EVERGREEN Happy father's day! - My Calgary

EVERGREEN Happy father's day! - My Calgary
JUNE 2022                  DELIVERED MONTHLY TO 7,125 HOUSEHOLDS


     Happy father’ s day!

EVERGREEN Happy father's day! - My Calgary
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EVERGREEN Happy father's day! - My Calgary
Celebrating Thirty Years of Bringing the Park and
Community Together, 1992-2022
This year marks the Friends of Fish Creek’s 30th Anniversary
and we invite you to help us commemorate this important
milestone with a truly unique stewardship opportunity.
This September, thirty-five balsam poplar trees will be
planted within the 30th Anniversary Poplar Grove near
the Bow Valley Ranch. Thirty trees will be available to
donors and five will be planted by the Friends in honour
of the volunteer, partner, and community support that
has made our work possible since 1992. We invite you
                                                                is open to the public and is an important component of
to be part of this unique opportunity to leave a lasting
                                                                the Friends’ Watershed Stewardship program, designed
legacy and support healthy poplar populations in Fish
                                                                to raise awareness about nature and how to protect it.
Creek Provincial Park. Each 30th Anniversary donation
                                                                Discover what makes a healthy watershed, celebrate
will include: An invitation to take part in the tree planting
                                                                this province’s beautiful protected natural areas, meet
day on September 17, a limited-edition art print of the
                                                                with local community organizations, and learn about
30th Anniversary Poplar Grove created by local artist, Cori
                                                                the Friends’ ongoing stewardship programs. At Get to
Imbery, and a tax receipt for $475. To find out more, or to
                                                                Know Water and Watersheds, you can listen to a story and
donate and reserve one of the 30 trees we have available,
                                                                explore nature, learn about the birds and other wildlife,
visit www.friendsoffishcreek.org/programs/thirty.
                                                                discover what makes a watershed healthy, learn how you
Capture Nature Photo Contest                                    can protect our local waterways, and much more! To learn
Whether you are an avid or professional photographer            about monthly ‘Get to Know Nature’ events, visit https://
or are just enjoy walking through the park with                 friendsoffishcreek.org/programs/know.
camera in hand, Capture Nature is a great opportunity
to explore the beauty of Fish Creek as you try to               Stop into the Bow Valley Ranch Visitor Centre
capture the winning image! We have four new and                 If you have been down to the Bow Valley Ranch in the
somewhat challenging themes this year: Peek-a-boo!,             past year or so you may have noticed that the Visitor
Seasonal Highlights, Repetition, and Shadow & Light.            Information Centre is now open six days a week. The
The contest runs until July 27 and all photos must be           exhibit area here features cultural artifacts and a wealth
taken in Fish Creek Provincial Park. Thank you to our           of information about the history of the city and the park.
2022 contest sponsors and donors: The Apothecary in             Since the beginning of the Friends’ Enhanced Partnership
Inglewood, The Bow Valley Ranche Restaurant, Vistek,            Project with Alberta Environment and Parks in 2020, we
RMB Photography, Elements Outfitters and SportChek.             have trained over thirty volunteers in the new role of Fish
Check out our website for registration details. https://        Creek Ambassador to work in the centre. We invite you
friendsoffishcreek.org/programs/capturenature.                  to stop into the Bow Valley Ranch Visitor Centre to pick
                                                                up a park map or outreach material, learn about some
Creekfest - Get to Know Water and Healthy Watersheds
                                                                of the unique history of this area, and chat with some of
Saturday, July 16, 1:00 to 4:00 pm, Bow Valley Ranch,
                                                                our friendly and knowledgeable Fish Creek Ambassadors.
Fish Creek Provincial Park
Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Creekfest with us as          If you are interested in volunteering as a Fish Creek
we combine this free summertime festival with our new           Ambassador and sharing your knowledge of the park with
‘Get to Know Nature’ program. This family-friendly event        others, please email chris@friendsoffishcreek.org.

                                                                                       E V E R G R E E N I J U N E 2022   3
EVERGREEN Happy father's day! - My Calgary
                                                                    Send us your best quality photo of the Evergreen
CECA BOARD CONTACTS:                                                Community or fun family activities for a chance to be
                                                                    chosen as the cover image for the Newsletter. You can
EXECUTIVE                                                           win a $10 gift card! Pictures must be 300 DPI and a
President              Mohamd Sltan      president@myceca.ca        minimum 1 MB in file size. (Sorry, no phone snap shots.)
Vice President         Paul Bushell      vicepresident@myceca.ca    Deadline is before the 8th of each month. Please send
Treasurer              VACANT            treasurer@myceca.ca        your image to newsletter@myceca.ca.
Secretary              VACANT            secretary@myceca.ca
Past-President         Adam Frisch       info@myceca.ca
Membership Director Sneha Orthner        membership@myceca.ca
Volunteers Director    Bruno Boccaccio   volunteers@myceca.ca        The CECA Board has been able to negotiate hundreds of
FUNDING COMMITTEE                                                    dollars’ worth of service for Calgary Evergreen Community
                                                                     Association members only.
Fundraising and Grants VACANT             funding@myceca.ca
                                                                     Find out more at www.myceca.ca and
Sponsorship Director   VACANT
Casino Director        VACANT
COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE                                                 Orangetheory Fitness Shawnessy –
Newsletter Editor      Olga Osi          newsletter@myceca.ca            up to 20%* discount!
Social Media           Caryn Salageanu   info@myceca.ca                  Mari’s Bridal Alteration and Sewing –
Webmaster              Khushboo Agrawal website@myceca.ca                10% discount
IT Director            Tim Rosenquist    info@myceca.ca                  Darelle’s Designs – 10% discount
TRAFFIC AND SAFETY COMMITTEE                                             Castle Toys – 15%* discount
Traffic Director       Paul Bushell      traffic@myceca.ca               Stampede Cleaning Services
Safety Director        Utsav Agrawal     safety@myceca.ca                Your Window Guys – $20 off services
RECREATION AND EVENTS COMMITTEE                                          The Branch Manager Tree Experts –
Recreation Director    Ethan Longinotti  recreation@myceca.ca            $50 off services
Events Director        Ahmad Sltan       events@myceca.ca                Lawn Guard Ltd – 20% discount.
Seniors Director       Sherrisa Celis    seniors@myceca.ca               During the COVID-19 emergency, we are
PLANNING COMMITTEE                                                       continuing to provide lawn care
Development Director Sap Basu            development@myceca.ca           Sun Country Farms – coupon found at
Community Permits      Adetoun Osuntogun permits@myceca.ca               www.myceca.ca
Director                                                                 Cardel Rec South – 5 to 10% discount for
Ice Rink Director      Jodine Williams   icerink@myceca.ca               Evergreen residents, program dependent
LIAISONS TO CECA                                                         Raintech Irrigation Ltd. – 10% discount
Councillor - Ward 13   Dan McLean        clward13@calgary.ca             Evergreen Child Care. – 10% discount
MLA, Calgary-          Jason Kenney      calgary.lougheed@               Pantelic Construction and Snow Removal –
                                         Lougheed                        10% discount
Community Resource TBD                                                   Wild Rose Cleaning – 15% discount
Evergreen Bulletin     Great News Media http://great-news.ca/
Newsletter Ad Sales                      newsletters/sw/evergreen   The Calgary Evergreen Community Association does not guarantee
                                                                    the service, or the products offered by the aforementioned businesses.
         If you are interested in a vacant position,                *CECA Membership Card required for discounts.
               please email info@myceca.ca
4     J U N E 2022 I Call 403-720-0762 for advertising opportunities
EVERGREEN Happy father's day! - My Calgary
An Invite to Join Us!
Summer is here. Hope all are enjoying the precious
moments with family and friends.
                                                              hassle-free exterior
CECA is striving to help the community by running
programs and events. The goal is for the majority of these
to be free for CECA members, or at least charge nominal
admittance fees. To continue to run these programs, CECA
needs the assistance of community members to fill in
some key vacant board member positions. We are always
looking for people to help and engage in serving our
community. We are looking for a treasurer, grants director,
and a rink director. If you can contribute a few hours a
month (three to five hours) for volunteering work to your                                    we specialize in
                                                                                                 Stucco Coatings
community, we invite you to join our board of directors.                                          Stucco Repair
                                                                                                 Interior Painting
For more information about how to volunteer with us,                                             Exterior Painting
please email us at volunteers@myceca.ca.
Upcoming Events
Please check our website and social media for updates                                               Calgary Owned
on the following events.                                                                            and Operated!

Parade of Garage Sales – Saturday and Sunday, June
4 and 5 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. To have your garage
sale listed on our map and posted online, please email

your address and contact information to garagesale@
myceca.ca. The deadline to email your address is
Wednesday, June 1.
Annual Community Cleanup – Sunday, June 26 from                             Plumbob Father and Son
9:00 am to 2:00 pm. CECA teams up with the city of                           Small Company
Calgary to help residents get rid of unwanted household                      Low Overhead, Great Rates
items and property waste. Materials in good condition                        Sewer and Drain Cleaning
can be donated to on-site reps. Details of the event and a                   Free Estimates & Advice
list of accepted material will be published on our website.                  Hot Water Tank Specials
Location: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,                   Gas Fitter
30 Everstone Blvd SW, Calgary, AB T2Y 4S5.                                  Call Bob: 403-461-3490
I got contacted by the principal of Our Lady of Evergreen
School. A ring with white gold and diamonds was found
in the playground area. If you or anyone you know has
lost a ring and can identify this one, please contact the
school office.                                                       Editorial Deadline!
                                                                     Please submit all newsletter content to
On behalf of myself and the board of directors, I would
                                                                     the CECA
like to thank all volunteers, families, and participants in
all CECA’s events.                                                   by the 5th of the month!
Thank you again and talk to you in next month’s article.             (E.g. January 5th for February newsletters.)
                                                                     All submissions can be sent to
Mohamd Sltan
President, Calgary Evergreen Community Association
                                                                                E V E R G R E E N I J U N E 2022     5
EVERGREEN Happy father's day! - My Calgary
Please slow down, drive safely, and watch out for each other!     Wildlife in Evergreen
                                                                  Multiple sightings of Bobcats and Coyotes have been
Traffic                                                           reported in Evergreen. In emergency situations where
                                                                  there is immediate danger, call 911. For non-emergency
Residential Traffic Speed
                                                                  situations involving coyotes, please call 311.
As of May 31, 2021, the speed limit for non-posted areas
was lowered to 40 km/h. To find out which roads are still 50      Watch Out for Your Community!
km/h and what speed your road is, consult the following           Watch out for your neighbours as they will hopefully
site: https://www.calgary.ca/transportation/roads/traffic/        watch out for you. Get to know your neighbours by
traffic-safety-programs/residential-speed-limits.html.            using the Neighbour Card. This is sponsored by the CPS
                                                                  and the Federation of Calgary Communities. Download
We are still seeing many vehicles in Evergreen driving            your copy at https://calgarycommunities.com/updates/
faster than 40 km/h. Please let any visitors to your home         my-neighbour-card.
know. With four schools, we have lots of kids in Evergreen.
Shortcut for Traffic                                              Once again, if you witness any traffic issues on an
Evergreen continues to be a shortcut for drivers traveling        ongoing basis, please take the time to both report it to
from other areas along Fish Creek Blvd. to get to the ring        me at traffic@myceca.ca, and also via the Traffic Service
road. Please be wary of this when getting around the              Request directly to the police. This can be done at
Fish Creek Blvd. area.                                            http://www.calgary.ca/cps/Pages/Traffic/Traffic-Service-
Got an alleyway in need of gravel or that has too many            Please report road and sign issues to 311. This can
ruts? This past winter has caused some deep ruts in               be done by calling 311, going online to http://www.
places, and spring rains will cause some damage on                calgary.ca/CS/CSC/Pages/311.aspx, or at the app
gravel alleyways. For bad spots, please contact 311.              website, http://spot311.calgary.ca.
You can also check out when your alley is scheduled for           If you have any traffic or safety questions or concerns,
maintenance at http://www.calgary.ca/Transportation/              or wish to comment on anything written here, you can
Roads/Pages/Road-Maintenance/Gravel-lane-repair.                  email traffic@myceca.ca or safety@myceca.ca.
aspx. Lane repair is done between June and October.
The potholes are really an issue this year. Please do your part   Paul Bushell, Traffic Director, and Utsav Agrawal, Safety
and report potholes and sunken utility cuts. Contact 311.         Director.

Car Prowlings
Once again, we are seeing posts and reports of people
going around the community and checking car doors
and contents. Please make sure you lock your cars and
the house, and do not leave any valuables in sight. If you                               Pathway Montessori
witness this, please report it to the police at their non-
emergency number. Info could be tied to other reports.
                                                                                          Children’s Center
9pm Routine
Practice the 9pm routine and lock up every night. Make               Full day care, award-winning preschool and
sure your garage door opener is not left in sight in your                    ECS kindergarten programs
car, because if your man door is left open, they will have
access to your house.                                                       www.pathwaymontessori.com

6     J U N E 2022 I Call 403-720-0762 for advertising opportunities
EVERGREEN Happy father's day! - My Calgary
c o l o u r i n g p age   Please submit the colouring page by the 8th of July 2022
                          to newsletter@myceca.ca to have a chance to win!

                                                                      Colson, age 7

                                                                      Luke , age 7
                                                               Congratulations to Colson
                                                               Y. (7) and Luke H. (7), the
                                                               winners of the April coloring
                                                               Big thanks to Nancy Cuellar
                                                               from “Bilingual Reaching
                                                               My Potential Dayhome”
                                                               and the Constituency Office
                                                               of Premier Jason Kenney
                                                               for kindly sponsoring this
                                                               month’s prizes.

                                                 E V E R G R E E N I J U N E 2022     7
EVERGREEN Happy father's day! - My Calgary
A community association membership is           below and mail along with a cheque for $20    playground, community garden, and park
an excellent gift for the whole family! Get a   payable to “Calgary Evergreen Community       landscaping.
Calgary Evergreen Community Association         Association”: PO Box 24007 RPO Evergreen,     The Calgary Evergreen Community
membership and these are the benefits that      Calgary, Alberta, T2Y 0J9.                    Association is different than the
your family will enjoy for the whole year!      All this and more, for only $20 per year      Evergreen Residents Association. Visit the
Member Discounts: Our community                 for the whole immediate family! Annual        evergreenresidents.ca website to learn
partners provide discounts to CECA              membership expires at the end of the month    more and see if your home is within their
members. Check out the CECA Members             one year from the when it was purchased.      boundary. If you are, their $100 membership
Only section in this newsletter or online       Join Us Today!                                is mandatory and is affixed to the title of
under Member Benefits.                          Calgary Evergreen Community Association       your property. That fee only goes toward
Cardel Rec South also extends discounts for     (CECA) is actively involved in current and    some garden maintenance and landscaping
community association members for partner       future development for the community.         and does not come to the community
communities.                                    This includes developing the Evergreen        association.
Events: Calgary Evergreen Community             Community Park (1150 Everridge Dr. SW),       CECA or SECA?
Association organizes and sponsor the           community land use, playgrounds and the       Also, if your street name includes ‘Evergreen,’
following annual events and programs:           community outdoor ice rink.                   you are in the Evergeen Etates which belongs
Winter Festival, Easter Egg Hunt, Parade        We also advocate for the community on         to Shawnee Evergeen. You can purchase
of Garage Sales, Community Clean Up,            concerns of traffic, safety, and awareness.   a SECA membership by going to www.
Member-Only Movie Screening, Christmas                                                        shawnee-evergreen.ca. CECA Associate
                                                Join today and help us plan future
Lights Contest, seniors’ events and programs,                                                 Memberships are available, but holders do
                                                community amenities that would benefit
kids’ programs, and community engagement                                                      not hold voting rights at the AGM. Contact
                                                ALL EVERGREEN residents. Possible amenities
opportunities.                                                                                info@myceca.ca if you have any questions.
                                                may include permanent ice rink, community
Join or renew your membership at http://        centre, rink house, outdoor stage, natural
www.myceca.ca or complete the form

    To purchase a membership in your Community Association, please fill in this form, attach a cheque
    for $20 made payable to Calgary Evergreen Community Association and mail to:
    P.O. Box 24007 RPO Evergreen, Calgary, AB T2Y 0J9
    Household Information (Held in confidence):
    Last Name: _______________________ First Name: _________________________________________________
    Spouse/Partner First/Last Name: ________________________________________________________________
    Residential Address: __________________________________________________________________________
    Postal Code: ______________________ Contact Phone Telephone: ____________________________________
    E-mail Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
    E-mail address is especially important if you want to receive CECA communications. Your email address will
    be added to our low-volume mailing list. You may choose to opt-out of the list at any time.
    Please mark (a) your choice as a volunteer:
      Board of Directors member             Don’t know, ask me!          Membership Campaign canvasser                 Special Events
    Payment ($20.00): Cash:___________________Cheque #
    CECA Privacy Policy: All information is strictly confidential.
    Online payment by credit card or PayPal™ is available at www.myceca.ca/membership.
8       J U N E 2022 I Call 403-720-0762 for advertising opportunities
EVERGREEN Happy father's day! - My Calgary
Seniors in Evergreen                                             If you also have time, and are willing to help with
                                                                 the community association, we have other positions
Are you a senior living in Evergreen?                            available on our board.
As the health mandates lift in Calgary, we are looking towards   • Secretary
starting our seniors programming again but also to develop       • Grants and Fundraising Director
new programming that seniors would like to see.                  • Membership Director
One idea we have is to start a Seniors Walking Group. We         We are always looking for volunteers to help with our
have an extensive pathway system in Evergreen that is            events too. Having someone to help with senior’s events
suited well for being active outdoors.                           and programs would be very beneficial as well.
Programs that we have run in the past are:                       Get involved with the board and you can help shape
• Seniors Hobnob and Coffee Social, Swan Evergreen               what happens in Evergreen!
• Seniors Zumba, exercise program facilitated by the             We know there are at least a couple of 55+
  City of Calgary Recreation, Swan Evergreen                     condominiums in Evergreen (Sanderson Ridge and
                                                                 Sierras of the Evergreens), plus a couple of assisted
If you have an idea for a senior’s program that you would        living places (Swan Evergreen and Revera).
like to see in Evergreen, let us know.
                                                                 To find out more about our seniors programming
Some ideas we have are:                                          contact, seniors@myceca.ca.
• Tai-Chi in the park                                            If you want to know more about helping in Evergreen,
• Walking groups                                                 contact info@myceca.ca.
• Community Garden
                                                                 Paul Bushell, Vice President and Sherrisa Celis, Senior
                                                                 Programming Director

                                                                  2022 Calgary Evergreen
                                                                  Parade of Garage Sales!
                                                                  The Evergreen Parade of Garages Sales or POGS, will
                                                                  be happening this year on the first weekend in June.
                                                                  June 4 to 5, Saturday and Sunday, from 9:00 am
                                                                  to 3:00 pm each day.
                                                                  To have your garage sale listed on our map and posted
                                                                  online, please email your address and contact info to
                                                                  garagesale@myceca.ca. All homes will be responsible
                                                                  for their own 3 signs. According to city bylaws you are
                                                                  only allowed 3 signs per address.
                                                                  The deadline to email your address will be
                                                                  Wednesday, June 1, 2022.
                                                                  To protect privacy, names will not be posted.
We have received interest from other residents about
starting a community garden in Evergreen. We have
not been able to start this as we do not have someone
willing to be our Garden Director. That would be
someone willing to work with the Grants Director to
fund the garden, organize volunteers to build it, and
manage the renting of plots to interested residents. This
would be a position on the board of directors.

                                                                                       E V E R G R E E N I J U N E 2022     9
2022 Evergreen Community
 CALGARY FOOTHILLS                                             Cleanup
 SOCCER CLUB                                                   Saturday, June 25 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
                                                               Evergreen Church of Latter-Day Saints
                                                               Corner of Everstone Blvd and James Mckevitt SW
                                                               This is a City of Calgary sponsored event.
                    Developing Excellent Players and
                    Outstanding People                         City waste trucks are free for everyone!
                    Outdoor Soccer Programs 2022               To access the recycling services, it is free for CECA and
                    Register at www.gofoothills.ca             SECA members (bring your membership card!) or pay a
                                                               $10 per vehicle drop off fee.
                    May 7 to July 2, 2022 / Minifest
                    June 25 or July 9                          Recycling and Donation Services:
                    Mixed Boys and Girls Teams which           • Electronics - Technotrash
                    are led by parent volunteer coaches        • Metal - Avraz Metal
                    with the support of Foothills Staff.       • Tires - TBD
                    More info: http://                         • Donations of gently used items (Free for everyone!)
                    calgaryfoothillssoccer.com/                • Cerebral Palsy Society
                    Default.asp?id=home&l=1                    Volunteers needed!
                                                               We need volunteers to direct traffic, unload vehicles, sell
                                                               memberships, set up, and take down.
                                                               Please email volunteers@myceca.ca if you would like to

     Kilbco offers concrete resealing to help protect and
     enhance the appearance of exposed aggregate, colored
     and stamped concrete patios, walkways and driveways.
     We take pride in using the best sealing products
     available which help repel salt and protect against
     UV rays.
     Please call Kilbco to maintain the value of your

     FREE ESTIMATES                                              Disclaimer: The opinions expressed within any published
                                                                 article, report, or submission reflect those of the author and
        SEALED                        UNSEALED                   should not be considered to reflect those of Great News
                                                                 Media or the Community and/or Residents’ Association.
                                                                 The information contained in this newsletter is believed to
                                                                 be accurate but is not warranted to be so.
                                                                 Great News Media and the Community and/or Residents’
                                           Locally Owned &       Association do not endorse any person or persons
                                                   Operated      advertising in this newsletter. Publication of any
                                                                 advertisements should not be considered an endorsement
          Free Estimates to 403.870.0737                         of any goods or services.

10     J U N E 2022 I Call 403-720-0762 for advertising opportunities
The Calgary Evergreen Community
Association Needs Your Help!
We urgently need a Treasurer for the CECA Board of Directors.
If you can volunteer five to ten hours per month and             Calling All BABYSITTERS
have basic accounting skills, please consider joining us!        Enroll free at mybabysitter.ca and choose the
If you are new to doing bookkeeping for a community              Calgary communities you would like to babysit in.
association, there is help!
                                                                  Calling All PARENTS
We also use QuickBooks for accounting if that is
                                                                  Visit mybabysitter.ca and find available babysitters
something you might be familiar with.
                                                                  in and around your community.
Contact us at info@myceca.ca for more info.

  Happy Father’s Day! – June 19                                 National Indigenous Peoples
  Many people in Canada celebrate Father’s Day, in a            Day in Canada – June 21
  variety of ways, to express their love and gratitude          Canada’s National Indigenous Peoples Day gives many
  to fathers or father figures.                                 people the chance to learn more about Aboriginal
                                                                people and their contributions towards the country’s
                                                                development and progress. First Nations, Métis, and Inuit
                                                                people have the opportunity to showcase their cultures
                                                                and achievements throughout Canada on this day.
                                                                National Indigenous Peoples Day events are held in
                                                                every region across Canada. Activities and events
                                                                include (but are not limited to):
                                                                • Summer solstice festivals
                                                                • Barbecue fundraisers
                                                                • Social networking gatherings with traditional and
  Father’s Day activities include (but are not limited to):       contemporary music, dance, and singing
  • Participating in Father’s Day fun runs.                     • Sacred fire extinguishing ceremonies
  • Buying presents such as neckties and other items            • Traditional feasts, which may include fry bread and
    of clothing, chocolates, books, or equipment for              moose stew
    various types of hobbies.                                   • The cutting of a cake to honor National Indigenous
  • Giving handmade or purchased cards.                           Peoples Day
  • Breakfasts, brunches, lunches, or dinners either at         National Indigenous Peoples Day in Canada gives
    home or in restaurants.                                     people of all walks of life the opportunity to celebrate
  • Taking fathers or father figures out to the movies,         and share knowledge about the Aboriginal peoples’
    the park, the zoo, or another place of interest.            values, customs, languages, and culture.
  • Some people organize joint Father’s Day parties
    and activities with close friends and family.
  • Those who live away from their fathers or father
    figures may make long-distance phone calls, send
    an email or online card, or arrange for gifts to be
    delivered on Father’s Day.
  • Some museums and other venues open to the
    general public may host special Father’s Day
    celebrations where fathers and father figures can
    enter free of charge.

                                                                                          E V E R G R E E N I J U N E 2022   11
• Hosts events and programs:
      • Annual Stampede Breakfast
      • Annual Community Parade of Garage Sales in June
      • Annual Community Clean Up event (we host or co-host)
      • Community Campfires and Neighbour Nights                 SECA BOARD OF DIRECTORS
      • SECA Plays programs for children                                           info@shawneeevergreen.ca
• Keeps residents informed via Facebook, e-newsletters and                    148 Shawnee Common, Calgary T2Y 0P9
  print newsletters.
• Represents residents at Cardel Rec and Trico Centre Board
                                                                  President                                            VACANT
• Residents enjoy a 10% discount on programs at Cardel Rec        Vice President                                     Lynn Jobe
  South.                                                          Secretary                                  Rose-Lyne McCall
• Responds to City Planning with respect to Development           Treasurer                                   Maigul Wickham
  Permit applications.                                            Director of Development                      Norm Rousseau
• Works with Cardel Homes, Graywood Developments, and             Director of Membership                           Yogesh Dua
  the City towards moulding a vibrant community that is in        Director at Large                                 John Raich
  keeping with the character of our existing neighbourhoods.      Director at Large                            Ajay Khanolkar
• Is alert to the future development of lands surrounding Fish    Director at Large                             Zeinab El Kady
  Creek Lacombe LRT station.                                      Director at Large                           William Moysiuk
• Works to insure a safe community with respect to speeding,      Director at Large                                    VACANT
  cross walks, etc.
• Obtains member discounts with local businesses.                                Join at shawnee-evergreen.ca

     Purchase a Shawnee Evergreen Community Association household membership for $20 annually. We prefer residents
     complete this form and mail it or drop it in the mailbox at 715 Shawnee Drive SW, T27 1V6 with your payment -
     cheques preferred. Alternatively, you may use an e-transfer or credit card at shawnee-evergreen.ca. Thank you!
     Household information (held in confidence in accordance with Privacy Legislation):
     Surname 1: ____________________________________ Given Name: _________________________________
     Surname 2: _____________________________________ Given Name: ________________________________
     Street Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
     Postal Code: _______________________ Phone: __________________________________________________
     E-mail address: _____________________________________________________________________________
     E-mail address is especially important if you want to receive SECA communications
     Please mark () your choice as a volunteer: ____ Board of Directors member
                                                    ____ Stampede Breakfast helper
                                                    ____ Don’t know, ask me!
     Payments ($20.00): Cash: ____________________________ Cheque # _________________________________

12      J U N E 2022 I Call 403-720-0762 for advertising opportunities
Barbecue Tips and Tricks
• To avoid losing juices during turning, always flip your meat
  or vegetables using tongs or a spatula, rather than a fork.
• Try to limit the flips. Ideally, you should flip each item
  once during the grilling process.
                                                                                             Plumbing Services
• Whatever you do, don’t press down on burgers or
  chicken (or anything) with a spatula while they’re                                           Furnace Repair
                                                                                               Drain Cleaning

  grilling! This squeezes out the juices and once they’re
  gone … they’re gone! If you’re bored and need
  something to do with your hands, learn to juggle (but
                                                                      $                         Boiler Repair

  not too close to the grill, please!)                                    Service Call Fee
• For great smoky flavor, soak some wood chips (hickory,
  oak, or other hardwoods, but not treated lumber!) in
  water for a while, then throw them onto your charcoal and
  cover the grill, or if you’re using gas, put them into your
  smoker box following the manufacturer’s instructions.
• To infuse grilled foods with herb essence, toss herbs
  directly onto the charcoal while you’re grilling. Or, if you’re
  using a gas grill, soak the herbs in water, and place them
  on the grate before putting your food on top of them.                           403-837-4023
• If you want to baste your meat or vegetables, save this             info@officialplumbingheating.ca
  step for last. That way, the sugars in your marinade or               official-plumbing-heating.ca
  sauce won’t have time to caramelize or burn.

                                                                    Stampede Festival
                                                                    Featuring breakfast, live band, line
                                                                    dancing, petting zoo, play zone,
                                                                    face-painting, agricultural exhibits,
                                                                    and more!. All welcome

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                     We Bring the happy

 our ServiCeS
                                                 ouse wash
 Window cleaning
 Gutter cleaning                   gutters & h
 Snow removal
 Christmas lights                       GetShinyhappy
                                                                            Saturday June 18. 9 AM to noon
                                        WindoWS.CoM                          At South Gate Alliance Church
           4.1                   403-265-4769                        Info on FaceBook: @ShawneeEvergreenYYC

                                                                                        E V E R G R E E N I J U N E 2022   13
NEPTUNE PLUMBING & HEATING LTD: Qualified                        BARRON ELECTRIC: Evergreen Journeyman Electrician
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OFFICIAL PLUMBING & HEATING: Small company,                      evenings, weekends, holidays. As always, licenced,
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Specializing in residential service and installs. Services       6256, barronelectric@shaw.ca, www.barronelectric.ca.
include furnace service and replacement, hot water tank
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Licensed and insured. Why wait? Call today and get it fixed      openings – includes complete install. Digging, concrete
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                                                                 Kitchen, Bathroom, Updates, Richard 403-481-1774.
plumber, great prices, and over 30 years’ experience.            BRIDLEWOOD MUSIC LESSONS: We offer fun, creative, and
Renos and repairs, hot water tanks and humidifiers, and          affordable lessons in piano, woodwinds, and brass; classical
faucet replacements. Free estimates and advice. Seniors          and jazz style options. Highly-qualified/certified instructors
discount. No job too small. Call Master Plumber at 403-          with 15+ years’ experience. RCM and CC performance/
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DENTAL CARE, UNCOMPLICATED! Minutes from                         403-813-7303 or visit us a www.bridlewoodmusic.com to
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Everybody’s dental insurance accepted. Direct billing,           Calgary Society (CMCS) is a no-cost mediation and conflict
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287-6453 or 403-272-7272. Visit calgarydentalcenters.com.        www.communitymediation.ca, 403-269-2707.

14    J U N E 2022 I Call 403-720-0762 for advertising opportunities
For business classified ad rates call
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                                                                  at 403-720-0762 or sales@greatnewsmedia.ca

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