Europe's New Wild - PRIMETIME - OPB

Page created by Harold Bowers
Europe's New Wild - PRIMETIME - OPB
February 2021           February 2021

                PRIMETIME               PRIMETIME

                                        New Wild
                                        Wednesdays at 10pm

                                                 Photo courtesy of Susan Wright/Nat Geo
Europe's New Wild - PRIMETIME - OPB
     1 MONDAY                                           3 WEDNESDAY
    7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour | OPB+ A Wider               7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Thu 12am) |
       World (Also Tue 4am)                               OPB+ Forgotten Slave Owners Pt 1. Britain
                                                          was built on the profits of slavery. (Also Thu
    7:30 OPB+ Afro-Latino Travels With Kim Haas
       San Jose (Also Tue 4:30am)
                                                       8:00 OPB Nature Pumas: Legends of the Ice                                           © rtemegorov/Pond5
    8:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow Vintage Tucson
                                                          Mountains. Travel to the mountains of Chile
       2021, Hr 2 (Also Wed 1am) | OPB+ Secrets
       of Royal Travel Secrets of the Royal Flight
                                                          to learn the secrets of the puma. (Also               NOVA
                                                          Fri 1am) | OPB+ American Masters Lorraine
       (Also Sun 6pm)
                                                          Hansberry. Follow the life and work of the            Beyond the Elements
    9:00 OPB Oregon Experience Searching for              ‘A Raisin in the Sun’ playwright. (Also Fri           In this three-part series, host David
       York. Learn the story of York, an enslaved         12am)
                                                                                                                Pogue sets out on a worldwide
       man who journeyed with Lewis and Clark.
                                                       9:00 OPB NOVA Beyond the Elements: Reactions.            quest to find the key molecules and
       (Also Wed 2am) | OPB+ Ireland’s Wild Coast
                                                          See callout on this page. (Also Fri 2am)              chemical reactions that paved the
       Pt 1. Journey along Ireland’s rugged Atlantic
       coast. (Also Sun 7pm)                           10:00 OPB Europe’s New Wild The Missing Lynx.            way for our world and everything in
                                                         Witness an astonishing resurgence of wildlife          it. Along the way, he discovers an
    9:30 OPB Oregon Experience Oregon’s Black
                                                         across Europe’s most breathtaking                      explosive chemical reaction that,
       Pioneers. African Americans helped to shape
                                                         landscapes. (Also Fri 3am) | OPB+                      when reversed, enables us to feed
       Oregon, even as white settlers tried to force
                                                         Amanpour & Company (Also Thu 5am)
       them out. (Also Wed 2:30am)                                                                              billions. Plus, molecules in deadly
                                                       11:00 OPB Food: Delicious Science Food on the            snail venom that may provide clues
    10:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow Celebrating
                                                          Brain. Discover how food keeps our bodies fit         to lifesaving medicines.
      Black Americana (Also Wed 3am) | OPB+
                                                          and healthy. (Also Fri 4am) | OPB+ Inside the
      Amanpour & Company (Also Tue 5am)                                                                         Wednesday, February 3, 9pm
                                                          Foreign Office Keeping Power and Influence.
    11:00 OPB Independent Lens 9-to-5: The Story          Follow Britain’s civil servants at work. (Also        OPB
       of a Movement. The fight that inspired a hit       Fri 2am)
       and changed the American workplace.
       (Also Wed 4am) | OPB+ Reel South First Lady
       of the Revolution (Also Wed 2am)                 4 THURSDAY
                                                       7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Fri 12am) |                5 FRIDAY
                                                          OPB+ Genius by Stephen Hawking Where               7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Sat 12am) |
     2 TUESDAY                                            Did the Universe Come From? (Also Fri 4am)            OPB+ The Legacy List With Matt Paxton
    7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Wed 12am) |                                                                     (Also Sun 10am)
                                                                                    8:00 OPB Oregon
       OPB+ Nature Animal Odd Couples (Also Wed
                                                                                    Art Beat Drawing         8:00 OPB Father Brown The Jackdaw’s Revenge.
                                                                                    From History.               Brown’s old foe is unexpectedly released from
    8:00 OPB Finding Your Roots No Irish Need                                       Mark Hallett’s              prison. (Also Mon 1am) | OPB+ Washington
       Apply. Featuring actor Jane Lynch and                                        40-year career              Week (Also Sat 6am)
       comedian Jim Gaffigan. (Also Fri 2/26 9pm                                    drawing, painting
                                                                                                             8:30 OPB+ The David Rubenstein Show:
       OPB+) | OPB+ The Great Ride Two married                                      and sculpting
                                                         dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals has            Peer-to-Peer Conversations Lorne Michaels
       military veterans bike from Washington, D.C.
                                                         taken him from Hollywood to India.                     (Also Sun 1pm)
       to Pittsburgh. (Also Thu 12am)
                                                         (Also Sun 6pm) | OPB+ Leonardo’s Dream              9:00 OPB Call the Midwife Season 6, Ep 4.
    9:00 OPB The Jazz Ambassadors Asked to
                                                         Machines Leading experts attempt to build              An expectant mother buckles under the
       travel as cultural ambassadors, Louis
                                                         da Vinci’s dream machines. (Also Sat 12am)             strains of pregnancy. (Also Mon 2am) | OPB+
       Armstrong, Dizzy Gillespie and Duke Ellington
                                                       8:30 OPB Oregon Field Guide Ship Report. Meet            Finding Your Roots Coming to America (Also
       faced a painful dilemma. (Also Thu 2am) |
                                                          the woman behind the ‘The Ship Report,’ an            Sun 1:30pm)
       OPB+ Kingdoms of the Sky The Rockies.
       Meet the remarkable inhabitants of this            entertaining daily radio report of all the ships   10:00 OPB Masterpiece Press: Two Worlds.
       3,000-mile mountain range. (Also Thu 1am)          that pass by Astoria.       (Also Sun 6:30pm)        Duncan buries himself in his work. (Also Mon
                                                       9:00 OPB London: 2000 Years of History Ep 1.            3am) | OPB+ Amanpour & Company (Also
    10:00 OPB Frontline Plastic Wars. Did the
                                                          Learn how an uninhabitable swamp became              Mon 5am)
      plastic industry use recycling to sell more
      plastic? (Also Fri 11pm OPB+) | OPB+                a world-famous city. (Also Sun 2am)                11:00 OPB Thou Shalt Not Kill Season 2, Ep 9.
      Amanpour & Company (Also Wed 5am)                                                                         The writing is on the wall when a math
                                                       10:00 OPB Modus Season 2, Ep 2. Inger’s past
                                                         catches up with her. (Also Sun 3am) | OPB+             professor is found dead. (Also Mon 4am) |
    11:00 OPB African Americans: Many Rivers
                                                         Amanpour & Company (Also Fri 5am)                      OPB+ Frontline Plastic Wars (R-Also Mon 2am)
       To Cross Making a Way Out of No Way
       (1897–1940). Examine the confines of
                                                       11:00 OPB Masterpiece The Durrells in Corfu:
       segregation during the Jim Crow era. (Also
                                                          Season 3, Ep 8. A circus comes to town. (Also       6 SATURDAY
       Thu 4am) | OPB+ Dreams of Hope A church
                                                          Sun 4am) | OPB+ DW Global 3000 (Also Sat           5:00 OPB This Old House (Also Mon 6pm) |
       concert honors the four African American
                                                          2am)                                                  OPB+ Marathon Between the Covers,
       girls who were killed there. (Also Thu 2am)
                                                       11:30 OPB+ Articulate With Jim Cotter Mario              continued (until 7pm)
                                                          Lanza at 100 (Also Sat 2:30am)                     5:30 OPB PBS NewsHour Weekend

2   FEBRUARY 2021
Europe's New Wild - PRIMETIME - OPB
OPB = Comcast 10 or 710; antenna XX.1
 OPB+ = Comcast 310; antenna XX.2
 KIDS = Comcast 311; antenna XX.3
 Full channel list at
                                          R = Repeat within a week
                                          Repeats are on original channel unless noted
                                          Full schedule and VOD at
                                                                                            = Program premiere
                                                                                            = Watch online at
                                                                                         Programs are subject to change       weekdays
                                                                                                                              MONDAY – FRIDAY
6:00 OPB Start Up The Schvitz/Plum Health                         11:00 OPB Masterpiece Poldark: Season 3, Ep 5.
                                                                     George reaches his breaking point. (Also Tue
7:00 OPB Rick Steves’ Europe The Making Of/
                                                                     4am) | OPB+ The Italian Americans La
   Burgundy: Profound France (Also Sun 9am) |
                                                                     Famiglia/Becoming Americans                                6:30 OPB Kids Programs (until noon)
   OPB+ Fat Boy: The Billy Stewart Story
   Stewart is considered one of the most prolific
                                                                                                                                7am OPB+ NHK Newsline
   and stylish R&B singers of the 1960s.                            8 MONDAY
8:00 OPB Frankie Drake Mysteries Dealer’s                         7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour | OPB+ A Wider                          7:30 OPB+ Sit & Be Fit (M/W/F);
   Choice. Frankie gets accused of murder. (Also                     World (Also Tue 4am)                                            Classical Stretch (Tu/Th)
   Mon 12am) | OPB+ Jazz Swing: Pure Pleasure
                                                                  7:30 OPB+ Afro-Latino Travels With Kim Haas
   (1935–1937). Jazz gains popularity. (Also Sun                                                                                8am OPB+ Sewing & Knitting
                                                                     Limon, Costa Rica (Also Tue 4:30am)
                                                                  8:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow Vintage Orlando,                   8:30 OPB+ Quilting
9:00 OPB Midsomer Murders The Dark Rider,
                                                                     Hr 1 (Also Wed 1am) | OPB+ Lucy
   Pts 1&2. A man falls to his death after seeing a
                                                                     Worsley’s Royal Palace Secrets Take a tour                 9am OPB+ Painting
   headless horseman.
                                                                     of London’s most extraordinary palaces.
9:30 OPB+ Kindred Spirits: Artists Hilda                             (Also Sun 6pm)                                            10am OPB+ Woodworking (M/W/Th);
   Wilkinson Brown and Lilian Thomas                                                                                                This Old House (Tu/F)
                                                                  9:00 OPB Oregon Experience Beatrice Morrow
   Burwell An aunt and niece achieve success
                                                                     Cannady. Cannady was a pioneer of civil
   as artists in segregated Washington D.C.                                                                                    10:30 OPB+ Food & Cooking
                                                                     rights in Oregon. (Also Wed 2am) | OPB+
   (Also Sun 3:30am)
                                                                     Ireland’s Wild Coast Pt 2. The odyssey
10:00 OPB+ POV Softie. A daring activist runs                        continues through Clew Bay, Donegal and the               11am OPB+ Nature (M); NOVA (Tu);
  for office in Kenya. (Also Sun 12am)                               northern coast. (Also Sun 7pm)                                 Africa’s Great Civilizations (W);
                                                                                                                                    American Experience (Th); Oregon
10:30 OPB The Forsyte Saga Ep 1. Penniless,                       9:30 OPB Oregon Experience Jazz Town.                             Experience (F)
  Irene Heron agrees to marry Soames Forsyte.                        Segregated from white-owned entertainment
                                                                     venues after World War II, Black entrepreneurs            12pm OPB Painting | OPB+ Civil
11:30 OPB Between the Covers Angie Kim |
                                                                     opened nightclubs and brought a wave of                        Discourse (M); Breaking Big/
   OPB+ Film-Maker (Also Sun 1:30am)
                                                                     music to Portland. (Also Wed 2:30am)                           Between the Covers (Tu); Make 48
                                                                  10:00 OPB American Experience Goin’ Back                          (W); In the Americas (Th); Trust
 7 SUNDAY                                                           to T-Town. Learn the history of Greenwood,                      Docs (F)
5:00 OPB Firing Line With Margaret Hoover |                         a Black community that flourished in
   OPB+ Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions Hong                        segregated Tulsa. (Also Sun 2/21 8pm OPB+)                 12:30 OPB Food & Cooking | OPB+
   Kong, Pt 1                                                       | OPB+ Amanpour & Company (Also Tue                              Growing Bolder (M); GZero
                                                                    5am)                                                             World (Tu); Start Up (W); Chavis
5:30 OPB PBS NewsHour Weekend | OPB+                                                                                                 Chronicles (Th); Seat at the Table
   Rick Steves’ Europe Ethiopia: A Development                                                 11:00 OPB Independent                 (F)
   Story                                                                                       Lens Women in Blue.
                                                                                               Female officers try to
6:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat Drawing From                                                                                           1pm OPB+ DW News
                                                                                               redefine what it means
   History (R) | OPB+ Secrets of Royal Travel
                                                                                               to protect and serve.
   Secrets of the Royal Flight (R)                                                                                              1:30 OPB Travel | OPB+ DW: The Day
                                                                                               (Also Wed 4am) | OPB+
6:30 OPB Oregon Field Guide Ship Report (R)                                                    Reel South Seadrift
                                                                                                                                2pm OPB Kids Programs (until 6pm) |
                                                                                               (Also Wed 2am)
7:00 OPB The Great British Baking Show                                                                                              OPB+ BBC Outside Source (M–
   Masterclass 3 (Also Sun 2/14 12am) | OPB+                                                                                        Th); BBC Today (F)
   Ireland’s Wild Coast Pt 1 (R)                                    9 TUESDAY
                                                                                                                                2:30 OPB+ BBC World News America
8:00 OPB Masterpiece Miss Scarlet and the                         7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Wed 12am) |
   Duke: Memento Mori. A photographer receives                       OPB+ Nature Cold Warriors: Wolves and
                                                                                                                                3pm OPB+ News & Public Affairs
   messages from beyond the grave. (Also                             Buffalo (Also Wed 4am)
   Tue 1am) | OPB+ Asian Americans Breaking
                                                                  8:00 OPB Finding Your Roots The Shirts on                     3:30 OPB+ NHK Newsline
   Through. At the turn of the millennium, Asian
                                                                     Their Backs. Featuring actors Tony Shalhoub
   Americans found rising influence. (Also Tue
                                                                     and Christopher Meloni. (Also Thu 1am) |                   4pm OPB+ PBS NewsHour
                                                                     OPB+ To the Ends of the Earth The Natural
9:00 OPB Masterpiece All Creatures Great and                         World: Pushing Boundaries. Travel from the                 5pm OPB+ Travel
   Small, Ep 5. James experiences an ethical                         driest deserts in Africa to the mountainous
   plight involving Helen’s bull. (Also Tue 2am)                     Himalayas. (Also Thu 12am)                                 5:30 OPB+ Food & Cooking (until 7pm)
   | OPB+ Africa’s Great Civilizations Origins/
                                                                  9:00 OPB Al Capone: Icon Discover the celebrity
   The Cross and the Crescent. Uncover epic                                                                                     6pm OPB Home Repair (M/Tu); Travel
                                                                     gangster’s enduring impact on American
   stories of African kingdoms and cultures.                                                                                        (W/Th/F)
                                                                     culture. (Also Thu 2am) | OPB+ Kingdoms
   (Also Tue 1am)
                                                                     of the Sky The Himalaya. Visit the planet’s
10:00 OPB Masterpiece The Long Song, Ep 2.                           highest mountain range. (Also Thu 1am)                     6:30 OPB BBC Outside Source
  The handsome overseer Robert arrives,                                                                                              (M–Th); BBC Today (F)
  sparking a bitter rivalry. (Also Tue 3am)

                                                                                                                                                         FEBRUARY 2021    3
Europe's New Wild - PRIMETIME - OPB
    10:00 OPB Frontline China’s COVID Secrets.              OPB+ Ancient Invisible Cities Athens (Also         10:00 OPB+ POV The Infiltrators. Two
      The untold story of the beginning of the              Sat 1am)                                             immigrants purposefully get arrested by
      coronavirus pandemic and how China                                                                         Border Patrol. (Also Sun 12am)
                                                          10:00 OPB Modus Season 2, Ep 3. Swedish
      responded. (Also Fri 11pm OPB+) | OPB+                police clash with the FBI. (Also Sun 3am) |        10:30 OPB The Forsyte Saga Ep 2. Soames
      Amanpour & Company (Also Wed 5am)                     OPB+ Amanpour & Company (Also Fri 5am)               designs a retreat to save his marriage.
    11:00 OPB+ Rise of the Nazis Politics. Follow         11:00 OPB Masterpiece The Durrells in Corfu:         11:30 OPB Between the Covers Olin Cogdill |
       the chain of events that gave rise to Adolf           Season 4, Ep 1. Louisa opens a boarding              OPB+ Film-Maker (Also Sun 1:30am)
       Hitler. (Also Thu 2am)                                house. (Also Sun 4am) | OPB+ DW Global
    11:30 OPB African Americans: Many Rivers To              3000 (Also Sat 2am)
       Cross Rise! (1940–1968). Trace the long road
                                                                                                                14 SUNDAY
                                                          11:30 OPB+ Articulate With Jim Cotter Jets
       to civil rights. (Also Thu 4am)                                                                         5:00 OPB Firing Line With Margaret Hoover |
                                                             vs. Sharks (Also Sat 2:30am)
                                                                                                                  OPB+ Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions Hong
                                                                                                                  Kong, Pt 2
     10 WEDNESDAY                                          12 FRIDAY                                           5:30 OPB PBS NewsHour Weekend | OPB+
    7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Thu 12am) |               7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Sat 12am) |                 Rick Steves’ Europe Why We Travel
       OPB+ Forgotten Slave Owners Pt 2. Examine             OPB+ The Legacy List With Matt Paxton
       the propaganda war waged between Britain’s                                                              6:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat The Big Story (R) |
                                                             (Also Sun 10am)
       pro-slavery lobby and abolitionists. (Also Thu                                                             OPB+ Lucy Worsley’s Royal Palace Secrets
       4am)                                               8:00 OPB Father Brown The Kembleford Dragon.            (R)
                                                             Brown must prevent a much-loved institution
    8:00 OPB Nature Big Bend: The Wild Frontier of                                                             6:30 OPB Oregon Field Guide Tribal Land
                                                             from going off the rails. (Also Mon 1am) |
       Texas. Roam the Rio Grande’s frontier lands                                                                Transfer; Sea Jellies (R)
                                                             OPB+ Washington Week (Also Sat 6am)
       alongside iconic animals of the Wild West.                                                              7:00 OPB The Great British Baking Show
       (Also Fri 1am) | OPB+ POV American Promise.        8:30 OPB+ The David Rubenstein Show:
                                                                                                                  Masterclass 4 (Also Sun 2/21 12am) | OPB+
       Two boys come of age, encountering issues             Peer-to-Peer Conversations Charles Schwab
                                                                                                                  Ireland’s Wild Coast Pt 2 (R)
       of race, class and opportunity. (Also Fri 12am)       (Also Sun 1pm)
                                                                                                               8:00 OPB Masterpiece Miss Scarlet and
    9:00 OPB NOVA Beyond the Elements:                    9:00 OPB Call the Midwife Season 6, Ep 5.
                                                                                                                  the Duke: Cell 99. Eliza stumbles upon a
       Indestructible. In the quest for durability, can      Nonnatus House welcomes a new recruit.
                                                                                                                  criminal enterprise. (Also Tue 1am) |
       some scientific advancements backfire?                (Also Mon 2am) | OPB+ Finding Your Roots
       (Also Fri 2am)                                        To the Manor Born (Also Sun 1:30pm)

    10:00 OPB Europe’s New Wild Return of the             10:00 OPB Masterpiece Press: Resonance.
      Titans. Travel to the Carpathian Mountains,           James reopens communication with a
      where Europe’s wildlife is thriving. (Also Fri        whistleblower. (Also Mon 3am) | OPB+
      3am) | OPB+ Amanpour & Company (Also                  Amanpour & Company (Also Mon 5am)
      Thu 5am)                                            11:00 OPB Thou Shalt Not Kill Season 2, Ep 10.
    11:00 OPB Food: Delicious Science A Matter of            Valeria returns to the scene of her father’s
       Taste. Learn the science behind what makes            murder. (Also Mon 4am) | OPB+ Frontline
       food taste delicious. (Also Fri 4am) | OPB+           China’s COVID Secrets (R-Also Mon 2am)
       Inside the Foreign Office Brave New World.
       Diplomats prepare for the post-Brexit world.
          (Also Fri 2am)
                                                           13 SATURDAY
                                                          5:00 OPB This Old House (Also Mon 6pm) |
                                                             OPB+ Marathon America’s Heartland,
     11 THURSDAY                                             continued (until 6:30pm)                             Oregon Field Guide
    7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Fri 12am) |               5:30 OPB PBS NewsHour Weekend                           Tribal Land Transfer;
       OPB+ Genius by Stephen Hawking What Are
       We? (Also Sun 9am)                                 6:00 OPB Start Up Will Power Fitness Gym/Ash            Sea Jellies
                                                             and Erie                                             Native Americans on Oregon’s
                          8:00 OPB Oregon Art
                          Beat The Big Story.             6:30 OPB+ Some Kind of Spark Follow a music             north coast were pushed out of
                          The Portland Street                mentoring program at Juilliard.                      their ancestral home by white
                          Art Alliance brings a                                                                   settlers more than a century ago.
                                                          7:00 OPB Rick Steves’ Europe France’s Dordogne/
                          diverse group of artists
                                                             Barcelona and Catalunya (Also Sun 9am)               But recently, the Clatsop-Nehalem
                          together to create a
                          new mural zone.                 8:00 OPB Frankie Drake Mysteries Now You                people were reunited with 18 acres
      (Also Sun 6pm) | OPB+ Impossible Builds                See Her. When a magician’s assistant is killed,      of their homeland in Seaside.
      The Scorpion Tower                                     Frankie goes undercover. (Also Mon 12am) |           Then, join the Field Guide team
                                                             OPB+ Jazz Swing: The Velocity of Celebration
    8:30 OPB Oregon Field Guide Tribal Land
                                                             (1937–1939). A new sound emerges. (Also Sun
                                                                                                                  behind the scenes at the Oregon
       Transfer; Sea Jellies. See callout on this page.                                                           Coast Aquarium, where a ‘jelly
            (Also Sun 6:30pm)                                                                                     mom’ offers an up-close look at the
                                                          9:00 OPB Midsomer Murders Murder of
    9:00 OPB London: 2000 Years of History Ep 2.
                                                             Innocence, Pts 1&2. Suspicion falls on a
                                                                                                                  fascinating world of sea jellies.
       Medieval London was devastated by disease
                                                             convicted murderer when a barrister is killed.       Thursday, February 11, 8:30pm
       and power-hungry kings. (Also Sun 2am) |
4   FEBRUARY 2021
Europe's New Wild - PRIMETIME - OPB
OPB = Comcast 10 or 710; antenna XX.1
 OPB+ = Comcast 310; antenna XX.2
 KIDS = Comcast 311; antenna XX.3
 Full channel list at
                                          R = Repeat within a week
                                          Repeats are on original channel unless noted
                                          Full schedule and VOD at
                                                                                            = Program premiere
                                                                                            = Watch online at
                                                                                         Programs are subject to change       weekENDs
  OPB+ American Experience Jubilee Singers:                       9:00 OPB The Black Church: This Is Our Story,
  Sacrifice and Glory. The Jubilee Singers                           This Is Our Song Ep 1. See callout on page 6.
  introduced audiences to the religious                                 (Also Thu 2am) | OPB+ Kingdoms of the                 6-10am OPB Kids Programs | OPB+ News,
  anthems of slavery. (Also Tue 12am)                                Sky The Andes. The world’s longest mountain                     Politics & Business
                         9:00 OPB Masterpiece                        range is home to astonishing natural life.
                         All Creatures Great and                     (Also Thu 1am)                                             8am OPB Member Drive Programs
                         Small, Ep 6. Tristan                                                                                       (2/27 until 12am)
                                                                  10:00 OPB+ Amanpour & Company (Also Wed
                         coaxes James to try a                      5am)                                                       10am OPB Gardening | OPB+ Marathons
                         risky procedure. (Also                                                                                     (until 7pm) Between the Covers
                         Tue 2am) | OPB+ Africa’s                 11:00 OPB African Americans: Many Rivers
                                                                                                                                    (2/6); America’s Heartland (2/13);
                         Great Civilizations                         To Cross A More Perfect Union (1968–2013).
                                                                                                                                    Growing a Greener World (2/20);
  Empires of Gold/Cities. Uncover complex trade                      Examine class disparity in the modern Black
                                                                                                                                    Member Drive Programs (2/27
  networks and institutions that advanced                            community. (Also Thu 4am) | OPB+ Rise of
                                                                                                                                    until 12am)
  Africa’s great civilizations. (Also Tue 1am)                       the Nazis The First Six Months in Power. Hitler
                                                                     dismantles the German state. (Also Thu 2am)               11:30 OPB Sewing & Quilting
10:00 OPB Masterpiece The Long Song, Ep 3.
  Facing labor unrest and financial ruin for the                                                                                1pm OPB Cooking
  plantation, Robert’s sanity starts to unravel.                    17 WEDNESDAY
     (Also Tue 3am)                                                                                                             3pm OPB Motorweek
                                                                  7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Thu 12am) |
11:00 OPB Masterpiece Poldark: Season 3, Ep 6.                       OPB+ Hollywood’s Architect: The Paul R.                    3:30 OPB Woodworking
   Rev. Aunt Agatha and George cross swords.                         Williams Story Williams’ clients included
                                                                                                                                4:30 OPB Home Repair
   (Also Tue 4am) | OPB+ The Italian                                 Frank Sinatra, Cary Grant and Lucille Ball.
   Americans Becoming Americans                                      (Also Thu 4am)
                                                                  8:00 OPB Nature Equus: Story of the Horse,
 15 MONDAY                                                           Origins. Explore the fascinating evolutionary
                                                                     journey of the horse. (Also Fri 1am) | OPB+              6-9am OPB Kids Programs | OPB+
7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Tue 12am) |                              American Masters How it Feels To Be Free.                      Lifestyles
   OPB+ A Wider World (Also Tue 4am)                                 Six iconic Black female artists challenge the
                                                                     entertainment industry. (Also Fri 12am)                    9am OPB Travel (2/7, 2/14, 2/21);
7:30 OPB+ Fly Brother With Ernest White II                                                                                          Member Drive Programs (2/28
   Sao Paulo: Don’t Sleep (Also Tue 4:30am)                       9:00 OPB NOVA Beyond the Elements: Life.                          until 12am) | OPB+ Genius by
8:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow Vintage Orlando,                          Discover surprising molecules that allowed                     Stephen Hawking (2/7, 2/14,
   Hr 2 (Also Wed 1am) | OPB+ Confucius                              for the origination of life. (Also Fri 2am)                    2/21); Member Drive Programs
   Was a Foodie Origins of the Beginnings (Also                                                                                     (2/28 until 12am)
                                                                  10:00 OPB Europe’s New Wild The Land of the
   Sun 6pm)                                                         Snow and Ice. In Lapland, native Sami people               10am OPB Nature | OPB+ Legacy List
9:00 OPB Oregon Experience Vanport. Once                            and conservation groups work to save an                         With Matt Paxton
   the second-largest city in Oregon, Vanport                       age-old reindeer migration. (Also Fri 3am) |
                                                                    OPB+ Amanpour & Company (Also Thu 5am)                     11am OPB NOVA | OPB+ American
   was destroyed by a catastrophic flood.
                                                                                                                                    Masters Lorraine Hansberry (2/7);
   (Also Wed 2am) | OPB+ Real Rail                                11:00 OPB Food: Delicious Science We Are                          How it Feels To Be Free (2/21); POV
   Adventures: Swiss Grand Tour (Also Sun                            What We Eat. Discover why our brains crave                     American Promise (2/14)
   7pm)                                                              certain foods. (Also Fri 4am) | OPB+ Inside
10:00 OPB American Experience Voice of                               the Foreign Office Brits in Trouble. Diplomats            Noon OPB Jazz (2/7, 2/14, 2/21)
  Freedom. The life of singer Marian Anderson                        aid Brits who find themselves in trouble
                                                                                                                                1pm OPB+ The David Rubenstein
  illuminates fundamental questions about                            overseas. (Also Fri 2am)
                                                                                                                                    Show: Peer-to-Peer
  talent, race, democracy and the American                                                                                          Conversations
  soul. (Also Wed 3am) | OPB+ Amanpour                              18 THURSDAY                                                 1:30 OPB In Concert at the Hollywood
  & Company (Also Tue 5am)
                                                                  7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Fri 12am) |                            Bowl Gustavo and Friends (2/7) |
11:00 OPB+ Reel South You Gave Me a Song                             OPB+ Genius by Stephen Hawking Where                            OPB+ Finding Your Roots
   (Also Wed 2am)                                                    Are We? (Also Fri 4am)
                                                                                                                                2pm OPB In Concert at the Hollywood
                                                                  8:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat Sign of the Times.                       Bowl Fireworks! (2/14); Music
 16 TUESDAY                                                          Nick Lee is the owner of Studio Signs Co., a                   Without Borders (2/21)
7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Wed 12am) |                              company responsible for creating some of
                                                                     Oregon’s most popular and iconic billboards                2:30 OPB Between the Covers (2/7) |
   OPB+ Nature A Squirrel’s Guide to Success
                                                                     and signs.       (Also Sun 6pm) | OPB+                          OPB+ Seat at the Table
   (Also Wed 4am)
                                                                     Impossible Builds Europe in the Desert (Also
8:00 OPB Finding Your Roots Write My Name in                                                                                    3pm OPB News & Public Affairs (until
                                                                     Sat 12am)
   the Book of Life. Featuring musician Pharrell                                                                                    6pm) | OPB+ The Great Ride (2/7);
   Williams and filmmaker Kasi Lemmons.                           8:30 OPB Oregon Field Guide Mudbone Grown.                        To the Ends of the Earth The
      (Also Thu 1am) | OPB+ To the Ends of                           Shantae Johnson and Arthur Shavers rewrite                     Natural World (2/14); Birds of East
   the Earth Birds of East Africa. A wildlife                        what it means to be a Black farmer in Oregon.                  Africa (2/21)
   photographer captures the hidden lives of                              (Also Sun 6:30pm)
                                                                                                                                4pm OPB+ Kingdoms of the Sky
   East African birds. (Also Thu 12am)                                                                                              Rockies (2/7); Himalaya (2/14);
                                                                                                                                    Andes (2/21)

                                                                                                                                                            APRIL 2021
                                                                                                                                                                  2019    5
Europe's New Wild - PRIMETIME - OPB
    9:00 OPB London: 2000 Years of History Ep 3.             Dedicated to Chaos (1940–1945). When
       London experiences the Industrial Revolution.         America enters World War II, jazz is part of
       (Also Sun 2am) | OPB+ Ancient Invisible               the arsenal. (Also Sun 2am)
       Cities Cairo (Also Sat 1am)
                                                           9:00 OPB Midsomer Murders Written in the
    10:00 OPB Modus Season 2, Ep 4. Ingvar and                Stars, Pts 1&2. An amateur astronomer is
      Inger’s private lives are put to the test. (Also        killed with a meteorite.
      Sun 3am) | OPB+ Amanpour & Company
                                                           10:00 OPB+ Independent Lens Hale County This
      (Also Fri 5am)
                                                             Morning, This Evening. An intimate meditation
    11:00 OPB Masterpiece The Durrells in Corfu:             on life in America’s Black Belt. (Also Sun 12am)
       Season 4, Ep 2. Margo moves in with Theo.
                                                           10:30 OPB The Forsyte Saga Ep 3. Irene and
       (Also Sun 4am) | OPB+ DW Global 3000
                                                             Bosinney fall in love.
       (Also Sat 2am)
                                                           11:30 OPB Between the Covers Amy Jo Burns
    11:30 OPB+ Articulate With Jim Cotter Written
                                                                | OPB+ Film-Maker (Also Sun 1:30am)
       From Life, Itself (Also Sat 2:30am)
                                                                                                                     The Black Church:
     19 FRIDAY                                              21 SUNDAY                                                This Is Our Story,
    7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Sat 12am) |
                                                           5:00 OPB Firing Line With Margaret Hoover |               This Is Our Song
                                                              OPB+ Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions
       OPB+ The Legacy List With Matt Paxton                                                                         Trace the 400-year-old story of the
                                                              Cruising the Rhine, Pt 1
       (Also Sun 10am)                                                                                               Black church in America. This
                                                           5:30 OPB PBS NewsHour Weekend | OPB+                      moving two-part series from host
    8:00 OPB Father Brown The Angel of Mercy.
                                                              Rick Steves’ Europe England’s Bath & York
       A villager dies in her sleep. (Also Mon 1am) |                                                                Henry Louis Gates, Jr. explores
       OPB+ Washington Week (Also Sat 6am)                 6:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat Sign of the Times (R)            how Black people have worshipped
                                                              | OPB+ Confucius Was A Foodie Origins of               and, through their spiritual
    8:30 OPB+ The David Rubenstein Show:
                                                              the Beginnings (R)
       Peer-to-Peer Conversations Bill Gates (Also                                                                   journeys, improvised ways to bring
       Sun 1pm)                                            6:30 OPB Oregon Field Guide Mudbone Grown                 their faith traditions from Africa to
                                                              (R)                                                    the New World, translating them
    9:00 OPB Call the Midwife Season 6, Ep 6.
       The Nonnatus family cares for Sister Mary           7:00 OPB The Great British Baking Show                    into a form of Christianity that was
       Cynthia. (Also Mon 2am) | OPB+ Finding                 Cake (Also Sun 2/28 12am) | OPB+ Real Rail             not only truly their own, but a
       Your Roots Against All Odds (Also Sun 1:30pm)          Adventures: Swiss Grand Tour                           redemptive force for the nation.
    10:00 OPB Seaside Hotel on Walter Presents                              8:00 OPB Masterpiece Miss                February 16 & 23, 9pm
      A Summer by the North Sea. This charming                              Scarlet and the Duke: The Case
      drama follows the lives of hotel visitors and                         of Henry Scarlet. Eliza’s forensic
      staff in 1920s Denmark. (Also Mon 3am) |                              skills are strained as she gets
      OPB+ Amanpour & Company (Also Mon 5am)                                to the bottom of her father’s
                                                                            death. (Also Tue 1am) |
    11:00 OPB Thou Shalt Not Kill Season 2, Ep 11.
                                                                            OPB+ American Experience             7:30 OPB+ Fly Brother With Ernest White II
       When a family is killed, their son is later found
                                                             Goin’ Back to T-Town (R-Also Tue 12am)                 Tbilisi: The Whole Day Through (Also Tue
       alive in the trunk of a car. (Also Mon 4am) |
       OPB+ Frontline Myanmar’s Killing Fields.            9:00 OPB Masterpiece All Creatures Great and
       Secret footage shows the effort to kill and            Small, Ep 7. Siegfried hosts a Christmas Eve       8:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow Vintage Spokane,
       expel Rohingya Muslims from Myanmar.                   party. (Also Tue 2am) | OPB+ Africa’s                 Hr 1 (Also Wed 1am) | OPB+ Confucius
       (Also Mon 2am)                                         Great Civilizations The Atlantic Age/                 Was a Foodie Confucius and the Origin of
                                                              Commerce and the Clash of Civilizations. The          Food Philosophy (Also Wed 12am)
                                                              Atlantic trading world gave rise to powerful
     20 SATURDAY                                              new kingdoms and the transatlantic slave
                                                                                                                 9:00 OPB Oregon Experience Portland Civil
                                                                                                                    Rights: Lift Ev’ry Voice. Experience the civil
    5:00 OPB This Old House (Also Mon 6pm) |                  trade. (Also Tue 1am)
                                                                                                                    rights movement in Portland. (Also Wed
       OPB+ Marathon Growing a Greener World,
                                                           10:30 OPB Beyond the Canvas Taking the                   2am) | OPB+ Real Rail Adventures: Swiss
       continued (until 7pm)
                                                             Stage. Featuring ‘Hamilton’ playwright                 Winter Magic (Also Wed 1am)
    5:30 OPB PBS NewsHour Weekend                            Lin-Manuel Miranda and actor Bryan
                                                                                                                 10:00 OPB+ Amanpour & Company (Also Tue
                                                             Cranston. (Also Tue 3:30am)
    6:00 OPB Start Up Cochrane House/Luminaid                                                                      5am)
                                                           11:00 OPB Masterpiece Poldark: Season 3, Ep 7.
    7:00 OPB Rick Steves’ Europe Little Europe: San                                                              10:30 OPB Antiques Roadshow Harrisburg, Hr 3
                                                              George triumphs as his relationship with
       Marino, Monaco, Vatican City, Liechtenstein and                                                             (Also Wed 3:30am)
                                                              Elizabeth deteriorates. (Also Tue 4am) | OPB+
       Andorra/Great Swiss Cities: Luzern, Bern, Zurich
                                                              The Italian Americans Loyal Americans/The          11:00 OPB+ Reel South Attaché         (Also Wed
       and Lausanne (Also Sun 9am) | OPB+ Black
                                                              American Dream                                        2am)
       Ballerina The personal stories of Black
       women who fell in love with ballet.                                                                       11:30 OPB Independent Lens Mr. Soul! In 1968,
    8:00 OPB Frankie Drake Mysteries No Friends
                                                            22 MONDAY                                               Ellis Haizlip created a public television variety
                                                                                                                    show celebrating Black culture. (Also Wed
       Like Old Friends. Frankie works with Agatha         7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour | OPB+ A Wider
       Christie. (Also Mon 12am) | OPB+ Jazz                  World (Also Tue 4am)

6   FEBRUARY 2021
Europe's New Wild - PRIMETIME - OPB
OPB = Comcast 10 or 710; antenna XX.1    R = Repeat within a week                          = Program premiere
 OPB+ = Comcast 310; antenna XX.2
                                          Repeats are on original channel unless noted      = Watch online at
 KIDS = Comcast 311; antenna XX.3
 Full channel list at   Full schedule and VOD at     Programs are subject to change

                                                                      1am) | OPB+ Impossible Builds The Floating
 23 TUESDAY                                                                                                                     8:30 OPB+ The David Rubenstein Show:
                                                                      House (Also Sat 12am)                                        Peer-to-Peer Conversations
7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Wed 12am) |
   OPB+ Nature Octopus: Making Contact (Also                      8:30 OPB Oregon Field Guide Marbled                           9:00 OPB Call the Midwife Season 6, Ep 7. Dr.
   Wed 4am)                                                          Murrelets. Scientists struggle to understand                  Turner helps a family cope with the stresses
                                                                     a species of elusive, old growth-dependent                    of parenthood. (Also Mon 2am) | OPB+
8:00 OPB Finding Your Roots Country Roots.                           seabirds.       (Also Sun 1:30am)                             Finding Your Roots No Irish Need Apply (R)
   Featuring country music greats Clint Black
   and Rosanne Cash. (Also Thu 1am) | OPB+                        9:00 OPB London: 2000 Years of History Ep 4.                  10:00 OPB Seaside Hotel on Walter Presents
   NOVA Forgotten Genius (Also Thu 12am)                             World wars and the Spanish flu shape London                  Men’s Visit. The Count of Ditmar arrives at the
                                                                     as we know it today. (Also Sun 2am) | OPB+                   hotel, looking for a business partner. (Also
9:00 OPB The Black Church: This Is Our Story,                        Ancient Invisible Cities Istanbul (Also Sat 1am)             Mon 3am) | OPB+ Amanpour & Company
   This Is Our Song Ep 2. Discover how the
   Black church expanded to address social                        10:00 OPB Modus Season 2, Ep 5. Swedish                       11:00 OPB Thou Shalt Not Kill Season 2, Ep 12.
   inequality. (Also Thu 2am)                                       police search for a mole in their own ranks.                   Valeria’s mother reveals a secret. (Also
                                                                    (Also Sun 3am) | OPB+ Amanpour &                               Mon 4am) | OPB+ Frontline The Abortion
10:00 OPB+ Amanpour & Company (Also Wed                             Company (Also Fri 5am)                                         Divide. Step inside the fight over abortion
  5am)                                                                                                                             through the stories of women.
                                                                  11:00 OPB Masterpiece The Durrells in Corfu:
11:00 OPB Lidia Celebrates America A Salute to                       Season 4, Ep 3. Louisa meets Spiros’ wife.
   First Responders. Chef Lidia Bastianich travels                   (Also Sun 4am) | OPB+ DW Global 3000                        27 SATURDAY
   across the country to visit those serving on                      (Also Sat 2am)
   the front lines. (Also Thu 4am) | OPB+ Rise                                                                                  5:30 OPB PBS NewsHour Weekend | OPB+
   of the Nazis Night of the Long Knives. Nazis                   11:30 OPB+ Articulate With Jim Cotter The                        Rick Steves’ Europe Burgundy: Profound
   wreak havoc on German streets. (Also Thu 2am)                     Mirror of Time (Also Sat 2:30am)                              France (R)
                                                                                                                                6:00 OPB & OPB+ Rick Steves Island Hopping
 24 WEDNESDAY                                                       26 FRIDAY                                                      Europe See callout on this page.

7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Thu 12am) |                           7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Sat 12am) |                       6:30 OPB & OPB+ Rick Steves European
   OPB+ Vernon Jordan: Make it Plain Meet                            OPB+ The Legacy List With Matt Paxton                         Festivals Rick celebrates the top 10 festivals
   one of the most influential African American                                                                                    in Europe.
                                                                  8:00 OPB Father Brown The Honourable Thief.
   thought leaders in the country. (Also Thu 4am)                    Father Brown seeks help from an unlikely ally.             8:00 OPB & OPB+ Oregon Revealed Willamette
8:00 OPB Nature Equus: Story of the Horse:                           (Also Mon 1am) | OPB+ Washington Week                         Valley Splendor. Take a breathtaking aerial
   Chasing the Wind. Trace the age-old                               (Also Sat 6am)                                                journey across the valley’s scenic rivers,
   relationship between humans and horses.                                                                                         vineyards, campuses and more. (Also Sun 4pm)
   (Also Fri 1am) | OPB+ American Masters                                                                                       9:30 OPB & OPB+ Oregon Revealed The Water
   Toni Morrison: The Pieces I Am. An artful                                                                                       Around Us. Oregon Field Guide photographers
   meditation on Morrison’s life and literary                                                                                      show you the water of Oregon like you’ve
   career. (Also Fri 12am)                                                                                                         never seen it before.
9:00 OPB NOVA Mars 2020. Follow along as                                                                                        11:00 OPB & OPB+ Survival Guide for Pain-
   NASA launches the Mars 2020 Mission,                                                                                            Free Living With Peggy Cappy Learn easy
   perhaps the most ambitious hunt ever for                                                                                        stretches and other yoga moves to help
   signs of life on Mars. (Also Fri 2am)                                                                                           relieve pain.
10:00 OPB Europe’s New Wild Europe’s
  Amazon. The habitats of the Danube Delta                                                                                       28 SUNDAY
  depend on a healthy river. (Also Fri 3am) |
  OPB+ Amanpour & Company (Also Thu 5am)                                                                                        5:30 OPB PBS NewsHour Weekend | OPB+
                                                                                                                          APT      Rick Steves’ Europe North Wales: Feisty and
11:00 OPB Himalaya Connection The                                                                                                  Poetic
   devastating Nepal earthquake of 2015 has
   inspired scientists to better understand                             Rick Steves                                             6:00 OPB & OPB+ Ken Burns: Country Music
   earthquakes. (Also Fri 4am) | OPB+                                                                                              Go behind the scenes on the making of the
   Searching for Augusta: The Forgotten
                                                                        Island Hopping Europe                                      epic documentary series.
   Angel of Bastogne The remarkable true story                          Join Rick on a tour of four of                          8:00 OPB & OPB+ Ken Burns: Here & There
   of an unsung hero. (Also Fri 2am)                                    Europe’s most intriguing and                               Take a poetic and personal look at the
                                                                        surprising islands: Malta, Capri,                          legendary filmmaker’s life and career. (Also
 25 THURSDAY                                                            Orkney and Skye. This untraditional                        Tue 1am OPB)

7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Fri 12am) |                                 island-hopping adventure skips the                      9:30 OPB & OPB+ Masterpiece: 50 Fabulous
   OPB+ The West Is Burning Examine how                                 hot sun and tiki drinks to explore                         Years! Celebrate the series that introduced
   forest management and litigation have led to                         remote beaches, castles, pre-                              generations of viewers to the delights of
   catastrophic fire seasons. (Also Fri 4am)                                                                                       British drama. (Also Tue 2:30am OPB)
                                                                        historic wonders and salty
8:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat Willie Little. Portland                        traditional island living.                              11:00 OPB Josh Groban: An Evening of
   assemblage artist and painter Willie Little                                                                                     Harmony Singer Josh Groban performs
                                                                        Saturday, February 27, 6pm                                 ‘Bring Him Home,’ ‘Over the Rainbow,’ and
   creates work that tells stories of his family
                                                                        OPB & OPB+                                                 more. (Also Tue 4am)
   history in rural North Carolina.       (Also Sun

                                                                                                                                                                 FEBRUARY 2021      7
Europe's New Wild - PRIMETIME - OPB
                                           0896-6672) is published
                                           monthly by Oregon
                                           Public Broadcasting,
                                           7140 S Macadam
                                           Ave., Portland, OR
                                           97219. Periodicals
                                           paid at Portland, OR.
                                           Postmaster: Send
                                           address changes to
                                           OPB PRIMETIME,

                                           7140 S Macadam Ave.,
                                           Portland, OR 97219.

12am BBC World Service
 5am Morning Edition
 9am The Takeaway
10am Here and Now
11am Here and Now | FRI Science Friday
Noon Think Out Loud®
 1pm BBC Newshour
 2pm The World
 3pm All Things Considered
 6pm The Daily
 7pm Fresh Air | FRI It’s Been a Minute
 8pm Think Out Loud® (R)
 9pm 1A
10pm MON On the Media (R) | TUE Reveal |
     WED OPB Presents |
     THU Philosophy Talk |
     FRI The New Yorker Radio Hour
11pm BBC World Service

12am    BBC World Service
 5am    Weekend Edition
10am    Planet Money & How I Built This
11am    Wait Wait … Don’t Tell Me!
Noon    It’s Been a Minute (R)

                                                                                            Oregon Art Beat
 1pm    On the Media
 2pm    Snap Judgment
 3pm    Live Wire!

                                                                                            new episodes
 4pm    Hidden Brain
 5pm    All Things Considered
 6pm    This American Life
 7pm    Radiolab                                                                            Thursdays at 8pm
 8pm    The Moth
 9pm    Snap Judgment (R)
10pm    Sound Opinions
11pm    BBC World Service                                                                   Pictured: Artist Willie Little works in his studio, airing February 25 at 8pm.

                                            Coming in March
12am    BBC World Service
 5am    Weekend Edition
10am    The New Yorker Radio Hour (R)
                                            Independent Lens
                                            Coded Bias
11am    Freakonomics
Noon    TED Radio Hour
 1pm    Innovation Hub
 2pm    Wait Wait … Don’t Tell Me! (R)      After making a startling discovery about
 3pm    This American Life (R)
                                            facial recognition technology, an MIT
 4pm    Latino USA
 5pm    All Things Considered               Media Lab researcher pushes for
 6pm    The Splendid Table                  legislation against racial and gender bias
 7pm    The Archive Project                 in the algorithms that impact us all.
 8pm    On Being
 9pm    Fresh Air Weekend                                                                                                                          Courtesy of the film
10pm    Travel With Rick Steves
11pm    BBC Weekend
                                                              |      | | | 800.241.8123
Europe's New Wild - PRIMETIME - OPB Europe's New Wild - PRIMETIME - OPB
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