Amy Tan: Unintended Memoir May 3, 10pm - PRIMETIME - Oregon Public Broadcasting

Page created by Clayton Lynch
Amy Tan: Unintended Memoir May 3, 10pm - PRIMETIME - Oregon Public Broadcasting
May 2021              May 2021

              PRIMETIME          PRIMETIME

American Masters

Amy Tan:
Unintended Memoir
May 3, 10pm
                                  Pictured: ‘The Joy Luck Club’ author Amy Tan and her mother.
                                  Photo courtesy of Jim McHugh.
Amy Tan: Unintended Memoir May 3, 10pm - PRIMETIME - Oregon Public Broadcasting
     1 SATURDAY                                        11:00 OPB Masterpiece Poldark: Season 4, Ep 7.
                                                          Morwenna takes fate into her own hands.
    5:00 OPB This Old House A Project for Every           (Also Tue 4am)
       Floor (Also Mon 6pm) | OPB+ Marathon
       Civilizations, continued (until 7pm)
                                                        3 MONDAY
    5:30 OPB PBS NewsHour Weekend
                                                       7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Tue 12am) |
    6:00 OPB The Legacy List With Matt Paxton             OPB+ A Wider World (Also Tue 4am)
       Turn the Page/Washington, D.C.
                                                       7:30 OPB+ Museum Access Federal Reserve of
    7:00 OPB Rick Steves’ Europe Granada,                 Chicago Money Museum: Chicago, IL (Also Tue
       Cordoba, and Spain’s Costa del Sol/Andalucia,      4:30am)
       Gibraltar and Tangier (Also Sun 9am) | OPB+
       American Masters Ted Williams. Discover the     8:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow (Also Wed                                                Patrick Acum/Nutopia

       baseball legend’s many sides.                      1am) | OPB+ Great Yellowstone Thaw Ep 1.
                                                          Witness one of the greatest seasonal                 Extra Life: A Short
    8:00 OPB Frankie Drake Mysteries Ward of the          changes on Earth. (Also Sun 6pm)
       Roses. Trudy helps an old friend. (Also Mon                                                             History of Living Longer
       12am) | OPB+ Baseball A National Heirloom       9:00 OPB Oregon Experience The Suffragists.
                                                          Learn how Oregon women won the vote.
                                                                                                               Discover the innovations in science
       (Also Sun 2am)
                                                          (Also Wed 2am) | OPB+ Rick Steves                    and medicine that doubled the
    9:00 OPB Midsomer Murders The Killings of             Andalucia: Southern Spain (Also Sun 7pm)             human lifespan in less than a
       Copenhagen, Pts 1&2. Barnaby and Nelson join                                                            century, and celebrate the unsung
       forces with Danish detectives.                  9:30 OPB Oregon Experience Lola Baldwin.
                                                          Baldwin was the country’s first sworn                heroes of public health who
    10:00 OPB+ Independent Lens Wrestle. High             policewoman. (Also Wed 2:30am)                       believed change was possible
      school wrestlers face challenges on and off                                                              and acted on it.
      the mat. (Also Sun 12am)                         10:00 OPB American Masters Amy Tan:
                                                         Unintended Memoir. Explore the life of the            Tuesdays at 8pm starting May 11
    10:30 OPB The Forsyte Saga Ep 10. Fleur visits       groundbreaking author of ‘The Joy Luck Club.’         OPB
      a farm where Jon is working.                          (Also Wed 8pm OPB+) | OPB+ Amanpour
    11:30 OPB On Story On Writing Chernobyl |            & Company (Also Tue 5am)
       OPB+ Unadopted What happens when you’re         11:00 OPB+ AfroPop: The Ultimate Cultural
       ‘too old’ to get adopted?                          Exchange Mama Gloria (Also Wed 2am)
                                                                                                             American Masters Amy Tan: Unintended
                                                                                                             Memoir (R-Also Fri 12am)
     2 SUNDAY                                           4 TUESDAY                                          9:00 OPB Human: The World Within Birth. Learn
    5:00 OPB Firing Line With Margaret Hoover |        7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Wed 12am) |                the story of human reproduction, from attraction
       OPB+ Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions               OPB+ Nature Equus: Story of the Horse:              to the moment of birth. (Also Fri 2am)
       Volunteer Tourism, Pt 1                            Origins (Also Wed 4am)
                                                                                                           10:00 OPB Human: The World Within Pulse.
    5:30 OPB PBS NewsHour Weekend | OPB+               8:00 OPB Finding Your Roots Laughing on the           Explore the human circulatory system.
       Rick Steves’ Europe The Making Of                  Inside. Featuring comedians Lewis Black and        (Also Fri 3am) | OPB+ Amanpour & Company
    6:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat Then and Now (R) |           Roy Wood, Jr. (Also Thu 1am) | OPB+                (Also Thu 5am)
       OPB+ Confucius Was a Foodie                        Secret Life of Farm Animals (Also Thu 12am)
                                                                                                           11:00 OPB Life From Above Moving Planet.
    6:30 OPB Oregon Field Guide Coronavirus and        9:00 OPB Philly D.A. Ep 4. The team pursues            Cameras in space reveal our planet’s incredible
       Wildfire (R)                                       probation reform. (Also Thu 2am) | OPB+             movements. (Also Fri 4am) | OPB+ Finding
                                                          Supernature: Wild Flyers Defying Gravity            the Virgo Vietnamese refugees search for the
    7:00 OPB The Great British Baking Show                (Also Thu 1am)                                      ship crew that rescued them. (Also Fri 2am)
       Desserts (Also Sun 5/09 12am) | OPB+
       Coastal Railways With Julie Walters Wales       10:00 OPB Frontline Escaping Eritrea. An
       to Liverpool                                      unprecedented undercover investigation into        6 THURSDAY
                                                         one of the world’s most repressive regimes.
    8:00 OPB Secrets of the Royal Jewels See the            (Also Thu 3am) | OPB+ Amanpour &               7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Fri 12am)
       jewels of the royal collection. (Also Tue         Company (Also Wed 5am)                               | OPB+ 10 Monuments That Changed
       1am) | OPB+ American Masters Oliver Sacks.                                                             America (Also Fri 4am)
       Sacks helped redefine our understanding of      11:00 OPB Pacific Heartbeat The Australian Dream.
                                                          Follow the inspirational story of Indigenous                            8:00 OPB Oregon Art
       the brain. (Also Tue 12am)                                                                                                 Beat Artists in
                                                          AFL legend Adam Goodes. (Also Thu 4am)
    9:00 OPB Masterpiece Atlantic Crossing: Empty         | OPB+ The Art Detectives (Also Thu 2am)                                Extraordinary Times.
       Promises. The president gets on dangerous                                                                                  Artists responded in real
       ground. (Also Tue 2am)                                                                                                     time to the events of
                                                        5 WEDNESDAY                                          2020, including lockdowns, protests and
    10:00 OPB Masterpiece World on Fire, Ep 5.                                                               wildfires     (Also Sun 6pm) | OPB+ Sinking
      Harry’s unit reaches Dunkirk. (Also Tue 3am)     7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Thu 12am) |
                                                                                                             Cities London/Miami (Also Sat 12am)
      | OPB+ Into the Night: Portraits of Life and        OPB+ Kitchenistas (Also Thu 4am)
      Death To be human is to wrestle with the                                                             8:30 OPB Oregon Field Guide Fish Trap. See
                                                       8:00 OPB Greta Thunberg: A Year to Change
      concept of death. (Also Tue 2am)                                                                        how banned fished traps could help save
                                                          the World Ep 2. Thunberg visits the World
                                                                                                              endangered salmon. (Also Sun 6:30pm)
                                                          Economic Forum. (R-Also Fri 1am) | OPB+

2   MAY 2021
Amy Tan: Unintended Memoir May 3, 10pm - PRIMETIME - Oregon Public Broadcasting
OPB = Comcast 10 or 710; antenna XX.1
 OPB+ = Comcast 310; antenna XX.2
 KIDS = Comcast 311; antenna XX.3
 Full channel list at
                                          R = Repeat within a week
                                          Repeats are on original channel unless noted
                                          Full schedule and VOD at
                                                                                           = Program premiere
                                                                                           = Watch online at
                                                                                         Programs are subject to change      weekdays
9:00 OPB Shakespeare & Hathaway: Private
   Investigators The Fairest Show Means the
                                                                  10:05 OPB+ Independent Lens Women in Blue.
                                                                    Female officers try to redefine what it means            MONDAY – FRIDAY
   Most Deceit. Frank’s long-lost relative tracks                   to protect and serve.
   him down. (Also Sun 2am)                                                                                                    6:30 OPB Kids Programs (until noon)
                                                                  10:30 OPB The Forsyte Saga Ep 11. Jon and
10:00 OPB Vera The Escape Turn. A tycoon is                         Fleur meet at Robin Hill.                                  7am OPB+ NHK Newsline
  murdered during a home invasion. (Also
                                                                  11:30 OPB On Story A Conversation With Lulu
  Sun 3am) | OPB+ Amanpour & Company                                                                                           7:30 OPB+ Sit & Be Fit (M/W/F);
                                                                     Wang | OPB+ Why This Moment Explore the
  (Also Fri 5am)                                                                                                                    Classical Stretch (Tu/Th)
                                                                     emotions and events surrounding Black Lives
11:00 OPB+ DW Global 3000 (Also Sat 2am)                             Matter protests. (Also Sun 1:30am)
                                                                                                                               8am OPB+ Sewing & Knitting
11:30 OPB On Story A Conversation With Kevin
   Willmott (Also Sun 4:30am) | OPB+ Beyond                         9 SUNDAY                                                   8:30 OPB+ Quilting
   the Canvas World of Writers (Also Sat 2:30am)
                                                                  5:00 OPB Firing Line With Margaret Hoover |
                                                                     OPB+ Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions                      9am OPB+ Painting
 7 FRIDAY                                                            Volunteer Tourism, Pt 2
                                                                                                                              10am OPB+ Woodworking (M/W/Th);
7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Sat 12am) |                           5:30 OPB PBS NewsHour Weekend | OPB+
                                                                                                                                   This Old House (Tu/F)
   OPB+ Greatest Bond Inmates, veterans and                          Rick Steves’ Europe Burgundy: Profound
   service dogs unite in a story of hope. (Also                      France
                                                                                                                              10:30 OPB+ Food & Cooking
   Sun 10am)
                                                                  6:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat Artists in
8:00 OPB Father Brown The Curse of the                               Extraordinary Times (R) | OPB+ Confucius                 11am OPB+ Nature (M); NOVA (Tu);
   Aesthetic. Father Brown tracks an artist’s                        Was a Foodie (R)                                              The Great American Read (W);
   killer. (Also Mon 1am) | OPB+ Washington                                                                                        American Experience (Th); Oregon
                                                                  6:30 OPB Oregon Field Guide Fish Trap (R)
   Week (Also Sat 6am)                                                                                                             Experience (F)
                                                                  7:00 OPB The Great British Baking Show Tudor
8:30 OPB+ Beyond the Canvas Women of
                                                                     Week (Also Sun 5/16 12am) | OPB+ Rick                    12pm OPB Painting | OPB+ Portrayal
   Wonder (Also Sun 1pm)
                                                                     Steves Andalucia: Southern Spain (R)                          and Perception (M); Between the
9:00 OPB Call the Midwife Season 7, Ep 7.                                                                                          Covers (Tu); Reconnecting Roots
                                                                  8:00 OPB Secrets of the Royal Kitchens Tour the
   Barbara remains kept in isolation. (Also                                                                                        (W); In the Americas (Th); My
                                                                     kitchens of the British royal family. (Also Tue
   Mon 2am) | OPB+ Finding Your Roots                                                                                              World Too (F)
                                                                     1am) | OPB+ Independent Lens 9 to 5: The Story
   Grandparents and Other Strangers (Also Sun
                                                                     of a Movement. Go inside the fight that changed
   1:30pm)                                                                                                                     OPB Food & Cooking | OPB+ Growing
                                                                     the American workplace. (Also Tue 12am)
                                                                                                                                   Bolder (M); GZero World (Tu);
10:00 OPB No Second Chance Ep 4. Alice
                                                                  9:00 OPB Masterpiece Atlantic Crossing: The                      David Rubenstein: Peer-to-Peer
  escapes the police. (Also Mon 3am) | OPB+
                                                                     Giant Awakes. Missy grows suspicious.                         (W); Chavis Chronicles (Th); Asian
  Amanpour & Company (Also Mon 5am)
                                                                     (Also Tue 2am)                                                American Life (F)
11:00 OPB A Place To Call Home Fallout. Sarah
                                                                  9:30 OPB+ Independent Lens A Woman’s Work:
   tries to persuade Leah to return home. (Also                                                                                1pm OPB+ DW News
                                                                     The NFL’s Cheerleader Problem. Cheerleaders
   Mon 4am) | OPB+ Frontline Escaping Eritrea
                                                                     take a stand for better pay. (Also Tue 1:30am)
   (R-Also Mon 2am)                                                                                                            1:30 OPB Travel | OPB+ DW: The Day
                                                                  10:00 OPB Masterpiece World on Fire, Ep 6.
                                                                    Paris falls to the Nazis. (Also Tue 3am)                   2pm OPB Kids Programs (until 6pm) |
 8 SATURDAY                                                                                                                        OPB+ BBC Outside Source (M–
                                                                  10:30 OPB+ Letters From Baghdad
5:00 OPB This Old House Three of Everything                                                                                        Th); BBC Today (F)
   (Also Mon 6pm) | OPB+ Marathon Between                         11:00 OPB Masterpiece Poldark: Season 4, Ep 8.
   the Covers, continued (until 7pm)                                 Ross must reconcile with Demelza. (Also Tue               2:30 OPB+ BBC World News America
5:30 OPB PBS NewsHour Weekend
                                                                                                                               3pm OPB+ News & Public Affairs
6:00 OPB The Legacy List With Matt Paxton
   Haul in the Family/Manheim, PA                                   10 MONDAY                                                  3:30 OPB+ NHK Newsline
                                                                  7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour | OPB+ A Wider
7:00 OPB Rick Steves’ Europe Oslo/Norway’s
                                                                     World (Also Tue 4am)                                     4pm OPB+ PBS NewsHour
   West: Fjords, Mountains and Bergen (Also Sun
   9am) | OPB+ Black in Blue The story of four                    7:30 OPB+ Museum Access The Museum of
   African Americans who broke the color line in                     International Folk Art: Santa Fe, NM (Also Tue            5pm OPB+ Travel
   football.                                                         4:30am)
                                                                                                                               5:30 OPB+ Food & Cooking (until 7pm)
8:00 OPB Frankie Drake Mysteries A History                        8:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow (Also Wed
   of Violins. A priceless violin is stolen. (Also                   1am) | OPB+ Great Yellowstone Thaw Ep 2.                 6pm OPB Home Repair (M/Tu); Travel
   Mon 12am) | OPB+ Baseball Shadow Ball                             Bear cubs come out of hibernation. (Also Sun                 (W/Th/F)
   (Also Sun 2am)                                                    6pm)
9:00 OPB Midsomer Murders The Dagger                              9:00 OPB Oregon Experience Art Makers.                       6:30 OPB BBC Outside Source
   Club, Pts 1&2. A festival is upended after a                      Discover the artists who paved the way for                     (M–Th); BBC Today (F)
   manuscript disappears.                                            Oregon’s flourishing arts scene. (Also Wed
                                                                     2am) | OPB+ Rick Steves Iran (Also Sun 7pm)

                                                                                                                                                             MAY 2021   3
Amy Tan: Unintended Memoir May 3, 10pm - PRIMETIME - Oregon Public Broadcasting
                                      9:30 OPB Oregon Experience Capturing                13 THURSDAY
                                         Oregon’s Frontier. Photographs illuminate
                                                                                         7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Fri 12am) |
                                         Oregon frontier life. (Also Wed 2:30am)
                                                                                            OPB+ Space Chase USA (Also Fri 4am)
                                      10:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow Celebrating
                                                                                         8:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat The Place Where You
                                        Asian-Pacific Heritage (Also Wed 3am) | OPB+
                                                                                            Persist. Artist and educator Lisa Jarrett shares
                                        Amanpour & Company (Also Tue 5am)
                                                                                            her creative process.       (Also Sun 6pm) |
                                      11:00 OPB POV Through the Night. The lives of         OPB+ Humanity From Space (Also Sat 12am)
                                         working mothers and a childcare provider
                                                                                         8:30 OPB Oregon Field Guide Ship Report. In
                                         intersect. (Also Wed 4am) | OPB+ AfroPop:
                                                                                            Astoria, a popular radio program discusses
                                         The Ultimate Cultural Exchange Finding
                                                                                            every ship that passes by the waterfront.
                                         Sally (Also Wed 2am)
                                                                                            (Also Sun 6:30pm)
                                                                                         9:00 OPB Shakespeare & Hathaway: Private
                                       11 TUESDAY                                           Investigators The Chameleon’s Dish. A troubled
                                      7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Wed 12am) |               teen suffers from premonitions. (Also Sun 2am)
                                         OPB+ Nature Equus: Story of the Horse:
                                                                                         10:00 OPB Inspector Morse The Dead of
                                         Chasing the Wind (Also Wed 4am)
                                                                                           Jericho. Morse has a talent for solving

    Watch OPB                         8:00 OPB Extra Life: A Short History of Living
                                         Longer Vaccines. See callout on page 2.
                                                                                           murders. (Also Sun 3am) | OPB+ Amanpour
                                                                                           & Company (Also Fri 5am)

    live with the
                                         (Also Thu 1am) | OPB+ Secret Life of Farm
                                                                                         11:00 OPB+ DW Global 3000 (Also Sat 2am)
                                         Animals (Also Thu 12am)
                                                                                         11:30 OPB+ Articulate With Jim Cotter          (Also
                                      9:00 OPB Philly D.A. Ep 5. A murder spike has

    PBS Video App
                                                                                            Sat 2:30am)
                                         fingers pointing at Krasner. (Also Thu 2am)
                                         | OPB+ Supernature: Wild Flyers Masters of
                                         the Sky (Also Thu 1am)                           14 FRIDAY
                                      10:00 OPB Frontline Plastic Wars. Did the          7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Sat 12am) |
    There are more ways than ever       plastic industry use recycling to sell more         OPB+ Going to War A revealing look at
    to watch OPB whenever and           plastic? (Also Thu 3am) | OPB+ Amanpour &           soldiers in battle. (Also Sun 10am)
                                        Company (Also Wed 5am)
    wherever you want.                                                                   8:00 OPB Father Brown The Fall of the House of
                                      11:00 OPB Pacific Heartbeat For My Father’s           St. Gardner. A gossip columnist is murdered.
                                         Kingdom. See how contemporary secular              (Also Mon 1am) | OPB+ Washington Week
    Now you can tune in to OPB live      families deal with devout Christian tithing.       (Also Sat 6am)
    when you download the PBS            (Also Thu 4am) | OPB+ The Art Detectives
                                         (Also Thu 2am)                                  8:30 OPB+ Beyond the Canvas Taking the Stage
    Video App on one of these                                                               (Also Sun 1pm)
    steaming devices:                                                                    9:00 OPB Call the Midwife Season 7, Ep 8.
                                       12 WEDNESDAY                                         Nonnatus house gets an influx of patients.
                                    7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Thu 12am) |               (Also Mon 2am) | OPB+ Finding Your Roots
                                         OPB+ Independent Lens Out of State. Native         No Laughing Matter (Also Sun 1:30pm)
       Apple TV (4th generation
                                       Hawaiians discover indigenous traditions in
                                                                                         10:00 OPB No Second Chance Ep 5. New
       and newer)                        prison. (Also Thu 4am)
                                                                                           players in the kidnapping are revealed.
                                      8:00 OPB Greta Thunberg: A Year To Change            (Also Mon 3am) | OPB+ Amanpour &
       Amazon Fire
                                       the World Ep 3. Thunberg investigates             Company (Also Mon 5am)
                                         potential solutions to limit climate change.
       Android TV
                                       (R-Also Fri 1am) | OPB+ American Experience
                                                                                         11:00 OPB A Place To Call Home All That
                                                                                            Glitters. Regina is released from the asylum.
                                         Mr. Tornado. Ted Fujita transformed our
       Apple iPhones and iPads
                                                                                          (Also Mon 4am) | OPB+ Frontline Plastic Wars
                                         understanding of tornadoes. (Also Fri 12am)
                                                                                            (R-Also Mon 2am)
                                      9:00 OPB NOVA Fighting for Fertility. Explore
       Android mobile devices
                                       the barriers to fertility, from the social to
                                         the biological. (Also Fri 2am) | OPB+ The        15 SATURDAY
    Download the free PBS Video          Registry See the hidden history of the U.S.     5:00 OPB This Old House Finish Work Begins
    App to livestream OPB today.         Army’s Military Intelligence Service. (Also        (Also Mon 6pm) | OPB+ Marathon George
                                         Fri 1am)                                           Hirsch Lifestyle, continued (until 7pm)
                                      10:00 OPB Human: The World Within Fuel. Go         5:30 OPB PBS NewsHour Weekend
                                        deep inside the human gut. (Also Fri 3am) |
                Learn more at           OPB+ Amanpour & Company (Also Thu 5am)           6:00 OPB The Legacy List With Matt Paxton
                                                                                            Viva La Downsizing/Richmond, VA
              11:00 OPB Life From Above Colorful Planet.
                                         View Earth’s kaleidoscope of colors from        7:00 OPB Rick Steves’ Europe Stockholm/
                                         space. (Also Fri 4am) | OPB+ Nothing Left To       Helsinki and Tallinn: Baltic Sisters (Also Sun
                                         Lose The story of Vietnamese refugees who          9am) | OPB+ Lidia Celebrates America
                                         lived in hiding for 25 years. (Also Fri 2am)       Return of the Artisans

4   MAY 2021
Amy Tan: Unintended Memoir May 3, 10pm - PRIMETIME - Oregon Public Broadcasting
OPB = Comcast 10 or 710; antenna XX.1
 OPB+ = Comcast 310; antenna XX.2
 KIDS = Comcast 311; antenna XX.3
 Full channel list at
                                          R = Repeat within a week
                                          Repeats are on original channel unless noted
                                          Full schedule and VOD at
                                                                                           = Program premiere
                                                                                           = Watch online at
                                                                                         Programs are subject to change      weekENDs
8:00 OPB Frankie Drake Mysteries A Sunshine
   State of Mind. A woman gets scammed.
                                                                  9:00 OPB Oregon Experience Sagebrush
                                                                     Symphony. Discover the story of the oldest              SATURDAYS
   (Also Mon 12am) | OPB+ Baseball The                               established youth orchestra in America.                 6-10am OPB Kids Programs | OPB+ News,
   National Pastime (Also Sun 1:30am)                                (Also Wed 2am) | OPB+ Rick Steves Egypt:                       Politics & Business
                                                                     Yesterday & Today (Also Sun 7pm)
9:00 OPB Midsomer Murders Murder by Magic,                                                                                    10am OPB Gardening | OPB+ Marathons
   Pts 1&2. Someone suffers a crushing fate.                      9:30 OPB Oregon Experience Reub Long’s                           (until 7pm) Civilizations (5/1);
                                                                     Oregon Desert. Explore the many scenic                        Between the Covers (5/8); George
10:30 OPB The Forsyte Saga Ep 12. Irene tries                        wonders of Oregon’s high desert. (Also                        Hirsch Lifestyle (5/15); Moveable
  to thwart Jon and Fleur’s love affair. | OPB+                      Wed 2:30am)                                                   Feast (5/22); Monrovia Indiana/City
  Independent Lens The Providers. In rural New
                                                                  10:00 OPB American Experience Billy Graham.                      Hall (5/29)
  Mexico, clinics offer care regardless of a
  patient’s ability to pay. (Also Sun 12am)                         Graham was one of the most influential                    11:00 OPB Sewing & Quilting
                                                                    Christian leaders of the 20th century. (Also
11:30 OPB On Story A Conversation With David                        Wed 3am) | OPB+ Amanpour & Company                         1pm OPB Cooking
   Benioff and D.B. Weiss                                           (Also Tue 5am)
                                                                                                                               3pm OPB Motorweek
                                                                  11:00 OPB+ AfroPop: The Ultimate Cultural
 16 SUNDAY                                                           Exchange Professional Black Girl (Also Wed                3:30 OPB Woodworking
5:00 OPB Firing Line With Margaret Hoover |                          2am)
                                                                                                                               4:30 OPB Home Repair
   OPB+ Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions Do the
   Right Thing                                                      18 TUESDAY
5:30 OPB PBS NewsHour Weekend | OPB+
   Rick Steves’ Europe France’s Dordogne
                                                                  7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Wed 12am) |                    SUNDAYS
                                                                     OPB+ Nature Nature’s Biggest Beasts (Also
                                                                                                                             6-9am OPB Kids Programs | OPB+
6:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat The Place Where You                         Wed 4am)
   Persist (R) | OPB+ Confucius Was a Foodie (R)                  8:00 OPB Extra Life: A Short History of Living
                                                                                                                               9am OPB Rick Steves’ Europe | OPB+
6:30 OPB Oregon Field Guide Ship Report (R)                          Longer Data. Data is used to improve public
                                                                                                                                   Good Works (5/2); 10 Monuments
                                                                     health. (Also Thu 1am) | OPB+ Secret Life
7:00 OPB The Great British Baking Show                                                                                             That Changed America (5/9);
                                                                     of Farm Animals (Also Thu 12am)
   Pâtisserie (Also Sun 5/23 12am) | OPB+ Rick                                                                                     Space Chase (5/16); Across the
   Steves Iran                                                    9:00 OPB Philly D.A. Ep 6. Philadelphia                          Pacific (5/23, 5/30)
                                                                     residents are fed up with the opioid crisis.
                                                                                                                              10am OPB Greta Thunberg (5/2, 5/9,
8:00 OPB Secrets of the Royal Servants                               (Also Thu 2am) | OPB+ Supernature: Wild
                                                                                                                                   5/16); Life at the Waterhole (5/23,
   Experience Buckingham Palace through the                          Flyers Crowded Skies (Also Thu 1am)
                                                                                                                                   5/30) | OPB+ Queen Elizabeth’s
   eyes of the servants. (Also Tue 1am) |
                                                                  10:00 OPB Frontline The Healthcare Divide.                       Secret Agents (5/2); Memorial Day
   OPB+ American Masters Doc Severinsen.
                                                                    Examine the growing inequities in American                     Programming (5/9, 5/16, 5/23, 5/30)
   Explore the groundbreaking career of the
   master trumpeter. (Also Tue 12am)                                healthcare exposed by COVID-19. (Also                     11am OPB NOVA | OPB+ Independent
                                                                    Thu 3am) | OPB+ Amanpour & Company                             Lens Coded Bias (5/2); The Donut
9:00 OPB Masterpiece Atlantic Crossing: The                         (Also Wed 5am)                                                 King (5/30); American Masters
   Gift. A Nazi agent slips through the cracks.
                                                                  11:00 OPB Pacific Heartbeat Stan. A young                        Amy Tan (5/9); American
   (Also Tue 2am)
                                                                     musician fights cancer. (Also Thu 4am) |                      Experience Mr. Tornado (5/16);
9:30 OPB+ American Masters Twyla Moves.                              OPB+ The Art Detectives (Also Thu 2am)                        Viral: Antisemitism (5/23)
   Follow the career and process of a modern                                                                                  Noon OPB International Jazz Day 2021
   dance pioneer. (Also Tue 1:30am)                                                                                                (5/2); Great Performances Uncle
                                                                    19 WEDNESDAY                                                   Vanya (5/9); The Arts Interrupted
10:00 OPB Masterpiece World on Fire, Ep 7.
  Harry has a second chance at saving Kasia.                      7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Thu 12am) |                          (5/16); Inside the Met (5/23, 5/30)
  (Also Tue 3am)                                                     OPB+ The Three Rabbis In 1960s Portland,                      | OPB+ The Registry (5/16)
                                                                     three men led an old-world community
11:00 OPB Masterpiece Poldark: Season 5, Ep 1.                                                                                12:30 OPB+ Signing Black (5/2); Lost
                                                                     through an era of change. (Also Thu 4am)
   The Poldarks look to a peaceful life. (Also Tue                                                                                  Art of Argument (5/23); Next Gen
   4am) | OPB+ First Avenue: Closer to the                                             8:00 OPB Life at the                         Asian Art (5/30)
   Stars Go inside a legendary Minneapolis                                             Waterhole Ep 1. Meet the
                                                                                                                               1pm OPB We Are Family: Songs of
   nightclub.                                                                          first animal visitors to a
                                                                                                                                   Hope (5/16); One Voice: The
                                                                                       manmade waterhole in
                                                                                                                                   Songs We Share (5/30) | OPB+
                                                                                       Africa. (Also Fri 1am) |
                                                                                                                                   Beyond the Canvas
 17 MONDAY                                                                             OPB+ Viral: Antisemitism in
                                                                      Four Mutations Examine the infectiousness                1:30 OPB+ Finding Your Roots
7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Tue 12am) |
                                                                      of hate and violence. (Also Fri 12am)                    2pm OPB We Knew What We Had (5/2);
   OPB+ A Wider World (Also Tue 4am)
                                                                  9:00 OPB NOVA Hindenburg: The New Evidence.                      Great Performances Havana
7:30 OPB+ Museum Access National Law
                                                                     Examine new film footage of the Hindenburg                    (5/16); Chicago Voices (5/23); John
   Enforcement Museum: Washington, DC (Also
                                                                     disaster. (Also Fri 2am)                                      Leguizamo (5/30)
   Tue 4:30am)
                                                                  9:30 OPB+ The Lost Art of Argument An                        2:30 OPB On Story (5/9) | OPB+ Seat at
8:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow (Also Wed                                                                                                the Table
                                                                     ensemble at the University of Oregon
   1am) | OPB+ Great Yellowstone Thaw Ep 3.
                                                                     examine what a good argument can do.                      3pm OPB News & Public Affairs (until
   Soaring temperatures bring wildfires. (Also
                                                                     (Also Fri 1:30am)                                             6pm) | OPB+ Nature & Wildlife
   Sun 6pm)

                                                                                                                                                             MAY 2021
                                                                                                                                                            APRIL 2019   5
Amy Tan: Unintended Memoir May 3, 10pm - PRIMETIME - Oregon Public Broadcasting
    10:00 OPB Human: The World Within Defend.               Mon 4am) | OPB+ Frontline The Healthcare
      Wildly advanced biology keeps us alive.               Divide (R-Also Mon 2am)
      (Also Fri 3am) | OPB+ Amanpour & Company
      (Also Thu 5am)
                                                           22 SATURDAY
    11:00 OPB Life From Above Patterned Planet.
                                                          5:00 OPB This Old House Roof University
       See the wonderful shapes that cover Earth’s
                                                             (Also Mon 6pm) | OPB+ Marathon Moveable
       surface. (Also Fri 4am) | OPB+ Spiritual                                                                                                   Logan Industry
                                                             Feast With Fine Cooking, continued (until 7pm)
       Audacity: The Abraham Joshua Heschel
       Story                                              5:30 OPB PBS NewsHour Weekend                           Independent Lens
                                                          6:00 OPB The Legacy List With Matt Paxton               The Donut King
     20 THURSDAY                                             You Gotta Have Art/Coventry, CT
                                                                                                                  Follow the journey of Cambodian
    7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Fri 12am) |               7:00 OPB Rick Steves’ Europe Galicia and the
                                                                                                                  refugee Ted Ngoy, who arrived in
       OPB+ Across the Pacific Airborne (Also Fri            Camino de Santiago/Basque Country (Also
       4am)                                                  Sun 9am) | OPB+ Lidia Celebrates America             California in the 1970s and, through
                                                             A Salute to First Responders                         a mixture of diligence and luck, built
    8:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat Finding the Flow.
                                                                                                                  a multi-million dollar donut empire
       Otis Kwame Kye Quaicoe wants his colorful,         8:00 OPB Masterpiece Mrs. Wilson, Ep 1. When
       life-sized portraits to make you stop whatever        a spy novelist dies, his widow finds a mystery.      up and down the West Coast.
       you’re doing.        (Also Sun 6pm) | OPB+            (Also Mon 12am) | OPB+ Baseball The Capital          Monday, May 24, 11pm
       Frozen Obsession Witness the dramatically             of Baseball (Also Sun 1:30am)                        OPB
       changing Arctic. (Also Sat 12am)
                                                          9:00 OPB Midsomer Murders The Ballad of
    8:30 OPB Oregon Field Guide Tribal Land                  Midsomer County, Pts 1&2. A folk ballad may
       Transfer. A small parcel of ancestral land is         have inspired a murder.
       returned to the Clatsop-Nehalem people.                                                                   (Also Tue 4am) | OPB+ Artbound That Far
                                                          10:30 OPB The Forsyte Saga Ep 13. Fleur                Corner: Frank Lloyd Wright in Los Angeles
       (Also Sun 6:30pm)
                                                            decides who to marry. | OPB+ Independent
    9:00 OPB Shakespeare & Hathaway: Private                Lens Charm City. Baltimore copes with the
       Investigators The Rascal Cook. Frank and Lu          consequences of violence. (Also Sun 12am)           24 MONDAY
       investigate culinary sabotage. (Also Sun 2am)                                                           7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour | OPB+ A Wider
       | OPB+ Extinction: The Facts David                 11:30 OPB On Story On Writing To All the Boys
                                                             I’ve Loved Before                                    World (Also Tue 4am)
       Attenborough explores the extinction crisis.
       (Also Sat 1am)                                                                                          7:30 OPB+ Museum Access The AKC Museum

    10:00 OPB Inspector Morse The Silent World of          23 SUNDAY                                              of the Dog: New York, NY (Also Tue 4:30am)

      Nicholas Quinn. Morse investigates a college        5:00 OPB Firing Line With Margaret Hoover |          8:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow (Also Wed
      official’s death. (Also Sun 3am) | OPB+                OPB+ Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions Kansas          1am) | OPB+ The Queen’s Garden Peek
      Amanpour & Company (Also Fri 5am)                      City, Pt 2                                           inside the garden at Buckingham Palace.
                                                                                                                  (Also Sun 6pm)
    11:00 OPB+ DW Global 3000 (Also Sat 2am)              5:30 OPB PBS NewsHour Weekend | OPB+
                                                             Rick Steves’ Europe Barcelona and Catalunya       9:00 OPB Oregon Experience Logger’s
    11:30 OPB+ Articulate With Jim Cotter         (Also                                                           Daughter. An African American woman
       Sat 2:30am)                                        6:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat Finding the Flow (R) |         born and raised in eastern Oregon sets out
                                                             OPB+ Confucius Was a Foodie (R)                      to explore her family’s past. (Also Wed
     21 FRIDAY                                            6:30 OPB Oregon Field Guide Tribal Land                 2am) | OPB+ Rick Steves Luther and the
                                                             Transfer (R)                                         Reformation (Also Sun 7pm)
    7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Sat 12am) |
       OPB+ Soldier On: Life After Deployment             7:00 OPB The Great British Baking Show               9:30 OPB Oregon Experience Massacre at Hells
       (Also Sun 10am)                                       The Final (Also Sun 5/30 12am) | OPB+ Rick           Canyon. In the 1880s, as many as 34 Chinese
                                                             Steves Egypt: Yesterday & Today (R)                  miners were murdered at Hells Canyon.
    8:00 OPB Father Brown The Tower of Lost Souls.                                                                (Also Wed 2:30am)
       Father Brown uncovers a dark secret. (Also         8:00 OPB Queen at War Follow Queen
       Mon 1am) | OPB+ Washington Week (Also                 Elizabeth’s experiences during World War II.      10:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow Ca’ d’Zan, Hr 1
       Sat 6am)                                              (Also Tue 1am) | OPB+ American Experience           (Also Wed 3am) | OPB+ Amanpour &
                                                             American Oz. Meet the man behind ‘The               Company (Also Tue 5am)
    8:30 OPB+ Beyond the Canvas Happiness (Also
                                                             Wonderful Wizard of Oz.’ (Also Tue 12am)          11:00 OPB Independent Lens The Donut King.
       Sun 1pm)
                                                          9:00 OPB Masterpiece Atlantic Crossing: A               See callout on this page. (Also Wed 8pm
    9:00 OPB Call the Midwife Season 8, Ep 1.                                                                     OPB+) | OPB+ AfroPop: The Ultimate
                                                             Queen Returns. Olav tries to keep Norway out
       Nonnatus welcomes two new nuns. (Also                                                                      Cultural Exchange Film Shorts (Also Wed
                                                             of the clutches of the Soviets. (Also Tue 2am)
       Mon 2am) | OPB+ Finding Your Roots Hard                                                                    2am)
       Times (Also Sun 1:30pm)                            10:00 OPB The Windermere Children: In Their
                                                            Own Words In 1945, a group of young Jewish
    10:00 OPB No Second Chance Ep 6. Alice
                                                            refugees began new lives in England’s Lake          25 TUESDAY
      closes in on the truth. (Also Mon 3am) |
                                                            District. (Also Tue 3am) | OPB+ Inside the         7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Wed 12am) |
      OPB+ Amanpour & Company (Also Mon 5am)
                                                            Met The Birthday Surprise (Also Tue 2am)              OPB+ Nature Bears (Also Wed 4am)
    11:00 OPB A Place To Call Home The Edge of
                                                          11:00 OPB Masterpiece Poldark: Season 5, Ep 2.       8:00 OPB Extra Life: A Short History of Living
       Reason. Regina returns to her farm. (Also
                                                             George pursues the fruits of a new alliance.         Longer Medicine. Explore the invention of

6   MAY 2021
Amy Tan: Unintended Memoir May 3, 10pm - PRIMETIME - Oregon Public Broadcasting
OPB = Comcast 10 or 710; antenna XX.1    R = Repeat within a week                         = Program premiere
 OPB+ = Comcast 310; antenna XX.2
                                          Repeats are on original channel unless noted     = Watch online at
 KIDS = Comcast 311; antenna XX.3
 Full channel list at   Full schedule and VOD at     Programs are subject to change

  medicine. (Also Thu 1am) | OPB+ Gorilla                         10:00 OPB Inspector Morse Service of All the                    The Freedom Wall depicts notable civil rights
  Family and Me (Also Thu 12am)                                     Dead. Morse investigates five killings. (Also                 figures. (Also Sun 1:30am)
                                                                    Sun 3am) | OPB+ Amanpour & Company
9:00 OPB Philly D.A. Ep 7. Krasner decides
                                                                    (Also Fri 5am)
   whether to pursue murder charges against a                                                                                    30 SUNDAY
   cop. (Also Thu 2am)                                            11:00 OPB+ DW Global 3000 (Also Sat 2am)
                                                                                                                                5:00 OPB Firing Line With Margaret Hoover |
10:00 OPB Race Matters: America After                             11:30 OPB+ Articulate With Jim Cotter                 (Also      OPB+ Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions Gone
  George Floyd: A PBS NewsHour Special                               Sat 2:30am)                                                   Fishing/Palm Beach, Pt 1
  One year after George Floyd’s death, examine
                                                                                                                                5:30 OPB PBS NewsHour Weekend | OPB+
  what has changed, and what hasn’t, since the
  outrage and protests of last summer. (Also                        28 FRIDAY                                                      Rick Steves’ Europe Little Europe: San Marino,
                                                                                                                                   Monaco, Vatican City, Liechtenstein, and
  Thu 3am) | OPB+ Amanpour & Company                              7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Sat 12am) |
  (Also Wed 5am)                                                     OPB+ Remembering Vietnam: The Telling
                                                                     Project (Also Sun 10am)                                    6:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat Earth Archive (R) |
11:00 OPB Pacific Heartbeat Tokyo Hula.
                                                                                                                                   OPB+ The Queen’s Garden (R)
   Follow hula dancing in Japan. (Also Thu                        8:00 OPB The Woman in White Ep 1. A young
   4am) | OPB+ Speaking Grief Learn why grief                        man encounters an asylum escapee. (Also                    6:30 OPB Oregon Field Guide Mudbone Grown
   can be so difficult to explain. (Also Thu 2am)                    Mon 1am) | OPB+ Washington Week (Also                         (R)
                                                                     Sat 6am)
                                                                                                                                7:00 OPB The Great British Baking Show
 26 WEDNESDAY                                                     8:30 OPB+ Beyond the Canvas (Also Sun 1pm)                       Cakes (Also Sun 12am) | OPB+ Rick Steves
                                                                                                                                   Luther and the Reformation (R)
7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Thu 12am) |                           9:00 OPB Call the Midwife Season 8, Ep 2. The
   OPB+ Never Give Up! Minoru Yasui and the                          team helps a family with an undiagnosed                                                 8:00 OPB National
   Fight for Justice The civil rights advocate,                      illness. (Also Mon 2am) | OPB+ Finding Your                                             Memorial Day
   born in Hood River, fought against Japanese                       Roots The Eye of the Beholder (Also Sun 1:30pm)                                         Concert The
   internment. (Also Thu 4am)                                                                                                                                National Symphony
                                                                  10:00 OPB Line of Separation Ep 1. A town
                                                                                                                                                             Orchestra honors
8:00 OPB Life at the Waterhole Nocturnal                            divides after the fall of the Third Reich. (Also
                                                                                                                                  American men and women in uniform.
   activity brings a new predator. (Also Fri                        Mon 3am) | OPB+ Amanpour & Company
                                                                                                                                  (Also Sun 9:30pm) | OPB+ Margaret: The
   1am) | OPB+ Independent Lens The Donut                           (Also Mon 5am)
                                                                                                                                  Rebel Princess Pts 1&2. Princess Margaret’s
   King (R-Also Fri 12am)
                                                                  11:00 OPB A Place To Call Home Do Not Go                        life reflected a changing world.
9:00 OPB NOVA Great Electric Airplane Race. See                      Gently. George risks his political career. (Also
                                                                                                                                9:30 OPB National Memorial Day Concert
   an array of promising new electric planes on                      Mon 4am) | OPB+ Race Matters: America
                                                                                                                                   (R-Also Tue 2:30am)
   the horizon. (Also Fri 2am)                                       After George Floyd: A PBS NewsHour
                                                                     Special (R-Also Mon 2am)                                   10:00 OPB+ Inside the Met All Things to All
9:30 OPB+ Next Gen Asian American Art
   (Also Fri 1:30am)
10:00 OPB Human: The World Within Sense.                            29 SATURDAY                                                 11:00 OPB Masterpiece Poldark: Season 5, Ep 3.
                                                                                                                                   George’s sanity deteriorates. (Also Tue 4am) |
  Learn how our senses define reality. (Also                      5:00 OPB This Old House Almost Home
                                                                                                                                   OPB+ Artbound Desert X
  Fri 3am) | OPB+ Amanpour & Company (Also                           (Also Mon 6pm) | OPB+ Boss: The Black
  Thu 5am)                                                           Experience in Business The untold story of
11:00 OPB Life From Above Changing Planet.
                                                                     African American entrepreneurship.                          31 MONDAY
   Cameras in space show melting glaciers and                     5:30 OPB PBS NewsHour Weekend                                 7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Tue 12am) |
   more. (Also Fri 4am) | OPB+ Silent Sacrifice:                                                                                   OPB+ A Wider World
   Stories of Japanese American                                   6:00 OPB The Legacy List With Matt Paxton
   Incarceration (Also Fri 2am)                                      We Are Family/Dorchester, MA                               7:30 OPB+ Museum Access The International
                                                                                                                                   Museum of Surgical Science: Chicago, IL
                                                                  7:00 OPB Rick Steves’ Europe Rome: Ancient
                                                                     Glory/Rome: Baroque Brilliance (Also Sun 9am)              8:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow Ca’ d’Zan: Hr 2
 27 THURSDAY                                                         | OPB+ Rising From the Rails: The Story of                    (Also Wed 1am) | OPB+ State of the Art
7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Fri 12am) |                              the Pullman Porter
                                                                                                                                9:00 OPB Oregon Experience The Beach Bill.
   OPB+ Across the Pacific Latin Laboratory
                                                                  8:00 OPB Masterpiece Mrs. Wilson, Ep 2. Alison                   In 1967, Gov. McCall granted the public
   (Also Fri 4am)
                                                                     finds herself at the center of a mystery. (Also               access to Oregon’s beaches. (Also Wed
8:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat Earth Archive.                              Mon 12am) | OPB+ Baseball A Whole New Ball                    2am) | OPB+ Rick Steves Cruising the
   Jim Fitzgerald builds his own cameras                             Game (Also Sun 2am)                                           Mediterranean
   and creates carbon transfer photographs of
                                                                  9:00 OPB Midsomer Murders A Vintage Murder,                   9:30 OPB Oregon Experience Road to
   nature.      (Also Sun 6pm) | OPB+ American
                                                                     Pts 1&2. People are poisoned at a winery.                     Statehood. Learn how Oregon became the
   Experience The Swamp. Follow the story of
                                                                                                                                   33rd state. (Also Wed 2:30am)
   Florida’s Everglades. (Also Sat 12am)                          10:00 OPB+ POV The Rescue List. Two children,
                                                                    rescued from enslavement, embark on a                       10:00 OPB Tulsa: The Fire and the Forgotten
8:30 OPB Oregon Field Guide Mudbone Grown.
                                                                    mission. (Also Sun 12am)                                      A community comes to terms with its past,
   Shantae Johnson and Arthur Shavers are
                                                                                                                                  present and future. (Also Wed 3am) | OPB+
   rewriting what it means to be a Black farmer                   10:30 OPB Hillary Standing Tall. Follow the early
                                                                                                                                  Amanpour & Company
   in Oregon. (Also Sun 6:30pm)                                     life of climber Sir Edmund Hillary.
                                                                                                                                11:00 OPB+ AfroPop: The Ultimate Cultural
9:00 OPB Shakespeare & Hathaway: Private                          11:30 OPB On Story A Conversation With
                                                                                                                                   Exchange Bakoso: Afrobeats of Cuba
   Investigators Ill Met By Moonlight. Frank and                     Catherine Reitman | OPB+ Freedom Wall
   Lu search for a lost necklace. (Also Sun 2am)
                                                                                                                                                                       MAY 2021     7
Amy Tan: Unintended Memoir May 3, 10pm - PRIMETIME - Oregon Public Broadcasting
                                           0896-6672) is published
                                           monthly by Oregon
                                           Public Broadcasting,
                                           7140 S Macadam
                                           Ave., Portland, OR
                                           97219. Periodicals
                                           paid at Portland, OR.
                                           Postmaster: Send
                                           address changes to
                                           OPB PRIMETIME,

                                           7140 S Macadam Ave.,
                                           Portland, OR 97219.

12am BBC World Service
 5am Morning Edition
 9am The Takeaway
10am Here and Now
11am Here and Now | FRI Science Friday
Noon Think Out Loud®
 1pm BBC Newshour
 2pm The World
 3pm All Things Considered
 6pm The Daily
 7pm Fresh Air | FRI It’s Been a Minute
 8pm Think Out Loud® (R)
 9pm 1A
10pm MON On the Media (R) | TUE Reveal |
     WED OPB Presents |
     THU Philosophy Talk |
     FRI The New Yorker Radio Hour
11pm BBC World Service

12am    BBC World Service
 5am    Weekend Edition
10am    Planet Money & How I Built This
11am    Wait Wait … Don’t Tell Me!
        It’s Been a Minute (R)
        On the Media                       Oregon Art Beat
                                           Otis Kwame
 2pm    Snap Judgment
 3pm    Live Wire!

                                           Kye Quaicoe
 4pm    Hidden Brain
 5pm    All Things Considered
 6pm    This American Life
        The Moth                            May 20, 8pm
 9pm    Snap Judgment (R)
10pm    Sound Opinions
11pm    BBC World Service                                                                                      Photo courtesy of Otis Kwame Kye Quaicoe/Mario Galluci

12am    BBC World Service
 5am    Weekend Edition                                                                                     Coming in June
10am    The New Yorker Radio Hour (R)
11am    Freakonomics

Noon    TED Radio Hour
 1pm    Innovation Hub
 2pm    Wait Wait … Don’t Tell Me! (R)
 3pm    Throughline                                                                                         In a drama tinged with humor and
 4pm    Latino USA                                                                                          heartbreak, a couple on the verge of
 5pm    All Things Considered                                                                               divorce takes a European holiday
 6pm    The Splendid Table
                                                                                                            with their rebellious teenage son.
 7pm    The Archive Project
 8pm    On Being
 9pm    Fresh Air Weekend                                                      Drama Republic/Masterpiece
10pm    Travel With Rick Steves
11pm    BBC Weekend
                                                              |      | | | 800.241.8123
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