Page created by Josephine Peterson
December 06, 2021

Groundhog Day:
Variants and the Outlook for 2022
Diane C. Swonk, Chief Economist

Living through the pandemic has been a bit like being Bill      The inability to vaccinate the world and suppress the
Murray’s character in the 1993 film Groundhog Day. We           spread of the virus exacerbated global supply chain
emerged from the first wave of infections and lockdowns         disruptions. The Delta variant was particularly costly.
hoping to return to the world we left behind only to realize
we were entering a loop of recurring infections and             Unprecedented fiscal stimulus and interventions by
disruptions that proved hard to escape.                         central banks provided a much-needed bridge for
                                                                those who could not work to traverse COVID-tainted
Once the reality of his predicament set in, Murray started      waters. Chart 1 shows the boost to the level of real GDP
to slide down a rabbit hole of riskier behaviors, living life   that everything from enhancements to unemployment
as “if there were no tomorrow.” He even drove off a cliff       insurance and stimulus checks to forgivable loans and
in one scene only to reawaken to the sound of Sonny and         transfers to the states provided and are expected to
Cher singing “I Got You Babe” again on his alarm clock.         continue to provide to real GDP through early 2023. In
He was stuck reliving February 2.                               response, inflation also accelerated along with wages.

The only constant in our world is the virus, the havoc it       The question for the Federal Reserve is whether what
wreaks and our unwillingness to leverage the tools we           we are enduring will morph into a more entrenched,
have to wrestle the virus to its knees. Fatalities worldwide    wage-price spiral, in which wage hikes start to feed into
are now approaching those of other pandemics, after             inflation. That would require an aggressive jump in rates.
adjusting for the undercount in developing economies
and the surge in excess deaths they have endured. This          The most recent Delta and Omicron waves are hitting
is despite the breakneck speed at which vaccines were           when the private sector appears to be picking up the
developed and can be altered to target variants.                baton from the public sector to carry growth. The fourth
                                                                quarter of 2021 will easily be the strongest of the year
The resulting loss of life and fear of infection have           for the U.S.; annual growth is poised to reach 5.7%, the
resulted in labor shortages and wage hikes, much as             fastest since 1984. This is despite the expiration of much
we have seen in other pandemics. What is unique is the          of the direct aid to individuals and businesses.
synchronous surge in inflation. Pandemics typically
trigger a slowdown in inflation or all-out price declines       This edition of Economic Currents takes a closer look
because of the destruction of demand.                           at the outlook for 2022, with the hope we make the
                                                                transition from a pandemic to an endemic - an illness that
This time is different. Technology accelerated the shift        is seasonal and more manageable. We have the tools -
of economic activity online and kept large swaths of            vaccines, rapid testing, masking and better therapeutics.
the population working and spending, even as fear of            The challenge is to use them to their fullest, which we
contagion and mitigation efforts kicked in.                     have thus far failed to do.
Special attention will be paid to the outlook for inflation,   The ranks of the unemployed fell to a pandemic low of
the risks of a wage-price spiral even in the absence of        4.2% even as participation in the labor market moved
additional fiscal stimulus and how the Fed is likely to        significantly higher. The ranks of long-term unemployed
react. It is now convinced that the disruptions created        continued to shrink, while those working only one instead
by outbreaks will compound underlying inflationary             of multiple jobs held at a million fewer than we saw in
pressures, and that will need to be combated with rate         February 2020.
hikes. The only question is how aggressive those rate
hikes will have to be.                                         That was at the same time that everything we know about
                                                               in the labor market in November was improving. Initial
The 2022 Outlook:                                              claims for unemployment insurance continued to fall; the
                                                               Institute for Supply Management (ISM) for services hit a
Chart 2 shows the forecast for growth in 2022. The
                                                               record high; plans to hire picked up; and, the ADP report
economy is expected to slow but remain robust with
                                                               on payrolls showed hiring held above a half a million jobs
overall growth still averaging more than 4% for the year.
                                                               for the fourth consecutive month. Many of those trends
That is nearly double the annual average from 2010-2019.
                                                               carried into early December. Google searches for how to
                                                               apply for unemployment insurance benefits fell through
The private sector is expected to pick up the baton from
                                                               early December.
the federal government in 2022. Payroll employment
slowed in November, but those figures likely understated
                                                               Separately, hiring by state and local governments is
the actual strength in the labor market. The response rate
                                                               expected to pick up. Their coffers are brimming with cash
on the establishment survey dropped to a decade low this
                                                               as understaffing is rampant. The largest hurdle is public
year, which has meant subsequent upward revisions.
                                                               sector compensation, which grew at about half the pace
                                                               of that in the private sector over the summer.
The household survey, which is not subject to revision,
revealed a much more robust labor market and more
                                                               Any setback in hiring as a result of Delta and Omicron
healing in November. It showed more than 1.1 million jobs
                                                               is likely to show up in early 2022 as hospitals are
were generated, with more than half a million workers
                                                               overwhelmed. Lockdowns have already been implemented
rejoining the labor force.
                                                               abroad. That could further disrupt supply chains that
                                                               were beginning to uncoil.

Chart 1
                                                               There is little tolerance for lockdowns in the U.S. but fear
                                                               is its own tax on the economy. Look for governments
                                                               and firms to push harder to get the unvaccinated to be
                                                               vaccinated. It is the only way out of a vicious cycle.

                                                               Consumer Spending Pivots

                                                               After an initial setback at the start of the year, consumers
                                                               are expected to pivot back into spending on services over
                                                               goods. That shift will generate less spending than the
                                                               surge we saw on goods. The pent-up demand for services
                                                               is inherently different from that for goods. Haircuts lost to
                                                               the pandemic cannot be replaced.

                                                               The wild card is the $2.5 trillion in excess savings amassed
                                                               during the pandemic. Low-income households are
                                                               expected to deplete their savings by year-end when they
                                                               reach the cliff in monthly child tax credits provided by the
                                                               last round of fiscal stimulus. High-income households tend
                                                               to spend their incomes but not their savings.

2 Monthly Economic Outlook: Groundhog Day
Spending on travel, tourism and medical services             Investment Remains Robust
delayed by outbreaks is expected to see the strongest
gains. Leisure travel has already rebounded close to         Large corporations are awash in cash and eager to offset
precrisis levels. The backlog for elective surgeries and     the crimp in profit margins associated with rising wages
routine medical exams is substantial and likely to suffer    with productivity-enhancing technologies. This gives them
another setback with a winter wave of infections.            the means and motivation to invest and automate, which
                                                             will further shift the demand for workers away from the
Housing Bubbles Intensify                                    less to more educated.

Home buyers scrambled to lock in what they feared            Large tech-savvy retail behemoths, who are driving the
may be the last, low rates in late 2021. Higher mortgage     gains in wages for the lowest paid workers, have greatest
rates and already high prices are expected to dampen         incentives and scale to do so. That is good news for low-
demand in 2022. Home building is also expected to            wage workers, who are finally getting a moment in the
slow, but only after some catch-up on backlogs due to        sun after years in the shadows. There could be a problem,
materials and labor shortages early in the year.             medium-term. Large firms are better able to erect barriers
                                                             to workers unionizing than midsize firms.
Investors will provide the most support for sales. They
are paying cash and snapping up properties unseen to         The shifts we are seeing are challenging the business
flip to rent instead of sell. This has already crowded out   models of many small and midsize firms. That could
many first-time buyers and could keep home values,           undermine dynamism in the broader economy, which
which are already pushing up shelter costs up along with     could curb innovations and keep productivity gains
rents, rising at a scorching pace. Some properties are       triggered by new technologies concentrated in larger
in rural areas, which lack the broad-band necessary to       firms instead of being shared across firms and with the
support remote work.                                         broader economy.

Chart 2

3 Monthly Economic Outlook: Groundhog Day
Chart 3                                                       A pickup in spending by state and local governments is
                                                              expected to more than offset the slowdown in federal
                                                              spending. A surge in retail sales and real estate tax
                                                              revenues, and transfers from the federal government, has
                                                              filled the coffers of many state and local governments.

                                                              The cost saving triggered by the move to online learning
                                                              left many public school districts awash in cash. The
                                                              problem is getting those funds out the door. Public
                                                              sector wages are rising much slower than private sector
                                                              wages. Some teachers are quitting to become substitutes
                                                              because the pay is better. The blows to morale and
                                                              staffing are so widespread that school districts extended
                                                              the Thanksgiving holiday with little to no notice; that left
                                                              parents scrambling to find child care.

                                                              Trade Deteriorates

                                                              The U.S. is expected to continue to grow faster than most
                                                              other major economies, which means imports should
                                                              outpace exports over the course of the year. The pivot in
Inventories Rebuild                                           spending to services over goods means fewer imports per
                                                              dollar consumers spend; much of trade is trade in goods,
Inventories fell to rock-bottom lows as supply chain          not services, which tend to be domestically produced.
disruptions worked their way around the globe. We have
seen uncoiling of backlogs as we entered the fall, but        Risks: Risks to the near-term outlook are to the downside,
could suffer additional setbacks as the current Delta         given the current Delta wave and the threat posed
wave and Omicron circle the globe.                            by Omicron. The bet is that Congress holds back on
                                                              additional stimulus given the surge in inflation. That said,
That said, inventories have begun to rebuild and are          2022 is an election year; stranger things have happened.
expected to be more fully replenished by year-end.
Double ordering to hedge against future shortfalls and a      Inflation Simmers
pivot from just-in-time to just-in-case inventories systems
virtually assures rebuilding. We could even see a bullwhip    Chart 3 shows the forecast for the core personal
effect, or unwanted surge in inventories, in 2023.            consumption expenditures (PCE) index, which the Fed
                                                              watches the closest. Inflation is expected to moderate in
Transfers to State and Local Governments are Spent            2022 from the red-hot pace we saw in the fall of 2021 but
                                                              remain elevated through year-end:
Congress kicked the can down the road on debate
                                                              • Commodity prices have begun to cool in response to
over the administration’s Build Back Better plan with
                                                                the threat posed by Omicron;
a continuing resolution that will keep the government
funded into February of 2022. That means that what is         • Supply chain disruptions have begun to uncoil, allowing
left of support for individuals - monthly child tax credit      production to ramp up; and
checks - will lapse December 31, 2021.                        • A surge in inflation in the spring of 2021 should temper
                                                                year-on-year comparisons by the spring of 2022.
Congress did approve the bipartisan infrastructure bill.
The bulk of those funds will not show up until the mid-       But,
2020s, as infrastructure projects take time to ramp up.
                                                              • Shelter and medical costs, both key drivers of inflation,
                                                                have just begun to accelerate;

4 Monthly Economic Outlook: Groundhog Day
Chart 4                                                          Fed Chairman Jay Powell formally retired the word
                                                                 “transitory” from the Fed’s language on inflation during
                                                                 his most recent testimony to Congress. He underscored
                                                                 his concern inflation is becoming broad-based. He is
                                                                 not alone. Fed officials as a group have grown far more
                                                                 concerned about the persistence of inflation, even as
                                                                 commodity prices have cooled. This could prompt them to
                                                                 act much more aggressively than currently forecast.

                                                                 Risks: Chair Powell has said the Fed would be patient but
                                                                 not hesitate to raise rates. The risk is that they panic and
                                                                 raise rates too rapidly as they chase inflation for the first
                                                                 time since the 1980s.

                                                                 Treasury Bonds

                                                                 Chart 5 shows the forecast for the 10-year Treasury bond.
                                                                 Yields are expected to rise after a setback in response to
                                                                 Omicron. The yield curve has actually flattened in recent
                                                                 weeks. Short-term rates have risen as the Fed’s intent to
                                                                 raise rates has become clear, while long-term rates have
• Surge pricing on services is expected to offset some of
                                                                 fallen, either because bond traders believe the Fed will
  the slowdown in inflation in goods; and
                                                                 be successful in reining in inflation or they will overshoot,
• Services, which are more dependent on labor costs              causing the economy to cool even faster than expected.
  than goods prices, could start to see a wage-price
  spiral begin to take root.                                     Risks: More rapid rate hikes by the Fed could trigger
                                                                 an inversion of the yield curve. That is when short-term
Medical care is particularly sensitive to staffing               rates rise above long-term rates; it can signal a coming
shortages; assisted living facilities have lost the most staff   recession.
and face the worst labor shortages. The latter is one of
the places I would look first for a wage-price spiral.           Chart 5

Risks: The current Delta wave and threats from Omicron
have already triggered lockdowns and restrictions in
travel. The risk is that those shifts could trigger another
round of supply chain disruptions and put more workers
on the sidelines. The result would reverse some of the
progress we are making in backlogs and exacerbate the
upward pressure on inflation absent commodity prices in
the near term.

Hawks Flock at Fed

Chart 4 shows the forecast for the fed funds rate in
2022. We expect the Fed to announce it will conclude
its purchases of Treasury bonds and mortgage-backed
securities in March instead of June at the December
meeting. That will leave the door open for a liftoff in rates
in June. Our forecast includes three rate hikes in 2022.

5 Monthly Economic Outlook: Groundhog Day
Financial Market Turbulence
                                                              Bottom Line
A lot of financial assets seemed to be priced to perfection
                                                              The pandemic just became a lot more difficult to endure.
in a wholly imperfect world. Rising rates could not only
                                                              Hollywood endings don’t tend to come to fruition in the
take the steam out of broader equity prices; they could
                                                              real world, but for now, I would like to believe they are
tip the apple cart. The reach for yield has prompted
                                                              possible. Bill Murray’s character was not able to escape
excessive risk taking, upping the ante on a more
                                                              Groundhog day, February 2, until he pivoted away from
disruptive market correction in 2022.
                                                              seeing each day as if there were no tomorrow. With the
                                                              help of his love interest, Andie MacDowell, he started to
The forecast, which includes robust growth with rate
                                                              see each day as a chance to improve his own life as well
hikes, translates to a 6% correction in broader stock
                                                              as those around him.
market indices. Markets tend to react in a nonlinear
fashion to a Fed that is chasing instead of preempting
                                                              He used his time to learn the piano and improve the
                                                              quality of his own life as well as the lives of those he
                                                              touched. He even became a hero for his good deeds. But
Risks: An overshoot on rate hikes by the Fed could
                                                              it wasn’t until he fully abandoned his own narcissism,
destabilize financial markets at home and abroad.
                                                              and embraced an unconditional love for MacDowell’s
Developing markets are especially vulnerable, as they will
                                                              character, that he escaped February 2. Once that
be forced to raise rates to defend their currencies when
                                                              occurred, he woke up to Sonny and Cher singing a
the Fed moves. That will increase debt service burdens on
                                                              different tune on the clock radio, and the break of a
a mountain of debt and increase the risk of an outright
                                                              new day, February 3. There are a lot of lessons in that
sovereign debt default.
                                                              metaphor for where we are and how to escape it. I would
                                                              like to believe that we have the capacity to learn them.

6 Monthly Economic Outlook: Groundhog Day
Economic forecast — December 2021
                                                 2021         2022         2023       2021:2(A)       2021:3          2021:4         2022:1       2022:2       2022:3        2022:4       2023:1        2023:2

National Outlook
Chain Weight GDP1
                                                  5.7           4.2         2.3           6.7            2.1             7.1           2.5           4.8          3.9          2.4           1.8             1.5

Personal Consumption                              8.1          3.5          2.0          12.0            1.7            5.9            1.7           3.5          2.7          1.9           1.7              1.6
Business Fixed Investment                         7.6          6.3          4.1           9.2            1.6            5.6            8.1           7.4          6.4          5.0          3.3              2.8
Residential Investment                            8.7          -5.6         -4.9         -11.7          -8.3            -4.2           -6.3         -3.8          -0.7         -9.5         -6.8             -4.6
Inventory Investment (bil $ '12)                  -76           112         138          -168            -73            28             48            97           141          163          158              143
Net Exports (bil $ '12)                          -1258        -1288        -1240         -1236         -1304           -1274          -1298         -1286        -1289        -1278        -1264         -1245
Exports                                           4.3          5.5          7.5           7.6           -3.0            12.2           0.8           7.3          8.5          9.0           7.7             6.8
Imports                                           13.3         4.4          3.7           7.1            5.8            4.2            3.1           3.3          5.8          4.6          3.5              2.5
Government Expenditures                           0.6           1.3         1.2          -2.0            0.9            -1.2           3.9           1.7          1.7          1.4           1.5             0.6
Federal                                           0.7          -1.5         -0.2         -5.3           -4.9            -4.1           2.0           -1.1         -0.1         -1.2         0.2               0.1

State and Local                                   0.5           3.1         2.1           0.2            4.7            0.6            5.0           3.5          2.9          2.9          2.2              0.9

Final Sales                                       5.5          3.2          2.2           8.1            0.0            5.0            2.2           3.8          3.0          2.0           1.9              1.7
GDP Deflator                                       4.1         3.9          2.4           6.0            5.9            5.9            2.2           3.2          3.1          1.9           1.5             3.4
CPI                                               4.6           3.7         2.3           8.5            6.6            7.2            0.4           2.9          2.7           1.7          2.1             2.7
Core CPI                                          3.5          3.8          2.6           8.2            5.3            4.5            2.1           3.6          3.2          2.4           1.9             3.2
Special Indicators
Corporate Profits2                                12.3         3.5          -1.2         45.1           20.7            12.3           7.3           0.0          -3.0         3.5          2.2              -0.7
Disposable Personal Income                        2.2          -3.0         2.6          -29.1          -4.0           -5.8            -0.9          2.8          3.6          2.1           3.1             2.0
Housing Starts (mil )                             1.58         1.42         1.27         1.59           1.56            1.57          1.48          1.48          1.42         1.31         1.28             1.27
Civilian Unemployment Rate                        5.4           3.7         3.5           5.9            5.1            4.3            4.2           3.7          3.5          3.5          3.5              3.5
Total Nonfarm Payrolls (thous)3
                                                 5810          764          310          1847           1883           1252           529           1006          981          540          475              321

Vehicle Sales

     Automobile Sales (mil.)                      3.4          3.9          4.0           3.9            3.1            2.7            3.4           3.8          4.1          4.1          4.2              4.0

       Domestic                                   2.2          2.5          2.5           2.6            2.0            1.8            2.2           2.4          2.6          2.6          2.6              2.5
       Imports                                     1.1          1.4         1.5           1.3            1.1            0.9            1.2           1.4          1.5          1.5           1.6             1.5

     Lt. Trucks (mil.)                            11.7         12.0         12.7         13.0           10.3           10.5           10.9           11.9         12.4         12.6         12.8             12.8

       Domestic                                    9.1          9.3         9.8           9.9            7.8            8.2            8.5           9.3          9.7          9.8          9.9              9.8
       Imports                                    2.7          2.6          2.9           3.1            2.5            2.3            2.4           2.6          2.7          2.8          2.9              3.0
     Combined Auto/Lt.Truck                       15.1         15.8         16.7         16.9           13.3            13.2           14.3         15.7         16.5          16.7         17.0             16.8
     Heavy Truck Sales                            0.5          0.5          0.4           0.5            0.4            0.5            0.5           0.5          0.5          0.5          0.4              0.4
Total Vehicles (mil.)                             15.6         16.3         17.1          17.4          13.8            13.7           14.8         16.2          17.0         17.2         17.4             17.2
Interest Rate/Yields
     Federal Funds                                0.1          0.3          1.3           0.1            0.1            0.1            0.1           0.2          0.4          0.7          0.9               1.2
     10-Year Treasury Note                        1.5           2.1         2.7           1.6            1.4            1.5            1.6           1.8          2.3          2.5          2.6              2.7

     Corporate Bond BAA                           3.4          3.9          4.6           3.6            3.3            3.3            3.6           3.6          4.2          4.3          4.5              4.6

Exchange Rates
     Dollar/Euro                                  1.19         1.18         1.21          1.21           1.18           1.15           1.16          1.17         1.18         1.20         1.20             1.21
     Yen/Dollar                                  109.9         113.0       110.4         109.5          110.1          114.1          113.7         113.2        112.7        112.2         111.5            110.7
   in 2020, GDP was $18.4 trillion in chain-weighted 2012 dollars.
   Corporate profits before tax with inventory valuation and capital consumption adjustments, quarterly data represents four-quarter percent change.
   Total nonfarm payrolls, quarterly data represents the difference in the average from the previous period. Annual data represents 4Q to 4Q change.
Quarterly data are seasonally adjusted at an annual rate. Unless otherwise specified, $ figures reflect adjustment for inflation. Total may not add up due to rounding.

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7 Monthly Economic Outlook: Groundhog Day
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