After the reboot: computing education in UK schools - Royal Society
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Contents Executive summary 6 Recommendations 8 Introduction 12 What is the school subject of computing? 16 Computing education in the UK 17 Our evidence gathering 19 Chapter one – Computing for our pupils 21 Introduction 22 The demand for pupils with computing expertise 22 Computing in primary and early secondary 24 The computing curriculum 25 How young people have responded 29 Opportunities for computing 14 – 19 29 How well do computing qualifications work? 31 Increasing 14 – 16 participation 31 The qualification suite 33 Assessing computing appropriately 33 After the reboot: computing Computer science – the difficult option? 33 education in UK schools Issued: November 2017 DES4633 Conclusion 35 ISBN: 978-1-78252-297-3 Chapter two – Widening access 37 The text of this work is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Introduction 38 Attribution License which permits Computing in the UK is a male-dominated subject, and a male-dominated career 38 unrestricted use, provided the original author and source are credited. Can we improve the gender balance in computing? 44 Evaluating impact 45 The license is available at: Where you live matters 45 The impact of disadvantage 47 Images are not covered by this license. The impact of ethnicity 48 This report can be viewed online at Maximising opportunities for pupils with SEND 48 Conclusion 49 Cover image © Highwaystarz-Photography AFTER THE REBOOT: COMPUTING EDUCATION IN UK SCHOOLS 3
Chapter three – The importance of confident, well-qualified computing teachers 51 Chapter five – Improving computing education through research 87 Introduction 52 Introduction 88 Teachers in the computing classroom 53 Research into computing education pedagogy 88 Teacher confidence 54 Research into learning models and instructional techniques 90 Who teaches computing? 55 Research into context 90 What are the backgrounds of computing teachers? 58 Research into programming languages 90 Are we recruiting enough new computing teachers? 59 Research into student engagement 90 Some consequences of qualified teacher shortages 64 Research into effective assessment techniques for computing 91 Why is it difficult to recruit and retain new computing teachers? 64 The computing research base in the UK 92 The impact of reduced teaching time for computing 64 A new strategy for computing education research 92 The roles and responsibilities of business and academia 65 A future research agenda 94 Conclusion 65 Subject-specific pedagogies and assessment 95 Computing for all 95 Chapter four – Continued professional development, resources and the broader context 67 Teacher education in computing 95 Introduction 68 Understanding the impact of computing education over time 96 Teachers need high-quality CPD 68 Building research capacity 96 Professional development aimed at improving pupil outcomes Conclusion 97 and underpinned by robust evidence 71 Collaboration and expert challenge 72 Appendices 99 Sustained professional development 73 Working Group members 100 Investing in a national infrastructure for computing CPD 75 Royal Society staff 101 Prioritisation by school leadership 76 Review panel 101 Helping teachers deliver the curriculum 76 Participants 102 Finding and choosing classroom resources 77 Commissioned research 102 New assessment tools 77 Data annex 103 Equity of access 78 Glossary 116 Extracurricular computing 81 Cross-curricular computing 85 The physical classroom 86 Conclusion 86 4 AFTER THE REBOOT: COMPUTING EDUCATION IN UK SCHOOLS AFTER THE REBOOT: COMPUTING EDUCATION IN UK SCHOOLS 5
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Executive summary Data and digital technologies promise However, a majority of teachers are teaching Though many of the great pioneers of computing qualifications at age 16 and there is a risk that revolutionary transformational changes across an unfamiliar school subject without adequate were women, across the UK computer science there will be a drastic drop in the number of the full range of industry sectors and spheres support. Moreover, they may be the only teacher is an overwhelmingly male-dominated subject pupils studying computing as ICT is phased of life. This unprecedented digital revolution in their school with this task. Governments must and workforce. At GCSE, there is a 20% uptake out7. The qualification landscape needs urgent will impact everyone. It will have extraordinary address a severe and growing shortage of from girls, while Scotland also had a 20% attention to ensure the broadest range of pupils implications on the range of skills that today’s computing teachers. From 2012 to 2017, England female uptake at National 5 in 2017. At A level, become equipped with relevant digital skills. young people will require in every aspect of their met only 68% of its recruitment target1. Since there is only a 9% uptake from girls, and this Understanding the pedagogies and assessment lives. Computing education must enable young 2005, Scotland has also seen a 25% decrease in has not changed for many years. Scotland methodologies that underpin computing people to continue to keep up with the pace of the number of computing teachers2. has a similar picture with 14% female uptake at education helps teachers improve pupil technological change so that they can remain Advanced Highers. Although Information and In our survey, 44% of secondary school teachers outcomes. Our literature reviews show that a effective, well-informed and safe citizens. Communication Technology (ICT) qualifications only felt confident teaching the earlier stages of majority of the research in computing education fared better, they still only had 36% female However, our evidence shows that computing the curriculum where there is less of a computer relates to higher education and the volume of uptake at A level5. education across the UK is patchy and fragile. Its science focus. Despite this lack of confidence, education research in computing is much smaller future development and sustainability depend 26% of the secondary school teachers we Making computing education compulsory will than in subjects such as physics or mathematics. on swift and coordinated action by governments, surveyed indicated that they had not undertaken not automatically lead to a higher proportion With the emergence of computing in schools, industry, and non-profit organisations. Neglecting any computing-related professional development of young women choosing to study the subject and organisations such as the Education the opportunities to act would risk damaging activities in the past year3. once it becomes optional at 14. Compulsory Endowment Foundation seeking to grow the both the education of future generations and mathematics and physics to age 16 has not evidence base in attainment in education, there our economic prosperity as a nation. To truly transform computing education, teachers significantly improved the gender balance in is an ideal opportunity for the UK to conduct need unhindered access to a structured these subjects in post-16 education or higher research to develop computing pedagogies There is much to celebrate and there are many and ongoing programme of professional education. In order to meet the current and and assessment. However, the capacity of the pockets of excellence. The broad subject of development. The programme must support future skills needs in the UK, governments, current research base is limited and needs computing – covering the three vital areas of teachers in all schools across the country. The employers and schools must prioritise changing further support if the UK is to lead the world in computer science, digital literacy and information existing university-based Computing At School the gender balance in computing. This is a computing education research for schools. technology (IT) – has become mandatory in Network of Excellence has been successful challenge that requires people to take innovative English schools from ages 5 to 16. In Scotland, with minimal resources through a model built on approaches and draw on lessons learned in The Society’s 2012 report, Shut down or restart? we have seen the implementation of the enthusiastic volunteers developing a mutually other disciplines. The way forward for computing in UK schools, Significant Aspects of Learning, a framework supportive community of practice. However, found that the delivery of computing education Today, 70% of students in England attend where computing is broken down into distinct the current level of resourcing and approach in many UK schools was highly unsatisfactory8. schools offering GCSE computer science, which areas of knowledge. In Wales, the Digital to execution is not sufficient to meet the The recommendations we made then paved the is a positive development. However, although Competence Framework is bringing computing challenges we have identified. A fully resourced way for schools to introduce computing into the the overall number of entries continues to grow, in schools to the forefront, while Northern Ireland national professional development programme curriculum; but this was only the first step. This only a disappointing 11% of all students take has continued to deliver a comprehensive building on the Network of Excellence requires new report provides a snapshot of the changes GCSE computer science6. Moreover, the range computing framework. From ages 5 to 14, pupils a tenfold increase in funding from government that have taken place since 2012 and examines of qualifications on offer does not reflect the typically have one hour per week of computing and industry. This would provide computing the impact of these changes across the UK. We full breadth of computing. It should be possible lessons, and some schools take opportunities to teachers with a comparable level of support have identified a number of urgent challenges to study computer science or information teach computing within other subjects. to mathematics and the sciences4. that governments, industry and school leaders technology (or both). GCSE ICT makes up 55% need to address in order to safeguard our future of the total entry numbers of all computing efficacy in the digital world. 1. House of Commons Education Committee 2017. Recruitment and retention of teachers: Fifth Report of Session 2016 – 17. 2. Computing At School Scotland. 2016. Computing Science Teachers in Scotland 2016. 5. JCQ. 2017. Examination results: A, AS and AEA results, Summer [2017]. 3. Pye Tait. 2017. After the Reboot: The State of Computing Education in UK Schools and Colleges. See (accessed 125 August 2017). 4. For example, the Maths Mastery Programme was introduced in 2012 to provide a professional development network 6. GOV.UK. 2017. Find and compare schools in England. See (accessed 10 July 2017). for mathematics teachers (See, accessed 11 October 2017.), the Stimulating 7. JCQ. 2017. See (accessed 24 August 2017). Physics Network supports physics teachers through an extensive CPD programme (See http://www.stimulatingphysics. org, accessed 11 October 2017.) and STEM Learning provides CPD support for science teachers. (See https://www. 8. The Royal Society. 2012. Shut down or restart? The way forward for computing in UK schools., accessed 11 October 2017.) See (accessed 15 February 2017). 6 AFTER THE REBOOT: COMPUTING EDUCATION IN UK SCHOOLS AFTER THE REBOOT: COMPUTING EDUCATION IN UK SCHOOLS 7
RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendations COMPUTING FOR ALL IMPROVING GENDER BALANCE TEACHER SUPPLY To realise the ambition of recent To improve gender balance To ensure there is a strong supply of computing teachers entering the profession. curriculum and qualification reforms. in computing. RECOMMENDATION 1 RECOMMENDATION 3 RECOMMENDATION 5 RECOMMENDATION 7 In England, school governors Research projects on pedagogy Governments should introduce Higher education providers and Ofsted should monitor and curriculum development quality-assured computing need to promote careers in whether and how schools are in computing should also conversion courses for existing computing education to a wide teaching computing to all pupils. investigate how to improve teachers, equivalent to those range of students. female participation. in physics and mathematics. RECOMMENDATION 2 Individual teachers or schools RECOMMENDATION 8 Ofqual and the government RECOMMENDATION 4 should not have to contribute Industry and academia should should work urgently with the Government and industry-funded to the costs of this training. support and encourage braided9 learned societies in computing, interventions must prioritise careers for staff who want to teach awarding bodies, and other and evaluate their impact on RECOMMENDATION 6 as well as work in another setting. stakeholder groups, to ensure improving the gender balance Governments should work with that the range of qualifications of computing. higher education providers and includes pathways suitable for the British Computer Society all pupils, with an immediate to develop and accredit pre- focus on information technology service subject content courses qualifications at Key Stage 4. to enable more people from a wider variety of backgrounds to The learned societies in become computing teachers. computing should establish an curriculum committee, to provide Existing initiatives to support government with ongoing advice and develop computing degree on the content, qualifications, courses with qualified teaching pedagogy, and assessment status should be continued and, methods for computing. if successful, expanded. 9. A braided career describes someone who is working in two sectors simultaneously. For example, working part-time in an academic position and part-time in an industry position. 8 AFTER THE REBOOT: COMPUTING EDUCATION IN UK SCHOOLS AFTER THE REBOOT: COMPUTING EDUCATION IN UK SCHOOLS 9
RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDATIONS EXISTING TEACHER CONFIDENCE EVIDENCE-INFORMED EDUCATION POLICY AND PRACTICE To support in-service teachers, with and without expertise in computing. To improve the availability of computing education research in the UK. RECOMMENDATION 9 RECOMMENDATION 10 RECOMMENDATION 11 RECOMMENDATION 12 Governments and industry Industry and non-profit Education research funders, The Economic and Social need to play an active role in organisations need to work with researchers, teachers and Research Council (ESRC) and improving continuing professional and through the British Computer policymakers should develop a other funders of education development (CPD) for computing Society and STEM Learning strategic plan that achieves: research should work to address teachers, as exemplified by to provide a coherent offer of the research priorities identified the Network of Excellence. teaching support to teachers • the establishment of the in this report. Investment in a national network and schools. long-term research agenda needs at least a tenfold increase for computing education in to expand the reach, and to have schools; rigorous evaluation measures in place to strengthen the offer • a commitment to this of such networks. Importantly programme by a number of financial support should be made stakeholders; available to schools to release staff to attend professional • the development of UK development opportunities. capacity to conduct the research; and • the effective sharing of knowledge between researchers, teachers and teacher trainers. 10 AFTER THE REBOOT: COMPUTING EDUCATION IN UK SCHOOLS AFTER THE REBOOT: COMPUTING EDUCATION IN UK SCHOOLS 11
INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION Introduction TABLE 1 (continued) Partly achieved and a source for concern Recommendation 2 In 2012, the Royal Society published Shut down During the past 18 months, the Society has The Government should set targets for the In England, the Government set new targets or restart? The way forward for computing in reviewed the impact on computing education number of computer science and information and funded bursaries for computing teachers. UK schools – a review of computing education of policy changes made since 2012. This technology specialist teachers, and monitor Recruitment levels have missed set targets, in the UK10. Despite the near ubiquity of report explores how governments, industry, recruitment against these targets in order to so this remains an area of major concern. technology, the Society found that there was schools and others can build on these allow all schools to deliver a rigorous curriculum. a dwindling interest in computing in schools changes to ensure that the promise of our In Scotland, 17% of schools have no computing and identified a number of actions to address original recommendations is realised. Table 1 Education Scotland should ensure that the specialist to deliver the experiences and this issue. summarises the progress made against those declared entitlement of all learners to third-level outcomes for the subject. recommendations. outcomes in computing science is implemented in all schools for all learners using appropriately qualified teachers. TABLE 1 Recommendation 6 Review of the recommendations made in Shut down or restart? The way forward for computing The Department for Education should remedy The English national curriculum introduced in UK schools. the current situation, where good schools are computing as a new subject and dis-incentivised from teaching computer science, removed ICT. The Government reformed Achieved by reforming and rebranding the current ICT qualifications, with new computer science curriculum in England. Schemes of work should qualifications replacing old ICT and Recommendation 1 be established for ages 5 – 14 across the range computing qualifications. However, new The term ICT as a brand should be ‘Computing’ is now used to describe of computing aspects, eg digital literacy (the disincentives are now impacting computing reviewed and the possibility considered of the subject that includes digital literacy, analogue to being able to read and write), education, particularly at ages 14 – 16. There disaggregating this into clearly defined areas information technology and computer information technology and computer science. remain concerns about the information such as digital literacy, information technology science. In England, the current computing technology qualifications. and computer science. curriculum covers all three strands and differs These should be constructed to be from the previous ICT curriculum, which implementable in a variety of ways, including a placed far more emphasis on information cross-curricular approach for digital literacy at technology and digital literacy. primary and early secondary school. Schools may prefer not to impose a timetable or Recommendation 5 separately staff these elements at this age, but Suitable technical resources should be Schools have not received ring-fenced the existence of separately-defined learning available in all schools to support the funding for technical resources to experiences will ensure that each strand is teaching of computer science and information complement computing curricula. However, always properly developed – unlike at present. technology. These could include pupil-friendly there are a number of new, free software A timetable distinction should then be in place programming environments such as Scratch, resources available. Hardware has also been from the age of 14, allowing pupils to make a educational microcontroller kits such as provided at a low cost from Raspberry Pi well-informed choice to study for recognised PICAXE and Arduino, and robot kits such as and micro:bit, which has made a substantial qualifications in information technology and/or Lego Mindstorms. impact in schools. computer science. Given the lack of specialist teachers, we recommend that only the teaching of digital literacy is made statutory at this point. However, the long-term aim should be to move to a situation where there are sufficient specialist teachers to enable all young people to study information technology and computer science at school. Accordingly, the Government should put 10. The Royal Society. 2012. Shut down or restart? The way forward for computing in UK schools. in place an action plan to achieve this. See (accessed 15 February 2017). 12 AFTER THE REBOOT: COMPUTING EDUCATION IN UK SCHOOLS AFTER THE REBOOT: COMPUTING EDUCATION IN UK SCHOOLS 13
INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION TABLE 1 (continued) TABLE 1 (continued) Partly achieved and a source for concern (continued) Not achieved but not a priority Recommendation 10 Recommendation 4 Awarding organisations should consult with Consultation was limited between the School infrastructure service providers, Schools are managing the implementation of the UK Forum (see recommendation 11) and awarding organisations and the now working with others, should prepare a set of school IT infrastructure on their own. Some HE departments to develop rigorous Level 3 disbanded UK Forum for Computing Education off-the-shelf strategies for balancing network schools have reported difficulties in achieving academic qualifications in computer science. known as UKForCE. This has resulted in a security against the need to enable good balance between network security and an subject that some schools view as difficult and teaching and learning in computer science and environment suitable for teaching, however it only offer to high-performing pupils. information technology, and should encourage has not been a major issue overall. schools to discuss and adopt them with their service providers. Not achieved and a source of concern Recommendation 3 Recommendation 8 Government should set a minimum level Governments have taken a passive role in The UK Forum should advise awarding Hosted by the Royal Academy of Engineering, of provision for subject-specific CPD for ensuring there are minimum levels of CPD organisations on appropriate assessment the UK Forum for Computing Education was computing teachers, should seek support from that teachers are required and supported to methods for qualifications in digital literacy, formed shortly after the launch of Shut down business and industry to make that provision, undertake. Scotland continues to require that information technology and computer science. or restart? The way forward for computing in and should ensure that the provision is well teachers undertake 35 hours of CPD a year; UK schools. However, in 2016 a decision was coordinated and deepens subject knowledge however, the CPD doesn’t have to be subject- Recommendation 9 made to disband the forum and support the and subject-specific pedagogy. related. The UK Forum should put in place a work of Computing At School and the Royal framework to support non-formal learning in Society’s Computing Education Project. Overall, there are large disparities in the CPD computer science and to support teachers. hours undertaken by computing teachers, with Considerations include after-school clubs, some teachers not receiving any CPD at all. school speakers and mentoring for teachers in developing their subject knowledge. Bodies Recommendation 6 such as the Science, Technology, Engineering The schools inspectorates should monitor the School inspectorates need to put further and Mathematics Network (STEMNET) will implementation of this change to ensure that measures in place to ensure that inspectors have a role to play in implementing this. the problems of the ICT curriculum are not are monitoring the subject appropriately and replicated. effectively. Recommendation 11 The computing community should establish Recommendation 7 a lasting UK Forum for joint working In order to redress the imbalance between Awarding bodies have developed computer and coordination between the many academic and vocational qualifications in this science qualifications. However, there are computing bodies, in order to progress the area – and to ensure that all qualifications no qualifications for IT. Subsequently, this recommendations within this report. The forum are of value to those who take them – the has caused computing qualifications to be should provide regular progress reports on the departments for education across the UK narrow and schools are only offering it to high- implementation of the recommendations. should encourage awarding organisations to performing pupils. In England, schools need review their current provision and develop further support to teach the non-assessed part Key Stage 4 (KS4) qualifications in computer of the computing curriculum at Key Stage 4. science in consultation with the UK Forum (see recommendation 11), universities and employers. Awarding organisations across the UK should review and revise the titles and content of all new and existing qualifications in this area to match the disaggregation described above (eg computer science, information technology and digital literacy). 14 AFTER THE REBOOT: COMPUTING EDUCATION IN UK SCHOOLS AFTER THE REBOOT: COMPUTING EDUCATION IN UK SCHOOLS 15
INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION What is the school subject of computing? Mathematics, the social sciences, arts and Computing education in the UK nations include the skills, knowledge and Computing in schools is a wide-ranging design all underpin computing. Computing Education policy is devolved in the UK and understanding in information technology, subject composed of three strands: qualifications may cover one or more of the each of the four nations has its own curriculum. digital skills and computer science varies, as information technology, digital literacy and three strands, and qualifications in other The way the school curricula across the UK does the level of detail provided (see Box 2). computer science (see Box 1). A complete disciplines may cover aspects of computing. curriculum ensures that all three strands are Some components of digital literacy may be covered. Computational thinking is a core taught to all pupils in other lessons, such as BOX 2 component of a computing curriculum, and is Personal, Social and Health Education, but “Here in the UK, it’s not only important in coding, but can also be not examined. Curricula across the UK clear to me that an important life skill for solving problems11. computer science has England Scotland a great future with the talent, educational New National Curriculum for computing, Curriculum for Excellence – Technologies BOX 1 institutions and introduced from September 2014. (refreshed as part of the 2016 Digital Learning passion for innovation and Teaching Strategy for Scotland). we see all around us.” Terminology • T he new computing curriculum is non- prescriptive and there are no specified • T he Scottish Government introduced the Google CEO Sundar In this report, we use and develop the the morality and ethics of the personal and coding languages, software or hardware Curriculum for Excellence in 2010 – 2011. Pichai, November 2016 terminology used in our previous report, societal implications of digital technologies. to use. This set out to help children and young Shut down or restart? The way forward These are the skills that secondary school people gain the knowledge, skills and for computing in UK schools. teachers of other subjects should be able • F rom age 5, pupils are taught the attributes needed for the 21st century. to assume that their pupils have, as an principles of information and computation Computing as a school subject analogue to being able to read and write. and how digital systems work. They go on • T he Technologies area sets out encompasses three strands: information to learn how to put this knowledge to use experiences and outcomes for pupils in technology, digital literacy and Computer science should be interpreted through programming. Building on this, a range of contexts spanning: business; computer science. as referring to the scientific discipline of pupils are equipped to use information computing science; food and textiles; and computer science, covering principles technology to create programs, systems craft, design, engineering and graphics. Information technology means the such as algorithms, data structures, and a range of content. assembly, deployment and configuration programming, systems architecture, • F rom 2013 to 2014, the Scottish of digital systems to meet user needs for design and problem-solving. • A t Key Stage 4 (equivalent to GCSE), all Qualifications Authority introduced new particular purposes. pupils must have ‘the opportunity’ to study qualifications to align with the Curriculum for Inevitably, there will be topics that test the aspects of information technology and Excellence that included computing science. Digital literacy means the basic skill or ability extent to which the three areas above can computer science. to use a computer confidently, effectively be effectively disaggregated – there will • A s part of the 2016 Digital Learning and safely, including the ability to use office always be some blurring at the boundaries. • A s part of a wider programme of and Teaching Strategy for Scotland, software such as word processors, email and Nevertheless, we maintain that it is useful to qualifications reform, revised AS and A the Scottish Government has refreshed presentation software, and the ability to use make these distinctions as an aid to effective levels in computer science have recently the experiences and outcomes in the a web browser and internet search engines. communication between stakeholders. been introduced into schools. GCSE Technologies area of the Curriculum for Digital literacy also includes understanding qualifications in ICT have been withdrawn. Excellence. This includes discrete units covering (among others): digital literacy, computer science and technological developments in society (including business education). Source: Department for Education. Source: The Scottish Government. 11. Wing J. 2006. Computational Thinking. Communications of the ACM, 49(3). 16 AFTER THE REBOOT: COMPUTING EDUCATION IN UK SCHOOLS AFTER THE REBOOT: COMPUTING EDUCATION IN UK SCHOOLS 17
INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION BOX 2 (continued) Our evidence gathering We commissioned an analysis of existing To understand how computing is being taught government and other datasets, on school Curricula across the UK in the UK, we surveyed 341 primary school examinations, the teaching workforce and teachers and 604 secondary school teachers university students. These data establish Wales Northern Ireland with a responsibility for computing education benchmarks regarding the health and capacity The 2008 National Curriculum for Information ‘Using ICT’ is embedded across the Northern over a two-month period12,13. The purpose of the of computing in schools, colleges and and Communication Technology (ICT) is due Ireland Curriculum. survey was to understand the impact of recent higher education. to be replaced by a new Curriculum for Life, policy changes on computing education. We including aspects of computer science. • A cross the Northern Ireland Curriculum were seeking to identify additional actions that These data were also used to develop in primary and secondary schools, pupils governments, industry, non-profit organisations statistical models to explore the uptake of • T he current ICT curriculum in Wales are expected to develop the skills of and schools could take in order to ensure GCSE computer science at Key Stage 4 and applies to pupils from Key Stage 2 (ages ‘Using ICT’ by engaging in meaningful young people gain the skills and expertise A level computer science at Key Stage 5. 7 – 11) to Key Stage 4 (ages 14 – 16) in research and purposeful activities set in they need to thrive in a rapidly developing and We refer to these models in the report as the maintained schools. Learners develop relevant contexts. increasingly technology-rich world. Some of the pathways analysis. The first model analyses their ICT skills by finding, developing, issues explored in the survey include the level GCSE uptake pathways where schools have creating and presenting information • T hey should use ICT to handle and of teacher confidence in teaching an unfamiliar at least one pupil completing the subject. The and ideas and by using a wide range communicate information, solve problems, subject, the resources teachers use to improve second model explores computing uptake at of equipment and software. pose questions and take risks. They their subject knowledge, the resources used A level for those who have previously taken should process, present and exchange to teach in the classroom and the way in which the subject at GCSE. Both models examine • In September 2016, a new Digital their ideas and translate their thinking schools have implemented computing curricula. individual pupil characteristics to understand Competence Framework was made into creative outcomes that show an how these affect uptake. available for schools and other settings awareness of the audience and purpose. The survey targeted teachers with some in Wales, making it the responsibility of They should also use ICT to collaborate responsibility for delivering the computing We commissioned three literature reviews to all teachers and practitioners to include within and beyond the classroom, to share curriculum, irrespective of their level of summarise available evidence on effective digital competence within lessons. and exchange their work. confidence, knowledge and experience. The computing pedagogies and assessment in survey was promoted through various networks schools and universities. This review now • T he new Curriculum for Life is expected • A t a level appropriate to their ability, such as the Royal Society’s associate schools summarises the existing evidence base and to be launched in September 2018. pupils are expected to develop their ICT and colleges, Computing At School, and online identifies gaps in knowledge where future This will include six ‘Areas of Learning skills in five key areas: Explore; Express; subject-specialist groups. Other organisations studies may be appropriate. and Experience’. One of these Exchange; Evaluate; and Exhibit. such as Raspberry Pi, Primary Science Quality (Science and Technology) will include Mark, Teach Primary, Technocamps (Wales), C2k Finally, we have met with a number of individuals computer science. (Northern Ireland), Education Scotland, OCR and and organisations to gather evidence. AQA also assisted with the promotion of the survey to reach as many teachers as possible. To complement the findings of the survey, we also held eight small teacher meetings across Source: Welsh Government. Source: Department of Education (Northern Ireland). the UK to delve deeper into some of the findings in the survey. The survey and teacher meetings also enabled us to identify some case study schools where a school’s approach to teaching computing was having a positive impact. This report also showcases a series of case studies that we have sourced of people using digital literacy, computer science and IT skills in a wide variety of roles. 12. Pye Tait. 2017. After the Reboot: The State of Computing Education in UK Schools and Colleges. p18. 13. There are approximately 21,000 primary schools and 4,000 secondary schools in the UK. 18 AFTER THE REBOOT: COMPUTING EDUCATION IN UK SCHOOLS AFTER THE REBOOT: COMPUTING EDUCATION IN UK SCHOOLS 19
Chapter one Computing for our pupils Left © kali9. AFTER THE REBOOT: COMPUTING EDUCATION IN UK SCHOOLS 21
CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER ONE Computing for our pupils Introduction In this chapter, we examine the demand for CASE STUDY 1 “Today’s [computer] computing skills, and the attitudes to and simulation techniques • T he demand for computing skills and participation of young people in computing. Tim – opportunities in start-ups so pervade scientific knowledge is growing – the nation’s To understand possible career outcomes practice that they have economy depends on it, and young people that computing can bring, we have included Tim Sherratt is about the risk, so they wound up their company added a third basic must be equipped with the necessary skills three case studies of young people currently to embark on a new and went to the US. For the next four years, tool to those of theory for the future. working in a computing-related role. We also business venture, as one of the co-founders of the start-up, and experiment. They consider the role of the primary and secondary one that will exploit Tim helped develop apps and a website. have moved on from • C omputing as a subject is growing in computing curriculum in meeting knowledge his experience assisting scientists England, but only 11% of Key Stage 4 pupils and skills needs and motivating young people. in doing science, to and knowledge of These were both challenging and exciting take GCSE computer science. both business and times for Tim. “Creating a business that transforming both how The demand for pupils with computing computer science. For the past six years, hadn’t been done before was hugely science is done and • In Scotland, where computer science has expertise he has been involved in setting up two, exhilarating and we worked hard to achieve what science is done. long been established as a discrete subject, Employers project that the number of careers very different, web-based companies. this. To win this market we had to be the They are fundamental to many open the uptake of the subject is decreasing. depending on computing skills will grow14. single successful company”. For this reason, questions in science, Many young people currently starting out Tim attended the University of Bristol, where they focused their time on growing the in domains that span • C omputing curricula and qualifications must in school could end up in jobs that do not he studied computer science, and after user base, at the expense of generating from Climate and continue to evolve. currently exist. Cybersecurity is another graduating, joined a small telecoms company revenue. The consequences were defining. Earth System science emerging skill valued by employers. Jobs in as a programmer. Three years later, together When the venture capital market took a to Epidemiology Education provides young people with cybersecurity now make up 15% of UK-based IT with a colleague, he took what they both downturn about a year ago they were forced (especially pandemic knowledge and understanding of how the jobs and are set to grow by 10% each year until saw as the ‘next obvious step’ and started a to close down; but not, says Tim, without models, eg Ferguson), world works and opportunities to embark 202015. Another example is the emergence business of their own, designing websites. success – the website was reaching a few from Species on exciting life journeys. In the sciences, of machine learning, which is a branch of Distribution modelling For the next two years, he and his colleague million users per month and what he learned mathematics and computing, there is a strong artificial intelligence that allows computer worked hard to get the business off the about running a business and the constantly to Immunology.” alignment between the intellectual and cultural systems to learn directly from examples, data ground, and in the process they learned a evolving technology was invaluable. needs of the individual and the economic and experience, and is beginning to transform lot, mainly about business. Crucially, he says, From the Royal Society needs of the nation. As jobs are increasingly many sectors from transport to healthcare. he discovered the world of start-ups, helping In the future, says Tim, every business will Science Policy report Science as an open becoming dependent on technology, a high- The demand for machine learning is already many to build their products. This was to be transformed by computer technology enterprise, 2012. quality computing education should give changing the types of digital skills that are prove decisive in the next step in his career. much like Uber is transforming the taxi pupils the opportunity to gain the skills and highly sought after by employers16. business, and with current developments knowledge they need to be successful in Tim was approached by an entrepreneur in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine the technology-rich future. Our first case study is based on an interview in the US who had raised around $3m in technologies, very little will be beyond with Tim Sherratt, a developer, whose career venture capital for a start-up to build a automation. “This”, he says, “makes it crucial has taken him to Silicon Valley. It highlights how website and apps aimed at amateur sport for computing to be a core subject from developments in computing lead to the creation teams and leagues. Despite the growing primary school onwards so that children of new businesses. Tim’s experience is typical success of their company, Tim and his have the tools they need to participate and for an entrepreneur with a computer science colleague decided the US venture was worth be successful in the world”. degree from a world-leading university. 14. UK Commission for Employment and Skills. 2017. The Labour Market Story: Skills for the Future. p24. See Skills_for_the_Future.pdf (accessed 4 July 2017). 15. Future of Tech. The importance of keeping cyber security skills sharp. See theimportance-of-keeping-cyber-security-skills-sharp (accessed 3 July 2017). 16. The Royal Society. 2017. Machine learning: the power and promise of computers that learn by example. p62. See (accessed 28 June 2017). 22 AFTER THE REBOOT: COMPUTING EDUCATION IN UK SCHOOLS AFTER THE REBOOT: COMPUTING EDUCATION IN UK SCHOOLS 23
CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER ONE The range of roles that will require computing Computing in primary and early secondary Governments have changed school curricula BOX 3 expertise is varied. Sammy Elwardany works Getting the curriculum right is the first step since 2012. Computing is now a mandatory in a non-IT role, and his case study shows why needed to ensure that pupils leave school, subject in the national curriculum in England Computational thinking an understanding of computing is useful for a college and university well equipped to embark to age 16. Scotland has also refreshed the wide range of jobs. on successful professional careers and to Technologies area of the Curriculum for The phrase computational thinking is become astute and responsible citizens. To Excellence to reflect the changing digital shorthand for the thought processes Sammy says Amazon is a digital company do this, governments and school leaders must landscape, with computer science given as involved in formulating problems and their that doesn’t pre-date computing, therefore make sure that school curricula include all three a technologies outcome at broad general solutions. Computational thinking can be having a computer science background aspects of the computing curriculum, including education. In Wales, the Government is used to create working, useful and usable means he can function in the company digital literacy, information technology and introducing a new Curriculum for Life, with computational systems to understand and knowing and understanding how and why computer science, and that children begin to elements of computer science, and the reason about both natural and artificial they use technology. study computing at the earliest age possible17. Northern Ireland Department of Education is systems and processes18,19. embedding ‘Using ICT’ across the curriculum to engender informed and responsible At its core is the idea that the solutions to CASE STUDY 2 users of technology. many problems are not easily quantified as direct answers but rather as algorithms Sammy – computing skills in non-IT roles The new primary school computing curricula that lead to the answer; solutions to should help pupils to build foundational whole classes of problems encoded in Sammy Elwardany works in a non-IT role. His time at Ford was all about the application skills, such as computational thinking, and a set of instructions that can be followed He is a senior programme manager in the of computer systems to manage a process gain an understanding of the technological by computers or humans. In addition, department of product imaging at Amazon to meet business needs. Sammy believes world in which they live. Starting computing it encompasses the idea that by using UK, responsible for the photography of all his computer science background in education in primary school has the potential algorithmic techniques, computational products that go on this electronic shopping programming was a necessary part of his to encourage more pupils to take it to a systems can model many phenomena, website. However, working at Amazon – a education. “You can’t work effectively in higher level and reduce the proportion from climate change to the way our company that relies on IT – is not entirely this business environment without some of pupils that perceive computing as ‘not brains work and the working of cancer separated from his previous work experience technical grounding. You need to understand for them’. In addition, when computing is cells. Computational thinking allows the or the need for a computer science programming and how software is built in embedded within other subjects in primary development of practically useful algorithmic background. Prior to this job, Sammy spent order to use IT systems effectively, and to be school, there is potential to give pupils an solutions even for very complex problems. 13 and a half years years at Ford Motors in comfortable to discuss any issues and ask understanding of the subject’s relevance Brentwood, Essex, in a variety of IT roles. He the right questions of the technical teams”. and its potential applications. studied computer science with business at the Queen Mary University of London (QMUL). At Amazon, Sammy leads a team of In secondary education, school timetables The computing curriculum programme managers, who are based in need to allow sufficient time for classes to One major change in the English computing The course at QMUL, he says, was brilliant Japan, the US, Germany and India, and cover the three strands of the computing curriculum has been a new emphasis on the because it was practical and relevant. who initiate and plan the launch of any new curriculum. Schools that only provide one hour principles and concepts of computer science, “The idea that you can take a technology category of images online. This involves a week or a fortnight for computing at 11 – 14 alongside digital literacy and IT. This means and apply it to solve a problem relevant everything from finding or building a do not provide teachers with enough time students gain the skills needed to represent to everyday life, or use it to improve the suitable studio, through to training staff, and to ensure the subject is adequately covered real-world problems in a form amenable to quality of life, is what really interests me”. delivering the product images online. It’s (as indicated by 40% of surveyed secondary computational investigation, together with the working with people from different parts of schools). In upper secondary, pupils also need skills needed to explore those representations Sammy went from QMUL to Ford, where the world and with diverse skill sets that he access to high-quality computing qualifications to develop algorithmic solutions, and practical he worked in a number of IT roles in enjoys most about his job. “To launch new and we discuss these in the next section. experience of writing computer programs logistics and sales. He eventually moved products and new studios online, I need to implementing those solutions. The way into digital marketing, where he was work with people from IT, logistics, retail and of thinking about and solving problems in responsible for developing part of Ford’s marketing, as well as with reports and analysis computer science is often referred to as global network platform. – it is truly cross-functional and global”. ‘computational thinking’ (see Box 3). 18. Computing At School. 2015. Computational Thinking – A Guide for Teachers. (See computationalthinking, accessed 7 August 2017). 17. Kind A. 2015. Computing Attitudes: Will Teaching 2nd Grade Students Computer Science Improve their Self -Efficacy and Attitude and Eliminate Gender Gaps? Rising Tide 8, 1–34. (See 19. Wing, J. 2010. Computational Thinking: What and Why? The Link, Spring 2011. pp. 20–23. (See http://www.cs.cmu. studiesjournal/a-rising-tide-volume-8-summer-2015/, accessed 15 September 2017). edu/sites/default/files/11-399_The_Link_Newsletter-3.pdf, accessed 15 September 2017). 24 AFTER THE REBOOT: COMPUTING EDUCATION IN UK SCHOOLS AFTER THE REBOOT: COMPUTING EDUCATION IN UK SCHOOLS 25
CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER ONE Programming languages provide an BOX 4 FIGURE 1 exact and efficient way to describe the implementation of abstract algorithmic Percentage of primary school respondents using indicated programming language. Unplugged computing solutions. The choice of language is not critical to pupils’ understanding and teachers Unplugged computing is a constructivist can use a wide variety of programming Scratch 38% approach to teaching computing concepts languages to explain and demonstrate the and computational processes away Logo 17% principles of computer science. We asked from computers. It involves a variety of Kodu 15% teachers which programming languages they techniques including kinaesthetic activities Python 7% used in their classrooms and found that a such as the role-play of computational Other 4% wide range of different languages can be in processes, games, puzzles and magic Blockly 4% use simultaneously, sometimes even in the tricks that make intangible, abstract JavaScript 3% same class. Typically, primary school teachers concepts concrete and physical. Microsoft TypeScript 3% reported using block-based programming Representing abstract ideas with physical languages, such as Scratch (38%), Logo (17%) Espresso 3% entities makes them easier to explore, and Kodu (15%). At secondary level, there was manipulate, ask questions about, and so Purple Mash 2% a shift to text-based languages, with Python understand. The activities also often link Java 2% being the most popular (21%). computing ideas to everyday objects and Swift 1% activities allowing pupils to extend their Touch Develop 1% Teachers can also use ‘unplugged’ existing understanding of the real world Visual Basic 0% pedagogies to teach computational thinking into the computing realm. Alice 0% (see Box 4), as well as a wide range of C-languages (C, C#. C++) 0% programming concepts and general computer science concepts. These focus on teaching Greenfoot 0% those principles and concepts away from BOX 5 Small Basic 0% computers, for example, through analogy with Pascal 0% everyday activities, games and puzzles, and cs4fn PHP 0% through the role-play of computation. They Ruby 0% turn abstract and invisible computational ideas Created in 2005 at the Queen Mary into physical and tangible activities that are 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% University of London, cs4fn is a free easier to explore and ultimately understand. Base: 174 responses magazine that strives to support digital learning to provide a bigger picture of Source: Pye Tait. computing and its links to other subjects. RECOMMENDATION The magazine looks to promote the real In England, school governors and world that goes beyond the syllabus and Ofsted should monitor whether aims to inspire young people. Subscribed to (free) by over 2,000 schools, cs4fn is and how schools are teaching published twice a year with a circulation computing to all pupils. of 20,000 copies. 26 AFTER THE REBOOT: COMPUTING EDUCATION IN UK SCHOOLS AFTER THE REBOOT: COMPUTING EDUCATION IN UK SCHOOLS 27
CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER ONE FIGURE 2 How young people have responded Opportunities for computing 14 – 19 In Shut down or restart? The way forward In the later years of secondary schooling, Percentage of secondary school respondents using indicated programming language. for computing in UK schools, the Society pupils across the UK make choices about commented on the image of computing and which subjects they will continue to study. noted that many pupils found it ‘repetitive and However, pupils can only choose to study Python 21% boring’20. We asserted that this image was computing if schools and colleges offer Scratch 19% one of the reasons there had been a steady relevant qualifications. Encouragingly, in JavaScript 10% decline in the number of pupils studying the England approximately 70% of secondary Kodu 8% subject since 2007. Lauren’s case study shows pupils attend a school where GCSE Visual Basic 6% how previous generations of young people computer science is on offer. have had to adapt and learn computing skills Logo 5% that weren’t included in their school curriculum. Our pathways analysis revealed that if there Small Basic 5% were two equally able pupils in different C-languages (C, C#. C++) 4% We wanted to find out how pupils’ views of schools, the pupil in the lower-performing PHP 4% computing had changed in the past five years. school would be more likely to study Other 4% The Wellcome Trust, through a project called computing at Key Stage 4. This may be Java 3% the Science Education Tracker (SET), surveyed suggestive of higher-performing schools Blockly 3% a representative sample of 4,000 young deliberately focusing on other subjects, Touch Develop 3% people in state-funded schools in England such as those more likely to provide high between ages 14 – 1821. The purpose of the results in key performance measures. Greenfoot 2% survey was to investigate young people’s Alice 1% attitudes towards and experiences of science Schools not only need to offer computing HTML 1% education (including computing) and careers. qualifications, they also have to encourage Pascal 1% pupils to study the subject. At present, only Swift 0% The top reasons cited for pupils not taking 11% of Key Stage 4 pupils choose to take GCSE Microsoft TypeScript 0% computing were a lack of interest in the computer science compared with 14% of Key Ruby 0% subject, the school not offering the subject, Stage 4 pupils choosing ICT23. Soft signals, such or pupils prioritising other subjects ahead as how the subject is timetabled, who teaches of computing. the subject and how it is portrayed within the 0% 10% 20% 30% school, are all likely to affect uptake. Based Base: 1,508 responses Encouragingly, 11% of those interviewed on their predicted mathematics grade, many expressed interest in a career in computer schools may also allow only their brightest Source: Pye Tait. science and this was the third most popular students to take computing courses24. science career22. However, only 3% of girls were interested in computer science as a The other subjects a teacher teaches will also career, compared with 17% of boys. This send signals to pupils and parents about what compares with 27% interested in medicine the subject relates to. We found that secondary (14% of boys, 44% of girls) and 24% for computing teachers also teach a variety of other engineering (34% of boys, 10% of girls). subjects, with business studies, mathematics and See Table 14 on page 103. design technology being the most common25. 20. The Royal Society. 2012. Shut down or restart? The way forward for computing in UK schools. See (accessed 15 February 2017). 21. Wellcome Trust. 2017. Young people’s views on science education. Science Education Tracker Research Report. See (accessed 14 March 2017). 22. Wellcome Trust. 2017. Young people’s views on science education. Science Education Tracker Research Report See (accessed 14 March 2017). 23. GOV.UK. 2017. Find and compare schools in England. See (accessed 10 July 2017). 24. Kemp P, Wong B, and Berry M. 2016. The Roehampton Annual Computing Education Report. 25. Pye Tait. 2017. After the Reboot: The State of Computing Education in UK Schools and Colleges. 28 AFTER THE REBOOT: COMPUTING EDUCATION IN UK SCHOOLS AFTER THE REBOOT: COMPUTING EDUCATION IN UK SCHOOLS 29
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