Page created by Rick Ray
Farm     News
                                                       Farm     News                                              January 2021

Dairygold urges Farm Safety to remain the number one priority
for all in 2021
Despite agriculture only making up        The new Accelerated Capital             There are resources on the HSA
about 6% of the entire Irish workforce,   Allowance (ACA) scheme will make        website ( for
50% of all workplace fatalities take      changes to the capital allowance        which anyone working with heavy
place within the Irish agricultural       treatment of certain farm safety        machinery or livestock should avail
sector.                                   equipment, and adaptive equipment       of.
                                          for farmers with disabilities. The
Appointed as Minister of State with       scheme will increase capital            Speaking on the matter, Dairygold
special responsibility around farm        allowances from 12.5% to 50% per        Chairman John O’Gorman said,
safety, Martin Heydon says that the       annum over two years for certain        “While it is sad to see that the
Government is determined to “drive        eligible equipment.                     agricultural sector remains the most
down the unacceptably high level of                                               dangerous sector to work in, it is
farm fatalities and farm safety           An Innovation Partnership (EIP)         encouraging to see that action is
incidents.”                               model will fund a number of             being taken to encourage farm
                                          community-led farm safety projects      safety. Nevertheless, I urge farmers
Figures from the Health and Safety        and help explore new and innovative     to remain vigilant of the ever-present
Authority’s website show that 19          ways of dealing with Farm Safety        dangers on the farm for their own
people have died on Irish Farms in        challenges within the sector. Stage 1   safety and the safety of others.”
2020, one more death compared to          of the EIP call for proposals on Farm
the 2019 figures. Tragically, three of    Health, Safety and Wellbeing was        “I also encourage farmers to look
those who died were children and          launched in December, with a closing    after their mental well-being, and
nine were farmers aged over 65.           date of Friday 29th January 2021.       pick up the phone to a relative or
                                                                                  friend if they need too. I, on behalf of
The aim for 2021, as the same with        Dairygold welcomes these initiatives,   Dairygold, would like to wish all our
every previous year, is to prevent        but still advises farmers to be aware   Member farmers, and your families, a
further fatalities occurring on Irish     and vigilant of the dangers that        very safe and successful new farming
farms. Initiatives have been              farming can present, especially in      year.”
introduced to encourage farm safety.      the run up to the busy spring period.

Dairygold Board members update
Dairygold is pleased to announce that Mr. John O’Gorman and Mr. Patrick Clancy have been re-elected to the
positions of Dairygold Chairman and Dairygold Vice Chairman, respectively, in recent elections. We would also like
to acknowledge Mr. Gerard O’Dwyer who was re-elected to the Board before Christmas and Mr. Sean O’Brien, who
is the newest member to join the Board, elected back in early December.

     Mr. John O’Gorman               Mr. Patrick Clancy           Mr. Gerard O’Dwyer              Mr. Sean O’Brien
     Dairygold Chairman           Dairygold Vice Chairman           Board Member                   Board Member
Dairy Market Report
                                                                           GLOBAL MILK PRODUCTION & TRADE
        *Denotes Estimate                                                                                                                                                RUSSIA IMPORTS (Jan-Sep 2020 vs 2019)
                                                                                                                                                                           Butter Cheese          SMP       WMP

                                                                                                                                                                            +7%         +7%      -37%       -28%

                                                                                                                                                          CHINA IMPORTS (Jan – Oct 2020 vs 2019)
                                              1.7%                                                                                                         Butter Cheese           SMP         WMP

                                                                                                                                                            +42%          +13%      -4%         +1%

                                                                                                                                                   Major Milk
                                                                                                                                                              Bn Litres
                                                                                                                                                  EU            163                     3.0%*
                                                                                                                                                  USA           96
                                                                                                                                                  New Zealand    22
                                                                                                                                                  Australia      8
                                                                                                                                                         FAO 2016                                                  0.0%

                                              SUPPLY SIDE                                                                                                   DEMAND SIDE
   • EU milk production increased in November 2020                                                                             • The European Milk Market Observatory (EMMO) have not
   compared to the same month in 2019.                                                                                         published up to date statistics since last month.
   • US milk production increased in November 2020                                                                             • For Jan-Oct 2020, Chinese imports of SMP and WMP were
   compared to 2019.                                                                                                           down (-6%), while EU SMP imports were down (-28%).
   • New Zealand milk production volume did fluctuate                                                                          • In Japan, overall cheese imports decreased (-6%) Q1-Q3
   in November 2020 compared to the same month in                                                                              2020 compared to the same period in 2019. In Russia
   2019.                                                                                                                       (+7%), South Korea (+14%) and China (14%) cheese
                                                                                                                               imports increased. Demand for butter and butteroil
   • Australian milk production increased in November                                                                          strengthened in China (+41%), Russia (+7%), the US (+%)
   2020 compared to the same month in 2019.                                                                                    and Australia (+13%) but weakened in the EU (-42%).

                                                                                    MARKET OUTLOOK AND PRICING
GDT YTD 2020                                                            YTD 2020
                                                                                                                                    WHOLE            SKIM
                                                   Whole Milk Powder Pricing (EUR)
                                                                                                                                     MILK            MILK                 BUTTER              MILK FAT        CHEDDAR
                                                                              European PZ                                          POWDER           POWDER
                                                                              NZ GDT

3,150                                                                                                                               -4.7%           -19.2%                 2.2%               -17.6%           -8.2%
                                                                                                                                    €2,694           €2,481               €3,688              €3,752           €3,323
                                                                                                                                    (5/01/2021)     (5/01/2021)           (5/01/2021)         (5/01/2021)      (5/01/2021)

                                                                                                                                    €2,820           €2,709               €3,606               €4,412          €3,594
2,900                                                                                                                              (7/01/2020)      (7/01/2020)           (7/01/2020)         (7/01/2020)      (7/01/2020)

                                                                                                                                              INDEX                   1039
2,650                                                                                                                              As we start into the new year on a positive note in terms of a vaccine
                                                                                                                                   rollout there are still a significant number of regions in lockdown. We
                                                                                                                                   should expect to see retail continue to benefit with lockdowns in force
                                                                                                                                   globally while foodservice demand will be negatively impacted by
2,400                                                                                                                              people staying home. Brexit is no longer an uncertainty, but supply
                                                                                                                                   chains are now grappling with new export rules. The year started off













                                                                                                                                   with a good level of market activity and the GDT receiving a positive
                                                                                                                                   boost. In the short term the market looks set to remain relatively stable.

                                                                                                                                                                                               Use the Dairygold Postal
                                    Monthly                            Joseph Spillane,

                                                                                                                    Gerard O’Donovan,                         David P Fox,
                                                                                                                                                                                                Payment Envelope or
                                    Voucher                              Meadstown,                                    Shanavoher,                              Glenfield,
                                                                                                                                                                                              pay by milk or grain offset
                                                                         Carrigalne,                                 Bweeing, Mallow,                       Ballylooby, Cahir,
                                    Winners                               Co. Cork.                                     Co. Cork.                            Co. Tipperary.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  and you could be
                                                                                                                                                                                                    a lucky winner!

   Page 2
Important Notices
REVOLVING                                                       Milk Purchasing
                                                                                                                                                                                        Fund 2021

FUND 2021                                                    Terms and Conditions
                                                                                                                 Dairygold is

                                                                                                                               d effective
                                                                                                                                             2021 Revo
                                                                                                                 suppliers an roducing a new 5 Ye
                                                                                                                                                        lving Fund
                                                                                                                                                                        'Opt Out'
                                                                                                                                           from Janua Revolving Fund which
                                                                                                                                                       ry 2021 as
                                                                                                                                                                   set out on
                                                                                                                                                                                    will be avail
                                                                                                                                                                               page 22 of         able to all
                                                                                                               If you DO NO                                                                the attache

                                                                                                                               T WISH to                                                                d Terms an
                                                                                                               complete thi               contribute                                                               d
                                                                                                                              s Opt-Out              to  the Revolving
                                                                                                                                         Form and                        Fund in 20
                                                                                                              Dairygold                            return it by                     21, you are
                                                                                                                          Co-O                                  po st to:                       required to
                                                                                                              Mitchelstow perative Society Lim
                                                                                                                            n, Co. Cork.             ited, Milk
                                                                                                                                                                 Advisory De
                                                                                                             I/We have                                                         partment,
Dairygold is introducing a new 5 Year Revolving                                                              22 of the 20
                                                                                                                           read the
                                                                                                                           21 Milk Pu
                                                                                                                                       Terms and
                                                                                                                                                    Co nditions of
                                                                                                                                                                                           Clonmel Ro
                                                                                                             NOT to pa                  rchasing Te                 the Revolvi
Fund which will be available to all suppliers and                                                                      rticipate in
                                                                                                                                     the 2021 –
                                                                                                                                                    rms and Co
                                                                                                                                                2025 Revo
                                                                                                                                                                  nditions an
                                                                                                                                                            lving Fund         d
                                                                                                                                                                                  ng Fund set
                                                                                                                                                                                 I/w e apply to
                                                                                                                                                                                                  out on pa
                                                                                                                                                                       .                           the Society
effective from January 2021 as set out on page
                                                                                                                            l Milk Supp
                                                                                                                                         lier Name

22 of the Milk Purchasing Terms and Conditions.
                                                                                                                               / Compan
                                                                                                                                          y Name:

If you DO NOT WISH to contribute to the
Revolving Fund in 2021, you are required to                                                                 Eircode:

complete the Opt-Out Form and return it by post                                                            Milk Supp
                                                                                                                    lier Acco
                                                                                                                                 unt Numb
to: Dairygold Co-Operative Society Limited, Milk                                                           Mobile Ph
                                                                                                                    one Numb

Advisory     Department,     Clonmel     Road,                                                            Milk Supp
                                                                                                                   lier Signa
Mitchelstown, Co. Cork.                            Lo-Call 1890 200 840

                                                                                                    The closin
                                                                                                              g date for
The closing date for receipt of completed Opt-                                                                             receipt of
                                                                                                                                                             Forms   received
                                                                                                                                                                                    in Dairyg
Out Forms received in Dairygold is 31st January 2021.                                                                                                         Dairygold
                                                                                                                                                                          - 2021 Milk
                                                                                                                                                                                                     old is 31 st
                                                                                                                                                                                                     & Quality
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Terms and

Milk Supply                                                                  2021 Milk Volume Forecasting
Dairygold December 2020 milk supply was +11.69% on
December 2019 milk volumes. Dairygold finished +2.81%                        NOW ON
over 2019 milk volumes for the year.                                         During December 2020 each Milk Supplier received a
                                                                             statement of his/ her previous three years Milk Supply (2018,
Reminder regarding                                                           2019 and 2020 Year to Date) to help in completing their

outstanding - Dairy Health                                                   2021 milk volume forecast.
                                                                             Your Milk Volume Forecasts can be completed on the
Certificate for 2021                                                         Gateway Member Portal. A sample of the form is shown
Each herd that supplies milk must be certified by your vet                   below.
annually to meet specific animal health requirements as
specified by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the
Marine (DAFM).
  There will no longer be a requirement to submit a list of
  animal tag numbers with the completed certificates

                2                             3
  On Page 1 -                       On Page 3 -
  Veterinary Certification of       Herdowner Declaration of
  Compliance - the vet must         Compliance - the herdowner
  complete the number of            must complete the number
  animals presented to him          of animals presented to him
  as milk yielding animals          as milk yielding animals to
  for certification                 the vet for certification.

These certificates must be submitted to Dairygold each
year. Please send the completed 2020 Certificate to your
local Milk Advisor or to:
Milk Advisory Department, Dairygold Co-Op, Clonmel
Road, Mitchelstown, Co. Cork.
If you have misplaced your blank Dairy Health Certificate
which was sent to you earlier this year, please contact
Dairygold Milk Advisory Helpdesk on 1890 200 840.
NOTE: Dairygold will not be in a position to collect milk from your
holding from 1st January 2021 unless it has received the fully
completed certificate.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Page 3
National Sustainable
               National SustainableDairy
                                    DairyAssurance  Scheme(SDAS)
                                          Assurance Scheme (SDAS)


          As a As a result
               result      of the
                      of the
                 National         current
                               current    nationalrestrictions
                              Sustainable     Dairy restrictionson
                                                       Assuranceon peoples
                                                                    peoples movements
                                                                                (SDAS)  due
               to COVID-19,   Bord Bia audits are  continuing  on a remote audit basis
          to COVID-19 Bord Bia audits are continuing on a remote audit basis only.     only.

                                           SDAS Audit Update
     Advice: If your       SDASSustainable
                     National        cert due Dairyto expire
                                                          Assuranceduring    the (SDAS)
                                                                         Scheme   busy calving period
     (Feb toAsApril)
                a resultyou
              Need             might
                        toof complete
                             the   currentwant
                                            the to
                                           national    consider
                                                   close    out ofon  pre-scheduling
                                                                      your       movements
                                                                              Bord        an due
                                                                                    Bia Audit? audit date
            to COVID-19, Bord Bia audits        are
                                                     Audityou      on
                                                              Update   a remote  audit basis only.
     through Dairygold for a time                                   know you that help may be
             Closing out any issues following your SDAS audit can be completed on the
     available.    As a result of the current national restrictions on peoples movements due
               Bord to
                         Producer   Homepage by taking the following steps.
                                  Bord Bia audits are continuing on a remote audit basis only.

                Need to complete the close out of your Bord Bia Audit?
                      1. Login to Bord Bia Producer Homepage
         Need  to complete
                         to issues
                                        the close
                                                   out of
                                             your SDAS
                                                                        Bia Audit?
                                                                     Bia Audit?
                                                                 be completed on the
              Bord Bia Producer Homepage by taking the following steps.
        Closing outClosing
                    any issues
                           out anyfollowing    youryour
                                   issues following   SDAS
                                                         SDASaudit   canbebecompleted
                                                               audit can      completed
                                                                                      on theon the
                   Bord Bia Producer  Homepage    by taking the following
        Bord Bia Producer Homepage by taking the following steps.         steps.
                          1. Login to Bord Bia Producer Homepage
                            2. Login using your Herd Number and
                              1. Login
                                          Bord Bia Producer
                            PIN                     by BordHomepage
                    1. Login   to Bord Bia Producer Homepage


                           3.Login   usingthe
                              Complete      your  Herd
                                               audit    Number and
                              2. Login using your Herdthrough
                                                       Number the
                           PIN Code
                           “Close     provided
                              PIN Code            by Bord
                                          sectionbybyBord  Bia.
                           relevant photos.
                      2. Login using your Herd Number and
                      PIN Code provided by Bord Bia.
                              3. Completethe
                           3. Complete    theaudit
                                               audit through
                              “Close Out” section by uploading
                           “Close  Out” section by uploading
                              relevant photos.
                           relevant photos.
                  3. Complete    AND   ASSISTANCE
                                    audit  through the
          • For technical assistance with the
                  “Close Out” section out by  remote audit process OR to
            retrieve your PIN
                  relevant     number please phone the Bord Bia
                           HELP AND ASSISTANCE
            Helpdesk on 01-5240410.
              • further
           • For            HELP
                  For technical      AND
                  retrieve youror
                                           with the the
                                          contact   remote audit process
                                                        Dairygold        OR to on
          • For                   a number
                 technical assistancemember pleasethe
                                                the remote
                                                              Bord Bia Department.
                                                             audit process   OR to
                   Helpdesk on 01-5240410.
              retrieve      HELP AND ASSISTANCE
                       your PIN
                • For further     numbercontact
                              information pleasethephone   the Helpdesk
                                                     Dairygold Bord Biaon
              Helpdesk   on 01-5240410.
                   1890-200-840  or a member of the Milk Advisory Department.
       • For technical assistance with the remote audit process OR to
         • For further information contact the Dairygold Helpdesk on
         retrieve your PIN number please phone the Bord Bia
Page 4      1890-200-840 or a member of the Milk Advisory Department.
         Helpdesk on 01-5240410.
Agri Trading Credit Limits
Our Agri-Trading Business has been         Why are we putting credit limit             • Farming is evolving at an ever
growing significantly in recent years      figures on statements now?                 increasing pace and co-op and farm
and an essential element to                                                           business are very much linked so
successful trade is the availability       • Credit limits have always been in        having this information available is in
and transparency around short              place on accounts billed but as a          the interest of having the right credit
term credit facilities. Further to         co-op we have to adhere to current         funding facilities available to both
communications around agri trading         best practice in corporate governance.     farmer and our co-operative model.
limits in both the February and
November 2020 Farm Newsletters we          • Farmers need to know what short          What will this look like on my
will shortly be posting you a letter       term credit facilities are available to    statement?
showing your current Agri-trading          them to manage their farms across the
credit limit which will subsequently                                                  It will appear on the top right hand
                                           spring and summer.
appear monthly on your milk trading                                                   side of statement and can be
statement from January 2021.               • A transparent Credit Limit process       discussed in conjunction with your
                                           will also make setting credit limits       account relationship manager if
Please note this will not change how       more business oriented          for all    required.
we do business with our customers          concerned and reflect the current
and will not change the way you            growth of milk supply at farm level and
transact your business with the            the needs of different enterprises e.g
Society.                                   seasonal beef or grain enterprises.

Dairygold Farmers Rewarded for their Biodiversity
Biodiversity is one of the main
environmental      indicators    for
sustainable agricultural systems.
Appropriately designed wildlife
measures, targeted for intensive
dairy systems, can play an important
role in halting the decline of
biodiversity and achieving the goals
of sustainable expansion.

December 2020 saw three Dairygold
Farmers rewarded for their efforts to
incorporate the enhancement of
biodiversity on their farm, into their
commercial dairying systems.

(Above Right): Joe Melody, a dairy
farmer from Bunratty, Co. Clare, was
awarded     the   prestigious    FBD
Biodiversity Young Farmer of the
Year Award

Above (left): Liam Herlihy, Bruree, Co. Limerick became joint winner of Teagasc’s Hedge Cutting Competition. He shared the top
position with fellow Dairygold supplier Tony Mullins (above right), Mitchelstown, Co. Cork (above bright). Both helped in the
production of short videos for Teagasc’s Hedgerow Week which took place before Christmas. These videos are available on
the Teagasc website and would be beneficial to any farmer seeking advice about hedges

                                                                                                                    Page 5
2020 CellCheck Awards for 2019
David R Hannon, Tankardstown,
Kildorrery, Co. Cork, has been
recognised for having the overall
lowest SCC in Dairygold for 2019. This
is especially impressive as it is David’s
third consecutive time having the
lowest SCC in the Co op, showing the
level of consistency and excellence
being achieved on this farm year on
year. We would like to congratulate
David and his family on consistently
achieving such high standards in milk         David R Hannon, Tankardstown, Kildorrery, Co. Cork is pictured above with his
quality.                                      family has been recognized for having the overall lowest SCC in Dairygold for 2019.

Also over the past three years, as part     Around 20 groups containing 300             either side of the Cork Tipperary
of the CellCheck Milking for Quality        members participated each year. This        border who This year had the lowest
Awards, Teagasc and AHI, supported          year, the milk supplied by competing        average bulk milk SCC. The group is
by ICBF, have run a FBD sponsored           discussion groups averaged 155,000          chaired by John Geary and facilitated
discussion group category, focusing on      cells/ml.                                   by John McCabe and Padraig
producing low SCC milk and on                                                           McCormack of Teagasc.
reducing SCC levels among Discussion        Dairygold also congratulate the
group members.                              Ballygiblin Discussion Group based on

Recognition for CellCheck Winners
Congratulations to the Dairygold milk suppliers who achieved the CellCheck
Milking for Quality Best 500 Award for 2019.
East Cork                                   Mid Cork
Ray Bryan                                   John Hurley
Michael Hunt                                Michael Kelleher
Leslie Kingston                             John, Sean & Eileen O’Leary
James and John Hodnett                      Joan Kelleher
Denis Twomey                                Denis & Mary O’Connor
Edward Donovan                              Patrick & Dolores Long                           MILK ADVISOR
Michael O’Sullivan                          Pat Cronin                                     ON WEEKEND CALL
Bertie Cuffe                                Donal & Mary Hegarty
Mary & Joseph O’Loughlin                    Denis, Nora & Michael Lordon                     Arrangements for emergency milk
John Colman                                 Robert Beamish                                     issues January-February 2021
                                            Aidan Collins
                                                                                                   23 rd /24 rd January
Limerick                                    Sean Corkery
Aidan O’Regan                               Declan McCarthy
                                                                                                      Denis Guiry
John Paul Kinnane
                                                                                                    086 809 8639
                                            Pat & Liz O’Brien
James Ryan                                  Cornelius Martin Buckley                               30 th /31 st January
Seamus Kelly                                                                                        William Ryan
Seamus and Aileen Murphy                    Mitchelstown                                            086 246 1633
Joseph Collopy                              David R. Hannon
                                                                                                    6 th /7 th February
Timothy & Mary Kennedy                      John Reidy
                                            John Murphy                                                  Ray Ryan
John Fahy                                                                                            087 115 1453
John Hennessy                               Michael Lenihan
Sean Lyons                                  Patrick & Nora Flynn                                   13 th /14 th February
                                            John Roche                                              Thomas Hayes
Mallow                                      John Barry                                               087 715 3041
Edmund O’Brien                              James Moakley
                                            John O’Mahony
                                                                                                  20 th /21 st February
Margaret Hunt Williams
                                                                                                  Maeve O’Connor
Maurice Healy                                                                                      086 835 4808
Martin & Ailish Neville
                                            John Walsh                                       Information desk lo-call number
Cornelius O’Sullivan                                                                            for milk related queries is
                                            Patrick Keating                                          1890-200-840
John Coughlan
                                            Nora Cusack
                                            Shane Mason

Page 6
COVID-19 Standard Operating Procedure                                             Dairygold farmer guidance
Given the recent surge of COVID-19 cases throughout the country,                       for COVID-19 at
Dairygold urges farmers and suppliers to continue following the                     farm level - Suppliers
standard operating procedure that has been put in place since the
start of COVID-19. The Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) details           STEP    →   Limit farm access to essential

the procedure that is being undertaken by Dairygold’s Milk Suppliers          1         visitors only

and Agri Customers if a case of Coronavirus (COVID-19) is confirmed
on their farm.                                                              STEP    →   If a farm visit is necessary, ensure direct contact

Procedure:                                                                   2          is minimal, follow the HSE guidelines and
                                                                                        keep a record of all visitors to the farm.

1. If a supplier/customer contracts or suspects they have contracted
COVID-19, they must contact Dairygold who will in turn inform the           STEP    →   Notify Dairygold of suspected or
relevant haulier who will notify their driver.                               3          confirmed cases

2. The supplier/customer (or whoever is carrying out milking in their
absence) must ensure they wear disposable gloves during milking             STEP    →   Wear gloves while milking

and clean all surfaces that the driver will come into contact with during    4
milk collection with detergent or sanitizing solution.

These include:
                                                                            STEP    →   Sanitise all surfaces that the driver is

o Door handles to dairy		                  o Outlet of milk bulk tank
                                                                             5          likely to come in contact with

o Cover on top of milk bulk tank           o Washing equipment unit
o Any other surfaces that the driver        o Control switchboard of milk
                                                                            STEP    →   A bin must be provided for the haulier to

  may come into contact with                    bulk tank                    6          dispose of used gloves

3. The supplier must provide a bin for the driver to dispose of gloves
as he is leaving.
                                                                            STEP    →   Personnel on the farm are to have strictly

                                                                             7          no personal contact with the driver

4. Personnel on the farm are to have strictly no personal contact with
the driver once he enters the yard.                                         STEP    →   Place a biosecurity sign at the farm entrance

Dairygold would like to sincerely thank all of our members for your          8
co-operation during these unprecedented times.

                                               Ideas of the month
    Milk Recording Reports Analyse and Action Immediately to
    Maximise Milk Production and Longevity
    Pick the high SCC cows (greater than                                    “Lean is about identifying and reducing
    200) after each recording and devise a                                   waste so to manage SCC in the herd. I
    plan of action:
                                                                             identify the high SCC cows from milk
    • Treatment - consider antimicrobial                                      recording data and follow a plan to
    resistance via boluses and udder mint                                    reduce the average SCC in the herd.”
    before using antibiotic milking cow tubes                                     Ned O’Brien, Mitchelstown
    and injections.
    • Re-test after 2 weeks post treatment to
    see if improvements have occurred.
    • With assistance of CMT paddle, pinpoint
    which quarter is problematic, stop milking
    quarter, leave soak up naturally.
    • Cull if chronically infected, this will help
    protect the healthy cows in your herd.

    Large emphasis needs to be placed on
    records, using whiteboards and farm apps
    for assistance.

                                       Leanfarm - Saving time, effort and money
                                                                                                                                    Page 7


             Carefully balanced formula to ensure
              the optimum level of amino acids,
              immunoglobulins, milk sugars and
               lactoferrin, which are vital for calf
               growth, health and development.                                     FREE
                                                               0024129   0024127

        Everything you need for Calving ‘21 is now available at your local
       Dairygold Co-Op Superstores or online @

01. Co-Op Farm Newsletter FP ad (Calving) Jan 2021.indd 1                            08/01/2021 15:49

Page 8
You can also read