YOUR GOALS OUR MISSION - 2020 Brochure Winter/Spring - Auburn YMCA

YOUR GOALS OUR MISSION - 2020 Brochure Winter/Spring - Auburn YMCA

OUR MISSION        For more than a workout. For a better us.
           Free two hour parking is available in
                   the Parking Garage.
           Spaces adjacent to the building are
             reserved for accessible parking.

Auburn YMCA-WEIU, 27 William Street, Auburn NY, 13021, 315-253-5304
YOUR GOALS OUR MISSION - 2020 Brochure Winter/Spring - Auburn YMCA
Auburn Y Hours of Operation                                   Facility Usage by Age
Mon.-Fri.         5:00 am- 9:30 pm                            Cardio, Cybex & Fitness Areas:
Saturday          6:00 am- 7:00 pm                             Ages 8-13 require adult supervision.
                                                               Ages 14 & up no supervision required.
Sunday            7:00 am- 4:00 pm
                                                              Weight Room:
HOLIDAY HOURS                                                  Ages 18 and over
New Years Eve...5:00 am-2:00 pm                                Ages13-18, must schedule a weight room
New Years Day...Closed                                         orientation before use,schedule orientation with
                                                               Laura, 315-253-5304 ext. 1006
Memorial Day...Closed                                         Track:
Child Watch...ages 6 months -7 years                           Ages 6-10, adult supervision required.
Y-Members enjoy your                                           Ages 11 & up no supervision required.
workout while
your child plays in our safe &                                Locker Room Facilities
supervised playroom.                                          Women’s Locker Room: For women 18 years of age and
Monday-Friday                                                 older. Ages 5 & under may accompany their parents to the
8:30-11:30 am                                                 Women’s Locker Room.
4:15-7:30 pm                                                  Girls’ Locker Room: for girls up to 17 years of age.
Saturday                                                      Men’s and Boy’s Locker Room: for males of all ages.
9:00 am-Noon                                                  Family/Handicapped Locker Room: is for members/
Stay is limited to 2 hours for                                participants with disabilities or for a parent with a child
ages 1 & up &1 hour                                           of the opposite sex. Please place your belongings in the
for ages 6 months-1 year                                      lockers provided so that others may utilize the rooms.
Parents must remain in the Y. Children should not need
bottles, diaper changing or require one-on-one supervision.   Day Lockers: may be secured with a lock while you are in
                                                              the building. Please bring your own lock. Any locks left on a
   Auburn Y Members your membership is valid                  locker overnight are subject to removal by Y staff, who will
  at the Skaneateles Y...Just show your card for              retain your belongings in a safe place for one month.
      member rates on classes and programs!
                                                              Health Centers: designated for Health Center Members.
                                                              Children are not allowed in the Women’s Health Center.
Skaneateles YMCA Hours
96 State Street, Skaneateles                                  Pool Rules
315-685-2266                                                  Proper swim attire required, no cut-off or gym shorts, or
                                                              t-shirts. Swim diapers are required for children who are not
Till September 30                                             potty trained.
M-Thur. 5:15 am-9 pm                                          Children under 6 must be accompanied by an adult in the
Fri       5:15 am-6 pm                                        water.
Sat/Sun 7:15 am-4 pm                                          Children age 6 & 7 must have an adult in the pool area.
Oct.1 - Memorial Day                                          Those who do not pass the deep water test must have an
Mon-Fri 5:30 am-9 pm                                          adult in the pool within arms reach or wear a lifejacket and
Sat & Sun 7:00 am-6 pm                                        have a parent on deck.
                                                              Children 8-18 & under 5 feet tall who do not pass the
Child Watch        6 months-7 years                           deep water test must have an adult in the pool within arms
Mon. 8:45-11:30am                                             reach or wear a lifejacket.
Tue.-Fri. 8:30-11:30am                                        Children over 5 feet tall who do not pass the deep water
Mon.-Th. 5-7:00pm                                             test must remain in the shallow area.

                                                              Deep Water Testing
HOSPITALITY HOUR                                              All swimmers under 18 must wear a wristband.
EVERYONE WELCOME!                                             Members will be allowed to take the test immediately
3rd Wednesday of every month                                  following the last swim lesson of the day or upon
9:00-11:00 am                                                 request only when an additional lifeguard is available.
Join us the in the lobby for                                  Members who have passed can get their green band
good food, good company                                       at the members services desk.
2 fun! [YMCA NAME] [Contact Information]
YOUR GOALS OUR MISSION - 2020 Brochure Winter/Spring - Auburn YMCA

FREE Yoga, Pilates & Tai Chi
                                                                         FREE Racquetball League
FREE Wellness Coaching
                                                                         FREE Group Exercise Class
FREE Teen & Tween Programs
                                                                         FREE Water Fitness Classes
FREE Boxing Fitness Program
                                                                         FREE WI-FI
FREE Fitness Equipment Orientation                                       Special Rates on classes
FREE Running Programs                                                    Unlimited use of Skaneateles Y
FREE Childwatch while you work out
Financial Assistance The Auburn Y believes no                    MEMBERSHIP CATEGORY DESCRIPTIONS:
one should be denied membership or program               Youth...ages 0-18
participation solely because of an inability to          Young Adult...ages 19-25 may bring child(ren) under
pay fees. Financial Assistance applications are          age 5 for gym, swim, ice skating & child watch
available at the member services desk, or on line. All   Adult... ages 26+ may bring child(ren) under age 5 for
applications are kept confidential.                      gym, swim, ice skating & child watch
Nationwide Membership Over 90% of Y’s                    Family/Couple...includes one or two adults, 19 years
participate in this program, which enables Members       or older, living in the same household, and their
to visit any Y in the country through membership at      dependent children through age 25. Family Members
your “home” branch. This program is valid for active,    will receive family rates on Camp Y-Owasco, Swim
full facility Y members. Nationwide visitors must use    Lessons, Swim Team,Little League and Summer Freeze.
their home Y at least 50% of the time. To see if a Y     Health Center... ages 18+ Includes all privileges of
you are visiting qualifies, visit Only
Auburn Y members receive Member program pricing.         adult membership plus access to sauna, steam room,
                                                         exercise room and personal locker assignment. Men’s
Corporate Rate Companies in Auburn are making            area also includes a whirlpool.
an investment in their employees health by helping       Note: Children are not allowed in the WHC
them save 10% on Auburn YMCA Membership dues.            Family Health Center... includes above & parental
Check at the member services desk to see if your         use of the health center only. NEW! Family Members
company participates in this program.
                                                         will receive family rates on Camp Y-Owasco, Swim
Health Insurance Reimbursement Many health               Lessons, Swim Team and Little League.
insurers are recognizing the benefits of an active
lifestyle by reimbursing for some or all of your Y
membership dues. Contact your insurance company to
                                                         CATEGORY BANK DRAFT* ANNUAL RATE
inquire if your plan participates.                       Youth (0-18)       $22		 $264
                                                         Young Adult(19-25) $30   $360
                                                         Adult (26-64)      $42   $504
                          Holiday                        Senior (65+)       $41   $492
                    College Membership                   Family/Couple      $81   $972
                          45 days for $45                Health Center      $52   $624
                    Enjoy your break & stay in           Family H.C         $101  $1,212
                               shape!                         * Voided check needed to set up bank draft.
                    Offer Valid: Dec. 15- Jan.30

                                                         Membership Cancellation: Bank draft members may
                                                         terminate membership by completing a cancellation
      YMCA GIFT CERTIFICATES                             form: all terminations must be submitted in writing at
 Available at the member services desk in any money      least 30 days prior to the member’s next scheduled
   denomination. Good for membership, programs,          draft date. Forms available at the Member Services
        camp, merchandise, massage & more!               Desk.
                                                                         [YMCA NAME] [Contact Information]    3
YOUR GOALS OUR MISSION - 2020 Brochure Winter/Spring - Auburn YMCA
Day Passes: The fee for an individual daily guest pass         Criminal Behavior Policy: The Y reserves the right to
is $15. This fee may be applied towards a membership           deny access or membership to any person who has been
within 30 days.                                                convicted of any crime involving sexual abuse, is or has
Valuables: DO NOT leave cash or jewelry in your locker.        been a registered sex offender, has ever been convicted
Please bring your own lock for your day locker. The Y is       of any offense relating to the use, sale, possession,
not responsible for lost or stolen items.                      or transportation of narcotics or habit forming and/or
Lost & Found: Inquiries may be directed to the Member          dangerous drugs, chemicals, narcotics, or intoxicating
Service Desk.                                                  beverages. The YMCA also reserves the right to suspend
Cell Phone & Camera Usage is prohibited in the locker          access or membership to any person accused of the items
room/changing areas and all bathrooms.                         listed above pending the outcome of any charges or court
Golf Net is set up on Court #8 for practice. Members           proceedings.
must bring their own clubs and reserve area.
                                                               Sex Offender Policy: It is important for the Y to maintain
Racquetball & Squash Courts may be reserved for a              a safe and threat free environment for our members and
60 minute period by members one day in advance of              participants. The Y monitors sex offender registries. People
playing or in person at the Member Service Desk. Closed        named on this list will not be eligible for Y membership,
lens eye-guards are strongly recommended for all court
players.                                                       program participation, volunteer or employment
                                                               opportunities a the Auburn YMCA.
Weather: In the rare event of severe weather, the
lifeguard may ask swimmers to exit the pool and wait until     Code of Conduct: The Y is a family organization. We
the severe weather passes.                                     expect our members to meet minimum standards of
FREE WI-FI: Password: wifi 8264                                conduct. These standards include but are not limited to:
                                                               Compliance with all Y polices and rules regarding use of
Membership Cards or Key Tags must be scanned at
the Member Service Desk for admission. Membership              facilities and equipment. Inappropriate behavior may result
cards are non transferable. Card/Key Tag replacement fee:      in suspension of Y privileges.
$5.00.                                                         No swearing, abusive or vulgar language. No fighting.
Food and Drink are allowed in the lobby.                       The staff reserves the right to determine the
Smoking & Drinking of alcoholic beverages is not               appropriateness or inappropriateness of apparel being
permitted at any time. E-cigs and Vapor products are also      worn. If articles of clothing are deemed revealing, contain
prohibited.                                                    disturbing images or messages, or are not appropriate for
Insurance: The Y does not carry individual accident            the activity, the wearer will be asked to change or cover
insurance for participants. Individuals participate at their   up. All members must follow the core values of Respect,
own risk.                                                      Responsibility, Honesty and Caring.
Program Fees: Non-members who pay program fees                 Privacy: The Y is committed to protecting your privacy.
may apply the difference between member rate and non-          The Y is the sole owner of the information collected from
member rate up to 30 days from the start of the program,       its members & program participants. We will not sell or
towards membership.                                            rent this information to outside parties; the Y collects
Refunds: Program credit or refunds are issued when a           information via in-person transactions, phone, mail, email
class is cancelled. When events beyond our control cause       or fax transactions, & web site users. We may share
a cancellation, no refund or credit is given. Membership       data with other Ys for the benefit of our members or for
dues paid in full are not refundable or transferable.          security reasons. The Y may disclose data as permitted or
Late Fees: In order to properly prepare for programs           required by law, for example: to law enforcement officials,
& classes, we need to know how many people are                 in response to subpoenas, to regulators, to prevent fraud.
participating. Pre-registration is required for all our        Employees of the Y are required to maintain confidentiality
fee-based programs. A $10 late fee will be added               of member information & can only use information in the
to registrations received after first day of class or          course of employment with the Y.
registration deadline.
Closings & Delays: We strive to maintain normal                Members who Require Assistance may bring an
operations and class schedules during periods of               individual with them for assistance, at no additional cost.
inclement weather. In cases of power outage, state of          Members who require special accommodations may request
emergency, exceptional snowfall or extreme ice we may          an interview with the Y’s Branch Director to determine
choose to close. If you are unsure of our status, please       what accommodations can be made.
check our website, facebook, local news or call the
member services desk for updates.                                                     FREE two Hour Parking is
Inclusion Statement: The Y is made up of all ages from                                available in the Parking Garage!
every aspect of life working side by side to strengthen the
community. Together we work to ensure that everyone,                                  Metered parking is available on
regardless of ability, age, cultural back ground, ethnicity,                          William Street & Court Street,
faith, gender, gender identity, ideology, income, national                            with free parking after 5 pm &
origin, race or sexual orientation, has the opportunity to                            weekends. Spaces adjacent to
reach their full potential with dignity. Our core values are                          the building are reserved for
caring, honesty, respect and responsibility, which guides                             accessible parking.
4         [YMCA NAME]
us in everything  we do.[Contact Information]
YOUR GOALS OUR MISSION - 2020 Brochure Winter/Spring - Auburn YMCA
Chris Nucerino, CEO                                              BOARD OF DIRECTORS:

            Denise Tabone, CFO                                                   Chair: David Tehan
STAFF       Bill Brown, Facilities Director
            Laura Clary, Wellness Director                                  Vice Chair: Marie Nellenback
            Betsy Degroff, Preschool Director                               Secretary: Dale Buchberger
            Alicia McIntosh, Program Bookkeeper                                 Jeff Carlberg, Ally Colvin,
            Rose Kline, Member Services Coordinator                          Kathleen Cuddy, JD Delmonico,
            Brendan Gill, Aquatics Coordinator                                Amy Fuller, Jessica Kolodzie,
            Steve Komanecky, Branch Executive                               Stephon McGee, Rich Newman,
            Amy Wallner, PR & Fund Development                                Chris Rheaume, Dan Rivers,
            Eva Taylor-Sholes, Human Resources                              Dr. Mike Tamul, Shane Truman,
            Erin Johnson, Aquatics Director                                 Rachel Stowell, Charles Wallace,
            Jeff Hanno, Sports Director                                               Dawn Wayne
            Johanna Lynch, Y-Pals Coordinator
            Beth Arnold, Membership Bookkeeper                                    OUR MISSION
                                                                   THE YMCA PUTS CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES INTO
            Melissa Cartner, Camp, Youth Director                  PRACTICE THROUGH PROGRAMS THAT BUILD
                                                                    HEALTHY SPIRIT, MIND AND BODY FOR ALL

GIVE      Every day, the Y strengthens communities for kids, adults, seniors and families
          with programs that protect, teach, connect, heal, nourish and encourage. It’s
FOR A     how we give everyone the opportunities they need to reach their full potential.
          When you donate to the Auburn YMCA you help us provide kids and families in
BETTER US the Auburn area with the programs and services they need to thrive.
Youth Development: All kids deserve the opportunity to be empowered to reach their full potential. We see
every interaction with young people as an opportunity for learning and development grounded in the Y’s core
values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility.
Healthy Living: We help people and families build and maintain healthy habits for spirit, mind and body in their
everyday lives. By helping kids, adults, families and seniors from all walks of life improve their health and well-
being, we build a stronger community.
Social Responsibility: With our doors open to all, we bring together people from all backgrounds, to support
those in need. We take on the most urgent needs in our community and inspire a spirit of service in return. Our
members, volunteers, supporters and staff demonstrate the power of what we can achieve by taking action and
giving back together.

     DONATE TODAY.As a charitable organization, the Y provides financial assistance to those who
                  cannot afford the cost of programs, membership, or services. Membership dues
support our facility and operations, not financial assistance. Contributions to the Auburn YMCA are, under
Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, deductible for computing income and estate taxes. For more
information about giving opportunities, call Amy Wallner at 315-253-5304, ext. 1021 or by e-mail amy@
                                                                            [YMCA NAME] [Contact Information]     5
YOUR GOALS OUR MISSION - 2020 Brochure Winter/Spring - Auburn YMCA
Aquatics Director: Erin Johnson, 315-253-5304 ext. 1012 or
Aquatics Coordinator: Brendan Gill, 315-253-5304 ext.1008 or
              SWIM LESSON SELECTOR                                   SWIM your child 7???
 All children are tested on the first day of classes,   Thanks to the generosity of our members & their
  if your child needs to move to another   class the  support   of our Annual Support Campaign,we are able
              instructor will inform you.             to offer seven  year olds FREE SWIM LESSONS at the Y.
                                                           If a child is seven years old during any portion of the
                         Under 3                           swim session, then that child is eligible to participate
    If you child has never taken lessons at the Y before                  in swim lessons for FREE!
                   please sign them up for:
             Swim Starters, Water Discovery (A)            Session I : Jan. 6- Feb. 29
                                                                        Late fee after Jan. 4
                        Ages 3-5                           Session II: March 2- April 25
    If you child has never taken lessons at the Y before                Late fee after Feb. 29
                   please sign them up for:                Session III: April 27- June 20
          Preschool Lessons,Water Acclimation (1)
                                                                        Late fee after April 25
                       Ages 6-12                                              Y              Y-Family     General
    If you child has never taken lessons at the Y before    Session Fees
                   please sign them up for:                                Member            Member        Public
                     Safety Around Water                    Swim Starters $40               $20           $80
                                                            Preschool     $50               $25           $100
                      SWIM STARTERS                         SAW           $50               $25           $100
                    AGES 6 MON.-3 YRS                       School Age    $50               $25           $100
    Lessons 30 min. Adult must accompany child in water.
A. Water Discovery					                                     SAFETY AROUND WATER (S.A.W) ...AGES 6-12
            Tue. 5:30pm, Sat. 9:05am, 9:45am                Required for children who have never taken swim lessons
B. Water Exploration					                                   before. Classes offered:
         Tue. 6:15pm Fri. 10:30am Sat. 11:05am                     Thur. 7:05-7:35 pm Sat. 10:25-10:55 am

                                                                SCHOOL AGE LESSONS...AGES 6-12 YRS
                                                              1-3 Lessons 30 min. Level 4-6 Lessons 40 min.

                                                           1. Water Acclimation
                                                           Mon. 6:15pm Wed. 6:15pm Thur. 6:15pm Sat. 9:05am
                                                           2. Water Movement
                                                           Mon. 6:15pm Wed. 6:15pm Thur. 6:15pm Sat. 9:05am
                                                           3. Water Stamina
                                                           Mon. 6:15pm Wed. 6:15pm Thur. 6:15pm Sat. 9:05am
                                                           4. Stroke Introduction
                                                           Mon. 7:05pm Tue. 6:15pm Wed. 7:05pm Sat. 9:40am
                                                           5. Stroke Development
                                                           Mon. 7:05pm Wed. 7:05pm Sat. 9:40am
               PRESCHOOL LESSONS                           6. Stroke Mechanics
                AGES 3-5 YEARS                              Mon. 7:05pm      Wed. 7:05pm Sat. 9:40am
                   Lessons 30 min.
1. Water Acclimation					                                    PRIVATE SWIM LESSONS Offered for both
Mon. 5:30pm Wed. 5:30pm Thur. 5:30pm                       children & adults. 30 minute lessons are arranged
Fri.11:00am Sat. 9:45am, 10:25am                           between instructor & student.
2. Water Movement					                                     8 Lessons:       $160 Y-Member $200 General Public
Mon. 5:30pm Wed. 5:30pm Thurs. 5:30pm                      Single Lesson: $20 Y-Member $30 General Public
Fri. 11:00am Sat. 10:25am
3. Water Stamina					                                      ADULT LESSONS Lessons include, personal safety,
Mon. 5:30pm Wed. 5:30pm Thur. 5:30pm Sat. 10:25am          stroke development, rescue & more!
4. Stroke Introduction					                                Session Dates: same as for swim lessons above
Tue. 5:30pm Sat. 9:05am                                    Days: Thursdays: 7:05-7:45pm
6        [YMCA NAME] [Contact Information]                 Fees: Y-Members $35 General Public $70
YOUR GOALS OUR MISSION - 2020 Brochure Winter/Spring - Auburn YMCA
AQUATICS                                                     WATER EXERCISE...FREE FOR MEMBERS
                                                             Check schedules for times and days and for any
                                                             changes. Schedules available at desk or online at
SWIM TEAM                                          
ages 5-18                                                    AQUATHERAPY Instructor: Ken Rescott, PT, COAST
The Auburn Y Stingrays are one of the                        Did you know that certain conditions and injuries are
most competitive programs in NYS.                            best treated while you are in the water?
Team is open to swimmers who can swim one                    This particular type of therapy is used to treat a variety of
length of the pool using the crawl stroke utilizing rotary   medical conditions and diseases such as arthritis, strokes,
breathing. Swimmers can compete through high school          Parkinson’s disease, obesity and post-op recovery. The
& even into college during the summer. Practices are held    use of water allows you to function at levels that are not
2 to 6 times per week depending on age and level of          possible outside of this environment. Prescription from
commitment. Fall session meets September–February &          Doctor required for participation.
Summer session meets April-August.                           Days & Times: Tues. & Thurs. ...8:00-9:30 am
For swimmers qualifying for state and nationals the          AQUACISE Exercise done in shallow water. Includes,
season extends into April. There is an additional fee of     stretching, aerobics, walking & cool down.
$90 for those 11 and up who want to compete in USA           Days & Times: Mon/Wed /Fri. 9:30-10:15 am
competitions. This is good through the 2019 long course
season Note: National Y rules require that all swim team     AQUAHIGH Exercise in shallow water. Includes warm-up
members be members of the Y. Youth memberships are           & stretching followed by high-level aerobics, finishing with
available for only $19/month.                                cool-down.
Start        Days       Hours        Level Ages        Fee   Days & Times: Tue/Thur 7:00-8:00 pm
Sept. 16     M-F      4:30-6pm A & B 13 & up $370
Sept. 16     M-F      4:30-6pm C          11 & 12 $370       AQUA BOOT CAMP A high intensity, low impact shallow
Sept. 24     M-F      6:00-7pm D & E 10 & under $285         and/or deep water fitness class that is fun, fast and
                                                             effective. Uses a variety of buoyancy and resistance
                                                             equipment, circuit training, and cardio work to help you
                                                             improve your fitness, tone and strengthen your body. A
                                                             challenging workout, yet adaptable for all fitness levels,
                                                             ages and abilities. Pre-Registration required.
                                                             Days: Wed., 5:45-6:45 am
                                                             DEEP WATER MOVEMENT Participants wear float belts
                                                             for a low impact workout in deep water, incorporating
                                                             upper and lower body exercises for toning and improving
                                                             core body strength.
                                                             Days & Times: Mon./Wed./Fri. 7:30-8:30 am
                                                                             Mon./Wed./Fri. 8:30-9:30 am
                                                                             Tue/Thur.     7:00-8:00 pm
                                                             DEEP WATER CHALLENGE High intensity interval
                                                             workout in deep water incorporating upper and lower body
                                                             exercises. Uses a float belt.
LAP TRAINING/MASTERS                                         Days & Times: Wed/Fri. 9:30-10:15 am
Swimming workout for all age swimmer past stage 6.
Session Dates: Jan. 7, Feb 25 March 3 & Apr. 21              RUSTY HINGES For those who are living with arthritis
Tuesdays & Thursdays: 7-8:00 pm                              or other conditions that can be helped by mild range of
Fees: Y-Members $60 General Public $100                      motion exercises in the water.
                                                             Days & Times: Tue/Thurs. 8:30-9:30 am
SCUBA The YMCA & Finger Lakes Scuba Coral Reef Dive
Adventures, offers Scuba training courses year round. For    AQUA H.I.T.T Improve flexibility, build strength and burn
more information call Finger Lakes Scuba Coral Reef Dive     massive calories. High-energy intervals paired with
Adventures, 315-252-8683.                                    soothing stretches for recovery.
                                                             Days & Times: Thurs. 9:30-10:15 am Tues. 7:10-7:55pm
NEW!! AQUATIC PERSONAL TRAINING                              HYDROSPLASH Deep end class designed to increase
Join certified personal trainer Lindsay Swab in the pool
for specialized one-on-one trainings. Individualized         agility, range of motion and cardio endurance.
program will benefit those individuals who need non          Days & Times: Mon. 9:30-10:15 am
-impact movements while working on gaining strength
and endurance. Interested? Contact Health and Wellness       KICK-IT HIgh Intensity cario workout using kickboxing
Director Laura Clary to arrange an appointment.              moves. Aqua shoes/sneakers are recommended
                                                             Days & Times: Mon., 5:45-6:45 am
                                                                              [YMCA NAME] [Contact Information]           7
YOUR GOALS OUR MISSION - 2020 Brochure Winter/Spring - Auburn YMCA
                                                                 SCHOOL’S OUT (SEPT-JUNE)
                                                                 Program provides safe, affordable, quality child care for
                                                                 your school aged child when school is not in session.
                                                                 Program offers structured, supervised activities such as
                                                                 swimming, field trips, gym games and crafts. Registration
                                                                 forms must be completed prior to attendance and program
                                                                 is available to register for 30 days prior to start of
                                                                 program. Pre-Registration is required.
                                                                 Time: 6:30 am-6:00 pm
BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM                                  Fee: Y-Members $35/day
AGES 5-12                                                              General Public: $45/day
Program provides safe, affordable, quality child care for
youngsters. The program is conducted & planned by trained
Y staff. It’s a quality child care program designed with the
working family in mind. The Y welcomes all participants           SNOW DAYS
regardless of race, sex, or religion. Scholarships available.     Program provides safe, affordable,
Hours: 6:30 am to School begins Dismissal to 6:00 pm              quality child care for your school
Locations:                                                        aged child when school is not in
Before and After School Care: Weedsport Elementary                session. Program offers structured,
School, Herman Ave, Owasco, Moravia and Seward School.            supervised activities such as
Before School Care Only: Casey Park                               swimming, field trips, gym games
After school only: YMCA Site will serve all Auburn district       and crafts. Registration forms must
students with approved bus pass.                                  be completed prior to attendance
                                                                  and program is available to register
Monthly Fees:            Morning Afternoon AM/PM Care             for 30 days prior to start of program. Pre-Registration is
Y-Member (1st child)         $190       $220 $320                 required.
General Public (1st child) $220         $250 $355                 Time: 6:30 am- 6:00 pm
Y-Member (additional child )$180        $210 $310                 Fee: Y-Members $35/day
General Public (additional child ) $210 $240 $345                       General Public: $45/day
$5 monthly discount for Bank Draft payments

AGES 5-12
Time: Mon-Fri. 6:30 am-6:00 pm Dates: June 29–August 21,2020
Join us at the Auburn YMCA for a fun, safe, quality summer child care program. All YMCA programs strive for youth
development, healthy living, and social responsibility for all. The Y-Kids program is staffed by
caring, qualified, trained child care professionals, & is licensed by the State of New York. Program is held at the Auburn
Y for children ages 5 (or entering kindergarten) through 12 years of age (or entering grade 6). A light breakfast is
offered each morning along with afternoon snacks. Children need to bring: a lunch, water bottle, swim suit, and towel.
Registration forms are available at the Y, and online at Registrations accepted at the Member Services
Desk. Payment for the first week is due at the time of registration.
                                                                                    Register for only the
Weekly Fees: (Full Time Care Only)                                             weeks you need. There is an
Y-Member:        $170/1st child $160/each add. child                           additional fee for field trips.
General Public: $200/1st child $190/each add. child
8        [YMCA
First weeks    NAME]for
            payment     each child
                      [Contact      is due at time of registration. Non-refundable $10 deposit fee per child is required
for each additional week.
YOUR GOALS OUR MISSION - 2020 Brochure Winter/Spring - Auburn YMCA
Preschool Director: Betsy DeGroff, 315-990-0779 or
TERRIFIC TWO’S                                                   BEFORE & AFTER PRESCHOOL CARE
Program is well rounded & enjoyable, with the focus              For students enrolled in full day 3’s, 4’s or UPK program.
on socialization & physical activity. Projects, activities,      The Y’s Before and After School program provides children
playtime & healthy snacks. Child must be 2 by Dec. 1,            enrolled in our full day 4’s program & UPK, a fun,
2020 to enroll for the 2020/2021 school year.                    game-filled program in a safe environment for your child.
2020/21 Monthly Fees:                                            Activities include snacks, arts and crafts, gym games, and
AM: 9-11:30 am Y Member                 General Public           small group activities. Program licensed by NY State and
T & Th               $120                 $155		                 registration forms must be completed prior to attendance.
M/W/F                $145                $180                    2019/20 Monthly Fees:
M-F                  $200                $245                                         7-9 am           2-5 pm        Both
$5 discount/month for bank draft                                 Y- Member             $190            $220          $320
                                                                 General Public        $220            $250          $355
                                                                 $5 monthly discount for Bank Draft payments
                                                                 2020/2021 rates will be will be available in late summer.

                                                                 KINDERKAMP...AGES 3-5
                                                                 KinderKamp provides children hours of fun led by a
                                                                 caring staff. Daily swim lessons, gym classes,
                                                                 age-appropriate crafts, playtime & healthy snacks
                                                                 keep everyone busy & smiling.
                                                                 Weekly themes...attend one week or all seven!
                                                                         July 6-10		               Little Scientist
                                                                         July 13-17                Disney Adventure
                                                                         July 20-24 		             Magic & Unicorns
     Did you know that the Auburn Y is a                                 July 27-31                Dinosaurs Everywhere
            Universal Pre K Site?                                        August 3-7                Cooking Fun
                                                                         August 10-14              Animal Discovery
     This 5 day a week program is FREE!                                  August 17-21              Hawaiian Luau
Children turning 3 or 4 years old by Dec. 1, 2020
  are eligible to attend. Universal Pre-K, if you                Weekly Fees:
        live in the Auburn School District.                      Session     Time        Y-Member                    General Public
           It’s FREE, and paid for by the                          AM       9-11:30 am      $90                        $115
          NYS Department of Education.                            *Full Day 9 am-2:00 pm    $125                       $150
   Registration Forms are available on line at                        *Note: If your child attends the 9:00 am-2:00 pm
                                                                       session, please provide your child with a lunch.

Program combines both education,recreation, weekly
swim lesson & gym time for large motor development. Our
program is well rounded & enjoyable, with the focus on
socialization & physical activity. Child must be 3 or older by
Dec. 1, 2020 to enroll for the 2020/2021 school year.
2020/21 Monthly Fees:
       Y Member                General Public
T & Th 9-11:30 am       $120              $155
M/W/F 9-11:30 am        $145             $180
M-F 9-11:30 am          $200              $245
M-F 9 am-2:00 pm $305                     $340
M/W/F 9am-2:00pm $220                     $255
T/Th 9am-2:00pm         $155              $190
$5 discount/month for bank draft Field trips included in fee.

                                                                                      [YMCA NAME] [Contact Information]               9
YOUR GOALS OUR MISSION - 2020 Brochure Winter/Spring - Auburn YMCA
Sports Director: Jeff Hanno, 315-253-5304 ext. 1009 or
KINDER SPORTS...ages 3-5
Our kindersport classes work to teach basic sport                    ATHLETIC SPORT SPECIFIC TRAINING
skills and develop hand/eye coordination through              Coach Hanno will help you develop your athletic skills and
activities that promote cooperation, teamwork, and             confidence for your specific sport. Program designed to
sportsmanship.                                                 help you improve overall performance, strength, power
Soccer            Basketball                                   and coordination, while focusing on injury prevention.
T-Ball            Lacrosse                                       Contact Coach Hanno to arrange times and dates.
Programs will run on Saturday mornings and early                          7 week session for age 13-19:
evenings during the weekdays. More information                     2x week: Y-Members $150 General Public $180
available at the member services desk or online at                3x a Week: Y-Members $250 General Public $280
YOUTH SPORTS...ages 6-8                                       Y-PULSARS YOUTH RUNNING CLUB ...ages 8 & up
We offer youth sports for kids at all skill levels. Learn a   All running abilities welcome.
new sport or refine existing skills under the supervision     December 26- June 24
of caring and skilled coaches. Schedules and registration     Time: M-W-F...3:30-5:00 pm Sat. 9-10:30 am
information available at the member services desk or          Team shirts available for purchase.
online at                                      Pre-registration required.
                                                              Fee: Y-Members FREE         General Public $120
ages 6-15                                                     WEIGHT ROOM ORIENTATION...ages 13-18
League is for players of all skill levels.                    must schedule a weight room orientation before using
Date: Friday Evenings                                         the weight room. Schedule your orientation with Health
       5:30-8:30 pm                                           and Wellness Director Laura at 315-253-5304 ext.
       Jan. 10- March 13                                      1006 or
Fee: Y-Members $50
       General Public $90                                     BABYSITTING COURSE... ages 11-16
Games will be held at the Auburn                              One Day Sessions! Learn the skills necessary to care for
YMCA. Schedules given out first day                           children in a safe and responsible manner.
LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL... ages 5-12                           Dates: Jan. 20, Feb. 22, March 20, April 10, May 22
Registration Opens January 6                                  Time: 10:00 am- 3:30 pm
Registrations forms are available at the Auburn Y or online   Fee: Y-Members $40 General Public $60

LIVESTRONG at the YMCA is an evidence based                   Program Goals:
program that helps adult cancer survivors reclaim             • Improve energy and self-esteem
their health and wellbeing following a cancer                 • Build muscular strength and endurance
diagnosis. The YMCA will create a welcoming                   • Improve flexibility & Restore Balance
community in which survivors can improve their                • Improve circulation and functional ability to
strength and physical fitness, diminish the severity of         complete everyday tasks
therapy side effects, develop supportive relationships        • Reduce the severity of therapy side effects
and improve their quality of life.                            • Improve body image
                                                              • Reduce stress levels
Program Includes:                                             • Build supportive relationships in a comfortable and
• Subsidized 12-week YMCA Family Membership                     safe environment.
• Two 75 minute classes per week                                         Next session begins in March.
• Group workouts with individualized instruction                  For more information contact Laura Clary,
• Workouts include cardiovascular exercise, strength
  training, stretching & balance work                         Wellness Director, 315-253-5304 ext. 1006 or
• Full access to the Auburn and Skaneateles YMCA’s                      Call today...Class size is limited!
10       [YMCA NAME] [Contact Information]
Health & Wellness Director: Laura Clary, 315-253-5304 ext 1006 or
ACTIVE OLDER ADULTS                                              CHRONIC DISEASE WELLNESS

SENIOR STRENGTH CIRCUIT: 30 minute circuit workout               F.I.R.S.T
using the Nautilus strength equipment located in the Cardio
Room. Participants will be led thru the circuit with intervals   Fighting Insulin Resistance with Strength Training for
of balance work and stretching. Contact Laura Clary for          Diabetic and Pre-Diabetic Conditions.
assistance.                                                      If you find you are at risk for developing diabetes by having
CHAIR YOGA: a gentle form of yoga that is practiced              family history or have received blood work reporting high
sitting on a chair or standing using a chair for support.        A1c levels, then this program is for you. Participants must
Fri. 9:30-10:15 am and Sat. 10:30-11:15 am                       have a physicians release, pre-blood work or physician
8 week session: Jan. 10- Feb. 28                                 referral, complete pre and post assessments. This is
Free for Y-Members          $30 General Public                   an entry level program designed to introduce members
                                                                 through progression, safe and scientifically proven
FOREVER GOLD: Join us in the A gym for this fusion of            exercises to help reduce chances of developing type 2
our two land classes (Forever Fit & Pure Gold). Class will       diabetes. To encourage the best success for you, we ask
incorporate chair based movements utilizing hand weights,        that participants do not miss more than 3 class times
resistance tubing and small training balls. Balance work and     and upon completion of post assessment you will receive
flexibility will be focused on throughout the class.             three one-on-one personal training sessions to help you
Tues. & Thurs. 9:15-10:00 the A-Gym                      continue your health journey.
ZUMBA GOLD®: Fuses International rhythms & easy to               Please contact Laura Clary @ 315-253-5304 x 1006 for
follow moves to create a one-of-a-kind fitness program.          more information or any concerns.
This dance fitness class involves modified movements &           Spring Dates to be announced.
pacing.                                                          (Financial assistance is available, please consult with a
Tues. 11:30 am-12:10 pm                                          member services employee for paperwork).
PURE GOLD: Provides functional, daily exercise activities
to improve overall strength, flexibility, posture & balance. A   Chronic Disease Self Mangement
chair is available for seated or standing support, stretching    Gain confidence in your ability to manage chronic
& relaxation.                                                    diseases through this Free Chronic Disease Self-
Mon. & Wed.& Fri. 11:15am-12:00 pm                               Management Program (CDSMP), developed by Stanford
TAI-CHI “meditation in motion” This practice promotes            University. This 6-week instructor-led small group
serenity while connecting the mind & body. Each movement         workshop is designed to provide you with the tools
flows into the next without pause. Thurs. 8:30-9:15am            you need to improve your health and quality of life.
BALANCE & FLEXIBILITY Join certified Falls Prevention and        CDSMP is ideal for adults with a variety of chronic
Senior Specialist instructor Wendy Vitale while she takes        conditions,including arthritis, diabetes, hypertension,
you through movements to help you regain and establish           and other chronic conditions that can make life difficult.
better posture, balance and flexibility.                         Program is presented in collaboration with Cayuga
Tues. 10:15-11:00 am in the A-Gym                                Health Network & Laura Clary, YMCA Wellness Director
                                                                 Contact Laura Clary, Health and Wellness Director for
                                                                 more information, 315-253-5304 ext. 1006 or laura@
WATER CLASSES... see page 7 for dates and times        
                                                                  Licensed massage therapists offer relaxing &
RUSTY HINGES                                                      rejuvenating massage sessions. Appointments can be
                                                                  made at the Member Services Desk. Cancellations must
AQUATHERAPY                                                       be made 24 hours in advance, no refunds given for
DEEP WATER                                                        missed appointments.
                                                                  Fee: Y-Members: $55/hour $40/half hour
MOVEMENT                                                               General Public: $65/hour $45/half
                                                                                 [YMCA NAME] [Contact Information]     11
Health & Wellness Director: Laura Clary, 315-253-5304 ext. 1006 or
Fitness Consultation                                           ALL CLASSES ARE FREE FOR MEMBERS
Contact the Health & Wellness Department to schedule           Group fitness classes are free for Y Members age 14
an appointment if you need a little direction or concerns      and older. (Members under 14 must be accompanied by
moving forward in your health journey.                         an adult.) Your Y offers a wide variety of group fitness
                                                               classes for almost every ability and interest. You’ll find
                                                               low-impact, beginner, intermediate and advanced level
Cybex & Weight Room Instruction                                classes.
The Health & Wellness staff highly encourages orientations
on any of our circuits or free weight area. This will ensure              BARRE FIT, BOOT CAMP
you have been advised the most safe and efficient usage                BOXING FITNESS, GROUP CYCLING
of the equipment. Please schedule an appointment at the                  STRETCH-N-TONE, TRX
Member services desk.                                                    PILATES, CHAIR YOGA
                                                                          LINE DANCING, YOGA
Weight Room                                                                  ZUMBA AND MORE
Anyone under the age of 18 must schedule a weight              For times, days of classes and descriptions of classes,
room orientation before using the weight room. Schedule        pick up a group exercise schedule at the member
your orientation with Health and Wellness Director Laura at    services desk. Schedules are also available online at
315-253-5304 ext. 1006 or       Day Passes are available for
                                                               the general public.
Body Composition
Measuring your body composition can tell you more about         PERSONAL TRAINING
your body and its condition than merely stepping on a          Our Personal Training program is designed with your goals
scale. Body composition tells you what percent of your         in mind. It is affordable, with many options to choose from
body weight is fat and if potential health risks exist.        to fit your budget and time constraints. It is effective our
                                                               certified trainers work with you to provide accountability
                                                               and guidance.
BOXING FITNESS                                                 PERSONALIZED.AFFORDABLE.EFFECTIVE!
Speed bag, heavy bag drills, mitt work &
other boxing exercises will be offered to                      One-on-One Personal Training
get you in shape & improve overall health.                     Includes: Initial Interview & Assessment, Personalized
Days: Mon.& Wed.                                               Exercise Regimen, Access to Trainer for Support,
Times: 4:00-6:00 pm                                            Re-Evaluation and Revised Regimen.
Fee: Free for Y-Members General Public $15/class               Fee: 10 Session Package: $225/30 min or $360/60 min

                                                               Buddy System...Train with a Friend
                                                               Includes: Initial Interview & Assessment,Personalized
                                                               Exercise Program, Access to Trainer for Support,
                                                               Re-Evaluation & Revised Regimen.
                                                               Per Person Fee: 10 Session Package: $135/30 min or
                                                               $180/60 min

                                                               General Public: $100 more per 10 session package.
                                                               Cancellation Policy: Specific time is set aside for your
                                                               training. You must cancel appointment 24 hours in
                                                               advance. Failure to do so will result in a session charge.

                                                               8 OR 12 WEEK PERSONALIZED WRITTEN
                                                               *Initial Assessment & goal setting with certified personal
                                                               *Consultation and instruction with trainer
                                                               *Access to trainer for revisions
                                                               *Personalized Exercise Regimen for you to complete on
                                                               your own
                                                               Contact Health and Wellness Director, Laura Clary for
                                                               appointment, 315-253-5304 ext 1006 or laura@
12      [YMCA NAME] [Contact Information]              
Questions or for more information on our running programs contact Danielle Calandra at 315-
253-5304 ext 1025 or
                                                                   Y-PULSARS YOUTH
                                                                   RUNNING CLUB
                                                                   AGES 8 & UP
                                                                   All running abilities welcome.
                                                                   Dates: December 26- June 24
                                                                   Time: M-W-F...3:30-5 pm
                                                                          Sat. 9-10:30 am
                                                                   Team shirts available for purchase.
                                                                   Fee: Y-Members FREE
                                                                         General Public $120
                                                                   Pre-registration required.
ADULT RUNNING GROUP                                                Registrations accepted at Member Services desk.
(must be able to run for at least 15 min.)                         COUCH TO 5K
Dates: January 7- May 24                                           Program introduces you to intervals of running, as it allows
Times: Tues. & Thurs. 6:00-7:00 pm                                 you to vary the pace to suit your fitness levels. .
Fee: Y-Members: FREE                                               Date: March 16- May 24
     General Public: $120 /session                                 Times: Mondays & Thursdays 6-7:00 pm
 Pre-registration required. T-Shirts are available for purchase.   Fee: Y-Members: $60 General Public: $120

Sports Director: Jeff Hanno, 315-253-5304 ext 1009 or
RACQUETBALL LESSONS                                           MONDAY NIGHT RACQUETBALL LEAGUE
Beginner-Advanced level players.                              10 Weeks of Play...Fun for all level of players!
 Learn hitting techniques, serves,                            Are you interested in competitive play against players of
service return, court position & strategy.
Lessons are 1 hr in length                                    similar caliber? League offers novice-advanced players weekly
Private Lessons:                                              competitive matches. Register individually; team assignments
One-on-one private instruction.                               are made according to level of play.
One Lesson:
Y-Members        $30                                          Time: Mondays 5:15-9:00 pm
General Public $40                                            Session I: January 27- March 30
Four Lessons:                                                 Session II: April 6- June 8
Y-Members        $100                                         Fee: Y-Members FREE
General Public $120                                               General Public $120

Enjoy an evening of fun, friendly competition. Both
recreational & competitive leagues offered. Each team
must have at least 2 females on the court.
Times: Thursdays 6:30-10:00 pm
Dates: Session I Jan. 9-Feb. 27
Session II March 5-April 23
Team Fee: $150
Join us in the A-gym for the exciting paddle game of
Pickle-ball. Pickleball is a combination of ping-pong,
tennis & badminton.
Days: Wed. & Fri. Times: 8:00-10:00 am
        Tues. Times: 6:00-8:00 pm
         Sat. Times: 8:00-10:00 am
Fee: Y-Members Free
                                                                                    [YMCA NAME] [Contact Information]      13
The Auburn Y is committed to helping families grow stronger and live healthier. We give families a place
to connect with each other and the community, build lasting relationships and have fun together through
programs like Family Fun Nights, Halloween at the Y and more! For more information on programs stop by the
members services desk or visit our website at

Family Fun Nights
Join the Y staff team for a night of games, crafts, snack, and open gym. Let’s make this a night of laughter and
memories that will last a lifetime. Fun for the Whole Family.
Includes...Pizza & Drinks, Family Swim, Fun,Games, Free Swim and more!
Kids Night Out
Enjoy an evening without the little ones when you send them to the Y for their own night out. Children will enjoy
gym time, open play, crafts and a more. Dinner is provided.

                     Father Daughter Dance                                     Bowl-a-Thon
                   Join us for an enchanted evening designed for
                   the special princess(es) in your life. Don’t miss           Join us for a family friendly fun evening
                   the chance to twirl your little girls around the            of bowling for a great cause. Each team
                   dance floor! This magical night is complete                 will bowl two games and enjoy free food
                   with decorations, music,dancing, refreshments               and music. Be sure to bring some cash,
                   and unforgettable memories. Dress to                        there will be basket raffles and 50/50’s.
                   impress, photos will be taken!                              Proceeds from this event will go to support
         MORE INFORMATION TO FOLLOW IN JANUARY.                                youth programming at the Auburn YMCA.
               TICKETS GO ON SALE MARCH 2.                                            More information to
           DON’T DELAY, TICKETS SELL OUT FAST.                                         follow in February.

                                                                Emerson Dance
                                                                Saturday, March 21
                                                                at the Hilton Garden Inn
                                                                Dance is open to Auburn High School Freshman and
BIRTHDAY PARTIES...FUN FOR ALL!                                 Sophomores. Advance ticket sales only! Tickets cannot be
Each party consists of one hour of play and one hour for        purchased at the door. Tickets go on sale February 10.
refreshments & presents. Birthday child receives a Y shirt      Listen to school announcements for more information.
as a birthday gift on day of the party. Party reservations      Ticket Fee: $34/person
must be made two weeks in advance. Payment due at time
of reservation. For more information call the Y.
Call 315-253-5304 to make your reservation.
Fee: Y-Members……....$80           General Public….$115                                           Save the
                                                                                               Date for the
Pool Party (up to 20 swimmers) Any group, organization
or family may rent the pool for their very own “Pool Party”.                                   Downtown
Rentals are available on Sat. & Sun.                                                               Mile!
Sports Parties ages 3-16 (max. 20 participants) Spend
                                                                                                August 21
your birthday playing a sport you love. Sports options
include soccer, kickball, basketball, floor hockey. Equipment
                                                                                               Fun for the
is provided by the Y. Players must provide their own                                          entire family!
protective gear, if required.
14       [YMCA NAME] [Contact Information]
SPRING HIGH SCHOOL POETRY                                                Y-Pals
at the Auburn YMCA
                                                                    Mentoring Program
Wednesday, April 1
6:30 - 8:30 pm
Open to all high school
students. Doors open at
6:00 pm, Light refreshments
will be served. To sign up to read or
for more information,
contact James Delaney 315-252-5934.

                                                              Become a mentor...change two lives.
CERTIFICATIONS                                                Y-Pals mentoring programs help youth realize their
                                                              full potential. We work every day to help youth set
For more information on prerequisites, times, dates and       and achieve their personal and educational goals. As
cost of trainings contact, Aquatic Coordinator Brendan Gill   a result, children and teens gain confidence as they
at 315-253-5304 ext.1008 or              recognize the Y as a place where they belong and can
                                                              feel comfortable exploring new interests and passions.
Lifeguard Certification Course
Class includes 30 hrs class & pool time + 8 hrs online.       Through our leadership and mentoring programs,
Fee: Y-Members $255 General Public $300                       we make sure that every child has an opportunity to
                                                              envision and pursue a positive future, and to take an
Lifeguard Re-Certification                                    active role in strengthening his or her community.
Extend your lifeguard certification for two years. Required
certifications must be current.                               For more information contact Johanna Lynch,
                                                              Y-Pals Coordinator at 315-253-5304 ext. 1016 or
Y Swim Lesson Instructor Certification course requires
24 hrs of class & pool. Participants should be able to
perform all strokes.
                                                              Y-PALS FUNDRAISING EVENTS
YASA (Aquatic Safety Assistant) Great course for ages
14 & up preparation for Lifeguarding and for Water safety                                 15th Annual
awareness. Times and dates to be announced.                                       Snowball Softball Tournament
                                                                                     Saturday, February. 29
                     ASHI TRAININGS                                             Enjoy a day of fun, friendly competition.
                                                                                   All money raised will benefit youth
                     Basic First Aid Four-hour course                              scholarships at the Auburn YMCA.
                     designed to give the knowledge to                                 Games held at Clifford Field.
                     provide assistance to someone who is                                  Team Fee: $150
                     injured or becomes ill suddenly.
                                                              Rally for Y-Pals Volleyball Tournament
Blended Basic First Aid                                       Saturday, April 4
Learning Combines on-line and classroom learning. Must        Y-Pals is a mentoring program
register 2 weeks prior to class                               for at-risk youth that matches
date & complete on-line portion before class.                 each child with a positive role
                                                              model. All proceeds from this
CPR / Professional Rescuer or Red Cross BLS                   event will be used to fund the
This training is required for all lifeguards, paramedics &    Annual Y-Pals Events. All games
healthcare professionals.                                     will be played at the: Auburn
Re-certs offered.                                             YMCA-WEIU.
                                                              Team Fee: $110
Emergency Oxygen Administration
Two-hour course offers training in delivery of emergency      FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT THE
                                                              MEMBERS SERVICES DESK OR VISIT OUR
                                                              WEBSITE AUBURN YMCA.ORG
                                                                              [YMCA NAME] [Contact Information]       15
Camp/Family Director: Melissa Cartner, 315-253-5304 ext.1005 or melissa@

At camp every day brings new adventures to broaden horizons and build better foundations
in skills, values, character, and healthy social relationships. All activities are supervised and
facilitated by trained, qualified staff. Camp operates June-August.
DAY CAMP ages 6-15                                       RESIDENT CAMP ages 8-16
Campers learn to build a sense of accomplishment,        Campers learn to build a sense of accomplishment,
character, &friendship in a safe & nurturing             character, & friendship in a safe & nurturing
environment. Kids experience adventure, self-            environment. Kids experience adventure, self-reliance
reliance & grow in spirit, mind & body. Round-trip bus   & grow in spirit, mind & body. Campers have the
transportation is available for campers from sites in    opportunity swim everyday & get to pick activities of
Auburn & Skaneateles area. Campers swim everyday         their choice.
& experience the magic of camp!                          LEADER-IN-TRAINING ages 15-16
                                                         Teens experience leadership, learn outdoor living
                                                         skills, & group skills while experiencing adventure
                                                         along the way! LIT can be seen as the first step to
                                                         becoming a camp counselor & transitioning out of the
                                                         traditional camper role. LIT’s serve others through the
                                                         camp experience, organize special programs, & grow
                                                         in spirit, mind, &body. LIT’s learn to build a sense of
                                                         accomplishment, character, and friendship.
                                                             Camp Website has a new look and a
COUNSELOR-IN-TRAINING                                          new address!
Going into 11th grade
CIT’s develop leadership, independence,
self-reliance, develop the camp community, serve
others and grow in spirit, mind, and body. Teens in
this program will be taught leadership,
outdoor living & recreational programming skills,
instruction, public speaking techniques & childcare
skills. CIT requires an application and interview with
the camp director.
Camp brochure complete with programs offered,
times, & dates will be available in early January.
16     [YMCA NAME] [Contact Information]
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