ROSSMOYNE DRAFT 31 March 2017 - Rossmoyne Senior High School

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ROSSMOYNE DRAFT 31 March 2017 - Rossmoyne Senior High School
A very early draft -
   Red text to be replaced.


        ROSSMOYNE             SENIOR

31 March 2017                          1
ROSSMOYNE DRAFT 31 March 2017 - Rossmoyne Senior High School

                                2016 Head Girl, Victoria Wells
                                and Head Boy, Jeffery Chandra

ROSSMOYNE DRAFT 31 March 2017 - Rossmoyne Senior High School
                       It is my pleasure   during Semester 1 and through the          of Student Central (previously known
                       to present the      Independent Review conducted in            as Student Services). Funding was also
                       2016 Rossmoyne      March.       Areas of commendation         provided to re-roof the front section of
                       Senior       High   included the school’s leadership, the      the school. The Dance Studio extension
                       School     Annual   high level of student achievement in       continues to progress and is scheduled
                       Report.       Our   curricular and co-curricular academic,     for completion in 2017.
                       school continues    vocational, cultural, sporting and
                                                                                      I thank the School Board and Parents and
                       to be recognised    community activities and events, high
                                                                                      Citizens Association for their ongoing
                       as one of the top   quality teaching, learning and pastoral
                                                                                      support and commitment to our school.
public schools in Western Australia.       care, and high level governance and
                                                                                      Together with talented and caring
The Class of 2016 led the way with         strategic support provided by the School
                                                                                      staff, our community works together
outstanding achievement in their ATAR      Board. It was acknowledged that the
                                                                                      to maintain the wonderful Rossmoyne
and Vocational studies. Three students     school had successfully achieved the
                                                                                      culture that encourages high aspiration,
achieved a perfect ATAR of 99.95, two      targets and milestones outlined in the
                                                                                      excellence and care for students as they
students won General Exhibitions, one      2013-16 Business Plan.
                                                                                      strive to become Future Ready Citizens.
a VET Exhibition, and 31 students joined
                                           The school has undertaken significant
the 99+ Club, ranking them in the top
                                           refurbishment of facilities, designed
one percent of all students who sat ATAR
                                           to improve the learning and general        Milanna Heberle
                                           environment for students.    This has
I would like to thank Ms Angie             included a new weights room, signage,
Thomas for capably leading the school      shade structures and refurbishment

ROSSMOYNE DRAFT 31 March 2017 - Rossmoyne Senior High School

ROSSMOYNE DRAFT 31 March 2017 - Rossmoyne Senior High School
School Board Report
                     The performance          Our students continue to demonstrate
                     of       Rossmoyne       a willingness to participate, and to take
                     Senior         High      advantage of all the opportunities that
                     School throughout        are available. By doing so they contribute
                     2016 and the             to a school culture of high aspiration and
                     achievements             excellence, empowering all our students
                     of our students          to be the best they can be.
                     across all aspects
                                              We acknowledge and thank the
of the school's program - academic,
                                              school’s staff and leadership team for
cultural and sporting - are celebrated in
                                              their enormous contribution. They
the 2016 Annual Report.
                                              work exceptionally hard to create an
These results again reflect the significant   environment in which our students can
and ongoing commitment of our students        thrive. Our staff and students are well
and staff and the school community to         supported by an active and involved
excellence and success. As a school, we       group of parents, and we also thank our
recognise the challenge of maintaining        parents for the contribution they make
the high levels of performance across         to the school's success.
our program through a changing
                                              The role of the Principal in contributing
environment, and we take seriously
                                              to school’s culture and ethos is
the need to shape and monitor our
                                              significant, and we were pleased
activities to meet the current needs of
                                              to welcome Milanna Heberle to
our students. Throughout, our guiding
                                              Rossmoyne in Semester 2. We thank
theme is to create opportunities for all
                                              her for the energy and perspective she
our students to be the best they can be.
                                              has brought to the school. Ms Heberle's
We also understand the importance             appointment reflects the next step in
of ensuring the wellbeing of all our          enabling the school to maintain our
students. In order to achieve our vision      focus on excellence and success, and we
of our students being “future ready”,         look forward to the journey she will be
we believe we have an important role          part of in the coming years.
to play in equipping our students with
                                              Rossmoyne’s achievements are also
the broader attributes and skills they
                                              reflected in the outcomes of the
require to become citizens who are
                                              Independent Review of the school that
successful, capable, compassionate and
                                              took place during 2016. The review
confident members of our society. The
                                              has been of great value as the school
2016 Annual Report also recognises the
                                              commences the development of our
contribution our students have made
                                              2017-2020 Business Plan, and looks
to our community, which is a critical
                                              to set the priorities and vision for the
component of their achievements over
                                              next four years so that our students can
the past year.
                                              continue to achieve, and leave school as
                                              future ready citizens. The outcomes of
                                              the consultation and the work we have
                                              done throughout the 2016 will form the
                                              basis of the direction and priorities for
                                              the school for the coming four years,
                                              as we maintain our focus on delivering
                                              outstanding educational opportunities
                                              for all our students so that they can
                                              ultimately make a positive contribution
                                              within our global community.
                                              Kirsty Barnetson
                                              Chair, School Board

ROSSMOYNE DRAFT 31 March 2017 - Rossmoyne Senior High School

Parents’ and Citizens’ Association Inc.

The 2016 school year was an extremely        Elevate Education and cyber safety to       Board ensures that our students, our
interesting one for the Parents and          name just a few). We also contributed       kids, benefit from these contributions.
Citizens Association (P&C). Rossmoyne’s      to the ANZAC Day celebration and are        The P&C has a large membership and a
P&C has a long history of taking an          strong supporters of the Chaplaincy         high level of involvement by its members
active role in the school community.         program that our amazing chaplains run.     who generously contribute their time,
We are committed to supporting the                                                       energy, creativity, skills and ideas.
                                             Throughout the year parents assisted
development of the students, our kids,
                                             the school community through the
in both academic and non-academic                                                        Dr David McMeekin
                                             operation of the Second Hand Uniform
pursuits. Well balanced students make                                                    President
                                             Shop, providing back-stage and front-
great kids and great students. Another                                                   Rossmoyne Senior High School P&C
                                             stage crew for all the music concerts,
goal we have is working to improve
                                             fundraising for the volleyball program
the learning environments within the
                                             and taking on team manager roles
school. I am always amazed at the way
                                             to assist the coaches. We were part
the parents of our students want to
                                             of welcoming new parents to the
be part of the education process and
                                             school, and also assisted with our new
contribute to seeing the school provide                                                           "The diverse skills,
                                             principal’s transition into the school.
a positive learning experience for all our
students.                                    The diverse skills, backgrounds and               backgrounds and talents
                                             talents of the parents of our parent body
Through the generous contributions
                                             deeply enrich the school community.
                                                                                            of the parents ... deeply enrich
from parents, the P&C was able to finance
several activities throughout 2016.
                                             The P&C is an avenue for parents to               the school community."
                                             add their vision and ideas to the school
These included student development
                                             community. The co-operation and
programs across year groups (including
                                             partnership with the school and the
motivational speakers, anti-bullying,

                                                           Rossmoyne Senior High School is an Independent Public School
                               SCHOOL                      located in the suburb of Rossmoyne, 14 kilometres south of the Perth
                               CONTEXT                     CBD. Rossmoyne is a local intake school that also offers selective entry
                                                           to its Gifted and Talented Languages program and Specialist programs
                                             in Mathematics, Classical Music and Volleyball. The school is easily accessed by bus
                                             and train services.
                                             From its opening in 1968, the school rapidly developed a reputation for excellence
                                             in academic, sporting and cultural pursuits, and for its strong pastoral care focus.
                                             Rossmoyne remains a premier school of choice within the local and broader
                                             communities and attracts considerable interest from families relocating to Perth
                                             from interstate and overseas.
                                             Rossmoyne’s students enjoy the benefits of an outstanding learning and teaching
                                             environment. The school board and staff are committed to providing world-class
                                             educational programs and facilities. Rossmoyne has expert teachers who encourage
                                             students to expand and enrich their schooling experience through a broad co-
                                             curricular program. The parent community values education and is vitally interested
                                             in working with the school to achieve its goals for all students. The school has
                                             also established strong partnerships with community service groups, employers,
                                             businesses and higher education and training providers that enhance and enrich
                                             educational opportunities for Rossmoyne students.
                                             Rossmoyne’s mission is to foster the development of young adults who are future-
                                             ready, passionate in their endeavours, creative, generous and optimistic in their
                                             outlook, and who will find their place as outstanding individuals and future leaders
                                             in the global community.
ROSSMOYNE DRAFT 31 March 2017 - Rossmoyne Senior High School
OUR VISION                                                                                                               OUR PRIORITIES
Future ready citizens                                                                                                    Our 2013-16 Business Plan emphasises the belief that all
                                                                                                                         students can achieve success and every student needs to be
                                                                                                                         given the opportunity to do so.
                                                                                                                         Through our curriculum, co-curriculum and pastoral care
                                                                                                                         programs, our goal is to prepare students with the skills,
OUR MISSION                                                                                                              understandings and values to reach their academic potential,
                                                                                                                         contribute to society and lead happy and fulfilling lives.
Our mission is to engage all students in a positive learning
experience such that they leave school with the capabilities,                                                            We aim to achieve these outcomes through four
keen desire and confidence to embrace the future confidently                                                             interconnected priorities:
and capably and to make a valuable contribution to their

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Rossmoyne       Senior                                     de      in
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                                                                            key                                                                                              and            op
High School provides opportunities that                           and
                                                                      ou r                                                                                i n a  t i m e ly
                                                                                                                                                                                     s e st
challenge and support students to achieve                                  scho                                                                                             ro c e
                                                                                ol.                                                                                  ss p
                                                                                                                                                          b u sin e
success at school and that prepare them for
university, training, apprenticeships and work. Our
school priority Success for all students refers to our students’
academic achievement at school.
While the academic performances of individual students
                                                                                                                        in Western Australia. Maintaining and improving on this
and sub-groups are monitored continuously, our whole
                                                                                                                        level of performance is challenging, particularly within the
school performance targets are based on the Year 7 and Year
                                                                                                                        context of a large and growing student enrolment. Hence,
9 National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy
                                                                                                                        our academic targets are described in terms of improvement
(NAPLAN) and the Western Australian Certificate of Education
                                                                                                                        based on a three year moving average. This way of setting
                                                                                                                        targets acknowledges the challenge of maintaining existing
Our academic targets acknowledge that Rossmoyne Senior                                                                  high standards, reflects the school’s commitment to on-going
High School is a high-performing school where standards of                                                              improvement, and takes into account the effect of any cohort
achievement are already greater than ‘like’ public schools                                                              differences.

ROSSMOYNE DRAFT 31 March 2017 - Rossmoyne Senior High School
                             ROSSMOYNE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 2016 ANNUAL REPORT

2016 PERFORMANCE: Priority 1. Success for all students

Year 9 NAPLAN Performance in 2016                                              TARGET: Results in Year 9 NAPLAN each year will be in the
                                                                               top-third of statistically similar schools in Australia.
TARGET: The percentage of students who are Band 8 or above
                                                                               Year 9 students in all Australian States and Territories complete
in NAPLAN will show a positive trend based on a three year
                                                                               NAPLAN tests in May each year. While Rossmoyne Senior
moving average (based on average rate of increase).
                                                                               High School has established a pattern of high performance
                                                                               compared with ‘like’ schools in Western Australia, a further
 FIGURE 1. Percentage of Rossmoyne Senior High School students                 measure of successful academic outcomes at Rossmoyne is
 achieving NAPLAN Band 8 or higher in Numeracy and Literacy,                   the school’s performance relative to 'like' or ‘similar’ schools
 and relative to WA 'like' school. Data is based on a three year               at a national level. *
 moving average. Source: My School website.
 NUMERACY                                                                      * ‘Similar schools’ in this context are schools serving students from statistically
                      2012       2013          2014      2015        2016      similar backgrounds. The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting
                                                                               Authority (ACARA) uses the Index of Community Socio-Educational Advantage
                                                                               to group schools with students who have similar socio-economic backgrounds.
    RSHS              78.0       79.3          82.7       86.3        86.7

    SCHOOLS           70.7       73.0          74.7       77.3        78.0

                      48.7       47.7          48.7       50.3        51.3

            2010   2011   2012   2013   2014    2015    2016

                      2012       2013          2014       2015        2016

    RSHS              69.2       68.5          71.8       74.7        75.2

                      67.7       69.7          69.2       69.7        67.0

    NATIONAL          44.2       44.0          43.0       43.0        42.3

     70.0                                                        Literacy
            2010   2011   2012   2013   2014     2015   2016

ROSSMOYNE DRAFT 31 March 2017 - Rossmoyne Senior High School
2016 PERFORMANCE: Priority 1. Success for all students

  Chart 1. The average achievement scores for Rossmoyne Senior High School and
  similar schools in Australia in NAPLAN in 2016.
  The chart shows Rossmoyne Senior High School’s performance in NAPLAN relative
  to statistically similar (or 'like') schools in Australia in 2016. A total of 60 schools
  makes up this grouping.

  Year 9 Numeracy

                                                                                             Chart legends
Number of Schools

                                                                                                       Selected school:
                                                                                                       Rossmoyne Senior High School.

                                                                                                       Substantially below: 0.5 or more
                                                                                                       standard deviations below the
                                                                                                       selected school’s average.

                                      Average achievement score                                        Below: 0.2 or more, but less than
                                                                                                       0.5 standard deviations below the
                                                                                                       selected school’s average.
  Year 9 Reading
                                                                                                       Close to: within 0.2 standard
                                                                                                       deviations of the selected school’s
                                                                                                       average (or not applicable if
                                                                                                       selected school has no NAPLAN
Number of Schools

                                                                                                       Above: 0.2 or more, but less than
                                                                                                       0.5 standard deviations above the
                                                                                                       selected school’s average.

                                                                                                       Substantially above: 0.5 or more
                                                                                                       standard deviations above the
                                                                                                       selected school’s average.

                                      Average achievement score
                                                                                             How to interpret this chart
  Year 9 Writing                                                                             Each circle represents a school.
                                                                                             The colour of the circle indicates how the school
                                                                                             compares with the selected school.

Number of Schools

                                                                                                 500   510   520 530   540   550 560   570   580   590 600

                                                                                             These schools have                These schools have a
                                                                                             a lower average                   higher average than
                                                                                             than the selected                 the selected school.

                                                                                                                    The average score of each school has
                                                                                                                been rounded to the nearest five points.
                                                                                                             The circles above a score depict the schools
                                                                                                                   that have the same rounded average.
                                       Average achievement score

                        ■■   Note: This is the draft copy of the Annual Report and the
                             colors of charts still need to be fixed to match the legend.

ROSSMOYNE DRAFT 31 March 2017 - Rossmoyne Senior High School

Year 12 WACE                                   changes to the statistical moderation          Secondary Attainment
                                               process (through the School Curriculum         TARGET: The Secondary Attainment
Performance in 2016                            and Standards Authority) and the               rate (that is, an ATAR of 55 or higher
A total of 378 students completed Year         marks adjustment process conducted             or a Certificate II or higher) will show
12 at Rossmoyne Senior High School in          by the Tertiary Institutions Service           a positive trend based on a three year
2016. Of these, 85.40% studied four or         Centre (TISC). For these reasons, it is        moving average from a baseline of 92%
more Western Australian Certificate of         more difficult to accurately compare           (which represents the school's average
Education (WACE) examination courses,          the achievements of the 2016 cohort            attainment rate for 2011-13).
making us state-wide the school with           with previous cohorts. Exercise caution        The Secondary Attainment rate for 2016
the greatest number of students                when you are drawing conclusions from          was 99% and the three-year average
sitting ATAR examinations. 14.60% of           these results.                                 rate was 97% for the period 2014-16.
students were enrolled in Vocational
                                           WACE Achievement                                   The Secondary Attainment rate for 2016
Education and Training (VET) courses.
                                           TARGET: The percentage of students                 was 99% and the three-year average
100% of eligible students completed
                                           who achieve WACE will show a positive              rate was 97% for the period 2014-16.
a Certificate II or higher. 2016 Year
12 students are the first cohort to be     trend based on a three-year moving                 Value-adding
awarded the new Western Australian         average (based on the average rate of              Value-adding to Rossmoyne Senior High
Certificate of Education (WACE), which     increase) from a baseline of 97%.                  School students’ academic performance
involved changes to existing courses       The target was achieved in 2016, as                is demonstrated by comparing the
(ATAR courses and General courses          shown in Figure 2, below.                          school’s Australian Tertiary Admission
replaced Stage 2 and 3 courses), and       Each year shows the moving average                 Rank (ATAR) results with statistically
the addition of more rigorous minimum      figure for that year and the previous              similar (‘like' schools) in Western
requirements. There were also other        two years; that is, the 2016 figure is an          Australia. The achievement target,
                                                            average of the years              below, demonstrates the extent to which
                                                            2014-16. The figure for           Rossmoyne value-adds to students’
  FIGURE 2. Percentage of students achieving WACE
  based on a three-year moving average.
                                                            the three year period             academic performance by comparing
                                                            shows an increase of              the proportions of high-achieving and
                                                            0.7% of students who              low-achieving students at Rossmoyne
                  WACE Achievement
                                                            achieved a WACE,                  with 'like' schools.
   100.0%                                                   compared       to    the
    99.5%                                                                                     TARGET:
                                                            period 2011-2013.
    99.0%                                                                                     (i) The percentage of Rossmoyne Senior
    98.5%                                                   In 2016, 98.1% of                 High School students in the top one-third
    98.0%                                                   Year 12 students met              of Australian Tertiary Admission Rank
    97.5%                                                   the requirements for
    97.0%                                                                                     (ATAR) students in Western Australia
                                                            WACE achievement.                 (WA) will be significantly greater than at
    96.0%                                                   Based on the changes              statistically similar schools (WA), based
    95.5%                                                   to requirements for               on a three-year moving average.
    95.0%                                                   WACE the school
               2014         2015        2016       3 year                                     (ii) The percentage of Rossmoyne
                                                            was pleased with the
                                                   moving                                     students in the bottom-third of ATAR
                                                   average  results.

TABLE 1. Percentages of Rossmoyne Senior High School students and students at like schools in the top-third, middle-third and bottom-third
of ATAR students in WA, based on a three year moving average (MA).

       State                                    ATAR Students                                                   2016

                                  School                          Like-Schools                       School                 Like
                       2014        2015        2016       2014        2015        2016              3-yr MA               3-yr MA

 Top 33%               54%         55%         50%         39%        40%         42%                53.0%                 40.3%

 Middle 33%            29%         23%         28%         36%        36%         36%                26.7%                 36.0%

 Bottom 33%            18%         22%         22%         25%        24%         22%                20.7%                 23.7%

2016 PERFORMANCE: Priority 1. Success for all students

students will be significantly lower than
                                                CHART 3:
statistically similar schools (WA) based        Post-School Destinations – 2015 Year 12 cohort
on a three-year moving average.
                                                Destinations in 2016
Target (i) was achieved in 2016, while
the proportion of students in the bottom                    83.0% University
third was not significantly lower that like                                                                               3.8%
                                                            3.2% TAFE                            83%                         2.3%
schools as many students persisted with                                                          University
                                                            3.8% Apprenticeships/                                         5.6%
difficult courses. Rossmoyne Senior High                                                         bound
School’s performance compared with                          Traineeships                                                    2.1%
'like' schools, from 2014-16, is shown in                   2.3% Employment
Table 1, below.
The large representation of Rossmoyne                       5.6% Deferred Study/Training
Senior High School students achieving                       2.1% Other
an ATAR in the top-third of the State in
2016 (50%), and the small percentage
represented in the bottom-third of the          CHART 4:
State (22%), provides an assurance              Post-School Destinations – 2016 Year 12 Vocational
                                                Education and Training (VET) pathway students                        27% students
that the school is moving students ‘up’
                                                Destinations in 2016                                                 studying VET
In addition to using academic                               27.0% University                                         University
achievement targets as a way to measure                                                                              bound
the extent to which the school priority                     24.0% Employment
of Success for all students was achieved                    21.60% Apprenticeships/Traineeships
in 2016, school performance is also
                                                            19.0% University via additional training
monitored through data about student
transitions to post-school destinations.                    5.4% Other
TARGET: Successful transition of                            3.0% TAFE
students to post-school destinations.
The school measures the extent to which
this target is being achieved by:                                                            University Course Enrolments
                                                   Rossmoyne Senior High School
■■ the Department of Education annual                     Median ATAR                        Of the school leavers who had enrolled
    destinations data report for Year 12                                                     at Western Australian universities by the
    students,                                            2014           2015          2016   end of January, 2017: 26% had enrolled
                                                                                             in studies related to the natural and
• Alumni surveys, and                          School       87.4        87.4          87.4   physical sciences; 11% in management
• TISC university course enrolment
                                                                                             or commerce courses; 25% in health
    data.                                        Rank (all WA
                                                                           Criteria          related courses; 16% in studies of
Statistical data is provided for students      schools in 2016)                              society and culture; 11% in studies of
who completed Year 12 in 2015. 83% of                               Based on the median      engineering or related technologies;
the cohort listed university as their post-          15th            Australian Tertiary     2% in creative arts courses; 1% in
school destination as shown in Chart 3.                             Admission Rank (ATAR).   architecture and building courses; and
                                              Alumni Survey                                  5% in education courses. (Data source:
Median ATAR                                                                                  Tertiary Institutions Service Centre,
                                              The school periodically collects
Rossmoyne       Senior    High     School                                                    January, 2017)
                                              information from former students
consistently attains a high median            about their schooling experience at            The proportions of students enrolling in
Australian Tertiary Admission Rank            Rossmoyne, including the extent to             each of these fields of study are similar
(ATAR), reflecting sustained excellence       which the school prepared them for their       to previous years. Studies of science and
in academic performance at the school.        post-school destinations. This feedback        engineering related courses continue to
The school's ability to achieve such high     helps inform planning for pastoral care,       be the most popular course choices for
median ATARs, despite its very large Year     course and career counselling, and co-         Rossmoyne students.
12 cohort, attests to the excellence in       curricular programs in the school. An
teaching and learning and to the school's     Alumni survey was conducted in 2014,
processes of monitoring and supporting        and results were reported in the 2014
student performance.                          Annual Report.

                            ROSSMOYNE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 2016 ANNUAL REPORT

2016 PERFORMANCE: Priority 1. Success for all students
School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) Awards attained by
Rossmoyne Senior High School Year 12 students.

                                                          Subject Certificates of Excellence
                                                                                                                                         4     VET
 Exhibitions                Exhibition                    (ATAR Courses)                                                                 of Excellence
General Exhibitions         A VET Exhibition may         Certificates of Excellence are awarded to eligible students who are in the      Certificates of
are awarded to the          be awarded to the top        top 0.5 per cent of candidates based on the examination mark or the top        Excellence in VET are
50 eligible students        eligible student who         two candidates (whichever is greater) in an ATAR course. One hundred           awarded to eligible
with the highest WACE       has demonstrated             students need to have sat the examination for a certificate to be granted.      students who are in
award scores based          the most outstanding                                                                                        the top 0.5 per cent
on the average of five       performance in an            Career and Enterprise                   Mathematics Applications               of candidates who
equated examination         Australian Qualification      ■■   Ye Jin (Grace) Kim                 ■■ Omesh Wimalaratne                   complete an AQF
scores in ATAR courses      Framework (AQF) VET                                                  ■■ Stephanie Yii                       Certificate II or higher in
with at least two from      Certificate II or higher                                                                                     each national industry
each of the humanities/     in their final WACE           Chemistry                                                                      area in their final WACE
                                                         ■■ Aarethi Gopisetty                    Mathematics Methods
social sciences list        year. A maximum of                                                                                          year.
                                                         ■■ Zabin Abrar Khan                     ■■ Hazeem Adly Ariff
and the mathematics/        one Exhibition may
                                                         ■■ Kaveesha Munindradas                 ■■ Jeffrey Chandra
science list.               be awarded in each                                                                                          Community Services,
                                                         ■■ Charlie Sigston                      ■■ Aarethi Gopisetty
                            industry area.
                                                                                                 ■■ Dujinthan Jayabalan                 Health and Education
                                                         ■■ Puxuan Wu
                                                                                                 ■■ Aarohanan Raguragavan               ■■ Sarah Kersey
                                                         ■■ Lisa Yang
■■    Aarohanan             Retail and Personal                                                                                         ■■ Razena Tournoff
      Raguragavan           Services
                                                         English                                 Mathematics: Specialist
■■    Jeffrey Chandra                                                                                                                   Retail and Personal
                            ■■   Robyn Copeland          ■■ Jeffrey Chandra                      ■■ Aarohanan Raguragavan
                                                                                                 ■■ Jeesmon Varghese Karakadayil        Services
                                                         ■■ Zabin Abrar Khan
                                                                                                                                        ■■ Robyn Copeland
                                                         ■■ Yousa Saquib
                                                                                                 Physics                                ■■ Anique Van

                                                                                                 ■■ Hazeem Adly Ariff
                                                                                                 ■■ Zabin Abrar Khan

 78                     WACE Certificates of Distinction
 Certificates of Distinction             ■■   Emma Dekker-Zangari                  ■■   Arvind Krishnamurthy                ■■   Rhea Roy
 are awarded to each eligible            ■■   Nisali Dodampe                       ■■   Celine Kwok                         ■■   Yousa Saquib
 student who, in their last three        ■■   Sabree Dorlandt                      ■■   Arielle Lee                         ■■   Hang Sheng
 consecutive years of senior             ■■   Pravin Edward                        ■■   Cassandra Siau Ching Lee            ■■   Charlie Sigston
 secondary WACE enrolment,               ■■   Vivian Rong Fu                       ■■   Florence Ly                         ■■   Lauren Su
 achieves: 190–200 points. The           ■■   Nick Goh                             ■■   Nisha Mathew                        ■■   Bernice Chantalle Tan
 points are accrued from 20              ■■   Aarethi Gopisetty                    ■■   Leon Mathyssekkilburn               ■■   Haoyu Vincent Tian
 Year 11 and Year 12 units of            ■■   Chaitanya Gunturi                    ■■   Kaveesha Munindradasa               ■■   Roman Alexander Ulyanov
 which 10 are at Year 12. Unit
                                         ■■   Pearl Gupta                          ■■   Ashley Musgrave                     ■■   Manikanta Akhil Vannemreddy
 equivalents from AQF VET
                                         ■■   Sumati Gupta                         ■■   Chethaki Nanayakkara                ■■   Jeesmon Varghese Karakadayil
 certificates achieved can be
 used to meet the requirements.          ■■   Aingaran Guru                        ■■   Chethani Nanayakkara                ■■   Ranjana Rajiv Varma
                                         ■■   Maya Hertnon                         ■■   Shagun Narang                       ■■   Sewmie Disalani Wanigasundera
 ■■   Mikhail Jonas Acebo                ■■   Lucas Ho                             ■■   Joseph Ng                           ■■   Victoria Wells
 ■■   Hazeem Adly Ariff                  ■■   Doris Zixuan Huang                   ■■   Yi Ning (Lydia) Ngoo                ■■   Sarisa Williams
 ■■   Avanti Ambekar                     ■■   Daniel Hughes                        ■■   Tanmay Nigam                        ■■   Omesh Wimalaratne
 ■■   Faisa Azzahra                      ■■   Bala Shrinidhi Indurthi              ■■   Joceline Nugroho                    ■■   Allyson Wong
 ■■   Sreya Chakrabarti                  ■■   Dujinthan Jayabalan                  ■■   Nisali Pallewela                    ■■   Puxuan Wu
 ■■   Jeffrey Chandra                    ■■   Sonia Jayasena                       ■■   Esha Panchal                        ■■   Lisa Yang
 ■■   Zheng Xin Cheng                    ■■   Pradeep Jones                        ■■   Lakshmi Prasanna Pothukuchi         ■■   Lisa Yang
 ■■   Shu Jia Ch’ng                      ■■   Nur Qistina (Tina) Kamarudin         ■■   Aarohanan Raguragavan               ■■   Kusuma Gita Kumara Yanto
 ■■   Celine Choy                        ■■   Zabin Abrar Khan                     ■■   Hishani Ramanathan                  ■■   Rachel Yin Yeo
 ■■   Thomas Clapin                      ■■   Vegini Krishnamoorthy                ■■   Aarushi Rastogi
 ■■   Max Collins                        ■■   Venkat Krishnamoorthy                ■■   Reneta Reji

                                                                  ATARs of 99+
       Class of 2016:                                             "99+” Students: In addition to SCSA awards, the Department of Education
                                                                  acknowledges students who attain an ATAR of 99 or above ranking
                                                                  them in the top one per cent of all students in Western Australia.
                                                                  Eleven Rossmoyne students attained an ATAR of 99 or better.
          Winners of                         ■■   Hazeem Adly Ariff             ■■   Venkat Krishnamoorthy         ■■   Vishwa Suravaram

        155 Academic                         ■■

                                                  Jeffrey Chandra
                                                  Celine Choy

                                                                                     Leon Mathyssek-Kilburn
                                                                                     Kaveesha Munindradasa

                                                                                                                        Bernice Tan
                                                                                                                        Vincent Tian
                                                  Thomas Clapin                      Chethaki Nanayakkara               Roman Ulyanov
                                             ■■                                 ■■                                 ■■

                                             ■■   Nisali Dodampe Gamage         ■■   Joseph Ng                     ■■   Akhil Vannemreddy
                                             ■■   Vivian Fu                     ■■   Tanmay Nigam                  ■■   Jeesmon Varghese
                                             ■■   Aarethi Gopisetty             ■■   Aarohanan Raguragavan              Karakadayil
                                             ■■   Doris Zixuan Huang            ■■   Hishani Ramanathan            ■■   Puxuan Wu

                                             ■■   Dujinthan Jayabalan           ■■   Aarushi Rastogi               ■■   Lisa Yang
                                             ■■   Pradeep Jones                 ■■   Reneta Reji                   ■■   Lisa Yang
                                             ■■   Zabin Abrar Khan              ■■   Charlie Sigston
              ATARs OF 99.95
 Three of the 16 top students in the State
 with 'perfect' ATAR score of 99.95.
 ■■   Aarohanan Raguragavan
 ■■   Dujinthan Jayabalan
 ■■   Hazeem Adly

“Top School” Rating Courses
The accompanying table lists ATAR
courses in which Rossmoyne Senior
High School had among the highest
performing students of all schools in
WA delivering the School Curriculum
and Standards Authority course. The
list is compiled from the percentage of
students who achieved combined scores
in the top 15 percent or all students in
that course. This list is testament to the
breadth and strength of achievement at
Rossmoyne Senior High School.

 ATAR Courses with the highest
 performing students in the State
                                                                  Certificates of Merit
 Accounting and Finance                                        A Certificate of Merit is awarded to each eligible student who, in their last three
                                                               consecutive years of senior secondary WACE enrolment, achieves: 150–189
 Career and Enterprise                       points. The points are accrued from 20 Year 11 and Year 12 units of which 10 are at Year 12.
                                             Unit equivalents from AQF VET certificates achieved can be used to meet the requirements.

 Economics                                   ■■   Dylan Abeysekera              ■■   Shi Ran (Socrates) Ge         ■■   Sherlyn Ng
                                             ■■   Syed Faraz Abrar              ■■   Kellie George                 ■■   Yurie Oh
 English as an Additional Language or        ■■   Wesley Anderson               ■■   Qian Hao Gu
                                             ■■   Toby Arts                     ■■   Nicholas Gurney               ■■   Deepak Sharma
 Dialect                                                                                                                Prakruti Sirigeri
                                             ■■   Varun Barot                   ■■   Peyton Hawkins                ■■
                                             ■■   Katherine Bennett             ■■   Christiana Hitchman           ■■   Jessica Siviour
 German: Second Language                     ■■   Amy Black                     ■■   Yoonji Im
                                                                                                                   ■■   Name not for publication
                                             ■■   Hannah Boey                   ■■   Saajan Joseph
 Japanese: Second Language                   ■■   Elizabeth Burke               ■■   Mohamad Amirul Kamsan         ■■   Ellen Sloan
                                             ■■   Alexander Harry Burns         ■■   Ye Jin (Grace) Kim            ■■   Lynn Sng
 Literature                                  ■■   Hong Teng Cai                                                    ■■   Seharsh Srivastava
                                             ■■   Ivan Capili                   ■■   Mikhael Koshi
                                             ■■   Karan Chhangani               ■■   Monique Lau                   ■■   Linh Thao Tran
 Mathematics Methods                         ■■   Joel Chia                     ■■   Esther Leung                  ■■   Hima Varshini Veernala
                                             ■■   Andrew Clouter                                                   ■■   Lace Watson
                                                                                ■■   Todd Lowther
 Mathematics Specialist                      ■■   Jennifer Crabb
                                                                                ■■   Cameron Mark                  ■■   Mullage Don Dilshan
                                             ■■   Dodampe Gamagedera
                                                                                                                        Chamikara Wijewardena
                                                  Sahan Vinsuka                 ■■   Sandi Merredew
 Music                                            Gamagedera                                                       ■■   Sophie Jing Shin Wong
                                                                                ■■   Roland Miller
                                             ■■   Brent Garrett


2016 HIGHLIGHTS: Priority 1. Success for all students

2016 Successes                                           Radio Rossmoyne                                        Humanities and Social Sciences
                                                         ■■   Hosts a number of events and programs             ■■   Education Perfect Championships
Vocational Education and Training                             each term. Radio Rossmoyne is one                      -- Rossmoyne Senior High School placed
                                                              of Rossmoyne’s Vocational Education                       first in Western Australia (out of
■■   School Based Apprentice
                                                              courses offered to students in Year                       91 participating schools); placed
     of the Year Award
                                                              11 and 12 as part of Certificate II in                    fourth overall in Australia (out of 592
     Brian Adlam (Year 12): Hospitality.
                                                              Creative Industries Media.                                participating schools) and placing fifth
■■   School Curriculum and Standards                          -- Year 11 students participated in two                   out of 830 in the Global rankings.
     Authority (SCSA) Industry Awards                            intensive workshops at Murdoch University           -- One Bronze Prize Draw Winner, three
     Eight students shortlisted.                                 on interviewing techniques, script-writing             Elite Awards, seven Gold Award
■■   Alternative pathway to Curtin University                    and developing live radio skills.                      winners, eight Silver Award winners, 12
     Four students completed a Diploma                        -- Year 10 students held a fundraising concert            Bronze Award winners and 13 Credit
     in Business providing them with entry                       for the Tabitha Foundation.                            Award winners.
     to a Bachelor of Commerce at Curtin                      -- DJ competition: Hannah Krollig, First place;        -- Bronze Prize Draw Winner: Pavithra
     University.                                                 and Izzy Berlinski, Runner-up.                         Gullapalli (Year 7).
■■   Workplace Learning                                                                                              -- Elite Award Winners: Pavithra Gullapalli

     -- Six students offered apprenticeships,                                                                           (Year 7), Abilaash Kugathasan (Year 7)
                                                         English                                                        and Edwin James (Year 8).
     -- Seven students were offered employment           ■■   English International Competitions and            ■■   Act-Belong-Commit (ABC) mental health
        as a result of their efforts in the workplace.        Assessments for Schools (ICAS)                         promotion campaign
■■   Pathway Courses                                          -- 149 students from Years 7-12 participated.          Cheryl Chong (Year 10) won the
     -- 38 Year 11s and 39 Year 12s students                  -- One Medal, three High Distinctions,                 competition with her entry, ‘Be the
        completed certificates at TAFE ranging                   22 Distinctions, 52 Credits and                     Change’ and Cassandra Ly (Year 10) was
        from Certificate II Business, to Certificate             18 Merit Certificates.                              runner-up with her entry, ‘ABC Stories’.
        IV Aeronautics. Several completed                     -- High Distinction and Medal Winner:             ■■   Australian Geography Competition
        Certificate IVs in Education Support and                 Gavin Zou (Year 10).                                -- 640 students participated.
        Business and were accepted into Murdoch               -- High Distinction winners: Jude                      -- Four students in the top 1% in their Year
        University and Curtin University.                        Kamalddin and Malavika Panicker (Year 8)               level across Australia: Gavin Rozario
     -- Four students finished their Diploma in               -- Distinction winners: Jeffrey Chandra                   and Mitul Rajaram Kanderi (Year 7),
        Business and one was accepted into a                     and Cassandra Lee (Year 12); Jade Tan,                 Zachariah Coleman (Year 9) and Jaylen
        double degree in Commerce at Curtin                      Harry Xu and Anneka Alam (Year 10);                    Pailthorpe (Year 10).
        University. The Diploma has an ATAR                      Verity Hagan and Bryce O’Connor (Year               -- 30 high distinctions, 97 distinctions and
        equivalent of 84.                                        9); Cameron Daggers, Ingrid Dell, Harry                148 credits.
     Mock Interviews                                             Horrocks, Sarah Lee, Anson Ma, Dahyun
■■                                                                                                              ■■   National History Challenge: Triumph and
     More than 120 Year 11 and Year 12                           Nam, Harshita Sharma, Vagmi Sharma,
     students seized the opportunity to                          Darryl Tan and De-Hong Wong (Year
                                                                                                                     -- 160 students participated.
     participate in mock interviews conducted                    8); and Chathumi Hettiarachchi, Mary
                                                                                                                     -- State and category award winners:
     through the school’s Vocational                             Lobrigo, Keandria Ong, Zoe Savidis and
                                                                                                                        Emelia Cupitt, Alec Windham and Anu
     Education and Training Department                           Rizqika Zaafarani (Year 7).
                                                                                                                        Ponnampalam Year 7 Category: State
     (with the support of Rossmoyne Rotary).             ■■   Education Perfect Championships                           Winner, Alec Windham; and Highly
     Students used the mock interviews                        (English)                                                 Commended, Emelia Frances Cupitt.
     to prepare for entry to Australian                       -- Rossmoyne Senior High School was                    -- History of Sport Category: Highly
     university medical schools and for future                   placed second overall globally (out                    Commended, Jasmine Tan, Chloe Beck
     employment.                                                 of 948 schools) and first overall in                -- Museum Display Category: Highly
                                                                 Australia (out of 668 schools)                         Commended, Emelia Frances Cupitt and
                                                              -- Students (Years 7-9) achieved 164                      Anusha Ponnampalan.
                                                                 awards: Four Elite Awards (10,000+                  -- School Principal’s Awards: Year 9
                                                                 points), 24 Gold Awards (3,000+                        Team (Peishi Huang, Janesce Jiang and
                                                                 points), 15 Silver Awards (2,000+                      Danielle Ku); and Year 7 student, Ellie
                                                                 points), 45 Bronze Awards (1,000+                      Olszewski.
                                                                 points) and 74 credit Awards (500+
                                                                                                                ■■   Australian Economics and Business
                                                                                                                     Studies Competition
                                                              -- Elite Award Winners: Lena Anwari (Year
                                                                                                                     Year 11 and 12 Economics participated
                                                                 7), Joel Emmanuel, Edwin James and
                                                                                                                     High Distinction - Zhipei Zheng (top 5%);
                                                                 Jed Zammar (Year 8).
                                                                                                                     Distinction - Alex Brown and Khai Jack
                                                                                                                     Wong (top 5-20%).

                           ROSSMOYNE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 2016 ANNUAL REPORT

2016 HIGHLIGHTS: Priority 1. Success for all students

■■   2016 Student Economics Forum, held           ■■   Consulate-General of People’s Republic of       ■■   Australian Mathematics Olympiad
     by the WA Chamber of Commerce and                 China Open Day                                       Senior Contest
     Industry in association with the WA               Yi Pan, William Au, Katherine Lai and Lisa           Hannah Sheng (Year 12), Isabel
     Teachers’ Association.                            Yang participating in a variety of Chinese           Longbottom (Year 11) and Shiva
     Avanti Ambekar, Lauren McDonnell, Aaro            cultural activities.                                 Jayabalan (Year 10) received Bronze
     Raguragavan, Lucas Ho, Duji Jayabalan        ■■   Alliance Française Written Exams                     Awards. This Olympiad is open to the top
     and Shagun Narang represented the                 Isabel Longbottom (Year 11) awarded first            100 students in the nation.
     School.                                           prize with a near perfect score.                ■■   National Senior Mathematics Olympiad
     Duji Jayabalan commended for his                  High Distinction Winners:                            paper known as the Senior Contest
     presentation.                                     -- Year 10s: Darcie Ercegovich, Caleb                Entry by invitation only. Isabel
■■   ASX Sharemarket Game                                 Crouch, Sunari Kulakesera, Rebecca                Longbottom: Silver Award, Shivasankaran
     Rui Yi Yong (Year 9) placed third State-             Lambert, Xiangyu (Harry) Xu and Cheryl            Jayabalan: Bronze Award.
     wide and 13th nationwide.                            Chong.                                       ■■   Western Australian Junior Maths
■■   Honouring Australian Vietnam Veterans             -- Year 11s: Roya Rohani, Samiksha Mali,             Olympiad
     Competition                                          Harshita Lawania, Kaitlin McMillan and            Isabel Longbottom (Year 11) awarded
     Selina Koo (Year 11) won with a website              Jemma Harper.                                     “The 2016 Western Australian
     she designed. She participated in the        ■■   Alliance Française Poetry Recitation                 Mathematics Olympiad Committee
     Honouring Australian Vietnam Veterans             Competition                                          Special Award for Excellence”.
     Canberra Commemorative Program in                 Edwina Whaba (Year 8) awarded first Prize.      ■■   Mathematics Association of WA
     Canberra, which included attending the       ■■   DAS (German) Language Competition                    (MAWA) Maths Have Sum Fun
     Vietnam Veteran’s Day 50th Anniversary            Winners and High Distinction achievers:              Competitions
     of the Battle of Long Tan Anzac Parade.           Sophia Cruz, Budmi Wijesuriya, Maleesha              -- Rossmoyne Senior High School was the
                                                       Jayaweera (Year 8s); William Yap, Christian             Best Performing Government School
Languages                                              Colgan (Year 10s), Shanaya Hafeel,                      across all divisions.
                                                       Vasishth Lukkhoo, Prajna Menon, Bryony               -- Year 11/12 Division placed first: Duji

■■   Language Perfect World Championship               Hynes (Year 11s), Kaveesha Munindradasa,                Jayabalan, Hannah Sheng, Hazeem
     Elite awards winners: Jude Kariuki (Year          Vegini Krishnamoorthy (Year 12s).                       Adly Ariff, Isabel Longbottom, William
     7), Iris Li (Year 9) and Alyana De Groot     ■■   AFS Scholarship (France 12 months): Julie-              Hu and Vasishth Lukkhoo.
     (Year 10).                                        Anne Martis                                          -- Year 9/10 Division placed second: Shiva
                                                                                                               Jayabalan, Yi Pan, Shaun Richardson,
■■   State Mandarin Speaking Competition          ■■   SAGSE Scholarship
                                                                                                               Jovan Loh, Gerard Lim and Bryce
     -- Year 9 Category: Zac Coleman placed            (Germany – six weeks):
        first.                                         Yujin Ham and Prajna Menon.
                                                                                                            -- Year 7/8 Division placed second:
     -- Year 8 Category: Anna Bullard placed
                                                                                                               Angel Ng, Kelly Nam, Bilal Gufran,
        first; Dayle D’Mello placed second.
                                                  Mathematics                                                  Vishaol Chopra, Reeva Khandelwai and
     -- Year 7 Category: Erin Peoples placed
                                                                                                               Abilaash Kugathasan.
        first; Siluni Bambarande placed fourth.
                                                  ■■   2016 National Mathematics Summer                     Australian Statistics Competition
     -- State Mandarin Writing Competition                                                             ■■
                                                       School, Canberra University                          National first prize in Junior 7/8
     -- Year 7 and 8 Category: Pavithra
                                                       Duji Jayabalan (Year 12) and Hannah                  Division, State first prize in Junior and
        Gullapalli placed fourth; Dayle
                                                       Sheng (Year 12) participated in a fortnight          Intermediate 9/10 divisions.
        D’Mello and Nathan Ha, Certificates of
                                                       of advanced level mathematics covering
                                                       number theory, projective geometry and
     -- Advanced Background: Yi Pan placed                                                             Scholarships
                                                  ■■   Larry Blakers Scholarship                            Jeffrey Chandra (Year 12) selected
■■   Chinese Language Story telling                                                                    ■■
                                                       Isabel Longbottom (Year 11) for being the            to receive one of 10 UWA Fogarty
     Competition, UWA
                                                       top female Year 11 student in Western                Foundation Scholarships for 2017.
     14 to 15-year Category (Year 9s): Er-Tian
                                                       Australia Mathematics Olympiad.
     Sim placed second; Michelle Gunawan                                                               ■■   Baoyuan Chow received an offer of a
     placed third.                                ■■   National Maths Summer School, Canberra               place at Berklee College of Music.
■■   Hanyuqiao Competition: written test,
                                                       Isabel Longbottom (Year 11) won a
     unscripted speech in Chinese and                                                                  STEPPS
                                                       scholarship to attend in January 2017. This
     Chinese cultural performance
                                                       school is only open to the top 100 Year 11
     Janet Kim (Year 10) placed third.                                                                 ■■   Strategic Training and Education
                                                       students in Australia.
■■   Study in China 2016 Easter Camp                                                                        Programs for Selected Students (STEPSS)
                                                  ■■   Australian Mathematics Competition                   Year 10 students benefited from a
                                                       -- Two Prize winners (in the top 0.3%):              tailored educational program which
     Luqman Sayyed (Year 11), Aleks Petrov
                                                          Michael Lee (Year 10) and Huang Yiyang            included working with Rossmoyne
     (Year 10) and Zachariah Coleman (Year 9)
                                                          (Year 10).                                        Rotarians and other volunteer guest
     participated in the two-week program in
                                                       -- 39 High Distinctions, 171 Distinctions and        speakers who shared their wisdom and
     Hangzhou, China.
                                                          226 credits and 85 Proficiencies.                 knowledge on the world of work.

2016 HIGHLIGHTS: Priority 1. Success for all students

A focus on STEM enrichment                         Technology                                           ■■   ATAR Music Practical Examination
                                                                                                             Timothy Chang received a perfect score
■■   Big Science Competition                       ■■   DG Magazine Covers Competition                       for his practical music exam.
     -- 110 Year 7 to Year 12 students                  Year 12 Certificate II Visual Arts Graphic
                                                                                                        ■■   Art and Philosophy Day
        participated.                                   Design students submitted designs and
                                                                                                             Zakwan Plewright, Sean Kong, James
     -- Junior Division: 3 High Distinctions,           held a school-based exhibition, catered
                                                                                                             Milligan, Romit Dave, Manon Van
        8 Distinctions, 14 Credits,                     for by the Year 12 Certificate II Hospitality
                                                                                                             Emden, Emelia Cupitt, Keandria (Hui
        24 Participations.                              students with music by the Year 10 Radio
                                                                                                             En) Ong and Reeva Khandelwal (Year
     -- Intermediate Division: 5 High                   Rossmoyne class.
                                                                                                             7) selected to participate in philosophic
        Distinctions, 6 Distinctions,16 Credits,
                                                                                                             activities at the Art Gallery of Western
        23 Participations.                         The Arts                                                  Australia (AGWA).
     -- Senior Division: 3 High Distinctions,
        4 Distinctions, 4 Participations.          ■■   Youth on Health (YOH) Festival                  ■■   Outside the Frame Exhibition, City of
                                                        (Resilience)                                         Armadale
■■   Society for Medical Research (ASMR)
                                                        Rossmoyne Senior High School placed                  Art works exhibited by Nicola Arnold,
     2016 National Secondary School’s Quiz
                                                        second with dance performances                       Ashleigh Willmott and Christina Zappa
     Year 10 Medical Science students
                                                        choreographed by Year 11 dance                       (Year11).
     competed. First Prize, Guinevere Sellner
     Second Prize, Milla Prodovich, Third               students. The work was based on the
     Prize, Johnson You.                                Japanese earthquake and tsunami and
                                                        incorporated 70 students across
■■   National Computer Science School
                                                        Years 7 to 11.
     (NCSS) Challenge
     Bryce O’Connor (Year 9); Jackie Shan          ■■   Sound of Music
     (Year 10); Michael Lee (Year 10) received          Bianca Thomas (Year 10),
     perfect scores in their age categories of          Maddison Thomas (Year 10)
     the computer language programming                  and Thomas Denver (Year 7)
     competition. Michael Lee (Year 10) also            performed the Perth Season
     received a perfect score in the Advanced           at the Crown Theatre.
     category.                                     ■■   2016 Fremantle Eisteddfod
■■   FIRST Lego League Robotics                         Timothy Chang (Year 12)
     Competition, Curtin University                     placed first in the Piano
     The robotics team "Robotica 10" placed             Solo 20th Century Under 18
     fourth (out of 28 teams) and won the               category, playing "Pagodes"
     "Gracious Professionalism Award”;                  by Debussy; and second
     "Burgeria" placed ninth and won the                in the Piano Recitals Open
     "Strategy and Innovation Award"; and               category, playing a Sonata
     Advanced Computing Club students                   by Beethoven and a Prelude
     competing as "Robo-Rossmoyne" placed               by Rachmaninoff.
     eleventh and won the "Judges Award”.
■■   FIRST® Robotics Competition (FRC),
     Finn Loos, Siyang Qiu, Tanner Stringer
     and one other student (name not for
     publication) travelled to Sydney to
     compete. Tanner's and Siyang’s team
     won the Industrial Design Award for their
     pneumatic suspension. The students
     designed, built and programmed robots
     to perform prescribed tasks. The
     students were mentored by the Curtin
     University Engineering Outreach team,
     Curtin mechatronics and computer
     science students, technical staff and
     relevant industry representatives.
■■   First Robotics Competition
     Championships, Missouri USA
     Siyang Qui competed.


                                         Homework and Tuition Classes:

                                         In 2016, Rossmoyne teachers             Additional literacy and numeracy
                                         generated several options for           support sessions were conducted
                                         students seeking additional help or     during Term 4 for those Year 9
                                         tuition across learning areas.          students who did not achieve Band 8
                                                                                 in Numeracy, Reading and / or Writing
                                         Aboriginal students had the
                                                                                 in the NAPLAN testing.
                                         opportunity to participate in
                                         homework tuition (provided by the       Humanities and Social Sciences
                                         school and also through the Follow      offered a wide variety of subject-
                                         The Dream Program).                     specialist tuition on a formal and
     Language Extension                                                          informal basis, including Accounting,
                                         The Peer Tuition program assisted
     Opportunity                                                                 Geography, History, Politics and Law
                                         Year 8 and 9 students. Students were
                                                                                 and Economics.
     Over 40 students attended after     partnered with expert peers from
     school French classes offered to    Year 11 or 12 who met with them         Science teachers offered free, after-
     students currently in Years 5 and   regularly to assist. The arrangement    school tuition for Year 11 and 12
     6 in primary schools across the     benefited both the tutor and pupil.     students of Biology, Human Biology,
     district.                           Lower school students benefited         Physics and Chemistry. Sessions were
                                         from the one-on-one attention they      open to all.
                                         received, and the senior school
                                                                                 Health and Physical Education
                                         students had a chance to consolidate
                                                                                 teachers conducted before and after
                                         their knowledge and share their
                                                                                 school coaching sessions across a
                                         experiences, as well as return the
                                                                                 range of sports including volleyball,
                                         favour of help – since in previous
                                                                                 athletics, swimming and ATAR
                                         years some tutors had themselves
                                                                                 Practical Exam Revision.
                                         benefited from peer tutoring.
                                                                                 Music and drama teachers offered
                                         The English learning area offered
                                                                                 additional tutoring to Year 12
                                         specialised sessions for Year 8 and
                                         9 students who needed assistance
                                         with functional literacy; Year 11 and   Engineering and Career and Enterprise
                                         12 students wishing to boost their      staff offered free, after school
                                         skills in paragraphing and planning,    tuition to any students interested in
                                         viewing and reading comprehension,      additional support.
                                         and tackling exam questions; and        Languages offered free after school
                                         ATAR English students who spoke a       tuition for ATAR Language students;
                                         language other than English at home.    for Japanese Language Proficiency
                                         These free sessions were run before     Test (JLPT) Language Efficiency;
                                         and after school. Year 12 students      Japanese Native speakers; and
                                         were also able to attend a series of    Extension for Years 9, 10, 11 and 12
                                         English workshops conducted by          courses.    During school holidays,
                                         an external provider. Nearly three      WACE students were offered practice
                                         hundred Year 12 students attended       in the practical component of French
                                         an English and Literature Conference    and Japanese.
                                         at Curtin University to further boost
                                         their English results.                  Students were encouraged to
                                                                                 approach their subject teacher for
                                         The Mathematics Peer Tuition            support, tips for success or for extra
                                         program uses current Mathematics        practice and, with all the options
                                         Specialist (Honours Program) and        available, there was assistance for
                                         Mathematics Extension students          those who needed it.
                                         to peer tutor students in all year
                                         levels. Mathematics staff offered
                                         after school mathematics tutoring
                                         sessions for ATAR mathematics

An inclusive,
                                      Rossmoyne Senior High        This information and the school’s responses to the findings are
inspiring                             School encourages an         reported regularly to the School Board.
and positive                          inclusive and positive
                                      learning     environment
                                                                   The school has two performance targets for Priority 2 and also
                                                                   monitors attendence closely:
school culture                        where barriers to success
                                      are removed and students     •   the results of the National School Survey;
are inspired to achieve their personal best. Prioritising the      •   levels of student participation in community service
provision of an inclusive, inspiring and positive school culture       activities; and
acknowledges the vital link between the learning environment
                                                                   • student attendance data.
and successful student outcomes.
                                                                   TARGET: Maintain and build on the level of positive
Rossmoyne is a large, multi-cultural secondary school. In
                                                                   perceptions about the quality of the Rossmoyne Senior High
Semester 2, 2016, 2093 students were enrolled at the school.
                                                                   School schooling experience (based on results of the 2014
They represented 65 countries of birth as shown in the chart,
                                                                   National School Survey of students, staff and parents).
The school gathers and analyses a range of data to monitor the     TARGET: Build on perceptions of the school culture as
learning environment and school culture. This includes data        inclusive, positive and inspiring (based on the results of the
about attendance, suspensions, and letters of commendation.        2011 Department of Education survey of students, staff and
                                                                   In 2016, the National School Survey was used to gather
                                                                   students’, parents’ and staff members’ perceptions of
  CHART 3:                                                         Rossmoyne Senior High School. The results are summarised
  Rossmoyne Senior High School students by country of birth        in Table 2, on the following page.
                                                                   The survey results indicate that students, parents and staff
             47.3% Australia              2.0% New Zealand
                                                                   have positive perceptions of the schooling experience provided
             9.5% India                   1.7% Indonesia           for students at Rossmoyne Senior High School. Of particular
             7.5% Malaysia                1.3% Philippines         note, all groups identified Rossmoyne as a school that has
                                                                   high expectations of student performance and agreed that
             4.0% Singapore               1.1% Bangladesh
                                                                   students feel safe at the school. Other results which provided
             4.0% Sri Lanka               1.0 UAE                  an assurance of an inclusive, inspiring and positive learning
                                          1.1 % South Africa       environment at Rossmoyne were that students are motivated
             3.6% United Kingdom
                                                                   to learn, they like being at school, and the school looks for
             3.5% China                   10.1% Other              ways to improve.
             2.3% South Korea                                      Notwithstanding the positive survey results, the school
                                                                   continues to explore ways to to further strengthen the
                                                                   student experience at Rossmoyne. Student consultation was
                                                                   undertaken during 2016 to develop the 2017-2020 Business
                          10.1%                                    Plan. Findings will be used to reinvigorate programs and
                                                                   increase student opportunities for decision making in the
      2.3%                                                         The school’s Positive Education strategy continued as a
                                                                   long-term initiative to build students’ capacities to be self-
     3.5%                             47.3% Australia              regulating, resilient and optimistic.
     3.6%                                                          As an outcome, the Year 7 curriculum included a focus
                                                                   on students' personal growth and citizenship, electives in
      4.0%                                                         Philosophy and Ethics and were introduced to more curricular
                                                                   programs. Intra-school athletics carnivals were introduced for
                                                                   Year 7 and 8 to encourage participation and team work.



2016 HIGHLIGHTS: Priority 2. An inclusive, inspiring and positive school culture

2016 HIGHLIGHTS: Priority 2. An inclusive, inspiring and positive school culture

TABLE 2. Results of the 2016 National School Opinion Survey of                                 Student Attendance
students, parents and staff.                                                                   In addition to the results of the National School Survey,
                                                                                               the school collected and analysed a range of other data to
                                                                                               inform judgments about the school culture, including student

                                                             STUDENT Average
                                            PARENT Average
                                                                                               attendance and participation in community service activities.

                                                                               STAFF Average
 Statement                                                                                     A high rate of attendance was maintained in 2016, as shown
                                            (n=152)                                            in Table 3, below.


                                                                                                Table 3. Rossmoyne Senior High School and
 Students are expected to do their best        4.3              4.3              4.7            WA Public Schools’ attendance rates, 2013-2016.
 Teachers provide useful feedback              3.8              3.6              4.3
 Teachers treat students fairly                3.7              3.3              4.4                                         Attendance Rate
 The school is well maintained                 3.9              3.6              3.8                                    School          WA Public Schools
 Students feel safe at school                  4.3              3.8              4.0
                                                                                                      2013              94.9%                87.4%
 Teachers are approachable                     4.1              3.1              4.3
 Student behaviour is well managed             3.9              3.1              3.5                  2014              93.8%                 86.9%
 Students like being at school                 4.2              3.6              4.1
                                                                                                      2015              94.8%                 87.9%
 The school looks for ways to improve          4.0              3.6              4.3
 The school takes community's opinions                                                                2016              94.1%                 87.7%
                                               3.6              3.2               3.4
 Students are motivated to learn               3.8              3.6               4.3          Attendance plans were implemented for all students whose
 My child is making good progress              4.0
                                                                                               rates of absenteeism from school identified them as being at
                                                                                               moderate or severe educational risk.
 Student’s learning needs are being met        3.8                                4.1
 This school works with parents to
                                               3.6                                4.2          Endorsed Programs
 support student learning.
                                                                                               In 2016, Rossmoyne continued to promote active participation
 My teachers are good teachers.                                 3.8                            in community service programs. In 2016 a total of 190 unit
 My teachers care about me.                                     3.5                            equivalents were achieved by Year 12 students across their
 This school has a strong relationship                                                         final three years of high schooling. Students participated
                                               3.7                                3.9          in Community Service, represented the school on overseas
 with the local community.
 This school is well led.                      3.9                                3.7          exchange programs, engaged in peer tutoring programs in
                                                                                               Mathematics, and were also involved in Interact and Mock
 I am satisfied with the overall standard
                                               4.1                                4.3          Trials.
 of education achieved at this school.
 I would recommend this school to
                                               4.1                                4.4          Health and wellbeing
                                                                                               Health and wellbeing of students and staff continues to be
 Teachers at this school are good                                                              a priority in the school. In 2016 students, staff and parents
                                               3.9                                4.3
                                                                                               were surveyed to gain an idea of how they felt about mental
 Teachers at this school care about their                                                      health. Issues covered in the Mind Matters survey included:
                                               3.9                                4.4
                                                                                               ■■   developing a whole school approach;
Rating                                                                                         ■■   relationships, belonging and inclusion;
  Strongly agree                  5
                                                                                               ■■   student skills for resilience;
                                                                                               ■■   student empowerment and mental health;
 Agree                            4
                                                                                               ■■   support for students experiencing mental health; and
 Neither agree nor disagree       3
                                                                                               ■■   pathways and programs.
 Disagree                         2
                                                                                               Although the number of responses were low the strong
 Strongly disagree                1                                                            majority of responders agreed that good mental health is
 N/A                              0                                                            important for students; students should learn how to cope
                                                                                               with stress and build resilience; and that staff and students
                                                                                               have a sense of belonging to the school and feel safe.
                           ROSSMOYNE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 2016 ANNUAL REPORT

2016 HIGHLIGHTS: Priority 2. An inclusive, inspiring and positive school culture

Special Guests                                                                      ■■   Mr Phil Doncon, Local Urban Artist

■■   Sharyn O’Neill,
                                        "Rossmoyne stands out                            Conducted interactive art-based resiliency workshops with
                                                                                         the Year 7 students.
     Director General of the
     Department of Education
                                        amongst other schools’                      ■■   Representatives from Western Australia universities,
                                                                                         TAFE, members of P&C, Rossmoyne Alumni and members
     Presented the school with     for its combination of academic                       of the school community
     an ‘Excellence in Public
                                      excellence and the kinds of                        Guest speakers informed students about their courses;
     Education’ certificate.
                                                                                         career paths and scholarships available.
■■   Hon Dr Michael Nahan            people and citizens that are                                                     ■■   Mr Paul Litherland, Cyber
     MLA, 2016 Treasurer;
                                                                                                                           safety expert and former
     Minister for Energy;          being developed at this school."                                                        Police Officer (Surf Online
     Citizenship and
     Multicultural Interests            Sharyn O’Neill, Director General
                                                                                                                           Delivered tactical and
     -- Presented the school                Department of Education.
                                                                                                                           empowering online safety
        with an Australian and
                                                                                                                           and citizenship workshop
        Western Australian Flag
                                                                                                                           for Year 7 students.
        handcrafted by Members of the Canning Men’s Shed.
     -- Spoke to Year 11 Politics and Law students: Politics.
                                                                       “I really liked the keynote                    ■■   Ms Amanda Lambros,
                                                                                                                           Digital Citizenship
■■   Honourable Peter Collier MLC, 2016 Minister for                 speaker’s message of never give                       Consultant and Lecturer
     Education; Aboriginal Affairs and Electoral Affairs.
     Spoke to Year 12 Politics and Law students: Politics            up and keep your dreams alive”                        Curtin University
                                                                                                                           Presented to Year 9
■■   Ms Diana Warnock (OAM), former Western Australian                          Year 10 Student (STEPSS)                   students on digital
     radio broadcaster, journalist and State Member of                                                                     citizenships and cyber
     Parliament during the 1990s                                                                                           safety awareness.
     Spoke to Year 12 Politics and Law students: Politics.
                                                                                                                      ■■   Ms Bec Donaldson,
■■   Professor Mark Edele, University of Western Australia                                                                 Wildlife researcher,
     Spoke to Year 10 Humanities students about Russia and                                                                 Murdoch University
     World War II.                                                                                                         Spoke to interested
■■   Mr Steven Kemp, Economics academic and co-author of                                                                   Years 9 to 12 students
     the Year 11 and 12 textbooks                                                                                          on Wildlife Conservation
     Spoke to Year 12 Economics students: International Economics.                                                         Careers.
■■   Dr Samuel Baron, Philosophy Professor, University of Western          ■■    Mr Tony Russell, Managing Director, ALLClean Property Services
     Australia                                                                   Plus and Mr Richard Atkinson, Mr Tony Devitt, Dr Alan Croxford,
     Spoke to Year 10 Philosophy class to reinforce understandings of            Mr Neville Saunders, Mr John Dendziuk and Mr David Thwaites,
     Descartes.                                                                  Rossmoyne Rotary Club members.
■■   Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand                             Facilitated a half-day seminar on ‘Job Seeker Skills’ with the
     Spoke to Year 10 Introductory Accounting students.                          Year 10 Strategic Training and Education Program for Selected
                                                                                 Students (STEPSS).
■■   Dr Andy Kirker, Creator of educational games which focus on
                                                                                 The students enriched language class teaching by talking about
     critical and creative thinking in a teamwork setting.
                                                                                 what life is like in Germany.
     Students were challenged to make decisions based upon real-life
     scenarios with very strong links to the Australian Curriculum in      ■■    Ms Karmen Lu, 2008 Graduate and 2016 Masterchef Competitor
     Economics, History and Geography.                                           Spoke to the Food Science and Technology students about
                                                                                 juggling family expectations, following your passions and
■■   Dr Aditya Chopra (Class of 2004), Astrobiologist
                                                                                 competing in Masterchef.
     Spoke to science classes about the Fermi Paradox.
                                                                           ■■    Moordijt Dancers
■■   Ms Sue Scrutton, DonateLife
                                                                                 Cultural dances and workshops (Celebrating NAIDOC Week).
     Spoke to Year 10 Medical Science students about organ and
     tissue donation.                                                      ■■    Mr Bruce Beecham, Athletics Coach
                                                                                 Contributing to training sessions with the school’s athletics team.
■■   Mr Derek Rabelo, Brazilian Professional Surfer
     Derek, who was born blind, gave an inspirational talk to the          ■■    Volleyball Coaching
     students on the importance of having strong connections with                Rossmoyne Senior High School volleyball has strong ties with
     friends and family to maintain a happy lifestyle.                           its Alumni. Former staff and students are actively involved in
                                                                                 coaching. 17 former Rossmoyne students coached and travelled
■■   Mr Sam Prodonovich, School Board member
                                                                                 with students competing in the Australian Volleyball Schools Cup,
     Ran a workshop for 60 Year 7-10 students looking at Future
     Ready Citizens.

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