Page created by Jimmy Sutton
ISSUE 36 • MAY-AUG 2018
                                                                                                                     8056 South Virginia St., #6
                                                                                                                          Reno, NV 89511
                                                                                                                          (775) 823-9700
                                                                                                                         911 Topsy Lane, #222
                                                                                                                        Carson City, NV 89705
                                                                                                                            (775) 267-6694


                                                                                                       FEATURED WORKSHOPS - PGS 2&4

   Sewing Classes - PGS 6-7                          QUILTING Classes - PGS 8-10                       EMBROIDERY Classes - PGS 12-14

BABY LOCK SERGER EVENT - PG 3                           SERGER Classes - PG 15                               SEWING CABINETS - PG 5


    IMPRESSIONISTIC LANDSCAPE                                          WHOLE CLOTH TEXTILE PAINTED
           WORKSHOP, I                                                  WALL HANGING WORKSHOP
With Nancy Ryan                                                        With Nancy Ryan
In this workshop students will create an original, one of a kind       This workshop is for all skill levels and lots of fun. You will create
piece of textile art from an inspirational photo that you will         a landscape scene from an inspirational photo that you will bring
bring to class. Shapes and images in my landscapes are created         to class. You will create your scene with paint and making tools
using a technique of cutting and slicing fabric to create a palette.   on a whole cloth piece of fabric. The scene should be simple
Layering colorful bits of fabric on batting, adding a covering         in nature and not complicated. Sky, trees, rocks, grasses are
tulle and then machine quilting the entire piece gives an              all simple strokes that will create a beautiful wall hanging and
impressionistic style, interest and depth.                             it’s a process that everyone can accomplish with some simple
                                                                       instruction. To quilt and finish your piece, instruction on how to
Prerequisite: Needs to know how to free motion quilt & this is a       create freeform quilting designs to give your piece interest and
prerequisite to Impressionistic Landscape Workshop,II                  depth will be discussed. If you have the desire and want to work
                       RENO     ●
                                R RENO                                 with paint and marking tools and learn some new techniques to
                                                                       apply to fabric to enhance your are quilts, this is the class for you.
Cost:    $150 for the 3-day workshop
                                                                       Prerequisite: Needs to know how to free motion quilt
Dates: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 5/8, 5/9, 5/10
       10:00 am – 4:00 pm                                                                               ●
                                                                                               RENO R RENO
Size:    17 max                                                        Cost: $100 for the 2-day workshop
Level: Confident Beginner to Advanced                                  Dates: Thursday & Friday, 6/7 & 6/8
                                                                              10:00 am – 4:00 pm
                                                                       Size:  17 Max
                                                                       Level: All Skill Levels
          Reserve your spot today!!

• Baby Lock Triumph Serger
  for each non-owner.
• CD with 3 workbooks showing step-by-step
  instruction and full color photo illustrations.
• All fabrics you need to complete the workbook samples.

    Thursday • Friday • Saturday                  P
          May 17, 18, 19                    SIGN-UY
           Cost: $199

                                          ABSTRACTING WITH STRIPS
                                                         With Nancy Ryan
Abstracting with Strips is a technique that is simple and makes it easy to create an
abstract art quilt. You will fuse pieces of fabrics together in a positive and negative color
                                                                                                          RENO R RENO
                                                                                                Cost: $100 for the 2-day workshop
schemes. Cut a simple design and fusing pieces together. Once these are created you
will cut pieces into strips and then alternately arrange them on a canvas creating an           Dates: Monday-Tuesday, 7/9 & 7/10
abstract art quilt. Once your piece is fused down, a simple decorative stitch is used to               10:00 am – 4:00 pm
give the piece interest and depth.                                                              Size:  17 max
                                                                                                Level: All skill levels

                                   THE ART OF A LINEAR LANDSCAPE
                                                         With Nancy Ryan
           RENO     ●
                    R RENO                      In this 3 day workshop you will create a Linear Landscape by a strip piecing process of
                                                construction that creates a panoramic piece of textile art. You will be taught how to
Cost: $150 for the 3-day workshop
                                                construct a canvas, strip piece fused fabric and place them on your canvas to create your
Dates: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday              panoramic view of a marsh, valley, cityscape or mountain range. You will fuse fabrics
       8/9, 8/10, 8/11                          in your color palette that appear in your inspirational photo that you will bring to class.
       10:00 am – 4:00 pm                       You will be taught how to place your fabrics on your canvas to create interest, depth.
Size:  17 max                                   You will also learn how to enhance your piece with paint and specialty threads.
Level: All skill levels                         You will be instructed in class on three ways you can complete your quilt. It will be your
                                                choice as to what technique you chose and how you want your finished piece to look.
4                                               Linear Landscapes are for all skill levels and can be completed in this three day workshop.
 Sewing Cabinet
 Cabinet Dimensions
 43½”W x 20”D x 30”H
 Fully Opened:
 70¼”W x 53¾”D x 29½”H

Artisan Slimline                 Cabinet Dimensions
Sewing Cabinet                   53”W x 245/8”D x 29¼”H
With Outback Leaf Extension
                                 Fully Opened:
and Side Extensions
                                 108”W x 483/8”D x 29½”H

                              Model 5400 Ultimate
                              Sew & Serge Credenza
                                  Cabinet Dimensions
                                  45”W x 19¾”D x 30¼”H
                                  Fully Opened:
                                  90”W x 19¾”D x 30¼”H
            RENO     ●
                     R RENO                               RENO     ●
                                                                   R RENO                                   RENO    ●
                                                                                                                    R RENO
SIT & SEW WITH KATHY BAKER                     SIT & SEW WITH CINDY RAND                        CROSS BODY TRAVELER
Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed, by          Instructor: Cindy Rand                           Instructor: Sylvia Willoughby
some of those projects, that need some         Come join the group of Sunday sewers             The “Cross Body
attention? Get out those “Works in             and work on your own project. We have            Traveler” is a
Progress”, and join Sit & Sew. If you just     a lot of fun getting to know each other          compact purse
need that little bit of assistance to finish   and work on those projects that are              that has pockets
a project, or enjoy the company while          unfinished. This is not a teaching class         for your cellphone,
sewing, this is the class for you.             per se, however there is help to get you         passport, boarding
Prerequisite: Must know how to operate         through any questions. The instructor            pass, wallet and
your sewing machine                            will also be sewing. Christmas is right          other essentials.
Cost: $25                                      around the corner, lets get those projects       The swivel clips that
                                               done early!                                      attach the strap to
Dates: 4th Monday of the Month                                                                  the bag are included in the pattern. All
        9:30 am – 4:00 pm                      Cost: $20 per Sunday
                                                                                                you need are two coordinating fabrics
  or    4th Tuesday of the Month               Dates: Sundays, 5/27, 6/24, 7/1, 7/22,           and some interfacing and you will have a
        9:30 am – 4:00 pm                                & 8/26                                 great looking travel bag.
                                                         12:00 noon – 4:00 pm
Size:   10 max                                                                                  Prerequisite: Be sure to pick up the
                                               Size:     12 max                                 supply list and pre class instructions
Level: All
                                               Level: All                                       when you sign up for the class.
            RENO     ●
                     R RENO                               RENO     ●
                                                                   R RENO                       Cost: $40
SIT & SEW WITH JUDI HEIN                       3 IN 1 BETSY BAG
                                                                                                Dates: Wednesday, 5/30
                                                                                                         9:30 am – 4:30 pm
Need help finishing your project or getting
started on a new one? Come join this           Instructor: Sylvia Willoughby                    Size:    2 min, 8 max
group of fun people and get something          Try your hand at                                 Level: Intermediate to advanced

accomplished at the same time.                 sewing with cork
Cost: $25                                      or Kraft-tex, a                                              RENO    R RENO
                                               rugged paper that
Dates: Monday, 5/14                            looks and feels                                  CARRY-ON BAG
         10:00 am – 4:00 pm                    like leather. We                                 Instructor: Sylvia Willoughby
  or     Thursday, 6/14                        will be making the                               This class is back by
         10:00 am – 1:00 pm                    3 in 1 Betsy Bag                                 popular request!
  or     Wednesday, 8/15                       that goes from a                                 You are going to
         10:00 am – 4:00 pm                    roomy carryall to                                love this bag! It has
                                               a drawstring bag                                 four pockets on the
Size:    10 max                                to a sleek tote.                                 inside and 4 pockets
Level: All                                     You’ll learn all the                             on the outside. The
                                               special techniques
 CARSON CITY         C CARSON CITY             that make sewing
                                                                                                11½” x 16” bag has
                                                                                                plenty of room for all
                                               on these specialty
SIT & SEW WITH TERRY HAMMONS                   fabrics a breeze.
                                                                                                your essentials. This
                                                                                                is a great bag for shopping or traveling.
Do you have a project to finish or             You will also receive a free pattern to
something new you want to try? This            make a matching wallet!                          Prerequisite: Be sure to get the supply
is the class for you. Bring your project,                                                       list and pre class instructions when you
                                               Prerequisite: Be sure to get the supply          sign up for the class.
pattern & questions. This is not a teaching
                                               list, pattern and pre class instructions
class but Terry will be available to help.                                                      Cost: $45
                                               when you sign up.
Come sew with us, get to know one
another and have some fun.                     Cost: $35                                        Dates: Friday, 6/15
                                                                                                  and Wednesday, 6/20
Prerequisite: Machine in good working          Dates: Tuesday, 5/29                                       9:30 am – 4:30 pm
order and your own project.                               9:30 am – 4:30 pm
                                                                                                Size:     2 min, 8 max
Cost: $25 per month                            Size:      2 min, 10 max
                                                                                                Level: Intermediate to advanced
Dates: Saturdays: 5/5th, 6/2, 7/7, 8/4         Level: Experienced beginner
   or   Wednesdays: 5/16, 6/20, 7/18, 8/15

        9:30 am – 4:00 pm
        2 min, 7 max
                                                                   NEED MAINTENANCE?
Level: All                                        We offer general services to most sewing and embroidery machines and sergers.
                                                  Industry recommends that machines should be serviced every year for maximum performance.
            RENO    ●
                    R RENO                                  RENO     ●
                                                                     R RENO                                   RENO    ●
                                                                                                                      R RENO
PROFESSIONAL OR                                  ULTIMATE TRAVEL BAG                              TUFFET
MINI PROFESSIONAL TOTE                           Instructor: Sylvia Willoughby                    Instructor: Sylvia Willoughby
Instructor: Sylvia Willoughby                    Learn the secrets                                Add a touch of
                                                 to making bags                                   whimsy to your
The Mini is                                      that look like you                               home or sewing
a smaller                                        bought them- not                                 room with a tuffet.
version of                                       like you made                                    Everybody loves
the very                                         them! This bag is                                these tuffets!
popular                                          carry-on compliant                               Select your own
Professional                                     and will hold all of your travel essentials.     fabrics for the
Tote.                                            Here are zippered and slip pockets on the        top and we’ll guide you through the
The Mini                                         front, back and ends as well as a variety of     assembly. Be sure to order your kit before
Professional                                     pockets inside. The padded clip-on strap         the class.
Tote has                                         makes carrying this bag very comfortable.
10 pockets, including a padded free                                                               Prerequisite: Be sure to pick up a copy of
standing pocket to hold your tablet, two         Prerequisite: Be sure to get the supply          the supply list when you sign up for the
outside pockets for your water bottle            list, pattern and pre class instructions         class.
or umbrella, and various other pockets,          when you sign up.                                Cost: $50 plus fabric, kit and pattern
some with zippers, to hold all your              Cost: $45                                        Dates: Tuesday, 7/17
essentials. The Professional Tote is a larger    Dates: Thursday & Friday, 7/5 & 7/6                      9:30 am – 4:30 pm
versions and has many outside and inside
pockets. There is a place for everything                    9:30 am - 4:30 pm                       and Monday, 7/23
from water bottles to your computer. You         Size:      2 min, 8 max                                  9:30 am – 12:30 pm
decide which bag you’d like to make or           Level: Intermediate to Advanced                  Size:   2 min, 6 max
make them both!. You are going to love
these bag!                                                                           RENO       ●
                                                                                                R RENO
Prerequisite: Be sure to get the supply
list and pre class instructions when you         TUSCANY TOTE          Instructor: Sylvia Willoughby
sign up. Fabric must be cut out before           This is the perfect bag for beginners. In this class you will learn how to safely use a rotary
class.                                           cutter and mat, to accurately cut your fabric pieces, sew neat and accurate seams and
Cost: $50 for two sessions                       use interfacing to give the bag body. In the end you will have a beautiful, stylish bag to
                                                 be proud of!
Dates: Monday, 6/25
                                                 Prerequisite: Be sure to get the supply list, pattern and pre class
  and Tuesday, 6/26                              instructions when you sign up.
          9:30 am – 4:30 am                      Cost: $30
Size:     2 min, 8 max                           Dates: Thursday, 8/2
Level: Experienced beginner to                             9:30 am – 4:30 pm
                                                 Size:     2 min, 8 max
                                                 Level: Beginner

                        Do you know any creative 10 to 17 year olds
                          interested in sewing and refashioning?
               If so, please call the Reno store to get on the SEW KID’s list.
            We are in the process of planning classes, workshops, and camps.

                                                DON’T MISS OUT!                                                                             7
            RENO     ●
                     R RENO                                     ●
                                                                R RENO                                 RENO    ●
                                                                                                               R RENO
UNDERCOVER IN HOUSTON XV,                       JUDY NIEMEYER CLUB                          MINKY
CLASS MYSTERY                                   Instructor: Sylvia Willoughby               Instructor: Judi Hein
Instructor: Kathy Baker                         Judy                                        The most
                                                Niemeyer’s                                  wonderful Minky
Time to solve another mystery! Join the         paper pieced                                fabric is not the
fun, and help solve this mystery. You will      patterns are                                easiest to sew
be thrilled with the striking results, this     addictive!                                  with. Come to this
quilt is beautiful. Space is limited, sign up   Join us once                                class to learn the
soon! Class runs, August-January 2019.          a month to                                  techniques and
Cost: $45 every three months                    work on the                                 tricks to complete your Minky project.
Dates: 1st Monday of each month                 quilt or quilts                             Choose from one of our great kits or put
         (subject to change due to holidays)    of your choice                              together your own project. We will help
                                                from her                                    you get your supplies before class day.
       9:30 am – 12:30 pm                       book “Geese                                 There are even appliqué Minky projects.
   or  1st Tuesday of each month                Migrations”                                 From babies to seniors, everyone loves to
       9:30 am – 12:30 pm                       with the help of an experienced teacher.    cuddle up with Minky!
                                                Buy the book and select one or more of      Cost: $35
   or  1:30 pm – 4:30 pm                        the quilts in the book then let us know
Size:  8 max                                    which paper patterns to order for you.      Dates: Monday, 6/11
Level: Experienced quilter                      Prerequisite: “Geese Migrations” book,         or     Friday August 3

                     ●                          paper patterns, and items on the supply               10:00 am – 4:00 pm
            RENO     R RENO                     list                                        Size:     10 max
YOU CAN QUILT – PART 2                          Cost: $25 per session                       Level: All
Instructor: Rita Lumos
This is the second
                                                Dates: 4th Wednesday of the month
                                                        5/23, 6/27, 7/25, no August class
                                                                                                       RENO    ●
                                                                                                               R RENO
section of a                                            9:30 to 12:30                       LAURA HEINE COLLAGE
4-part, year-long                                                                           Instructor: Judi Hein
                                                Size:   12 max
class. Beginning
with very basic                                 Level: Experienced beginners                You can choose

                                                                                            from several Laura
and simple
quilting skills,
                                                           RENO        R RENO               Heine Collage
                                                                                            patterns and create
we will progress
to constructing
                                                JELLYROLL WEAVE                             your own unique
complex quilt blocks. Whether a                 Instructor: Cindy                           wall hanging or
beginner or just wishing to hone up on          Rand                                        quilt. This is a
skills and techniques, this is the class                                                    creative process
                                                Bring 1-2 jellyrolls
for you. We will explore color theory,                                                      and uses fabric
                                                and 2 yards of
choosing fabrics, and increasingly                                                          fusing instead of
                                                background fabric
wider knowledge of a variety of quilting                                                    sewing. Leave your
                                                and we will design
techniques. The outcome of this year-                                                       machine at home
                                                a jellyroll weave
long class is a beautiful 36 block, Queen                                                   and bring lots of
                                                for you! Pattern
size sampler quilt.                                                                         fabric to cut and
                                                provided in class.
                                                                                            play with. There are
Prerequisite: You Can Quilt, Part 1             Prerequisite:                               large and small projects to choose from.
Cost:  $100 for 6 sessions                      basic quilting                              The Dress is one of many.
Dates: Thursdays, 4/12, 4/26, 5/31, 6/14,       Cost: $30                                   Cost: $35
       6/28 and Tuesday, 5/15                   Dates: Friday, 5/11                         Dates: Monday, 6/18
       1:30 pm – 4:30 pm                                 10:00 am – 4:00 pm                           10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Size:  12 max                                   Size:    11 max                             Size:     13 max
Level:    Beginner, Intermediate RENO           Level: Experienced beginner                 Level: Beginner or above

                                        UNLIMITED OWNER’S CLASSES!
         Owner’s classes are included with the purchase of your machine from Sierra Sewing, Quilting,
         and Vacuums. Specialty classes and clubs are also available to increase your knowledge and fun!
           RENO     ●
                    R RENO                                 RENO    ●
                                                                   R RENO                                    RENO   ●
                                                                                                                    R RENO
BURST BLOCK OF THE MONTH                       PRISMATIC STAR                                  ONE BLOCK WONDER
Instructor: Cindy Rand                         Instructor: Sylvia Willoughby                   Instructor: Judi Hein
A very popular                                 This class is                                   One fabric and
block of the month                             geared to                                       this technique will
this Spring! There                             students who                                    create a one of a
are a few kits                                 would like to                                   kind artistic and
available for this 6                           learn the Judy                                  striking quilt. Every
month class so it is being offered starting    Niemeyer,                                       block is a surprise
in July. The color choices are the blue or     paper piecing                                   and more beautiful
cream background. Please contact the           technique.                                      than the last. We
instructor for availability.                   Prismatic Star is                               can help you select
Prerequisite: basic sewing                     one of her most popular patterns. In this       a wonderful fabric
                                               class you will learn Judy’s technique for       before the day of
Cost: $90 non-refundable                       creating beautiful paper pieced projects        class and you will be ready to create a
Dates: Sundays, 7/8, 8/5, 9/2, 10/7, 11/4,     after which you will have the confidence        special quilt.
       and 12/2                                to tackle one of her more challenging           Cost: $35
       12:00 noon – 4:00 pm                    patterns.
                                                                                               Dates: Monday, 7/16
Size:  9 max                                   Prerequisite: Pattern and items on the                    10:00 am – 4:00 pm
                                               supply list
Level: Beginner                                                                                Size:     13 max
                                               Cost: $50 for two sessions
           RENO     ●
                    R RENO                     Dates: Thursdays, 7/12 & 7/19
                                                                                               Level: Basic rotary cutting and sewing
JELLYROLL RACE WITH A                                   9:30 am – 4:30 pm
                                                                                                             RENO   ●
                                                                                                                    R RENO
                                               Size:    2min, 8 max
VARIATION                                      Level: Experienced Beginner                     PRAIRIE PINWHEELS
Instructor: Cindy Rand
A fun and quick                                            RENO    ●
                                                                   R RENO                      Instructor: Sylvia Willoughby
                                                                                               This is a Judy
jellyroll quilt using
1 jellyroll and a                              INTRODUCTION TO FREE MOTION                     Niemeyer paper
                                                                                               pieced pattern.
small amount
of a contrasting
                                               QUILTING                                        You’ll be amazed
color. You can add                             Instructor:                                     at how easy it is to
borders or not. In                             Judi Hein                                       make the windmills
the class we will                              Looking to                                      and pinwheels
make the center                                overcome your fear                              using her paper
section of the quilt                           of free motion? This                            piecing method.
and get you started                            class will help you                             Let us know if you’d like help selecting
on the borders if                              get started with                                your fabric.
you are doing them.                            the techniques you                              Prerequisite: Prairie Pinwheel pattern
Prerequisite: know how to operate and          need to quilt your                              and items on the supply list
thread your machine                            own projects.                                   Cost: $50 for 2 sessions
Cost: $30                                      Cost: $30                                       Dates: Friday & Tuesday, 7/20 & 7/24
Dates: Wednesday, 7/11                         Dates: Friday, 7/13                                     9:30 am – 4:30 pm
        10:00 am – 4:00 pm                               10:00 am – 2:00 pm
                                                                                               Size:   2 min, 8 max
Size:   11 max                                 Size:     12 max
                                                                                               Level: Experienced Beginner
Level: Beginner                                Level: All

                         LONGARM QUILTING SERVICE
  Let Deb or Judi use their Gammill Statler Stitcher to put the finishing touches on your beautiful quilt.
  Experienced quilters themselves, they know the time and love that are put into each of your quilts.
  Each of them will work with you to pick out the perfect pattern to enhance the beauty of your creation.
  Deb has also been recognized at the Truckee Meadows Quilt Show as the quilter for one of the first
  place quilts! Call for an appointment.
            RENO     ●
                     R RENO                                  RENO    ●
                                                                     R RENO
CHRISTMAS VILLAGE                                 NO MEASURE BARGELLO
(TREES AND TOPS)                                  Instructor:
                                                  Judi Hein
Instructor: Cindy Rand
                                                  A fun and easier way
This truly is                                     to make a bargello
a Christmas                                       quilt. It uses a jelly
in July                                           roll and two yards
project! My                                       of fabric to create a
Christmas                                         stunning look.
quilt for
this year is                                      Cost: $35
a beautiful                                       Dates: Monday, 7/30
holiday quilt                                                10:00 am – 4:00 pm
pine trees                                        Size:      13 max
and tops. It                                      Level: All
                                                                                            BARGELLO TREE SKIRT
                                                                                            Instructor: Judi Hein
is in Moda
fabrics                                                      RENO    R RENO                 Learn how to use a ten-degree wedge
showing nutcrackers, snowmen, candy,
etc. The pattern and fabric for the top           OMBRE STAR QUILT                          ruler to make a tree skirt or round table
                                                                                            topper or striking quilt. This technique
and binding are included in the kit. Sign         Instructor: Judi Hein                     results in TWO skirts or quilts. What a
up early, as kits are limited. This is a 2 part   If you love                               bonus!
class.                                            ombre fabric                              Cost: $35
Prerequisite: some quilting experience            like I do but
                                                                                            Level: All
Cost: $40                                         have a hard
Dates: Sundays, 7/29 & 8/19
                                                  time finding
                                                  the right
                                                                                                     RENO R RENO●
          10:00 am – 1:00 pm                                                                Dates: Monday, 8/13
                                                  project for it
                                                                                                   10:00 am – 4:00 pm
    or    1:30 pm – 4:30 pm                       this is an easy
                                                  quilt made with 5 yards of ONE ombre      Size:  13 max
    or    Tuesdays, 7/31 & 8/21
          10:00 am – 1:00 pm
                                                  fabric. Ombre is that fabric that fades
                                                  from light to dark or from one color to                      ●
                                                                                             CARSON CITY C CARSON CITY
    or    1:30 pm – 4:30 pm                       another. Fun!                             Dates: Friday, 8/17
                                                                                                   10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Size:     10 max                                  Cost: $35
                                                                                            Size:  6 max
Level: Experienced Beginner                       Dates: Thursday, 8/23
                                                            10:00 am – 4:00 pm
                                                  Size:     13 max
                                                  Level: All

       Luxury is in the details

                                               CARSON CITY        ●
                                                                  C CARSON CITY                 CARSON CITY        ●
                                                                                                                   C CARSON CITY
                                              CONNECTING FLOWERS                               DAISY CENTERPIECE
                                              Instructor: LeAnne Kankel                        Instructor: LeAnne Kankel
                                              This beautiful                                   Dress up your
                                              embroidered quilt                                summertime table
                                              uses applique                                    with this beautiful
                                              embroidery                                       daisy centerpiece
                                              to create the                                    using the Anita
                                              unique look of a                                 Goodesign
                                              bouquet of flowers                               Centerpiece project
                                              connecting by                                    design set. You’ll
                                              their leaves and stems. The blocks are set       use standard
                                              on point at 45 degree angles, then put           embroidery techniques, crowning your
                                              together in strips that avoid the dreaded        daisy masterpiece with an applique
EMBROIDERY TECHNIQUE CLUB -                   “Y” seams. The end product is a stunning         butterfly that signals summer is here.
                                              project sure to generate compliments!
2ND QUARTER                                   Students can choose to make a throw size
                                                                                               Prerequisite: Embroidery machine
                                                                                               required in good working order, and
Pick up new skills using your embroidery      quilt or table runner.                           with knowledge of how to operate the
machine as you make three different           Prerequisite: Quilting knowledge.                machine.
projects. Each month you will be given        Embroidery machine required in good
additional projects to have many hours                                                         Cost: $40
                                              working order, and with knowledge of
of enjoyment making useful items for          how to operate the machine.                      Dates: Wednesday, 6/6
yourself or for you friends. There will be                                                             10:00 am – 4:30 pm
discussions about stabilizers and other       Cost: $50 for two classes
                                                                                               Size:   2 min, 6 max
hints, tips and tricks to help perfect your   Dates: Saturday, 5/12
machine embroidery projects.                                                                   Level: Intermediate
                                               and Saturday, 6/9
Prerequisite: Embroidery machine in
good working order
                                                      10:00 am – 4:30 pm                                  RENO     ●
                                                                                                                   R RENO
Cost: $75 for SSQV Members
                                              Size:   2 min, 6 max                             SANTA’S WORKSHOP TILING
                                              Level: Advanced
  or   $105 for Non-Members.                                                                   SCENE
Level: Beginner to Advanced                               RENO     ●
                                                                   R RENO                      Instructors: Gayle Dedrick
           RENO     ●
                    R RENO                    EMBROIDERY BUDDIES                               This grayscale
                                                                                               beauty will take
Instructor: Gayle Dedrick                     Instructors: Gayle Dedrick                       your breath
Dates: Fridays, 4/27, 5/25, & 6/29            This is a sit and machine embroidery             away! Stitch a
        10:00 am – 12:30pm                    class. You bring and work on the                 wall hanging
Size:   12 max                                embroidery project of your choice. Have          masterpiece
                                                                                               featuring Santa
                                              you ever said to yourself, “I just can’t seem
 CARSON CITY        C CARSON CITY             to get started”, or “what is stabilizer?” This   tenderly creating
Instructor: Terry Hammon                      class is designed to get you motived,            toys in his
                                              finish those UFO’s (Un-Finished Objects),        workshop. With exquisite detailing, this
Dates: Saturdays, 4/28, 5/26, & 6/23
                                              start something new, or just work while          tiling scene project will bring you joy for
        10:00 am – 12:30pm
                                              chatting with others. Random techniques          years to come. The first two sessions will
Size:   8 max                                 will be discussed and shown. Want to             be embroidering and the last session for
                                              learn embroidery machine applique, free          assembly.
                                              standing lace, etc. this is the class.           Prerequisite: Working knowledge of
                                              Prerequisite: Must own embroidery                your embroidery machine with at least a
    Do you want to get                        machine and understand basics of how to
                                              operate it
                                                                                               5” x 7” hoop (130mm x 180mm)
                                                                                               Cost: $85 for 3 sessions
   news & special offers                       Cost: $25 per session                            Dates: Fridays, 6/15 & 8/17
        via email?                            Dates: Fridays, 5/25, 6/29, 7/27                          1:30 pm – 4:30 pm
                                                       1:00 pm – 4:30 pm                        and     Friday, 10/5
         Sign up at:                          Size:    8 max                                            10:00 am – 2:30 pm
                                              Level: Beginner to Advanced                      Size:    8 max                                                                          Level: Beginner to Advanced

Our promise to you: Every Sierra Sewing, Quilting & Vacuum purchase includes
our worry-free guarantee: We promise to offer the most value for the lowest
possible price on everything we sell. If you find a lower price by another
authorized U.S. dealer, bring it to our attention! We offer the best values in the
industry. Please give us an opportunity to earn your business.
 CARSON CITY       ●
                   C CARSON CITY                     RENO     ●
                                                              R RENO                                   RENO    ●
                                                                                                               R RENO
JEAN JACKET EMBELLISHMENT                A FLOWER FOR M’LADY                               HOCUS POCUS – MACHINE
Instructor: LeAnne Kankel                TABLETOPPER                                       APPLIQUÉ WALL HANGING
Do you have a                            Instructor: Karen Rosselli                        Instructor: Kathy Fullenwider
jean jacket that is
crying for some                          Join Karen to                                     Add is adorable
embellishment?                           learn this lovely                                 Halloween wall
Bring your                               Anita Goodesign                                   hanging to your
embroidery designs                       table topper. It’s                                home decorations.
and we’ll dress up                       approximately 15”                                 You will learn
your jacket in a way                     in diameter. You                                  Claudia’s “Perfect
that says “wow”! The                     will learn several                                Placement”
design shown is in                       new techniques                                    technique for each
the Anita Goodesign                      and you will learn what some of those             hooping. Claudia
Realistic Flowers                        many stabilizers you have at home are             developed this
collection, but any                      for! You will finish this topper in class.        technique for
design can be used.                      This will be a fun-filled class! (There will be   multi-hoop large embroidery motifs with
                                         some homework)                                    seamless connections.
                                         Cost: $40 for both class days                     Cost: $75
Embroidery machine
required in good                         Dates: Wednesdays, 8/29 & 9/5                     Dates: Thursday, 8/30 & 9/27
working order, and                                 9:30am – 12:30pm                                  9:30 am -1:00 pm
with knowledge of
                                         Size:     2 min, 8 max                            Size:     3 min, 8 max*
how to operate the machine.
                                         Level: All skill levels welcome                   Level: Beginning
Cost: $35
Dates: Saturday, 7/21                      *The room will be available 15 minutes before your class begins to set up machines.
        10:00 am – 4:30 pm                 Signups are First Come/First Served, so sign up early to avoid disappointment. Class
                                           will not run if less than three people sign up. You may cancel up to one week prior to
Size:   2 min, 6 max                       class for a Store Credit Only! If we cancel a class, we will refund your registration or
Level: Intermediate                        issue a store credit.

                                                                                                       RENO    ●
                                                                                                               R RENO
                           FLORIANI SOFTWARE CLUB                                          EDGE-TO-EDGE QUILTING ON
  CARSON CITY C CARSON CITY                        RENO R RENO●                            YOUR EMBROIDERY MACHINE
Instructor: LeAnne Kankel                         Instructor: Kathy Fullenwider            Instructor: Kathy Fullenwider
Do you have Floriani Total                        The Floriani Software classes            Learn the Edge-
Control software but aren’t                       are project-based and will help          to-Edge Quilting
sure how to use it? The Floriani                  you learn to use the software            technique
Software Club is for you! The                     and improve your skills.                 developed by
club meets monthly, and                           This is a three-hour, hands-on           Amélie Scott.
during each meeting, we’ll                        class. The class is on-going,            Amélie created
complete a project that will                      allowing you to join at any              designs that use
teach a different part of the                     time. New classes are offered            her Easy-Connect
software. You’ll be a pro in no                   on Wednesdays then repeated              Technique.
time! Bring your laptop and                       on listed Saturdays. Bring               Stitched on your
preloaded software, checking                      your laptop and pre-loaded               own embroidery
for any updates before                            software. Check for and install          machine getting
class. A computer mouse is helpful and            updates before class. An                 beautiful results. Make the templates
recommended.                                      external mouse would be                  first then quilt blankets, table runners,
Prerequisite: Floriani Total Control U            helpful.                                 placemats, and anything else you can
software                                 Cost: $20 per class                               stitch.
Cost: $20 per class                      Dates: Wednesdays: 5/30, 7/25, & 8/29             Prerequisite: None
Dates: 4th Wednesday of the month               (No June Class)                            Cost: $40
        8/22, 9/26, 10/24                       1:00 pm - 4:00 pm                          Dates: Friday, 8/31
        1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
                                         Size:  10 Max*                                              9:30 am – 1:30 pm
Size:   2 min, 6 max
                                         Level: Beginning thru Advanced                    Size:     3 min, 8 max*
Level: Beginner
14                                                                                         Level: Beginning to Advanced
                       RENO    ●
                               R RENO                                                       RENO    ●
                                                                                                    R RENO
SERGER 101                                                           5-THREAD/COVERSTITCH & WAVE (IF YOU HAVE IT)
Instructor: Laurie Bray                                              Instructor: Laurie Bray
Learn to use the basic stitches on your serger; 4 thread overlock,   Learn to use your 5-thread, coverstitch and wave (if you have it.)
3 thread overlock & rolled hem. Then expand on the basic             Students will make samples and learn to convert and adjust their
stitches by doing several techniques such as t-shirt ribbing,        sergers for the proper stitch. This is a great class for beginners
corners and seams finishes. Students will make a sample              or a good refresher if you haven’t used these stitches in a while.
notebook. This is a great class for beginners or a good refresher    Remember to get your supply list.
if you haven’t used your serger in a while. Remember to get the      Prerequisite: Serger Lesson or Serger 101
supply list.
                                                                     Cost: $40 per person/per machine/per session
Prerequisite: You must have a serger.
                                                                     Dates: Saturday, 6/16
Cost: $60 per person/per machine/per session
                                                                            10:00am – Noon
Dates: Saturday, 5/19
                                                                     Size:  2 min, 12 max
  or   Saturday, 9/15
                                                                     Level: Beginner
       12:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Size:  2 min, 12 max
Level: Beginner

                                                                                              TIRED OF LUGGING YOUR OLD
                                                                                                  VACUUM AROUND?
                                                                                              WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION
                                                                                              OF LIGHTWEIGHT VACUUMS!
                                                                                                   Compact C1

                                                                                                   Compact C1
    Huge Selection of Sewing Machines, Longarm Quilting Machines,
                          Sergers, Embroidery Machines & more

    Low Price Guarantee                If you think you are getting a better price elsewhere...
                                       – Come talk to us!

    Free Classes with New Machine Purchases
    Classes & Events from Beginners to Advanced Levels
    Quality Fabrics & Notions Fabric, Threads, Accessories, Books,
                                                   Patterns, Embroidery Designs, & more

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