Extended Essay 2018 Supervisor Information - Shaker.org

Page created by Perry Phillips
Extended Essay 2018 Supervisor Information - Shaker.org
Extended Essay

Supervisor Information
EE Process for 2017-18
New EE Guide incorporates the changes (on shaker.org):

1. New Set of Criteria – from 15 to 5 with point total out of 34 (See p. 101+ of EE Guide)

Criterion A: Focus and method (out of 6 points)
This criterion focuses on the topic, the research quesMon and the methodology. It assesses the
explanaMon of the focus of the research (this includes the topic and the research quesMon),
how the research will be undertaken, and how the focus is maintained throughout the essay.
5-6: To achieve a top score in this category
 Topic communicated accurately and effecAvely.
• IdenMficaMon and explanaMon of the research topic is effecMvely communicated;
   the purpose and focus of the research is clear and appropriate.
• The research quesMon is clear and addresses an issue of research that is appropriately
   connected to the discussion in the essay.
Methodology of the research is complete.
• An appropriate range of relevant source(s) and/or method(s) have been applied
   in relaMon to the topic and research quesMon.
• There is evidence of effecMve and informed selecMon of sources and/or methods.
EE Process for 2017-18
Criterion B: Knowledge and Understanding (out of 6 points)
5-6: To achieve a top score in this category
Knowledge and understanding is excellent:
• SelecMon of source materials is clearly relevant and appropriate to the research quesMon;
    knowledge of the topic/discipline(s)/issue is clear and coherent and sources are used
    effecMvely and with understanding;
Use of terminology and concepts is good:
• Use of subject specific terminology and concepts is accurate and consistent demonstraMng
    effecMve knowledge and understanding.

Criterion C: CriAcal Thinking (out of 12 points)
11-12: To achieve a top score in this category
Research is excellent:
Research is appropriate to the research quesMon and its applicaMon is consistently relevant.
Analysis is excellent:
• Research is analyzed effecMvely and clearly focused on the research quesMon
• Conclusions to individual points of analysis are effecMvely supported by the evidence.
Discussion/evaluaAon is excellent:
• EffecMve and focused reasoned argument is developed
• Reasoned argument is well structured, coherent, and criMcally evaluated
EE process for 2017-18

Criterion D: Formal PresentaAon (out of 4 points)
3-4: To achieve a top score in this category
Formal presentaAon is good:
• Structure of the essay clearly is appropriate in terms of the expected convenMons for the
    topic, the argument and subject in which the essay is registered;
• Layout consideraMons are present and applied correctly;
• Structure and layout support the reading, understanding and evaluaMon of the Extended

Criterion E: Engagement (out of 6 points)
5-6: To achieve a top score in this category
Engagement is excellent:
• ReflecMons on decision making and planning are evaluaMve and include reference to the
    student’s capacity to consider acMons and ideas in response to setbacks experienced in the
    research process;
• ReflecMons communicate a high degree of intellectual and personal engagement with the
    research focus and process of research, demonstraMng
EE process for 2017-18
2. No Abstract Required

3. Three Required Supervisor MeeAngs: (Formal ReflecMon Sessions)
First: dialogue between the student and the supervisor based on the student’s iniMal
       exploraMons. Held early in process and based on a student outline sent ahead of Mme
• review of he requirements and assessment criteria for the subject
• review of ethical and legal implicaMons, if applicable
• dialogue about possible approaches and any potenMal problems that might arise
• discussion of strategies for developing the student’s ideas for the essay
• quesMoning that will help the student focus their thinking and clarify potenMal research
• outline of the next steps that the student should undertake in order to refine their quesMon
Interim: ConMnuaMon of the dialogue in which student demonstrates progress they have made
          in their research. Discussion of challenges encountered and any advice needed.
• a completed piece of sustained wriMng from student to ensure that they understand the
    academic wriMng requirements, including referencing formats
• a clear and refined research quesMon
• a viable argument on which to base the essay
• a sufficient range of appropriate sources
• a clear vision for the final steps in the wriMng process
EE process for 2017-18

Final (“Viva Voce”):
• an opportunity for the supervisor to confirm the authenMcity of the student’s ideas and
• an opportunity to reflect on successes and difficulMes encountered in the research process
• an aid to the supervisor’s comments on the Reflec+ons on planning and progress form.
• an opportunity to ask the student a variety of open-ended quesMons to elicit holisMc
   evidence of the student’s learning experience.

4. Required ReflecAons - RPPF: (on a PDF computer template)

•   Three reflecMons per student, totaling 500 words
•   Supervisor must sign off on each reflecMon
•   One final reflecMon from supervisor that replaces the front cover of the old yellow folder
•   Student- and Supervisor space is found on the same template on the EE (“ReflecMons on
    Planning and Progress Form”)

Z:\InternaMonal Baccalaureate Programs\Extended Essay\Supervisor Training\Updated RRPF
ReflecMon Form - 8.17 THIS IS THE FORM TO USE.pdf
EE process for 2017-18
5. ReorganizaAon of Subject Areas:

Studies in Language and Literature

Language AcquisiMon (including Classical Languages)

Individuals and SocieMes
• Individuals and SocieMes
• Business Management
• Economics
• Geography
• Global PoliMcs
• History
• InformaMon Technology in a Global Society
• Philosophy
• Psychology
• Social and Cultural Anthropology
• World Religions
EE process for 2017-18
The Sciences
•     The Sciences
•     Biology
•     Chemistry
•     Computer Science
•     Design Technology
•     Physics
•     Sports Exercise and Health Science


The Arts
•     The Arts
•     Dance
•     Film
•     Music
•     Theater
•     Visual Arts

Interdisciplinary Essays
•     Interdisciplinary Essays
•     Environmental Systems and SocieMes
•     Literature and Performance
•     World Studies
EE process for 2017-18
6. Greater flexibility in Providing Feedback: Ability to write on text of essay
Schedule for EE Supervisors
Grade 11:
Semester 1
• Students choose supervisors
• Students meet with supervisor for First ReflecMon
Semester II:
• Students meet with supervisors to refine RQ and to get guidance on gathering sources
   and researching as they begin to outline and drap essay toward
• May TOK presentaMon
• Students plan summer schedule with supervisors toward compleMng first drap by
   September of senior year
Grade 12:
• September: Students submit first drap of EE for Supervisor “one read”
• November 1: Supervisors meet with students to review feedback
• Late January: Students submit final drap of EE
• February: Supervisors fill out RPPF template and conduct Viva Voce
EE process for 2017-18
                                     Process of EvaluaAon

The basic evaluaMon process is five steps:

1. Study two (2) sets of criteria: the general 5 criteria from p. 101 of the EE Guide and the
   subject-specific criteria described in the subject-area secMon of the Guide

2. Read the student’s EE carefully

3. Evaluate the essay according to each of the five general criteria and then evaluate it
   according to the subject-specific criteria

4. Score the essay according to the point values associated with each criterion and write out
   feedback for each general area

5. Meet with the student and provide feedback

EE Guide on shaker.org: h:p://www.shaker.org/Downloads/IBExtendedEssayGuide2018.pdf
EE process for 2017-18

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                                     Room 159
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