Electric School Buses and the Grid - Unlocking the power of school transportation to build resilience and a clean energy future - PennEnvironment

Page created by Jessie Bishop
Electric School Buses and the Grid - Unlocking the power of school transportation to build resilience and a clean energy future - PennEnvironment
Electric School Buses
        and the Grid
Unlocking the power of school transportation
 to build resilience and a clean energy future


                  SPRING 2022
Electric School Buses and the Grid - Unlocking the power of school transportation to build resilience and a clean energy future - PennEnvironment

The authors wish to thank Greggory Kresge, Eleanor Jackson, Katrina McLaughlin, Carla
Walker, Michelle Levinson, Justin Balik, Sue Gander, Brittany Barrett, Stephanie Ly and Jennifer
Rennicks of the World Resources Institute for their review of drafts of this document, as well as
their insights and suggestions. The authors also thank Sean Leach, Manager, Training & Fleet
Operations, Highland Electric; Travis Madsen, Transportation Program Director, Southwest
Energy Efficiency Project; Matt Lehrman, Energy Strategy Coordinator, City of Boulder; and
Peter Smith, Consultant, European Structural Investment Funds and Regional Development
(UK). Thanks also to Susan Rakov, Tony Dutzik and Bryn Huxley-Reicher of Frontier Group for
editorial support.
PennPIRG Education Fund and PennEnvironment Research & Policy Center thank the
World Resources Institute for making this report possible. The authors bear responsibility
for any factual errors. Policy recommendations are those of PennPIRG Education Fund and
PennEnvironment Research & Policy Center. The views expressed in this report are those of the
authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of our funders or those who provided review.
  2022 PennPIRG Education Fund. Some Rights Reserved. This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 3.0 Unported License. To view
the terms of this license, visit creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0.

                           With public debate around important issues often dominated by special interests
                           pursuing their own narrow agendas, the PennPIRG Education Fund offers an
                           independent voice that works on behalf of the public interest. The PennPIRG
Education Fund works to protect consumers and promote good government. We investigate problems, craft
solutions, educate the public, and offer citizens meaningful opportunities for civic participation. For more
information, please visit our website at www.pennpirgedfund.org.
                         PennEnvironment Research & Policy Center is a 501(c)(3) organization focused on
                         protecting our environment and providing the people of Pennsylvania a voice in the
                         environmental debate. Drawing on more than 30 years of experience, our professional
                         staff combines independent research, practical ideas and effective educational
campaigns to overcome the opposition of special interests and win real results for Pennsylvania’s environment.
For more information, please visit our website at www.pennenvironmentcenter.org.
                                                   Frontier Group provides information and ideas to build a
                                                   healthier, more sustainable America. We focus on problems
that arise from our nation’s material and technological wealth – the problems of abundance. We deliver timely
research and analysis that is accessible to the public, applying insights gleaned from diverse fields of knowledge
to arrive at new paths forward. For more information about Frontier Group, please visit www.frontiergroup.org.

Layout: To the Point Collaborative, tothepointcollaborative.com
Cover photo courtesy of Lion Electric
Electric School Buses and the Grid - Unlocking the power of school transportation to build resilience and a clean energy future - PennEnvironment

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................................................................................................................4
     Energy storage is a critical piece of America’s future electric grid...................................................................12
         Energy storage supports the transition to clean energy.............................................................................12
         Energy storage enhances community resilience.........................................................................................12
     Vehicle-to-grid technology – what it is and how it works..................................................................................14
     School buses are a promising application of V2G..............................................................................................15

ELECTRIC SCHOOL BUSES AND V2G DELIVER VALUABLE BENEFITS......................................... 16
     Environmental benefits..........................................................................................................................................17
     Benefits for the grid...............................................................................................................................................18
     Benefits to communities.......................................................................................................................................20
     Electric school buses and V2G can make financial sense for school districts................................................21

ELECTRIC SCHOOL BUSES AND V2G TECHNOLOGIES TODAY.....................................................23
     Electric school buses on the rise..........................................................................................................................23
     Electric school buses and V2G technology.........................................................................................................24
     Electric school buses could be a major energy storage resource....................................................................25

V2G IN ACTION...................................................................................................................................27
POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS...........................................................................................................31
     Recommendations for the federal government..................................................................................................31
     Recommendations for states................................................................................................................................32
     Recommendations for regulators and utilities....................................................................................................32
     Recommendations for school districts................................................................................................................33

NOTES ................................................................................................................................................38
Electric School Buses and the Grid - Unlocking the power of school transportation to build resilience and a clean energy future - PennEnvironment
Executive summary

         SCHOOL BUSES are the largest form of pub-          tors should work to unlock these benefits
         lic transportation in the United States. Ev-       through creative public policies and part-
         ery day, 480,000 of them carry up to half of       nerships.
         America’s children to school and back.1
                                                            The unique characteristics of school buses
         Currently, fewer than 1% of the nation’s school    make them ideally suited to serve as a source
         buses are powered by electricity, but with         of energy storage and emergency power.
         advances in electric bus technology, growing       Their use patterns allow them to be available
         understanding of the benefits of electrifica-      as a source of large volumes of energy stor-
         tion, and now a fresh influx of federal money      age, especially at the times when the grid is
         through the Infrastructure Investment and          most vulnerable.4 If every yellow school bus
         Jobs Act, electric school buses are becom-         currently in operation across the United
         ing an increasingly viable option for school       States were replaced with a V2G-capable
         districts.2 Electric school bus models are now     electric bus of the same type, this would
         available to meet every use case, and the num-     add over 60 gigawatt-hours (GWh) to the
         ber of districts that have committed to electric   country’s capacity to store electricity.
         school bus adoption, or have drawn up plans
         to do so, is growing.                              V2G technology can deliver benefits for
                                                            vehicle owners, utility ratepayers and com-
         Transitioning to electric school buses would       munities.
         provide numerous benefits to communities
         and the environment, including improving           Electric school buses with V2G technol-
         children’s health and reducing air and noise       ogy can reduce greenhouse gas emissions
         pollution, as well as reducing the dispropor-      from both the transportation and power
         tionate burden that this pollution places on       generation sectors – the two sectors of the
         underserved communities.3                          U.S. economy that contribute most to global
         Electric school buses have the potential
         to bring even greater benefits if they are         • Replacing all of the country’s diesel-
         equipped with technology that allows                 powered school buses with electric
         them to deliver power to buildings and               models would in itself contribute to
         back to the grid.                                    a sizable reduction in greenhouse
                                                              emissions, avoiding roughly 8 million
         Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology enables             metric tons of emissions per year.6
         electric school buses to provide stability,
         capacity and emergency power to the grid           • A 2016 study found that the use of V2G in
         when needed, and potentially to earn rev-            electric school buses could eliminate an
         enue for school districts for providing these        average of more than 1,000 metric tons of
         and other services. Policy-makers, utili-            CO2-equivalent greenhouse gas emissions
         ties, school districts and transport opera-          over the lifetime of the bus.7 The same

Electric School Buses and the Grid - Unlocking the power of school transportation to build resilience and a clean energy future - PennEnvironment
study found that the use of V2G elimi-            “substantial” mitigation of “ramping”
  nates enough pollution to completely              (sudden and potentially disruptive chang-
  offset the air pollution damage caused by         es in power production – a particular
  charging electric school buses from the           issue with solar) equivalent to avoiding
  grid.8                                            construction of 35 600-MW natural gas
                                                    plants for that purpose.13
• A Columbia University study calculated
  that a fleet of 1,550 electric school buses     Energy stored in school bus batteries can
  providing peak shaving services – manag-        also support a range of services to improve
  ing overall energy demand to eliminate          the functioning of the grid. These include:
  short-term consumption spikes – could
  reduce CO2 emissions by 5,500 tons over         • Demand response/peak shaving: V2G
  five years and produce a decrease in              allows a vehicle to discharge energy back
  electricity-related local air pollution.9         to the grid as demand peaks, lessening
                                                    the need for utilities to invest in or buy
• By enabling utilities to draw on distribut-       power from dirty and expensive “peaker”
  ed sources of energy, large-scale adoption        power plants that run on fossil fuels.
  of V2G technology could potentially
  also lessen the need for new physical             o   A 2020 study found that a mix of V2G
  power plants, bringing savings for utili-             and G2V (grid-to-vehicle) can reduce
  ties as well as environmental and health              the difference between minimum
  benefits – particularly for minority and              and maximum daily net load enough
  low-income areas, since peaker power                  to lessen utility companies’ need for
  plants are often located in these areas.10            costly capacity expansion and help
                                                        maintain electricity price stability.14
The battery storage provided by elec-
tric buses could speed the transition to a        • Energy arbitrage: By purchasing and
renewable energy grid, since batteries can          storing energy when demand and cost are
absorb renewable energy when it is avail-           low and redistributing it when demand is
able in abundance and release it during             high, energy arbitrage could enable owners
periods when it isn’t, such as at night (in the     of distributed storage provided by V2G EV
case of solar).11                                   fleets to bid on energy markets alongside
                                                    operators of peaker plants, thus providing
• A 2017 study calculated that if a signifi-        storage owners with a source of revenue.15
  cant share of the light-duty motor
  vehicles currently registered in the terri-       o   A 2019 study assessing the economic
  tory covered by the PJM Interconnection               viability of inserting V2G systems into
  – the largest power grid operator in the              energy spot markets for the purpose
  U.S. – were electric and V2G-capable, this            of energy arbitrage found that, based
  could increase renewable energy devel-                on the markets in 2019 in Germany,
  opment by 51 GW.12 Similar benefits are               revenues could range from €200 to
  anticipated with electric school buses.               €1,300 ($235 to $1500) per EV per year.16

• A California study found that a mix of          In addition to V2G capabilities, when
  V1G (or ‘smart charging’ – unidirec-            equipped with the right technology, electric
  tional controlled charging where EVs            school buses can bring further benefits, for
  or chargers modify their charging rate          example providing backup power to support
  according to signals from the grid opera-       emergency management efforts and criti-
  tor) and V2G-equipped EVs can enable            cal infrastructure during power outages.17

                                                                                                    PAGE 5
A fleet of V2G-enabled electric school buses             put in place, including appropriate rates
         could become an important temporary power                and tariffs, V2G school buses can poten-
         source during outages – essentially becoming             tially benefit school districts by providing
         a fleet of mobile batteries that can be deployed         services to the grid for which school dis-
         at short notice to provide emergency power to            tricts may be compensated in various ways
         homes, businesses, hospitals and shelters.18             by utilities and system operators.20
         With the right incentives and effective col-             • Modelling of a V2G peak shaving
         laboration between school districts and                    program using a fleet of school buses in
         utilities, electric school buses can be a cost-            California found that the savings creat-
         efficient alternative to their diesel counter-             ed outweighed the costs the program
         parts, producing major savings in lower                    incurred, making it beneficial for both
         operating costs from reduced spending on                   utilities and schools.21
         maintenance and fuel, while also provid-
         ing greater predictability in costs due to the           Replacing every yellow school bus cur-
         relative stability of electricity prices com-            rently in operation across the United States
         pared to fossil fuel prices.19                           with a V2G-capable electric bus of the same
                                                                  type would create a total of 61.5 GWh of
         When these vehicles are equipped with                    extra stored energy capacity – enough to
         V2G, the financial benefits can be higher                power more than 200,000 average Ameri-
         still. Provided the right mechanisms are                 can homes for a week – and 6.28 gigawatts

         Potential Energy Capacity
         by State [MWh]

              data not available
              1 – 500
              501 – 1,000
              1,001 – 5,000

         Figure ES-1. Potential electricity storage capacity of school bus fleets by state if states’ existing fleets
         were replaced with electric buses.

(GW) of instantaneous power, providing           • Develop tools and educational materials
power output equivalent to over 1.2 million        to enable school districts to better under-
typical residential solar roof installations       stand the costs and benefits of electric
or 16 average coal power generators.22             buses and V2G and thus be able to include
                                                   V2G benefits in any calculations of return
Electric buses could also provide valuable
                                                   on investment of electric school buses.
backup power during emergencies:
                                                 • Provide funding for V2G pilot programs
• The energy stored in a single Type D bus
                                                   to enable a fuller understanding of the
  could power the equivalent of five operat-
                                                   challenges of V2G and the costs and
  ing rooms for more than eight hours, and
                                                   benefits it can bring to school districts,
  a single operating room for 43 hours.23
                                                   utilities and other stakeholders, as well
• Electric school buses could also provide         as to develop best practices to enable all
  backup power in remote areas that need           stakeholders to get the most out of this
  electricity during outages.                      technology. Funding should be allocated
                                                   to a diversity of districts, including those
V2G technology is still in its infancy, and        serving underserved populations.
while it potentially opens up a range of
opportunities for schools, utilities and com-    • Support research to develop and
munities, there are still a number of barriers     standardize hardware, software, regula-
that will need to be overcome before those         tions and practices needed for electric
opportunities can be fully accessed.               school buses to integrate with the grid and
                                                   participate in energy markets, as well as to
Realizing the full potential of V2G school         determine the value of V2G and the poten-
buses will require collaboration between           tial benefits it can produce.25
school districts, utilities, vendors and
other entities, and revising public poli-        • Increase funding for research on poten-
cies to ensure that investments in electric        tial business models for public-private
school buses and V2G make financial                partnerships to help school districts
sense for school districts and utilities.          with the upfront costs of electric school
                                                   bus adoption, including identification of
To help make this happen, the federal gov-         federal, state and local policies that may
ernment should:                                    create barriers or incentives to such models,
                                                   and develop resources to inform state and
• Invest in electric school buses. The Infra-
                                                   school district decision-making.
  structure Investment and Jobs Act passed
  in November 2021 allocates $2.5 billion        States should:
  for new electric school bus purchases and
  a further $2.5 billion for alternative fuel    • Develop policies to unlock the various
  buses – including electric ones.24 Maximiz-      value streams V2G can provide. Such
  ing the benefits V2G school buses are            policies might include exempting bus
  able to deliver will require large numbers       owners from regulation as public utilities
  of buses, which will necessitate further,        and experimenting with feed-in-tariff (FIT)
  sustained federal investment over the            programs and other forms of compensation
  coming years, with funding particu-              that may provide a simple, appealing way
  larly targeted at under-resourced school         of compensating school districts for the
  districts.                                       V2G services they provide.

                                                                                                   PAGE 7
• Provide grant/voucher programs and             Regulators and utilities should:
           subsidies for school districts to go
           electric. This will ensure school districts    • Clarify the regulatory status of V2G
           and the communities they serve will              operations and virtual power plants to
           experience the cleaner air, reduced green-       allow them access to energy markets.
           house gas emissions and other benefits           State public utility commissions should
           of electric buses without additional             develop a coherent regulatory framework
           financial burdens.26 The process of apply-       for V2G and ensure that electric vehicles
           ing for funding should be streamlined            with bidirectional flow are not subject to
           to minimize administrative burdens on            the same laws and regulations as public
           school districts and ensure that school          utilities.
           districts do not have to cover upfront         • Provide funding for V2G pilot
           costs for application or the procurement         programs. Utilities should provide finan-
           of buses.27                                      cial assistance to enable school districts
         • Prioritize funding for underserved               to participate in V2G pilot programs. This
           communities. Communities that suffer             should include assistance covering the
           the most from the environmental and              upfront cost of buses, as well as charg-
           public health impacts of diesel school           ing infrastructure and technical and
           buses are often those with the fewest            operational support, and incentives for
           resources available to invest in transi-         early adoption, particularly to ensure that
           tioning to electric ones. Under-resourced        under-resourced districts have the oppor-
           school districts, including majority-minor-      tunity to participate in well-supported
           ity schools and those serving low-income         V2G pilot programs.
           communities and communities facing             • Encourage the creation of financing
           disproportionate air pollution, should be        programs whereby utilities front the
           given priority in the allocation of funds        initial investment for electric school
           so as to ensure that those with the most         buses and allow school districts to pay
           to gain from clean transportation have           back on utility bills as they save on fuel
           the resources necessary to cover vehicle         and maintenance costs. Such programs
           purchases, infrastructure and operat-            can help school districts overcome the
           ing costs, and the provision of job train-       higher upfront costs of electric buses and
           ing programs to address the concerns of          deliver monetary savings immediately,
           mechanics and maintenance staff.                 opening the door to participation for a
         • Develop a roadmap to enable regulators           wider variety of school districts, includ-
           to support the development of V2G and            ing districts with fewer resources.
           facilitate the creation of regulations and     • Restructure electricity rates so as to
           policies to minimize the risks for utilities     provide discounted off-peak charging,
           and school districts. This would pave the        limit or eliminate demand charges for
           way for standardization and interoper-           EV and electric school bus charging, and
           ability of V2G infrastructure, encourage         experiment with policies and practices
           coordination between key stakeholders,           that allow buses to be used for energy
           and provide greater clarity on regulatory        storage and employ vehicle-to-grid
           and policy frameworks so as to give utili-       technology. Such policies might include
           ties the necessary support for getting V2G       premium tariff rates for V2G power
           initiatives approved and implemented.28

similar to current feed-in-tariff programs      economies of scale in infrastructure, opera-
  for renewable energy.29                         tional experience, and electricity pricing.
• Work to establish dialogue and collab-        • Invest in as large a fleet as possible as
  orative partnerships with school districts      soon as possible. Districts should also
  and public officials in planning and            ensure the availability of additional electri-
  implementing a transition to electric bus       cal capacity and build the infrastructure to
  fleets which is beneficial to all parties       be able to add more chargers. The larger the
  involved, for example including the devel-      fleet, the greater its ability to participate in
  opment of rates for electricity specific to     EV-specific programs.
  electric school buses.
                                                • Establish solid collaborative partnerships
School districts should:                          with utilities from an early stage and
                                                  open a dialogue about goals and interests
• Commit to a full transition to electric         from the outset. School districts should
  buses on a specific timeline. These             work with public officials and local utilities
  commitments will help grow the market,          to enact a transportation rate for electric-
  drive technological innovation, and enable      ity and use rate modeling in the planning
  school districts to reap the benefits of        process for launching electric bus service.

                                                                                                     PAGE 9

          IN 1892, A SCHOOL DISTRICT in Ohio commis-          came into being it was against the backdrop
          sioned Indiana-based vehicle manufacturer           of an auto industry on the rise and a growing
          Wayne Works to build a wagon specifically           cultural infatuation with, and reliance on, the
          designed for student transportation. Horse-         internal combustion engine – as well as a gen-
          drawn buggies, known as “kid hacks,” were           eral lack of understanding of the health and
          already carrying children to and from school        environmental impacts of fossil fuel-powered
          in parts of the country, but with Wayne             vehicles. The job those vehicles was designed
          Works’ “School Car,” as it was known, a             to do was simple: get children to school and
          vehicle purpose-built for the task began to         back, safely and efficiently.
          take shape.30 In 1910, the company rebuilt the
          School Car on the chassis of an automobile,         A century later, electric school buses (ESBs)
          strapped an engine to it and launched its first     have proven themselves capable of doing that
          motorized version of the vehicle. In the years      same simple but critically important job, and
          that followed, other auto manufacturers keen        in a way that addresses the priorities and
          to get in on the burgeoning school transporta-      challenges of a 21st century transportation
          tion sector began adapting the bodies of kid        system. Because ESBs produce no tailpipe
          hacks and school cars to truck frames, add-         emissions, they don’t emit the air pollutants
          ing new features like steel sides and glass         or greenhouse gas emissions of their diesel
          windows to create a vehicle akin to what we         counterparts.32 Since the energy that powers
          would now recognize as a school bus. In 1939,       ESBs will increasingly come from renew-
          the first national conference on school trans-      able sources, greenhouse gas emissions from
          portation decided on a color scheme, and an         electricity generation are expected to continu-
          American icon was born.                             ally reduce as well. Since ESBs rely on highly
                                                              efficient electric motors rather than the less
          Today, 480,000 school buses carry more than         efficient complex mechanics of the internal
          25 million American children to school every        combustion engine, they are cheaper and
          day.31 But just as the motorized school car         easier to maintain, bringing substantial sav-
          replaced the kid hack in the early years of         ings in maintenance and fuel costs.33
          the 20th century, today, a new iteration of this
          most quintessentially American of vehicles          But there’s another thing that sets these
          has arrived on the nation’s streets: the battery-   vehicles apart from their predecessors.
          powered, zero-emission electric school bus.
                                                              A conventional school bus has one main use:
          The electric school bus, like the kid hack and      it carries children to and from school. For the
          the school car before it, is a creation of its      rest of the day, and throughout school holi-
          time. When the first motorized school cars          days – aside from occasional field trips and

summer camps – it sits in a depot doing          The potential environmental, health and
nothing. In other words, for the vast major-     financial benefits of electric school buses
ity of the calendar year, a diesel school bus    have already been established both in
delivers no return on investment for the         theory and practice, and school districts
school district that operates it.34 Electric     that have added them to their fleets have
buses, by contrast, have the potential to pro-   often found that they provide a reliable
vide an array of value streams that can ben-     and cost-effective alternative to their fossil
efit the school districts that own and operate   fuel forebears. A growing body of recent
them, and the communities they serve.            research and experience in on-the-ground
                                                 demonstration and pilot projects indicate
The key to unlocking these benefits lies in      that V2G technology may be able to unlock
the fact that as well as drawing power from      even more benefits. V2G, however, is still
the grid, electric vehicles can also deliver     very much in its early days. There is much
power back to the grid. Equipping school         yet to learn, and a great deal more to be
buses with vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology      done in the way of research and develop-
can bring in revenue for schools and can         ment, as well as real-world deployment
pay dividends for the grid, providing sta-       of this technology. Smart and bold policy
bility, extra capacity and emergency power       action now can accelerate progress toward
when needed, as well as a range of other         unlocking the full potential of electric
so-called “grid services” that will become       school buses – and bring the next revolution
ever more critical as the nation transitions     in school transportation a little bit closer.
to renewable energy.

                                                                                                  PAGE 11
Why electric school buses and
          vehicle-to-grid technologies?
          What is V2G, why is it important and why are school buses well-suited to support it?

          ELECTRIC SCHOOL BUSES protect the health           balance the supply of power with demand
          and safety of children and cut the air pol-        for electricity at every second of every day –
          lution and carbon emissions produced by            a task that becomes more complex when it’s
          diesel-powered school buses. With vehicle-         not just the demand for power that’s variable,
          to-grid (V2G) technologies, the batteries          but also its supply.37
          of those buses can also be used to store
          electricity to support the grid and, in their      Energy storage – including in vehicle bat-
          vehicle-to-building (V2B) applications, pro-       teries – is a critical tool that allows utilities
          vide backup power to buildings and critical        to absorb and store renewable energy when
          facilities during emergencies.                     it is available in large quantities and deliver
                                                             it during periods when the renewable
          Energy storage is a critical piece of              resources are not as abundant or available.
          America’s future electric grid                     Energy storage can deliver other benefits
          Since the U.S. electricity grid was built –        to the grid as well. By injecting power into
          much of it more than half a century ago            the grid at the times of greatest demand,
          – the way we produce, distribute and use           energy storage can also reduce the need to
          energy has changed dramatically, with new          tap more expensive generation sources –
          developments bringing new challenges and           often powered by fossil fuels – to meet peak
          placing new strains on the grid.35                 demand.38 Expanding the availability of
                                                             small-scale battery storage in our communi-
          ENERGY STORAGE SUPPORTS THE                        ties can reduce the need for new stationary
          TRANSITION TO CLEAN ENERGY                         grid storage that brings substantial financial
          The last decade has seen dramatic growth in        costs for utility companies.39
          clean energy that is good for consumers and
          necessary for the nation’s efforts to fight cli-   ENERGY STORAGE ENHANCES
          mate change.36 Wind and solar power, how-          COMMUNITY RESILIENCE
          ever, differ from the big, centralized power       Energy storage can also help to make the
          plants for which America’s existing power          grid and our communities more resilient,
          grid was built. Solar and wind power genera-       enabling the grid to absorb shocks so as to
          tors only produce power intermittently, and        prevent disruptions, manage disruptions as
          not always at times that coincide with peri-       they unfold, and return quickly to normal
          ods of highest demand (solar panels don’t          operation, thus mitigating the scale, length
          generate electricity at night, for example). In    and impact of power outages on commu-
          order to maintain the proper functioning of        nities.40 Many of the same events that have
          the grid, utilities and grid operators have to     highlighted the importance of grid resil-

ience over recent years have also underlined        its backup generator failed, and during Hur-
the need for back-up power storage. Extreme         ricane Sandy, the generators at a number of
weather events such as Hurricane Katrina,           hospitals on the East Coast failed to function
Hurricane Ida, Hurricane Sandy, Hurri-              properly, including at New York University
cane Sally and the Texas cold snap of 2021          Langone Medical Center, which was forced
have exposed the vulnerabilities of cur-            to evacuate all of its patients after both of its
rent emergency power systems to provide             backup power systems failed.46
backup power in cases of large-scale grid
disruption, the consequences of which can           Recent natural disasters have shown the
be particularly serious for hospitals, nursing      particular importance of grid resiliency and
homes and other healthcare facilities.              the availability of backup power for the most
                                                    vulnerable communities, including low-
The current emergency power supply systems          income and minority populations.47 Statistics
that provide standby power to these kinds           show that Black and Hispanic communities
of facilities are known to be susceptible to        experience more frequent power outages in
design, capacity and maintenance issues, and        general than white Americans, and during
few facilities are able to keep all of their sys-   natural disasters these disparities are magni-
tems running using power from emergency             fied.48 Historically underserved communities
standby generators alone.41 In addition, many       often wait longer than more affluent neigh-
facilities have insufficient generator capacity     borhoods for power to be restored, as was
to provide for their usual power demand in          the case, for example, in Puerto Rico, when
full in the event that one generator fails or is    Hurricane Maria knocked out key electricity
otherwise out of action – and not all have a        transmission and distribution lines leaving
backup energy source at all, and in emergency       the Puerto Rican archipelago without power.49
situations, the absence of reliable backup          Similarly, when rolling blackouts during the
power means they often have to scale back           February 2021 cold snap left millions of Texas
their operations or close altogether.42 Often       residents without power, marginalized com-
these vulnerabilities have a disproportionate       munities were the first to be hit with power
impact on the very people most likely to be         outages and expected to have the longest wait
in need of such services. A recent survey of        to be reconnected.50 In Austin, for example,
community health centers in California found        the decision to prioritize keeping power on
that only 44% of such facilities had backup         in downtown areas benefited residents of
generators, and even in those that did, these       the more affluent neighborhoods nearby,
generators were unable to provide sufficient        while hundreds of thousands of homes in
power to operate all their systems.43 Seven         predominantly Black and Hispanic neighbor-
million Californians, many of them in rural         hoods elsewhere were left without electricity.51
and low-income urban areas, are dependent
on nonprofit community health centers for           The fact that emergency backup generators are
their primary health care.44                        often powered by diesel, gasoline or propane
                                                    brings its own problems – not least of which
The consequences of these shortcomings              being that these energy sources may them-
can be severe. After Hurricane Katrina, for         selves be inaccessible in an emergency situa-
example, power outages and inadequate               tion, either due to fuel scarcity or the inability
emergency backup power led to the deaths            of some gas stations to run their pumps
of a number of patients at Memorial Medi-           during power outages. Moreover, reliance on
cal Center in New Orleans.45 During Hurri-          these generators during power shutdowns
cane Irene, Johnson Memorial Medical Center         leads to increased air pollution and other
in Stafford, CT, had to be evacuated when           risks to households that use them.52 Since 2017,

                                                                                                         PAGE 13
at least 39 Americans have died from carbon        give EV owners the ability to access energy
          monoxide poisoning after storms.53 Of the 28       markets, thus enabling the vehicle to carry
          people who died in the aftermath of Hurricane      out “grid services,” among other benefits.
          Laura, which knocked out the electrical grid       V2G systems can also use software to pull
          in southwest Louisiana, leaving communities        together the combined power of large num-
          without power for weeks, 14 died as a result of    bers of vehicles to create a “virtual power
          carbon monoxide poisoning from emergency           plant” (VPP): a decentralized network of
          generators.54                                      flexible power generation and storage.57
                                                             These VPPs take the excess stored energy
          Vehicle-to-grid technology –                       from each individual EV and treat it as a
          what it is and how it works                        single energy resource, enabling this virtu-
                                                             ally aggregated set of resources to perform
          Vehicle-to-grid technologies – abbreviated
                                                             ancillary services to the grid and also sell
          as “V2G” – allow the batteries of electric cars
                                                             energy back to utility companies.58
          and buses to be used as small-scale forms of
          energy storage to support the functioning of       To do this, V2G systems require three main
          the grid.                                          physical elements: 1) electric vehicles fit-
          There are various ways that electric vehicles      ted with battery-management software
          interact with the grid:                            and hardware that allows the bidirectional
                                                             flow of power; 2) electric vehicle supply
          • Most electric vehicle owners currently           equipment (EVSE) – i.e., charging sta-
            charge their vehicle through one-way charg-      tions – which, coupled with the necessary
            ing: plugging it into a charging station and     infrastructure to enable bidirectional flow,
            drawing electricity from the grid.               deliver electrons to and from the grid; and
                                                             3) communication technologies mediat-
          • V1G “smart charging,” a variant of
                                                             ing between vehicles and grid operators
            one-way charging, enables charging to be
                                                             who control the charging and discharging
            scheduled for times when grid demand
                                                             of the vehicle’s battery.59 These mediating
            is anticipated to be low, and/or adjust
                                                             technologies sense the status of the grid,
            charging according to signals from the
                                                             and also receive signals from the grid (for
            grid operator so as to optimize energy
                                                             example, at times of critical peak demand)
            consumption and best serve the needs of
                                                             to enable a vehicle battery to be charged
            both the grid and the vehicle at a given
                                                             and discharged to best serve the needs of
            time, based on factors such as overall
                                                             the grid at a given time. They also track the
            electricity demand and how much energy
                                                             services provided so that the vehicle own-
            the vehicle needs.55
                                                             ers can receive compensation for the use of
          • Bidirectional charging allows electricity to     their vehicles.60
            flow both ways, enabling an EV owner to
                                                             One example of this software is the GIVe
            use excess energy stored in an EV battery for
                                                             (Grid Integrated Vehicle) platform devel-
            other purposes, including in homes (V2H),
                                                             oped by San Diego-based company Nuvve.61
            in buildings in general (V2B), or, in the case
                                                             The platform enables bidirectional V2G
            of vehicle-to-grid (V2G) systems, returning
                                                             charging and grid-connected load man-
            electricity to the grid itself.56
                                                             agement services when connected to a
          V2G is essentially an advanced form of             V2G-compatible vehicle via a specific type
          bidirectional charging which, in areas that        of charger, enabling EV batteries to store
          have energy markets and/or are controlled          and discharge energy when needed and
          by Independent System Operators (ISOs), can        vehicle owners to sell stored energy back

to energy markets.62 These chargers enable      locations, school bus fleets not only bring the
the automated charging and discharging          benefit of large numbers of vehicles being
of a vehicle’s battery according to instruc-    available simultaneously, but they also oper-
tions received from a cloud-based app           ate on a predictable and limited schedule.
that ensures that all vehicles on the plat-     This means that the vehicles are available to
form have sufficient charge for their next      be charged during the day or at night, and
trip before ascertaining how much of the        discharged during peak demand hours such
stored energy in the battery is available to    as early evening, when demand is highest
sell back to the grid.63 When multiple EVs      but renewable energy from certain sources,
are plugged into the same system at the         such as solar, is not being produced.68 On the
same time, the platform can create a virtual    other hand, predictable schedules also allow
power plant from their batteries.64             operators more choice over when the vehicles
                                                are charged and discharged, meaning that an
School buses are a promising                    entire fleet need not be discharged simultane-
application of V2G                              ously but rather at times best suited to serving
In theory, any electric vehicle, provided       the needs of the grid.
it has the right hardware and software,
                                                The second feature of school buses that makes
could be capable of sending power back to
                                                them ideal candidates for V2G is their large
the grid. However, there are a number of
                                                battery sizes. Battery capacity in personal
characteristics unique to school buses – as
                                                (light-duty) EVs is rarely higher than around
opposed to other electric vehicles, even
                                                100 kWh, potentially leaving little excess capac-
including transit buses – that make them
                                                ity to provide energy back to the grid.69 While
particularly well-suited to V2G applications.
                                                battery size should be matched to a vehicle’s
Unlike transit buses, which spend most of       duty cycle – no bus operator should oversize
their time in use, school buses operate for     their vehicles’ batteries beyond the needs of
an average of only four to five hours per day   their fleet – electric school buses by nature
and are mostly idle during weekends and         have greater power needs and larger battery
school holidays – which together amount to      capacity than light-duty vehicles.70 Larger
around half of the calendar year.65 In other    capacities mean more electricity storage. In
words, for roughly 20 hours a day during        addition, while battery degradation is often a
the school year, and often 24 hours a day on    concern with V2G due to the increased num-
weekends and holidays, many buses – and         ber of charges and discharges V2G entails, the
their batteries – are sitting idle.66           percentage of loss should be less significant
                                                with the larger school bus batteries than with
These use patterns not only enable school       smaller vehicles that have smaller batteries.71
buses to potentially be available as a source
of large volumes of energy storage to sup-      With large numbers of large vehicle batter-
port the grid, but also to do so at the times   ies available simultaneously at regular, pre-
when the grid is at its most vulnerable. Such   scheduled times, electric school buses would
periods include the “shoulder” period in the    seem uniquely positioned to act as a virtual
early evening when electricity demand is        power plant. Aggregating the vehicles’ batter-
high but solar panels are no longer produc-     ies across an entire fleet, district or region in
ing electricity, as well as over summer and     theory enables them to collectively perform a
winter breaks, when peak demand is often        number of functions, including providing grid
at its highest with more families at home and   stabilization services and facilitating the inte-
using air conditioning or heating.67 Whereas    gration of renewable energy into the energy
most EVs charge at unpredictable times and      markets (see p. 17).72

                                                                                                    PAGE 15
Electric school buses and V2G
          deliver valuable benefits

          ROUGHLY 95% of U.S. school buses run on          health and environmental benefits, since
          diesel – which produces dangerous pollut-        ESBs rely on highly efficient electric motors,
          ants with proven links to numerous health        they are cheaper to fuel and easier to
          impacts, including cancer, asthma and            maintain than internal combustion engine
          autism.73 Research suggests that air pollu-      vehicles, thus creating substantial savings in
          tion inside school buses can be significantly    lifetime costs of operation.79
          higher than concentrations typically found
          outdoors.74 By one analysis, concentra-          Electric school buses can deliver environ-
          tions of particulate matter in school buses      mental, health and financial benefits – even
          are more than double those of roadway            if they never supply electricity to the grid.
          concentrations and four times those of           But a growing body of recent research indi-
          average outdoor levels.75 Moreover, the          cates that V2G-enabled ESBs may be able to
          harmful emissions from diesel school buses       bring additional benefits.
          disproportionately affect students from
                                                           Photo: Theurv via Wikimedia, CC BY 4.0
          low-income communities. Sixty percent of
          students from low-income backgrounds
          travel to school by bus, compared to 45%
          of students from more affluent families.76
          Minority ethnic and racial groups are more
          likely to bear the brunt of air pollution from
          road traffic pollution in general, since the
          historical legacy of discriminatory housing
          and zoning policies means that these com-
          munities tend to be located in closer prox-
          imity to highways.77
          Since ESBs produce no tailpipe emissions,
          they don’t emit the air pollutants or green-
          house gases of diesel buses, and they are
          likely to become cleaner over time, as more
          of the electricity used to power them comes
          from renewable sources. By one estimate,
          replacing all U.S. diesel-powered school
          buses with electric models could avoid           The first all-electric school bus in California, outside
          roughly 8 million metric tons (MMT) of           the California capitol building in Sacramento in 2014.
          emissions per year.78 In addition to their

Environmental benefits                              improving the health and wellbeing of
                                                    low-income and minority communities,
Although studies of electric school buses           since current peaker power plants are often
specifically are scant, research has indicated      located in these communities and have
that V2G technology can potentially play a          negative health impacts.85
significant role in reducing greenhouse gas
emissions from both the transportation and        V2G systems using the battery storage
power generation sectors – the two sectors        provided by EVs are also one way in which
of the U.S. economy that contribute most to       EVs could potentially play a key role in
the nation’s climate emissions.80                 facilitating the large-scale integration of
                                                  renewable energy sources like solar and
• A study published in the journal Energies       wind power. V2G-equipped vehicles are
  in 2016 found that an electric school bus       able to absorb renewable energy when it is
  using V2G can potentially eliminate more        available in abundance and release it during
  than 1,000 metric tons of CO2-equiva-           periods when it isn’t, such as in the evening,
  lent emissions over the lifetime of the         when large numbers of vehicles are not in
  bus – roughly equivalent to the lifetime        use, essentially making them energy stor-
  emissions of 19 passenger cars.81 The           age units and thus mitigating challenges of
  same study found that the use of V2G can        keeping the grid in balance while relying
  also eliminate air pollution from fossil-       increasingly on renewable energy.86 Net-
  fuel power plants working over typical          worked battery storage in the form of large
  capacity when accommodating high                numbers of EVs aggregated in a VPP could
  electricity demand fluctuations, with each      enable electricity generators to scale back
  bus providing enough energy back to the         their contribution to meeting demand and
  grid to reduce the mean cost of air pollu-      draw from the network of battery storage
  tion by $18,300 over the course of the          and generation for the rest, thus lessening
  vehicle’s lifetime.82                           the need for costly capacity expansion of
• A recent study by Columbia University           generation and transmission capacity and
  concluded that electric school buses using      helping to maintain electricity price stability
  V2G have the potential to mitigate energy       while at the same time easing the process of
  production from natural gas “peaking”           decarbonizing the nation’s electricity grid.87
  power plants. The model calculated that a       The ability of EVs to facilitate the integra-
  fleet of 1,550 electric school buses provid-    tion of renewable energy sources including
  ing peak shaving services – managing            wind and solar into the existing power grid
  overall energy demand to eliminate short-       has been the subject of a growing body of
  term consumption spikes – could reduce          research.
  CO2 emissions by 5,500 tons over five
  years and produce a significant decrease        • A 2017 study found that if a substantial
  in electricity-related local air pollution.83     scare of the light-duty motor vehicles
  By enabling utilities to tap distributed          currently registered in the territory
  sources of energy — i.e., a virtual power         covered by the PJM Interconnection – the
  plant composed of vehicles owned by third         largest power grid operator in the U.S. –
  parties – V2G technology taken to scale           were electric and V2G-capable, this could
  could also lessen the need for new physical       increase renewable energy development
  power plants.84 In addition to the environ-       by 51 GW within the PJM Interconnec-
  mental benefits, this could ultimately create     tion – an increase of 30% over scenarios
  financial savings for utilities, as well as       without V2G.88

                                                                                                    PAGE 17
• A California study found that a mix of          ing a specific geographical area, such as a
            V1G and V2G-equipped EVs can enable             college campus or hospital, with energy
            “substantial” mitigation of “ramping”           produced by distributed sources – could
            (sudden and potentially disrup-                 reduce operational costs, decrease reliance
            tive changes in power production – a            on the main grid and increase the share of
            particular issue with solar) equivalent         power from renewables.95
            to avoiding construction of 35 600-MW
            natural gas plants for that purpose.89 The      Benefits for the grid
            study highlighted a “substantial syner-         Energy stored in the batteries of electric
            gistic opportunity” if the target of 1.5        school buses can support a range of services
            million ZEVs on California’s roads by           and functions necessary for the grid to
            2025 set in the state’s 2012 Zero-Emission      function properly. These include:
            Vehicle mandate were deployed to
            provide power storage to support renew-         • Demand response/peak shaving: Over
            ables integration.90                              the past two decades, the ratio of annual
                                                              peak-hour electricity demand to average
            o   The same study concluded that using           hourly demand across the U.S. has risen
                EVs instead of stationary storage             significantly, meaning that utilities are
                could save billions of dollars in             having to serve an ever-increasing range
                capital investments needed to enable          of demand.96 Electric vehicles have a
                a successful transition to renewable          valuable part to play in minimizing peak
                energy, and could be used as an incen-        demand on the grid, which can be expen-
                tive to accelerate the adoption of EVs.91     sive and environmentally damaging to
                                                              serve. Whereas one-way charging pulls
          • Research in Latvia found that
                                                              electricity from the grid at a constant rate
            V2G-capable EVs could play a substantial
                                                              until the battery is at maximum capac-
            role in the integration and use of wind
                                                              ity, bidirectional charging allows a fully
            power.92 The V2G system could provide
                                                              charged vehicle to store energy and
            important “peak shaving” services and
                                                              discharge it back to a building to reduce
            reduce CO2 emissions by around 100
                                                              that building’s demand for power from the
            kilograms of CO2 per EV.93
                                                              grid, or, with the necessary infrastructure
          • A 2016 study of the Canary Islands found          in place, to supply power to the grid itself.
            that V2G in conjunction with pumped
                                                              Demand response also has a role to play
            hydro storage reduced dependence on
                                                              in mitigating challenges that arise from
            fossil fuels while also increasing the
                                                              renewable energy generation – including
            share of renewably-generated electric-
                                                              the fact that electricity generation from
            ity and reducing carbon emissions. The
                                                              renewables does not necessarily coincide
            study calculated that a fleet of 3,361 EVs
                                                              with times of highest demand. A 2020 Los
            could potentially increase the share
                                                              Angeles case study evaluating changes
            of renewable energy from the current
                                                              in net load in the Los Angeles power grid
            (2015) level of 11% to 49%, leading to a
                                                              in a system with solar energy combined
            26% reduction in electric power system
                                                              with projected numbers of EVs that would
            CO2 emissions.94
                                                              be used for distributed storage found that
          In addition, a number of studies have found         a mix of V2G and grid-to-vehicle (G2V)
          that introducing V2G to microgrids – local-         technologies can effectively flatten out the
          ized, self-sufficient grids able to operate         so-called “duck curve” – the dip in energy
          autonomously from the main grid, power-             demand caused by solar generation during


Figure 1. The “duck curve” in California over a typical 24-hour period in the springtime.
Source: U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy.101

The so-called “duck curve” is the net elec-                              This poses a problem for utilities
tric system load (energy demand minus                                    because it means they will increasingly
the supply of distributed renewable                                      be forced to ramp up their dispatchable
energy) over the course of a given day.102                               power plants to meet demand during
                                                                         a morning peak (the duck’s tail), scale
As more solar comes online, the demand                                   back or shut them down altogether
for electricity from traditional power                                   during the day when solar generation
plants during daylight hours, when                                       is highest (the duck’s belly), and then
solar is plentiful, drops. But peak energy                               quickly bring them all back online after
demand often occurs in the morning                                       sunset (the duck’s head).
and early evening when solar is not
plentiful. During these periods – in the                                 This costly process can be mitigated by
morning and evening – the electric grid                                  using battery storage to absorb renew-
must meet that increased demand from                                     able energy during the day when it
sources other than solar. So, as the nation                              is being generated in abundance and
transitions to renewable energy and the                                  release it during peak periods when
portion of our energy that comes from                                    it is not, thus lessening the need for
distributed solar resources during the                                   utility companies to ramp up their
daytime increases, the dip in the middle                                 generators during these hours to meet
of the curve gets lower, and the ramp up                                 the increased demand – in other words,
to the evening peak gets steeper.                                        “flattening” the duck curve.

                                                                                                                    PAGE 19
the day and the steep increase that follows      the purpose of energy arbitrage calcu-
            after sunset – concluding that a smart grid      lated that, based on the markets in 2019
            V2G and G2V system can reduce the differ-        in Germany, revenues could range from
            ence between minimum and maximum                 €200 to €1,300 ($235 to $1,500) per EV
            daily net load from 1.9 GW to just 500           per year, varying by geographic location
            kW and reduce peak load by around 800            as well as available energy markets and
            MW, from 3,500 MW to 2,700 MW.97 This            production structure.104
            is a significant reduction, the study notes,
            which can lessen utility companies’ need       • Grid resilience and emergency prepared-
            for costly capacity expansion and help           ness and response: For the electrical grid
            maintain electricity price stability.98 The      to be resilient, it needs to be able to antici-
            study concludes that even a “moderate” EV        pate, absorb, adapt to and quickly recover
            adoption plan (assuming 127,000 EVs on           from disruptions.105 V2G could provide
            the road in the LA area) could give utili-       grid operators with an on-demand source
            ties enough battery storage capacity to help     of power that would, among other uses,
            “significantly” with peak load shifting and      enable electric vehicles to provide backup
            flattening the duck curve.99                     power and mobile power supplies in
                                                             emergencies. A 2018 study by the U.S.
            Another study from California concluded          Department of Energy Electricity Adviso-
            that the peak-shaving services a V2G-            ry Committee found that backup power
            enbled school bus fleet can provide can          storage is one of the key ways V2G is
            improve grid resiliency, in particular           suited to enhancing grid resilience.106
            during the summer months when peak
            conditions can put a strain on electricity     Benefits to communities
            infrastructure. By alleviating the pressure    Replacing diesel-powered school buses with
            on this infrastructure, the study con-         electric ones would provide numerous ben-
            cluded, a V2G-equipped school bus fleet        efits directly to the communities they serve,
            can reduce both the risk of power out-         including improving children’s health and
            ages and the need for grid infrastructure      reducing air and noise pollution, as well as
            maintenance.100                                reducing the disproportionate burden that
                                                           this pollution places on disadvantaged com-
          • Energy arbitrage: Many utilities have          munities.107 When equipped with V2G tech-
            rate structures that charge users more for     nology, these vehicles can bring a number of
            power consumed during peak hours and           further benefits to communities, including
            less for “off peak” power. By purchas-         playing a role in providing backup power to
            ing and storing energy when demand             support emergency management efforts and
            and cost are low and redistributing it         enhance the resilience of the electrical grid –
            when demand is high, energy arbitrage          something that will become ever more of a
            enables owners of distributed energy,          necessity over the coming years as extreme
            such as VPPs – provided they are allowed       weather events become more frequent
            access to the electricity markets – to bid     and more destructive as a result of climate
            for energy demand alongside opera-             change.108
            tors of peaker plants, and thus provides
            owners/operators of storage with a source      A fleet of V2G-enabled electric school buses
            of revenue.103 A 2019 study assessing          could become important temporary power
            the economic viability of inserting V2G        sources during outages – essentially provid-
            systems into energy spot markets for           ing mobile batteries that can be deployed

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