2018 STUDENT GUIDE FOR YEARS 11 AND 12 - Department Of Education Document Centre

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2018 STUDENT GUIDE FOR YEARS 11 AND 12 - Department Of Education Document Centre
          FOR YEARS 11 AND12

Department of Education
2018 STUDENT GUIDE FOR YEARS 11 AND 12 - Department Of Education Document Centre
ISSN: 2200-7776

Department of Education
GPO Box 169
web: www.education.tas.gov.au

Published: June 2017

This handbook has been prepared by the senior secondary schools of the Tasmanian Department of Education. Information contained
within this handbook was correct at the time of printing. Some subjects/programs are awaiting code confirmation and/or accreditation.
These are marked with ***.

Additional copies are available online at www.education.tas.gov.au/parents_carers/schools-colleges/Pages/Years-11-and-12.aspx

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                       © 2017 State of Tasmania (Department of Education)
2018 STUDENT GUIDE FOR YEARS 11 AND 12 - Department Of Education Document Centre
Welcome                                                                    4
Using this course information handbook                                     5
Steps to planning your Years 11 and 12 studies                             5
Understanding the terminology                                              6
Making up a program of study                                               7
How do I enrol?                                                            8
Course Information                                                         9
   Creative Arts: Performing                                              10
   Creative Arts: Visual                                                  19
   English                                                                23
   Health and Physical Education                                          28
   Humanities and Social Sciences: Behavioural Studies                    38
   Humanities and Social Sciences: Civics and Citizenship                 42
   Humanities and Social Sciences: Economics and Business                 46
   Humanities and Social Sciences: History, Society and the Environment   50
   Languages                                                              57
   Mathematics                                                            60
   Mixed Field Programs                                                   63
   Programs for Students with High or Additional Learning Needs           67
   Science                                                                70
   Technologies: Design and Technologies                                  76
   Technologies: Digital Technologies                                     86
   Technologies: Food and Fibre Production                                90
   Technologies: Food and Hospitality                                     93
Contacts                                                                  96
Index                                                                     98
2018 STUDENT GUIDE FOR YEARS 11 AND 12 - Department Of Education Document Centre
Years 11 and 12 are two of the most
                                                              important years of your education. They are
                                                                the last steps of your schooling life but the
                                                               first steps into your future career pathway.

                                         Years 11 and 12 are two of the most important years of your education. They are the
                                         last steps of your schooling life but the first steps into your future career pathway.
                                         As young Tasmanians you will play an important role in the future of our state because
                                         when you enter the workforce you will be helping to build our state and our economy.
                                         The 2018 Student Guide for Years 11 and 12 provides you with the information you
                                         need to choose the best program of study. Many of you will already know what career
                                         you are interested in, some others won’t. The good news is that our schools offer you
                                         many options. You can either study a broad range of subjects so that you can keep
                                         your options open whilst you make further decisions, or you can tailor your learning to
                                         achieve particular career or pathway requirements.
                                         You can access Years 11 and 12 through colleges and most high or district schools.
                                         We want you to have every opportunity to study what you enjoy most. In the Guide
                                         you will find information on subjects that support pathways in to further study,
                                         vocational training or prepare you to move into the workplace.
                                         As you think about your choices it is important to remember that most employers
                                         and universities are now looking for evidence that you have completed the Tasmanian
                                         Certificate of Education (TCE). So before you make any decisions, do some research;
                                         look at the information you have gathered through My Education, use the information
                                         in the Guide, and talk with your teachers, parents or carers, or people in your career
                                         area of interest.
                                         As you complete Year 12 you will not only have become an adult but will have also
                                         reached a significant milestone in your journey as a lifelong learner.
                                         I wish you well in your studies for 2018 and beyond.

                                         Jenny Gale

2018 STUDENT GUIDE FOR YEARS 11 AND 12 - Department Of Education Document Centre
Using this student guide
The 2018 Student Guide is designed to help you choose a program of
study for Years 11 and 12.

                                                                                                                                             2018 STUDENT GUIDE FOR YEARS 11 AND 12
The up-to-date online version of the Guide is available at https://

For each subject or course available in Years 11 and 12 the Guide provides
detailed information on what you will learn about, and the type of learning
activities involved, as well as any prerequisites you need to study them.
Information is also provided about what your Year 11 and 12 program
might lead to when you have finished school.
Subject and course descriptions are organised in the following
learning areas:
 • Creative Arts
 • Performing
 • Visual
 • English
 • Health and Physical Education
 • Humanities and Social Sciences:
      »» Behavioural Studies
      »» Civics and Citizenship
      »» Economics and Business
      »» History, Culture and Environment
 • Languages
 • Mathematics
 • Mixed Field Programs
 • Programs for Students with High or Additional Learning Needs
 • Science
 • Technologies
      »» Design and Technologies
      »» Digital Technologies
      »» Food and Fibre Production
      »» Food and Hospitality
Please note, not all subjects and courses are available in all regions, or at
all Year 11 and 12 schools and colleges. For further details visit Where
Do I Study (https://documentcentre.education.tas.gov.au/_layouts/15/
xlsx&action=default) to find details on what is available at your preferred
school or college.

Steps to planning your Years 11 and 12 studies
You need Year 11 and 12 qualifications to improve your future             When deciding on a program of study for Years 11 and 12, make
employment opportunities and to be considered for the majority            sure you:
of jobs available today.                                                   • choose subjects or courses that will enable you to obtain the
                                                                             Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE)
During Year 10 you will work with your teachers to gather                  • plan a two year program relevant to your goals and interests,
information about possible careers, explore options relevant to              keeping in mind that some subjects have pre-requisites
your interests and ability, and plan how you might achieve your            • read the subject or course details carefully and ask your
personal and career goals.                                                   teachers for more information if you need it
Your teachers will help you to identify your ambitions and                 • use the online Where Do I Study? (www.education.tas.gov.
expectations for the future, and to provide advice about making              au/parents_carers/schools-colleges/Pages/Years-11-and-12.aspx)
the transition to Year 11.                                                   tables to see where you can study (keep in mind that it may be
                                                                             possible to study subjects and courses at more than one place)
Planning your Years 11 and 12 program is not about ‘locking in’ a          • consider any pre-requisite subjects that may be required for
decision for your future career. It’s about exploring your interests,        study at either TasTAFE or university after you complete Year 12.
abilities and goals – and the types of things you will need to do in
the future if you want to achieve those goals.                            You can choose to do; a vocational education and training
                                                                          (VET) course, Office of Tasmanian Assessment, Standards and
                                                                          Certification (TASC) subjects, or a combination of both.
2018 STUDENT GUIDE FOR YEARS 11 AND 12 - Department Of Education Document Centre
Understanding the terminology
                                         Vocational Education and Training (VET)                           Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE)
                                         VET is a style of learning that focuses on learning through       To achieve the TCE you must meet the five standards of
                                         doing.                                                            the TCE:
                                                                                                            1. Participation and Achievement Standard - complete
                                         VET qualifications are recognised nationally, and are                 an equivalent of a two-year program of post year 10
                                         developed with industry consultation and for industry-specific        education and/or training, achieving 120 credit points.
                                         requirements. This gives you real-life, practical and industry-    2. Everyday adult reading and writing standard.
                                         relevant skills. Most VET courses also provide you with the        3. Everyday adult mathematics standard.
                                         opportunity to undertake work placements so you can get            4. Everyday adult use of computers and the internet
                                         a real understanding of the industry and an opportunity               standard.
                                         to develop practical links to employment. More detailed            5. Develop and review future career and education plans
                                         information is available on the National Training Information         (also known as a pathway plan).
                                         Service website: www.training.gov.au                              Full details on the Tasmanian Certificate of Education can
                                         In Years 11 and 12, VET courses ranging from Certificate I        be found at the TASC website www.tasc.tas.gov.au
                                         to Certificate IV are available. Many VET courses continue
                                         through to Advanced Diploma level after Year 12.
                                                                                                           Tasmanian Certificate of Educational
                                         Many VET Diploma and Advanced Diploma courses allow               Achievement (TCEA)
                                         you to transition to university, which reduces the time and
                                         money you need for a degree. Where there is a transition          A standardised certificate, like the TCE, may not provide
                                         arrangement, you may receive credit towards your university       suitable evidence of the achievements of some Year 11 and 12
                                         degree based on the VET study you have undertaken.                students, including some students with disabilities.The Tasmanian
                                                                                                           Certificate of Educational Achievement (TCEA) is a quality
                                                                                                           assured certificate issued by TASC that records the participation
                                         The Office of Tasmanian Assessment,                               and achievement of eligible students. Please discuss with your
                                         Standards and Certification (TASC)                                teachers if you think you may be eligible for a TCEA.
                                         TASC is responsible for the accreditation of senior secondary     Full details on the Tasmanian Certificate of Educational
                                         subjects, and their external assessment and quality assurance.    Achievement can be found at the TASC website
                                         TASC issues qualifications and certificates – including the       https://www.tasc.tas.gov.au
                                         Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE) – to students who
                                         meet the required standards.
                                                                                                           Tertiary Entrance score (TE)
                                                                                                           From your Year 11 and 12 results TASC calculates a score for
                                         TASC subjects                                                     each pre-tertiary (Level 3 or 4) subject.
                                         TASC subjects provide a broad range of learning                   Your TE score is the combined scores of your best four or five
                                         opportunities which can help lead to employment and               pre-tertiary subjects over two years. At least three of these
                                         further education.                                                must be completed in your final year of senior secondary study.
                                         TASC subjects are organised into four levels of difficulty –      The TE score is then used to calculate an ATAR.
                                         Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4 (with 4 being the most difficult).
                                         Level 3 and 4 subjects, also known as pre-tertiary subjects,      Australian Tertiary Admission Ranking (ATAR)
                                         can contribute to an Australian Tertiary Admission Ranking        /university entrance
                                         (ATAR) (more information following).

                                                                                                           The ATAR is used by Australian universities to allocate places
                                         Level 1 and 2 subjects are non-pre-tertiary and do not count      to students. Your ATAR is calculated by TASC from your
                                         towards an ATAR but do count towards the TCE. They can            results in Level 3 and 4 (pre-tertiary) subjects.
                                         be preliminary or foundation study for a pre-tertiary program.
                                                                                                           In Tasmania, it is the responsibility of the University of Tasmania
                                         More detailed information is available on the TASC website        to determine what subjects can be counted towards your
                                         www.tasc.tas.gov.au                                               ATAR. To be eligible for an ATAR the University of Tasmania
                                                                                                           has determined that students must also achieve a TCE. Entry
                                                                                                           requirements to university vary by course and by university.
                                                                                                           Generally, the higher your ATAR, the better your chances are
                                                                                                           of being accepted into your preferred course. That is why the
                                                                                                           personalised learning support you will receive at school is so
                                                                                                           important. It will help you to maximise your ATAR.
                                                                                                           TASC will advise eligible students of their TE score and ATAR
                                                                                                           in late December.
                                                                                                           More detailed information is available on the University of
                                                                                                           Tasmania’s website: www.utas.edu.au/study

2018 STUDENT GUIDE FOR YEARS 11 AND 12 - Department Of Education Document Centre

                                                                                                                                         2018 STUDENT GUIDE FOR YEARS 11 AND 12
Making up a program of study
Ideally, you should be aiming to achieve your TCE, or an             Education
equivalent qualification when you leave Year 12. To achieve your
TCE you must meet the five standards of the TCE.                     ASbA students commit to attending school when timetabled
                                                                     to do so, and studying subjects that are complementary to
The Course Planner is a really useful tool which can help you        the ASbA qualification and contribute to the TCE. Every unit
work out if your proposed Year 11 and 12 study program puts          of competency achieved over the course of the contract
you on track to achieve the TCE. The Course Planner provides         will contribute points to the ASbA student’s TCE and by the
information about the credit point value of your proposed            end of Year 12, students have the opportunity to gain dual
courses and whether they include the Adult Everyday                  qualifications - VET and the TCE.
standards. The Course Planner is available on the TASC website.
                                                                     For more information: http://www.education.tas.gov.au/parents_
If you have not achieved all the Adult Everyday Standards            carers/schools-colleges/Programs-Initiatives/Pages/Australian-
through their inclusion in a course you can complete a ‘safety       School-based-Apprenticeships.aspx
net’ test to ensure you have the standard included towards
your TCE.
                                                                     If you are interested in a pathway to a
                                                                     university qualification:
If you are interested in a pathway to a
vocational qualification:                                            You will need to plan a two-year course, keeping in mind that
                                                                     some subjects are pre-requisites to certain university courses.
Your program of study should be centred around a vocational
education and training (VET) course in your chosen industry          Your chosen subjects may be directly relevant to your career
area. This can lead you to direct employment, higher level           direction and may also include some recreation and interest
Certificate and Diploma programs, and university courses. You        subjects.
should also aim to meet the five standards of the TCE and gain       Ideally, your Year 11 program should feature some English
this qualification as well.                                          and Maths because they are fundamental to a broad range of
You can make up your study program by choosing some TASC-            options available at the end of Year 12.
accredited subjects to add to your certificate course. These
may complement your vocational learning, and may also include        How do you know what level to do?
some recreational and interest subjects.
                                                                     Year 10 students enrolling in Year 11 in 2018

What is an Australian School-based                                   It is really important that you talk to your teachers early in
                                                                     the year to work out what standard you are at, and if this is
Apprenticeships (ASbA)?                                              adequate for what you want to study in Year 11.
A school-based traineeship or apprenticeship is a paid,
                                                                     At enrolment, the course counsellors will discuss your results
employment-based training arrangement where Year 10, 11 or
                                                                     and advise you about which subjects or courses will suit you
12 students are able to combine work, training and education
                                                                     best in Years 11 and 12.
to gain a nationally recognised qualification, usually
at Certificate II or III level across almost every industry sector   The best indicator of your future path is how well you have
and training package.                                                done in the past.
                                                                     Look at your results in English-literacy and Maths-numeracy:
Work                                                                  • If you are achieving an A/B (or C in consultation with
                                                                        teachers) in Year 10 Australian Curriculum subjects, you could
ASbA students are allowed to work between 7.5 and 15 hours
                                                                        enrol in some Level 3 subjects in Year 11.
in the workplace each week during school terms. This can be
                                                                      • If you are achieving a C/D rating in Australian Curriculum
one or two days at work in school time or after school hours
                                                                        subjects, Level 2 subjects provide the necessary foundation
and on the weekend. There is an expectation that the ASbA
                                                                        leading to Level 3 in Year 12.
student will work additional hours in term breaks in order to
                                                                      • In the areas of Arts and Technology, a strong interest and
meet the required minimum total number of hours
                                                                        experience in optional classes in high school or a personal
of employment in the Training Contract.
                                                                        involvement in community-based learning could give you
                                                                        confidence to try Level 3 subjects.
ASbA students will sign a Training Plan with the employer            Year 11 students enrolling in Year 12 in 2018
and a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) who is                  Discuss your proposed learning pathway with your school or
responsible for the training and assessment against the              college teachers.
requirements of the Vocational Education and Training (VET)
ASbA qualification. ASbA students will be paid for any training
in the workplace or off-site.
2018 STUDENT GUIDE FOR YEARS 11 AND 12 - Department Of Education Document Centre
How do I enrol?                                                       Year 10 students in Tasmanian Government
                                         There is a range of options for studying Years 11 and 12.             If you are currently attending a Tasmanian Government school,
                                                                                                               your Year 10 coordinator or teachers will give you details
                                         Colleges and a growing number of high schools and district high       about how you can access the information you need to enrol
                                         schools offer a wide range of study options. Some subjects are        in Year 11. Your school will make all the arrangements for
                                         also available online, so if the subject you need is not available,   your enrolment and you will have the opportunity to attend
                                         please check to see if you can enrol through an Online Learning       information and taster sessions.
                                         Some schools have programs available through Trade Training           Current Year 11 students in Tasmanian
                                         Centre (TTC) facilities which are designed to provide practical       Government schools
                                         training using industry-standard equipment.
                                                                                                               You will enrol through your current school.
                                         For details on which subjects or courses are available and
                                         where they are delivered visit Where Do I Study?
                                         www.education.tas.gov.au/parents_carers/schools-colleges/             Other students, including non-government
                                         Pages/Years-11-and-12.aspx                                            school students
                                         Your chosen program may be a combination of these available           You can enrol through a college or a school extending to Years
                                         options. Please discuss this with your teacher.                       11 and 12 in your region. You should contact the college or
                                                                                                               school for details to arrange course counselling and enrolment.
                                                                                                               Contact details can be found at the back of the Guide.

                                         Step One                                        Step Two                                        Step Three

                                         Year 10 students                                Year 10 students                                Year 10 in Government School
                                         Speak with your teachers and                    Attend information and taster                   Your school will assist you with
                                         Year 10 Coordinator about course                sessions to help with your decision             your enrolment.
                                         options that suit your interests and            about which courses and programs
                                         goals.                                          are right for you.                              Year 10 in Non-Government
                                         Year 11 students                                Year 11 students                                Enrol directly through your chosen
                                         Review your Pathway Plan.                       Discuss options with your present               senior secondary school.
                                                                                         teachers and career counsellors.
                                                                                                                                         Year 11 students
                                                                                         All                                             Enrol through your current school.
                                                                                         Find out details on and attend
                                                                                         suitability sessions for VET Programs.

                                         Enrolling in VET programs                                             The University College Program (UCP)
                                         Entry to most VET programs usually requires a suitability             The University Connections Program (previously known as
                                         assessment. This is undertaken prior to completing your               the University College Program) enables eligible Year 11 and
                                         enrolment to ensure that you start your VET studies in the            12 students to undertake introductory level university units at
                                         most appropriate course and at the right level for your learning      the same time or in addition to their TCE studies. Students can

                                         needs. The suitability assessment may involve an information          extend their TASC subject enrolment where the TASC subject
                                         session, interview and/or an assessment task or test.                 curriculum closely aligns to a University of Tasmania first year
                                                                                                               unit, or study full university units.
                                         More details will be available from your teachers or your local
                                         school or college.                                                    Unit delivery is either school based, school and university
                                                                                                               combined, or solely on-campus at the university.
                                                                                                               All colleges have close links with the University of Tasmania and
                                                                                                               provide students with the opportunity to participate in a range
                                                                                                               of programs and activities including:
                                                                                                                • University Connections Program where you can undertake
                                                                                                                  university subjects while studying for your TCE
                                                                                                                • University of Tasmania High Achiever Program
                                                                                                                • Course, scholarship and application information sessions
                                                                                                                • Step Up program using university library resources.
                                                                                                               For further information please see:
                                                                                                               or call (03) 6324 3343

2018 STUDENT GUIDE FOR YEARS 11 AND 12 - Department Of Education Document Centre

                           2018 STUDENT GUIDE FOR YEARS 11 AND 12
gives you
a better
of getting
a job

2018 STUDENT GUIDE FOR YEARS 11 AND 12 - Department Of Education Document Centre

                                             You have:                          TASC subjects                                  May lead to:

                                             No/little experience               Dance: the Basic Moves 1                       Dance 2

                                             Previous experience an                                                            Dance Choreography and
                                             advantage                          Dance 2                                        Performance 3
                                             Dance 2 or equivalent                                                             Study and a career in dance
                                             experience                         Dance Choreography and Performance 3           or choreography

                                                                                                                               Further study and/or a career in the
                                                                                Musical Theatre 2                              performing arts
                                                                                                                               Further study and/or a career in
                                             No previous experience             Technical Theatre Production 2                 technical production

                                                                                Drama Foundations 2                            Drama 3

                                             Drama Foundations 2
                                                                                Drama 3                                        Theatre Performance 3
                                             Strong background in drama
                                                                                                                               Further study and career in the
                                             Drama 3                            Theatre Performance 3                          performing arts

                                                                                                                               Music 3
                                                                                Contemporary Music 2                           Practical Study (University College
                                             Instrumental or vocal experience                                                  Program)

                                                                                Music Studies 2                                Music 3

                                                                                                                               Practical Study (University College
                                             Strong background in music         Music 3                                        Program) or study in music

                                             Music 3 or considerable and        Practical Study (Performance or Composition)   Further study

                                             successful experience in music     (University Connections Program)
                                             Music Technology

                                             Music Theatre Production
                                                                                Music Technology Projects - Foundation 2       Further study
                                             interest and ability

                                             Some music technology
                                                                                Music Technology Projects 1 & 2                University study and career in
                                             experience is desirable but not
                                                                                (University Connections Program)               music production


                                             No previous experience             Media Production Foundations 2                 Media Production 3

                                             Strong interest in media                                                          Study and careers in journalism,
                                             production                         Media Production 3                             television, radio and print media


                                                                                                                                      2018 STUDENT GUIDE FOR YEARS 11 AND 12
You have:                         VET Courses                                       May lead to:
                                  Certificate II in Creative Industries             Certificate III in Live Production and
An interest in performing arts
                                  (focus on live production and services)           Services

An interest and enthusiasm                                                          Further study and career in the
for the Performing Arts           Certificate III in Live Production and Services   performing arts


Experience and an interest
                                  Certificate II in Music Industry                  Certificate III and IV in Music Industry
in music

Experience and interest in
music and
                                  Certificate III in Music Industry                 Certificate IV in Music Industry
Certificate II in Music


                                  Certificate II in Creative Industries             Study and career in the creative
An interest in screen and                                                           industries
media.                            (focus on screen and media)                       Certificate III in Media

                                                                                                                               CREATIVE ARTS - PERFORMING
An interest and some
experience in screen and
media, e.g. Media Productions     Certificate III in Screen and Media               Certificate IV in Screen and Media
Level 2 or 3, Certificate II in
Creative Industries
                                                                                    Further Study
Certificate III in Screen and                                                       TasTAFE
Media                             Certificate IV in Screen and Media
TASC subjects
                                             Dance the Basic Moves 1                   TO ENROL IN THIS SUBJECT                   • enjoys developing their creativity,
                                             DNC110115                                 I NEED:                                      kinaesthetic awareness, performance
                                                                                       • an interest in dance. Previous             skills, analytical thinking and flexibility
                                             IN DANCE THE BASIC MOVES I                  experience is an advantage, but not      • is confident performing in front of others
                                             WILL LEARN:                                 a requirement.                           • enjoys contemporary dance.
                                             • how to prepare the body for dance                                                  THIS SUBJECT COULD LEAD
                                             • performance skills
                                                                                       DANCE WOULD SUIT SOMEONE
                                                                                       WHO:                                       ME TO:
                                             • about working as an ensemble                                                       • a pathway to a career in dance
                                               member                                  • enjoys creativity and movement
                                                                                       • wants to improve their spatial             performance or choreography.
                                             • to create and perform dance works
                                             • different dance styles                    awareness, confidence and flexibility.   Dance Choreography and Performance 3
                                             • dance skills                                                                       contributes 15 credit points towards the

                                             • dance making                            THIS SUBJECT COULD LEAD                    Tasmanian Certificate of Education.
                                             • about safe dance practices              ME TO:
                                             • about dance contexts and dance          • further study In Dance Choreography
                                               history.                                  and Performance 3.                       Musical Theatre 2
                                                                                       Dance 2 contributes 15 credit points       MUT215115
                                             IN TYPICAL LESSONS I MIGHT:
                                                                                       towards the Tasmanian Certificate of
                                             •   participate in warm ups               Education.                                 IN MUSICAL THEATRE I WILL
                                             •   learn dance making techniques                                                    LEARN:
                                             •   undertake practical work
                                             •   view and review performances                                                     • about musical theatre
                                             •   participate in self/peer assessment   Dance Choreography and                     • about planning, rehearsing and
                                             •   keep a journal.                       Performance 3                                presenting a musical theatre
                                                                                       DNC315115                                    performance to an audience
                                             TO ENROL IN THIS SUBJECT                                                             • about working as a member of a
                                             I NEED:                                   IN DANCE CHOREOGRAPHY AND                    musical theatre ensemble.
                                                                                       PERFORMANCE I WILL LEARN:                  • about performance skills needed to
                                             • an interest in dance.                                                                present a musical theatre season
                                                                                       • about movement principles                • focus and discipline needed to
                                             DANCE THE BASIC MOVES WOULD               • how to perform solo and as a               perform in a large-scale production
                                             SUIT SOMEONE WHO:                           member of an ensemble                    • vocal techniques (spoken and singing),
                                             • wants to develop creativity, spatial    • how to appraise dance works                instrumental techniques, movement/
                                               awareness and flexibility.              • about safe dance practices                 dance techniques, and/or acting skills
                                                                                       • how to compose/choreograph dances          as appropriate to my role in the
                                             THIS SUBJECT COULD LEAD                   • about dance styles and history             musical
                                             ME TO:                                    • choreographic design skills              • how to interpret the text, score or
                                             • further study in Dance 2.               • how to prepare for, and perform            music for a musical theatre show.
                                                                                         dance works
                                             Dance the Basic Moves 1 contributes       • how to analyse and reflect on            IN TYPICAL LESSONS I MIGHT:
                                             10 credit points towards the Tasmanian      dance works.
                                             Certificate of Education.                                                            • participate in an audition
                                                                                       IN TYPICAL LESSONS I MIGHT:                • work on developing performance skills
                                                                                                                                  • rehearse scenes
                                                                                       • participate in warm ups and safe         • undertake text, score or music
                                             Dance 2                                     dance activities                           interpretation
                                             DNC215115                                 • learn and explore choreographic          • practice numbers from the show
                                                                                         and composition techniques               • learn choreography or singing parts
                                             IN DANCE I WILL LEARN:                    • expand and develop own movement          • reflect on my own work and the work
                                             • movement principles                       vocabulary                                 of others.
                                             • solo and ensemble performing            • create sequences and dance works
                                             • how to appraise dance works               using personal movement vocabulary       TO ENROL IN THIS SUBJECT

                                             • about dance composition                 • learn the principles of contemporary     I NEED:
                                             • about the history of dance                dance
                                                                                                                                  • no previous experience
                                             • dance skills                            • view and respond to dance works
                                                                                                                                  • a strong commitment to teamwork,
                                             • dance making techniques                   of others
                                                                                                                                    rehearsal and performance obligations.
                                               (choreography)                          • review and analyse dance works.
                                             • how to prepare for and perform
                                                                                       TO ENROL IN THIS SUBJECT                   MUSICAL THEATRE WOULD SUIT
                                               dance works
                                                                                       I NEED:                                    SOMEONE WHO:
                                             • how to reflect on and review dance                                                 • wants to participate in the production
                                               works                                   • a strong commitment to teamwork,
                                                                                                                                    of a musical theatre season and
                                             • different dance genres.                   rehearsal and performance obligations
                                                                                                                                    perform to an audience.
                                                                                       • sound literacy skills
                                             IN TYPICAL LESSONS I MIGHT:               • a strong interest in choreography        THIS SUBJECT COULD LEAD
                                             • participate in warm ups                   and creative movement, prior dance       ME TO:
                                             • learn dance and composition               training or success in Dance 2.
                                                                                                                                  • further study in the Performing Arts.
                                             • create movement sequences               DANCE CHOREOGRAPHY AND                     Musical Theatre 2 contributes 15 credit
                                             • perform for peers                       PERFORMANCE WOULD SUIT                     points towards the Tasmanian Certificate
                                             • participate in self-assessment          SOMEONE WHO:                               of Education.

                                             • keep a reflective journal
                                             • write reviews.
Technical Theatre Production 2               TO ENROL IN THIS SUBJECT                    Theatre Performance 3
SDT215115                                    I NEED:                                     SDP315115
                                             • no previous experience is necessary.
IN TECHNICAL THEATRE                                                                     IN THEATRE PERFORMANCE
                                             DRAMA FOUNDATIONS WOULD

                                                                                                                                            2018 STUDENT GUIDE FOR YEARS 11 AND 12
PRODUCTION I WILL LEARN:                                                                 I WILL LEARN:
• about lighting and sound                   SUIT SOMEONE WHO:                           •   acting skills
• about set and properties design and        • wants to build confidence and             •   about ensemble and solo performance
  construction                                 communication skills                      •   how to work as a theatre company
• about costume and theatrical make-up       • enjoys performing                         •   vocal techniques
• about stage management                     • has an interest in drama and acting.      •   about improvisation
• what is involved in publicity and front                                                •   how to create an effective character
  of house responsibilities                  THIS SUBJECT COULD LEAD                     •   physicalisation techniques
• how to operate lighting and audio          ME TO:                                      •   about theatrical conventions
• how to make and keep costumes              • further study in Drama 3.                 •   about performing to an audience
  and sets                                                                               •   about the history of theatre.
• aspects of theatre production and          Drama Foundations 2 contributes 15
  event management.                          credit points towards the Tasmanian         IN TYPICAL LESSONS I MIGHT:
                                             Certificate of Education.
                                                                                         • attend live performances
IN TYPICAL LESSONS I MIGHT:                                                              • perform for an audience
• decorate and paint set or properties                                                   • rehearse and develop monologues
• maintain costume and wardrobe              Drama 3                                     • participate in improvisation activities
• rigg and operate lighting                  SDD315115                                   • interpret text
• set up and run audio equipment,                                                        • rehearse a play
  selecting and developing sound             IN DRAMA I WILL LEARN:                      • undertake solo and ensemble work
  effects and music                          • how to create characters from scripts     • attend theatre performances and
• undertake publicity and marketing          • vocal techniques for characterisation       write reviews
• attend and write reports on live           • about presenting solo and ensemble        • rehearse for practical exams.
  theatre performances                         performances
• reflect on my work in a production         • how to review and evaluate live           TO ENROL IN THIS SUBJECT
  team context.                                theatre                                   I NEED:
                                             • about theatrical genres                   • to have successfully completed
TO ENROL IN THIS SUBJECT                     • vocal and movement skills                   Drama 3 (or equivalent)
I NEED:                                      • how to interpret drama texts.             • a strong commitment to teamwork,
• no previous experience                                                                   rehearsal and performance obligations.
• an interest in the technical aspects       IN TYPICAL LESSONS I MIGHT:
  of theatre                                 • perform for an audience                   THEATRE PERFORMANCE WOULD
• to enjoy participating in a range of       • participate in warm ups and               SUIT SOMEONE WHO:
  practical theatrical experiences, both       workshops                                 • enjoys performing
  individually and in group situations.      • participate in improvisation work         • can commit to rehearsals and
                                             • study acting skills and techniques          performances
THIS SUBJECT COULD LEAD                      • interpret text                            • enjoys writing about the development
ME TO:                                       • undertake solo and ensemble work            of their work
• further study in VET courses               • attend theatre performances and           • works effectively in an ensemble.

                                                                                                                                     CREATIVE ARTS - PERFORMING
• further study in the Performing Arts.        write reviews
                                             • rehearse for practical exams              THIS SUBJECT COULD LEAD
Technical Theatre Production 2 contributes   • prepare for written external exams.       ME TO:
15 credit points towards the Tasmanian
Certificate of Education.                                                                • further study in the performing arts
                                             TO ENROL IN THIS SUBJECT                      and/or a career in performing arts or
                                             I NEED:                                       entertainment industries
                                             • Drama 2 or considerable experience
Drama Foundations 2                            in the performing arts                    Theatre Performance 3 meets the standard
SDS215***                                    • good writing skills                       for Everyday Adult Reading, Writing and
                                             • a keen interest and experience            Communication Skills and contributes
IN DRAMA FOUNDATIONS I                         in drama                                  15 credit points towards the Tasmanian
WILL LEARN:                                  • a strong commitment to teamwork,          Certificate of Education.
• about performing solo and in an              rehearsal and performance obligations.
• about different drama texts                DRAMA WOULD SUIT                            Contemporary Music 2
• about storytelling                         SOMEONE WHO:                                MSC215***
• how to review live theatre                 • enjoys performing
• the role of technical elements             • is interested in the Performing Arts      IN CONTEMPORARY MUSIC
• about improvisation                        • can commit to rehearsals and              I WILL LEARN:
• vocal and movement skills                    performances                              •   instrumental and vocal techniques
• how to devise drama                        • works effectively in team situations.     •   about different styles of music
• how to turn script into a performance.                                                 •   performance skills
                                             THIS SUBJECT COULD LEAD                     •   music literacy
IN TYPICAL LESSONS I MIGHT:                  ME TO:                                      •   about the Australian music industry
• create solo and group performances         • further study in Theatre Performance 3.   •   how to market and promote an event
• participate in warm ups and                                                            •   recording techniques
  workshops                                  Drama 3 meets the standard
                                                                                         •   how to compose and arrange music.
• devise drama work                          for Everyday Adult Reading, Writing and
• keep a reflective journal.                 Communication Skills and contributes
                                             15 credit points towards the Tasmanian
                                             Certificate of Education.
IN TYPICAL LESSONS I MIGHT:                Music 3                                          LEARNING ACTIVITIES MAY
                                             •   perform as a member of an ensemble     MSM315115                                        INCLUDE:
                                             •   study music theory                                                                      • performing (either instrumental
                                             •   write original songs                   IN MUSIC I WILL LEARN:                             or vocal)
                                             •   perform for an audience                • about musical ideas and styles                 • composing music
                                             •   set up and use musical equipment       • compositional techniques,                      • analysing and reflecting on
                                             •   record my own and others work            improvisation and arranging                      performances and compositions.
                                             •   complete assignments.                  • about developing performance skills
                                                                                        • skills in musical analysis                     TO ENROL IN FOUNDATION
                                             TO ENROL IN THIS SUBJECT                   • listening (aural) skills.                      PRACTICAL STUDY (FCP113) YOU
                                             I NEED:                                                                                     NEED:
                                             • skills/experience on an instrument/      IN TYPICAL LESSONS I MIGHT:                      • to have a history of musical
                                               voice.                                   • undertake solo performance (tutor                instrument/vocal tuition
                                                                                          provided where required and                    • considerable and successful
                                             CONTEMPORARY MUSIC WOULD                     available)                                       experience in music and/or Music 3C
                                             SUIT SOMEONE WHO:

                                                                                        • participate in ensemble playing (as            • some examination and/or performing
                                             • wants to perform as a member               required and available)                          experience
                                               of an ensemble                           • complete assignments and tests                 • some music literacy skills.
                                             • enjoys writing or arranging music        • perform to the class and public
                                             • has an interest in contemporary music.   • create recordings and videos                   TO ENROL IN ADVANCED
                                                                                        • participate in creative tasks including        PRACTICAL STUDY (FCP120) YOU
                                             THIS SUBJECT COULD LEAD                      composition, arrangement and/or                NEED:
                                             ME TO:                                       improvisation.                                 • to have successfully completed
                                             • further study in Music and Practical                                                        FCP113.
                                               Study (University of Tasmania)           TO ENROL IN THIS SUBJECT
                                                                                        I NEED:                                          THESE SUBJECTS:
                                             Contemporary Music 2 contributes 15
                                             credit points towards the Tasmanian        • strong music literacy skills– the ability      • are accredited by the University
                                             Certificate of Education.                    to read and write music                          of Tasmania
                                                                                        • considerable and successful                    • provide a pathway to further
                                                                                          experience in music (e.g. successful             university music studies
                                                                                          completion of Year 10 music).                  • cannot be studied concurrently
                                             Music Studies 2                                                                               (as FCP113 is the prerequisite for
                                             MSS215115                                  MUSIC WOULD SUIT                                   entry into FCP120)
                                                                                        SOMEONE WHO:                                     • require a portfolio which may include
                                             IN MUSIC STUDIES I WILL LEARN:             • has studied music and music theory               critiques, reflections, program notes,
                                             •   instrumental/vocal techniques            for a considerable period of time                topic assignments, concert attendance
                                             •   about styles of music                  • has a solid understanding of music               log and a personal performance log
                                             •   performance skills                       theory                                         • are offered as part of the University
                                             •   music literacy.                        • wants to develop their musicianship              of Tasmania’s University Connections
                                                                                          and theoretical knowledge.                       Program and counts towards your
                                             IN TYPICAL LESSONS I MIGHT:                                                                   TCE and ATAR. Successful completion
                                             • perform solo or as a member of an        THIS SUBJECT COULD LEAD                            of this subject may give you the
                                               ensemble                                 ME TO:                                             opportunity to gain credit towards a
                                             • develop vocal/instrumental technique     • further music studies at                         University of Tasmania course.
                                             • study basic theory and musicianship        university level.                              For more information, please visit the
                                             • participate in music appreciation                                                         University’s website and discuss your
                                               activities                               Music 3 contributes 15 credit points             University Connections Program course
                                             • complete assignments and tests           towards the Tasmanian Certificate                options with a teacher or course
                                             • undertake recordings.                    of Education.                                    counsellor at your school.
                                             TO ENROL IN THIS SUBJECT
                                             I NEED:                                    Practical Study (Performance                     Music Technology Projects -
                                             • skills/experience on an instrument/      or Composition) (University                      Foundation 2

                                                                                        Connections Program)                             AUD215115
                                             • some ability to read and write music
                                                                                        Foundation: FCP113 (Level 100 University Unit)
                                               is an advantage.
                                                                                        Advanced: FCP120 ((Level 100 University Unit)    IN MUSIC TECHNOLOGY PROJECTS
                                             MUSIC STUDIES WOULD SUIT                                                                    FOUNDATION I WILL LEARN:
                                             SOMEONE WHO:                               YOU WILL LEARN ABOUT:                            • basic audio engineering techniques
                                             • wants to improve their vocal/            • music performance skills or                    • studio and/or location recording
                                               playing skills                             development and notation and                     techniques
                                             • wants to learn basic music theory.         realisation of original works                  • about sound reinforcement (PA)
                                                                                        • how to develop and improve level               • how to use music technology
                                             THIS SUBJECT COULD LEAD                      of musicianship                                • about working with a range of clients,
                                             ME TO:                                     • communicating ideas and information.             musicians and production personnel.
                                             • further study in Music 3.
                                                                                        YOU DO THIS BY STUDYING:                         IN TYPICAL LESSONS I MIGHT:
                                             Music Studies 2 contributes 15 credit      • performance or composition.                    • study microphone types and
                                             points towards the Tasmanian Certificate                                                      techniques
                                             of Education.                                                                               • explore the use of analogue and
                                                                                                                                           digital hardware/software

• learn about occupational health            TO ENROL IN MUSIC TECHNOLOGY Media Production Foundations 2
  and safety                                 PROJECTS 2 (FCJ111) YOU NEED: contributes 15 credit points towards the
• discuss commercial and legal issues        • to have successfully completed FCJ110. Tasmanian Certificate of Education.
• develop audio engineering/sound
  system design techniques                   THIS SUBJECT:

                                                                                                                                              2018 STUDENT GUIDE FOR YEARS 11 AND 12
• explore audio editing techniques.                                                      Media Production 3
                                              • is accredited by the University
• participate in solo and group multi-                                                   MED315112
                                                of Tasmania
  track recording
                                              • provides a pathway to further university
• participate in editing/post                                                            IN MEDIA PRODUCTION I WILL
                                                music technology and audio studies
  production processes                                                                   LEARN:
                                              • cannot be studied at the same time
• create and produce practical work
                                                (as FCJ110 is the prerequisite for entry • about an area of specialisation either:
• set up and operate small and large
                                                into FCJ111)                                   »» radio (radio, digital media)
  public address systems
                                              • Is offered as part of the University of        »» screen (TV, film, online content)
• undertake live sound mixing.
                                                Tasmania’s University Connections              »» print and digital media.
TO ENROL IN THIS SUBJECT                        Program and counts towards your           • about communicating to an audience
I NEED:                                         TCE and ATAR. Successful completion       • how to apply technical and production
                                                of this subject may give you the            processes to create media narrative
• an interest in audio                          opportunity to gain credit towards a
• to be willing to work on audio projects.                                                • how to work in a media team
                                                University of Tasmania course.            • about the use of a range of media
MUSIC TECHNOLOGY PROJECTS                    For more information, please visit the         technologies and techniques
FOUNDATION WOULD SUIT                        University’s website and discuss your        • skills for analysing and appreciating
SOMEONE WHO:                                 University Connections Program course          the media
                                             options with a teacher or course             • how to create media products for
• enjoys recording and editing music                                                        a purpose
• has an interest in music technology.       counsellor at your school.
                                                                                          • the codes and conventions of
                                                                                            specific media.
ME TO:                                       Media Production Foundations 2 IN TYPICAL LESSONS I MIGHT:
• further study in Music Technology          MED215115
                                                                                          • undertake roles in a media
  Projects (University Connections                                                          production team
  Program).                                  IN MEDIA PRODUCTION                          • apply technical skills on industry-
                                             FOUNDATIONS I WILL LEARN:                      standard equipment and software
Music Technology Projects Foundation
contributes 15 credit points towards the     • about an area of focus - either            • script media
Tasmanian Certificate of Education.               »» screen (TV, film, online content)    • use editing techniques
                                                  »» print and digital media              • create media products
                                                  »» radio (radio, digital media)         • discuss workplace safety and
Music Technology Projects                         »» convergent media.                      OH&S issues
                                             • about communicating to an audience         • create products with regard to a
(University Connections Program)             • media technical and production skills        particular audience
FCJ110 (Level 100 University Unit)           • how to work in a media team                • document evidence of technical skills
FCJ111 (Level 100 University Unit)           • how to use a range of media                  with equipment
                                               technologies                               • research media issues
YOU WILL LEARN ABOUT:                        • about analysing and appreciating the       • discuss the role of media in society

                                                                                                                                       CREATIVE ARTS - PERFORMING
• creating and shaping an audio product        media.                                     • explore writing and story-telling skills
• the tools used and skill-sets required in                                               • prepare for the externally assessed
  the audio/music technology industry       IN TYPICAL LESSONS I MIGHT:                     folio and exam.
• how to read, interpret and fulfil the      • undertake roles in a media
  requirements of a music technology           production team                           TO ENROL IN THIS SUBJECT
  project brief                              • develop technical skills on industry-     I NEED:
• working effectively as an individual and     standard equipment and software            • a strong interest in media production.
  as a member of a project team              • write script for media                     • technical skills in an area of
• workplace health and safety issues         • develop editing techniques                   specialisation and strong written skills
  relevant to the field.                     • create media products                        are an advantage.
                                             • undertake research assignments
YOU DO THIS BY STUDYING:                     • develop writing and story-                MEDIA PRODUCTION 3 WOULD
• four modules of work (including three        telling skills                            SUIT SOMEONE WHO:
  practical project briefs).                 • learn about the media industry.            • enjoys creating media products
                                                                                          • enjoys using technology
LEARNING ACTIVITIES MAY                      TO ENROL IN THIS SUBJECT                     • is interested in the role of the media.
INCLUDE:                                     I NEED:
•   small ensemble recording                 • no previous experience.                   THIS SUBJECT COULD LEAD
•   MIDI sequencing                                                                      ME TO:
•   mixing                                   MEDIA PRODUCTION FOUNDATIONS                 • further studies in journalism and
•   remixing                                 WOULD SUIT SOMEONE WHO:                        television, radio and print media
•   mashups                                  • enjoys media and communications            • careers in camera operation, film,
•   multi-track recording                    • enjoys creating media products.              radio and print production/editing
•   sound design for vision                                                                 and sound recording.
•   mastering.                               THIS SUBJECT COULD LEAD
                                             ME TO:                                      Media Production 3 contributes 15 credit
TO ENROL IN MUSIC TECHNOLOGY                                                             points towards the Tasmanian Certificate
                                             • further studies in Media Production 3.
PROJECTS 1 (FCJ110) YOU NEED:                                                            of Education.
• some prior experience with music
  technology tools (desirable but not
Performance Project Units for Creative Arts - Performing Arts

                                             University Connections Program: Music Theatre Productions
                                             The 2018 University Connections Program offers two              Students who enrol in this program generally undergo an
                                             (Level 100 & Level 200) units of study in this learning area,   audition and are required to maintain a commitment to the
                                             called Music Project 1 and Music Project 2. This program is     production through attendance at rehearsals and contribute
                                             designed to recognise and accredit artistic endeavour of        significantly to the production through individual and
                                             students who perform in on-stage roles in school/college        ensemble work focused upon supporting the artistic and

                                             musical theatre productions or play in the associated band      directorial intentions of the production.
                                             or orchestra.
                                                                                                             Successful completion provides TCE points and a HECS-free
                                                                                                             pathway into study at the University of Tasmania. To find out
                                                                                                             more, ask your teacher.

VET courses
All certificate courses contribute credit points towards the Tasmanian Certificate of Education.

                                                                                                                                               2018 STUDENT GUIDE FOR YEARS 11 AND 12
The number of credit points is dependent on the units of competence. For details view the
TCE planner tool at: www.tasc.tas.gov.au

Certificate II in Creative                    IN TYPICAL LESSONS I MIGHT:                    Certificate III in Music Industry
Industries                                    • observe technical operations in work         CUA30915
(focus on live production and services)         place settings
CUA20215                                      • build sets, design or operate lighting       IN CERTIFICATE 111 IN MUSIC
                                                or audio for productions                     INDUSTRY I WILL LEARN:
                                              • provide technical support to
IN CERTIFICATE 11 IN CREATIVE                   performers
                                                                                             • about working in the music industry
INDUSTRIES (FOCUS ON LIVE                                                                    • about musical composition, audio
                                              • work as an usher or in the box office.         recording, sound reinforcement
WILL LEARN:                                   TO ENROL IN THIS SUBJECT                         and lighting
                                                                                             • how to stay safe and healthy in
• about sets and staging for live             I NEED:                                          the workplace
  performances                                • an interest in the performing arts.          • about legal and copyright issues.
• the links between performers,
  customers and producers                     THIS SUBJECT COULD LEAD                        IN TYPICAL LESSONS I MIGHT:
• what is important when using and            ME TO:
  looking after technical equipment                                                          •   use technology to create music
                                              • further study                                •   attend a performance
• how to improve my creative thinking         • work in performing arts or other
• how to stay safe and healthy in the                                                        •   make a music demo
                                                areas of interest.                           •   learn about sound editing.
                                              Certificate 111 in Live Production and
IN TYPICAL LESSONS I MIGHT:                   Services contributes points towards the
                                                                                             TO ENROL IN THIS SUBJECT
                                              Tasmanian Certificate of Education.            I NEED:
• design or operate the lighting or
  sound for a live performance                                                               • experience and interest in music
• build, paint or prepare sets                                                                 (previously completing Certificate 11
• sell tickets, or act as an usher for        Certificate II in Music Industry                 in Music Industry CUA20615 would
  a live performance                          CUA20615
                                                                                               be an advantage).
• observe technical operations in
  other venues.                                                                              THIS SUBJECT COULD LEAD
                                              IN CERTIFICATE 11 IN MUSIC                     ME TO:
                                              INDUSTRY I WILL LEARN:
TO ENROL IN THIS SUBJECT                                                                     • further study
I NEED:                                       • about working in the music industry          • work in the music industry or other
                                              • about writing, producing, performing           areas of interest.
• an interest in the performing arts.           and recording songs and music
THIS SUBJECT COULD LEAD                       • how to stay safe and healthy in              Certificate 111 in Music Industry
                                                the workplace                                contributes points towards the Tasmanian

                                                                                                                                        CREATIVE ARTS - PERFORMING
                                              • about legal and copyright issues.            Certificate of Education.
• further study
• work in live production, customer           IN TYPICAL LESSONS I MIGHT:
  service or other areas of interest.         • write and perform an original piece   Certificate II in Creative
Certificate 11 in Creative Industries (live     of music or song                      Industries
production and services) contributes          • rehearse for a performance            (focus on screen and media)
points towards the Tasmanian Certificate      • practice my chosen musical instrument CUA20215
of Education.                                 • provide sound reinforcement at gigs.
                                                                                             IN CERTIFICATE 11 IN CREATIVE
                                              TO ENROL IN THIS SUBJECT                       INDUSTRIES (FOCUS ON SCREEN
Certificate III in Live                       I NEED:                                        AND MEDIA) I WILL LEARN:
Production and Services                       • experience and interest in music.            • to work with interactive digital
                                              THIS SUBJECT COULD LEAD                          or screen media
                                                                                             • how to use industry software
                                              ME TO:                                           and equipment
PRODUCTION AND SERVICES I WILL                • further study                                • to produce an on-camera presentation
LEARN:                                        • work in the music industry or                  (TV commercial, news story or
                                                other areas of interest.                       documentary)
• about the entertainment industry
                                              Certificate 11 in Music Industry contributes   • how to stay safe and healthy in
• about basic audio, lighting staging,
                                              points towards the Tasmanian Certificate         the workplace.
  lighting elements of a production
• about stage management, front of            of Education.
                                                                                             IN TYPICAL LESSONS I MIGHT:
  house and box office
• construction techniques for                                                                • participate in live productions as a
  stage design                                                                                 crew member
• how to stay safe and healthy in                                                            • practice camera operations and skills
  the workplace.                                                                             • visit workplaces or participate in a
                                                                                               practical work placement
                                                                                             • produce finished products such
                                                                                               as TV commercials, news stories,
                                                                                               documentaries or animations.
TO ENROL IN THIS SUBJECT                        IN TYPICAL LESSONS I MIGHT:                • skills in computer editing, directing
                                             I NEED:                                         • prepare and perform an on-camera           and producing
                                             • an interest in art and design as well as        presentation                             • how to stay safe and healthy in
                                               interactive digital or screen media.          • produce and/or direct a TV                 the workplace.
                                                                                               commercial, news story or animation
                                             THIS SUBJECT COULD LEAD                         • undertake a practical work placement.
                                                                                                                                        IN TYPICAL LESSONS I MIGHT:
                                             ME TO:                                                                                     • plan and record an interview
                                             • further study                                 TO ENROL IN THIS SUBJECT                   • edit and review a script
                                             • work in screen, media or other areas          I NEED:                                    • visit a studio and observe the technical
                                               of interest.                                  • competent computer skills.                 operations
                                                                                                                                        • produce a TV commercial, news story,
                                             Certificate 11 in Creative Industries (screen   THIS SUBJECT COULD LEAD                      drama or animation
                                             and media) contributes points towards           ME TO:                                     • undertake a practical work placement.
                                             the Tasmanian Certificate of Education.
                                                                                             • further study                            TO ENROL IN THIS SUBJECT
                                                                                             • work in the screen and media             I NEED:
                                             Certificate III in Screen

                                                                                               industry or other areas of interest.
                                             and Media                                                                                  • to have completed Certificate 111
                                             CUA31015                                        Certificate 111 in Screen and Media          in Screen and Media.
                                                                                             contributes points towards the Tasmanian
                                             IN CERTIFICATE 111 IN SCREEN AND                Certificate of Education.                  THIS SUBJECT COULD LEAD
                                             MEDIA I WILL LEARN:                                                                        ME TO:
                                                                                                                                        • further study
                                             • skills in working with cameras                Certificate IV in Screen and               • work in the screen and media industry
                                               and lighting
                                                                                             Media                                        or other areas of interest.
                                             • skills in lighting and sound design
                                               and operation                                 CUA41215                                   Certificate 1V in Screen and Media
                                             • how to develop my creative                                                               contributes points towards the Tasmanian
                                               thinking skills                               IN CERTIFICATE 1V IN SCREEN AND            Certificate of Education.
                                             • how to stay safe and healthy in               MEDIA I WILL LEARN:
                                               the workplace.                                • advanced skills in working with
                                                                                               cameras and lighting


                                                                                                                                       2018 STUDENT GUIDE FOR YEARS 11 AND 12
You have:                         TASC subjects                                     May lead to:
                                                                                    Art Practice 2, Visual Art 2
No previous experience            Art Making 1
                                                                                    Further study in visual arts

                                  Art Practice 2
                                                                                    Art Production 3
An interest in art
                                                                                    Further study in the arts
                                  Visual Art 2
                                                                                    Art Studio Practice 3
A high level of art skills
                                  Art Production 3                                  TasTAFE
Art Production Foundation 2
Good writing skills and a
strong interest in art            Art Theory and Criticism 3
Art Production 3                  Art Studio Practice 3

You have:                         VET courses                                       May lead to:

                                  Introduction to Applied Fashion
An interest in textiles and       Design and Technology                             Certificate II and III in Applied Fashion
design                            Statement of Attainment for selected units from   Design and Technology
                                  Certificates in Textiles Clothing and Footwear

An interest in design, textiles                                                     Certificate III in Applied Fashion Design

                                                                                                                                CREATIVE ARTS - VISUAL
                                  Certificate II in Applied Fashion Design
and fashion                       and Technology                                    and Technology
TASC subjects
                                            Art Making 1                                Art Practice 2                                Visual Art 2
                                            ART110117                                   ART215217                                     ART215117

                                            IN ART MAKING I WILL LEARN:                 IN ART PRACTICE I WILL LEARN:                 IN VISUAL ART I WILL LEARN:
                                            • art techniques – focusing on three        • about art techniques and processes          • about art techniques and processes
                                              different areas from the following:         focusing on three of the following:           specialising in a single art studio from
                                                 »» assemblage                               »» assemblage, collage or mixed media      the following areas:
                                                 »» body adornment                           »» painting, drawing or life drawing          »» assemblage
                                                 »» ceramics                                 »» ceramics                                   »» ceramics
                                                 »» collage                                  »» print making                               »» collage
                                                 »» craft and design                         »» digital art and media                      »» craft and design
                                                 »» digital art and media                    »» sculpture                                  »» digital art and media
                                                 »» documented forms                         »» environmental art                          »» documented forms
                                                 »» drawing                                  »» wearable art or textiles/fibre art         »» drawing

                                                 »» environmental art                        »» body adornment or jewellery                »» environmental art
                                                 »» fabrication/fibre art                    »» graphic design                             »» graphic design
                                                 »» graphic design                           »» installation                               »» life drawing
                                                 »» hybrid art                               »» street art                                 »» mixed-media
                                                 »» life drawing                             »» documented forms                           »» painting
                                                 »» mixed media                              »» time based forms                           »» photography
                                                 »» painting                                 »» craft and design                           »» print making
                                                 »» photography.                             »» hybrid art.                                »» sculpture
                                            • a variety of techniques in three          • about art materials                              »» street art
                                              different areas                           • about other artists and their work               »» wearable art.
                                            • how to develop my own artistic ideas      • about ideas and themes in art               • a range of techniques in a specific
                                              and individual style                      • how to create finished artworks.              studio area
                                            • how to respond to artworks.                                                             • how to create finished artworks
                                                                                        IN TYPICAL LESSONS I MIGHT:                   • about art materials and processes
                                            IN TYPICAL LESSONS I MIGHT:                 • experiment with a range of techniques       • about other artists and their work
                                            • experience making art and responding        and processes                               • about ideas and themes in art.
                                              to artworks                               • view exhibitions
                                            • create a portfolio of artwork             • research artists and their work             IN TYPICAL LESSONS I MIGHT:
                                            • discuss artmaking techniques and          • create artworks in response to              • explore a range of art techniques
                                              approaches                                  concepts and stimuli                        • discuss ideas and themes in art
                                            • develop a journal of ideas and            • share and exhibit work                      • view exhibitions
                                              support material.                         • keep a visual diary.                        • research artists and their work
                                                                                                                                      • create artworks in response to
                                            TO ENROL IN THIS SUBJECT                    TO ENROL IN THIS SUBJECT                        concepts and stimuli
                                            I NEED:                                     I NEED:                                       • share and exhibit work
                                            • no previous experience.                   • an interest in art.                         • keep a visual diary.

                                            ART MAKING WOULD SUIT                       ART PRACTICE WOULD SUIT                       TO ENROL IN THIS SUBJECT
                                            SOMEONE WHO:                                SOMEONE WHO:                                  I NEED:
                                            • enjoys art making                         • enjoys exploring different art studios     • an interest in art.
                                            • is looking to develop basic skills with   • wants to explore different art forms
                                              teacher guidance.                         • wants to develop their art making skills. VISUAL ART WOULD SUIT
                                                                                                                                      SOMEONE WHO:
                                            THIS SUBJECT COULD LEAD                     THIS SUBJECT COULD LEAD                       • enjoys working in a specific art studio
                                            ME TO:                                      ME TO:                                        • wants to explore techniques related to
                                            • further study in Art Practice 2, Visual   • further study in Art Production 3 and/or      a specific art studio

                                              Art 2 and/or further study in the           further study in the visual arts            • wants to develop their art making skills.
                                              visual arts.
                                                                                        Art Practice 2 contributes 15 credit points   THIS SUBJECT COULD LEAD
                                            Art Making 1 contributes 10 credit points   towards the Tasmanian Certificate of          ME TO:
                                            towards the Tasmanian Certificate of        Education.                                    • further study In Art Production 3 and/
                                            Education.                                                                                  or further study in the visual arts.
                                                                                                                                      Visual Art 2 contributes 15 credit points
                                                                                                                                      towards the Tasmanian Certificate of

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