VIEW STONEHILL - Stonehill Campus Update

Page created by Stacy Kennedy
VIEW STONEHILL - Stonehill Campus Update
STONEHILL                                     JULY 2021


                   A Legacy of Living Well.

                                               PAGE 4
                      Stonehill Campus Update
VIEW STONEHILL - Stonehill Campus Update
                                                o you or a family
                                                                                           Philanthropy                                           TABLE OF
                                               member wish to receive                      Spotlight                                            2 Message from
                                               this newsletter?                                                                                   the CEO
                                                                                           Stonehill depends on the philanthropic
                                                To be added to our mailing list, request
                                                                                           support of donors. In each edition we would
                                                an email version, or update your mailing                                                        3 Philanthropy
                                                                                           like to highlight one or two special giving            Spotlight
Gretchen Brown                                  information, please send your request to
                                                                                                                                              4-6 Stonehill Campus
                                                                                                                                                  An update
                                                                                                                                                  on current
                                                                                                                                                  and planned

     Dear friends,
                                                                                                                                                  projects on the
                                                                                                                                                  Stonehill campus
     “We are all in this together” was a      quality metrics and actively
     common theme over the past several       collaborate on overall healthcare                                                                 7 It's Never Too
     months. For Stonehill Communities,       management for residents that                                                                       Late (iN2L)
     this has always been the mantra.         assists with reducing readmissions                                                                  Programming
     We are blessed with many great           to the hospitals. Hospice of Dubuque
     community partners who collaborate       complements our services for those                                                              8-9 Meet Our Staff
     with us to enhance the services that     receiving hospice and palliative care.       Donors help make so many things possible in
     both we and they provide.                Select Rehabilitation brings a value-
                                              added service with their expertise           our community. Thank you.                          10 5 Tips for
     Our clinical partners assist us in       in physical therapy, occupational                                                                   Engaging with
     achieving quality outcomes for our       therapy and speech therapy;                                                                         Someone
     residents by providing continuity        monitoring data that drives quality                                                                 Experiencing
                                                                                           Monthly Giving Club                                    Dementia
     across the healthcare continuum.         resident outcomes.
     Some of these community partners
                                                                                           Monthly recurring donations can be made
     include Select Rehabilitation, Hospice   Academic partnerships allow Stonehill
                                                                                           to help many wonderful initiatives such as
                                                                                                                                              11 Q&A
     of Dubuque, MercyOne, UnityPoint         the opportunity to provide enhanced
                                                                                           resident activities and life-enrichment at the
     Health-Finley Hospital, Medical          clinical experiences for students from
                                                                                           Health Center or Assisi Village, charitable care
     Associates, and Grand River Medical      area colleges and universities. We
                                                                                           of residents, or they can be made unrestricted
     Group. Providers from Medical            provide clinicals for nursing students
                                                                                           to allow Stonehill to determine where funds
     Associates and Grand River Medical       from Northeast Iowa Community
                                                                                           are most needed. Donors who join the monthly
     Group serve as Medical Directors for     College, University of Dubuque, and
                                                                                           giving club receive unique benefits. Join with
     Stonehill Communities, providing         Clark University, and CNA clinicals for
                                                                                           a monthly gift of $20 or more. Learn more at
     valuable oversight and input related     Northeast Iowa Community College.
     to standards of care. Other providers    We also host a nurse residency
     make rounds, visiting residents who      program for new graduates from the
     benefit from the convenience of an       University of Iowa.                          Employee Scholarships
     on-site visit to monitor their health
     needs.                                   We are grateful for these                    A scholarship in any amount can be given to
                                              partnerships which enhance the lives         assist with employee continuing education or
     In addition, Stonehill is an ACO         of our residents and we are proud to         training. Scholarships can be made in honor of
     (Accountable Care Organization)          share our campus and expertise. Yes          your family or in memory of a loved one.
     partner with both MercyOne and           – we are all in this together!
     UnityPoint Health-Finley Hospital.                                                    Stonehill is a 501©3 organization and
     To be considered an ACO partner,         Blessings,                                   donations are tax deductible.
     Stonehill must meet performance          Gretchen
                                                                                             or more information on giving
                                                                                            opportunities visit
     We, the  Stonehill
          Stonehill       Franciscan in
                      Communities,    Services   community,
                                         the spirit  of St Francis of                       givingoptions or contact Executive Director of
     in the spirit
     Assisi, offer aofcontinuum
                       St Francis of
                                  of quality
                                     Assisi, offer  a continuum
                                              lifetime            of in
                                                        care services                       Development, Amy Schauer at 563.690.9623.

     quality  lifetime
     a dignified        care services in a dignified atmosphere.
22                                                                                                                                                                   3
VIEW STONEHILL - Stonehill Campus Update
Pictured left is the completed Assisi
                                                                                                                            Village dining room.

                                                                                                                              Pictured below is the new Assisi Village
                                                                                                                              Chapel with stained glass windows.

    Stonehill Campus Update
    Gretchen Brown, President/CEO discusses progress

    Just over 5 years ago the Stonehill     take the elevator to ground floor for          and activities. We have also been        The new Assisi Village Chapel
    Communities leadership and Board        their meals! This was an important             able to once again have visitors in      received its finishing touch of
    members met to create a master          improvement for residents.                     both the Health Center and Assisi        beautiful stained glass windows this
    site plan for our campus. The           Residents also love the modern,                Village. While this continues to         spring. We are so grateful for the
    master site plan included looking at    updated style and lounges for                  be subject to change based on            expanded space and the amazing
    what services were needed in the        gathering with friends and family.             cases and official guidelines it is a    sound system for celebrating Mass.
    community and ways to improve                                                          welcome step forward. The Stonehill      The new front entrance is now open
    the daily lives of residents on         Additionally, with the availability            Communities Wellness Center is           and the dining room renovation is
    campus. It is exciting that we have     of the COVID-19 vaccine and                    also fully open to the public and we     also completed. The new dining
    been able to see many of those          decreased risk of virus transmission           welcome our members back.                room is nearly three times the size
    plans come to fruition.                 due to increasing numbers being                                                         of the original and has a private
                                            vaccinated, residents have been                Thank you again to all who helped        dining room that can be used for
    As we previously reported, we           able to return to in-person dining             make the expansion of Assisi Village     residents to gather with friends and
    were fortunate that the Assisi                                                         possible. Adding assisted living         family for celebrations. The sky
    Village expansion could continue                                                       memory care to our continuum             bridge is a welcome addition for
    throughout the pandemic. The 2nd                                                       was a crucial part of meeting            those who need to travel between
    floor renovations at the Health                                                        the needs of the community. The          the Health Center and Assisi Village
    Center had to be paused during                                                         Assisi Village addition of 10 new        to access services or visit loved
    periods of the pandemic due to the                                                     traditional assisted living and          ones. What exciting times for Assisi
    proximity to resident rooms, but                                                       14 assisted living memory care           Village!
    we are pleased to report that the                                                      apartments opened in January
    2nd Floor renovation was completed                                                     2021. To date, we have all 10            We are grateful for the support of
    in March (it had previously been                                                       Assisted Living apartments and 11        the many donors to the Embracing
    planned for completion in the                                                          of the 14 memory care apartments         Community: The Story Continues
    summer of 2020) and residents                                                          occupied. Residents love the new         capital campaign who helped make
    have moved into the new rooms.                                                         lounge areas for gathering and the       this possible. The final amount
    They are enjoying the new                                                              sun porch and patio are a hit with       raised was nearly $3.1 million.
    household dining area right in the      Renovated nurse station and hall in 2 South-   the assisted living memory care
    unit and it is no longer necessary to   east                                           residents and their families!            (continued on page 6)

4                                                                                                                                                                          5
VIEW STONEHILL - Stonehill Campus Update
                                                                                       It's Never Too Late (iN2L)
                                             it easier for resident families, staff,   The COVID-19 pandemic caused                  resident really loves the music
    (continued from page 5)                  and community members to access           all of us to make changes to the              options. He comes out singing
                                             these offices.                            way we do things, and Stonehill               whenever it is on!" Other residents
    These funds, along with the                                                        was certainly no exception. Social            enjoy the thrill of "The Price is Right"
    Stonehill Benevolent Foundation gift     In addition, the Administration/          distancing requirements affected              and virtual casino games.
    of $5 million, were crucial to this      Outreach building will also house         everything from nursing, to dining,
    project's completion.                    a new Caregiver Resource Center           to activities, and brought to light           The implementation of iN2L was
                                             made possible in partnership              the need for increased technology             made possible by donations. A grant
    Our next and final project to            with the Community Foundation             to help residents in long-term care           from the Disaster Recovery Fund
    complete the master site plan is the     of Greater Dubuque and through            communities stay engaged and                  at the Community Foundation of
    Administration/Outreach building.        the generosity of the Jim and             connected. Fortunately, the staff in          Greater Dubuque allowed Stonehill to
    Construction is expected to begin        Marita Theisen family. It will            the Stonehill Activities department           purchase a 55” touch screen mobile
    this summer and be completed in          provide a valuable service for the        are not new to finding creative ways          cart and personal touch screen
    one year. The plans are finalized        Dubuque community that includes           to engage residents!                          tablets, along with drive simulator,
    and include a much needed                information, resources, support                                                         bike simulator, and flight simulator
    expansion to the outpatient therapy      groups, and wellness programs for         Recently, Stonehill Communities               equipment. Ongoing content
    clinic, which will assist in meeting     families and others who care for          added the It’s Never Too Late (iN2L)          subscription updates have been
    the increased demand for these           loved ones with chronic illnesses         program as an option for residents            funded in part through donations to
    services.                                at home. You can learn more               to engage in life enriching activities.       the Spring Appeal.
                                             about this exciting project at www.       This customizable technology
                                             offers meaningful activities such as          The iN2L program has been proven
                                             center/dubuque-caregiver-resource-        games, simulators, music, exercise            to help with the social, emotional,
                                             center.                                   programs, photos, and videos                  mental, and physical well-being of
                                             }T o request a tour of our               through touch-screen devices as               residents. The program is internet-
                                                                                       group or individual activities.               enabled and provides over 4,000
                                               campus or learn more about
                                                                                                                                     pieces of content to residents.
                                               the Caregiver Resource Center           "It has been great to see the                 Residents can enjoy sing-alongs,
    Rendering of Administrative/Outreach
                                               email or          residents get excited about using             trivia, history, puzzles, games,
    building provided by Straka Johnson
    Architects.                                call 563.557.7180.                      iN2L," said Laura Heiderscheit,               holiday activities, spiritual activities,
                                                                                       Director of Resident Services, "One           music therapy, travel tours, and can
                                                                                                                                     even connect virtually with their
    The building will also provide central                                                                                           loved ones and other residents when
    office space for Human Resources,                                                                                                this isn’t possible in-person.
    Finance, Development and other
    Stonehill Communities staff, making                                                                                              Stonehill Communities continues
                                                                                                                                     to offer a robust menu of activity
                                                                                                                                     options to residents through in-
                                                                                                                                     person and virtual programming.

                                                                                                                                     } To view monthly activities
                                                                                                                                        schedules for the Health
                                                                                                                                        Center and Assisi Village

                                                                                       Pictured above: Residents have
                                                                                       enjoyed being active participants in
                                                                                       "The Price is Right" on the big screen.
                                                                                          Pictured right: Activities staff receive
                                                                                          training on the offerings of iN2L
    Floor plan of the new Administrative/Outreach Building including the Caregiver
                                                                                          including the flight simulator.
    Resource Center (in color) provided by Straka Johnson Architects

6                                                                                                                                                                                7
VIEW STONEHILL - Stonehill Campus Update

    Dedicated                  Christel Tatro         Michelle Dura, RN            Jeff Stevens             Karen Taylor                Tammy Link

                              Foundation and           Clinical Liaison       Maintenance Technician        HR Recruiter             Assisi Village Dining
                              Communication                                                                                           Services Manager
                              Bachelor's Degrees in    Bachelor’s Degree in      Diploma, Senior High     Bachelor's Degree in        Diploma, Hempstead
    Each edition we            English and Theatre     Nursing from Clarke             School           Business Administration           High School
                                                                                                         from Clarke University
    will feature Stonehill      from St. Ambrose           University
    staff.                          University                                   Member of Stonehill                                   Member of Stonehill
                                                                                                        Member of Stonehill team
                                                       Member of Stonehill        team for 22 years                                     team for 4 years
                              Member of Stonehill                                                            for 3 years
                                                        team for 6 years
    The dedicated              team for 4 years                                 Why do you choose to                                 Why do you choose to
    leadership                                                                                            Why do you choose to
                                                      Why do you choose to        work at Stonehill?                                     work at Stonehill?
                                                                                                            work at Stonehill?
    of Stonehill             Why do you choose to        work at Stonehill?     What I enjoy most                                    The team is always
                                                                                                          I enjoy supporting
                                work at Stonehill?     I love the friendly       about working at                                        supportive and
    Communities work                                                                                      our dedicated and
                                 I believe that        atmosphere here           Stonehill are the                                        administration
    to ensure the values     Stonehill makes our        at Stonehill and         relationships I’ve
                                                                                                             caring team in
                                                                                                                                         encourages and
    of compassion,            community better,                                                            providing quality
                                                      the relationships I         made with staff                                      facilitates growth
                                                                                                              care for our
    hospitality,              and I love being a       have been able to           and residents                                        in your career. I
                               part of that. The                                                           residents and the
                                                        develop not only          throughout the                                      love being able to
    reverence, and                                                                                          community. My
                               team here really       with my coworkers,               years.                                           interact with the
    stewardship are            cares, is guided            but with the
                                                                                                        career is fulfilling and
                                                                                                                                     residents on a daily
    felt throughout             by our values,                                                             rewarding. I take
                                                       residents as well.        Describe yourself in                                basis and become a
                                                                                                        pride in talking about
    the campus. We             and is dedicated                                     three words:                                      part of their lives.
                                  to providing                                                             about Stonehill's
    are committed                                      Describe yourself in         Dedicated,
                                 high-quality,                                                              mission, values,
                                                          three words:            Hardworking,                                        Describe yourself in
    to a culture of                                                                                        and employment
                                compassionate           Hardworking,                 Inventive                                           three words:
    exceptional service             service.           Compassionate,
                                                                                                         opportunites to help
    to others. Our                                                                                          grow our team.
                                                            Friendly                                                                    High Energy,
    philosophy supports       Describe yourself in                                                                                      Dependable
                                 three words:                                                             Describe yourself in
    investing in staff                                                                                       three words:
    so they may give          Detail-Oriented,                                                             Kind, Patient,
    their very best to          Trustworthy                                                                 Professional

    residents, families,
    and one another.                                                                                                               } Join our team!
                                                                                                                                      View openings and
                                                                                                                                      apply online at www.
                                                                                                                                      openings or call

8                                                                                                                                                             9
VIEW STONEHILL - Stonehill Campus Update
5 TIPS FOR ENGAGING PERSONS                                                                      STONEHILL VIEW
                                                                                                  Q: What types of donations
                                                                                                  does Stonehill Communities

                                                                                                  A: Stonehill receives donations
                                                                                                  of funds through cash, check—as
                                                                                                  pictured to the right with Assisi Village
                                                                                                  residents and staff—and credit card
                                                                                                  from individuals, businesses, and
                                                                                                  organizations throughout the year. These donations are often made through
                                                                                                  the annual appeal, year-end appeal, capital campaigns, special fundraisers
                                                                                                  (eg:Great Give Day), and events, or throughout the year as memorial gifts.
                                                                                                  Gifts can be designated to support specific departments or projects, or left
                                                                                                  unrestricted to support resident and campus needs. Donors also give through
                                                                                                  gifts of stock, in-kind donations or gifts of tangible items, planned gifts
                                                                                                  through estates, and gifts to our endowment. We also receive donations from
                                                                                                  foundations and grant makers. Our team giving campaign allows employees
                                                                                                  to make gifts through payroll deduct or sell back paid time off as a donation.
                                                                                                  We are grateful for all types of giving and they all help us continue our mission
                                                                                                  of providing health and wellness services! All donations are received by the
                                                                                                  Stonehill Communities Benevolent Foundation or given directly to the Stonehill
     Activities are a great way to have positive interaction with a loved one                     endowment at the Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque.
     experiencing memory impairment, however, activities are not one-size-fits-
     all. They should take into account the individual's level of cognitive decline,
     remaining abilities, interests, and effective aids or cues.
                                                                                                  Q: What do donations make possible at Stonehill?

     1. INCLUDE THE FIVE SENSES                3. BE CREATIVE                                     A: Donations are essential to the advancement of the Stonehill mission. They
     Tailor activities to engage the five      Creative and art therapy pursuits                  allow us to enhance the quality of our services, improve our facilities, and
     senses. For example, playing music        can help sharpen capacity of the                   support our employees. Each year, donors and grant makers help make many
     and singing together, playing musical     senses, promote independence, and                  things possible such as $1,000,000 in charitable care of residents with financial
     instruments, feeling familiar fabrics     facilitate communication. Things such              need, expansion of services like the new assisted living memory care, or life
     and objects like warm laundry,            as painting, music, hobbies and other              enrichment activities for residents. Partners like the Community Foundation
     potting a plant together, or even         leisure skills are able to influence the           of Greater Dubuque provide grant opportunities such as the Disaster Relief
     baking something in the kitchen.          well-being of individuals positively.              Fund that helped with the startup costs of the iN2L program, an electronic
     Sensory stimulation uses everyday                                                            message board, and iPads to assist with telehealth for residents. All area of
     objects to trigger emotions and           4. USE ANIMALS                                     greatest need or unrestricted donations make it possible for Stonehill to offer
     memories in seniors who have lost         Studies show that pet attachment                   an internal grant process in which departments can apply for funding for
     their ability to connect with the         can alleviate loneliness by acting                 unplanned or emerging resident-related needs. These have included medical
     world around them with the goal of        as a coping mechanism, possibly                    equipment, lift chairs for resident rooms, exercise equipment, supplies for art
     evoking positive feelings and reducing    by providing social support and                                                               classes, and garden improvements.
     behaviors.                                companionship. If the individual                                                              Our Team Giving campaign funds
                                               is unable to care for a live animal,                                                          emergency assistance for employees
     2. MAKE IT MEANINGFUL                     robotic animals have been shown to                                                            who have experienced a hardship
     Identify purposeful and meaningful        have similar positive effects.                                                                such as a fire or flood and supports
     activities in which the individual can                                                                                                  charitable care of residents.
     engage, based upon interests, roles,      5. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF                                                                          Other donations make employee
     values, and history. For example,         VIRTUAL OPTIONS                                                                               scholarships possible or fund fun
     things like sweeping, cleaning out        Remote and/or virtual activities can                                                          things for residents such as a dine-
     a drawer, organizing photos, or           be used by family members who                                                                 in meal from a local restaurant,
     weeding the garden – these types          are not able to connect physically.                                                           entertainment, and classes.
     of work activities create meaning for     In addition to video chat, there are
     the person living with the disease.       many opportunities available for
     They show the individual and others       sharing experiences including visiting
                                                                                                                                            } To learn more about the many
     around them that they are competent       museums virtually, growing a garden
     and valued and can help develop a         virtually, listening to concerts, and                                                          ways to support Stonehill's
     strong feeling of belonging.              even “vacationing.”                                                                            mission visit www.stonehilldbq.
                                                           Contributed by Select Rehabilitation                                               com/givingoptions

10                                                                                                                                                                                    11
VIEW STONEHILL - Stonehill Campus Update
Experience Wellness with a Community
The Wellness Center is fully open and offering indoor group classes
Our state-of-the-art Wellness Center is open to community    }F
                                                               or more information or
members and has resumed regular operation including all       a tour call 563.690.9640
cardio and strength equipment, walking track, indoor group    or email wellness@
fitness classes, hydroworx pool appointments, and sauna.
Memberships for individiuals 55+ begin at $20/month. Learn
                                                                FOLLOW US
more at           @StonehillFranciscanServices

 3485 Windsor Avenue,
Dubuque, IA 52001-1312
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