Event Extraction from Historical Texts: A New Dataset for Black Rebellions
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Event Extraction from Historical Texts: A New Dataset for Black Rebellions Viet Dac Lai1 , Minh Van Nguyen1 , Heidi Kaufman2 , Thien Huu Nguyen1 1 Department of Computer and Information Science 2 Department of English University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403, USA {vietl,minhnv,thien}@cs.uoregon.edu hkaufman@uoregon.edu Abstract over the quantity of the data. Recent advances of natural language processing (NLP) aim to bridge Understanding historical events is necessary the gap between qualitative and quantitative anal- for the study of contemporary society, cul- ture, and politics. In this work, we focus on yses by identifying, extracting, and counting con- the event extraction task (EE) to detect event textual data (Won et al., 2018; Wadden et al., 2019; trigger words and their arguments in a novel Lin et al., 2020). This new approach provides con- domain of historical texts. In particular, we textual information about real-life entities (e.g., in- introduce a new EE dataset for a corpus of dividuals, locations, times, documents) which can nineteenth-century African American newspa- be later integrated into knowledge bases (Won et al., pers. Our goal is to study the discourse of 2018) to aid historical research and discourse anal- slave and non-slave African diaspora rebel- lions published in the periodical press in this ysis. period. Our dataset features 5 entity types, In this work, we explore Information Extraction 12 event types, and 6 argument roles that con- (IE) in NLP for humanities research in support of cern slavery and black movements between the the important and complicated process of knowl- eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Histor- edge extraction from historical texts. Particularly, ical newspapers present many challenges for we investigate the Event Extraction (EE) task which existing EE systems, including the evolution identifies event trigger words of pre-determined of meanings of words and the extensive use event types (the most important words/phrases to of religious discourse in newspapers from this era. Our experiments with current state-of- evoke events) (Li et al., 2013), together with its the-art EE systems and BERT models demon- arguments (e.g., participants, locations). For exam- strate their poor performance over historical ple, in the following sentence an EE system should texts and call for more robust research efforts be able to detect the word “proclaimed” as a trigger in this area. word of the event type “Law Approve” and asso- ciate it with the arguments, i.e., agent (Capitol), 1 Introduction beneficiary (the slave), and datetime (now). In the last two decades, the emergence of digital hu- Freedom to the slave should now be proclaimed manities has transformed scholarship in the human- from the Capitol, and should be seen above the ities. Historical documents are now massively digi- smoke and fire of every battle field. tized into photos and texts that allow researchers to To enable the development and evaluation of EE query across collections and languages (Piotrowski, models for historical text, benchmark datasets play 2012). Despite the convenience of these applica- an important role. However, most of the current tions (Yang and Eisenstein, 2016), a gap still ex- datasets in EE (i.e., ACE-2005 (Walker et al., 2005) ists between datasets and research methods. As and TAC KBP (Mitamura et al., 2015)) are not suit- such, humanities scholars do not solely interpret able for this domain for several reasons. First, these historical facts from statistical figures derived from datasets are collected from various sources without massive data. Rather, they prefer reading texts and a target topic (Walker et al., 2005; Mitamura et al., interpreting words in historical and cultural context, 2015). Therefore, tracking the evolution of some or by associating texts with the circumstances sur- specific movements or progress, which is of great rounding their publication. This working methodol- interest to literary scholars and historians, is not a ogy requires an emphasis on the quality of the data feasible goal. Second, documents in these datasets 2390 Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021, pages 2390–2400 August 1–6, 2021. ©2021 Association for Computational Linguistics
are derived from recent articles and documents in arguments for such events, we introduce five en- which the use of words in the text differ from their tity types (i.e., Person, Organization, Geographical- uses in the past. For example, some words obtain Political Entities, Time, and Document). The first new semantics over time, and the dominance of four entity types follow the definition in the ACE religion in the past led to extensive use of religion- 2005 guideline (Walker et al., 2005) while the Doc- related words and figurative language in histori- ument type represents government documents (e.g., cal publications. Last but not least, existing EE Slavery Act) used in events. Finally, we define datasets mostly concern events in common human six argument roles that such entity types can play life, such as giving birth, transportation, and crimes. in our events, including Time, Location, Agent, These events might not relate to the subjects literary Patient, Object, and Beneficiary. Tables 9 and 10 scholars and historians want to study. provide more descriptions and examples of these To redress this problem, we introduce a novel argument roles for each event type. EE dataset for historical texts, called BRAD, fo- The African American corpus is a large corpus cusing on Black Rebellions in African Diaspora of 177,582 articles. We thus select documents that (i.e., African American population). BRAD’s doc- are relevant to our focused topic of Black diaspora uments are selected by a humanities expert and are rebellions. First, automatic selection is done by annotated by EE experts for 5 entity types, 12 event keyword matching to identify documents related types, and 6 argument roles. Finally, we evaluate to slavery and insurrection. As such, our humani- the state-of-the-art EE models on BRAD. Our ex- ties expert defined a set of keywords for the topic periments show that the performance for historical of rebellion. In the nineteenth century this clus- texts of current EE models is significantly poorer ter of words were used interchangeably to describe than those for modern texts, necessitating further African diaspora rebellion events (e.g., “rebel”, “re- research into this area. We will also release our volt”, “strike”, “insurrection”). We used the Stan- dataset and code to facilitate future research. ford CoreNLP toolkit to split and tokenize docu- ments into sentences and words. Next, for each 2 Data Collection and Annotation document in the corpus, we counted the number of In this project we use documents from the African words in the document that appears in the desig- American newspaper corpus. These documents nated keyword set (called matching rate). The top involve news articles derived from nineteenth- 1000 documents with the highest matching rates century African American periodicals1 published are selected for further consideration. In the second from 1827 to 1909. step, the humanities expert examined the 1000 doc- To create an EE dataset, we first designed a uments to identify relevant documents for Black set of event types and annotation guidelines, con- rebellions, leading to the selection of 151 docu- sulting our humanities expert who specializes in ments used for the EE annotation. nineteenth-century literature. In particular, we fo- In the next step we recruited two graduate stu- cus on the four most important events for Black dents to annotate the selected documents for EE. rebellions presented in our corpus, including Hu- Each student was independently trained on the an- manity: a humanity event concerns a violation or notation guideline and performed a group of exer- facilitation of basic human rights (e.g. living, free- cises to better recognize events and entities. The dom, property); Law: a law event characterizes an students annotated the 151 documents for entity introduction, approval or appeal of a law; Conflict: mentions and event triggers, achieving Cohen’s a conflict event represents an act of violence; it Kappa scores of 0.81 and 0.82 respectively. Note includes the initialization, development, and con- that these scores are very close to the near-perfect sequences of a violent act; and Justice: a justice agreement range of [0.81, 0.99]. To further im- event captures an act of punishment of the govern- prove the quality of the dataset, our humanities ex- ment to the people who violate a law. These four pert will resolve the annotation conflicts that arise events are further expanded into 12 event sub-types. between the two students, leading to the final anno- Tables 7 and 8 present event types along with their tation version of entity mentions and event triggers descriptions and examples in BRAD. To capture in the 151 documents. In the next step, given the 1 Douglass Monthly, The Frederick Douglass Paper, Free- reconciled entity mention and event trigger anno- dom Journals, The Christian Recorder, The Colored American. tation, the two students continue to annotate event 2391
arguments for the event triggers. Our evaluation Entity Type #Entity PERSON (PER) 12,599 shows a Cohen’s Kappa score of 0.75 that indicates ORGANIZATION (ORG) 3,836 a strong agreement between the two annotators. GEOPOLITICAL (GPE) 2,873 Also, the lower agreement score for event argu- DOCUMENT (DOC) 1,121 ments suggests that event argument annotation is DATETIME (TIME) 996 more ambiguous than those for entity mentions and Table 3: Distribution of entity types in BRAD. event triggers. Finally, our domain expert was con- sulted to resolve any conflicts in event argument an- notation, producing the final version of our BRAD ample, in the following sentence, “Congress” and dataset with the 151 documents. To facilitate the “her” are two mentions of the USS Congress bat- development of EE models, we then split BRAD tleship launched by the United State Navy in 1841. into three portions for training, development, and Without historical knowledge, our current percep- test data with 101, 25, and 25 documents, respec- tion might interpret “Congress” as the legislative tively. Table 1 presents the statistics while Table 2 branch of the United States. In fact, the second and 3 presents the frequencies of event and entity clause mentions the wooden hull that helps to clar- types in our BRAD dataset. ify it as the battleship that sunk in 1862 during the Train Dev Test Total US Civil War. Such misinterpretation might lead #document 101 25 25 151 to incorrect annotations and analyses. #sentence 3,847 925 866 5638 “The Congress was visited and received the #token 117,278 27,860 26,920 172,058 #event trigger 2,720 606 933 4,259 shots and shells in all part of her wooden hull”. #entity mention 14,389 3,287 3,749 21,425 Second, we find that annotation disagreements #event argument 6,057 1,219 2,570 9,846 are more likely to occur in the interpretation of Table 1: Statistics of the BRAD dataset. event triggers. In BRAD, we allow event triggers to involve multiple words that cause span mismatches between annotations for some confusing cases (e.g., Event Type #Event annotating the whole phrase “make the black man Conflict Attack 1,628 Conflict Other 971 equal” as an event trigger or annotating “make” Humanity Deprive 577 and “equal” as two separate triggers). Another Humanity Endow 376 form of popular disagreement involves mismatches Conflict Injure 153 on event types. Consider the following sentence as Law Approve 145 an example: Law Repeal 141 Law Propose 108 “Believing his life to be in danger, Patmon Justice Arrest-Jail 78 stepped back, drew his revolver, and told the fellow Conflict Protest 42 to surrender, or he would shoot him .” Justice Execute 26 Two annotators agree that the word “shoot” is Justice Sentence 14 an event trigger. However, one annotator consid- Table 2: Distribution of event types in BRAD. ers this as an event of type Conflict Attack as it is a part of the conflict between the overseer (“Pat- Annotation Challenges: During the EE annota- mon”) and the slave (“fellow”, “him”); the other tion process of historical texts, we found sev- annotator, on the other hand, treats “shoot” as a Hu- eral noteworthy challenges regarding the ability manity Deprive event as the overseer is threatening to achieve interpretive consensus of the texts. to kill the slave (i.e., taking the right to life). First, for the domain expertise, we find that the Data Analysis: To illustrate the ambiguity in use and meaning of words evolves over time and BRAD, Table 4 shows five words with the high- across geographical regions, potentially introduc- est frequency as event triggers (i.e., Event Count), ing new meanings or making one meaning more along with the percentage of times these words are popular than the others. Language is always in per- labeled as event triggers in the dataset (i.e., Event petual flux. As such, understanding texts from the Rate) (Sims et al., 2019). This table demonstrates past requires analysis of the context in which texts the likelihood that words with the highest event were written. In order to be effective, the annota- counts might not be annotated as event triggers in tions must be attentive to these contexts. For ex- BRAD, thereby necessitating EE models to find a 2392
Word #Event Event Rate cross-sentence relationships for span representation war 183 23.5% rebellion 112 47.3% propagation for joint IE. insurrection 66 78.6% OneIE (Lin et al., 2020): This model first iden- revolt 77 60.2% tifies spans of entity mentions and event triggers. emancipation 58 82.9% take 64 32.3% The detected spans are then paired to jointly predict put 35 47.3% entity types, event types, relations, and argument send 25 45.5% roles for IE. Global features are used to capture cross-task and cross-instance dependencies and Table 4: Event rates of the words with the highest event counts in BRAD. are employed in the decoding phase with beam searches to improve extraction performance. ACE 2005 BRAD As such, we adapt the official implementations god 4.5% 17.5% of such models from their original papers for our lord 0.3% 8.7% heaven 0.7% 8.7% EE task in BRAD by ignoring the relation extrac- mighty 0.2% 8.7% tion task and re-tuning them on the BRAD devel- sacred 0.2% 9.5% opment set. For both models, we employ the pre- curse 0.5% 5.6% trained BERT model (i.e., the bert-base-cased ver- christian 1.7% 18.3% sion) to encode input texts. Besides, motivated by the language difference between historical and Table 5: Percentages of documents containing religion- related words in BRAD and ACE 2005. modern texts, we further explore a variant of the BERT model by fine-tuning it on the African Amer- ican corpus via the masked language modeling task method of effectively capturing context in order to (Devlin et al., 2019). Note that we exclude the 151 perform correct predictions. documents of BRAD in this fine-tuning process. Moreover, we find extensive use of religion- This fine-tuned BERT model will also be fed into related words in BRAD compared to existing EE DyGIE++ and OneIE to perform EE in BRAD. datasets. For example, considering the words Result: Table 6 reports the performance of the “lord”, “heaven”, and “christian”, the percentages models on the test set of BRAD over five sub- of documents in ACE 2005 containing these words tasks: Entity Mention Detection (Entity), Event are only 0.3%, 0.7%, and 1.7% while those per- Trigger Identification, i.e., not concerning event centages for BRAD are 8.7%, 8.7%, and 18.3% types (Trig-I), Event Trigger Classification (Trig- respectively. Such language difference suggests the C), Event Argument Identification, i.e., not con- potential need to adapt existing language models to cerning argument roles (Arg-I), and Event Argu- better capture the nature of historical texts which, ment Classification (Arg-C). For comparison, we in turn, will facilitate a more accurate performance also include the original performance of the models of EE. on the popular EE dataset ACE 2005. There are three major observations from the table. First, the 3 Experiment performance of current EE models on BRAD is There are three major EE tasks that BRAD supports significantly and substantially worse than those on for historical texts, including entity mention detec- ACE across different tasks. It thus suggests that EE tion (EMD), event trigger detection (ED), and event for historical texts in BRAD is a challenging task argument extraction (EAE). This section aims to and more research effort is necessary to boost the reveal the complexity of the EE tasks in BRAD by EE performance for this domain. Second, compar- evaluating the performance of existing state-of-the- ing the performance of the models with different art models for EE on this dataset. In particular, we versions of BERT (i.e., original vs fine-tuned), it focus on the following state-of-the-art models for is clear that fine-tuning BERT on historical texts EE that leverage the pre-trained language model is beneficial for improving the performance of EE BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) for the text encoding models on BRAD (especially for OneIE where the and jointly perform predictions for all EE tasks in improvement is consistent across different EE sub- an end-to-end fashion (i.e., joint inference): tasks with large margins). This observation sug- DyGIE++ (Wadden et al., 2019): This model gests that pre-training BERT on modern texts is utilizes dynamic span graphs to exploit long-range unable to capture the nuance of language use in 2393
ACE BRAD BRAD# Task Model F1 P R F1 P R F1 DyGIE++ 90.7 85.6 75.9 80.5 84.3 78.6 81.4 Entity OneIE 90.3 85.4 77.0 81.0 85.0 79.4 82.1 DyGIE++ 76.5 81.5 50.1 62.0 77.4 56.9 65.6 Trig-I OneIE 78.6 80.9 47.0 59.4 80.8 52.9 63.9 DyGIE++ 73.6 62.7 38.5 47.7 61.6 40.6 49.0 Trig-C OneIE 75.2 63.5 36.9 46.7 64.9 42.2 51.2 DyGIE++ 55.4 55.5 28.0 37.2 47.8 28.6 35.8 Arg-I OneIE 60.7 57.7 33.9 42.7 58.9 40.4 47.9 DyGIE++ 52.5 48.8 24.6 32.7 42.5 25.4 31.8 Arg-C OneIE 58.6 49.6 29.1 36.7 52.1 31.6 39.4 Table 6: The performance of models on the test sets of BRAD and ACE 2005. The BRAD# columns report the performance with BERT fine-tuned on the African American corpus. history, thus impairing the models and requiring 5 Acknowledgement appropriate adaptation to boost the EE performance. This work is supported by an I3 grant from the Finally, we note that the human performance (F1 University of Oregon Provost’s Office (Incubat- scores) for Entity, Trig-C, and Arg-C on BRAD ing Interdisciplinary Initiatives) and the Army Re- are 95.43, 88.3, and 79.8 respectively. The large search Office (ARO) grant W911NF-21-1-0112. performance gaps between human and current EE This research is also based upon work supported by systems thus presents many research opportunities the Office of the Director of National Intelligence for future work on BRAD. (ODNI), Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), via IARPA Contract No. 2019- 4 Related work 19051600006 under the Better Extraction from Text Prior work in NLP for historical texts has mainly Towards Enhanced Retrieval (BETTER) Program. focused on spelling and text normalization (Pet- The views and conclusions contained herein are tersson et al., 2014; Bollmann et al., 2017; Flachs those of the authors and should not be interpreted et al., 2019). Recently, some studies have under- as necessarily representing the official policies, ei- taken research on historical texts with NLP tasks ther expressed or implied, of ARO, ODNI, IARPA, such as POS tagging (Yang and Eisenstein, 2016) the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Govern- and information extraction (Pettersson et al., 2016). ment. The U.S. Government is authorized to re- However, none of this work has explored EE. produce and distribute reprints for governmental EE is an active research area due to the availabil- purposes notwithstanding any copyright annotation ity of EE datasets e.g., for general (Walker et al., therein. This document does not contain technol- 2005; Mitamura et al., 2015) and biomedical (Kim ogy or technical data controlled under either the et al., 2011) domains. Most of prior studies fo- U.S. International Traffic in Arms Regulations or cus on in-domain EE (Ahn, 2006; Li et al., 2013; the U.S. Export Administration Regulations. Nguyen and Grishman, 2015; Chen et al., 2015; 6 Conclusion Nguyen et al., 2016; Yang et al., 2019; Wadden et al., 2019; Lai et al., 2020c; Nguyen et al., 2021). We present BRAD, a new dataset for EE on histor- Some recent studies in EE have also addressed ex- ical texts that focuses on Black rebellions in the tensible learning settings for EE to new event types, American Africa corpus. Our experiments demon- e.g. zero-shot learning (Huang et al., 2018), few- strate the poor performance of current models for shot learning (Lai et al., 2020a,b), or new domains EE on BRAD compared to those on modern texts, (Naik and Rosé, 2020). The closet works to ours thus creating room for future research on EE for involve recent efforts to create new datasets for EE historical texts. We also illustrate one approach to (Satyapanich et al., 2020; Ebner et al., 2020; Wang improve current EE systems for historical texts via et al., 2020; Trong et al., 2020; Le and Nguyen, fine-tuning existing pre-trained language models. 2021). However, these works do not consider his- In the future, we plan to enlarge our datasets with torical texts as we do. more annotated documents and event types. 2394
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Type Description Examples LAW A PROPOSE event occurs Below we give the salient points of the bill of an entertain- Propose when an actor (Agent) intro- ment recently given in the interest of a certain church about duces a bill, proposition, or to be organized in a certain town in New Jersey. treaty which benefits a group The bill introduced in Congress last week by the congress- of people (Beneficial). man from North Carolina , to abolish the 15th amendment. It ’s only effect will be to create support for the bill of congressman Crumpacker which proposes a reduction of representation in those States LAW An APPROVE event occurs Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland. Approve when a bill or order (Object) is passed by either the head of Vermont has passed her Liberty Bill , New York has under the government or a represen- discussion , and Massachusetts will soon report and pass tative committee (Agent). her Act . But it is said that for the Government to adopt the abolition policy, would involve the loss of the support of the Union men of the Border Slave States. LAW A REPEAL event occurs ... that I determined to revoke the act of the Federal Con- Repeal when an active law (Object) stituent Assembly , whereby Slavery was abolished. is completely repealed by a Even the New York Tribune protests against making this state actor (Agent). war for the destruction of slavery, and insists that such a war would alienate a large body of the Northern people at present who adhere to the Government in the prosecution of the war. They want to se the Government march a powerful array into the traitorous States, proclaim liberty to every slave, and wipe out the last vestige of that barbarous system from the land ... CONFLICT A PROTEST event occurs Almost simultaneously with the appearance of the minstrels Protest when people (Agent) come there arose from every kennel in the neighborhood timely into a public area to demand protest barked forth vigorously by a hundred curs, who, in some action. PROTEST common with their masters, cursed their common luck. events include, but are not It has attempted to supplant Government with anarchy, and limited to, protests, sit-ins, the fury of a brutal mob for the beneficent operation of law, and riots as the result of a pre- and the legally appointed law-makers. vious protest. ...while the majority of the men were absent at a public demonstration at Myrtle-avenue Park, in another part of the city. CONFLICT An ATTACK event occurs Make the slave first, midst, and last Follow no longer the Attack when a person or a organiza- partial and side issues; strike for the abolition of slavery. tion (Agent) performs an vio- . . . and hovering about Williamsport in an unaccountable lent act causing harm or dam- manner - while the rebel troops are burning , destroying , age to another person or orga- pressing loyal men into service , or driving them from the nization (Patient). houses they hoped to possess , and the wheat-fields they expected to reap , under the protecting folds of the Federal flag . The States which rebelled , after having been most thor- oughly whipped in a great war , came back into the Union upon their promises to abide by the Constitution and Laws of the same . CONFLICT A Injure-Die event is defined The life of loyal men are being sacrificed by scores, and Injure-Die as a death or wound of a per- will, by and by, be sacrificed by thousands. son (Patient) which is the re- Why should the nation pour out its blood and lavish its sult of a violence event by an- treasure by the million, consent to protect and preserve the other person (Agent). guilty cause of all its troubles? Our loss is estimated at two hundred killed and wounded. Table 7: Event types with their descriptions and examples in the BRAD dataset (to be continued in Table 8). Event trigger words are shown in bold. 2397
Type Description Examples CONFLICT Conflict Other events are re- Let the slaves and free colored people be Other served for events that are called into service, and formed into a liberating army, to related to conflicts, but not march into the South ... classified as one of the con- Their efforts in this direction have been crowned by entire flict event types above, includ- success. ing declaring war, threatening He had called loud and earnestly upon the Government for someone, forming an army, a reinforcements; but the Government was practically deaf movement, and a march. to the call, and left him and his brave companions either to perform a miracle, or to be completely overwhelmed by superior numbers. JUSTICE An Arrest-Jail Event occurs It appears that he obtained his information direct from Ger- Arrest-Jail when the movement of a per- man where a supposed agent of the company had been son (Patient) is constrained by arrested, having in his possession incriminating docu- a state actor (Agent). ments. It is said to be possible to imprison a man for debt in Massachusetts. He put her in jail at Eastville and she stayed there for some time . JUSTICE A SENTENCE Event takes ... and any person so offending shall be guilty of a felony, Sentence place when a punishment for and shall, on conviction, be sentenced to confinement in a person or an organization the penitentiary of this State, for a period not less than (Patient) is issued by a state ten nor more than twenty years from the time of sentence actor (Agent). pronounced on such person. If any slave or servant be convicted or any crime the pun- ishment whereof may be death or confinement in the peni- tentiary ..., but that it has been promptly put down and the guilty parties summarily punished. JUSTICE An EXECUTE Event occurs Hector Grant James Horney, and Esther Anderson, white Execute when the life of a person (Pa- servants, were executed at Chester, Kent county. tient) is taken by a state actor All these , if the demand of the Administration and its (Agent). friends is gratified , are to be hanged ; for the punishment of treason by our law is death , ... He made some confessions, and managed finally to escape, but was arrested, taken to El Dorado, tried, and shot - not, however, by regular process. HUMANITY An DEPRIVE Event occurs We thank Dr. CROFTS for the assurance of his sympathy, Deprive when someone’s right (Pa- and hope often to receive his earnest words in behalf of our tient) is taken away, disre- enslaved people. spect, or discouraged in any Before the slaved is freed, this and a hundred other plans form of expression including will be critically canvassed , and the discussion of each will but not limited to law, action, elicit some truth . and statement. ... shall the four millions slaves , now robbed of all their rights, and degraded to a level with brute beast... HUMANITY An ENDOW Event occurs And as for lynching - let all the officers of the law, with all Endow when someone’s right is en- the powers of the law, defend the rights and life of every riched or appreciated in any prisoner. form of expression including Before the slaved is freed , this and a hundred other plans but not limited to law, action, will be critically canvassed action and statement. They are going into every community which offers free- dom and protection to their citizens , where law is justly administered and where the rights of man are respected ; and there are many such sections in this country ; there will be the future homes of the Negroes . Table 8: Event types with their descriptions and examples in the BRAD dataset. Event trigger words are shown in bold. 2398
Event Argument Entity Description Examples Role Type Agent PER The person or organization The resolutions were proposed ORG who proposes the law by the gentleman from Ohio. LAW Beneficiary PER The person or organization Propose Slavery has been brought into ORG who benefits from the pro- posal the House . Object DOC The proposed law Time TIME When the proposal takes place Location GPE Where the proposal takes place Agent PER The person or organization Freedom to the slave should ORG who approves the law now be proclaimed from the LAW Beneficiary PER The person or organization Capitol . Approve ORG who benefit from this ap- The act was duly approved by proval the Executive , published, and Object DOC The approved law announced to the civilized words. Time TIME When the approval takes place Location GPE Where the approval takes place Agent PER The person or organization They shall strike down ORG who repeals the law Slavery . LAW Beneficiary PER The person or organization ... we can not see why the Repeal ORG who benefits from this re- institution of private property peal was to be abolished. Object DOC The repealed law Time TIME When the repeal takes place Location GPE Where the repeal takes place Agent PER The person or organization The red cap was paraded CONFLICT ORG who protests through Cape Haytien . Protest Patient ORG The organization that the The men were present at a agent protest against public demonstration in Time TIME When the protest takes place Brooklyn . Location GPE Where the protest takes place Agent PER The attacking person or or- Fremont is scouring the CONFLICT ORG ganization rebels beyond the borders of Attack Patient PER The target of the attack Missouri . ORG On Wednesday morning the Time TIME When the attack takes place rebels prepared to storm our Location GPE Where the attack takes place works in Plymouth . CONFLICT Agent PER The person or organization They cut men in half, and Injure- ORG who attempts to attack or kill pieces from exploded shells, Die Patient PER The person or organization killed and wounded several . ORG who is injured or dead Most of the negroes , we regret Time TIME When the injury/death takes to hear, are said to have been place massacred. Location GPE Where the injury/death takes place Table 9: Descriptions and examples of argument roles for each event type in the BRAD dataset (to be continued in Table 10). Event triggers are bold and underlined. Arguments are highlighted using colors that match with their roles. 2399
Event Argument Entity Description Examples Role Type Agent PER The acting person or organi- The poor men of the South CONFLICT ORG zation have been pressed into Other Patient PER The person or organization the army to fight the battle of ORG who is the object of the act slavery. Time TIME When the action takes place Location GPE Where the action takes place JUSTICE Agent PER The arresting agent or jailer A few weeks ago , a man Arrest- ORG named Hancock was arrested Jail Patient PER The person who is arrested in Union county, Arkansas . Time TIME When the arrest/jail takes Several free colored men were place captured with the rebels in Location GPE Where the arrest/jail takes Fort Fisher . place Agent PER The judge or court It has been represented there are JUSTICE ORG confined in the Government Sentence Patient PER The person who is sentenced jail forty-five prisoners , who ORG are not charged with crime, but Time TIME When the sentencing takes are represented as being slaves place Location GPE Where the sentencing takes place Agent PER The person/organization A man by the name of Martin . JUSTICE ORG who orders or carry out the was tried in El Dorado on a Execute execution similar charge and hanged. Patient PER The person who is executed They seized him, and being Time TIME When the execution takes then convinced of his guilt, place shot him in the woods Location GPE Where the execution takes place Agent PER The person/organization It is our right to liberate the HUMANITY ORG who endows the patient slaves of an enemy. Endow Patient PER The person who is endowed ... and give freedom to persons Time TIME When the endowment takes held to labor in the slave states . place Location GPE Where the endowment takes place Agent PER The person/organization They have outraged, and HUMANITY ORG who deprives the patient robbed, and murdered our Deprive Patient PER The person who is deprived peaceful citizens . Time TIME When the deprivation takes ... by the atrocities of the rebels place delivering back into bondage Location GPE Where the deprivation takes thousands of slaves . place Table 10: Descriptions and examples of argument roles for each event type in the BRAD dataset. Event triggers are bold and underlined. Arguments are highlighted using colors that match with their roles. 2400
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