Emsland nEws - Edition 2019/2020 - Emsland Group

Page created by Scott Fernandez
Emsland nEws - Edition 2019/2020 - Emsland Group
The magazine for business partners and employees

  E dit i o n 2019/2020
Emsland nEws - Edition 2019/2020 - Emsland Group
Emsland-Service GmbH once again part of the Emsland Group 	         04
Investment and modernisation projects spanning all Group locations  05
The Emsland Group presents its first sustainability report          08

Sales & Marketing
Nestlé bestows its Supplier Award 2019, the Emsland Group among the recipients09
The Emsland Group expands its presence in the key market Asia Pacific market 10
Adivec – Our agency from France makes its introduction                        11
The Emsland Group announces its strategic
partnership with the IMPAG Group in Poland                                    12
Extensive trade fair participation by the Emsland Group                       12
Emsland Group a sponsoring partner for regional sports clubs                  15

Emsland Innovation
Cheese cake – clean label with Empure® ES 300                                  16
Emspray® KA 2 – the multi-functional starch                                    17
New functional starches for cheese alternatives and for use in confectionary   17
Functional pea starch Emes® EA 05 for fish products                            18
Emsize® CMS 60 E for the textile industry                                      18
New product developments based on alternative starches                         18
Potato starch for packaging                                                    19
Conserving role with our poster adhesives                                      19
New product Emes® EA 05 in fish food                                           20
Master’s thesis in R&D/Innovation successfully completed                       20

Total Quality Management
Occupational health & safety remain key topic areas                            21
The Emsland Group takes the topic of psychological stress seriously            22
Second inter-plant IMS-Workshop in Hagenow                                     23
Creation of a new standardisation committee for technical materials            26
MAWI 2020 marks the strategic realignment of Materials Management              27

Human Ressources
The Emsland Group welcomes new apprentices                                     28
Trainer day in Emlichheim                                                      30
Your career – both during and after an apprenticeship                          31
Business meets talent – The Emsland Group does its bit
for the Emsland Scholarship („EmslandStipendium”)                              32
New vocational apprenticeship homepage created                                 33
Plenty of action on the hottest day ever recorded                              33
The Emsland Group’s sporting achievements                                      34
The Emsland Group hosts a personal anniversary celebration                     37
The Emsland Group supports Emlichheim’s primary school                         38
Future Day offers a look into the Emsland Group                                39
A legend departs                                                               40
Purchasing says goodbye simultaneously to
two long-standing colleagues as they enter retirement                          41
Anniversaries                                                                  42
Recruitments                                                                   43
Emsland nEws - Edition 2019/2020 - Emsland Group
                                                                                                                          Innovation    03

Dear business partners and employees,
in a time in which many developments are occupying mankind         building additives, as well as for new applications and innova-
worldwide, our goal as a group of companies has become all         tions, should be mentioned here.
the more important: to be a strong, reliable partner for our           Professional maintenance and servicing of the technical
customers, suppliers, and last but not least employees. A          equipment allows for optimum production. We understand
partner who has given itself the task of optimally accompa-        that the necessary know-how must be available within the
nying our business partners through various developments,          Group. For this reason, we are very pleased that in 2019 we
whether it be market developments, customer requirements, or       succeeded in reintegrating maintenance into the group of
challenges in the cultivation and procurement of raw materials.    companies through the takeover of Emsland-Service GmbH,
    This last year was also used to further pursue this goal       thus correcting a mistake made in the past. We would like to,
together. On the procurement side, it became clear that the        once again, extend a warm welcome to our “new” colleagues
“Raw Material Security Program”, which was launched in 2018,       in the Group.
was the right measure with which we could secure our raw               Together, the company has achieved a lot in recent years.
material base for the long term in 2019. The 2019 harvest,         This is not the least due to the fact that, despite the general
which has just ended, was the second harvest in a row in our       trend of a shortage of skilled workers, we were able to register
region in which record-breaking heat of over 40 degrees            a great deal of interest in advertised positions and were able
Celsius was experienced, confirming once again how import-         to fill jobs with well-trained and motivated employees.
ant it is to sustainably strengthen the basis of our success,          We would like to take this opportunity to thank our
namely the procurement of natural raw materials through            producers, who have had two difficult harvests, our customers
our contract farmers.                                              and suppliers, and last but not least our employees for what
    Due to the timely measures taken in the raw materials          they have achieved. You can read a part of these achievements
area, which represented an extraordinary financial burden          in Emsland News.
for the company, it has been possible for us to continuously
                                                                   We hope that the news is exciting, interesting, and fun to
supply our customers despite the extreme weather of the
last two years, and we are proud to say that we will also be
able to continue to supply our customers.
    As a strong, reliable partner, our task is not to simply
fulfill the quantitative and qualitative requirements of our
customers but to exceed them. New business fields and
market trends must continue to be observed and anticipated
in good time. The first large, promising projects are already
being implemented.
    In addition to numerous other investments, which were
pushed forward at full speed this year as well, such as the
new dextrin factory in Kyritz, the new flake factory in Hagenow,
or the new raw material, auxiliary, and operating materials        Peter Höning   Gerrit-Jan Wesselink   Christian Kemper   Stefan Hannemann

warehouse in Emlichheim, further major investments are being
planned. The new autoclave equipment in Emlichheim for
Emsland nEws - Edition 2019/2020 - Emsland Group
04 Management

Emsland-Service GmbH once
again part of the Emsland Group
The reintegration of Emsland-Service GmbH                   in future for the implementation of its core
should be seen as a logical step in the consis-             competency within the disciplines of plant
tent development and expansion efforts of                   maintenance, purchasing, storage and the
the Group. With the company‘s takeover, the                 management of spare parts materials.
Emsland Group will bear again responsibility

The company Emsland-Service GmbH,           company‘s management team will be          connection is attributable to the close
which was spun-off in 1999, had until       expanded to include Gerrit-Jan Wesse-      corporation that exists with the parent
now operated as an independent              link (CEO of the Emsland Group) and        company.
company that belonged to the Werk-          Stefan Hannemann (COO). Emsland-Ser-           In addition to the 130 “new”
stätten Group in Nordhorn. In addition      vice GmbH will continue to be managed      employees, the Emsland Group will, in
to those existing business activities for   as a 100% subsidiary within the Group.     future, also be expanding the scope of
the Emsland Group, Emsland-Service              Emsland-Service sees itself as a       its apprenticeship training positions to
was also tasked with rendering services     versatile industrial service leader that   include industrial mechanics for
for other, external customers. These        boasts many years of experience within     maintenance, electronics technicians for
business relationships should remain in     the disciplines of mechanics and           industrial engineering and mechatronics
place in order that its core tasks remain   mechanical manufacturing, electrics,       specialists.
unchanged – as per continuity planning.     electronics and process control techno-        We warmly welcome all our (new)
    There have also been no changes to      logy, piping construction and HR           colleagues (back) into the Group.
the previous management team, headed        services, in particular within the
up by Mr. Jan Koops. However, the           chemical and food industries. This
Emsland nEws - Edition 2019/2020 - Emsland Group
Management      05

Investment and modernisation projects
spanning all Group locations
Whether it is from the standpoint of new                   modernisation measures. A whole host of such
market conditions, increasing demand, im-                  projects were either initiated or concluded at
proving productivity, tightening regulations               all Emsland Group company locations during
or simply structural considerations, there are             the 2018/19 financial year as part of a com-
numerous reasons that justify investment and               prehensive investment package.

                                                                                       Extensive renovation work
                                                                                       at the Wittingen plant
                                                                                       During the summer shutdown of 2019,
                                                                                       a number of measures were implemen-
                                                                                       ted to improve the building fabric of the
                                                                                       company‘s production plant in Wittingen.
                                                                                       Top priority was given to switching out
                                                                                       the first level flooring in the production
                                                                                       building. Large expanses of flooring and
                                                                                       flumes located within production were
                                                                                       also subject to extensive renovation.
                                                                                       The end result was slip-resistant floor
                                                                                       tiling and new flumes. As an additional
                                                                                       optimisation measure, the layer winder
                                                                                       was replaced by a new stretch hood. The
The construction of a                          In addition, the project involving      new hood does not create overlapping
dextrin-factory and new                    the construction of a new dextrin factory   layers, meaning that the finished result
PPL warehouse in Kyritz:                   is now in full flow. With a production      is protected against moisture and offers
At the company‘s location in Kyritz,       output of roughly 16,000 tonnes of          a higher degree of protection against
three new storage silos have been built    dextrin and dried starch each year,         insects. Furthermore, initiating a wrapping
to hold PPL (Potato Protein Liquid). In    this construction project will culminate    film change “on-the-fly” is also possible
doing so, the Emsland Group is reacting    in the creation of eight new jobs at the    without shutting down.
to a market optimisation process           company‘s location in Kyritz. The Emsland
triggered by the tightening of Germany’s   Group also sees a growth market in
Fertiliser Ordinance, which in future      coatings and, with it, increased demand
does not envisage the spreading of PPL     for dextrin. Completion here is also
on agricultural surfaces during specific   scheduled for December 2019, with the
timeframes. Furthermore, internal          roofing ceremony already having taken
transport costs have been eliminated       place with Mr Martin Schmidt, Mr
thanks to the expanded storage             Gerrit-Jan Wesselink and Mayoress Ms
capacity. Completion is scheduled          Nora Görke and accompanied by some
for the end of 2019.                       wonderful festivities.
Emsland nEws - Edition 2019/2020 - Emsland Group
06 Management

Fascinating technology in                   A new laboratory room, a new                 expand the plant‘s infrastructure. The
use at the company plant                    raw materials and consumables                new production department – which
in Cloppenburg                              hall and a new derivatives                   itself reaches over 30 m in height –
At the company plant in Cloppenburg,        department at the company                    will be home to cutting-edge plant
an opto-electronic foreign body             site in Emlichheim                           and machine equipment, which will be
detection system has been installed. The    Without doubt, the largest project           assembled to form a complete system.
new equipment was installed during a        taking place at the main plant operated      Commissioning is planned for the
campaign break for production lines 3       by the Emsland Group is the new              summer of 2021.
and 4 on site. Thanks to this high-tech     construction of the “drum dryer                  In addition, a new warehouse has
equipment, in-line sorting has now          autoclave”. With an investment volume        been built at the company location, a
become a reality – meaning that foreign     exceeding €33.9 million, a plant is being    facility that has been optimally designed
matter still potentially present in the     built in which potato and pea starch are     for the storage and provision of raw
potato stream (such as corncobs) can        subject to extensive physical and            materials, consumables and supplies.
now be removed. The deployment of           chemical modification and then dried in      The new build spans a floor area of
opto-electronic identification technology   sophisticated pressure reactors, in order    6,000 m²: it is 60 m wide and 100 m
means that foreign bodies can be            to meet the highest demands required         long, and its maximum height stands at
detected and removed from the product       by technical applications. The expansive     just under 13 m. Two external loading
stream. Given that the disruption           product range produced here enjoys a         zones have been created for trucks to
frequency with the pulps was able to        wide variety of applications both in the     load and unload accordingly; this setup
be minimised, the drum dryers can           surfactant and textile industries, as well   means that, unlike before, trucks no
now produce top-quality potato flakes       as in large areas of the construction and    longer have to enter the warehouse.
without interruption or downtime.           adhesive industries. The old installation        There is also newly created laboratory
Following appropriate training and          used for the production of autoclaved        and office space for Analytics. These
instruction, the plant was successfully     starches will be decommissioned and          new premises are characterised by their
put into operation on the two production    fully rebuilt. Given that such an under-     generous share of spacious, well-lit
lines.                                      taking is not without a significant          room. Going forward, laboratory work
                                            amount of effort, many other small           can be better organised and structured,
                                            and medium-sized projects will be            thus having an impact on both the end
                                            undertaken at the company‘s location         result and employee satisfaction
                                            in Emlichheim, in order to improve and
Emsland nEws - Edition 2019/2020 - Emsland Group
Management     07

                                               Four new drum dryers                      modernisation efforts are currently
                                               at the Hagenow location                   running in tandem. The potato cutting
                                               The construction of the new flake         line and the peeling area have already
                                               factory at the production location in     seen their mechanical preparations
                                               Hagenow continues to advance with         completed. Furthermore, new cookers,
                                               great success. With the installation of   blanching machines and coolers have
                                               four new drum dryers, the Emsland         been installed, along with diverse
                                               Group has once again been able to         platforms. Four new dryers and a
                                               underscore its leading market position    central potato collection point are also
                                               in the potato flakes sector and, with     being built at the location, which will
                                               that, the snack sector worldwide. By      lead to a substantial improvement in
Commissioning a PPL                            doubling its capacity at the company‘s    workflow. As part of this transformation
warehouse in Golßen                            location in Hagenow, steady growth        process, an additional six silos were also
Right on time for the 2019/20 potato           in its customer base can be achieved      built. The Group‘s investment volume
campaign, two storage bins used to hold        while, over the long term, enhanced       at its production location in Hagenow
Potato Protein Liquid were brought into        planning security is now ensured. Such    – standing at approximately €35 million
operation at the end of August.                conditions also mean that an additional   – has been secured without subsidies,
    This move was in response to the           24,000 tonnes of flakes can be produced   and will also create a number of new
new provisions set out by the European         each year.                                jobs at the site. Furthermore, nearly
Union with regard to the Fertiliser                At the company premises in Meck-      200 existing jobs will also be secured.
Ordinance. Therein, the significantly          lenburg-Western Pomerania, additional     The right step towards a bright future.
expanded blocking periods relating to
the spreading of liquids on agricultural
land have been regulated. Further
difficulties have also arisen as a result of
the tightening of Ordinance regulations
pertaining to the equipment used for
handling water-endangering substances
(AwSV), which have now replaced the
previous Ordinance with significantly
stricter provisions.
    The tank plant has a capacity of
7,500 m³ and is therefore able to cover
the amount of PPL produced during the
potato campaign.
Emsland nEws - Edition 2019/2020 - Emsland Group
08 Management

Numerous new builds at the                    a volume of 4,800 m³. In conjunction             By undertaking so many new-build
company plant in Wietzendorf                  with the new construction of root            projects and expansion work, the
At the company location in Wietzendorf,       cellars, a soil storage facility has also    Emsland Group is setting a clear signal
a large number of new-build projects          been planned, which will cover a wide        in a global market: by charting a course
were started in the 2018/19 financial         area. A hydrocyclone plant is also           that sets out to secure its strong product
year. New-build projects that have            planned as part of an additional             group, its various locations and, with
already gotten underway include,              new-build project. The installation of a     that, and create jobs. The Emsland
among others, a PPL tank storage              new potato pump as well as the               Group has created a strong footing for
facility and a corresponding loading          commissioning of a new low-voltage           the future thanks to its new investment
pump station. In addition to a                main distribution board have already         activities, and can look forward to
trans-shipping point, three new cont-         been completed.                              establishing an ever more professional
ainers are also being erected, each with                                                   and far-reaching presence in the market
                                                                                           going forward.

The Emsland Group presents
its first sustainability report
The sustainability report „Using Nature to Create” is the first
sustainability report brought out by the Emsland Group. With this
report, we would like to offer our customers, suppliers, co-workers
and the broader population living in and around our production
locations and cultivation areas some key insight into how we
handle our most important resource: nature.

Even though this is the first sustainabili-   FutureCamp Climate GmbH and Fähr-            yees, the Research and Development
ty report to be published by us, the topic    mann Unternehmensberatung from               department and the entire value chain,
of environmental and social sustainabili-     Munich, as well as our internal Marke-       while also providing key figures based
ty has long played a structured and           ting, Energy and Environmental Ma-           on GRI standards. Our first sustainability
integrated role within our business           nagement Departments, we have                report can be viewed on our homepage:
activity, and how we perceive ourselves       facilitated comprehensive insight into           https://www.emsland-group.de/
in our actions. The underlying basis is a     our sustainability practices for the first   sustainability
consistent yet cautious approach to the       time. The report draws attention to the
most important resource at our disposal       areas of raw materials, products, the        Our sustainability report is due to be
– nature. Together with the companies         environment, society, company emplo-         published in future at regular intervals.
Emsland nEws - Edition 2019/2020 - Emsland Group
Sales & Marketing   09

Nestlé confers Supplier Award 2019,
Emsland Group among the best suppliers
Nestlé Deutschland AG conferred its Supplier                   service and cooperation as well as sustainability
Award for the fourth time. The award is                        and flexibility, stand for an extraordinarily
presented to exemplary suppliers who, on                       successful partnership.
the basis of core criteria such as innovation,

Nestlé is one of the largest food             the application technology level,               Considering that the Emsland Group
producers in the world and has been           reliability of supply and delivery,         is the only raw material supplier honored
an important business partner of the          flexibility and responsible sourcing. The   with an award, this is an even more
Emsland Group for many years. The             Emsland Group impressed the jury with:      successful result.
award ceremony took place in Frank-           • Close cooperation between R&D                The award is the result of the joint
furt-Niederrad, where Nestlé Germany             and recipe optimization to achieve       effort by all departments involved and
CEO Marc Boersch and Purchasing                  Clean Label standards                    years of optimization in the areas of
Manager Gaby Symonds thanked their            • 100% delivery rate                        production, quality management, SCM
suppliers. Around 100 guests attended         • Introduction and successful imple-       and innovation.
the award ceremony – including                   mentation of the VMI structure
representatives of the 20 suppliers              (procurement and planning portal)        Further information available at:
nominated in advance. The Emsland             • The highest rating for responsible       https://www.nestle.de/medien/
Group won the Bronze Supplier Award.             sourcing (Smeta)                         medieninformationen/
Coming in third out of more than 11,000                                                   gold-regen-f%c3%bcr-
suppliers was an excellent result. Nestlé’s                                               nestl%c3%a9-zulieferer
jury based their decision on the following
criteria: innovation and cooperation at
Emsland nEws - Edition 2019/2020 - Emsland Group
10 Sales & Marketing

Emsland Group expands presence
in key Asia Pacific market
Asian markets continue to be among
the fastest-growing in the world. For
the Emsland Group, the region is also
one of the strongest for sales and has
major customers that have been buying
quality products from our company
for many years.
    In the future, the aim is to expand
our market presence and optimize our
offer for both existing and potential
customers alike. With this in mind,
recent months have seen a lot of
development in the Emsland Group’s
activities in the Asian region.
    In addition to Emsland Innovation        application technology sales, local         through the customer service in our
Germany – the innovative heart that          customer service for the region has         head office. The application center in
beats at the Emlichheim Central              been newly added and trained in             Bangkok is responsible for all tapioca
Location – the Bangkok-based Emsland         Germany. It will support regional           applications.
Innovation Asia has been in business for     customers from the Singapore location.          Comprehensive training courses are
several years. Here, application solutions   Appointing new employees has allowed        held regularly at the Emlichheim Central
are developed specifically for the Asian     customers to get even better service;       Location. During the training course in
market. In addition to reinforcements in     for example, inquiries can be handled       April 2019, for example, participants got
                                             in the same time zone. Furthermore,         an idea of the latest innovations and
                                             an office- and finance-manager will         the new crew in Singapore was trained.
                                             serve as an interface to the head office.       All in all, the Emsland Group is
                                                 To optimize the cooperation             highly committed and motivated to
                                             between Singapore and Germany new           serve the Asia/Pacific region and its
                                             way of working are being established        local customers. With the new setup,
                                             at the Emlichheim Customer Service          the Group is closer to the market and
                                             Centre. Incoming orders, logistics and      will be able to have a stronger local
                                             the back office for potato and pea          presence to grow and build its position
                                             products will continue to be coordinated    in the future.
                                                                                                               Sales & Innovation
                                                                                                                        Marketing   11

Adivec – Our agency from
France makes its introduction
Since 1989, the company Adivec has           gluten substitutes and lecithins for the        Adivec serves a broad range of clients,
channelled its efforts into the sale of      food industry, as well as enzymes for the       including manufacturers of the following
natural raw materials and the develop-       paper industry.                                 products: gnocchi, snacks, cheese analo-
ment of natural solutions for the food,          For a significant period of time, sales     gues, mixed products, meal products,
adhesives, textile and paper industries.     operations for the Emsland Group were           ready meals, pasta. At present, the
    The company, based in France,            focused on the technical sector (paper,         company is focusing on developing
maintains several exclusive partnerships     adhesives, textiles). Due to the competitive    the distribution of proteins for the
with foreign companies. The Emsland          separation of potato and cereal starches        meat replacement and food industries.
Group is the most important partner.         as well as the refocusing of business               In 30 years of cooperation with the
    The core competency is starch (made      activities by the Emsland Group on              Emsland Group, Adivec has been able
from potato, wheat, etc.). As the largest    potato starch for the food industry             to track ongoing developments taking
supplier at present, Adivec is also the      and potato dehydrates, Adivec has also          shape within product development, R&D
most important distributor of starch         decided in favour of this concept and           capabilities and production capacity. It
in France. Over the years, its product       is now focusing its development efforts         is for this reason that the agency is
portfolio has expanded to include a          on the food industry.                           immensely proud of its cooperation with
range of complementary products such             Its client base includes small businesses   the Emsland Group.
as: texturing agents, natural dyes, waxes,   and international companies alike.
12 Sales & Marketing

Emsland Group announce a strategic
partnership with IMPAG Group in Poland
The Emsland Group is pleased to announ-         “We have worked with IMPAG in            our commitment to offer our Polish
ce its new strategic partnership with        Switzerland already since more than 20      customers sustainable top quality
IMPAG Group in Poland.                       years. We trust in them as a reliable       ingredients from world class producers,”
   Through this strategic partnership,       partner with excellent supply chain         said Thomas Eglin (Business Unit Director
Emsland Groups sales structure in Poland     facilities combined with a focus on         Nutrition & Health Impag Group).
will be fully reorganized. Starting from     application knowledge” (Christian              For more information feel free to
January 1st 2019 IMPAG Poland will take      Kemper, CSO Emsland Group)                  contact Ms. Julia Przychodzka (julia.
over the distributorship for Emsland’s          “We are delighted to extend our long     przychodzka@impag.pl)
product portfolio for the food industry,     term partnership with Emsland Group
including native starches, modified starch   to the Polish market. This great addition
and fibres based on pea and potato as        of our product portfolio with pea and
well as potato flakes and granules.          potato based products demonstrates

Extensive trade fair participation
by the Emsland Group
2019 was once again a year in which the                       by the experts from the Emsland Group were
Emsland Group was well represented at                         not only on hand as consultants, but also as
numerous trade fair events around the world.                  company spokespeople.
Stand sizes varied from 20 to 200 m², where-

Here is a brief excerpt from some of our     the German city of Papenburg. It was        that Emsland is a place well known for
trade fair appearances:                      there that, among other things, the         its large pig population, this congress
                                             project entitled “Flockung mit biologisch   proved to be the ideal place for the
EcoInnovations from Biomass,                 abbaubaren Flockungsmitteln” (“Floccu-      Group to present its key findings.
Papenburg: 13–15 March                       lation with biodegradable flocculants”)          The congress was also accompanied
True to the motto Innovative products        was presented to audience members. In       by the radio broadcaster NDR 1. A
made from regional and renewable raw         this project, our types of Emfloc® are      reporter also interviewed both experts
materials, the Emsland Group’s Dr.           tested on liquid pig manure, and a          on the subject, which was then broad-
Karl-Ludwig Woll and Hermann-Josef           process for its application is being        cast on the radio.
Melcher took part in the “EcoInnovations     developed together with the University
from Biomass” congress in March, held in     of Applied Sciences in Münster. Given
                                                                                                           Sales & Innovation
                                                                                                                    Marketing   13

Vitafoods, Geneva: 7– 9 May                  IFT Annual Meeting & Food                  SnackEx, Barcelona:
Thanks to its repeat participation in the    Expo, New Orleans: 2–5 June                27–28 June
Vitafoods event, the Emsland Group           Once again, the Emsland Group put in       The SnackEx event hosted in Barcelona
once again showed how important it           an appearance at the IFT trade fair in     was, as in previous years, a magnet for
believes the topic of health-conscious       the USA. With its open and informative     visitors, drawing in over 2,000 professio-
nutrition to be for the Group. Pro-          stand design, the Group was present at     nals and 160 exhibiting companies from
tein-rich products are a popular choice      the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center     all over the world. The Emsland Group
in what is a growing trend towards a         in New Orleans from 3 - 5 June this        rounded off a hugely successful show
consciously healthy lifestyle. In addition   year. At stand number 1909, the latest     and well attended trade fair appearance.
to animal proteins, the demand for plant     product innovations from Emsland were      Many visitors headed directly to the
alternatives is also on the rise. The pea,   put to the public.                         stand, including long-standing custo-
as a raw material, is increasingly being         Among other things, product            mers of the Group.
seen as a frontline contender among          optimisations applied to our Empro®            As a full range provider of potato
protein providers. Under the brand name      series were on show. Here, new textured    starch, modified and clean label starch,
Empro®, the Emsland Group operates a         and extruded proteins have been            as well as potato flakes and granules,
product line consisting of pea-based         successfully developed. In addition, new   the Emsland Group enjoys a prominent
proteins. The Empro® pea protein isolate     pea-based starch products and optimi-      position in the snack market. By striving
has begun establishing itself in nume-       sed clean label products were also on      to achieve its goal of continually expan-
rous applications as an alternative to       display. In the snack and confectionery    ding its leading position in the field of
animal or dairy protein sources. All new     segments too, the latest results were      flake production, the Group has invested
developments stemming from the               presented by our team to interested        €25 million in a new flake plant as well as
Empro® series were showcased at this         visitors.                                  in further modernisation measures at its
year’s Vitafood event and presented in           We look forward to welcoming you       production location in Hagenow. Local
great detail by our experts.                 once again at the IFT next year.           experts were also able to provide informa-
   The Emsland Group will also be                                                       tion about the new flake plant in
represented at an even larger stand in                                                  Hagenow, in addition to new product
2020. Feel free to visit us at stand                                                    developments. Visit us also in two years at
number C54 as was the case this year in                                                 the SnackEx 2021 in Hamburg on our
Geneva.                                                                                 booth number 513.
14 Sales & Marketing

                                                                                          Here is an overview of other
                                                                                          trade fair events attended by
                                                                                          the Emsland Group in 2019:
                                                                                          • F lorida IFT Supplier Night 2019,
                                                                                            Orlando: 12 February
                                                                                          • S teinfurt Bioenergy Symposium –
                                                                                            FH Steinfurt: 21 February
                                                                                          • IFT Southern Cali Suppliers Night,
                                                                                            Anaheim: 6 March
                                                                                          • RCA 2019, Louisville: 13–15 March
                                                                                          • E coInnovations from Biomass,
                                                                                            Papenburg: 13–15 March
                                                                                          •C  lean Label Conference,
                                                                                            Itasca: 26–27 March
                                                                                          • Vitafoods, Geneva: 7–9 May
Fi Asia, Bangkok:                             Fi Europe, Paris:                           • Industry Get-together on Adhesive
11–13 September                               3–5 December                                  Formulation, Bremen: 15–16 May
The Emsland Group was represented at          Probably the most significant trade         •2  019 Protein Trends & Technologies
the Food Ingredients Asia event from 11       fair event for food ingredients – Food        Seminar, Itasca: 21–22 May
- 13 September at an open stand. While        Ingredients Europe – is due to be held      • IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo,
at stand number B10 visitors were             this year in Paris, France. The Emsland       New Orleans: 2–5 June
shown the latest product developments         Group will be putting in an appearance      • S nackEx, Barcelona: 27–28 June
in snacks, confectionery and baked            at its spacious 200 m² stand, true to the   • F i Asia, Bangkok: 11–13 September
goods.                                        motto Go green with potato and pea.         •P  lant-Based Foods Course,
    Thanks to our on-site team of             Key topics this year include:                 Lille: 2–4 October
experts from Emsland Innovation Asia in       • Complete Snack Solutions                  • Anuga, Cologne: 5–9 October
Bangkok, we are currently developing          • Sugar Reduction                           • Nutrevent, Rennes: 22–23 October
application solutions specifically tailored   • Clean Label                               •G  ulfood Manufacturing,
to the Asian market. On balance, the          • Meat Alternatives                           Dubai: 29–31 October
Emsland Group is wholeheartedly               • Protein Power                             •C  hicago IFT Supplier Night,
committed to the Asia/Pacific region          • Gelatine Free Gums                          Chicago: 6 November
and its customer base there. Going            All these efforts ensure that the Emsland   • Fi Europe, Paris: 3–5 December
forward, our market presence will             Group will be offering innovative
continue to expand, while the product         products covering the broadest array of     A big thank-you to all visitors
offering to both prospective and              trends. Why not visit us at stand number    to our stands!
existing customers will see further           C121 and see for yourself?
    We will also be represented at the
Food Ingredients Asia being held in
Jakarta, Indonesia in 2020. Feel free
to visit us at stand number A-Q20.
Sales & Marketing   15

Emsland Group a sponsoring partner
for regional sports clubs
As the largest employer in the region, it is   from the Emsland Group. The SCU second
important for the Emsland Group to serve       division team from Emlichheim also
as team partners to sports clubs and offer     enjoys plenty of success and of course
them support. From the start of the            receives many forms of support from the
season, we will be a sponsoring partner        Emsland Group. And last but not least,
for the Handballspielgemeinschaft HSG          there are the HSG Nordhorn-Lingen, who
Nordhorn-Lingen (a handball club), SV          have been promoted to the top German
Meppen (a soccer club), the Jugendleis-        professional handball league: the
tungszentrum Emsland (a regional soccer        Handball-Bundesliga. All teams stand for
development program), and the SCU              ambition, success and consistency – traits
Emlichheim volleyball program.                 that the Emsland Group assigns a great
   The Jugendleistungszentrum                  deal of value to.
Emsland’s very successful U16 Juniors
currently sit atop the standings and are       We hope that everything goes well for all
looking forward to receiving new jerseys       of the teams in the coming season!
16 Emsland Innovation

Cheese cake –
clean label with Empure® ES 300
The Emsland Group can expand its pro-              It is especially interesting that cakes
duct portfolio with the newly developed        with either of these starches also feature      Process:
pea-based starch Empure® ES 300.               freeze-thaw stability.                          • Mix whole eggs and sugar
    Its excellent gelling and texture              The properties of the respective end           for 2 min (highest shear rate,
properties also make Empure ES® 300            product can also be adapted by adding              Kitchen aid)
particularly suitable for use in cheesecake.   different dairy products. The higher the        • Add starch, stir in gently
    The result is an extremely smooth          fat content, the smoother the consistency.      •A  dd dairy product,
and creamy American-style cheesecake.              This allows our customers to choose            mix in for 30 sec
    If you want to produce a firmer            from a wide range of variations to adapt        •B  ake in a springform pan for
product, Empure® KS 100 is the right           the product to their needs.                        25 min at 150°C circulating heat
choice and yields a German-style                   German cheesecake, American-style           •R  efrigerate the cheese cake
cheesecake.                                    cheesecake, with shortcrust pastry or as           overnight
    Empure® ES 300 creates a sweet             a dessert with fruit sauce are just a few
taste experience, while Empure® KS 100         of the possible application examples.
brings out a subtle tart note.

                                                                                             Ingredient                  Amount %
                                                                                             Dairy product
                                                                                             (e.g. cream cheese
                                                                                             low fat/ full fat,
                                                                                             sour cream, Quark)          67,5
                                                                                             (e.g. Empure® KS 100,
                                                                                             Empure® ES 300 etc.)        5
                                                                                             Sugar                       18
                                                                                             Whole eggs                  9,5
                                                                                             SUM                         100,0
Emsland Innovation   17

Emspray® KA 2 – a multifunctional starch
                                            Application                                 Emspray® KA 2 is a multifunctional
                                            Emspray® KA 2 is a cold soluble starch      starch for
                                            which can be used in very high concent-
                                            rations. Based on its characteristics          Chews:
                                            (low viscosity, cold water soluble, film       Texturing
                                            forming, tackiness) it can be used in a        Cereal Bars:
                                            wide range of applications for various         Adhesive and sugar replacement
                                            reasons.                                        Coating:
Emsland Group is working on a complete          Main application field are confectio-       Film forming, clarity
new product range for the Food-Industry.    nery products, but also other applica-          Filling agent:
This new range of degraded starches is      tions are tested and looking promising.         Sugar reduction
very stable products, even in high                                                          Extruded confectionery:
concentrations. The first product of this                                                   Gelatin free sugar paste
range is Emspray® KA 2. For the further
production Emsland Group will invested
in a high modern and full automatic
jet-cocker line.

New functional starches for cheese
alternatives and for use in confectionery
           The Emsland Group has successfully expan-                    underlying circumstances affecting raw
           ded its portfolio of starches and, subsequent-               materials. This has led to the development of
           ly, is now able to react to potential climate-or             numerous products within the food sector as
           cultivation-related fluctuations with predic-                part of an ambitious objective.
           table stability, and independently of the

The products Emes® EOA 30, Emes®            and grated cheese or for cheese slices      as well as vegan cheese alternatives /
ESA 15 and Emes® ESA 25 offer new           (for toasting). Emes® ESA 15 forms an       products.
functional pea starches with excellent      elastic gel with similarly outstanding          The above-mentioned products also
properties for use in cheese alternatives   melting and grating properties and          have excellent gelling and texture
/ analogues and also for confectionery.     a good stretch. Emes® ESA 15 and            properties for confectionery and can
    Emes® EOA 30 forms a hard gel           Emes® ESA 25 can be used in block           be used for manufacturing wine gums,
and is characterised by excellent           and grated cheese, cheese slices and,       fruit gums, liquorice and other types
grating /rasping, outstanding melting       thanks to excellent spreading proper-       of sweets.
properties, and can be used in block        ties, also in cheese spread analogues,
18 Emsland Innovation

Functional pea starch
Emes® EA 05 for fish products
Thanks to its functional properties,           – are added to the raw mixture. This mass
Emes® EA 05 is particularly suited to          is then heated before being formed into
the production of fish products such           an imitation seafood look.
as surimi.                                          Given its special modification, Emes®
    Surimi is the name given to an             EA 05 possesses outstanding gelling
imitation product for seafood. The             properties, meaning that it has a decisive
products are made from white fish,             influence on the texture of Surimu
which is broken down into a ground             products. Emes® EA 05 is also characte-
mass. In order to create an elastic texture,   rised by its excellent solubility as well
additional products – including starch         as its acidic and freeze-thaw stability.

Emsize® CMS 60 E for the textile industry
We have taken another step towards                 Emsize® CMS 60 E is an extruded          be combined with other sizing agents,
expanding our portfolio with the               sizing agent for textile application and     can be quickly washed without enzymes
recently developed product Emsize®             is based on our pea starch raw material.     and is easily biodegradable.
CMS 60, which means we can react                   Emsize® CMS 60 E can be used with            Several process tests with a range of
in a more stable manner to climatic or         cotton and is characterized by its           clients point to a rapid market establish-
cultivation fluctuations, with greater         outstanding sizing effects. It forms very    ment.
independence from the respective raw           flexible films and has high adhesion
material situation.                            properties. Emsize® CMS 60 E can also

New product developments
based on alternative starches
Newly developed starches based on pea              An internal project group has been       development and product manage-
as a raw material were also launched           set up to coordinate these efforts with      ment, R&D, production, quality
within Emsland Groups Specialties              greater efficacy. Participants originate     assurance, SCM and sales. Product
during the previous fiscal year.               from management/application/                 developments based on our raw
Emsland Innovation   19

material pea starch will be given               The project currently includes 21            In addition to many new develop-
priority. Additional focal points such as   newly developed products from the            ments that have already been success-
increased supply assurance, greater         following modification fields: extruder      fully implemented, positive customer
flexibility thanks to a broader product     (e.g. Emcol® EST), mixing (e.g. Emcat®       feedback indicates that further applica-
portfolio, and the exploitation of          LC 70 P, Emsize® E 5 Plus), oxidation        tions are possible.
available resources and raw materials       (e.g. Emes® EOA 30, Emcat® LC 40 S)
represent the goals and aspirations of      and the rolling mill department (e.g.
the Group.                                  Emset® types).

Potato Starch for Packaging
Located in Westheim, Bavaria, Abel is           Now, not least for ecological reasons,
a highly innovative manufacturer of         they have decided to use a special starch
corrugated board packaging. The             based on potatoes. Especially for this a
company was founded in 1997 and             new glue processing station has been
has developed into one of the leading       bought.
manufacturers of shipping and protective        The company is thus very well-posi-
packaging in recent years.                  tioned for the future and can always
    For years now, they have used a         quickly produce the adhesive in-house,
liquide glue to laminate the procorruga-    as required and with consistent quality.
ted board packagings.

Use of preservatives
in our poster adhesives
OhWithout the protective effects of         avoid/minimize the use of dangerous          cation, labelling and packaging of
preservatives and when used in an           materials. In the case of Emcol® KCB 5,      substances and mixtures). Improving the
aqueous solution, our Emcol® KCB 5,         Emcol® UK-C as well as Emcol® UK-CP,         formulas has a major positive impact on
Emcol® UK-C and Emcol® UK-CP                however, it has now been possible to         the protective measures and rules of
products for use as a poster adhesive       successfully develop a solution.             conduct when handling our products.
offer a breeding ground for microorga-         The new formulas guarantee the desi-         The current labelling obligation on the
nisms (bacteria, mold and spores). These    red product characteristics and ensure       packaging has now been cancelled;
microorganisms can impair stability and     longer use periods and the required          hazard warnings can be omitted in this
product performance. On the other           stability when in storage. This corres-      regard.
hand, we are constantly striving to         ponds with the CLP regulation (classifi-
20 Emsland Innovation

New product Emes® EA 05 in fish food
Significant quantities of (modified) potato   located at the Emsland Innovation Center     of our new product Emes® EA 05 is being
starch are used in the global production      Germany. The tests delivered excellent       piloted.
of fish food pellets, and on a particularly   results, even though the settings on the         The image shows a result from the
large scale at major fish farms located in    extruder needed to be adjusted slightly.     diverse range of extrusion tests using
Scandinavia, France and Spain.                     Further testing under production        Emes® EA 05 in the laboratory extruder
    In view of the fact that Emes® EA 05      conditions at a large-scale fish feed        located at the Innovation Center.
– the newly developed product compri-         producer revealed that, even when
sing acetylated pea starch – is characte-     involving a not-so-straightforward recipe
rised by outstanding binding properties       for fish feed pellets, good results could
during the extrusion process, tests           still be achieved. At present, additional
involving fish feed recipes have been         laboratory tests are currently running at
conducted on the thin screw extruder          an animal feed producer, where the use

Master’s thesis in R&D/Innovation
successfully completed
As a research company active in the           gleaned valuable insight into, e.g. how          Students who would like to support
starch industry, the Emsland Group            to potentially reduce glycoalkaloids.        us in our research projects by pursuing
maintains close contacts with institu-            Mr. Rosas-Gonzales was supervised        an academic paper, a bachelor’s or
tions, universities and colleges. In          on site by Dr. Woll, Project Manager         master‘s thesis are always welcome
particular with regard to research and        for R&D / Innovation. Dr. Springer from      at one of our seven locations.
development, the company regularly            the Department for Food Technology,
invites candidates to complete scientific     Laboratory for Food Analytics and
papers on certain topics.                     Consumer Goods was her point of
    One such paper has now been               contact at the University.
successfully completed by Ms. Gina                The exam committee was impressed
Rosas-Gonzales. Born in Ecuador, she          by the topic and the quality of her
studied food technology at the Beuth          master’s thesis, awarding it a first-class
University of Applied Sciences in Berlin      result (“sehr gut”). A wonderful confir-
and spent five months working on her          mation for Ms. Rosas-Gonzales,
master‘s thesis at our plant in Emlich-       as well as for the quality of our topic.
heim. While working in the R&D/               We would like to congratulate Ms.
Innovation Department, she conducted          Rosas-Gonzales on this fantastic result
research into absorption solutions to         and wish her all the best for her
minimise undesirable occurrences in           future career and personal success.
potato by-products, an endeavour that
Total Quality Management   21

Occupational health & safety
remain key topic areas
In 2019 as well, important campaigns were                        health days at its locations in Emlichheim,
dedicated to the topics of occupational health                   Cloppenburg and Hagenow alone.
and safety. The company organised three

In line with its declared company goal of       derm” station, visitors had the chance
“zero accidents”, there was a host of           to learn more about the topic of “skin
different campaigns taking place at the         protection”, where the quality of a
company‘s main plant in Emlichheim on           person‘s skin could be thoroughly
what was the hottest day since weather          examined using a high-resolution camera;
records began. Among other events, there        information regarding suitable skincare
was a stand operated by the German Red          products as well as the necessity of skin
Cross (DRK), at which participants could        hygiene and maintenance was also
freshen up their first-aid skills. There were   provided. The Quality Assurance team
also campaigns dedicated to the spine,          at Cloppenburg used swab samples
back and safety footwear / shoe inlays,         from washed an unwashed hands, door
where participants could also have their        handles, etc., to highlight just what good
feet measured. Under the watchful eye           (and not-so-good) hand hygiene looks
of the local fire service, some spectacular     like. The whole undertaking was suppor-
fire fighting exercises were also demons-       ted by posters and flyers from the Federal
trated. The whole event was accompanied         Centre for Health Education (BZgA).
by delicious non-alcoholic cocktails and        Visitors were also able to determine the
smoothies, as well as fresh fruit. In           optimal safety shoe for them and put
Hagenow, too, there was plenty on offer.        themselves to the test in an obstacle
In addition to a “smoothie bike” on site,       course set out by the local traffic police
an age simulator was also put into action.      force. Even the topics of hearing protec-
A reaction wall and motion box were set         tion and psychological stress (please see
up. Participants were also given the            the article entitled “The Emsland Group
chance to sign up for a body composition        takes the topic of psychological stress
measurement session. The German health          seriously”) were in the spotlight.
insurer AOK was represented with an                 Alongside these essential health days,
additional info booth, where there were         explosion protection training was also       dust burns along with many other types
also great prizes to be won. In Cloppen-        held at the company‘s plant in Wietzen-      of “explosions and fires”. At the end of
burg, the AOK also shed some light on           dorf. The training began with a theory       the demonstration, a glued tube cont-
the topics of “healthy eating” and              section, which shed light on how             aining approximately 2 kg of starch was
“hidden sugars in food”. This was taken         explosions occur. This was followed by a     exploded. Members of staff were able to
up by the FALET apprentices on site, who        hands-on demonstration, which revealed       experience the enormous explosion and
created and then presented a poster on          rather impressively just what an explosion   resulting fireball from a safe distance.
hidden sugar in food. At the “Physio-           looks like under pressure, or how metal      A most impressive demonstration.
22 Total

The Emsland Group takes the topic
of psychological stress seriously
The rate of psychological stress has increased             from higher rates of sickness today, but rather
as the working environment has changed,                    that they pay greater attention to the psycho-
especially in the last 10 years. In addition, a            logical causes than before. In Germany, emplo-
general increase in awareness of mental illness            yee absenteeism is on the constant increase,
has also increased. It is not that workers suffer          causing enormous damage to the economy.

The Emsland Group would like to pay        and Health Protection at the Emsland        concerns such as sleep disorders,
greater attention to the topic and is      Group. To do so, every employee is given    burnout, depression, anxiety or even
aware of both the causes and conse-        the contact details of an external          the sudden death of a member of staff,
quences of psychological stress. That      counsellor. The Works Council has also      through to work-related issues including
is why the Group, from 01.02.2019          come out in favour of this offer and        bullying, sources of conflict with
onwards, has been offering an anony-       makes it quite clear: Take advantage        supervisors, colleagues, any kind of
mous, external employee counselling        of this free, anonymous help, because       executive, doubts concerning one’s
service that addresses mental health       we all want you to be doing well!           own abilities and all the way through
issues as part of the company‘s appro-         It has also been proven that psycho-    to personal issues. Relationship break-
ach to health management. In doing         social supervision or counselling for       downs, sources of friction or worry
so, our employer wants to make it clear:   individuals experiencing professional       concerning children and adolescents
     “We are there for you – no matter     or personal stress is a great contributor   are also conceivable.
what life throws at you!” That is why      to de-burdening and strengthening               By taking this step, the Emsland
the unusual choice was made to offer       companies. These offerings make a           Group aims to raise awareness among
an advisory service by phone. “We want     valuable contribution to improving          target groups and lend the necessary
to offer you help and advice in all of     operational performance.                    support to its employees with this
life‘s situations,” explains Ms. Katrin        The spectrum of psychological stress    practical example.
Neumann, Head of Occupational Safety       is manifold. This can range from health
Total Quality Management     23

Second cross-plant
IMS workshop in Hagenow
With the second cross-plant IMS meeting,                   which went from May 21-23, 2019. It was a
the Emsland Group once again highlighted                   reunion of responsible figures from the quality,
the necessity of a group-wide integrated                   environment, energy, and occupational safety
management system (IMS). The approximately                 divisions who had already completed a
30 participants from all of the Group’s plants             successful workshop in Cloppenburg last year.
met in Hagenow for the two-day workshop

The night before the workshop began,        teamwork, and an outstanding level of    management. In his opening speech,
nearly all of the participants came         organization.                            Mr. Heinrich referred to the many
together in the beautiful city of               At the Hagenow plant, the partici-   construction activities at the Hagenow
Ludwigslust. A spontaneous meal was         pants were received by Edmund Eilers,    plant. Four more ultra-modern roller
organized, thus allowing everyone a         Head of the IMS Division, and Hagenow    dryers are currently being installed at
chance to get dialed in as a team for the   Plant Manager Christian Heinrich. Mr.    the site in a specially constructed hall.
coming two days. Common themes that         Eilers once again emphasized the         In addition, six new silos, four dryers, a
really stood out over the course of the     importance of and reasons for the IMS    new peeling line, and a central potato
workshop were solidarity, hospitality,      before passing on a few greetings from   intake will be built. Simply put, the
24 Total Quality Management

                                             respective divisions took turns offering     “sample” or “test”) were released
                                             “on-the-fly” support: Frauke Berling         together in the groups, and an impro-
                                             (Environment), Rainer Knoop (Energy),        vement potential, a flaw, and a deviation
                                             Heinrich Reinink / Nadine Bredehorn          was specified for each group. For the
                                             (Quality Management), and Katrin             implementation process, the following
                                             Neumann (Occupational Safety).               sequence had to be observed:
                                             They provided valuable tips and were         • Cause analysis
                                             available to answer any questions.           • Implementation of measures
location is undergoing radical change            Then came the audit results. There       • Inspection (if necessary)
and will reposition itself for the future.   were three categories in which the           • Performance test (if necessary)
    The main focus of this year’s IMS        respective evaluation could fall:            • F inalizing the deviation, flaw or
workshop was on internal integrated              Deviation: Non-compliance with              improvement potential (only when
audits. In overseeing this task, Nadine      specified requirements and procedures           the measure is 100% complete)
Bredehorn explained the instructions         or legal provisions.                         • Audit completion
for creating internal audits in ConSense         Flaw: Partial fulfillment of specified
as well as audit preparation, which          requirements and procedures, obvious             In addition, a detailed description is
was to be worked on in groups.               defects with risks without specified         required for the cause analysis and the
    Divided into four groups, the            regulation.                                  measures’ implementation. As the last
participants took a step-by-step                 Improvement potential: Identifiable      page in the audit protocol, a concluding
approach to learning how the audits in       potential for continued improvement          assessment finalized the audit results and
the audit module are to be laid out and      in terms of the environment, quality,        served as the end to the day’s project.
created. After the audit was prepared        energy, and work health and safety.              After a short summary of the first
using the plant-specific software (which         The afternoon began with recording       day, the participants were invited to
also includes a corresponding notificati-    the audit report in ConSense. The audit      a cultural evening event which was
on), the audit was carried out. An           results (which were designated as a          perfectly arranged by Jürgen Weidhaas
important part of the auditing process is
asking questions. Audit questions should
be unambiguous and clear. Grouped
according to the Starch Production,
Food Production, Packing/Filling, and
Warehousing and Logistics divisions,
the participants gained an interesting
insight from the perspective of those
being audited as well as the auditors
themselves. All of the audits were
prepared together, and comprehensive
questions concerning quality, occupational
safety, energy, and the environment
were formulated. In some cases,
potential answers were already worked
out. The central representatives of the
Total Quality
                                                                                                       Innovation   25

and Lukas Rosenzweig. “Friedrich der
Fromme” (the alias of Dr. Gernot
Hempelmann) welcomed the guests and
took them on a journey back in time to
the 18th century - a time when Lud-
wigslust had many interesting stories
to tell about the city’s origins and
development. Among other things, the
guided tour went through the Palace
Park in Ludwigslust, and plenty of
interesting facts about the baroque city
were shared along the way. Afterwards,
the participants were given a guided
tour of the Ludwigslust brewery and
learned about how the various types
of beer are produced. The guests then           After the final gathering, the
enjoyed a pleasant evening over good        participants were divided into two
food and some local beers.                  groups and invited to visit the plant.
    On the second day of the workshop,      This included a guided tour of the
the groups were mixed again and the         many new features that are shaping the
previous day’s results compared. After-     location. The four new roller dryers (and
wards, all of the participants reconvened   accompanying hall) which are currently
and summarized the second cross-plant       being assembled were undoubtedly
IMS workshop. Overall, the knowledge-       highlighted. With their even larger
sharing aspect turned out to be a real      diameter, they are the newest and
highlight, as was the event’s informative   best option on the market today.
content. The exercises were considered to       With some closing words from Mr.
be very helpful, and it was agreed that     Heinrich and Mr. Eilers, the IMS work-
the workshop should definitely continue.    shop ended and the very successful and
In this respect, there have already been    informative two-day event drew to a
suggestions as to which topics could be     close. The participants not only broade-
dealt with. For example, the idea of        ned their IMS knowledge, but also
carrying out an audit under real condi-     learned a lot about the historical area
tions was proposed with the idea being      and built up a good cross-plant team
that it would broaden what had already      structure.
been learned. Delving into management           We would like to thank our hosts
reviews is also conceivable: all topics     from Hagenow, colleagues Christan
would be “placed on top of each other”      Heinrich, Ivon Reiher, Heike Werner,
and the individual plants considered as a   Jürgen Weidhaas and Lukas Rosenzweig
whole. The examination of key figures       in particular, as well as the entire IMS
was also brought up.                        team. See you next year.
You can also read