Fall PARK & REC GUIDE 2021 - YOUTH, ADULT & SENIOR PROGRAMS - City of New London, WI

Fall PARK & REC GUIDE 2021 - YOUTH, ADULT & SENIOR PROGRAMS - City of New London, WI
GUIDE 2021
n Rentals for private and
  not-for-profit groups

n Park Information

n Public Services Information



Fall PARK & REC GUIDE 2021 - YOUTH, ADULT & SENIOR PROGRAMS - City of New London, WI
Welcoming new Patients to the Practice
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 105 Northridge Drive • New London, WI 54961
Fall PARK & REC GUIDE 2021 - YOUTH, ADULT & SENIOR PROGRAMS - City of New London, WI
Fall PARK & REC GUIDE 2021
WEBSITE ADDRESS: www.newlondonwi.org
LIKE US ON FACEBOOK @ www.facebook.com/NLPRWI
RECREATION DEPARTMENT – 215 N. Shawano Street – (920)982-8521
   Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
NEW LONDON AQUATIC & FITNESS CENTER – 815 W. Washington St. – (920)982-8524
NEW LONDON ACCESS (CABLE CHANNEL 990) - 215 N. Shawano Street – (920)982-8537
PARKS/BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS SHOP – 1306 W. Wolf River Ave. – (920)982-8510
   Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
SENIOR CENTER – 600 W. Washington St. – (920)982-8522
   Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
   Senior Transit Service – (920)982-8523

DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION – Ginger Arndt • ginger@newlondonwi.org
INTERIM AQUATIC SUPERVISOR – Morgan Gorges • mgorges@newlondonwi.org
SENIOR CENTER SUPERVISOR – Lori Schneider • lschneider@newlondonwi.org
ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT – Michelle Lambrecht • mlambrecht@newlondonwi.org
PART TIME ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT – Jayne Murphy • jmurphy@newlondonwi.org
SENIOR VAN DRIVERS – Mike Fredin and Robert Cupp
CHAIR – Bob Besaw
COMMITTEE MEMBERS: V. Chair John Faucher, Dennis Herter, Fred Zaug, Steve Groat
Citizen Members: Kelly Baker, April Amador ; Student Member: Rachel Schuler
Meetings are the first Tuesday of each month at 4:45 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Municipal
Building. Please see the front office for a posted agenda.

             If you are an advertiser interested in appearing in future guides,
           please contact the Buyers’ Guide Sales Department at 920-982-2511.

PAGE 3                                                   New London Parks & Recreation Guide
Fall PARK & REC GUIDE 2021 - YOUTH, ADULT & SENIOR PROGRAMS - City of New London, WI
Fall PARK & REC GUIDE 2021
            PARKS & RECREATION
UNPAID BALANCES                                    REFUNDS
Delinquent payments and unpaid balances            Full refunds will be given for programs
on your account will result in a freeze on your    that are cancelled due to not meeting the
account and you will not be able to utilize        required minimum to run the class, which
any Parks & Recreation Programs until your         is 6 participants. After the first class, if you
balance is paid.                                   choose not to participate a $5.00 fee will be
                                                   claimed. No refund will be given after the
TO ERR IS HUMAN                                    second class of the program.
The Parks & Recreation Department works
hard to ensure that each program guide is          RAIN POLICY
free from errors. However, there are times         During inclement weather phone calls will be
when errors or changes in dates, times, rates      made to each participant as soon as possible.
or registration information do occur. We will      To find out if a program has been cancelled
do everything possible to correct such errors      due to weather call 982-8521 or check our
and inform you of changes. We thank you for        Facebook page at www.facebook.com/
your understanding when these situations           nlprwi.
                                                   RESIDENT POLICY
CONFIRMATIONS                                      A resident is any person who lives within the
New London Parks & Recreation will notify          Corporate City Limits of New London. This is
you only if a class is cancelled due to low        not to be confused with being a New London
enrollment or filled. We will not call you to      Area School District resident. City and School
confirm you are registered.                        boundaries are not the same. Residents will
                                                   have a street address and a Non-Resident’s
PROGRAM ACCESS                                     address typically will begin with a letter.
It is the policy of the City of New London         A non-resident is anyone who does NOT
to comply in good faith with all applicable        reside within the corporate city limits of
regulations, guidelines, etc. put forth in the     New London. (Hortonville, Readfield, Dale,
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). To          Royalton, Mukwa, etc. are NOT within the city
that end, it is the City’s intent to provide       limits of New London even though they have
equal opportunity for everyone to participate      New London Zip Codes).
in all City-sponsored programs and/or
services offered, to attend every public
                                                   RESIDENT “MEMBERSHIP”
meeting scheduled, and to utilize all public
                                                   If you find are you a non-resident and that you
facilities available. Any person(s) in need
                                                   frequently are using the New London Parks &
of an alternative format (i.e. larger print,
                                                   Recreation’s Services, are a non-resident you
audio tapes, Braille, readers, interpreters,
                                                   have the option to purchase a membership to
amplifiers, transcription) regarding information
                                                   be a resident for the year. A one-time fee of
disseminated by the City of New London
                                                   $90.00 qualifies you to register and use any of
should notify the City prior to a meeting,
                                                   the services we provide at a resident rate for
etc., and please allow adequate time after a
                                                   the calendar year.
request for a copy of brochures, notices, etc.
for delivery of that alternative format. Contact
Chad Hoerth, by telephone at: (TDD) 982-
8521 for more information.

New London Parks & Recreation Guide                                                         PAGE 4
Fall PARK & REC GUIDE 2021 - YOUTH, ADULT & SENIOR PROGRAMS - City of New London, WI
Fall PARK & REC GUIDE 2021
Ages listed in the program descriptions are        A waiting list is formed when a class reaches
the age that the child will be at the end of the   participant levels beyond the maximum
program. This is strictly for the safety of your   based on the number of instructors we have
child and will only be reconsidered in extreme     and for the ultimate safety of the participants.
situations. If you have any questions, please      The waiting list is designed to keep track
contact the Division Head.                         of interested participants until someone
                                                   drops out or transfers. A new program may
“SAY CHEESE”                                       be added if space and time are available.
Occasionally photographs will be taken of          The waiting list is maintained based on a
participants during activities and may be          first-come, first-served basis. Interested
used for promotional purposes. If you do not       participants will be contacted and the
wish to have your photograph taken, please         registration process will be completed with
convey this to the photographer                    payment in full if the above opportunities
and/or instructor. Also                            arise. We will only contact you if space
indicate your wishes on                            becomes available within two weeks of the
the waiver form filled out                         start date of the program.
at the beginning of your

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PAGE 5                                              New London Parks & Recreation Guide
Fall PARK & REC GUIDE 2021 - YOUTH, ADULT & SENIOR PROGRAMS - City of New London, WI
Fall PARK & REC GUIDE 2021

NEW LONDON                                             TWO WAYS TO ATTEND CLASSES!
                                                           1. Register for a discounted session!

                                                                  *Hold yourself accountable
                                                                       *Ensure attendance
                                                                         *SAVE MONEY!
                                                                  Fall & Winter Session Dates:

FITNESS CLASS                                                      August 23-October 8, 2021
                                                       There is no class Monday, September 6 the last
                                                            Monday Class will be October 11, with

                                                      the free trial week Tuesday, October 12-16, 2021

                                                               October 18-December 3, 2021
                                                          Registration starts September 13, 2021
 MONDAYS                                             There is no class Thursday, November 25, the last
 9:30 A.M.                                                 Thursday Class is December 9, 2021
 PiYo** a fun, challenging class fusing Pilates
 and Yoga. You will burn calories, tone                                    OR...
 muscles, work on balance and get a great            2. Purchase a Land Exercise Membership Pass
 stretch in! This class meets twice a week.                    *Attend any class you want!
 7 Week Session Fee:                                           *Attend whenever you want!
 Senior Residents: $24.50
 Senior Non-Residents: $36.50                                              Fees:
                                                                  Per 45-60 minute Class
 10:30 A.M.                                                Residents: $4.50 Non-Residents: $5.75
                                                    Senior Residents: $2.25 Non-Resident Seniors: $3.00
 StrongWomen** is a strength training
 program for middle aged women and older.
 Research shows that strength training will          TUESDAYS
 improve bone density, reduce falls, improve         4:45 P.M.
 arthritis symptoms, and increase flexibility, as    Pilates a method of exercise that consists of
 well as improve mood and attitude. This class       low-impact flexibility and muscular strength
 will lift women to stronger overall health! This    and endurance movements.
 class meets twice a week.                           7 Week Session Fee:
 7 Week Session Fee:                                 Residents/Non-Residents: $24.50/$36.50
 Senior Residents: $24.50
 Senior Non-Residents: $36.50                        6:00 P.M.
                                                     Zumba A Latin-inspired dance workout that
 4:45 P.M.                                           uses footwork and rhythms such as Salsa,
 Cardio Kickboxing This program blends               Merengue, Cumbia and Reggaeton.
 martial arts, kicking & punching combos, and        7 Week Session Fee:
 integrates uses those moves/combinations for        Residents/Non-Residents: $24.50/$36.50
 a high intensity workout for you!
 7 Week Session Fee:                                 7:05 P.M.
 Residents/Non-Residents: $24.50/$36.50              TRX a suspension training class which allows
                                                     participants to work against their weight to
 6:00 P.M.                                           improve strength, balance, flexibility and
 Vinyasa Flow Yoga This Vinyasa-style yoga           joint stability. This class is a low enrollment
 class uses flowing sequence of poses which          maximum class, therefore allowing more of a
 change every breath to increase strength,           one on one personal training type feel. Surely
 flexibility, endurance and balance.                 worth it! **30 minute class.
 7 Week Session Fee:                                 7 Week Session Fee:
 Residents/Non-Residents: $24.50/$36.50              Residents/Non-Residents: $24.50/$36.50

New London Parks & Recreation Guide                                                           PAGE 6
Fall PARK & REC GUIDE 2021 - YOUTH, ADULT & SENIOR PROGRAMS - City of New London, WI
Fall PARK & REC GUIDE 2021
 WEDNESDAYS                                         THURSDAYS
 9:30 A.M.                                          9:15 A.M.
 PiYo** a fun, challenging class fusing Pilates     Gentle Flow Yoga A slower, simpler,
 and Yoga. You will burn calories, tone             flowing yoga sequences will be used to help
 muscles, work on balance and get a great           strengthen and promote flexibility through the
 stretch in! This class meets twice a week.         entire body. **45 minute class
 7 Week Session Fee:                                7 Week Session Fee:
 Senior Residents $24.50                            Residents/Non-Residents: $18.50/$30.50
 Senior Non-Residents $36.50
                                                    10:15 A.M.
 10:30 A.M.                                         Chair Yoga ** is a gentle form of yoga to
 StrongWomen** is a strength training               strengthen your body, increase flexibility,
 program for middle aged women and older.           reduce stress and improve mental clarity. You
 Research shows that strength training will         will learn various yoga postures, breathing
 improve bone density, reduce falls, improve        techniques, meditation, and ways of relaxation
 arthritis symptoms, and increase flexibility, as   all from sitting on a chair, or standing using a
 well as improve mood and attitude. This class      chair for support. This class is for all abilities.
 will lift women to stronger overall health! This   Leave each class feeling joyful of mind and
 class meets twice a week.                          body!
 7 Week Session Fee:                                7 Week Session Fee:
 Senior Residents $24.50                            Senior Residents: $12.25
 Senior Non-Residents $36.50                        Senior Non-Residents: $18.25

 6:00 P.M.                                          4:45 P.M.
 High Intensity Interval Training This class        Barre This low-impact workout uses light
 is a interval training workout which focuses       weights; bands and classic barre techniques
 on full body strength conditioning paired with     to tone strengthen and tighten your whole
 cardio bursts.                                     body.
 7 Week Session Fee:                                7 Week Session Fee:
 Residents/Non-Residents: $24.50/$36.50             Residents/Non-Residents: $24.50/$36.50

 SATURDAYS                                          6:00 P.M.
 8:00 A.M.                                          Zumba A Latin-inspired dance workout that
 Shake It Up Saturdays                              uses footwork and rhythms such as Salsa,
 Cardio Kickboxing/Zumba/Yoga rotate weeks          Merengue, Cumbia and Reggaeton.
 7 Week Session Fee:                                7 Week Session Fee:
 Residents/Non-Residents: $24.50/$36.50             Residents/Non-Residents: $24.50/$36.50

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Fall PARK & REC GUIDE 2021 - YOUTH, ADULT & SENIOR PROGRAMS - City of New London, WI
Fall PARK & REC GUIDE 2021

                   2021 FALL SCHEDULE
The Home Alone Babysitting course is a great start for youth that are looking to start
babysitting or may be starting to stay home alone for their first time.
Students will learn the fundamentals of Childcare, Child Safety, how to perform CPR and use
an AED, and how to respond to Choking emergencies.
This fun, 8-hour action-packed class is taught by an American Heart Association Instructor and
incorporates hands-on skill sessions, relevant videos, and games.
Enrolled students will receive: Digital Course Material, a Course Completion Certificate, and an
American Heart Association Heartsaver CPR/AED certification card (valid for 2 years).

Fall Registration: 	Now through October 17, 2021
                     (There will be absolutely no registration after this date.)
Fall Date/Time: Tuesday, October 26, 2021 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Winter Registration: Now through December 19, 2021
                     (There will be absolutely no registration after this date.)
Winter Date/Time: Wednesday, December 29, 2021 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Location: New London Municipal Building/ Council Chambers
Fee: $50.00 Resident/$65.00 Non-resident

To enroll please either stop by the Park & Recreation Department Office at 215 N. Shawano St.
New London, WI 54961 or register online at www.newlondonwi.org. or call (920) 250-5609

Open gym is available for all youth and is a great time to get some extra practice in for your
favorite sport or just burn off some extra energy when it’s not so nice outside. Some equipment
is available but you are also more than welcome to bring your own. There is a supervisor on
site at all times. Open Gym will close if there are less than 4 people after the first 2 hours.
Children under the age of 6 must be accompanied by an adult, no charge for adult guardian of
participating children.

Dates and Times: Starting Friday, October 1, 2021 and ending May 21, 2022
All ages
Fridays: 6-9 p.m.

Saturdays: 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Ages 14 and up only
Saturday nights: 6:30-9:30 p.m.
$4.00 per person

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Fall PARK & REC GUIDE 2021 - YOUTH, ADULT & SENIOR PROGRAMS - City of New London, WI
Fall PARK & REC GUIDE 2021
Respect: Our Equipment, other participants and their equipment,
            the gym supervisor and the facility.
• Bring a change of clean dry shoes, street shoes are not allowed.
• No food or drink allowed in the gym area (water only).
• Do not use offensive or vulgar language.
• No rough housing.
• Please be courteous to all gym users.
• Play organized or pick-up game on a half court with the curtain closed in order to allow others
   to play or practice on the other side.
• No dunking or hanging on any of the rims.

Get your friends together for a fun night out! The Women’s Leagues are a non-competitive 6
on 6, indoor, refereed, organized league at the Washington Center Gym. The A League (spiking
and hard serves are common) plays on Monday nights and for fun B League, (soft spikes, under
hand serves are common) is played on Wednesday nights!
Registration: $110 with a $5 fee for every non-resident player
Register before September 24, schedules go out the week of September 27.
Games start the week of October 4, 2021

A call your own league, that is competitive, but at the end of the game it’s all in fun! There are
City Employees that open the facility, provide first aid when needed and keep score for the
games. Teams must wear numbered same colored jerseys or shirts.
Registration: $110 with a $5 fee for every non-resident player
Register before November 26, schedules go out the week of November 29.
Games start on Sunday, December 5. 2021

Registration will NOT be accepted without the initial Team Fee payment and your team
will not be put on the schedule NO EXCEPTIONS.

You can call (920) 250-5609 and make your payment via credit card and be registered at that
• Teams must have a minimum of 6 players on their roster by the 1st night of league.
• To register please either stop by 215 N. Shawano St. New London, WI 54961 or register online
   at www.newlondonwi.org. or call (920) 250-5609
• Games will be at the Washington Center Gym, 815 W. Washington St. New London, WI
  54961. Regular game times will be 6:00, 7:00 and 8:00 p.m. unless further discussed and
  agreed upon by all league captains.

PAGE 9                                               New London Parks & Recreation Guide
Fall PARK & REC GUIDE 2021 - YOUTH, ADULT & SENIOR PROGRAMS - City of New London, WI
Fall PARK & REC GUIDE 2021

                      KIDSTAGE PRESENTS:
Join KidStage for weekly acting classes and be cast in the classical tale ALADDIN!! Aladdin
is a lovable street urchin who meets Princess Jasmine, the beautiful daughter of the sultan
of Agrabah. While visiting her exotic palace, Aladdin stumbles upon a magic oil lamp that
unleashes a powerful, wisecracking, larger-than-life genie. As Aladdin and the genie start to
become friends, they must soon embark on a dangerous mission to stop the evil sorcerer Jafar
from overthrowing young Jasmine’s kingdom. Parts for all ages 4-12 yrs old!
     Registration: Now through September 24, 2021
    Dates/Times: 	Mondays, 6:00-7:00 p.m., starting September 27 through December 4 or 5.
		Showcase held at St. Mary Catholic High School. Showcase date and time
                      to be determined on second week.
         Location: Washington Center Activity Room
               Fee: Residents/Non-Residents $80.00/$95.00
Join KidStage for weekly acting classes and be cast in this new Disney Musical!! MOANA is a
thrilling and heartwarming coming of age story that follow the strong willed Moana as she set
sail across the Pacific to save her village and discover the truth about her heritage. Moana and
the legendary demigod Maui embark on an epic journey of self-discovery and camaraderie as
both learn to harness the power that lies within. With empowering messages of bravery and
selflessness, Moana Jr. is sure to bring out the hero within each of us. Parts for all ages 4-12
yrs old!
      Registration: Now through January 7, 2022
     Dates/Times: Mondays, 6:00 – 7:00 p.m., starting January 10 through March 19 or 20
		Showcase held at St. Mary Catholic High School. Showcase date and time
                      to be determined on second week.
          Location: Washington Center Activity Room
               Fee: Residents/Non-Residents $80.00/$95.00

New London Parks & Recreation Guide                                                   PAGE 10
Fall PARK & REC GUIDE 2021
Date:         One night only! Friday, October 29, 2021
Time:        Trick or Treat Trail (ages 12 and under) 4:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m. This trail is designed
              for younger participants that do not want to be scared. Twelve Trick or Treat
              stations are spread throughout the trails of Hatten Park. Some characters will hand
              out goodies, and all will be friendly!

Time:     6:45-8:45 p.m. (Time TBD letting all trick or treaters go first)
	        This timeframe brings out some scary characters! The trail
          is lined with pumpkins, ghosts and ghouls haunting the trail
Location: Hatten Park’s Main Shelter
Fee:      $3.00 per person
	Is Halloween your favorite holiday? Do you like to dress
          up? It takes a lot of volunteers to make the
          Haunted Trail a great event, so if you love to
          dress up and/or act, give us a call at the Parks
          and Recreation Department at (920) 982-8521.
          We would love your help to make this event a
          howling success!

       BE TER
            R US

            RACQUET                      PERSONAL                      SMALL GROUP
             SPORTS                      TRAINING                       TRAINING

                              YMCA OF THE FOX CITIES
PAGE 11                                            New London Parks & Recreation Guide
Fall PARK & REC GUIDE 2021

          600 W. Washington St. • New London, WI 54961 • (920) 982-8522
   New London Senior Center is open to all seniors as a place to socialize, exchange ideas,
           learn something new, share your talents, and feel safe and welcome.
                     Use our bus service to get to and from events.

Bus drivers are available Monday through            As of publishing date, the congregate site
Friday from 9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. for seniors 60      at 600 W. Washington St. remains closed.
and over as well as individuals of all ages with    Meals are being home delivered. Call
disabilities and their caretakers. Transportation   Waupaca Aging and Disability Resource
is provided within the New London city limits       Center at 715-258-6400 for an assessment.
only. Call 982-8523 24-hours (or more) ahead
to reserve a ride. Messages left after hours will   Once open, meals are prepared by Schueller’s
be answered the next weekday morning.               Great ExSPECTations for Waupaca County
                                                    Elderly Nutrition Program and are served at
                                                    the Senior Center Monday through Friday at
         WEEKLY ACTIVITIES                          11:30 a.m. Call 920-538-6286 one day ahead
                   MONDAY                           (before 11:30 a.m.) for a reservation.
    NEW!! Sheepshead/Smear Card Party
     from now until Nov. 29 at 12:30 p.m.
        for $2 each week, which covers
             dessert, coffee, prizes.
               50 Cent Bingo:
       Every Tuesday at 12:30 p.m.
  Monthly Birthday Party: The last Tuesday
      of the month along with Bingo.
      NEW!!! Mexican Train (dominoes)
               12:30 p.m.
    NEW!!! Baking for Others and Recipe
  Exchange 2nd & 4th Thursday at 1:30 pm
       Big Screen Movie and popcorn                   Nearsighted?
          on 3rd Friday at 1:30 p.m.                   Have lots of screen time?   Want to go
   Foot Clinic on the 2nd and 4th Fridays
   of the month by Valley VNA Registered                    without contacts or glasses?
    nurses. Please call 538-2974 for an
                                                             might be right for you.
   Activity and Nutrition calendars appear
   on local cable TV Access Channel 990.              Surgery-Free, great for nearsighted
  Special Events announced at the Senior               kids, athletes and young adults.
   Center, on the City website, Municipal
  Building marquee, and on NL Park & Rec                                  800.427.9585
               Facebook page.                                     GriebenowEyecare.com
New London Parks & Recreation Guide                                                      PAGE 12
Fall PARK & REC GUIDE 2021

STRONGWOMEN                                        CHAIR YOGA
This class meets three times each week in a        Strengthen your body; increase flexibility,
16 class session.                                  reduce stress and improve mental clarity
                                                   with this gentle exercise form. Chair yoga is
The StrongWomen Program is a strength              practiced sitting on a chair, or standing using
training program for middle aged women and         a chair for support. You will learn many yoga
older. Research shows that strength training       postures, breathing techniques, meditation,
will improve bone density, reduce falls,           and ways of relaxation without having to get
improve arthritis symptoms, increase flexibility   down on the floor. This class is for all abilities;
as well as improve your mood and attitude.         make friends and have fun. Leave each class
                                                   feeling joyful of mind and body.
Where: Washington Center Gym
When: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays             Where: Washington Center Activity Room
     Aug. 23 - Oct. 6                              When: Thursdays
     Oct. 18 - Dec. 1                                   Aug. 26 - Oct. 7
Time: 10:30-11:30 a.m.                                  Oct. 21 - Dec. 2
Fee: For 16 class session.                         Time: 10:15-11:15 a.m.
Residents Over 60: $20.50 Under 60: $41.00         Fee: For 8 week session
Non-Residents Over 60: $28.00 Under 60:            Residents Over 60: $20.50 Under 60: $41.00
$56.00                                             Non-Residents Over 60: $28.00 Under 60:
PIYO is an exercise class that is unlike           Registration for these programs is available
any other. This hybrid athletic workout            at the New London Parks and Recreation
combines practices of Yoga and Pilates as          Office, 215 N. Shawano Street or the New
well as the principles of strength training,       London Aquatic and Fitness Center, 815 W.
conditioning, and dynamic movement. It             Washington Street or at www.newlondonwi.
includes modifications, yet offers exercise        org.
progressions to challenge all levels of
participants. Above all, it is fun and will make
you feel fantastic.

Where: Washington Center Gym
When: Mondays and Wednesdays
     Aug. 23 - Oct. 6
     Oct. 18 - Dec. 1
Time: 9:30- 10:15 a.m.
Fee: For 8 week session
Residents Over 60: $20.50 Under 60: $41.00
Non-Residents Over 60: $28.00 Under 60:

    Activity and Nutrition Site calendars appear on local cable access channel 990.

PAGE 13                                             New London Parks & Recreation Guide
Fall PARK & REC GUIDE 2021
                   AQUATIC & FITNESS CENTER
Physical Address: 815 W. Washington Street • Mailing Address: 215 N. Shawano Street
                      New London, WI 54961 • (920) 982-8524
               Manager: Morgan Gorges- mgorges@newlondonwi.org

The New London Aquatic & Fitness Center accepts applications throughout the year for
lifeguards and swim lesson instructors looking for part-time employment. Applications are
available online via www.newlondonwi.org or at the Aquatic & Fitness Center or the Municipal
Flexible daytime hours are convenient for college students and stay-at-home or retired persons.
After school, weekend, and summer hours are available to candidates as young as 15.5 years
old. A lifeguarding certification course can be held when at least 3 people are available. Please
call the Aquatic & Fitness Center to inquire when a class will be held.
This course is approximately a 24-hour class that is available to ages 15 and older. Adults
are encouraged to get certified as well! This class prepares its students to be professional
lifeguards, who are properly prepared to prevent unsafe situations and to take appropriate
action when an emergency occurs.

Ages: 15 ½ years old – no maximum age… Adults are welcome!
Participant minimum: 3
Participant maximum: 10
Fees: Residents $150.00 / Non-Residents $165.00
Please Call the Aquatic & Fitness Center to inquire when a class will be held.

Once signed up for a class, there is no charge for pre-requisite training- just give the office
staff your name and phone number. Upon successful completion of the class and 6 months
of working for the Aquatic & Fitness Center, the City of New London will reimburse your class
fees. If you do not intend to work at the Aquatic Center you are still more then welcome to join
the class with the appropriate fees.

Physical Prerequisites for Lifeguarding Candidates
1) Without stopping, swim 300 yards using Front crawl or Breaststroke (15 min). Goggles are
    allowed but please supply your own.
2) Swim 20 yards to retrieve a 10 lb. object from 7-10 feet of water then return to the point of
   origin with object by only kicking on your back (one arm). This is a timed activity (1 min 40
   sec). Goggles are NOT allowed for this specific test.
3) Tread water for 2 minutes using only leg actions. Hands must be under the armpits.

                               Showering before entering the pool or hot tub is not only
                               required by Wisconsin State Codes but it helps our facility
                               use less chlorine. Additionally, showering before entering the
                               chlorinated water helps your skin as it fills your pores with fresh
                               water vs. filling them with chlorinated water. Just be sure to
                               turn off the water when you’re done!

New London Parks & Recreation Guide                                                       PAGE 14
Fall PARK & REC GUIDE 2021
September 5-6 – Sunday and Labor Day CLOSED
September 16, 23, 30 – No Morning Arthritis or PM Aquacise classes due to a HS Swim meet
October 26 – Haunted Swim 1:15-3:15pm $2.00 admission
November 12 – Toy Drive Starts; Afternoon public swim is $2.00
November 25 – CLOSED – Happy Thanksgiving
November 26 – “Thankfulness” Swim 2:00-4:30 p.m. $2.00 admission
December 24 – 6:00am- 12:00 pm
December 25 – CLOSED - Happy Holidays
December 31 – 6:00am- 5:00pm
January 1, 2022 – Happy New Year Open 9:30 a.m.–7:00p.m. $2.00 admissions ALL DAY! 9:30
a.m. – 1:00p.m. Brunch Swim, 1:30-3:30 p.m., 4:00-7:00 p.m. Public Swims

HIGH SCHOOL SWIM MEETS (subject to change) The fitness room and locker rooms/saunas
will be closed during this time. Morning Arthritis Classes will be cancelled due to water
temperatures. Evening Aquacise classes will be cancelled and Public Swim will be open only
after all school activities have concluded. Sorry for the inconvenience. Meets start at 6 p.m. and
are open for public spectators. Come cheer on the Bulldog swimmers, many of whom are your
lifeguards and swimming lesson instructors! HINT Bring a folding chair!
    • September 16, 23, 30
HAUNTED SWIM: October 26, 1:15 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. $2.00 admission fee per person. Kids
under the age of 7 and non-swimmers under the age of 10 must have an adult in the water and
within arm’s reach. Kids receive a goody bag of treats after the swim.
TOY DRIVE: Starting November 12 and going until December 17, every Friday during the public
swim patrons will have the option to donate a new toy for their entrance fee or pay a $2.00
entrance fee. All toy donations are donated to a local homeless shelter to offer Christmas gifts
to those less fortunate. Please only donate new toys.
THANKFULNESS SWIM: November 26, 2:00-4:30pm $2.00 admission fee per person. Open to
all ages. Under the age 10 must have someone 13 or older in the water within arms’ reach at all
times! Those that can pass a swim test are exempt from these rules
Kids receive a goody bag of treats after the swim

  When the weather turns cool – call the pool!!
  The Aquatic and Fitness Center is open for rentals on Sundays in the fall and winter,
  anytime from 9:00am-9:00pm. If you’ve got a group of people looking to have a fun, safe
  event give the pool a call. Are you in charge of planning a birthday or anniversary party,
  church picnic or youth group outing, scouting event, holiday party, baptism, or family
  reunion? We can facilitate a large group of people! Call (920) 982-8524 and ask/ leave a
  message for a manager to find out more about prices and available dates.

                               POOL RENTALS-HOURLY RATES
                   Number of People           Resident        Non-Resident
                           1-50                $ 42.00           $ 57.00
                          51-100               $ 52.00           $ 67.00
      *** 2 hour min. is required*** Only on Sundays (Must reserve 2-3 weeks in advance)

PAGE 15                                             New London Parks & Recreation Guide
Fall PARK & REC GUIDE 2021
Adult Swim: Come in to swim or walk laps and chat with your friends and neighbors! Swim
time is open to those 18 and older.
Brunch Swims: Extending the Adult swim, the brunch swim is open to those 16 years of age
and older for swimming and/ or walk laps.
Adult swim
    • Monday – Friday: 6:00 – 9:00 a.m.
    • Saturday: 7:00 – 10:00 a.m.
Brunch Swim
    • Monday + Wednesday: 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
    • Tuesday + Thursday: 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
    • Friday: Variable 9:30 a.m. or 10:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
    • Saturday: 10:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m.
Afternoon Public Swims:
These swims are usually very quiet during the school year. Thus it’s a good time to bring young
children or swimmers with special needs, swim laps, or water walk. All ages!
    • Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 1:15 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
      *Thursday Afternoon from 1:15 - 3:15 p.m. the facility is closed for maintenance.
        This includes pools, the locker rooms, and the fitness center!
Evening Public Swims:
These swim times are a great way to burn off extra energy before bedtime! Open to all ages-
but kids under 10 and any non-swimmers need to have a 13 year old in the water within arm’s
reach for the entirety of the swim. The swim may be delayed on September 16, 23, and 30, due
to a high school swim meet. Closing time will be the same on those 3 dates.
    • Mondays and Wednesdays: 7:15 - 9:00 p.m.
    • Tuesdays and Thursdays: 8:00 - 9:00 p.m.

6:00 – 9:00 a.m. Adult Swim (Ages 18+) M, T, W, TH
9:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Brunch Swim (Ages 18+) M, W
    Or 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Brunch Swim T, TH
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Tot’s & Me (Adults with children 6 months – 4 years) M, W
1:15 – 3:15 p.m. Public Swim (All ages) M, T, W
    1:15-3:15 p.m. Pool/Whirlpool CLOSED Thursdays for cleaning
7:15 – 9:00 p.m. Public Swim (All ages) M, W
8:00 – 9:00 p.m. Public Swim (All ages) T, TH
6:00 – 8:30a.m. Adult Swim -
    Check monthly schedule for Friday times that New London School Dist. uses the pool
8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Brunch Swim Varies with School District usage.
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Tots & Me (Adults with children 6 months – 4 years) M, W & F
1:15 – 3:15 p.m. Public Swim
7:00 – 10:00 a.m. Adult Swim
10:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Brunch Swim
2:00 – 4:30 p.m. Public Swim
5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Public Swim

New London Parks & Recreation Guide                                                  PAGE 16
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Fall PARK & REC GUIDE 2021
                                      POOL RULES
• Shower before entering the pool and after use of toilet facilities.
• Do not enter the water until the guards are in their stations.
• Do not enter the pool if you have a communicable disease or an open cut
• Proper swimwear is required; no cut off apparel is allowed.
• Please refrain from running, horseplay, spitting water and excessive loud noise. Profanity or
   vulgar language will not be tolerated.
• Please keep all entry and exits points clear (steps, ladders, doorways)
• Please do not loiter in the water near the dive blocks, diving boards or guard chairs.
• Do not play on or swim over ropes
• The facility’s kickboards, noodles, and equipment are not allowed to be used during public,
   family or open swims.
• All user supplied equipment (dive toys, lifejackets, balls etc.) must be approved by supervisor
   or head guard.
• Do not bring food, drink or gum in the pool or locker rooms.
• Glass and shatterable items are prohibited in the pool area and in the locker rooms.
• No tobacco or electronic cigarettes are allowed in the locker rooms, pool or pool deck.
• No diving in the shallow end.
• To use the slide, diving board, or to swim in the deep end, you must be able to swim the
   length of the pool in front of the diving blocks.
• Forward jumps and dives are allowed form the diving board and deck.
• No running on the diving board.
• Do not bring animals into the pool area.
• Diaper changing on deck is prohibited.

*** Lifeguards are employed to ensure the safety of the swimmers. They have the authority to
remove anyone form the pool area who is disobeying the rules or endangering the safety of
themselves or another person. Staff has the authority to suspend the offender for addition days
if necessary.

It’s not just for old ladies!! Seriously! If you like being in the water but get bored swimming up
and down the lanes, or just want to vary your routine, consider trying pool exercise classes.
Water exercise can also be safer and more comfortable for pregnant women or for those who
are overweight, recovering from surgery, or suffer from arthritis, back pain or muscle or joint
All classes are 1-hour long unless otherwise noted. It is recommended to bring a bottle of water
poolside to keep your body hydrated. New participants are welcome any time.

• A doctor’s guidance is advised before you start an exercise program.
• Before your first class, let your instructor know about any special conditions that might affect
your workout.
• Keep yourself hydrated before, during and after your workout by drinking plenty of water.
• Wearing water shoes can improve your footing and protect your feet in shallow water.
• Remember- the more energy you invest in your workout, the more calories you’ll burn!

New London Parks & Recreation Guide                                                      PAGE 18
Fall PARK & REC GUIDE 2021
City of New London Residents:                       Non-City Residents:
$3.50/Class $31.50 for a 10-class pass              $4.75/Class $42.75 for a 10-class pass

Class Description: A well-rounded and fast-paced water exercise class that gives you a low-
impact cardio workout as well as targeting your abs and strength training. NO SWIMMING
SKILLS NECESSARY. Open to ages 12+ (14 and under need an adult accompanying). This is
an ongoing class- join at any time! There will be no PM classes on September 16, 23, and 30
due to Swim meets.
Class Times:
Tuesday:     8:00 - 9:00 a.m. & 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Thursday: 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. & 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Class Description: This class is a great workout for your cardio system as well as major
muscle groups. This is a minimum impact class and minimal swimming ability is needed;
flotations belts are available (rent a belt for $1.00, or purchase one at the front desk). Open to
ages 12+ (14 and under need an adult accompanying). This is an ongoing class- join any time!
There are no PM classes on September 16, 23, and 30 due to Swim meets.
Class Times:
Monday:        8:00 - 9:00 a.m. & Tuesday 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. & Thursday 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Class Description: This class was developed by the Arthritis Foundation as a safe exercise
program for those suffering from a wide variety of joint issues and arthritis-like symptoms. This
minimal impact class can benefit a variety of people looking to strengthen muscles, improve
balance, increase range of motion, or relieve stiffness. This class runs at a recreational pace
that ANYONE can handle. This is an ongoing class - join at any time! There will be no class on
September 16, 23, and 30 due to swim meets and water temperature.
Class Times:
Tuesday:      9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Thursday: 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.

The New London Aquatic and Fitness Center does not accept registrations by mail. Please
register online at www.activenet.active.com/newlondon, by calling (920) 982-8524, or in-person
at the New London Aquatic and Fitness Center or at the Parks and Recreation office in the New
London Municipal Building (west entrance) at 215 N. Shawano St.

  The Fitness Room offers a variety of cardio and weight equipment; such as treadmills,
  elliptical, a stair master, a row machine, and two types of stationary bikes. This space also
  offers an open area for floor exercising which pair well with the core mats and free weights
  that are available. Along with all of that a selection of weight lifting machines are offered.
  This space is open to any one age 16 & older. Appropriate workout attire is required (No
  sandals or swimsuits).

PAGE 19                                             New London Parks & Recreation Guide
Fall PARK & REC GUIDE 2021
   Not sure what swim lesson level to put your child in? Take a look at these level descriptions
                 and talk to the manager and ask them to make a recommendation.
PARENT & CHILD (6 MONTHS TO 3 YEARS OLD) This class is offered to give you and your
child guided time in the pool without the frenzy of the public swim atmosphere. The instructor
introduces you to the pool, the safest ways to enter a pool with a child, and gives you an idea
of the skills that are taught in the lower levels of the Learn-to-Swim program. Some of these
skills include floats, glides, arm actions and leg action.
PRE-AQUATICS (3 –5 YRS.) This class focuses on water adjustment. It is a good starting
place for 3 – 5 year olds who are new to the water. Students work on becoming comfortable in
the water and learn to float with support. Students learn basic swimming skills (front and back
crawl arms and kicks) and safety skills.
LEVEL 1 (5 YRS. & OLDER) Students learn basic swimming skills (front and back crawl arms
and kicks). Students start to learn breath control and how to combine arm strokes & kicks.
Front and back glides and safety skills are also covered. During this level all skills are accom-
plished with assistance but independent is encouraged and fostered.

LEVEL 2 This class builds upon the basic skills learned in Level 1 and individuals become
comfortable performing skills on their own with no assistance. Deep water is explored with and
without floatation to increase comfort level as well.

LEVEL 3 Students work on rhythmic breathing, adding distance to the front and back crawl and
sidestroke. Progression in the other five strokes is also made. Deep water treading and diving
are introduced along with new safety skills.

LEVEL 4 Stroke finesse is the main focus of this level. Increased distances improve endurance
of the basic strokes, while instruction and practice help to develop the more advanced breast-
stroke and sidestroke. Participants also earn open turns to become more efficient swimmers.
Progress is also made in diving skills.

LEVEL 5/6 These students desire to become more coordinated in all six strokes through
increased practice and longer distances. Flip turns and diving entries are also taught and prac-
ticed to increase efficiency while swimming.
     *** Graduates of our swim lesson program often enroll in Junior Lifeguard and Lifeguard
           certification classes, swim with competitive teams, or at the high school level.

New London Parks & Recreation Guide                                                     PAGE 20
Fall PARK & REC GUIDE 2021
Your child’s lesson instructor is their hands-on access to progressing through each level.
Instructors are responsible for approving skills and completing the checklist. Instructors are
trained by going through pre-lesson training, co-teaching, meetings, taking the American Red
Cross Water Safety Instructor class and/or following a prescribed lesson plan. It is our intention
to keep the same instructor with a class throughout a session. Although we attempt this, your
child may not always have the same instructor. Our instructors are mostly high school and
college students who are involved with many other activities. If an instructor needs a sub and
misses more than one class the instructor must try to get the same sub.
The importance of fun and games: Much of a child’s early learning takes place while playing
games. Images, games, and rhymes make up a child’s natural ability to imagine and pretend
while learning swimming-related skills. The use of images, games, and rhymes can enhance
a young child’s willingness to participate and enjoy aquatic activities. It is important to keep
swimming lessons motivating, challenging and fun.

                         SWIMMING LESSON REGISTRATION:
• Please note the registration closing date for each individual session. Classes may fill and be
   closed prior to the closing date.

                PROGRAM                 RESIDENTS FEE           NON-RESIDENT FEE
            General Swim Lessons              $30.00                   $45.00
               A $10 late fee will be applied after registration period has closed
Mondays September 27- October 25
Tuesdays September 28 – October 26
Classes run for 60 minutes, once a week Monday and Tuesday
TIMES:         6:00-7:00 p.m.
LEVELS:        Parent-Child (45 mins)
               Pre-School Aquatics
               Level 1
               Level 2
               Level 3
Classes run for 60 minutes, once a week Monday - Thursday
MONDAYS: November 8 – December 6
TUESDAYS: November 9 – December 7
THURSDAYS: November 4 – December 9 (No class November 23)

DAY/TIME:      Monday                 Tuesday                   Thursday
               6:00 – 7:00 p.m.       6:00 – 7:00 p.m.          6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
LEVELS:        Parent-Child (45 mins) Pre-School Aqs            Pre-School Aqs
               Pre-School Aqs         Level 1                   Level 1
               Level 1                Level 2                   Level 2
               Level 2                Level 3                   Level 3
               Level 3		                                        Level 4
               Level 4		                                        Level 5 & 6
               Level 5 & 6

PAGE 21                                             New London Parks & Recreation Guide

                                                                                        Woods/Nature Area

                                                                                                                                                                  Basketball Courts
                                           Public Restrooms


                                                                                                                                                                                      Volleyball Courts

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Tennis Courts
                                                                        Picnic Tables

                                                                                                                    Open Space


      New London Nature Area
                                   94                                                     X                          X
          (800 Partridge Drive)
                St. John's Park
                                   0.4                                   X
          (122 N. Water Street)
                River Trail Park
                                   1.8                                   X                                           X
       (205 S. Shawano Street)
                   Pfeifer Park
                                   9.4       S                X          X                                  X        X            X              3                  X                                     2L
            (509 Burton Road)
                      Mini Park
                                   0.2                                                                      X
          (521 N. Water Street)
                      Taft Park
                                   0.4                                   X                                  X        X
          (400 N. Water Street)
                Abraham Park
                                   3.3       S                           X                                           X            X              1                  X                                       2
         (1801 S. Pearl Street)
         Bernegger River Walk
           (103 S. Pearl Street)
                Memorial Park
                                   13        S                X          X                                  X        X            X              2                                    2L
      (800 Montgomery Street)
             Old Settlers Park
                                   5.5       X                                                                       X
       (815 W. Washington St)
                Riverside Park
                                   5         X                X          X                                  X        X
    (1215 W Wolf River Avenue)
                   Hatten Park
                                   120       S                X          X                X                 X        X            2              3                  X                    2                  4
       (801 Werner-Allen Blvd)
          Old City Hall Square
       (100 W. N. Water Street)
                 Franklin Park
                                   1.3       S                           X                X                 X        X            X
          (500 Division Street)
                  Krostue Park
                                   23                                    X                X                          X            X             X
               (411 Elm Street)
            NL Jaycees Dog Park
                (740 River Road)

New London Parks & Recreation Guide                                                                                                                                                  PAGE 22
The City maintains fifteen park sites that encompass a combined area of approximately 280
acres. This system offers a wide variety of passive and active recreational opportunities as well
as ample service facilities to support them.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           GENERAL PARK RULES

                                                                 X-Country Ski Trails
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           • Parks are open from 6 a.m.

                                                                                                                                                          Snowmobile Trails
                                                                                                                                     Off-street Parking

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Shoreline Fishing
                  Disc Golf Course

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              to 9 p.m. Boat launches

                                                                                                                                                                              Walk/Bike Trails
 Horseshoe Pits

                                                                                        Flower Garden

                                                                                                                      Boat Docking
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              and fishing areas may be

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Fishing Piers
                                                                                                        Boat Launch
                                                 Sledding Hill

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              used any time


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Dog Park
                                     Ice Rinks

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           • Golfing is not allowed in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              parks for safety reasons
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           • Dogs must be on a leash at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              all times and kept on trails
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              (except within the fenced
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              in area at the NL Jaycees
                                                                                                                                       X                                                                                                                      Dog Park)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           • Clean up of animal litter is
                                                                                         X                                                                                      X                 X           X                                            • No person shall possess
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              intoxicating liquors or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              fermented malt beverages
  X                                                                                                                                    X                                        X                 X           X
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              in Taft Park, Mini Park, Old
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              City Hall Square, St. John’s
                                                                                         X                                                                                                        X                                                           Park or Bernegger River

                                                                                                                       X               X                                                          X           X                                            Reservations are open to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           public each year on a first
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           come, first serve basis up
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           to one year in advance prior
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           to the date of your event.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Fees are required at the
                                                                                                                       X               X                                                          X           X                  X
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           time of reservation to secure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           your date. Registration is
                                                                                         X                                             X                                                          X           X                                            available online at www.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           NewLondonWi.org, at our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           office at 215 N. Shawano St.,
                                                                                                                                       X                                                                                                                   New London, WI 54961, or by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           calling (920) 982-8521.

                                     XL XL                                                               X             X               X                                        X                 X           X                                            S = p ublic restrooms are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                open from mid May-
XL                  X                                              X                     X                                             X                                        X                 X
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           L = lighting available

                                                                                         X                                             X                                                          X

                                                                                         X                                                                                      X                 X


                                                                                                                                       X                                                                                                         X

PAGE 23                                                                                                                                                                                         New London Parks & Recreation Guide
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