DWC NEWS - WINTER 2019 - YMCA of Greater Syracuse

Page created by Donald Ortega
DWC NEWS - WINTER 2019 - YMCA of Greater Syracuse
                                                        Winter DWC Writing Contest
                                                        We had a blast reading the entries from last fall’s
                                                        “homophonic translation” contest...it turns out that
                                                        our students and members had some wildly creative
                                                        responses to the 9th century Norwegian poem we
                                                        used as a starting point. Congrats to winners Rainie
                                                        Oet and Laurinda Lind, and honorable mentions
                                                        David Ruekberg and Rich Braco.

Congratulations to the winners                          For the Winter 2019 season, we have a different
                                                        prompt for you:
of the 2018 CNY Book Awards!
                                                          • Write a story in exactly 100 words...
Each year, the DWC presents the CNY Book Awards,          • Made up of exactly 2 paragraphs...
honoring the best books published by authors from
our region. For 2018, 46 books by 44 authors were         • With exactly this title: “Exactly”
nominated... the biggest crop of books in the seven
years of the Awards!                                    We’ll select two winners, each of whom will receive
                                                        exactly the same prize (to be revealed later). Here
2018 CNY Book Award for Fiction:                        are some additional rules:
J. Robert Lennon, for Broken River
                                                          • Email entries to pmemmer@syracuseymca.org
2018 CNY Book Award for Nonfiction:
                                                          • Entries should be simply included in the text of
Stephen Kuusisto, for Have Dog, Will Travel
                                                           the email message...no file attachments, please.
2018 CNY Book Award for Poetry:                           • Exactly one entry per person.
Christine Kitano, for Sky Country                         • Submission deadline: February 15th.

The 2018 WAER People’s Choice Award went to             We will announce winners at the upcoming reading
Jeff Delbel, for Salvatore                              by novelist Sorayya Khan, on February 22nd (see
                                                        inside for details).
Nine Mile Magazine also presented Jackie Warren-
Moore with the CNY Book Award for Significant Con-
tributions to the Art of Writing and Poetry.             SEE INSIDE FOR...
Join us next fall for the 2019 Awards! And if you are    • Winter Creative Writing Workshops
the author of a book published between July 1, 2018
and June 30, 2019, nominations for the 2019 Awards       • Visiting Author Readings
open in January. Nomination forms can be found at        • Faculty Profiles
www.syracuse.ymca.org/dwc.html. In 2019, we
will introduce a Children’s Books category!
                                                         • Winter Registration Form
DWC NEWS - WINTER 2019 - YMCA of Greater Syracuse
                                Friday, February 1, 7:00 p.m.
                                Poets RAINIE OET and DEVON MOORE
                                Rainie Oet is a nonbinary writer, poetry editor at Salt Hill, and the author
                                of No Mark Spiral (CutBank Books, 2018). Their work appears in The Yale
                                Review, jubilat, The Adroit Journal, Colorado Review, and The Poetry Review,
                                among other publications. They won the inaugural
                                Press 53 Flash Fiction Contest in 2018.

Devon Moore currently lives, writes, and teaches in Syracuse. A former Syracuse
University Fellow, she is the author of the books All Throats Sound Animal (Cider Press
Review, 2018), which won the 2017 Cider Press Review Editors’ Prize, and Apology of a
Girl Who Is Told She Is Going to Hell (Mayapple Press, 2015), which was a finalist for
the Binghamton University Milt Kessler Poetry Book Award. Her poems have appeared
or are forthcoming in Gulf Coast, Meridian, The Cortland Review, New Ohio Review,
Juked, The Sun Magazine, and elsewhere.

                          Friday, February 8, 7:00 p.m. • Poet RALPH BLACK
                          Ralph Black was raised in Maryland and educated at the University of Oregon
                          and New York University. His latest book of poems is Bloom and Laceration (Green
                          Writers Press). His first collection of poems, Turning Over the Earth, was published
                          by Milkweed Editions. He is also the author of a chapbook, The Apple Psalms. Black
                          is the recipient of the Anne Halley Poetry Prize from The Massachusetts Review
                          and the Chelsea Poetry Prize. His poems have appeared in The Georgia Review,
                          Gettysburg Review, Orion, and West Branch. He lives in Rochester, NY, and teaches
                          at SUNY, College at Brockport.

Friday, February 22, 7:00 p.m. • Author SORAYYA KHAN
Sorayya Khan is the author of the novels Noor, Five Queen’s Road, and City
of Spies, which received the Best International Fiction Book Award, Sharjah In-
ternational Book Fair, 2015. She was awarded a US Fulbright Research Grant to
conduct research in Pakistan and Bangladesh, and received a Malahat Review
Novella Prize for what became a window into City of Spies. In 2006, she received
a Constance Saltonstall Artist Grant, which took her to Banda Aceh, Indonesia,
where she interviewed tsunami survivors. Her work has appeared in publications
including Guernica, The Kenyon Review, and North American Review.

                                          Friday, March 1, 7:00 p.m.
                                          Author J. ROBERT LENNON
                                          J. Robert Lennon is the author of eight novels, including Mailman,
                                          Familiar, and Broken River (winner of the 2018 CNY Book Award
                                          for Fiction), and the story collections Pieces for the Left Hand and
                                          See You in Paradise. He teaches writing at Cornell University.
DWC NEWS - WINTER 2019 - YMCA of Greater Syracuse
Friday, March 8, 7:00 p.m.
Join us to celebrate the release of the latest issue of Stone
Canoe, the only literary journal focused on the work of
authors and artists from Upstate New York. We’ll have
refreshments and enjoy readings by contributors to the issue, and we’ll announce and award the journal’s
series of annual prizes.

Friday, March 15, 7:00 p.m.
Iain Haley Pollock’s second collection of poems, Ghost, Like a Place, is new from
Alice James Books. His debut collection, Spit Back a Boy, won the 2010 Cave Canem
Poetry Prize. Pollock teaches English at Rye Country Day School in Rye, NY, and is a
member of the poetry faculty at the Solstice MFA program of Pine Manor College. He
                            serves as a poetry co-editor at Solstice Literary Magazine.

                            Nicholas Friedman is the author of Petty Theft, winner
                            of the 2018 New Criterion Poetry Prize. Born and raised
                            in Syracuse, Friedman is the recipient of a Wallace Stegner Fellowship from
                            Stanford University and a Ruth Lilly Fellowship from the Poetry Foundation. His
                            poems have appeared in The New York Times, Poetry, Yale Review, and other
                            publications. He lives with his wife and son in the San Francisco Bay Area, where
                            he is a Jones Lecturer in Poetry at Stanford.

                      Friday, March 22, 7:00 p.m.
                      Book Release Party for Poet PHILIP MEMMER
                      Join us to celebrate the release of Pantheon, the latest book of poems from DWC
                      founder and YMCA Arts Branch director Philip Memmer. Pantheon is Memmer’s fifth
                      book of poems; his others include The Storehouses of the Snow, Lucifer: A Hagiog-
                      raphy (winner of the 2008 Idaho Prize for Poetry), Threat of Pleasure (winner of the
                      2008 Adirondack Literary Award for Poetry, and Sweetheart, Baby, Darling. His work
                      has been widely anthologized, and published in such journals as Poetry, Poetry North-
                      west, and Poetry London.

                                                                                    Unless otherwise noted,
                             THANK YOU                                              all DWC events are free
                                                                                    and open to the public,
DWC programs are made possible by funding from the County of Onondaga,               and take place at the
administered by CNY Arts, and the New York State Council on the Arts, with the           Downtown Y,
support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.                 340 Montgomery St.,
                                                                                     Syracuse, NY 13202.

                                                                                   Parking is available on the
                                                                                    street, or in the Warren
                                                                                    Street Garage, which is
                                                                                   attached to the Y’s lobby.
DWC NEWS - WINTER 2019 - YMCA of Greater Syracuse DWC NEWS - WINTER 2019 - YMCA of Greater Syracuse DWC NEWS - WINTER 2019 - YMCA of Greater Syracuse DWC NEWS - WINTER 2019 - YMCA of Greater Syracuse
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