Manhasset Public schools - Calendar & Handbook 2021-2022 - Manhasset Schools

Page created by Ray Harris
Manhasset Public schools - Calendar & Handbook 2021-2022 - Manhasset Schools
Manhasset Public Schools
 Calendar & Handbook 2021-2022
Manhasset Public schools - Calendar & Handbook 2021-2022 - Manhasset Schools
                                                                                              Please note: All numbers are 516 area code.
                           District Office                                                                                                                                       Munsey Park Elementary School
                  Main Number—267-7700                                                Science.................................................................267-7565                    Main Number—267-7400
Superintendent...................................................267-7705             Social Studies......................................................267-7575       Main Office, Principal, Assistant Principal.....267-7405
Business & Operations.......................................267-7724                  Middle School Social Worker...........................267-7509                     Attendance..........................................................267-7411
Central Registrar................................................267-7777             High School Social Worker ..............................267-7618                   Custodial Services..............................................267-7415
Curriculum and Instruction ............................267-7742                       Student Activities, Grades 7-12........................267-7605                    Guidance..............................................................267-7448
District Clerk......................................................267-7724          World Languages................................................267-7687            Health Office.......................................................267-7410
                                                                                                                                                                         Library Media Center........................................267-7430
Facilities, Buildings, Grounds...........................267-7720
                                                                                          Directors and District Coordinators                                            Psychologist, Grades K-2, Grades 3-6.....267-7426/7425
Food Services......................................................267-7780
                                                                                                                                                                         Social Worker......................................................267-7517
Human Resources .............................................267-7730                 Fine and Performing Arts Director..................267-7641
Special Education & Pupil Personnel Services......267-7671                            Physical Education, Health and Interscholastic Athletics                                   Shelter Rock Elementary School
Transportation....................................................267-7777               Director...........................................................267-7550                      Main Number—267-7450
                                                                                      English Language Arts Director.......................267-7582                      Main Office, Principal, Assistant Principal.....267-7455
            Manhasset Secondary School                                                Instructional Technology and Libraries                                             Attendance .........................................................267-7463
                  Main Number—267-7600                                                   Director...........................................................267-7530     Custodial Services..............................................267-7490
Main Office/Principal .......................................267-7605                 Mathematics Director........................................267-7570               Guidance..............................................................267-7669
                                                                                      Science and Technology Coordinator.............267-7560                            Health Office.......................................................267-7460
Associate Principal, Grades 7-8........................267-7505
                                                                                      School Counseling Services (Guidance)                                              Library Media Center........................................267-7470
Assistant Principal, Grades 9-12......................267-7508
                                                                                         Director...........................................................267-7611     Psychologist, K-Grade 2, Grades 3-6.....267-7459/7469
Attendance, Grades 7-12 (call-in absence).....267-7502
                                                                                      Social Studies Coordinator................................267-7576                 Social Worker......................................................267-7475
Custodial Services..............................................267-7760
Art........................................................................267-7641   Special Education/Pre-K-Grade 6                                                      Note: Abbreviations used in the calendar are:
Athletics...............................................................267-7550         Director..........................................................267-7679        ACT = American College Testing
Drama..................................................................267-7641       Special Education/Grades 7-12                                                        CAC = Citizens Advisory Committee
English Language Arts.......................................267-7581                     Director..........................................................267-7672        CASA = Coalition Against Substance Abuse
School Counseling Svcs. (Guidance), Grades 7-8....267-7511                            World Languages Coordinator.........................267-7685                         CEEB = College Entrance Examination Board
School Counseling Svcs. (Guidance), Grades 9-12...267-7610                                                                                                                 CR = Community Room in District Office
Health Office, Grades 7-12................................267-7520                               Calendar Cover Art From Left to Right:                                    HS = High School
                                                                                               Lauren Weppler, Grade 12; Brigid O’Connor,                                  MAAC = Manhasset Athletics Advisory Committee
Library Media Center, Grades 7-8....................267-7660
                                                                                                  Grade 10; and Nicole Roth, Grade 12.                                     MP = Munsey Park School
Library Media Center, Grades 9-12.................267-7585
                                                                                                                                                                           MS = Middle School
Mathematics........................................................267-7571                                                                                                MWCABC = Manhasset Women’s Coalition Against
Music....................................................................267-7641                              Transportation                                                            Breast Cancer
Physical Education.............................................267-7550                                                                                                    NYS = New York State
                                                                                                  • District Office—267-7777
P/E – Grades 7-8.......................................267-7654/7656                                                                                                       PASE = Parent Association for Special Education
P/E – Grades 9-12.....................................267-7653/7658                               • Huntington Coach
                                                                                                                                                                           PSAT/NMSQT =Preliminary SAT/National Merit
Psychologist, Secondary (Grades 7-8).............267-7514                                           (District Transportation Provider)                                                       Scholarship Qualifying Test
Psychologist, Secondary (Grades 9-12)...........267-7617                                            442-5773 or 442-5774                                                   SCA = School Community Association
Psychologist, Secondary (Grades 7-12) ..........267-7681                                                                                                                   SR = Shelter Rock School
                                                                                                                                                                           SS = Secondary School
Manhasset Public schools - Calendar & Handbook 2021-2022 - Manhasset Schools
School Closing                                                                             Early Dismissal
   • Whenever it is necessary to close the schools due to the weather, or any other        • Early dismissals are considered only in extreme situations due to weather conditions
      reason, the Superintendent will make the decision based on area weather reports,
                                                                                                or other emergencies such as power failures.
      local weather conditions, checks of road conditions by District personnel and the
      District’s primary transportation provider, police department reports, and road        • Th
                                                                                                 e availability of school buses will determine whether early dismissal is possible.
      conditions from local villages and the county.                                         • Early dismissals will be reported on radio, television, through the District’s website
   • All parents/guardians with children in grades K-12 will be contacted via the              and the District’s Blackboard Connect communications system.
      District’s Blackboard Connect communications system.
   • On days when schools are closed, all school programs, including sports and             • Secondary students will be dismissed first so that they will be home to care for
      extracurricular activities, will be canceled.                                             younger siblings. Elementary students will be dismissed once the secondary students
   • Cancellation information about school activities scheduled on weekends will be            are home.
      made available on the District’s website, the Blackboard Connect communications        • Every effort will be made through the District’s Blackboard Connect communications
      system, and the District’s electronic Community Listserv.
   • School closing or delayed opening announcements are provided via the                      system and the SCA to contact parents in emergency situations. However, parents
      Blackboard Connect communications system and through the following media                  are advised to be alert to weather conditions which may require schools to be closed
      (announcements will ordinarily be made prior to 6 am):                                    and to make safe and appropriate arrangements for their child in the event of an
                                                                                                early dismissal.
          WALK (97.5 FM)             WBLI (106.1 FM)
          WCBS (880 AM)              WBZO (103.1 FM)
          WINS (1010 AM)             WBAB (102.3 FM)                                       Private, Parochial, BOCES and Special Schools
                                                                                              • When the Manhasset Public Schools close, all bus transportation provided by the
                                                                                                 District for students attending private, parochial, BOCES and other special schools
  	FIOS News 1; WCBS Channel 2; WNBC Channel 4; WYNY, Channel 5;
    WABC, Channel 7; News 12 Long Island Cable Network.                                          outside the District will be canceled.
                                                                                              • When the Manhasset Public Schools delay the opening of school by one hour or
Delayed Opening                                                                                  two hours, buses used to transport students to private, parochial, BOCES and other
   The opening of school may be delayed by ONE or TWO hours due to early morning                 special schools outside the District will also be delayed by one or two hours.
weather conditions. The delayed school opening schedule is as follows:                        • When the Manhasset Public Schools announce an early dismissal, bus service for
   School		                        ONE-Hour Delay            TWO-Hour Delay                      students attending private, parochial, BOCES and other special schools outside the
   Secondary School		9:13 am			10:13 am                                                          District will depend on availability of drivers and dismissal times requested by the
   Shelter Rock School		           9:25 am 		                10:25 am
                                                                                                 schools. Each non-public school must make its own decision on an early dismissal.
   Munsey Park School		9:55 am			10:55 am
   Bus schedules will also be delayed by one or two hours. For example, if your child’s
                                                                                           Have you subscribed to our Community Listserv?
regular school bus pickup time is 7:54 am, a one-hour delay will change the bus pickup
                                                                                              The Community Listserv is a service that allows parents, students, faculty/staff and
time to 8:54 am and a two-hour delay will change the bus pickup time to 9:54 am.
                                                                                           community members to sign up to receive emails on school-related information. The
   Announcements are provided via the District’s Blackboard Connect communications
system and by the radio stations, TV channels and websites identified above.               Community Listserv makes it easier than ever for you to stay in touch with important news
   A delayed opening is subject to change if the weather and/or road conditions remain     and events in our schools. Subscribers will automatically receive news of interest at their
hazardous. The Superintendent retains the option to close the schools when the potential   selected email address. Go to the District’s website at and click
for a hazardous situation exists. An announcement, if necessary, will generally be made    on the “Community Listserv” button on the homepage to sign up.
by 6 am.                                                                                                                                                                                 2
Manhasset Public schools - Calendar & Handbook 2021-2022 - Manhasset Schools
  Disclaimer: Due to restrictions related to Covid-19, information provided in this calendar is subejct to change. Please consult the District’s website for more
current information.
                                                            MISSION STATEMENT
  We recognize each child as an individual with the potential to achieve their personal best. We are committed to guiding our students on their unique
educational journeys by nurturing their abilities and encouraging a growth mindset, while challenging and supporting their academic development and fostering
their social-emotional and physical well-being. We celebrate diversity, an inclusive learning environment, and respect for others as important components in
developing global citizens.

                                                              VISION STATEMENT
  We prepare each student for a continuously changing world by cultivating passion for discovery, creativity in solving problems, wisdom in making decisions,
a willingness to take measured risks, and perseverance in the face of adversity. We foster independent thinkers who work collaboratively, respect each other’s
individuality, and embody integrity, honesty, empathy and compassion. Our students will be able to succeed today, with the self-confidence, motivation and
resiliency to succeed tomorrow.
                                                                                              The Board of Education appoints community members to its Audit
                                                                                            Committee and may appoint Citizens Advisory Committees on School Finance,
                                                                                            Athletics, Technology and Legislative Affairs. Other committees may be
                                                                                            appointed on an as-needed basis by the Board. The Board of Education email is

                                                                                            District Website -
                                                                                               The District’s website provides comprehensive information regarding all
                                                                                            aspects of our schools. Navigation through the site can be accomplished by
                                                                                            category, such as District Info, Board of Education, Staff, Parents/Community,
                                                                                            Students, Partners in Education and Videos, or by using the search engine on
                                                                                            the home page of the website to locate specific names, documents and/or topics.
2021-2022 Board of Education                                                                Additionally, High School clubs and organizations maintain webpages regarding
  The Board of Education serves as a governance or policy-making body, with the
Superintendent of Schools as its Chief Executive Officer. Left to right seated: Patricia    specific activities. You may want to consider bookmarking our website.
Aitken, President, and Christine Monterosso, Vice President. Standing: Trustees Erin
Royce, Regina Rule and Jill Pullano.

Meetings of the Board
   The Board of Education meets regularly during the school year, usually on the first
and third Thursdays of the month. All meetings are open to the public and are generally
held in the Community Room at the District Office, 200 Memorial Place, at 7:30 pm.
Board meetings are also held in other District schools and at other community locations
as announced or as listed in this calendar. Board meetings will be held in person and via
Zoom video communications and via live stream. Past live streams are available on the
Manhasset HS YouTube channel. Announcements of meetings or changes of meeting
dates and locations are posted in each school building. Meeting dates are also published
in the local newspaper, sent via Community Listserv and posted on the District’s website.
Manhasset Public schools - Calendar & Handbook 2021-2022 - Manhasset Schools
AUGUST 2021                   Aug. 23 - Varsity/JV Football Begin                                                                                 Aug. 31 - Superintendent’s             OCTOBER 2021
 S   M    T    W    T     F    S                                                                                                                                  Conference Day               S M T W T F         S
 1    2   3     4   5    6     7   Aug. 28 - SAT Exams                                                                                                                                                        1    2
 8    9   10   11   12   13   14                                                                                                                       Aug. 31 - MP/SR New Student Tour       3 4 5 6 7 8         9
15   16   17   18   19   20   21   Aug. 30 - Superintendent’s                                                                                                                                10 11 12 13 14 15   16
                                              Conference Day                                                                                                      & Ice Cream Social @ Each   17 18 19 20 21 22   23
22   23   24   25   26   27   28
29   30   31                                                                                                                                                      School 4-5 pm               24 25 26 27 28 29   30
                                   Aug. 30 - All Other Varsity/JV                                                                                                                            31
                                              Sports Begin

          Sunday                                Monday                     Tuesday                 Wednesday                     Thursday                        Friday                     Saturday
		                                                                                                   FIRST DAY OF
                                                                                                SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
                                                                                                                       1                            2                            3                            4
 Reminder: Middle/High School                                                                        HALF DAY, 1-6              FULL DAY FOR ALL
 health history forms due within                                                                SR DISMISSAL 11:25 A.M.
                                                                                                MP DISMISSAL 11:55 A.M.

 30 days prior to the start of the                                                                Kindergarten Parent
 sports season through the                                                                        Orientation Meetings
                                                                                                 (By Appointment Only)       Booster Club @ District
 Family ID online platform.                                                                                                  Office Community Room
                                                                                                 Middle School Opening
                                                                                                                             7:30 pm
                                                                                                       Day Picnic

                                     5                            6                         7                            8                          9                          10                            11
                                               LABOR DAY                 ROSH HASHANAH            ROSH HASHANAH              MS Fall Sports Begin         Board Policy Committee      ACT
                                                                                                                                                          Mtg. 9 am
                                             SCHOOLS CLOSED              SCHOOLS CLOSED           SCHOOLS CLOSED             Fall V/JV Parent
                                                                                                                             Meeting @ Auditorium,   SCA MP/SR Room Rep
                                                                                                                             6:30 pm                 Mtg. 9:30 am (Each
                                                                                                                                            SENIOR PORTRAITS
                                                                                                                             Board of Ed Mtg. @
                                                                                                                             District Office 7:30 pm

                                    12                           13                       14                          15                         16                            17                           18
                                                                                                                                                          SCA Open Exec.
                                                          SENIOR PORTRAITS                                                        YOM KIPPUR              Board Mtg. 9 am             HOMECOMING
                                                                                                                                                                                      Homecoming Parade
                                                                                                                                SCHOOLS CLOSED                                        HS Football Home vs.
                                                                      MP/SR EVENING OPEN                                                                  SCA HS/MS Joint
                                          MP/SR NEW PARENT                                                                                                Parent Council Mtg. 10 am   Lynbrook
                                          WELCOME (EACH               HOUSE GRADES K-1
                                          SCHOOL)                                                                                                         Board Policy
                                                                      MS OPEN HOUSE                                                                       Committee Mtg. 11 am
                                          MP/SR EVENING OPEN                                    Yom Kippur Begins at
                                                                      7 pm
                                          HOUSE GRADES 2-4                                      Sunset                                                    Middle School Welcome
                                                                                                                                                          Back Dance 7:30-9:30 pm

                                    19                           20                       21                          22                         23                            24                           25
                                                                                                                                                           Board Policy Committee
                                                                      PASE Meeting 9:15 am      SCA MP/SR Parent                                           Mtg. 9 am
                                                                                                Council Mtg. 9:30 am
                                           MP/SR EVENING                                        (Each School)
                                                                                                                                    GRADES 7-11 PHOTO DAYS & ID CARDS
                                           OPEN HOUSE
                                           GRADES 5-6
                                                                      Board of Ed Mtg. @        HS OPEN HOUSE                12th Gr. Student/             Tower Foundation
                                                                                                                             Parent Night 7 pm             Dinner Dance 7:30 pm
                                           MAAC 7:30 pm               District Office 7:30 pm   7 pm

                                    26                           27                       28                          29                         30

                                                                                                Financial Aid Night          HS Student Senate
                                                                                                7 pm                         6 pm
Manhasset Public schools - Calendar & Handbook 2021-2022 - Manhasset Schools
                                                                                                   Please note: All numbers are 516 area code.
Office of the Superintendent of Schools                                                                                           School Counseling Services
District Office —Administration Building, 200 Memorial Place, Manhasset, NY 11030                                                 2021-2022 School Counselors (Guidance)
Acting Superintendent of Schools: Gaurav Passi, Ed.D.                                                                             Munsey Park Grades K-6: Amanda Gimondo 267-7705 267-7448
Deputy Superintendent for Business and Operations: Rosemary Johnson                                                               Shelter Rock Grades K-6: Jenny Chen 267-7724         267-7455
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction and Personnel: Gaurav Passi, Ed.D.                                            Middle School Grades 7-8 Blue Team: Gavin Gandula 267-7740 267-7512
Assistant Superintendent for Student Services: Allison Rushforth                                                                  Middle School Grades 7-8 Orange Team: Brittany Longhway 267-7671     267-7513
District Treasurer: Angelo Pace— 267-7712                                      High School, Grades 9-12
District Clerk: Christine Michelen— 267-7724
                                                                                                                                   Danielle Cerulli— 267-7615
Assistant District Clerks:
                                                                                                                                   Kimberly Cosenza— 267-7620
Marianne Shields— 267-7742
                                                                                                                                  Marcy Fogel— 267-7619
Virginia Waters-Coleman— 267-7638
                                                                                                                                   Jennifer Landman— 267-7616
District Administrators, Directors, and Coordinators                                                                              Lori Margulies— 267-7632
Directors, K-12                                                                                                                    Kristen Ruthkowski— 267-7624
Physical Education, Health and Interscholastic Athletics: Thomas Howard 267-7550                                Student Counselor Breakdown can be found on the
Fine and Performing Arts: Christopher Hale, Ed.D.                                                                                                District website and also in the Secondary School Student 267-7641                                    Handbook and Planner.
Guidance and School Counseling Services: Joy-Anne D’Anca, Ed.D. ........................................................................................ 267-7611    Secondary School Administration
English Language Arts: Rebecca Chowske, Ed.D.                                                                                     Manhasset Secondary School—200 Memorial Place, Manhasset, NY 11030 ..................................................................... 267-7582              Main Number High School: 267-7600 Main Number Middle School: 267-7500
Mathematics: Lauren Tallarine                                                                                                     Principal, Grades 7-12: Dean Schlanger, Ed.D. 267-7570 267-7605
Instructional Technology and Libraries: Sean Adcroft, Ph.D.                                                                       Associate Principal, Grades 7-8: Peter J. Vercessi ..................................................................................... 267-7530
Special Education, CPSE/Elementary: Kristi Keingstein, Ed.D. 267-7679           Assistant Principal, Grades 9-12: Mark Oppenheimer............................................... 267-7637
Special Education, Secondary: Stewart Grabelsky                                                                          267-7672
District Coordinators, K-12                                                                                                       Elementary School Administration
Science & Technology Education: Teresa McGrath                                                                                    Munsey Park School—1 Hunt Lane, Manhasset, NY—Main Number 267-7400 267-7560            Principal: Chad Altman
Social Studies: Margaret Ronai                                                                                            267-7405 267-7576            Assistant Principal: Brian Nolan
World Languages: Laurie Marshall-Lauria                                                                                  267-7441 267-7685        Shelter Rock School—27A Shelter Rock Rd., Manhasset, NY—Main Number 267-7450
District Administrators, K-12
                                                                                                                                  Principal: Richard Roder
Administrator of Assessment and Data Analysis: Ryan Aliperti 267-7431 267-7455
Assistant Administrator for Human Resources: Adam Kuranishi                                                                       Assistant Principal: Paulette Williams 267-7731    267-7457
Manhasset Public schools - Calendar & Handbook 2021-2022 - Manhasset Schools
SEPTEMBER 2021                                                                                                                                                              NOVEMBER 2021
 S M T W      T     F    S                                                                                                                                                   S M     T   W     T    F    S
          1   2     3    4                                                                                                                                                      1    2    3    4    5    6
 5 6 7 8      9    10   11                                                                                                                                                   7 8     9   10   11   12   13
12 13 14 15   16   17   18                                                                                                                                                  14 15   16   17   18   19   20
19 20 21 22   23   24   25                                                                                                                                                  21 22   23   24   25   26   27
26 27 28 29   30                                                                                                                                                            28 29   30

      Sunday                          Monday                    Tuesday                Wednesday                   Thursday                     Friday                     Saturday
		                                                                                                                                                             1     SAT Exams 8 am                 2
 Reminder: Middle/High School
 health history forms due within
 30 days prior to the start of the
 sports season through the
 Family ID online platform.

                              3                       4                          5                        6                          7                          8                                   9
                                                                                                                                         Board Policy
   MWCABC 5K                                                                                                   CASA Sector Meeting       Committee Mtg. 9 am
                                                                                                               9-10:30 am
                                                                                                                                         End of 1st Progress
                                                                                       SCA MP PHOTO DAYS
                                                                                                                                         Report Period Grades
                                  Thespian Honor Society                             9th Grade Student/        Board of Ed Mtg. @ SR
                                  Induction 7 pm                                     Parent Night 7 pm         7:30 pm                   Senior Photo Retakes

                             10                     11                        12                          13                       14                          15                                  16
                                                                                                                                                                     PSAT/NMSQT 8 am
                                                                                     HS Community              Grades 7-11 Photo         Board Policy
                                     COLUMBUS DAY                                    Service Fair 10 am        Retakes                   Committee Mtg. 9 am
                                    SCHOOLS CLOSED                                   HS Main Hallway
                                                                         SCA SR PHOTO DAYS                                               HS Blood Drive

                                                           Booster Club @ District
                                                           Office Community                                    HS Student Senate 6 pm
                                                           Room 7:30 pm

                             17                     18                        19                          20                       21                          22                                  23
                                                                                                                                         SCA Open Exec.              ACT
                                                           PASE Meeting 9:15 am                                                          Board Mtg. 9 am
                                                                                                                                         SCA HS/MS Joint             CASA Shed the Meds @
                                                                                                               Board of Ed Tenure        Parent Council Mtg.         SR 9:30 am-11:30 am
                                                                                                                                         10 am
                                                                                                               Recognition Event 7 pm
                                                                                                                                                                     Tower Foundation
                                  MAAC 7:30 pm                                       MWCABC Ladies Night       Board of Ed Mtg. @                                    Halloween Event
                                                                                     Out 6:30 pm               District Office 7:30 pm

                             24                     25     CASA Red Ribbon    26                          27                        28 		 29                                                       30
                                                                                                                                         Board Policy
                                                           Week SCA MP/SR                                                                Committee Mtg. 9 am
                                                           Parent Council @ MP
                                                           9:30 am
                                                                                     RED RIBBON WEEK
                                                                                                                                         SCA MP/SR Halloween
                             31                                                                                                          Parties Grades 5-6
                                                                                                                                         6:30-8:30 pm
                                                                                                               CASA Community            (Each School)
                                                                                                               Presentation @ HS 7 pm    MS Halloween Party 7-9 pm
Manhasset Public schools - Calendar & Handbook 2021-2022 - Manhasset Schools
Annual Vote and Election                                                                             Votación y elección anuales
   The annual School District budget vote and election of School Board members,                         La votación del presupuesto anual del distrito escolar y la elección de los miembros
as set by the New York State Legislature for all public school districts in the state, is            de la Junta Escolar, conforme a lo establecido por la Legislatura del Estado de Nueva
held on the third Tuesday in May. The 2022-2023 school budget vote will be held on                   York para todos los distritos escolares públicos del estado, se llevarán a cabo el tercer
Tuesday, May 17, 2022 in the High School gym, from 7 am to 9 pm.                                     martes de mayo. La votación del presupuesto escolar 2020-2021 se llevará a cabo el
                                                                                                     martes 17 de mayo de 2022 de 7 am a 9 pm.
Voter Registration Procedures                                                                        Procedimientos para la inscripción de votantes
   The Board of Education notifies all eligible voters that the Nassau County voter
                                                                                                        La Junta de Educación notifica a todos los votantes elegibles que los padrones
registration rolls and the District Board of Registration’s voter list will be the official
                                                                                                     electorales para la inscripción de votantes del condado de Nassau y la lista de votantes
voter lists for all district votes.
                                                                                                     de la Junta de Inscripciones del distrito serán las listas de votantes oficiales para todas
   Manhasset residents who are not registered with the County Board of Elections
                                                                                                     las votaciones del distrito.
or who have registered with the County Board of Elections but have not voted in
                                                                                                        Los residentes de Manhasset que no estén inscritos en la Junta de Elecciones del
a town, county, state or national election in the last four calendar years or in the
                                                                                                     condado o que se hayan inscrito en dicha Junta pero que no hayan votado en una
School District’s vote in 2021 must register to vote with either the School District’s
                                                                                                     elección de la localidad, el condado, el estado o nacional en los últimos cuatro años
Board of Registration or the County Board of Elections.                                              calendario o en la votación del distrito escolar de 2021 deberán inscribirse para votar
   Community members may register to vote in the office of the District Clerk at                     en la Junta de Inscripciones del distrito escolar o en la Junta de Elecciones del condado.
the Administration Building, 200 Memorial Place, from 8 am to 4 pm on days when                         Los miembros de la comunidad podrán inscribirse para votar en la oficina de la
school is in session and from 8 am to 3 pm during the summer months.                                 secretaria del distrito en el edificio administrativo, 200 Memorial Place, de 8 am a
                                                                                                     4 pm durante el ciclo lectivo y de 8 am a 3 pm durante los meses de verano.
Eligibility Requirements for Voter Registration
You are eligible to register to vote if:                                                             Requisitos de elegibilidad para la inscripción de votantes
  • You are a citizen of the United States.                                                          Podrán inscribirse en la votación las personas que cumplan con los siguientes requisitos:
  • You are at least 18 years of age.                                                                  •     Sean ciudadanas de los Estados Unidos.
  • You are a resident of the School District for at least the 30 days immediately                    •     Tengan, al menos, 18 años.
     prior to the vote.                                                                               •	   Sean residentes del distrito escolar durante, al menos, los 30 días
  • You have not been disqualified from voting under Election Law 5-106.                                     inmediatamente anteriores a la votación.
                                                                                                       •     No hayan sido inhabilitadas para votar en virtud de la Ley Electoral 5-106.

Attendance                                                                                             school day in order to participate in any co-curricular or after-school activities including,
   It is important that children learn from the first day of kindergarten that school is important     but not limited to, athletics practices or competitions, theater/performing arts practices
to them and that they have an obligation to be punctual and to regularly attend school, both of        or productions, clubs, concerts, dances or other events. On any day preceding a weekend
which are essential for steady progress of a child throughout school life.                             or holiday, this requirement applies to playing in or practicing for sports competitions,
   Students are expected to be in school on time on all days when school is in session. The            performing arts events, or other co-curricular or school related activities during the upcoming
Board of Education affirms the importance of enforcing high standards of self-discipline,              weekend or holiday.
attendance and punctuality with all students who are required by law to attend instruction                State laws and the regulations of the Commissioner of Education regarding attendance in school
in the public schools. All students shall attend regularly and punctually for the entire time          give very little discretion to either parents or to schools regarding what constitutes legal absence
during the school day and throughout the school year that classes, school activities and other         from school. For additional information, please see School Board Policy 5100 and 5100.1.
school-sponsored programs are in session.
   At the Secondary School level, each student is required to be in attendance for the entire                                                                                                            7
Manhasset Public schools - Calendar & Handbook 2021-2022 - Manhasset Schools
OCTOBER 2021                                                                                                                                                                   DECEMBER 2021
 S M T W T F         S                                                                                                                                                          S M T W       T    F    S
                1    2                                                                                                                                                                   1    2    3    4
 3 4 5 6 7 8         9                                                                                                                                                          5 6 7 8       9   10   11
10 11 12 13 14 15   16                                                                                                                                                         12 13 14 15   16   17   18
17 18 19 20 21 22   23                                                                                                                                                         19 20 21 22   23   24   25
24 25 26 27 28 29   30                                                                                                                                                         26 27 28 29   30   31

      Sunday                      Monday                       Tuesday                 Wednesday                      Thursday                       Friday                   Saturday
                                                      1                         2                             3                          4                            5                                6
                                                             ELECTION DAY                                                DIWALI              Board Policy                 SAT Exams 8 am
                                                                                                                                             Committee Mtg. 9 am
                                                                                    Standardized Testing
                                                           CONFERENCE DAY
                                                                                    Overview 7 pm
                                                           Schools Closed for
                              Senior Banquet                   Students                                                                      CASA Harlem Wizards
                                                                                    Board of Ed Mtg. @                                       Basketball Game @ HS
                              @ Leonard’s 6:30 pm
                                                                                    District Office 7:30 pm                                  Gym 7 pm

                          7                         8                           9                       10                          11                            12                              13
                              MS Winter 1 Sports                                                                     VETERANS DAY            End of 1st Marking
                              Begin                                                                                 SCHOOLS CLOSED           Period Grades 7-12

                                                                                                                                             Board Policy
                              English Honor Society       11th Grade Student/       Booster Club @ District                                  Committee Mtg. 9 am
                              Induction @ HS              Parent Night 7 pm         Office Community
                              Auditorium 7 pm                                       Room 7:30 pm

                         14                        15                         16    SCA MP/SR Photo
                                                                                                        17                          18       SCA Open Exec.
                                                                                                                                             Board Mtg. 9 am      19                              20
                              Varsity/JV Winter Sports PASE Meeting 9:15 am         Makeup Day                                               SCA HS/MS Joint
                              Begin                                                 (Each School)                                            Parent Council Mtg. 10 am
                                                                        SCA MP/SR BOOK WEEK @ EACH SCHOOL
                              HS Math Honor Society                                                                                          Board Policy Committee
                              Induction @                                                                                                    Mtg. 11 am
                              SR Auditorium 7 pm                                    HS Student Senate             Board of Ed Mtg. @
                                                                                    6 pm                                                            HIGH SCHOOL FALL PRODUCTION,
                                                                                                                  EOC Building 7:30 pm                FRIDAY & SATURDAY 7:30 PM
                              MAAC 7:30 pm

                         21                        22                         23                        24                          25                            26                              27
                                 K-6 ELEMENTARY
                                                                                    Management Plan
                                 CONFERENCE DAY
                                                                                    Early Dismissal Drill
                              NO ELEMENTARY CLASSES       PoCoHo @ Black Box        K-12 (NYS required);                      THANKSGIVING RECESS
                                                          Theatre 7 pm              Schools dismiss 15                          SCHOOLS CLOSED
                                                                                    minutes prior to regular
                              Winter V/JV Parent          HS Social Studies         dismissal
                              Meeting @ Auditorium,       Honor Society
                              6:30 pm                     Induction 7 pm

                         28                        29                         30
                                  FIRST DAY OF            HS Science Honor
                                   HANUKKAH               Society Induction
                                                          7 pm

Manhasset Public schools - Calendar & Handbook 2021-2022 - Manhasset Schools
Excused and Unexcused Absences
    The following reasons for absences, tardiness and early departures (ATEDs) from class                      Failure to return, pay for or reimburse the District for lost books or other equipment
or school are recognized by the Manhasset Board of Education as excused ATEDs: personal                     can jeopardize a student receiving placement letters in the summer or their participation at
illness, illness or death in the family, impassable roads or weather, religious observances,                graduation exercises or commencement.
quarantine, required court appearances, attendance at health clinics, approved college visits,
approved cooperative work programs, military obligations, medical visits that have been                     School Lunch Program
preapproved by the Principal or their designee, or other such reasons as may be approved by                    The cafeterias are operated on a self-sustaining basis in all Manhasset Schools. Each day
an Attendance Review Team.                                                                                  both hot and cold balanced lunches are offered in the elementary schools for $3.00, and in the
                                                                                                            Secondary School cafeteria for $3.50. Lunch items may also be purchased on an à la carte basis
All other ATEDs are considered unexcused absences. All ATEDs must be accounted for:                         at the Secondary School. In addition, assorted sandwiches, snacks and beverages are available
   • When a student is absent or late to class, parents will receive notification by phone or              for purchase. Students who bring lunch from home can purchase soup, snacks, milk, fruit or
      the District’s Blackboard Connect communications system of the specific event and a                   water.
      reminder of the District policy on attendance.                                                           Elementary and Secondary School students who remain at school for lunch are not
   • Parents are responsible to notify the school within 24 hours of the reason for a student’s absence.   permitted to leave the school grounds. There is always adult supervision in the lunchroom and
   • They must provide a written excuse upon the student’s return to school.                               on the playground following lunch. On days when the weather is unsuitable for outdoor play,
   • Students’ records will contain absence frequency and type.                                            indoor activities are provided under adult supervision in the elementary schools.
   • Students arriving more than 15 minutes after the period has begun without a valid excuse                 The District participates in the National School Lunch Program at the elementary schools
      or pass will be deemed absent.                                                                        and it also offers an equivalent free or reduced-price breakfast and lunch program at the
   • Unexcused absences may result in disciplinary action consistent with the District Code                Secondary School. Residents with limited incomes may be eligible for either free or reduced-
      of Conduct.                                                                                           price lunches for their children. Complete information and applications for the program are
   • Classroom participation may be incorporated as a factor in determining a student’s grade.             available at each school. Applications are handled in complete confidence, and care is exercised
      Absence from or lateness to class may, therefore, have a negative impact upon a student’s             to protect the anonymity of the participating students. Applications should be submitted to
      grade.                                                                                                building principals immediately after the start of the school year in September to ensure that
   • If a student exceeds three latenesses to school per quarter, then a single detention will be          students begin receiving their free or reduced-price lunch as soon as possible.
      assigned for every lateness thereafter for the remainder of that quarter.                                In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil
   • Only those students with excused absences or early dismissals will be given the opportunity           rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its agencies, offices and employees, and institutions
      to make up a test or other missed work and/or turn in a late assignment for inclusion in              participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based
      their final grade.
                                                                                                            on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression),
                                                                                                            sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from
Loss of State Aid                                                                                           a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights
   State aid is based on attendance, and all absences, excused or unexcused, cause loss of state
                                                                                                            activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all
aid to the School District.
                                                                                                            programs). Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary by program or incident.
Messages to Children                                                                                           Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program
   Parents are asked not to call school to give messages to their children, except in emergencies.          information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact
                                                                                                            the responsible Agency or USDA’s TARGET Center at 202-720-2600 (voice and TTY) or
Student Use of Telephones                                                                                   contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at 800-877-8339. Additionally, program
   Students in the elementary, Middle and High Schools will be permitted to use telephones                  information may be made available in languages other than English.
located in main offices, with the permission of a staff member, when it is necessary to contact                To file a program discrimination complaint, complete the USDA Program Discrimination
parents during school or after school hours and in special circumstances.                                   Complaint Form, AD-3027, found online at How to File a Program Discrimination
                                                                                                            Complaint and at any USDA office or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in
Students’ Responsibility for School Property                                                                the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint
   It is essential that students learn to be responsible for school property. As with library books,        form, call 866-632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) mail:
students are required to pay for lost or damaged musical instruments, equipment (including                  U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400
Chromebooks), textbooks or workbooks that have been provided by the school. The charge                      Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (2) fax: 202-690-7442; or (3) email:
for lost or damaged school property is based on the net cost of replacing them at current prices. 
NOVEMBER 2021                                                                                                                                                                     JANUARY 2022
 S M     T   W     T    F    S                                                                                                                                                    S M T W T F S
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14 15   16   17   18   19   20                                                                                                                                                    9 10 11 12 13 14 15
21 22   23   24   25   26   27                                                                                                                                                   16 17 18 19 20 21 22
28 29   30                                                                                                                                                                       23 24 25 26 27 28 29
                                                                                                                                                                                 30 31

        Sunday                            Monday                    Tuesday                Wednesday                    Thursday                       Friday                    Saturday
		                                                                                                              1                         2                            3                          4
  Reminder: Middle/High School                                                           SCA MP/SR Joint                GRADES 7-12
                                                                                                                                                  GRADES K-12 PARENT-      SAT Exams 8 am
  health history forms due within                                                        Parent Council Mtg. @        PARENT-TEACHER
                                                                                                                      CONFERENCE DAY                CONFERENCE DAY
                                                                                         MP 9:30 am
  30 days prior to the start of the                                                                                      5:30-8:30 pm
                                                                                                                                                     NO CLASSES FOR
  sports season through the                                                                                                                   NYSSMA ALL-STATE CONFERENCE
  Family ID online platform.                                                                                        Board of Ed Mtg. @          Board Policy
                                                                                                                    Munsey Park 7:30 pm         Committee Mtg. 9 am

                                  5                       6                          7                          8                         9                           10                        11
 NYSSMA All-State                                                                                                                                                          ACT
 Conference                                                                              Booster Club @ District                                 Board Policy
                                                                                         Office Community                                        Committee Mtg. 9 am
                                                                                         Room 7:30 pm
                                                                                                                                                 SR Grade 4 Concert
                                                                                                                                                 9:15 am
                                                               MP Holiday Concert        SR Holiday Concert
                                      National Honor Society   Band & Orchestra          Gr. 5-6 Choruses @ MP      HS Student Senate
                                      Induction 7 pm           7:30 pm                   7:30 pm                    6 pm

                                 12                     13                          14                      15                          16                            17                        18
                                                                                                                                                 Board Policy
                                                                                                                    MP Grade 4 Concert           Committee Mtg. 9 am
                                                               MP Holiday Concert
                                                               Gr. 5-6 Choruses                                     9:15 am
                                                                                                                                                 End of 2nd Progress
                                                               7:30 pm                                                                           Report Period Grades
                                                               SR Holiday Concert
                                      MS Holiday Concert 1     Band/Orchestra            HS Holiday Concert I       Board of Ed Mtg. @
                                      7:30 pm                  7:30 pm                   7:30 pm                    District Office 7:30 pm

                                 19                     20                          21                      22                          23                            24                        25
                                                                                                                                                    CHRISTMAS EVE            CHRISTMAS DAY

                                                                                                                                                   HOLIDAY RECESS
                                      MAAC 7:30 pm
                                                                                                                                                   SCHOOLS CLOSED
                                      MS Holiday Concert II    HS Holiday Concert II
                                      7:30 pm                  7:30 pm

                                 26                     27                          28 		                   29                          30                            31
                                                                                                                                                   NEW YEAR’S EVE

                                                                                           HOLIDAY RECESS
                                                                                           SCHOOLS CLOSED

Point of Sale Meal Payment System
   The District has established a computerized Point of Sale (POS) prepayment system
where students may pay for meals, milk and/or snacks. A unique four-digit PIN
number is assigned to each student for quick access to their account. A student’s PIN
will remain with them throughout their enrollment in the Manhasset School District.
When a student makes a purchase, they will enter their PIN, and the sale will be
recorded. Parents are encouraged, but not required, to pre-fund the student’s account.
The account may be funded weekly, monthly, or for the entire school year. Parents who
do not want their child to participate in the POS system should opt out of the system.
Please refer to the Board’s policy 8505–Charging School Meals and Prohibition Against
Shaming on the District’s website. For more information, please call Food Services at

                                                              ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS
Reporting to Parents, Grades K-6
   Report cards for students in Kindergarten through Grade 6 provide indicators of             Elementary School Homework
achievement and are posted to the parent portal three times a year in grades 2 through 6          Homework is assigned to elementary school students to reinforce skills or concepts
(fall, spring and immediately after the closing of school in June), and two times a year for   taught during the day. A regular daily study time should be set aside for elementary
students in grades K and 1 (spring and immediately after the closing of school in June).       school students to independently read and/or complete assigned homework.
In addition to report cards, parent-teacher conferences are scheduled for all students in
the fall and on an as-needed basis in the spring. Parents are always encouraged to contact     After-School Academic Enrichment Program, Grades 5 and 6
                                                              their children’s teachers to        Participation in the Academic Enrichment Program is based upon student
                School Hours                                  schedule appointments to
                                                              discuss their progress and/
                                                                                               aptitude and academic performance. The program is organized in a trimester format
                                                                                               which consists of three 8-week sessions. Students can be identified for one, two or
                                                              or other important matters.      all three terms based upon annually established criteria. The program is scheduled
                  MUNSEY PARK SCHOOL
                                                              Report cards will be available   after school at the Middle School on Wednesdays from 3:30-4:30 pm for Shelter
                         1 Hunt Lane
                 Main Number 516-267-7400                     online through the parent        Rock students, and on Thursdays from 4-5 pm for Munsey Park students. Students
  School Hours                                                portal via the Manhasset         identified for participation will receive written notification.
  Grades K-6             8:55 am-3:23 pm                      Public Schools’ website.            • S ession 1: Mathematics
                                                              If you need assistance in           • Session 2: Humanities
                 SHELTER ROCK SCHOOL                          setting up a parent portal          • S ession 3: STEM
                    27A Shelter Rock Road                     account, please contact the          For additional information on the Enrichment Program, please visit the
                 Main Number 516-267-7455                     Technology Office via email      District website.
  School Hours                                                at mpp@manhassetschools.
  Grade K-6              8:25 am-2:53 pm                      org.
DECEMBER 2021                                                                                                                                                                          FEBRUARY 2022
 S M T W      T     F    S                                                                                                                                                            S M T     W     T    F    S
          1   2     3    4                                                                                                                                                                  1    2    3    4    5
 5 6 7 8      9    10   11                                                                                                                                                            6 7 8      9   10   11   12
12 13 14 15   16   17   18                                                                                                                                                           13 14 15   16   17   18   19
19 20 21 22   23   24   25                                                                                                                                                           20 21 22   23   24   25   26
26 27 28 29   30   31                                                                                                                                                                27 28

      Sunday                          Monday                    Tuesday                   Wednesday                     Thursday                       Friday                      Saturday
                                                                                                                                                                                NEW YEAR’S DAY

                             2                        3                           4                             5                         6                              7    Pre-ACT
                                                                                                                    All-County Div 1 West      Board Policy
                                     Schools Reopen        All-County Div 1 West
                                                                                                                    Rehearsal 4-7:30 pm        Committee Mtg. 9 am            All-County Div 1 West
                                                           Rehearsal 4-7:30 pm
                                                                                                                                                                              Concert @ Tilles Center
                                                                                                                                               All-County Div 1 West          11:30 am
                                                                                                                                               Rehearsal 4-7:30 pm
                                                                                        8th Gr. Parent Night
                                                                                        @ HS Auditorium             Board of Ed Mtg. @         Frosh/Soph Dance
                                                                                        7 pm                        District Office 7:30 pm    8-11 pm

                                                                                                                                               SCA Open Exec.
                             9                        10                         11                        12       CASA Sector
                                                                                                                    Meeting 9-10:30 am
                                                                                                                                         13    Board Mtg. 9 am          14                                15
                                  All-County Div 1V                                                                                            SCA HS/MS Joint                All-County Div II & III
                                                           All-County Div III & V      All-County Div II & IV                                                                 Rehearsals
                                  Rehearsal 4-8 pm                                     Rehearsals 4-8 pm            All-County Div II, IV & V Parent Council Mtg. 10 am
                                                           Rehearsals 4-8 pm                                        Rehearsals 4-8 pm                                         8:30 am-12:30 pm
                                                                                                                                              Board Policy Committee
                                                                                                                                               Mtg. 11 am                     All-County Div V
                                                                                       Booster Club @ District      HS Student Senate 6 pm     All-County Div III & V         Concert @ Tilles Center
                                  Keyboard Recital                                                                                             Rehearsals 4-8 pm              Vocal 2:30 pm
                                                                                       Office Community Room                                                                  Instrumental 7 pm
                                  7:30 pm                                              7:30 pm                      Senior Science Research    All-County Div IV
                                                                                                                    Symposium 7 pm             Concert @ Tilles Center 8 pm

                             16                       17                         18                        19                            20                             21                                22
All-County Concerts @               MARTIN LUTHER          PASE Meeting 9:15 am
Tilles Center                         KING JR. DAY
Div II 11 am                        SCHOOLS CLOSED         MS Winter Sports II
Div III 4 pm                                               Begin

                                                                                        Board of Ed Mtg. @ EOC      National Junior Honor
                                                                                        Building 7:30 pm            Society Induction 7 pm

                             23                       24                         25                        26                            27    End of 2nd Marking       28 		                             29
                                          MAAC 7:30 pm                                                                                         Period Grades 7-12
                                                                                      SCA MP/SR HEALTH & WELLNESS WEEK

                                                                        MID-TERMS/NYS REGENTS EXAMS/NO REGULAR CLASSES AT SS

                                                                                                                                               Board Policy
                                                                                                                                               Committee Mtg. 9 am
30                                 31
                                                                                                        Secondary School Testing Policy, Grades 7-12
                      2021-2022 Bell Schedule                                                              In order to ensure a fair and equitable testing procedure for grades 7-12, the following
                                                                                                        testing policy has been adopted for all assessments that require study on the part of students.
       *8:13-9:00 am Period 1                           12:08-12:50 pm Period 6                         Tests will be administered in accordance with the following schedule, unless specifically noted
        9:04-9:46 am Period 2                           12:54-1:36 pm Period 7                          in the Course Selection Directory. Presentation projects are exempt from this policy.
        9:50-10:32 am Period 3                           1:40-2:22 pm Period 8                                               EVEN DAYS                          ODD DAYS
       10:36-11:18 am Period 4                           2:26-3:08 pm Period 9                                               • World Languages                  • Math
                                                        *Class begins at 8:13 am, Pledge of                                  • Social Studies                   • English Language Arts
       11:22 am-12:04 pm Period 5                       Allegiance/Announcements at 8:57 am
                                                                                                                             • Even-day Science Lab             • Odd-day Science Lab
                              End of Marking Period Dates                                                                    • Even-day Health                  • Odd-day Health
    First Quarter—Nov. 12, 2021                        Third Quarter—April 13, 2022                                          • Other Electives                  • Every-day Health
    Second Quarter—Jan. 28, 2022                       Fourth Quarter—June 14, 2022
                                                                                                        Electronic Devices and Testing
                                                                                                            In accordance with New York State guidelines, to ensure the integrity of testing, students
                                                                                                        are prohibited from bringing cellular or smartphones, wearing a smartwatch, or using other
Changing Level of Core Academic Courses                                                                 electronic devices in classrooms or other exam locations (i.e., gymnasium, cafeteria) during
    A student who was recommended for a particular level of a required course (AP, Honors               testing and state assessments unless specific permission has been given in advance.
or Regents) may find that the rigor of the course is more difficult than they had anticipated.               Test proctors, monitors and school officials shall retain the right to collect and hold any
If they prefer to enroll in another level of the same subject, the following policies will apply:       prohibited electronic device(s) prior to the start of the test administration and to hold them
   •The level of a full-year course cannot be changed after the last day of the second quarter        for the duration of the test. Admission to the test will be prohibited to any student who has a
                                                                                                        prohibited electronic device in their possession and does not relinquish it.
      (Jan. 28, 2022).                                                                                     Any student observed with any prohibited device while taking a state test must be directed
   •If the level of a full-year course is changed prior to the end of the second quarter, students   to immediately turn it over to the proctor or monitor. To allow for all possible outcomes of
      understand that their grade in the higher-level course will carry over to the new course.         procedural due process, the student should be allowed to complete the test. The incident must
                                                                                                        be reported promptly to the Building Principal. If the student had a prohibited device in their
Dropping Honor Overrides                                                                                possession during the test administration, the student’s test must be invalidated. No score may
                                                                                                        be calculated for that student.
  The parent and student must agree that the student remain in the Honors course for at least                Students with individualized education plans (IEPs), 504 Plans, or documentation from
one quarter before any reconsideration. Only one override may be exercised per school year.             a medical practitioner that specifically requires the use of an electronic device may do so,
Refer to pages 9-10 in the 2021-2022 High School Course Catalog.                                        as specified.

Dropping Courses                                                                                        Final and Mid-Term examinations will be administered as follows:
                                                                                                        Classes Giving Uniform Tests
   After consultation with the guidance counselor, who will confer with the parent, teacher               • Specific days are assigned to give finals/mid-terms during Test Week.
and coordinator/director, a student who wishes to drop a course that is not required for                  • Subjects that require an oral component will also be assigned specific dates upon which
graduation will understand that the following policies are in place:                                         to administer that part of the exam.
   • A half-year course cannot be dropped after the last day of Quarter One (Nov. 12, 2021).             • Weighting of final exams toward the final course grade may be found in each class outline.
   • A full-year course cannot be dropped after the last day of Quarter Two (Jan. 28, 2022).
   • A half-year course dropped from a student’s schedule prior to the midpoint of Quarter
                                                                                                        Reporting to Parents, Grades 7-12
                                                                                                           Report cards using letter grades (A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, F) are issued
      One (Oct. 8, 2021) will not appear on the student’s transcript.                                   four times each year. Board policy 4710–Grading Systems governs the weighting of grades
   • A full-year course dropped from a student’s schedule prior to the last day of Quarter One         in Honors and Advanced Placement (AP) classes. Juniors and seniors have an opportunity to
      (Nov. 12, 2021) will not appear on the student’s transcript.                                      take one non-required course on a Pass/Fail basis. Interim reports, similar to report cards, are
   • Students who desire to drop a half-year course and receive approval to do so after the            issued four times a year. All progress reports and report cards are posted online to the parent
                                                                                                        portal. Paper copies are only issued upon parent request. If you need assistance in setting
      midpoint of first quarter will understand that the course grade will appear as a “W”              up a parent portal account, or wish to request paper copies of grade data, please contact the
      (withdrawn) on their transcript.                                                                  Technology Office via email at
   • Students who drop a full-year course and receive approval to do so after the last day of the         Parent-teacher conferences are initiated by either the parent or the teacher whenever the
      second quarter will understand that the course grade will appear as a “W” (withdrawn)             need arises. Guidance counselors are also available to assist parents. Whenever parents wish
      on their record.                                                                                  to see a teacher or counselor or simply visit the school, an appointment should be made in
                                                                                                        advance. Parents are urged to schedule at least one conference a year with the counselor.
JANUARY 2022                                                                                                                                                       MARCH 2022
 S M T W T F S                                                                                                                                                     S M T     W     T    F    S
                   1                                                                                                                                                     1    2    3    4    5
 2 3 4 5 6 7 8                                                                                                                                                     6 7 8      9   10   11   12
 9 10 11 12 13 14 15                                                                                                                                              13 14 15   16   17   18   19
16 17 18 19 20 21 22                                                                                                                                              20 21 22   23   24   25   26
23 24 25 26 27 28 29                                                                                                                                              27 28 29   30   31
30 31

      Sunday                   Monday                  Tuesday                 Wednesday                   Thursday                    Friday                    Saturday
                                                                        1                          2                         3                         4                                5
                                                    LUNAR NEW YEAR                                                               Board Policy
                                                    SCHOOLS CLOSED                                                               Committee Mtg. 9 am

                                                                                                                                            MIDDLE SCHOOL PLAY
                                                                                                                                        FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 7:30 PM

                                                                             Lunar New Year Arts       Board of Ed Mtg. @
                                                                             Festival @ HS 7 pm        District Office 7:30 pm

                       6                      7                         8                          9                       10                     11                                   12
                                                                             SCA SR Guess Who’s        SCA MP Guess Who’s        Board Policy              ACT
                                                                             Coming to Read?           Coming to Read?           Committee Mtg. 9 am
         SCHOOL                                   PoCoHo @ Black Box
          PLAY                                    Theatre 7 pm                                         HS Student Senate
           2 PM                                                                                        6 pm
                                                                             HS Winter Concert
                                                  SCA HS/MS Joint
                                                  Parent Council Mtg.        Symphonic Choir           10th Grade Student/
                                                  7:30 pm                    7:30 pm                   Parent Night 7 pm

                       13                  14                           15                       16                        17                     18                                   19
                                                  PASE Meeting 9:15 am       SCA MP/SR Joint                                     Board Policy
                                                                             Parent Council Mtg. @                               Committee Mtg. 9 am
                                                                             SR 9:30 am

                                                                             Booster Club @ District   Board of Ed Mtg. @
                                                                             Office Community          District Office 7:30 pm
                                                                             Room 7:30 pm

                       20                  21                           22                       23                        24                     25                                   26
                             PRESIDENTS DAY

                                                                                WINTER RECESS
                                                                               SCHOOLS CLOSED

                       27                  28
                                                                                                                   Reminder: Middle/High School
                                                                                                                   health history forms due within
                                                                                                                   30 days prior to the start of the
                                                                                                                   sports season through the
                            MAAC 7:30 pm                                                                           Family ID online platform.
Homework Policy, Grades 7-12                                                                   Teacher Responsibilities
   Homework is an important student activity which contributes to a successful educational     Homework should be:
process. Homework is defined as a task assigned in the classroom but completed during            •P  urposeful - Students should have a clear understanding that they are asked to do
out-of-class time. Teachers are encouraged to provide homework assignments that permit              homework to either review material that has been taught in class or to prepare them for
students to exercise choice in the means by which they master the material.                         discussions and other classroom activities and assessments.
                                                                                                 •A  ppropriate - Homework should be class-appropriate in terms of its length and degree of
Homework may include:                                                                               sophistication. Teachers are best able to judge the appropriateness of assignments for the
  • Practice assignments designed to reinforce newly acquired skills or knowledge.                 courses they teach. More challenging courses, as designated in the course catalog, such
  • Preview assignments such as reading on a specific topic designed to provide information        as AP and Honors courses, will call for more challenging homework.
     before class discussion or demonstration.                                                   • Reviewed - Homework should be reviewed and/or evaluated on a regular basis. The
  • In-depth follow-up of classroom activities.                                                     successful completion of homework should be incorporated into each student grade in a
  • Independent long-term projects that parallel class work.                                        manner to be determined by the teacher and indicated to the student.

Parent/Guardian Responsibilities                                                                 We hope to enable students to fulfill their responsibilities and develop good study skills.
  • Set a regular study time each day, and establish a study area, away from household        With these goals in mind, the following expectations are set forth:
     distractions, with a good light and space for studying.                                     •H  omework should not be assigned on the eve of a full-period test or its equivalent in
  • Make sure your child has the materials they need to do assignments (paper, dictionary,         that class.
                                                                                                 • Teachers will make a conscientious effort to provide anticipated assignments prior to
     etc.) and a safe place to store them.
                                                                                                    each week.
  • Have your child organize school materials, study notes, assignments, books, papers, etc.
                                                                                                 • Long-term assignments should have checkpoints to ensure students’ progress toward
  • Check the assignment calendar each evening and review the homework assignments.
                                                                                                    completion with specific due dates defined from the onset.
  • Be supportive and give assistance when your child gets frustrated or discouraged with       • Teachers may assign work consistent with what would be considered a weekend
     assignments.                                                                                   assignment during the December vacation period. Any long-term assignment, which
  • Contact the teacher to clear up any misunderstandings, troubleshoot problems and be            would be due after the vacation period, should be assigned prior to Dec. 1.
     better informed about your child’s learning progress.                                       • For February and spring vacation periods, homework that exceeds a regular weekend
  • Contact the Guidance Office to request homework/class assignments when the student is          assignment shall be given to students at least six school days prior to the start of the
     absent for more than two days. (Children should check on assignments with classmates           vacation period.
     when they are absent.)

Student Responsibilities
  • Write down all assignments.
  • Be sure you understand the assignments.
  • Bring required materials home.
  • Set aside a regular time for studying.
  • Find a quiet, well-lit, comfortable place to study.
  • Set timelines for completion of long-range assignments.
  • Complete assignments.
  • Turn in the assignments by the specified due date.

FEBRUARY 2022                                                                                                                                                                       APRIL 2022
 S M T     W     T    F    S
                               Reminder: Middle/High School                                                                                                                        S M T W T F         S
       1    2    3    4    5   health history forms due                                                                                                                                           1    2
 6 7 8      9   10   11   12                                                                                                                                                       3 4 5 6 7 8         9
13 14 15   16   17   18   19
                               within 30 days prior to the start                                                                                                                  10 11 12 13 14 15   16
20 21 22   23   24   25   26   of the sports season through the                                                                                                                   17 18 19 20 21 22   23
27 28                                                                                                                                                                             24 25 26 27 28 29   30
                               Family ID online platform.

      Sunday                             Monday                    Tuesday                    Wednesday                  Thursday                       Friday                  Saturday
                                                                                     1                          2                           3    SCA Open Exec.
                                                                                                                                                                        4                         5
                                                                                                                                                 Board Mtg. 9 am
                                                                                                                     6th Gr. Parent Night        SCA HS/MS Joint
                                                                                                                     @ HS Auditorium             Parent Council Mtg.
                                                                                                                     7 pm                        10 am

                                                                                                                     Board of Ed Mtg.            Junior Prom
                                                                                                                                                 Promenade 6 pm
                                                                                                                     District Office 7:30 pm     Dance 8-11:30 pm

                                6                         7                          8                          9                           10                         11   SAT Exams 8 am
                                                                                                                                                 End of 3rd Progress
                                                                                                                                                 Report Period Grades       (Not at MHS)
                                                                                           Booster Club @ District                               7-12
                                                                                           Office Community
                                                                                           Room 7:30 pm                                          Molloy College Health
                                                                                                                                                 Fair 8:30 am-3 pm
                                    Science Research Expo                                  MP/SR Parent/Teacher                                  MS Gym
                                    @ HS Cafeteria                                         Evening Conferences                                   Board Policy Committee
                                    7-9 pm                                                 (By Appointment Only)                                 Mtg. 9 am

                               13                        14   District Wellness
                                                              Committee @
                                                                                 15        CASA National      16                          17                           18                       19
                                                              Community Room 10 am
                                                                                           Kick Butts Day
                                    HS Lacrosse, Baseball,                                                                                       Board Policy Committee
                                    Softball, Track & Field                                                                                      Mtg. 9 am
                                                                         SCA MUNSEY PARK/SHELTER ROCK BOOK FAIRS
                                    SCA MP/SR Family          Board of Ed Mtg./                                      HS Student Senate 6 pm
                                    Night at Book Fair
                                    4:30-8:30 pm              Budget Presentation       Mock College Interview
                                    (Each School)             @ District Office 7:30 pm Program 7 pm

                               20                        21                      22                           23                          24                           25                       26
                                    HS Tennis, Golf,          PASE Meeting 9:15 am
                                                                                                                     CASA Sector                 Board Policy Committee
                                    Badminton Begin
                                                                                                                     Meeting 9-10:30 am          Mtg. 9 am
                                    Spring V/JV Parent
                                    Meeting @ Auditorium      MP/SR New
                                    6:30 pm                   Kindergarten Parent                                    Board of Ed Mtg.            Best Buddies Prom @
                                                              Orientation 7 pm @           Pops Concert @            Informal Budget             HS Gym 7-9 pm
                                    MAAC 8 pm                 Each School                  HS Gym 7:30 pm            Hearing @ SR 7:30 pm

                               27                        28                      29 		                        30                          31
                                     MS Spring Sports
                                     Begin                                               NYS GRADES 3-8 ELA EXAMS

                                                              NYSSMA Solo Festival         NYSSMA Solo Festival      HS Spring Production
                                                              Levels 1-4, 4-9 pm @         Levels 1-4, 4-9 pm @      7:30 pm
                                                              Port Washington              Port Washington
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