ASEAN'S TRANSFORMATION CHAMPIONS - Spotlighting 15 companies showcasing the power and potential of dual transformation - Innosight

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ASEAN'S TRANSFORMATION CHAMPIONS - Spotlighting 15 companies showcasing the power and potential of dual transformation - Innosight

Spotlighting 15 companies showcasing the
power and potential of dual transformation

By Scott Anthony, Andy Parker, Utsav Bhatt, Aayush Surana and TY Tang
ASEAN'S TRANSFORMATION CHAMPIONS - Spotlighting 15 companies showcasing the power and potential of dual transformation - Innosight
Executive Summary
» Executive Summary
                                The Association of Southeast                                       Amid this growth, twin forces in                                 Innosight calls this approach
                                Asian Nations (ASEAN) was                                          the form of changing                                             to both repositioning today
» Introducing ASEAN’s           formed in 1967 by Indonesia,                                       demographics and digitization                                    while creating tomorrow
  Transformation Champions
                                Malaysia, the Philippines,                                         have shaped new industries and                                   “dual transformation.”
                                Singapore and Thailand to                                          challenged legacy business
» Three Transformation Themes   promote regional stability and                                     models across the region.                                        This report spotlights three
                                political and economic                                             Successful ASEAN companies                                       categories of companies
» Future Champions              cooperation. Over the next                                         are responding to these forces                                   undertaking transformation,
                                32 years, Brunei (1984),                                           by finding new and different                                     five success stories dubbed
» Conclusion: The Best          Vietnam (1995), Laos (1997),                                       ways to serve the needs of an                                    “transformation champions,”
  Time to Plant a Tree          Burma (1997) and Cambodia                                          aspirational and digitally savvy                                 two airlines making the right
                                (1999) joined as full-time                                         population. These companies                                      moves but nevertheless
                                members. With a combined                                           have strategically transformed                                   succumbing to the industrywide
» Profiles: Transformation
                                gross domestic product (GDP)                                       to ensure resilience against                                     shock of COVID-19 and eight
                                of about US$3 trillion, ASEAN is                                   disruptive change in their core                                  high-potential “future
                                an economy equivalent to the                                       business while simultaneously                                    champions.”
» Profiles: Future Champions    U.K. or 15% of the European                                        pursuing new growth
                                Union. From 2000 to 2018,                                          opportunities that smartly
» About the Authors             ASEAN’s economy grew                                               leverage core capabilities. As a
  and Innosight                 steadily at an impressive                                          result, these companies are
                                average of 5.3% year over year.1                                   better positioned for the future.
» Research Methodology

                                1   ASEAN Key Figures 2019. The ASEAN Secretariat, October 2019.

                                © 2020 Huron Consulting Group Inc. and affiliates.                                                                                                                   2
ASEAN'S TRANSFORMATION CHAMPIONS - Spotlighting 15 companies showcasing the power and potential of dual transformation - Innosight
Five Transformation Champions

» Executive Summary
                                Five companies have undertaken successful transformation in the past 15 years and, as a result, have
                                outperformed their respective market indexes. They are, in alphabetical order:
» Introducing ASEAN’s
  Transformation Champions
                                DBS Bank (Singapore)                                 This traditional regional bank transformed into a global digital platform
                                                                                     company, around a cultural vision of a "28,000-person startup."
» Three Transformation Themes

                                Singapore Post                                       This postal services provider, commonly abbreviated as SingPost, diversified
» Future Champions
                                (Singapore)                                          and transformed into a postal, logistics and property services provider.

» Conclusion: The Best
  Time to Plant a Tree          Singapore                                            This telecommunications company, known commonly as Singtel, created
                                Telecommunications                                   new businesses in cybersecurity, payments and digital advertising.
                                Limited (Singapore)
» Profiles: Transformation
                                Thonburi Healthcare                                  This hospital operator ventured into senior care, managed services and
                                Group (Thailand)                                     software development businesses.
» Profiles: Future Champions

» About the Authors             VGI (Thailand)                                       A traditional out-of-home media company, VGI transformed into an
  and Innosight                                                                      integrated offline-to-online solutions provider with an ecosystem of
                                                                                     advertising, payment and logistics platforms.

» Research Methodology

                                © 2020 Huron Consulting Group Inc. and affiliates.                                                                                  3
ASEAN'S TRANSFORMATION CHAMPIONS - Spotlighting 15 companies showcasing the power and potential of dual transformation - Innosight
Three themes emerged from studying the collective efforts of these champions:

» Executive Summary

                                1                                                    2                                  3
                                              They are                                        They are harnessing                They are governed
                                              successful at dual                              fintech-enabled                    by long-serving
» Introducing ASEAN’s
                                              transformation                                  business models                    leadership
  Transformation Champions

                                Consider the regional                                Consider the efforts of the        Consider Thailand’s VGI,
» Three Transformation Themes   telecommunications giant                             Singaporean DBS Bank (DBS).        established in 1998 by Kavin
                                Singtel’s decadelong efforts                         More than half its customers       Kanjanapas, who today serves
» Future Champions              around two simultaneous and                          undertake their banking            as chairman of the executive
                                fundamental transformations.                         predominantly through its          committee. Kavin Kanjanapas
                                The first, to digitize its core                      digital channels. For DBS, these   also serves as the chief
» Conclusion: The Best
                                operations around the delivery
  Time to Plant a Tree                                                               digital customers are twice as     executive officer (CEO) of VGI’s
                                of data, replacing voice and text
                                                                                     profitable as traditional          parent company, BTS Group
                                messaging. The second, to
» Profiles: Transformation                                                           customers. DBS has also            Holdings Public Company
                                scale a portfolio of new growth
  Champions                     digital businesses in areas                          successfully launched digibank,    Limited (BTS Group or BTS).
                                where its unique assets create                       a mobile-led, digital-only bank,   His father, Keeree Kanjanapas,
                                competitive advantages, such                         in both India and Indonesia.       founded BTS Group in 1968 and
» Profiles: Future Champions
                                as mobile advertising and                            DBS has not stopped there; in      serves as its chairman today.
                                cybersecurity.                                       2017, it launched the world’s      Their long-sighted vision and
» About the Authors                                                                  largest application protocol       governance guided VGI’s
  and Innosight                                                                      interface (API) platform           transformation from a
                                                                                     allowing partners across           traditional out-of-home
» Research Methodology                                                               industries to integrate DBS’       advertising company into an
                                                                                     banking capabilities into their    integrated media services
                                                                                     systems.                           provider.

                                © 2020 Huron Consulting Group Inc. and affiliates.                                                                         4
ASEAN'S TRANSFORMATION CHAMPIONS - Spotlighting 15 companies showcasing the power and potential of dual transformation - Innosight
» Executive Summary
                                Transformations                                      of companies struggling to           this economic downturn with
                                                                                     remain solvent. However, there       bailouts happening in some
» Introducing ASEAN’s           Temporarily                                          is a silver lining for companies     form or another around the
  Transformation Champions
                                Grounded                                             that built resilience and            world. Our research identified
                                                                                     identified growth opportunities      two ASEAN airlines, Singapore
» Three Transformation Themes   We began our research into                           in advance of this market shock.     Airlines and AirAsia, that made
                                more than 600 publicly listed                        They have a chance to innovate       pre-COVID-19 moves to create
                                ASEAN companies in late 2019.                        in the downturn and create           resilience in the core through
» Future Champions
                                By early 2020, the COVID-19                          growth through the upturn.           digitization while in parallel
                                pandemic had made its way                                                                 seeking to diversify revenue
» Conclusion: The Best          from China to ASEAN. At the
  Time to Plant a Tree                                                               We believe the five ASEAN            away from airfares. We
                                time of writing this report, it is                                                        recognize these efforts fall far
                                evident this period of profound                      transformation champions
                                                                                     outlined in this report are on       short of offsetting the
» Profiles: Transformation      uncertainty is, and will continue
                                                                                     fundamentally stronger footing       devastating impact of having
  Champions                     to, negatively impact many
                                                                                     in navigating this period of         almost an entire fleet on the
                                ASEAN businesses and roil                                                                 ground. However, having
                                financial markets. These types                       profound uncertainty because
» Profiles: Future Champions                                                                                              adopted a dual transformation
                                of global crises, which in the 21st                  of their efforts over the past 15
                                                                                     years to reposition for resilience   approach affords each a
» About the Authors             century include the dot-com                                                               glimmer of a silver lining against
                                bubble (2001-02) and the global                      and diversify around unique
  and Innosight                                                                      capabilities. The airline industry   the downturn of COVID-19.
                                financial crisis (2007-09),
                                inevitably increase the number                       is experiencing the full force of
» Research Methodology

                                © 2020 Huron Consulting Group Inc. and affiliates.                                                                             5
ASEAN'S TRANSFORMATION CHAMPIONS - Spotlighting 15 companies showcasing the power and potential of dual transformation - Innosight
» Executive Summary
                                Future Champions                                     certain, their intent and potential   UnionBank of the Philippines
                                                                                     to be future champions is             (Philippines): A bank
» Introducing ASEAN’s           The emergent characteristics of                      noteworthy. They are, in              building products for other
  Transformation Champions      most ASEAN markets means                             alphabetical order:                   financial institutions
                                the headroom to expand the
                                                                                                                           Razer (Singapore): A gaming
» Three Transformation Themes   core operations of many
                                                                                     ABS-CBN (Philippines):                company seeking to increase
                                companies has been readily
                                                                                     A traditional media company           the financial inclusion of youth
                                available for years. This leads to
» Future Champions                                                                   creating physical experiences         Sea Group (Singapore):
                                a broad observation that the
                                overall number of dual                               Axiata Group (Malaysia):              A gaming company making
» Conclusion: The Best          transformation efforts evident in                    A telecommunications provider         waves in payments and
  Time to Plant a Tree          ASEAN is lower when compared                         launching new digital businesses      e-commerce business
                                with our global transformation                       Central Group (Thailand):
» Profiles: Transformation      research and market-specific                         Retail and services                   The full report details what
  Champions                     studies in mature markets like                       businesses becoming a                 makes these companies ones to
                                Australia and Germany. For this                      digital-lifestyle platform            watch and highlights key areas
» Profiles: Future Champions    reason, we have decided to also                      Kasikorn Bank (Thailand):             to monitor in their respective
                                highlight eight ASEAN                                A bank with ambitions to              journeys to become full-fledged
» About the Authors             companies in the initial stages of                   become a “lifestyle platform”         champions.
  and Innosight                 dual transformation.                                 and fintech player
                                                                                     Siam Commercial Bank
» Research Methodology          While the success of these                           (Thailand): A bank placing bets
                                future champions is far from                         to become a technology player

                                © 2020 Huron Consulting Group Inc. and affiliates.                                                                            6
ASEAN'S TRANSFORMATION CHAMPIONS - Spotlighting 15 companies showcasing the power and potential of dual transformation - Innosight
» Executive Summary
                                “D.B.S. —                                                          World” (Global Finance) and                                       Philippines, Singapore, Thailand
                                                                                                   “World’s Best Bank”                                               and Vietnam. The economies
» Introducing ASEAN’s           Damn Bloody Slow!”                                                 (Euromoney).                                                      of these member countries are
  Transformation Champions
                                                                                                                                                                     at vastly different stages of
                                These were the words bellowed                                      This report spotlights the DBS                                    development; for instance,
» Three Transformation Themes                                                                                                                                        Singapore's GDP per capita
                                in 2009 by a Singaporean taxi                                      story and the stories of two
                                driver in response to Paul                                         more ASEAN transformation                                         is approximately 50 times that
» Future Champions              Cobban’s request for a ride to                                     champions from Singapore and                                      of Myanmar and 25 times that
                                DBS’ headquarters for his first                                    two from Thailand. Each profile                                   of Laos.2
» Conclusion: The Best          day at the bank. Paul is the chief                                 outlines how these companies
  Time to Plant a Tree          data and transformation officer                                    turned disruptive threats into                                    As set out in the ASEAN
                                of DBS. Back in 2009, these                                        transformation opportunities.                                     Economic Community Blueprint
                                words were justified. DBS had                                                                                                        2025, its member countries aim
» Profiles: Transformation
                                the lowest customer satisfaction                                                                                                     to develop a highly integrated
                                scores of any bank in Singapore.                                   ASEAN and                                                         and cohesive economy.3
                                                                                                                                                                     ASEAN has dramatically
» Profiles: Future Champions
                                Fast forward a decade, and                                         its business                                                      outpaced the rest of the world
                                these words have lost all
                                meaning. In 2019, DBS became                                       characteristics                                                   on GDP growth per capita since
» About the Authors             the first bank in the world to                                     Founded in 1967, ASEAN today                                      the late 1970s, with average
  and Innosight                 simultaneously hold the titles of                                  encompasses ten countries:                                        annual real gains of more than
                                “Bank of the Year” (The                                            Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia,                                      5%.4
» Research Methodology          Banker), “Best Bank in the                                         Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar,
                                2   ASEAN Key Figures 2019.
                                3   ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint 2025. The ASEAN Secretariat, November 2015.
                                4   “9 Things You Need to Know About ASEAN.” Deutsche Bank, April 16, 2019.

                                © 2020 Huron Consulting Group Inc. and affiliates.                                                                                                                      7
ASEAN'S TRANSFORMATION CHAMPIONS - Spotlighting 15 companies showcasing the power and potential of dual transformation - Innosight
legacy incumbent business
» Executive Summary

» Introducing ASEAN’s
                                                                                                                                                                     Approach to
  Transformation Champions                                                                                                                                           identify ASEAN
» Three Transformation Themes
» Future Champions                                                                                                                                                   We analyzed 623 publicly listed
                                                                                                                                                                     companies across ASEAN
                                Further, a growing middle                                              urbanized and aspirational                                    markets and assessed their
» Conclusion: The Best          class and digitization has led                                         population are continuously
  Time to Plant a Tree                                                                                                                                               transformation efforts and
                                to a vibrant startup ecosystem                                         evolving. The region is home                                  outcomes. This resulted in a
                                across the region: ASEAN’s                                             to the world’s fastest-growing                                shortlist of 51 companies on
» Profiles: Transformation      11 unicorns had a combined                                             population of internet users,                                 which we conducted detailed
  Champions                     market valuation of US$44                                              with more than 125,000 new                                    qualitative and quantitative
                                billion in 2020.5                                                      users forecast to come online                                 research to understand the
» Profiles: Future Champions                                                                           every day through the year                                    dynamics of each
                                Despite the success to date,                                           2020.6 These forces are                                       transformation. Following a
» About the Authors             the needs of its increasingly                                          fueling new digital businesses,                               methodology used in other
  and Innosight                                                                                        which in turn are challenging

» Research Methodology

                                5   “What Is a Unicorn Startup?” CB Insights, April 2020.
                                6   Mahmood, Ishtiaq P. “7 Key Challenges for the Future of ASEAN — and How to Solve Them.” World Economic Forum, August 29, 2018.

                                © 2020 Huron Consulting Group Inc. and affiliates.                                                                                                                     8
ASEAN'S TRANSFORMATION CHAMPIONS - Spotlighting 15 companies showcasing the power and potential of dual transformation - Innosight
Innosight research reports, a                                             transformed into a global digital   VGI (Thailand): A traditional
                                team scrutinized these                                                    platform company, around a          out-of-home media company,
» Executive Summary             companies according to the                                                cultural vision of a "28,000-       VGI transformed into an
                                degree to which they had                                                  person startup.“                    integrated offline-to-online
» Introducing ASEAN’s           repositioned their core business                                                                              solutions provider with an
  Transformation Champions      while also creating new growth                                            SingPost (Singapore): This          ecosystem of advertising,
                                businesses and the company’s                                              postal services provider            payment and logistics
» Three Transformation Themes   financial performance since the                                           diversified and transformed into    platforms.
                                year of transformation.7 This                                             a postal, logistics and property
                                resulted in the identification of                                         services provider.                  Each champion has
» Future Champions              our ASEAN transformation                                                                                      outperformed its broader
                                champions.                                                                Singtel (Singapore): This           market. Total shareholder
» Conclusion: The Best                                                                                    telecommunication company           return (TSR) delivered by VGI,
  Time to Plant a Tree          Seven companies crossed our                                               launched new businesses in          for instance, is three times that
                                screen. We removed two airlines                                           cybersecurity, payments and         of the Bangkok Stock Exchange
» Profiles: Transformation      that have seen their efforts                                              digital advertising.                of Thailand (SET) Index since it
  Champions                     grounded due to the COVID-19                                                                                  began its transformation in
                                crisis (see Dual Transformation                                           Thonburi Healthcare Group           2016. Another example is DBS:
» Profiles: Future Champions    in Airlines for more) to arrive at                                        (Thailand): This hospital           The bank has delivered TSR four
                                our five transformation                                                   operator ventured into senior       times higher than Singapore’s
                                champions. They are, in                                                   care, managed services and          Straits Times Index from 2013
» About the Authors
                                alphabetical order:                                                       software development                through 2019.
  and Innosight
                                DBS Bank (Singapore): A
» Research Methodology          traditional regional bank, DBS

                                7   See the About Innosight and Research Methodology sections later in the report for details.

                                © 2020 Huron Consulting Group Inc. and affiliates.                                                                                                9
ASEAN'S TRANSFORMATION CHAMPIONS - Spotlighting 15 companies showcasing the power and potential of dual transformation - Innosight

» Executive Summary             We noted the transformation                                            KrisFlyer loyalty program to build                                 tones to the U.K.’s Virgin Group.
                                efforts of two regional airlines in                                    an e-commerce business, a                                          AirAsia is targeting a contribution
                                our research: Singapore Airlines                                       digital wallet business, and a hotel                               of approximately 60% of total
» Introducing ASEAN’s           and AirAsia. Both were on our                                          and car rental business. With the                                  revenue from its non-airline
  Transformation Champions      radar for their efforts to digitize                                    introduction of these businesses,                                  businesses in the next five years,
                                all aspects of their core airline                                      miles redemption on non-airline                                    up from the current contribution
» Three Transformation Themes   operations while in parallel                                           partners saw a year-over-year                                      of 20%. It too has grounded
                                seeking to turn unique customer                                        increase of 42% in fiscal year                                     most of its fleet and is therefore
                                and loyalty data assets into                                           2018-2019. In response to                                          pushing its logistics and
» Future Champions
                                new revenue streams. These                                             COVID-19, Singapore Airlines has                                   e-commerce businesses.9
                                attempts to diversify their                                            focused efforts on promoting its
» Conclusion: The Best          revenue base away from seat                                            e-commerce business, KrisShop.                                     These efforts provide welcome
  Time to Plant a Tree          fares offer something of a silver                                      However, at the time of writing                                    alternate revenue streams during
                                lining against the downturn of                                         this report, 96% of Singapore                                      COVID-19; however, they cannot
» Profiles: Transformation      COVID-19, but not nearly enough                                        Airlines’ fleet capacity has been                                  come close to offsetting the
  Champions                     to offset the devastating impact of                                    grounded, a staggering figure that                                 existential impact of the crisis.
                                grounding practically their entire                                     cannot be recouped by a still-                                     However, if Singapore Airlines and
                                fleets for months.                                                     emerging e-commerce business.8                                     AirAsia continue this journey and
» Profiles: Future Champions
                                                                                                                                                                          push beyond offerings that are
                                Singapore Airlines has adopted                                         AirAsia, the Malaysian budget                                      inherently tied to “miles in the air,”
» About the Authors             the Qantas playbook (See our                                           carrier, is transforming into a                                    then the next crisis could find
  and Innosight                 report Australia’s Transformation                                      digital corporation centered                                       these two airlines increasingly
                                Champions for details on the                                           around travel and lifestyle through                                diverse, resilient and ready.
» Research Methodology          Qantas story). It is leveraging its                                    its venture arm, which has similar

                                8   Kaur, Karamjit and Yong, Clement. “SIA Cuts 96% of Capacity as Virus Hammers Industry.” The Straits Times, March 24, 2020.
                                9   Yusof, Ayisy. “AirAsia Sees Non-Airline Segment as Top Earner.” New Straits Times, December 8, 2019.

                                © 2020 Huron Consulting Group Inc. and affiliates.                                                                                                                                                     10
» Executive Summary
                                Analysis of the transformation                                        telecommunications company.                       across multiple ecosystems,
                                efforts of the five champions                                         In 2010, Singtel found itself face                and unique data such as
» Introducing ASEAN’s           identified three common                                               to face with a disruptive threat                  location data.
  Transformation Champions
                                themes:                                                               as its core voice business
                                                                                                      dwindled against a surge in                       Singtel had announced
» Three Transformation Themes   1. Transformation champions                                           mobile data that enabled
                                are successful at pursuing                                            different ways for people to
                                                                                                                                                        plans to spend US$1.6
» Future Champions              dual transformation.                                                  communicate. Singtel tackled                      billion acquiring
                                Each champion pursued a                                               this threat head-on with a                        companies specializing
                                specific approach to innovation                                       decision to pursue dual
» Conclusion: The Best                                                                                                                                  in relevant digital
  Time to Plant a Tree          known as dual transformation.                                         transformation. Transformation
                                By undertaking the                                                    A has involved numerous efforts                   businesses.
                                transformation, they:                                                 to shift focus from voice to data
» Profiles: Transformation                                                                                                                              During the period 2015-2019,
                                • Repositioned their existing                                         and digitize. For Transformation
  Champions                                                                                                                                             Singtel’s core business revenue
                                    business for resilience                                           B, Singtel has acquired and
                                                                                                      scaled a portfolio of digital                     shrunk as consumers continued
                                    (Transformation A).
» Profiles: Future Champions                                                                          businesses in areas such as                       to shift from voice to data, and
                                • Created new growth                                                                                                    pricing competition grew.
                                                                                                      mobile marketing and enterprise
                                    engine businesses                                                                                                   However, two years earlier in
» About the Authors                                                                                   cybersecurity. The underlying
                                    (Transformation B).                                                                                                 2013, Singtel had announced
  and Innosight                                                                                       capabilities that link these
                                                                                                      efforts to create competitive                     plans to spend US$1.6 billion
                                Let us consider the                                                   advantage include aspects of its                  acquiring companies
» Research Methodology
                                transformation story of Singtel,                                      deep customer connections                         specializing in relevant digital
                                ASEAN’s largest                                                       and touch points, presence                        businesses.10
                                10 Ho,Victoria. “Singapore’s SingTel Wants to Pump Another $1.6B Into Startup Investments.” TechCrunch, May 15, 2013.
                                © 2020 Huron Consulting Group Inc. and affiliates.                                                                                                         11
As a result of this move, Singtel                                             SingPost, resulting in a sharp                                  reposition its core business by
                                partially offset this decline                                                 decline in its core mailing                                     launching home-based
» Executive Summary             through strong growth in its                                                  business. SingPost responded                                    healthcare. In parallel, it has
                                Group Digital Life unit, which                                                by launching new growth efforts                                 invested US$110 million to
» Introducing ASEAN’s           grew at a compound annual                                                     in logistics and e-commerce                                     launch an assisted living real-
  Transformation Champions      growth rate (CAGR) of 37%                                                     fulfillment services. In parallel, it                           estate business.13 It has
                                through its digital marketing and                                             doubled down on improving                                       bolstered this with additional
» Three Transformation Themes   data analytics businesses.11                                                  operational efficiency of its core                              new growth initiatives that
                                                                                                              mailing business. The company                                   include hospital management
                                It is important to note                                                       saw its revenue grow at 8.4%                                    services and software
» Future Champions              Transformation B typically                                                    CAGR from 2004 to 2019, and                                     development for hospitals. In
                                requires a portfolio approach, as                                             by fiscal year 2019-20, its new                                 2019, THG’s new growth
» Conclusion: The Best          some efforts to create new                                                    business efforts were                                           businesses contributed
  Time to Plant a Tree          growth engines invariably fail. A                                             contributing 44% to its overall                                 approximately US$30 million
                                case in point is Singtel’s recent                                             revenue.12 An example from                                      (11% of the overall business) to
» Profiles: Transformation      decision to liquidate its over-                                               Thailand is Thonburi Healthcare                                 the group’s overall revenue.14
  Champions                     the-top (OTT) video business                                                  Group (THG). In 2014, the group
                                Hooq given persistent                                                         realized its core general hospital                              2. Transformation champions
                                consumer pricing sensitivities                                                business was reaching                                           are harnessing fintech-
» Profiles: Future Champions
                                set against the costs of content.                                             saturation in Thailand. At the                                  enabled business models.
                                                                                                              same time, Thailand’s                                           ASEAN's payments landscape
» About the Authors                                                                                                                                                           has leaped from being one of the
                                In 2004, a similar wave of                                                    healthcare needs are shifting as
  and Innosight                                                                                                                                                               world’s most paper-based and
                                disruption washed over                                                        its population ages. THG
                                                                                                              therefore decided to act and                                    cash-centric to an advanced
» Research Methodology
                                11   Innosight analysis of Singtel’s annual reports from 2015 to 2019. | 12 S&P Capital IQ; Innosight analysis.
                                13 Apisitniran, Lamonphet. “THG Banking on       B3.7bn Retirement Home Project.” Bangkok Post, July 23, 2019.
                                14 “Thonburi Healthcare     Group Annual Report 2019.” Thonburi Healthcare Group.

                                © 2020 Huron Consulting Group Inc. and affiliates.                                                                                                                                                           12
cashless society. This is being                                        In Singapore, Singtel partnered                             Overall, DBS’ digital
                                enabled by a fintech revolution                                        with Standard Chartered Bank
» Executive Summary             using disruptive technologies to                                       in 2014 to launch Dash, a mobile
                                                                                                                                                                   customers are now 52%
                                turn cumbersome financial                                              banking platform. Singtel has                               of total customers
» Introducing ASEAN’s           processes into simple,                                                 since focused on growing Dash                               versus 33% in 2015, and
  Transformation Champions      affordable and accessible                                              into a provider of a host of
                                                                                                                                                                   are twice as profitable
                                payment solutions. A legion of                                         financial services, including
                                increasingly progressive and                                           payments and remittances. In                                as traditional customers.
» Three Transformation Themes
                                tech-savvy consumers is rapidly                                        2018, Singtel launched Via, its
                                adopting these solutions.                                              cross-border mobile payments                                Unsurprisingly, financial
» Future Champions                                                                                     alliance, to allow mobile                                   services incumbents are fighting
                                Several champions are                                                  payments through local wallets                              back against these
» Conclusion: The Best          capitalizing on this trend by                                          across Singapore and Thailand.                              encroachments into the banking
  Time to Plant a Tree          introducing fintech-driven                                             Its latest move is a 2019                                   arena. Consider DBS, which
                                business models. Consider                                              consortium bid with Grab for a                              launched its mobile-led, digital-
» Profiles: Transformation      VGI’s 2016 joint venture with                                          full digital banking license in                             only bank, digibank, in India in
  Champions                     the Line messaging app to                                              Singapore. It appears Singtel is                            2016 and Indonesia in 2017. By
                                launch Rabbit Line Pay, an                                             doubling down on establishing a                             2019, digibank had scaled to
                                integrated e-wallet for online                                         presence in the financial                                   3.25 million customers for
» Profiles: Future Champions
                                and offline payments. By 2019,                                         services sector as its core                                 everyday banking transactions
                                Rabbit Line Pay had grown to                                           telecommunications offering                                 from payments to investments.
» About the Authors                                                                                                                                                Overall, DBS’ digital customers
                                serve more than 5.5 million                                            continues to fight against
  and Innosight                                                                                                                                                    are now 52% of total customers,
                                users, representing a more than                                        commoditization.
                                80% year-over-year increase in                                                                                                     versus 33% in 2015, and are
» Research Methodology                                                                                                                                             twice as profitable as traditional
                                user base.15

                                15 “VGI   Annual Report, 2018/19.” VGI Global Media Public Company Limited.

                                © 2020 Huron Consulting Group Inc. and affiliates.                                                                                                                      13
customers. Further, DBS                                                  average tenure of an S&P 500                                              3. Curiosity to explore and
                                launched the world’s largest                                             CEO.17 These seasoned CEOs                                                   find new paths through well-
» Executive Summary             application protocol interface                                           leverage deep institutional                                                  thought-out experiments
                                (API) platform in 2017, allowing                                         knowledge sharpened by seeing                                                with the goal to “test and
» Introducing ASEAN’s           financial and retail partners to                                         through the peaks and troughs                                                learn” even amid failures
  Transformation Champions      invisibly integrate DBS’                                                 of business cycles. As a result,                                             and setbacks.
                                capabilities into their systems.                                         they have invariably gained the                                           4. Conviction to persevere
» Three Transformation Themes   By 2019, more than 400                                                   trust of their boards and are                                                in the face of predictable
                                partners were connected to                                               adept at managing their                                                      crises.
                                DBS through its API platform.16                                          stakeholders. These
» Future Champions                                                                                       characteristics and experiences                                           Consider Piyush Gupta, DBS’
                                3. Transformation champions                                              enable them to demonstrate the                                            much-lauded CEO. Gupta has
» Conclusion: The Best                                                                                   four leadership traits required
                                are governed by long-serving                                                                                                                       guided DBS’ transformation into
  Time to Plant a Tree                                                                                   for successful dual
                                leadership.                                                                                                                                        a technology-driven digital bank
                                                                                                         transformation.18 These are the:                                          since he took the helm in 2009,
                                The research behind the world’s
» Profiles: Transformation      Top 100 CEO list published by                                                                                                                      some 11 years ago. A
  Champions                                                                                              1. Courage to take resources                                              courageous decision Gupta and
                                Harvard Business Review (HBR)
                                revealed in 2019 that, on                                                   from the core business to                                              his team made was to reframe
» Profiles: Future Champions    average, the top 100 CEOs have                                              build new businesses.                                                  DBS’ competitive set from
                                held their positions for 15 years.                                       2. Clarity to focus on a select                                           compliance-focused banks to
» About the Authors             This is more than twice the                                                 few strategic opportunities.
  and Innosight

» Research Methodology          16 “DBS Group Holdings Ltd | Annual Report 2019: Pursuing the Greater Good.” DBS Group Holdings Ltd.
                                17 “The CEO   100, 2019 Edition.” Harvard Business Review, November-December 2019.
                                18 The
                                     four leadership traits are covered in detail in Innosight’s book on dual transformation. (Anthony, Scott D., Gilbert, Clark G., and Johnson, Mark W.
                                  Dual Transformation: How to Reposition Today’s Business While Creating the Future. Harvard Business Review Press, 2017.)

                                © 2020 Huron Consulting Group Inc. and affiliates.                                                                                                                                    14
entrepreneurially minded tech                                         had moved two-thirds of its                                          them how another bank had
                                companies. DBS decided to                                             applications to the cloud to                                         visited Netflix and had
» Executive Summary             begin comparing itself to                                             provide greater flexibility. The                                     bemoaned the fact that Netflix
                                Google, Amazon, Netflix, Apple,                                       curiosity that led Gupta and his                                     clearly had an advantage in
» Introducing ASEAN’s           LinkedIn (which was                                                   team to visit companies like                                         attracting young, talented
  Transformation Champions      subsequently acquired by                                              Netflix also played a pivotal role                                   engineers. Cockcroft made two
                                Microsoft) and Facebook. It                                           in its transformation. Adrian                                        observations. First, he told the
» Three Transformation Themes   didn’t pick those companies                                           Cockcroft, then a development                                        bank that the average Netflix
                                haphazardly. If you put DBS                                           leader from Netflix (as of the                                       engineer was 40 years old.
                                between Netflix and Apple, it                                         writing of this report at Amazon                                     Second, he noted that he had
» Future Champions              forms the acronym GANDALF,                                            Web Services), described to                                          hired a good proportion from
                                the long-bearded wizard from
» Conclusion: The Best          J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the
  Time to Plant a Tree          Rings series.

» Profiles: Transformation      This created the clarity to
  Champions                     fundamentally flip DBS’
                                approach to technology. In
» Profiles: Future Champions    2009, almost all of its
                                operations were outsourced. By
» About the Authors             the end of 2017, DBS controlled
  and Innosight                 85% of its resources.19 It also

» Research Methodology

                                19 “DBS   Group Holdings Ltd Annual Report 2017.” DBS Group Holdings Ltd.

                                © 2020 Huron Consulting Group Inc. and affiliates.                                                                                                                            15
banks and had simply “gotten                                                 pure-play telecommunications                                         Switching focus to the Thai
                                out of their way.” DBS took                                                  to a digital services business                                       champions, we find a similar
» Executive Summary             inspiration from this to drive an                                            since it was first announced in                                      story. Dr. Boon Vanasin founded
                                organizationwide culture change                                              2010.22 It took courage for                                          Thonburi Healthcare Group in
» Introducing ASEAN’s           effort, without which, Paul                                                  Singtel to allocate US$1.6 billion                                   1976 and serves as chairman
  Transformation Champions      Cobban has noted, DBS could                                                  in 2013 to fund its                                                  today some 44 years later. VGI
                                never have achieved its                                                      transformation efforts.23 Singtel                                    Chairman of the Executive
» Three Transformation Themes   business transformation.20                                                   chairman Simon Israel has                                            Committee Kavin Kanjanapas
                                Gupta’s achievements have                                                    noted this figure was arrived at                                     founded the company in 1998 as
                                seen him listed in the                                                       because it was meaningful                                            the out-of-home advertising
» Future Champions              aforementioned HBR 2019 Top                                                  enough to signal intentions, but                                     arm of BTS Group Holdings,
                                100 CEOs in the world. During                                                not so meaningful that if they                                       which was in turn founded in
» Conclusion: The Best          his tenure, DBS has delivered                                                failed it could sink the company.                                    1968 by his father, Keeree
  Time to Plant a Tree          159% TSR, well over double the                                               Singtel’s transformation journey                                     Kanjanapas, who still serves as
                                62% return of Singapore’s                                                    has not been without its                                             BTS Group chairman today.
» Profiles: Transformation      Straits Time Index.21                                                        challenges, yet Chua’s                                               VGI’s first contract was to
  Champions                                                                                                  conviction to preserve has seen                                      manage the advertising spaces
                                Similarly, at Singtel, Chua Sock                                             Singtel deliver 89% TSR the                                          and commercial areas across
» Profiles: Future Champions    Koong has been group CEO                                                     past decade, compared with a                                         the BTS Group train network.
                                since 2007. Chua has led                                                     62% return for Singapore’s
                                Singtel’s transformation from                                                Straits Time Index.24
» About the Authors
  and Innosight
                                20 Youcan learn more about DBS’ efforts to build new habits and routines in a co-authored article. (Anthony, Scott D., Cobban, Paul, Nair, Rahul T., and Painchaud, Natalie. “Breaking Down the Barriers to
                                  Innovation.” Harvard Business Review, November-December 2019.

» Research Methodology          21 Innosight   analysis, Datastream.

                                22 Singtel’s story   is detailed in chapters 3 and 7 of Innosight’s book on dual transformation. (Anthony, et al. Dual Transformation.)
                                23 Ho,Victoria. “Singapore’s SingTel Wants to Pump Another $1.6B Into Startup Investments.” TechCrunch, May 15, 2013.
                                24 Innosight analysis, Datastream.

                                © 2020 Huron Consulting Group Inc. and affiliates.                                                                                                                                                            16
In 2016, as online and social                                           takeover, VGI gained an                                      and data-driven predictions on
                                media became primary                                                    enormous repository of mass                                  future consumer spending,
» Executive Summary             channels for customer                                                   transit data enabling advertisers                            invaluable for advertisers.
                                engagement, VGI took over                                               to better target advertising.
» Introducing ASEAN’s           Rabbit Group (Rabbit), a smart                                          This data also enabled VGI to                                The confidence created through
  Transformation Champions      card/e-payments business                                                experiment with new offerings                                this curiosity to experiment led
                                within BTS Group. With Rabbit’s                                         such as location-based services                              to a US$173 million acquisition
» Three Transformation Themes                                                                                                                                        in 2018 of a 23% stake in Kerry
                                                                                                                                                                     Express, a successful Thai
» Future Champions                                                                                                                                                   e-commerce fulfillment
                                                                                                                                                                     provider.25 This was a key step
                                                                                                                                                                     on VGI’s transformation into an
» Conclusion: The Best
                                                                                                                                                                     integrated provider of media
  Time to Plant a Tree
                                                                                                                                                                     services. VGI’s most recent
                                                                                                                                                                     results show revenue more than
» Profiles: Transformation                                                                                                                                           1,000 times higher than the
  Champions                                                                                                                                                          US$150,000 seed capital Kavin
                                                                                                                                                                     invested to get VGI off the
» Profiles: Future Champions                                                                                                                                         ground.26 An impressive
                                                                                                                                                                     outcome and testament to the
» About the Authors                                                                                                                                                  importance of long-sighted and
  and Innosight                                                                                                                                                      long-standing leadership.

» Research Methodology

                                25 “VGI   Global Buys Into Kerry Express.” The Nation Thailand, April 24, 2018.
                                26 “VGI   Annual Report, 2018/19.” VGI Global Media Public Company Limited.

                                © 2020 Huron Consulting Group Inc. and affiliates.                                                                                                                      17
» Executive Summary
                                The growth record of ASEAN the
                                past few decades led to our                          “Our research identified eight companies
» Introducing ASEAN’s
  Transformation Champions
                                research surfacing a lower                            that have recently begun or stepped up their
                                number of dual transformation
                                stories compared with similar                         transformation efforts in the search for
» Three Transformation Themes   research efforts in other                             sustainable growth.”
                                geographies. This is because
» Future Champions              many companies have                                  versus the strategic               industries like financial services,
                                historically been able to grow by                    transformation of a stand-alone    telecommunications and real
» Conclusion: The Best          expanding their core                                 organization we are studying.      estate. Despite these
  Time to Plant a Tree          businesses. Another                                                                     differences, this group is united
                                idiosyncrasy in ASEAN is the                         However, our research identified   in the pursuit of growth through
                                role played by many dominant                         eight companies that have          transformation. We have
» Profiles: Transformation
                                conglomerates across its                             recently begun or stepped up       outlined the seeds of
                                markets. The general playbook                        their transformation efforts in    transformation each has
                                for these often family-controlled                    the search for sustainable         planted and critical areas to
» Profiles: Future Champions    conglomerates is to focus on                         growth. Two are recently listed    watch, to see if they achieve
                                building their nations’                              gaming unicorns, which means       their full transformation
» About the Authors             underlying infrastructure                            they crossed US$1 billion in       potential:
  and Innosight                 through diversified operating                        valuation before going public.
                                companies. Change comes from                         Others are more than 70 years
» Research Methodology          capital allocation between units                     old and from traditional

                                © 2020 Huron Consulting Group Inc. and affiliates.                                                                            18
» Executive Summary
                                   ABS-CBN (Philippines)                                                      Seeds of transformation: Currently navigating political challenges around its core broadcast
                                                                                                              business but has laid the foundations for revenues outside broadcast. This includes investing in
» Introducing ASEAN’s              Industry: Media                                                            related physical experiences, including a theme park (KidZania franchise) and studio. In
                                                                                                              parallel, it has repositioned the broadcast business by undertaking digital transformation.
  Transformation Champions         Beginning of Transformation: 2015
                                                                                                              What to watch for: Can premium physical experiences sufficiently scale given constrained
                                   Revenue: US$765 million                                                    consumer spending power and limited availability of content and characters?

» Three Transformation Themes
                                   Axiata Group (Malaysia)                                                    Seeds of transformation: Launched digital businesses in three core verticals: financial
» Future Champions                 Industry: Telecommunications
                                                                                                              services (Boost), marketing (Ada) and an API platform (Apigate). Since launching, each has
                                                                                                              shown promising user adoption and revenue growth rates.
                                   Beginning of Transformation: 2014                                          What to watch for: Can each digital business sustain early growth and achieve sustainable
» Conclusion: The Best                                                                                        profitability in competitive spaces? In parallel, can the core business demonstrate resilience
                                   Revenue: US$5.7 billion                                                    during increased market consolidation and the economic challenges of a 5G rollout?
  Time to Plant a Tree

» Profiles: Transformation         Central Group (Thailand)                                                   Seeds of transformation: Ambitions to become a market leader in digital-lifestyle platforms.
                                                                                                              Recently created a US$500 million joint venture with China’s for the development of
  Champions                        Industry: Retail, real estate, merchandising                               e-commerce, logistics and e-finance businesses.27
                                   Beginning of Transformation: 2017                                          What to watch for: Can the e-commerce platform and associated services
                                                                                                              effectively scale given the potential for confusion or conflict with established
» Profiles: Future Champions       Revenue: US$7.4 billion (retail business)                                  brick-and-mortar businesses?

                                                                                                              Seeds of transformation: Established two companies, the first with a stated ambition to
» About the Authors                                                                                           create Thailand’s first fintech unicorn (Kasikorn X) and the second in Shenzhen (Kaitai Tech),
                                   Kasikorn Bank (Thailand)
  and Innosight                                                                                               to develop technology and foster partnerships in China. In parallel, efforts are underway to
                                   Industry: Financial services                                               reposition its K Plus phone application as a “lifestyle platform” offering e-commerce, payments
                                                                                                              and lending services.
                                   Beginning of Transformation: 2019
» Research Methodology                                                                                        What to watch for: Can a sufficiently differentiated value proposition be found across fintech
                                   Revenue: US$4.2 billion                                                    and e-commerce offerings, noting these are the same or similar areas of focus as Siam
                                                                                                              Commercial Bank?

                                27 Setboonsarng, Chayut.“, Thai retailer Central Group Form $500 Million E-Commerce JV.” Reuters, September 14, 2017.

                                © 2020 Huron Consulting Group Inc. and affiliates.                                                                                                                             19
» Executive Summary                                                                                                 Seeds of transformation: Fueling Transformation B by combining the capabilities of three
                                   Siam Commercial Bank (Thailand)                                                  group entities (Digital Ventures, SCB Abacus and SCB 10X) to reposition the bank as a
                                                                                                                    technology player. In parallel, undertaking a digital transformation program to create new
» Introducing ASEAN’s              Industry: Financial services                                                     digital customer experiences.
  Transformation Champions         Beginning of Transformation: 2016                                                What to watch for: Can efforts to invest in and build technology capabilities and solutions find
                                                                                                                    sustainable and scalable business models, noting the competition with startups and
                                   Revenue: US$4.3 billion                                                          incumbents such as Kasikorn Bank — and will these efforts get executive time and energy
                                                                                                                    given an ambitious core digital transformation program?
» Three Transformation Themes
                                   UnionBank of the Philippines (Philippines)                                       Seeds of transformation: Launched UBX, a Transformation B effort to build products for
» Future Champions                 Industry: Financial services                                                     financial institutions in the micro, small and medium enterprises segments while in parallel
                                                                                                                    undertaking Transformation A to launch fully digital branches and online and mobile banking.
                                   Beginning of Transformation: 2015                                                What to watch for: Can UBX successfully commercialize and scale these products while
» Conclusion: The Best                                                                                              investing significant energy on core digitization?
                                   Revenue: US$686 million
  Time to Plant a Tree
                                                                                                                    Seeds of transformation: Created a fintech arm to promote digital payments and increase
» Profiles: Transformation         Razer (Singapore)                                                                financial inclusivity for youth across emerging markets. Razer Fintech has applied for a digital
                                                                                                                    full bank license in Singapore to establish a youth bank. Has also ventured into hardware for
  Champions                        Industry: Gaming                                                                 cloud gaming, virtual payments and esports sponsorship.
                                   Beginning of Transformation: 2018                                                What to watch for: Can its millennial brand create leverage, and can its gaming user base, a
                                                                                                                    significant proportion of whom are young underbanked users in emerging markets, be
» Profiles: Future Champions       Revenue: US$712 million                                                          monetized? Early signals are promising, with a 50% year-over-year growth in Razer Fintech’s
                                                                                                                    total payment value to US$2.1 billion in 2019.28

» About the Authors                                                                                                 Seeds of transformation: Made moves from gaming into payments with SeaMoney (formerly
                                   Sea Group (Singapore)                                                            AirPay) and subsequently leveraged its digital entertainment expertise to launch a social-first,
  and Innosight                                                                                                     highly engaging e-commerce platform, Shopee. In parallel, it has ventured into game publishing
                                   Industry: Gaming
                                                                                                                    and self-published Free Fire, the world’s most downloaded mobile game of 2019.
                                   Beginning of Transformation: 2014                                                What to watch for: Can Sea Group turn a loss-making e-commerce business profitable,
» Research Methodology                                                                                              meaningfully differentiate it through engaging digital experiences and make localization a
                                   Revenue: US$2.1 billion
                                                                                                                    sustainable competitive advantage in its battles against deep-pocketed regional competitors?

                                28 “Razer   Announces 2019 Full Year Financial Results.” Razer Inc, March 24, 2020.

                                © 2020 Huron Consulting Group Inc. and affiliates.                                                                                                                                20
» Executive Summary

» Introducing ASEAN’s
                                                                                      1       Dual transformation:
                                                                                              All eight are pursuing
                                                                                              a dual transformation
                                                                                     approach with simultaneous
                                                                                     efforts to reinvent today while in
                                                                                                                          long-tenured predecessor. For
                                                                                                                          example, ABS-CBN group’s
                                                                                                                          current Chairman Emeritus
                                                                                                                          Eugenio Lopez III previously
                                                                                                                          served as CEO of the group from
                                The future champions                                 parallel creating new growth         1996 to 2012. Another example
  Transformation Champions
                                closely follow the three                             engines in spaces they possess       is Banthoon Lamsam, who
                                themes of our ASEAN                                  strategic advantages.                served as Kasikorn Bank’s CEO
» Three Transformation Themes   transformation champions.                                                                 for a period of 28 years before

                                                                                     2        Fintech-enabled             recently stepping down this
» Future Champions                                                                                                        year. And both former unicorns,
                                                                                              business models:
                                                                                              Seven of the eight          Razer and Sea Group, are led
» Conclusion: The Best                                                                                                    by their founding CEOs,
                                                                                     (ABS-CBN is the exception) are
  Time to Plant a Tree                                                                                                    Min-Liang Tan and Forrest Li,
                                                                                     leveraging fintech in some way,
                                                                                     with efforts ranging from digital-   who have served for 15 years
» Profiles: Transformation                                                           only banks to e-wallet platforms     and 11 years respectively.
  Champions                                                                          and “bank-in-a-box” solutions.
                                                                                                                          While it is too early to tell

» Profiles: Future Champions                                                                                              whether they will become
                                                                                                                          our next champions, these
                                                                                              leadership: Almost all
» About the Authors                                                                                                       attributes appear to push the
                                                                                              of these companies are
  and Innosight                                                                                                           odds in their favor.
                                                                                     led by long-tenured senior
                                                                                     leaders or leaders who have
» Research Methodology                                                               recently taken the baton from a

                                © 2020 Huron Consulting Group Inc. and affiliates.                                                                          21
» Executive Summary
                                There is a popular saying,                           transformation champion,             securing today (Transformation
                                generally attributed as a                            Singtel, began its                   A) while planting the seeds of
» Introducing ASEAN’s           Chinese proverb, that says:                          transformation journey coming        innovation in the downturn to
  Transformation Champions
                                                                                     out of the global financial crisis   create tomorrow’s business
                                “The best time to plant a tree                       in 2010.                             (Transformation B).
» Three Transformation Themes   was 20 years ago. The second                                                              Strategically diversified
                                best time is now.”                                   The key to corporate longevity       companies with twin growth
» Future Champions                                                                   is the ability to continuously       engines are more resistant,
                                Companies seeing signs of                            reinvent today while planting        ensuring a greater readiness for
» Conclusion: The Best          disruptive change should act                         the trees that create tomorrow.      the next global shock. Each of
  Time to Plant a Tree          before they need to. Further,                        A recessionary environment           the five ASEAN transformation
                                hope is not lost for companies                       can help companies to make           champions spotlighted in this
                                that have been caught flat-                          overdue hard choices while also      report has managed to do this,
» Profiles: Transformation
                                footed by the COVID-19 crisis.                       creating opportunities to plant      and the eight future champions
                                Many great companies were                            trees due to lower commodity         have started their journeys. We
                                founded during downturns. IBM                        prices, cost-conscious               believe all forward-thinking
» Profiles: Future Champions    started in the panic of 1896;                        customers ready for disruptive       ASEAN organizations should
                                Disney started just before the                       new products or services, and        take inspiration from these
» About the Authors             Great Depression in 1923;                            increased availability of talent.    stories to build resilience in their
  and Innosight                 Burger King, during the V-                                                                core businesses while
                                shaped recession in 1953;                            As leaders reassess strategies       simultaneously turning
» Research Methodology          Microsoft, during economic                           and priorities for a post-           disruptive threats into
                                stagnation in 1975; and Airbnb,                      COVID-19 environment, a dual         opportunity by planting trees
                                during the global financial crisis                   transformation approach helps        now.
                                of 2008. Also, one ASEAN                             disaggregate the challenge of
                                © 2020 Huron Consulting Group Inc. and affiliates.                                                                               22
» Executive Summary             Country Singapore
                                                                                                                           Singaporean multinational banking
                                Industry Banking                                                                           and financial services provider
» Introducing ASEAN’s           Revenue US$10.2 billion
  Transformation Champions
                                Employees Around 28,000                                                                    CEO Piyush Gupta
                                Beginning of Transformation 2013
» Three Transformation Themes                                                                                              “Transformation is infinite, and it’s
                                Transformation Story: Traditional regional bank transforms                                 an ongoing process. We are setting
                                into a global digital platform company, around a cultural vision                           bolder goals and continuously
» Future Champions              of a “28,000-person startup.”                                                              reinventing ourselves.”
                                                                                                                                                             — Paul Cobban,
                                                                                                                             Chief Data and Transformation Officer, DBS Bank
» Conclusion: The Best                                                                                                                                       Source: HRM Asia

  Time to Plant a Tree
                                                                                                   For DBS Bank, the decision to transform stemmed from a
                                FROM TRADITIONAL TO                                                fundamental realization that, with the advent of new fintech
» Profiles: Transformation
                                DIGITAL-FIRST BANKING                                              players, incumbents would have to pursue digitization in order
                                                                                                   to survive.
                                GANDALF.                                                           DBS’ digital transformation strategy has been centered on
                                The fictional character from The Lord of the Rings became the      three core principles. First, that the bank had to be digital
» Profiles: Future Champions                                                                       to the core and not just apply “digital lipstick.” This meant
                                rallying call for transformation at DBS. The first letters of
                                Google, Amazon, Netflix, Apple, LinkedIn and Facebook              reimagining its legacy technology architecture to make
» About the Authors             together spell GANALF. DBS aspired to provide the missing          it API-based. Second, it focused on embedding itself in
                                “D” by transforming itself into a technology company.              the customer journey. The final principle was to transform
  and Innosight                                                                                    its culture.

» Research Methodology

                                © 2020 Huron Consulting Group Inc. and affiliates.                                                                                              23
» Executive Summary
                                Acting on these principles has enabled DBS to deliver on its                                                  systems. By 2019, more than 400 partners were connected to
                                transformation strategy.                                                                                      DBS through its API platform.30
» Introducing ASEAN’s           In 2019, its digital banking platform, digibank, was used by                                                  DBS has also made progress to become increasingly
  Transformation Champions      3.25 million customers for everyday transactions such as                                                      data-driven, with the bank running more than 150 projects
                                payments and investments. DBS’ digital customers are now                                                      leveraging advanced analytics.
                                52% of its total customers, versus 33% in 2015, and are twice
» Three Transformation Themes   as profitable as traditional customers.29
                                                                                                                                              DBS has come a long way since it first started its
                                                                                                                                              transformation journey. In 2019, it became the first bank in the
                                DBS launched the world’s largest application protocol                                                         world to simultaneously hold three prestigious titles. They are
» Future Champions              interface (API) platform in 2017, where financial and retail                                                  “Bank of the Year” (The Banker), “Best Bank in the World”
                                partners could invisibly integrate DBS’ capabilities into their                                               (Global Finance) and “World’s Best Bank” (Euromoney).31

» Conclusion: The Best
  Time to Plant a Tree
                                                                                                                                                                           FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE
                                   DUAL TRANSFORMATION                                                         REVENUE BREAKUP
» Profiles: Transformation                                                                                                                                                       SINCE 2013*
                                                TRANSFORMATION A
                                                Reposition Today                                                                                                             Revenue
                                                Digitization of                                                                                                          CAGR (‘13-’19)
» Profiles: Future Champions       A            Banking Services (‘13)                                                         3.4                       33%
                                                                                                                               Billion USD
» About the Authors                                                                                                                                                                            8.8%
                                                 TRANSFORMATION B                                                                                                        CAGR (‘13-’19)
  and Innosight                                  Create Tomorrow
                                                                                                       Digital customers contributed                                               TSR     82% vs. 19%
» Research Methodology
                                   B             API Platform (‘17)                                     one-third of DBS’ revenue                                              (‘13-’19)   (for STI index)
                                                                                                                 in FY 2019
                                29,30,31   DBS Annual Report 2019

                                * Starting year of transformation | All figures used for CAGRs are in local currency. Innosight analysis of Capital IQ and Datastream.

                                © 2020 Huron Consulting Group Inc. and affiliates.                                                                                                                               24
» Executive Summary
                                Country Singapore
                                                                                                                       Singapore's designated public
                                Industry Postal services                                                               postal licensee
» Introducing ASEAN’s
                                Revenue US$930 million
  Transformation Champions
                                Employees Around 5,500                                                                 CEO Paul Coutts
                                                                                                                       “SingPost embarked on transformation years ago
                                Beginning of Transformation 2004                                                       to future proof our business, and in recent times,
» Three Transformation Themes                                                                                          we are ensuring that our people are well equipped
                                Transformation Story: Postal services provider                                         to embrace change. Our focus will continue to be
                                diversifies and transforms into a postal, logistics and                                on transformation, riding on disruptions within the
                                                                                                                       industry and connecting communities in this
» Future Champions              property services provider.                                                            digital age.”
                                                                                                                                                             — Paul Coutts,
                                                                                                                                                             CEO, SingPost
» Conclusion: The Best                                                                                                                            Source: Innosight interview
  Time to Plant a Tree
                                                                                               Singapore Post (SingPost) transformed itself from a mail
                                FROM POSTAL TO LOGISTICS                                       carrier to a logistics and e-commerce fulfillment services
» Profiles: Transformation
                                AND PROPERTY SERVICES                                          provider. SingPost leveraged its logistics and operational
                                                                                               capabilities to launch a full suite of services for e-commerce
                                Digitization has completely transformed the way we             businesses, including front-end web management,
                                communicate. Email has replaced letter writing, and            warehousing and fulfillment, last-mile delivery, international
» Profiles: Future Champions    companies now prefer communicating electronically with their   freight forwarding and digital marketing.
                                customers instead of sending pamphlets.
                                                                                               It pursued its new growth business through strategic
» About the Authors                                                                            acquisitions (Quantium Solutions; 2009) along with
  and Innosight                 For a postal services provider, this spells one word —         organic investments (US$140 million for an e-commerce
                                disruption. To counter this disruption in its core business,   logistics hub).32,33

» Research Methodology

                                32 Singapore Post News Release   | 33 SingPost Press Release

                                © 2020 Huron Consulting Group Inc. and affiliates.                                                                                              25
» Executive Summary
                                Since launching, SingPost's new business efforts have                                                         Since undergoing this transformation, SingPost has gone
                                borne fruit with 38% of overall revenue coming from its                                                       through several challenges, including a sudden departure of
» Introducing ASEAN’s           logistics business (including e-commerce) and 6% from its                                                     the CEO in 2016 and the 2019 bankruptcy of its U.S.-based
                                property business (comprising commercial property rental                                                      e-commerce subsidiaries. While it has outperformed notable
  Transformation Champions
                                and self-storage services) in fiscal year 2019-20.                                                            peers in mature high-GDP markets like Japan (Japan Post),
                                                                                                                                              the U.K. (Royal Mail) and the Netherlands (PostNL), it still lags
                                In parallel to the new growth initiatives, in its core business
» Three Transformation Themes   operations of postal services, SingPost focused on operational
                                                                                                                                              the likes of Deutsche Post DHL, whose growth template it
                                                                                                                                              aspires to adapt.34 Over the period of 2004-2019, an
                                efficiency through post and parcel integration, self-drop
                                                                                                                                              investment of US$10,000 in SingPost would have yielded
                                boxes, and delivery tracking. It has also launched new services
» Future Champions              such as bill payments and mailroom management services. In
                                                                                                                                              37% higher returns than the same investment in a basket of
                                                                                                                                              its global peers**. Per CEO Paul Coutts, "SingPost is
                                recent years, SingPost has doubled down on digitization of its
                                                                                                                                              well-positioned to capitalize on the ASEAN region's booming
» Conclusion: The Best          postal business by introducing initiatives such as automated
                                                                                                                                              e-commerce market.“35
                                self-service post offices and digital sales advisory services.
  Time to Plant a Tree
                                                                                                                                                                            FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE
                                     DUAL TRANSFORMATION                                                       REVENUE BREAKUP
» Profiles: Transformation                                                                                                                                                       SINCE 2004*
                                              TRANSFORMATION A
                                              Reposition Today                                                                                                                Revenue
                                              Streamlining of                                                                                                            CAGR (‘04-’19)
» Profiles: Future Champions         A        Postal Services (‘04)                                                         409                         44%
                                                                                                                              Million USD
» About the Authors                                                                                                                                                                                                 0.8%
                                               TRANSFORMATION B                                                                                                          CAGR (‘04-’19)
  and Innosight                                Create Tomorrow
                                                                        SingPost’s revenue from its                                                                                  TSR                 132% vs. 166%
» Research Methodology               B         Logistics and Property logistics and property business
                                               Business (‘09)
                                                                                                                                                                                 (‘04-’19)                (for STI index)
                                                                              in FY 2019-2020
                                34   CNBC | 35 Business Times
                                * Starting year of transformation | All figures used for CAGRs are in local currency. Innosight analysis of Capital IQ and Datastream.

                                ** Innosight Analysis | Deutsche Post, PostNL, Austria Post, Belgian Post, Royal Mail, Japan Post (respective market index returns were considered for the years these companies were not listed between 2004-2019)

                                © 2020 Huron Consulting Group Inc. and affiliates.                                                                                                                                                              26
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