Environmental Committee Thursday, March 4, 2021 7:00 PM - Zoom Meeting

Page created by Jimmie Maxwell
Environmental Committee Thursday, March 4, 2021 7:00 PM - Zoom Meeting

Environmental Committee
Thursday, March 4, 2021
7:00 PM - Zoom Meeting

The public is encouraged to remotely “attend” its Environmental Committee
meeting by tuning into the live stream via the Zoom video conferencing platform.

Public participants can attend the meeting in a variety of ways. There will be an
opportunity for public comments, which will be accepted in the following order:

  a. For participants who have called in, there will be a specific time during the
     public comment period where you will be unmuted.
  b. Submit comments or questions using the Chat feature. Comments will be
     monitored during the meeting and read into the record by village staff at the
     appropriate time. Any questions submitted through the chat after the public
     hearing is closed for each case will not be accepted.
  c. Use the “Raise Hand” feature (found in “Participants”). During the public
     comment period, there will be a specific time where your audio will be
     turned on and you will be allowed to ask questions or make comments.
  d. Submit comments or questions in advance of the meeting by
     emailing prgsubmittals@schaumburg.com. Emails will be read into the
     record by village staff at the appropriate time. Any questions submitted
     through email after the public hearing is closed for each case will not be

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Environmental Committee Thursday, March 4, 2021 7:00 PM - Zoom Meeting
1.   February 4, 2021
1.   Annual Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Community Meeting -
1.   2021 Environmental Fair – Discussion of Event Planning Status
2.   Spring Recycling Event - Discussion of Event Planning Status
1.   April 24, 2021 | Spring Recycling Event (9am-2pm)
2.   June 12, 2021 | 2021 Environmental Fair (1pm-3pm)
3.   October 9, 2021 | Fall Recycling Event (9am-Noon)
     April 1, 2021

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and other applicable
Federal and State laws, the meeting will be accessible to individuals with
disabilities. Persons requiring auxiliary aids and/or services should contact the
Village Manager's Office at 847.923.4705, preferably no later than five days
before the meeting.
Environmental Committee Thursday, March 4, 2021 7:00 PM - Zoom Meeting

                                 February 4, 2021
                             Environmental Committee

Lead Department: Community Development
                                Executive Summary:

                                Recommended Action:

   Description                               Type
   February 4, 2021                          Minutes
Environmental Committee Thursday, March 4, 2021 7:00 PM - Zoom Meeting
Meeting of February 4, 2021
Via ZOOM Web Conference
Page 1 of 5

The meeting was called to order at 7:07 p.m. by Chairperson Panico-Atkins.

Members Present:     Donna Panico Atkins – Chairperson, Donna Johnson, Christine Krause

Member(s) Absent:    Pratik Patel

Staff Present:       Martha Dooley – Landscape & Sustainability Planner
                     Martin Metreger - Logistics Coordinator

Others:              Liz Wimmer

Roll Call: Donna Panico Atkins, Donna Johnson, and Christine Krause voted aye. Pratik Patel will be
joining the meeting. A quorum is present for the meeting.

Ms. Martha Dooley began the Zoom web conference by stating that it is being recorded and that she will
notify everyone if there are any members from the public who would like to participate via Zoom. Ms.
Dooley welcomed Liz Wimmer who has previously attended other Environmental Committee meetings.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES – January 7, 2021
Ms. Johnson made a motion to approve the January 7, 2021 minutes, seconded by Ms. Krause as
                                                                                    MOTION CARRIED

Roll Call: Donna Panico Atkins, Donna Johnson, and Christine Krause voted aye. Pratik Patel was
absent. Motion carried unanimously.


Reaffirmation of the Rules of Procedure

Chairperson Panico Atkins each year the committee reaffirms the rules of procedure. She asked
committee members if they had an opportunity to review the rules of procedure. Ms. Dooley provided a
brief presentation on the rules of procedure and stated the Village is required to reaffirm the rules of
procedure annually. Staff is looking for a recommendation from the Environmental Committee to approve
the Rules of Procedure. Ms. Dooley informed Chairperson Panico Atkins that the Rules of Procedure for
2021 will be mailed for execution by the Chair of the Environmental Committee and with final approval by
the Community Development Department for the record.

Ms. Johnson made a motion, seconded by Ms. Krause, to recommend approval of the 2021 Rules of
Procedure as presented.
                                                                          MOTION CARRIED

Roll Call: Donna Panico Atkins, Donna Johnson, and Christine Krause voted aye. Pratik Patel was
absent. Motion carried unanimously.
Environmental Committee Thursday, March 4, 2021 7:00 PM - Zoom Meeting
Meeting of February 4, 2021
Via ZOOM Web Conference
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  1. 2021 Environmental Fair – Discussion of Event Planning Status

     Chairperson Panico Atkins said at the last meeting staff was going to follow-up with the
     Schaumburg Library and Ms. Johnson would follow-up on some items. Ms. Dooley said staff
     prepared a memo to inform the Committee on the planning of the Environmental Fair event. She
     reminded the Committee the date of the event will be held Saturday, June 12th from 1-3 p.m. at
     Spring Valley Nature Center. Ms. Dooley provided the following updates:

            Four key speakers or four sessions have been confirmed. Ms. Johnson will provide
             additional information on the speakers.
            Staff will schedule a taped interview at the Bee Garden that will be set-up outside of the
             regular event held on June 12th.
            Dave Brooks is scheduled to introduce the event and give remarks about Spring Valley
             and provide an overview of the planned activities for the day.
            As a reminder from the last meeting, committee members will introduce each session.
             Session descriptions will be needed along with bios from the speakers presenting.
            Schaumburg Library agreed to participate in the event and offered to coordinate the
             exhibitors for the event. The library plans to install their pop-up similar to last year’s
            Spring Valley can accommodate 10 Exhibitors but they are unsure at this time what
             construction will look like inside the building. Depending on weather, there could be some
             Exhibitors located within the new outdoor shelters near the parking lot where they can set-
             up if there is not enough room inside the building at Spring Valley Nature Center.
            Staff reminded the Committee that exhibitors cannot sell items during the Environmental
             Fair; however, they can promote their product and let interested customers contact them
             later for purchase.
            Spring Valley offered coordination of the registration for the event with attendees needing
             to pre-register and additional walk-in registration can be admitted if space is available.
            Dave Brooks recommended the sessions take place in the large classroom at the Nature
             Center to allow social distancing.

     Ms. Dooley said anyone wanting to register for the first time for the event will have to set-up an
     account with the Park District. She said the registration requires 24 hours for approval through the
     Park District’s Registration Department before they can go online and register for the event. She
     said the attendance at the event will be restricted, based on what the CDC guidelines are at the
     time of the event. Ms. Dooley said it is difficult to know what everything is going to look like right
     now, because we are not sure with the advancement of the vaccine if we can allow more people
     into the event. She mentioned that we will need to remain a little fluid as far as outside attendees
     for the event.

     Ms. Dooley said the Village, Park District and Library will provide outreach via printed
     newsletters/brochures, via websites, social media and calendars. Additionally, staff will work with
     Prairie Center to provide an announcement on the local cable tv channel to help promote the
     event. Staff spoke with Dave Brooks regarding the parking issue over at Spring Valley. Since the
Environmental Committee Thursday, March 4, 2021 7:00 PM - Zoom Meeting
Meeting of February 4, 2021
Via ZOOM Web Conference
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     event will not be held until June and it is possible the weather will be cooperative, the Bison’s
     Bluff playground may be very crowded. She reported the Park District plans to reserve a portion
     of their available parking for the Environmental Fair attendees only. She said people going to the
     Bison’s Bluff Playground will be asked to park next door at St. Matthew’s Church and use the
     sidewalk to walk over to the nature playground area.

     Chairperson Panico Atkins asked for confirmation that Mr. Dave Brooks is reserving parking for
     the committee and the Environmental Fair participants in the parking lot, and if individuals at the
     Bison’s Bluff Playground will be directed to park at St. Matthew’s Church parking lot and walk
     over to the playground. Ms. Dooley confirmed this and suggested people coordinating this event
     should park at St. Matthew’s to allow parking in the parking lot for the people attending the
     Environmental Fair.

     Chairperson Panico Atkins asked Ms. Johnson for an update. Ms. Johnson confirmed that the
     following people will be presenting at the Fair. She asked staff if there was a particular order for
     presenting. Ms. Dooley said if she wanted to put together a schedule, particularly if some
     individuals have some preferences, to go ahead and make a schedule.

     1) Tim Joyce from Wild Birds Unlimited will do a presentation on hummingbirds and will have
        various props. He will provide recipes on how make hummingbird food and the benefits of
        having hummingbirds in the yard.

     2) Steve & Karen Klima will do a presentation on Mason Bees. She said they are members of
        the Nature Club. She said Steve Klima has been raising Mason Bees for over 6 years. She
        said they will provide a demonstration on how to build a house for bees and other information
        on where to order bees.

     3) Jeff Reader, will do a presentation on honeybees. Ms. Johnson stated Jeff Reader has an
        indoor hive at the Nature Center along with other hives throughout the Nature Center. Mr.
        Reader is an EMT/First Responder and may be called away if something comes up. Mr.
        Reader plans to do a presentation and his wife will be his back-up if he is called away.

     4) The Monarch butterfly people at Spring Valley will provide a tour of the Monarch Rearing
        Station and the new Butterfly Garden and Valerie will also give a presentation. Ms. Johnson
        said Valerie volunteers at the Chicago Botanic Garden on Sundays throughout the summer
        where she does other programs.

     Ms. Johnson said she reminded all speakers that they will have approximately 20-30 minutes for
     a presentation but will be informed as we get closer to the event. Staff will determine how they will
     cut form one speaker to the other speaker and see if they will do a 20-minute presentation with a
     5-10 minute question/answer period. Chairperson Panico Atkins asked if there will be bios for the
     speakers. Ms. Johnson said she currently has 3 of the 4 bios of the speakers. She said the only
     one that is pending is Jeff Reader.

     Ms. Johnson said we will give a small introduction before each speaker presents at the event.
     She said Dave Brooks would step in and help with presentations if someone is not able to attend
     at the last minute. Chairperson Panico Atkins said the plan was to have each one of the
     Committee members do a little introduction before the speakers and asked staff if we need to
     have something to read from. Ms. Johnson said this is the bio from the speakers that she has
     written up for the event. She said Ms. Dooley had suggested just doing a very brief intro and
Environmental Committee Thursday, March 4, 2021 7:00 PM - Zoom Meeting
Meeting of February 4, 2021
Via ZOOM Web Conference
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     basically asking the speaker to tell us more about how they got interested in this activity. Ms.
     Johnson said she is open to any suggestions on how Committee member would like that to be
     presented. Ms. Dooley asked Ms. Johnson to share the bios and some sort of session
     descriptions received to date in order for staff to update the website and promote the upcoming

     Ms. Dooley said as far as the Prairie Center staff that will be doing the taping of the event, staff
     would like the Committee to create a list of what will be featured at the event. She asked Ms.
     Johnson if she was familiar with the speaker’s presentations and if the video crew can take some
     footage of items or things they may want to feature. She asked if they would like a close-up shot
     of the kit that will be used for making the mason bee house. Ms. Dooley asked the Committee to
     provide a list of things at the March Environmental Committee meeting on what they would like to
     feature. This will help to determine how much time is spent in the studio and will enable staff to
     set-up their itinerary for personnel time in and out of the studio. An example would be the taping
     of Dave Brook’s introduction for the event which may be completed in the studio instead of Spring
     Valley. Ms. Dooley mentioned this list of items is needed by the next meeting so she can provide
     the information to the Prairie Center for staffing and scheduling purposes.

     Ms. Johnson said Mr. Steve Klima who will be presenting the mason bees will have a storyboard
     where you can order place an order. She suggested a close-up shot of the storyboard would be
     one example. Ms. Dooley suggested meeting with Ms. Johnson to review the storyboard and how
     that could be incorporated. She asked if Ms. Johnson had any pictures of the storyboard. Ms.
     Johnson said when Mr. Klima did a presentation for the Nature Club he had a PowerPoint
     presentation. She suggested that Mr. Klima not focus too much on the PowerPoint because
     people would find more interest in assembly of the bee house. Ms. Dooley said she will speak
     with Jack Netter how we can incorporate PowerPoint presentations if someone wishes to include
     one in their presentation. Chairperson Panico Atkins said she likes the idea of Dave Brooks
     giving a brief description and having the speakers talk about why the presenters are here. Ms.
     Johnson agreed to have the speaker introduce themselves rather than someone else because
     they have a passion of what they are presenting.

     Chairperson Panico Atkins mentioned she was a little nervous about how this event will come out
     because it is all new and does not know how the whole picture will pan out. She believes it will
     turn out and it is going to be exciting. Ms. Dooley said not to worry as we can rely on the
     expertise of the staff at the Prairie Center; they are extremely good at what they do and staff is
     confident they will make the event great. She asked the Committee to focus on the individual
     things that the members will be doing at the event and continue planning. Chairperson Panico
     Atkins asked if there were any further discussions on this item.


  1. April 24, 2021: Spring Recycling Event (9am to 2pm)

  2. June 12, 2021: 2021 Environmental Fair (1pm to 3pm)

     Chairperson Panico Atkins asked the Committee to mark April 24th for the upcoming Spring
     Recycling Event which will be Marty Metreger’s last event before retirement. She also asked to
     mark June 12 for the Environmental Fair. Ms. Dooley reminded the committee these days are
     included on the monthly agenda meeting which serves as a reminder with the dates and times for
Environmental Committee Thursday, March 4, 2021 7:00 PM - Zoom Meeting
Meeting of February 4, 2021
Via ZOOM Web Conference
Page 5 of 5

       each of the event. Chairperson Panico Atkins asked if anyone else had any other comments or
       announcement before adjourning the meeting.


NEXT MEETING March 4, 2021

There being no further business, Ms. Krause made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ms.
                                                                                 MOTION CARRIED

Roll Call: Donna Panico Atkins, Donna Johnson, and Christine Krause voted aye to adjourn the meeting.
Pratik Patel was absent. Motion carried unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:31 p.m.

Norma Higgins, Interim Recording Secretary
Transportation Department

I have reviewed the minutes, and they accurately reflect the actions taken by the Environmental

Martha Dooley, Landscape & Sustainability Planner
Environmental Committee Thursday, March 4, 2021 7:00 PM - Zoom Meeting

 Annual Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Community Meeting - Informational
                               Environmental Committee

Presenter:       Brian Wagner, Superintendent of Utilities
Lead Department: Engineering and Public Works
Accounts(s):        Budget:              Expense Request:
NA                  $                    $
                                         Executive Summary:
 The Village of Schaumburg is a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Community that is
regulated by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) under the National Pollutant
Discharge and Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II permit. The permit requires that the Village
provide six Minimum Control Measures (MCM). One of those measures is to provide public
education and outreach, including an annual meeting to present the Village’s program and procedures
and solicit input from the public. This will include a brief Power Point presentation that explains the
requirements, purpose and need, and the Village’s current and future program and procedures. This
meeting and presentation is intended to fulfill the public education and outreach measure.
                                        Recommended Action:

   Description                                           Type
   Presentation                                          Exhibit
Environmental Committee Thursday, March 4, 2021 7:00 PM - Zoom Meeting

                NPDES ANNUAL MEETING
                MARCH 4, 2021

In this presentation…
   Define key terms such as; NPDES, MS4, and MCM
   Discuss the need for a stormwater program and storm system permit
   Discuss concepts relative to stormwater runoff and water quality
   Emphasize the benefits of a well-developed Stormwater
    Management Plan
   Review the Village’s current plan and proposed changes
   Respond to any comments or questions


 Key Terms: What is NPDES?
     A Program created by USEPA to address water pollution by
      regulating sources known to discharge into waters of the
      United States.                                                        National
     NPDES program defines rules that act to regulate sources of
      pollution in an effort to protect the Nation’s natural                Pollutant
     Created in 1972 by the Clean Water Act, the USEPA
      authorized state governments to perform many                 NPDES   Discharge
      administrative aspects of the NPDES program such as
      permitting and enforcement.                                          Elimination
     NPDES rules were implemented in phases that targeted
      different point sources such as wastewater treatment plants
      and then non-point source contributors like communities such          System
      as the Village of Schaumburg.

 Key Terms: What is MS4?



MS4           Storm




Key Terms: What is MCM?
   A key element of a MS4 Stormwater management program made of 6
    categories that, when combined, are expected to result in significant
    pollutant discharge reduction in local waterways.
   Each of the 6 categories include Best Management Practices which are
    made up of regulations, requirements, and activities to be enforced and
    undertaken by the Village.

                                                        MCM        Control


Why does this matter?
                                             Precipitation falls on all areas
                                              throughout the Village (i.e.
                                              industrial and commercial
                                              areas, neighborhoods,
                                              roadways, parks, etc.)
                                             This precipitation leads to
                                              stormwater runoff.
                                             Stormwater runoff picks up
                                              and carries pollutants to our


Why does this matter?
   Non-point source pollution
           Leading cause of water
            quality problems in the US
            according to USEPA1.
           Combination of small
            contributors adding up in a
            large way.
           Cannot be solved by one
            individual, group effort is a
    1U.S.Environmental Protection Agency. National Water Quality Inventory: Report to
    Congress, 2002 Reporting Cycle: Findings, Rivers and Streams, and Lakes, Ponds and
    Reservoirs. Available at http://www.epa.gov/305b/2002report/report2002pt3.pdf

How can we ensure compliance?
   State level regulator is the Illinois EPA (IEPA) and
    issues General NPDES Permit No. ILR40
   The Village must:
    o   Apply for Coverage (approval) to utilize that
    o Commit to prepare & follow a self-created
        Stormwater Management Plan;
    o Submit an Annual Facility Inspection Report that
        describes annual progress and adjustments in the
    o The permit and annual reports are located here:


    The Village must implement 6 MCMs
          MCM 1:                  Outreach & Public Education
          MCM 2:                   Public Participation & Involvement
          MCM 3:                   Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination
          MCM 4:                  Construction Site Runoff & Control
          MCM 5:                  Post-Construction Runoff Control
          MCM 6:                  Pollution Prevention & Good Housekeeping

    MCM #1: Public Education & Outreach
Current Activities:
   Provide handouts to residents:
     o   EPA After the Storm
     o   EPA Protecting Water Quality from Urban Runoff
     o   Climate Change Handouts
     o   Detention Basin Do's/Don'ts handout to residents
  Annual Touch-a-Truck/Public Works Open House
  Fish Grate standard enforcement, and
  Village Green Corner website
  Annual public meeting for MS4 feedback (today)
  Stormwater Pollution Prevention PSA and MWRD rain barrel video
   on Village website
  Promote SCARCE's Educational Programs
2021 Changes: None Identified/required


MCM #2: Public Participation & Involvement
                                                    Current Activities:
                                                     Village Environmental Committee

                                                     Annual Village Environmental Fair

                                                     Adopt-a-Highway, Adopt-a-Bikepath

                                                     Annual Village Recycling Event

                                                     Village Recycling Boxes

                                                     Provide HOAs with educational
                                                       materials and solicit feedback
                                                    2021 Changes: None Identified/required

MCM #3: Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination
Current Activities:
   Update GIS Sewer Maps as necessary and install
    outfall number markers
   Enforce Village Code for illicit discharge
   Participate in the DuPage River Salt Creek
    Workgroup stream monitoring program
   Perform dry-weather outfall inspections
   Provide phone number for illicit discharge
    reporting on Village website.
     o   Call (847) 895-7100 to report
  Identify high risk outfalls and procedures for
   source tracing and spill response
2021 Changes: None Identified/required


MCM #4: Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control

Current Activities
   Enforce various Village ordinances:
    o   Village Floodplain, Subdivision
        Control, and Wetland Protection
    o   MWRD WMO requirements
  Permit Reviews
  Routine inspections
  Enforcement action
  Citizen complaint process
2021 Changes: None Identified/required

MCM #5: Post Construction Stormwater Management

                                          Current Activities:
                                             Village Biodiversity Plan and
                                              Comprehensive Green Action Plan
                                             Enforcement of MWRD WMO
                                              requirements for Post Construction Best
                                              Management Practices
                                          2021 Changes: None Identified/required


MCM #6: Pollution Prevention & Good Housekeeping
Current Activities:
   Training video for Engineering & Public Works
    Good Housekeeping & Pollution Prevention
   MWRD creek inspection & maintenance
   Village Street Sweeping, annual catch basins
    cleaning and cleaning adjacent to construction
   Hot Spot Patrol and Inlet Cleaning Program
   Village Severe Weather Emergency Plan
   Storm sewer repair and maintenance projects
   Partnership with Park District to maintain
    detention basins with Village inspections
   Staff Attendance at pollution prevention for
    MS4 communities workshop
2021 Changes: None Identified/required



                2021 Environmental Fair – Discussion of Event Planning Status
                                Environmental Committee

                 Donna Johnson, Committee Member Martha Dooley, Landscape and
                 Sustainability Planner
Lead Department: Community Development
                                      Executive Summary:
 Planning of the 2021 Environmental Fair is underway. Committee member Donna Johnson has
provided updated information about the event sessions which are summarized in the attached report.
                                      Recommended Action:
 For discussion

   Description                                         Type
   Staff Memo                                          Exhibit

Date:           February 22, 2021

To:             Donna Panico Atkins, Chairperson
                Environmental Committee Members

From:           Martha Dooley, Landscape and Sustainability Planner

Subject:        2021 Environmental Fair – Discussion of Event Planning Status

In 2014, the Environmental Committee began a partnership with the Schaumburg Township District Library to bring the
Environmental Fair to the public. The event has been held annually at the Library; however, the 2020 event was cancelled
due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. It is likely that crowd size and social distancing guidelines recommended by the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the State of Illinois will be in place next spring; therefore, changes to the
event logistics are required. As the event planning continues, organizers should continue to monitor the Restore Illinois
guidelines and make adjustments as necessary.

At the January 3, 2021 Environmental Committee meeting, the Committee considered an option to host the upcoming fair
using a virtual format. After much discussion, the Committee chose to host a live stream event which would include four
(4) sessions about hummingbirds, mason bees, honey bees, and Monarch butterflies.

Date: Saturday, June 12th
Time: 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Place: Spring Valley Nature Center

The sessions have been further refined to include the time and duration of each session. To date, Committee member
Donna Johnson has secured speakers and confirmed times for the following sessions:
    • 1:00 – 1:20 pm: Hummingbirds: Tim Joyce of Wild Birds Unlimited
    • 1:30 – 1:50 pm: Mason Bees: Steve and Karin Klima
    • 2:00 – 2:20 pm: Honey Bees at Spring Valley: Jeff Reader
    • 2:30 – 2:50 pm: Monarchs and tour of rearing station and new butterfly garden: Monarch Ladies
    • 3:00 – 3:30 pm: Bee Garden: Martha Dooley and Bee Garden Participants

There is a ten minute open time slot between each session which will be used by the presenters to remove their props and
literature so the next presenter can set up their information. During this time period, the video crew will be visiting with
the exhibitors.

Video Taping Services
The sessions will be taped “live” and video streamed for people who are more comfortable attending at home during the
pandemic. The Landscape and Sustainability Planner will coordinate the video streaming logistics with staff in the
Cultural Services Department.

                                               Community Development
                 101 Schaumburg Court • Schaumburg, IL 60193-1899 • (847) 923-4420 • www.schaumburg.com
Updated information about the presentations including information about each speaker, and session logistics have been
provided and are summarized below:

    •   1:00 – 1:20 pm: Hummingbirds – Wild Birds Unlimited, Tim Joyce
        o Tim is the Manager and “Birdscaper” at Wild Birds Unlimited where he has worked for 16 years. Tim grew
            up in the north suburbs of Chicago discovering birds in his backyard at the age of five, and has been hooked
            on birds ever since! Tim graduated from the University of Kansas and lives in Mt. Prospect with his wife and
            two boys.
                 No power point presentation
                 Will have literature to give to attendees
                 Will have feeders, poles, nectar etc. to display.
                 Would like to reserve 10 minutes for Q & A
                 Needs a conference table to display some of the props.
    •   1:30 – 1:50 pm: Mason Bees, Steve and Karin Klima
        o Steve and Karin grew up in Chicago and have been Schaumburg residents since 1992.
            In 2014, while Karin was recovering from surgery, Steve decided to make her a butterfly flower garden to
            enjoy looking at from their deck. While researching flowers and plants for the garden, he came across info on
            Mason Bees and the benefits to a garden. Amazed, Steve decided to give them a try. Steve and Karin now
            have a dozen solitary bee houses that have a variety of solitary bees that include Spring Mason Bees and
            Summer Leaf Cutter Bees. The houses go out every spring and the flower and vegetable gardens flourish
            every year, thanks to the bees!
                 Steve & Karin will start the program with a short film of mason bee activity
                 Will have literature to give to attendees
                 Will have props such as bee houses, reeds, etc.
                 Would like a question answer period
                 Will need a projector and a table.
    •   2:00 – 2:20 pm: Honeybees at Spring Valley, Jeff Reader
        o Jeff is a long-time beekeeper with hives at Spring Valley and in Streamwood
                 Presentation will be done in the classroom
                 No plans to bring any one to the indoor hive
                 The outdoor hives are easily accessible to the video crew if they want to get some shots
                 Will have literature for attendees
                 Will have props.
                 Would like a Q & A period
                 Didn’t indicate he needs a table or projector
    •   2:30 – 2:50 pm: Monarchs, Valerie Kot – Nature Enthusiast
        o Valerie Kot is a nature and conservation enthusiast with over eight years of butterfly education & rearing
            experience through volunteer efforts with the Chicago Botanic Garden and Spring Valley Nature Center.
                 Will have a power point presentation in classroom
                 Will have literature and possibly seeds
                 May have props of “kits” for home-raising of Monarchs
                 Will focus on Monarchs and will touch on other butterflies like swallowtails
                 Would like a Q & A session of there is enough time
                 Will need a laptop and projector
    •   3:00 – 3:30 pm: Schaumburg Community Bee Garden, Martha Dooley and Participating Beekeepers
        o Martha Dooley is the Landscape and Sustainability Planner for the Village of Schaumburg where she
            coordinates sustainability initiatives, such as the Bee Garden, for the village. She earned a BS in Ornamental
            Horticulture from University of Illinois and a Leadership in Sustainability Management Certificate from
            University of Chicago. She is a member of the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus Environment Committee, the
            Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning Environment and Natural Resources Committee and serves as
            staff liaison to the Village of Schaumburg Environmental Committee.
                 Will ask beekeepers if the village can video a beekeeper installing bees in their hive(s) in April
                 This session will take place at the Bee Garden
                 Will introduce the Bee Garden, the importance of bees as a pollinator, and how residents can participate
                 Interview with 1 or more participating beekeepers
Will want to post weblinks to the village’s website

The Library has offered to coordinate the exhibitors for the 2021 Fair. Spring Valley can accommodate ten (10)
exhibitors, each needing 1 – 6’ table. Below is a list of the exhibitors who have participated in the past.

    1.    Schaumburg Community Garden Club (4 chairs)
    2.    Metropolitan Water Reclamation District
    3.    Schaumburg Bicycle Club
    4.    GFWC Northwest Suburban Woman’s Club
    5.    Hoffman Estates Garden Club
    6.    Village of Schaumburg
    7.    Schaumburg Township District Library Pop Up Booth
    8.    University of Illinois Extension Master Gardeners
    9.    Illinois Native Plant Society - Northeast Chapter
    10.   Sierra Club

The number of exhibitors and their booth locations will be determined as the date draws nearer and construction at Spring
Valley continues. Outdoor shelters next to the parking lot could be used if construction is complete; however, this area
wouldn’t work if there is severe weather.

The Park District will coordinate event registration using their program registration software. Anyone wanting to register
would first have to set up an online account with the Park District (something that requires 24 hours for approval through
their Registration Dept.). After setting up an account, they can then register for the event online. Spring Valley will limit
the number of attendees to comply with any state guidelines that may be in effect at the time. Attendees will pre-register
for the session(s) they want to attend and then additional walk-ins could be admitted based on space available.

Outreach and Event Promotion
The Village, Park District and Library will provide outreach via printed newsletters/brochures, via websites, social media
and calendars. The Village will also provide an announcement on the local cable tv station.

Environmental Committee members and event volunteers should park at St. Matthew’s Church and fair attendees will
park at Spring Valley. Spring Valley will plan to reserve a portion of their available parking for Environmental Fair
attendees only, and will make sure no other programs or rentals are scheduled on that day. Families using Bison’s Bluff
(who are generally more able-bodied) will park at the church and walk over to the nature playground.

For discussion.

                 Spring Recycling Event - Discussion of Event Planning Status
                                  Environmental Committee

Presenter:       Martin Metreger, Logistics Coordinator
Lead Department: Community Development
                                           Executive Summary:
 The Village of Schaumburg, Schaumburg Environmental Committee and Schaumburg Township
District Library will host a recycling event on April 24, 2021 from at 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The
spring event will be identical to the Fall 2020 Recycling Event and will offer recycling opportunities
to include electronics, paint, oil, antifreeze, vegetable oil, books, flags, and other items. Document
destruction will also be available.
                                           Recommended Action:
 For discussion

   Description                                           Type
   Staff Memo                                            Exhibit
   2021 Recycling Event Flyer                            Exhibit
   2021 Recycling Event Traffic Flow Map                 Exhibit

Date:           February 25, 2021

To:             Donna N. Panico Atkins
                Environmental Committee Members

From:           Martin Metreger, Logistics Coordinator

Subject:        2021 Spring Recycling Event – Discussion of Event Planning

The Village of Schaumburg, Schaumburg Environmental Committee and Schaumburg Township District Library
will host a recycling event on April 24, 2021 from at 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The spring event will be identical to the
Fall 2020 Recycling Event and will offer recycling opportunities to include electronics, paint, oil, antifreeze,
vegetable oil, books, flags, and other items. Document destruction will also be available.

The Spring Recycling Event is scheduled on Saturday, April 24, 2021 and a separate 2021 Document Destruction
Event for residents only is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, April 10, 2021 (proof of residency is
required). The Spring Recycling Event will take place at the Wintrust Stadium west parking lot. All vendors that
provided services at the Fall 2020 Recycling Event have been locked in for the Spring 2021 Event. The Schaumburg
Environmental Committee is encouraged to volunteer at the spring recycling event starting at 8:30 a.m. and working
until 2:00 p.m. Food and water will be provided for all volunteers.

Preparations for the event include sign manufacturing, ordering supplies, scheduling employees and seeking
volunteers. A map of the proposed routing (see attached) was prepared for distribution to EPW staff, volunteers and

Attendees will be directed to enter at the north entrance of the Wintrust Stadium West Lot where Schaumburg
Auxiliaries will direct participants into staging lanes within the lot. EPW staff will direct the participants throughout
the rest of the event. The “Drop Zone” will be the first stop – volunteers will collect items such as textiles, batteries,
fire extinguishers, eyeglasses, oil, antifreeze, books, flags, bicycles, and fluorescent bulbs, from the participants. The
next drop off is paint - oil and latex paint will be accepted for a small charge. Document Destruction is next and
available at no charge to all participants. The last stop is electronics recycling where participants will be charged fees
for TV/computer monitor recycling only; other electronics will be collected free of charge. The routing set-up
accommodates vehicles for bypassing unneeded stops by using the outside lanes. See attached Map.

There will be a small change in the Drop Zone. Cell phones will be collected by the electronics recycling vendor at
this event. The former cell phone recycler TGA Wireless is no longer in business.

For discussion

                                              Engineering & Public Works
                714 S. Plum Grove Road • Schaumburg, IL 60193-4329 • (847) 895-7100 • www.schaumburg.com
                                                Saturday, April 24
                                                    For more information, visit

                                                          9AM–2PM                                                                www.schaumburg.com/recyclingevent,

Recycling Event                                                                                                                  call (847) 895-7100, or dial 311

                                                                                                                                 in Schaumburg.

202 1
                                                          Wintrust Field West Lot

                                                          1999 S. Springinsguth Rd.

                                                          Schaumburg, IL                                                         Drive-up event. Face coverings required.

electronics recycling                                                                                                            Other items
Televisions & Monitors charges apply                      Other     no cost                                                      Vegetable Oil
Tube, LCD, LED, Plasma, and Projection                    Small appliances
                             Vegetable oil needs to be free of lard, fat, grease

                    Cell phones
                            and grit.
                                                                                                                                 S ponsore d      b y G reen
                                                                grease en v ironmental
     Under 21”

                                                          Keyboards & mice

     21” and above                             $35.00
                        + more                                  Batteries
                                                          Printers                                                               Automotive, household alkaline, and

     cash or cre di t on s i te                                                                                                  rechargeable batteries.
                                                          Visit elginrecycling.com for a full list.                              S ponsore db y INT ER STAT E BATT ERY
                                                          S ponsore d   by   elgin recycling inc .

document destruction                                                                                                             Any used and abused books accepted.
                       Not Allowed
               Schaumburg residents only may also attend an
                          S ponsore d b y S. C .A. R . C . E

Paper clips
                       earlier Document Destruction Event:
                       Plastic bags
Envelopes                      Spiral notebooks
                                                                                 Giving bikes a new life.
                                                               Saturday, April 10 • 9AM–Noon
                                  S ponsore d      b y w or k ing     bi k es
                               3-ring binders
                                                               Wintrust Field West Lot

Two      b o x l imi t
S ponsore dby
                                                               1999 S. Springinsguth Rd.
                                        Motor and Oil Antifreeze
D ocu-shred ( 6 30)      98 6 -5411
                                                               Face coverings and IDs required.                                  For larger quantities, please call (815) 230-7920.
                                                                                                                                 S ponsore d b y I LL IN O IS REC O V ER GR O U P IN C .

latex & flammable oil-based paint recycling                                                                                      Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFL)
                                                                                                                                 S ponsore d      b y RE P U B L I C S ER V I CE S
                                                          please d o not mix conta i ners .
                  Latex Paint
         Oil-Based Paint
   Visit earthpaint.org for more information.                             American Flags
                                                                          S ponsore d      by   ells w orth meine k e american
                                             S ponsore d   by
                                                                          legion post # 1 983
                                                          earthpaint. org

     Spray Cans            $2.00                     —                                                                           Eyeglasses
                                                                                                                                 S ponsore d      by   lions club
     cash or cre di t on s i te
                                                                                                                                 Fire Extinguishers

clothing & household textiles
                      Visit simplerecycling.com for a full list.                             Paint thinner, gas, and other hazardous waste

                                                                                        will not be accepted.
                                                          S ponsore d   by

                                                          simple recycling
Belts                          + more
                                                                         Many of the vendors donate their services, and members from the following groups volunteer their time: 

                                                                         Village of Schaumburg Environmental Committee, Schaumburg Township District Library, and the Citizens Police Academy

                                                                         Alumni Association of Schaumburg.
                 R   te
   Ill                                                                                                                          1   1
                                                                    Volunteer &                                                                          Metra
                                                                    Early Access



                                                                                                        10   10
                                                               10         10
                                                                                     Electronics                   Collection
                                                                                      Recycling                      Point
                                                                          9                             9

                                                                                                                                    Springinsguth Rd
                                                                                        60’                       Collection

                                                                          8                             8
                                                                                      Recycling                                                        Volunteer &
                                                                          7                             7                                                Vendor
Drop Zone Items                                      Equipment
                                                                              130’                                  Collection
                                                                                                                                                         All Day
                                                         &                                                                                               Access
Batteries                                              Pallet
                                                      Parking                           60’
Clothes & Textiles                                                        6            Zone             6
Fire Extinguishers                                                                                                    Point
Books                                                                     120’
Oil, Antifreeze
Cooking Oil
CFL & Tube Bulbs                                                                                               Equipment
Flags                                                                                                         Entrance Only
Eye Glasses                                                3

                                 4   4   4   4   4

                                                           2021 Recycling Event Traffic Flow
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