8 Week Home Program Quarantine edition - MH Performance Coaching

Page created by Tina Lambert
8 Week Home Program Quarantine edition - MH Performance Coaching
8      Week
                       Quarantine edition


                                         8-Week Home Program
                                         (No eQUIPmeNT NeeDeD)
                                       aDDITIoNaL CoNDITIoNINg
maNDY HoPPer
Sport Scientist                      aDDITIoNaL gLUTe mINI-BaND
Strength and Conditioning Coach                      WorkoUTS
Female Transformation Coach
                                        FULL eXerCISe gLoSSarY
owner mH Performance
8 Week Home Program Quarantine edition - MH Performance Coaching

This guide has been written by Mandy Hopper. Founder and
director of MH Performance Coaching. Qualifications: Masters
in Sport Science and Strength and Conditioning Coach.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or
transmitted, in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording and/or otherwise without the prior
written permission of the author.

This guide is not intended as medical advice and should not
be relied on as such. This guide has not been personalised
to suit an individual’s specific requirements, deficiencies or
any other medical conditions. It is the individual’s personal
responsibility to consult with a professionally accredited
physician prior to the utilisation of any of the information
contained in this guide. The information contained in this
book should be considered only as a guideline to a healthier
lifestyle. Appropriate professional health advice should always
be sought by the individual before partaking in the use of any
information or material from this book.
8 Week Home Program Quarantine edition - MH Performance Coaching
8-Week Home Program

Home Program guide

Welcome on Board! First of all, congratulations on
making the decision to improve yourself through
our 8-week home program. Our aim is to assist you
accomplish all your training goals as quickly and
safely as possible with MINIMAL equipment.

We are BIG believers in education (knowledge is
POWER) so before you start, I want you to read
through the following so you can really understand
why we do what we do. This guide will also explain
how to read and interpret your home program for
the next 8 weeks!

Looking forward to seeing the changes we can
make together!!

Mandy xx

8 Week Home Program Quarantine edition - MH Performance Coaching
8-Week Home Program

Before You Start

1.   This program does not require any gym
     equipment, only a back pack! You can swap out
     the back pack for a Kettlebell or Dumbbell if you
     have access to one.

2. This program contains additional mini-band
   glute workouts! If you have a mini-band you can
   add any of the options I have provided in this
   book to the end of any of your sessions!

3. I recommend downloading a TABATA app on
   your phone as you will be doing Tabata in this

4. Please watch the exercise videos in the Dropbox
   link prior to completing the program so you
   know how to do each exercise properly. There is
   also a picture exercise library in the back of this

5. We would love to follow your journey!
   #MHPlockdown and #mhperformance and tag
   @mandyhopper_mhp and @mhperformance_

6. We are here to support you!
   If you have any questions please email

8 Week Home Program Quarantine edition - MH Performance Coaching
8-Week Home Program

3 major StrengtH training mYtHS
we need to BuSt rigHt now!

Myth 1

“Strength training makes females bulky”

This is probably the biggest misconception around female training there is. As
females, we do not have the hormonal profile to build an undesirable amount of
muscle mass. We only have approximately 5% of the testosterone men possess!
Female bodybuilders who have a large amount of muscle mass eat, train and
take very specific supplements to get like that for years and years. Even for them
it is a very hard, specific and a slow process.

I have heard claims before that last time I did a lot of strength training and heavy
lifting I got thicker and heavier – the only way this would have occurred is if your
calories were not manipulated in respect to your new training regime during this
period or you were in a calorie surplus resulting in an increase in body fat. Energy
balance is the number 1 predictor of weight and fat loss.

Myth 2

“Females should only do light weights, higher reps and circuit
training to tone”

One of my absolute passions as a coach is getting females strong in the gym.
Although, as women we do respond well to high repetitions as we have more
slow-twitch muscle fibres then men (so we also recover quicker between sets
and sessions then men, and can actually train at higher intensities) however, this
doesn’t mean we shouldn’t or can’t participate in heavy strength training.

The heavier we lift the more electrical impulses we are going to be able to send
to the muscles and the more motor units we are going to be able to recruit, the
stronger you will get and the more dense your muscle will be, and if you are eating
in a calorie deficit you will achieve that ‘toned’ look.

In order for you to get continual results from a training program the principle of
progressive overload needs to be applied. Essentially, you need to change the
load and reps in order to progress. Only doing lights weights or the same circuit
week in week out with no overload will result in a plateau.

8 Week Home Program Quarantine edition - MH Performance Coaching
8-Week Home Program

Myth 3

The myth of spot reduction
      “I need to do crunches to lose fat from my stomach”
      “I need to do more arm work to lose the fat on the back
      of my arms”

As females we tend to struggle more with the fat on our arms, fat on our thighs
and around our mid-section. Which leads us to believe we need to do more
exercises targeting these areas to strip the fat of them. This is called spot
reduction and refers to the localized loss of fat as a result of exercising that
particular area. However, although the evidence has been inconsistent the
majority of research on spot reduction have concluded that it does not occur.
One study looked at the effect of an abdominal exercise program on reducing
abdominal fat, results of the study found no changes in abdominal fat
following the ab program compared to the non-exercising group. Another study
investigated sport reduction in the upper arms following 12-weeks of upper
body resistance training in both men and women, MRI results showed no fat
loss difference following the program. On the contrary, a recent study took
16 physically inactive women and divided them into two groups. Both groups
participated in an 8-week training program with one group completing upper
body resistance training followed by 30 minutes of cycling whilst the other group
completed lower body resistance training followed by 30 minutes on an arm-
ergometer. Interestingly, the lower body training group lost more fat from the
lower body and the upper body group lost more fat from the upper body. This
is the first study that indicates we could target specific fat sites by following
resistance training to an endurance exercise bout.

8 Week Home Program Quarantine edition - MH Performance Coaching
8-Week Home Program

Now, for you to understand how you can burn fat you need to understand how fat
mobilises in the body. It is essentially a three-step process;

    1.   Mobilise – this is the first step where the fatty acids are broken
         down released from the fat cell and placed into the bloodstream for
         transportation. This happens when we train. As we train the catecholamine
         response (adrenaline and noradrenaline) increases which mobilises free
         fatty acids.

    2. Transportation – once the free fatty acids have been released into the
       blood stream; they need to be transported through the blood to the
       working muscle cell that requires them for energy. So, if you are training
       legs they will be transported there for energy! (note: this happens via
       a protein called Albumin– so your protein intake needs to be sufficient
       enough for this to occur).

    3. Oxidation – this is essentially where the magic happens! Once the
       free fatty acids have reached the muscle cell that requires energy it is
       converted into ATP and burnt!

This process can be enhanced through your training program and exercise

8 Week Home Program Quarantine edition - MH Performance Coaching
8-Week Home Program

Conditioning SeSSionS
Day 4 is a conditioning (circuit) session. They are VERY important for you to get the
results YOU want! Here are 6 reasons WHY they are so effective.

    1.   It maximizes excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) - this
         allows you to continually burn calories for HOURS after you finish the
         training session

    2. Improves hormonal profile- resistance training is GREAT for improving
       insulin sensitivity, conditioning sessions put you in an insulin sensitive state
       for hours post workout

    3. It puts you in the PERFECT position to burn body fat FAST - the big increases
       in lactate and growth hormones allow for free fatty acids to be released
       into the blood stream to be taken to the mitochondria (power house of the
       muscle) to be burnt as energy

    4. They increase cardiovascular endurance and work capacity. Resistance
       training has been shown be MORE effective then cardio alone to improve
       physical fitness

    5. Conditioning sessions can work to decrease inflammation of the brain -
       reduce risk of depression/anxiety

    6. It builds a certain mental toughness you cannot get from any other type
       of training. If you have done these types of sessions before you know how
       much mental focus is required to pushing through it. This toughness
       carries over to other aspects of your life, work, decision making, problem
       solving etc.

8 Week Home Program Quarantine edition - MH Performance Coaching
8-Week Home Program

underStanding Your Program

Exercise Sequence

    y   Always go in order of the exercises from top to bottom
    y   A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 means these exercises are done as a circuit. As in, you will
        do A1 then A2, then A3 (and so on) after A5 you will rest for 2 minutes. You will
        complete this circuit as many times as in the ‘sets’ column.
   y    B1 and B2 are supersets. This means, you will do B1, then B2, then rest and
        repeat this as many times as in the ‘sets’ column.
   y    Weeks 1-4: Day 1, 2 and 3 are your strength specific days and is comprised
        of 2 or 3 supersets. You will complete A1, then A2 and rest. Complete this as
        many times as in the ‘sets’ column. THEN move on to B1 and B2 (repeat) and
        then finishing with C1 and C2.
   y    Weeks 5-8: Day 1, 2 and 3 are your strength specific days and is comprised
        of 2 tri-sets. You will complete A1, then A2, then A3, then rest. Complete this as
        many times as in the ‘sets’ column. You will do the same for B1, B2 and B3.
   y    Day 4 is your circuit day A1-A5

Understanding Tempo

    y   This is the TIME it takes you to complete one repetition
    y   The first number is the number of seconds it takes you to complete the
        eccentric (when the muscle is lengthening) or lowering portion of the lift.
        This is ALWAYS when you are going WITH GRAVITY
   y    The second number is the PAUSE at the mid-point of the lift
   y    The third number is the concentric (when the muscle is shortening) or lifting
        portion of the lift. This is the EFFORT
   y    The last number is the PAUSE at the top of the lift
   y    Example #1; Goblet Squat has a 4010 tempo. This means you will squat
        down for 4 seconds, no pause at the bottom, come up for 1 second, no
        pause at the top
   y    Example #2; Bent Over Row has a 4110 tempo. This means you will pull your
        self up for 1 second, pause at the top for 1 second, lower yourself for 4
        seconds, with no pause at the completion of the rep
   y    Generally, ALL of your exercises will have a 3 or 4 second eccentric
   y    If you see X in the tempo box – this means lift as quickly and explosively
        as possible

8 Week Home Program Quarantine edition - MH Performance Coaching
8-Week Home Program

Understanding Reps

    y   You will notice I have used a rep range (8-20) in your programming. You
        want the last 2-4 reps to be difficult but not impossible. If it is easier, either
        slow down your tempo to make it harder, or add more weight if you can!

    y   Your rep ranges change every week in order to progressively overload the
        program throughout the 8 weeks.

Other Tips

    y   FORM IS EVERYTHING – slow the exercises down and make sure you are
        doing them properly

    y   Mind-Muscle Connection – on ALL exercises make sure you are activating
        the muscle you are working mentally. Think about squeezing your glutes
        hard at the top of the squat, glute bridges and hip thrusts. Squeeze your
        shoulder blades hard at the top of all of your back exercises.

   y    Print this booklet out and fill in your weights for every set in the program to
        keep yourself accountable!

   y    There is an exercise library of pictures in the back and you will have access
        to the exercise videos via dropbox link too!

StrengtH training
8-Week Home Program

                                          Week 1

                                               Reps               Tempo
 Exercise Sequence                 Sets                                                  Rest
                                             Time/Dist.             Int.
Dynamic Warm Up
 A                               Half-Kneeling Knee Over Toe x 15
 B                                 Strider x 1 minute each side
 C                                       Figure 4 Stretch x 10
 D                                          Scorpians x 12
  E                                          Pigeon x 12
  F                                   T-Spine Rotations x 12
Day 1 - Lower Body Supersets
 A1   Split Squats                   4            8                4010                    15
 A2   Backpack RDLs                  4            8                4110                   60
 B1   Backpack Goblet Squat          4            8                4110                    15
 B2   Single Leg Glute Bridge        4            8                3110                   60
 C1   Plank                          3           30 s                                      15
 C2   Frog Pump                      3            30                X                      15
 C3   Burpee                         3            10                X                     60
Day 2 - Upper Body Supersets
 A1   Push Up                        4            8                4010                    10
 A2   Backpack Bent Over Row         4            8                4110                   60
 B1   Backpack Shoulder Press        4            8                3110                    10
 B2   High Plank Shoulder Taps       4            8                3010                   45
 C1   V-Sit                          8           20 s               X                      10
 C2   Backpack Swing                 8           20 s               X                      10
Day 3 - Lower Body Supersets
 A1   Bulgarian Split Squat          4            8                4010                    15
 A2   Hamstring Walkouts             4            8                4110                   60
 B1   Backpack Sumo Squat            4            8                4110                    15
 B2   Single Leg RDL                 4            8                3110                   60
 C1   Backpack Swing               1st set: 2 reps, 2nd set: 4 reps, 3rd set: 6 reps.. Then 8 and 10
 C2   Backpack Squat and Press     1st set: 2 reps, 2nd set: 4 reps, 3rd set: 6 reps.. Then 8 and 10
Day 4 - Conditioning Circuit
 A1   Wall Sit                       4           60 s                                     20
 A2   Backpack High Pull             4           60 s                                     20
 A3   Walking Lunges                 4           60 s                                     20
 A4   Push Ups                       4           60 s                                     20
 A5   Sprint                         4           10 s                                     90

8-Week Home Program

                                          Week 2

                                               Reps               Tempo
 Exercise Sequence                 Sets                                                  Rest
                                             Time/Dist.             Int.
Dynamic Warm Up
 A                               Half-Kneeling Knee Over Toe x 15
 B                                 Strider x 1 minute each side
 C                                       Figure 4 Stretch x 10
 D                                          Scorpians x 12
  E                                          Pigeon x 12
  F                                   T-Spine Rotations x 12
Day 1 - Lower Body Supersets
 A1   Split Squats                   4            10               4010                    15
 A2   Backpack RDLs                  4            10               4110                   60
 B1   Backpack Goblet Squat          4            10               4110                    15
 B2   Single Leg Glute Bridge        4            10               3110                   60
 C1   Plank                          3           30 s                                      15
 C2   Frog Pump                      3            30                X                      15
 C3   Burpee                         3            10                X                     60
Day 2 - Upper Body Supersets
 A1   Push Up                        4            10               4010                    10
 A2   Backpack Bent Over Row         4            10               4110                   60
 B1   Backpack Shoulder Press        4            10               3110                    10
 B2   High Plank Shoulder Taps       4            10               3010                   45
 C1   V-Sit                          8           20 s               X                      10
 C2   Backpack Swing                 8           20 s               X                      10
Day 3 - Lower Body Supersets
 A1   Bulgarian Split Squat          4            10               4010                    15
 A2   Hamstring Walkouts             4            10               4110                   60
 B1   Backpack Sumo Squat            4            10               4110                    15
 B2   Single Leg RDL                 4            10               3110                   60
 C1   Backpack Swing               1st set: 2 reps, 2nd set: 4 reps, 3rd set: 6 reps.. Then 8 and 10
 C2   Backpack Squat and Press     1st set: 2 reps, 2nd set: 4 reps, 3rd set: 6 reps.. Then 8 and 10
Day 4 - Conditioning Circuit
 A1   Wall Sit                       4           60 s                                     20
 A2   Backpack High Pull             4           60 s                                     20
 A3   Walking Lunges                 4           60 s                                     20
 A4   Push Ups                       4           60 s                                     20
 A5   Sprint                         4           10 s                                     90

8-Week Home Program

                                          Week 3

                                               Reps               Tempo
 Exercise Sequence                 Sets                                                  Rest
                                             Time/Dist.             Int.
Dynamic Warm Up
 A                               Half-Kneeling Knee Over Toe x 15
 B                                 Strider x 1 minute each side
 C                                       Figure 4 Stretch x 10
 D                                          Scorpians x 12
  E                                          Pigeon x 12
  F                                   T-Spine Rotations x 12
Day 1 - Lower Body Supersets
 A1   Split Squats                   4            12               4010                    15
 A2   Backpack RDLs                  4            12               4110                   60
 B1   Backpack Goblet Squat          4            12               4110                    15
 B2   Single Leg Glute Bridge        4            12               3110                   60
 C1   Plank                          3           45 s                                      15
 C2   Frog Pump                      3            30                X                      15
 C3   Burpee                         3            10                X                     60
Day 2 - Upper Body Supersets
 A1   Push Up                        4            12               4010                    10
 A2   Backpack Bent Over Row         4            12               4110                   60
 B1   Backpack Shoulder Press        4            12               3110                    10
 B2   High Plank Shoulder Taps       4            12               3010                   45
 C1   V-Sit                          8           20 s               X                      10
 C2   Backpack Swing                 8           20 s               X                      10
Day 3 - Lower Body Supersets
 A1   Bulgarian Split Squat          4            12               4010                    15
 A2   Hamstring Walkouts             4            12               4110                   60
 B1   Backpack Sumo Squat            4            12               4110                    15
 B2   Single Leg RDL                 4            12               3110                   60
 C1   Backpack Swing               1st set: 2 reps, 2nd set: 4 reps, 3rd set: 6 reps.. Then 8 and 10
 C2   Backpack Squat and Press     1st set: 2 reps, 2nd set: 4 reps, 3rd set: 6 reps.. Then 8 and 10
Day 4 - Conditioning Circuit
 A1   Wall Sit                       5           45 s                                     20
 A2   Backpack High Pull             5           45 s                                     20
 A3   Walking Lunges                 5           45 s                                     20
 A4   Push Ups                       5           45 s                                     20
 A5   Sprint                         5           10 s                                     90

8-Week Home Program

                                          Week 4

                                               Reps               Tempo
 Exercise Sequence                 Sets                                                  Rest
                                             Time/Dist.             Int.
Dynamic Warm Up
 A                               Half-Kneeling Knee Over Toe x 15
 B                                 Strider x 1 minute each side
 C                                       Figure 4 Stretch x 10
 D                                          Scorpians x 12
  E                                          Pigeon x 12
  F                                   T-Spine Rotations x 12
Day 1 - Lower Body Supersets
 A1   Split Squats                   5            10               4010                    15
 A2   Backpack RDLs                  5            10               4110                   60
 B1   Backpack Goblet Squat          5            10               4110                    15
 B2   Single Leg Glute Bridge        5            10               3110                   60
 C1   Plank                          4           45 s                                      15
 C2   Frog Pump                      4            30                X                      15
 C3   Burpee                         4            10                X                     60
Day 2 - Upper Body Supersets
 A1   Push Up                        5            10               4010                    10
 A2   Backpack Bent Over Row         5            10               4110                   60
 B1   Backpack Shoulder Press        5            10               3110                    10
 B2   High Plank Shoulder Taps       5            10               3010                   45
 C1   V-Sit                          8           20 s               X                      10
 C2   Backpack Swing                 8           20 s               X                      10
Day 3 - Lower Body Supersets
 A1   Bulgarian Split Squat          5            10               4010                    15
 A2   Hamstring Walkouts             5            10               4110                   60
 B1   Backpack Sumo Squat            5            10               4110                    15
 B2   Single Leg RDL                 5            10               3110                   60
 C1   Backpack Swing               1st set: 2 reps, 2nd set: 4 reps, 3rd set: 6 reps.. Then 8 and 10
 C2   Backpack Squat and Press     1st set: 2 reps, 2nd set: 4 reps, 3rd set: 6 reps.. Then 8 and 10
Day 4 - Conditioning Circuit
 A1   Wall Sit                       5           45 s                                     20
 A2   Backpack High Pull             5           45 s                                     20
 A3   Walking Lunges                 5           45 s                                     20
 A4   Push Ups                       5           45 s                                     20
 A5   Sprint                         5           10 s                                     90

8-Week Home Program

                                              Week 5

                                                   Reps               Tempo
 Exercise Sequence                     Sets                                    Rest
                                                 Time/Dist.             Int.
Dynamic Warm Up
 A                                   Half-Kneeling Knee Over Toe x 15
 B                                     Strider x 1 minute each side
 C                                           Figure 4 Stretch x 10
 D                                              Scorpians x 12
  E                                              Pigeon x 12
  F                                       T-Spine Rotations x 12
Day 1 - Lower Body Trisets
 A1   Backpack Split Squats 1 1/4        4            8                4010     15
 A2   Backapck Goblet Squat              4            12               4110     15
 A3   Squat Pulses                       4            20               4110    60
 B1   Backpack Sumo Squat                4            8                3110     15
 B2   Backpack RDL                       4            12               3010     15
 B3   Hip Thrust                         4            20               3010    60
Day 2 - Upper Body Supersets
 A1   Half-Kneeling Backpack Press       4            10               4010     10
 A2   Backpack Bent Over Row             4            10               4110    60
 B1   Backpack Floor Press               4            10               3110     10
 B2   Backpack Halo                      4            10               3010     45
 C1   Reverse Crunches                   8           20 s               X       10
 C2   Burpee                             8           20 s               X       10
Day 3 - Lower Body Trisets
 A1   Cyclist Squat                      4            8                4010     15
 A2   Bulgarian Split Squat              4            12               4110    60
 A3   Backpack Goblet Squat 1 1/4        4            20               4110     15
 B1   Single Leg Glute Bridge            4            8                3110    60
 B2   Backpack RDL 1 1/4                 4            12               4010     15
 B3   Backpack Swing                     4            20               4110    60
Day 4 - Conditioning Circuit
 A1   Squat Pulses                       5           45 s                      20
 A2   Hand Release Push Ups              5           45 s                      20
 A3   Walking Lunges                     5           45 s                      20
 A4   Backpack Press                     5           45 s                      20
 A5   Burpee                             5           45 s                      90

8-Week Home Program

                                              Week 6

                                                   Reps               Tempo
 Exercise Sequence                     Sets                                    Rest
                                                 Time/Dist.             Int.
Dynamic Warm Up
 A                                   Half-Kneeling Knee Over Toe x 15
 B                                     Strider x 1 minute each side
 C                                           Figure 4 Stretch x 10
 D                                              Scorpians x 12
  E                                              Pigeon x 12
  F                                       T-Spine Rotations x 12
Day 1 - Lower Body Trisets
 A1   Backpack Split Squats 1 1/4        4            8                4010     15
 A2   Backapck Goblet Squat              4            12               4110     15
 A3   Squat Pulses                       4            20               4110    60
 B1   Backpack Sumo Squat                4            8                3110     15
 B2   Backpack RDL                       4            12               3010     15
 B3   Hip Thrust                         4            20               3010    60
Day 2 - Upper Body Supersets
 A1   Half-Kneeling Backpack Press       4            10               4010     10
 A2   Backpack Bent Over Row             4            10               4110    60
 B1   Backpack Floor Press               4            10               3110     10
 B2   Backpack Halo                      4            10               3010     45
 C1   Reverse Crunches                   8           20 s               X       10
 C2   Burpee                             8           20 s               X       10
Day 3 - Lower Body Trisets
 A1   Cyclist Squat                      4            8                4010     15
 A2   Bulgarian Split Squat              4            12               4110    60
 A3   Backpack Goblet Squat 1 1/4        4            20               4110     15
 B1   Single Leg Glute Bridge            4            8                3110    60
 B2   Backpack RDL 1 1/4                 4            12               4010     15
 B3   Backpack Swing                     4            20               4110    60
Day 4 - Conditioning Circuit
 A1   Squat Pulses                       5           45 s                      20
 A2   Hand Release Push Ups              5           45 s                      20
 A3   Walking Lunges                     5           45 s                      20
 A4   Backpack Press                     5           45 s                      20
 A5   Burpee                             5           45 s                      90

8-Week Home Program

                                              Week 7

                                                   Reps               Tempo
 Exercise Sequence                     Sets                                    Rest
                                                 Time/Dist.             Int.
Dynamic Warm Up
 A                                   Half-Kneeling Knee Over Toe x 15
 B                                     Strider x 1 minute each side
 C                                           Figure 4 Stretch x 10
 D                                              Scorpians x 12
  E                                              Pigeon x 12
  F                                       T-Spine Rotations x 12
Day 1 - Lower Body Trisets
 A1   Backpack Split Squats 1 1/4        5            10               4010     15
 A2   Backapck Goblet Squat              5            15               4110     15
 A3   Squat Pulses                       5            25               4110    60
 B1   Backpack Sumo Squat                5            10               3110     15
 B2   Backpack RDL                       5            15               3010     15
 B3   Hip Thrust                         5            25               3010    60
Day 2 - Upper Body Supersets
 A1   Half-Kneeling Backpack Press       5            10               4010     10
 A2   Backpack Bent Over Row             5            10               4110    60
 B1   Backpack Floor Press               5            10               3110     10
 B2   Backpack Halo                      5            10               3010     45
 C1   Reverse Crunches                   8           20 s               X       10
 C2   Burpee                             8           20 s               X       10
Day 3 - Lower Body Trisets
 A1   Cyclist Squat                      5            10               4010     15
 A2   Bulgarian Split Squat              5            15               4110    60
 A3   Backpack Goblet Squat 1 1/4        5            25               4110     15
 B1   Single Leg Glute Bridge            5            10               3110    60
 B2   Backpack RDL 1 1/4                 5            15               4010     15
 B3   Backpack Swing                     5            25               4110    60
Day 4 - Conditioning Circuit
 A1   Squat Pulses                       6           45 s                      20
 A2   Hand Release Push Ups              6           45 s                      20
 A3   Walking Lunges                     6           45 s                      20
 A4   Backpack Press                     6           45 s                      20
 A5   Burpee                             6           45 s                      90

8-Week Home Program

                                              Week 8

                                                   Reps               Tempo
 Exercise Sequence                     Sets                                    Rest
                                                 Time/Dist.             Int.
Dynamic Warm Up
 A                                   Half-Kneeling Knee Over Toe x 15
 B                                     Strider x 1 minute each side
 C                                           Figure 4 Stretch x 10
 D                                              Scorpians x 12
  E                                              Pigeon x 12
  F                                       T-Spine Rotations x 12
Day 1 - Lower Body Trisets
 A1   Backpack Split Squats 1 1/4        5            10               4010     15
 A2   Backapck Goblet Squat              5            15               4110     15
 A3   Squat Pulses                       5            25               4110    60
 B1   Backpack Sumo Squat                5            10               3110     15
 B2   Backpack RDL                       5            15               3010     15
 B3   Hip Thrust                         5            25               3010    60
Day 2 - Upper Body Supersets
 A1   Half-Kneeling Backpack Press       5            10               4010     10
 A2   Backpack Bent Over Row             5            10               4110    60
 B1   Backpack Floor Press               5            10               3110     10
 B2   Backpack Halo                      5            10               3010     45
 C1   Reverse Crunches                   8           20 s               X       10
 C2   Burpee                             8           20 s               X       10
Day 3 - Lower Body Trisets
 A1   Cyclist Squat                      5            10               4010     15
 A2   Bulgarian Split Squat              5            15               4110    60
 A3   Backpack Goblet Squat 1 1/4        5            25               4110     15
 B1   Single Leg Glute Bridge            5            10               3110    60
 B2   Backpack RDL 1 1/4                 5            15               4010     15
 B3   Backpack Swing                     5            25               4110    60
Day 4 - Conditioning Circuit
 A1   Squat Pulses                       6           45 s                      20
 A2   Hand Release Push Ups              6           45 s                      20
 A3   Walking Lunges                     6           45 s                      20
 A4   Backpack Press                     6           45 s                      20
 A5   Burpee                             6           45 s                      90

exerCiSe liBrarY
8-Week Home Program

                      week 1-4 daY 1


  Split Squats




Goblet Squat

8-Week Home Program

                      continued... week 1-4 daY 1


    Leg Glute



8-Week Home Program

                      continued... week 1-4 daY 1


   Frog Pump



8-Week Home Program

                      week 1-4 daY 2


     Push Up


    Bent Over


8-Week Home Program

                      continued... week 1-4 daY 2







8-Week Home Program

                      week 1-4 daY 3


   Split Squat




8-Week Home Program

                      continued... week 1-4 daY 3


   Single Leg




   Squat and
8-Week Home Program

                      week 1-4 daY 4


      Wall Sit


     High Pull



8-Week Home Program

                      continued... week 1-4 daY 4


    Push Ups



8-Week Home Program

                      week 5-8 daY 1


  Squats 1 1/4





8-Week Home Program

                      continued... week 5-8 daY 1






    Hip Thrust

8-Week Home Program

                      week 5-8 daY 2



    Bent Over


   Floor Press

8-Week Home Program

                      continued... week 5-8 daY 2







8-Week Home Program

                      week 5-8 daY 3




   Split Squat

8-Week Home Program

                      continued... week 5-8 daY 3


    Squat 1 1/4


    Leg Glute

8-Week Home Program

                      continued... week 5-8 daY 3


      RDL 1 1/4



8-Week Home Program

                      week 5-8 daY 4



     Push Ups

8-Week Home Program

                      continued... week 5-8 daY 4







glute workout
8-Week Home Program

Build a BootY!
This is becoming most girls’ primary goal in the gym. One of the most common
issues I see in almost all females is very weak glutes which causes a lot of issues
including knee pain, back pain and hip pain. The glutes are primarily comprised of
gluteus maximus, medius and minimus

Firstly, let’s look at the 5 actions of glute maximus

    1.   Hip Extension

    2. Trunk Extension

    3. Posterior Pelvic Tilt

    4. Hip External Rotation

    5. Hip Abduction

Glute maximus is comprised of both slow and fast twitch muscle fibres which
means it responds well to both high and low rep schemes. Glute maximus is
also activated fully when the hip is at near full extension. Therefore, from a
programming standpoint when the goal is to develop the glutes choosing
exercises that produce peak contractions at this point would be most beneficial.

To ensure we are working all aspects of the glutes we need to make sure we are
incorporating exercises that hit the glutes through;

    1.   Straight leg hip extension; RDLs, back extensions

    2. Bent leg hip extension; hip thrusts, glute bridges

    3. Hip abduction; lateral band walks, standing banded abductions

    4. Hip hyperextension; reverse hyper-extensions

You need to ensure you are hitting your glutes from all angles and along the entire
rep continuum. We are already taking care of straight leg hip extension and bent
leg hip extension in your home program, we can get further stimulus by adding
in further bent leg hip extension with a band and hip abduction work in this mini-
band program!

Here are some mini-band glute exercises you can add onto the end of any of your
sessions that ensure we are hitting the glutes from ALL angles!

8-Week Home Program

Pick 1 of the following three options to do on the end of any of your sessions!

Option 1

A1)   Banded Glute Med Clams 3x15 each side
A2)   Banded Cha Chas 3x15 on each side
A3)   Banded Glute Bridge 3x15


Banded Glute
   Med Clams
3x15 each side


 Banded Cha
 Chas 3x15 on
   each side


Banded Glute
  Bridge 3x15

8-Week Home Program

Option 2

A1)      Lean Away Seated Banded Abductions 3x20
A2)      Upright Seated Banded Abductions 3x20
A3)      Lean Forward Seated Banded Abductions 3x20


      Lean Away




Lean Forward

8-Week Home Program

Option 3

A1)   Glute Med Burnouts 3x60-90 seconds


    Glute Med
Burnouts 3x60-
   90 seconds

8-Week Home Program

Option 4

A1)     Lateral Band Walks 3x20
A2)     Banded Forward Walks 3x20
A3)     Banded Backward Walks 3x20


 Lateral Band
   Walks 3x20


Forward Walks


      Walks 3x20

8-Week Home Program

Option 5

A1)   Banded Fire Hydrants 3x15 each side
A2)   Banded Hip Thrust Pulse 3x30
A3)   Banded Hip Thrust Hold 3x60s


 Banded Fire
Hydrants 3x15
   each side


  Banded Hip
  Thrust Pulse


  Banded Hip
  Thrust Hold

8-Week Home Program

Option 6

A1)    Side Lying Banded Abductions 3x20 each side
A2)    Standing Glute Kickback 3x15 each side
A3)    Banded Squat to Lateral Leg Lift 3x15 each side


     Side Lying
3x20 each side


Standing Glute
  Kickback 3x15
      each side


Banded Squat
    to Lateral
  Leg Lift 3x15
    each side


Click on the following links to access the videos

                Warm Up >>

               Weeks 1-4 >>

               Weeks 5-8 >>
I would like to thank you for reading this book and taking
action in pursuing your goals even in a time of crisis. We are
all in this together! Keep me in the loop with your journey

I would also like to thank my MH Team! This book and
program would not be possible without them!

Mandy Hopper xx

My insta handle link

and mhperformance
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