FAM International Security 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Weekly Situation Reports

Page created by Victor Williams
FAM International Security 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Weekly Situation Reports
FAM International Security
                                   2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil ™
                                    Weekly Situation Reports ®
DATE: Saturday May 03, 2014


INTELLIGENCE UPDATE: The host cities for the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil ™ and a summary of the potential
criminal risks.

Each of the twelve locations has a high-degree of crimes against persons to include assault, robbery, carjacking,
rape, kidnapping and murder. The cities listed also have a high-degree of crimes against property to include
theft, hotel burglary and carjacking. Each city has gangs that participate in crimes that include multiple
perpetrators, access to drugs, prostitution, bribery, extortion, blackmail and murder for hire. There are no
known terrorist groups operating in Brazil and none are believed to operate in the twelve locations listed below.
No imminent threats have been identified towards the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil. ™ However, acts of
international terrorism cannot be ruled out. International terrorism aims to create a climate of extreme fear
and awareness of their cause.

1) Rio de Janeiro. Stadium: Maracanã. Potential Criminal Risks: Armed robbery is a high risk to those attending
the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil.™ Individuals are at the highest risk when in vehicles stopped at traffic stoplights,
particularly at night. Street robberies continue at a high rate in Rio de Janeiro targeting jewelry, watches,
cameras, mobile phones and laptops. A constant criminal threat is organized gangs who target individuals
withdrawing money from ATMs. They operate in teams are armed and will rob you of the withdrawn cash and
other valuables or conduct express kidnappings (victims are seized, robbed and forced to withdraw money from
ATM machines).

Rio de Janeiro

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                                             Daily Situation Reports ®
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FAM International Security 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Weekly Situation Reports
FAM International Security
                                  2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil ™
                                   Weekly Situation Reports ®
DATE: Sunday May 04, 2014


INTELLIGENCE UPDATE: The host cities for the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil ™ – continued

2) São Paulo. Stadium: Arena Itaquera. Potential Criminal Risks: The crimes of most concern in São Paulo are:
1) Express kidnappings (victims are seized, robbed and forced to withdraw money from ATM machines), 2)
Home and restaurant invasions (groups of well-armed criminals take over houses and restaurants and rob the
owners or occupants of jewelry, watches, cameras, mobile phones and laptops, etc. and 3) Carjacking (the
criminal act of violently stealing an occupied car).

São Paulo

3) Belo Horizonte. Stadium: Mineirao. Potential Criminal Risks: Belo Horizonte has had a recent surge of crime
related to drugs. Keep off dark and empty streets, walk in a group and avoid walking alone during the day or
night. Do not carry expensive electronics (cameras, laptops, iPads, jewelry, etc.). Carjacking incidents regularly
occur at traffic lights afterdark, therefore utilized a trained security driver.

Belo Horizonte

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FAM International Security 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Weekly Situation Reports
FAM International Security
                                  2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil ™
                                   Weekly Situation Reports ®
DATE: Monday May 05, 2014


INTELLIGENCE UPDATE: The host cities for the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil ™ – continued

4) Salvador. Stadium: Fonte Nova. Potential Criminal Risks: The homicide rate in Salvador has risen
considerably (it is now the murder capital of Brazil) and there has been a significant increase in the rates of
property crimes, including pickpocketing and car thefts. Carjacking and express kidnappings are also common in
Salvador. The crimes against attendees at the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil ™ will be greater in areas surrounding
the airport, beaches, hotels, bars, nightclubs, and other establishments that cater to attendees of the 2014 FIFA
World Cup Brazil. ™


5) Curitiba. Stadium: Arena da Baixada. Potential Criminal Risks: Street crime is a problem in Curitiba however
it has lower crime rates than Rio, São Paulo and Salvador. Keep vigilant to your surroundings when walking on
the streets day or night in Curitiba because thefts, assaults and robberies can occur. Crime involving tourists is
generally non-violent and related to property theft and pickpocketing, but there is no guarantee.

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FAM International Security 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Weekly Situation Reports
FAM International Security
                                  2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil ™
                                   Weekly Situation Reports ®
DATE: Tuesday May 06, 2014


INTELLIGENCE UPDATE: The host cities for the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil ™ – continued

6) Porto Alegre. Stadium: Beira-Rio. Potential Criminal Risks: Although Porto Alegre shows the lowest crime
and violence indexes among the Brazilian capital cities do not let your guard down when attending the 2014 FIFA
World Cup Brazil. ™ Follow these advance security recommendations: 1) Carry a wallet in your front pocket, 2)
Leave your ATM/debit card and passport in the hotel safe, 3) Don't wear expensive jewelry or watches in Porto
Alegre (or anywhere in Brazil), and 4) Muggings, robberies, carjackings and kidnappings can occur anywhere
keep vigilant.

Porto Alegre

7) Brasília (capital of Brazil). Potential Criminal Risks: Robbery, assault, hotel burglary, and theft are concerns
for those attending the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil. ™ Other criminal concerns include express kidnapping,
carjacking and armed assault. Many crimes are reported in Brasília; be aware of the risks posed by armed
robbers and carjackings.


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FAM International Security 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Weekly Situation Reports
FAM International Security
                                   2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil ™
                                    Weekly Situation Reports ®
DATE: Wednesday May 07, 2014


INTELLIGENCE UPDATE: The host cities for the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil ™ – continued

8) Cuiaba. Potential Criminal Risks: Those attending the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil ™ need to take care of their
personal security in Cuiabá, there is a higher crime rate in Cuiabá than other cities. Avoid straying too far from
the hotel at night, muggings are potential risks even in the tourists areas. Cuiabá also suffers from gang-related
violence and execution style murders. Do not show obvious signs of affluence while in Cuiabá (or anywhere in
Brazil), do not openly handle money or other valuables, and dress low profile to avoid potential criminal risks.


9) Recife. Potential Criminal Risks: Recife has one of the highest per capita murder rates in Brazil (other than
Salvador). Avoid the large concentrations of favelas (slums) in Recife at all costs. Crime on the roads of Recife is a
potential risk for those attending the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil ™ particularly during night time. During peak
traffic hours; use caution during evening ground travel to avoid carjacking incidents.


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FAM International Security 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Weekly Situation Reports
FAM International Security
                                  2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil ™
                                   Weekly Situation Reports ®
DATE: Thursday May 08, 2014


INTELLIGENCE UPDATE: The host cities for the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil ™ – continued

10) Fortaleza. Stadium: Castelão. Potential Criminal Risks: Armed robbery and carjacking poses a high risk in
Fortaleza. Exercise caution in the downtown area; do not visit the downtown area at night; remain in clearly
identifiable tourist areas in Fortaleza. Carjacking and armed robbery are serious problems; exercise caution and
limit travel to main roads during daylight hours. Criminals target newer and larger vehicles, particularly SUVs
(Toyota Land Cruisers and Chevy Suburbans). Utilize security drivers and low-profile vehicles during visits to


11) Natal. Stadium: Arena das Dunas. Potential Criminal Risks: Natal is said to be the safest city, among all the
capital cities of the Brazilian States. Although Natal has a lower crime rate than Rio, São Paulo and Salvador,
violent crime still poses a potential risk. Maintain caution and keep attentive of the surrounding area to avoid
high-risk locations in Natal. Do not bring any valuables to the beach (jewelry, watches, cameras, iPhones or
laptops). The beaches in Natal have a lot of aggressive beggars and petty thieves; do not leave your property


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                                            Daily Situation Reports ®
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FAM International Security
                                  2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil ™
                                   Weekly Situation Reports ®
DATE: Friday May 09, 2014


INTELLIGENCE UPDATE: The host cities for the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil ™ – continued

12) Manaus. Potential Criminal Risks: Keep away from the favelas (slums) in Manaus. These areas are drug
infested and have a high violent crime rate. Watch for baggage thieves and pickpockets at Brigadeiro Eduardo
Gomes–Manaus International Airport (SBEG). Violent crime poses a substantial threat in Manaus. Maintain
caution at all times and be aware of the local layout to avoid high-risk districts.


Other Safety Concerns
Major traffic accidents - Traffic safety should be a major priority; always buckle-up and use trained FAM security

Heavy and Dangerous traffic conditions in Brazil

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                                            Daily Situation Reports ®
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FAM International Security
                                2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil ™
                                 Weekly Situation Reports ®
DATE: Friday May 09, 2014 – continued


INTELLIGENCE UPDATE: Rio de Janeiro Bus Strike

A bus strike in Rio de Janeiro started on Thursday May 8, 2014 and demonstrators are blocking roads in
the West Zone of the city; Avenida Ayrton Senna in the Barra da Tijuca area. The demonstration is in the
Vila Isabel area and near bus company headquarters. Protesters may also march along Avenida Presidente
Vargas. Over 300 vehicles have been damaged by vandalism by the protestors, who have a history of
throwing rocks and bottles at passing vehicles. Plan ground transportation to by-pass the protest locations
to avoid delays and potential security and safety risks caused by the unrest.

Damaged bus from the protestors in Rio de Janeiro        Bus strike protesters in Rio de Janeiro

* Contact a FAM International Security Advisor for more details on your specific security needs or to ask
about our Country Briefs, City, Airport and or Hotel Assessments at +1-888-326-0070 or email us at

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                                          Daily Situation Reports ®
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