queries  about
   Day 4: 30-Second Surges – 12 times    what you can  do, how  to do it or  anything  contained in
                                                                   Day 4: 30-Second Surges – 20 times
   Daythis  booklet you–can
         5: Endurance         call us.
                          20-min       Wewalk
                                   brisk  are here to help and weDay
   Day 6: Even Stevens – 6 times, 1.5 min each
                                                                    want 5: to                       and you will
                                                                               help you.– 35-min brisk walk
                                                                   Day 6: Even Stevens – 6 times, 2.5 min each
   WEEK 3                                                          WEEK 6                            feel good
     Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to undertake these exercises safely. Remember to start after.

   Day 1: Endurance – 25-min brisk walk
                                Supported By
                                                                   Day 1: Endurance – 40-min brisk walk
   Day 2: Four by Twos – 4 times                                   Day 2: Four by Twos – 5 times
      out gently and gradually increase your level of physical activity. If you have not been active for
   Day 3: Endurance
     some              – 25-min
           time, it would be best brisk   walkyour GP before undertaking
                                    to consult                        Day 3:
                                                                              exercise – 40-min brisk walk
   Day 4: 30-Second
     programme.    CeaseSurges   – 16 times
                          performing                                  Day pain
                                        these exercises if you experience 4: 30-Second
                                                                                or you feelSurges     – 20 times
                                                                                             unwell. The
     authors  and  advisors, who   have
   Day 5: Endurance – 25-min brisk walk  created this brochure, acceptDay 5: Endurance – 40-minasbrisk walk
                                                                       no liability for injury caused
                      THESE EXERCISES
     a result of participation              ARE PARTICULARLY SUITABLE FOR THOSE WHO ARE COCOONING.
                               in these exercises.
   Day 6: Even Stevens    – 6 times,
                      REMEMBER      WHEN2 min each
                                           EXERCISING,   PLEASE STAYDay   6: Even
                                                                       IN YOUR       Stevens
                                                                                  HOUSE,        – 6 times,
                                                                                           GARDEN          2.5 min each
                                                                                                     OR BALCONY.

For a comprehensive guide to being active during Covid 19, visit https://www.sportireland.ie/covid19                                         11
Martha Jane Duggan | Carlow Sports Partnership
                          email: mjduggan@carlowcoco.ie | 059 9136207

   Active as much as
                   3 possible!
               Shoulder Rotations
                                                                                                    Overhead Press

                                                                                                    Start by bringing your hands to shoulder level with
Be careful
                     your armseasy        – gradually
                                straight down either side of yourincrease the amount     of physical
                                                                                   your hands  facing upwards. activity        that
                                                                                                                 Keeping your elbows
         body. Lift your shoulders up towards your ears as high                    tucked into your sides raise both hands above your
you are doing.
         as you can andBethenasrollactive      as your
                                    them backwards   and down.ability allows. If you  feel
                                                                                   head  at theunwell        on any
                                                                                                same time ensuring         day,
                                                                                                                     you keep      do
                                                                                                                              your hands
    30                                                                             facing upwards and elbows tucked in. Lower your
          yourself           toshoulders
                 - lifting your    complete
                                          up and thenthese
         Complete this movement 10 times. Reverse this
                                                       roll them exercises. secs
                                                                                   hands to shoulder level and repeat the movement.
               forwards 10 times.

                  Week 1                       Week2                 Week 3              Week 4                  Week5                    Week 6

               AM            PM            AM             PM        AM    PM          AM          PM          AM           PM          AM           PM




  Standing                                                                             Standing

     4         Leg raises / side steps                                                   5          Side Bends
Why not attempt       thefeetexercises
          Start with your                       onleftpages
                               together. Lift your      leg out to4-7?
                                                                   the    Try to do each one 10-12Start
                                                                                                   times     or as
                                                                                                        with your armsmany
                                                                                                                        straighttimes    as you
                                                                                                                                 down either side ofare
able. Combine
          side ofthem
                 your bodywith       the
                             as far as      walking
                                       is comfortable,     programme
                                                       keeping   your
          chest up and back and hips straight. Bring your leg back to
                                                                              or the exercises on  RTE
                                                                                                  your    1 television
                                                                                                        body.               and
                                                                                                              Slowly reach your    use
                                                                                                                                 left handthe chart
                                                                                                                                           down towards
                                                                                                  your left knee and return back to a straight upright
here to keep  a record
          the starting positionof
                                andwhat       you
                                     repeat this     have5 been
                                                 movement                doing each day for the next
                                                                times with                              few weeks.
                                                                                                  position. Repeat this movement on your other side
     30        your left leg and then repeat with your right leg.                         30   reaching
    those of you who can go outside to walk, Carlow Sports Partnership                  secs  have  putyour right handadown
                                                                                                         together             towards
                                                                                                                         6-week        your right
           From seated, sit with back straight and legs together with                          knee and back to a straight upright position.
                     on theyou
                                  Side step yourfitness.
                                                  left leg out to the left
           and touch your toe to the floor and bring it back to the
             to adhere          strictly      to
                     position. Repeat this movement the     HSEwithguidelines
                                                        5 times      your     on exercise during Covid 19. Wash your hands before
and after exercising. Be advised that these restrictions may be altered at any time.
           left leg and then  repeat with  your right leg.

   Why walking is so good for you

   Any little bit of activity is better than none at
   all – even small amounts of physical activity
   bring physical and mental health benefits.
   Go on, try it! Physical activity:
   ● Helps to prevent falls
   ● Reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke
   ● Helps to maintain good bone density                                              Standing
   ● Reduces the risk of dementia
   ● Improves your mood

   12           For
                For aa comprehensive
                       comprehensive guide
                                     guide to
                                           to being
                                              being active
                                                    active during
                                                           during Covid
                                                                  Covid 19, visit https:/
                                                                        19, visit https:///www.sportireland.ie/covid19
Martha Jane Duggan | Carlow Sports Partnership
                                                email: mjduggan@carlowcoco.ie | 059 9136207

   NOTE: Carlow Sports Partnership is happy to share information on offerings from various providers at
       Did you know that just 30 minutes
   this time. However, Carlow Sports Partnership is not responsible for quality of delivery or changes in
   dates or times of information contained in this booklet.

       of physical  activity a day can make
       a big difference to your health?
   Programme           What is it?              What time / day?              Link                                           Devised by

       ....#BeActive at Home
   Older Adult
                Gentle exercises     Monday, Wednesday and
                for older adults and Fridays at 11am. Videos
                novelty ways of      can be accessed any
                                                                                                                             Age &

                playing Go For Life  time                                     Age & Opportunity Facebook page
       COVID19, and
                gamesthe restrictions
       needed to contain and manage                                           AgeandOpportunity/
            the disrupted       everybody’s
                     A bodyweight         Anytime – available on              https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-
   Move – but        exercise             YouTube                             hnIj-hQBDw&t=2043s
   suitable for    from     a community,
                     programme    for men    work,                                                                           Dún
       family, shopping,
   everybody         (or women).entertainment
                                  Use as  FREE                                                                               Laoghaire
   who wants         much or as little of
       and physical
   to workout   at         activity
                     it as you want.                                                                                         Sports
   homeperspective.                                                                                                          Partnership
   ExWell@Home       ExWell @ Home            Monday Thursday and             https://www.rte.ie/lifestyle/                  ExWell
                     is a sophisticated       Friday – being developed        living/2020/0403/1128253-watch-
       Carlow SportshomePartnership
                            exercise is committed      to through RTE.
                                              for delivery                    how-to-warm-up-properly-before-
       creating a supportive
                     programme   environment which                            exercising/
       encourages people     to lead
                     developed          active and
                                   by expert
                     team, for people
       healthy lifestyles.                                                    https://www.exwell.ie/resources
                     with all types of
       We continue to do this illnesses.
                                  in line with the latest
       advice from the Department of Health

      andAging      Free Active
            the Department      Aging
                            of the       2pm on Tuesdays via
                                   Taoiseach.                                 www.compassphysio.ie/pilates                   Compass
   Classes          Classes
      It is very important to:           Zoom.                                                                               Physio
                                          Book online
   Chair GymKeep yourself mobile
                     Older Adult
                                 by getting up and11am
       ■ Go outdoors, walk and get freshChair
                                            air within
                                                            around ashttps:/
                                                         Facebook     much/www.facebook.com/
                                                                             as possible.
                                                       the recommended
                                                 Gym 2pm   Facebook       restrictions
                                                                                                                      Siel Bleu

       ■ Keep the distance of at least 1mand
   Mixed Workout A class / workout
                                                     where possible 2 meters from other people
                                               Delivered through             https://www.facebook.com/
                                                                                                                 activity       has
                                                                                                                      Get fit Smiling
                      for everybody
           advised that these restrictionsatmay
                                               Facebook live and Zoom GetFitSmiling/
                                                        be changed
                                                  various   times andor altered at any time so please            numerous
   for Seniors
       follow the latest advice from the Department
                                               dates bot freeof    Health.
             booklet provides information to Be Active at Home specifically for older adults, benefits. It
                                                                 and   paid
       Thisfitness                             for classes

       people with a disability and those cocooning.
       Be aware thatFollow
   Muscle                     Croí’s will passFacebook
                        this crisis             and you will/ Twitter.       http://croi.ie/resistance-training-at-
                                                                 need to maintain    a good, strong                        Heart
   strength  for      Physical  Activity                                     home/                                    & Stroke
       working body and mind to be ableDenise
   older adults of
       If you
   every  levelhave
                      Specialist, Maria,
                    ANY   queries
                      as she bringsabout
                                                to enjoy
                                               here  if
                                                        you  need
                                                              Maria are
                                     you what you can do, how to do it or anything contained in
                                                                                                                 and you will
   no equipment       through   activities     Contact us through
                                           to are
       this booklet you    can call us. We        here to help and we want to help you.
   needed             help tackle the age- Facebook, by email at
                      associated muscle        healthteam@croi.ie or
                      loss                     call 091-544310.
                                                                                                                 feel good
                       is your responsibility to undertake these exercises safely. Remember to start after.

        minutesIt of        daily activity and fitness - broadcast daily on RTE 1 at 2.20pm
       out gently
    In support    and gradually
               of people  cocooningincrease
                                       at this your
                                               time,level  of physical
                                                     RTE has  launchedactivity.    If you
                                                                          a 15 minute     have not been
                                                                                        programme        active
                                                                                                   to help olderfor
                                                                                                                  people to keep active
       some It
    at home. time,
               willitbewould  be best
                        broadcast      to on
                                    daily  consult  your
                                              RTÉ One  at GP before
                                                          2.20pm.      undertaking
                                                                    It will           an exercise
                                                                            help viewers  who are at home and some in self-isolation or
    cocooning  and will
       programme.        offerperforming
                      Cease    tips, especially
                                                    older viewers,
                                                               if youon  how to keep
                                                                       experience      healthy
                                                                                     pain      and
                                                                                          or you   happy.
                                                                                                 feel unwell. The
    Fitness     andbeadvisors,
            15 will            who have
                      hosted Monday       created
                                       to Friday at this
                                                         PM on withaccept no liability for injury caused as
                                                                    Ray Lally,
       a result of participation in these  exercises.
    the Today Show fitness expert, and Dáithí Ó Sé

For a comprehensive guide to being active during Covid 19, visit https://www.sportireland.ie/covid19                                      13
Martha Jane Duggan | Carlow Sports Partnership
                     email: mjduggan@carlowcoco.ie | 059 9136207

Be Active as much as possible!
NOTE: Carlow Sports Partnership is happy to share information on offerings from various providers at
this time. However, Carlow Sports Partnership is not responsible for quality of delivery or changes in
dates or times of information contained in this booklet.
Be careful to start easy – gradually increase the amount of physical activity that
you are doing. Be as active as yourDISABILITY
                                    ability allows. If you feel unwell on any day, do
not push yourself to complete these exercises.
 Programme           What is it?          What time / day?          Link                                   Devised by
 Strength          A completely new      Anytime – available on     https://www.specialolympics.org/school- Special
 Training suitable way1to exercise,Week2 YouTube Week 3                 Week 4
                                                                    of-strength            Week5            Week 6
 for everybody     featuring WWE
 – great family    Superstar Becky       FREE
 workout     AM       PM        AM
                   Lynch. Work out       PM       AM        PM       AM       PM       AM       PM       AM       PM
                   with these videos
  Mon              five times a week to
                   help you stay fit and
                   reach your athletic
  Tues             goals
 Workouts for        Good video content On Facebook page and        https://www.facebook.com/              Kris
 wheelchair          of home workouts   FREE                                                               Saunders,
 users               suitable for                                                                          Wheely Good
                     wheelchair users.                                                                     Fitness
 Strength            A completely new      Anytime – available on   https://www.specialolympics.org/school- Special
 Training suitable   way to exercise,      YouTube                  of-strength                             Olympics
     everybody       featuring WWE
 – great family      Superstar Becky       FREE
 workout             Lynch. Work out
  Sat                with these videos
                     five times a week to
  Sun                help you stay fit and
                     reach your athletic
Why not attempt the exercises on pages 4-7? Try to do each one 10-12 times or as many times as you are
able. Combine them with the walking programme or the exercises on RTE 1 television and use the chart

 Video programmes
here to keep a record of what you have been doing each day for the next few weeks.
For those of you who can go outside to walk, Carlow Sports Partnership have put together a 6-week walking
programme to help you maintain fitness.
 Here are some
Remember          good YouTube
             to adhere  strictly tovideos
                                    the HSEto try.
                                              guidelines on exercise during Covid 19. Wash your hands before
 Be after
and  careful  to start easy
          exercising.       – gradually
                        Be advised         increase
                                     that these      the
                                                 restrictions may be altered at any time.
 amount of physical activity that you are doing. Be
 as active as your ability allows. If you feel unwell
 on any day, do not push yourself to complete these

  Why walking is so good for you
 15 Minute Senior Workout–Low Impact Exercises
  Any little
 https:/     bit of activity is better than none at
  all – even small amounts of physical activity
 20-minute Sample Workout for Older Adults
  bring physical and mental health benefits.
  Go on, try it! Physical activity:
 30   Helps
  ● Min     to prevent
         Beginner Weightfalls
                          Training for Beginners
 Workout  Strength
  ● Reduces         Training
               the risk       Dumbbell
                        of heart attack Workouts
                                        and stroke
  ● Helps
 https:/    to maintain good bone density
  ● Reduces the risk of dementia
 15 Minute Senior Workout–Low Impact
  ● Improves your
 Exerciseshttps:/    mood

  14          For a comprehensive guide to being active during Covid 19, visit https://www.sportireland.ie/covid19
Martha Jane Duggan | Carlow Sports Partnership
                                            email: mjduggan@carlowcoco.ie | 059 9136207

   Motivating    yourself
    Did you know that         to be active
                      just 30 minutes
      of physical activity a day can make
   Right now things are different, regardless of whether you are regularly
      a big difference to your health?
   active or not. We all have to learn to adapt to the new situation. This
   relates to all aspects of your life – shopping, seeing family and friends
      ....#BeActive at Home
   and physical activity.
      COVID19, physical activity
               and the restrictions                                Time to get doing things!
         of all, we to
                     maycontain     and
                          be adjusting to manage
                                          new restrictions         ■ Focus on what you CAN do, not what you
   and this means that exercising and physical activity            CAN’T do.
       it, has disrupted everybody’s
   might be affected, but there are still many
       routine to    from   a community,                       ■ Make a training plan and make it part of your
   opportunities       be active. While we are work,
                                                waiting for
       family,     shopping,      entertainment
   this crisis to be over, we may as well get moving,
                                                                   daily routine. For example, each morning do
   get and
       active,physical      activity
                 and get happy.  The alternative to being          the exercises in this booklet. Learn them and
   active is  to sit around being  glum about things and           get good at them!
   that will impact on our mental health and on those          ■ Then, in the early afternoon, tune into the
   around us.                                                      television (RTE 1) at 2.20pm for your daily 15
       Carlow Sports Partnership is committed to
       creating a supportive environment which
                                                                   minute exercise class.
       encourages people to lead active and                    ■ Do some light work in your house, garden or
       healthy lifestyles.                                         balcony at some stage
                                                               ■ Climb the stairs a little more often each day to
       We continue to do this in line with the latest
                                                                   make your legs strong – slowly at first!
       advice from the Department of Health
                                                               ■ If you have internet access – use the links in

       and the Department of the Taoiseach.
       It is very important to:                                    this booklet to access classes
                                                               ■ Use weights to create resistance to maintain
       ■ Keep yourself mobile by getting up and moving around asmuscles.
       ■ Go outdoors, walk and get fresh air within the recommended
                                                                    much as possible.
                                                                               Alternatively, fill plastic drinks bottles
                                                                          water or sand or just use tins of beans!
       ■ Keep the distance of at least 1m but where possible 2■ meters  from other
                                                                   Do some          people
                                                                               things                   activity has
                                                                                      that you haven’t done in a while
                                                                   that you used to really enjoy. Use this time as
       Be advised that these restrictions may be changed or alteredan opportunity
                                                                       at any time sotoplease           numerous
                                                                                         try sewing, knitting, do a
       follow the latest advice from the Department of Health. crossword or perhaps write a poem?
                                                                   Mix things
       This booklet provides information to Be Active at Home specifically    for up and
                                                                                  older    have fun.
                                                                                        adults,         benefits. It
                                                                                                        also boosts
       people with a disability and those cocooning.           ■ Write down what you are doing and see your
       Be aware that this crisis will pass and you will need to maintain        – enjoy
                                                                          a good, strongsharing this when you speak

       If you have ANY queries about what you can do, how to do it you   to continue
                                                                     or anything
                                                                                                        your spirit
       working body and mind to be able to enjoy life afterwards. with others. Seeing progress will motivate
                                                                                      and beinproud of your
       this booklet you can call us. We are here to help and we want   to help you.
                                                                                                        and you will
                                                                  It is OK if you don’t feel like doing feel
                                                                                                        any of thegood
                                                                                                                   above. We
                                                                  know it’s a difficult time. It’s also OK if you start and fall
      Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to undertake these exercises safely. Remember to start after.

                                                                  by the wayside – simply start again! We’re all learning
                                                                  new things and gradually learning how to cope.
      out gently and gradually increase your level of physical activity. If you have not been active for
      some time, it would be best to consult your GP before undertaking
                                                                   Remember an exercise
                                                                                    this is about you – do not worry what
      programme. Cease performing these exercises if you experienceothers areoror
                                                                           pain      you
                                                                                                        Promise yourself that when
      authors and advisors, who have created this brochure, accept this crisis is over, you will beasfitter and stronger than
                                                                      no   liability for injury caused
      a result of participation in these exercises.
                                                                   ever before!

For a comprehensive guide to being active during Covid 19, visit https://www.sportireland.ie/covid19                        15
Martha Jane Duggan | Carlow Sports Partnership
                  email: mjduggan@carlowcoco.ie | 059 9136207

Be Active as
Managing                        muchthrough
                           stress               as possible!
belly         breathing
Be careful to start easy – gradually increase the amount of physical activity that
you are doing. Be as active as your ability allows. If you feel unwell on any day, do
not push yourself to complete these exercises.

             Week 1             Week2             Week 3              Week 4            Week5            Week 6

           AM       PM       AM        PM       AM        PM        AM       PM      AM       PM       AM       PM





  Friof us are feeling stressed and anxious now
Many                                                              1. Start by finding a comfortable position, either
because of the uncertainty and lack of control that we
                                                                     sitting or lying down
  Satover our daily lives. Our bodies react to stress in a
number of different ways, both physically and mentally:           2. Relax your shoulders
   Increased heart rate                                           3. Place one hand on your chest
 ● Breathing becomes quick and shallow                            4. Place your other hand on your abdomen
 ● Butterflies
Why   not attempt  in our
                      the stomach
                          exercises on pages 4-7? Try to do each        one 10-12
                                                                  5. Breathe       times or
                                                                               in deeply     as manyyour
                                                                                           through    times as you
                                                                                                          nose  forare
 ● We
able.    lose concentration
      Combine     them with the walking programme or the exercises             on
                                                                     count of four RTE 1 television and use the chart
 ● Thoughts
here  to keep abegin    to race
                   record   of what you have been doing each day for the next few weeks.
                                                                  6. As you breathe in, focus on expanding your
For those
One  of theof  youways
            first   who can   go outside
                         we can   help to to  walk, stress
                                           reduce   CarlowinSports Partnership
                                                                     belly like ahave put together a 6-week walking
programme      to help you  maintain  fitness.
our bodies is by focusing on our breathing. Many of us
                                                                  7. Breathe out slowly for a count of four, feeling
Remember  just to
               using  our chests
                  adhere   strictlyand
                                    to do
                                             HSEuse  our belly,on exercise during Covid 19. Wash your hands before
which  is a exercising.
            habit we pickBe upadvised
                                as we age.                           your belly pushing the air out of your lungs
and after                                thatAsthese
                                                babies, we all
                                                      restrictions  may be altered at any time.
breathed using our bellies. We tend to breathe this               8. Repeat this breathing cycle at least five
way when we are sleeping, as it is the more natural                  times, or until you feel relaxed.
way to breathe.

  Why walking is so good for you
Practice belly breathing a few times a day until it
starts to feel more natural. Then the next time you are
feeling stressed, take a few moments to belly breathe
                                                               By Jessie Barr who is a Performance Psychologist at
                                                               the Sport Ireland Institute. The advice below is a step-
                                                               by-step guide to belly breathing and the benefits of
to Any
   help little bit ofand
        you relax     activity is better
                         take back       than none at
                                   control.                    focusing on breathing to control stress and anxiety.
  all – even small amounts of physical activity

 Mental             Wellbeing      Campaign
  bring physical and mental health benefits.
 Go on, try it! Physical activity:
  ● campaign     offers support
       Helps to prevent    falls and resources for people to help deal with the
 stress, isolation  and helps
  ● Reduces the risk of heart  people  maintain
                                     attack andwellbeing
                                                 stroke and cope at home during
 this time.
  ● Helps to maintain good bone density
  ● campaign     is running
       Reduces the    risk ofon all National and Local radio channels, as well as
 across social and digital platforms.
  ● Improves your mood
 The website is www.gov.ie/together and the hashtag is #Together.

  16        For a comprehensive
                  comprehensive guide
                                guide to
                                                            Covid19,  visit https:/
                                                                  19,visit        //www.sportireland.ie/covid19
                                                                             https:/ www.sportireland.ie/covid19
You can also read