"Engineering for a Smarter World" - www.trunexa.com - Trunexa Infoways

"Engineering for a Smarter World" - www.trunexa.com - Trunexa Infoways
“Engineering for a
 Smarter World”
"Engineering for a Smarter World" - www.trunexa.com - Trunexa Infoways
Introduc on                                       Value
 Tr u n e xa I n fo w ay s i s a t e c h n o l o g y
 consul ng organiza on specializing product
                                                       Proposi on
 engineering services. We enable our client
 to create and execute strategies across all
                                                           What makes
 digital pla orms. At Trunexa, we innovate                us different?
 new ways of doing business, dive into                   Our rich mul -
 emerging technology and assist our clients
 to solve their problems effec vely and                  disciplinary skills
 efficiently. We believe in improving people's             across various
 lives by developing innova ve and
 imagina ve engineering solu ons which                  host of ver cals
 will essen ally help in upli ing the society              makes us to
 for a be er tomorrow.
                                                       deliver innova ve
                                                          and new-age-
                                                        cross- func onal
                                                        solu ons to our
                                                         global clients.
                                                        As a “specialists,
                                                        Engineering and
                                                        Innova ons” we
                                                       are all set to write
                                                         future of next
                                                          genera on IT.

01     Trunexa Infoways Private Limited
"Engineering for a Smarter World" - www.trunexa.com - Trunexa Infoways
Our Strengths
   Flexible engagement models
   Extensive domain experiences and exper se
   End-to-End solu ons
   Cost-effec veness
   Dedicated workforce
   Quality management

 Core Values
DELIVER:              An Amazing Service

TAKE OWNERSHIP:       In Everything

COMMIT:               To Con nuous Improvement

EMBRACE:              Crea vity & Innova on

BUILD:                A Posi ve Team Environment

MAKE IT:              Count

                                      Trunexa Infoways Private Limited   02
"Engineering for a Smarter World" - www.trunexa.com - Trunexa Infoways
Highlights Of Project
                             Network applica on development

                                   Implement Linux and       Debugging and bug
          Camera bring up and
                                   ADSP based driver, HAL    fixing related to power,
                                   and framework for         display, sensors,
          implementa on
                                   introduc on of New        camera, audio, video
          on Qualcomm and
                                   sensor into Android       etc. on Qualcomm
          Intel pla orm.
                                   stack.                    pla orms.

          Sensor / Camera / RIL /SAM / NFC / Touch /        Pla orm bring up namely
                                                            msm8994, msm8974,
          GPS / Audio por ng across mul ple pla orms        msm8039, msm8956,
          for android and Linux device.                     s5p4418.

                           Hardware Virtualiza on on Android 4.4
               GPS Sensors(Accelerometer, barometer, magnetometer, ALS and
                           proximity)Audio, Camera, Touch

          Gesture detec on for                                 3rd Party modules /
                                     Test automa on for
          automa on control                                    components
                                     performance check.
          on OpenCV                                            integra on

                 WIFI enabled home automa on
                                                                 Factory tes ng
                       (End-End solu on)

                            OTA updates to android / Linux devices

               Cool boot / warm boot op miza on              BT stack upgrada on
                                                             to bluedroid

                                                              Performance analysis
          Basic radar system for     Remote tes ng and
                                                              on benchmarking
          home surveillance          cloud integra on
                                                              applica on

                        Middle layer library development on Linux QT-Core
03     Trunexa Infoways Private Limited
"Engineering for a Smarter World" - www.trunexa.com - Trunexa Infoways

  1           2            3                  4

 BSP &
          MULTIMEDIA                       TESTING &
          MEDIAWARE                       VALIDATION

                               Trunexa Infoways Private Limited 04
"Engineering for a Smarter World" - www.trunexa.com - Trunexa Infoways
 Seamless integra on of Board Support Package (BSP) and device drivers
 across mul ple OS is cri cal to overall system performance including
 boot me and power op miza on. With an understanding of the
 system architecture, and varia on in number of peripherals, an efficient
 BSP can greatly reduce the footprint, thereby lowering the system cost.

     Opera ng Systems support: Android, Embedded Linux, RTOS
     Device drive development: Camera, Graphics, LCD, Touch, HDMI,
     Audio, NAND, eMMC, SDIO, MMC/SD Card, SATA, Gigabit Ethernet,
     GPS, WLAN, WiFi, Bluetooth and USB
     Boot loader customiza on, Cold boot and Snapshot boot
     Kernel migra on, profiling and tes ng
     High performance data throughput with driver op miza on
     Op miza on of all layers: xloader, u-boot, kernel
     Frameworks support: QT, GTK, X11, DirectFB, ALSA, V4L2
     Tools: Yocto, LTP, OpenTest, CTS
     Applica on specific op miza on
     Power profiling of peripherals

                            TRUNEXA ADVANTAGE
     Trunexa has in-depth exper se in Board Support
     Package (BSP)development, device driver integra on and
     system performance improvement on SoCs from major
     semiconductor companies.

05     Trunexa Infoways Private Limited
"Engineering for a Smarter World" - www.trunexa.com - Trunexa Infoways
We op mize device boot me keeping applica on specific
requirement into considera on. We do a thorough system performance
analysis and op miza on.We explore each so ware/hardware block,
understand and modify the design and op mize the me taken by
different blocks in achieving the target boot me.

                       BSP & DEVICE DRIVER

                                       Trunexa Infoways Private Limited   06
"Engineering for a Smarter World" - www.trunexa.com - Trunexa Infoways
 In a market that is constantly evolving towards new standards and
 pla orms, feature-rich middleware solu ons are being increasingly used
 in smartphone, automo ve, video surveillance, and video-conferencing
 solu ons. End-user experience is being redefined through mul media
 integra on op ons across mul ple use cases using robust and efficient
 middleware solu ons.
  Mul media Framework: Be it a homogeneous or a distributed
  ecosystem, our flexible service delivery model helps you build robust
  middleware frameworks for your complete mul media pipeline. Our
  competency in building Android mul media framework from board
  bring up, development to por ng has been integrated into many of our
  Cameras, Automo ve, Media playback and Video processing solu ons.
  Apart from Android, we can also help you build proprietary mul media
  frameworks which support mul -channel requirements such as CPU
  offload, low power audio, video and imaging DSPs.

  Connec vity: Flexible frameworks to incorporate ease of use in many
  Bluetooth, Wireless connec vity, Android Auto and Car play
  applica ons.

                           TRUNEXA ADVANTAGE
  Pla orm familiarity: Our experience in enabling mul media
  solu ons on mul ple embedded pla orms combined with
  our knowledge of codecs, Android mul media framework,
  OMX IL and applica on layer is deep seated to industry's
  latest trends and standards.

07     Trunexa Infoways Private Limited
"Engineering for a Smarter World" - www.trunexa.com - Trunexa Infoways
Embedded: Our experience in the embedded mul media technology
space includes smart TV, Cameras and infotainment systems. We have
hands-on experience in rolling out robust and efficient mul media
middleware components to support your connec vity features.
File containers: 3GPP, MP4, AVI, AFS, MOV, MKV
UPnP, RDP, RemoteFx, MirrorLink, DRM
Sub-systems: Based on Stagefright, AudioFlinger, GStreamer,
OpenMax, DirectShow and MFT Camera framework, Audio & Display
framework, 2D/3D Graphics, Compos ng, Rendering
Streaming: RTP, Adap ve Streaming technologies, Mpeg2 transport
stream, system integra on and por ng, Android TV framework and
security (HDCP)
At Trunexa, we believe that it is the end-user and not the applica on
that governs an applica on's design criterion. We leverage the best
prac ces, tools and exper se gained over years of diverse
engagement across industries to present the best service delivery

                   MULTIMEDIA MIDDLEWARE
                                         Trunexa Infoways Private Limited 08
"Engineering for a Smarter World" - www.trunexa.com - Trunexa Infoways
 An effec ve strategy for an enriched user experience involves more than
 just a mobile-friendly applica on or an easily navigable website. Users
 prefer applica on with func onali es that are fast, flexible and secured,
 allowing access to informa on on the go. Mobile and desktop
 applica ons have provided business with opportuni es to add value to
 their customers and evaluate terms of growth.
 Sustaining a user's a en on span in the glut of Mobile Apps goes
 beyond a responsive UI or a beau ful design. Customers are looking
 for a mobile experience that comes with usages such as low power
 consump on, loca on mapping, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi connec vity in
 addi on to many other features. No wonder, mobility solu ons have
 become a cross-channel pla orm for enterprises to measure their
 terms of growth.
       Pla orms: Android, iOS, Windows and Linux
       Social Media Integra on
       Na ve, Hybrid Applica ons
       Maintenance and update

                            TRUNEXA ADVANTAGE
     We have developed Apps for wearable mobile pla orm such as smart
     watch, health gadgets, and wearable camera. Even a er your product
     launch, we make sure to mely deploy and integrate upgrada ons to
     your backend systems, whenever applicable.

09      Trunexa Infoways Private Limited
When it comes to desktop applica ons, enterprises want a
disparate solu on that keeps the end-user in prime focus. As most of
the organiza ons rely on data to make daily business decisions, an
upgraded security features along with cloud capabili es to the exis ng
applica ons has become an ongoing trend.
At Trunexa our execu ves can handhold you during applica on
development right from crea ng a concept to the final design - defining
specs and UI, development and tes ng, release to market and
integra on of social media.


                                            Trunexa Infoways Private Limited 10
 Tes ng and valida on is an essen al part of product development
 lifecycle.Trunexa follows strict agile methodologies for all its QA
 processes.Our compe ve team has exper se to handle complete
 valida on cycle for Mul media Systems, Video, Audio, Imaging and
 Speech Codecs, iOS and Android applica ons & SDKs, Imaging & Vision
 Algorithms and BSP/device drivers.
 Best in class Tracking and repor ng process for various Quality
 metrics makes Trunexa a trusted partner in providing specialized and
 independent tes ng services.

       Valida on
       Automa on
       Mul media Codecs Exper se
       Video Encoders: HEVC/H.265, H264AVC, H264MVC, AVC-Ultra,
       AVC-Intra, MPEG4, MPEG2, WMV9\VC1
       Audio Codecs: AAC-LC, AAC+, eAAC+, MP3, WMA, MIDI, AC-3,
       Ogg-vorbis, Dolby Digital, DTS and Opus

                        TRUNEXA ADVANTAGE
  Va l i d a o n e x p e r i e n c e o n v a r i o u s p ro c e s s o rs &
  pla orms. In-house collec on of Test suite, tools and /
  database Automa on of system test cases and applica on
  cases using Perl, Python Shell scrip ng, Sikuli, Appium,
  Selenium and Jmeter.Exper se on vast set of tools, analyzers,
  players and converters Video and Audio Tes ng tools for high
  performance real me systems for subjec ve evalua on.
11      Trunexa Infoways Private Limited
Video Quality benchmarking, Subjec ve and Objec ve analysis,
exper se in publishing different quality metrics for Video and Audio
  Mul media Systems Exper se
  Device Drivers & BSP:
  Display Sub-System interface verifica on
  Full-fledged internal Test Automa on framework that covers tes ng
  of different peripherals in a BSP viz. EDMA, RAM, I2C, UART, USB,
  HDMI, WIFI, ADC, different scenarios of WDT and NAND.
  Mul media Applica ons:
  Skype, Video conferencing, DVR, IPNC, Video recorder &
  Media players
  Drone system use cases
  Ac on camera use cases
  In-Vehicle-Infotainment systems – Carplay, Android AUto
  Open Source Test suite:
  Experience with open source test suite such as LAVA and CUnit
  based tests.
  Test Frameworks:
  Google Test Framework (GTF), CUnit based PP Test Automa on
  framework with LTP and LTP-DDT cases added for different
  peripherals and systems.
 Mul media Frameworks:
 OpenMax, gStreamer, DirectShow, Microso Media Founda on,
 OpenCore and Stagefright
 File Container formats:
 FLV , 3GP, AVI, MOV, RM, WMV, MP4, M4V, AVS and MKV
 WIN32 SDK, Windows8 SDK, Windows LTK, Windows Mobile LTK,
 Hopper Tes ng Kit
                                        Trunexa Infoways Private Limited   12
       OpenMax, gStreamer, DirectShow, Microso Media Founda on,
       OpenCore and Stagefright

       Experienced team having hands on valida ng apps on iOS, Mac,
       Windows and Android.
       Exper se with Selinium and end-to-end automa on using Sikuli.
       Ported and automated Windows and Mac pla orms with Sikuli.
       Integrated automa on with Jenkins and update to Jira tracking tool.
       Load, Func onal and Performance tes ng using Jmeter.

       Experience with CTS (Android), CETK (WinCE) and LTP (Linux).
       Validated, analyzed and fixed issues in Android CTS from version 4.3
       Exper se in quick analysis and fix for issues related to mul media
       framework, security, networking, performance and rendering/display.
       Evalua ng embedded kernels at different stages.

                        Requirement                                     Acceptance
                          Design                                          Test

                                 System                              System
                                 Design                               Test


                                                                                   n Ph

                                      Architecture              Integration
                            on P

                                       Design                     Test


                                            Model             Unit
                                            Design            Test


                                      TESTING & VALIDATIONS
13      Trunexa Infoways Private Limited
1       Our Es mates of work.

           2         Design document.

                Pre-Agreed milestones and a
           3         plan of execu on.

                     Release notes and
           4      configura on documents.

Delivery   5          Actual so ware.

 Model     6           User training.

                User acceptance tes ng support
           7     along with unit tes ng results.

           8         Bug and defect fixes.

           9       Timesheet and invoices.

               Trunexa Infoways Private Limited 14
Trunexa Infoways Private Limited
                  1709, Haware Infotechpark, Vashi,
       Near Vashi Railway sta on, Vashi, Navi Mumbai - 400703
                  CIN : U74999MH2018PTC304154


                      +91 9429930105
                      +91 9632814567

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