2021 YEAR 8 - 12 CURRICULUM GUIDE - Adelaide High School

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2021 YEAR 8 - 12 CURRICULUM GUIDE - Adelaide High School
2021 YEAR 8 - 12 CURRICULUM GUIDE - Adelaide High School
THE PRINCIPAL                                                                                                         CONTENTS

                                                          The General Capabilities include Literacy, Numeracy,        CURRICULUM STRUCTURE                                  4   SUBJECTS
                                                          ICT, Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal
                                                          and Social Capability, Ethical and Intercultural            General Entry Student                                 4 Arts: Art / Drama / Dance / Music                       18
                                                          Understandings. The Cross Curriculum Priorities             Special Language Student                              6 Cross-Disciplinary56
                                                          focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
                                                          Histories and Cultures, Asia and Australia’s                Cricket or Rowing Entry Student                       8 Design and Digital Technologies                         60
                                                          Engagement with Asia, and Sustainability.
                                                                                                                      LEARNING AT ADELAIDE HIGH SCHOOL                     10   English / EAL                                         78
                                                          The senior secondary curriculum, the SACE (South
                                                          Australian Certificate of Education), addresses the         INDIVIDUALISED LEARNING                              14   Health and Physical Education                         88
                                                          same Capabilities. When you undertake the SACE,             Pastoral Care                                        14 Home Economics                                         104
                                                          you are required to select from subject outlines and
                                                          familiarise yourself with the 200-point curriculum          Learner Intervention                                 14 Humanities and Social Sciences                         112
                                                          structure and the compulsory aspects of the SACE.
                                                                                                                      Centre for Deaf and Hard of Hearing                  15 Languages128
                                                          The compulsory requirements are achievement in
                                                          literacy, numeracy, the Personal Learning Plan (PLP)        Extension and Enrichment                             15 Mathematics150
                                                          and the Research Project. The PLP and the Research
                                                          Project provide you with new challenges and learning        SPECIAL INTEREST PROGRAMS                            16   Science162
                                                          opportunities.                                              Special Interest Languages Program                   16 Vocational Education Training (VET)                    176
                                                          This Guide is divided into year levels from Year 8
                                                                                                                      Special Interest Cricket Program                     16
                                                          to Year 12 and includes a section on Vocational
                                                          Education and Training (VET).                               Special Interest Rowing Program                      17
                                                          It is not uncommon for students at Adelaide High
At Adelaide High School we are passionate about           School to study subjects from more than one year level
learning and assisting students to reach their personal   at any given time, and so we have provided course
best. This Curriculum Guide is designed to guide you      outlines in one book to assist you in planning your
in your curriculum choices as you move from Year 8        pathway. We have a commitment to tailoring student
to Year 12.                                               learning to your needs and abilities.                       Motto                                                      Priorities
It contains information to assist you in making           If you are in Year 10, 11 and 12 you are strongly advised   “Non Scholae Sed Vitae” –                                  We are committed to:
choices which broaden and deepen your educational         to gather information from a range of sources to inform     “Not only for school but for life”
                                                          future choices. Speak to your family, your teachers,                                                                   1. Wellbeing: A safe and welcoming environment
experience, and to map your pathway within and
beyond secondary school. We aim to provide you            student counsellors, staff at tafeSA, the universities,     Vision                                                                    based upon mutual respect.
with important educational stepping stones to lead to     Career Centres and other post school education and          Adelaide High school is a dynamic community                2. Learning: E
                                                                                                                                                                                               ngaging and challenging learning
success and to a world of choice. The whole purpose       training providers. Use job and career guides to assist     which is passionate about learning for life.                            experiences through:
behind our curriculum offerings is to ensure your         you in planning your pathway through secondary school
                                                          and beyond, and read the SATAC (South Australian            Wellbeing: We encourage the social, emotional,                          • Reflective, innovative and
learning experience reflects our school motto:
                                                          Tertiary Admission Centre) guide carefully.                 intellectual and physical development of all members                       contemporary practices
not only for school, but for life.
                                                                                                                      of our community. Respect, resilience and optimism
You will find course descriptors for each year level,     Finally, I encourage you to be mindful of your personal                                                                             • Varied curriculum and co-curricular
                                                                                                                      help us flourish.
vocational education information and an outline of        strengths, past achievements and successes and                                                                                         offerings
how we cater for individualised learning through          build upon those. Strike a balance between aiming           Learning: We nurture independent, creative and
                                                          high and being realistic in your choices.                   collaborative learners. Curiosity and innovation                        • Learning within and beyond the
acceleration, enrichment and extension.                                                                                                                                                          classroom
                                                          Most importantly, whatever your year level, apply           motivate us to excel individually and collectively.
The Australian Curriculum is the basis of the
                                                          yourself to the best of your ability, as this is the most   Culture: We celebrate diversity, promote intercultural     3. Culture: 	Developing compassionate, positive
curriculum in Years 8, 9 and 10. All subjects across
                                                          certain way to get you to where you wish to go.             understandings and connect with communities here                         and contributing citizens.
all Learning Areas address the General Capabilities
and Cross Curriculum Priorities in the Australian         Cezanne Green                                               and across the world. We reflect on our past and
Curriculum.                                               Principal Adelaide High School                              learn in the present to shape our future.
2021 YEAR 8 - 12 CURRICULUM GUIDE - Adelaide High School
GENERAL ENTRY STUDENT                                                                                                                               Adelaide High School Year 8 - 12 Curriculum Guide 2021

                      YEAR 8                                                  YEAR 9                                                  YEAR 10                                        YEAR 11 (STAGE 1)                      YEAR 12 (STAGE 2)

              Mathematics (Full Year)                                Mathematics (Full Year)                                  Mathematics (Full Year)                              Mathematics (1 Semester)

                 English (Full Year)                                     English (Full Year)                                      English (Full Year)                           Research Project (1 Semester)                Elective 1 (Full Year)

                 Science (Full Year)                                    Science (Full Year)                                      Science (Full Year)                                    English (Full Year)

             Language 1 All Students                          Language 1 All Students (Full Year)                      Language 1 All Students (Full Year)
                   (Full Year)
                                                            Humanities and                                           Humanities and
                      OR                                                             Health and Physical                                      Health and Physical
                                                           Social Sciences -                                        Social Sciences -                                          Elective 1                Elective 2
              Language 2 Optional                                                         Education                                                Education                                                                 Elective 2 (Full Year)
                                                                History                                                  History
                   (Full Year)                                                          (1 Semester)                                             (1 Semester)
                                                             (1 Semester)                                             (1 Semester)

                                                         ELECTIVE SUBJECT 1          ELECTIVE SUBJECT 3           ELECTIVE SUBJECT 1          ELECTIVE SUBJECT 3

                                                                                                                                                  A choice from
                                                                                         A choice from
                                                                                                                                                Arts, Technology,
                                                                                       Arts, Technology,
                                                                                                                                                 Humanities and
                                                                                        Humanities and
                                                             A choice from                                            A choice from             Social Sciences,
    Humanities and            Health and Physical                                      Social Sciences,                                                                        Elective 3                Elective 4          Elective 3 (Full Year)
                                                                The Arts                                                 The Arts              Cross Disciplinary,
    Social Sciences                Education                                              Health and
                                                                                                                                                   Health and
     (1 Semester)                (1 Semester)              OR Language 2              Physical Education            OR Language 2
                                                                                                                                               Physical Education
                                                           Optional Special                Electives                Optional Special
                                                           Entry (Full Year)                                        Entry (Full Year)
                                                                                       OR Language 2
                                                                                                                                                OR Language 2
                                                                                       Optional Special
                                                                                                                                                Optional Special
                                                                                       Entry (Full Year)
                                                                                                                                                Entry (Full Year)

    Arts          Arts                                   ELECTIVE SUBJECT 2          ELECTIVE SUBJECT 4           ELECTIVE SUBJECT 2          ELECTIVE SUBJECT 4               Elective 5                Elective 6          Elective 4 (Full Year)
  (Drama,       (Drama,
   Music,        Music,                                                                                                                           A choice from
                                   Technology                                            A choice from
   Dance         Dance                                                                                                                          Arts, Technology,
                                  (1 Semester)                                         Arts, Technology,
   or Art)       or Art)                                                                                                                         Humanities and
                                                                                        Humanities and
  (1 Term)      (1 Term)                                     A choice from                                            A choice from             Social Sciences,
                                                                                       Social Sciences,
                                                              Technology                                               Technology              Cross Disciplinary,
                                                                                          Health and
                                                                                                                                                   Health and
    *Arts                                                  OR Language 2              Physical Education            OR Language 2
                *Indig-                                                                                                                        Physical Education
  (Drama,                                                  Optional Special                Electives                Optional Special
                enous                                                                                                                               Electives                  Elective 7                Elective 8          Elective 5 (Full Year)
   Music,                      Home Economics              Entry (Full Year)                                        Entry (Full Year)
                Studies                                                                OR Language 2
   Dance                          (1 Term)                                                                                                      OR Language 2
                                                                                       Optional Special
   or Art)      (1 Term)                                                                                                                        Optional Special
                                                                                       Entry (Full Year)
  (1 Term)                                                                                                                                      Entry (Full Year)

*If students are not studying two languages in Year 8   All Year 9 students must study a subject from The Arts   All Year 10 students must study a subject from The Arts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Year 9 and 10 Core Subjects
                                                        and Technology Learning Areas.                           and Technology Learning Areas.
2021 YEAR 8 - 12 CURRICULUM GUIDE - Adelaide High School
SPECIAL LANGUAGE STUDENT                                                                                                                   Adelaide High School Year 8 - 12 Curriculum Guide 2021

                   YEAR 8                                            YEAR 9                                                  YEAR 10                                        YEAR 11 (STAGE 1)                      YEAR 12 (STAGE 2)

            Mathematics (Full Year)                         Mathematics (Full Year)                                  Mathematics (Full Year)
                                                                                                                                                                          Mathematics (1 Semester)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Language 1 (Full Year)
              English (Full Year)                               English (Full Year)                                      English (Full Year)
                                                                                                                                                                       Research Project (1 Semester)

              Science (Full Year)                              Science (Full Year)                                      Science (Full Year)

                                                                                                                                                                               English (Full Year)
            Language 1 (Full Year)                           Language 1 (Full Year)                                   Language 1 (Full Year)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Elective 1 (Full Year)

                                                                                                                                                                                   Language 1
            Language 2 (Full Year)                           Language 2 (Full Year)                                   Language 2 (Full Year)

                                                                                                                                                                      Elective 1                Elective 2          Elective 2 (Full Year)

                                                   Humanities and                                           Humanities and
                                                                            Health and Physical                                      Health and Physical
                                                  Social Sciences -                                        Social Sciences -
   Humanities and        Health and Physical                                     Education                                                Education
                                                       History                                                  History
   Social Sciences            Education                                        (1 Semester)                                             (1 Semester)
                                                    (1 Semester)                                             (1 Semester)
    (1 Semester)            (1 Semester)

                                                                                                                                                                      Elective 3                Elective 4          Elective 3 (Full Year)

                                                ELECTIVE SUBJECT 1          ELECTIVE SUBJECT 2           ELECTIVE SUBJECT 1          ELECTIVE SUBJECT 2

   Arts        Arts
 (Drama,     (Drama,
  Music,      Music,          Technology            A choice from               A choice from                A choice from               A choice from
                                                                                                                                                                      Elective 5                Elective 6          Elective 4 (Full Year)
  Dance       Dance          (1 Semester)              The Arts                  Technology                     The Arts                  Technology
  or Art)     or Art)
 (1 Term)    (1 Term)

Please note: Special Interest Language         All Year 9 students must study a subject from The Arts   All Year 10 students must study a subject from The Arts
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Year 9 and 10 Core Subjects
students enrolling from 2020 will continue     and Technology Learning Areas.                           and Technology Learning Areas.

with one language until the end of Year 12.
2021 YEAR 8 - 12 CURRICULUM GUIDE - Adelaide High School
CRICKET OR ROWING ENTRY STUDENT                                                                                                   Adelaide High School Year 8 - 12 Curriculum Guide 2021

                  YEAR 8                                            YEAR 9                                          YEAR 10                                        YEAR 11 (STAGE 1)                      YEAR 12 (STAGE 2)

           Mathematics (Full Year)                         Mathematics (Full Year)                          Mathematics (Full Year)                              Mathematics (1 Semester)

                                                                                                                                                              Research Project (1 Semester)                Elective 1 (Full Year)
              English (Full Year)                             English (Full Year)                               English (Full Year)

                                                                                                                                                                      English (Full Year)
              Science (Full Year)                            Science (Full Year)                               Science (Full Year)

            Language 1 (Full Year)                         Language 1 (Full Year)                            Language 1 (Full Year)
                                                                                                                                                             Elective 1                Elective 2          Elective 2 (Full Year)

  Cricket or Rowing Focus HPE (Full Year)         Cricket or Rowing Focus HPE (Full Year)         Cricket or Rowing Focus HPE (Full Year)

                                                                         ELECTIVE SUBJECT 1                                 ELECTIVE SUBJECT 1

                                                                                                                                                             Elective 3                Elective 4          Elective 3 (Full Year)
                                                   Humanities and                                  Humanities and
                                                  Social Sciences -          A choice from        Social Sciences -            A choice from
   Humanities and                                      History                  The Arts               History                    The Arts
   Social Sciences                                  (1 Semester)                                    (1 Semester)
                             (1 Semester)
    (1 Semester)

                                                                                                                                                             Elective 5                Elective 6          Elective 4 (Full Year)
                                                 ELECTIVE SUBJECT 2      ELECTIVE SUBJECT 3     ELECTIVE SUBJECT 2          ELECTIVE SUBJECT 3

                                                                                                                               A choice from
                                                                            A choice from
                                                                                                                             Arts, Technology,
                                                                          Arts, Technology,
                                                                                                                              Humanities and
         Arts                    Arts               A choice from          Humanities and           A choice from
                                                                                                                             Social Sciences,
   (Drama, Music,          (Drama, Music,            Technology           Social Sciences,           Technology
                                                                                                                            Cross Disciplinary,              Elective 7                Elective 8          Elective 5 (Full Year)
    Dance or Art)           Dance or Art)                                Health and Physical
                                                                                                                            Health and Physical
       (1 Term)                (1 Term)                                  Education Electives

Please note: Students who have entered          Please note: Students who have entered         All Year 9 and 10 students must study a subject from
the school via the Cricket program take part    the school via the Rowing program take part    The Arts and Technology Learning Areas.
in Cricket as one of their full year subjects   in Rowing as one of their full year subjects                                                                                                        Year 9 and 10 Core Subjects
until the end of Year 10.                       until the end of Year 10.
2021 YEAR 8 - 12 CURRICULUM GUIDE - Adelaide High School
HIGH SCHOOL                                                                                                     Adelaide High School Year 8 - 12 Curriculum Guide 2021

                                 THE AUSTRALIAN                         WHAT IS THE SACE?
Curriculum Structure        4   CURRICULUM                                                                       COMPULSORY SUBJECTS                                      STUDENT SELECTED SUBJECTS
                                                                        The South Australian Certificate
Learning at Adelaide             The Australian Curriculum provides     of Education (SACE) is a modern,
High School                10   a dynamic teaching and learning        internationally-recognised                           50 credits                              + 90 credits                             + 60 credits
                                 framework for all schools across       secondary school qualification
Individualised Learning    14   Australia. The national curriculum     designed to equip you with the
                                 details content, knowledge             skills, knowledge, and personal           • The Personal Learning Plan             Choose and successfully               Choose and successfully
Special Interest Programs 16                                                                                        (PLP) (10 credits)                     complete a selection of               complete a selection of Stage 2
                                 and skills you are expected to         capabilities to successfully
Subjects                         develop at each year level and         participate in our fast-paced                                                       Stage 1 and Stage 2 subjects,         or VET subjects worth at least
                                                                                                                    iteracy requirement
                                 within the eight learning areas. At    global society.                                                                     recognised VET courses,               60 credits in total.
                                                                                                                   (20 credits) demonstrated
Arts                        18   Adelaide High School, teachers                                                                                             or community learning.
                                                                        The SACE has evolved to provide            from a range of English                                                        Stage 2 subjects are externally
Cross-Disciplinary          56   utilise this flexible structure to                                                subjects at Stage 1 or Stage 2                                                 assessed by the SACE Board of
                                                                        you with more flexibility to choose
                                 plan and respond to student                                                                                                                                      South Australia.
Design and Digital                                                      subjects that reflect your interests,     •N
                                                                                                                    umeracy requirement
                                 needs and interests in a genuine
Technologies                60                                          skills, and career goals, using a          (10 credits) demonstrated
                                 and meaningful manner, whilst
                                                                        combination of SACE subjects,              from a range of Mathematics
                                 monitoring and assessing student
English / EAL              78                                          vocational education and training          subjects at Stage 1 or Stage 2
                                 progress through the Achievement
                                                                        (VET), community learning,
Health and Physical              Standards.                                                                       •T
                                                                                                                    he Research Project
                                                                        university, and TAFE studies.
Education                   88   The Australian Curriculum is                                                      (10 credits)
                                                                        SACE subjects are made up
Home Economics            104   made up of three interconnected
                                                                        of investigations, performances
                                 elements: Learning Areas,
Humanities and Social                                                   and other assessment tasks
                                 General Capabilities and Cross-                                                PLANNING BEYOND THE SACE
Sciences                   112                                          to demonstrate your skills,
                                 curriculum Priorities. All aspects
                                                                        knowledge, and personal
                                 of the curriculum are embedded                                                 The South Australian Tertiary             To be eligible to apply for university, you must:
Languages                  128                                          capabilities throughout the year.
                                 into the courses outlined in this                                              Admissions Centre (SATAC) is
                                                                        Some subjects will have an end-                                                   • complete the SACE
Mathematics                150   guide, helping to build transferable                                           responsible for tertiary course
                                                                        of-year exam worth a maximum                                                      • complete at least 90 credits at Stage 2, of which at least 60 credits
                                 skills, knowledge, attitudes and                                               applications and selections in
Science                    162                                          of 30% of the overall grade.                                                         must be from 20-credit Tertiary Admissions Subjects (TAS)*, and the
                                 dispositions to support your                                                   South Australia.
                                 development into confident, caring     To complete the qualification, you                                                   other 30 credits from TAS, and up to 20 credits of Recognised
Vocational Education                                                                                            SACE completion meets the
                                 and contributing citizens.             will need to attain 200 credits from                                                 Studies which will allow you to obtain an Australian Tertiary Admissions
Training (VET)            176                                                                                  course admission requirements
                                                                        a selection of Stage 1 and Stage                                                     Rank (ATAR)
                                                                                                                for most TAFE SA courses,
                                                                        2 subjects. A 10-credit subject is                                                • complete any prerequisites required for your chosen university courses
                                                                                                                but there are some additional
                                                                        usually one semester of study, and
                                                                                                                requirements for entry into               • comply with the rules regarding subject combinations and preclusions
                                                                        a 20-credit subject is usually over
                                                                                                                particular qualification levels.
                                                                        two semesters.                                                                    *A Tertiary Admissions Subject (TAS) is a SACE Stage 2 subject that has
                                                                        Here’s how it works:                                                              been approved by the universities and TAFE SA as providing suitable
                                                                                                                                                          preparation for tertiary studies. Almost all SACE subjects are recognised
                                                                                                                                                          Tertiary Admissions Subjects, except for Community Studies and
                                                                                                                                                          Modified Subjects
                                                                                                                                                          The SATAC website, individual university websites and the TAFE SA
                                                                                                                                                          website explain what you’ll need to study specific courses

2021 YEAR 8 - 12 CURRICULUM GUIDE - Adelaide High School
HIGH SCHOOL                                                                                            Adelaide High School Year 8 - 12 Curriculum Guide 2021

                                  SUBJECTS FOR YEAR 11               SUBJECTS FOR YEAR 12
Curriculum Structure        4          (STAGE 1)                          (STAGE 2)
Learning at Adelaide
High School                10   At Stage 1 students will study     At Stage 2 students will study
                                 the following:                     the following:
Individualised Learning    14

Special Interest Programs 16
                                 2 SEMESTERS (FULL YEAR)            2 SEMESTERS (FULL YEAR)
Subjects                                                            CHOICE FROM
                                 • English / EAL
Arts                        18                                      • Arts
                                 1 SEMESTER                         • Cross-Disciplinary
Cross-Disciplinary          56                                      •D esign, Technology
                                 • Mathematics
Design and Digital                                                    and Engineering
                                    (a full year is advised)
Technologies                60                                      • English / EAL
                                 • Research Project
                                                                    • Health and Physical Education
English / EAL              78                                      • Home Economics
                                 CHOICE FROM                        •H umanities and Social
Health and Physical
Education                   88   • Arts                               Sciences
                                 • Cross-Disciplinary               • Languages
Home Economics            104
                                 •D esign, Technology              • Mathematics
Humanities and Social              and Engineering                  • Science
Sciences                   112   • Health and Physical Education    •V ocational Education
                                 • Home Economics                     and Training
Languages                  128
                                 •H umanities and Social
Mathematics                150     Sciences
                                 • Languages
Science                    162                                     Please note: In many subjects
                                 • Mathematics
                                                                   there may be excursions and
Vocational Education             • Science
                                                                   in-school events to enrich the
Training (VET)            176   •V ocational Education           curriculum content. These may
                                   and Training                    incur an additional cost which is
                                                                   not included in the school fees.
                                                                   The subject teacher will advise
                                                                   parents/carers and students in
                                                                   writing if this is the case.

2021 YEAR 8 - 12 CURRICULUM GUIDE - Adelaide High School
INDIVIDUALISED LEARNING                                                                                        Adelaide High School Year 8 - 12 Curriculum Guide 2021

JUMP TO                                                                 A school-based Speech
                                 PASTORAL CARE                          Pathologist supports the Learner       CENTRE FOR DEAF AND                       EXTENSION AND
Curriculum Structure        4                                                                                 HARD OF HEARING                           ENRICHMENT
                                 Pastoral Care is a timetabled          Intervention team to deliver quality
Learning at Adelaide             subject occurring each day.            planning, programming and              Adelaide High School offers               Our aim is to enrich the learning
High School                10                                          resources that are founded in best     students with a hearing loss              of each student to ensure the best
                                 The Pastoral Care program
                                                                        and evidence-based practice for        access to tailored, specialised           learning experience possible.
Individualised Learning    14   supports:
                                                                        literacy improvement at all levels     programs which meet each                  This begins in classes where
                                 • Adelaide High School’s Vision       of ability.                            of their individual needs.                teachers use rich data to analyse
Special Interest Programs 16
                                    and Priorities, and Graduate                                                                                         learning and differentiate the
                                                                        Students with disabilities have        Students have access to a range
Subjects                            Qualities                                                                                                            curriculum for individuals.
                                                                        access to a wide range of              of subjects and are integrated
                                 • Australian Curriculum’s                                                    with their peers. Students are            Students with high intellectual
Arts                        18                                          interventions aimed at meeting
                                    General Capabilities and Cross                                             supported in a range of ways              potential and advanced learning
                                                                        individual needs through
Cross-Disciplinary          56      Curriculum Priorities                                                      including in class support,               skills in certain subjects can be
                                                                        individualised and tailored learning
                                 Consistent in each year level of the   programs that enable them to           intensive small group programs            identified by subject teachers.
Design and Digital
                                 program is:                            access learning on the same basis      and have access to Teachers of
Technologies                60                                                                                                                           Parents and students will
                                                                        as their peers.                        the Deaf and Bilingual School Staff
                                 • A learning centred approach to                                                                                       be involved in discussions
English / EAL              78                                                                                 who understand the impact of
                                    mentoring and guiding students      The Learner Intervention team                                                    regarding possible options and
                                                                                                               hearing loss in the classroom.
Health and Physical              • A focus on positive education        works in partnership with students,                                              parent approval will be sought
Education                   88   • Providing a safe and welcoming      their families and other school-       Students at times are also offered        before a student is placed in
                                    environment                         based intervention teams to ensure     a line off for additional support         an acceleration, extension or
Home Economics            104                                          access to the most appropriate         which works on targeting specific         enrichment course.
                                 • Coaching and career education
                                                                        and timely interventions.              areas to ensure classroom
Humanities and Social            • Connecting students and families
                                                                                                               success. These areas are literacy
Sciences                   112      with the school                     Interventions can include small
                                                                                                               and language support for all
                                                                        group learning programs as well
Languages                  128   This is supplemented by a                                                     subject areas, numeracy and
                                                                        as strategic in class interventions
                                 program that proactively engages                                              social skills development. Support
Mathematics                150                                          with Learning Intervention
                                 students in a relevant and targeted                                           lines are staffed with teachers and
                                                                        Officers. Programs can include:
                                 manner at each year level.                                                    SSOs who have expert knowledge
Science                    162                                          Macqlit - a systematic reading
                                                                                                               in these areas.
                                                                        intervention program, QuickSmart
Vocational Education
                                 LEARNER INTERVENTION                   Numeracy - aimed at developing
Training (VET)            176
                                                                        student fluency in core numerical
                                 The Learner Intervention team          operations and strong conceptual
                                 at Adelaide High School offers         understanding, MotiVate -
                                 strategic and targeted learning        for social skills development,
                                 opportunities to students for both     as well as other small group
                                 intervention and stretch.              interventions as required.
                                 The team works in collaboration
                                 with teachers to provide quality
                                 differentiated teaching and learning
                                 opportunities in the classroom
                                 setting for all students.

2021 YEAR 8 - 12 CURRICULUM GUIDE - Adelaide High School
SPECIAL INTEREST PROGRAMS                                                                                       Adelaide High School Year 8 - 12 Curriculum Guide 2021

JUMP TO                                                                                                         Students who enter the Special            AHS Rowing has an extensive
                                 SPECIAL INTEREST                        SPECIAL INTEREST CRICKET               Interest Cricket program will study       fleet of boats in all classes and
Curriculum Structure        4   LANGUAGES PROGRAM                       PROGRAM
                                                                                                                Cricket as a subject from Years           rowers learn boat handling and
Learning at Adelaide             Across Australia, this program is       Adelaide High School is committed      8-10. Cricket is offered as an            rowing skills in both scull and
High School                10   unique to Adelaide High School.         to providing all students with an      optional subject in Stage 1.              sweep boats and improve their
                                 The program seeks to foster high        opportunity to learn, develop and                                                general fitness. Students also
                                                                                                                The Cricket Program is also
Individualised Learning    14   level and deep language learning        excel in the game of cricket.                                                    have access to fitness facilities
                                                                                                                available, by application, to all
                                 in connection with our vision for                                                                                        and ergometer machines.
Special Interest Programs 16                                            Lessons and training sessions          students who are enrolled at
                                 global citizenship and international
                                                                         focus on the development and           Adelaide High School and who              Students who enter the Special
Subjects                         understanding. Communication
                                                                         application of cricket skills –        have a passion for cricket.               Interest Rowing program will
                                 and understanding in Languages
Arts                       18                                           batting, bowling and fielding, with                                              study Rowing as a subject from
                                 broadens and deepens learners’
                                                                         fitness and conditioning also being                                              Years 8-10. Rowing is offered as
Cross-Disciplinary          56   development of the Australian                                                  SPECIAL INTEREST ROWING
                                                                         important aspects of the program.                                                an optional subject in Stage 1.
                                 Curriculum Capabilities and                                                    PROGRAM
                                                                         Practical sessions are designed to
Design and Digital               underpins the development of                                                                                             The Rowing Program is also
                                                                         challenge participants and teach       Adelaide High School is committed
Technologies                60   future pathways in global contexts.                                                                                      available, by application, to all
                                                                         them to play with confidence and       to providing all students with an         students who are enrolled at
English / EAL              78   Students apply and are selected         belief. Students have access to        opportunity to learn, develop and         Adelaide High School and who
                                 for this program in the final year of   accredited coaches as well as turf,    excel in rowing.
Health and Physical                                                                                                                                       have a passion for rowing.
                                 primary school. Currently, students     indoor and hard wicket playing and
Education                   88   enrolled prior to 2020 study two        training facilities.                   The AHS Rowing program is part            An Introduction to Rowing
                                                                                                                of a holistic education experience        Program, which forms part of
Home Economics            104   languages offered by the school for     Students also participate in an        and aims to teach the values              the Year 8 Transition Program,
                                 3 years from Years 8 – 10 and then      accreditation pathway achieving
Humanities and Social                                                                                           of determination, resilience and          gives all Year 8 students the
                                 are encouraged to continue one          their Senior First Aid, Level 0 and
Sciences                   112                                                                                  perseverance. This is achieved            opportunity to ‘come n try’ rowing
                                 language into the Senior School, at     1 Coaching, and Level 1 Umpiring       by allowing students to challenge         with their Pastoral Care Group at
                                 least to Stage 1 in Year 11.            qualifications during Years 8 -10.
Languages                  128                                                                                  themselves in a safe and                  the beginning of the school year.
                                 From 2020, students who enter           As well as covering the                supportive environment.                   Interested students can apply to
Mathematics                150   Special Interest Languages will         requirements of the Australian         Lessons and training sessions             join the Rowing Program.
Science                    162   study two languages offered by          Curriculum: Health and Physical        focus on the development and
                                 the School from Years 8 – 10            Education at the relevant year
Vocational Education                                                                                            application of rowing skills, fitness
                                 (3 calendar years) and then must        levels, students also study cricket-
Training (VET)            176                                                                                  and coaching and competition
                                 continue at least one of the            specific content. As specialist        strategies.
                                 two into the Senior School to           sport entrants, they can enhance
                                 graduation at Stage 2 level.            their practical skills through deep    As well as covering the
                                                                         understanding of theoretical           requirements of the Australian
                                                                         concepts specific to cricket.          Curriculum: Health and Physical
                                                                                                                Education at the relevant year
                                                                         Adelaide High School liaises           levels, students also study rowing-
                                                                         closely with SACA in terms of          specific content. As specialist
                                                                         access to grade cricket clubs and      sport entrants, they can enhance
                                                                         the High-Performance Pathway.          their practical skills through deep
                                                                                                                understanding of theoretical
                                                                                                                concepts specific to rowing.

2021 YEAR 8 - 12 CURRICULUM GUIDE - Adelaide High School
DANCE / MUSIC                                                                            Adelaide High School Year 8 - 12 Curriculum Guide 2021

Curriculum Structure        4          YEAR 8                       YEAR 9                           YEAR 10                                     YEAR 11                    YEAR 12

Learning at Adelaide
High School                10              Art                        Art A                             Art A                                     Art A                  Visual Arts - Art
Individualised Learning    14
                                                                       Art B                             Art B                                     Art B                Visual Arts - Design
Special Interest Programs 16

Subjects                                                                                               Design A                                   Design A
Arts                        18
                                                                                                      Design B                                    Design B
Cross-Disciplinary          56

Design and Digital                                                                                 Creative Arts:                        Creative Arts: Jewellery
Technologies                60                                                                   Product Innovation                       Design and Creation
English / EAL              78
                                                                                            Creative Arts: Digital Media               Creative Arts: Digital Media         Creative Arts
Health and Physical
Education                   88
                                                                                                Media - Multimedia                          Creative Arts: Film
Home Economics            104

Humanities and Social                                                                              Creative Arts:                             Creative Arts:
Sciences                   112                                                                   Theatre Production                         Theatre Production
Languages                  128

Mathematics                150            Drama                      Drama A                           Drama A                                    Drama A                      Drama

Science                    162
                                                                     Drama B                           Drama B                                    Drama B
Vocational Education
Training (VET)            176            Dance                      Dance A                           Dance A                                    Dance A                      Dance

                                                                     Dance B                           Dance B                                    Dance B
                                                                                                                                                                        Music Performance -
                                          Music               Music Performance A              Music Performance A                         Music Performance A               Ensemble

                                                              Music Performance B              Music Performance B                        Music Performance B         Music Performance - Solo

                                                                Music Explorations               Music Explorations                         Music Explorations             Music Studies

                                                                                                                                                                         Music Explorations
                                                         Arrows are only an indication
                                 Australian Curriculum
                                                         of pathways. Please check
                                 SACE                    prerequisites.
YEAR 8 /YEAR 9                                                                                              Adelaide High School Year 8 - 12 Curriculum Guide 2021

                                 ART                                   DANCE                                DRAMA                                     MUSIC                                  ART A
Curriculum Structure        4
                                 Level: 8                              Level: 8                             Level: 8                                  Level: 8                               Level: 9
Learning at Adelaide             Length: 10 weeks                      Length: 10 weeks                     Length: 10 weeks                          Length: 10 weeks                       Length: Semester
High School                10   Contact person: Kerry Skinner         Contact person: Kerry Skinner        Contact person: Kerry Skinner             Contact person: Kerry Skinner          Contact person: Kerry Skinner

Individualised Learning    14   Content:                              Content:                             Content:                                  Content:                               Content:
                                 In Year 8 students study              The course aims for students to      The course aims for students              Students learning Music listen,        This general art course aims
Special Interest Programs 16    Art through the making and            experience a range of genres in      to develop their knowledge                perform and compose.                   for students to learn about and
                                 responding strands. They develop      dance, compose their own dance       and understanding of character            They learn about the elements of       explore traditional, contemporary
Subjects                                                                                                                                              Music comprising rhythm, pitch,
                                 basic visual communication            works and perform in a showcase.     development, play-building, voice                                                and evolving visual conventions
Arts18                          through the interpretation and        Students develop their knowledge     and movement skills, stage craft,         dynamics, expression, form and         used in artworks of diverse styles
                                 generation of ideas based upon        and understanding of the skills      drama terminology and problem             structure. Students develop aural      and composition.
Cross-Disciplinary56            observation, aesthetic sensitivity    of dance practice by focusing on     solving. Students will develop            skills to identify and interpret the
                                                                                                                                                                                             These may include developing
                                 and understanding of Art and          body articulation, weight transfer   their confidence and collaborate          elements of Music.
Design and Digital                                                                                                                                                                           skills in combinations of
                                 Design skills. They will learn that   and body awareness.                  with others in small and large            These skills are essential for
Technologies60                                                                                                                                                                              conventions such as visual
                                 Visual Art has many forms.                                                 ensembles. Students are provided          making and responding to a range
                                                                       They explore the elements of                                                   of music through composing and         elements, design principles,
English / EAL              78   It exists in both the students’                                            opportunities to perform in class
                                                                       dance using space, time and                                                    performing. Students develop           composition and style.
                                 environment as well as in other                                            and to the community.
Health and Physical                                                    dynamics. Students develop their                                               Music ICT skills through use of
                                 societies and cultures. They                                                                                                                                Students analyse and respond to
Education88                                                           knowledge in safe dance practice     Making in Drama:                          Musition, Auralia, Noteflight and
                                 will increase their capabilities                                                                                                                            their own and other practitioners’
                                                                       and injury prevention through        • Improvisation                           Soundtrap/Mixcraft.
Home Economics            104   by generating creative ideas in                                                                                                                             artworks. As audience members
                                                                       practical classes. Students will     • Devising and creating
                                 expression and communication in                                                                                      For students who learn an              they learn how to view, manipulate,
Humanities and Social                                                  develop their confidence and
                                 a range of art units.                                                      • Performing                              instrument/voice, performances         reflect on, analyse, enjoy,
Sciences112                                                           collaborate with others in small
                                                                                                            • Directing                               are held throughout the year           appreciate and evaluate art.
                                 Students will develop skills in:      and large ensembles.
Languages128                                                                                               Responding in Drama:                      allowing students the opportunity      Students learn how to manipulate
                                 Making in Art:                        Making in dance:                                                               to grow as a performer and
                                                                                                            • Reflections                                                                    and adapt a wide range of physical
Mathematics150                  • Painting and Drawing                • Dance skills                                                                 share their experiences in music.      materials and technologies through
                                                                                                            • Analysing own and                      Content includes:
                                 • 3D Studies                          • Improvisation                                                                                                       the development of knowledge
Science162                                                                                                    others’ drama work
                                 • ICT Processes                       • Composition                                                                  Making in Music:                       and skills in Visual Arts. Areas of
Vocational Education             • Design/Printmaking                  • Performance                        Assessment:                                                                      work cover 2D and 3D processes.
                                                                                                                                                      • Composition/arranging
Training (VET)            176                                                                              Students are assessed using
                                 Responding in Art:                    Responding in dance:                                                           • Interpreting/improvisation           Making in Art: Students may select
                                                                                                            the Australian Curriculum
                                   eflection of own and               • Reflection of own and                                                       • Performance                          to develop skills in one or more of
                                                                                                            Achievement Standards.
                                  others’ work                            others’ work                                                                                                       the following mediums:
                                                                                                                                                      Responding in Music:
                                   eflection and analysis of a        • Reflection and analysis of a                                                • Listening                            • Drawing
                                  contemporary/historical art             contemporary dance work                                                     • Analysing                            • Painting
                                  practitioner and art movement                                                                                                                              • Sculpture
                                                                       Assessment:                                                                    • Reflection
                                 Assessment:                           Students are assessed using                                                                                           • Ceramics
                                 Students are assessed using           the Australian Curriculum                                                                                             • Design
                                                                                                                                                      Students are assessed using the
                                 the Australian Curriculum             Achievement Standards.                                                         Australian Curriculum Achievement      • Emerging media (digital)
                                 Achievement Standards.                                                                                               Standards.                             (continued over page)
                                                                                                                                                      Additional charges:
                                                                                                                                                      Instrument hire is available from
                                                                                                                                                      the school for a limited range of
                                                                                                                                                      instruments. Current cost is $150
                                                                                                                                                      per year hire fee, plus $50 deposit.
YEAR 9                                                                                                        Adelaide High School Year 8 - 12 Curriculum Guide 2021

                                 ART A (continued)                      ART B                                 ART B (continued)                         DANCE A                                DANCE B
Curriculum Structure        4
                                 Responding to Art:                     Level: 9                              Responding to Art:                        Level: 9                               Level: 9
Learning at Adelaide                                                    Length: Semester                                                                Length: Semester                       Length: Semester
                                 • Historical or cultural art                                                • Historical or cultural art
High School                10                                          Contact person: Kerry Skinner                                                   Contact person: Kerry Skinner          Contact person: Kerry Skinner
                                    movement enquiry and                                                         movement enquiry and
Individualised Learning    14      analysis task                       Content:                                 analysis task                          Content:                               Content:
                                                                        This general art course aims                                                    The course aims for students to        The course aims for students to
                                 • Reflecting on own learning                                                • Reflecting on own learning
Special Interest Programs 16                                           for students to learn about and                                                 experience a range of genres in        experience a range of genres in
                                    through art annotation/journal                                               through art annotation/journal
                                                                        explore traditional, contemporary                                               Dance, compose their own dance         Dance, compose their own dance
Subjects                            writing using the 4 steps of                                                 writing using the 4 steps of
                                                                        and evolving visual conventions                                                 works and perform in a showcase.       works and perform in a showcase.
                                    criticism                                                                    criticism
Arts18                                                                 used in artworks of diverse styles                                              Students develop their knowledge       Students develop their knowledge
                                 Assessment:                            and composition.                      Assessment:                               and understanding of the skills of     and understanding of the skills
Cross-Disciplinary56            Students are assessed using the                                              Students are assessed using the           Dance practice by focusing on          of Dance practice by focusing on
                                                                        These may include developing
                                 Australian Curriculum Achievement                                            Australian Curriculum Achievement         body articulation, weight transfer     body articulation, weight transfer
Design and Digital                                                      skills in combinations of
                                 Standards.                                                                   Standards.                                and body awareness.                    and body awareness.
Technologies60                                                         conventions such as visual
                                 Additional charges:                    elements, design principles,          Additional charges:                       They explore the elements of           They explore the elements of
English / EAL              78   A consumables/excursion fee may                                              A consumables/excursion fee may
                                                                        composition and style.                                                          Dance using space, time and            Dance using space, time and
Health and Physical              apply to this subject in addition to                                         apply to this subject in addition to      dynamics. Students develop their       dynamics. Students develop their
                                                                        Students analyse and respond to
Education88                     the Adelaide High School Materials                                           the Adelaide High School Materials        knowledge in safe dance practice,      knowledge of dance companies
                                                                        their own and other practitioners’
                                 and Services Charges.                                                        and Services Charges.                     anatomy, nutrition and injury          in Australia. Students will develop
Home Economics            104                                          artworks. As audience members
                                                                                                                                                        prevention. Students will develop      their confidence and collaborate
                                                                        they learn how to view, manipulate,
                                                                                                                                                        their confidence and collaborate       with others in small and large
Humanities and Social                                                   reflect on, analyse, enjoy,
                                                                                                                                                        with others in small and large         ensembles.
Sciences112                                                            appreciate and evaluate art.
                                                                                                                                                                                               Making in Dance:
Languages128                                                           Students learn how to manipulate
                                                                                                                                                        Making in Dance:                       • Dance skills
                                                                        and adapt a wide range of physical
Mathematics150                                                         materials and technologies through                                              • Dance skills                         • Improvisation
                                                                        the development of knowledge                                                    • Improvisation                        • Composition
                                                                        and skills in Visual Arts. Areas of                                             • Composition                          • Performance
Vocational Education                                                    work cover 2D and 3D processes.                                                 • Performance
                                                                                                                                                                                               Responding in Dance:
Training (VET)            176                                          Making in Art: Students may select                                              Responding in Dance:                   • Review writing
                                                                        to develop skills in one or more of                                             • Review writing                       • Analysis of Australian dance
                                                                        the following mediums:
                                                                                                                                                        • Analysis of dance in Australia          companies
                                                                        • Drawing
                                                                                                                                                        Assessment:                            Assessment:
                                                                        • Painting                                                                      Students are assessed using the        Students are assessed using the
                                                                        • Sculpture                                                                     Australian Curriculum Achievement      Australian Curriculum Achievement
                                                                        • Ceramics                                                                      Standards.                             Standards.
                                                                        • Design
                                                                                                                                                        Additional charges:                    Additional charges:
                                                                        • Emerging media (digital)                                                      A consumables/excursion fee may        A consumables/excursion fee may
                                                                                                                                                        apply to this subject in addition to   apply to this subject in addition to
                                                                                                                                                        the Adelaide High School Materials     the Adelaide High School Materials
                                                                                                                                                        and Services Charges.                  and Services Charges.

YEAR 9                                                                                                   Adelaide High School Year 8 - 12 Curriculum Guide 2021

                                 DRAMA A                             DRAMA B                             MUSIC EXPLORATIONS                        MUSIC PERFORMANCE A
Curriculum Structure        4
                                 Level: 9                            Level: 9                            Level: 9                                  Level: 9                                 Special requirements:
Learning at Adelaide             Length: Semester                    Length: Semester                    Length: Semester                          Length: Semester                         Students enrolled in Music
High School                10   Contact person: Kerry Skinner       Contact person: Kerry Skinner       Contact person: Kerry Skinner             Contact person: Kerry Skinner            are required to begin/continue
                                                                                                                                                                                            instrumental music lessons on their
                                 Content:                            Content:                            Content:                                  Content:
Individualised Learning    14                                                                                                                                                              chosen instrument through either
                                 The course aims for students        The course aims for students        This is a semester course which           Students learning Music listen,
                                                                                                                                                                                            on-site Department for Education
Special Interest Programs 16    to continue to develop their        to continue to develop their        focuses on the development                perform and compose. They
                                                                                                                                                                                            Instrumental Music Service lessons
                                 knowledge and understanding         knowledge and understanding         of electronic music production.           learn about the elements of music
Subjects                                                                                                                                                                                    or private lessons in their own
                                 of character development, play-     of character development, play-     Students will develop an                  comprising of rhythm, pitch,
                                                                                                                                                                                            time. A minimum of 20 minutes
Arts18                          building, voice and movement        building, voice and movement        understanding of composition              dynamics, expression, form and
                                                                                                                                                                                            practice a day is required. It is
                                 skills, stage craft, Drama          skills, stage craft, Drama          and arranging through use of ICT          structure with a focus on music
Cross-Disciplinary56                                                                                                                                                                       expected that students join an
                                 terminology and problem solving.    terminology and problem solving.    composition skills in Soundtrap/          composition. Students develop
                                                                                                                                                                                            appropriate school ensemble.
                                 Students will draw on drama         Students will draw on drama         Mixcraft/Garage Band and                  aural skills to identify and interpret
Design and Digital
                                 from a range of cultures, times     from a range of cultures, times     notation software Noteflight/             the elements of music. These             Additional charges:
                                 and locations as they analyse       and locations as they analyse       MuseScore/Sibelius. Learning              skills are essential for making          A subject charge may apply to
English / EAL              78   and experience Drama. Students      and experience Drama. Students      an instrument is encouraged               and responding to a range of             this subject in addition to the
                                 will develop their confidence and   will develop their confidence and   to provide full engagement and            music through composing and              Adelaide High School Materials
Health and Physical                                                                                                                                performing. Students develop             and Services Charges. Instrument
                                 collaborate with others in small    collaborate with others in small    an expanded understanding of
Education88                                                                                                                                       Music ICT skills through use of          hire is available from the school
                                 and large ensembles. Students are   and large ensembles. Students are   compositional techniques.
Home Economics            104   provided opportunities to perform   provided opportunities to perform                                             Musition, Auralia, Noteflight and        for a limited range of instruments.
                                                                                                         Students are offered technical
                                 in class and to the community.      in class and to the community.                                                Soundtrap/Mixcraft. Performances         Current cost is $150 per year hire
                                                                                                         opportunities to work
Humanities and Social                                                                                                                              are held throughout the year             fee, plus $50 deposit.
                                 Making in Drama                     Making in Drama:                    collaboratively with school
Sciences112                                                                                                                                       allowing students the opportunity
                                 • Improvisation                     • Improvisation                     performances/productions.
                                                                                                                                                   to grow as a performer and
Languages128                    • Devising and creating             • Devising and creating             Content includes:
                                                                                                                                                   share their experiences in music.
Mathematics150                  • Performing                        • Performing                        Making in Music:                          Content includes:
                                 • Directing                         • Directing                         • Composition/arranging
Science162                                                                                                                                        Making in Music:
                                 Responding in Drama                 Responding in Drama:                • Interpreting
                                                                                                                                                   • Composition/arranging
Vocational Education             • Reflections                       • Reflections                       • Performance
                                                                                                                                                   • Interpreting/improvisation
Training (VET)            176   •A nalysing own and others’        • Analysing own and others’        Responding in Music:                      • Performance
                                   drama work                           drama work                       • Listening                               Responding in Music:
                                 Assessment:                         Assessment:                         • Analysing
                                                                                                                                                   • Listening
                                 Students are assessed using the     Students are assessed using the     • Reflection
                                                                                                                                                   • Analysing
                                 Australian Curriculum Achievement   Australian Curriculum Achievement
                                                                                                         Assessment:                               • Reflection
                                 Standards.                          Standards.
                                                                                                         Students are assessed using the
                                                                                                         Australian Curriculum Achievement
                                                                                                                                                   Students are assessed using the
                                                                                                                                                   Australian Curriculum Achievement

YEAR 9 / YEAR 10                                                                                              Adelaide High School Year 8 - 12 Curriculum Guide 2021

                                 MUSIC PERFORMANCE B                                                          ART A                                                                            ART B
Curriculum Structure        4
                                 Level: 9                               Special requirements:                 Level: 10                                 Areas of work cover 2D and 3D          Level: 10
Learning at Adelaide             Length: Semester                       Students enrolled in Music are        Length: Semester                          processes including selection of       Length: Semester
High School                10   Contact person: Kerry Skinner          required to begin/continue            Contact person: Kerry Skinner             the following media:                   Contact person: Kerry Skinner
                                                                        instrumental music lessons on their
Individualised Learning    14   Content:                                                                     Content:                                  Making in Art:                         Content:
                                                                        chosen instrument through either
                                 Students learning Music listen,                                              Through Visual Arts, students             • Drawing                              Through Visual Arts, students
Special Interest Programs 16                                           on-site Department for Education
                                 perform and compose. They                                                    learn to reflect critically on their      • Painting                             learn to reflect critically on their
                                                                        Instrumental Music Service lessons
                                 learn about the elements of music                                            own experiences and responses                                                    own experiences and responses
Subjects                                                                or private lessons in their own                                                 • Sculpture
                                 comprising of rhythm, pitch,                                                 to the work of artists, craftspeople                                             to the work of artists, craftspeople
                                                                        time. A minimum of 20 minutes                                                   • Ceramics
Arts18                          dynamics, expression, form and                                               and designers and to develop                                                     and designers and to develop
                                                                        practice a day is required. It is                                               • Design
                                 structure with a focus on historical                                         their own arts knowledge and                                                     their own arts knowledge and
Cross-Disciplinary56                                                   expected that students join an                                                  • Emerging media (digital)
                                 music. Students develop aural                                                preferences. They learn with                                                     preferences. They learn with
                                                                        appropriate school ensemble.
Design and Digital               skills to identify and interpret                                             growing sophistication to express         Responding to Art:                     growing sophistication to express
Technologies60                  the elements of music. These           Additional charges:                   and communicate experiences               • Contemporary/historical or          and communicate experiences
                                 skills are essential for making        A subject charge may apply to         through and about visual arts.               cultural art movement enquiry       through and about visual arts.
English / EAL              78   and responding to a range of           this subject in addition to the                                                    and analysis task
                                                                                                              Making in Visual Arts involves                                                   Making in Visual Arts involves
                                 music through composing and            Adelaide High School Materials
Health and Physical                                                                                           students making representations of        • Reflecting on own learning          students making representations of
                                 performing. Students develop           and Services Charges. Instrument
Education88                                                                                                  their ideas and intended meanings            through art annotation/journal      their ideas and intended meanings
                                 Music ICT skills through use of        hire is available from the school
                                                                                                              in different forms. Students select          writing using the 4 steps of        in different forms. Students select
Home Economics            104   Musition, Auralia, Noteflight and      for a limited range of instruments.
                                                                                                              the visual effects they want to              criticism                           the visual effects they want to
                                 Soundtrap/Mixcraft. Performances       Current cost is $150 per year hire
                                                                                                              create through problem-solving                                                   create through problem-solving
Humanities and Social            are held throughout the year           fee, plus $50 deposit.                                                          Assessment:
                                                                                                              and making decisions.                                                            and making decisions.
Sciences112                     allowing students the opportunity                                                                                      Students are assessed using the
                                 to grow as a performer and                                                   They develop knowledge,                   Australian Curriculum Achievement      They develop knowledge,
                                 share their experiences in music.                                            understanding and skills as               Standards.                             understanding and skills as
Mathematics150                  Content includes:                                                            they learn and apply techniques                                                  they learn and apply techniques
                                                                                                                                                        Additional charges:
                                                                                                              and processes using materials                                                    and processes using materials
                                 Making in Music:                                                                                                       A consumables/excursion fee may
Science162                                                                                                   to achieve their intentions in                                                   to achieve their intentions in
                                 • Composition/arranging                                                                                                apply to this subject in addition to
                                                                                                              two-dimensional (2D), three-                                                     two-dimensional (2D), three-
Vocational Education                                                                                                                                    the Adelaide High School Materials
                                 • Interpreting/improvisation                                                 dimensional (3D) and four-                                                       dimensional (3D) and four-
Training (VET)            176                                                                                                                          and Services Charges.
                                 • Performance                                                                dimensional (4D) forms.                                                          dimensional (4D) forms.
                                 Responding in Music:                                                         In developing knowledge and                                                      In developing knowledge and
                                 • Listening                                                                  skills in Visual Arts, students learn                                            skills in Visual Arts, students learn
                                 • Analysing                                                                  to manipulate and adapt a wide                                                   to manipulate and adapt a wide
                                                                                                              range of physical materials and                                                  range of physical materials and
                                 • Reflection
                                                                                                              technologies.                                                                    technologies.
                                                                                                                                                                                               Areas of work cover 2D and 3D
                                 Students are assessed using the
                                                                                                                                                                                               processes including selection of
                                 Australian Curriculum Achievement
                                                                                                                                                                                               the following media:
                                                                                                                                                                                               (continued over page)

YEAR 10                                                                                                        Adelaide High School Year 8 - 12 Curriculum Guide 2021

                                 ART B (continued)                      DANCE A                                DANCE B                                   DESIGN A
Curriculum Structure        4                                                                                                                           Level: 10                              Responding to Design:
                                 Making in Art:                         Level: 10                              Level: 10
Learning at Adelaide             • Drawing                              Length: Semester                       Length: Semester                          Length: Semester                       • Evaluate both their own and the
High School                10                                          Contact person: Kerry Skinner          Contact person: Kerry Skinner             Contact person: Kerry Skinner             work of others
                                 • Painting
                                 • Sculpture                            Content:                               Content:                                  Content:                               • Reflecting own learning through
Individualised Learning    14
                                 • Ceramics                             Students choreograph dances by         Students choreograph dances by            Students who elect Design A               art annotation/journal writing
Special Interest Programs 16                                           manipulating and combining the         manipulating and combining the            gain an introduction to the Design        using the Design Process
                                 • Design
                                                                        elements of dance, choreographic       elements of dance, choreographic          Process, focussing on creatively       • Analysing the work of other
Subjects                         • Emerging media (digital)
                                                                        devices, and production                devices, and production elements to       solving problems in relation              contemporary and historical
                                 Responding to Art:                     elements to communicate their          communicate their choreographic           to communication design and               designers
                                 • Contemporary/historical or          choreographic intent. They             intent. They choreograph, rehearse        product design.
Cross-Disciplinary56               cultural art movement enquiry       choreograph, rehearse and              and perform dances, demonstrating         This course is suited to any           Students are assessed using the
                                    and analysis task                   perform dances, demonstrating          technical and expressive skills           student who enjoys working
Design and Digital                                                                                                                                                                              Australian Curriculum Achievement
                                 • Reflecting on own learning          technical and expressive skills        appropriate to the genre and style        with computers and is interested
Technologies60                                                                                                                                                                                 Standards.
                                    through art annotation/journal      appropriate to the genre and style     as selected in collaboration with         in pursuing a career in graphic
English / EAL              78                                          as selected in collaboration with      teacher and students. Students                                                   Additional charges:
                                    writing using the 4 steps of                                                                                         design, animation graphics,
                                                                        teacher and students. Students         analyse the choreographer’s use                                                  A consumables fee may apply
                                    criticism                                                                                                            advertising or any other design-
Health and Physical                                                     analyse the choreographer’s            of the elements of dance,                                                        to this subject in addition to the
                                 Assessment:                                                                                                             related career.
Education88                                                            use of the elements of dance,          choreographic devices, form                                                      Adelaide High School Materials
                                 Students are assessed using the        choreographic devices, form            and production elements to                In all Design courses, students        and Services Charges.
Home Economics            104   Australian Curriculum Achievement                                                                                       will: develop and demonstrate
                                                                        and production elements to             communicate choreographic intent
                                 Standards.                             communicate choreographic intent       in the dances they make, perform          knowledge and use of the Design
Humanities and Social
                                                                        in the dances they make, perform       and view. They evaluate the impact        Process:
Sciences112                     Additional charges:
                                 A consumables/excursion fee may        and view. They evaluate the impact     of dance from different cultures,         • Brief
Languages128                                                           of dance from different cultures,      places and times.
                                 apply to this subject in addition to                                                                                    • Investigation
                                 the Adelaide High School Materials     places and times.
Mathematics150                                                                                                Making in Dance:                          • Concept design
                                 and Services Charges.                  Making in Dance:                       • Dance Skills                            • Innovation
                                                                        • Dance skills                         • Improvisation                           • Production
Vocational Education                                                    • Improvisation                        • Composition                             • Evaluation
Training (VET)            176                                          • Composition                          • Performance                             Students will develop skills in:
                                                                        • Performance
                                                                                                               Responding in Dance:                      Making in Design:
                                                                        Responding in Dance:                   • Composition folio                       • Develop problem solving skills
                                                                        • Review writing                       • Analysis of a dance work                • Use effective ICT processes -
                                                                        • Dance history and the               • Dance Literacy task –                     Photoshop, Illustrator, and other
                                                                           development of dance                   performance.                              emerging programs
                                                                        Assessment:                            Assessment:                               • Design graphics/objects utilising
                                                                        Students are assessed using the        Students are assessed using the              technology and hand-made skills
                                                                        Australian Curriculum Achievement      Australian Curriculum Achievement         • Create finished works of design
                                                                        Standards.                             Standards.
                                                                        Additional charges:                    Additional charges:
                                                                        A consumables/excursion fee may        A consumables/excursion fee may
                                                                        apply to this subject in addition to   apply to this subject in addition to
                                                                        the Adelaide High School Materials     the Adelaide High School Materials
                                                                        and Services Charges.                  and Services Charges.
YEAR 10                                                                                                       Adelaide High School Year 8 - 12 Curriculum Guide 2021

                                 DESIGN B                                                                     CREATIVE ARTS:                            DRAMA A                              DRAMA B
Curriculum Structure        4                                                                                DIGITAL MEDIA
                                 Level: 10                             Responding to Design:                                                            Level: 10                            Level: 10
Learning at Adelaide             Length: Semester                      • Reflecting own learning through     Level: 10                                 Length: Semester                     Length: Semester
High School                10   Contact person: Kerry Skinner            design annotation/journal writing   Length: Semester                          Contact person: Kerry Skinner        Contact person: Kerry Skinner
                                                                          using the Design Process            Contact person: Kerry Skinner
                                 Content:                                                                                                               Content:                             Content:
Individualised Learning    14
                                 Students who elect Design B           • Analysing the work of               Content:                                  At Year 10, students will continue   At Year 10, students will continue
Special Interest Programs 16    gain an introduction to the              contemporary and historical         Digital Media gives students the          to develop and refine their          to develop and refine their
                                 Design Process, focussing on             designers                           ability to gain expertise in the area     expressive skills across a range     expressive skills across a range
Subjects                         creatively solving problems in        • Evolution of a product              of computer graphics. It involves         of forms and styles. The Year 10     of forms and styles. The Year 10
                                 relation to product design and                                               students undertaking studies in           course comprises:                    course comprises:
Arts18                                                                   enquiry task
                                                                                                              2 and 3D graphic applications.
                                 environmental design.
                                                                       Assessment:                            Students develop technology skills        Making in Drama:                     Making in Drama:
                                 This course is suited to any          Students are assessed using the        in the use of the digital camera,         • Scripted performance               • Scripted performance
Design and Digital               student who enjoys working with       Australian Curriculum Achievement      3D printer and other computer             • Group devised performance          • Group devised performance
Technologies60                  computers and is interested in        Standards.                             hardware. Students can create
                                                                                                                                                        • Skills workshops                   • Skills workshops
                                 pursuing a career in architecture,                                           works of art using various software
English / EAL              78                                         Additional charges:                    programs, including InDesign,             Responding in Drama:                 Responding in Drama:
                                 engineering, or any other design-
                                                                       A consumables fee may apply            Illustrator, Photoshop, and 3D
                                 related career.                                                                                                        • Review writing                     • Review writing
Health and Physical                                                    to this subject in addition to the     applications. Students will be
Education88                     In all Design courses, students       Adelaide High School Materials                                                   • Production report                  • Production report
                                                                                                              expected to produce drawings
                                 will: develop and demonstrate         and Services Charges.                  and sketches that will complement         • Research and analyse drama        • Research and analyse drama
Home Economics            104   knowledge and use of the                                                                                                  styles and practitioners             styles and practitioners
                                                                                                              their computer work.
Humanities and Social            Design Process:                                                                                                        Assessment:                          Assessment:
                                                                                                              Students will:
Sciences112                     • Brief                                                                      • Visualise ideas using the computer     Students are assessed using the      Students are assessed using the
                                 • Investigation                                                                 as a media source and tool.            Australian Curriculum Achievement    Australian Curriculum Achievement
Languages128                                                                                                                                           Standards.                           Standards.
                                 • Concept Design                                                             • Identify and write comments
Mathematics150                  • Innovation                                                                    about their work.
                                 • Production                                                                 • Collect examples of computer
Science162                                                                                                      generated images.
                                 • Evaluation
Vocational Education                                                                                          • Write comments about the use
                                 Students will develop skills in:                                                of the computer and related
Training (VET)            176
                                 Making in Design:                                                               technologies in society with
                                                                                                                 particular relevance to the
                                 • Develop problem solving skills                                                graphic arts.
                                 •U se effective ICT processes -                                             • Begin to understand the
                                   Photoshop, Illustrator, and other                                             relevance of the computer in the
                                   emerging programs                                                             visual arts.
                                 •D esign objects utilising                                                  • Learn to understand the
                                   technology and hand-made skills                                               terminology related to the use of
                                 • Develop problem solving skills                                                computers in the graphic arts.
                                 • Create finished works of design                                            • Understand the use of various
                                                                                                                 software programs within the
                                                                                                                 graphics industry.
                                                                                                              Students are assessed using the
                                                                                                              Australian Curriculum Achievement
YEAR 10                                                                                                   Adelaide High School Year 8 - 12 Curriculum Guide 2021

                                 MEDIA - MULTIMEDIA                  MUSIC EXPLORATIONS                   MUSIC EXPLORATIONS                        MUSIC PERFORMANCE A
Curriculum Structure        4                                                                            (continued)
                                 Level: 10                           Level: 10                                                                      Level: 10                                Assessment:
Learning at Adelaide             Length: Semester                    Length: Semester                     Responding in Music:                      Length: Semester                         Students are assessed using the
High School                10   Contact person: Kerry Skinner       Contact person: Kerry Skinner        • Listening                               Contact person: Kerry Skinner            Australian Curriculum Achievement
                                                                                                          • Analysing                                                                        Standards.
                                 Content:                            Preferred background/                                                          Preferred background/
Individualised Learning    14
                                 Students are provided the           prerequisite:                        • Reflection                              prerequisite:                            Special requirements:
Special Interest Programs 16    opportunity to:                     Students should have completed                                                 Students should have completed           Students enrolled in Music
                                                                     one semester of Music Explorations                                             one semester of Music                    are required to begin/continue
Subjects                         •U
                                   se computers and video                                                Students are assessed using the
                                                                     or Performance in Year 9.                                                      Performance in Year 9. If this was       instrumental music lessons on their
                                  cameras to develop original                                             Australian Curriculum Achievement
Arts18                                                                                                                                             not completed, students can enter        chosen instrument through either
                                  text, audio, images, videos        Content:                             Standards.
                                                                                                                                                    via an audition.                         on-site Department for Education
Cross-Disciplinary56             and animation.                     This is a semester course which
                                                                                                                                                                                             Instrumental Music Service lessons
                                   esign and create interactive     focuses on the development of                                                  Content:
                                                                                                                                                                                             or private lessons in their own
Design and Digital                multimedia and web content.        music technology and technical                                                 Students learning Music listen,
                                                                                                                                                                                             time. A minimum of 30 minutes
Technologies60                  •M
                                   ake and respond to media         production. Students will work in                                              perform and compose.
                                                                                                                                                                                             practice a day is required. It is
                                  arts independently and in          collaboration with Radio Adelaide                                              They learn about the elements of
English / EAL              78                                                                                                                                                               expected that students join an
                                  small groups.                      to produce podcasts.                                                           Music comprising of rhythm,
                                                                                                                                                                                             appropriate school ensemble.
Health and Physical              •E
                                   xplore media arts as an art                                                                                     pitch, dynamics, expression, form
                                                                     Learning an instrument is
Education88                      form through representation,                                                                                      and structure. Students develop          Additional charges:
                                                                     encouraged to provide full
                                  manipulation of genre and media                                                                                   aural skills to identify and interpret   A subject charge may apply to
Home Economics            104                                       engagement and an expanded
                                  conventions and analysis of                                                                                       the elements of music with a focus       this subject in addition to the
                                                                     understanding of compositional
                                  media artworks.                                                                                                   on music composition.                    Adelaide High School Materials
Humanities and Social                                                techniques.
                                                                                                                                                    These skills are essential for           and Services Charges. Instrument
Sciences112                     •D
                                   evelop skills and knowledge
                                                                     Students will develop skills in                                                making and responding to a range         hire is available from the school
                                  in the use of multimedia
Languages128                                                        technical production such as:                                                  of music through composing and           for a limited range of instruments.
                                  authoring software
                                                                     • Live sound mixing                                                            performing. Students develop             Current cost is $150 per year hire
Mathematics150                  •A
                                   nalyse how social and cultural
                                                                     • Studio Recording                                                             Music ICT skills through use of          fee, plus $50 deposit.
                                  values and alternative points
Science162                                                                                                                                         Musition, Auralia, Noteflight and
                                  of view are portrayed in media     • Theatre lighting design and
                                                                                                                                                    Soundtrap/Mixcraft. Performances
                                  artworks they make, interact          operation
Vocational Education                                                                                                                                are held throughout the year
Training (VET)            176    with and distribute.               • Video soundtrack composition
                                                                                                                                                    allowing students the opportunity
                                 Assessment:                         Opportunities to work                                                          to grow as a performer and
                                 Students are assessed using the     collaboratively with school                                                    share their experiences in music.
                                 Australian Curriculum Achievement   performances/productions are                                                   Content includes:
                                 Standards.                          encouraged. Content includes:
                                                                                                                                                    Making in Music
                                                                     Making in Music:                                                               • Composition/arranging
                                                                     • Composition/arranging                                                        • Interpreting/improvisation
                                                                     • Interpreting                                                                 • Performance
                                                                     • Recording
                                                                                                                                                    Responding in Music
                                                                                                                                                    • Listening
                                                                                                                                                    • Analysing
                                                                                                                                                    • Reflection

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