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>>> INTERIM REPORT - PMB SHARIAH ASEAN STARS EQUITY FUND >>> (1) Dear Unitholder, MOVING TOWARDS ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION. We wish to inform that you have been automatically enrolled to receive funds’ reports via electronic medium effective 31 March 2018. You will receive a notification by SMS/email when the funds’ report is ready for download on our website at www.pmbinvestment.com.my. Please note that the report will be available to view and download from our website until next financial report.Please inform us in writing if you do not wish to receive the documents electronically. Should you have any queries or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact our Investor Relation Careline at 03- 4145 3900 or email at investorrelation@pelaburanmara.com.my Thank you.
>>> INTERIM REPORT - PMB SHARIAH ASEAN STARS EQUITY FUND >>> (2) Dear Valued Customer PMB INVESTMENT BERHAD – PRIVACY NOTICE UNDER PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION ACT 2010 Effective from 15 November 2013, the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (PDPA) was introduced to regulate the personal data processed in commercial transactions. PMB INVESTMENT BERHAD respects and is committed to the protection of your personal information and your privacy. This Personal Data Protection Notice explains how we collect and handle your personal information in accordance with the Malaysian Personal Data Protection Act 2010. Please note that PMB INVESTMENT BERHAD may amend this Personal Data Protection Notice at any time without prior notice and will notify you of any such amendment via our website or by email. Privacy Notice content involves matters concerning the processing of your personal information by us in connection with your investment account and/or services with us. Please take time to read and take note of the contents of the Privacy Notice in effect. If you would like to access your personal information, please refer to our Personal Data Access @ www.pmbinvestment.com.my and/or visit our offices whether head office or other branches. If you would like to obtain further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at Customer Care Line 03-4145 3900.
>>> INTERIM REPORT - PMB SHARIAH ASEAN STARS EQUITY FUND >>> (3) CORPORATE INFORMATION MANAGER PMB INVESTMENT BERHAD (A member of Pelaburan MARA Berhad) HEAD OFFICE 2nd Floor, Wisma PMB, No.1A, Jalan Lumut, 50400 Kuala Lumpur. Tel: (03) 4145 3800 Fax: (03) 41453901 E-mail: investorrelation@pelaburanmara.com.my Website: www.pmbinvestment.com.my BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dato’ Sri Hj Abd Rahim bin Hj Abdul Prof. Dr. Faridah binti Hj Hassan Mansoor bin Ahmad Nik Mohamed Zaki bin Nik Yusoff YM Tengku Ahmad Badli Shah bin Raja Hussin Isnami bin Ahmad Mohtar (Appointed on 12 October 2020) Jasmani bin Abbas (Appointed on 27 May 2021) Noorizwa binti Jurish (Appointed on 27 May 2021) Dato’ Hj Mohd Rusdi bin Mohd Darus (Appointed on 27 May 2021) CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Najmi bin Haji Mohamed (effective until 30 September 2020) COMPANY SECRETARIES Mohd Shah Bin Hashim (BC/M/148) INVESTMENT COMMITTEE MEMBERS Mansoor bin Ahmad Nik Mohamed Zaki bin Nik Yusoff Prof. Dr. Mohamed Aslam bin Mohamed Haneef TRUSTEE CIMB ISLAMIC TRUSTEE BERHAD SHARIAH ADVISER BIMB SECURITIES SDN BHD AUDITORS JAMAL, AMIN & PARTNERS (effective until 17 March 2021) MESSRS. AFRIZAN, TARMILI, KHAIRUL AZHAR (effective from 15 April 2021)
>>> INTERIM REPORT - PMB SHARIAH ASEAN STARS EQUITY FUND >>> (6) 1. FUND INFORMATION 1.1 FUND NAME PMB SHARIAH ASEAN STARS EQUITY FUND – PMB SASEF. 1.2 DATE OF LAUNCH 28 March 2018. 1.3 FUND CATEGORY/TYPE Equity (Shariah)/ Growth. 1.4 FUND INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE To achieve capital growth over the medium term to long term period by investing in a diversified portfolio of Shariah-compliant securities. 1.5 FUND PERFORMANCE BENCHMARK Dow Jones Islamic Market ASEAN Index 1.6 FUND DISTRIBUTION POLICY The distribution of income, if any, is incidental. Where the Fund distributes its income, such distribution will be made in the form of additional units and in the currencies in which those classes of units are denominated. 1.7 UNIT HOLDINGS AS AT 30 APRIL 2021 MYR CLASS No. of Unit No. of Units Size of Holdings % % Holders Held 5,000 and below 146 46.95 350,835.93 6.21 5,001 - 10,000 69 22.19 545,884.45 9.66 10,001 - 50,000 72 23.15 1,690,903.50 29.94 50,001 - 500,000 23 7.39 2,472,011.10 43.77 500,001 and above 1 0.32 588,646.00 10.42 Total 311 100.00 5,648,280.98 100.00 * Note: Excluding manager’s unit
>>> INTERIM REPORT - PMB SHARIAH ASEAN STARS EQUITY FUND >>> (7) 1.7 UNIT HOLDINGS AS AT 30 APRIL 2021 (CONT.) USD CLASS No. of Unit No. of Units Size of Holdings % % Holders Held 5,000 and below - - - - 5,001 - 10,000 - - - - 10,001 - 50,000 1 100.00 10,540.55 100.00 50,001 - 500,000 - - - - 500,001 and above - - - - Total 1 100.00 10,540.55 100.00
>>> INTERIM REPORT - PMB SHARIAH ASEAN STARS EQUITY FUND >>> (8) 2. FUND PERFORMANCE DATA 2.1 PORTFOLIO COMPOSITION FOR PERIOD FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 OCTOBER ENDED SECTOR 30 April 2020 2019 2018 2021 Local Market - Main % % % % Basic Material 3.09 - - - Consumer Products - 5.03 7.16 15.03 & Services Energy - 4.49 8.04 7.90 Industrial Products & 24.89 26.75 4.98 7.78 Services Plantations - - - 2.16 Technology 17.51 11.19 14.71 7.06 HealthCare - 17.30 - 7.65 Utilities 3.31 8.63 4.88 3.90 Financial Services - - 3.53 - Foreign Market Indonesia Technology - - - 3.77 Basic Material 3.08 - 10.33 3.77 Consumer Goods 3.14 3.02 3.53 3.53 Financial 3.38 - 8.63 - Properties - - 2.96 - Philliphine Basic Material 4.12 - - - Utilities - - 2.97 2.68 Singapore HealthCare - - - 3.35 Consumer Product 4.50 7.49 - - Thailand HealthCare - - 4.79 6.91 Consumer Product 4.61 - - - Consumer Goods 5.54 3.76 3.28 - Consumer Services - - 5.20 11.53 Basic Material 4.40 - - - Industrial 4.81 - - - Islamic Deposit / 16.71 12.34 15.01 12.98 Cash / etc Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
>>> INTERIM REPORT - PMB SHARIAH ASEAN STARS EQUITY FUND >>> (9) 2.2 PERFORMANCE DETAILS FOR FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 PERIOD OCTOBER ENDED 30 April 2020 2019 2018 2021 Net Asset Value (NAV) -xD (RM’000) 2,860 1,128 1,603 2,146 Unit in circulation MYR Class (’000) 5,648 2,305 3,222 4,290 USD Class (’000) 11 0.035 0 0 NAV per unit -xD MYR Class 0.5005 0.4473 0.4974 0.5003 USD Class 0.7680 0.6752 0.4879 0.4879 Price NAV pe runit (RM Class) NAB Seunit - xD: Highest 0.5093 0.5001 0.5060 0.5073 NAB Seunit - xD: Lowest 0.4149 0.3497 0.4662 0.4961 Price NAV per unit (USD Class) NAB Seunit - xD: Highest 0.7917 0.7262 0.4879 0.5000 NAB Seunit - xD: Lowest 0.6416 0.4879 0.4879 0.4879 Total Return * (%) MYR Class 11.89 (10.07) (0.58) 0.06 USD Class 13.74 38.39 - (2.42) Capital Growth * (%) MYR Class 11.89 (10.07) (0.58) 0.06 USD Class 13.74 38.39 - (2.42) Income Return (%) - - - - Gross Distribution per unit (sen) - - - - Net Distribution per unit (sen) - - - Management Expenses Ratio (%) 1.41 3.10 2.62 1.32 (MER) ¹ Portfolio Turnover Ratio (times) 0.68 0.80 0.74 0.75 (PTR) ² * Source: Lipper ¹ MER for PMB SASEF decreased by 0.24 percentage points to 1.41% from 1.26% in the corresponding period last year. The decreased was due to increase in the average size of the Fund by 17.0% to RM1.41million from RM1.38million. ² The PTR percentage up by 240% to 0.68 times from 0.20 times for the financial year ended 30 April 2021, as compared to the same period of the previous year. This was due to the increasing buy and sell of shares activities in line with increasing in the average size of the fund. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance, unit prices and investment returns may fluctuate.
>>> INTERIM REPORT - PMB SHARIAH ASEAN STARS EQUITY FUND >>> (10) 2.2 PERFORMANCE DETAILS (CONT.) MYR CLASS * AVERAGE TOTAL RETURN (30 APRIL) Since Operation 1-year (18 Apr 2018 – 30 April 2021) PMB SASEF 25.69% 0.03% * ANNUAL TOTAL RETURN (31 OCTOBER) Since Operation 2020 2019 (18 Apr 2018 – 31 October 2018) PMB SASEF (10.07%) (0.58%) 0.06% USD CLASS * AVERAGE TOTAL RETURN (30 APRIL) Since Operation 1-year (18 Apr 2018 – 30 April 2021) PMB SASEF 32.23% 15.19% * ANNUAL TOTAL RETURN (31 OCTOBER) Since Operation 2020 2019 (18 Apr 2018 – 31 October 2018) PMB SASEF 38.39% - (2.42%) * Source: Lipper Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance, unit prices and investment returns may fluctuate.
>>> INTERIM REPORT - PMB SHARIAH ASEAN STARS EQUITY FUND >>> (11) 3. MANAGER’S REPORT We are pleased to present the Manager’s report of PMB SASEF for the financial period ended 30 April 2021 (1 November 2020 until 30 April 2021). 3.1 FUND PERFORMANCE Fund’s performance measured against benchmark since operation on 18 April 2018 and ended 30 April 2021 is as follows:- The graph illustrates the movement of the Fund’s return against the benchmark since the operation on 18 April 2018 and ended 30 April 2021. Since inception, the Fund’s NAV/unit for Malaysia Ringgit and US Dollar recorded a return of 0.10% and 53.60% respectively while its benchmark return fell by 4.92%. For the period under review ended 30 April 2021, NAV/unit for MYR class increased by RM0.0532 or 11.89% to RM0.5005 from RM0.4473 as at 31 October 2020. For USD class, the NAV/unit increased by US$0.0928 or 13.74% to US$0.7680 from US$0.6752. 3.2 INCOME DISTRIBUTION/UNIT SPLIT For the half-year financial period ended 30 April 2021, the Fund has declared no income distribution and unit split were declared during the financial period ended 30 April 2021. 3.3 POLICY AND INVESTMENT STRATEGY The Fund will invest in a diversified portfolio of Shariah-compliant equities listed on any recognized stock exchanges in ASEAN member countries where the respective regulatory authority is an ordinary or associate member of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO). It will invest between 70% to 99.5% of the Fund’s NAV in Shariah-compliant equities of any of the 300 largest companies in terms of market capitalization (at the point of purchase) listed on recognized stock exchange in any of the ASEAN member countries.
>>> INTERIM REPORT - PMB SHARIAH ASEAN STARS EQUITY FUND >>> (12) 3.3 POLICY AND INVESTMENT STRATEGY ( CONT.) During the 6-month period ended 30 April 2021, the fund manager executed buy and sell activities for the fund based on relative-strength analysis. The equity exposure of the Fund was maintained between 80% and 95% throughout the period under review. 3.4 ASSET ALLOCATION OF THE FUND Comparison of investment components based on NAV is as follows:- ASSET ALLOCATION Investment 30 April 31 October Exposure 2021 2020 Change Average (%) (%) (%) (%) Shariah-compliant Equity 86.37 87.66 (1.29) 87.01 Islamic Deposits/ cash/ 13.63 12.34 1.29 12.99 others As at 30 April 2021, 86.37% of the Fund’s NAV was invested in Shariah- compliant equity market. The balance of 13.63% was held in Islamic deposits and/or other permitted investments.
>>> INTERIM REPORT - PMB SHARIAH ASEAN STARS EQUITY FUND >>> (13) 3.5 ECONOMIC REVIEW MALAYSIA The economy registered a negative growth of 3.4% in the 4Q 2020 (3Q 2020: -2.6%), largely attributable to the imposition of the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) on a number of states since mid- October. For 2020 as a whole, the economy contracted by 5.6%. The restrictions on mobility, especially on inter-district and inter-state travel, weighed on economic activity during the fourth quarter. Nevertheless, the continued improvement in external demand provided support to growth. Consequently, except for manufacturing, all economic sectors continued to record negative growth. On the expenditure side, moderating private consumption and public investment activities weighed on domestic demand. On a quarter-on-quarter seasonally-adjusted basis, the economy registered a decline of 0.3% (3Q 2020: 18.2%). For the quarter, headline inflation declined to -1.5% in part reflecting the larger decline in retail fuel prices as compared to the corresponding period last year. Core inflation moderated to 0.8% due mainly to lower inflation for communication services and rental. The ringgit appreciated by 3.6% against the US dollar during the 4Q 2020, driven mainly by non-resident portfolio inflows as investors’ risk appetite continued to improve. Positive investor sentiment during the quarter was driven by news of successful vaccine trials and the rollout of vaccination programmes in major economies, as well as greater clarity on US policy direction following the outcome of the US presidential election. Taken together, these factors formed the basis of a more positive investor outlook for the recovery of the global health crisis, which strengthened expectations for the eventual normalisation of economic activity. From 1 January to 8 February 2021, the ringgit has depreciated by 1.2% against the US dollar, in line with broad-based weakening in major and regional currencies, following the strengthening of US dollar amidst enhanced prospects for an economic rebound in the US. Concerns over the rise in COVID-19 infections and its implications for domestic economic activity also weighed on investor sentiments. Portfolio investments recorded a smaller net outflow of RM6.9 billion in the 4Q 2020 (3Q 2020: -RM23.1 billion), while net FDI recorded an inflow of RM6.1 billion (3Q 2020: - RM0.8 billion). In the near term, the risk of heightened exchange rate volatility remains as lingering uncertainties surrounding the momentum of the global economic recovery will continue to have a bearing on investor sentiments. Net financing to the private sector continued to expand at 4.4% on an annual basis. Total outstanding loans grew by 3.7% (3Q 2020: 4.7%) supported by continued growth in the household and business segments. Total loan disbursements to both businesses and household increased during the quarter. Business loan repayments were also higher, with its growth outpacing that of disbursements. Loan demand remained forthcoming especially in the household segment. While near-term growth in 2021 will be affected by the re-introduction of stricter containment measures, the impact, however, will be less severe than that experienced in 2020. The growth trajectory is projected to improve from the second quarter onwards. The improvement will be driven by the recovery in global demand, where the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has revised upwards their 2021 global growth forecast by 0.3 percentage points to 5.5%.
>>> INTERIM REPORT - PMB SHARIAH ASEAN STARS EQUITY FUND >>> (14) 3.5 ECONOMIC REVIEW ( CONT.) MALAYSIA ( CONT.) Growth will also be supported by a turnaround in public and private sector expenditure amid continued support from policy measures including PENJANA, KITA PRIHATIN, 2021 Budget and PERMAI, and higher production from existing and new facilities in the manufacturing and mining sectors. The vaccine roll-out which will commence this month is also expected to lift sentiments. In line with earlier assessments, the average headline inflation was at - 1.2% in 2020 due mainly to the substantially lower global oil prices. For 2021, headline inflation is projected to average higher, primarily due to higher global oil prices. Underlying inflation is expected to remain subdued amid continued spare capacity in the economy. The outlook, however, is subject to global oil and commodity price developments. (Source: Bank Negara Malaysia Website) INDONESIA Indonesia's International Investment Position (Posisi Investasi Internasional Indonesia, PII) in the 4Q 2020 recorded a strengthening of foreign capital inflows. At the end of the 4Q 2020, Indonesia's PII recorded a net liability of US$281.2 billion (26.5% of GDP), an increase compared to the position of net liabilities at the end of the 3Q 2020 which was recorded at US$260.0 billion (24.3% of GDP). The increase in net liabilities was due to an increase in the position of Foreign Financial Liabilities (Kewajiban Finansial Luar Negeri, KFLN) that was greater than the increase in the position of Foreign Financial Assets (Aset Finansial Luar Negeri, AFLN), in line with the strengthening of foreign capital inflows. The position of Indonesia's KFLN at the end of the 4Q 2020 increased by 5.2% (Q-to-Q) from US$651.6 billion to US$685.5 billion. The increase in the KFLN position was due to an increase in foreign ownership positions in government debt instruments and an inflow of direct investment in the form of equity. Another factor of change is the positive revaluation of the value of domestic financial assets denominated in Rupiah which has led to an increase in the KFLN position, in line with the improvement in the Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) and the strengthening of the Rupiah against the US dollar. The AFLN position at the end of the 4Q 2020 grew by 3.3% (Q-to-Q), from US$391.6 billion to US$404.3 billion. Apart from transaction factors, the AFLN's rising position was influenced by a positive revaluation factor due to an increase in the average stock index of countries where assets were placed, along with the weakening of the US dollar against the majority of the world's major currencies. Indonesia's PII recorded net liabilities of US$281.2 billion in 2020 (26.5% of Gross Domestic Product - GDP), a decrease compared to the position of net liabilities at the end of 2019 of US$337.9 billion (30.2% of GDP). The decrease in PII net liabilities was driven by the AFLN position which increased by US$29.0 billion (7.7% Year-on-Year - YoY), especially other investment assets, while the KFLN position decreased by US$27.8 billion (3.9% YoY) due to the decline portfolio investment liability position.
>>> INTERIM REPORT - PMB SHARIAH ASEAN STARS EQUITY FUND >>> (15) 3.5 ECONOMIC REVIEW ( CONT.) INDONESIA ( CONT.) Bank Indonesia views the development of Indonesia's PII in the 4Q 2020 and overall 2020 to be maintained. This is reflected in the declining ratio of Indonesia's PII to GDP for 2020 compared to 2019. In addition, the structure of Indonesia's PII liabilities is dominated by long-term instruments. Despite this, Bank Indonesia will continue to monitor potential risks related to PII's net liability to the economy. Going forward, Bank Indonesia believes that Indonesia's PII performance will be maintained in line with efforts to recover Indonesia's economy from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which is supported by the synergy of the policy mix between Bank Indonesia and the Government and other relevant authorities. (Source: Bank Indonesia’s Website) SINGAPORE The economy contracted by 2.4% YoY in the 4Q 2020, an improvement from the 5.8% contraction in the preceding quarter. On a quarter-on- quarter (QoQ) seasonally-adjusted basis, the economy expanded by 3.8%, following the 9.0% growth in the third quarter. The manufacturing sector grew by 10.0% year-on-year in the 4Q 2020, extending the 11.0% expansion in the previous quarter. Growth was supported by output expansions in the electronics, biomedical manufacturing, precision engineering and chemicals clusters, which more than offset output declines in the transport engineering and general manufacturing clusters. The services producing industries collectively contracted by 4.7% YoY in the 4Q 2020, improving from the 8.3% contraction in the previous quarter. Among the services sectors, only the finance & insurance (4.9%), information & communications (2.6%) and wholesale trade (1.8%) sectors posted positive growth. Meanwhile, the construction sector shrank by 27.0% YoY in the 4Q 2020, improving from the 53.0% contraction in the third quarter. The improved performance of the sector came on the back of the resumption of more construction activities in the 4Q 2020 as compared to the previous quarter. (Source: Singapore’s Ministry of Trade and Industry’s Website) PHILIPHINES The Philippine GDP posted a growth rate of -8.3% in the 4Q 2020, resulting in the -9.5% full-year growth rate for 2020. On the other hand, contributors to the decline of the GDP growth for the 4Q 2020 were Construction at -25.3%; Other Services at -45.2%; and Accommodation and Food Service Activities at -42.7%. Among the major economic sectors, Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing (AFF) registered -2.5% growth rate in the 4Q 2020, while Services and Industry posted -8.4%, and -9.9% respectively. On an annual basis, the growth rates are as follows: AFF at -0.2%, followed by Services at -9.1%, and Industry at -13.1%.
>>> INTERIM REPORT - PMB SHARIAH ASEAN STARS EQUITY FUND >>> (16) 3.5 ECONOMIC REVIEW ( CONT.) PHILIPPINES ( CONT.) On the expenditure side, the Government Final Consumption Expenditure (GFCE) posted positive growth of 4.4% in the 4Q 2020. Household Final Consumption Expenditure (HFCE) declined by -7.2%, along with the Gross Capital Formation (GCF) at -29.0%; Exports, -10.5%; and Imports, -18.8%. For full-year 2020, GFCE grew by 10.4%; HFCE at -7.9%; GCF at -35.8%; Exports at -16.7%; and Imports at -21.9%. The Net Primary Income (NPI) from the Rest of the World, and the Gross National lncome (GNI) have corresponding growth rates of -53.2%, and - 12.0% in the 4Q 2020, while full-year 2020 growth rates of NPI and GNI were at -27.3%, and -11.1% respectively. (Source: Philippine Statistics Authority’s Website) THAILAND GDP in 4Q 2020 decreased by 4.2%, improving from a fall of 6.4% in 3Q 2020, as a result of expansions in private final consumption expenditure and government final consumption expenditure, following the improvements in the investment and exports of goods. However, service receipts continued to decline. In terms of production, agricultural production increased by 0.9%, due mainly to the increase in main crops included paddy, cassava, and maize. On the contrary, the non-agricultural production declined by 4.7%, improving from a fall of 6.7% in 3Q 2020, due to the recovery of the global economy and domestic consumption expenditure. Furthermore, the government’s economic stimulus measures also supported the recovery of manufacturing and service sectors, which fell by 0.7% and 5.9%, improving from falls of 5.3% and 7.2% in 3Q 2020, respectively. The recovered service sectors included wholesale and retail trade, and transportation and storage, meanwhile information and communication; financial and insurance activities; human health and social work activities; and education continued to increase. In terms of expenditure, private final consumption expenditure increased by 0.9%. Moreover, government final consumption expenditure expanded by 1.9%. However, gross fixed capital formation, and exports and imports of goods and services contracted by 2.5%, 21.4%, and 7.0%, respectively. After seasonal adjustment, the Thai economy in 4Q 2020 expanded by 1.3% (QoQ SA). Private final consumption expenditure increased by 0.9%, recovering from a fall of 0.6% in 3Q 2020. Spending on non-durable and net service items expanded by 1.1%, and 7.5%, respectively. However, spending on durable and semi-durable items decreased by 9.2%, and 12.4%, respectively. General government final consumption expenditure increased by 1.9%, compared to 2.5% in 3Q 2020. The gradual expansion was mainly attributed to the compensation of employees, with a 3.0% rise. Moreover, purchases of goods and services grew by 4.4%. However, social transfers in kind also decreased by 0.8%. Gross fixed capital formation decreased by 2.5%, compared to a fall of 2.6% in 3Q 2020. Private investment decreased by 3.3%, compared to a 10.6% reduction in 3Q 2020. Machinery items was major contributing factor, with a reduction of 3.2%, improving from a fall of 13.9% in 3Q 2020. Meanwhile, private construction decreased by 3.8%. Public investment expanded by 0.6%, compared to 17.6% in 3Q 2020.
>>> INTERIM REPORT - PMB SHARIAH ASEAN STARS EQUITY FUND >>> (17) 3.5 ECONOMIC REVIEW ( CONT.) THAILAND ( CONT.) The slight expansion resulted from a 2.9% increase in public construction, on the contrary, a 6.4% contraction in public machinery items. Changes in inventories at current market prices in 4Q 2020 increased to the value of 282.9 billion Baht. Accumulation in stocks included paddy, rubber, cassava, mining, computers and peripheral equipment, motor vehicles, and gold. Meanwhile, reduction in stocks came mainly from rice, sugar, slaughtering, and chilled and frozen chicken meat, and basic chemicals. Goods and services balance at current market prices recorded a surplus of 31.1 billion Baht, comprising a surplus of 252.6 billion Baht in trade balance and a deficit of 221.5 billion Baht in service balance. (Source: Bank of Thailand’s Website) 3.6 EQUITY MARKET REVIEW For the 6-month period under review ended 30 April 2021, the benchmark for PMB Shariah ASEAN Star Fund, Dow Jones Islamic Market ASEAN Index (“DJIASN”), had slightly up by 109.59 points or 10.15% to 1,189.33. During that period, DJIASN posted its highest level of 1,271.03 on 8 January 2021 while the lowest level of 1,075.42 was recorded on 2 November 2020. The movement range for the DJIASN Index during the stipulated financial period was 195.61 points as compared to 408.23 points during the same period in the previous year. For the period under review, ASEAN market saw marginal upside as external sector ticked positive, offset by COVID-19 controls taking a turn for the worse in some part of the region. Among the regional markets, only Malaysia recorded negative outflow of foreign during that period. The net foreign outflow to Malaysia was US$1.14 billion. Meanwhile, Thailand, Indonesia and Philippines saw foreign inflow of US$8.36 billion, US$568 million and US$948 million, respectively. Sign of economic recovery gained momentum following the release of encouraging economic data, couple with a strong first corporate result. COVID-19 vaccine rollouts in the US and UK have continued with 44% and 51% of their respective populations having received at least one dose of vaccine, leading toward a sustained reopening of their economies. The rollout of vaccinations among ASEAN countries showed positive sign. Philippines projects a growth of 6.5% to 7.5% in 2021as the economy reopens further, and vaccination began. In Indonesia, sectors with high overseas demand have partially recovered due to a rebound in commodity prices and expect GDP to grow between 4.5% and 5.5%. Singapore expects its forecast of GDP growth of 4% to 6% for 2021. In Malaysia, global bank forecast Malaysia’s economy to growth 6% in 2021 after contracting by 5.6% in 2020, premised on the effective roll-out of vaccination programme, continue improvements in exports, consumption, and investment. Malaysia vaccination rate is third highest in ASEAN with 1.57% of the total population received at least one doses, behind Singapore at 17.95% and Indonesia at 3.16%. ASEAN market expected to remain conservative outlook on the back of improving economy health growth in corporate profit this year. The equity market may face some hurdle due to rising risk of inflationary pressure on better macro-economic data, expansive valuation and rising global COVID-19 cases.
>>> INTERIM REPORT - PMB SHARIAH ASEAN STARS EQUITY FUND >>> (18) 3.7 MONEY MARKET REVIEW Since the cash portion of the fund was placed in Malaysia, the money market review will be done specific to Malaysian market. Throughout 6-month financial period ended 30 April 2021, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) held the Overnight Policy Rate (OPR) unchanged at 1.75% since a series of meeting on 2 – 3 November 2020, 20 January, and 4 March 2021. Earlier, the central bank had slashed the interest rates by an accumulated 125 basis points since early 2020 to bring the OPR rate to the lowest on record of 1.75% to support the coronavirus-hit economy. The global economic recovery, while uneven, is gaining momentum, supported by steady improvements in manufacturing and trade activity. The ongoing roll-out of vaccination programmes in many economies, together with policy support, will further facilitate an improvement in private demand and labour market conditions. While financial markets have experienced bouts of volatility, financial conditions remain supportive of economic activity. Risks to the growth outlook have abated slightly, but remain tilted to the downside, primarily due to uncertainty over the path of the COVID-19 pandemic and effectiveness of the vaccination programmes. For Malaysia, latest indicators point to improvements in external demand and continued consumer spending. While the re-imposition of containment measures will affect growth in the first quarter, the impact is expected to be less severe than that experienced in the second quarter of 2020. Going forward, growth is projected to improve from the second quarter onwards, driven by the recovery in global demand, increased public and private sector expenditure amid continued support from policy measures and more targeted containment measures. Growth will also be supported by higher production from existing and new manufacturing facilities, particularly in the E&E and primary-related sub-sectors, as well as oil and gas facilities. The roll-out of the domestic COVID-19 vaccine programme will also lift sentiments and economic activity. The growth outlook, however, remains subject to downside risks, stemming mainly from ongoing uncertainties in developments related to the pandemic, and potential challenges that might affect the roll-out of vaccines both globally and domestically. Headline inflation in 2021 is projected to average higher, primarily due to higher global oil prices. In terms of trajectory, headline inflation is anticipated to temporarily spike in the second quarter of 2021 due to the lower base from the low domestic retail fuel prices in the corresponding quarter of 2020, before moderating thereafter. Underlying inflation is expected to remain subdued amid continued spare capacity in the economy. The outlook, however, is subject to global oil and commodity price developments. The MPC considers the stance of monetary policy to be appropriate and accommodative. Given the uncertainties surrounding the pandemic, the stance of monetary policy going forward will continue to be determined by new data and information, and their implications on the overall outlook for inflation and domestic growth. The Bank remains committed to utilise its policy levers as appropriate to foster enabling conditions for a sustainable economic recovery. (Source: Bank Negara Malaysia Website)
>>> INTERIM REPORT - PMB SHARIAH ASEAN STARS EQUITY FUND >>> (19) 3.8 INTEREST OF UNIT HOLDERS For the financial year under review, there is no circumstances that materially affect any interest of the unit holders other than business transaction in accordance with the limitations imposed under the Deeds, Securities Commission’s Guidelines, the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007 and other applicable laws during the financial period then ended. 3.9 SOFT COMMISSIONS AND REBATES During the 6-month financial period ended 30 April 2021, the Fund Manager received services from one of the stockbroking institutions that indirectly assists in the decision-making process pertaining to the fund's investment. The services received are in the form of advisory services on Shariah matters. In addition, the FM also received soft commission from brokers in term of software and computer hardware related to fund’s investment, stock market and economic matters.
>>> INTERIM REPORT - PMB SHARIAH ASEAN STARS EQUITY FUND >>> (20) 3. LAPORAN PENGURUS Bagi tempoh enam (6) bulan berakhir 30 April 2021 (1 November 2020 hingga 30 April 2021). 3.1 PRESTASI DANA Prestasi Dana berbanding tanda aras sejak mula beroperasi untuk jangkamasa kewangan berakhir 30 April 2021 adalah seperti berikut:- Sumber: Lipper Graf di atas mencerminkan pergerakan pulangan Dana sejak ia mula beroperasi pada 18 April 2018 dan berakhir 30 April 2021. Sepanjang tempoh tersebut, NAB/unit Dana bagi Ringgit Malaysia dan Dolar AS masing-masing mencatat pulangan sebanyak 0.10% dan 53.60%. Penanda aras Dana jatuh sebanyak 4.92%. Bagi tempoh 6-bulan kewangan berakhir 30 April 2021, NAB/unit Dana untuk Ringgit Malaysia meningkat sebanyak RM0.0532 atau 11.89% kepada RM0.5005 daripada RM0.4473 pada 31 Oktober 2020 . Untuk Dolar AS, NAB/unit meningkat sebanyak US$0.0928 atau 13.74% kepada US$0.7680 daripada US$0.6752. 3.2 PENGAGIHAN PENDAPATAN/TERBITAN UNIT PECAHAN Bagi tempoh 6-bulan kewangan berakhir 30 April 2021, Dana telah mengisytiharkan tiada pengagihan pendapatan dan tiada sebarang unit pecahan dicadangkan sepanjang tempoh setahun kewangan berakhir 30 April 2021. 3.3 POLISI DAN STRATEGI PELABURAN Dana dilabur dalam portfolio yang pelbagai dalam ekuiti patuh Syariah syarikat-syarikat yang tersenarai di bursa saham yang diiktiraf di negara anggota ASEAN di mana pihak pengawalseliaan pasaran yang berkuasa adalah merupakan ahli biasa atau bersekutu kepada Pertubuhan Suruhanjaya Sekuriti Antarabangsa (IOSCO). Dana melabur di antara 70% dan 99.5% daripada nilai aset bersih dalam ekuiti patuh Syariah dikalangan mana-mana 300 syarikat terbesar dari segi modal pasaran (pada masa pembelian) yang tersenarai di bursa saham yang diiktiraf di mana-mana negara anggota ASEAN.
>>> INTERIM REPORT - PMB SHARIAH ASEAN STARS EQUITY FUND >>> (21) 3.3 POLISI DAN STRATEGI PELABURAN (SAMB.) Dalam tempoh 6-bulan kewangan berakhir 30 April 2021, pengurus dana melaksanakan aktiviti penjualan dan pembelian ekuiti di dalam portfolio Dana berdasarkan analisa “relative-strength”. Pendedahan ekuiti Dana dikekalkan antara 80% dan 95% sepanjang tempoh kajian. 3.4 PERUMPUKAN ASET DANA Pecahan seunit mengikut kelas aset adalah seperti berikut:- PECAHAN SEUNIT MENGIKUT KELAS ASET 30 April 31 Purata 2021 Oktober Perubahan Pendedahan 2020 Peratus Pelaburan (%) (%) Mata (%) Ekuiti Patuh Syariah 86.37 87.66 (1.29) 87.01 Deposit Islam dan lain-lain 13.63 12.34 1.29 12.99 Pada 30 April 2021, pegangan ekuiti patuh Syariah Dana ialah sebanyak 86.37%. Baki 13.63% berada dalam deposit Islam dan pelaburan-pelaburan lain yang dibenarkan.
>>> INTERIM REPORT - PMB SHARIAH ASEAN STARS EQUITY FUND >>> (22) 3.5 SUASANA EKONOMI NEGARA MALAYSIA Ekonomi mencatatkan pertumbuhan negatif sebanyak 3.4% pada suku keempat (S3 2020: -2.6%), terutamanya berikutan pelaksanaan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Bersyarat (PKPB) di beberapa negeri semenjak pertengahan bulan Oktober. Pada tahun 2020 secara keseluruhan, ekonomi menguncup sebanyak 5.6%. Sekatan pergerakan, terutamanya perjalanan antara daerah dan antara negeri, menjejaskan kegiatan ekonomi pada suku keempat. Walau bagaimanapun, permintaan luaran yang terus bertambah baik telah menyokong pertumbuhan. Kesannya, kesemua sektor ekonomi kecuali perkilangan terus mencatatkan pertumbuhan negatif. Dari segi perbelanjaan, aktiviti penggunaan swasta dan pelaburan awam yang sederhana menjejaskan permintaan dalam negara. Pada asas suku tahunan terlaras secara bermusim, ekonomi mencatatkan penurunan sebanyak 0.3% (S3 2020: 18.2%). Pada suku tersebut, inflasi keseluruhan menurun kepada -1.5% mencerminkan sebahagiannya penurunan harga bahan api runcit yang lebih besar berbanding dengan tempoh yang sama pada tahun sebelumnya. Inflasi teras menjadi sederhana sedikit kepada 0.8% disebabkan terutamanya oleh inflasi yang lebih rendah untuk perkhidmatan komunikasi dan sewa. Ringgit menambah nilai sebanyak 3.6% berbanding dengan dolar AS pada suku keempat 2020, dipacu terutamanya oleh aliran masuk portfolio bukan pemastautin apabila kesanggupan pelabur mengambil risiko terus meningkat. Sentimen pelabur yang positif pada suku itu didorong oleh berita kejayaan ujian penggunaan vaksin dan program pemvaksinan yang mula dilaksanakan di negara-negara utama, serta hala tuju dasar di AS yang semakin jelas susulan keputusan pilihan raya presiden AS. Secara kolektif, faktor-faktor ini membentuk asas prospek pelaburan yang lebih positif untuk pemulihan krisis kesihatan global, lantas memperkukuh jangkaan kegiatan ekonomi akhirnya akan kembali normal. Dari 1 Januari hingga 8 Februari 2021, ringgit menurun nilai sebanyak 1.2% berbanding dengan dolar AS. Hal ini adalah sejajar dengan penurunan nilai mata wang utama dan serantau secara keseluruhan, berikutan pengukuhan dolar AS dalam keadaan prospek pemulihan ekonomi AS bertambah baik. Kebimbangan mengenai peningkatan kes jangkitan COVID-19 dan kesannya terhadap kegiatan ekonomi dalam negara juga mempengaruhi sentimen pelabur. Pelaburan portfolio mencatatkan aliran keluar bersih yang lebih kecil sebanyak RM6.9 bilion pada suku keempat (S3 2020: - RM23.1 bilion), sementara FDI bersih mencatatkan aliran masuk sebanyak RM6.1 bilion (S3 2020: -RM0.8 bilion). Bagi tempoh jangka pendek, masih wujud risiko bahawa volatiliti kadar pertukaran akan meningkat. Hal ini disebabkan oleh ketidakpastian yang berlarutan berhubung dengan momentum pemulihan ekonomi global yang akan terus mempengaruhi sentimen pelabur. Pembiayaan bersih kepada sektor swasta terus berkembang pada asas tahunan sebanyak 4.4%. Jumlah pinjaman terkumpul meningkat 3.7% (S3 2020: 4.7%) disokong oleh pertumbuhan yang berterusan dalam segmen isi rumah dan perniagaan. Jumlah pengeluaran pinjaman untuk sektor perniagaan dan isi rumah meningkat pada suku tersebut.
>>> INTERIM REPORT - PMB SHARIAH ASEAN STARS EQUITY FUND >>> (23) 3.5 SUASANA EKONOMI NEGARA (SAMB.) MALAYSIA (SAMB.) Pertumbuhan pembayaran balik pinjaman perniagaan juga lebih tinggi, iaitu mengatasi pengeluaran pinjaman. Permintaan terhadap pinjaman terus menggalakkan terutamanya dalam segmen isi rumah. Walaupun pertumbuhan jangka pendek pada tahun 2021 akan dipengaruhi oleh pelaksanaan semula langkah-langkah pembendungan yang lebih ketat, namun kesannya tidak seteruk yang dialami pada tahun 2020. Trajektori pertumbuhan diunjurkan bertambah baik dari suku kedua dan seterusnya. Peningkatan ini akan didorong oleh pemulihan permintaan global, apabila Tabung Kewangan Antarabangsa (IMF) telah menaikkan unjuran pertumbuhan global tahun 2021 sebanyak 0.3 mata peratusan kepada 5.5%. Pertumbuhan ini juga akan disokong oleh perubahan perbelanjaan sektor awam dan swasta berikutan sokongan yang berterusan daripada langkah-langkah dasar termasuk PENJANA, KITA PRIHATIN, Belanjawan 2021 dan PERMAI, serta pengeluaran yang lebih tinggi daripada fasiliti perkilangan dan perlombongan yang sedia ada dan baharu. Pemberian vaksin yang akan bermula pada bulan ini juga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan sentimen. Sejajar dengan penilaian sebelum ini, purata inflasi keseluruhan adalah - 1.2% pada tahun 2020 disebabkan terutamanya oleh harga minyak dunia yang ketara lebih rendah. Bagi tahun 2021, purata inflasi keseluruhan diunjurkan lebih tinggi, terutamanya disebabkan oleh kenaikan harga minyak dunia. Inflasi asas dijangka kekal rendah dalam keadaan lebihan kapasiti yang berterusan dalam ekonomi. Walau bagaimanapun, prospek pertumbuhan ini bergantung pada perkembangan harga minyak dunia dan komoditi. (Sumber: Laman sesawang Bank Negara Malaysia) INDONESIA Kedudukan Pelaburan Antarabangsa Indonesia (PII) pada S4 2020 mencatat pengukuhan aliran masuk modal asing. Pada akhir S4 2020, PII Indonesia mencatat liabiliti bersih AS$281.2 bilion (26.5% daripada KDNK), peningkatan berbanding dengan kedudukan liabiliti bersih pada akhir S320 yang mencatat AS$260.0 bilion (24.3% daripada KDNK). Peningkatan liabiliti bersih disebabkan oleh kenaikan kedudukan Liabiliti Kewangan Asing (Kewajiban Finansial Luar Negeri, KFLN) yang lebih besar daripada kenaikan posisi Aset Kewangan Asing (Aset Finansial Luar Negeri, AFLN), seiring dengan penguatan aliran masuk modal asing. Kedudukan KFLN Indonesia pada akhir S4 2020 meningkat 5.2% (suku- ke-suku) daripada AS$651.6 bilion kepada AS$685.5 bilion. Peningkatan kedudukan KFLN disebabkan oleh kenaikan posisi pemilikan asing dalam instrumen hutang pemerintah dan aliran masuk pelaburan langsung dalam ekuiti. Faktor perubahan lain adalah penilaian semula positif nilai aset kewangan domestik dalam Rupiah yang menyebabkan kenaikan kedudukan KFLN, sejajar dengan peningkatan Indeks Komposit Jakarta (Jakarta Composite Index, JCI)) dan pengukuhan Rupiah berbanding dolar AS.
>>> INTERIM REPORT - PMB SHARIAH ASEAN STARS EQUITY FUND >>> (24) 3.5 SUASANA EKONOMI NEGARA (SAMB.) INDONESIA (SAMB.) Kedudukan AFLN pada akhir S4 2020 meningkat sebanyak 3.3% (suku- ke-suku) daripada AS$391.6 bilion kepada AS$404.3 bilion. Selain dari faktor transaksi, peningkatan kedudukan AFLN dipengaruhi oleh faktor penilaian semula yang positif disebabkan oleh kenaikan purata indeks saham negara di mana aset diletakkan, berserta kelemahan dolar AS berbanding majoriti mata wang utama dunia. PII Indonesia mencatat liabiliti bersih AS$281.2 bilion pada tahun 2020 (26.5% daripada Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar - KDNK), penurunan berbanding dengan kedudukan liabiliti bersih pada akhir 2019 sebanyak AS$337.9 bilion (30.2% daripada KDNK). Penurunan liabiliti bersih PII didorong oleh kedudukan AFLN yang meningkat sebanyak AS$29.0 bilion (7.7% Tahun ke Tahun - YoY), terutamanya lain-lain pelaburan aset, sementara kedudukan KFLN menurun sebanyak AS$27.8 bilion (3.9% YoY) disebabkan oleh penurunan kedudukan liabiliti pelaburan portfolio. Bank Indonesia melihat pengembangan PII Indonesia pada S4 2020 dan keseluruhan 2020 akan dipertahankan. Ini tercermin dalam nisbah penurunan PII Indonesia terhadap KDNK untuk 2020 berbanding tahun 2019. Di samping itu, struktur liabiliti PII Indonesia dikuasai oleh instrumen jangka panjang. Walaupun begitu, Bank Indonesia akan terus memantau potensi risiko yang berkaitan dengan liabiliti bersih PII terhadap ekonomi. Melangkah ke hadapan, Bank Indonesia percaya bahawa prestasi PII Indonesia akan dipertahankan seiring dengan usaha untuk memulihkan ekonomi Indonesia dari impak pandemik COVID-19, yang didukung oleh sinergi gabungan polisi antara Bank Indonesia dan Kerajaan Indonesia dan lain-lain pihak berkuasa yang berkaitan. (Sumber: Laman Sesawang Bank Indonesia) SINGAPURA Ekonomi menguncup sebanyak 2.4% YoY pada S4 2020, peningkatan daripada pengecutan 5.8% pada suku sebelumnya. Berdasarkan Suku ke Suku (QoQ) yang diselaras secara bermusim, ekonomi berkembang sebanyak 3.8%, berikutan pertumbuhan 9.0% pada suku ketiga. Sektor pembuatan berkembang 10.0% YoY pada S4 2020, meneruskan pengembangan 11.0% pada suku sebelumnya. Pertumbuhan disokong oleh pengembangan output dalam kelompok elektronik, pembuatan bioperubatan, kejuruteraan ketepatan dan bahan kimia, yang dapat mengimbangi penurunan output dalam kluster kejuruteraan pengangkutan dan pembuatan am. Industri penghasil perkhidmatan secara kolektif menguncup sebanyak 4.7% YoY pada S4 2020, meningkat daripada penguncupan 8.3% pada suku sebelumnya. Di antara sektor perkhidmatan, hanya sektor kewangan & insurans (4.9%), maklumat & komunikasi (2.6%) dan perdagangan borong (1.8%) yang mencatat pertumbuhan positif. Sementara itu, sektor pembinaan menyusut 27.0% YoY pada S4 2020, meningkat daripada penguncupan 53.0% pada suku ketiga. Prestasi sektor yang bertambah baik ini disokong oleh penyambungan semula aktiviti pembinaan pada S4 2020 berbanding suku sebelumnya. (Sumber: Laman Sesawang Singapore’s Ministry of Trade and Industry)
>>> INTERIM REPORT - PMB SHARIAH ASEAN STARS EQUITY FUND >>> (25) 3.5 SUASANA EKONOMI NEGARA (SAMB.) FILIPINA KDNK Filipina mencatat kadar pertumbuhan -8.3% pada S4 2020, menghasilkan kadar pertumbuhan -9.5% untuk tahun 2020. Selanjutnya, penyumbang penurunan pertumbuhan KDNK untuk S4 2020 ialah sektor Pembinaan pada -25.3%; Lain-lain Perkhidmatan pada - 45.2%; dan Kegiatan Perkhidmatan Penginapan dan Makanan pada - 42.7%. Di antara sektor ekonomi utama, Pertanian, Perhutanan, dan Perikanan (AFF) mencatat kadar pertumbuhan -2.5% pada S4 2020, sementara Perkhidmatan dan Industri masing-masing mencatat -8.4%, dan -9.9%. Secara tahunan, kadar pertumbuhan adalah seperti berikut: AFF pada - 0.2%, diikuti oleh Perkhidmatan pada -9.1%, dan Industri pada -13.1%. Dari segi perbelanjaan, Perbelanjaan Penggunaan Akhir Kerajaan (GFCE) mencatat pertumbuhan positif sebanyak 4.4% pada S4 2020. Perbelanjaan Penggunaan Akhir Rumah Tangga (HFCE) menurun sebanyak -7.2%, bersama dengan Pembentukan Modal Kasar (GCF) pada -29.0%; Eksport, -10.5%; dan Import, -18.8%. Untuk keseluruhan tahun 2020, GFCE meningkat sebanyak 10.4%; HFCE pada -7.9%; GCF pada -35.8%; Eksport pada -16.7%; dan Import pada -21.9%. Pendapatan Utama Bersih (NPI) dari Seluruh Dunia, dan Pendapatan Nasional Kasar (GNI) mempunyai kadar pertumbuhan -53.2%, dan -12.0% pada S420, sementara kadar pertumbuhan keseluruhan tahun 2020 NPI dan GNI masing-masing berada pada -27.3%, dan -11.1%. (Sumber: Laman Sesawang Philippine Statistics Authority) THAILAND KDNK Thailand pada S4 2020 menurun sebanyak 4.2%, meningkat dari kejatuhan 6.4% pada S3 2020, ekoran peningkatan perbelanjaan penggunaan akhir swasta dan perbelanjaan penggunaan akhir kerajaan, serta peningkatan dalam pelaburan dan eksport barangan. Walau bagaimanapun, penerimaan perkhidmatan terus menurun. Dari segi pengeluaran, pengeluaran pertanian meningkat 0.9%, terutama disebabkan oleh peningkatan tanaman utama termasuk padi, ubi kayu, dan jagung. Sebaliknya, pengeluaran bukan pertanian menurun sebanyak 4.7%, meningkat daripada kejatuhan 6.7% pada S3 2020, disebabkan oleh pemulihan ekonomi global dan perbelanjaan penggunaan domestik. Selain itu, langkah-langkah rangsangan ekonomi kerajaan juga menyokong pemulihan sektor pembuatan dan perkhidmatan, yang masing-masing turun 0.7% dan 5.9%, meningkat dari penurunan masing- masing 5.3% dan 7.2% pada S3 2020. Sektor perkhidmatan yang pulih termasuk perdagangan borong dan runcit, dan pengangkutan dan penyimpanan, sementara itu maklumat dan komunikasi; aktiviti kewangan dan insurans; aktiviti kesihatan manusia dan kerja sosial; dan pendidikan terus meningkat. Dari segi perbelanjaan, perbelanjaan penggunaan akhir swasta meningkat sebanyak 0.9%. Selain itu, perbelanjaan penggunaan akhir kerajaan meningkat 1.9%. Walau bagaimanapun, pembentukan modal tetap kasar, dan eksport dan import barang dan perkhidmatan masing-masing menyusut sebanyak 2.5%, 21.4%, dan 7.0%. Selepas penyesuaian musiman, ekonomi Thailand pada S4 2020 berkembang 1.3% (QoQ SA).
>>> INTERIM REPORT - PMB SHARIAH ASEAN STARS EQUITY FUND >>> (26) 3.5 SUASANA EKONOMI NEGARA (SAMB.) THAILAND (SAMB.) Perbelanjaan penggunaan akhir swasta meningkat 0.9%, pulih dari kejatuhan 0.6% pada S3 2020. Perbelanjaan untuk item tidak tahan lama dan perkhidmatan bersih masing-masing meningkat sebanyak 1.1% dan 7.5%. Walau bagaimanapun, perbelanjaan untuk item tahan lama dan separa tahan lama masing-masing menurun sebanyak 9.2% dan 12.4%. Perbelanjaan penggunaan akhir kerajaan am meningkat 1.9%, berbanding 2.5% pada S3 2020. Pengembangan secara beransur-ansur terutama disebabkan oleh pampasan pekerja, dengan kenaikan 3.0%. Lebih-lebih lagi, pembelian barang dan perkhidmatan meningkat sebanyak 4.4%. Walau bagaimanapun, pemindahan sosial dalam bentuk barangan juga menurun sebanyak 0.8%. Pembentukan modal tetap kasar menurun sebanyak 2.5%, berbanding kejatuhan 2.6% pada S3 2020. Pelaburan swasta menurun sebanyak 3.3%, berbanding penurunan 10.6% pada S3 2020. Item mesin adalah faktor penyumbang utama, dengan penurunan 3.2%, meningkat dari kejatuhan 13.9% pada S3 2020. Sementara itu, pembinaan swasta menurun sebanyak 3.8%. Pelaburan awam berkembang 0.6%, berbanding 17.6% pada S3 2020. Pembinaan awam meningkat sedikit kepada 2.9%, sebaliknya, barang mesin awam mengecut 6.4%. Perubahan inventori pada harga pasaran semasa pada S42020 meningkat menjadi nilai 282.9 bilion Baht. Pengumpulan simpanan termasuk padi, getah, ubi kayu, perlombongan, komputer dan peralatan persisian, kenderaan bermotor, dan emas. Sementara itu, pengurangan stok berlaku terutamanya dari beras, gula, penyembelihan, daging ayam sejuk dan beku, dan bahan kimia asas. Imbangan barangan dan perkhidmatan pada harga pasaran semasa mencatat lebihan 31.1 bilion Baht, yang terdiri daripada lebihan 252.6 bilion Baht dalam imbangan dagangan dan defisit 221.5 bilion Baht dalam imbangan perkhidmatan. (Sumber: Laman Sesawang Bank of Thailand) 3.6 SUASANA BURSA SAHAM TEMPATAN Untuk tempoh 6-bulan berakhir pada 30 April 2021, penanda aras untuk PMB Shariah ASEAN Star Fund, Dow Jones Islamic Market ASEAN Index (“DJIASN”), meningkat sebanyak 109.59 mata atau 10.15% kepada 1,189.33. Dalam tempoh itu, DJIASN mencatatkan tahap tertinggi pada 1,271.03 pada 8 Januari 2021 sementara tahap terendah 1,075.42 dicatatkan pada 2 November 2020. Julat pergerakan untuk Indeks DJIASN dalam tempoh kewangan yang ditetapkan adalah 195.61 mata berbanding 408.23 mata pada tempoh yang sama pada tahun sebelumnya. Untuk tempoh tersebut, pasaran ASEAN menyaksikan kenaikan marginal ketika sektor luaran positif, diimbangi oleh COVID-19 yang berubah menjadi buruk di beberapa bahagian rantau ini. Di antara pasaran serantau, hanya Malaysia yang mencatat aliran keluar asing yang negatif dalam tempoh tersebut. Malaysia mencatatkan aliran bersih keluar asing sebanyak AS$1.14 bilion. Sementara itu, Thailand, Indonesia dan Filipina masing-masing mencatatkan aliran bersih masuk asing sebanyak AS$8.36 bilion, AS$568 juta dan AS$948 juta.
>>> INTERIM REPORT - PMB SHARIAH ASEAN STARS EQUITY FUND >>> (27) 3.6 SUASANA BURSA SAHAM TEMPATAN (SAMB.) Momentum tanda pemulihan ekonomi diperlihatkan melalui pengumuman data ekonomi yang memberangsangkan, dan keputusan korporat pada suku tahun pertama yang kukuh. Pelancaran vaksin COVID-19 di AS dan UK berterusan dengan masing- masing mencatatkan 44% dan 51% populasi yang telah menerima sekurang-kurangnya satu dos vaksin, menuju ke arah pembukaan semula ekonomi mereka secara kekal. Pelaksanaan vaksinasi di kalangan negara-negara ASEAN menunjukkan tanda positif. Filipina mengunjurkan pertumbuhan 6.5% hingga 7.5% pada tahun 2021 ketika ekonomi kembali dibuka, dan bermulanya vaksinasi. Di Indonesia, sektor yang mempunyai permintaan tinggi di luar negara kembali pulih sebahagiannya disebabkan oleh kenaikan harga komoditi dan jangkaan pertumbuhan KDNK antara 4.5% dan 5.5%. Singapura menjangkakan unjuran pertumbuhan KDNK 4% hingga 6% untuk tahun 2021. Di Malaysia, Bank Dunia meramalkan ekonomi Malaysia tumbuh sebanyak 6% pada tahun 2021 setelah menguncup sebanyak 5.8 5.6% pada tahun 2020, dengan mendasarkan kepada pelaksanaan program vaksinasi yang berkesan, peningkatan eksport yang berterusan, kepenggunaan dan pelaburan. Kadar vaksinasi Malaysia adalah yang ketiga tertinggi di ASEAN sebanyak 1.57% daripada jumlah penduduk menerima sekurang-kurangnya satu dos, di belakang Singapura pada 17.95% dan Indonesia pada 3.16%. Unjuran pasaran ASEAN dijangka kekal konservatif berikutan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang memberangsangkan pada tahun ini terutama bagi keuntungan korporat. Pasaran ekuiti dijangka berhadapan dengan beberapa halangan ekoran peningkatan risiko berkaitan tekanan inflasi susulan data-data makro-ekonomi yang baik, penilaian yang mahal dan peningkatan kes COVID-19 di seluruh dunia. 3.7 SUASANA PASARAN WANG TEMPATAN SEMASA Laporan pasaran wang hanya dilakukan untuk pasaran wang tempatan kerana bahagian tunai dana ini hanya didepositkan di dalam pasaran wang tempatan. Sepanjang 6-bulan berakhir 30 April 2021, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) mengekalkan Kadar Dasar Semalaman (OPR) tidak berubah pada 1.75% dalam beberapa siri mesyuaratnya pada 2 – 3 November 2020, 20 Januari, dan 4 Mac 2021. Sebelumnya, ia telah memotong kadar faedah sebanyak 125 mata asas (terkumpul) sejak awal 2020 untuk membawa kadar OPR ke tahap terendah pada rekod 1.75% bagi menyokong ekonomi yang dilanda koronavirus. Pemulihan ekonomi global semakin rancak meskipun tidak sekata, disokong oleh peningkatan yang stabil dalam aktiviti perkilangan dan perdagangan. Program pemberian vaksin yang sedang dilaksanakan di banyak negara, bersama-sama dengan sokongan dasar, akan terus membantu menambah baik keadaan permintaan swasta dan pasaran tenaga kerja. Meskipun pasaran kewangan telah mengalami volatiliti, keadaan kewangan terus menyokong kegiatan ekonomi. Risiko terhadap prospek pertumbuhan telah berkurang sedikit, tetapi terus cenderung ke arah pertumbuhan menjadi lebih perlahan. Hal ini disebabkan terutamanya oleh ketidakpastian berhubung dengan pandemik COVID-19 dan keberkesanan program pemberian vaksin.
>>> INTERIM REPORT - PMB SHARIAH ASEAN STARS EQUITY FUND >>> (28) 3.7 SUASANA PASARAN WANG TEMPATAN SEMASA (SAMB.) Bagi Malaysia, penunjuk terkini menunjukkan permintaan luaran bertambah baik dan perbelanjaan pengguna berterusan. Walaupun pelaksanaan semula langkah-langkah pembendungan akan menjejaskan pertumbuhan pada suku pertama, kesannya dijangka tidak seteruk yang dialami pada suku kedua tahun 2020. Pada masa hadapan, pertumbuhan diunjurkan meningkat mulai suku kedua dan seterusnya. Keadaan ini didorong oleh pemulihan permintaan global, peningkatan perbelanjaan sektor awam dan swasta berikutan sokongan yang berterusan daripada langkah-langkah dasar serta langkah-langkah pembendungan yang lebih bersasar. Pertumbuhan juga akan disokong oleh pengeluaran yang lebih tinggi daripada fasiliti sedia ada dan baharu dalam sektor perkilangan, khususnya dalam subsektor elektrik dan elektronik (E&E) dan subsektor berkaitan sumber, serta loji pengeluaran minyak dan gas. Program pemberian vaksin COVID-19 dalam negara juga akan meningkatkan sentimen dan kegiatan ekonomi. Walau bagaimanapun, prospek pertumbuhan terus bergantung pada risiko pertumbuhan ekonomi menjadi rendah. Keadaan ini berpunca terutamanya daripada ketidakpastian yang berterusan mengenai perkembangan yang berkaitan dengan pandemik serta cabaran yang akan dihadapi yang boleh menjejaskan pemberian vaksin pada peringkat global dan dalam negara. Purata inflasi keseluruhan pada tahun 2021 diunjurkan lebih tinggi disebabkan terutamanya oleh harga minyak yang meningkat. Dari segi trajektori, inflasi keseluruhan dijangka naik mendadak untuk sementara waktu pada suku kedua tahun 2021. Hal ini disebabkan oleh asas yang lebih rendah daripada harga runcit bahan api dalam negara yang rendah pada suku yang sama tahun 2020, sebelum menjadi sederhana. Inflasi asas dijangka kekal rendah dalam keadaan lebihan kapasiti yang berterusan dalam ekonomi. Walau bagaimanapun, prospek ini bergantung pada perkembangan harga minyak dunia dan komoditi. MPC menyifatkan pendirian dasar monetari adalah wajar dan akomodatif. Berikutan keadaan pandemik yang terus tidak menentu, pendirian dasar monetari pada masa hadapan akan terus ditentukan oleh data dan maklumat baharu, serta kesannya kepada prospek keseluruhan inflasi dan pertumbuhan dalam negara. BNM terus komited untuk menggunakan alat-alat dasarnya yang bersesuaian bagi mewujudkan keadaan yang menyokong pemulihan ekonomi yang berterusan. (Sumber: Laman sesawang Bank Negara Malaysia) 3.8 KEPENTINGAN PEMEGANG-PEMEGANG UNIT Sepanjang tempoh kajian, tiada sebarang kejadian yang menjejaskan kepentingan Pemegang-Pemegang Unit selain daripada urusniaga- urusniaga yang dijalankan selaras dengan Surat Ikatan Amanah, Garispanduan Tabung Unit Amanah, Akta Pasaran Modal dan Perkhidmatan 2007 dan undang-undang lain yang berkuatkuasa.
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