ENGAGEING - City of Unley

Page created by Karen Brooks
ENGAGEING - City of Unley
                                                                                                                         to our monthly newsletter
                                                                                                                      for residents who access the
                                                                                                                     City of Unley Commonwealth
Would you like to get                                                                                                  Home Support Programme
this Newsletter and                                                                                                                        (CHSP)
other information
by email?
                                                                                                                               Our aim is to keep you
Send your details to                                                                                                            informed and provide
WellbeingProgram@                                                                                                                 information on new
unley.sa.gov.au                                                                                                                    initiatives, services
                                                                                                                               and supports you may
                                                                                                                          like to access during these
                                                                                                                              very challenging times.

                                                                                                                                        For bus trip or
                                                                                                                                       social program
                                                                                                                                    suggestions email
2021 Buddies at                                                                                                                      @unley.sa.gov.au

Breakfast Christmas
Our 2021 Buddies at Breakfast Christmas Celebration was a
hit with tennis coach and former professional tennis player
Darren Cahill! The group was joined by Mayor Michael
Hewitson, CEO Peter Tsokas and Elected Members.
See page 5 for more information about our weekly
Buddies at Breakfast group

  Funded by the Australian Government Department of Health. Although funding for this program has been provided by the Australian Government, the material
                              contained herein does not necessarily represent the views or policies of the Australian Government.

ENGAGEING - City of Unley
Hot Weather
As we age, we have a higher risk of           •   Use air-conditioners and fans set to    •   Arrange for a friend or relative to visit
heat-related illness, especially if we live       cool, put a wet cloth around your           you twice a day to check how you
alone, have medical conditions, or take           neck, or put your feet in a bowl of         are and that you have everything you
certain medicines. Physical changes               cool water.                                 need to stay healthy in the heat.
happen as we get older, and we may
                                              •   Drink plenty of water throughout the    •   Register with the free Red
be less likely to notice we are becoming
                                                  day, even if you do not feel thirsty,       Cross Telecross REDi service on
overheated or dehydrated, and some
                                                  and take a bottle of water wherever         1800 188 071. Trained Red Cross
medications can make this worse. Older
                                                  you go.                                     volunteers call older people up to
people are also less able to cool their
                                                                                              three times a day to make sure they
body by sweating. Speak with your             •   Swap large meals for smaller ones.
                                                                                              are well and coping in hot weather.
doctor or pharmacist for advice about             Make cool meals, like salads, and
medicines you are taking. If you are              avoid using ovens or stoves in hot      •   A trip to an air-conditioned public
an older person or if care for someone            weather – they can make your home           space, like the local library, cinema
elderly, the following tips may help:             much hotter.                                or shopping centre, may give you
                                                                                              some relief from hot weather. But
                                                                                              remember, avoid going outside in the
                                                                                              hottest part of the day.

                                              Telecross REDi (SA)
Calling at-risk and isolated                  People in the community who are at          Carers of vulnerable people are also
people impacted by heatwaves.                 risk during extreme weather events and      encouraged to register as they may
                                              require phone support during these          be at risk during an extreme weather
Telecross REDi assists vulnerable             periods are encouraged to register for      event.
and isolated people cope with                 the service.
                                                                                          Registrations can be made calling
extreme weather events.                       This includes people who live alone,        1800 188 071 or by emailing
The service supports people                   have a disability, are experiencing         telecrossredi@redcross.org.au
                                              mental illness, are housebound, frail,
by calling them daily during                  aged, recovering from an illness or
declared heatwaves.                           accident, or have an ongoing illness,
                                              such as diabetes or a heart condition.

Do you need transport?
The Community Bus program                                                                 The Community Car Program
The bus program is a return ‘door to                                                      The car program is available Monday to
door’ service that will pick passengers                                                   Friday and helps eligible Unley residents
up from their home and transport them                                                     get to medical and health related
to one of our shopping destinations.                                                      appointments, as well as social activities
Please contact the Community Bus                                                          at local community centres. Transport
Coordinator on 8372 5131.                                                                 to pay bills, attend hairdressing
                                                                                          appointments and to visit family and
                                                                                          friends is also currently available. To
                                                                                          access this program a Transport Referral
                                                                                          from My Aged Care is required. Please
                                                                                          contact the Community Transport
                                                                                          Coordinator on 8372 5405.

ENGAGEING - City of Unley

Book your spot for these Social Events
                                                Meet at at Fullarton Park Community Centre at 10am.
Long Walks                                      (Transport to and from the Fullarton Park Community Centre is available for a
                                                small $2 fee each way). My Aged Care Social Support Group Referral required.

Thursday 10 February                            Monday 28 March                                  Thursday 21 April
Henley to Grange                                River Torrens to West Beach                      Inner Harbour Loop
10am – 2:30pm                                   10am – 2:30pm                                    10am – 2:45pm
(return time approximate)                       (return time approximate)                        (return time approximate)

Begin the walk at Henley Square and             Walk the final leg of the River Torrens          The Inner Harbour Loop offers laps
walk 2km to Grange where you can                from Tapley’s Hill Road meeting the bus          around Port Adelaide’s harbour and
have a rest at the Grange Jetty Café for        at West Beach! After the walk, enjoy             the Port River. The loop incorporates a
a bite to eat!                                  lunch at West Beach Surf Life Saving             cultural walking trail which highlights
Afterwards, walk off lunch on your way          Club on the deck with ocean views.               some of the key historical elements of
back to the bus at Henley Square.               An easy scenic walk of around 3km                the harbour (and you’ll hopefully spot
                                                along the flat walking track.                    some dolphins too!). Stop for a bite to
An easy 4km stroll along the flat walking
                                                                                                 eat at the Folklore Café along the way.
trail overlooking the beach.                    Cost: $8 bus trip, lunch at own cost.
                                                                                                 The loop totals to 3.5km along the flat
Cost: $8 bus trip, lunch at own cost.
                                                                                                 walking trail.
                                                                                                 Cost: $8 bus trip, lunch at own cost

Community bus out & about trips
Wednesday 23 February 2022                        Thursday 24 March 2022                           Tuesday 12 April 2022
Bookings open Wednesday                           Bookings open from Thursday                      Bookings open Tuesday
16 February 2022                                  17 March 2022                                    5 April 2022
9:00am – 9:30am bus pick up                       9:00am – 9:30am bus pick up                      9:00am – 9:30am bus pick up
Shop-A-Holics                                     Beerenberg Family Farm                           Vadoulis Nursery in Evanston
Travel to ‘Savers’ in Noarlunga, a                Travel to Beerenberg Family Farm                 A staff member will give you some
large second hand warehouse where                 to sample and purchase jams,                     tips on all things gardening with
you can shop up a storm and find                  preserves and strawberries. If you               opportunity to ask any questions
great bargains!                                   like, try your hand at picking fresh             you have. Vadoulis have all your
                                                  strawberries. Followed by lunch                  garden needs and carry a range
Then have lunch at the historic
                                                  at the Old Mill Hotel and a chance               of gifts and pots. Come along
Victory Hotel at Sellicks Beach,
                                                  to wander the beautiful tree-lined               and have a browse. You’ll be
overlooking the sea.
                                                  streets of Hahndorf and meander                  sure to find something you love.
Bus Donation $6                                   through the shops.                               Afterwards enjoy lunch at the
                                                                                                   Golden Fleece Hotel.
                                                  Bus Donation $6
                                                                                                   Bus Donation $6

* Please note, priority of access for the Out and About Tours is for Community Bus passengers receiving no other
  Council services, others wanting to participate will be placed on a waiting list and contacted if there is availability
  1 week prior to each trip. Lunch and shopping purchases for all trips are at the passengers own expense.

ENGAGEING - City of Unley
Ongoing Programs
Tai Chi with Master                       Better Balance                            Easy Paced Walking Group
George Lee

Unley Community Centre                    Fullarton Community Centre’s
                                                                                    Are you living in the Eastern region,
Weekly on Mondays 		                      Banquet Hall
                                                                                    aged 65 years or over and looking for a
11:45am-12:30pm                           Weekly Thursday classes from              social walking group? Join us for a walk
We’re at Heywood Park for Summer.         11am-11:45am & 12pm-12:45pm               around the Unley area at your own
                                          Come along to a group exercise            pace.
Tai Chi is a martial art practiced for
                                          class specifically designed to help       After the walk, join the group for a social
health benefits including strength,
                                          improve your balance.                     chat at a local coffee shop. Join us
balance, and relaxation.
                                                                                    weekly on 10.00am (Please note earlier
Join Master George Lee, who was           The class is run by an accredited
                                                                                    time during warmer months).
inducted in the Australian Martial Arts   Exercise Scientist, who will guide
                                          you through a range of exercises          Walking has many benefits:
Hall of Fame for Lifetime Achievement
                                          aimed at preventing people from           • Easy, accessible way to stay
in Tai Chi.
                                          falls.                                      physically active
Start your week off right in a relaxed
                                          The class will improve your               • Social contact and community spirit
outdoor setting.
                                          confidence and build strength             • A safe way to be healthy
Cost: With a My Aged Care
                                          and endurance, all in a fun, social       Duration of walks are around 30-40
Social Support Group Referral -
                                          environment.                              minutes, with rest stops for those
Ticket of 5 - $35, ticket of 10 - $63.
                                          Cost: With a My Aged Care                 who need them. Mobility devices are
Without a My Aged Care Referral -                                                   welcome.
                                          Social Support Group Referral -
Ticket of 5 - $60, ticket of 10 - $108.
                                          Ticket of 5 - $35, ticket of 10 - $63.    Cost: Gold coin donation
                                          Without a My Aged Care Referral -
                                          Ticket of 5 - $60, ticket of 10 - $108.

Meet me
Monday 14 February
Monday 28 February
Monday 28 March Bus Trip
Monday 11 April
10:30am – 12:15pm
Unley Community Centre

Cost: Cost: $5 per person includes        Meet Me Monday is a social support         group activities such as movies,
morning tea, with lunch provided at       program for people experiencing            games, information sessions, guest
your own cost.                            memory loss. This friendly group is        speakers and bus trips. Meet Me
Bookings Essential                        looking for new members and meets          Monday is a great opportunity to
                                          at the Unley Community Centre              relax while developing friendships
Phone 8273 8763 or email                  twice a month for a fun and friendly       and support networks within your
WellbeingProgram@unley.sa.gov.au          morning. They enjoy delicious              local community.
                                          lunches cooked onsite and various

ENGAGEING - City of Unley

Social Support Programs
Assistance to use                             Respite care                           Assistance with shopping:

This is for people who have a computer,       The City of Unley Respite              Do you need assistance with buying a
iPad, Android tablet or smart phone and       Program aims to support and            birthday or Christmas present for family
are not sure how to use it. Do you have       maintain relationships between         or friends, or a special outfit or gift for
a microwave, oven clock or television         carers and the people they care        yourself?
that needs resetting? We may be able to       for by providing flexible respite
                                                                                     The Unley Commonwealth Home
assist you!                                   options.
                                                                                     Support Programme can provide
If you have any of these technology           In Home Respite: The person            one-on-one assistance and transport
needs and would like one of our friendly      being cared for can be taken on        with one of our friendly volunteers
volunteers to visit you in your home,         social activities outside of the       throughout the festive period (excluding
please contact our CHSP Wellbeing             home.                                  public holidays).
Program.                                                                             If you would like more information
                                              Out of Home Respite: Provides
Cost: $7 per hour.                            a daytime support for carers and       or to book in a shopping service,
                                              the person they care for.              please contact our CHSP Wellbeing
For more information and to register                                                 Coordinator on 8372 5191 or email
please call 8273 8763 or email                Times and days are negotiable.
                                              For more information please
                                              contact our CHSP Wellbeing
                                              Coordinator on 8372 5191.

Buddies at
Unley Park Sports Club			                  Join us for great food, good coffee,      Cost: $12
8 Northgate St, Unley Park SA 5061         excellent conversation and guest
                                                                                     For more information and to register
                                           speakers at our weekly men’s breakfast.
Are you a man aged 65+ looking for a                                                 please call 8273 8763 or email
social experience with a difference?       Share a joke and have a laugh - it’s a    WellbeingProgram@unley.sa.gov.au
                                           great way to catch up with other blokes
                                           in a relaxed, friendly environment.

ENGAGEING - City of Unley
Wellbeing Bus Trips                                        FEBRUARY Bus trip bookings open 19/01/2022 at 9am
                                                           MARCH Bus trip bookings open 15/02/2022 at 9am

Tuesday 1 February                           Monday 21 February                          Thursday 10 March
Wine tasting & lunch in McLaren Vale         Dinner at Empress Restaurant                Jurlique Farm Tour
10am – 3pm                                   Burnside                                    9:20am – 2:15pm
                                             6:15pm – 8:15pm
                                             Join us for traditional Chinese cuisine
                                             with South East Asian influence at
                                             Empress Restaurant Burnside.
                                             Cost: $8 bus trip, dinner at own cost.

                                             Thursday 24 February
                                             Morning tea at Goodness Coffee
                                             in Aldinga
Come along for a day out in McLaren          9:45am – 12:45pm                            Join us for a behind-the-scenes tour
Vale. Start the morning at Pertaringa                                                    of the biodynamic Jurlique Farm.
cellar door to taste wines that reflect      Come along for a drive along the            You will see and learn about the
170 years of South Australian                Fleurieu Peninsula to Goodness Coffee,      nature and science behind their skin
winemaking heritage. Our next stop           located in the historic village township    care products as well as their unique
is lunch in Harry’s Deli at Wirra Wirra      of Aldinga. Enjoy morning tea in their      practices. Afterwards take a short drive
Vineyard overlooking native gardens          newly renovated private garden!             to Hahndorf and enjoy lunch at the
and biodynamically farmed vineyards.         Cost: $8 bus trip, morning tea at own       Kaffehaus.
Cost: $8 bus trip, $15 wine tasting,         cost.                                       *Please note this is a walking tour. Long
lunch at own cost.                                                                       pants and closed toe shoes required*
                                             Wednesday 2 March                           Cost: $8 bus trip, $15 guided tour (cash
Wednesday 9 February                         Morning Tea at Green Valley                 on day), lunch at own cost.

Dinner at Grange Hotel                       Strawberry Café
5:45pm – 9:15pm                              9:30am – 1:00pm                             Wednesday 16 March
                                                                                         Sunset dinner at the Adelaide
Join us for dinner with a view at the
                                                                                         Sailing Club
Grange Hotel. After dinner, enjoy a walk
down the jetty to watch the sunset!                                                      6:00pm – 8:30pm
Cost: $8 bus trip, dinner at own cost.

Monday 14 February
Dunluce Castle Tour
9:45am – 2:45pm
The Dunluce Castle holds the history         Sit back and enjoy morning tea in a
of Brighton – the lost suburb of South       relaxed hills experience in Nairne at the
Australia. Start the morning with            locally-owned Green Valley Strawberry
Devonshire Tea followed by a guided          Café!
tour given by the Castle owners! Enjoy                                                   Dine alfresco on the balcony of the
                                             Cost: $8 bus trip, morning tea at own
learning about the history of the historic                                               Adelaide Sailing club and take in the
building, the Macully family, the legend                                                 beach-front sunset views and ocean
of the Brighton smugglers tunnels and                                                    breezes.
South Australia’s first recorded shark         PLEASE NOTE                               Cost: $8 bus trip, dinner at own cost.
fatality, Kitty Macully of Dunluce. After
the tour, join us for lunch at Hello Harry
Brighton.                                      ○Trips will be modified or
Please note this tour has stairs                cancelled if the forecast
Cost: $8 bus trip, $23.50 castle tour,          is 36 degrees or over
lunch at own cost.
                                               ○ Some venues may
                                                require proof of
                                                vaccination to enter.

ENGAGEING - City of Unley

Wellbeing Bus Trips APRIL Bus trip bookings open 23/03/2022 at 9am
Monday 21 March                          Monday 11 April                              Wednesday 27 April
Lunch at the Sail Master Tavern,         Morning Tea at the Meridian                  Adelaide Oval Tour
North Haven                              Patisserie                                   11:00am - 2:15pm
11:45am – 2:45pm                         10am – 12:30pm

                                                                                      Go behind the scenes at Adelaide Oval
Located on the beautiful North Haven     Enjoy morning tea at Woodville’s             on a Stadium Tour. Visit areas that are
Marina, join us for lunch with a view!   Meridian Patisserie, boasting a wide         usually inaccessible and learn about the
Cost: $8 bus trip, lunch at own cost.    variety of cakes, Danishes, and muffins.     heritage and significance of this world
                                         you’re guaranteed to find something          class venue. After the tour enjoy lunch
                                         that satisfies your sweet tooth!             at the stadium’s Koffee Ink Café.
Tuesday 29 March
                                         Cost: $8 bus trip, morning tea at own        *Please note the stadium is a cashless
Dinner at the Taverna Greek              cost.                                        venue. You will be on your feet for the
Psistaria in Hindmarsh                                                                hour-long walking tour and the stadium
6:00pm – 8:30pm                                                                       requires proof of vaccination*
                                         Wednesday 13 April
                                                                                      Cost: $8 bus trip, $20 tour, lunch at own
                                         Easter Day Out                               cost.
                                         9:45am – 2:45pm
                                         Start the Easter Celebrations and join us
                                         for a trip to the Barossa Valley Chocolate
                                         Company. Buy some chocolate treats
                                                                                        Important information
                                         ready for Easter followed by lunch at the      > Transport to and from the Fullarton Park
                                         café!                                            Community Centre for bus trips is $2
                                         Cost: $8 bus trip, $5 tour, lunch at own         each way.
                                         cost.                                          > The bus leaves from Fullarton Park
Come along for dinner at Taverna                                                          Community Centre; please arrive 15
Psistaria and enjoy traditional Greek                                                     minutes early.
cuisines with a modern influence.        Wednesday 20 April                             > Bus trips leave Fullarton promptly,
Cost: $8 bus trip, dinner at own cost.   Drive to the Buddha Statue                       return times are an estimate.
                                                                                        > Please have correct money on the day.
                                         10:30am – 2:45pm
                                                                                          EFTPOS payments can be made prior to
Wednesday 6 April                                                                         the trip but are not available on day.
Dinner at the Somerton                                                                  > To be eligible for this program we
Surf Life Saving Club                                                                     require a Social Support Group referral
                                                                                          from My Aged Care.
6:00pm – 8:30pm
                                                                                        > You can contact My Aged Care on
Join us for a night at Somerton Surf                                                      1800 200 422, or we can do this on your
Life Saving Club. Located right on the                                                    behalf.
Esplanade, enjoy dinner overlooking                                                     > To make a bus booking contact CHSP
ocean views!                                                                              Program on 8273 8763 or 8372 5191
Cost: $8 bus trip, dinner at own cost.                                                    or email
                                         Come along for a scenic drive to                 WellbeingProgram@Unley.sa.gov.au
                                         Sellicks Hill’s giant 18m Buddha Statue        > When booking you will be confirmed on
                                         overlooking the coast! Afterwards,               the trip or waitlisted. If you are not able
                                                                                          to go, please notify staff on 8273 8763. If
                                         take a drive to the Aldinga Bay Café for
                                                                                          you are waitlisted and a spot becomes
                                         lunch.                                           available, we will contact you.
                                         Cost: $8 bus trip, lunch at own cost.

ENGAGEING - City of Unley

    Volunteer Profile
    Cherry Hobbs
    Members of our Social & Wellbeing Bus
    trips would be very familiar with our beloved
    volunteer Cherry Hobbs! Cherry has had several
    volunteer roles with the Unley Council, so we
    asked her a few questions about her experience…                         To be eligible for our programs
                                                                            we require a program specific
    Tell us a bit about yourself and your role volunteering                  referral from My Aged Care.
    My very first volunteer experience with the City of Unley Council        For example, we need you to
    was helping with the Tour Down Under Gourmet Gala, and since             have a Social Support Group
    then I’ve been lucky enough to have been involved with the Dog           Referral to access any of our
    Walking program, the Supported Residential Facilities program                   group activities.
    and the Intergenerational Program. The last program was
    especially memorable - Unley Primary School children came with             This is generally a simple
    us to visit residents in a residential care home and it was lovely        process with a phone call to
    to see the interaction between the two age group. At present I                 My Aged Care on
    am really enjoying my role as a Bus Helper on the Wellbeing Bus          1800 200 422, or, if you prefer,
    Trips.                                                                  we can do this on your behalf.
    What inspired you to volunteer?                                           Should you not want to go
    I lived for many years on Kangaroo Island and undertook several           through the My Aged Care
    volunteer jobs there. When I moved to Adelaide, I searched for             process some of our listed
    a volunteer role I would enjoy and where I could make myself                programs allow access
    useful. I am a ‘people person’ so meeting and greeting people is         without a referral. Please use
    what I want to do. Luckily for me I live in the Unley area, so my         any of the contact numbers
    first port of call was the local Council.                                  below if you want further
                                                                            information or require support
    What is the best thing about volunteering?                                   with getting a referral.
    The wonderful people I meet and get to know on the trips is the
    reason I find my role so rewarding. I enjoy hearing their stories
    and we have such interesting conversations over lunch. It is
    wonderful to see the friendships that develop as people get
    to know each other. I also enjoy interacting with Jo, Tara and
    Brooke, the busy and efficient staff who run the Wellbeing Bus
    Tours and meeting the other amazing volunteers.
                                                                          The City of Unley requires all participants
                                                                             of our social programs to be able to
    What value do you think your clients get from you helping them?       mobilise and walk independently and we
    I hope I am a friendly, welcoming face for people as they join our     reserve the right to review or withdraw
    bus trips. We get to know each other and the camaraderie that         participation in any program activities, or
                                                                          services, should we have concerns about
    happens during the day is wonderful to see. As we wave them             you being physically able to manage
    goodbye, I feel sure they leave with many happy memories and          without support or if there is a significant
    are already looking forward to the next trip. After all these bus               decline in your health.
                                                                             Should you be unable to participate
    trips aren’t called ‘Wellbeing’ for nothing!                         independently, we do have other programs
                                                                          and supports that we would be pleased to
                                                                                 be able to support you with.

                   If you would              In-Home Support Coordinator            Phone: 8372 5197
                   like to access
                                             Wellbeing Programs Coordinator         Phone: 8372 5191
                   any of these
                   services or               Community Bus Coordinator              Phone: 8372 5131
                   want further
                                             Daily Moves Coordinator                Phone: 8372 5177
                   please call >             Car Transport Coordinator              Phone: 8372 5405

ENGAGEING - City of Unley ENGAGEING - City of Unley
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