Club - EVEN APART, WE STAND - NI Federation of Clubs

Club - EVEN APART, WE STAND - NI Federation of Clubs

VOLUME 33 - Issue 2, 2020

           E V E N A PA R T,
             W E S TA N D
Club - EVEN APART, WE STAND - NI Federation of Clubs
         You can help prevent the spread of infection.

         The best way to protect yourself and others is:

                   Wash your hands with soap and water, or use
                   a sanitiser gel, regularly throughout the day.

                   Catch your cough or sneeze in a tissue,
                   bin it, and wash your hands.

         If you have recently arrived back from specified
         areas follow the returning traveller advice.
         Check the list of areas and find out more at

Public Health Agency, 12–22 Linenhall Street, Belfast BT2 8BS.
Adapted from material produced by Public Health England.
Club - EVEN APART, WE STAND - NI Federation of Clubs
Federation Update

From the Secretary’s desk
                                                 It is our sincere hope that some                       From the scant information                             into line with the remainder of
                                                 clubs and businesses will not                          that we have at hand, to take                          the UK, where twelve months
                                                 be lost to us, due to the speed                        advantage of the Coronavirus                           has been afforded. If that turns
                                                 at which legislation is being                          Jobs Retention Scheme grant,                           out not to be the case, we will
                                                 implemented.                                           staff must be sent home in the                         have the opportunity to broach
                                                                                                        first instance, and also placed                        the subject in a meeting with the
                                                 The number of calls being                              on furlough. The purpose of                            Finance Minister Conor Murphy
                                                 received all seek the same                             the scheme is to ensure that                           MLA, in early April.
                                                 advice. Do we have to close?                           as few staff as possible go out
                                                 Although this remained your                            to work and heighten the risk                          What role can we play in
                                                 decision until Friday night, the                       of infection to the general                            controlling the coronavirus?
                                                 Government decided to enforce                          population.                                            While some will wish to carry
    Harry Beckinsale, Secretary,                 closure through legislation, a                                                                                on as normal, we all nevertheless
    N.I. Federation of Clubs                     decision taken in an attempt                           We request that all clubs                              need to be mindful of the
                                                 to slow the progress of the                            however, gain advice from their                        risk posed by this coronavirus
We are certainly living in                       Covid-19 infection.                                    insurance provider/HR advisor                          pandemic. Without doubt, this
strange times, and the pace at                                                                          and follow their guidance in all                       is a dreadful situation, impacting
which our day to day lives are                   How we were required to treat                          instances.                                             on day-to-day life.
being reshaped, is changing the                  staff, was of prime concern,
landscape at frightening speed.                  which, until the announcement                          Will I still have to pay Sky TV?                       So what can you do?
                                                 of the introduction of                                 No you will not. Sky TV                                The decision to close your
The relationships we have                        the Government backed                                  have informed us that                                  club, or remain open, has been
developed with suppliers to                      Coronavirus Jobs Retention                             billing has been suspended                             taken out of your hands. Many
the registered club sector has                   Scheme on Friday 20th                                  since 14th March 2020. We                              of our members had already
provided mutual benefits over                    March, was causing turmoil                             understand that BT Sport have                          taken the decision to close as a
many years, but in particular,                   for individuals and families                           implemented something similar.                         sensible thing to do. However
with the difficulties presented by               throughout the province. We                                                                                   the pace at which things are
the Pandemic this has resulted                   are still trying to gain clarity on                    Other organisations, such                              moving is quite astounding,
in the provision of support                      how this scheme will actually                          as PPL/PRS, may possibly                               and it is important we care for
which has been outstanding by                    function, as it doesn’t appear to                      afford consideration over the                          one another, particularly the
any measure.                                     be as straightforward as at first                      timespan of closure and the                            vulnerable in our society.
                                                 thought.                                               entertainment being cancelled.
Since first receiving a press                                                                                                                                  While clubs have the advantage
release from Diageo, closely                     From the initial information                           No doubt many other difficult                          of knowing those who enter
followed by Tennent’s NI,                        that we have sourced online                            days are ahead of us, but if we                        their club, the information from
Molson Coors and Russell’s etc.,                 from various agencies, if                              work in a team spirit, I am quite                      health professionals supersedes
together with similar offers of                  you, as the employer, have a                           sure we can overcome them.                             everything. If we all follow
support from other numerous                      clause in your staff contract of                                                                              Government guidelines, we will
suppliers, the support has been                  employment which allows for                            Club representatives who                               come out of this a lot quicker.
humbling.                                        you to either introduce lay off,                       have contacted me have been
                                                 or short time working, then                            apologetic, commenting that I                          The following pages contain
Unfortunately, the support                       the answer is that no consent is                       must be inundated with calls.                          information from the NHS and
offered by the Prime                             required from staff.                                   Well yes, I have been, as has                          other health bodies on best
Minister, is substantial, but                                                                           been the Chairman and my                               practice on what to do during
is hampered by the delay                         If there is no lay off clause in                       other Federation colleagues,                           these troubled times. The
between announcement and                         the contract, technically consent                      but that is what we are here                           information is obviously subject
introduction.                                    will be needed. However, if an                         for. Therefore, if you require                         to change, but at the time of
                                                 employee refuses to consent to                         assistance, please do not hesitate                     writing is the correct course of
Hopefully our own Finance                        be sent home on furlough, then                         to call us.                                            action to take.
Minister, Conor Murphy MLA,                      they risk being made redundant.
will afford N. Ireland businesses                The employer could make an                             As stated above, while we are                          Member clubs should be aware
the same twelve month rating                     employee redundant if they                             aware that rates will be put                           that the Federation is here to
holiday, as is the case for our                  refuse, provided they have been                        on hold for three months, we                           help you. It is precisely what we
counterparts in England.                         selected for it fairly.                                remain hopeful that we will fall                       are here for!                                                                                                                                                Issue 2 2020 Club Review 3
               Club Review is published by Media Marketing, Unit B7, Portview Trade Centre, Belfast BT4 1HE - Tel: 028 9045 9864 • Fax: 028 9045 9034 • Email:
Club - EVEN APART, WE STAND - NI Federation of Clubs
Federation Update

Business advice
Courtesy of Gavin Robinson MP
This following information is      throughout this period              1st March 2020 but will be      • I ncome Tax Self-Assessment,
accurate as of 23rd March          of disruption caused by             extended if necessary.            payments due on the 31st
2020 but may be subject to         COVID-019.                                                            July 2020 will be deferred
change due to the rapid progress                                     Deferring VAT and Income            until the 31st January 2021.
being made at all levels of        Coronavirus Job Retention         Tax Payments                      •T  his is an automatic offer -
Government.                        Scheme                            • Businesses will have their       no applications necessary.
                                   Key features of the scheme:          VAT payments deferred for
Given the range of queries         • E mployees are on                 3 months until 30th June       Northern Ireland Business
relating to COVID-19                  ‘furlough’ leave rather than      2020                           Rates Relief
(Coronavirus), I have                 dismissed                      • Income Tax Self-Assessment,    •C OVID Small Business
compiled this note to be           • T he Government will              payments due on the 31 July      Grant - A grant of £10,000
helpful. With advice and              fund 80% of wages up to           2020 will be deferred until      for all small businesses who
guidance changing rapidly, it         a maximum of £2,500 per           the 31st January 2021            are eligible for the Small
is not exhaustive, but I hope         month                          • This is an automatic offer -     Business Rate Relief Scheme
it proves useful.                  • For any employee on the           no applications necessary        (ie all businesses with a
                                      payroll on the 1st March                                           NAV up to £15,000). More
UK Government Support                 2020                           Business Interruption Loan          information is available at
For Business                       • Payments will be available     Scheme                    
The UK government has set             from the end of April and      • Businesses will have their       content/small-business-rate-
out a package of measures             backdated to 1st March            VAT payments deferred for        relief
to protect public services,        • T he Scheme will run for          3 months until 30th June       •H ospitality, Tourism
people and businesses                 at least three months from        2020                             and Retail Sectors Grant

4 Club Review Issue 2 2020                                                                           
Club - EVEN APART, WE STAND - NI Federation of Clubs
Scheme - An immediate
  grant of £25,000 for
  companies in these sectors
  with a rateable value from
  £15,000 up to £51,000.
  Details are still to follow

Businesses in Northern Ireland
will not receive a rates bill
this month. Bills will not be
issued until June and the
intervening three months will
be covered by £100 million
allocated in last week’s budget.
Details can be found at www.
package-businesses If you have
financial difficulty with paying
rates, you are encouraged to
contact Land and Property
Services at     Employers                          agreed to facilitate a 3 month    also bring forward legislation
lps or access NI Direct            Government has committed           payment holiday should you        to stop eviction cases from
online        to repaying SSP for employers      require help to meet your         proceeding through the courts
information-and-services/          with a staff level less than       mortgage payments. This also      during this crisis.
guide-rates/help-paying-your-      250. The regulations to put        includes equity loans for those   Food Banks
rates                              this action in law have yet        with Help to Buy Mortgages        Food banks are there to help
                                   to be finalised, so details        and for renters/landlords,        those most in need, but also
COVID-19 Emergency Grant           will follow but reference can      Buy to Let Mortgages. It will     require significant help from
for Hospitality Workers            be found at            not be assumed you need this,     people able to give it. Please
This grant will be a one-          government/publications/           so talk to your lender before     don’t bulk buy, but perhaps
off payment of £250 per            guidance-to-employers-and-         payment is due. DO NOT            consider a couple of extra
household.                         businesses-about-covid-19/         JUST DEFAULT.                     items to donate to any in your
•Y ou must be currently           covid-19-support-for-                                                area.
  working within the UK            businesses                         Rent
  hospitality industry or have                                        As mentioned above, buy-to-       General
  worked in the industry           Insurance                          let mortgages are included in     Remember advice on self -
  within the last month            Business interruption cover        the 3 months holiday. If you      isolation and symptoms can
•H ave savings of less than       through your insurance will        are unable to pay rent, you       be found at the PHA website
  £1,000 per person or             depend on the type of cover        should notify your landlord
  £2,000 for a family or           you have purchased and what        so that they can seek the         news/covid-19-coronavirus
  couple (including rolling        is specifically included in your   holiday from their lender if      or by calling 111 and then
  bank balance)                    policy. You are best to read       relevant. Government will         option 1 for NI.
•T hey do not take into           your policy or ask your broker
  account any income you           directly, but most policies
  receive from state benefits      will not ordinarily include a
•Y ou are experiencing            notifiable disease extension.
  financial issues relating to                                            Chartered Accountants
                                                                          and Statutory Auditors
  your employment status           More information can be
  owing to coronavirus             found from the Association
                                   of British Insurers website
Click on the following web
link for more information          and-issues/topics-and-issues/
and to download the relevant       coronavirus-qa/#a
form to apply for the grant
-       Mortgages
uk/media/2140/covid-19-            Government has announced
grant-190320-_v9.pdf               that mortgage lenders have                                                                                     Issue 2 2020 Club Review 5
Club - EVEN APART, WE STAND - NI Federation of Clubs
Club News

 Covid-19 (coronavirus)
 Questions and Answers                                           (correct at 20th March 2020)

COVID-19 is a new illness             2. H
                                          ow long should I stay at       • Cover your mouth and nose        DON’T
that can affect your lungs and           home?                               with a tissue or your sleeve     • Do not touch your eyes, nose
airways. It’s caused by a virus       Everyone should do what                (not your hands) when you           or mouth if your hands are
called coronavirus.                   they can to stop coronavirus           cough or sneeze                     not clean
1. S hould I stay at home if I       spreading.                          • Put used tissues in the bin      • Do not have visitors to your
   have coronavirus symptoms?                                                immediately and wash your           home, including friends and
Stay at home if you have either:      It is particularly important for       hands afterwards                    family
• a high temperature - this          people who:                         • Avoid close contact with
   means you feel hot to touch        • are 70 or over                       people who have symptoms of      If you’re at high risk
   on your chest or back (you         • have a long-term condition           coronavirus                      The NHS will contact you
   do not need to measure your        • are pregnant                      • Only travel on public            from Monday 23 March 2020
   temperature)                       • have a weakened immune              transport if you need to         if you are at particularly high
• a new, continuous cough - this        system                           • Work from home, if you can       risk of getting seriously ill with
   means coughing a lot for more                                          • Avoid social activities, such    coronavirus. You’ll be given
   than an hour, or 3 or more         DO                                     as going to pubs, restaurants,   specific advice about what to do.
   coughing episodes in 24 hours      • Wash your hands with soap           theatres and cinemas
   (if you usually have a cough, it      and water often - do this for    • Avoid events with large          Do not contact your GP or
   may be worse than usual)              at least 20 seconds                 groups of people                 healthcare team at this stage –
                                      • Always wash your hands when      • Use phone, online services,      wait to be contacted.
Only call 111 if you cannot get          you get home or into work           or apps to contact your
help online via https://111.nhs.      • Use hand sanitiser gel if soap      GP surgery or other NHS          3. Who’s at risk?
uk/covid-19/                             and water are not available         services                         You may be at a particularly

6 Club Review Issue 2 2020                                                                                  
Club - EVEN APART, WE STAND - NI Federation of Clubs
high risk of getting seriously ill    Treatment aims to relieve the
with coronavirus if you:              symptoms while your body

                                                                                  Coronavirus - NHS 111
•H ave had an organ                  fights the illness.
  transplant and are taking
  immunosuppressant medicine          You’ll need to stay in isolation,
•A re having chemotherapy or         away from other people, until                     Northern Ireland now
  radiotherapy                        you have recovered.                           has full access to the NHS 111
•H ave blood or bone marrow
  cancer, such as leukaemia           8. Will staying at home help                helpline service on coronavirus
•H ave a severe chest condition,         stop coronavirus spreading?
  such as cystic fibrosis or severe   You’ll need to stay at home                 Call 111 and then press 1 when
  asthma                              if you have symptoms of                    through to the recorded message
•H ave another serious health        coronavirus (COVID-19) or live
  condition                           with someone who does.

4. How is coronavirus spread?         Staying at home means you
Because it’s a new illness,           should:
we do not know exactly how            •N ot go to work, school or
coronavirus spreads from person         public areas
to person.                            •N ot use public transport or      You do not need to stay at home     If you have symptoms of
                                        taxis                             if you just have a cough after      coronavirus and need to stay at
Similar viruses are spread in         •N ot have visitors, such as       7 days. A cough can last for        home, use the 111 coronavirus
cough droplets.                         friends and family, in your       several weeks after the infection   service to get an isolation note.
                                        home                              has gone.
It’s very unlikely it can be spread   •N ot go out to buy food or                                            12. I have symptoms and live
through things like packages or         collect medicine – order them     10. What if I live with someone        with a vulnerable person.
food.                                   by phone or online, or ask             who has symptoms?                  What should I do?
                                        someone else to drop them         If you live with someone who        If you live with someone who
5. I’m pregnant. Am I at risk?         off at your home                  has symptoms, you’ll need to        is 70 or over, has a long-term
If you’re pregnant and worried                                            stay at home for 14 days from       condition, is pregnant or has a
about coronavirus, you can            You can use your garden, if you     the day their symptoms started.     weakened immune system, try
get advice from the Royal             have one. You can also leave the    This is because it can take 14      to arrange for them to stay with
College of Obstetricians and          house to exercise - but stay at     days for symptoms to appear.        friends or family for 14 days.
Gynaecologists by visiting this       least 2 metres away from other                                          If you have to stay at home
link -            people.                             If more than 1 person at home       together, try to keep away from
guidelines-research-services/                                             has symptoms, stay at home          each other as much as possible.
guidelines/coronavirus-               If you have symptoms of             for 14 days from the day the
pregnancy/covid-19-virus-             coronavirus (a high temperature     first person started having         DO
infection-and-pregnancy/              or a new, continuous cough)         symptoms.                           •T
                                                                                                                ry to keep 2 metres (3 steps)
                                      and you’re not sure if you                                               away from each other
6. Is there travel advice?            need to stay at home, use           If you get symptoms, stay at        •A
                                                                                                                void using shared
There are some countries and          the 111 coronavirus service -       home for 7 days from when            spaces, such as kitchens or
areas where there’s a higher        your symptoms start, even if it      bathrooms, at the same time
chance of coming into contact         - to find out what to do.           means you’re at home for longer      as each other
with someone with coronavirus.                                            than 14 days.                       •O
                                                                                                                pen windows in shared
                                      9. H
                                          ow long should I stay at                                            spaces if you can
If you’re planning to travel             home?                            If you do not get symptoms, you     •C
                                                                                                                lean a shared bathroom
abroad and are concerned              If you have symptoms of             can stop staying at home after       each time you use it, for
about coronavirus, see advice         coronavirus, you’ll need to stay    14 days.                             example by wiping the
for travellers on         at home for 7 days.                                                      surfaces you have touched
guidance/travel-advice-novel-                                             11. What’s an isolation note?       •U
                                                                                                                se a dishwasher if you
coronavirus                           After 7 days:                       If you live with someone who         have one - if you do not have
                                      • If you do not have a high        has symptoms of coronavirus,         one, use washing-up liquid
7. What treatment is there?              temperature, you do not need     you can get an isolation note to     and warm water and dry
There is currently no specific           to stay at home                  send to your employer as proof       everything thoroughly
treatment for coronavirus.            • If you still have a high         you need to stay off work.
                                         temperature, stay at home                                            DON’T
Antibiotics do not help, as they         until your temperature           You do not need to get a note       •D
                                                                                                                o not share a bed, if
do not work against viruses.             returns to normal                from a GP.                           possible
                                                                                                                           continued on page 8                                                                                            Issue 2 2020 Club Review 7
Club - EVEN APART, WE STAND - NI Federation of Clubs
Club News

•D o not share towels,             products, such as detergents and       health and wellbeing?                stay at home?
  including hand towels and tea     bleach, when you clean your        To help yourself stay well while    If you get symptoms not related
  towels                            home.                              you’re at home:                     to coronavirus and need
13. How can I reduce the           Put used tissues and disposable    •D rink plenty of water to stay    medical help:
     spread of infection in my      cleaning cloths in rubbish bags.     hydrated – drink enough so        • do not go to a GP surgery,
     home?                          Then put the bag into a second       your pee is pale and clear           pharmacy or hospital
While you’re staying at home,       bag and tie it securely. Wait 3    •T ake paracetamol to help ease    • if it’s not an emergency, use
you should:                         days before putting it in your       your symptoms                        the NHS 111 online service –
•W ash your hands with soap        outside bin.                       •S tay in touch with family and       call 111 if you cannot get help
  and water often, for at least                                          friends over the phone or            online
  20 seconds                        Dispose of other household           on social media, to help you      • if it’s an emergency, call 999
•U se hand sanitiser gel if soap   waste as normal.                     avoid feeling low or lonely          - tell the call handler you may
  and water are not available                                          •T ry to keep yourself busy -         have coronavirus
•C over your mouth and nose        Wash your laundry in the             you could try activities like
  with a tissue or your sleeve      washing machine in the usual         cooking, reading, online          Cancel all routine face-to-
  (not your hands) when you         way. Laundry that has been in        learning and watching films       face medical and dental
  cough or sneeze                   contact with an ill person can     •D o light exercise, if you feel   appointments while you’re
•P ut used tissues in the bin      be washed with other people’s        well enough to                    staying at home. You may be
  straight away and wash your       items. Do not shake dirty                                              able to do some appointments
  hands afterwards                  laundry, as this may spread the    There is advice about how to        over the phone.
•C lean objects and surfaces       virus in the air.                  look after your mental wellbeing
  you touch often (like door                                           while staying at home from          Use the NHS 111 online
  handles, kettles and phones)      If you do not have a washing       Every Mind Matters - www.nhs.       coronavirus service if:
  using your regular cleaning       machine, wait for 3 days after     uk/oneyou/every-mind-matters/       • You feel you cannot cope with
  products                          your stay at home has ended        coronavirus-covid-19-staying-          your symptoms at home
                                    before taking your laundry to a    at-home-tips/                       • Your condition gets worse
14. H
     ow should I do my             launderette.
    cleaning and laundry?                                              16. W
                                                                            hat should I do if I need     Only call 111 if you cannot get
Use your usual household            15. H
                                         ow should I look after my        medical help but have to        help online.

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                                                                                                                                             Northern Ireland
                                                                                                                                            Federation of Clubs

8 Club Review Issue 2 2020                                                                                
Club - EVEN APART, WE STAND - NI Federation of Clubs
EU Settlement Scheme Advice
                 Freephone 0800 138 6545
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                 Text EUSS to 6664 or email
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                 Independent Welfare Changes Helpline
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                 Tax and Benefits Advice
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                 Business Debt Service
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                 Historical Institutional Abuse advice and support
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                 Advice NI Training
                 Advice NI is the leading provider of nationally accredited Advice and
                 Guidance, Legal Advice and Independent Advocacy Qualifications in
                 Northern Ireland. For a list of courses, please visit our website.

                                             Contact Us
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                                        NI Charity No. NIC100008                                                         Issue 2 2020 Club Review 9
Club - EVEN APART, WE STAND - NI Federation of Clubs
Club News

Questions & Answers
                                   be within the Club or can the       petition. Assuming it is a valid    ensure their club is a safe space
                                   signatories be gained outside       petition, then an EGM will have     for their members.
                                   the Club? We are concerned          to be called as per the Club’s      Examples:
                                   this person may harass Club         Rules. The benefit of the doubt
                                                                                                           •L  imit the number of
                                   Members on the street.              should be with the petition to
                                                                                                              members and guests in your
                                   A. There is no prescribed           call an EGM and unless there
                                   manner in which signatures          are serious issues which call
                                                                       the petition into question then     •R  emove tables and leave
                                   should be obtained in view
                                                                       the request should be granted          larger gaps between the ones
                                   to calling an EGM. Clearly if
                                   a petition is presented to the      if it is supported by sufficient       that remain.
                                   Committee amidst allegations of     signatures.                         •M  arking spaces on your floors
                                   harassment or intimidation in       Q. One of our members                  with tape to highlight the
                                   order to gain the signatures then   recommended social distancing          recommended space between
                                   the Committee can investigate       during the coronavirus                 individuals
                                   these allegations further.          pandemic. What exactly is social    •E  nsure there are numerous
Q. We have a Member                I think you simply have to wait     distancing?                            bottles of hand sanitiser
who is trying to obtain            and see if a valid petition is                                             available for ease and
                                                                       A. Social distancing measures
signatures to call for an EGM to   presented to the Committee.                                                frequency of use
                                                                       are steps you can take to reduce
remove the current Committee       If a petition is presented and                                          •E  nsure your bathroom
                                                                       the social interaction between
due to a decision he does not      there are concerns then you can     people. This will help reduce          facilities are stocked with
approve of. Are there any rules    have a quiet word with some         the transmission of coronavirus        soap and/or anti-bacterial
or regulations relating to how a   of the names on the petition        (COVID-19).                            handwash
Member can gather signatures       to ensure that they did not feel
                                                                       They are:                           These are only a few
for an SGM? Does it have to        intimidated , into signing the
                                                                       •A  void contact with someone      recommendations you should
                                                                          who is displaying symptoms       act upon to safeguard your staff
                                                                          of coronavirus (COVID-19).       and members.
                                                                          These symptoms include high      We strongly advise you to
                                                                          temperature and/or new and       follow the above measures
                                                                          continuous cough                 as much as you can and to
                                                                       •A  void non-essential use of      significantly limit your face-to-
                                                                          public transport, varying your   face interaction with friends and
                                                                          travel times to avoid rush       family if possible, particularly
                                                                          hour, when possible              if you: are over 70, have an
                                                                       •W  ork from home, where           underlying health condition, or
                                                                          possible. Your employer          are pregnant.
                                                                          should support you to do this.   This advice is likely to be in
                                                                       •A  void large gatherings, and     place for some weeks.
                                                                          gatherings in smaller public     Q. One of our bar staff wasn’t
                                                                          spaces                           actually sick but his doctor
                                                                       •A  void gatherings with friends   advised him to self-isolate due
                 Specialist Licensing                                     and family. Keep in touch
                                                                          using remote technology such
                                                                                                           to the coronavirus outbreak.
                                                                                                           Do we have to pay SSP in this
                         and                                              as phone, internet, and social
                                                                                                           A. The Government has stated
                 Employment Lawyers                                    •U  se telephone or online         that if NHS 111, or a doctor,
                                                                          services to contact your GP or   advises an employee or worker
                                                                          other essential services         to self-isolate, they should
                                                                       We understand these measures        receive any Statutory Sick
                                                                       may cause an issue when clubs       Pay (SSP) due to them. If the
                                                                       are permitted to reopen, but we     employer offers contractual sick
                                                                       have received word that several     pay, it’s good practice to pay
                                                                       clubs put measures in place to      this.

10 Club Review Issue 2 2020                                                                              
It is expected there will be        which demonstrates a fair                dependent upon age, length of       paid their annual membership
further announcements over          and objective approach when              service and contractual earnings.   Subscriptions. Can we bar these
the coming weeks regarding the      selecting members of the                 • Up to the age of 21: half a      members from attending the
Statutory Sick Pay system.          workforce for redundancy.                   week’s pay for each completed    Annual General Meeting and
                                    If an employer is considering               year of service;                 voting?
Q. Due to the coronavirus
pandemic, our club may              making an employee redundant,            • 22 to 40 years of age: one       A. You are perfectly entitled to
have to make several staff          they must follow a standard                 week’s pay for each completed    prevent members who have not
redundant. Can you advise what      dismissal procedure. However,               year of service;                 paid their annual subscription
redundancy payments we will         the procedure does not apply to                                              from attending the Annual
                                                                             • 41+ years of age: one-and-
have to make.                       some collective redundancies.                                                General Meeting and voting.
                                                                                a-half weeks’ pay for each
A. Planning for and handling        To be entitled to receive a                 completed year of service.       In fairness, most clubs collect
redundancies carefully and          statutory redundancy payment,                                                subscriptions from the 1st
                                                                             The calculation for weekly pay
with great sensitivity is           an individual must:                                                          January so the Committee
                                                                             is subject to the statutory limit
crucial. It will help minimise      • be an employee working                                                    should have had ample time to
                                                                             of £547 (6 April 2019). This is
emotional distress for the             under a contract of                                                       make sure all members were up
                                                                             reviewed annually.
individuals affected. It will          employment;                                                               to date with
                                                                             The maximum number of years
also help minimise damage to        • have at least two years of                                                their subscriptions prior to the
                                                                             that can be taken into account
organisational performance             continuous service; and                                                   AGM taking place. I suggest that
                                                                             in a redundancy payment
which can happen when               • have been dismissed, laid off                                             in future years, the Committee
                                                                             calculation is 20.
there is uncertainty or poor           or put on short-time working                                              are pro-active in dealing with
management of the situation.                                                 More detailed information for       members who are late with
                                       (and have a qualifying period
                                                                             employers and employees can         their subscription payments
Organisations can potentially          of lay off).
                                                                             be obtained from the HR team        and apply the terms of the rules
avoid or minimise the need          When issuing redundancy pay,             linked to your club insurance       which cover such late payments.
for redundancies by planning        an employer must provide a               provider, or the Labour
their labour requirements very      statement showing how it was                                                 If you have any questions you need
                                                                             Relations Agency.
carefully. Employers should also    calculated.                                                                  answered for your club, then please
establish an agreed procedure                                                Q. We have a number of              send them to us at:
                                    The amount payable is
for handling redundancies,                                                   members who have still not

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Club News

Diageo pledges 8m bottles of hand sanitiser
Diageo, maker of Johnnie           million 250ml bottles of hand      GNS to be made available for         systems and for consumers.
Walker and Smirnoff,               sanitiser.                         national healthcare systems          Australia: Diageo’s Bundaberg
has pledged to enable the                                             and workers across the UK and        Distilling Co. to produce
creation of more than eight        Diageo continues to engage         Ireland.                             100,000 litres of ethanol for the
million bottles of hand            with national and local            Italy: 100,000 litres of GNS to      Queensland Government, to
sanitiser, by donating up to       governments across the             support the healthcare system        be forwarded to hand sanitiser
two million litres of alcohol      many countries where the           and other national needs             manufacturers.
to manufacturing partners,         company has major distilling       USA: 500,000 litres of GNS
to help protect frontline          operations. The spirit will        to be supplied to meet local         “Healthcare workers are at
healthcare workers in the fight    be made available in supply        community needs                      the forefront of fighting
against COVID-19.                  chains according to local          Brazil: Diageo’s Ypioca plant        this pandemic and we are
                                   circumstances, working with        will produce 50,000 litres of        determined to do what we can
The world’s leading distiller      the relevant authorities and       spirit for the local healthcare      to help protect them,” said Ivan
will provide Grain Neutral         hand sanitiser manufacturers.      system, in conjunction with the      Menezes, Chief Executive of
Spirit (GNS) - a 96% strength      This will ensure the donation      Ceara State Government.              Diageo.
ethyl alcohol used primarily       is used for maximum impact         Kenya: Diageo’s East Africa
in production of vodka and         in protecting health workers       Breweries Ltd will enable            “This is the quickest and most
gin - and make it available        and patients and that sanitiser    production of 135,000 litres of      effective way for us to meet
at no cost to hand sanitiser       reaches the frontline as quickly   sanitiser, prioritising vulnerable   the surging demand for hand
producers in multiple              as possible.                       and at risk groups.                  sanitiser around the world.”
countries, to help overcome                                           India: 500,000 litres of alcohol
shortages in healthcare systems.   The plan includes:                 to supply to the sanitiser
This donation will enable the      The UK and the Republic            industry across 25 States, for
production of more than eight      of Ireland: 500,000 litres of      use in national healthcare

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12 Club Review Issue 2 2020                                                                              
Club News

Bryson Care continues to support
society’s most vulnerable
In these uncertain times, it is vital to remember those who need us most

The present situation has               and permanent positions are        home. We welcome
grounded flights, postponed             available within Bryson Care.      applicants from all walks
public events, and placed               In these uncertain times, it is    of life, and our Care
enormous pressure on our                vital to remember the most         service covers
country’s healthcare service.           vulnerable members of our          the Greater
                                        society.                           Belfast area.
Coronavirus, or COVID-19,
has brought about a great               Perhaps you worked in              Further
deal of uncertainty for the             hospitality and have been          information
people of Northern Ireland.             affected by the recent layoffs?    can be
In business, it has left many           Or maybe you just want an          found by
without permanent and stable            opportunity to give back to your   visiting
employment. Our thoughts                local community during this        bryson.
are with those affected by this         difficult time.                    getgotjobs.
sudden and indeed devastating                                    
change of events.                       You’ll work as a Total Support
                                        Worker, delivering best-in-class   It is however,
If you or anyone you know               care and support to people         important to
has been impacted, temporary            in the comfort of their own        acknowledge
                                                                           that the
                                                                           pandemic is
                                                                           an evolving

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                                                                                  Stay safe, stay well, and carry on caring.
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14 Club Review Issue 2 2020                                                                         
Club News

In these difficult times, can you afford
not to review your club expenditure?
We are all facing a very difficult   MJ Utilities has direct lines
and worrying time with the           with every major energy
spread of the coronavirus            supplier in the country. We can
(COVID-19).                          carry out a no-obligation review
                                     to identify any savings that you
Many clubs/businesses will           may benefit from which I am
now have been forced into            sure will be welcomed at this
‘survival mode’ and will be          difficult time.
perhaps looking at ways to                                                likely be trying to keep footfall
reduce expenditure in order          Many businesses including            to a minimum. You could be
to survive and get through this      energy suppliers have a large        just a couple of emails away
unprecedented event.                 part of their workforce working      from helping reduce your clubs
                                     remotely from home which is          expenditure.                        please get in touch as soon as
Businesses are now looking at        good for us as it still enables                                          possible.
any ways possible of reducing        us to carry on as normal (or as      We also work with a number
business expenditure and             normal as it can be at this time).   of local companies that may         We’re in this together - please
we have found that a major                                                be able to help reduce other        stay safe.
expense in any business is that      The nature of what we do             spends such as telecoms,
of electricity and gas. So, if we    means that we can conduct a          merchant services and LED           For further information email
may, we would like to try and        lot of our business via email        lighting.                 
help you at this most difficult      without having to visit your         If you would like us to review      or
of times.                            premises at a time when you’ll       any of these things for you then    or call 0777 699 4807.


16 Club Review Issue 2 2020                                                                                 
Charity Update

Cancelled appointments for
Cancer Focus NI patients
Cancer Focus Northern                 people, very worrying times, and     advice and information about          will be reviewing our practices
Ireland has temporarily halted        difficult decisions have to be       cancer or email nurseline@            as government guidelines are
all face-to-face appointments         made.                      ”                   reviewed,” Roisin added.
with vulnerable local cancer
patients as a result of the current   “As a local cancer charity, many     The charity also operates a           “We would ask everyone to
coronavirus crisis.                   people who access our services       driving service to take patients to   please bear in mind that we can
                                      may be particularly vulnerable       and from hospital appointments.       only continue to deliver these
Lifeline services provided by the     during this time, for example        For the time being it will no         services to local people with your
leading local cancer charity to       those who are undergoing             longer be taking new referrals        help. We are over 90% reliant on
patients and their families have      cancer treatment. We have a          but the charity will do its best to   public donations to deliver our
been seriously disrupted by the       duty of care to our service users    honour appointments already           good work. As a relatively small
outbreak.                             and want to act responsibly          made.                                 local charity, we will need your
                                      during such an uncertain time.                                             help over the coming months.
The charity has had to                Therefore, the decision has been     If you have an immediate
temporarily stop face-to-face         made to temporarily stop face-to-    appointment for one of the            “Unfortunately, cancer and how
contact with patients who would       face appointments and meetings,      Cancer Focus NI care services, a      it affects people - the patient and
normally have attended for            such as bra-fitting and group        member of staff will be in touch      carers - will not stand still during
counselling, family support, art      support activities,” she said.       to cancel.                            this pandemic.
therapy, bra-fitting and other
care service appointments. It         “For services such as counselling,   Roisin added, “We are looking         “There are many ways you can
has also cancelled home and           family support service and art       at ways to use technology to          show your support remotely.
hospital visits.                      therapy, we intend to provide        keep in contact with our patient
                                      patient support via telephone        support users during this             Please visit www.cancerfocusni.
Roisin Foster, chief executive        and video call. Our freephone        uncertain time. We are used           org/backlocal for more
of Cancer Focus NI, said,             Nurse Line will be operating as      to walking hand-in-hand with          information. Thank you
“We’re very aware that these          normal, Monday to Friday, 9am        our clients and will continue         for your patience and
are extraordinary and, for many       to 1pm, on 0800 783 3339 for         to try and do so remotely. We         understanding at this time.”

Forget Me Not Funds remember a loved one
Cancer Focus Northern Ireland         Over the years, Jimmy, together      a wheelchair for the last part of     great comfort to be doing some
is encouraging local people to        with his family and friends, has     her life.                             good for others.”
open a Cancer Focus Northern          raised an amazing £100k for
Ireland Forget Me Not Fund in         Cancer Focus NI and another          Jimmy continued, “Before she          Cancer Focus NI community
memory of a loved one. A Forget       cancer charity and Jimmy would       died, Gina talked openly about        fundraiser Barbara Long said:
Me Not Fund is a unique and           like to take this opportunity to     her funeral arrangements. She         “When someone you love dies
positive way for family, friends      thank everybody who helped           told me she wasn’t afraid to die,     you may wish to celebrate their
and colleagues to remember a          out with the fundraising.            but didn’t want to leave us. She      life and memory in a special
loved one and keep their spirit                                            said that she would like us to        way. You’ll know the best way
alive - and help other people         Gina was 47 when she passed          remember her in a positive way.       to remember them but a Forget
in Northern Ireland who are           away in 2006. The couple’s           Gina was always helping others,       Me Not Fund offers a way that
affected by cancer.                   daughter Clare was 18 at the         even when she was ill.                not only celebrates their life but
                                      time and their son Conor was                                               helps other local people affected
Jimmy Carrigan, who worked            15.                                  “When I heard about Forget            by cancer too.
with the health service before        Jimmy said, “Gina was                Me Not Funds I thought that
he retired, lost his wife Gina to     originally diagnosed with lung       would be the perfect way to           To sign up or to find out
cancer 14 years ago. He opened        cancer. She had surgery but          enshrine her memory. It has           more email barbaralong@
a Forget Me Not Fund in her           after 18 months it had spread to     been a great way for me and my, call 028
memory because he felt it was an      her brain. She lived with cancer     family to focus our thoughts          9068 0746 or visit www.
ideal way to honour her memory.       for four years and ended up in       and energies and we found it a

18 Club Review Issue 2 2020                                                                                     
West Belfast GAA Club celebrate after raising
£90k for Northern Ireland Children’s Hospice
West Belfast GAA Club,
O’Donnell’s GAC, is celebrating
after raising a staggering £90k
for Northern Ireland Children’s

The club have been actively
fundraising for the Children’s
Hospice since 2000 by holding
an annual Social Night every
December in the Club to raise
vital funds for the Hospice.
The funds were raised on the
night through a ballot, with
prizes kindly donated by local
business. The Club also kept
collection cans at the Club
Bar all year round to help raise
additional funds for the charity.

Joe McNerney, bar treasurer
said: “We’ve been fundraising
for the Children’s Hospice since
2000. We would like to thank        Michael Nugent, Regional            local community. We couldn’t     Northern Ireland Children’s
all the local businesses who have   Fundraiser at Northern Ireland      continue to provide our vital    Hospice is the only service of
generously donated prizes to        Children’s Hospice, added:          service without fundraising      its type in Northern Ireland
the event every single year and     “This incredible donation           events hosted by the local       caring for over 370 local infants,
our tenacious club members for      really will make a difference       community. We’re extremely       children and young people with
their support. We couldn’t have     to the lives of local children      grateful and humbled to accept   life-limiting and life-threatening
raised this money without their     and their families who we care      this donation on behalf of the   conditions every year.
support and generosity.”            for in the Hospice and in the       club”.

NI Hospice announce
shop closures
Due to the recent COVID-19          of the virus within the local       illnesses you
(coronavirus) outbreak, we have     community.                          can donate
made the incredibly difficult                                           here.
decision to close all 25 of our     We still need your help to
Hospice shops throughout            continue caring for our patients    Thank you for
Northern Ireland.                   and families. We are still          your continued
                                    accepting quality donations for     support and we
While we will miss greeting you     when our shops reopen, we will      look forward to
every day, it’s important for       also be adding new products to      welcoming you
us to put these precautionary       our online shop or if you can       in store again
measures in place to protect our    make a cash donation to help us     soon!
customers, volunteers, staff and    support local people living with
to help minimize the spread         life-limiting or life-threatening                                                                                      Issue 2 2020 Club Review 19
Sports Report

The final Ulster GAA Writers’       collecting
Annual Awards dinner was            the All-
held in the Great Northern          Ireland Club
Hotel, Bundoran when the            Championship
cream of 2019 throughout the        crown.
GAA activity last year were
presented with their trophies.      At colleges’
                                    level, St
Not many All-Ireland titles         Michael’s
arrived in the northern             Enniskillen
province last season but still      made history
the action was fast and furious     by being the
in many codes, with various         first Fermanagh
players raising their hands for     side to win
recognition.                        the Hogan
                                    Cup. They
On the club front, both             done so with a
Slaughtneil and Kilcoo              complete panel
were very much to the fore          of Fermanagh
                                                      Ulster GAA Writers award winners for 2019.    Courtesy of The Irish News - picture by Philip Mulligan.
nationally with the Slaughtneil     players.
camogs clinching the All-
Ireland senior club title, again,   There was double success for       year running, was named              Cathal McShane, who turned
while Kilcoo senior footballers     Fermanagh as full-forward          the winner of the Cormac             down a career in Aussie Rules
went within a whisker of            Eimear Smyth, for the second       McAnallen Young Achiever             to stay with Tyrone, won
                                                                       of the Year, after her exploits      the Male Footballer of the
                                                                       in helping the Erne girls to         Year while Donegal ‘striker’
                                                                       promotion from Division Four         Geraldine McLaughlin was
                                                                       in the Lidl Ladies’ National         named Female Footballer,
                                                                       Leagues.                             making it three No 14s to win
                                                                                                            major honours.

                                                                                 UGAAWA 2019 Award Winners
                                                                       Male Footballer of the Year          Club of the Year
                                                                       Cathal McShane (Tyrone)              Kilcoo (Down)
                                                                       Female Footballer of the Year        Cultural Award
                                                                       Geraldine McLaughlin (Donegal)       Omagh St Enda’s (Tyrone)
                                                                       Hurler of the Year                   Communications Award
              “43 years behind bars”                                   Gerald Bradley (Slaughtneil)         Eugene McConnell (Tyrone)
                                                                       Camogie Player of the Year           Chairman’s Award
      Professionally qualified through the                             Shannon Graham (Slaughtneil);        Kilcoo (Down)
      Institute of Licensed Trade Stock Auditors                       Cormac McAnallen Young
      The only NIFC approved stock-taking provider                     Achiever of the Year
                                                                       Eimear Smyth (Fermanagh)
      Preferred suppliers to Hospitality Ulster
                                                                       John McAviney Services to the
                                                                       GAA Award
                                                                       Mickey Moran (Derry)
                                                                       Personality of the Year
                                                                       Malachy O’Rourke (ex-Monaghan)
                                                                       Team of the Year
                                                                       St Michael’s College Enniskillen

20 Club Review Issue 2 2020                                                                                    
NIFWA Monthly                                                               Linfield striker Andrew Waterworth is the NIFWA Premiership
                                                                            Player of the Month for February. Waterworth scored six goals in
                                                                            the month, as Linfield stormed to the clear at the top of the table

Award winners                                                               with four victories. The former Hamilton Academical forward found
                                                                            the net against Dungannon Swifts, Warrenpoint Town, Ballymena
                                                                            United and Crusaders.

                                                                            Upon collecting the Belleek trophy, Waterworth said, “I’d like to
                                                                            thank the Football Writers’ for this award. I was delighted when I
                                                                            heard that I had been selected. Personally, this has not been my best
                                                                            season. I’ve spent a lot of the season on the bench, and I had to
                                                                            work incredibly hard to get back in the team and stay in the team.
                                                                            It’s fantastic to be back amongst the goals again.

                                                                            “For the club, it’s also been a difficult year. The Irish Cup defeat to
                                                                            Queen’s was embarrassing and we haven’t been at our best for most
                                                                            of the season. We have improved but we still have an awful lot of
                                                                            hard work to do if we are to win the title.”

                                                                            It’s the fourth time Waterworth has won the Football Writers’
                                                                            monthly prize and his third as a Linfield player.

                                                                            Coleraine FC boss Oran Kearney is NIFWA’s Manager of the
After scoring 6 goals in the month, Linfield’s Andrew Waterworth has been   Month for February.
nominated the February Player of the Month.
                                                                            In February, Coleraine won the BetMcLean League Cup, defeating
                                                                            Crusaders 2-1 in the showpiece final at Windsor Park. The
                                                                            Bannsiders also booked their place in the semi-finals of the Irish
                                                                            Cup with a 3-2 win over Larne, as well as claiming league victories
                                                                            against Glentoran and Institute.

                                                                            Upon collecting the Belleek trophy, Kearney said, “This is hugely a
                                                                            reflection of what the team have been doing. Last Tuesday was our
                                                                            first home game in about five weeks, which makes the run all the
                                                                            more impressive to me. We lost at home to Crusaders and since
                                                                            then we have put together a run but it is important not to get too
                                                                            ahead of ourselves.

                                                                            “We’ve been able to bring in Curtis Allen and Stewart Nixon and
                                                                            their introduction has given the entire place another lift, too.”

Coleraine boss, Oran Kearney picks up his 11th NI Football Writers Award    It’s the 11th time Kearney has won the Northern Ireland Football
after a magnificent run of results in February.                             Writers’ Association’s monthly award.

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Shankly’s Liverpool win FA Cup                                                        Ali rumbles Foreman

                                                                          Muhammad Ali and George Foreman in their legendary bout, held in
                                                                          The Rumble in the Jungle was a historic boxing event in Kinshasa,
                                                                          Zaire (now Democratic Republic of the Congo) on 30th October
                                                                          1974. Held at the 20th of May Stadium (now the Stade Tata
                                                                          Raphaël), it pitted the undefeated world heavyweight champion
Ray Clemence and Brian Hall celebrate their 3-0 FA Cup triumph over       George Foreman against challenger Muhammad Ali, the former
Newcastle United at Wembley Stadium.                                      heavyweight champion.

The 1974 FA Cup Final between Liverpool and Newcastle United              The 60,000 people witnessed a magificent spectacle, with Ali
was held at Wembley Stadium on Saturday, 4 May 1974. Liverpool            soaking up all the pressure, before coming back in sensational style
were appearing in their fifth final and Newcastle in their eleventh,      to knock-out undefeated champion Foreman in the eighth round.
which was a record at the time. Liverpool had won the FA Cup
once, in 1965, and Newcastle six times, most recently in 1955.            It’s still considered by many as the greatest sporting event of the
                                                                          20th century. Ali’s win was a major upset, with him coming in as
Both teams entered the competition in the third round. Liverpool          a 4-1 underdog against the unbeaten, heavy-hitting Foreman. The
and Newcastle had scares in the third and fourth rounds, in all           fight is famous for Ali’s introduction of the rope-a-dope tactic.
cases drawing home ties against much smaller clubs and then
winning the replays. Both had good wins in the fifth round and            The fight was watched by a record estimated television audience of
Liverpool won away in the sixth (quarter-final) round. Newcastle’s        1 billion viewers worldwide, becoming the world’s most-watched live
sixth round home tie against Nottingham Forest was declared void          television broadcast at the time. This included a record estimated
after a riot on the field by Newcastle fans when their team was           50 million viewers watching the fight pay-per-view on closed-circuit
losing 1-3. The game was delayed until order was restored, which          theatre TV. The fight grossed an estimated $100 million (inflation-
Newcastle won 4-3. Forest made a written protest to the Football          adjusted $500 million) in worldwide revenue.
Association and Newcastle were very close to being disqualified
from the competition. The FA relented and ordered that the match
be replayed at a neutral venue. Two replays were needed before              It happened in 1974...
Newcastle won through. In the semi-finals, Newcastle defeated               Cycling - Belgian cycling legend, Eddy Merckx ‘aka The Cannibal’ won
Burnley 2-0 at Hillsborough and Liverpool defeated Leicester City           the last of his five Tour de France titles, with a time gap of 8min 4sec.
3-1 in a replay at Villa Park, following a 0-0 draw at Old Trafford.        Golf - American, Johnny Miller, was the PGA Tour leading money winner
                                                                            with $353,022 ($1.8m in today’s terms).
The final was watched by a crowd of 100,000 and Liverpool won
                                                                            Horse Racing - Red Rum wins the second of his three Grand Nationals,
a one-sided match 3-0 with goals by Kevin Keegan (2) and Steve
                                                                            with L’Escargot second and Charles Dickens in third.
                                                                            Football - Host nation West Germany won the World Cup 2-1 against
The team managers, Bill Shankly and Joe Harvey, sat next to each            the Netherlands. The tournament marked the first time that the current
other all through the match. It was to be Shankly’s last game in            trophy, created by the Italian sculptor Silvio Gazzaniga, was awarded. The
charge of Liverpool as he retired on 12th July, although he led the         previous trophy, the Jules Rimet Trophy, had been won for the third time by
team out for the Charity Shield match in August.                            Brazil in 1970 and awarded permanently to the Brazilians.

22 Club Review Issue 2 2020                                                                                        
The Federation Invite New Members to Join
   Join the N.I. Federation of Clubs today and benefit from expert support and advice on a range of matters related
specifically to the day-to-day running of your club. Issues such as ever changing employment legislation, the 1996 Clubs
        Order, accountancy regulations, and rates relief, are only a few of the topics we can provide guidance on.
            Our helplines are always a welcome source of information and prove beneficial to members.
              07889 800329 - 07889 800331 - 07889 800325 & 07889 681714

                                N.I. Federation of Clubs
                              Membership Application Form
    Name of club:

                                                                 The annual membership fee is £50.00 payable to:
                                                                    The Northern Ireland Federation of Clubs
   Telephone No:                                                        c/o Unit B7 Portview Trade Centre,
                                                                             310 Newtownards Road,
          Fax No:                                                                Belfast BT4 1HE.

                  Club Officers                                              For telephone queries call:
                                                                                    07889 681714
                                                                  (Please include your membership fee or completed standing
               Tel:                                                             order form with your application)

                                                                         For administration purposes only
                                                                 Accepted by:                                    Secretary
        Treasurer:                                               Seconded by:                                    Chairman
               Tel:                                                      Date:

   This is to authorise the transfer of £50.00 from the club’s account:-
            A/C No:
                                                                                    To account no: 627 998 63
       Sort Code:
                                                                                        Sort code: 95-01-45
             Bank:                                                                  Danske Bank
                                                                                    Belfast BT1 6JS

     The payment is for the annual membership fee to the Northern Ireland Federation of Clubs. The transaction
     to be effected now and continue annually in January of each year until further notice.

      Club Name:

         Address:                                                                Please sign and return to:
                                                                                 N.I. Federation of Clubs,
                                                                                 c/o Unit B7, Portview Trade Centre,

   Authorised by: (1)                                                            310 Newtownards Road,
                                                                                 Belfast BT4 1HE.
                                                                                                            AVAILABLE FROM ALL
                                                                                                            GOOD WHOLESALERS
                                                                                                            For more information contact:
                                                                                                            Patrick Morgan on:
                                                                                                            +44 (0) 7734 128048

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