Fall 2020 - Spring 2021 Season - H O NG KONG - HK Ladies Tennis League

Page created by Ronald Caldwell
Fall 2020 - Spring 2021 Season - H O NG KONG - HK Ladies Tennis League
           H O              G


         IE                A    G
              S T
                  ENNIS LE

                Est. 1982

Fall 2020 - Spring 2021 Season
Fall 2020 - Spring 2021 Season - H O NG KONG - HK Ladies Tennis League
Special thanks
    to our sponsor

Fall 2020 - Spring 2021 Season - H O NG KONG - HK Ladies Tennis League
HKLTL Committee Members
                               Fall 2020 - Spring 2021

Executive Committee            Division Representatives        Coordinators

Chairwoman                     Premier – Zhanel Kee            Web
ZoeLynne Sursock               LRC                             Apiruedee Lo
American Club - Division 2     9641 9260                       Parkview Attitude – Division 2
6081 7880                      zkeetennis@gmail.com            9688 7350
zoelynnetennis@gmail.com                                       alotennis2019@gmail.com
                               Division 1 – Nive Bailey
Secretary                      LRC Classics
Isabelle Costemale             6685 4675
CWB Smashers – Division 3      nive.bailey@gmail.com
6188 7731
icostemale@gmail.com           Division 2 – Alison Quinlivan
                               CWB Spin & Slice
Treasurer                      9228 2171
Alison Whalley                 div2tennis@gmail.com
DB Gold - Premier
9329 2255                      Division 3 - Wingyee Laine
alisontennis@hotmail.com       The Terminetters
                               9754 0848
Registrars:                    wingyeehktennis@gmail.com
Premier – Division 2
Nicky Baird                    Division 4 – Jeannie Cho
DB Gold - Premier              LRC Dragons
9389 0995                      6624 4586
nickyhktennis@gmail.com        jeanniehktennis@gmail.com

Divisions 3–5                  Divison 5 – Priscilla Pang
Christine Boyle                HKGTA
AC Chargers – Division 2       6405 3353
9681 1517                      priscillapang@alumni.cmu.edu

Irene Marshall
DB Dragons – Division 3
9447 6906

                                www.hkladiestennis.com                                          2
Fall 2020 - Spring 2021 Season - H O NG KONG - HK Ladies Tennis League
Team List
                          2020 - 2021

    Premier            Division 1          Division 2
    Friday             Friday              Thursday

    DB Gold            Cricket Club        American Club
    HLY                DB Smash            AC Chargers
    Intercons          DB Trailblazers     CWB Spin & Slice
    Joyful             HLY Breakers        DB Dazzlers
    KRC                HLY Long Shots      Double Insanity
    LRC                KRC Pink Panthers   Parkview Attitude
    Sakura             LRC Classics        RA M&M
    Sunshine           LRC Outlaws         Recreio
    Tai Po Circle      Pacific Club        Red Phoenix

    Division 3         Division 4          Division 5
    Wednesday          Tuesday             Monday

    AMC                American Club       DB SCOREgeous
    AMC Aces           CWB Diamonds        HK Cricket Club
    CWB Smashers       CWB Simply Smashing HKFC Dream Team
    CWB TT             DB Mixed Nuts       HKGTA
    DB Dragons         GC Champagne Girls LRC Voyager
    DB Net Assets      Glam Slams          Servivors
    LRC Hotshots       HK Football Club
    Spinderellas       LRC Dragons
    The Terminetters

Fall 2020 - Spring 2021 Season - H O NG KONG - HK Ladies Tennis League
Hong Kong Ladies Tennis League

September 2020

Dear Ladies

On behalf of the HKLTL Committee I am pleased to welcome back our returning teams and
extend a warm welcome to our new teams.

As I write this, we are going through the Covid-19 pandemic, there is political unrest in Hong
Kong and protests are raging throughout America. I can only hope that by the time you are
reading this there is a sense of calm and stability in our world.

We had a rather difficult season last year. The Hong Kong protests disrupted the Fall season,
and the Covid 19 completely wiped out the Spring. We missed playing tennis and were un-
able to have our annual end of season luncheon and award ceremony. I’m just so happy that,
to my knowledge, our extended tennis community managed to stay safe and healthy. And
while we were unable to play the full year, we did decide to promote winning teams from
each division.

Congratulations to our 2019/2020 winners!
Premier- HLY
Division 1- Tai Po
Division 2- HLY
Division 3- Parkview Attitude
Divison 4- LRC Hot Shots
Divison 5- CWB Diamonds

Well done to these teams and to all the teams who played.

I would like to welcome our new Committee Members to our team. Priscilla Pang is our new
Div 5 Rep and Isabelle Costemale is our new Secretary.

I usually like to end my letter with an inspirational quote. Something to pump us up and
motivate us to play better. But after these past few months, I think Rafa says it best:

                                    It’s only a tennis match.
                                      At the end, that’s life.
                          There is (sic) much more important things.

Keep a booklet on court at all times and don’t forget to check out our website- www.hkladi-
estennis.com. Send us your photos during the season so we can upload them.

Have a great season ladies. Play well and play fair.

Warm regards
ZoeLynne Sursock
6081 7880

List of Registered Teams

    Aberdeen Marina Club (AMC) 深灣遊艇會 香港仔深灣道8號
    8 Shum Wan Road, Aberdeen         			                      Tel: 2555 8321
                                              Tel          Email
    Div 3                Yanjun Nan           9120 9349    nan_yanjun@yahoo.com
    Div 3 Aces           Kady Buchanan        9534 8058    aceshktennis@gmail.com

    American Club 美國會所 香港大潭道28號
    28 Tai Tam Road, Tai Tam     				                          Tel: 2813 3200
                                              Tel          Email
    Div 2                Mary Ann Williams    9177 6730    maryannwillhk@gmail.com
    Div 2 Chargers       Risha Shetty         6201 0263    shettyrisha@gmail.com
    Div 4                Amy Waag             9175 9733    amywaag@gmail.com

    Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club (CWB) 清水灣鄉村俱樂部 新界西貢清水灣大拗門路139號
    139 Tai Au Mun Road, Clearwater Bay      		      Tel: 2335 3752
                                              Tel          Email
    Div 2 Spin & Slice    Tessa Benady        6253 5013    tessabenady@hotmail.com
    Div 3 Smashers        Nicky Anderson      6077 1274    nicky.anderson@hotmail.com
    Div 3 TT              Virginia Ho         9022 0434    jimtoumuitou@gmail.com
    Div 4 Diamonds        Icy Lui             9883 8825    luilauicy@yahoo.com.hk
    Div 4 Simply Smashing Joanne Quaas        6680 8404    jo@quaasy.com

    Discovery Bay Recreation Club (DB) 愉景灣康樂會
    Discovery Bay Recreation Club, Lantau Island 愉景灣康樂會 大嶼山愉景灣                  Tel: 2987 7381
    Tsing Yi Park Tennis Court, 3 Tsing Luk Street, Tsing Yi 青衣公園網球場 青綠街3號      Tel: 2435 0533

                                              Tel             Email
    Premier Gold         Ann Whittle          6906 7750       anggabel@yahoo.com.au
    Div 1 Smash          Sihui Symonds        6890 1965       sihuisymonds@gmail.com
    Div 1 Trailblazers   Gigi Cumahig         9539 4605       arcgfreehk@yahoo.com.hk
    Div 2 Dazzlers       Debra Hu             9767 9597       debra.hu@gmail.com
    Div 3 Dragons        Pheona Lei           9385 1100       pheonalei@yahoo.com.hk
    Div 3 Net Assets     Sofia Rydberg        9878 8196       akerborg@gmail.com
    Div 4 Mixed Nuts     Dominique Pegoraro   9843 8832       dom@dominiquetaylor.net
    Div 5 SCOREgeous     Demi Miao            6752 3561       dm-duong@hotmail.com

    Double Insanity 香港仔網球及壁球中心, 香港仔海旁道1號
    Aberdeen Tennis & Squash Centre,			  Tel: 2553 6130
    1 Aberdeen Praya Road, Aberdeen
                                              Tel          Email
    Div 2                Berina Chu           5198 7608    berinachu@gmail.com

List of Registered Teams

Glam Slams 香港仔網球及壁球中心, 香港仔海旁道1號
Aberdeen Tennis & Squash Centre,			                          Tel: 2553 6130
1 Aberdeen Praya Road, Aberdeen
                                             Tel          Email
Div 4                 Katy Bovaird           9736 3832    katy.dongray@yahoo.co.uk

Gold Coast Yacht & Country Club 黃金海岸鄉村俱樂部遊艇會 屯門青山公路1號
1 Castle Peak Road, Tuen Mun 			                             Tel: 2404 2222

                                              Tel         Email
Div 4 Champagne Girls Lorna Stewart           9134 4275   lornastewart@gmail.com
Div 5 Servivors      Hnin Saing               6050 1350   thiri@mac.com

Hong Kong Cricket Club (Cricket) 香港木球會 黃泥涌峽道137號
137 Wong Nai Chung Gap Road           			                     Tel: 2574 6266

                                              Tel         Email
Div 1                Vicki Rummun             6624 3421   vickirummun@gmail.com
Div 5                Anne Goldman             9668 2980   adabrowski18@gmail.com

Hong Kong Football Club 香港足球會 香港跑馬地體育道3號
3 Sports Road, Happy Valley       			                         Tel: 2830 9500

                                              Tel         Email
Div 4                Charlotte Cheung         9106 7718   charlotte.w.cheung@gmail.com
Div 5 Dream Team     Michelle Page            9348 3253   michellepagey@gmail.com

Hong Kong Golf & Tennis Academy (HKGTA) 香港高球及網球學院 西貢大涌口路81號
81 Tai Chung Hau, Sai Kung     				                           Tel: 3187 8900

                                              Tel         Email
Div 5                Priscilla Pang           6405 3353   priscillapang@alumni.cmu.edu

Hong Lok Yuen Country Club (HLY) 康樂園鄉村俱樂部 新界康樂園中心徑八號
8 Town Centre Cresecent, Hong Lok Yuen, NT                   Tel: 2657 8899

                                              Tel         Email
Premier              Rachel Fong              9193 7321   fong_rachel@hotmail.com
Div 1 Breakers       Maria Soledad Riestra    5669 5631   soleriestratennis@gmail.com
Div 1 Long Shots     Rosabella Jolley         9619 9347   rosymak@icloud.com

List of Registered Teams

    Intercons 香港仔網球及壁球中心, 香港仔海旁道1號
    Aberdeen Tennis & Squash Centre,			                            Tel: 2553 6130
    1 Aberdeen Praya Road, Aberdeen
                                                    Tel         Email
    Premier               Mam Chatjaval             6206 5009   mamchatjaval@yahoo.com

    Joyful 荃灣海濱公園,新界荃灣怡康街2號A
    Tsuen Wan Riviera Park, 2A Yi Hong Street, Tsuen Wan, N.T.     Tel: 2406 9145

                                                   Tel          Email
    Premier                Cara Wong               9266 1652    wong.cara@gmail.com

    Kornhill Recreation Club (KRC) 康怡花園俱樂部 鰂魚涌康盛街12號康怡花園
    12 Hong Shing St, Kornhill, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong              Tel: 2885 4721
                                                   Tel          Email
    Premier                Jamie Lee Ying Ying     9311 9575    J_Lee8@hotmail.com
    Div 1 Pink Panthers    Connie Ma               9049 3834    Conjames@gmail.com

    Ladies Recreation Club (LRC) 婦女會 香港半山舊山頂道10號
    10 Old Peak Road, Mid Levels         			                        Tel: 3199 3800
                                                   Tel          Email
    Premier                Alina Morgan            9381 8098    Alinabmorgan@gmail.com
    Div 1 Classics         Akiko Bedwick           9867 6278    akiko0713@mac.com
    Div 1 Outlaws          Kirsti McLean           6187 7748    kirstimclean@me.com
    Div 3 Hotshots         Brooke Beatson          9269 8559    brookebeatson@yahoo.com
    Div 4 Dragons          Amie Moriarty           9188 3391    amieinhk@me.com
    Div 5 Voyager          Alisha Ma               9102 1170    alisha@halcyon-counsel.com

    Pacific Club 太平洋會 九龍尖沙咀海港城廣東道
    Pacific Club, Harbour City, Canton Road, TST     		            Tel: 2118 1707
                                               Tel              Email
    Div 1                  Choi Sung Hee Corey 9126 5346        chochoi194@gmail.com

    Parkview 陽明山莊會所 香港淺水灣大潭道88號
    88 Tai Tam Reservoir Road, Tai Tam 			                         Tel: 2812 3945
                                                    Tel         Email
    Div 2 Attitude         Xiaowen Zhang            9244 7848   finesilk@gmail.com

    RA M&M 荃灣海濱公園, 怡康街2號
    Tsuen Wan Riviera Park		                     		                Tel: 2406 9145
    2 Yi Hong Street, Tsuen Wan

                                                    Tel         Email
    Div 2                  Dilia Tsang              6715 6238   tdilia5@yahoo.com.hk
List of Registered Teams

Recreio 西洋波會 佐敦京士柏加士居道20號
Club de Recreio, 20 Gascoigne Road, King’s Park              Tel: 2388 8194

                                            Tel          Email
Div 2                 Sandy Fung            9457 3919    sandyfung0911@gmail.com

Red Phoenix 香港仔網球及壁球中心, 香港仔海傍道1號
Aberdeen Tennis & Squash Centre,			                          Tel: 2553 6130
1 Aberdeen Praya Road, Aberdeen
                                             Tel         Email
Div 2                 Suzanne Jensen         5503 1983   suzjensen99@gmail.com

Sakura 旺角櫻桃街1號櫻桃街公園
Cherry Street Park, 1 Cherry Street, Mong Kok      		        Tel: 2625 4584
                                             Tel         Email
Premier               Arisa Turner           5188 3965   arisa_turner23@yahoo.co.jp

Spinderellas 香港仔網球及壁球中心, 香港仔海傍道1號
Aberdeen Tennis & Squash Centre,			                          Tel: 2553 6130
1 Aberdeen Praya Road, Aberdeen

                                             Tel         Email
Div 3                 Ali Yeh                9189 8828   Aliyeh.ali@gmail.com

Sunshine 寶翠公園,新界將軍澳毓雅里
Po Tsui Park, Yuk Nga Lane, Po Lam, Tseung Kwan O            Tel: 2703 7231
                                             Tel         Email
Premier               Serene Lai             9418 2276   laiserene1210@yahoo.com

Tai Po Circle (Tai Po) 大埔運動場,新界大埔區大埔頭路21號
Tai Po Sports Ground, 21 Tai Po Tau Road, Tai Po    		       Tel: 2666 0344
                                             Tel         Email
Premier               Barbara Wan            9378 3435   taipocircle@yahoo.com.hk

The Terminetters 香港仔網球及壁球中心,香港仔海傍道1號
Aberdeen Tennis & Squash Centre,			  Tel: 2553 6130
1 Aberdeen Praya Road, Aberdeen
                                             Tel         Email
Div 3                 Jiang Mianli (Wingyee) 9754 0848   wingyeehktennis@gmail.com

Schedules - Premier

      Fall 2020
             September 18                              September 25                               October 9

       Home                   Away               Home                 Away                 Home                Away

      DB Gold                  BYE                 BYE              Sunshine               DB Gold        Tai Po Circle
         HLY           v    Intercons              HLY        v       KRC                 Intercons   v      Sakura
         LRC                  Joyful           Intercons              LRC                   Joyful             HLY
       Sakura                  KRC               Sakura             DB Gold                  KRC               BYE
    Tai Po Circle           Sunshine          Tai Po Circle          Joyful               Sunshine             LRC

                October 16                               October 30                               November 6

       Home                   Away               Home                 Away                 Home                Away

        HLY                     BYE                BYE              Intercons                BYE               LRC
       Joyful          v     DB Gold            DB Gold       v        LRC                   HLY      v      Sakura
        LRC                Tai Po Circle         Sakura               Joyful              Intercons       Tai Po Circle
        KRC                 Intercons          Sunshine                HLY                  Joyful             KRC
       Sakura               Sunshine          Tai Po Circle            KRC                Sunshine          DB Gold

             November 13                               November 20                               November 27

       Home                   Away               Home                 Away                 Home                Away

         HLY                DB Gold            DB Gold                 KRC                 BYE                Sakura
     Intercons         v     Joyful             Joyful        v        BYE             Intercons      v       DB Gold
         LRC                 Sakua               LRC                   HLY                 KRC                  LRC
         KRC                Sunshine            Sakura                Tai Po           Sunshine                Joyful
    Tai Po Circle             BYE              Sunshine             Intercons         Tai Po Circle             HLY

    Division Representative:
    Zhanel Kee (LRC)
    Mobile: 9641 9260
    Email: zkeetennis@gmail.com

    Final Rain Date:
    December 4

                           The winning team emails the Score Sheet to the Division Rep.

Schedules - Premier

  Spring 2021
           January 15                              January 22                               January 29

   Home                  Away              Home                  Away               Home                    Away

     BYE                DB Gold          Sunshine                 BYE            Tai Po Circle              DB Gold
  Intercons     v          HLY             KRC          v         HLY               Sakura         v       Intercons
    Joyful                 LRC             LRC                Intercons               HLY                    Joyful
     KRC                 Sakura          DB Gold                Sakura                BYE                     KRC
  Sunshine            Tai Po Circle       Joyful             Tai Po Circle            LRC                  Sunshine

           February 5                              February 19                             February 26

   Home                  Away              Home                  Away               Home                    Away

     BYE                 HLY             Intercons                BYE                 LRC                     BYE
  DB Gold       v       Joyful              LRC         v      DB Gold              Sakura         v          HLY
Tai Po Circle            LRC               Joyful               Sakura           Tai Po Circle             Intercons
 Intercons               KRC                HLY               Sunshine                KRC                    Joyful
 Sunshine               Sakura              KRC              Tai Po Circle         DB Gold                 Sunshine

              March 5                                March 12                                   March 19

   Home                  Away              Home                  Away               Home                    Away

  DB Gold                  HLY               KRC                DB Gold            Sakura                   BYE
   Joyful       v      Intercons             BYE        v        Joyful            DB Gold         v    Intercons
   Sakura                  LRC               HLY                  LRC                LRC                    KRC
  Sunshine                 KRC          Tai Po Circle            Sakura             Joyful              Sunshine
    BYE               Tai Po Circle      Intercons              Sunshine             HLY               Tai Po Circle

Division Representative:
Zhanel Kee (LRC)
Mobile: 9641 9260
Email: zkeetennis@gmail.com

Final Rainoff Date:
March 26

                                 The winning team emails the Score Sheet to the Division Rep.

Schedules - Division 1

        Fall 2020
              28th       18
                   September                              September 25
                                                           5th October                                October
                                                                                                     12th     9

         Home                  Away                Home                    Away              Home                    Away

     DB Trailblazers        DB Smash            DB Smash              Pacific Club       HLY Long Shots          KRC Pink Panthers
     HLY Long Shots v      HLY Breakers        HLY Breakers        v HK Cricket Club     LRC Classics        v   HLY Breakers
     LRC Outlaws           LRC Classics        LRC Outlaws             HLY Long Shots    HK Cricket Club          DB Smash
     KRC Pink Panthers     HK Cricket Club     KRC Pink Panthers       DB Trailblazers    Pacific Club           LRC Outlaws
      Pacific Club               BYE           LRC Classics                 BYE          DB Trailblazers             BYE

                26th     16
                     October                               October
                                                          2nd      30
                                                              November                               November
                                                                                                    9th       6

         Home                  Away                Home                    Away              Home                    Away

     DB Trailblazers       LRC Classics         DB Smash               HLY Long Shots     DB Smash             LRC Outlaws
     HLY Breakers v         DB Smash           HLY Breakers        v    Pacific Club     LRC Classics        v HK Cricket Club
     HK Cricket Club       HLY Long Shots      LRC Outlaws             DB Trailblazers   KRC Pink Panthers     HLY Breakers
     Pacific Club          KRC Pink Panthers   KRC Pink Panthers       LRC Classics       Pacific Club           DB Trailblazers
     LRC Outlaws                 BYE           HK Cricket Club             BYE           HLY Long Shots                BYE

               16th      13
                    November                              November
                                                         23rd      20
                                                              November                               November
                                                                                                    30th      27

         Home                  Away                Home                    Away              Home                    Away

     DB Trailblazers       HLY Breakers        DB Trailblazers         HK Cricket Club     DB Smash              KRC Pink Panthers
     HLY Long Shots v      LRC Classics        HLY Breakers        v   LRC Outlaws       HLY Long Shots      v   DB Trailblazers
     LRC Outlaws           KRC Pink Panthers   LRC Classics             DB Smash         LRC Classics            Pacific Club
     HK Cricket Club        Pacific Club        Pacifc Club            HLY Long Shots    HK Cricket Club         LRC Outlaws
       DB Smash                 BYE            KRC Pink Panthers            BYE          HLY Breakers                BYE

     Division Representative:
     Nive Bailey
     Zhanel  Kee (LRC
     Mobile: 6685
     Email: nive.bailey@gmail.com

     Final Rainoff Date:
           Rain Date:
     December   4
     7th December

                            The winning team emails the Score Sheet to the Division Rep.

Schedules - Division 1

   Spring 2021
             January 15                                  January 22                                   January 29

    Home                    Away                Home                    Away                Home                    Away

 DB Smash               DB Trailblazers      Pacific Club            DB Smash           KRC Pink Panthers       HLY Long Shots
HLY Breakers        v HLY Long Shots        HK Cricket Club v       HLY Breakers        HLY Breakers        v   LRC Classics
LRC Classics          LRC Outlaws           HLY Long Shots          LRC Outlaws          DB Smash               HK Cricket Club
HK Cricket Club         KRC Pink Panthers   DB Trailblazers         KRC Pink Panthers   LRC Outlaws              Pacific Club
 Pacific Club                 BYE            LRC Classics                 BYE           DB Trailblazers              BYE

              February 5                                 February 19                                 February 26

    Home                    Away                Home                    Away                Home                    Away

LRC Classics            DB Trailblazers     HLY Long Shots           DB Smash           LRC Outlaws              DB Smash
 DB Smash           v   HLY Breakers         Pacific Club       v   HLY Breakers        HK Cricket Club     v   LRC Classics
HLY Long Shots          HK Cricket Club     DB Trailblazers         LRC Outlaws         HLY Breakers            KRC Pink Panthers
KRC Pink Panthers        Pacific Club        LRC Classics           KRC Pink Panthers   DB Trailblazers          Pacific Club
LRC Outlaws                  BYE            HK Cricket Club               BYE           HLY Long Shots               BYE

                March 5                                    March 12                                    March 19

    Home                    Away                Home                    Away                Home                     Away

HLY Breakers            DB Trailblazers     HK Cricket Club         DB Trailblazers     KRC Pink Panthers         DB Smash
LRC Classics        v HLY Long Shots        LRC Outlaws         v   HLY Breakers        DB Trailblazers     v   HLY Long Shots
KRC Pink Panthers     LRC Outlaws            DB Smash               LRC Classics        Pacific Club             LRC Classics
 Pacific Club           HK Cricket Club     HLY Long Shots          Pacific Club        LRC Outlaws             HK Cricket Club
  DB Smash                    BYE           KRC Pink Panthers           BYE             HLY Breakers                  BYE

Division Representative:
Nive Bailey (LRC Classics)
Mobile: 6685 4675
Email: nive.bailey@gmail.com

Final Rainoff Date:
March 26

                                      The winning team emails the Score Sheet to the Division Rep.

Schedules - Division 2

        Fall 2020
               28th       17
                    September                               September 24
                                                             5th October                                   October
                                                                                                          12th     8

         Home                    Away                Home                    Away                Home                    Away

     American Club             RA M&M            AC Chargers             American Club       American Club              Recreio
      DB Dazzlers        v   AC Chargers         DB Dazzlers         v   CWB Spin & Slice    CWB Spin & Slice    v   Parkview Attitude
     Double Insanity           Recreio           Red Phoenix             Double Insanity     Red Phoenix             DB Dazzlers
     Parkview Attitude       Red Phoenix           RA M&M                Parkview Attitude     RA M&M                AC Chargers
     CWB Spin & Slice            BYE               Recreio                     BYE           Double Insanity             BYE

                 26th     15
                      October                                October
                                                            2nd      29
                                                                November                                  November
                                                                                                         9th       5

         Home                    Away                Home                    Away                Home                    Away

      DB Dazzlers              RA M&M            AC Chargers             Double Insanity     American Club           DB Dazzlers
     Double Insanity     v   CWB Spin & Slice    CWB Spin & Slice    v   American Club        CWB Spin & Slice   v     Recreio
     Parkview Attitude       American Club       Parkview Attitude        DB Dazzlers        Red Phoenix             AC Chargers
       Recreio               Red Pheonix           Recreio                 RA M&M              RA M&M                Double Insanity
     AC Chargers                 BYE             Red Phoenix                 BYE             Parkview Attitude             BYE

               16th      12
                    November                                November
                                                           23rd      19
                                                                November                                 November
                                                                                                        30th      26

         Home                    Away                Home                    Away                Home                    Away

     American Club           Red Phoenix         AC Chargers             CWB Spin & Slice    AC Chargers             Parkview Attitude
     Double Insanity     v   Parkview Attitude   DB Dazzlers         v Double Insanity       CWB Spin & Slice    v   Red Phoenix
       RA M&M                CWB Spin & Slice    Red Phoenix             RA M&M              Double Insanity         American Club
       Recreio               AC Chargers         Parkview Attitude        Recreio               Recreio               DB Dazzlers
      DB Dazzlers                BYE             American Club             BYE                  RA M&M                   BYE

     Division Representative:
     Alison  Kee (CWB)
            Quinlivan (CWB Spin & Slice)
     Mobile: 9228
     Email: div2tennis@gmail.com

     Final Rainoff Date:
           Rain Date:
     December   3
     7th December

                              The winning team emails the Score Sheet to the Division Rep.

Schedules - Division 2

   Spring 2021
              January 14                                  January 21                                  January 28

    Home                    Away                Home                    Away                Home                    Away

  RA M&M                American Club       American Club           AC Chargers            Recreio              American Club
AC Chargers         v    DB Dazzlers        CWB Spin & Slice    v   DB Dazzlers         Parkview Attitude   v   CWB Spin & Slice
  Recreio               Double Insanity     Double Insanity         Red Phoenix         DB Dazzlers             Red Phoenix
Red Phoenix             Parkview Attitude   Parkview Attitude         RA M&M            AC Chargers               RA M&M
CWB Spin & Slice              BYE              Recreio                  BYE             Double Insanity             BYE

              February 4                                 February 18                                 February 25

    Home                    Away                Home                    Away                Home                    Away

   RA M&M                DB Dazzlers        Double Insanity         AC Chargers         DB Dazzlers             American Club
CWB Spin & Slice v      Double Insanity     American Club       v   CWB Spin & Slice      Recreio           v   CWB Spin & Slice
American Club           Parkview Attitude   DB Dazzlers             Parkview Attitude   AC Chargers             Red Phoenix
 Red Phoenix               Recreio            RA M&M                   Recreio          Double Insanity           RA M&M
 AC Chargers                BYE             Red Phoenix                 BYE             Parkview Attitude           BYE

               March 4                                     March 11                                    March 18

    Home                    Away                Home                     Away               Home                    Away

Red Phoenix             American Club       CWB Spin & Slice        AC Chargers         Parkview Attitude       AC Chargers
Parkview Attitude   v Double Insanity       Double Insanity     v   DB Dazzlers          Red Phoenix        v   CWB Spin & Slice
CWB Spin & Slice        RA M&M                 RA M&M               Red Phoenix         American Club           Double Insanity
AC Chargers              Recreio               Recreio              Parkview Attitude    DB Dazzlers               Recreio
DB Dazzlers               BYE               American Club                 BYE             RA M&M                    BYE

Division Representative:
Alison Quinlivan (CWB Spin & Slice)
Mobile: 9228 2171
Email: div2tennis@gmail.com

Final Rainoff Date:
Mar 25

                                      The winning team emails the Score Sheet to the Division Rep.

Schedules - Division 3

        Fall 2020
             28th       23
                  September                             September 30
                                                         5th October                           October
                                                                                              12th     7

        Home                  Away               Home                  Away               Home              Away

      AMC Aces                AMC                 AMC             LRC Hotshots          CWB TT     Terminetters
       CWB TT      v       CWB Smashers      CWB Smashers     v    Spinderellas       DB Dragons v CWB Smashers
     DB Net Assets         DB Dragons        DB Net Assets           CWB TT           Spinderellas     AMC
     Terminetters          Spinderellas      Terminetters           AMC Aces         LRC Hotshots  DB Net Assets
     LRC Hotshots              BYE            DB Dragons               BYE             AMC Aces        BYE

              26th     14
                   October                              October
                                                       2nd      28
                                                           November                            November
                                                                                              9th       4

        Home                  Away               Home                  Away               Home              Away

       AMC Aces            DB Dragons             AMC           CWB TT                   AMC       DB Net Assets
     CWB Smashers    v        AMC            CWB Smashers  v LRC Hotshots             DB Dragons v Spinderellas
      Spinderellas           CWB TT          DB Net Assets     AMC Aces              Terminetters  CWB Smashers
     LRC Hotshots          Terminetters      Terminetters     DB Dragons             LRC Hotshots   AMC Aces
     DB Net Assets             BYE           Spinderellas        BYE                   CWB TT          BYE

             16th      11
                  November                              November 18                           November 25

        Home                  Away               Home                  Away               Home              Away

      AMC Aces       CWB Smashers              AMC Aces     Spinderellas                 AMC             Terminetters
       CWB TT      v DB Dragons              CWB Smashers v DB Net Assets               CWB TT       v    AMC Aces
     DB Net Assets   Terminetters             DB Dragons        AMC                   DB Dragons         LRC Hotshots
     Spinderellas    LRC Hotshots            LRC Hotshots     CWB TT                  Spinderellas       DB Net Assets
         AMC             BYE                 Terminetters       BYE                   CWB Smashers           BYE

     Division Representative:
     Wingyee  Laine
     Zhanel Kee     (The Terminetters)
     Mobile: 9754
             9641 0848

     Final Rainoff Date:
           Rain Date:
     December   2
     7th December

                           The winning team emails the Score Sheet to the Division Rep.

Schedules - Division 3

   Spring 2021
           January 20                             January 27                               February 3

   Home                  Away            Home                   Away              Home                    Away

    AMC                AMC Aces       LRC Hotshots              AMC            Terminetters              CWB TT
CWB Smashers    v       CWB TT         Spinderellas    v   CWB Smashers        CWB Smashers       v    DB Dragons
 DB Dragons           DB Net Assets      CWB TT            DB Net Assets          AMC                  Spinderellas
 Spinderellas         Terminetters      AMC Aces           Terminetters       DB Net Assets           LRC Hotshots
LRC Hotshots              BYE          DB Dragons              BYE             AMC Aces                    BYE

          February 17                             February 24                                  March 3

   Home                  Away             Home                  Away              Home                    Away

 DB Dragons       AMC Aces               CWB TT          AMC                  DB Net Assets               AMC
    AMC       v CWB Smashers          LRC Hotshots v CWB Smashers             Spinderellas v           DB Dragons
  CWB TT         Spinderellas           AMC Aces     DB Net Assets             CWB Smashers           Terminetters
Terminetters    LRC Hotshots           DB Dragons    Terminetters               AMC Aces              LRC Hotshots
DB Net Assets        BYE               Spinderellas      BYE                     CWB TT                   BYE

            March 10                               March 17                                    March 24

   Home                  Away            Home                   Away              Home                    Away

CWB Smashers   AMC Aces               Spinderellas           AMC Aces         Terminetters               AMC
 DB Dragons v   CWB TT                DB Net Assets v       CWB Smashers       AMC Aces     v           CWB TT
Terminetters  DB Net Assets               AMC                DB Dragons       LRC Hotshots            DB Dragons
LRC Hotshots  Spinderellas              CWB TT              LRC Hotshots      DB Net Assets           Spinderellas
    AMC           BYE                 Terminetters              BYE            CWB Smashers               BYE

Division Representative:
Wingyee Laine (The Terminetters)
Mobile: 9754 0848
Email: wingyeehktennis@gmail.com

Final Rainoff Date:
March 31

                                The winning team emails the Score Sheet to the Division Rep.

Schedules - Division 4

         Fall 2020
                28th       6
                     September                                     October
                                                                   5th     13
                                                                       October                                     October
                                                                                                                  12th     27

          Home                      Away                  Home                      Away                  Home                      Away

     American Club             DB Mixed Nuts          HK Football Club         American Club         American Club             CWB Simply Smashing
     CWB Diamonds v            CWB Simply Smashing   DB Mixed Nuts         v    Glam Slams           GC Champagne Girls    v   DB Mixed Nuts
      Glam Slams               GC Champagne Girls    CWB Simply Smashing       GC Champagne Girls    CWB Diamonds               HK Football Club
      HK Football Club         LRC Dragons           LRC Dragons               CWB Diamonds          LRC Dragons                Glam Slams

                  26th      3
                       October                                    November
                                                                 2nd       10
                                                                     November                                    November
                                                                                                                 9th      17

          Home                      Away                  Home                      Away                  Home                      Away

      Glam Slams               American Club         American Club             GC Champagne Girls    American Club             LRC Dragons
     DB Mixed Nuts         v CWB Diamonds            LRC Dragons           v   DB Mixed Nuts         CWB Simply Smashing   v   DB Mixed Nuts
     GC Champagne Girls         HK Football Club     CWB Diamonds               Glam Slams            HK Football Club          Glam Slams
     CWB Simply Smashing       LRC Dragons            HK Football Club         CWB Simply Smashing   GC Champagne Girls        CWB Diamonds

                16th      24

          Home                      Away

     CWB Diamonds              American Club
     DB Mixed Nuts         v    HK Football Club
      Glam Slams               CWB Simply Smashing
     LRC Dragons               GC Champagne Girls

     Division Representative:
     Zhanel KeeCho(CWB)
                   (LRC Dragons)
     Mobile: 6624
               9641 4586
     Email: jeanniehktennis@gmail.com

     Final Rainoff Date:
           Rain Date:
     December   1
     7th December

                                The winning team emails the Score Sheet to the Division Rep.

Schedules - Division 4

    Spring 2021
               February 2                                      February 9                                     February 23

     Home                      Away                  Home                      Away                  Home                      Away

DB Mixed Nuts             American Club         American Club              HK Football Club     CWB Simply Smashing       American Club
CWB Simply Smashing   v CWB Diamonds             Glam Slams           v   DB Mixed Nuts         DB Mixed Nuts         v   GC Champagne Girls
GC Champagne Girls       Glam Slams             GC Champagne Girls        CWB Simply Smashing    HK Football Club         CWB Diamonds
LRC Dragons                HK Football Club     CWB Diamonds              LRC Dragons            Glam Slams               LRC Dragons

                 March 2                                         March 9                                        March 16

     Home                      Away                  Home                      Away                  Home                      Away

American Club              Glam Slams           GC Champagne Girls        American Club         LRC Dragons               American Club
CWB Diamonds v            DB Mixed Nuts         DB Mixed Nuts         v   LRC Dragons           DB Mixed Nuts         v   CWB Simply Smashing
 HK Football Club         GC Champagne Girls     Glam Slams               CWB Diamonds           Glam Slams                HK Football Club
LRC Dragons               CWB Simply Smashing   CWB Simply Smashing        HK Football Club     CWB Diamonds              GC Champagne Girls

                March 23

     Home                      Away

American Club             CWB Diamonds
 HK Football Club     v   DB Mixed Nuts
CWB Simply Smashing        Glam Slams
GC Champagne Girls        LRC Dragons

Division Representative:
Jeannie Cho (LRC Dragons)
Mobile: 6624 4586
Email: jeanniehktennis@gmail.com

Final Rainoff Date:
March 30

                                          The winning team emails the Score Sheet to the Division Rep.

Schedules - Division 5

        Fall 2020
             28th       14
                  September                             September 21
                                                         5th October                              September 28
                                                                                                  12th October

         Home                  Away               Home                  Away                Home                Away

     DB SCOREgeous         Servivors            Servivors             HKGTA           DB SCOREgeous           HKGTA
     HKFC Dream Team   v HK Cricket Club      HK Cricket Club   v DB SCOREgeous       HKFC Dream Team   v    Servivors
        HKGTA            LRC Voyager          LRC Voyager           HKFC Dream Team   HK Cricket Club       LRC Voyager

               26th     5
                    October                              October
                                                        2nd      12
                                                            November                              November
                                                                                                 9th       2

         Home                  Away               Home                  Away                Home                Away

     DB SCOREgeous         HKFC Dream Team   HKFC Dream Team           HKGTA               Servivors        DB SCOREgeous
       Servivors       v   LRC Voyager        HK Cricket Club   v     Servivors       HK Cricket Club   v   HKFC Dream Team
        HKGTA              HK Cricket Club    LRC Voyager           DB SCOREgeous      LRC Voyager             HKGTA

              16th      9
                   November                             November 16                               November 23

         Home                  Away               Home                  Away                Home                Away

     DB SCOREgeous         HK Cricket Club     Servivors            HKFC Dream Team   HKFC Dream Team       DB SCOREgeous
     HKFC Dream Team   v   LRC Voyager          HKGTA           v DB SCOREgeous       HK Cricket Club   v      HKGTA
        HKGTA               Servivors         LRC Voyager           HK Cricket Club    LRC Voyager            Servivors

              16th      30
                                             Division Representative:
         Home                  Away          Priscilla Pang(CWB)
                                              Zhanel Kee      (HKGTA)
                                              Mobile: 6405
     DB SCOREgeous       LRC Voyager         Email:
       Servivors       v HK Cricket Club     Final Rainoff Date:
        HKGTA              HKFC Dream Team
                                              Final Rain 7Date:
                                              7th December

                            The winning team emails the Score Sheet to the Division Rep.

Schedules - Division 5

   Spring 2021
            January 11                                 January 18                                 January 25

    Home                  Away                 Home                   Away             Home                    Away

  Servivors           DB SCOREgeous           HKGTA                 Servivors         HKGTA                DB SCOREgeous
HK Cricket Club   v   HKFC Dream Team     DB SCOREgeous v       HK Cricket Club      Servivors         v   HKFC Dream Team
LRC Voyager               HKGTA           HKFC Dream Team        LRC Voyager        LRC Voyager            HK Cricket Club

            February 1                                   February 8                            February 22

    Home                  Away                 Home                   Away             Home                    Away

HKFC Dream Team       DB SCOREgeous           HKGTA             HKFC Dream Team    DB SCOREgeous           Servivors
LRC Voyager       v      Servivors           Servivors  v HK Cricket Club          HKFC Dream Team     v HK Cricket Club
HK Cricket Club           HKGTA           DB SCOREgeous   LRC Voyager                  HKGTA             LRC Voyager

              March 1                                     March 8                                   March 15

    Home                  Away                 Home                   Away             Home                    Away

HK Cricket Club       DB SCOREgeous       HKFC Dream Team         Servivors        DB SCOREgeous           HKFC Dream Team
LRC Voyager       v   HKFC Dream Team     DB SCOREgeous v          HKGTA               HKGTA           v HK Cricket Club
 Servivors                HKGTA           HK Cricket Club        LRC Voyager          Servivors          LRC Voyager

              March 22
                                          Division Representative:
    Home                  Away            Priscilla Pang (HKGTA)
                                          Mobile: 6405 3353
LRC Voyager           DB SCOREgeous       Email: priscillapang@alumni.cmu.edu
HK Cricket Club   v      Servivors        Final Rainoff Date:
HKFC Dream Team           HKGTA           March 29

                                     The winning team emails the Score Sheet to the Division Rep.


     1. ADMINISTRATION                         2. REGISTRATION, ENTRIES & ELI-
     1.1 All League competition shall be
     under the general management of           2.1 The season will consist of two
     the Hong Kong Ladies Tennis League        sessions, commencing in Septem-
     (HKLTL) Committee.                        ber and January.

     1.2 The Committee shall consist of a      2.2 The maximum number of teams
     Chairwoman or Co-Chairs, Treasurer,       that may be registered for any
     Secretary, Registrar, Scheduler, Web      season shall be 94 and the maximum
     Coordinator, Social Coordinator, Tour-    number of teams per division is 12.
     nament Coordinator, and a Represen-       Existing teams who re-register will
     tative for each Division.                 have priority over new teams.

     1.3 The HKLTL Committee shall be          2.3 Registration of Teams: Entries
     responsible for:                          for the League shall be invited
     • the registration of players and teams   before the beginning of each season
     • the grading of teams                    from Clubs, Associations and any
     • the division of teams                   other interested persons.
     • the establishment of League sched-      a. Team Captains shall submit the
     ules of play                              Registration Form for their team,
     • the arbitration of disputes between     nominating a minimum of 6 players
     teams                                     and a maximum of 12.
     • the management of funds.                b. Full names and HKID numbers of
                                               team members, and the Captain’s
     1.4 The Committee may, at its             email address must be provided.
     absolute discretion, vary or add to       c. Players must be residing in Hong
     any aspect of the Rules and match         Kong for the year they have regis-
     scheduling, on a temporary or per-        tered to play, and may be asked to
     manent basis. Any such Committee          provide proof of residency.
     decisions will be communicated to all     d. For teams re-registering, 4 players
     Team Captains. Such changes will not      must be from the previously regis-
     always suit every team or individual      tered team, or they will be consid-
     in the HKLTL, but all Committee deci-     ered a NEW team.
     sions will have been debated, made        e. All new teams must consist of a
     in good faith and must be respected.      minimum of 4 players or 50%, which-
     All Committee decisions will be final.    ever is the greater, at the level of the
                                               division they wish to be placed in.
     1.5 All matches are governed by the
     Rules of the HKLTL (www.hkladi-           2.4 Allocation of days for matches:
     estennis.com) and the International       Monday		            Division 5
     Tennis Federation Rules (www.             Tuesday		           Division 4
     itftennis.com). HKLTL booklets are        Wednesday           Division 3
     given to all registered players at the    Thursday		          Division 2
     beginning of each season and play-        Friday Premier and Division 1
     ers are responsible for making sure
     they are fully aware of the Rules.        2.5 The registration fee per team
                                               for each year will be decided by the
                                               Committee and should be fully ten-
                                               dered when each Registration Form is
                                               submitted. No refunds will be given
                                               to teams for late withdrawals.


2.6 Once the registration deadline        2.9 No player under the age of 18
has passed, no player transfer to         years may register in the League.
another team is allowed unless:
a. the Captains of both teams, and the    3. ADDING OR DELETING PLAYERS
player concerned, all agree; or
b. geographical relocation prevents       Players may be added or deleted
that player from continuing to repre-     from the commencement of the Fall
sent her original team; or                / Spring session until four weeks
c. there are other exceptional circum-    after the first match of the respective
stances.                                  division.
In all cases, the Captains and the
player concerned must write to the        3.1 New members may be added by
Registrar explaining the reasons for      the Captain on the HKLTL website.
the transfer. The transfer must be        Please allow up to one week for a
done prior to the first match of the      player to be approved for play by the
season for the relevant division and      Registrar and/or Division Represen-
will not be effective until approval is   tative.
received from the Registrar and/or
Division Representative.                  3.2 All sets played by an unregistered
                                          player shall be forfeited.
2.7 Should a team withdraw after the
Registration deadline:                    3.3 A registered player may be
a. prior to match schedules being set,    removed from a team roster for one
players of that team will be permitted    of the following reasons: permanent
to play for another team.                 transfer from Hong Kong; medical
b. after match schedules have been        reasons preventing play; or starting
set, players of that team will not be     work. Supportive documentation is
permitted to play for any team as a       required.
member or as a guest for the upcom-
ing year.                                 3.4 When a player has withdrawn
c. exceptional circumstances may be       from a team under Rule 3.3, that play-
considered by the Committee.              er may not register with another team
                                          during the same year. The player may
2.8 Players holding, or having held, a    return to her original team, should
WTA ranking are not allowed to play       the circumstances for her withdrawal
in the HKLTL. All other players are       from the League change.
allowed at the Committee’s discre-
tion. New players must complete           4. GUEST PLAYERS
a New Player Questionnaire which
should provide a full and complete        4.1 Teams may use a maximum of
representation of the individual’s        12 guest players. Guest players may
playing history in all tennis leagues,    play a combined total of 12 matches
local and overseas, and any kind of       in any combination throughout the
ranking ever held. New players must       year. Any guest player who consis-
also be assessed by a HKLTL-nominat-      tently wins at least 50 percent of their
ed coach, listed on the website, and      sets will be considered for movement.
a Coach’s Assessment form must be
submitted for that player. Non-dis-       4.2 Guest players (except for Division
closure of ranking and inappropriate      5) must be registered as a member of
use of higher graded players will be      a team in a lower division (for exam-
penalized by forfeiture of all points     ple, if registered in Division 3, a player
won by such players.                      may guest for any division higher
                                          than Division 3). Captains must regis-

     ter their guest players using the form     start of the next.
     on the HKLTL website.                      c. Except for after the first game
                                                of each set (when no interval is
     4.3 Division 5 may register guest play-    allowed), a 90-second interval is
     ers who are not currently playing in       allowed between games during the
     the League. In this case, their playing    change of ends.
     level should be appropriate to the         d. At the end of sets 1 and 3, a 2-min-
     division. See New Player Registration      ute interval is allowed.
     requirements (Rule 2.8).                   e. At the end of each set, a brief toilet
                                                break is permitted (see Rule 7.5).
     4.4 A guest player may guest for one       f. Between sets 2 and 3, up to a
     team only. However, if by the end of       10-minute break is allowed (see Rule
     the Fall session, she has not played a     7.5).
     match for that team, she may register      g. No breaks are permitted before
     to guest for another team in Spring.       and during a tie-break.

     4.5 Guest players may be added             5.5 The “official start time” is 9:30 am.
     throughout the year.                       Courts must be available at 9:00 am
                                                for warm-up.
     4.6 Guest players must be approved         a. A player who is not ready to play
     by the Registrar and/or Division Rep-      within 15 minutes of the official start
     resentative prior to playing in their      time forfeits the first set.
     first match.                               b. A player who is not ready to play
                                                within 45 minutes of the official start
     5. MATCH PROCEDURE                         time forfeits the first 2 sets. If the
                                                other pairs have not yet completed
     5.1 The date and location of match         their first 2 sets, she may wait to play
     play is fixed by the Scheduler. A          her remaining 2 sets.
     match schedule will include: partici-      c. A player who shows up at/after the
     pating clubs, associations and teams,      official start time is entitled to only a
     Captains’ names and telephone              5-minute warm up with her oppo-
     numbers. Captains should review the        nents.
     match schedule carefully.                  d. If a team does not show up within
                                                1 hour of the official starting time,
     5.2 The visiting team remains on the       a ‘walkover’ will be declared. Any
     courts they started on.                    mitigating circumstances causing the
                                                late arrival will be considered by the
     5.3 Six new balls must be provided         Committee if reported within 7 days
     by the home team and must comply           of the match.
     with ITF regulations.
                                                5.6 Both Captains must identify
     5.4 A doubles format will be used and      players’ full names and guest players
     play shall be continuous from the          on the weekly Score Sheet. It is the
     first point of each set until the set is   responsibility of the winning team
     concluded. Each team will field two        to email (not SMS) the Score Sheet,
     pairs, who will play two tie-break sets    without delay, to the Division Repre-
     against each pair of the opposing          sentative. In the case of a draw, the
     team.                                      home team is responsible for sending
     a. A 5-minute warm up between              the Score Sheet.
     opponents is permitted before sets
     1 and 3.                                   5.7 During match play, no interfer-
     b. Twenty seconds are allowed be-          ence is allowed from non-playing
     tween the end of one point and the         members, coaches or spectators.

Coaching is acceptable between sets       or demoted, to allow for more even
2 and 3.                                  grading of teams, and to facilitate the
                                          overall running of the League.
5.8 Players must complete all their
sets. Failure to observe this rule,       7. INJURIES AND BATHROOM USE
including leaving the court perimeter
without reasonable excuse, will result    7.1 If a player sustains an injury on
in the forfeiture of incomplete and       court, play can be suspended for up
un-played sets by the player. Com-        to 15 minutes, to enable the player to
pleted sets will stand but the player     assess and recover (with the excep-
will not be permitted to continue         tion of 7.2 and 7.3 below). Injury
against the other pair.                   time-outs should be taken at the
                                          change of ends or sets during match
5.9 All players are required to play at   play unless it’s an on-court injury. If a
least one match a year. This is defined   player is unable to resume play after
as completing 4 sets. At the end of       the initial 15-minute injury time-out,
the year, a team will be penalized 4      she and her partner forfeit that set
points for every player who has not       and any remaining sets with the
played. This also applies to players      same opposing pair. She may elect
who register in the Spring. A player      to play subsequent sets against the
may be exempted from this rule for        other opposing pair; however, only
medical reasons, supported by a           one injury time-out is permitted per
doctor’s letter.                          person, per match. In 7.2 and 7.3, the
                                          3-minute medical time-out will serve
6. SCORING                                as that player’s only medical time out
                                          for the match.
6.1 One point will be awarded for
each set won.                             Example: Player A is injured while
                                          playing set 1 and is unable to resume
6.2 In the event of a walkover, 8         play within 15 minutes. She and her
points will be given to the team          partner will forfeit sets 1 and 2. They
awarded the walkover.                     are eligible to play sets 3 and 4 but no
                                          further medical time-out for Player A
6.3 Winners of each division will be      is allowed.
decided on point score aggregate.
At the end of the year, should two or     7.2 If a player calls an injury time-out
more teams achieve the same point         during a tie-break, she will forfeit one
score aggregate, a count back on          point and may only take a 3-minute
matches won will decide the winner.       break. Otherwise, the set is forfeited
If both teams won the same number         and a 15-minute injury time-out may
of matches, then both teams will be       be taken.
declared co-winners.
                                          7.3 If a player calls an injury time-out at
6.4 At the end of each year of play,      set point, she will forfeit one point and
the winning team(s) from each             may only take a 3-minute break. Other-
division will automatically be pro-       wise, the set is forfeited and a 15-min-
moted to a higher division while the      ute injury time-out may be taken.
lowest-scoring team(s) from each
division will automatically be re-as-     7.4 If a player is injured during the
signed to a lower division.               warm-up between 9:00-9:30 am, that
                                          player may be replaced by another
6.5 At the discretion of the Commit-      team member prior to 9:30 am. If she
tee, other teams may be promoted          arrives after the official starting time,

     Rule 5.5 takes effect.                     otherwise the match will be resched-
                                                uled once.
     7.5 A brief bathroom break is permit-      d. If a venue is closed due to high
     ted between each set. A longer break       winds, the match will be rescheduled
     of up to 10 minutes may be taken           once.
     between sets 2 and 3.
                                                9.2 If play is suspended due to weath-
     7.6 ALL PLAYERS PLAY AT THEIR OWN          er-related events, only the completed
     RISK. The HKLTL and any participating      sets will count in the rescheduled
     teams will not be held responsible         match. Any incomplete sets will need
     for any illnesses suffered or any injury   to be restarted from the beginning
     sustained by a player during a match.      in the rematch. For example, if both
                                                teams won two sets, and they were
     8. INTERRUPTION OF PLAY                    both in the middle of their 3rd sets,
     If a match cannot be completed             then at the rematch, both teams must
     because courts are not available for       restart their 3rd sets regardless of the
     play beyond 1pm, then another date         score in that set.
     must be arranged, as per Rule 9.4.
     The host Captain should determine          9.3 On the rescheduled match day,
     court availability and make a decision     all team members are eligible to play,
     prior to starting the final sets. On the   subject to the following conditions:
     rescheduled date, the remaining sets       a. If one court has completed all 4
     are to be played in accordance with        sets then none of the 4 players who
     Rules 9.2, 9.3 and 9.5.                    have already completed their 4 sets
                                                may play in the rescheduled match
     9. INCLEMENT WEATHER & MATCH               (i.e. no player can play more than 4
     RESCHEDULING                               sets per match).
                                                b. Team members who participated
     9.1 A match may only be rescheduled        in the original match must remain
     once due to weather.                       partners in the rescheduled match if
     a. In case of wet weather, both            both are playing.
     Captains must be in agreement
     about court playability for a match to     9.4 The Division Representative must
     proceed. It is not necessary for both      be copied on all correspondence
     Captains to attend the venue to come       regarding the rescheduled match.
     to such an agreement. However, if          a. Within 48 hours, the home team
     they cannot agree, scheduled players       must offer three dates over a three-
     from both teams must attend the            week period from the original match
     venue to determine if the court is         date and they must not fall within
     playable. If play cannot commence by       one week, on a holiday or during a
     10.00am, the match will be resched-        holiday break.
     uled once.                                 b. If there are fewer than three weeks
     b. In case of a Very Hot Weather           left in the season, dates offered will
     warning before 9.00am, matches             span the remaining week(s), includ-
     must proceed under a no-ad format.         ing the rain-off week.
     Matches will be played without an ad;      c. When a match needs to be resched-
     when the score is at deuce, the next       uled in the final rain-off week, dates
     point will determine the game. The         must be on or before the final rain-off
     receiving pair will decide who will        date. The final rain-off date is consid-
     receive serve at deuce.                    ered a match day.
     c. When the Air Quality Health Index       d. The away team must accept one
     (AQHI) is at 8 or above before 9:00        of the offered dates within 24 hours
     am, both Captains must agree to play,      of receiving them. If the home team

cannot secure courts, a change of         Representative’s discretion, further
venue is permitted.                       information may then be sought from
e. If no agreement can be reached         the parties involved.
within 72 hours on a day within the       10.2 The team captains and players
three-week period, there will be a        involved on both sides of the protest
designated day for the rescheduled        shall not, under any circumstances,
match in the following week:              engage in lobbying to support their
                                          position and will direct all communi-
Premier and Division 1 – Wednesday        cations on the protest to the Division
Division 2 – Tuesday                      Representative and Chairwoman
Division 3 – Monday                       only.
Division 4 – Friday
Division 5 – Thursday                     10.3 The Committee, in its abso-
                                          lute discretion, may determine the
9.5 At the time of the rescheduled        outcome of any protest and may
match, if weather prevents play again,    impose sanctions including, but not
both teams must go to the venue to        limited to, suspension or permanent
split points. The only exception to       suspension of players, team captain(s)
the rule: if the Hong Kong Observato-     and/or teams, forfeiture of sets or
ry issues the following warnings – T3     matches. Three protests made against
and above, Amber, Red or Black Rain       the same team or player in a two
alert, then points will be split evenly   year period may result in suspension
between the two teams. In all other       or permanent suspension of team
cases:                                    captain(s) and/or player(s).
a. If only one team goes to the
venue, then that team will receive        10.4 Disciplinary decisions made by
all eight points.                         the HKLTL Committee are final and
b. If neither team goes to the venue,     no appeal is permitted. (i) Failure to
then both teams will receive zero         follow this complaints process, (ii)
points.                                   any bad-faith Protests or (iii) failure
c. Splitting un-played sets due to        to accept the decision of the HKLTL
weather: all sets played, stand. The      Committee in good faith may result in
remaining un-played sets will be          further HKLTL sanctions.
split. This may result in 0.5 points
being awarded in the case of an odd       11. ANTI-BULLYING POLICY
number of sets remaining.
                                          11.1 The HKLTL supports a tennis
10. PROTESTS                              environment that is conducive to the
                                          enjoyment of the sport: free from
10.1 Protests concerning a breach of      threats, harassment and any type
the rules should be lodged by a team      of bullying behaviour. We support
captain, in writing only, to the Divi-    diversity and the respect of others
sion Representative and Chairwoman        regardless of culture, ethnicity, belief,
within 7 days of the date on which        social/economic status, sexual orien-
the alleged breach of the Rules oc-       tation, family status, physical appear-
curred. Only one protest communica-       ance, ability and circumstances.
tion may be submitted by the captain
and this should be direct, factual and    11.2 Bullying is unwanted aggres-
less than 500 words. Following a pro-     sive behaviour that involves a real
test, the team or player(s) concerned     or perceived imbalance of power.
will be notified of the complaint and     Bullying not tolerated by the HKLTL
given an opportunity to respond.          includes physical, verbal, social,
At the Chairwoman and/or Division         relational aggression, prejudicial,

     sexual and cyber bullying. Any
     HKLTL player or team who engages
     in any act that constitutes bullying
     is subject to appropriate disciplinary
     action including, but not limited to,
     suspension and/or forfeiture of sets
     or matches. The severity and pattern
     of such behaviour will be taken into
     consideration when disciplinary
     decisions are made. The decisions of
     the HKLTL Committee in this regard
     are final and no appeal is permitted.

     11.3 Follow 10.1 guidelines for
     lodging complaints in regards to
     11.2 bullying.


     12.1 Mobile phones, activity trackers,
     and smart watches must be silenced
     at all times. Use of any such devices
     for communications is permitted
     between sets 2 and 3 only.

     12.2 A penalty of one set will be
     taken, from the set being played, and
     awarded to the opposing team. The
     penalty should be taken at the time
     of the rule violation, and not at a later

Basic Tennis Facts

1. NON-UMPIRED MATCHES                      lands in the opponent’s court on the
                                            first bounce.
a. The game of tennis depends on            l. Disagreement on scores: if players
courtesy and fairness.                      cannot agree on the score, they
b. The server announces the set score       should calmly discuss the points
before starting a game and the game         under dispute. If they fail to agree,
score before each point.                    they should go back to the last score
c. Each player is responsible for the       on which they agree and resume play
decisions on their half of the court.       from that point.
Each player should be completely            m. Ball marks: players are prohibited
honest with all calls made.                 from checking ball marks on their op-
d. The server shall not serve until the     ponents’ side of the court, unless in-
receiver is ready.                          vited to do so. Ball mark inspections
e. Service calls: when receiving the        are only permitted on clay courts.
serve, the partner of the receiver          n. Self-policing: players must volun-
generally calls the service line for her    teer honestly against themselves on
while the receiver generally calls the      violations such as double bounce,
center and side service lines.              ball touching the body or clothing,
f. Serve hits the receiver or her part-     touching the net or reaching over
ner before the ball bounces; the point      the net.
is awarded to the server.                   o. Talking during points: there should
g. A ball touching any part of the line     be no conversation during the course
is good. A ball is only “out” if a gap      of play other than brief instructions
can be seen between the line and the        to your partner such as “mine”, “out”,
ball. If there is any doubt about a call,   “run” or “bounce it”.
the ball is “in” and no “let” should be     p. Unsportsmanlike conduct: it is
played.                                     against all regulations to use loud,
h. “Out” calls reversed or disagreed        abusive or profane language, and to
upon: if an “out” call is corrected, the    engage in racquet-throwing, slam-
point goes to the opponents. If a           ming of balls, or intentional waving
player calls “out” and her partner calls    of the racquet or arms. Making
“in”, doubt has been raised, and the        distracting noises, clapping for one
point goes to the opponents.                side only, continuous strolling to use
i. Calls of “out” and “let” must be made    towels or to get a sip of water, to rest
instantly, audibly and visibly before       between points or make a comedy of
the opponent has hit the return             the match is also unacceptable.
or the return has gone out of play.
Otherwise, the ball remains in play. A      2. SPECTATORS
delay in making the call implies that       Spectators and coaches should not
the ball was not seen clearly and is        be on the court at any time. Spec-
therefore “in”.                             tators or coaches may not volunteer
j. Playing or catching a ball before it     advice on line calls, scoring or the
bounces: if a player hits a ball that       conduct of the match. Coaching
looks like it will land “out” before it     can only be done during the break
bounces, she cannot make a claim            between sets 2 and 3.
on that point and the ball remains in
play. If a player catches a ball before     3. LETS
it bounces, the point goes to the           a. Serve touches the net and lands
opponents.                                  “in”: any player may call a “let” and
k. Wide balls can be returned around        the serve should be replayed.
the net post: a wide ball returned          b. Serve touches the net then hits the
from outside the court may legally be       receiver or her partner: this constitutes
hit around the net post so long as it       a “let” and the serve should be replayed.
Basic Tennis Facts

     c. Interruption during the delivery
     of a second serve: the server receives
     two serves.
     d. A ball from an adjacent court:
     when a ball interrupts play, either by
     rolling or bouncing onto the court, or
     creating a visible interruption behind
     the court, a “let” may be called by any      How To Play a Tie-Break
     player on the affected court and the
     point shall be replayed.
     e. Involuntary hindrance (ball falling
     out of pocket, hat falling off, etc.):    • Numerical scoring is used
     the first time, a “let” is called. Any    throughout the tie-break.
     subsequent recurrences will result in
     the loss of a point.                      • The player whose turn it
                                               is to serve next, starts the
     4. FOOT FAULTS                            tie-break by serving the first
                                               point from the Deuce court.
     During the service motion, the server     After that, each player in turn
     shall not:                                serves 2 points, always be-
     a. Change position by walking or          ginning on the Ad court, and
     running (slight movements of the          adhering to the service order
     feet are permitted), or                   of that set.
     b. Touch the baseline or the court
     with either foot, or                      • Players change ends after
     c. Touch the area outside the imag-       every six points and at the
     inary extension of the sideline with      conclusion of the tie-break
     either foot, or                           game. The first pair to reach
     d. Touch the imaginary extension of       7 points wins the tie-breaker
     the centre mark with either foot.         (and the set) provided they
     Any of the above constitutes a foot       do so with a margin of 2
     fault. In a non-umpired match, a          points. Otherwise, at 6-all,
     player may warn an opponent that          the game continues until a
     she has committed a foot fault.           2-point margin is achieved.
     Unless an official can be located, no
     other action may be taken.                • If a player serves out of turn
                                               or from the wrong half of the
                                               court, all play resulting from
                                               the error stands, but service
                                               will assume the correct order/
                                               side immediately.

                                               • In the following set, the pair
                                               who served first in the tie-
                                               break will receive first.

At A Glance : Weather Rules
(Please refer to p.25-26 for details)


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