ERC Advanced Grants 2022 List of Principal Investigators selected for funding

Page created by Lance Mack
ERC Advanced Grants 2022
                                List of Principal Investigators selected for funding

The statistics and final list of successful candidates are provisional. The Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and the
United Kingdom allows for associating the UK to the current EU research and innovation funding programme, Horizon Europe, subject to the
adoption of a Protocol. As this Protocol has not been adopted so far, the UK is still considered "non-associated" to Horizon Europe. Therefore, the
successful proposals of applicants based in a country in the process of associating to Horizon Europe will be eligible for funding only if the
relevant Horizon Europe association agreement applies by the time of the signature of the grant agreement. However, successful applicants from
UK host institutions can still be funded, provided that they move to a host institution in an eligible country.
ERC Advanced Grants 2022                                List of Principal Investigators – LS domain                     Host Institution refers to institution
                                                                                                                                at time of application

                                 Host Institution Local                                     Host
Last name          First name                                    Host Institution name                 Acronym              Title                             Panel
                                 name                                                      country
                                 Forschungsinstitut für                                                                     Re-innervation during
                                                                 The Research Institute
TANAKA             Elly          Molekulare Pathologie                                       AT        RegLimbNervate       successful and unsuccessful           LS3
                                                                 of Molecular Pathology
                                 Ges.m.b.H                                                                                  limb regeneration
                                                                                                                            Targeting of glycosylation
                                 Vlaams Instituut voor           Flanders Institute for
CALLEWAERT         Nico                                                                      BE        GlycoCAR             pathways to empower CAR-T             LS7
                                 Biotechnologie                  Biotechnology (VIB)
                                                                                                                            therapy of solid tumors.
                                                                                                                            Targeting skin glycosylation
                                                                                                                            patterns to protect threatened
MARTEL             An            Universiteit Gent               Ghent University            BE        GLOSSI                                                     LS9
                                                                                                                            salamanders from disease
                                                                                                                            driven extinction
                                                                                                                            Oncolipidomics: Why is
                                                                                                                            lipidomic dysregulation pattern
HOLCAPEK           Michal        Univerzita Pardubice            University of Pardubice     CZ        ONCOLIPID                                                  LS2
                                                                                                                            in blood similar for various
                                                                                                                            Regulation of the L-arginine –
                                                                                                                            ADMA – Nitric Oxide (NO)
                                 Universitätsklinikum            University Hospital                                        Pathway in the Pulmonary
BOEGER             Rainer                                                                    DE        NO PRESSURE                                                LS7
                                 Hamburg-Eppendorf               Hamburg                                                    Vascular Response to Hypoxia
                                                                                                                            and its Role for Survival of
                                                                                                                            High-Risk COPD Patients
                                                                                                                            Biodiversity change across
                                                                                                                            time and space in the
                                                                                                                            Anthropocene: Leveraging
CHASE              Jonathan                                      University of Halle         DE        MetaChange           metacommunity modelling,              LS8
                                                                                                                            land-use change, and open
                                                                                                                            data to achieve deeper
                                 Julius-Maximilians-                                                                        Sensing Aberrant Transcription
EILERS             Martin                                        University of Wurzburg      DE        SENATR                                                     LS4
                                 Universität Würzburg                                                                       by MYC Multimers
                                 European Molecular Biology      European Molecular                                         The neural basis of dynamic
GROSS              Cornelius                                                                 DE        TERRITORY                                                  LS5
                                 Laboratory                      Biology Laboratory                                         territorial aggression and fear
                                                                 University Medical                                         Spatio-temporal integration of
LATZ               Eicke         Universitätsklinikum Bonn                                   DE        4D-SkINFLAM                                                LS6
                                                                 Centre Bonn                                                skin inflammation
                                                                                                                            Dissecting the cancer
                                 Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur
                                                                                                                            epigenome – fundamental
MEISSNER           Alexander     Förderung der                   Max Planck Society          DE        CancerEpigenome                                            LS2
                                                                                                                            lessons from developmental
                                 Wissenschaften e.V.
                                 Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur
                                                                                                                            Ubiquitin-Proteasome System
SCHULMAN           Brenda A.     Förderung der                   Max Planck Society          DE        UPSmeetMet                                                 LS1
                                                                                                                            crosstalk with Metabolism
                                 Wissenschaften e.V.

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ERC Advanced Grants 2022                                List of Principal Investigators – LS domain                     Host Institution refers to institution
                                                                                                                                at time of application

                                  Host Institution Local                                     Host
Last name          First name                                      Host Institution name               Acronym              Title                               Panel
                                  name                                                      country
                                                                                                                            The synaptic active zone as a
                                                                   Free University of
SIGRIST            Stephan        Freie Universität Berlin                                    DE       SynProtect           signaling hub for sleep               LS5
                                                                                                                            homeostasis and resilience
                                                                                                                            Deciphering cellular signalling
                                                                   University Medical                                       to cure graft-versus-host
ZEISER             Robert         Universitätsklinikum Freiburg                               DE       AlloCure                                                   LS6
                                                                   Center Freiburg                                          disease (GVHD) and leukemia
                                                                                                                            Signaling decoded in
                                                                                                                            ENhanCEr states – a
                                                                   University of
BRICKMAN           Joshua Mark    Københavns Universitet                                      DK       SENCE                molecular basis for plasticity in     LS3
                                                                                                                            development and
                                                                                                                            Repurposing of CAST Systems
                                                                   University of                                            as Next-Generation Tools for
MONTOYA            Guillermo      Københavns Universitet                                      DK       INTETOOLS                                                  LS9
                                                                   Copenhagen                                               Genome Engineering of
                                                                                                                            Mammalian Cells
                                                                                                                            A non-inferiority randomized
                                                                                                                            trial testing an advice of
                   Miguel Angel   Universidad de Navarra           University of Navarra      ES       UNATI                moderate drinking pattern             LS7
                                                                                                                            versus advice on abstention on
                                                                                                                            major disease and mortality
                                                                   Institute for                                            Engineering synthetic
                                  Institut de Bioenginyeria de
ROCA-CUSACHS       Pere                                            Bioengineering of          ES       MechanoSynth         mechanotransduction through           LS3
                                                                   Catalonia                                                nucleocytoplasmic transport
                                                                   Pompeu Fabra                        MISSINGRELATIVE      Search for the missing
RUIZ-TRILLO        Ignacio        Universitat Pompeu Fabra                                    ES                                                                  LS8
                                                                   University                          S                    unicellular relatives of animals
                                                                                                                            Dissecting the Brain Basis of
TENA-SEMPERE       Manuel         Universidad de Cordoba           University of Cordoba      ES       DOPA-Kiss            Obesity-Induced Pubertal              LS4
                                                                                                                            Alterations: A View to a Kiss
                                                                                                                            Coevolutionary Consequences
LAINE              Anna-Liisa     Helsingin yliopisto              University of Helsinki     FI       Co-EvoChange                                               LS8
                                                                                                                            of Biodiversity Change
                                                                                                                            Improving flower attractiveness
                                  Institut national de recherche
                                                                                                                            for pollinators: Study of
                                  pour l'agriculture,
BENDAHMANE         Abdelhafid                                      INRAE                      FR       NectarGland          developmental, morphological          LS9
                                  l'alimentation et
                                                                                                                            and chemical cues in relation
                                                                                                                            to bee foraging
                                                                   National Institute of
                                  Institut national de la santé                                                             HOst-Transposon Interactions
BOURC'HIS          Deborah                                         Health and Medical         FR       HOTIMAGE                                                   LS2
                                  et de la recherche médicale                                                               in the MAle GErmline
                                                                   Research (INSERM)

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ERC Advanced Grants 2022                                List of Principal Investigators – LS domain                        Host Institution refers to institution
                                                                                                                                   at time of application

                                 Host Institution Local                                    Host
Last name          First name                                    Host Institution name                 Acronym                 Title                             Panel
                                 name                                                     country
                                 Centre National de la           National Center for
                                                                                                                               The evolution of cis and trans-
LENORMAND          Thomas        Recherche Scientifique          Scientific Research         FR        RegEvol                                                       LS8
                                                                                                                               regulators in eukaryotes
                                 (CNRS)                          (CNRS)
                                 Centre National de la           National Center for                                           Intestinal Gluconeogenesis:
MITHIEUX           Gilles        Recherche Scientifique          Scientific Research         FR        IGN                     Emerging Regulator of Energy          LS4
                                 (CNRS)                          (CNRS)                                                        Homeostasis
                                 Centre National de la           National Center for
                                                                                                                               How plant cells set the tempo
VERNOUX            Teva          Recherche Scientifique          Scientific Research         FR        TEMPO                                                         LS3
                                                                                                                               of rhythmic shoot construction
                                 (CNRS)                          (CNRS)
                                                                 University College                                            Functional Nanoscale
DAWSON             Kenneth       University College Dublin                                   IE        FunctionalNanoTher                                            LS7
                                                                 Dublin                                                        Therapeutics
                                                                                                                               Molecular Mechanisms for
                                 Weizmann Institute of           Weizmann Institute of                 MOLECULAR
FASS               Deborah                                                                   IL                                Construction of Protective            LS1
                                 Science                         Science                               MUCUS
                                                                                                                               Mucus Hydrogels
                                                                                                                               Plant bioacoustics: on the
                                                                                                       PLANT                   emission and reception of
HADANY             Lilach        Tel Aviv University             Tel Aviv University         IL                                                                      LS8
                                                                                                       BIOACOUSTICS            airborne sounds by plants, and
                                                                                                                               their adaptive value.
                                                                                                                               An integrative genetic
                                 Weizmann Institute of           Weizmann Institute of                                         approach for the exploration of
SAMUELS            Yardena                                                                   IL        Mel-Immune                                                    LS4
                                 Science                         Science                                                       melanoma immunological
                                                                                                                               The Silent Phase of
                                                                                                                               Alzheimer’s Disease: From
SLUTSKY            Inna          Tel Aviv University             Tel Aviv University         IL        DormantAD                                                     LS5
                                                                                                                               Brain States to Homeostatic
                                                                                                                               Overcoming Resistance to
                                                                                                                               Anti-cancer Drugs by Blocking
                                 Weizmann Institute of           Weizmann Institute of
YARDEN             Yosef                                                                     IL        ResistSOS               Mutation-prone DNA                    LS7
                                 Science                         Science
                                                                                                                               Polymerases and the SOS
                                                                                                                               EXPanding AAV gene therapy
AURICCHIO          Alberto       Fondazione Telethon             Fondazione Telethon         IT        EXPEDITE                                                      LS7
                                                                                                                               by EDITing
                                                                                                                               Targeting Inherited Cancer
BALLABIO           Andrea        Fondazione Telethon             Fondazione Telethon         IT        INCANTAR                                                      LS4
                                                                                                                               When enzymes join forces:
                                 Università degli Studi di
MATTEVI            Andrea                                        University of Pavia         IT        MetaQ                   unmasking a mitochondrial             LS1
                                                                                                                               biosynthetic engine

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ERC Advanced Grants 2022                                 List of Principal Investigators – LS domain                     Host Institution refers to institution
                                                                                                                                 at time of application

                                  Host Institution Local                                        Host
Last name          First name                                     Host Institution name                  Acronym             Title                              Panel
                                  name                                                         country
                                                                                                                             Charting the Token of Time:
                                  Università degli Studi di                                                                  Yap/Taz Transcriptional
PICCOLO            Stefano                                        University of Padua            IT      CHARTAGING                                                LS4
                                  Padova                                                                                     Regulators at the Roots of
                                                                                                                             PROposing Action to ConTrol
                                  Fondazione Toscana Life         Toscana Life Sciences,
RAPPUOLI           Rino                                                                          IT      PROACTIVE           and Impede betacoronaVirus            LS7
                                  Sciences                        Siena
                                                                                                                             Bioactive lipids Regulate
                                                                  VU Medical Centre                                          Adaptive Immune responses in
DE VRIES           Elga           VU Medisch Centrum                                             NL      BRAIN                                                     LS5
                                                                  Amsterdam                                                  Neurodegeneration: novel
                                                                                                                             target for treatment?
                                                                                                                             Myopia control in the real
                                  Erasmus Universitair            Erasmus Medical
KLAVER             Caroline                                                                      NL      CONTROL-MYOPIA      world: treatments, target,            LS7
                                  Medisch Centrum Rotterdam       Center Rotterdam
                                                                                                                             timing, and terminus
                                                                                                                             A novel theory of human
                                                                                                                             cortical microcircuit function:
MANSVELDER         Huibert        Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam    VU Amsterdam                   NL                          Dedicated neuronal networks           LS5
                                                                                                                             for fast cellular and synaptic
                                                                                                                             Advanced human models of
PASSIER            Robert         Universiteit Twente             University of Twente           NL      HEART2BEAT          the heart to understand               LS7
                                                                                                                             cardiovascular disease
                                  Norges teknisk-                 Norwegian University of
                                                                                                                             Eco-Evolutionary Rescue of
SÆTHER             Bernt-Erik     naturvitenskapelige             Science and                    NO      EcoEvoRescue                                              LS8
                                                                                                                             Fragmented Populations
                                  universitet Trondheim           Technology Trondheim
                                  Międzynarodowy Instytut         International Institute of                                 Principles of endogenous and
DZIEMBOWSKI        Andrzej        Biologii Molekularnej i         Molecular and Cell             PL      ViveRNA             therapeutic mRNA turnover in          LS2
                                  Komórkowej                      Biology                                                    vivo
                                  Fundação Calouste               Calouste Gulbenkian                                        Evolution in the Gut in Health
GORDO              Isabel                                                                        PT      EvoInHi                                                   LS8
                                  Gulbenkian                      Foundation                                                 and Disease
                                                                                                                             Plasmodium liver stage
                                  Instituto de Medicina           Institute of Molecular
MOTA               Maria Manuel                                                                  PT      PASSAGE             schizogony: high replication          LS3
                                  Molecular                       Medicine, Lisbon
                                                                                                                             and genetic diversity
                                  Universidade NOVA de            NOVA University of                                         Finding the missing links in the
PINHO              Mariana                                                                       PT      MissingLinks                                              LS6
                                  Lisboa                          Lisbon                                                     bacterial cell cycle
                                                                                                                             Architecture of Peripheral
VEIGA FERNANDES    Henrique       Fundação Champalimaud                                          PT      NeurImmKisses       Neuroimmune Circuits and              LS6
                                                                                                                             Imidazole propionate and
                                                                  University of
BACKHED            Fredrik        Göteborgs universitet                                          SE      IMPACT              fibrosis in cardiometabolic           LS4

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ERC Advanced Grants 2022                                 List of Principal Investigators – LS domain                   Host Institution refers to institution
                                                                                                                               at time of application

                                  Host Institution Local                                    Host
Last name          First name                                     Host Institution name                 Acronym            Title                             Panel
                                  name                                                     country
                                                                                                                           Unveiling the functional
                                                                                                                           outcome of single nucleotide
CASTELO-BRANCO     Gonçalo        Karolinska Institutet           Karolinska Institute        SE        SingleMS           polymorphisms and variants in         LS7
                                                                                                                           oligodendroglia in multiple
                                                                                                                           Dependence Of NUcleosome
DEINDL             Sebastian      Uppsala Universitet             Uppsala University          SE        DONUTS                                                   LS1
                                                                                                                           Transactions on Sequence
                                                                                                                           Somatic mutations in vascular-
ERIKSSON           Maria          Karolinska Institutet           Karolinska Institute        SE        SOMATICART         wall function and age-                LS4
                                                                                                                           associated disease
                                                                                                                           Novel biomarkers for improving
                                                                                                                           diagnostics, prognostics, and
HANSSON            Oskar          Lunds universitet               Lund University             SE        ADVANCE-AD                                               LS7
                                                                                                                           treatments of Alzheimer’s
                                                                                                                           The sequencing microscope -
HÖGBERG            Björn          Karolinska Institutet           Karolinska Institute        SE        qScope             a path to look at the molecules       LS9
                                                                                                                           of biology
                                                                                                                           From Molecular Physiology to
                                                                                                                           Biophysics of the Glymphatic
BILL               Roslyn         Aston University                Aston University           UK         FORTIFY                                                  LS1
                                                                                                                           System: a Regulatory Role for
                                                                                                                           Integrated analysis of cis-
BROCKDORFF         Neil           University of Oxford            University of Oxford       UK         INTACTRNA                                                LS2
                                                                                                                           acting translocated RNAs
                                                                                                                           An integrated ecophysiology
                                                                                                                           and omics study of phosphorus
CHEN               Yin            University of Warwick           University of Warwick      UK         EcoMethane                                               LS8
                                                                                                                           limitation in methane-oxidising
                                                                                                                           bacteria (EcoMethane)
                                                                                                                           Why do some types of biotic
                                                                                                                           change produce predictable
COULSON            Tim            University of Oxford            University of Oxford       UK         Biotic Change                                            LS8
                                                                                                                           ecological, evolutionary and
                                                                                                                           life history strategy change
                                                                                                                           Signalling beyond protein S-
                                  Queen Mary University of        Queen Mary University                                    nitrosylation – determining the
EATON              Philip Eaton                                                              UK         BeyondSNO                                                LS4
                                  London                          of London                                                roles of nitroxyl and
                                                                  University College                                       Computations of transcriptomic
HARRIS             Kenneth        University College London                                  UK         TRANSCORTEX                                              LS5
                                                                  London                                                   neuron types in cortex

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ERC Advanced Grants 2022                               List of Principal Investigators – LS domain                  Host Institution refers to institution
                                                                                                                            at time of application

                                 Host Institution Local                                   Host
Last name          First name                                   Host Institution name                 Acronym           Title                              Panel
                                 name                                                    country
                                                                                                                        STEPPING OUT:
                                                                                                                        Understanding the ground truth
                                                                                                                        and mechanisms of falls and
LAMB               Sallie        University of Exeter           University of Exeter       UK         STEPPING OUT                                            LS7
                                                                                                                        balance instability in
                                                                                                                        community dwelling older
                                                                                                                        Ecological and Evolutionary
MACLEAN            Craig         University of Oxford           University of Oxford       UK         EEDARP            Drivers of Antibiotic Resistance      LS8
                                                                                                                        in Patients
                                                                Imperial College of
                                 Imperial College of Science,                                                           The Geometry of Inter-Organ
MIGUEL-ALIAGA      Irene                                        Science, Technology        UK         GutOrigami                                              LS3
                                 Technology and Medicine                                                                Communication
                                                                and Medicine
                                                                                                                        Integral Membrane Proteins
ROBINSON           Carol         University of Oxford           University of Oxford       UK         IMPLEMENT         and Lipids Ejected from the           LS1
                                                                                                                        Membranes of Native Tissues
                                                                                                                        The shielding role of the
                                                                                                                        nuclear periphery against the
SOUTOGLOU          Evi           University of Sussex           University of Sussex       UK         ChromoSENSOR                                            LS1
                                                                                                                        genetic and non-genetic
                                                                                                                        consequences of DNA damage
                                                                                                                        Learning from the thymic
                                                                Genome Research
TEICHMANN          Sarah         Genome Research Limited                                   UK         ThyDESIGN         human cell atlas for T cell           LS2

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