Educational Silver Lining of the Pandemic: Looking forward, Glancing back - Dr. M. Milner-Bolotin UBC Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy ...

Page created by Julia Bush
Educational Silver Lining of the Pandemic: Looking forward, Glancing back - Dr. M. Milner-Bolotin UBC Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy ...
Educational Silver Lining of the
Pandemic: Looking forward, Glancing

          Dr. M. Milner-Bolotin
UBC Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy
Educational Silver Lining of the Pandemic: Looking forward, Glancing back - Dr. M. Milner-Bolotin UBC Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy ...
Dr. Marina Milner-Bolotin

• Professor of Science Education

• Researcher and Educator: Physics
  education, educational technologies

• Department of Curriculum & Pedagogy

• e-mail:

• Web site:
Educational Silver Lining of the Pandemic: Looking forward, Glancing back - Dr. M. Milner-Bolotin UBC Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy ...
UBC Context

                                         UBC FACTS
                                • Public university (est. 1908)
                                • 2 campuses
                                • ~65,000 Students
                                • Acceptance rate: 64%
                                • Ranking – 34th overall
                                • 10th – Education (2021)
                                • The best Teacher Educ.
16,188 international students     program in the province
from 140+ countries!            • ~1,000 teacher candidates
                                • ~1,000 graduate students
Educational Silver Lining of the Pandemic: Looking forward, Glancing back - Dr. M. Milner-Bolotin UBC Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy ...
STEM 2021 Conference
Educational Silver Lining of the Pandemic: Looking forward, Glancing back - Dr. M. Milner-Bolotin UBC Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy ...
Lessons from the Pandemic

Good old                                 It’s time to
teaching                                   use educ.
practices                                technology
still work                              deliberately

Learning                                Learning is
is a social                              a personal
process                                     process

School is not   Even an old dog can     Learning is
only about       learn new tricks:      not limited
“STEM”        Teachers should acquire         to the
learning         21st century skills     classroom
Educational Silver Lining of the Pandemic: Looking forward, Glancing back - Dr. M. Milner-Bolotin UBC Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy ...
Deliberate Use of Technology

[Milner-Bolotin, M. (2016). Promoting Deliberate Pedagogical Thinking with Technology in physics teacher
education: A teacher-educator’s journey. In T. G. Ryan & K. A. McLeod (Eds.), The Physics Educator: Tacit Praxes
and Untold Stories (pp. 112-141). Champaign, IL: Common Ground and The Learner.]                              6
Educational Silver Lining of the Pandemic: Looking forward, Glancing back - Dr. M. Milner-Bolotin UBC Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy ...
A Learning Tool in Your

STEM          Languages

Educational Silver Lining of the Pandemic: Looking forward, Glancing back - Dr. M. Milner-Bolotin UBC Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy ...
Physics Lab at Home
Challenge: March 6th, 2021
Determining Acceleration of Free Fall using
          phyphox physics app
Educational Silver Lining of the Pandemic: Looking forward, Glancing back - Dr. M. Milner-Bolotin UBC Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy ...
Phyphox: designed by S. Staacks & Science
Educators @ University of Aachen, Germany

      Physics Phone Experiments = PHY PHO X
Educational Silver Lining of the Pandemic: Looking forward, Glancing back - Dr. M. Milner-Bolotin UBC Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy ...
How Creative Can you be with
                 Measuring g?

                        A spring                                 A plane with
                        collision                                circular motion
                                                  stopwatch to
                                                  measure free
                                                  fall time

A torque wrench and a                                        A phone oscillating on
bucket of water!          Bernoulli’s principle              a vertical spring
How Many Methods were proposed?
    How Many Sensors were used??

1.    Free fall (g components)      1.   Accelerometer
2.    Free fall (absolute g)
3.    Incline Plane
                                    2.   Magnetometer
4.    Projectile motion             3.   Acoustic sensor                   Inelastic collision
5.    Pendulum                                                              sensor
                                    4.   Light sensor    Magnetic sensor
6.    Vertical spring
7.    Elevator
8.    Ball bounce (collisions)      5.   Microphone
9.    Circular Motion               6.   Video Analysis
10.   Motor – Potential energy
11.   Pendulum – potential energy   7.   External timers
12.   Torque Wrench
13.   Bernoulli’s effect            8.   Using other
14.   Pressure                           devices to collect
                                         data during the
                                         experiment                            Video
                                                                               Analysis of
Undergrad.: B. Ed. Program

YouTube Channel of Science Demos       Students collaborate online on
                                       designing hands on science
                                       experiments and demos and creating
                                       video explanations + using simulations
                                       and data collection with smartphones

Pedagogical advantages:
1. Better pedagogical and conceptual      Reconstructed image
2. Learning to use online resources.
3. Engaging with online resources:
   Sims, smartphones, data analysis.
Secondary: Live Science Demos
               – ONLINE Synch classes

  Portable demonstration station (at home/office)

       Physical system (example)

                        Fast camera

Pedagogical advantages:
                                                    Students’ view during
1. Live experiment, even though online.             online class (via screen
2. Use of state-of-the-art technology.              sharing)

3. Follow-up video analysis.
Post-Secondary: Undergrad
                      Physics Labs
    Exp PET Scan                                  Students create numerical
Students receive real                             model of the system & carry
data, pre-recorded by                             out numerical experiments in
instructors as if taken                           an attempt to reproduce real
by a student.                                     data… and then perform
                                                  extensive data processing.

                                                        Electronic Lab Book
Pedagogical advantages:          Reconstructed image

1. Better conceptual
   understanding of the
2. Training in numerical
3. More time for in-depth data
Graduate: Online Programs

1. Master of Museum
   Education MMEd.

2. M.Ed. In Science

3. M.Ed. In Math.


Silver Lining of the Pandemic

 The Pandemic proved that educators can learn new
ways of learning with technology. Let us use what we
learned and emerge as better teachers and learners
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