FULL-TIME PROSPECTUS Find your place - Henley College

FULL-TIME PROSPECTUS Find your place - Henley College

                  2017 2018
Find your place
FULL-TIME PROSPECTUS Find your place - Henley College

                  2                                                                                                        4      10 reasons to choose The Henley College             53    Traineeships                              3
                                                                                                                           5      How we support you                                  54    Enrichment and Sport
                                                                                                                           6      Making the right choice                             56    Elite Sports Programme
V I S I T H E N L E YC O L . AC . U K F O R D E TA I L S O N A L L C O U R S E S

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    CONTENTS & WELCOME
                                                                                                                           7      Careers and Higher Education                        59    Students’ Union
                                                                                                                           9      Entry requirements                                  60    Fees and Costs
                                                                                                                           12     A Levels                                            61    How to apply
                                                                                                                           34     Vocational Diploma Courses                          63    Events and College Tours
                                                                                                                           48     Gifted and Talented                                 64    Getting to The Henley College
                                                                                                                           49     Apprenticeships                                     67    Part-Time Courses

                                                                                                                           WELCOME TO THE HENLEY COLLEGE

                                                                                                                           T   he transition from school to employment or university is a vital time for
                                                                                                                               young people as they start to specialise and realise their full potential.
                                                                                                                               A sixth form college like Henley will provide you with a challenging,
                                                                                                                           motivating and supportive environment where you can reach your academic
                                                                                                                           goals, try new experiences and meet lots of like-minded people.

                                                                                                                           We are proud to offer a             All our specialist staff are      am proud to be its Principal.
                                                                                                                           broad and diverse choice of         firmly committed to and           I strongly encourage you to
                                                                                                                           courses at Henley and there         incredibly passionate about       come and visit us in order
                                                                                                                           are many courses available          supporting students to strive     to find out what makes our
                                                                                                                           that do not require you to          for excellence. As well as a      students here happy, successful,
                                                                                                                           have previously studied the         strong academic provision, you    motivated and challenged.
                                                                                                                           subject. These include Business,    will benefit from supportive
                                                                                                                           Psychology and Economics. We        personal tutors and a caring,     Visit www.henleycol.ac.uk for
                                                                                                                           are delighted to offer new          professional Student Services     further information about our
                                                                                                                           vocational courses including:       team who offer guidance           wide range of courses and
                                                                                                                           an extended diploma in              and help with most aspects        for details about upcoming
                                                                                                                           RSL Music Practitioner and          of College life. Our Upgrade      Information Events and

                                                                                                                           Science (Forensic and Criminal      team provide a wide range of      College Tours.
                                                                                                                           Investigation); also Level 2        specialist support for students
                                                                                                                           diplomas in Science, Public         with identified learning          Simon Cuthbert
                                                                                                                           Service/Social Studies and          support needs or a disability,    Acting Principal
                                                                                                                           Engineering. We also have           as well as those who just need
                                                                                                                           many exciting extra-curricular      a helping hand with revision,
                                                                                   I feel respected and important          activities available that
                                                                                                                           enhance and enrich student
                                                                                                                                                               essay writing or organisation.

                                                                                   in the College, this is because I was
                                                                                                                           life at Henley, as well as          Please take the time to explore
                                                                                                                           encourage and develop new           this prospectus and find out
                                                                                                                           skills and interests. These range   why our sixth form college
                                                                                   given the chance that I thought         from casual interest courses like
                                                                                                                           debating or public speaking,
                                                                                                                                                               is the ideal place to start
                                                                                                                                                               the route to your future. The

                                                                                   to be impossible in my situation.”      to elite sports teams in rugby
                                                                                                                           union, basketball and rowing.
                                                                                                                                                               Henley College is a really
                                                                                                                                                               special place to study and I

                                                                                   BTEC SPORT STUDENT
FULL-TIME PROSPECTUS Find your place - Henley College
10 REASONS TO CHOOSE                                                                                       HOW WE SUPPORT YOU
                                          THE HENLEY COLLEGE
                                          1. A BRIDGE TO YOUR FUTURE.                         6. DIVERSITY. The College was awarded                  TEACHING AND LEARNING                                     UPGRADE (LEARNING SUPPORT)
     4                                       The Henley College offers you the chance            Level 3 Leaders in Diversity accreditation          At College you will take greater responsibility for       Upgrade provides a wide range of specialist support
                                             to experience and benefit from a more               in December 2014 for outstanding work in            your learning and benefit from a more mature              for students with identified learning support needs
                                             mature learning environment, whilst still           the area of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.      approach, whilst continuing to enjoy a high level         and disabilities, as well as those who feel they are

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          HOW WE SUPPORT YOU
                                             being fully supported in all areas of College       We actively promote equality, diversity and         of guidance and support. We firmly believe that           experiencing any problems throughout their studies.
                                             life. You will feel respected as young adults,      inclusion in all areas of College life, providing   students will achieve their best results in a more open   This includes a broad 1–1 provision with specialist
                                             develop independent learning skills and have        a highly inclusive learning environment for all     but purposeful teaching and learning environment.         tutors, regular study skills workshops and an extensive
                                             access to expert guidance ahead of your             staff and students.                                                                                           assessment provision for exam access arrangements.
                                             move to either university or the workplace.                                                             You will be taught by highly experienced
                                                                                              7. ENRICHMENT. In addition to your                     teachers, who are passionate about their subject          All new students also complete an initial assessment
                                          2. COURSE CHOICE. The Henley College                   programme of study, you will have the               and committed to helping you achieve your                 at the start of term, which aims to identify the extent
                                             offers a competitively broad range of               opportunity to choose from a wide range of          potential. With a wealth of academic and industry         of any learning support needs. Please note any
                                             courses including over 60 A Levels, vocational      enrichment activities to enhance and balance        experience, our specialist staff only teach students      disabilities/support you are likely to require on your
                                             courses, apprenticeships and traineeships. The      your studies. These include an extensive and        aged 16–18, which brings many advantages.                 application. There will be opportunities to discuss
                                             College also has a large part-time course           diverse range of sports, music and drama            You will benefit from a high amount of contact            your support needs and ask any questions both at
                                             offering for those wishing to develop new           and other pastimes.                                 time with your teachers and enjoy the opportunity         interview and throughout the admissions process.
                                             skills or pursue a new hobby.                                                                           to work closely with your fellow students. 100%
                                                                                              8. SPECIALIST TEACHING. We have a                      attendance is vitally important in order to succeed       COUNSELLING
                                          3. SUCCESS. The Henley College has an                  dedicated, professional and highly skilled          on your chosen programme and you will be
                                             excellent track record of exam results, with        teaching body who strive to give every                                                                        We understand that there may be times when you
                                                                                                                                                     registered at the start of every lesson.                  would prefer to discuss confidential things with
                                             98% overall A Level pass rate for 2016              student a rich learning experience and
                                             with an increase of 4% for higher grades            help them to fulfil their potential.                                                                          someone at College who isn’t a teacher or tutor.
                                             (A*-B).                                                                                                 PERSONAL TUTOR                                            Your tutor may suggest that you talk to one of the
                                                                                              9. PARENT/GUARDIAN INVOLVEMENT                         Your personal tutor, whom you will meet at the            College Counsellors, or you may decide for yourself
                                          4. STUDENT SUPPORT. The College prides                 AND COMMUNICATION. The College                      start of term, is likely to be your first point of        to make an appointment. A qualified nurse also
                                             itself on offering all students extensive           involves and communicates with parents              contact for most things. This may range from              provides advice and support in relation to any health
                                             support in all areas of College life. You           at every stage of their son’s or daughter’s         answering questions as you settle into life at            issues, three days a week. The College also offers
                                             will have a personal tutor who will monitor         studies at Henley. Attendance, progress,            College, to providing guidance and support with           a “listening service” three afternoons a week; this
                                             your progress, help you to set appropriate          achievement and wellbeing are closely               your university or employment applications. They          service is sponsored by the Student Union and is there
                                             targets, track attendance and communicate           monitored and shared.                               will also monitor your progress, attendance and           for students who just need someone to talk to, either
                                             with parents. They will also provide guidance                                                           communicate with your parents. You will meet              regularly – or for a one off appointment.
                                             and support with university or employment        10. REPUTATION. You will be joining a College
                                                                                                 with a history spanning over 400 years              for group tutorial once a week, where a wide
                                             applications. The College also has a                                                                    range of relevant information and topics will be          TRANSITION TO COLLEGE
                                             dedicated Student Services team offering            that has provided a high quality education
                                                                                                 to thousands of young men and women.                shared and explored. Your personal tutor will get         Ranging from information events and Partner Schools’
                                             help with careers and higher education,                                                                 to know you well and support you in all aspects           Day to our Offer Holders’ Evening and Welcome Day,
                                             transport, finance and learning support.            Students leave Henley with excellent results,
                                                                                                 having grown as individuals and ready to            of your College experience.                               our events are designed to provide you with all of
                                             Trained counsellors and a qualified nurse                                                                                                                         the information you need to feel well-prepared and
                                             are available to those who may be finding           take the next step into higher education or
                                                                                                 the workplace.                                      LIBRARY AND STUDY FACILITIES                              confident about starting at College.
                                             life particularly challenging and require                                                                                                                         All students who receive and accept an offer of
                                             additional support.                                                                                     The Library is home to over 20,000 catalogued
                                                                                                                                                     items including books, newspapers and                     a place will be provided with transition activities
                                          5. ENVIRONMENT AND SAFETY. The                                                                             magazines relevant to all of our courses. It also         relevant to the courses they have applied for. You will
                                             College is located in the heart of Henley-on-                                                           provides a wide range of multimedia and online            be asked to complete these activities, designed to
                                             Thames, a small, friendly town with a strong                                                            resources. The Library opens before and after             keep your mind active and prepare you for the step
                                             community spirit and very low crime rate.                                                               College, and outside of term time, to ensure              up from GCSE, during the summer break.
                                             Safety on campus is taken very seriously with                                                           you always have a place to study and access to
                                             all staff and students issued with lanyards                                                             books and resources. The College shop provides            COMMUNICATING WITH PARENTS
                                             and photographic ID. There is CCTV and                                                                  cost-effective stationery, materials and prompt           We are committed to keeping parents and guardians
                                             dedicated security, premises and health and                                                             reprographic services.                                    informed of their son’s or daughter’s progress
                                             safety staff. The College has a designated                                                                                                                        throughout their time at College.
                                                                                                                                                     Two Student Learning Centres provide access to
                                             Safeguarding Officer ensuring all staff and                                                                                                                       Through our online portal parents/guardians can
                                                                                                                                                     computers, scanning, printing and photocopying
                                             students can work and study in a safe and                                                                                                                         regularly and reliably track progress, and will receive
                                                                                                                                                     facilities. Wi-fi is also widely available across the
                                             secure environment.                                                                                                                                               a message in the instance of any absence. All tutors are
                                                                                                                                                     College, allowing for the use of laptops, tablets
                                                                                                                                                     and portable devices. LearnZone, the College’s            also easily contactable by telephone and email or, if
                                                                                                                                                     virtual learning environment (VLE), provides              parents prefer, they can arrange a convenient time to
                                                                                                                                                     students with access to a broad range of learning         meet with them. Progress reports will be issued during
                                                                                                                                                     materials, news and information.                          the year and parents will be invited to review and
                                                                                                                                                                                                               discuss targets and grade expectations.
FULL-TIME PROSPECTUS Find your place - Henley College
WHERE COULD COLLEGE TAKE YOU?                                                                              CAREERS AND HIGHER EDUCATION
                                                                                          MAKING THE RIGHT CHOICE
                                                                                          I   f you are feeling uncertain about what to do next, or how to make that important
                                                                                              decision, rest assured you are not alone. Our experienced College staff are
                                                                                              trained to help you and are ready to do so at every step of the way.                                   E    ach year around 70% of our students continue on to higher education.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Our students recently achieved excellent results, with many going on to
                                                                                                                                                                                                          study at highly ranked universities.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   W H E R E C O U L D C O L L E G E TA K E YO U ? M A K I N G T H E R I G H T C H O I C E
                                                                                          QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF?

                                                                                          •    What subjects do I enjoy at school?
                                                                                          •    What subjects am I best at?                                                                                  ABERYSTWYTH                      EAST LONDON
                                                                                          •    Can I imagine studying for the next 5 years?
                                                                                                                                                                                                            ASTON                            EDINBURGH
                                                                                          •    Would I enjoy working and learning at the same time?

                                                                                                                                                                                                           BANGOR                                                              MANCHESTER
                                                                                                                                                                                                           BATH                              EXETER
                                                                                          PATHWAYS TO SUCCESS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               MANCHESTER METROPOLITAN

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             GLAMORGAN                         MIDDLESEX
                                                                                              UNIVERSITY                          EMPLOYMENT                         APPRENTICESHIP
                                                                                                                                                                     OR TRAINEESHIP
                                                                                                                                                                                                           BATH SPA                          GLASGOW                           NEWCASTLE
                                                                                              Think about which subject you       Think about your interests                                                BIRMINGHAM                       GOLDSMITHS                        NOTTINGHAM
                                                                                                                                                                                                            BIRMINGHAM CITY
                                                                                              may want to go on to study at
                                                                                              university. If it is a specialist
                                                                                                                                  and any work experience you
                                                                                                                                  have had.                         Think about what it would
                                                                                                                                                                    be like to work and gain                BOURNEMOUTH                      LONDON                            OXFORD
                                                                                              subject such as medicine or         Research (see website list        a qualification at the same
                                                                                                                                                                                                           BRISTOL                           HERTFORDSHIRE

                                                                                              veterinary science, do your         below).                                                                                                                                      OXFORD BROOKES
                                                                                              research before choosing                                              time. An Apprenticeship or
                                                                                              your College subjects. If you       Arrange an appointment            traineeship may be something            BRIGHTON                                                           PLYMOUTH
                                                                                              are unsure about your likely        with your careers advisor at      you have considered.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           BRUNEL                                                              PORTSMOUTH
                                                                                              degree subject, keep your           school to explore the different   Research your options with
                                                                                                                                  options available.
                                                                                              College options as broad as                                           your school’s careers advisor           BUCKS NEW                                                          QUEEN MARY LONDON
                                                                                              you can.                                                              in order to find the right
                                                                                              Research what potential
                                                                                                                                  Visit an employer or arrange
                                                                                                                                  relevant work experience so       Apprenticeship place for you.           CAMBRIDGE
                                                                                              universities would like to          that you can get a feel for       You could also arrange some
                                                                                                                                                                    work experience, so that you
                                                                                                                                                                                                            CANTERBURY                                                         ROEHAMPTON
                                                                                              see, for example some work          what working in the job role
                                                                                                                                                                    can find out what it might be           CHRIST CHURCH
                                                                                                                                  might be like.                                                                                             KINGS COLLEGE                     ROYAL HOLLOWAY
                                                                                              experience, EPQ (see page
                                                                                                                                                                    like to work in that industry.
                                                                                              21) etc.                            Apply to the College for                                                                                   LONDON KINGSTON
                                                                                              Apply to the College to             further advice and an             Apply to the College to                 CARDIFF METROPOLITAN
                                                                                                                                                                    get an interview for an

                                                                                              get an interview to study           interview to study A Levels                                                                                                                  SOUTHAMPTON
                                                                                              A Levels or a BTEC and to           or a BTEC.                        Apprenticeship or Traineeship.
                                                                                              get advice from us.                 www.nationalcareersservice.       Find out more on pages
                                                                                                                                                                                                            CITY LONDON                                                        SURREY
                                                                                              If you are unsure about what
                                                                                              universities offer, there are a
                                                                                                                                  www.plotr.co.uk                   www.getingofar.gov.uk                   COVENTRY                         LEICESTER                         SWANSEA
                                                                                              number of websites that you
                                                                                                                                                                                                            DE MONTFORT                      LIVERPOOL                         SWANSEA METROPOLITAN
                                                                                              will find particularly useful:
                                                                                              www.ucas.com                                                                                                 DURHAM                            LONDON METROPOLITAN               UNIVERSITY FOR THE CREATIVE ARTS

                                                                                              www.ukcoursefinder.com                                                                                        EAST ANGLIA                      LOUGHBOROUGH                      WARWICK

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Some students prefer to enter employment straightaway when they leave College. Destinations range
                                                                                                                                                                                                     from full-time roles spanning a wide range of industries to places on in-demand training schemes with
                                                                                                                                                                                                     leading organisations. After College our students have gone on to secure roles with employers including
                                                                                                                                                                                                     British Airways, Channel 5, the Civil Service, Citroen, Mars UK, Microsoft, the NHS, National Grid, Simpson
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Associates, the police force and Volvo.

                                                                                                                        P     redicted GCSE grades are used to assess your suitability for entry onto all of
                                                                                                                              our courses and, most importantly, your likely ability to achieve your potential
                                                                                                                              through your chosen route.
V I S I T H E N L E YC O L . AC . U K F O R D E TA I L S O N A L L C O U R S E S

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        E N T RY R E Q U I R E M E N T S
                                                                                                                        We review your GCSE English Language and Mathematics grades, plus the six best grades from
                                                                                                                        your remaining subjects. For details on how to apply see page 61.

                                                                                                                        GCSE ENGLISH AND MATHEMATICS
                                                                                                                        We review your GCSE English Language and                Students who have not achieved a grade
                                                                                                                        Mathematics grades separately and you will see          4 or above in GCSE English Language and
                                                                                                                        on each subject the details and grades required         Mathematics will be required to re-sit these
                                                                                                                        - the majority of our courses require at least a        qualifications at College alongside their
                                                                                                                        grade 4 for English and Mathematics (and many           other studies.
                                                                                                                        require grade 5) but please refer to the table
                                                                                                                        on pages 10 - 11.

                                                                                                                        COURSE ENTRY REQUIREMENTS IN ADDITION TO ENGLISH AND MATHEMATICS

                                                                                                                         COURSE                                    REQUIREMENTS
                                                                                                                         A Level                                   To study an A Level programme you should also achieve at
                                                                                                                                                                   least 2 grade Bs and 4 grade Cs from your best 6 subjects.
                                                                                                                         Level 3 Extended Diploma                  To study for a Level 3 Extended Diploma you should also
                                                                                                                                                                   achieve at least 3 grade Cs from your best 6 subjects (a Pass
                                                                                                                                                                   at a Level 2 vocational subject equates to grade C).
                                                                                                                         Level 2 Diploma / Extended                To study a Level 2 Diploma or an Extended Certificate you
                                                                                                                         Certificate                               must achieve at least 3 grade Ds in appropriate subjects from
                                                                                                                                                                   6 GCSEs.
                                                                                                                         Pathways Programme                        You will be invited to attend a consultation

                                                                                                                         Apprenticeships, Traineeships and         You will be invited to attend an interview to discuss your
                                                                                                                         Foundation Programme                      options

                                                                                                                        We appreciate that not all students will have           INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS
                                                                                   At The Henley College you get        decided to pursue a full GCSE programme and
                                                                                                                        that you may also be taking other courses such
                                                                                                                                                                                Applications from students outside the UK will
                                                                                                                                                                                be individually assessed and you will need to
                                                                                   treated more like an adult than at   as a BTEC Diploma. Only GCSE qualifications
                                                                                                                        are taken into account if you are applying for
                                                                                                                                                                                have completed an advanced level qualification
                                                                                                                                                                                in English, such as IELTS, to demonstrate your
                                                                                   a school, you get to give your own   A Level entry; but other qualifications, including
                                                                                                                        BTECs, are assessed if you are applying for a
                                                                                                                        Level 2 or Level 3 vocational BTEC diploma, or
                                                                                                                                                                                ability to study in English. Students who do not
                                                                                                                                                                                hold GCSE or IGCSE qualifications must obtain a

                                                                                   opinions and they are listened to.
                                                                                                                                                                                NARIC Certificate (please visit: http://ecctis.co.uk/
                                                                                                                        any other programme.                                    naric/ for further information). The College is not
                                                                                                                                                                                registered with the UK Border Agency. Please visit
                                                                                                                                                                                www.bia.homeoffice.gov.uk for further information.
                                                                                   CALLUM COOKE
A LEVEL SUBJECTS                                                                                                           VOCATIONAL COURSES
                                    A LEVEL SUBJECTS                      MATHS/ENGLISH                   ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS
                                                                                                                                                              NB: All Extended Diploma courses require a grade 4 in GCSE English Language and GCSE Mathematics
                                                                          GRADE                                                                               unless otherwise stated.
                                    ANCIENT HISTORY                       English 5 and Maths 4                                                                SUBJECT                           LEVEL                     MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS
                                    ART: FINE ART                         English 5 and Maths 4           GCSE B in Art & Design                               ART & DESIGN                      Foundation                Aged 18+ with four GCSEs, grade C or above,
                                    ART: GRAPHIC COMMUNICATION            English 5 and Maths 4           GCSE B in Art & Design NB: DT Graphics is NOT                                                                    and at least one A Level to include an Art &
                                                                                                          acceptable in lieu of Art & Design                                                                               Design subject. Mature students with experience
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           will be considered on merit. Applicants are
                                    ART & DESIGN                          English 5 and Maths 4           GCSE B in Art & Design                                                                                           required to bring a portfolio to interview
10                                  ART: TEXTILES                         English 5 and Maths 4           GCSE B in Art & Design or DT Textiles                ART & DESIGN                      Extended Diploma          Grade B in GCSE Art & Design. Applicants are       11
                                    BIOLOGY                               English 5 and Maths 5           GCSE B in Biology or BB in Core Science                                                                          required to bring a portfolio to interview
                                                                                                          & Additional Science
                                                                                                                                                               BUSINESS                          Extended Diploma

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              E N T RY R E Q U I R E M E N T S
                                    BUSINESS                              English 4 and Maths 4
                                                                                                                                                               BUSINESS & TOURISM                Combined First
                                    CHEMISTRY                             English 5 and Maths 5           GCSE B in Chemistry or BB in Core Science                                              Certificate/First Award
                                                                                                          & Additional Science
                                    CLASSICAL CIVILISATION                English 5 and Maths 4                                                                CHILDREN’S PLAY, LEARNING         Level 2 Technical
                                                                                                                                                               & DEVELOPMENT                     Diploma (TBC)
                                    COMPUTER SCIENCE                      English 4 and Maths 7           GCSE C in Computing in lieu of GCSE 7 in
                                                                                                          Maths                                                CHILDREN’S PLAY, LEARNING         Extended Diploma          Caution to applicants - grade 5s may be
                                    DANCE                                 English 5 and Maths 4           GCSE C in Dance or Level 5 Dance cert in             & DEVELOPMENT                                               needed to progress to teacher training, but this
                                                                                                          Jazz, Modern or Ballet or BTEC Dance level 2                                                                     is not yet announced, discuss at interview
                                                                                                          - Distinction or higher                              CREATIVE MEDIA PRODUCTION         Extended Diploma          Applicants are set a task to complete prior to
                                    DRAMA AND THEATRE STUDIES             English 6 and Maths 4           GCSE 6 in English Language and Literature.                                                                       interview
                                                                                                          GCSE B in Drama also desirable                       ENGINEERING                       Level 2 Diploma           Standard entry requirements plus grade 3 in
                                    ECONOMICS                             English   6   and Maths     6                                                                                                                    GCSE Mathematics and grade D in another
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           technical subject like Science or Resistant
                                    ENGLISH LANGUAGE                      English   5   and Maths     4                                                                                                                    Materials
                                    ENGLISH LANGUAGE & LITERATURE         English   5   and Maths     4   GCSE 5 in English Literature and English Language    ENGINEERING                       Extended Diploma          Grade C in GCSE Science and grade 4 in
                                    ENGLISH LITERATURE                    English   5   and Maths     4   GCSE 5 in English Literature and English Language                                                                GCSE Maths
                                    ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES                 English   5   and Maths     4   GCSE B in Science                                    FOUNDATION PROGRAMME              Fedex, Bridge             Interview, references and College assessment
                                    FILM STUDIES                          English   5   and Maths     4   GCSE 5 in English Literature                         HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE              Extended Diploma          Grade C in GCSE Science
                                    FRENCH                                English   5   and Maths     4   GCSE B in French or a similar level of competence    ICT & COMPUTING                   Extended Diploma
                                    GEOGRAPHY                             English   5   and Maths     5   GCSE 5 in English Language                           INFORMATION & CREATIVE            Extended Certificate
                                    GEOLOGY                               English   5   Maths 5           GCSE B in Chemistry & Physics or BB in Core          TECHNOLOGY                        (Level 2)
                                                                                                          Science & Additional Science                         PATHWAYS                          Individual Learning Plan Reviews, assessments and introductory visits
                                    GERMAN                                English   5   and   Maths   4   GCSE B in German or a similar level of competence    PERFORMING ARTS                   Extended Diploma         Grade 5 in GCSE English Literature.
                                    HISTORY                               English   5   and   Maths   4                                                                                                                   GCSE Dance and/or Drama are desirable.
                                    LAW                                   English   6   and   Maths   4                                                                                                                   Alternatively, a Distinction grade at BTEC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Level 2. Applicants are required to attend
                                    MATHEMATICS                           English   4   and   Maths   7   GCSE 7 in Maths preferred or 6 in GCSE                                                                          an audition and interview
                                                                                                          Maths and B in GCSE Science
                                    MATHEMATICS (DOUBLE)                  English 4 and Maths 7                                                                PUBLIC SERVICE / SOCIAL STUDIES   Level 2 Diploma
                                    MEDIA STUDIES                         English 4 and Maths 4                                                                PUBLIC SERVICE / SOCIAL STUDIES   Extended Diploma
                                    MUSIC                                 English 5 and Maths 5           GCSE B in Music or grade 5 theory. Grade 6           RSL MUSIC PRACTITIONER            Extended Diploma          Grade 5 in GCSE Maths. Grade 5 in GCSE
                                                                                                          standard performance level. Music Theory test                                                                    English Literature or English Language
                                                                                                          at interview                                         SCIENCE (FORENSIC AND             Extended Certificate
                                    MUSIC TECHNOLOGY                      English 5 and Maths 6           GCSE grade B in Physics in lieu of grade 6 in        CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION)
                                                                                                          GCSE Mathematics. Grade C in Music. Theory           SCIENCE (FORENSIC AND             Extended Diploma          Grade C in two GCSE Science subjects or
                                                                                                          Test at interview                                    CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION)                                     Merit grade in BTEC Science
                                    PHILOSOPHY                            English 6 and Maths 5
                                                                                                                                                               SPORT                             Level 2 Diploma
                                    PHOTOGRAPHY                           English 4 and Maths 4
                                                                                                                                                               SPORT & EXERCISE SCIENCES         Extended Diploma          Grade C in GCSE Science
                                    PHYSICAL EDUCATION                    English 4 and Maths 4           GCSE B in Science. GCSE B in Physical
                                                                                                                                                               TRAVEL & TOURISM                  Extended Diploma
                                                                                                          Education also desirable
                                    PHYSICS                               English 4 and Maths 6           GCSE B in Physics or BB in Core Science              TRAVEL & TOURISM                  Extended Certificate
                                                                                                          & Additional Science
                                    POLITICS                              English   5   and   Maths   4
                                    PSYCHOLOGY                            English   5   and   Maths   5   GCSE C in Science
                                    RELIGIOUS STUDIES                     English   5   and   Maths   4
                                    SOCIOLOGY                             English   5   and   Maths   5
                                    SPANISH                               English   5   and   Maths   4   GCSE B in Spanish or a similar level of

                                   English refers to either English Language or English Literature, unless otherwise specified
AS AND A LEVELS                                 ANCIENT                                                     ART
                                                                                                                                   HISTORY                                                     (FINE ART/GRAPHIC
                                                                                                                                                                                               AND DESIGN)

                                                                                                                                    A LEVEL                                                     A LEVEL
12                                                                                        Levels have been changing
                                                                                                                                    ASSESSMENT                                                  ASSESSMENT
                                                                                          and are now linear in nature.             Exam (100%)                                                 Coursework (60%) Exam (40%)
                                                                                          This means they are externally
V I S I T H E N L E YC O L . AC . U K F O R D E TA I L S O N A L L C O U R S E S

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        A LEVELS
                                                                                                                                    DURATION                                                    DURATION
                                                                                   assessed after two years. In some                2 years                                                     2 years
                                                                                   subjects you may be able to take the
                                                                                                                                    ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                          ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
                                                                                   AS examinations at the end of the first          Standard entry requirements plus grade 5 in                 Standard entry requirements plus grade 5
                                                                                   year though they will not count directly         GCSE English.                                               in GCSE English Language or Literature and
                                                                                   towards your final A Level grade.                                                                            grade B in GCSE Art & Design. NB: DT Graphics
                                                                                                                                    EXAM BOARD                                                  is NOT acceptable in lieu of Art & Design.
                                                                                   For some subjects there may be                                                                               EXAM BOARD
                                                                                   reduced amounts of coursework.                   COSTS                                                       Edexcel
                                                                                                                                    £30 per year for textbooks plus optional field trips.
                                                                                   Mock examinations will be held in the                                                                        COSTS
                                                                                   Spring Term of the first and second                  WHAT WILL I STUDY?                                      Purchase of portfolio and materials,
                                                                                   years. A Levels will continue to be             A subject not commonly offered by many school
                                                                                                                                                                                                plus optional visits to exhibitions. Annual
                                                                                                                                                                                                £40 studio fee to cover cost of specialised
                                                                                   graded from A* to E. You will continue          sixth-forms and colleges, Ancient History will provide       equipment. ‘Starter Pack’ that will include a
                                                                                   to be able to choose from a broad               you with a unique opportunity to learn about the             pen nib and holder, masking tape, craft knife,
                                                                                                                                   history of Ancient Greece and Rome in depth.
                                                                                   range of subjects you may not have              You will investigate the writings of famous ancient
                                                                                                                                                                                                sketching pencils, fine liner, brushes, lino cutting
                                                                                   encountered before, or have had the             figures, including Herodotus and Julius Caesar, and          tool, scissors, glue stick and A6 sketchbook at
                                                                                                                                   the career of the influential Roman lawyer and               a very competitive price.
                                                                                   opportunity to study at school, from
                                                                                                                                   politician, Cicero. Topics usually include the rise
                                                                                   Classical Civilisation to Economics, Film       of the Persian Empire and consequent wars with                  WHAT WILL I STUDY?
                                                                                   Studies to Geology, and Government              Greece, study of the dynamics of Ancient Spartan            This course’s modular structure will provide you with
                                                                                   & Politics to Sociology.                        society and a survey of the dramatic events that            a wide range of experiences and opportunities.
                                                                                                                                   marked the fall of the Roman Republic. You will
                                                                                                                                   utilise archaeological artefacts and other sources          You will choose from two pathways:
                                                                                                                                   to better understand the people and events of this          • Fine Art: work which is produced as an outcome
                                                                                                                                   important era.                                                  of your personal experience, rather than that
                                                                                                                                   Ancient History as a subject is highly valued by both           which is created exclusively for a practical
                                                                                                                                   universities and employers, due to the knowledge                function or that which is the outcome of a tightly
                                                                                                                                   and transferable skills it develops, ranging from               prescribed brief.
                                                                                                                                   analysis and comprehension to research and                  • Graphic Communication: Still very art based,
                                                                                                                                   presentation skills.                                            using both traditional and untraditional media,
                                                                                                                                   This course will particularly appeal to students                which conveys information and ideas by visual
                                                                                                                                   with a personal interest in classical history, and              means for a practical function.
                                                                                                                                   combines well with subjects including History, English      In year one you will enjoy an introduction to fine art
                                                                                                                                   Literature, Art and Classical Civilisation. There is also   and graphic communication and complete modules
                                                                                                                                   the opportunity to enjoy field trips within the UK and      in observational drawing, fine art, graphic design/
                                                                                                                                   to the Mediterranean.                                       illustration and computer aided design. In year two,
                                                                                                                                                                                               you will be encouraged to work more independently
                                                                                                                                        WHAT NEXT?                                             and develop work in response to an idea, issue
                                                                                                                                                                                               or theme of your choice into a finished product,
                                                                                                                                   Whilst many students continue on to study subjects          including both practical and written work. Students
                                                                                                                                   including History, English Literature and Classics at
                                                                                                                                                                                               may switch disciplines after the first year.
                                                                                                                                   university, this course provides a strong grounding
                                                                                                                                   for those wishing to pursue many other subject areas
                                                                                                                                   at degree level. Alternatively, students may consider           WHAT NEXT?
                                                                                                                                   direct entry into employment or further training.           A large number of our students go on to study Art
                                                                                                                                                                                               and Design at a higher level. Subject to tutors’
                                                                                                                                                                                               recommendations and a portfolio interview, this
                                                                                                                                                                                               course guarantees the offer of a place on the
                                                                                                                                                                                               College’s post A Level Foundation course in Art and
                                                                                   Please see pages 10-11 for entry requirements                                                               Design. Alternatively, students may consider direct
                                                                                   For details on how to apply see page 61                                                                     entry into employment or further training.
ART                                                         BIOLOGY                                                  BUSINESS                                                      CHEMISTRY

                                                                                    A LEVEL                                                     A LEVEL                                                  A LEVEL                                                       A LEVEL
14                                                                                  ASSESSMENT                                                  ASSESSMENT                                               ASSESSMENT                                                    ASSESSMENT
                                                                                    Coursework (60%) Controlled Assessment (40%)                Exam (100%). Students must also produce                  Exam (100%)                                                   Exam (100%). Students must also produce
                                                                                                                                                a portfolio of evidence to demonstrate their                                                                           a portfolio of evidence to demonstrate their
V I S I T H E N L E YC O L . AC . U K F O R D E TA I L S O N A L L C O U R S E S

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               A LEVELS
                                                                                    DURATION                                                    competence in a variety of practical tasks.              DURATION                                                      competence in a variety of practical tasks.
                                                                                    2 years                                                                                                              2 years
                                                                                                                                                DURATION                                                                                                               DURATION
                                                                                    ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                          2 years                                                  ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                            2 years
                                                                                    Standard entry requirements plus grade 5 in                                                                          Standard entry requirements.
                                                                                    GCSE English Language or Literature and grade               ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                                                                                     ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
                                                                                    B in GCSE Art & Design or DT Textiles.                      Standard entry requirements plus grade B                 EXAM BOARD                                                    Standard entry requirements, plus grade B in
                                                                                                                                                in GCSE Biology or BB in Core Science and                AQA                                                           GCSE Chemistry or BB in Core Science and
                                                                                    EXAM BOARD                                                  Additional Science, plus grade 5 in GCSE                                                                               Additional Science, plus grade 5 in GCSE
                                                                                    Eduqas                                                                                                               COSTS
                                                                                                                                                Mathematics and English.                                 £20 per year for textbooks, plus optional                     Mathematics and English.
                                                                                    COSTS                                                       EXAM BOARD                                               field trips.                                                  EXAM BOARD
                                                                                    Purchase of portfolio and materials plus                    OCR                                                                                                                    Edexcel
                                                                                    optional visits to exhibitions. There is an annual                                                                       WHAT WILL I STUDY?
                                                                                    £40 studio fee to cover the cost of specialised             COSTS                                                                                                                  COSTS
                                                                                    equipment. Trips are approximately £10 each,                £30 for textbooks and practice exam papers,             Business plays a crucial role in our economy and               £35 per year for textbooks and exam
                                                                                    with the exception of the Clothes Show trip at              plus optional field trips and visits.                   society, providing us with wealth and affecting                paper booklets.
                                                                                    £35. There are usually 4 trips per year.                                                                            our quality of life. Innovation and the efficient
                                                                                                                                                                                                        management of resources, such as people and
                                                                                                                                                   WHAT WILL I STUDY?                                   finance, are crucial for business success.                        WHAT WILL I STUDY?
                                                                                        WHAT WILL I STUDY?                                     Focusing on the structure and functions of a variety     This course explores the many factors and challenges          Chemistry is the study of the elements and their
                                                                                   This is a fine art textiles course which will offer         of organisms and considering human interactions          facing commercial organisations and examines them in          compounds and brings together important aspects
                                                                                   you the opportunity to explore a wide range of              with the environment, this course will also provide      the context of real-life business scenarios. You will study   of Physics and Biology. Chemical principles underpin
                                                                                   textile techniques. You will do workshops in felting,       you with an appreciation of how society makes            leadership and management and in particular how               all biological systems and the physical environment
                                                                                   batik, tie-dye, screen printing, block printing, hand       decisions about scientific issues and how the sciences   businesses develop strategies in relation to functional       in which we live, affecting everything from high
                                                                                   embroidery and machine embroidery. There will               contribute to the success of the economy and society.    areas such as finance, operations, human resources and        performance materials to sustainable energy to
                                                                                   be the chance to learn many more skills throughout          Year one builds on knowledge from GCSE studying          marketing. Students will also learn to appreciate how         the effectiveness of modern medicines.
                                                                                   the course to encourage the development of strong           humans as organisms, exchange and transport,             important it is for businesses to analyse performance         You will examine areas such as atomic structure,
                                                                                   personal qualities in your textile work.                    biodiversity, evolution and health, as well as           and to appreciate the wider external environment              bonding, periodicity and quantitative chemistry,
                                                                                   The course encourages students to investigate,              introducing new topics such as cell ultrastructure       when drawing up future strategies.                            followed by introductions to organic and physical
                                                                                   research and explore. There are trips to the                and biochemistry. In year two, areas of study will       Each year, students have the opportunity to listen to         chemistry. In year two, organic chemistry is
                                                                                   Ashmolean, Pitt-Rivers, V&A, Science and Natural            include the endocrine and nervous systems, genetics,     guest speakers to the College, which have included            extended further into areas such as polymers,
                                                                                   History Museums and The Clothes Show.                       biotechnology and conservation.                          representatives from Amazon and Manchester                    proteins and analytical methods. Physical chemistry
                                                                                   Year one culminates in a Personal Creative Enquiry          Biology is an experimental science so you will carry     United FC, as well as those arranged by the                   topics such as kinetics, acids and bases, equilibrium,
                                                                                   based on your own interests and ideas using the             out a range of laboratory or field-based activities      department. Optional trips include an EU conference           redox and energetics are also covered in greater
                                                                                   techniques that you have learned.                           to enhance your understanding and develop your           in Paris to provide students with a further insight into      detail. You will carry out a range of laboratory-
                                                                                                                                               practical skills. Fieldwork is carried out within the    the world of business.                                        based experiments and activities to enhance your
                                                                                   In year two you will build on your skills and will                                                                                                                                 understanding further. This will also develop your
                                                                                   be encouraged to work more independently and                College grounds or around the Henley area, supported
                                                                                                                                               by optional one-day trips out.                                WHAT NEXT?                                               practical and evaluative skills which will be assessed
                                                                                   develop your work in response to an idea, issue,                                                                                                                                   within exam papers.
                                                                                   concept or theme of your choice into a finished                                                                      Whilst many students continue on to study subjects
                                                                                   product to include practical work and an essay. There           WHAT NEXT?                                           including accounting, banking and finance, business
                                                                                   is also a controlled element set by the exam board.                                                                  management and marketing at university, this course               WHAT NEXT?
                                                                                                                                               A key course for students planning to continue on
                                                                                                                                               to university to study subjects including medicine,      provides a strong grounding for those wishing to              A key course for students planning to continue on
                                                                                        WHAT NEXT?                                             dentistry, veterinary science, biochemistry, marine      pursue many other subject areas at degree level.              to university and pursue a career in areas such
                                                                                                                                               biology, midwifery, nursing, environmental science,      Alternatively, students may consider direct entry             as medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, environmental
                                                                                   A key course for students planning to continue on to                                                                                                                               science, chemical engineering, materials science or
                                                                                   university to study subjects including fine art textiles,   physiotherapy and sports science. It also provides a     into employment e.g. general business and
                                                                                                                                               strong grounding for those wishing to pursue many        administrative roles.                                         biotechnology. It also provides a strong grounding
                                                                                   textile design, fashion design, fashion marketing and                                                                                                                              for those wishing to pursue many other subject areas
                                                                                   costume design. Subject to tutors’ recommendations          other subject areas at degree level.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      at degree level.
                                                                                   and a portfolio interview, this course guarantees           Alternatively, students may consider direct entry
                                                                                   the offer of a place on the College’s post A Level          into employment or further training.                                                                                   Alternatively, students may consider direct entry
                                                                                   Foundation course in Art and Design. Alternatively,                                                                                                                                into employment or further training.
                                                                                   students may consider direct entry into employment
                                                                                   or further training.
CLASSICAL                                                  COMPUTER
                                                                                   CIVILISATION                                               SCIENCE
                                                                                    A LEVEL                                                    A LEVEL
16                                                                                  ASSESSMENT                                                 ASSESSMENT
                                                                                    Exam (100%)                                                A Level Assessment: Coursework (20%) Exam (80%)
V I S I T H E N L E YC O L . AC . U K F O R D E TA I L S O N A L L C O U R S E S

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 A LEVELS
                                                                                    DURATION                                                   DURATION
                                                                                    2 years                                                    2 years
                                                                                    ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                         ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
                                                                                    Standard entry requirements plus grade 5 in                Standard entry requirements, plus grade 7 in
                                                                                    English Language.                                          GCSE Mathematics (candidates with grade 6
                                                                                                                                               may be considered depending on circumstance)
                                                                                    EXAM BOARD                                                 or grade C in GCSE Computing.
                                                                                                                                               EXAM BOARD
                                                                                    COSTS                                                      AQA
                                                                                    £30 per year for textbooks plus
                                                                                    optional field trips.                                      COSTS
                                                                                                                                               £32.99 for textbooks.
                                                                                       WHAT WILL I STUDY?
                                                                                   A subject not commonly offered by many school                  WHAT WILL I STUDY?
                                                                                   sixth‑forms and colleges, Classical Civilisation offers    This course is designed to introduce you to the
                                                                                   the opportunity to study the literary and material         principles of Computational Thinking and Software
                                                                                   culture of the Ancient Greeks and Romans. You will         Engineering which help prepare you for a career
                                                                                   explore aspects of classical civilisation which have       in the Digital Age.
                                                                                   been significant in the development of the modern          The first year will give you a general introduction to
                                                                                   world, and develop an important understanding              the subject. Your studies will include how Binary and
                                                                                   of classical societies and their values.                   Boolean Arithmetic are used to aid the design of
                                                                                   This course will particularly appeal to students with      faster processors, the different computer architectures
                                                                                   an interest in literature and history, and combines        available, Core Network Theory, basic CSS as well
                                                                                   well with subjects including Ancient History, History,     as programming in Microsoft C# using Visual Studio.
                                                                                   English Literature, Drama, Art and Philosophy. Areas       In the second year, your studies will include the
                                                                                   of study often include The Odyssey (the study of           key algorithms and principles upon which modern
                                                                                   epic poetry, historical background and culture)            Computing is based. You will study the mathematics
                                                                                   and Tragedy (the study of Aeschylus’ Agamemnon,            of algorithm performance and basic principles of
                                                                                   Sophocles’ Antigone and Euripides’ Medea and               computational Science including topics as Stacks,
                                                                                   Electra, as well as the cultural context of all these      Queues, Hashtables, Binary Trees, Relational
                                                                                   plays). Virgil and the World of the Hero (Homer’s          Databases, Object Oriented as well as Functional
                                                                                   Iliad and Virgil’s Aeneid, including Roman political       Programming. You will explore the mathematics
                                                                                   and historical context) may also be studied. There is      of Vectors, used in Games and Visual Effects
                                                                                   usually a degree of focus on art and archaeology           Programming, as well as set theory related to
                                                                                   (analysis of sculpture, vase painting and Greek            regular expressions.
                                                                                   sanctuaries, as well as political and cultural context).
                                                                                   There are also optional opportunities to enjoy field       This course is fast-moving and challenging. It will

                                                                                   trips within the UK and to the Mediterranean.              appeal to you if you enjoy solving mathematical
                                                                                                                                              problems, have a logical way of thinking and enjoy
                                                                                                                                              either building things or figuring out how things
                                                                                       WHAT NEXT?                                             work. The course assumes no prior knowledge of
                                                                                   Whilst many students continue on to study subjects         programming. Students with prior programming
                                                                                   including classics, ancient or modern history, English     experience will find a range of activities to stretch,
                                                                                   literature and philosophy at university, this course
                                                                                   provides a strong grounding for those wishing to
                                                                                                                                              challenge and innovate.                                   I have had the greatest two years at
                                                                                   pursue many other subject areas at degree level.
                                                                                   Alternatively, students may consider direct entry into
                                                                                                                                                  WHAT NEXT?                                            College. I have loved studying with
                                                                                                                                              A key subject for students planning to continue on
                                                                                   employment or further training.
                                                                                                                                              to university to study subjects including computer        your teaching and guidance – my Henley
                                                                                                                                              science, software engineering, information systems,
                                                                                                                                              music technology, computer game design and
                                                                                                                                              programming, networking and electronics.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        College adventure has been amazing!”
                                                                                                                                              Alternatively, students may consider direct entry         IAN BRAKSPEAR
                                                                                                                                              into related employment.
DANCE                                                    DRAMA AND                                                 ECONOMICS                                                 ENGLISH
                                                                                                                                            THEATRE STUDIES                                                                                                     LANGUAGE
                                                                                    A LEVEL                                                  A LEVEL                                                   A LEVEL                                                   A LEVEL
18                                                                                  ASSESSMENT                                               ASSESSMENT                                                ASSESSMENT                                                ASSESSMENT
                                                                                    Practical Exam (50%) Written Exam (50%)                  Written Exam (40%) Practical Exam (60%)                   Exam (100%)                                               Coursework (20%) Exam (80%)
V I S I T H E N L E YC O L . AC . U K F O R D E TA I L S O N A L L C O U R S E S

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          A LEVELS
                                                                                    DURATION                                                 DURATION                                                  DURATION                                                  DURATION
                                                                                    2 years                                                  2 years                                                   2 years                                                   2 years
                                                                                    ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                       ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                        ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                        ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
                                                                                    Standard entry requirements plus grade 5 in              Standard entry requirements plus grade 6 in               Standard entry requirements plus grade 6 in               Standard entry requirements plus grade 5
                                                                                    GCSE English Language, grade C in Dance, or              GCSE English Language and English Literature.             GCSE English Language and Mathematics.                    in GCSE English Language.
                                                                                    Level 5 Dance Certificate in Jazz, Modern or             Grade B in GCSE Drama also desirable.
                                                                                    Ballet, or BTEC Dance Level 2 (Distinction or                                                                      EXAM BOARD                                                EXAM BOARD
                                                                                    higher).                                                 EXAM BOARD                                                OCR                                                       AQA
                                                                                    EXAM BOARD                                                                                                         COSTS                                                     COSTS
                                                                                    AQA                                                      COSTS                                                     £25 per year for textbooks and a calculator.              £25 per year for textbooks.
                                                                                                                                             £30 for textbooks plus £120 for theatre visits
                                                                                    COSTS                                                    and workshops over the two years.                            WHAT WILL I STUDY?                                        WHAT WILL I STUDY?
                                                                                    £150 for specialist dance clothing, theatre trips
                                                                                    and workshops.                                                                                                    A wide-ranging subject which touches on every             English Language is a highly regarded and
                                                                                                                                                WHAT WILL I STUDY?                                    aspect of commercial life. Economics examines             well established subject. Language represents a
                                                                                                                                            This course is designed for students with a keen          how an economy works and how individuals and              vital part of our everyday lives, influencing the
                                                                                       WHAT WILL I STUDY?                                   interest in studying, visiting and producing theatre.     organisations make decisions that impact upon             behaviour of social groups and the structure of
                                                                                   This course is designed for qualified students from      It primarily consists of studying play texts, live        the world in which we live and work. The course           our whole society. We are continually talking and
                                                                                   any Dance background, who wish to study Dance in         performance work and the ideas of influential             offers up-to-date economic theory and rigorous            texting, browsing the internet, sharing stories, giving
                                                                                   depth. It is physically and academically demanding,      theatre directors. It should be noted that the            yet engaging content.                                     advice, watching television and reading a book or
                                                                                   requiring motivation and commitment. All practical       course requires considerable wider reading                In year 1 you will learn the factors influencing the      magazine.
                                                                                   work will take place in the College’s large,             and progress throughout the course is monitored           demand and supply in markets and the cause of             This course will enhance your skills as a writer,
                                                                                   professionally equipped Dance Studio.                    through a series of regular essays. This course           market failure including analysis of the labour           challenging you to produce texts to a publishable
                                                                                   Critical thinking is essential and this course will      also contains a practical element in which students       market. You are also introduced to the key measures       standard in a variety of genres. It will also develop
                                                                                   suit those who are inquisitive, creative and strive      create performance work of their own for external         of economic performance and the instruments of            your ability to analyse and interpret spoken and
                                                                                   for excellence. You will gain an insight into all        examination.                                              economic policy.                                          written texts – from conversations and political
                                                                                   aspects of Dance and will be rewarded with a             It is highly recommended that students have previous      In year 2 you will investigate how the pricing and        speeches to articles and cartoons. You will examine
                                                                                   deeper understanding of the subject. Core areas          experience in the subject, ideally at GCSE level,         nature of competition between firms is affected           language use, capture your own data (actual
                                                                                   you will explore include Dance technique, the art        or through alternative recognised qualifications. In      by the number and size of market participants.            examples of spoken and written language) and
                                                                                   of choreography, anatomy, health and fitness, the        addition, participation in school productions and         Investigating the global economy is a key feature         learn to use a range of research methods.
                                                                                   history of Dance and the analysis of professional        extra-curricular drama groups is desirable.               in the second year and how governments influence          Other areas of study include accents and dialects,
                                                                                   works. You will also enjoy opportunities to perform      The College is a LAMDA approved examination               international trade and addressing poverty                conversational analysis, technology and language,
                                                                                   at a range of events, including the College Dance        centre and offers students the opportunity to study       and inequality in countries through growth and            power and language, language and social
                                                                                   Show and regional competitions.                          for LAMDA examinations to complement their work           development.                                              change (links well to History and Politics) and child
                                                                                                                                            in the subject.                                           Economics is scientific in its investigative nature and   language acquisition.
                                                                                       WHAT NEXT?                                                                                                     requires good logical and analytical skills, together
                                                                                   This course is excellent preparation for students who        WHAT NEXT?                                            with the ability to produce convincing written and            WHAT NEXT?
                                                                                   would like to pursue a career in Dance, with possible    This course is excellent preparation for students         verbal arguments and conclusions. You will study the      A key course for students planning to continue on to
                                                                                   future career paths including dancer, Dance teacher,     who would like to pursue the subject or related           theories which try to explain economic behaviour, but     university to study subjects such as English language
                                                                                   fitness trainer and physiotherapist, or to study Dance   subjects such as English, media or dance into higher      will be free to weigh up the alternative arguments        and linguistics, journalism, advertising, creative
                                                                                   in higher education.                                     education.                                                and draw your own conclusions.                            writing, law, sociology, psychology and teaching. It
                                                                                   Former students have continued their studies in the      Students have continued their studies in the subject                                                                also provides a strong grounding for those wishing
                                                                                   subject at institutions such as London Studio Centre,    at institutions such as Bristol Old Vic Theatre School,       WHAT NEXT?                                            to pursue many other subject areas at degree level.
                                                                                   Northern School of Contemporary Dance, Bird              Bath Spa University, Royal Holloway and Sheffield         This course is excellent preparation for students         Alternatively, students may consider direct entry
                                                                                   College, Arts Educational, Chichester University         University.                                               planning to continue on to university to study subjects   into employment or further training.
                                                                                   and Northampton University.                                                                                        including economics, accounting, banking and
                                                                                                                                                                                                      finance, business and management.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Alternatively, students may consider direct entry
                                                                                                                                                                                                      into employment or further training.
ENGLISH                                                      ENGLISH                                                      ENVIRONMENTAL THE EXTENDED
                                                                                   LANGUAGE AND                                                 LITERATURE                                                   STUDIES       PROJECT
                                                                                    A LEVEL                                                      A LEVEL                                                      A LEVEL
20                                                                                  ASSESSMENT                                                   ASSESSMENT                                                   ASSESSMENT                                               ASSESSMENT
                                                                                    Coursework (20%) Exam (80%)                                  Coursework (20%) Exam (80%)                                  100% Exam                                                Project (100%)
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                A LEVELS
                                                                                    DURATION                                                     DURATION                                                     DURATION                                                 DURATION
                                                                                    2 years                                                      2 years                                                      2 years                                                  1 year
                                                                                    ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                           ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                           ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                       ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
                                                                                    Standard entry requirements plus grade 5 in                  Standard entry requirements plus grade 5 in                  Standard entry requirements, plus grade                  A minimum of 6 Bs from 6 subjects including
                                                                                    GCSE English Language and English Literature.                GCSE English Language and English Literature.                B in GCSE Science and grade 5 in English                 grade 5 in GCSE English Language and
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Language.                                                Mathematics.
                                                                                    EXAM BOARD                                                   EXAM BOARD
                                                                                    Edexcel                                                      Edexcel                                                      EXAM BOARD                                               EXAM BOARD
                                                                                                                                                                                                              AQA                                                      Edexcel
                                                                                    COSTS                                                        COSTS
                                                                                    £30 per year for textbooks plus optional theatre trips.      £35 per year for textbooks plus optional theatre trips.      COSTS                                                    COSTS
                                                                                                                                                                                                              £30 for textbooks plus £40 per year for                  Dependent on your chosen topic.
                                                                                        WHAT WILL I STUDY?                                           WHAT WILL I STUDY?                                       optional field trips.
                                                                                   Offering an integrated approach to the study                 This course, which is highly regarded as a                                                                                WHAT WILL I STUDY?
                                                                                   of language and literature, this course, which is            facilitating subject by all universities, will help you to       WHAT WILL I STUDY?                                   The Extended Project is a distinctive and highly
                                                                                   highly regarded by all universities (as a facilitating       develop your skills of reading and critical analysis         A highly topical subject, Environmental Studies will     regarded qualification, designed to develop
                                                                                   subject) and by employers (as evidence of high               through the study of various literary texts. Written         provide you with an in-depth and well informed           a range of transferable skills such as planning,
                                                                                   level analytical and creative skills), emphasises            work will enhance your overall ability to structure          insight into the environment and the scientific          research, analysis and evaluation.
                                                                                   the development of expertise in writing in a wide            and respond analytically to whole texts and unseen           processes that control and affect it. Key areas of       This course consists of a taught element, which
                                                                                   variety of genres as well as exposure to a range of          material, while regular discussion in class will help        study include wildlife conservation, pollution, global   includes an introduction to research methods and
                                                                                   literary set texts, making it particularly attractive to     you develop your wider communication skills.                 climate change and sustainability. It bridges the        evaluation skills, together with the actual completion
                                                                                   students who wish to build on their success in both          You will study drama, poetry and prose – and                 gap between the science and humanities disciplines       of the Project.
                                                                                   subjects at GCSE.                                            examine works by a wide range of modern and                  and combines well with subjects including Biology
                                                                                                                                                                                                             and Geography.                                           You will select a topic for your project with the
                                                                                   You will explore a wide range of written and spoken          pre-20th century authors and poets. Examinations                                                                      help and guidance of your Extended Project
                                                                                   material in order to gain experience of how language         test your skills of analysis and interpretation through      You will examine why the conservation of life on         supervisor. Your chosen topic may well reflect an
                                                                                   works in various contexts and to assess how variations       the commentary on an unseen poem or prose extract            Earth is important and efforts in key areas such         area of personal interest, a subject you would like
                                                                                   in language can shape meanings and forms.                    while the essay questions encourage you to take              as the UK, coral reefs, Antarctica and tropical          to research and learn more about, or the course
                                                                                   You will develop your personal writing skills by             a more conceptual approach to the texts studied,             rainforests. You will focus on the ecological            you plan to apply for at university.
                                                                                   adapting material for different audiences and                taking account of the context in which they were             relationships between organisms and their abiotic
                                                                                                                                                produced and received and the ways in which they             and biotic environment, unsustainable natural            You will work independently to produce a single
                                                                                   purposes as well as experimenting in original writing                                                                                                                              piece of work, which will be internally assessed
                                                                                   and studying spoken language in use. Through the             have been interpreted by other readers.                      resources and our future energy needs, human
                                                                                                                                                                                                             exploitation and management of our physical              and externally moderated based on how well
                                                                                   study of set texts from the 16th to the 21st centuries,      Visits to the theatre or cinema to see a play or film                                                                 the project is planned, managed, completed and
                                                                                   you will also extend your skills of close textual analysis   version of a text studied are arranged as part of            resources, pollutants and environmental damage,
                                                                                                                                                                                                             food production and forestry systems and the             reviewed. Projects can be dissertations, artefacts,
                                                                                   and develop an increasingly mature response to a             the course. Previous visits have included the RSC                                                                     investigations or performances.
                                                                                   range of literature: poetry, prose and drama.                production of Hamlet in London and the latest                factors controlling human population growth.
                                                                                                                                                film version of Jane Eyre at the Regal Cinema                The AS exam is a free-standing qualification.            Last year completed works included dissertations on
                                                                                   Optional trips to the theatre or cinema (on average                                                                                                                                a variety of philosophical, ethical and moral subjects,
                                                                                   one per year) also help to bring the subject to life.        in Henley. Our local cinema also periodically                This course presents a variety of opportunities
                                                                                                                                                arranges – through links with major London theatres                                                                   artefacts, artworks, costume and dress design,
                                                                                   Students keen to study both language and literature                                                                       to undertake fieldwork and lab investigations,           computer games, books, fashion, photography, films
                                                                                                                                                – screenings of popular theatre productions (such as         with recent trips to locations including Harcourt
                                                                                   are advised to choose this combined course, rather           Frankenstein starring Benedict Cumberbatch).                                                                          and animations, musical compositions and a range of
                                                                                   than study the two subjects separately.                                                                                   Arboretum, Rushall Farm and other local on-site          other performances.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             practical activities.
                                                                                                                                                     WHAT NEXT?
                                                                                        WHAT NEXT?                                                                                                                                                                        WHAT NEXT?
                                                                                                                                                A key subject for students planning to continue                  WHAT NEXT?
                                                                                   A key course for students planning to continue               on to university to study subjects including English                                                                  For those wishing to continue on to higher education,
                                                                                   on to university to study subjects including English                                                                      A key subject for students planning to continue on       the Extended Project will provide a strong platform
                                                                                                                                                literature, modern languages, history, law, classics,        to university to study subjects including geography,
                                                                                   language and literature, English literature, English         drama and performing arts, journalism and                                                                             to support future learning. It also offers the
                                                                                   studies, law, politics, history, sociology, creative                                                                      conservation, geology, ecology and environmental         opportunity to differentiate yourself from other
                                                                                                                                                teaching. English Literature also provides a strong          science at degree level.
                                                                                   writing, linguistics and teaching.                           grounding for those wishing to pursue many other                                                                      students and to demonstrate motivation for the
                                                                                   It also provides a strong grounding for those wishing        subject areas at degree level.                               Alternatively, students may consider direct entry        degree course you have chosen to apply for.
                                                                                   to pursue many other subject areas at degree level.                                                                       into related employment.                                 Leading universities are highly appreciative of the
                                                                                                                                                Alternatively, students may consider direct entry
                                                                                   Alternatively, students may consider direct entry            into employment or further training.                                                                                  Extended Project and encourage students to take it.
                                                                                   into employment or further training.
FILM STUDIES                                               FRENCH                                                         GEOGRAPHY                                                GEOLOGY

                                                                                    A LEVEL                                                    A LEVEL                                                        AS AND A LEVEL                                           A LEVEL
22                                                                                  ASSESSMENT                                                 ASSESSMENT                                                     ASSESSMENT                                               ASSESSMENT
                                                                                    Coursework (50%) Exam (50%)                                Exam (100%) Oral and written papers                            Exam (80%) Investigation (20%)                           Coursework (20%) Exam (80%)
                                                                                                                                               combining speaking, listening, reading,
V I S I T H E N L E YC O L . AC . U K F O R D E TA I L S O N A L L C O U R S E S

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 A LEVELS
                                                                                    DURATION                                                   translation and writing.                                       DURATION                                                 DURATION
                                                                                    2 years                                                                                                                   2 years                                                  2 years
                                                                                    ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                         2 years                                                        ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                       ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
                                                                                    Standard entry requirements plus grade 5 in                                                                               Standard entry requirements plus grade 5 in              Standard entry requirements, plus grade B
                                                                                    GCSE English Literature.                                   ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                             GCSE English Language and GCSE Mathematics.              in GCSE Chemistry and Physics or BB in Core
                                                                                                                                               Standard entry requirements plus grade B in                                                                             Science and Additional Science. Plus grade 5
                                                                                    EXAM BOARD                                                 GCSE French or a similar level of competence.                  EXAM BOARD                                               in GCSE Mathematics and GCSE English
                                                                                    WJEC                                                       Grade 5 in GCSE English Language preferred.                    AQA                                                      Language.
                                                                                    COSTS                                                      EXAM BOARD                                                     COSTS                                                    EXAM BOARD
                                                                                    £50 for key film texts and multimedia resources            Eduqas                                                         £36 for textbooks plus £80 per year for                  OCR
                                                                                    plus optional field trips.                                                                                                compulsory field trips.
                                                                                                                                               COSTS                                                                                                                   COSTS
                                                                                       WHAT WILL I STUDY?                                      £25 for topic booklets.                                           WHAT WILL I STUDY?                                    £30 for textbooks plus £60 for field trips.
                                                                                   Film Studies will interest anyone who not only enjoys                                                                     An incredibly flexible and wide-ranging subject,
                                                                                   cinema going, but is also curious about how films               WHAT WILL I STUDY?                                        Geography is ideally suited to students who are              WHAT WILL I STUDY?
                                                                                   are put together and how they communicate to               The A Level course in French builds on the knowledge,          interested in the many factors which affect our          Geology involves the scientific study of the history
                                                                                   their audience. From the base of a fully-equipped          understanding and skills gained at GCSE. The                   planet and how we live. It allows us to appreciate       and development of the Earth, its resources and the
                                                                                   cinema classroom you will explore the social history       approach is a focus on how French-speaking society             how and why both smaller and larger changes              biodiversity that has existed throughout its lifetime.
                                                                                   surrounding a range of films and genres. European          has been shaped, socially and culturally, and how it           occur, and how we need to adapt as a result.             It is a broad-based and highly practical science
                                                                                   in flavour, ideas, styles, movements and thinkers          continues to change.                                           Straddling the science and humanities disciplines,       subject, which combines well with Geography,
                                                                                   feature throughout, providing a sound platform for         In the first year, aspects of the social context are studied   the subject allows you to develop an understanding       Environmental Studies, Maths, Physics or Chemistry.
                                                                                   university study in any discipline.                        together with aspects of the artistic life of French-          of key scientific, environmental and economic            This course presents many opportunities to undertake
                                                                                   This course covers the development of cinema from its      speaking countries: how family has changed, being a            principles and issues. Areas of study will include       fieldwork and lab investigations, with recent trips to
                                                                                   beginnings around a century ago up to the present          good citizen, fashion trends, cyber society, customs and       coastal systems and landscapes, water and carbon         locations including Iceland, Dorset’s Jurassic coastline
                                                                                   day. A wide variety of approaches for analysis             traditions, trends in media and art, music and cinema          cycles, hazards, ecosystems under stress, global         and an Oxfordshire quarry.
                                                                                   are adopted, from formal, narrative and genre,             in the francophone world, education and employment             systems and global governance, changing places,
                                                                                                                                                                                                             contemporary urban environments, population and          The AS exam is a free-standing qualification. You
                                                                                   gender and Freudian, through to the personal and           opportunities.                                                                                                          will examine rock, fossil and mineral samples to
                                                                                   the development of your own critical voice. You will                                                                      the environment and resource security. A focus on
                                                                                                                                              In the second year, further aspects of the social              applied Geography will also allow you to develop         build a picture of the Earth’s development, and
                                                                                   participate in detailed analytical viewing, discussion     background are covered, this time focusing on issues                                                                    develop a strong understanding of plate tectonics,
                                                                                   and personal research.                                                                                                    basic, investigative, ICT, graphical, cartographical
                                                                                                                                              such as cultural identity and marginalisation as well          and statistical skills. This course presents a variety   the production of rocks, environmental geology, the
                                                                                   You will explore a wide variety of (often                  as looking at the positive influences that diversity           of opportunities to undertake fieldwork including 4      fossil record and evolution. Areas of study will also
                                                                                   independent) films, from the bizarre to the classic.       brings. Students also study aspects of political               days of compulsory coursework, with recent trips to      include earthquakes, volcanoes, climate change and
                                                                                   In addition to the films themselves, you will consider     landscape in a French speaking country, looking at             locations including Brick Lane and Christchurch Bay.     a critical evaluation of our planet’s resources.
                                                                                   the industrial and economic context in which the films     immigration and integration. Finally, we explore
                                                                                   were made, with particular focus on the Hollywood          one part of history in France: June 1940 - May                                                                              WHAT NEXT?
                                                                                   studio system and the British film industry.               1945, looking at life in occupied France and the                   WHAT NEXT?
                                                                                                                                              reconstruction of its society after the War.                   A key subject for students planning to continue on       A key subject for students planning to continue on
                                                                                   There are potential optional opportunities to visit both                                                                                                                           to university to study subjects including physical
                                                                                   Los Angeles and New York and student achievement           Over the two years, students will also study a                 to university to study subjects including geography,
                                                                                                                                                                                                             conservation, geology and environmental science.         geography, geology and natural hazards.
                                                                                   is celebrated at an annual red carpet event hosted         literary text and a film. The AS exam is a free-
                                                                                   by the Regal Cinema in Henley, with whom we enjoy          standing qualification and the exam consists of three          Alternatively, students may consider direct entry into   Alternatively, students may consider direct
                                                                                   a rewarding partnership.                                   components: a) Listening, Reading and translation              related employment.                                      entry into related employment in areas such as
                                                                                                                                              (2 hours 30 minutes), b) Writing (two essays on the                                                                     oil exploration and production, water supply,
                                                                                       WHAT NEXT?                                             book and film studied - 2 hours) and c) Speaking (two                                                                   environmental engineering and geological
                                                                                                                                              discussions based on a stimulus card and an exposé                                                                      surveying. Other areas of work include
                                                                                   Whilst students may continue on to study film and                                                                                                                                  environmental planning, hydrogeology and
                                                                                   media related subjects, this course is relevant to         on a topic the students have researched - 21 to 23
                                                                                                                                              minutes in total).                                                                                                      pollution control. Overseas work in countries such
                                                                                   those wishing to pursue many other subject areas at                                                                                                                                as Australia, New Zealand and Canada can be
                                                                                   degree level. Alternatively, students may consider              WHAT NEXT?                                                                                                         a common feature of careers using geology.
                                                                                   direct entry into related employment.
                                                                                                                                              A key course for students planning to study or work
                                                                                                                                              in a French speaking country, or continue on to
                                                                                                                                              university to study languages and related subjects.
                                                                                                                                              It also provides a strong grounding for those wishing
                                                                                                                                              to pursue many other subject areas at degree level.
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