ENGINEERING APPRENTICESHIPS - The best start to your engineering career 2021-2022

Page created by David Franklin
ENGINEERING APPRENTICESHIPS - The best start to your engineering career 2021-2022
Engineering The Future

The best start to your engineering career
ENGINEERING APPRENTICESHIPS - The best start to your engineering career 2021-2022
    Engineering The Future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P3
    About HETA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P4
    Why An Apprenticeship? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P5
    Our Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P7
    Our Apprenticeship Programmes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P8-9
    Traineeships. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P11
    Electrical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P12
    Mechanical and Machining. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P13
    Process Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P14
    Instrumentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P15
    Marine Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P16
    Fabrication & Welding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P17
    Higher Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P19
    Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P20
    Our Employers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P21
    Our Application Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P22

       Contact Us
       General Enquiries :

       Connect with us on Social Media:
       Facebook : HETA
       Twitter : @HETA1967
       Instagram: @HETA1967
       LinkedIn: Humberside Engineering Training Association

ENGINEERING APPRENTICESHIPS - The best start to your engineering career 2021-2022
    HETA provides specialist training for young
    people who are looking to join the world of
    engineering through an apprenticeship

    A HETA apprenticeship is like no other. It’s real
    work from day one - real experience, real wages,
    and first-class training from engineers who are
    experts in their fields.

    Offering hands-on training and links to over 350
    companies within the region, an apprenticeship
    with HETA is the best route into a career in

    Engineering doesn’t always mean heavy lifting,
    oily overalls or dirty workshops – although those
    are still vital parts of many jobs. Many engineering
    roles are based in offices, studios or laboratories.

    Today’s fast-moving high-tech world demands a
    wide variety of engineering skills focused on
    computers and electronics, and sectors like
    renewable energy involve creating sleek, pristine
    components in clean, bright manufacturing

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ENGINEERING APPRENTICESHIPS - The best start to your engineering career 2021-2022
    Since opening it's doors in 1967,
    HETA have always looked for
    enthusiastic and highly motivated
    young people who are looking to
    become engineers with a range of
    companies across the Humber

    Our learners are very successful,
    moving into key jobs in multi-
    national companies. Our aim is to
    get all learners into full time jobs at
    the end of their training.                We are confident that not only will
                                              our learners receive the best
    This success is built through the         engineering training but will also
    excellent workshop training the           develop life skills that will give them
    learners receive and our dedicated        every success in the future.
    lecturers and instructors who
    provide theory based work that
    leads many learners onto higher
    education such as our Higher
    National programme.                       Iain Elliott
                                              Chief Executive

ENGINEERING APPRENTICESHIPS - The best start to your engineering career 2021-2022
If you are looking for a hands-
on career that gives you a wide            First class training
range of practical skills in a fast        You will be trained by engineers who
growing, exciting and highly               know the industry inside-out.
innovative industry then an
apprenticeship in engineering
could be for you.

Build confidence by learning to

                                           Earn while you learn
work hard, take on
                                           You will be paid at least the National
responsibility and develop
                                           Minimum Apprenticeship wage by
problem-solving skills. Working
                                           your employer during your studies.
with an employer, we'll get you
fully prepared for a career.

                                           Receive a qualification
          You are always
                                           Your apprenticeship programme will
          learning                         be fully funded by the government
          something new                    and your employer.
          in engineering
          and that’s what
          I love about it.                 Career progression
                                           Our Higher National Programmes are
Courtney Kiss, Multiskilled Engineer
at Technical Absorbents
                                           designed pathways at Levels 4 and 5.
                                           All this, and no student debt.

ENGINEERING APPRENTICESHIPS - The best start to your engineering career 2021-2022
Throughout my career, I have supported
    multiple events to encourage other young
    women into engineering careers.

    My advice to anyone pursuing a career in
    engineering is to simply enjoy it –
    especially at HETA as time flies. When
    undergoing your first year of training,
    work closely with the instructors and do
    not be afraid to ask any questions.
    Chloe Handly, Apprentice Electrical Technician at
    Phillips 66

ENGINEERING APPRENTICESHIPS - The best start to your engineering career 2021-2022
HETA has three training centres across the
Humber region operating in Hull, Scunthorpe and
Stallingborough (near Grimsby).

 H      27-31 Dansom Lane, Hull, HU8 7LA

        Stallingborough, Grimsby
 G      Kiln Lane, Stallingborough, DN41 8TH

  S     Unit 3, Ram Boulevard, Foxhills Industrial
        Estate, DN15 8QW

Look out for the location icons above on our
programme pages indicating which centre the
programme is available at.

                     TOP TIP

If you are travelling to HETA by public transport,
please make sure you check the latest bus routes on
the travel company’s website. A good tool to find the
best route is using ‘Google maps’. Select your
location and the HETA centre you will be travelling to,
click on the bus icon and it will bring up the bus
route and travel time.

ENGINEERING APPRENTICESHIPS - The best start to your engineering career 2021-2022
    We offer Level 3 apprenticeships in
    aspects of many engineering including:

      Electrical Installation
      Electrical Maintenance
      Fabrication & Welding
      Marine Engineering
      Mechanical Maintenance
      Multiskilled Maintenance
      Process Operations

ENGINEERING APPRENTICESHIPS - The best start to your engineering career 2021-2022
                 98%                                      There was
            of learners passed
                 their BTEC
                                                      253,100                                      people with level 3
           qualification during                        apprenticeship                               and engineering
             their first year of                     starts from August                           skills will be needed
                  training.                          2020 to April 2021*                           every year to meet
                                                                                                  demand through to
             2020-2021 Cohort                                                                             2024**

Typically, you will join us in September and train at the HETA   Hands on training gives you a real chance to put your skills into
training centre for the first year of your apprenticeship.       practice and helps you gain more confidence in a working
Depending on what trade you choose, depends on the               environment.
training that is delivered.

Within the first year, as well as hands on training, you will
also study technical subjects as part of your Level 3                      I chose HETA as I did not want to stay in a
qualification including Maths, Science, Health and Safety                  similar learning environment to school
and Product Design, which includes assessments and                         and wanted to study engineering full
                                                                           Benjamin Daly, Design Engineer at Ideal Boilers
After the first year of your apprenticeship, you will then go
into your sponsored company for the remainder of your
apprenticeship whilst being assessed by a field team
assessor from HETA.                                                                                                      *GOV.UK 2021
                                                                                                                     **Engineering UK

ENGINEERING APPRENTICESHIPS - The best start to your engineering career 2021-2022
Companies recruit at all            We will work with our trainees
different times of the year.        during their time at HETA on
Some companies are unable to        employability skills such as CV
commit to an apprentice as          writing and interview preparation
part of our recruitment process,    to get you ready for vacancies
but do look to offer                when they become available.
employment to a learner
during their first year of          As a traineeship, travel expenses
training.                           to and from the training centre
                                    will be reimbursed.
Applicants that show a
commitment to learning will be
offered a traineeship
placement. This means that
                                        Before I secured
learners starting at HETA as a          employment, I was
traineeship will follow one of          studying as a trainee
the programmes without a                and participated in a
sponsored company and will be
put forward to suitable                 range of employability
employers throughout the year.          sessions. I found it has
All trainees will follow the same       helped me to mature
curriculum as our apprentices.
                                        and increase my

                                        Robbie Bales, Multiskilled
                                        Engineer at Maizecor Food

     The role of an electrical engineer is to   Electrical Programmes:
     keep equipment running smoothly,
     through maintenance, repairs and              Level 3 Maintenance and
     upgrades and installation of new              Operations Engineering
     equipment.                                    Technician
                                                   Level 3 Science Industry
     It also includes work in computers,           Maintenance Technician
     telecoms and a wide range of                  Level 3 Design and
     electronic disciplines. It’s a                Draftsperson
     demanding job that requires skilled           Level 3 Refrigeration Air
     and focused engineers who can                 Conditioning and Heat Pump
     work in a variety of environments,            Engineer
     from factories and hospitals to               Level 3 Project Controls
     warehouses and ships.                         Technician
                                                   Level 3 Service and
     Learners that follow the electrical or        Maintenance Engineer
     multiskilled (Electrical and                  Level 3 Engineering
     Mechanical) pathway will study                Construction / Erector /
     electrical maintenance, mechanical            Rigger
     maintenance, electrical wiring and            Level 3 Engineering Fitter
     testing, instrumentation and PLC.             (Hull only)
                                                   Level 3 Installation /
     Alternatively , those who study               Maintenance Electrician (Hull
     Electrical Installation will study on         Only)
     block release. (Available in Hull only)

                                                         H      G        S
Mechanical engineers design, produce, repair     Mechanical Programmes:
and maintain machinery using a wide range
of tools and working with drawings such as         Level 3 Maintenance and
CAD designs.                                       Operations Engineering
Jobs could take you out of this world into         Level 3 Science Industry
spacecraft, robotics or keep you down to earth     Maintenance Technician
working on vital heating systems and medical       Level 3 Design and Drafts
devices.                                           Person
                                                   Level 3 Project Controls
Learners that follow the mechanical or             Technician
multiskilled (Electrical and Mechanical)           Level 3 Service and
pathway will study mechanical maintenance,         Maintenance Engineer
machining, bench fitting, electrical               Level 3 Engineering
maintenance, computer aided design and             Construction / Erector / Rigger
fluid power.                                       Level 3 Engineering Fitter (Hull
                                                   Level 3 Engineering Technician
            NEW IN GRIMSBY
                                                   (Machining) - ( Grimsby only)
Machining:                                         Level 3 Engineering
Machinists are involved in highly skilled,         Construction Erector Rigger
complex and precision work, machining              (Grimsby only)
components from specialist materials using
machining tools such as centre lathes &
milling machines. Those on the machining
programme will complete units of Computer
Aided Design, turning and milling as well as
CNC.                                                 H     G       S
     Process technicians within       Process Operations Programmes:
     the Manufacturing Sector
     operate complex physical           Level 2 Science Manufacturing
     and chemical processes             Process Operative
     often using computer-              Level 3 Maintenance and
     controlled machinery and           Operations Engineering
     other equipment.                   Technician
                                        Level 3 Science Industry
     You could find yourself            Maintenance Technician
     making paper, paint, bulk
     chemicals, cosmetics,
     fibres, plasterboard,             Learners will complete 16
     pharmaceuticals or                specialised practical units for
     ingredients for the food          process operations as well as
     sector.                           completing 8 units of theory:

     A methodical mind and an             Mathematics
     eye for detail are key               Communication and IT in
     attributes for this role, with       process industries
     you developing skills that           Process chemistry
     can be used in jobs                  Heat transfer and fluid flow
     throughout the world.                Steam generation and
                                          distribution Distillation
                                          Mixing and Blending of solids
                                          and principles of compressors.

An instrumentation technician monitors
environmental and atmospheric changes in
industrial environments.

Their work is essential to the safe and efficient
operation of facilities such as chemical plants,
refineries, power plants, food processing
factories and pollution control organisations.

The role can also involve travelling to
customers to install and maintain equipment
and training employees in its use.

Learners that follow the instrumentation
pathway will study electrical maintenance,
mechanical maintenance, PLC and

Instrumentation Programmes:

   Level 3 Maintenance and
   Operations Engineering
   Level 3 Science Industry
   Maintenance Technician

 H       G
     Marine engineers maintain the           During your first year of training,
     safety, integrity and effective         you will complete:
     operation of plant and equipment in        Personal safety and
     the marine industry that are part of,      responsibility
     or have activities that are part of the    A medical at sea
     broader engineering sector.                Safety tickets
                                                Fire fighting
     A career in marine engineering can         Personal survival
     provide you with opportunities
     available both on shore and off         Upskill training will also be
     shore.                                  provided including:
                                                IOSH Working Safely
     Work at sea aboard state of the art        PLC Training
     fishing vessels maintaining a range        Introduction to
     of machinery, engines and various          Instrumentation
     other equipment. Those working on          AC1 Engine Course
     shore will support the service             Introduction to High Voltage
     maintenance and ports industry.            Introduction to Fabrication &

                                             Higher education opportunities
                                             may also be available with
                                             Fleetwood Nautical Campus.

      H       G      S
Engineers working in the fabrication      In this occupation you may
trades create machines, structures        interact with planners,
and parts, particularly from a variety    supervisors, inspectors, designers,
of metals.                                welders, pipefitters, fitters,
                                          machinists, riggers, steel erectors,
You may use specialist equipment          stores personnel, painters and
and techniques to produce often           many others involved in
very large and heavy items such as        manufacturing, production,
oil rigs, storage tanks, bridges and      maintenance and repair.
the frameworks of buildings.
                                          While completing the fabrication
The fabrication trades fall into three    & welding programme, you will
main categories in which many             complete a block release
engineers specialise: Plating,            programme which includes 4
Welding and Fabricating.                  main areas including: MIG, TIG,
                                          MMA and health and safety.
Fabricators can work alone or in
teams, in factories or on operational
sites. Fabricators use a large range of   Fabrication & Welding Programmes:
metals including steel, aluminium
and titanium at a range of                   Level 3 Metal Fabricator
thicknesses from 0.5mm up to over            Level 3 Pipe Welder
20mm.                                        Level 3 Engineering Construction

 H       G
At school I felt as though as I was being
     told what to do, but during my
     apprenticeship I have been able to focus
     on my career and the specific skills I need
     to progress.

     I started my training at HETA as a trainee,
     and did everything I could to stand out as
     it can be very competitive. By working
     with the HETA team on my employability
     skills, I felt I had an advantage over those
     who may not have seen the employability
     programmes importance.

     Bethany Glen, Process Operator at Maizecor Food Ltd

As well as Level 3                 Completing higher level
apprenticeships, HETA also         qualifications like HNC’s and
offer a two year Higher            HND’s give you great
National Certificate (Level 4)     opportunities in your career.
and a one year Higher National
Diploma (Level 5).                 Our Higher National Programme
                                   gives you a perfect stepping
You may have the opportunity       stone into senior and
to enrol on the following          management roles.
programmes within the
second year of your
apprenticeship programme.
                                         The reason I did a
HNC’s and HND’s are a great              HNC was to
route to moving on to higher-            support moving
level qualifications; you can do         up within my
extra studies working with our
                                         company and the
university partners to top up
the HND into a full degree.              qualification is the
                                         requirement to
We offer this in:                        progress to a
  Mechanical Engineering
                                         management role.
  Electrical and Electronic
  Engineering                            Jacob Warvill, Higher
                                         National Apprentice at

          HETA has a wide range of staff that can
          help you with personal support both at
          work and situations from home.

          Health and lifestyle
          You will complete a dedicated
          occupational health and lifestyle
          programme during your first year.

          Employability skills
          We have a dedicated team who will
          assess you and support you with your
          employability skills.

          Travel and transport
          We reimburse trainees with transport
          costs to and from the training centre
          including getting to interviews.

Employers want to find employees with real world work experience in a related role. We are proud to work with over 350
companies across the Humber region in Manufacturing and Engineering industry including...

 Manufacturing                Food &                   Energy &               Packaging              Gas & Oil
                               Drink                   Utilities

     Our 6 step selection process is challenging, but well worth it. We're looking for the best candidates - and that doesn't
     necessarily mean those who performed best at school. It means people who work hard, have a positive outlook and are ready
     for an Apprenticeship.

         STEP 1               STEP 2                STEP 3               STEP 4               STEP 5               STEP 6

      Apply Online -         Engineering         Open Events -       Formal Interview      Company Open            Company /
      Complete our          Assessment-            Take a look         - You will be            Day -             Traineeship
           online              You will            behind the        invited to a one-         Meet our              Offers -
     application form.      complete an         scenes, tour the     to-one interview      employers and           Successful
       You will need         Engineering          facilities and      with a Manager         register your       applicants are
      your predicted       Assessment to         discover more            at HETA.          interest to the        invited for
     grades on hand.        evaluate your        about life as a       Make sure to        vacancies they      interviews at the
        We require        core maths and              HETA                research         have available.       company site.
        grades of a       english skills as        Apprentice.           interview         Companies will          Successful
     minimum Grade             well as          Book your place         techniques         then interview        applicants are
       5 (Grade C) in        engineering          at one of our        beforehand.            and select         then offered a
      English, Maths       reasoning and        Open Events via                              apprentices.          contract of
     and Science and      problem solving.        our website.                                                 employment or a
     any other GCSE.                                                                                               place on a

Engineering The Future


Hull: 01482 826635   Scunthorpe: 03303 331501   Stallingborough: 01469 552880

      HETA             HETA1967          HETA1967
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