Equity RFI Public Meeting - SMD Focus - Dr. Michael New Deputy Associate Administrator for Research NASA Science Mission Directorate Mary Sladek

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Equity RFI Public Meeting - SMD Focus - Dr. Michael New Deputy Associate Administrator for Research NASA Science Mission Directorate Mary Sladek
Equity RFI Public Meeting – SMD Focus
Dr. Michael New                               Mary Sladek
Deputy Associate Administrator for Research   Program Specialist for Research
NASA Science Mission Directorate              NASA Science Mission Directorate

July 13, 2021
Equity RFI Public Meeting - SMD Focus - Dr. Michael New Deputy Associate Administrator for Research NASA Science Mission Directorate Mary Sladek
Key Science Themes
PROTECT & IMPROVE                       SEARCH FOR LIFE                      DISCOVER SECRETS
  LIFE ON EARTH &                         ELSEWHERE                           OF THE UNIVERSE
      IN SPACE

     SMD is committed to developing a scientific community that reflects the diversity of the
              nation and to instilling a culture of inclusion across its entire portfolio
Equity RFI Public Meeting - SMD Focus - Dr. Michael New Deputy Associate Administrator for Research NASA Science Mission Directorate Mary Sladek
SCIENCE 2020-2024: A Vision for Scientific Excellence

        Compelling science requires innovative management and excellent teams.
Equity RFI Public Meeting - SMD Focus - Dr. Michael New Deputy Associate Administrator for Research NASA Science Mission Directorate Mary Sladek
Science Vision 2020-2024
Excellence Through Inclusive, Diverse Teams
                                   SMD believes its ability to build excellent
                                   teams – where diversity of thought,
                                   backgrounds and perspectives are welcomed
                                   and celebrated - is critical to mission success.

                                   As articulated in the 2020-2024 Science
                                   Vision and in alignment with the NASA Core
                                   Values, SMD seeks to increase the diversity
                                   of thought and backgrounds represented
                                   across the entire SMD portfolio and models
                                   the principles of inclusion, diversity, equity
                                   and accessibility (IDEA) in all policies,
                                   systems, and programs.
Equity RFI Public Meeting - SMD Focus - Dr. Michael New Deputy Associate Administrator for Research NASA Science Mission Directorate Mary Sladek
SMD’s Scientific Competition Process
 NASA Research Announcements (NRAs)          Announcements of Opportunity (AOs)
 • Type of Broad Agency Announcement         • Another type of Broad Agency
   (BAA)                                       Announcement (BAA)
 •   Used to solicit unique research         •    Used to solicit science investigations that
     programs and/or related activities to       require a spaceflight mission; example:
     achieve NASA’s desired objectives;          Small Explorers
     example: ROSES                          •   Results in the award of contracts
 •   Usually results in award of grants      •    Deliverables include a spacecraft,
      •   No deliverables                        instruments, data, science results published
      •   Level of effort tasks                  in journals

Equity RFI Public Meeting - SMD Focus - Dr. Michael New Deputy Associate Administrator for Research NASA Science Mission Directorate Mary Sladek
Connection to Equity
• Remains one of NASA’s most direct mechanisms to impact the scientific
  community and represents an opportunity to gauge and advance equity
• Seeks to reflect the diversity of the Nation in the pool of proposers, awardees,
  reviewers and leadership of missions
• Aims to increase proposals from smaller institutions through meaningful
  relationship building and transparent communication
• Provides flexibility and opportunity to better achieve work-life balance

       SMD believes lack of experience and understanding of the NASA proposal processes are
   among the significant barriers to participation - the results of the NASA Equity RFI, as well as other
      SMD-led efforts will yield important insights about these, and other obstacles underserved
      communities and individuals are facing when it comes to participating in these programs.

Equity RFI Public Meeting - SMD Focus - Dr. Michael New Deputy Associate Administrator for Research NASA Science Mission Directorate Mary Sladek
NASEM STUDIES TO                         MISSION PI
        PROVIDE INDEPENDENT                      WORKSHOPS

   PRE-REVIEWS OF                                     CODES OF CONDUCT
   MISSION REVIEW                                     FOR REVIEW PANELS &
   PANELS                                             CONFERENCES

NEW SMD                          BUILDING AN              AWARD TERMS AND
ENGAGEMENT                       WORKFORCE                CONDITIONS

                                                      HARRASSMENT AND
    DUAL-ANONYMOUS                                    DISCRIMINATION
    PEER REVIEW                                       REPORTING FOR

        FOR ROSES PANELS                       SOLICITATION PILOT
Equity RFI Public Meeting - SMD Focus - Dr. Michael New Deputy Associate Administrator for Research NASA Science Mission Directorate Mary Sladek
NASEM STUDIES TO                      MISSION PI
         PROVIDE INDEPENDENT                   WORKSHOPS

                                                    CODES OF CONDUCT
                                                    FOR REVIEW PANELS &

NEW SMD                        BUILDING AN              AWARD TERMS AND
ENGAGEMENT                     WORKFORCE                CONDITIONS

                                                    HARRASSMENT AND
    DUAL-ANONYMOUS                                  DISCRIMINATION
    PEER REVIEW                                     REPORTING FOR

         IMPLICIT BIAS                       NO DUE DATE RESEARCH
SMD Engagement Strategy
                                                                       • HBCUs, MSIs, and HSIs listening sessions; beginning
    Intentionally and thoughtfully engage underserved and                sessions in July and additional sessions this Fall
1   underrepresented communities from academia, associations,
    and businesses to join us in SMD activities
                                                                            • Howard University
                                                                            • North Carolina A&T
    Be transparent and purposefully inclusive so that the future end        • Spelman College
2   state for SMD reflects true inclusion and is representative of
    national demographics
                                                                       • Activities with institutions, associations, agencies,
                                                                         affinity groups (sample)
                                                                            • AAU Panel on Agency Efforts to Promote DEI in
                                                                              Extramural Programs (NASA, NSF, NIH) – April 2021
    Model and engage stakeholders with diverse and inclusive teams
    at all levels
                                                                            • NESTA Spring Conference – April 2021
                                                                            • Community College of Allegheny County – June
    Demonstrate leadership commitment and accountability through            • California State University - Fullerton/ MUREP
4   policy, messaging, and behavior that advances diversity and
    inclusion goals and objectives
                                                                              Institutional Research Opportunity (MIRO) PI
                                                                              Workshop – August 2021

Outcome: Long-term relationships with new, diverse partners leading to a SMD and SMD partners
                 that are more representative of the diversity of the nation.
Dual-Anonymous Peer Review
                                         • Beginning in 2020, all Astrophysics Guest Observer
                                           and Guest Investigator (GO/GI) programs were
“The results of SMD’s pilot                directed to use Dual-Anonymous Peer Review (DAPR)
                                         • The intent of DAPR is to reduce the implicit or explicit
implementation of dual-anonymous
                                           biases peer review panelists may have, creating a shift
peer review in ROSES-2020 is               from the proposing investigator to a discussion of the
                                           scientific merit of a proposal, ensuring the proposal
consistent with improvements, both
                                           review is performed with competence and quality in an
in terms of the overall quality of the     equitable and fair manner
review process, as well as in the        • In 2020, SMD began applying DAPR to five GO/GI
                                           programs offered in ROSES and piloted its application
demographics of awardees.”
                                           in four other research solicitations
                                         • In 2021, SMD expanded the use of DAPR to a total of
                                           nine GO/GI programs and 11 other programs

PI Launchpad Workshops
In 2019, NASA SMD organized a PI Launchpad Workshop for researchers and engineers
interested in submitting a NASA space mission proposals. The goal was to broaden the pool of
potential NASA space mission principal investigators (PIs) and make the process more
transparent and accessible.
This year, the PI Launchpad was held virtually and designed to increase diverse participation and
inform the next generation of mission PIs on SMD’s emphasis on inclusion and diversity:
• Occurred over a two-week period in smaller segments of time to encourage broader
  participation with captioning provided; presentations and panels were recorded and posted
• Engaged more heavily with professional associations and affinity groups to encourage
• Built a stronger social media campaign surrounding the application process
• Increased the amount of time to submit applications
• Requested past participants to help promote the event and encourage those they might know to
Codes of Conduct and Inclusive Behavior
SMD continues to encourage mission teams and review panels to demonstrate the inclusive
behaviors NASA and SMD expect as part of our collective DNA, articulating and living our values
and accountability on diversity and inclusion
• Starting with ROSES 2021, all peer review panels are required to adopt a standard “Code of
  Conduct” for peer reviewers and panel chairs.
• Since 2017, SMD began promoting team diversity for PI-led mission teams through new
  language in Announcements of Opportunity (AOs)
• Developing new evaluation factor on the processes used to form and manage mission teams,
  including how IDEA will be maintained
• Program Officers will soon begin tracking some demographics associated with the pool of
  potential peer reviewers and those individuals who agree to serve on the panel

Opportunity for Public Input

                     What challenges, issues, or obstacles
                     have been encountered with the scientific
                     competition and award implementation
                     processes, especially the challenges,
                     issues, or obstacles that impact
                     underserved communities?

Opportunity for Public Input

                    What opportunities are there for NASA to
                    leverage its data, expertise, and missions
                    to better serve and help underserved

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