Conceptual Closure Elicited by Event Boundary Transitions Affects Commercial Communication Effectiveness - Frontiers

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Conceptual Closure Elicited by Event Boundary Transitions Affects Commercial Communication Effectiveness - Frontiers
                                                                                                                                            published: 07 April 2020
                                                                                                                                     doi: 10.3389/fnins.2020.00292

                                            Conceptual Closure Elicited by Event
                                            Boundary Transitions Affects
                                            Commercial Communication
                                            Richard Silberstein 1,2* , Shaun Seixas 2 and Geoffrey Nield 2
                                             Centre for Human Psychopharmacology, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, VIC, Australia, 2 Neuro-Insight Pty
                                            Ltd., Hawthorn, VIC, Australia

                                            While our experience of the world may appear continuous, recent evidence suggests
                                            that our experience is automatically segmented and encoded into long-term memory
                                            as a set of discrete events. Event segmentation is an important process in long-
                                            term memory encoding with evidence pointing to experiences occurring around event
                                            boundaries being better recognized subsequently. Neuroimaging studies have shown
                                            increased activity in the hippocampus and other nodes of the default mode network
                         Edited by:
                                            (DMN) when encountering an event boundary. We have previously demonstrated that
              Thomas Zoëga Ramsøy,
               Neurons Inc, Denmark         the steady state topography (SST) measure of brain activity at a left inferior frontal scalp
                       Reviewed by:         sites is correlated with the strength of long-term memory encoding. More recently, we
                      Steven Bellman,       have noted that event boundaries occurring in naturalistic stimuli such as television
University of South Australia, Australia
                 Kathleen J. Kennedy,
                                            advertising trigger a transient drop in activity at the inferior frontal scalp sites, an effect
  University of Arizona, United States      we have termed Conceptual Closure. In this study, SST measures of brain activity
                    *Correspondence:        were recorded in 50 male participants as they viewed a first-person journey through a
                      Richard Silberstein
                                            10-room virtual art gallery. We hypothesized that the transition from one room to another
    ;       would serve as an event boundary which would triggers increased hippocampal and
                                            DMN activity while correspondingly decreasing activity in task positive networks in the
                    Specialty section:
                                            vicinity of the inferior frontal cortex thus eliciting Conceptual Closure. A permutation test
          This article was submitted to
               Decision Neuroscience,       confirmed the hypothesis in that the appearance of the door between gallery rooms
                a section of the journal    was associated with Conceptual Closure in that we observed a significant drop in brain
             Frontiers in Neuroscience
                                            activity at the left hemisphere inferior frontal scalp site at this point in time. Finally, we
       Received: 16 December 2019
          Accepted: 13 March 2020
                                            illustrate the real-world impact of Conceptual Closure by considering the commercial
           Published: 07 April 2020         effectiveness of a television advertisement that exhibited Conceptual Closure at points
                               Citation:    of branding. The television advertisement was broadcast before and after it was re-
             Silberstein R, Seixas S and
                                            edited to minimize Conceptual Closure at the time the advertising brand was being
    Nield G (2020) Conceptual Closure
Elicited by Event Boundary Transitions      featured. Minimizing Conceptual Closure at the time of branding and key message was
  Affects Commercial Communication          associated with significant increased commercial effectiveness of the advertisement.
                Front. Neurosci. 14:292.    Keywords: event boundary, long-term memory encoding, steady state visual evoked potential, prefrontal cortex,
        doi: 10.3389/fnins.2020.00292       conceptual closure

Frontiers in Neuroscience |                                  1                                               April 2020 | Volume 14 | Article 292
Conceptual Closure Elicited by Event Boundary Transitions Affects Commercial Communication Effectiveness - Frontiers
Silberstein et al.                                                                                          Event Boundaries and Memory Encoding

INTRODUCTION                                                              external perception and the engagement of internally oriented
                                                                          networks (Nakano, 2015).
While our experience of the world may appear continuous,                      Earlier observations of enhanced long-term memory encoding
recent evidence suggests that our experience is segmented                 for events occurring around the times of event boundaries led
and encoded into long-term memory as a set of discrete                    researchers to examine the relationship between hippocampal
events (Zacks and Swallow, 2007; Kurby and Zacks, 2008).                  activity and event boundaries (Ben-Yakov et al., 2013, 2014;
Such segmentation appears to be automatic and operating on                Ben-Yakov and Henson, 2018). In the most recent study (Ben-
multiple timescales with finer temporal components constituting           Yakov and Henson, 2018), brain activity was measured while
subcomponents of larger scale segments (Swallow et al., 2009).            participants viewed either an 8.5 min unfamiliar film or a
In the current study, we examine the impact of event boundaries           120 min film they had first viewed some years previously.
on long-term memory encoding. The motivation for this study               Five independent observers identified the occurrence of event
emerged from our observation of the brain activity correlates             boundaries in the films and the event boundary strength of
of long-term memory encoding when viewing naturalistic time               an event boundary was defined as the number of observers
extended stimuli such as television advertisements or television          (more than one) that identified the specific event boundary.
programs. We found that event boundaries in the viewed material           The findings were consistent with the stated hypothesis in
were frequently associated with transient drops in long-term              that only hippocampal activity increased monotonically with
memory encoding and the current study aims to examine                     event boundary strength. Furthermore, a data-driven approach
this effect using a naturalistic stimulus with repeated, well-            indicated that the times of hippocampal activity peaks were
defined and consistent event boundaries. We conclude our                  associated with the occurrence of event boundaries.
report with an illustrative example of the potential impact of                While much of the research concerning the processing of event
such event boundaries on the commercial effectiveness of a                boundaries have focused on memory processes and especially
television advertisement.                                                 hippocampal activity, a recent study has revealed a temporal
    Evidence for segmentation of experience was originally                hierarchy of event boundary processing in a number of cortical
suggested by the inter-subject consistency of the location of             regions. Using a data driven approach, researchers observed
event boundaries in video content (Newtson, 1973; Newtson                 transitions in stable patterns of brain activity as participants
et al., 1977; Speer et al., 2003). Event segmentation also appears        viewed an episode of a television serial (Baldassano et al., 2017).
to play a role in long-term memory encoding with evidence                 These transitions formed a temporal nested hierarchy with the
pointing to material occurring around an event boundary being             most rapid transitions occurring in the primary visual and
better recognized subsequently (Swallow et al., 2009). While              auditory cortices, longer transitions occurring in the multimodal
events occurring around an event boundary appear to be better             cortices and the longest transitions observed in the hippocampus.
recognized, there is evidence that working memory is updated at           The longest hippocampal transitions also coincided with human
an event boundary. For example, participants walking through              labeled event boundaries.
a doorway in a virtual reality experience exhibit reduced recall              In summary, both behavioral and brain imaging studies of
for content and events prior to walking through the doorway,              event boundaries processing suggests that event boundaries
presumably an event boundary (Radvansky and Copeland, 2006).              trigger transitions in brain activity in a range of cortical regions
    Neuroimaging studies also indicated changes in brain activity         that occur on multiple time scales and form a nested temporal
when encountering an event boundary. For example, higher                  hierarchy with DMN and hippocampal transitions occurring on
levels of brain activity were observed when encountering an event         the longest time scale. At the level of the DMN and hippocampus,
boundary in either film or reading (Kurby and Zacks, 2008;                event boundaries trigger subsequent increased activity and a
Zacks et al., 2010; Ben-Yakov et al., 2013). Furthermore, while           simultaneous reduction in task positive networks such as the
increases in brain activity have been observed to coincide with the       dorsal attentional network.
occurrence of consciously identified event boundaries, there may              Along with the hippocampus, the ventro-lateral prefrontal
be other events that are processed as event boundaries but are            cortex (vlPFC) is also known to play an important role in
not consciously recognized as such. Nakano et al. (2013), Nakano          long-term memory encoding. During a memory task, targets
(2015) examined the brain activity correlates of blinks. They             associated with higher levels of activity at the vlPFC are better
found that blinks tend to occur at what the authors describe as           recognized subsequently, an effect known as the ‘differential
‘breakpoints’ or points in time coinciding with event boundaries          neural activity based on memory’ and referred to as Dm (Buckner
such as a pause in speaking or the end of a sentence while                et al., 1999; Paller and Wagner, 2002; Blumenfeld and Ranganath,
reading (Nakano et al., 2013). The blink related changes in               2007). We have previously demonstrated the Dm effect at an
brain activity reported by Nakano et al. (2013), Nakano (2015)            inferior frontal site using steady state topography (SST) an
reveal richer detail in the changes in brain activity associated          evoked potential methodology (Silberstein et al., 2000a). The SST
with blink related event boundaries. Specifically, brain activity         methodology makes use of the steady state visual evoked potential
increases immediately following blinks were primarily restricted          (SSVEP) which is elicited by a diffuse peripheral 13 Hz sinusoidal
to the default mode network (DMN), including the hippocampus              visual flicker presented at the same time that participants view
while activity in the dorsal attention network, a task positive           centrally presented video content The SSVEP phase variations in
network, was reduced (Nakano et al., 2013, Nakano, 2015). This            turn indicate SSVEP latency changes that we interpret in terms
was interpreted as a transient disengagement from sensory or              of regional brain activity changes with SSVEP latency decreases

Frontiers in Neuroscience |                       2                                          April 2020 | Volume 14 | Article 292
Conceptual Closure Elicited by Event Boundary Transitions Affects Commercial Communication Effectiveness - Frontiers
Silberstein et al.                                                                                           Event Boundaries and Memory Encoding

or phase advance indicating increased activity and vice versa              task positive networks (Buckner et al., 2008) suggests that the
(Silberstein et al., 2000b; Kemp et al., 2004). Depending on the           increases in DMN activity associated with the experience of event
context and ease of understanding, we will use the terms SSVEP             boundaries should be associated with a transient reduction in
latency and activity interchangeably (Silberstein, 1995; Silberstein       activity at the left hemisphere site FC5.
et al., 2016, 2017, 2019).
    Our choice of the SST methodology for this study was based
on a number of factors. Firstly, unlike transient evoked potentials        MATERIALS AND METHODS
such as N200 or P3b, SST is well suited to the study of time
extended cognitive tasks such as the ones described in the current         Participants
study. In addition, the SST methodology is highly resistant to             The sample comprised 50 male participants, mean age 34.1 years
the common sources of EEG artifacts such as muscle activity,               (SD = 12.6 years, range 18–59 years). All were screened for
blinks and eye movements (Silberstein, 1995; Gray et al., 2003).           the presence of pre-existing medical, neurological or psychiatric
Finally, the SST measures of brain activity appear to be suitably          conditions, including epilepsy. Participants were recruited via
sensitive to cognitive processes such as visual attention and              a recruitment agency and all testing was conducted on the
long-term memory encoding (Silberstein et al., 1990, 2000a,b;              premises of Neuro-Insight Pty Ltd. The study was approved by
Silberstein and Nield, 2008).                                              the Swinburne University Human Research Ethics Committee as
    In the above mentioned Dm study (Silberstein et al., 2000a),           application SUHREC2014/029.
we measured variations in 13 Hz SSVEP phase while 35
participants viewed naturalistic television content including              Procedure
unfamiliar advertisements sourced overseas. Advertising images             Participants viewed a first-person journey through a 10-room
coinciding with SSVEP latency minima or peaks in activity                  virtual art gallery that was created by the multi-media software
at the left hemisphere lateral frontal scalp site FC5 located              company Opaque Media. Each room of the gallery exhibited three
between C3 and F7 (overlaying the vlPFC) were better recognized            well known paintings and was entered through a hinged door that
7 days later than advertising images coinciding with times                 opened on approach. Participants spent 35 s in each of the 10
of minimum activity at this site (66.0% vs. 37.9%, d.f. = 34,              rooms and the entire viewing period occupied 380 s. The timing
t = 7.1, p < 5 × 10−8 ). As hypothesized, the Dm effect was                of the appearance of each painting as well as the appearance of the
largest at FC5 and the correlation between the 7-day recognition           door to the next room after entering a room was identical for all of
score and the SST measure of activity was only statistically               the 10 rooms. Views of one of the gallery rooms in 5 s increments
significant at FC5 after correcting for multiple comparisons               are illustrated in Figure 1.
(Silberstein et al., 2000a).                                                   The task was presented on a video monitor subtending 24◦
    In the current study, we use SST to examine variations in              vertically and 46◦ horizontally. The stimulus used to evoke
brain activity while participants encountered event boundaries in          the steady state visually evoked potential (SSVEP) was a white
a virtual first-person journey through a 10-room art gallery. Each         spatially diffuse 13-Hz sinusoidal flicker with a modulation depth
of the rooms displays three paintings that were always viewed at           of 45% and subtending a horizontal angle of 160◦ and a vertical
the same pace and followed by an opening door leading to the               angle of 90◦ , which was superimposed on the visual fields.
next gallery room. We hypothesize that the first-person journey            This flicker was present throughout the task and special goggles
through the open door to the next gallery room constitutes an              enabled subjects to simultaneously view the cognitive task and the
event boundary and that such event boundary will be associated             sinusoidal flicker.
with a transient reduction in activity at FC5, the left hemisphere
site we have previously shown to demonstrate a robust Dm                   Data Acquisition
effect. Our choice of the doors separating the gallery rooms as            Brain electrical activity was recorded from 20 scalp sites
the event boundaries was based not only on the fact that the               illustrated in Figure 2 and these were positioned and labeled
doors were the actual boundaries between participants viewing a            according to the International 10-10 system (Acharya et al.,
different trio of paintings but also published reports that passing        2016). Electrode locations FC5 and FC6 are located closest to
through doorways triggered reductions in access to memory of               the left and right VLPFC respectively. The average potential of
items in the preceding room (Radvansky and Copeland, 2006;                 both mastoids served as a reference while an electrode located
Radvansky et al., 2011). These findings suggest that doorway               at FPz served as a ground. Brain electrical activity was amplified
passages are processed as event boundaries. In addition, we base           and bandpass filtered (3 dB down at 0.1 Hz and 30 Hz) before
our hypothesis of a transient reduction in activity at this site on        digitization to 16-bit accuracy at a rate of 400 Hz. The major
accumulated evidence that the left and right vlPFCs are nodes              features of the signal processing have been described (Silberstein
of task positive cortical networks. Specifically, the right vlPFC          et al., 2016). Briefly, the SSVEP was determined from the 13-
is considered a node of the ventral attentional network (Vossel            Hz single-cycle cosine and sine (or real and imaginary) Fourier
et al., 2014) while the left vlPFC plays an important role in speech       coefficients that were then smoothed using a 10 stimulus-cycle
as well as the cognitive control of memory processes (Badre and            cosine weighted smoothing window. At the stimulus frequency
Wagner, 2007; Blumenfeld and Ranganath, 2007). As both left                of 13 Hz, this yields a temporal resolution of 380 ms or half
and right vlPFCs are components of task positive networks, the             the 10-cycle window width because of the cosine weighting. The
widely observed negative correlation between DMN activity and              cosine smoothing window was then shifted 1 stimulus cycle and

Frontiers in Neuroscience |                        3                                          April 2020 | Volume 14 | Article 292
Silberstein et al.                                                                                                               Event Boundaries and Memory Encoding

  FIGURE 1 | The timing of events in a room in the virtual gallery are illustrated. During the 35 s period in each room, the exit door comes into view at the 30 s mark
  while the passage through the doorway to the next room occurs at the 35 s mark.

the coefficients were recalculated for this overlapping period.                          SSVEP phase difference time series are multiplied by −1 and a
This process was continued until the entire 380 s of activity was                        new average determined. This multiplication by −1 is equivalent
analyzed. An identical procedure was applied to data recorded                            to interchanging the SSVEP mean of the first 5 s and the SSVEP
from all recording sites.                                                                value at a given point in time and is consistent with the NULL
   For each participant, the SSVEP data at each electrode                                hypothesis where it is assumed that the SSVEP phase is as likely to
associated with the 35 s epoch following the entrance to the next                        exceed the reference level as it is to be exceeded by the reference
room was averaged across all of the 10 rooms.                                            level. This process is repeated 100,000 times and the number of
   For each participant, the mean phase of the SSVEP at each                             times where the permuted average of the SSVEP phase difference
electrode evaluated over the first 5 s epoch following the entrance                      is equal to or less than the observed value at the 30 s point in
to the next room was set to zero before separately averaging the                         time (the time of the appearance of the door) is determined. This
real and imaginary components of the SSVEP time-series across                            number when divided by the number of permutations (100,000)
the 10 rooms. The SSVEP time series data at each electrode was                           yields the exact one-sided p-value of the observed SSVEP phase
then averaged across all participants to create the pooled SSVEP                         difference occurring under the NULL hypothesis. This process
phase time-series data.                                                                  was repeated for all 20 recording sites.
                                                                                             As the hypothesis of this study is that the appearance of
Statistical Analysis                                                                     the exit door will be associated with a transient reduction in
We used a permutation test to evaluate the hypothesis that the                           activity at electrode site FC5, we only consider the statistical
SSVEP phase at the FC5 site will exhibit a transient reduction at                        significance of the activity on the appearance of the exit door at
the time the exit door of the gallery room is viewed. We used a                          the 30 s point in time.
permutation test rather than a parametric test such as Student’s
t for two main reasons. Firstly, parametric tests are based on
the assumption that the test parameter is distributed normally.                          RESULTS
As the SSVEP phase data is not distributed normally, we used
the permutation test which does not depend on any assumption                             The SST based measures of activity during the 35 s epoch are
of normality. In addition, the permutation test provides exact                           illustrated in Figure 2 and the first appearance of the door at the
probabilities (Blair and Karniski, 1993). These features have                            30 s mark is associated with a transient activity reduction that is
led biomedical researchers to consider permutation tests as the                          most prominent at left frontal sites FC5 and C3.
preferred statistical methodology (Ludbrook and Dudley, 1998).                               Table 1 lists the exact probability of falsely rejecting the NULL
    Our NULL hypothesis is that there is no statistical difference                       hypothesis at the 30 s point in time for all electrode sites. While
in SSVEP phase at the time the exit door is viewed compared                              our hypothesis only refers to effects at electrode site FC5 we will
to the mean SSVEP phase during the first 5.0 s of the trial. The                         extend our consideration beyond this single site and thus adjust
mean of the first 5 s of the trial are used as the reference level as                    the experiment wide p level to account for the 20 comparisons
during this interval no paintings have been viewed in the current                        considered. After applying a Bonferroni correction for the 20
room. The mean SSVEP phase evaluated over the first 5.0 s of the                         comparisons, only sites FC5 and C3 demonstrate an experiment
trial is subtracted from all the SSVEP phase values in the 35 s                          wide effect significant at the corrected p < 0.01 level. Applying a
epoch yielding an SSVEP phase difference time series for each                            less conservative criterion of an experiment wide effect significant
electrode. To conduct the permutation test, a random subset of                           at the corrected p < 0.05 level indicates a significant effect at

Frontiers in Neuroscience |                                      4                                                 April 2020 | Volume 14 | Article 292
Silberstein et al.                                                                                                              Event Boundaries and Memory Encoding

  FIGURE 2 | Pooled SSVEP phase averaged over the all gallery rooms for the 35 s period spent in each room. Positive values indicate phase advance or increased
  activity and negative values, phase lag or reduced activity. The vertical line indicates the 30 s mark coinciding with the appearance of the exit door as illustrated
  above. The associated p-values for the NULL hypothesis that the observed SSVEP phase at the 30 s mark is not less than the mean value during the first 5 s in the
  room are listed in Table 1.

Frontiers in Neuroscience |                                     5                                                 April 2020 | Volume 14 | Article 292
Silberstein et al.                                                                                                            Event Boundaries and Memory Encoding

TABLE 1 | Exact probability of rejecting the NULL hypothesis that activity at the 20        are associated with blinking, not all blinks are associated with
recording sites is not less than the mean of the initial 5 s value.
                                                                                            event boundaries. For example, lapses or reductions in attention
Electrode               p       Electrode           p        Electrode          p           also cause increased blinking (McIntire et al., 2014). The possible
                                                                                            contribution of factors other than event boundaries to the
Fp1                  0.0045                                     FP2          0.0270         Nakano et al. (2013), Nakano (2015) right vlPFC findings is thus
F3                   0.0062         Fz            0.0103         F4          0.0043         consistent with the right vlPFC comprising a node of the ventral
FC5                  0.0002**                                   FC6          0.0783         attentional network (Vossel et al., 2014) and such attention effects
T7                   0.0134                                      T8          0.0840         are observed most consistently in the right hemisphere rather
C3                   0.0002**       Cz            0.0178         C4          0.0385         than the left (McIntire et al., 2014).
P3                   0.0011*        Pz            0.0198         P4          0.0542             Another possible contributing factor is that participants in the
PO7                  0.0201                                     PO8          0.1972         Nakano studies were told that their recollection of the material
O1                   0.3129        Oz             0.1697         O2          0.6308         viewed while in the scanner would be tested after the scan. By
One asterisk indicates that the effect is significant at the experiment wide p < 0.05       making the task one of memory recall, it is possible that this
level after correcting for multiple comparisons, that is p < 0.05/20. The two               reduced the impact of event boundaries on long-term memory
asterisks indicate that the effect is significant at the experiment wide p < 0.01
or p < 0.01/20.
                                                                                            encoding and hence attenuated the event boundary related drops
                                                                                            at the left vlPFC.
                                                                                                Our findings are also consistent with those of Ben-Yakov et al.
the left parietal site P3. Statistically, the strongest effect was                          (2014), Ben-Yakov and Henson (2018) who reported increased
observed at FC5 and C3 where both are associated with a value                               hippocampal activity immediately following the occurrence of
of p = 2 × 10−4 . Using the requivalent approach suggested by                               event boundaries in a film viewed by participants. Increased
Rosenthal and Rubin (2003) to determine experimental effect size                            activity in the hippocampus and other DMN nodes when
of this SSVEP reduction, we see that the effect size is r = 0.52,                           perceiving an event boundary would result in transient decreased
which is considered a large effect (Cohen, 1988).                                           activity in task-oriented networks including the vlPFC (Buckner
    In summary, we note that the strongest effects associated with                          et al., 2008). This would in turn be associated with a transient
the appearance of the door at the 30 s mark are restricted to the                           reduction in attention and long term memory encoding. As the
left frontal sites.                                                                         transient reduction in long-term memory encoding following
                                                                                            an event boundary occurs in conjunction with increased
                                                                                            hippocampal activity, this suggests that this transient reduction
DISCUSSION                                                                                  coincides with better encoding of the experience preceding
                                                                                            the event boundary.
Our hypothesis was confirmed in that the appearance of the                                      We observed a frontal left hemisphere bias in the strength of
event boundary represented by the ‘virtual gallery door’ was                                the event boundary related drop in SSVEP phase. This was the
associated with a robust transient drop in activity at FC5 the                              case even though the viewing material was primarily pictorial
left frontal scalp site overlaying the ventro lateral prefrontal                            with no speech and text restricted to the painting labels. This
cortex (vlPFC). Given the recognized role of the vlPFC in long-                             left hemisphere bias is consistent with our earlier report on the
term memory encoding (Buckner et al., 1999; Blumenfeld and                                  SSVEP Dm effect (Silberstein et al., 2000a) as well as numerous
Ranganath, 2007) and our previous work demonstrating a Dm                                   studies pointing to a preferential role for the left vlPFC in the
effect for the SSVEP phase at FC5 the scalp site (Silberstein                               control of both encoding and retrieval of long-term memory
et al., 2000a), our current findings suggest that an event boundary                         (Badre and Wagner, 2007; Blumenfeld and Ranganath, 2007).
triggers a transient reduction in long-term memory encoding.                                Furthermore, our findings suggest that the left prefrontal and
Such a reduction is consistent with the fMRI findings of Nakano                             frontal cortex play an important role in not only encoding
et al. (2013), Nakano (2015) who interpreted their findings                                 information into long-term memory but also in the segmentation
of blink related activity reduction in nodes of the dorsal and                              of time extended events and the identification of high-level
ventral attentional networks in terms of event boundaries causing                           event boundaries. In summary, our findings point to the left
a ‘transient disengagement from external perception and the                                 frontal cortex playing an important role in interposing a transient
engagement of internally oriented network,’ presumably such as                              drop in long-term memory encoding on the perception of
the default mode network. Interestingly, Nakano et al. (2013)                               an event boundary.
observed a blink related activity reduction at the right vlPFC                                  While our hypothesis is confirmed in that activity at the left
while we observed the event boundary related reduction at FC5                               frontal site FC5 showed a sharp drop at the event boundary,
located in the vicinity of the left vlPFC. We suggest two possible                          the findings of Ben-Yakov and Henson (2018) call into question
factors may have contributed to this difference. One could be                               the underlying mechanism we proposed for the event boundary
the different events used to initiate data acquisition in our                               effect. We proposed that the drop in vlPFC activity was driven
respective studies. We used explicit events (doorways) that are                             by an increase in DMN and hippocampal activity at the event
widely considered to comprise event boundaries (Radvansky and                               boundary. However, Ben-Yakov and Henson (2018) reported
Copeland, 2006; Radvansky et al., 2011, 2015). By contrast, the                             bilateral and approximately equal increases in hippocampal
Nakano et al. (2013), Nakano (2015) studies focused exclusively                             activity on encountering an event boundary. If the vlPFC drop
on blink related changes in brain activity. While event boundaries                          was determined by increased ipsilateral hippocampal activity,

Frontiers in Neuroscience |                                         6                                          April 2020 | Volume 14 | Article 292
Silberstein et al.                                                                                           Event Boundaries and Memory Encoding

then we might expect to see a drop in both left and right vlPFC             boundary is presented verbally, such as in the conclusion of a
activity or at scalp sites FC5 and FC6. We suggest that two                 narrative or a verbal joke.
possible explanations may account for the inconsistency between                A point which we believe warrants comment is the relatively
the neural mechanism proposed to account for the vlPFC event                strong effect size of the observed event boundary related
boundary effect and our observation of an overwhelmingly left               drop in SSVEP phase at FC5 (r = 0.52). We observed a
hemisphere effect. One possibility is that the interaction between          comparably large effect size in our original report describing
hippocampus and vlPFC may differ between left and right                     the Dm effect evaluated with the SSVEP (Silberstein et al.,
hemispheres. This would be consistent with the differing roles of           2000a). While signal to noise considerations may play a role
the left and right vlPFC. The left vlPFC is known to play a crucial         in contributing to the experimental effect size, we suggest that
role in the control in both encoding and retrieval of information           more fundamental aspects of neural information processing
from long-term memory (Badre and Wagner, 2007). By contrast                 in the cortex may play an important role. Specifically, we
the right vlPFC is involved in non-memory processes such as                 suggest that the 13 Hz frequency used to elicit the SSVEP
response inhibition, etc. (Levy and Wagner, 2011).                          may be an important factor influencing the effect size. This
    Another possibility is suggested by a consideration of                  is suggested in the light of recent findings concerning the
Event Segmentation Theory which proposes that an ‘event                     neural mechanisms mediating sensory-driven or ‘bottom-up’
comprehension systems’ make predictions about upcoming                      and cortical control or ‘top down’ information flows within the
events and an event boundary is identified when a prediction                cortex. While these are briefly described here, readers seeking
of upcoming events is in error (Swallow et al., 2009). Such                 a more detailed description are referred to Silberstein et al.
prediction errors are associated with increased hippocampal                 (2016). It is now recognized that both ‘bottom-up’ and ‘top-
theta activity suggesting increased encoding in long-term                   down’ intracortical communication processes are mediated by
memory (Paller and Wagner, 2002; Garrido et al., 2015).                     synchronous oscillations. Recent work examining the difference
A magnetoencephalography study of brain activity responses to               between the information flows reveals that they are mediated by
a sequence of pictorial stimuli that violate expectations indicated         oscillations in different frequency ranges. Specifically, bottom-
that an EEG theta frequency mismatch signal is generated                    up communication appears to be mediated predominantly
in a network comprising the hippocampus and ventro-medial                   by synchronous oscillations in the EEG gamma frequency
prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) (Garrido et al., 2015). The authors               range (40–80 Hz) while top-down communication is mediated
report that it is the vmPFC that drives hippocampal activity when           predominantly synchronous oscillations in the EEG high alpha-
expectations are violated and that this effect is restricted to the         low beta range (10–20 Hz) (Von Stein et al., 2000; Markov et al.,
left vmPFC and hippocampus. Such a left hemisphere bias is also             2014; Fries, 2015). Our choice of 13 Hz as the frequency used
consistent with our findings.                                               to elicit the SSVEP means that our responses (measurements,
    One possibility that must be considered is the extent to which          recorded findings) are likely to be driven predominantly by top-
our findings are due to visual sensory effects rather than the              down processes that among other things would modulate long-
appearance of an event boundary. If sensory driven changes in               term memory encoding. In other words, our SST methodology
visual attention were responsible for our observations, we would            may be particularly well suited to measuring top-down processes
expect to see such changes reflected in activity at occipital sites         and this may contribute to the strong effect size we have observed.
(Silberstein et al., 1990). We consider this possibility unlikely              We have termed event boundary related transient drop in the
for the following reason. While the appearance of the ‘door’                SST based measure of activity at FC5 and C3 Conceptual Closure.
was associated with a robust SSVEP phase reduction at left                  We have frequently observed what we take to be Conceptual
frontal sites FC5 and C3, none of the occipital sites demonstrated          Closure when recording SST brain activity in naturalistic time
statistically significant changes or differences with respect to the        extended stimuli such as television advertisements (Silberstein
reference level at this time. However, while the SSVEP phase                and Nield, 2008). While Conceptual Closure appears at obvious
values at occipital sites are consistent with our suggestion that the       event boundaries such as the screen changing color or music
effects at FC5 and C3 are unlikely to be triggered by visual sensory        ending, we have also observed it in more subtle indications of
effects, our experimental design and methodology does not allow             event boundaries such as two people standing to shake hands
us to completely eliminate this possibility. For example, it may be         or a car driving into the distance. Consistent with our finding
possible that changes in activity at some components of the visual          that long-term memory encoding at branding is associated
processing system in either the dorsal or ventral visual processing         with television advertising effectiveness (Silberstein and Nield,
systems may account for our observations at FC5 and C3. One                 2008) we have found that Conceptual Closure can have a
possibility suggested by a reviewer is that the Limited Capacity            significant negative impact of the commercial effectiveness of
Model of Motivated Mediated Message Processing (LC4MP) may                  an advertisement if it coincides with the sole appearance of
provide an alternative interpretation for our findings (Lang,               product branding or key message. This is typically the case
2006). Specifically, changes in the visual environment in moving            where a television advertisement is structured as a narrative that
from one gallery room to the next engages increased visual                  describes the issue or problem to be addressed in the absence of
processing resources which in turn decreases performance in                 an explicit or implicit representation of the brand or product in
a ‘secondary task’ such as long-term memory encoding. One                   question. Frequently, the narrative concludes immediately before
interesting approach suggested by the reviewer is a study where             the appearance of the product or brand and thus the narrative
the visual environment remains unchanged while the event                    conclusion is processed by the brain as an event boundary

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Silberstein et al.                                                                                            Event Boundaries and Memory Encoding

triggering Conceptual Closure at the time the product or brand             participants in the first study (six females) also participated in the
first appears in the advertisement. We have found this situation           subsequent study.
is more likely to be associated with consumers associating a                   In both studies, participants viewed the client television
competing brand with the advertisement.                                    advertisement in the context of a typical television viewing
                                                                           experience. The advertisement was viewed as one of a group of
Illustrative Case Study                                                    four advertisements in an advertising break occurring in a typical
The following case study is provided to illustrate the manner              prime time television program.
in which Conceptual Closure can be managed so as to                            A total of three groups of advertisements or advertising
enhance an advertisement’s commercial effectiveness. It should             ‘breaks’ were present in both studies with the presentation of the
be stressed that the following case study was undertaken                   client advertisement counterbalanced in either the first or second
as a standard commercial study for a client as advertiser.                 advertisement break.
It is primarily presented here to illustrate how findings                      The advertisement was viewed in one of two groups of
concerning Conceptual Closure are dealt with in a commercially             advertisements or advertising breaks. In both cases, the client
relevant manner.                                                           advertisement occurred as the second advertisement in the break
    Neuro-Insight Pty Ltd. was commissioned to conduct a                   and was preceded by a different advertisement in each break.
two-part advertising research study examining an advertising               The order in which the advertisement was viewed was evenly
campaign by the client, NAB Ltd. a major Australian financial              rotated across the entire sample. All details of the procedure, data
services provider for its superannuation fund, MLC. The design             acquisition and analysis are the same as those described in the
of the advertising campaign, named ‘Save Retirement’ was to                multi room gallery study described above.
encourage likely clients to seek retirement related financial advice           Both versions of the advertisement featured a young boy and
from MLC. The campaign was launched in early 2014 and                      his grandfather visiting a futuristic ‘museum’ where a display
had been on air for approximately 3 months with independent                features a happy older couple going for a drive in the country
tracking indicating the campaign was suffering from poor brand             in their sports car, and by inference enjoying their retirement. As
linkage in that an unacceptably high proportion of viewers were            they look at the display, the young boy asks ‘what are they doing’
inclined to identify a competing brand as the advertiser.                  and the grandfather wistfully replies ‘they are in retirement’ and
    In the first part of the study, Neuro-Insight evaluated the            in retirement ‘they can do anything they want.’ In the original
effectiveness of the original 30 s television advertisement on the         advertisement, a voice-over then suggests people speak to their
basis of SST measures of long-term memory encoding (scalp site             financial advisor and subsequently the boy pulls his grandfather
FC5) at the point of branding in the final 5 s of the advertisement.       away and they both leave the display.
Recommendations on how to address identified deficiencies were                 Analysis of the original advertisement indicated two transient
made and implemented by the creative agency with a re-edited               reductions in long-term memory encoding in the final 7 s of the
30 s advertisement broadcast in the last quarter of 2014. The              advertisement. The first at the 22.5 s mark coincides with the end
re-edited advertisement can be viewed at              of the story narrative and a verbal call to action. The second at
com/watch?v=ZbzKcTaOlXg. The original advertisement was                    the 24 s mark coincided with the boy pulling his grandfather
on air for 3 months and the re-edited advertisement for a                  from the ‘retirement display.’ We consider both drops in long-
following 2 months. An independent market research firm                    term memory encoding to be examples of Conceptual Closure
was commissioned by the client to track the performance of                 as they occurred at clear event boundaries in the advertisement.
both the original and revised advertisement. As this was a                 The likely impact of Conceptual Closure on the effectiveness of
standard commercial study conducted by Neuro-Insight it was                the advertisement is indicated by the level of long-term memory
undertaken in accordance with the ESOMAR International Code                encoding during branding during the final 3.5 s. The brand
on Market, Opinion and Social Research and Data Analytics and              is only featured in the last 3.5 s of the original advertisement
the Neuromarketing Science and Business Association (NMSBA)                (final branding) and during this period, long-term memory
Code of Ethics. It should also be noted that the data recording            encoding is low and in the lowest 8% of our database of financial
procedures and equipment used in this case study are identical             services advertisements.
to those used in the preceding study and approved by the                       The main changes recommended for the revised
Swinburne University Human Research Ethics Committee as                    advertisement were aimed at reducing the impact of Conceptual
application SUHREC2014/029.                                                Closure at the time of branding. These included introducing
    Studies of the original and re-edited advertisement were               the brand verbally and visually earlier to suggest a continuation
both conducted in Melbourne at the Neuro-Insight offices. Fifty            of the original narrative while the grandfather and boy remain
participants (25 females) with a mean age of 54 years (range               at the display. Furthermore, the scene triggering Conceptual
45–64 years) participated in the first study undertaken in July            Closure was edited out so that the boy and grandfather remained
2014. Another group of 50 participants (25 males) with a mean              stationary throughout the advertisement. To accommodate these
age of 52 years (range 45–61 years) took part in the subsequent            changes, the end of the narrative and call to action occurred
study undertaken in September 2014. Participants in both studies           2 s earlier. The impact of these changes on long-term memory
were recruited through a recruitment agency and had to satisfy             encoding at the times of branding was significant in that the level
a range of criteria such as age, employment status and financial           of long-term memory encoding at time of the newly branded
decision-making responsibility as specified by the client. Nine            scene peaked at the 96th percentile of our database of financial

Frontiers in Neuroscience |                        8                                           April 2020 | Volume 14 | Article 292
Silberstein et al.                                                                                                               Event Boundaries and Memory Encoding

  FIGURE 3 | Activity at FC5 indicating levels of long-term memory encoding for the last 15 s of the original and re-edited advertisements. The dashed line illustrates
  long-term memory encoding for the original advertisement while the solid line is the equivalent finding for the re-edited advertisement. The 84% confidence interval
  are included for both time series and when these do not overlap, the statistical significance of the difference between time series corresponds to p < 0.05 (Austin
  and Hux, 2002). The points in time where the narrative ends and the call to action starts in the original advertisement is indicated by the dashed arrows labeled ‘b’
  while the dashed arrow labeled ‘c’ indicates when the child starts pulling his grandfather from the display cabinet. The solid arrow labeled ‘a’ indicates the point in
  time where the narrative end and the call to action starts in the re-edited advertisement. The brown bar labeled ‘d’ indicates the duration of the logo on the screen
  and final branding. The removal of the segment where the boy pulls his grandfather away from the cabinet appears to reduce the impact of Conceptual Closure and
  lead to higher long-term memory encoding during the final 3 s of the advertisement.

services advertisements while the final branding final visual                            Limitations and Future Research
branding was now at the 72nd percentile of our database of                               We acknowledge that one of the limitations of this study
financial services advertisements. These differences in long-term                        is that the experimental design does not enable us to
memory encoding at the time of branding were significant at                              include behavioral data to confirm the drop in long-term
the p < 0.05 level and this is explained in more detail in the                           memory encoding on the appearance of the door. We have
Figure 3 legend.                                                                         relied on extensive evidence from other laboratories on the
    During the 3 months period that the original advertisement                           role of the left ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and long-
was aired and the following 1 month where the re-edited                                  term memory encoding as well as our previous findings
advertisement was being broadcast, an independent market                                 demonstrating the link between activity at FC5 long-term
research firm conducted advertising tracking studies for the                             memory encoding to infer a drop in long-term memory
client. It was found that in the 3-month period when the original                        encoding on the appearance of the event boundary. Nevertheless,
advertisement was being aired, the proportion of viewers who                             the incorporation of a behavioral test of long-term memory
had seen the advertisement and correctly identify the brand                              encoding at the event boundary is a recommendation
(brand linkage) was considered low by the market research                                for future studies.
firm conducting the tracking study. However, in the first                                    Another limitation concerns the limited amount of
month that the re-edited advertisement was being broadcast,                              information that could be included in the illustrative case
we were advised by the client that the market research firm                              study concerning the effectiveness of the first and then
conducting the tracking study reported that brand linkage had                            the revised advertising phases. As this was a commercial
more than doubled, increasing by 120%. While the tracking                                study, the client has the final say on what, or if any
findings are consistent with the SST indications of improved                             commercially sensitive information concerning the study
advertising effectiveness, we cannot exclude the possibility that                        may be published. We are grateful to MLC for their
other factors external to those determined by the client may have                        permission to include the percentage increase in the brand
also contributed. However, the client is unaware of any such                             linkage and advise that brand linkage data for the first
external factors that may have contributed to the advertisement’s                        and revised advertising phases has not been made available
improved performance.                                                                    for publication.

Frontiers in Neuroscience |                                      9                                                 April 2020 | Volume 14 | Article 292
Silberstein et al.                                                                                                                      Event Boundaries and Memory Encoding

CONCLUSION                                                                                    AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
Event boundaries can trigger a brief drop in long-term memory                                 RS and GN conceived the project. SS and GN supervised
encoding or Conceptual Closure. While Conceptual Closure,                                     development of video first person journey. RS and SS contributed
in general may not compromise advertising effectiveness, it                                   to the experimental design. SS supervised the project. RS
may do so if it occurs at the time that a key message                                         developed statistical analysis software for the study and
or branding is presented. In the case study, we show how                                      analyzed the data.
minor changes to a finished advertisement can modify the
impact of Conceptual Closure and in turn significantly enhance
advertising effectiveness.
                                                                                              Neuro-Insight Pty Ltd. provided facilities for the study at no
DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT                                                                   charge to the authors. Neuro-Insight Pty Ltd. also paid for
                                                                                              the recruitment and reimbursement of participants. Neuro-
The datasets generated for this study are available on request to
                                                                                              Insight Pty Ltd. provided the services of SS to supervise the
the corresponding author.
                                                                                              recording at no charge.

The studies involving human participants were reviewed
and approved by the Swinburne University Human Research                                       The authors acknowledge the assistance of Neuro-Insight Pty Ltd.
Ethics Committee as application SUHREC2014/029. The                                           in funding the study. The audio-visual material depicting the
patients/participants provided their written informed consent                                 first-person journey through the virtual art gallery was developed
to participate in this study.                                                                 by Opaque Media Pty Ltd.

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