Family Friendly Gaming - ISSUE #140 March 2019
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Family Friendly Gaming The VOICE of TM the FAMILY in GAMING WRC 8 set to race in all kinds of weather! Dragons Dawn of New Riders, King- dom Hearts III, and more in this fabu- lous issue!! ISSUE #140 March 2019
CONTENTS ISSUE #140 March 2019 CONTENTS Links: Home Page Section Page(s) Editor’s Desk 4 Female Side 5 Comics 7 Sound Off 8 - 10 Look Back 12 Quiz 13 Devotional 14 Helpful Thoughts 15 In The News 16 - 23 We Would Play That! 24 Reviews 25 - 37 Sports 38 - 41 Developing Games 42 - 67 Now Playing 68 - 83 Last Minute Tidbits 84 - 106 “Family Friendly Gaming” is trademarked. Contents of Family Friendly Gaming is the copyright of Paul Bury, and Yolanda Bury with the exception of trademarks and related indicia (example Digital Praise); which are prop- erty of their individual owners. Use of anything in Family Friendly Gaming that Paul and Yolanda Bury claims copyright to is a violation of federal copyright law. Contact the editor at the business address of: Family Friendly Gaming 7910 Autumn Creek Drive Cordova, TN 38018 Trademark Notice Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft all have trademarks on their respective machines, and games. The current seal of approval, and boy/girl pics were drawn by Elijah Hughes thanks to a wonderful donation from Tim Emmerich. Peter and Noah are inspiration to their parents. Family Friendly Gaming Page 2 Page 3 Family Friendly Gaming
Editor’s Desk FEMALE SIDE Optimism the morning. I am feeling that morning joy. I am feeling the warmth of the sun. It makes Spring Break parents. I still love spending time with my mother in law. I also love spending time with me smile on a daily basis. I keep looking for my mom. She has some sights she would like I am so optimistic this year. I really do not know what is I am writing this article in the middle of February. I real- to see, so we will show her those. Hopefully times and ways to thank God. He does so going on. I have had such a warming peace from the Holy ized that next month our kids have Spring Break. I am our boys will behave for her this trip. much for us. The least we can do is thank Spirit at the start of 2019. There have been improvements not even to Valentine’s Day and I realize Spring Break is What kinds of things does your fam- him. I am thankful for ya’ll, this magazine, all over the place for our family. Lord willing they will con- becoming a topic. If I wait until next month to talk about ily do on Spring Break? Are there any family website, Youtube channel, sponsors, advertis- tinue on through 2019. Day by day I have such confidence Spring Break we will already be in it, and it will be long trips ya’ll take? Are there any family tradi- ers, family, friends, day job, people in my life, and faith at how God takes care of us. Day by day I noticed gone by the time the issue publishes. So I decided to write tions ya’ll have? How do your kids behave on vehicles, home, finances, and more. What so many things to be thankful for. Day by day I find ways about Spring Break now. Are you okay with that? Spring Break? Do you home school or send about you? What are you thankful for? Are to point people to God. Day by day I find myself smiling My boys absolutely love Spring Break. I have to tear your kids to school? I have been told home there more things you can find in your life to and being more and more pleasant to those around me. I them away from the televisions though. Why do I need schoolers have a totally different opinion be thankful for? How optimistic can you be am so thankful for so many wonderful blessings in my life. to tear them away from the televisions? They would play concerning breaks compared to those that in your life? We can focus on the good or we can focus on the bad. It is video games every single minute. Now Peter will at least do send their kids to school. all up to us. We make that choice. You make that choice. I some recording part of the time. We have to consistently God bless, make that choice. I find I am more happy and more con- remind Noah to do recording. Noah loves getting video God bless, Paul Bury tent when I focus on the things to be thankful for. There is money, but not so big on actually working for it. Yolanda Bury so much in our lives to appreciate as well. Can you list five Fortnite is becoming a dirty word to me. Routinely things you are thankful for in your life? I need to get Noah to focus on something else. I need him to talk about something else. Thankfully my hubby has got- Optimism can be contagious too. I notice other people ten enough Fortnite experience to be able to converse with around me are finding things to be thankful of as well. I our sons on that game. My hubby gets exhausted with the encourage it now as well. I would rather bring people up obsession and explains to Noah he needs to interact with than bring people down. There are plenty of downers that other things. In fact my hubby gives him chores to do just want to bring others down. How many encouragers do you to ensure he takes breaks. have in your life? How often do you focus on the good in That reminds me. Having your kids do chores over your life? We are constantly striving to be better, and to do Spring Break is a fantastic way to instill a work ethic. It also more. There is nothing wrong with that. Taking a breath helps them understand they are still a part of the family. and being thankful for where you have come from is ex- Peter loves coming with me to go grocery shopping. He tremely important. I have been on this extended excursion will work diligently, listen, obey, and help out. He is grow- of thankfulness. It is hard to explain. The more thankful I ing up to be a fine young gentleman. Any young ladies out am the happier I am. The more on focus on the good in my there looking for a good strong future husband? He will be life the more I find. Maybe that is an important key to life. available in a few years. Haters can criticize and demean all they want. Their fruit When Paul and I first got married people asked me is obvious. Those of us sharing love, hope and freedom are what I thought of him playing video games. I do not mind. showing our fruit. We know what kinds of tree a person Why not? I do not mind because I know where he is. He is based on their fruit according to Jesus Christ. We also can pause games to give me attention when I need it. He is know who their Father is based on their fruit. Who is your not at some bar. He is not hitting on other women. He is Father? right there for me. I know where he is, and I know what he is doing. There have been a share of struggles, problems, and is- We are getting a very special guest this Spring sues in my life. God has carried me through them on a Break. My mother in law will be coming into town to daily basis. Winter eventually melts. The night eventually spend some time with us. That will be really neat. As our turns to day. We get through the bad times. Joy comes in boys have gotten older they are less fun for the grand Family Friendly Gaming Page 4 Page 5 Family Friendly Gaming
Lesson-based education & Fun Mission Statement Family Friendly Gaming (FFG) was cre- ated in March of the year of our Lord 2005 as the first ever Christian video game magazine. The goal of Family Friendly Gaming is to report on video games from the family view point. Family Friendly Gaming takes a fair and bal- anced approach to all news, previews, reviews, interviews, features, and other Colossians: 9781935915010 | 1 Peter: 9780976054870 | 2 Peter: 9780976054887 | Phillipians: 9781935915010 | James: 9780976054863 articles found within. The secular video 1 Timothy: 9780976054825 | 2 Timothy: 9780976054894 | Interactive Parables: 9780976054801 | Interactive Parables Spanish: 9780976054818 game media reports mainly on the most morally bankrupt games and call those games good. The major secular media Interactive Bible Series for Windows by GraceWorks Interactive reports on the bad side of video games mainly. Most other Christian media outlets claim video games turn the player into a zombie, or they completely wor- ship video games. Family Friendly Gam- ing reports the good, and bad side effects features 15 catalog to video games. It is the belief of the is 00+ Th e Homescho owners that readers are smart enough to 0 availabl ol ti come to their conclusions without those 9 00 tle in the media handing opinions to them. DVD-ROMs contain PowerPoint Bible stories, 3 - 5 on s. each disk. The PowerPoints contain stunning lifelike still graphics. Not cartoons, but computer generated of Those of us at Family Friendly Gaming photorealistic imagery. Their purpose is to provide a believe by giving you the facts, you can great backdrop while the teacher articulates the story, decide for yourself. There are plenty of re- there is no audio, but a lesson outline is provided for the teacher along with Bible references. Each story also has ally good video games on the market that a printable PDF activity sheet and a coloring page. teach wonderful lessons. Both inside the 14 DVD ROM titles Christian video game market, and from $10.99 each Easter 1 EAN 5060209840680 non-Christian video game developers. Easter 2 EAN 5060209840697 Christmas EAN 5060209840673 The comics are a further resource. Children Family Friendly Gaming seeks out these Failure and Redemption EAN 5060209840741 Fifty Days EAN 5060209840703 love to read them and learn Bible stories. video games to bring them to your atten- Jesus Saves EAN 5060209840666 6 COMIC titles John Baptist EAN 5060209840734 $1.50 (issues 1-4) $2.99 (issues 5,7) tion. Since it is unknown before playing Miracles of Jesus 1 Miracles of Jesus 2 EAN 5060209840635 EAN 5060209840710 Issue 1 Jonah ISBN 9781904064947 For a complete listing, a game how family friendly it is; it is Obedience EAN 5060209840642 Issue 2 Samaritan ISBN 9781907731006 Parables of Jesus 1 EAN 5060209840758 Issue 3 Adam & Eve Issue 4 Christmas ISBN 9781907731013 ISBN 9781907731068 visit our reference only website possible that this magazine will preview Parables of Jesus 2 EAN 5060209840765 Power and Glory EAN 5060209840727 Issue 5 Easter Issue 7 Titanic ISBN 9781907731075 ISBN 9780957152304 a game, and then the review will expose Women of God EAN 5060209840659 problems previously unknown. Fam- ily Friendly Gaming promises to always ask the question: “how God feels about Products can be ordered from your certain video games.” God’s opinion on local Homeschool Retailer. the matter is more important than any mere mortal. Which is why the rest of the industry does not influence FFG. Family Friendly Gaming Page 6 Page 7 Family Friendly Gaming
SOUND OFF The Sound Off section is where Dance Central just recently finished up with are human and make mistakes New Riders online before it went you the reader/emailer is heard. Just Dance 2019. After that we from time to time. public? The same with the videos What you have to say is put in Could you please record the wrapped up what was left of The you released. How did you do it? this section for all the readers to Hip Hop Dance Experience. We Is it something illegal? Are you see. Of course certain content is Dance Central games? I love have talked about Dance Central Dark Side of Gam- getting in trouble for doing it? I your channel and love all the edited for appropriateness issues. dance videos. I think you should before. We are getting it on our ing want to know. Please answer my This is a family friendly maga- record the Dance Central games. recording schedule. I can’t prom- questions. zine, and certain content is just - Mark ise how good I will do. I will do Thank you for bringing back the - Samantha not proper. We hope you enjoy my best. I am still nursing some Dark Side of Gaming. I know this section as much as we do. {Paul}: Mark, injuries. Lord willing I can get Family Friendly Gaming spends {Paul}: Samantha, Keep an eye out for your com- healthy soon. a lot of time being positive. It ments appearing in these very Thank you for your kind words I am so thankful for so is nice to see some of the prob- First and foremost thank you pages. You have our attention, so of encouragement. I have some many people with so many won- lems in the video game industry. for your question. Rest assured SOUND OFF! good news for you. We are go- derful ideas for us concerning Especially when you talk about there was nothing illegal that ing to start recording the Dance our Youtube channel. We strive the swamp of corruption in the other articles to write about. went on there. The PR and Central games very soon. We to get better on a daily basis. We video game industry so often. I I am so honored that we help Marketing firm provided us a learn more from Family Friendly educate you about the industry. reviewable copy of Dreamworks Gaming about the video game That means a lot to all of us here Dragons Dawn of New Rid- industry than any other video at Family Friendly Gaming. We ers before it was released to the game website. That is a major strive to be different than the public. This happens all the time. compliment too. Thank you for super majority of the radicalized Companies give us time with the all that you do. gaming media outlets. I also liked reading your Fortnite depends on you. articles about Fortnite. I never It takes a lot of time to get good tried that game. Should I? I at. Do not expect assistance prefer to get a physical copy but or mercy from the other play- they are not being sold, and they ers. They are brutal. The match are so expensive on Amazon and making is not always good in eBay. Will they release a physical my opinion. Modes change a lot copy again? in Fortnite too. I hope they do - Troy another physical copy version. We have asked them to. I do not {Paul}: Troy, know one way or another. I am so happy you are enjoy- ing the Dark Side of Gaming Before it went public columns again. They will run How did you get the review of for awhile and then we will have Dreamworks Dragons Dawn of Family Friendly Gaming Page 8 Page 9 Family Friendly Gaming
SOUND OFF Continued At the same time they are watch- ing macabre and morbid television shows like Game of Thrones. I think that is more worldly than a lot of video games. I learned some- thing talking about video games at a variety of different churches. We are seen as a lower class of citizen by many product before it is released to the market. I prefer console of our brothers and the public. That way we can get games. sisters in Christ. It is a horrible a feel and give our impressions - Scott truth that irritates me to this day. before you make your purchase This is a missions field. More decision. {Paul}: Scott, churches need to invest in it, and stop shunning it. You ask a excellent question. Help a Brother Out Why don’t more Christians help out Christian media out- Would you like to be heard in I bought every single Chris- Family Friendly Gaming? Want lets like Clash Entertainment, tian video game I could find. to Sound Off on something in Family Friendly Gaming, and I support the Family Friendly video games, the website, the Christ Centered Gamer? I have a Gaming advertisers. Why don’t magazine, etc? Log on to the in- personal suspicion. My personal more Christians buy Christian ternet and go to our Comments suspicion is too many brothers video games? They buy Chris- page: and sisters in Christ see video tian books, Christian movies, http://www.familyfriendlygam- games as evil. Look at the Chris- Christian music, eat at Christian, or tian related video game books. establishments, and support send an email to: SoundOff@ Mainly about the dangers of Christian causes. Why don’t they Mail video games. The authors en- support Christian video games? us comments at: courage Christians to get rid of I assume they are not buying Family Friendly Gaming their video games. Playing them them because there are not many 7910 Autumn Creek Drive is showing love of the world. new Christian video games on Cordova, TN 38018 Family Friendly Gaming Page 10 Page 11 Family Friendly Gaming
Look BACK QUIZ There has been a lot of history made here at Family Friendly Gaming. Let us take a look at some of the Family Friendly Gaming decided to do some fun little historic quizzes. Anyone who is not a busi- historic front covers to a few of the issues in our long and storied history. ness partner, advertiser, PR contact, or works for Family Friendly Gaming can answer these questions. Email answers to After three months the person with the most right answers will be emailed an Amazon gift card. Question: Can companies sponsor Family Friendly Gaming? Answer: Question: Do you enjoy watching R-rated movies? Why or why not? Answer: Question: Do you enjoy playing M-rated games? Why or why not? Answer: Question: Which chapter of Video Game Lies is your favorite? And why? Answer: Question: Which video series do you like the best? And why? Answer: Question: Where can you buy Video Game Lies? Answer: Question: Which Future Glimpses book do you like the best? Why Answer: Question: Which sports game do you like best? Answer: Question: Who started Family Friendly Gaming? Answer: Question: Where can you buy the FFG January Devotional? Answer: Question: Who are some of the sponsors of FFG? Answer: Question: How often does FFG release magazine issues? Answer: Question: Are you able to donate to Family Friendly Gaming? Answer: Family Friendly Gaming Page 12 Page 13 Family Friendly Gaming
Helpful Thoughts Communion Some say that reminds us of how he was broken for us. We take until I studied this topic. It came flying out at me. There are wise decisions we make in life and there are mis- regard. Why is that? It reminds us to turn things over to God. physical pain. Make sure you do not get yourself addicted to the cup to remind us of all of the There are a variety of takes. Family Friendly Gaming We can not add one day to our pain medicines. That can lead to From month to month I am blood Jesus shed dying for our different beliefs on Communion. wants to share some thoughts lives by worrying about things. a worse problem. Again prayer constantly looking for topics for sins. I have listened to a great many that can be helpful. Maybe this We must get to the place where can help in this area. There are each of these columns. I noticed There are not a lot of different views on this topic. It will bring more joy into your we accept God’s will in things instances where you need to that Communion has not been people named Judas anymore. is important and something we life. Maybe it will allow you beyond our control. Other times find a way to get comfortable. talked about much in the devo- Ever wonder why? Judas the Christians need to do. We need to have better physical health. we need to understand that we If a shoulder is hurting then do tional. Now it is time to correct betrayer is tainted throughout to be reminded of the cost Jesus Maybe it will help you reach are going through a trial, or not lay on it unless that is what that. Luke 22: 17-23 After taking history. Parents do not want to Christ went through to atone for a better mental, psychological being prepared for something gives you physical comfort at the cup, he gave thanks and said, name their children Judas after our sins. Aside from prayer it is or emotional state. The goal of coming up. The people who that point in time. A massage “Take this and divide it among the betrayal of Jesus. Is this one of the most holy things we each column in each month is to ministered to us the most when may help with certain pain. Pop- you. 18 For I tell you I will not right? Is this fair? After all Jesus do. I know I feel the Holy Spirit share some helpful thoughts to Noah was born with trouble ping a wrist, knee or other body drink again from the fruit of the being betrayed and dying on close each and every time I take you and your family. breathing were the ones who had part may grant you some relief vine until the kingdom of God the cross is part of God’s plan of Communion. What about you? gone through the same thing as well. Find what works and go comes.” salvation for the rest of us. Judas Do you feel His presence? with their twins. Their horrible with it. Eventually you will be 19 And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it had a role to play. He did his part just as he needed to. Should God Bless, Sleep experience helped train them to help us years later. We were able tired enough to go to sleep. Even with physical pain the brain will to them, saying, “This is my body we continue to punish that name Paul Bury to help others years later because shut down and begin repairs. given for you; do this in remem- One of the toughest things for because he played the role he of our experiences. Keeping our brance of me.” some people is to get enough had to? eyes on a bigger picture can help If you have sick leave with your 20 In the same way, after the sleep. There are a variety of There is some interesting when we are in the middle of day job then you should con- supper he took the cup, saying, different mental and physical “This cup is the new covenant in references to Communion in the PRAYER problems that can get in the way that turmoil. sider taking it when you are Holy Bible as well. 1 Corinthi- exhausted. It is better to use a my blood, which is poured out for you. 21 But the hand of him who ans 10: 14-17 Therefore, my dear Jesus, of getting a good night sleep. Some people are wired to go Physical issues sick day than to fall asleep on is going to betray me is with mine friends, flee from idolatry. 15 I speak to sensible people; judge for I know that I am a sin- ner and need Your forgiveness. constantly. They always have can cause us to the drive into work and cause even more damage. Anger is a on the table. 22 The Son of Man will go as it has been decreed. yourselves what I say. 16 Is not Nothing I can do of my own so much to do. There is always someone else that needs some- miss sleep. common side effect to a lack the cup of thanksgiving for which power will give me true joy. I of sleep in many people. Work But woe to that man who betrays thing from them. Their minds we give thanks a participation in believe that You died for my sins. Physical issues can cause us to hard to not take it out on others. him!” 23 They began to question can not relax. Have you ever the blood of Christ? And is not I want to turn from my enslave- miss sleep. Have you ever tried You cause more harm than good among themselves which of them been awake at night with your the bread that we break a partici- ment to sins, and repent of them. to go to sleep hurting? Have you when you do that. Try to pre- it might be who would do this. mind racing? This can be a real pation in the body of Christ? 17 I now invite You to come into ever woken up in physical pain? pare yourself for sleep by doing Really powerful stuff. problem for too many people. Because there is one loaf, we, who my heart and life. I want to trust It can be very difficult to settle relaxing things before going to There are two main What can be done to fix it? Try are many, are one body, for we all and follow You as my personal down and relax when your body sleep. These will pay dividends things there. We take the bread to find something that relaxes share the one loaf. Have you ever Lord and Savior. I welcome the is hurting. It depends on the in the long run. Especially when and we take the cup. We take the you and do that. Try to find noticed the unity of Commu- transforming power of the Holy kind of pain in terms of a solu- you get in the practice of doing bread to remember Jesus Christ. ways to settle your brain. Prayer nion? I did not notice it myself Spirit. Amen. tion. Medicines can assist with them. can be a wonderful thing in this Family Friendly Gaming Page 14 Page 15 Family Friendly Gaming
In The NEWS CONTENTS an exquisite Japanese art style, top voice casting, and an unforgettable score by original series composer Nori- yuki Iwadare all combining to create an epic fantasy world. Get ready for the call of Sword to save the lives on El Sallia! Langrisser Series: legendary tactical turn-based combat games Developed by Japan’s Masaya Games, the Langrisser series debuted in 1991 and has long been regarded as a ti- tan of tactical turn-based combat. With a story spanning five generations of games, Langrisser introduced the soldier system and class transfer to the genre, as well as wowing players with stunning battle effects that were Story Page(s) very much ahead of their time. Langirsser Mobile Releases 16 - 17 Meeple Station Early Access 18 New frontiers open up in Old School RuneScape 19 Totally Reliable Delivery Service Announced 20 Opus Collection is Landing on Switch in April 20 - 21 An Instant Classic Miasma Caves Launches 22 - 23 Langrisser Mobile launched in Mainland China, Taiwan Windscape Coming March 27th 22 - 23 and Hong Kong in Q3 2018 to much praise from players; the game has occupied the AppStore top 5 and has been featured many times. Langrisser will launch in Japan later this year, and Famitsu already previewed the game, saying “Langrisser’s revised game play lets players experience the excitement of combat while getting immersed in the story- lines of the interesting characters they will interact with.” Langirsser Mobile Releases Game Features • Unit types against theory, terrain elements and strategy planning are critical to success • Perfectly re-experience over 300 classic levels Zlongame announced that JRPG Langirsser Mobile is out for the iOS and Google Play. • Original Langrisser class transfer system with over 80 heroes for an almost infinite number of battle combinations. A Legendary JRPG Comes to Mobile • Popular characters of original series return As one of the iconic JRPGs, the Langrisser series is known for its tactical gameplay. Langrisser Mobile stays • Original PVP battle system faithful to the essence of the original gameplay with class suppression, terrain effects, and unique class trees • Original score by composer Noriyuki Iwadare for a customizable battle experience. Meanwhile, the mobile version elevates the appearance of the game with • Classic background music of past series Family Friendly Gaming Page 16 Page 17 Family Friendly Gaming
In The News Continued In The News Continued Meeple Station Early Access 17th of January once everything goes live. About Meeple Station launched on to Steam for Have you ever wanted to build your own PC, Mac and Linux as an Early Access title. space station? Trade goods and care for the It is a moddable space station building sim inhabitants? Explore distant galaxies and inspired by Rimworld, with a healthy dose take on daring missions while trying to of chaos thrown in. This is the second game keep your meeple alive! Meeple station is an from developer Vox Games, and first game open-ended space station simulator in the for new publisher Modularity. vein of Rimworld that succeeds in doing just that. Live a never ending adventure whilst The team behind Meeple Station quietly trying to make the best of your ramshackle opened up beta sales on a few weeks station. ago to an overwhelmingly positive response, continue to be at the top of the sellers charts, Build your way to success! Trade your way to the top! Explore your way to infamy! Do it New frontiers open up in Old School and are steadily climbing Steam’s upcoming Mathew Kemp, Senior Product Manager, charts as the 17th of January quickly ap- all your way! RuneScape Old School RuneScape, said: proaches. Seems there is a strong appetite for battling space pirates and rogue meeple. The Features “Today’s launch marks an important mile- team’s early access trailer provides a good • Build a sprawling, multi levelled The world of Old School RuneScape is grow- stone for Old School RuneScape as it pushes overview of gameplay, for players ready to space station ing even bigger with the launch of the Kebos forward with new frontiers for players. Not take the reins of their own space station. • Survive space pirates and meteors Lowlands. The new region is the first major only does the release of the Kebos Lowlands • Explore the galaxy and research new release for the game since it became a mul- expand the game’s continent of Zeah, the If you would like to receive a review code for tech tiplatform title following the launch of the very first expansion we brought to the game the game for you and a friend, hit the but- • Open ended campaign objectives mobile edition in October 2018. since its launch in 2013, but it’s also the first ton above or respond to this email to get in • Manage many Meeple making mess multiplatform expansion ever in a RuneS- touch. Feedback is strong, buzz is building - (what a mouthful!) In addition to the new town of Brimstone, cape game. With Old School’s sixth birthday it’d be great to count on your coverage on the • Highly moddable the Kebos Lowlands includes a new monster just around the corner, Kebos Lowlands – the multi headed hydra – as well as a new provides a great opportunity for newcomers slayer dungeon, a farming guild, two new and veterans to explore a new environment novice quests and brand-new rewards. The and defeat new monsters together.” new frontiers of the lowlands represent the most diverse content mix since the launch of John Colgrave, Producer, Old School RuneS- Old School RuneScape nearly six years ago, cape, Mobile, said: with low to high-level adventures for players to explore and complete. “Old School RuneScape on mobile has had a tremendous first few months since launch, Continuing Old School RuneScape’s player and today’s release of Kebos Lowlands as the promise as part of its ‘living game’ mission, first multiplatform expansion for the game the introduction of the Kebos Lowlands is yet another milestone for us as develop- was overwhelmingly backed by the game’s ers and the wider community to celebrate. community following its announcement at It’s the latest step in providing a deep and RuneFest 2018, with over 95 percent of those meaningful MMO experience on the move participating in the poll supporting its devel- or from the comfort of the sofa.” opment and release. Family Friendly Gaming Page 18 Page 19 Family Friendly Gaming
In The News Continued In The News Continued Totally Reliable Delivery Service Announced Homeward Bound: Operate a deep space telescope to scan the skies for long-lost Earth...and other untold Ever since I moved to the US, I noticed just how easy it is to get anything off Amazon or any online delivery secrets. service. I also noticed my packages aren’t always in top notch shape. We’ve all seen those videos of how drivers Self Discovery: Investigate your ship actually handle our packages, which is where the idea for Totally Reliable Delivery Service was born. to uncover the history of a centuries- old mission item by mysterious item. Totally Reliable Delivery Service is a game about terrible delivery drivers attempting deliveries using every- Across the Universe: Explore a uni- thing from trucks to rockets and helicopters. verse teeming with vivid and vibrant planets, nebulas, and galaxies. FEATURES: Cosmic Vibes: Lose yourself in a sweeping soundtrack that will tug at • Local and Online Multiplayer: Go it alone to ensure the safety of your deliveries, or join your friends your heartstrings and put your teamwork to the test. • Controlled Noodly Chaos: Unpredictable ragdoll physics meets snappy platforming. Sprint, leap, dive, OPUS: ROCKET OF WHISPERS climb, and grapple with ease, but collide with something and you’ll be knocked out cold! Witness the story of two lonely sur- • A World of Distractions: Take a break from deliveries and play around! The world is chock full of toys, vivors of an apocalyptic plague, who vehicles, and machines that can be used for work or play. are given the seemingly impossible • Ragtag Crew: Choose from four unique, blue-collar workers and get your rear into gear, it’s time to task of building an interstellar rocket. deliver! Their goal is to revive the ancient Opus Collection is Landing on Switch in April tradition of space burial and return the lost souls of the world to their cosmic homeland. Written by IMGA- PM Studios and acttil are thrilled to announce that the emotional, heartwarming adventure/puzzle game nominated author of OPUS: The Day collection, OPUS Collection: The Day We Found Earth + Rocket of Whispers will be coming to Nintendo™ We Found Earth, this tale of loss and Switch in a physical format this April! OPUS Collection will include both OPUS series titles, OPUS: The Day rebirth will leave you breathless. We Found Earth and OPUS: Rocket of Whispers, which were originally released as digital-only titles. Each copy will also include a free bonus soundtrack voucher code, including 36 tracks! In OPUS: The Day We Key Features Found Earth you’ll work together with Emeth to search for the long-lost planet known as “Earth”, while in Land of Ice and Snow: Travel through OPUS: Rocket of Whispers you will attempt to return a planet’s lost souls to the cosmos where they belong. If the ruins of a frozen world, uncover- you never picked up these touching titles on Nintendo eShop, now is your chance to launch into the full OPUS ing the history of a once prosperous series! land as you go. Making Space: Gather the materi- OPUS: THE DAY WE FOUND EARTH: als you’ll need for your rocket, and Millions of years in the future, mankind has left its home planet of Earth far behind. But now Emeth, an ador- craft tools to explore even greater able robot who has made a solemn promise to his creator, must rediscover his lost homeland in order to save distances. all of humanity. But as he tries to fulfill that promise, he begins to realize that he may hold an even greater Alien Artifacts: Uncover more than purpose... This atmospheric, bittersweet tale is the perfect introduction to the world of OPUS. 100 items, each with unique artwork and descriptions informed by detailed research. Aural Adventure: Roam through a beautiful, atmospheric soundscape created by indiePlay-nominated com- Key Features poser Triodust. Family Friendly Gaming Page 20 Page 21 Family Friendly Gaming
In The News Continued In The News Continued Miasma Caves Launches treasure, equipment, artifacts, and more. village. Lesath’s bartering will also improve as she • Spend earned gold on equipment or becomes more knowledgeable about her Miasma Caves Key Features: upgrade the village to receive new purchas- Gather round, treasure hunters! Miasma findings and understands their worth. able items and better selling prices Caves, the pacifist roguelike from Windy • Explore procedurally generated and Games, is launching into Steam Early Access. The caves are free of monsters and combat, fully destructible caverns on exciting trea- “Exploration and discovery are the most but treacherous environmental dangers await sure hunts exciting aspects in gaming to our team; Brave adventurers can now join Lesath on at every corner. Lesath’s vitality will slowly Miasma Caves aims to bring that blissful exciting treasure hunts through procedur- deplete as she treks through the miasma and • Avoid treacherous environmental feeling of randomized adventures into a full ally generated and fully destructible caverns. looming cave-ins will induce high amounts dangers such as cave-ins, pitfalls, and more experience,” says Adam Michaan, founder of The mysterious Miasma Caves await to be of damage. All items and treasure will be Windy Games. “By leveling up knowledge explored and are filled to the brim with rare dropped if she falls, making each journey a • Collect and complete a catalog of instead of strength and dealing with envi- treasures, new gear, adorable critters, and risky endeavor. Lesath must utilize climbing more than 150 diverse treasures ronmental dangers instead of monsters, we’re precursor technology from lost civilizations. ropes, waymarkers, and developing a new take on the popular rogue- other essential equipment • Improve Lesath’s knowl- like genre.” As a lover of history and discovery, Lesath to ensure a safe journey edge by appraising treasure to uses her skills and wisdom to find new back into town where uncover new lore, humorous Miasma Caves is now available on Steam treasure and learn more about their past. she can be rewarded for a stories, and the mysteries of Early Access for $19.99. As development The more loot Lesath finds, the more she’ll successful hunt by selling the caves continues through Early Access, Windy understand about each type of treasure. Lore treasures, conversing with Games will periodically update Miasma and humorous stories will be uncovered as townsfolk, buying equip- • Find and equip new gear that Caves with new equipment, treasures, crit- she improves her understanding of natural ment, and upgrading the aid in future treasure hunts ters, townsfolk, and more. Windscape Coming March 27th helpful feedback from the community fan of. As such Windscape combines the • A beautiful world to explore and (Thank you!) has led us here: Windscape is spirit and flow of these genre classics with el- discover leaving Early Access on 27th March and will ements of modern exploration, crafting and • An immersive yet classical story As a huge fan of “The Legend of Zelda”, also be released on Nintendo Switch™ and survival games. The result is a unique game around a young girl “Secret of Mana” and “Golden Axe Warrior”, Xbox One. with a fresh blend of genres. • A profound yet simple to use crafting the German game developer Dennis Witte system has always wanted to create his own game Nintendo Switch™ players can enjoy a 20% Meet peaceful NPCs each island’s overworld • Murky dungeons and challenging which contained elements of all of them. In discount on pre-purchase starting 8th and vicious monsters in the dungeons and boss fights 2016 his dream started taking shape with the March, while Xbox One users can buy the lairs you uncover along your journey. While help of Headup, when his “Herzensprojekt” game for 20% off from 13th March in the the islands work in a non-linear manner, Windscape was released into Early Access on Microsoft Store. For PC players, the game is the dungeons are more puzzle and combat Steam. already available as Early Access version, also driven - each with its own style and atmo- with 20% off until release. sphere. However, brute force won’t get you The result was a first person exploration far in larger boss fights. Tactics and figuring adventure with elements of modern craft- About Windscape out your enemies’ combat patterns are key ing and sandbox games, where you explore a to defeating larger foes such as ghosts, ogres beautifully handcrafted fantasy world, fight Windscape is a first-person exploration and dragons. Your effort will be rewarded monsters, interact with NPCs, solve quests adventure set in a lovely world made up of of course - there are many valuable items to and puzzles. floating islands in the sky. The game is highly loot!. reminiscent of the The Legend of Zelda Now, almost three years later, Dennis’ hard games as well as Secret of Mana and Golden Features: work and passion as well as the extremely Axe Warrior of which the developer is a huge • A handcrafted universe Family Friendly Gaming Page 22 Page 23 Family Friendly Gaming
We Would Play That! There are all kinds of cool fam- ily friendly video game ideas out there. This column features ideas articles is to explore different ideas for video games. Some of them will be a hit and some of them will been on the cusp of great ideas before. We have been in front of the pack on talking about interest- REVIEWS Welcome to our reviews section. We have a couple of rules when it comes to our reviews. The reviewer must give an hon- est accounting as to why he/she liked or disliked something. No fanboy reviews allowed here, or at the very least they are discouraged (after all everyone has their own personal biases, likes, and dislikes). Everyone also has different tolerances, and of video games we would play. We be a miss. We are giving out ideas ing games before the companies weaknesses - we strive to keep that in mind in our reviews. We have been burned ourselves by reviews saying a certain game hope games like these are created and brainstorming along the way. announced them. Some companies is great, only to be greatly offended by that game. Reviewers must be kind in their reviews. A game may be horrible, but there in the near future. Can you make it Maybe a Sonic VR game would be may have even made these games is no need to degrade the developer, publisher, artists, etc. There is also no need for name calling. happen? awesome. We will find out about after reading them in Family We review video games on five separate criteria: graphics, sound, replay/extras, gameplay, and family friendly factor. that movie in the year of our Lord Friendly Gaming. How cool would Review scale can be found here. The editor in chief coordinates reviews to have as much cohesion as possible. We are very 2019. Will the movie be any good? that be? open about the way we review video games. Each section starts with a 75 score, and can earn or lose points based on the con- We have talked about first person We do not know. The same goes There could even be new tent of the game, using our grading scale (found on the website). sports video games, especially in for a Sonic VR game. Certain ele- platformer video games come out Parents, please do not take any of our reviews as gospel. Different people are offended by different things. We work virtual reality. Astro Bot showed us ments could be awesome. Others in VR like Astro Bot did. We are hard here at Family Friendly Gaming to discern the good from the bad in the teachings of each different video game. What that an action adventure platform- would be really bad. The speed definitely willing to try them es- may seem harmless to our reviewer(s), could be a big deal to you. We encourage you to spend time with your children and er can work in virtual reality. That could be a real problem in VR. pecially if they are released in the investigate each video game yourself. Each review is written with you in mind, and we try to mention each problem we find. means we are wanting some of the There are other characters much respected, and much sought We are not perfect, and miss things from time to time - just as the ESRB does. The ESRB rating is merely a start, and since best action adventure platformers that could make a comeback like after physical copy format. There they ignore many of the moral and spiritual factors important to parents all across America, we do our small part to fill that to come to virtual reality. Mario Crash, Bonk, Mega Man, Don- is something really cool about huge void. We are a small ministry and your prayers are so very important to us. comes to mind. Have you con- CONTENTS key Kong, Kirby, and more. All of putting in a disc and knowing it Questions, suggestions, comments, or got a game you would like for us to review? Then sidered what a Sonic the Hedge- those characters could have amaz- is for a virtual reality video game. please email us at: hog video game would be like in ing virtual reality video games. At least that is how we feel here at virtual reality? Yeah it might be Ever think about a Metroid virtual Family Friendly Gaming. Do you Gameboy Advance Score Page PS4 VR Score Page one that would get us sick. Maybe reality video game? What about feel the same way? Do you feel dif- Scooby Doo Cyber Chase 62 37 Astro Bot Rescue Mission 85 34 Sonic should stay out of VR. What Scooby-Doo Mystery Mayhem 81 37 Tetris Effect 90 32 playing Fortnite in VR? Any of ferently? What do you think about do you think about that idea? these ideas could be announced the ideas we have in this issue? Nintendo 3DS Score Page Xbox One Score Page The whole point of these soon. Family Friendly Gaming has Would you play games like that? Luigi’s Mansion 60 26 F1 2018 65 33\ Minecraft Story Mode Season Two 36 75 Nintendo Switch Score Page NHL 19 69 35 James 1:13-15 Octopath Traveler 61 Super Mario Party 91 Valkyria Chronicles 4 61 27 30 29 Valkyria Chronicles 4 61 29 Personal Computer Score Page 13 When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God F1 2018 65 33 cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; 14 but each per- Minecraft Story Mode Season Two Valkyria Chronicles 4 61 36 75 29 son is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and PS4 Score Page enticed. 15 Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, F1 2018 65 33 Minecraft Story Mode Season Two 36 75 when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. NHL 19 69 35 Tetris Effect 90 32 Valkyria Chronicles 4 61 29 Family Friendly Gaming Page 24 Page 25 Family Friendly Gaming
Luigi’s Mansion Octopath Traveler SCORE: 60 SCORE: 61 I am very thank- that families controls in Luigi’s Mansion I give thanks to Family Friend- some limited voice ful Family steer clear of are really clumsy on the Nin- ly Gaming for purchasing a acting. There are Friendly Gaming this demonic tendo 3DS. I ran into more copy of Octopath Traveler on eight main char- had the money to inspired video control issues in this game. It the Nintendo Switch. The PR acters in Octopath purchase Luigi’s game. is hard enough trying to find and Marketing players who Traveler. We play Mansion on the There these ghosts in the dark. Add represent this game want no them to learn the Nintendo 3DS. are plenty of in not being able to move the sales from the millions within overall majority The PR and Mar- scary parts in right way at the right time just FFGU ever. Will you respect of the story in this keting folks repre- Luigi’s Man- increased the stress and ag- that wish or not? RPG. The more senting this game sion. There are gravation. I do not recall if the The problems with characters we con- were completely also areas that Gamecube controls were this Octopath Traveler are blood, nect with the more to defeat. Expect long battles unprofessional to are confusing. bad or not. violence, bad language, lack we understand. Characters will with them. us. Nothing new I lost track I question the rating of of attire, enticement to lust, join your team in Octopath My first impressions of there to be com- of how many Luigi’s Mansion based on the magic, false gods, ad more. Ex- Traveler. Octopath Traveler were very pletely transpar- times I could content. There are plenty of pect to grind a lot in Octopath Thankfully the predict- bad and negative. The more I ent. This is a port of the Game- not figure out what to do next scary parts in this horror video Traveler. Even with all of that able dialogue scenes can be played Octopath Traveler the cube game. We can now have a in Luigi’s Mansion. Maybe I game. How could the ESRB grinding the bosses are tough skipped. They get long and more I got it. We have different second player with us if we feel needed to ignore them and in this game. The graphics are obnoxious in Octopath Trav- stories to distract us. If you can like it. hunt down give Luigi’s Man- small in this 16-bit retro styled eler. We break enemies, and not relate to certain characters This franchise has some more sion a rating of ‘E’ turn based role playing video then we can do more damage. then you should be able to bothered me for some time Boo ghosts for Everyone six game. We boost our own characters relate to at least someone else. now. Luigi’s Mansion is all before the and older only? The music in Octopath for double the damage. Be The radical extremes of the about hunting down ghosts game would Luigi’s Mansion Traveler is nice and there is careful as the boost needs a characters in Octopath Travel- with a vacuum cleaner like de- trigger the is a game I never turn to charge up. er are met with the predictable vice. We run across possession, next event. want to see again. Breaking enemies storylines. a fortune teller, violence, and Maybe I had I see no reason to will allow you the I value Octopath more in Luigi’s Mansion. This to clear some do a video series ability to do more Traveler at twenty-five dollars hand held video game is also room. Luigi’s on this game at damage on them, brand new. The small graph- pretty dark. It was a real drain- Mansion can this time. Avoid and take them out ics mix in with so much bad ing physically and spiritually be confusing purchasing this quicker. The bosses content. If you can handle all to play Luigi’s Mansion on the at times. game at all costs. in Octopath Trav- of the bad content then you Nintendo 3DS. I recommend The - Paul eler are very tough might enjoy this retro styled game. - RPG Master System: Nintendo 3DS Graphics: 55% System: Nintendo Switch Graphics: 55% Publisher: Nintendo Sound: 65% Publisher: Square Enix Sound: 60% Developer: Grezzo Developer: Square Enix, Acquire Rating: ‘E10+’ - Everyone SIX and Replay/Extras: 70% Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLD- Replay/Extras: 80% OLDER ONLY Gameplay: 60% ER ONLY {Blood, Fantasy Violence, Gameplay: 60% {Mild Cartoon Violence} Family Friendly Factor: 50% Mild Language, Suggestive Themes, Family Friendly Factor: 50% Use of Alcohol} Family Friendly Gaming Page 26 Page 27 Family Friendly Gaming
ADVERTISEMENT Valkyria Chroni- cles 4 SCORE: 61 I am very thankful for all of and I was in a war your wonderful donations so zone. No one I knew we could purchase Valkyria in the military in Chronicles 4 on the Playsta- the war zone talked tion 4. This turn based strat- that way - ever. If egy role playing video game Valkyria Chronicles is right up my alley. I enjoy 4 is going for realism the SRPG video games. They it failed. are more my speed than say The voice Fortnite ever will be. With that acting in Valkyria women hitting men for some- said Valkyria Chronicles 4 has Chronicles 4 is pretty good. thing said or did. Is Valkyria plenty of issues that needs to The music in Valkyria Chron- Chronicles 4 part of the war be cleaned up in sequels. icles 4 is also fantastic. There on men? I will let you decide. I The issues families will are some neat special effects love being able to give a specif- have with Valkyria Chronicles in Valkyria Chronicles 4 that ic troop a second turn to finish 4 are violence, blood, entice- help this game. I love research- clearing out an area. ment to lust, lack of attire, ing things, training my troops Valkyria Chronicles 4 bad language, and more. The to higher levels, and thinking borrows heavily from World language in Valkyria Chroni- about how to get the enemy War II. The same system from cles 4 is horrible. I had to keep bases. Valkyria Chronicles 4 Valkyria Chronicles Remas- skipping cut scenes because is a long game that warrants tered can be found in Valkyria of how foul the mouths are in the price of forty dollars in my Chronicles 4. I like the sys- this game. I was in the military, opinion. tem a lot. I enjoyed playing There is a major Valkyria Chronicles 4. I hope war between two large more of these games make it to empires in Valkyria America from Japan. I would Chronicles 4 over love to see an American com- resources. We get pany make games like Valkyria cut scenes teaching Chronicles 4. That would be us the history of this really cool. fantasy world, and we - Paul get standard Japanese System: Nintendo Switch/PC/Xbox One/ PS4(tested) Graphics: 50% Publisher: Sega Sound: 50% Developer: Sega, Media.Vision Replay/Extras: 85% Rating: ‘T’ - THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Blood, Language, Suggestive Gameplay: 70% Themes, Use of Alcohol and Tobacco, Family Friendly Factor: 50% Violence} Family Friendly Gaming Page 28 Page 29 Family Friendly Gaming
Super Mario Party SCORE: 91 I feel really bad for tant in this game and will help Nintendo. They lost you progress farther along the all kinds of sales on board. Super Mario Party Super Mario Party with their lack of pro- can be played online if you so fessionalism to Fam- choose. I decided to just play ily Friendly Gaming. locally and have fun that way. If they had provided I really like River Survival in a reviewable copy Super Mario Party. We work and/or advertised Mode. together on a raft and play then we could have told FFGU Up to four family mini games to increase the all about Super Mario Party. I members can play Super Mario time we can be on the river. know many of our readers sup- Party with each person using This cooperative mode worked port games we review. Ninten- one Joycon. There are plenty great and it was a nice addi- do lost all kinds of sales thanks of motion controls in Super tion to the competitive modes to the failures of their PR and Mario Party. The controls were included in Super Mario Party. Marketing firms. better than I expected in this I value Super Mario I am thankful Family party video game. There is vio- Party at forty dollars brand Friendly Gaming had enough lence as characters are knocked new. I hope to see more party money to purchase Super off the screen and smashed by games like this one in the Mario Party on the Nintendo a variety of different objects. future. The eighty new mini Switch. We can play Mario Getting allies is very impor- games are simple, easy and fun. Party, Partner Party, River Sur- I enjoyed playing them. We vival, Sound Stage, Minigames, practice on a screen and Online Mariothon. There before we start to play. is also a park entrance where It was a pleasure for we can pick the difficulty. We me to play and review can choose from Normal, Super Mario Party on Hard, or Very Hard. There are the Nintendo Switch. twenty characters to pick from Families can have a lot in Super Mario Party. There of fun with this game. are four boards in Mario Party - Paul System: Nintendo Switch Graphics: 85% Publisher: Nintendo Sound: 95% Developer: NDcube Replay/Extras: 90% Rating: ‘E’ for Everyone Gameplay: 95% {Mild Cartoon Violence} Family Friendly Factor: 90% BUY IT NOW RIGHT HERE Family Friendly Gaming Page 30 Page 31 Family Friendly Gaming
Tetris Effect F1 2018 SCORE: 90 SCORE: 65 Tetris Effect flew keep rotating when the block is Codemasters probably failed have enough time under the radar. I saw at the bottom. Family Friendly Gaming to answer questions it in a store one day The music in Tetris Ef- because they knew we would in the career mode. and realized there was fect shocked me. There is some fail this game. I do not want to I like to read my a new PS4 VR video good music in this game. A few disappoint them if you know responses before game. The PR and of the lyrics made me question what I mean. I am kidding providing them. I Marketing folks for this game. What are they try- about that of course. F1 2018 guess I am being this game failed Fam- ing to say about all of us being has major problems that fami- picky. ily Friendly Gaming connected? The music in Tetris lies need to know about. It is a There are completely. I had no We can play Tetris Effect really set the mood and great thing we are not part of options in F1 2018 irritated me thanks to the loose idea what to expect from Tetris Effect in Journey Mode, and fit with the wild graphics going the paid off gaming media who that are really meaningless in controls. Do not even think Effect. I have played a variety Effects Mode. In Journey Mode on. Tetris Effect can be played regurgitates the fanboy talking my opinion. There are assists, about turning on things like of Tetris games over the years. we play the thirty levels one at in the normal PS4 without the points from the company. and different difficulty set- rain in F1 2018. You will have I wondered what a Tetris VR a time. We need to get so many VR. I personally preferred the The modes in F1 2018 tings. Make sure to turn off the trouble staying on the track. video game would look like. lines completed to finish off VR mode in this game. are Career, Grand Prix, Multi- penalties in F1 2018. Why do I felt like I was on an ice rink Now I know, and knowing is the level. We rotate the Tetris I never got sick while player, Time Trial, Event, and I say that? The computer will trying to control a brick. half of the battle. blocks, see an outline of where playing Tetris Effect. This is Championships. There are a bump into you and you will get Codemasters is known I thought Job Simulator it will fall and bring it won. a very important thing for a handful of teams to join and penalized. It is extremely easy for making difficult racing was the only way a VR video Rinse and repeat. I felt like the VR video game. I had a blast twenty-five tracks to race on. to spin out in F1 2018. The games. Maybe F1 2018 is like game should be done. Tetris block rotation was not always playing this game. I wish the F1 2018 looks decent and it computer spun me out into a the real thing. I have never Effect has shattered that for the way I was used to from PR and Marketing people sounds decent. There is some wall and other cars hit me. I driven a Formula One race to me. In fact I now see another previous Tetris games. Thank- representing this game had voice acting in this racing was disqualified even though know for certain. If you have way virtual reality video games fully Tetris Effect will let you contacted Family Friendly video game. It would be nice to the computer did it. driven a Formula One race car can be done. Tetris Effect is Gaming because I Even at the easi- in real life and have played F1 that way. We play Tetris and believe FFGU would est difficulty setting I 2018 then let me know how see some nice little 3D effects financially support had trouble catching realistic this game is. Only to the blocks. That is not what this game with sales. up to the computer people who have both of those makes Tetris Effect so special. I hope to see more cars after they knocked qualifications can give an opin- What makes Tetris Effect so VR games like Tetris me off the track. F1 ion on the realism in F1 2018. special is all of the things going Effect in the coming 2018 is not a fun video I value this game at five dollars on around us in the thirty dif- years. game to play. F1 2018 brand new. ferent levels. - Paul stressed me out, and - Frank System: PS4 VR Graphics: 95% System: PC/Xbox One/ Graphics: 70% Publisher: Enhance Sound: 90% PS4(tested) Sound: 70% Developer: Monstars, Resonair Replay/Extras: 90% Publisher: Codemasters Replay/Extras: 65% Rating: ‘E’ for Everyone SIX Gameplay: 85% Developer: Codemasters Gameplay: 50% and OLDER ONLY Family Friendly Factor: 90% Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and Family Friendly Factor: 70% OLDER ONLY Family Friendly Gaming Page 32 Page 33 Family Friendly Gaming
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