Class of 2021 - Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering - Department Catalog and - West Point

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Class of 2021 - Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering - Department Catalog and - West Point
Department Catalog and
      Guide to Academic Programs

      Class of 2021

Department of Geography and
 Environmental Engineering
Class of 2021 - Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering - Department Catalog and - West Point
Class of 2021 - Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering - Department Catalog and - West Point
                                                    CLASS OF 2021

Message to Cadets ............................................................................................................... 2
After Graduation ................................................................................................................. 5
Department Opportunities .............................................................................................. 7
Center for Academic Excellence ................................................................................... 10
Programs for Class of 2021 ............................................................................................. 11
Academic Major Descriptions ........................................................................................ 12
Academic Major Details.................................................................................................... 14
Faculty Counselors ........................................................................................................... 28
Course Offerings and Descriptions ................................................................................ 31
Complimentary Support Courses .................................................................................... 45
Department Faculty ........................................................................................................... 52
List of Current Majors ...................................................................................................... 81
Hometown Distribution, USMA Class of 2021 .............................. Inside Back Cover

                       Department Website External to USMA:

      Department Academic Counselor: CPT(P) Elizabeth Dzwonczyk

Class of 2021 - Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering - Department Catalog and - West Point
Welcome to the Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering!

Thank you for taking the time to look at our diverse offering of academic majors. We offer studies in
geography, environmental engineering, environmental science, and geospatial information science -
disciplines that have unquestionable relevance for your future, our Army, and our nation. Our team of
highly credentialed faculty and staff want to inspire, educate, and develop each of you to think globally
and geospatially and then apply your understanding of human-environment interactions to develop
culturally appropriate, sustainable solutions. By learning to think in this manner, you will find that you
are a valued member of any team you serve on in the future – especially when solving our most challenging
problems such as access to clean water, energy security, climate change, natural disasters, food insecurity,
restoring urban infrastructure, or protecting populations against disease.

In the Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering, we seek to better understand the world
in which we live. Our academic majors and minor, which examine the most challenging problems facing
our society, include:

          Environmental Engineering: the application of science and engineering principles to
           minimize adverse effects of human activities on the environment and to protect human health
           by providing clean air and water.
          Environmental Science: a broad, integrative science-based study of how humans affect the
           planet with the goal of creating a sustainable future for all.
          Geospatial Information Science: the study of data structures and computational techniques
           to capture, represent, process, and analyze geographic information.
          Geography: studies social and environmental issues in a rapidly changing world from a spatial
           perspective. Three tracks within the major (human, physical, and human-environment) focus
           on topics such as the cultural patterns of the world's regions, demographic and social change,
           globalization, natural landscapes, resource issues, and environmental change.
Each major prepares you to serve your nation as an Army officer and in unique capacities beyond your
military service. Despite the continual changes in our Army and throughout the world, several constants
continue to serve as guideposts for our profession:
          Leaders must understand human and physical operating environments--this is critical to
           successfully planning and conducting military operations;
          Leaders must think holistically--many of our challenges have global, far-reaching connections;
          Leaders must understand that positively affecting the human condition is critical to
           establishing and preserving peace.
Our core course in physical geography, our environmental engineering sequence, each major, and the
research you may choose to complete while pursuing our honors program give you the opportunity to
address the tenants of these three professional guideposts. In choosing a major, you select a subject to
investigate in depth. Your task in selecting a major is to find the subject that excites you and inspires a
vision for your future. We have much to offer - let us tell you more!

Your options are exciting and the possibilities are numerous. Please look through this booklet,
consider what interests you, and then visit with our faculty. They stand ready to assist you in
understanding the rewarding opportunities that are available within the Department of Geography and
Environmental Engineering.

                                                           MARK R. READ
                                                           Colonel, US Army
                                                           Professor, USMA, and Head
                                                           Department of Geography
                                                                  and Environmental Engineering

Class of 2021 - Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering - Department Catalog and - West Point
    SINCE 1803

Class of 2021 - Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering - Department Catalog and - West Point
G&EnE’s Mission
To enhance the intellectual, character, and military development of all cadets within the
context of a core course in physical geography, a three course environmental engineering
sequence, four distinct majors, and a diverse offering of elective courses all while supporting
the continued development of faculty and staff.

                                 G&EnE’s Vision
The Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering is a cohesive, integrated
organization that is well-resourced and widely recognized for its teaching, scholarship, and
collegiality; the Department is built around a core of credentialed faculty and trained staff
who are inspired to educate and develop cadets so that each cadet thinks globally and
geospatially and can apply their understanding of human-environment interactions to
develop culturally appropriate, sustainable solutions.

                                 G&EnE’s Goals
•    Inspire cadets and promote development through teaching and enrichment activities.
•    Staff and faculty are credentialed, trained, productive, and continually seek professional
            and personal growth.
•    Intellectual capabilities are widely recognized, valued, and sought by West Point, the
            Army, and National and disciplinary partners.
•    An active and respected member of the West Point Community.
•    Offers a welcoming, collegial, and enriching environment to cadets, faculty, staff,
            families and guests.

    2017-2018 Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering Staff and Faculty

Class of 2021 - Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering - Department Catalog and - West Point
Each of our academic programs is focused on preparing you for success as a leader.
We develop successful leaders who critically evaluate and solve problems. Regardless of your
major, the faculty provides an academically rigorous environment in order to develop your
analytical problem solving skills that will serve you well in the future. Many of the problems
you will face in the Army will be examined in our classes because the Army is our laboratory
and we study real world examples. We also provide you the finest laboratory experience
available to undergraduate students in the United States. Not only will we provide the best
equipment, but we also focus on your research and academic experience, preparing you to
creatively find and solve ill-defined problems in your career. You will also become a capable
user of some of the most up-to-date technology in your field, and our Geospatial Sciences
Laboratory is world-class. In addition to our regular academic program our AIAD program
exposes you to the people and planet by providing you the opportunity to interact with over
45 cultural, governmental, military and academic institutions before you graduate.
Majoring in this department does not limit your branch opportunities – on the contrary, it
expands your value in whatever branch you choose. Each branch needs leaders who
understand the world, its people, and how they interact – our programs will give you those
skills. All Army units must train and operate in varied operational environments and within
the guidelines of established environmental regulations in a way that sustains limited training
lands. Finally, the special skills learned as part of the geospatial sciences program are critical
to all types of military planning and provide the critical spatial data that every Army
deployment requires.

As a geographer, geospatial information scientist, environmental scientist, or
environmental engineer, you will be an asset to any branch or functional area. Your keen
understanding of culture, technology, and engineering will provide you valuable insights for
any mission. As our Army continues to place increased emphasis on cultural awareness and
environmental issues, you will be well positioned to succeed regardless of your branch. Here
are just a few examples:
WARFIGHTING – Geographers, geospatial information scientists, and environmental
engineers are found in all combat and support branches. Terrain, weather, climate, and cultural
landscapes are typically the decisive geographic elements common to every tactical
environment and across the spectrum of Army missions. An understanding of physical
geography enables the officer to judge the influence of climate, soils, vegetation, and terrain
on military operations. A clear awareness of the fundamentals of cultural geography is a critical
element in operational planning, given the high probabilities of low and mid-intensity conflict.
Officers trained in the geospatial information sciences permit the Army to retain an advantage
in maintaining information dominance on the battlefield. Environmental engineers and
scientists are well suited to understanding and addressing environmental issues associated with
warfare ranging between the use of environmental warfare by our adversaries to the protection
of our troops from disease and other wartime environmental hazards.
mission profile increasingly expands to include stability operations, the need for well-trained

Class of 2021 - Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering - Department Catalog and - West Point
geographers, environmental engineers and scientists, and geospatial analysts has become
critical. Currently, humanitarian assistance and disaster response has been provided in places
such as Haiti, Kashmir, Sumatra, Pakistan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, and
Sudan. These examples reflect the diverse array of culture systems and physical environments
with which our Soldiers must contend. Officers trained in human geography understand
cultural, political, and economic situations and are a valuable asset to every humanitarian
assistance mission. Those trained in physical and human environment geography can assess
the natural landscape, environmental resources, and human-environment interaction, thus
providing useful information during humanitarian assistance or disaster relief operations. The
environmental engineer is well-suited to meet the demands of these situations by providing
safe drinking water, improving sanitary conditions, and mitigating adverse impacts of military
operations. Finally, all Army units rely on geospatial information to ensure accurate, successful
planning and mission execution. The ability to process multiple layers of data linked to an
actual location on the ground allows the mission planner to make the most informed decision,
from road construction to well digging, and route planning to crime stopping.
SUPPORTING MILITARY TRAINING -- During peacetime operations, leaders are
increasingly challenged to develop imaginative ways in which to provide tough, realistic
training while sustaining and improving the condition of our training areas. In preparing for
the unit’s wartime mission, a geographer’s understanding of contingency locations around the
world is useful in developing realistic training conditions. Environmental scientists and
engineers implement policies that support a broad range of environmental protection
regulations from resource management to hazardous waste disposal. Using modern geospatial
information sciences and techniques, the spatial distribution of key training area resources, as
well as potential hazards, are accurately recorded and analyzed.

2016-17 First Captain, Cadet Hugh McConnell and Cadet Alaina Kappner brief “Effects of Hurricane
Irene on Trout Population in Black Rock Forest” to LTG Caslen during Projects Day 2017

Class of 2021 - Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering - Department Catalog and - West Point
The Department offers some of the best undergraduate opportunities in the country
for the study of geography, geospatial information science, and environmental
science/engineering. Each Cadet's elective sequence, regardless of the program, is tailored
according to personal interests and abilities. Throughout the program of study, special
attention is focused on the analysis and evaluation of significant human-environment
problems. This theme permeates all aspects of the academic program.

DEPARTMENT ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES -- Our majors are integrated into a
variety of activities. Cadets are invited to attend lectures, seminars, and professional
discussions on a wide array of subjects. Department facilities include a specialized library, map
library, a geographic sciences laboratory, a geology laboratory, and environmental laboratories.
Academic and social events are held frequently so that students and faculty can continue the
interactive process of learning in a variety of forums.
INDIVIDUAL ADVANCED DEVELOPMENT -- The department sponsors an
outstanding summer intern program for approximately 75 upper-class Cadets as a part of
Cadet Summer Training. Cadets have the opportunity to work with agencies such as the Army
Environmental Center, Army Geospatial Center, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency,
Army Research Institute, Environmental Protection Agency, and Defense Intelligence
Agency. Cadet travel can cover the entire world, including Africa, Central Asia, Southeast
Asia, the Middle East, or any of an ever-changing array of locations. These programs offer
unique opportunities for Cadets to broaden their education while observing the critical
contributions of their discipline at high levels of government.
INDIVIDUAL RESEARCH -- Each semester a number of Cadets are selected to participate
in individually designed research and study programs on topics of special interest. Cadets and
a faculty sponsor design projects jointly. These research endeavors offer a unique opportunity
to excel in an area of academic interest. Examples of recent projects include a yardage book
and course guide for the West Point Golf Course using GIS, herbicide effectiveness on
invasive lake species in Wilkins Pond, determining lead mobility from small arms ranges,
mixing and stratification impact on water quality issues in Devils Lake, North Dakota, and an
evaluation of beach erosion hot-spots along the mid-Atlantic coast.
HONORS PROGRAMS -- Each of the department’s four majors offer an honors program
for qualified Cadets. The Geography honors program begins during the fall term of the First-
class year as participants attend a research seminar. During this seminar, Cadets explore salient
research issues in their particular field, learn methodologies, and develop technical writing
skills. As part of this seminar, each Cadet will define a research topic, explore the literature,
and develop a research proposal. During their final term, Cadets will use the research proposal
as a point of departure and conduct an independent study project. At the end of the year,
Cadets will present their findings to the faculty and submit a written honors thesis. The GIS
and Environmental Science majors select one additional course from their respective electives
list and will complete an independent research project (EV489A) during one term of their
First-class year and present their findings to their classmates and faculty. Environmental
Engineering majors complete an independent research project as one of their electives. Refer
to the detailed program descriptions in this book and see your academic counselor for the
specific details for each honors program as well as entry standards.
Class of 2021 - Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering - Department Catalog and - West Point
ACADEMIC AWARDS -- The Department recognizes its best Cadets through a number of
prestigious awards.
        The Congressional Medal of Honor Society Award is presented annually to a
         member of the graduating class for excellence in geography.
        The Order of the Founders and Patriots of America Award is presented annually to
         a member of the graduating class for excellence in environmental science or
        The National Organization of the Ladies Auxiliary Veterans of Foreign Wars of the
         United States Award is presented annually to a member of the graduating class for
         excellence in the Environmental Engineering sequence.
        The Environmental Systems Research Institute Award is presented annually to a
         member of the graduating class for excellence in geospatial information science.
        The BAE Systems Award for excellence in photogrammetry is presented annually
         to a member of the graduating class for excellence in aerial photography and
    These honors are presented at the annual graduation awards convocation to the Cadet in
    each respective major with the highest grade point average in the elective program.

        Gamma Theta Upsilon, the Geographic Honors Society AY 2017 Inductees.

Congressional Medal of Honor Society Award for Excellence in Geography
                             2017 – Nahm Doug Kim

 16 – Ian Meyers             13 – Harrison Green         10 – Nicholas Lewis-Walls
 15 – Michael Atkinson       12 – Matthew McGoffin       09 – Trey Wheeler
 14- John Szott              11 – Alexander Keimach      08 – Lauren Teal

    Order of Founders and Patriots of America Award for Excellence in
          Environmental Science or Environmental Engineering
                             2017 – Hugh McConnell

 16 – Nathaniel Pieringer    13 – Brett Krueger          0 - Nathaniel Sheehan
 15 – Courtland Adams        12 – Bradey Potts           09 - Tyler Bott
 14 – William Anderson       11 – Taylor Hirschey        08 - Russell Raines

 National Organization of the Ladies Auxiliary VFW of the United States
   Award for Excellence in the Environmental Engineering Sequence

                             2017 – Michael Clarion

  16 – Nathaniel Pieringer   13 – James Raab             10 - Margaret Fountain
  15 – Courtland Adams       12 – Alexander Pagoulatos   09 - Trey Wheeler
  14 – Caleb Johnson         11 – Kelly Macdonald        08 - Zachary Miller

    Environmental Systems Research Institute Award for Excellence in
                    Geospatial Information Science
                              2017 – Jett Di Palma
  16 – Rachel Wolfe          13 – Max Vandervort         10 – Nicholas Lewis-Walls
  15 – Christian Eckhardt    12 – Hanna Burgess          09 – Nicholas Dieter
  14 – Mike Williams         11 – Augustin Paulo         08 – Jonathan Dyer

                BAE Award for Excellence in Photogrammetry

                              2017 – Brendan Ward
  16 – Jett DiPalma          13 – Aaron Green            11 – Rhys Hearn &
  15 – Christian Eckhardt    12 – Nick Bayer                     Byron Plapp
  14 – Pierce Wasdahl                                    10 – Augustin Paolo

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Center for the Study of Civil-Military Operations
Civilian Director: Mr. John Melkon
Military Director: COL Andrew Lohman
Mission: To develop all West Point leaders so that they are
prepared to employ an understanding of Civil-Military Operations (CMO) within the
framework of the broad spectrum of challenges they will face in military service.

In today’s complex operating environments, regardless of the mission, military leaders will
find themselves working with a wide range of other actors solving complex problems. These
actors include U.S. government agencies (Dept. of State, USAID), host nation government
officials, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), international organizations like the UN,
multinational coalition partners, as well as local leaders and populations. The Center for the
Study of Civil-Military Operations (CSCMO) was founded in 2012 to help ensure that future
leaders and graduates of the Academy are prepared to face these challenges and work
collaboratively with these partners to develop appropriate solutions as members of a
cohesive team. To achieve its mission, the Center provides and enables numerous
opportunities for Cadets to learn and gain practical experience working with these partners
to provide a foundational understanding of civil-military operations. The Center
accomplishes these objectives by supporting classroom instruction through guest lectures,
hosting workshops and symposia, facilitating scholarship and research, and providing service
learning opportunities (AIADs). The Center has enabled Cadets to experience the realm of
civil military operations working with military commands, government agencies, and non-
governmental organizations in Washington D.C., Fort Bragg, Hawaii, Alaska as well as
internationally, with JFT-Bravo in Honduras, American University of Kosovo, NATO
headquarters in Brussels, and other commands in Italy, the Netherlands, Hungary and South
Africa. During the academic year, the Center hosts its annual Student Workshop on Civil
Military Operations, which in the past has focused on humanitarian assistance and disaster
response in the Philippines, Africa, and other locations, while the 2016 Workshop focused
on civil military cooperation over the course of the US led operations in Iraq. The Center
also sponsors a DCA Club – the Cadet Community on Civil Military Operations (C3MO) –
which participates with the ALLIES forum from Tufts and other civilian universities, has
attended the Association of the US Army (AUSA) annual conference in Washington, D.C.,
and facilitated numerous community service projects, including Habitat for Humanity as well
as assisting local food banks. All of these efforts are intended to provide opportunities and
introduce Cadets to the myriad of actors and agencies they can expect to work with once
commissioned as leaders of character.

                                            - 11 -
SCOPE -- Our Geography, Environmental, and Geospatial Information Science programs
are designed to prepare Cadets for careers involving the observation, evaluation, and design
of human and physical systems in today's interdependent world. State of the art departmental
laboratory facilities support our programs.
OPTIONS -- Cadets desiring to complete a baseline program have four alternatives for a
major. Those who desire academic enrichment in the discipline and meet academic
requirements may apply to participate in an honors program in each of our four majors. The
program areas are:
           Environmental Engineering
           Environmental Science
           Geography
           Geospatial Information Science
CORE REQUIREMENTS -- You must complete or have received USMA credit for the 24
core courses as shown in the General Section of the USMA Academic Program (Redbook)
for your class. You must also fulfill the Information Technology core course requirement.
ENGINEERING SEQUENCE -- The 3-Course Environmental Engineering
Sequence is available to all Cadets. It focuses on current environmental issues and designing
viable, sustainable solutions to them. It offers an opportunity to learn and apply the
engineering design process in the natural world, within which social, political, cultural, and
economic considerations are critical factors in decision-making. The environmental
engineering sequence has three objectives:
         Have Cadets attain a fundamental appreciation of the most salient environmental
          issues and their underlying causes and impacts on the natural environment.
         Provide Cadets with the ability to formulate and communicate practical engineering
          solutions to important environmental problems.
         Teach Cadets to develop and apply viable engineering solutions that conform to
          important economic, social, cultural, and political criteria.
The first course in the sequence, EV300 (Environmental Science), provides Cadets with a
broad understanding of what the term "environmental issues" encompasses and how
influences, especially human, cause changes in the balance of Earth’s natural and biological
cycles. The second course, EV350 (Environmental Engineering Technologies), builds on
the EV300 experience through the application of science-based engineered solutions to
common environmental issues. Finally, in EV450 (Environmental Engineering for
Community Development) Cadets learn to balance engineered solutions with economic,
social, political, and ecological considerations. By undertaking a semester long project to
improve the quality of life in a developing world community, Cadets learn decision-making
and policy development realities.

                                            - 12 -
              Geography is the study of people, places,
              and the environment and is an ideal major
for Cadets interested in the outdoors, global cultures,
and the natural world. More specifically, Geographers
examine spatial patterns, geographic processes, and natural
and human landscapes. Majoring in geography requires
persistent curiosity and inquiry into human-land-environment
interactions including an examination of how natural systems function, how physical
landscapes evolve, how human populations adapt, and how humans shape the environment.
Three tracks allow Cadets to explore geography through the major subfields of the discipline:
Human Geography, Physical Geography, or Human-Environment Interaction. The Human
Geography track provides a social science perspective that enables Cadets to explore cultural
diversity, population trends, and political, economic, and social systems from a global and
regional perspective. The Physical Geography track falls within the natural sciences and allows
Cadets to develop a greater depth of knowledge on the physical processes that shape the Earth.
The Human-Environment Geography track emphasizes the interaction between humans and
their environment by delineating the regional challenges inherent with environmental change
and natural hazards, identifying anthropogenic pressures on natural resources and the role
these resources play in economic wellbeing, and understanding the environments role in
regional instability. The major integrates the use of geographic skills such as computer
cartography, remote sensing, and geographic information systems. Geography is the ideal
discipline for an Army officer in a changing world.
POC: COL Andrew Lohman, WH5304, x2930,

        Environmental science is a broad, integrative,
        science-based discipline that focuses on the
interrelationships between people and the environment.
Environmental scientists conduct investigations to analyze
these interrelationships and to identify, abate, or eliminate
human-caused pressures on the environment. The ultimate
goal of these investigations is to create a sustainable balance
between humans and the natural world that minimizes environmental degradation. This major
develops expertise into the processes that sustain our environment by expanding upon the
West Point core science education by adding studies in the natural sciences such as biology,
ecology, geology, and meteorology, and in the integrative studies of environmental decision-
making and environmental security. This broad academic background is excellent preparation
for challenges faced by a military leader who must balance resources and human requirements.
The program seeks to (1) enhance your curiosity about natural processes and your ability to
study such processes as a scientist and (2) deepen your knowledge of human influences on the
environment and foster evaluation of our individual and collective responsibilities as
environmental stewards. A pre-med track as well as an honors program are available.
POC: Dr. Michael Butkus, WH5303A, x2820,

                                            - 13 -
        Environmental engineers face a range of issues
        from disasters like air pollution from the 9/11
terrorist attack on the World Trade Towers or drinking
water contamination in Flint, MI. Environmental
engineers use chemical, biological, and physical processes to
engineer systems that address such issues. This discipline is
evolving to face new challenges resulting from rapid growth
in human population and technology. Environmental
engineers work in multidisciplinary teams to develop methods to combat global climate
change; find alternative sources of energy; and recover materials from discarded products.
Our program provides you with an active learning experience designed to develop your
knowledge of math, science, and engineering science and your ability to use this knowledge
to be an active problem solver for complex environmental issues. This skill has been
invaluable to our graduates in the Army as they work environmental projects around the
world and improve the welfare of their Soldiers. The Environmental Engineering Program
is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,

POC: Dr. Michael Butkus, WH5303A, x2820,

         Fundamental to understanding our environment and the geography of the earth
         is our ability to locate, measure, and quantify geographic phenomena. The
discipline of Geospatial Information Science is concerned with the measurement of the earth
and all that is on it, natural and man-made. Cadets develop expertise in subjects ranging from
traditional methods of land surveying to satellite imaging and positioning systems. The
Geospatial Information Science curriculum builds on a firm math science, and geography
foundation with specialized courses in land surveying, cartography, photogrammetry, remote
sensing, and geographic information systems. Both the civil and military sectors of our society
are placing an ever-increasing reliance on the ability to build and query GIS to support a myriad
of social/economic and engineering issues. The cadet at the USMA has a rare opportunity to
pursue an integrated field of study that is commonly spread over several separate disciplines
at other institutions. This major has applicability for the future military officer regardless of
branch. Cadets majoring in GIS receive a 3Y (Space Activities) Skill Identifier on their official
military record. Additionally, cadets who branch Engineers will qualify for the Geospatial
Engineer Officer Identifier. Cadets majoring in GIS also qualify for the United States
Geospatial Intelligence Foundations Geospatial Intelligence Certificate. The Geospatial
Information Science Program is accredited by the United States Geospatial Intelligence
Foundation. The program has also been designated as a National Center of Academic
Excellence in Geospatial Science by the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency and the
United States Geological Survey.
POC: LTC William Wright, WH5302, x2063,

                                             - 14 -
Human Geography Track (GEH0)
Physical Geography Track (GEP0)
Human Environment Geography Track (GEE0)
Geography Major w/ Honors (GE(H,P,E)0H)

     Complete the 24-course core curriculum
     Complete a 3-course core engineering sequence, cadets in Physical and Human -
    Environmental tracks automatically receive the Environmental Engineering CES
     Complete one of the following courses:
            Course #                        Course Title
             CY305        Cyber Foundations
             CY355        Cyber Foundations - Computing

    Complete the courses listed below for your track:
       (H) Human
       (P) Physical
       (E) Human Environment
            Course #               Course Title             H     P    E
             EV303        Foundations in Geography          X     X    X
             EV365        Geography of Global Cultures      X     X    X
             EV367        Geography Research Methods        X     X    X
             EV398        Geographic Information Systems    X     X    X
             EV483        Colloquium in Geography           X
             EV486        Environment and Development                  X

    Complete one of the seven Regional Geography courses listed below:
            Course #                        Course Title
             EV371        Geography of Russia
             EV372        Geography of Asia
             EV373        Geography of Latin America
             EV375        Geography of Africa
             EV376        Geography of the Middle East
             EV384        Geography of North America
             EV386        Geography of Europe

                                         - 15 -
     (E) Human Environment Track - Complete one of the first four courses listed below:
     (P) Physical Track - Complete three of the five courses listed below:
           Course #                           Course Title
            EV387         Meteorology
            EV388a        Physical Geology
           EV388b         Geomorphology
           EV389b         Climatology
           EV391b         Natural Hazards and Risk (Physical Track only)

    Complete one of the three courses listed below for your track:
           Course #                      Course Title                  E   P
            EV377         Remote Sensing                                   X
           EV390b         Urban Geography                              X   X
                          Principles of Land Use Planning and          X   X
            EV391a        Management
            EV483         Colloquium in Geography                      X

     Complete one of the eleven courses listed below:
           Course #                            Course Title
            EV371         Geography of Russia
            EV372         Geography of Asia
            EV373         Geography of Latin America
            EV375         Geography of Africa
            EV376         Geography of the Middle East
            EV384         Geography of North America
            EV386         Geography of Europe
           EV390b         Urban Geography
            EV391a        Principles of Land Use Planning and Management
            EV485         Special Topics in Geography & the Environment
           EV489b         Advanced Individual Study in Geography

    (H) Human Track: Complete two of the courses indicated below:
    (P) Physical Track: Complete one of the courses indicated below:
    (E) Human Environment Track: Complete one of the courses indicated below:
           Course #                Course Title                 H      P   E
            EV371         Geography of Russia                   X     X    X
            EV372         Geography of Asia                     X     X    X
            EV373         Geography of Latin America            X     X    X

                                          - 16 -
Course #                     Course Title              H       P      E
             EV375           Geography of Africa                   X      X       X
             EV376           Geography of the Middle East          X      X       X
             EV377           Remote Sensing                        X              X
             EV378           Cartography                           X              X
             EV379           Photogrammetry                        X      X       X
             EV380           Principles of Surveying               X              X
             EV384           Geography of North America            X      X       X
             EV386           Geography of Europe                   X      X       X
             EV387           Meteorology                           X              X
             EV388a          Physical Geology                      X              X
            EV388b           Geomorphology                         X              X
            EV389b           Climatology                           X              X
            EV390b           Urban Geography                       X              X
             EV391a          Principles of Land Use Planning       X              X
                             and Management
             EV391b          Natural Hazards and Risk              X              X
             EV394           Hydrogeology                                 X
             EV396           Environmental Biologic Systems               X
             EV397           Air Pollution Engineering                    X
             EV471           Ecology                                      X
             EV477           Advanced Remote Sensing               X      X       X
             EV478           Geospatial Military Operations        X              X
             EV483           Colloquium in Geography                      X
             EV485           Special Topics in Geography & the     X      X       X
             EV486           Environment and Development           X      X
             EV487           Environmental Security                               X
             EV489b          Advanced Individual Study in          X      X       X
             EV498           Advanced Geographic Information       X              X

   Select one of the twelve Focus Areas, and select three courses from the focus area
  (See Page 45 for Complementary Support Courses):
                                        Focus Area
                  Africa                East, South, and            Middle East
                                         Southeast Asia
                Behavioral                 Economic               North America

               Civil-Military                Europe              Politics & Military

                 Cultural                Latin America                 Russia

                                            - 17 -
    Select three of the five Focus Areas, and select one course from each selected focus
   area (See Page 50 for Complementary Support Courses):
                                         Focus Area
              Physical Science      Philosophy/Sociology       Math/Economics
                 Regional                   Global

    Select three courses; see Page 51 for Complementary Support Courses

      Complete the following course:
            Course #                            Course Title
             EV482         Military Geography

       Cadets pursuing the honors program in Human Geography must meet the entry-level
requirement of having a 3.00 grade point average in the core curriculum, an APSC of at least
3.5 in the major, and approval by the Geography Program Director. Cadets approved for
participation in the honors program must complete the following courses:

            Course #                            Course Title
             EV480         Honors Seminar in Geography
            EV489b         Advanced Individual Study II

          Note: These courses are not restricted to honors Cadets.

               Cadets in EV388a (Physical Geology) tour in New Paltz, NY.

                                           - 18 -
Geography Minor (GEO0N)
   The Geography minor consists of six courses
   Three of these courses must be UNIQUE to the minor, meaning they do not count
  toward the cadet’s major coursework

   Complete the following courses:
            Course #                         Course Title
             EV203           Introduction to Physical Geography
             EV303           Foundations in Geography
             EV365           Geography of Global Cultures

   Complete three of the following 28 courses:
         Course #                           Course Title
          EV367         Geographic Research Methods
          EV371         Geography of Russia
          EV372         Geography of Asia
          EV373         Geography of Latin America
          EV375         Geography of Africa
          EV376         Geography of the Middle East
          EV377         Remote Sensing
          EV378         Cartography
          EV379         Photogrammetry
          EV380         Surveying
          EV384         Geography of North America
          EV386         Geography of Europe
          EV387         Meteorology
         EV388b         Geomorphology
         EV389b         Climatology
         EV390b         Urban Geography
          EV391a        Principles of Land Use Planning and Management
         EV391b         Natural Hazards and Risk
          EV398         Geographic Information Systems
          EV477         Advanced Remote Sensing
          EV478         Geospatial Military Operations
          EV483         Colloquium in Geography
          EV485         Special Topics in Geography & the Environment
          EV486         Environment and Development
          EV487         Environmental Security
         EV489b         Advanced Individual Study in Geography
          EV498         Advanced Geographic Information Systems

                                       - 19 -
Environmental Science Major (ESC1)
Environmental Science Major with Honors (ESC1H)
    Complete the 24-course core curriculum, Cadets must complete CH102 Chemistry II
   as their Science Depth course for this major.
    Complete the Environmental Engineering Sequence
    Complete one of the following courses:
            Course #                            Course Title
             CY305        Cyber Foundations
             CY355        Cyber Foundations - Computing

     Complete the three courses listed below:
            Course #                               Course Title
             EV310        Aquatic Science
             EV388a       Physical Geology
             EV471        Ecology

    Complete one of the following courses:
            Course #                               Course Title
             EV387        Meteorology
            EV389b        Climatology

    Complete one of the three courses listed below:
            Course #                            Course Title
             CH387        Human Physiology
             EV377        Remote Sensing
             EV398        Geographic Information Systems

                                          - 20 -
    Complete two of the seven courses listed below:
            Course #                             Course Title
             CH383       Organic Chemistry I
             CH384       Organic Chemistry II
             EV391a      Land Use Planning and Management
            EV391b       Natural Hazards and Risk
             EV396       Environmental Biological Systems
             EV398       Geographic Information Systems
             XS391       Principles and Applications of Environmental Chemistry

     Complete two of the following courses:
            Course #                             Course Title
             CH383       Organic Chemistry I
             CH384       Organic Chemistry II
             CH385       Introduction to Cell Biology
             CH387       Human Physiology
             CH388       Genetics
             CH457       Microbiology
             CH460       Human Anatomy
             CH473       Biochemistry
             CH481       Physical Chemistry I
             DS350       Persuasive Communications
             EM381       Engineering Economy
             EV371       Geography of Russia
             EV372       Geography of Asia
             EV373       Geography of Latin America
             EV375       Geography of Africa
             EV376       Geography of Middle East
             EV377       Remote Sensing
             EV378       Cartography
             EV380       Surveying
             EV384       Geography of North America
             EV386       Geography of Europe
             EV387       Meteorology
            EV388b       Geomorphology
            EV390b       Urban Geography
             EV391a      Principles of Land Use Planning and Management
            EV391b       Natural Hazards and Risk
             EV394       Hydrogeology/Hydraulic Systems
             EV396       Environmental Biological Systems

                                        - 21 -
EV397         Air Pollution Engineering
           EV398         Geographic Information Systems
           EV482         Military Geography
           EV489a        Advanced Individual Study I
           LW473         Environmental Law
           LW481         International Law
           MA363         Vector Calculus and Ordinary Differential Equations
           MA366         Applied Engineering Math
           MA376         Applied Statistics
           MA391         Mathematical Modeling
           MA396         Numerical Methods for the Solution of Differential Equations
           MA476         Mathematical Statistics
           PL396         Science Network Analysis for Public Policy
           PY386         Philosophy of Science
            SS381        Cultural/Political Anthropology
            SS387        Public Finance
            SS485        Politics and Development of Sub-Saharan Africa
           XS391         Principles and Applications of Environmental Chemistry

    Complete the following course:
          Course #                            Course Title
           EV365         Geography of Global Cultures

    Complete one of the following two courses:
          Course #                                Course Title
           CH275         Biology
           CH375         Advanced Biology

    Complete one of the following six courses:
          Course #                                Course Title
           CH457         Microbiology
           CH473         Biochemistry
           MA205         Calculus II
           MA376         Applied Statistics
           PH206         Physics II
           PH256         Advanced Physics II

    Complete the following course:
          Course #                                Course Title
           EV487         Environmental Security

                                         - 22 -
       Cadets pursuing the honors program will complete two additional courses: 1) EV489A
(Advanced Individual Study), and 2) an additional course from the field electives list. Cadets also
must graduate with an APSC of at least 3.0 in the USMA core curriculum and an APSC of at
least 3.5 in the major.
             Course #                               Course Title
              EV489a         Advanced Individual Study I
             XXXXX           One course from the Field Electives list

Cadets Denali Jackson, Courtney Green, Michael Sewell and Nick Kantas storm chasing on
                         the Severe Weather AIAD, June 2017.

             Cadets in EV391b Natural Hazards and Risks conducting lab work.

                                              - 23 -
Environmental Engineering Major (EVE1)
Environmental Engineering Major with Honors (EVE1H)
    Complete the 24-course core curriculum, Cadets must complete CH102 Chemistry II
   as their Science Depth course, and MA205 Calculus II as their STEM Depth course.

    Complete the following eleven courses:
          Course #                            Course Title
           EV301       Environmental Science for Engineers and Scientists
           EV388a      Physical Geology
           EV394       Hydrogeology/Hydraulic Systems
           EV396       Environmental Biological Systems
           EV397       Air Pollution Engineering
           EV401       Physical and Chemical Treatment
           EV402       Biochemical Treatment
           EV481       Water Resources Planning and Design
           EV488       Solid and Hazardous Waste Treatment and Remediation
           MC311       Thermal Fluid Systems I
           XS391       Principles and Applications of Environmental Chemistry

       Choose three electives from the ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING FIELD
ELECTIVES list. The sum of the Engineering Topics (ET) credits for the three chosen
field electives must total 8 or greater.

          Course #                            Course Title
           CE350       Infrastructure Engineering
           CE371       Soil Mechanics/Foundation Engineering
           CE380       Hydrology/Hydraulic Design
           CE450       Construction Management
           CH362       Mass and Energy Balances
           EE377       Electrical Power Engineering
           EM381       Engineering Economy
           EM411       Project Management
           EV377       Remote Sensing
           EV380       Surveying
           EV398       Geographic Information Systems
           EV485       Special Topics – Geography and Environment

                                        - 24 -
EV489a       Advanced Individual Study I
            EV489b       Advanced Individual Study II
            MC300        Fundamentals of Engineering Mechanics and Design
            MC312        Thermal-Fluid Systems II
            MC364        Mechanics of Materials
            MC380        Engineering Materials
            ME370        Computer Aided Design
            ME472        Energy Conversion Systems
             SE375       Statistics for Engineers
             SE385       Decision Analysis
            XE442        Alternative Energy Engineering

    Complete the following courses:
            Course #                               Course Title
             PH206          Physics II
             MA366          Applied Engineering Math
             EE301          Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering*
          *EE301 fulfills the IT/Cyber requirement for this major, and is a
          Complementary Support Course for the major.

    Complete the following courses:
             Course #                           Course Title
              EV490        Environmental Engineering Design
              EV491        Advanced Environmental Engineering Design

      Cadets pursuing the honors program must complete Advanced Individual Studies I
(EV489a) as one of their field electives, and attain an APSC of at least 3.0 in the USMA core
curriculum and an APSC of at least 3.5 in the major.
             Course #                             Course Title
              EV489a       Advanced Individual Study I

                                            - 25 -
Geospatial Information Science Major (GIS)
Geospatial Information Science Major with Honors (GIS1H)
- All Cadets that major in GIS earn the 3Y Space Force Enhancement Skill Identifier.
- To earn the USGIF Certification, Cadets must take Surveying and Photogrammetry.
- GIS majors are eligible for the W2 Skill Identifier ONLY if they branch Engineers.

      Complete the 24-course core curriculum
      Complete any 3-course core engineering sequence
      Complete one of the following courses:
             Course #                             Course Title
              CY305         Cyber Foundations
              CY355         Cyber Foundations - Computing

    Complete the courses listed below:
             Course #                              Course Title
              EV377         Remote Sensing
              EV378         Cartography
              EV398         Geographic Information Systems
              EV477         Advanced Remote Sensing
              EV478         Geospatial Military Operations
              EV498         Advanced Geographic Information Systems

      Complete one of the two courses listed below:
             Course #                                 Course Title
              EV379         Photogrammetry
              EV380         Surveying

      Complete one of the thirteen courses listed below:
             Course #                             Course Title
              EV371         Geography of Russia
              EV372         Geography of Asia
              EV373         Geography of Latin America
              EV375         Geography of Africa
              EV376         Geography of the Middle East

                                             - 26 -
EV384        Geography of North America
            EV386        Geography of Europe
            SS372        Politics and Government of China
            SS374        Politics and Government of Koreas and Japan
            SS375        Government and Politics of Russia and Neighbors
            SS377        Politics and Government of Europe
            SS383        Politics and Government – Middle East
            SS384        Politics and Government – Latin America

    Complete one of the eleven courses listed below
          Course #                               Course Title
           EV300         Environmental Science
           EV388a        Physical Geology
          EV388b         Geomorphology
          EV389b         Climatology
          EV390b         Urban Geography
           EV391a        Land Use Planning and Management
          EV391b         Natural Hazards and Risk
           EV397         Air Pollution Engineering
           EV379         Photogrammetry
           EV380         Surveying
           EV481         Water Resources Planning and Design

    Take the following course:
          Course #                            Course Title
           EV365         Geography of Global Cultures

    Complete two of the following courses:
           Course #                              Course Title
            CE350        Infrastructure Engineering
            CE371        Soil Mechanics
            CE380        Hydrology/Hydraulic Design
            CS393        Database Systems
           EV387         Meteorology
           EV388a        Physical Geology
           EV388b        Geomorphology
           EV391B        Natural Hazards and Risk
           EV471         Ecology
           EV487         Environmental Security
            IT383        User Interface Development
           MA366         Applied Engineering Math

                                        - 27 -
MA383        Foundations of Math
              ME370        Computer Aided Design
              PL377        Social Inequality
              PL393        Criminology / Criminal Justice System
              SE301        Introduction to Engineering Design
              SE370        Computer Aided Systems Engineering
              SP471        Astronautics
              SP472        Space Physics
              SS381        Cultural / Political Anthropology
              SS464        Homeland Security
              SS465        Terrorism: New Challenges

      Complete the following course:
             Course #                               Course Title
              EV482        Military Geography

       Cadets pursuing the honors program in Geospatial Information Science must meet the
entry-level requirement of having a 3.00 grade point average in the core curriculum, an APSC
of at least 3.5 in the major, and approval by the GIS Program Director. Cadets approved for
participation in the honors program must complete one of the following tracks of two courses:

             Course #                             Course Title
              EV489a       Advanced Individual Study I
             EV489b        Advanced Individual Study II

             Course #                             Course Title
              EV489a       Advanced Individual Study I
                           One course from the Regional Studies or
                           Environmental/Data Acquisition Electives list

                                           - 28 -
         PROGRAM                     PROGRAM COUNSELOR                OFFICE     PHONE

Environmental Engineering and
                                            CPT Martinez              WH5416     4855
    Environmental Science
         Geography                        CPT(P) Dzwonczyk            WH5318     4400
Geospatial Information Science               LTC Ware                 WH5313     3986
  Counseling and Scheduling               CPT(P) Dzwonczyk            WH5318     4400

COURSE                 TITLE                          DIRECTOR          OFFICE   PHONE

 EV203           Physical Geography                  LTC Ridgeway      WH5312     3161
 EV310             Aquatic Science                     Dr. Baker       WH5324     5024
 EV300          Environmental Science                 LTC Wallen       WH5316     4658
              Environmental Science for
 EV301                                               LTC Kimball       WH5415     5421
               Engineers and Scientists
 EV303        Foundations in Geography               Dr. Malinowski    WH5323     4673
              Environmental Engineering
 EV350                                                LTC Wallen       WH5320     4658
                 Geography of Global
 EV365                                               COL Lohman        WH5304     2930
 EV367       Geographic Research Methods             LTC Fuhriman      WH5313     4035
 EV371           Geography of Russia                   Dr. Wolfel      WH4330     8798
 EV372            Geography of Asia                  Dr. Malinowski    WH5323     4673
 EV373        Geography of Latin America             LTC Ridgeway      WH5312     3161
 EV375           Geography of Africa                  Mr Melkon        WH5332     5126
               Geography of the Middle
 EV376                                               COL Lohman        WH5304     2930
 EV377             Remote Sensing                     CPT Powell       WH5414     4620
 EV378               Cartography                       LTC Ware        WH5311     3531
 EV379             Photogrammetry                    Dr. O’Banion      WH5316     2326
 EV380          Principles of Surveying               LTC Wright       WH5302     2063
 EV384       Geography of North America                COL Read        WH6000     2472
                   Introduction to
 EV385                                                CPT Plante       WH5416     0124
              Environmental Engineering
 EV386           Geography of Europe                   Dr. Wolfel      WH4330     8798

                                            - 29 -
COURSE            TITLE                          DIRECTOR        OFFICE   PHONE

EV387           Meteorology                      MAJ Nixon       WH5322    0207
EV388a        Physical Geology                  LTC Kimball      WH5415    5421
EV388b        Geomorphology                      CPT Leydet      WH5319
EV389b           Climatology                     MAJ Nixon       WH5322    0207
EV390b        Urban Geography                     Dr. Wolfel     WH4330    8798
            Principles of Land Use
EV391a                                          Dr. Richmond     WH5412    3735
          Planning and Management
EV391b        Hazards and Risk                  CPT Ouellette     5400     3093
EV394           Hydrogeology                      Dr. Butkus     WH5303   2820
          Environmental Biological
EV396                                            CPT Plante      WH5416    0124
EV397     Air Pollution Engineering             COL Dacunto      WH5313    4658
           Geographic Information
EV398                                           LTC Irmischer    WH6001    5287
            Physical and Chemical
EV401                                           CPT Sheehan      WH5400    3509
EV402      Biochemical Treatment                 CPT Plante      WH5416    0124
          Environmental Engineering
EV450                                           CPT Martinez     WH5416    4855
         for Community Development
EV471             Ecology                       CPT Ouellette    WH5400    3093
EV477     Advanced Remote Sensing                CPT Powell      WH5414    4620
             Military Geospatial
EV478                                           LTC Oxendine     WH5317    4354
             Honors Seminar in
EV480                                           Dr. Richmond     WH5412    3735
          Water Resources Planning
EV481                                           COL Dacunto      WH6001    5287
                and Design
EV482        Military Geography                 COL Lohman       WH5304    2930
EV483     Colloquium in Geography               Dr. Malinowski   WH5323    4673
         Special Topics in Geography
EV485                                           COL Lohman       WH5304    2930
             & the Environment
              Environment and
EV486                                           Dr. Richmond     WH5412    3735
EV487      Environmental Security                 COL Read       WH6001    2472
         Solid and Hazardous Waste
EV488                                             Dr. Butkus     WH5303    2820
         Treatment and Remediation
EV489a   Advanced Individual Study I              Dr. Butkus     WH5303   2820

                                       - 30 -
COURSE                 TITLE                         DIRECTOR           OFFICE      PHONE

EV489b       Advanced Individual Study II            Dr. Richmond      WH5412         3735
              Environmental Engineering
EV490                                                COL Dacunto       WH5313         4658
               Advanced Environmental
EV491                                                COL Dacunto       WH5313         4658
                 Engineering Design
                Advanced Geographic
EV498                                                LTC Oxendine      WH5317         4354
                Information Systems
              Principles of Environmental
 XS391                                                Dr. Butkus       WH5303         2820

     Cadets in EV488 (Solid & Hazardous Waste Treatment and Remediation) at the
    ExxonMobil remediation site in Brooklyn. The cadets were able to view full-scale
 remediation systems that target one of the largest subsurface petroleum spills in the USA.

Cadet Jett DiPalma guides BG Jebb through his virtual reality capstone “3D Modeling and
                    mapping using UAS” during Projects Day 2017

                                            - 31 -
Course #            Course Title                 181   182   191   192   201   202

 EV203            Physical Geography             X     X     X     X     X     X
 EV300          Environmental Science            X           X           X
              Environmental Science for
 EV301                                           X     X     X     X     X     X
                Engineers and Scientists
 EV303        Foundations in Geography           X           X           X
 EV310               Water Science                           X           X
              Environmental Engineering
 EV350                                                 X           X           X
 EV365      Geography of Global Cultures         X     X     X     X     X     X
 EV367      Geographic Research Methods          X           X           X
 EV371           Geography of Russia                         X           X
 EV372            Geography of Asia                    X           X           X
 EV373       Geography of Latin America          X           X           X
 EV375           Geography of Africa             X           X           X
 EV376      Geography of the Middle East               X           X           X
 EV377              Remote Sensing               X     X     X     X     X     X
 EV378                Cartography                X           X           X
 EV379             Photogrammetry                      X           X           X
 EV380          Principles of Surveying          X           X           X
 EV384       Geography of North America          X           X           X
            Introduction to Environmental
 EV385                                                 X           X           X
 EV386           Geography of Europe                   X           X           X
 EV387               Meteorology                       X           X           X
 EV388a            Physical Geology              X     X     X     X     X     X
 EV388b             Geomorphology                      X           X           X
 EV389b               Climatology                X           X           X
 EV390b            Urban Geography                     X           X           X
                Land Use Planning and
 EV391a                                          X           X           X
 EV391b        Natural Hazards and Risk                X           X           X
 EV394     Hydrogeology/Hydraulic Systems        X           X           X
 EV396     Environmental Biological Systems      X     X     X     X     X     X
 EV397         Air Pollution Engineering               X           X           X
 EV398     Geographic Information Systems        X     X     X     X     X     X
 EV401     Physical and Chemical Treatment             X           X           X
 EV402          Biochemical Treatment            X           X           X

                                        - 32 -
Course #              Course Title               181   182   191   192    201    202

             Environmental Engineering for
 EV450                                           X     X     X      X      X      X
                Community Development
 EV471                    Ecology                X           X             X
 EV477          Advanced Remote Sensing                X            X             X
 EV478        Geospatial Military Operations           X            X             X
 EV480        Honors Seminar in Geography        X           X             X
 EV481               Water Resources             X     X            X             X
 EV482              Military Geography                 X            X             X
 EV483          Colloquium in Geography                      X             X
            Special Topics in Geography & the
 EV485                                                 X            X             X
 EV486       Environment and Development               X            X             X
 EV487           Environmental Security                X            X             X
               Solid and Hazardous Waste
 EV488                                                 X            X             X
               Treatment and Remediation
 EV489a        Advanced Individual Study I       X     X     X      X      X      X
 EV489b       Advanced Individual Study II             X            X             X
 EV490      Environmental Engineering Design           X     X             X
                Advanced Environmental
 EV491                                                       X             X
                    Engineering Design
            Advanced Geographic Information
 EV498                                           X           X             X
              Principles and Applications of
 XS391                                                 X            X             X
                Environmental Chemistry

Cadets DiPalma and Pompey using a drone to collect data for creating 3D models of the
                                  MOUT Site.

                                        - 33 -
              EV203           PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY
                              3.0 Credit Hours (BS=2.5, ET=0.0);
                              Prerequisite: None

SCOPE: This core course provides cadets with a fundamental understanding of scientific principles and processes of
earth science, meteorology, climatology, geomorphology, and environmental systems, as well as an introduction to
cultural geography. Further the course introduces cadets to technical skills – (terrain analysis, image interpretation and
spectral analysis, remote sensing, global positioning system, geographic information systems, and cartography) – to
delineate the geologic distribution of landforms, weather, climate, and culture systems; and evaluate their potential impact
on military operations. Lessons are reinforced by use of in- and out-of-class practical exercises, terrain walks and
computer exercises to demonstrate the interrelationship between physical and human processes, and their impact on the
environment. Historical and Contemporary vignettes are employed to demonstrate how weather, climate, terrain, soils,
vegetation and culture are important, cogent and frequently decisive in military operations.
LESSONS: 34 @ 55 min (2.5 Att/wk)                             LABS: 6 @ 55 min

              EV310           Aquatic Science
                              3.0 Credit Hours (BS=3.0, ET=0.0);
                              Prerequisite: EV203, EV301

This course provides disciplinary depth in the science of oceans, estuaries, lakes, rivers, and water ecosystems through
the study of physical, chemical and biological principles related to marine and freshwater biomes. Communities of
marine and freshwater organisms at various ecological zones are explored, as they are affected by light, nutrients, water
chemistry, and other physical and chemical properties. The impacts of humans on these water ecosystems are also
evaluated. The course provides the student with a strong foundation in the science of the hydrosphere while introducing
students to environmental science lab and field research methods.
 LESSONS: 40 @ 55 min (2.5 Att/wk)                                  LABS: 0 @ 0 min
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: In-class labs and field trips; term project examining aspects of one of the world’s
aquatic ecosystems. Compensatory time provided.

              EV300           ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE
                              3.0 Credit Hours (BS=0.0, ET=0.0) ;
         EV CES Course        Prerequisite: EV203;
                              Disqualifiers: EV301

SCOPE: As the introductory course to the Environmental Engineering Sequence, EV300 provides a broad
understanding of current global and local environmental issues. It specifically focuses on natural ecosystem processes,
the effects of pollution on human health, assessing the level of risk associated with pollution, and the environmental
effects of energy use, air pollution, global climate change, acid rain, and smog. Discussions of anthropogenic influences
on the environment also consider social, economic, technological and political impacts. Cadets learn to evaluate
environmental issues through current events and interactive debates. A course project requires cadets to apply the
scientific method to evaluate a current environmental problem, and provides an opportunity to integrate multiple course
topics with an in-depth study of an issue of interest.
LESSONS: 40 @ 55 min (2.5 Att/wk)                                     LABS: None
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Design and conduct an environmental study.

                              3.0 Credit Hours (BS=1.0, ET=2.0);
                              Prerequisite: EV203;
                              Disqualifiers: EV300

SCOPE: EV301 provides the cadet with a deep understanding of current global and local environmental issues. It
specifically focuses on natural ecosystem processes, the effects of pollution on human health, assessing the level of human
health risk associated with pollution, and the strain on natural resources that stem from population growth. Discussions
of anthropogenic influences consider social, economic, technological, and political impacts. Cadets evaluate
environmental issues through review of scientific literature, current events, and interactive debates. A course project
requires cadets to conduct an in-depth study by applying the scientific method to evaluate a current environmental
problem of interest. . The project results in a foundation of engineering science that facilitates follow-on engineering
LESSONS: 40 @ 55 min (2.5 Att/wk)                                    LABS: None
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Design and conduct an environmental study, attend one field trip, in-class labs.

                                                          - 34 -
You can also read