Fair Preview Champaign County - Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Page created by Jeffrey Horton
Fair Preview Champaign County - Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

        Champaign County
         Fair Preview

A special supplement of
Fair Preview Champaign County - Wednesday, July 31, 2019
2 Wednesday, July 31, 2019                                             2019 CHAMPAIGN COUNTY FAIR PREVIEW                                                                 Urbana Daily Citizen

Nine apply to be 2019
                                                                                                    Market Hog project – 3 years                   well at so I used every spare moment to
                                                                                                    Chapter President, 2019 - 2020                 create my speech. Memorization is one
                                                                                                    Chapter Reporter, 2018 - 2019                  of my skills, so that part of the speech
                                                                                                    State Public Speaking, 2018                    was easy. In selecting an agricultural

Champaign County Fair Queen
                                                                                                    District Public Speaking, 2019                 topic I chose something of interest to
                                                                                                    State Degree Recipient, 2019                   me – differences between conventional
                                                                                                    Chapter Degree Recipient                       and organic farming. As someone with
                                                                                                    Greenhand Degree Recipient                     food allergies, knowing how and where
  Welcome to the 2019 Champaign                                                                     High School:                                   my food is produced dramatically
County Fair Preview section.                                                                        Freshman Class President                       affects my life. My first time reciting
  Last year’s Champaign County Fair                                                                 Sophomore Class President                      my speech in front of judges was nerve
Queen, Lora Current, was selected as the                                                            Junior Class President                         wracking; however learning I made it
Ohio Fairs Queen earlier this year.                                                                 3-year High Honor Roll                         past the first round gave my confidence
  Nine have applied to compete for                                                                  3-year Varsity Soccer                          a big boost. This year I participated
the 2019 Champaign County Fair                                                                      3-year lead in School Musical                  in the Extemporaneous category for
Queen title. This special section                                                                   3-year Student Council member                  FFA public speaking. For this event,
includes their photos and biographies                                                               Vice President 2018-2019                       you select a topic at random, have 30
of their accomplishments along with                                                                 National Honor Society member                  minutes to research the topic, and then
essays about how participation in the                                                               National Honor Society President,              give a 5-minute speech. Participation
Champaign County Fair has helped                                                                           2019 – 2020                             in this event provided an opportunity
prepare them for the future.                                                                        3-year band member                             to learn about many agricultural topics
  The 2019 Champaign County Fair                                                                    3-year choir member                            while continuing to improve my public
Queen will be announced the evening                                                                 3-year member of the basketball team           speaking skills. This experience will
of Sunday, Aug. 4 during ceremonies at                                                              3-year statistician for the softball team      benefit me throughout life and I am
the grandstand. A panel of judges will                                                              2017 Sophomore Class Homecoming                thankful for the opportunity FFA has
                                                                                    Staff photo
choose the winner prior to the crowning                                                                    Attendant                               provided me.
                                               2018 Champaign County Fair Queen Lora Current
and the annual contest is sponsored by         is shown in this file photo after being crowned      Prom Committee Chair
Vernon Funeral Homes.                          last year at the grandstand.                         Champaign County Fair                          Essay Question: How has your involvement in
                                                                                                    3-year Junior Fair Board Member                the Champaign County Fair better prepared
                                                                                                    Junior Fair Board Reporter - 2019              you for the future?

Emma Wilson
                                                                                                    Caught pig in pig scramble                       My involvement in the Champaign
                                                                                                    Community:                                     County Fair has prepared me for my
                                                                                                    American Legion Americanism test               future by instilling responsibility,
                                                                                                           winner                                  respect, and pride. First, by participating
   Parents: Kelly Evans-Wilson and John                                                             3-year Be W.I.S.E. STEM Camp                   in 4-H and FFA projects I learned
          Wilson                                                                                           counselor                               responsibility. Taking multiple
   Organization Name: 4-H and FFA                                                                   Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership                  projects to the fair requires financial
   High School Attending: 		                                                                               (HOBY) representative, 2018             responsibility and time management.
          Mechanicsburg High School                                                                 Buckeye Girls State Representative,            Raising an animal takes a lot of time and
   Year completed in school: 11th grade                                                                    2019                                    effort. While my parents help with my
          Graduation date: May, 2020                                                                10-year Relay For Life Volunteer               animals, I must feed them, walk them,
   Special interest: Singing, soccer,                                                               Kelly’s Krew team member                       and clean their pen because they are my
basketball, reading, animals, swimming,                                                             Messiah Lutheran Church                        responsibility. While my animals are at
public speaking                                                                                     Praise Team Choir member                       the fair I am in charge of making sure
   What do you most like to do in your                                                              No Room at the Inn volunteer                   they have a clean pen, enough water,
leisure time? I enjoy reading books,                                                                                                               feed, and they are ready for the show.
hanging out with my siblings and                                                                  Describe any particular interest or activities   I must take care of them even if I am
friends. I am constantly singing or                                                               of the above groups:                             hanging out with friends, riding rides,
humming. I always love to play games                                                                 I have a very strong interest in public       or even watching another show. These
and be active in everything that I do.                                                            speaking. I decided to pursue public             animals are my responsibility and they
                                               Wilson                                             speaking after becoming a lead in the            depend on me. This experience will
List 4-H, Girl Scouts, FFA, FCCLA, and                                                            school musical. My FFA advisor said it           prepare me for in the future if I decide
School Activities. Include honors won, held,    4-H Club President 2 years                        would be a good choice for me because            to have kids or pets. Also, I’ve learned
awards received, etc.                           4-H Clothing projects – 8 years                   I enjoy presenting in class, and speaking        that when you commit to a project or
  4-H:                                          4-H Nutrition project – 1 year                    in front of people. I had one month to           a task you must do all that is required
  4-H Sheep Skillathon winner 3 years           2018 Top Senior Model                             write a six to eight-minute prepared             to complete that project, even when it
          in a row                              Sewing State Fair Representative                  speech on any agricultural related topic.        means making difficult choices with how
  4-H Market Lamb project – 6 years             FFA:                                              This was a challenge but public speaking         to spend your time.
  4-H Club Secretary 1 year                     3-year member                                     was something I felt I could do very               I’ve also learned financial
Fair Preview Champaign County - Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Urbana Daily Citizen                                              2019 CHAMPAIGN COUNTY FAIR PREVIEW                                                         Wednesday, July 31, 2019   3

responsibility through my involvement in the                 time correctly has created more opportunities to have             given me a great sense of pride not only for my town,
Champaign County Fair. There is a lot of food, games,        fun at the Fair, instead of rushing around being late, or         but the county as a whole. When I go to other fairs I
and merchandise that can be bought at the fair. In order     canceling plans with friends. The Champaign County                find myself comparing their barns, activities, people,
to make sure I do not run through all of my money from       Fair has taught me to be responsible with my time, how            grounds and buildings to the Champaign County Fair.
the first day I set up a budget before the fair begins       to get the most out of my favorite week of the year and           Out of all the fairs I’ve seen I am 100% certain ours
and map out what I can and should spend each day on          will be crucial in everything I do.                               is number one. We have amazing support from the
food, sweets, and prizes. Going to the fair each year has      In addition, I have learned respect from attending              community and the grounds are well kept all year long.
taught me financial responsibility from a young age, by      the Champaign County Fair. Each year of showing                   When someone asks about my home fair I go on-and-
not only budgeting but learning to save up money from        and being at the Fair presents itself with a new set              on, trying not to brag about just how much I love the
my birthday, odd jobs, and other places to then be used      of challenges and opportunities. These challenges                 Champaign County Fair.
responsibly at the fair itself. Having the ability to save   especially come to light when working on the Jr. Fair                The Champaign County Fair may only come around
and budget while being tempted to spend money all the        Board. I was always taught to treat others how you                one week out of the entire year, but each year it leaves a
time will help later in life when I’m on my own.             want to be treated and I was also taught to respect               lasting imprint on not only me, but everyone it touches.
  My involvement in the Champaign County Fair has            my elders. So when an older person in the community               I am very blessed to have been involved with the fair
greatly improved my time management skills. From             comes up to you very angry after a show you must                  for so many years. I have learned valuable lessons about
timing how long it takes to get from my camper to my         remain calm and show respect, even if they don’t give it          responsibility and respect. I am mostly thankful for how
pens, the swine barn to the grandstand, the hang glider      back. Everyone deserves respect no matter who you are             much pride I have in being from Champaign County.
ride to Farmer’s Daughter French fries, to knowing           or what you are doing. Learning how to give and show              No matter where I go or what I do, I will always be
when to start washing my pig so that I’m ready to go         respect even during challenging times will prepare me             from Champaign County Ohio. I would be honored to
into the show ring, time management is a necessity at        for dealing with people in the workforce.                         serve our community as the Champaign County Fair
the Champaign County Fair. Being able to manage my             Being involved in the Champaign County Fair has                 Queen.

Elizabeth Schipfer                           Camp Counselor, St. Michael’s Church
                                             Server, In Good Taste Catering Food
                                                                                            currently spend many hours practicing
                                                                                            with my Meats Evaluation team for
                                                                                                                                                      Cooking (2016), Financial
                                                                                                                                                      Planning (2017), Community
                                             Preparation/Service, Goshen Township           the National Contest taking place in                      Service (2018), Scrap-booking
  Parents: John and Marlo Schipfer           Park Concessions Stand Worker,                 Indianapolis in October. But even with                    (2019)
  Organization Name: 4-H, FFA,               Babysitter, St Michael’s Church Youth          many outlets of entertainment, when                 Additional Activities: 4-H Camp
  High School Attending: 		                  Choir, Mechanicsburg Spring Musical            I need time to relax, I love getting the                  Counselor (2016-19), Jr. Pork
         Mechanicsburg High School              What do you most like to do in your         chance to sit down at a piano.                            Council (2017)
  Name of College and major (if 		           leisure time? I’m blessed to have the                                                              Awards: Book Project State Project
         applicable): Miami University,      ability to play the sports that I love. I      List 4-H, Girl Scouts, FFA, FCCLA and School              (2016,2018), 2013 Swine
         Science in Kinesiology and          really enjoy playing sports, so most of        Activities. Include Honors won, offices held,             Herdsman Junior Division
         Health                              my “leisure” time is spent at practices        awards received, etc.                                     Runner Up, 2018 4-H Girl of the
  Year in school (completed May, 2019):      or games. I also really enjoy reading. I         Mechanicsburg Leaders and 		                            Year
         High graduate, Upcoming             can escape in a book for hours at a time.         Feeders 4-H Club:                                Mechanicsburg FFA State Degree
         College Freshman                    Fiction is my favorite, but I will read just     Offices: News Reporter (2010),                          recipient (2018)
  Special Interests: Basketball, Softball,   about anything that I can get my hands                   Health Officer (2011), President          Offices: Treasurer (2017-18), Vice
Track, Cheerleading, Volleyball,             on. While FFA is a school activity, like                 (2012), Treasurer (2013-15),                    President (2018-19)
Student Council, Mechanicsburg FFA,          athletics, I love spending time in the ag                Secretary (2018)                          General Livestock CDE Judging
Mechanicsburg Leaders and Feeders            room. I enjoy doing workshop projects            Projects: Market Swine (2010-15),
4-H Club, National Honor Society, 4-H        to raise money for the chapter, and I                    Cake Decorating (2012),                                           See SCHIPFER | 5

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Fair Preview Champaign County - Wednesday, July 31, 2019
4 Wednesday, July 31, 2019                                          2019 CHAMPAIGN COUNTY FAIR PREVIEW                                                          Urbana Daily Citizen

Ariana Spina
                                                                                                                          shape my dream of becoming a large animal
                                                                                                                          veterinarian with my own clinic, which I began
                                                                                                                          dreaming about when I was only in third grade. Over
                                                                                                                          the years many people have told me that I would
                                                                                                                          change my mind because I would not be able to handle
                                                                                                                          the job and what it entailed. These comments stuck
  Parents: Brooke & Anthony Spina                                                                                         in the back of my mind for several years but with the
  Organization Name: 4-H                                                                                                  experience I gained caring for my own animals and
  High School Attended and year of graduation: 		                                                                         working with my veterinarian to keep them healthy I
         Hilliard Darby High School 2019                                                                                  realized with certainty that this was my dream career. I
  Name of College and major (if applicable): 		                                                                           have shadowed four veterinarians and spoken to at least
         University of Kentucky (2019 			                                                                                 eight about what my future plans would entail. I have
         incoming freshman) Dual Major: Animal (pre-                                                                      looked up to veterinarians my whole life as people who
         vet) and Agricultural/Medical Biotechnology                                                                      could help my animals and who could teach me how
  Year in school (completed May, 2019): Senior                                                                            to best care for them. My life goal is to one day be that
  Special Interests: My special interests include 		                                                                      person for others.
photography and competitive swimming.                                                                                        It seems as if I have lived a double life for the past
  What do you most like to do in your leisure time? In                                                                    ten years. Spending my school year in the suburbs
my free time I enjoy reading and swimming depending                                                                       with people who do not understand what I did when
on which best suits the weather. I love staying active                                                                    I showed my animals or why I had to sell my animals
when hanging out with friends, whether it be trail                                                                        to market, some even went so far as to call me a
walking or wandering downtown for photo shoots.                                                                           murderer for selling my animals. Summers are spent
                                                                                                                          with friends who loved showing just as much as I
List 4-H, Girl Scouts, FFA, FCCLA and School Activities.    Spina
                                                                                                                          did, who understood why livestock and agriculture
Include honors won, offices held, Awards received, etc.                                                                   were so close to my heart. Because of my need to be
  4-H:                                                      Describe any particular interest or activities of the above   as close to livestock/ agriculture as possible I worked
  10 years (2010-present); Mad River Jr. Livestock-         groups:                                                       hard to become a member of our Jr. Fair board and a
          President (2019)/ secretary (2017-2018)/ vice        A special interest of mine is photography, the interest    member of the OSIA LEAD Council (the Ohio Sheep
          president (2014, 2015, 2016)                      was sparked after taking a photo class my Freshman            Improvement Association LEAD brand works to help
  Buckeye Shepherds-News Reporter (2010)                    year. I have since taken all the photo classes that Darby     run shows at the Stat Fair and educate the youth
  Market lamb showmanship division winner-Rookie            offers, I was Vice President of Darby’s Photo Club this       about 4-H and showing). In addition, based upon
          (2010)/ Junior (2011)/ Intermediate (2012)/       past year and helped to organize outings to shoot. I          my experiences I will be attending the University
          Senior (2017)                                     have had my work displayed in the Columbus Museum             of Kentucky next year to study Animal Science and
                                                            of Art three times over these past three years and have       Agricultural/Medical Biotechnology.
  Market lamb skillathon winner (2013)-Junior (2017)
                                                            participated in three other photo competitions, earning          I do not believe that I could have accomplished any
  Junior clothing skillathon winner (2013)
                                                            an Honorable Mentions in the Scholastics competition.         of the above without the experience I gained form the
  County rep at state fair for-veterinary science 1 and 2
                                                               Essay Question: How has your involvement in the            Champaign County Fair. It not only sparked my interest
  2017 Lamb and Wool Queen
                                                            Champaign County Fair better prepared you for the             in livestock at a young age, but it also opened many
  Extreme 4Her                                                                                                            doors in my life, I could not have made the connections
  Outstanding Market Exhibitor (market lambs) State         future?
                                                               As wide-eyed little girl that loves animals nothing        necessary to join OSIA without our fair. I could not
          Fair (2016)                                                                                                     have made all of these lifelong friends without that first
  State skillathon winner (2018)                            new, nothing unique. That is how I started out. I have
                                                            lived in central Ohio suburbs my whole life, but my           full week of August every year and our favorite fair food
  Reserve Champion Open Class Southdown State Fair                                                                        stops. I have had so many things change throughout
                                                            grandparents, Wayne and Judy Russell live in Mutual.
          (2017)                                                                                                          my life three schools, two homes, many friendships,
                                                            By the time I was five the Champaign County Fair
  Ohio Sheep Improvement Association: 4-year 		             became the best part of my summer. Somehow, I was             and one very scary car accident. But even with all of
          member                                            lucky enough that one of the livestock breeders, Kevin        these changes in my life, the Champaign County Fair
  LEAD Council Junior Director 2 years                      Neer and his daughters Betsy and Maggie, taught me            has been a constant and a great part of my life. No
  Age division Reserve Champion Showman (2017,              how to show lambs at the fair. I have been raising and        matter the circumstances in my outside life, I know
          2018)                                             showing market lambs for ten years at the county,             that the Champaign County Fair will always bring me
  Age division third place showman (2016)                   state, and national levels. 4-H and the fair have helped      hope, joy and even sanity to my usually hectic life.
  Darby HS Swim Team: 4-year member                         raise me in my morals and responsibilities, as well as        These fairgrounds have shaped me as a person and have
  Darby Scholar Athlete (2015-2019)                         allowing me to branch out and make new friends and            helped me grow in ways I did not know that I could.
  OCC Scholar Athlete (2018-2019 season)                    pushing me into other amazing organizations. I have           Because of my experiences I feel ready to take on my
  Varsity letter sward (2016-2019)                          learned that hard work is important, as long as you           future and know that I can be successful so long as I
  Team Captain (2018-2019 season)                           remember to keep pushing how hard you work. I am              so not let go of the halter when I feel like everything is
  Darby HS Photo Club: 4-year member                        grateful for the new perspective that I have been given       spiraling out of control. I do not know what the future
  Vice President (2018-2019)                                and never would have seen without 4-H.                        holds, but a good showman takes what they are given
  Darby HS NHS, 3-year member                                  This Champaign Co. 4-H experience also helped              and makes it look good.
Fair Preview Champaign County - Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Urbana Daily Citizen                                                  2019 CHAMPAIGN COUNTY FAIR PREVIEW                                                    Wednesday, July 31, 2019    5

Schipfer                                                                                          Essay Question: How has your
                                                                                               involvement in the Champaign County
                                                                                               Fair better prepared you for the future?
                                                                                                                                              a shovel, and other times I simply need
                                                                                                                                              some showmanship tips. So, during
                                                                                                                                              those many fair weeks, I learned how
From page 3                                                                                       I’ve struggled with thinking about          to properly ask for help, and how
                                                                                               the future for so long, because so many        to be willing to accept constructive
Team: 2017 State Champion Team,                                                                times I tell myself “I’m not ready,” or that   criticism from others. But the most
  2017 State Twelfth High Individual                                                           I “just need some more time to better          important thing I learned from my
  Meats Evaluation CDE Judging Team:                                                           myself.” So truthfully, thinking about         many experiences in fair weeks, it the
        2018 State Runner-Up Team,                                                             heading off on my own to college in            importance of surrounding yourself with
        2019 State Champion Team                                                               just seven weeks terrifies me. There are       incredible people. My greatest memories
  Projects: Market Swine (2016-17),                                                            times when I feel like I’m not organized       at the fair are the times when I get to
        Market Lambs (2017-18),2017                                                            enough, not quite independent enough           visit with campers that I was a counselor
        Reserve Champion Scramble Pig                                                          to handle adult responsibilities without       for at 4-H camp, when I get to interact
  Mechanicsburg FFA Ag Booster                                                                 the aid of my parents, and even times          with other exhibitors and learn from
        Scholarship Recipient, Mark                                                            when I fear that I will struggle with          their own projects, and when I get to
        Hartley Award and Scholarship            Schipfer                                      making friends. But as I prepare myself        continue to learn from my incredible 4-H
        Recipient                                                                              for my last fair seek as an active 4-H         and FFA advisors. Mr. Neer has been one
                                                 time when I couldn’t seem to find a new       and FFA member, I can’t stress enough          of my biggest influences and role models,
Describe any particular interest or activities   “normal.” But with the guidance of Mr.        just how wrong I am. I’m ready because         and so it means the world to me when I
of the above groups:                             Neer, the Mechanicsburg FFA Advisor           I had these organizations, and because         get to share fair week with him and show
   General livestock judging a CDE               and the camaraderie my teammates              I experienced that privilege of the            him not only what all I’ve accomplished
in which individuals compete against             gave me, general livestock completely         Champaign County Fair for so many              but what I continue to learn for him.
others in the evaluation and placing of          saved me. I no longer felt angry at what      years.                                            I didn’t win every show I participated
classes of livestock. Competitors will           I had lost but felt hopeful for the new          Having an animal project is not             in, didn’t impress every judge I crossed
judge classes of beef, swine, lambs,             opportunity that God seemed to put            easy, because as a teenager I am               paths with, and made many mistakes.
and goats during contests, and will              in front of me. That year I went from         solely responsible for a living being.         But there is no greater learning
complete keep/cull classes, a market             walking around my first contest on            Sure, I have the aid of my parents             experience than getting to work through
grid, and written exam, and sometimes            crutches with my clipboard tied around        and ag teachers, but without my own            a labor-filled fair week with many highs
even oral reasons. The CDE itself is             my neck, to a state championship with         responsibility and desire to place my          and lows, and no greater joy than getting
especially challenging because it’s more         my team, I completed at Nationals in          animal’s needs above my own, they              to spend a week with a county that has
than just understanding what a quality           Indianapolis later that fall of 2017, and     don’t survive. So, it falls on me to keep      been my home for so long. Good-byes
animal looks like, but truly being able          I still believe that my team of Miranda       their living space clean, their food and       are never easy, and saying good-bye
to comprehend what it takes to create            Lauchard, Caleb Martin and Jacob              water full, and to simply keep them            to 4-H and FFA has been the toughest
great livestock. The concepts of learning        Ripley was quite possibly the best            comfortable. Ultimately, because I was         challenge for my senior year. I won’t
range from identifying desired physical          team I will ever get the privilege of         entrusted during fair week and the many        remember medals, ribbons, or plaques
attributes of a steer or hog, to applying        experiencing.                                 months prior to care for such incredible       come September in the midst of my
the live and carcass performance of an              General Livestock is not easy; in fact,    animals. I now possess the level of            college transition—I’m going to simply
animal to determine its market value and         giving oral reasons is quite possibly         responsibility it takes to take care of        embrace the memories God bless me
learning how to publicly speak clearly           the hardest task ever (however, helium        myself. During fair week, things go            with, and take the skills and work ethic
and strongly.                                    added a whole new experience and              wrong-animals can sometimes get loose,         I’ve developed though my 4-H an FFA
   I joined the General Livestock CDE            delivery and I made Mr. Neer spit his         many forms need filled out throughout          experiences, and make the many people
team as a freshman, simply because no            coffee), but I encourage members to           the week and it can sometimes get              who have had a hand in shaping who I
other activity seemed to bring me the            join because it teaches you so much           confusing sometimes I need to borrow           am, very proud.
joy I desired in FFA. With conflicting           more than just animal science. I learned
time schedules and my inability to               valuable skills that come from belonging
identify exactly what it was I wanted to         to a team. I learned about time                                                   IT TAKES A COMMUNITY TO
accomplish in FFA, I joined the team on
a whim. I expected to do decently, as I
                                                 management, how to display confidence
                                                 even if I didn’t feel it, the value of
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had shown pigs for several years. But            patience, trusting my instincts, public
I found out that the rewards of joining          speaking, coaching each other through                                              To report child abuse or for more information
the team went so much further than just          frustrations, and so many more valuable                                                 on how you can help protect a child
competing well in a contest.                     assets I can utilize in every area of my
   During a low point in my life my              life. General Livestock saved me, it filled
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sophomore year, after God decided that           a void that was in my heart and helped
I needed to take a break from sports as          me find my smile again. I hope that
I experienced a torn ACL, I relied solely        someday other members get to feel the                                                        Champaign County Dept.
on general livestock judging to get me           same joy I feel whenever I talk about the                                                    of Job & Family Services
through it. It became my new outlet,             memories, I had the privilege of making                                                         champaigndjfs.org
my new source of happiness during a              with my team.
Fair Preview Champaign County - Wednesday, July 31, 2019
6 Wednesday, July 31, 2019                                            2019 CHAMPAIGN COUNTY FAIR PREVIEW                                                               Urbana Daily Citizen

Taylor Ayars
                                                Honor Society. In FFA and 4-H I have                                                           showmanship and how to better prepare
                                                served as President and Secretary, which                                                       yourself for the ring. Mick and I went onto
                                                has helped me develop leadership skills. I                                                     the county fair where we won Reserve
                                                have also shown heifer, steers, and feeder                                                     Cattlemen’s Steer and Champion FFA
   Parents: Bill and Melinda Ayars              calves since 3rd grade in 4-H and FFA. I                                                       Steer. Mick was my favorite calf I have
   Organization Name: 4-H FFA                   also participated in FFA Meat Judging,                                                         had. We had a lot of first together through
   High school attended and year of             Parliamentary Procedure, Public Speaking,                                                      the BEST Program, but I am thankful for
          graduation: Mechanicsburg High        and Agriscience Fair. Through 4-H I have                                                       the people who helped support me. This
          School- 2019                          had the opportunity to explore new topics                                                      year I took a different route with my show
   Name of college and major (if 		             by taking different projects including Get                                                     cattle and decided to try something new.
          applicable): I will be attending      Started in Art, Explore the Outdoors,                                                          The young ones! I currently had two feeder
          Wilmington College and majoring       Meat Barrow, and Vet Science. I have also                                                      calves, one beef and one dairy. The dairy
          in Animal Science with intentions     been given the opportunity to serve as                                                         feeder project is completely new to me, but
          of attending veterinary school        a 4-H Camp Counselor for the past four                                                         so far it has been an enjoyable year. I am
          after.                                                                                 Ayars
                                                years. On the separate document included,                                                      excited for the 2019 fair, and I hope that I
   Year in school (completed May, 2019):        I have provide a further description of          I ended up crying before the first time       can make my last time in that ring, since I
          12th grade                            each activity with awards, offices, honors       entering the ring, but I was smiling on the   am a senior, one to remember.
   Special Interests: Over the past four        received.                                        way out because I won my first ribbon.           Essay Question: How has your
years in high school I have developed a                                                          The following year I took a heifer named      involvement in the Champaign County Fair
passion for FFA and agriculture. Growing        Describe any particular interest or activities   Missy and we also competed at the State       better prepared you for the future?
up on a farm, I have learned to love the        of the above groups:                             Fair, however this time we left Division         Since I was a baby, my family and I have
agriculture industry. I enjoy working with         In FFA I have been able to judge meat.        Champions.                                    attended the Champaign County Fair. It
the animals and the people. In the future,      I started judging meat in the fourth grade          When I entered high school I joined        is my favorite week every year because
I have hopes of becoming a veterinarian.        when my father was asked to coach the            FFA. For the past couple years before         I get to spend time with my family and
Currently I am working at Wingfield             team. At my first contest I cried and got        high school I didn’t show cattle because      friends, see everyone else’s projects they
Animal Clinic to learn about the field of vet   only four of the forty meat cuts correct.        of family decisions. However, my FFA          have worked hard on all year, present my
medicine. In FFA, I have also participated      Now, I am getting almost perfect scores.         Advisor gave me the idea of showing cattle    own projects, make memories, and enjoy
in showing cattle, public speaking, meat        The past four years in FFA I have been           again, but this time, steers. I presented     time with those around me. Over the
judging, and becoming the Mechanicsburg         able to compete at many different contest        the idea to my dad and Grandpa, who           years, Champaign County Fair has taught
FFA President for the 2018-2019 year.           around Ohio and the country. In 2018, my         both have a love for cattle, and they were    me many lessons to help prepare me for
   What do you most like to do in your          meats judging team placed second in the          on board with the idea. Before I knew         the future. I have learned how to interact
leisure time? In my leisure time I enjoy        state which meant we would advance to            it, we were out hunting for a calf for        and help others by working food booths,
spending time with my family. Family is         the national Western Round-up in Denver,         the 2016 fair. I purchased a calf from a      shows, pulls, and other events. I have
very important to me, from my sisters           Colorado. The contest would take place           county breeder and named him Thunder          learned to make every second count with
and parents, to my grandparents, aunts,         January of 2019. My father pushed the            (my younger sister had just entered 4-H       the ones you love, and that your family will
uncles, and cousins. Often, I will take         team; at the beginning of the school year        and she bought a steer who was named          always be there for you. Lastly, the biggest
my two younger sisters out to eat, shop,        we would meet three times and week at            Lightening). Thunder and I only competed      lesson I have learned is what hard work
hike, etc. so I can spend time with them        the end of the school day and had two hour       at the county fair , but he did amazing. He   truly means, and to never give up, even in
before I leave for college. Majority of         practices on Sunday evenings. However,           ended up winning Cattlemen’s Born and         tough situations.
the Ayars family lives on Rosedale Road,        our hard work paid off. In January we            Raised, Reserve Champion Overall, FFA            Thousands of people attend the fair
so I can easily visit other family. My          traveled to Denver to compete. Our team          Champion, and he helped me win the Beef       every year. They come to watch the
grandparents live two miles down the            finished 3rd overall and I finished in the       Showmanship Show. Thanks to Thunder           shows, ride the rides, eat great food, and
road from me, and I enjoy going over to         top 10th individually. During the 2019           and Mr. Neer I was totally on board with      enjoy our fair. I started at a very young
their house to talk and play cards. I also      Ohio season, our team placed 1st at every        showing beef steers. The following year, I    age helping out in the Cattleman’s Food
enjoy doing farm chores with my family.         contest. We once again competed at the           bought a red calf whose name was Paco.        Booth outside the show ring. My first job
In the morning during the summer, I meet        State Contest, and this time we won it. I        Out of all the calves I had owned, Paco       consisted of getting lemonade or iced tea
my Grandpa Ayars, dad, and sister at the        placed 3rd overall and our team now will         has taught me the most lessons. Paco was      for people, and as I got older I was able
barn to complete our chores. My family          get to compete at Nationals in October.          the first steer I showed at the Ohio State    to help serve the food. Dad and grandpa
makes doing chores early in the morning            In the 3rd grade I started showing            Fair, and I learned to be humble that year.   would cook on the grill, while I stayed in
enjoyable.                                      beef heifers. My grandpa bought me my            I placed second to last in Showmanship        the tent (or after a few years we upgraded
                                                first heifer, whose name Snow White. At          and we were in the middle of our class        to a trailer) and prepared sandwiches and
List 4-H, Girl Scouts, FFA, FCCLA and School    a young age I already had a love for the         at State Fair. At the county fair Paco and    wraps. I got to meet so many new people
Activities. Include honors won, offices held,   barn and cattle. I would wake up every           I had a accident (which I will talk about     on Cattlemen’s Board and those who came
awards received, etc.                           morning during the summer to do my               in my essay), but we still manage to win      to see the Champaign County Fair. I also
  Throughout high school I have                 morning chores of washing, blow drying,          Champion FFA. During the 2018 show            am a part of Champaign Jr. Fair Board,
participated in different activities            and feeding my heifer. I ended up taking         year, I had a steer named Mick and we         and I am currently serving as Secretary. Jr.
including FFA. 4-H, Jr. Fair Board, Varsity     Snow White to the state fair. I had never        went around to different winter shows         Fairboard has taught me how to interact
Volleyball, Varsity Cheerleading, Spring        shown at the State Fair before and the           through the BEST Program. I got to meet       with all kinds of people, while still having
Musical, Class Officer, and National            people and cattle were very overwhelming.        so many people and I learned a lot about      a smile on your face. I have worked pulls,
Fair Preview Champaign County - Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Urbana Daily Citizen                                                  2019 CHAMPAIGN COUNTY FAIR PREVIEW                                                      Wednesday, July 31, 2019   7

shows, and derbys at the fair. I really enjoy working with      grandpa and I have a tradition at fair that started a few      show ring. Halfway through the show, Paco tried to mount
the different shows because I get to watch the youth            years ago. Each morning, he would pick me up or meet me        another steer, but instead, mounted me. Falling to the
present their projects. I understand the hard work it takes     at the fairgrounds around 6:00 a.m. We usually were the        ground hard, I got right back up and continued showing.
to care for an animal all year, and how proud they feel to      first ones in the barns. While I began chores he would set     I finished to show for the night, winning Champion FFA
present their project. While working a beef showmanship         up a 40-cup pot of coffee. After about an hour, we would       Steer. Later that night, my back felt as if I had been in
show, I learned to always be willing to lend a hand. I was      finish our chores and the coffee would be ready. We set        a car wreck. I figured I was just sore from the fall, and I
checking calves in when I noticed a young girl crying. It       out two boxes of donuts for all to enjoy while we sat in our   did not think too much about it. A week later, I was still
was her first time showing and her calf started to act up.      chairs by the calves and enjoyed a cup of coffee and donut     dealing with the pain, so I went to my athletic trainer, who
I remembered my first time showing, where I also cried          together. It’s times like these that I have learned to love    sent me to a doctor. After learning that I had fractured
because I was nervous, too. Her parents kept trying to          those around you and to not take any time for granted.         my vertebrae in my lower back, I was devastated. I was
persuade her to take the calf because it was almost time           The biggest lesson fair has taught me that has helped       going to be out of playing volleyball my Junior year and
to go in to the ring, however, she refused. I then offered to   prepare me for the future is the meaning of hard work,         was told to rest by the doctor. This also meant rest from
help; I asked the girl and her parents if it would be okay if   and to never give up on tough situations. Showing cattle       my barn activities. After 3 months of resting, healing,
I walked the calf and she held the rope and walked beside       has taught me what hard work is. Before school, in the
                                                                                                                               and only wanting to get back into the barn, I was able to
me. She agreed to that and we manage to get the whole           cold winter temperatures I would have to feed my calves.
                                                                                                                               show my new calf, Mick, in Lima, Ohio. I learned what
way through the show. She exited the ring with a smile on       In the summer I would have to get up before the sun to
                                                                                                                               perseverance was and to never give up what you love.
her face, and I could tell that her parents were relieved and   do morning chores, and at night instead of going out with
                                                                                                                                  I am very thankful of the Champaign County Fair and
proud of their daughter.                                        friends I waited until it was cool enough to let the calves
   Family has always played a huge role in my life, and         back outside of the cooler room. However, all the hard         all it has to offer. The fair has taught me many lessons
the fair has taught me that family will always be there for     work pays off, and even though I didn’t win every year, I      including how to work with others, to never take time
you and will always be willing to lend a hand. Anyone           was always proud of my calf and myself. My one calf Paco,      with loved ones for granted, what hard work is, and to
who shows beef cattle knows that the projects takes your        taught me to never give up, and to not lose sight of what      never give up on what you love. These life lessons have
whole family’s help. The biggest help in my family would        I love. It was a Wednesday night at the 2017 Champaign         shaped me into the person I am today, and I will continue
be my grandpa Ayars. Every morning in the summer,               County Fair. I had just finished getting my 1,400 pound        to use these lessons in the future as I enter college
he would meet me at the barn before the sun rises to do         steer, Paco, prepared to go into the ring. We made our         and adulthood. I will always continue to support the
our chores. He never complained of the early mornings,          way to the ring, and Grandpa told me the same words he         Champaign County Fair and our youth, because I know
but he loved every minute of it. I loved every minute of        says before I enter any show ring: “Give ‘em hell.” Paco       without it, I would not be where I am today.
chores, because I got to spend time with my grandpa. My         and I made our way into the                                       Thank you.

                                                                                                              Good Luck To The 2019 Fair Queen Candidates
                                                                                                                    and To All The Fair Participants!

                                                                                                                       Thank You, Lora Current
                                                                                                                      For All Your Efforts During
                                                                                                                          Your 2018 Reign As
                                                                                                                           Representative of
                                                                                                                         Champaign County!

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Fair Preview Champaign County - Wednesday, July 31, 2019
8 Wednesday, July 31, 2019                                            2019 CHAMPAIGN COUNTY FAIR PREVIEW                                                       Urbana Daily Citizen

Ally Marie Pierce
   Parents: Kelly Fleming
   Organization Name: 4-H, FHA                                                                                 Champaign County Fair
   High School Attended and year of
          graduation: Urbana High School
   Name of College and major (if
                                                                                                                   August 2 - 9
          applicable): University of
          Kentucky in the fall studying
          Nursing, in hopes of becoming a

                                                                                                                Fair Week Special
          Nurse Practitioner.
   Year in school (completed May, 2019):
   Special Interests: My special interests
include a wide variety of activities. I enjoy
volunteering for many organizations such        Pierce
as NHS, FFA, 4-H. I also enjoy traveling to

                                                                                                                       $125 - Year
                                                  Choir -student director, President,
different countries and understanding all
                                                         section leader
the unique cultures. I also have a passion
                                                  French Club
for music and singing in the community.
                                                  Show choir

                                                                                                                     $65 - 6 months
   What do you most like to do in your
                                                  Musical lead all 4 years
leisure time? When I have free time, I
                                                  Freshman Focus Mentor
enjoy playing the piano and hanging out
with friends the most. Coffee and food
                                                  Varsity Cheer
dates are some very important bonding
experiences with others in my life. I also
enjoy swimming during the summer and
                                                  Varsity Golf
                                                  Student Council                                                     5 day (Tuesday - Saturday) home
helping younger kids with whatever they
                                                  Class Officer
                                                  DECA Leadership Committee                                             delivery with E-edition access
                                                Describe any particular interest or activities
List 4-H, Girl Scouts, FFA, FCCLA and School
                                                of the above groups:
Activities. Include honors won, offices held,
Awards received, etc.
                                                   There are many different activities

                                                                                                                          r ry ! O ff e r e x pires 8/13
                                                                                                                       Hu                                /19
                                                and accomplishments I reflect back on,
  4-H:                                          but there is one that always stands out.
  Current president, past secretary,            Becoming a camp counselor at 4-H camp
          treasurer, and recreation officer     has been one of the best decisions I ever
  4-H Camp Counselor
  Runner-up Junior top mode.
  2019 Pork Queen
                                                made as a freshman in high school. As a
                                                young girl, camp has always been a second                              Stop by our booth
  Tech Change makers Ambassador
  Junior leadership
                                                home to me. As my years of becoming a
                                                counselor close, I am able to; understand                               & register to win
  Junior Pork Council
  2nd Runner up Fair Queen (2018)
                                                the important personality traits, ambitions
                                                and memories given to me from this                                     a 6pc Commercial
                                                leadership position.
                                                   As I became a counselor, I began to                                   Bakeware set
                                                understand the responsibility I was given
                                                and just how important it was to make the
                                                campers week just as special as my years
                                                                                                                           Courtesy of
  Photography projects                          at camp have been. Camp is all about the
  Cloverbud                                     camper’s experience but many of those
  FFA 2019 State Degree                         young kids do not understand the impact
  Gold Rated Secretary                          they have on me. As I see the kids faces
  Star Chapter Farmer (2019)                    radiate with fun and excitement, it rewards
  Meats Evaluation                              me with a feeling ho happiness that I have
  Job Interview                                 created the joy in their hearts.
  Parliamentary Procedure                          As I have learned responsibility
  Agricultural Communications                   leadership and so much more, camp has
  Meal of Hope                                  proven to me that I am the outgoing,
  Washington Leadership Conference              positive individual I have always wanted

  Recruitment Committee
  School Activities:                                                          See PIERCE | 11
                                                                                                               1637 E US Hwy 36, Suite 10, Urbana, Oh 43078 (937) 652-1331
Fair Preview Champaign County - Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Urbana Daily Citizen                                          2019 CHAMPAIGN COUNTY FAIR PREVIEW                                                                   Wednesday, July 31, 2019   9

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Fair Preview Champaign County - Wednesday, July 31, 2019
10 Wednesday, July 31, 2019                                          2019 CHAMPAIGN COUNTY FAIR PREVIEW                                                              Urbana Daily Citizen

Ally Cupps
                                              the score to be eligible                                           has gone to our summer camps          Champaign County Fair better
                                              for the seal of Biliteracy                                         and fall retreats multiple times, I   prepared you for the future?
                                              in Spanish                                                         get to help my leaders guide our         The Champaign County Fair
                                       Discipleship Bible Study                                                  cabin’s nightly reflection times as   has prepared me for my future by
   Parents: Brook & Betsy Cupps        Junior Fair Board                                                         the younger girls near the gospel     weaving endurance, hard work,
   Organization Name: 4-H              Ecuadorian Exchange                                                       for the first time.                   patience and humility into the
   High School Attending: 		           Lunch Buddies                                                                Discipleship is the Young life’s   fabric of my character. Its early
          Centerville High School      Reading Buddies                                                           upper classmen Bible study. We        mornings, long days and late
   Name of College and major (if       Homecoming Court: selected                                                meet every Friday before school       nights have grown and developed
          applicable):                        as junior class 		                                                 and dive deeper into the scripture    a work ethic within me; one that
   Year in school (completed May,             representative                                                     than our full group Bible study       has grit and perseveres. Its wild
          2019): Junior                                                                                          during the week.                      weather, judge’s lineups, and
   Special Interests: My special     Describe any particular interest or                                            Junior Fair Board mirrors the      young visitors have provided me
interests include the dairy          activities of the above groups:                                             senior fair board to maintain and     with opportunities to cultivate
industry, Spanish, serving              Country Critters is my 4-H                                               improve the Champaign County          a humble attitude of servant
those in need through faith,         club where I show dairy cows,         Cupps                                 Fair. This year as a board, we        mindedness.
serving foster children, and         heifers, feeders and steers. I                                              have attended the Ohio Fair              This past year, I brought eight
photographing rural and              attended 4-H camp for four years         Vape-Busters is a sub-group of     Managers Conference, worked           cows and heifers to the fair. The
agriculture-based settings.          and participated in the 2017 pig      BOLD that chose to specifically       at the Matt Calland Truck Pull,       preparation before fair and the
   What do you most like to do       scramble. As a Club, we take          target the vaping epidemic in         painted a snowplow, worked            work during the week did not
in your leisure time? My favorite    annual field trips to mega dairies    our school. We noticed a lack         at the Champaign County 4-H           bring immediate gratification
thing to do with my leisure          like Fair Oaks. Our community         of knowledge about vape and           extension office, and designed        along with it. However, as I
time is helping my grandpa on        projects have always been to          e-cigarettes, so we created an        and printed maps for the              reflect on our hours on the wash
his farm. I also love mentoring      improve our community (ex:            entertaining and informational        fairgrounds.                          rack and our chaotic show day, I
younger girls with Young Life.       Cleaning bike paths: but recently     video for the health classes at our      In the Ecuadorian Exchange,        am grateful for the opportunity to
I spend most of my winter            they have shifted to directly         school.                               my school had students for            do things that are not easy. I can
supporting my brother and dad in     improve our fair week, like              PBIS stands for Positive           Ecuador spend the month of            now use this endurance and hard
basketball. In my solitary leisure   disinfecting and repainting the       Behavior Interventions and            February with us in Centerville.      work when I have an overload of
time, I attend hot yoga, journal,    dairy barn).                          Support. Our core values are          In the past, students have come       homework, or in 10 years when
and watch TED Talks.                    The Red & White Dairy Cattle       respect. Responsibility and           from Costa Rica and Argentina as      my first kid is crying through
                                     Association strives to promote        citizenship, and we work to           well. I hosted a student for two      the night. I am confident that
List 4-H, Girl Scouts, FFA, FCCLA    the breeding and development          encourage those values in our         weeks, and it was one of the best     these moments at the Champaign
and School Activities. Include       of Red & White Dairy Cattle           student body. All of the students     experiences. She has horses in        County Fair have helped and will
honors won, offices held, Awards     by providing breeders with            in PBIS were selected by teachers     Ecuador, so she loved doing barn      continue to help me embrace the
received, etc.                       information and services to help      for having high character. We         chores with me, and visiting my       uncomfortable, difficult parts of
   Country Critters 4-H Club:        improve the breed. It has allowed     meet once a month with the            grandparents’ farm.                   everyday life.
secretary, president, vice           me to compete with my cows and        teachers also in PBIS and our            In Lunch Buddies, the guidance        One of my favorite parts of
president, Jr. Dairy Skill-A-        heifers at county, district, state    coordinating principal. We have       counselors at the six Centerville     fair are the young kids who walk
Thon winner, Dairy Showman           and national level shows, and to      signs hanging throughout the          elementaries identify students        through the barn after they’ve
of Showman, 3rd place in King        participate in the 50th Ohio State    school helped with weekly raffle      that are at risk, whether it be       finished eating their Sno-Cones
of the Ring, Leslie Broshes          Fair Sale of Champions.               drawings, and created a video         poor grades, behavior, or home        and riding rides. Children have
Herdsman Award recipient.               National Honor Society             introducing our core values of the    life. Then, these students are        such a unique curiosity within
   Red & White Dairy Cattle          highlights Student’s academic,        following school year.                matched to a high school student.     them, and the Champaign County
Association: Ohio State Fair Red     leadership and service                   The Avant Stamp Test was           Once a week, we to eat lunch          Fair has given me opportunities
and White Jr. Grand Champion,        achievements. NHS has                 provided to students who wish         with our buddies and spend time       to interact with it. I love being
Grand Champion Holstein              encouraged me to look for service     to verify their proficiency in two    with them.                            interrupted by a little five year
Champaign County, 1st place Red      opportunities, like serving at my     languages. This test consists of         Reading Buddies was just           old who just wants to pet my
& White Jr. 2-year-old at North      church or reading with children at    four parts to show the student’s      started at our school this year.      heifer. The chance to make their
American International Livestock     Centerville’s elementaries.           ability to read, write, speak and     We went to Centerville’s Primary      day brighter with my projects,
Expo, All Ohio Jr. 2-year-old &         BOLD stands for Building           listen in two languages. I took the   Villages (grades Prek-1st). We        and perhaps to ignite an interest
3-year-old cow, Jr. All American     Our Lives Drug-Free. We               test for Spanish, however there       simply read books with groups         within them about the dairy
Jr. 2-year-old red & white cow       model and promote a drug and          are 15 languages to choose from.      of young kids and talked to them      industry or agriculture as a whole
   National Honor Society            alcohol-free lifestyle where it’s        Young Life is a global             about their interests.                is priceless. This sacrifice of my
   BOLD (Building Our Lives          not popular. We spot issues in        Christian organization focused           For Homecoming Court, I was        time has allowed me to serve my
          Drug-Free)                 our community, and work to            on bringing high school students      selected by my peers to represent     friends with more patience, and
   Vape-Busters                      mend them. As a group, we have        to know Jesus through authentic       the class of 2020 (about 700          to think of myself second. These
   PBIS (Positive Behavior           hone into freshmen homerooms          relationships once a week, we         students). I received recognition     traits drawn from the Champaign
          Interventions and          to share why we are drug and          gather for a Bible study, and then    in our school magazine, during        County Fair have helped me take
          Support)                   alcohol free and done panel at our    spend time with one another,          our homecoming football game,         ideas from others more readily,
   Young Life: leadership role at    middle schools and allowed those      we go on a weekend retreat in         and at our homecoming dance.          which I am able to utilize now in
          camp, act as a mentor      students to ask questions about       the fall, and a week camp trip           Essay Question: How                my classes and I will be able to
   Avant Stamp Test: received        drugs, alcohol, or high school.       in the simmer. As someone who         has your involvement in the           utilize in a future job.
Urbana Daily Citizen                                            2019 CHAMPAIGN COUNTY FAIR PREVIEW                                                                     Wednesday, July 31, 2019   11

   The values of hard          projects year-round for fair                                                          every important life skill. Life is not   be able to make connections and
work and humility are          week. When she got here, I                                                            always about winning, it is about         further myself all because of this
not being put on the back      had to put her first because                                                          being able to learn what happened         opportunity the fair has given me.
burner, but they are being     she was the learner, like I    From page 8                                            and being able to grow from it.              Also, being apart of many
actively utilized in my life   do for the young kids that                                                            Showing has never been about              organizations has showed me to
outside of the Champaign       come through the barn.         to be. I can lead and promote any                      winning for me, and our fair has          interact with younger members at
County Fair. In February,      When the week comes,           different aspects firmly because of                    shown me how to take defeat and           fair. From setting up craft activities
I had the opportunity to       I can serve other people       the voice camp has given me. This                      use it to grow. This skill will help      for Cloverbuds, to helping kids
host an exchange student       at the fair because of         experience has also made me realize                    with all my future plans because          get animals ready to show, to even
from Ecuador. I had to         my preparation, helping        I belong in a pediatric nursing field                  no matter how many times I get            helping kids set projects up in their
reorganize my room, scrub      them have a memorable          and to continue to impact the lives                    knocked down I will be able to grow       booth, this interaction has helped
my bathroom spotless and       experience as well.            of kids for years to come. Camp                        and change to make things better          decide my career path. As I want to
plan different activities         The lessons learned         counseling has given me my voice,                      the next time. Showing will forever       go into pediatrics, my interaction
for us so that she had         from my involvement in         and I am forever thankful for the                      be a learning experience and prepare      with kids at the Champaign County
the best experience she        this great fair will remain    opportunity.                                           me for more future endeavors.             Fair has made it that much more
could while in the United      near to my heart and at the       Essay Question: How has your                          At the Champaign County                 evident that this is my future.
States. When she arrived,      top of my mind as many         involvement in the Champaign                           Fair, I have also been given many            Champaign County Fair has given
I shared my room with her      changes come my way. I         County Fair better prepared you for                    opportunities to speak in front           me strength and guidance to succeed
and allowed her to choose      will soon be graduating        the future?                                            of others and make personal               in my future. This fair, has given me
our activities; making the     high school, going to             As I begin to look back at                          connections with fairgoers I have led     hope and a voice to be who I want
exchange centered around       college, and beginning         everything, I have been involved                       many activities for Junior leadership     to be and to never give up. A quote
her. This experience           a life of my own. I know       with the Champaign County Fair,                        while at fair, as well as getting to      the fair has taught me is that ‘You
mirrors the Champaign          I will look back on the        I am forever grateful everything it                    know important people that make           will never be comfortable in your
County Fair. In order for      time I dedicated to the        has prepared me for, I have been                       our fair one of the best in Ohio. This    grow zone, but you will never grow
my exchange student to         Champaign County Fair          given opportunities to show, speak                     public speaking and interaction skill     in your comfort zone.” I am thankful
have the best experience       and be thankful for the        and even involve kids in activities at                 will help tremendously in the future      for all the lessons and opportunities
with me, I had to prepare;     gritty young woman it has      the fair. As my show career comes                      with making connections and being         the Champaign County Fair has
just as I work with my         taught me to be.               to an end, it has prepared me for                      more outspoken in my field. I will        given me.

                  Precious Baby
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12 Wednesday, July 31, 2019                                        2019 CHAMPAIGN COUNTY FAIR PREVIEW                                                       Urbana Daily Citizen

Addalyn Johnson                                 High School Musical (4 years)
                                                Played role of Spiker in James and the
                                                       Giant Peach (2018-2019)
                                                                                                   Spy in the Kitchen (Book Award,
                                                                                            Creative Clovers 4-H Club- Recreation
                                                                                                                                       Horse Auction Participant
                                                                                                                                       Advisor Horse Show Participant (Most
                                                                                                                                              Points Trophy)
   Parents: Greg & Crystal Johnson              Played role of Lady Larken in Once                 Leader                              PAS Horse Show Participant
   Organization Name: 4-H                              Upon a Mattress (2017-2018)          Go N Show N Equestrians 4-H Club-          Ohio State Fair Horse Show Participant-
   High School Attending: West Liberty-         Played role of Tootles in Peter Pan                News Reporter                              4th place Western Showmanship,
          Salem High School                            (2016-2017)                          4-H Camp 2 at Camp Clifton                        4th Hunt Showmanship, 2nd
   Name of College and major (if 		             Played role of Dishwasher in Thoroughly     Horse Safety Clinic Participant                   place Hunt Seat Equitation
          applicable): The Ohio State                  Modern Millie (2015-2016)            Horse Auction Participant                  County- 1st place Western
          University: speech and hearing        “SoundCheck” Show Choir (4 years)           Participated in Style Review and 		               Showmanship, 1st place Hunt
          science major                         Key Club (3 years)                                 received honorable mention                 Showmanship, 2nd place Hunt
   Year in school (completed May, 2019):        Office: Secretary (2017-2018)               Sewing Skillathon, Nutrition Skillathon,          Seat Equitation, 2nd place
          Senior                                Key Leader Leadership Retreat 		                   3rd place in Junior Division of            Hunter Under Saddle, 1st place
   Special Interests: My special interests             Representative (2016)                       Horse Skillathon                           Western Horsemanship
include, working with children, art, church,    Pages (1 year)                              2nd place Western Showmanship,             Reserve Champion Junior Versatility
volunteering, and community service.            Creative Arts program through the Ohio             4th place Hunt Showmanship,         Reserve Champion Overall Hunt Seat
   What do you most like to do in your                 State University Wexner Center              3rd place Hunt Seat Equitation,            Equitation
leisure time? In my leisure time, my                   to learn about visual/performing            3rd place Western Pleasure          Horse Skillathon (6th place)
favorite thing to do is spend time with                arts and culture                     Bronze Medal Extreme 4-Her                 2015:
people. I love being involved in the lives      Link Crew (3 years)                         2012:                                      Horse, Makeover My Space
of my friends and family, and my biggest        Mentoring program for incoming high         Horse, Tops for Tweens (Rosette, State     Creative Clovers 4-H Club- Recreation
passion is helping others. In my own life,             school freshmen                             Fair Qualifier), Creative Writing          Leader
I’ve received help from many people, and I      iPad Committee (3 years)                           (Rosette)                           4-H Camp at Camp Clifton
enjoy giving back by helping others.            Prom Committee (1 year)                     Creative Clovers 4-H Club- News            Junior Horse Council Member
                                                Book Club (2 years)                                Reporter                            Horse Auction Participant
List 4-H, Girl Scouts, FFA, FCCLA and School    National Honor Society (2 years)            Young Riders 4-H Club                      PAS Show Participant
Activities. Include honors won, offices held,   WeLiSaHi Yearbook Staff (1 year)            4-H Camp at Camp Clifton                   State Fair Horse Show Participant
awards received, etc.                           West Liberty-Salem November Senior of       Participated in Style Review and was       Horse Skillathon
  High School Activities:                              the Month 2018 (1 year)                     called back                         Champion Junior Versatility
  High School Soccer (4 years)                  Highest Honors (4 years)                    Horse Clinic Participant                   Reserve Champion Overall Hunt Seat
  Awards: 2018 Varsity Letter, 2017             Academic Excellence Banquet (4 years)       Advisor Horse Show Participant                    Equitation
          Hustle Award, 2018 Scholar            West Liberty-Salem High School 		           Horse Auction Participant                  2016:
          Athlete Award, 2018 Defensive                Valedictorian of the Class of 2019   Button Day Participant                     Horse (Book Award), The Laundry
          Most Valuable Player Award, 2018      4-H Activities:                             Outstanding of the Day at Ohio State              Project (Rosette, State Fair
          Kettering Sports Medicine             2008:                                              Fair with Tops for Tweens                  Qualifier), Get Started in Art
          Sportsmanship Award, 2017             Cloverbud.                                  Horse Skillathon (2nd place), Sewing              (Rosette, State Fair Qualifier)
          Division III District Champions,      Cloverbud Camp                                     Skillathon                          Creative Clovers 4-H Club- Health and
          2016 and 2018 District Runner-Up.     2009:                                       1st place Hunt Showmanship, 1st place             Safety Officer
  Varsity Track and Field (4 years)             Cloverbud                                          Western Horsemanship, 2nd place     4-H Camp Counselor-In-Training
  Awards: 2016-2019 Varsity Letter; 2018        Cloverbud Camp                                     Hunt Seat Equitation                Junior Leadership Member
          Scholar Athlete Award; 2019           2010:                                       2013:                                      Junior Horse Council Secretary
          Scholar Athlete Award; 2018           Ready Let’s Sew (Rosette, Book Award),      Horse, Let’s Quilt, Cake Decorating        Outstanding of the Day at Ohio State
          Most Improved Award; 2017,                   Horse (Book Award)                          (Rosette, State Fair Qualifier)            Fair for Getting Started in Art
          2018, 2019 Ohio Heritage              Creative Clovers 4-H Club- Recreation       Creative Clovers 4-H Club- Secretary       Horse Auction Participant
          Conference North 100 Meter                   Leader                               Young Riders 4-H Club- News Reporter       PAS Show Participant
          Hurdles Champion; 2018, 2019          Go N Show N Equestrians 4-H Club-           4-H Camp at Camp Clifton                   State Fair Horse Show Participant-
          Division III District Champions.             Recreation Leader                    Horse Auction Participant                         2nd place Hunt Seat Equitation,
  Junior Varsity Basketball (2 years)           4-H Camp 2 at Camp Clifton                  Advisor Horse Show Participant                    9th place Overall Hunt Seat
  Class Officer (3 years)                       Participated in modeling workshop at        PAS Horse Show Participant                        Equitation Championship, 7th
  Senior Class Vice President                          the fairgrounds                      Ohio State Fair Horse Show Participant-           place Hunt Showmanship
  Junior Class Vice President                   Participated in Style Review and was               8th place Western Showmanship,      Horse Skillathon (1st place)
  Freshman Class Secretary                             called back                                 5th place Hunt Seat Equitation      Champaign County Reserve Horse
  French Club (4 years)                         Horse Safety Clinic Participant             Horse Skillathon (1st place)                      Ambassador
  Offices: President (2018-2019), Vice          Horse Auction Participant                   Silver Medal Extreme 4-Her                 3rd place Western Pleasure, 3rd place
          President (2017-2018), Secretary      Horse Skillathon and Sewing Skillathon      2014:                                             Western Horsemanship, 5th place
          (2016-2017)                           1st place Walk Trot 1st year member,        Horse, Pantry Panic (Rosette, State Fair          Hunt Seat Equitation, 5th place
  Varsity Choir (4 years)                              3rd place Hunt Showmanship                  Qualifier)                                 Hunter Under Saddle
  Office: Soprano Section Leader (2018-         Bronze Medal Extreme 4-Her                  Creative Clovers 4-H Club- Vice 		         2017:
          2019)                                 2011:                                              President                           Horse, Get Started in Art
  High School Student Council (4 years)         Horse, Sundresses and Jumpers (Book         Young Riders 4-H Club- News Reporter       Creative Clovers 4-H Club
  Office: Secretary (2018-2019)                        Award, Honorable Mention), I         4-H Camp at Camp Clifton                   4-H Camp Counselor
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