May 2020 Currency outlook - Market insight into global currencies

Page created by Javier Gibson
May 2020 Currency outlook - Market insight into global currencies





May 2020                                PLN


Currency outlook                        AUD
Market insight into global currencies





                                                                                                   By Joe Manimbo, Currency Strategist – North America

May events               April review                                                    May risk events and key themes                                     GBP
                         A dire growth warning from the IMF helped the U.S. dollar       The U.S. currency’s immediate prospects appear solid with
01    ISM index          extend its 2020 winning streak. The greenback held aloft near   the drumbeat of dismal global data likely to grow louder in
                         the previous month’s multiyear highs after the global lender    the weeks ahead. Still, the dollar would be at risk of losing
05    Trade balance
                         forecast the world economy could contract about 3% in 2020      safe haven support once major economies show signs of
Tue                      and likely endure its worst year since the Great Depression     normalizing after the devasting pandemic. The battle of
                         in the 1930s. The IMF’s bleak assessment was validated by       opinion between hopes of a V- or U-shaped recovery should
08    Nonfarm payrolls   shockingly awful data from the U.S., China and Europe.          serve as a key litmus test of dollar sentiment. The longer the     CHF
Fri                                                                                      road to economic recovery, the better haven assets like the
                         y China’s economy shrank 6.8% in the first quarter, its first
                                                                                         dollar should fare.
12                         contraction in decades.
                         y Recession fears flared in Europe following record weak
                                                                                         y Politicians face a daunting task of deciding when to reopen      PLN
                                                                                           shuttered businesses. Normalizing too soon would risk
                           business surveys.
15    Retail sales                                                                         another wave of infections.
Fri                      y The surge in U.S. unemployment to 4.4% from 3.5% marked
                           the biggest one-month spike in 45 years.
                                                                                         y Markets are braced for America’s April jobs report on
                                                                                           May 8 which could see unemployment test fresh record
20    FOMC minutes                                                                         highs above 10%.
Wed                                                                                                                                                       Source: Reuters, 2018
                                                                                         y The broadly weighted dollar index has appreciated around
26    New home sales                                                                       4% so far in 2020.                                               AUD

      Q1 GDP rev.

                         Economic data                                                   EUR/USD (12 months)                                                CNY
                         Base Rate:                                        0-0.25%

                         GDP:                                                   2.1%
                         Inflation:                                             1.8%

                         Unemployment:                                         4.4%
                         Trade Balance:                                    -$39.9 Bn     1.06
                                                                                             M    J    J    A    S    O    N    D     J    F   M     A

                                                                                                           By Joe Manimbo, Currency Strategist – North America

May events                  April review                                                        May risk events and key themes                                    GBP
                            Canada’s dollar stabilized above four-year lows but remained in     Things could get worse for the loonie before they get
05    Trade balance         a sizable hole for the year. The currency battled stiff headwinds   meaningfully better. Market eyes will be fixated on Canada’s
                            in the form of subzero oil prices and a record loss of a million    economy, oil markets and coronavirus developments. Should
07    Ivey PMI
                            Canadian jobs in March. Despite such formidable downside            the next Canadian employment report, due May 8, show
Thu                         risks, the so-called loonie, whose nickname comes from the          more record weakness, it could compel central bankers to use
                            bird on the back of the one dollar coin, erased some of its         more of their dwindling tools to boost growth. Until oil shows
08    Employment            losses on hopes that policymakers would take bolder action to       convincing signs of bottoming, the path of least resistance       CHF
Fri                         help shore up oil markets and Canada’s sagging economy.             could be lower for the loonie.

14                          y Bearish dynamics of oversupply and scarce demand                  y Canadian inflation fell to 5-year lows below 1%, underscoring
      Manufacturing sales
                              and storage space conspired to push the price of U.S. oil           economic vulnerabilities even before the coronavirus.           PLN
                              below zero.                                                       y As a leading energy exporter, Canada’s dollar often trades
20    CPI                   y Canada shed more than one million jobs in March –                   in near lockstep with oil markets.
                              a record amount that pointed to the nation’s economy in           y USD/CAD was little changed in April but still around 8%         CZK
22    Retail sales
                              an unprecedented recession.                                         stronger for the year.
                            y Pressure mounted on OPEC to cut production further to try

28    Q1 Current account
                              to offset diminishing demand due to the coronavirus.

      Q1 GDP

                            Economic data                                                       USD/CAD (12 months)                                               CNY
                            Base Rate:                                          0.25%

                            GDP:                                                  0.3%
                            Inflation:                                            0.9%

                            Unemployment:                                         7.8%
                            Trade Balance:                                 -C$0.98 Bn           1.28
                                                                                                       M   J   J   A    S   O    N    D     J    F   M      A

                                                                                                                 By George Vessey, Currency Analyst – United Kingdom

May events                  April review                                                              May risk events and key themes                                           GBP
                            Coronavirus concerns continue to grip financial markets as                The correlation between market risk aversion and sterling
07    BOE rate decision +
                            lockdown measures across the globe crush economic activity. April         weakness suggests if deep and long recession risks continue to
Thu   updated forecasts
                                                                                                      increase, the pound may be sold alongside other riskier assets.
                            is usually a positive month for GBP/USD but fresh risk aversion,
                            as a result of wild swings in oil prices, sent sterling tumbling lower.   Oxford Economics forecast UK GDP to fall by 5% in 2020 as a              EUR
11    UK-EU trade talks     Souring sterling sentiment was compounded by dismal economic              whole and unemployment will rise at a faster rate than during
                            data - including an increase in the unemployment rate and                 the global financial crisis. Moreover, inflation is expected to drop

13    Q1 GDP
                            surge in universal credit claims. The UK government and Bank of           towards zero partly as a result of the plunge in oil prices. Unless
                                                                                                      there is a clear signal that the pandemic is peaking in the UK and
Wed                         England have taken unprecedented action in trying to limit the
                                                                                                      lockdown measures are eased, the downside risks may outweigh
                            economic impact of the lockdown with the hope that activity can
                                                                                                      upside potential for the pound. The outlook remains very uncertain
19                          restart quickly once restrictions are eased.Despite the supportive
      Average earnings
                            measures by governments and central banks globally, market
                                                                                                      for economies worldwide and social distancing measures are likely
                                                                                                      to stay in place due to fears of a second wave of infection.
                            volatility and illiquidity saw daily price swings of 3%-5% even in
20    Inflation (CPI)       GBP/USD, one of the most liquid currency pairs in the world.              y Quantifying the likely impact on economic activity remains
Wed                                                                                                     a challenge, but this month should provide a better
                            y Demand for the pound ran out of steam as GBP/USD
                                                                                                        reflection of the state of economies worldwide, making                 CZK
21    Flash PMIs
                              breached $1.26 and GBP/EUR €1.15 and both currency pairs                  macroeconomic data releases even more important.
Thu                           reversed course later in the month.                                                                                                            Source: Reuters, 2018
                                                                                                      y The Bank of England will release its monetary policy report,
22    Retail sales
                            y UK-EU trade talks restarted after the coronavirus-induced
                              interruption, exposing renewed fears of a no-trade-deal scenario
                                                                                                        offering new forward guidance on monetary policy and
                                                                                                        updated economic forecasts.
                              come end of year, which would weigh heavily on the pound.
                                                                                                      y GBP/USD may continue to fluctuate between $1.20 and
29                          y UK PM Boris Johnson recovered from the virus after being                  $1.25 for the next month or so and GBP/EUR may stabilise
      Consumer confidence
                              admitted to intensive care earlier in the month.                          between €1.12 and €1.14.                                               JPY

                            Economic data                                                             GBP/USD (12 months)                                                      CNY
                            Base Rate:                                                 0.1%

                            GDP:                                                        1.1%
                            Inflation:                                                 1.7%
                            Unemployment:                                             4.0%
                            Trade Balance:                                        -£2.8 Bn            1.14
                                                                                                             M   J   J    A     S    O    N    D     J    F    M     A

                                                                                               By Guillaume Dejean, Currency Strategist – Europe, Middle East, Africa

May events                       April review                                                        May risk events and key themes                                       GBP
                                 With markets fueled by high demand safe have assets                 How will the euro lure investors away from US dollar?
03    Start of the lift of
                                 investors globally shied away from the Euro. Economic               Successfully winding back lockdowns will be key. The stakes
Sun   lockdown in Italy
                                 data released in March confirmed the negative impact of             are double here: to avoid a second wave of contamination
06    Final Composite PMI        nationwide lockdown policies and how difficult it could be          and ensure a quick and safe return to work. Failure to meet
Wed   (April)                    for the area to get back to the normal. Signs of political          these conditions would anchor the euro at a low level, and
                                 divergences among European leaders about economic                   potentially instigate decline toward its annual low of $1.06 (or
08    Moody’s credit ratings     stimulus packages for EU countries hit hardest by the outbreak      beyond). The ability of European leaders to find a coronavirus       CHF
Fri   on Italy & Greece          added to distrust towards the euro.                                 bail-out deal will also have a significant influence in the
                                                                                                     trajectory of the euro this month.
15    Flash Q1 GDP in            y The IMF suggests the Eurozone could suffer a -7.5%
Fri   Germany                      contraction this year, the largest decline among the most         y With a downgraded economic outlook impacting the euro’s            PLN
                                   developed economies.                                                value, political tensions in the area would push markets ever
15    Fitch’s credit rating on
                                 y European countries are deeply divided on the project of             further away from the currency.
Fri   France
                                   mutualizing debts and issuing a European bond (corona             y A potential credit rating downgrade for some major                 CZK
18    Eurogroup meeting
                                   bond) to raise money on capital markets.                            European countries (France and Italy) could trigger tensions
                                 y The EUR/USD rate moved sideways over a large part of the            across bonds markets and put downside pressure on the euro.      Source: Reuters, 2018

22    Flash PMI
                                   month in a narrow corridor of $1.08-$1.10.                        y If global concerns about Covid-19 start to ease the euro
                                                                                                       could rally of Euro above $1.10, however any upsides would
                                                                                                       be capped Europe’s cloudy outlook.
      Flash inflation

                                 Economic data                                                       GBP/EUR (12 months)                                                  CNY
                                 Base Rate:                                         0.0%

                                 GDP (annual growth):                                1.0%            1.17                                                                 NZD
                                 Inflation (annual growth):                         0.7%             1.13

                                 Unemployment:                                       7.3%            1.09                                                                 SGD
                                 Trade Balance:                                -€23.0 Bn             1.05
                                                                                                            M   J   J   A     S   O     N    D    J    F    M    A

                                                                                                        By Adam Ma, Currency Strategist – United Kingdom

May events                April review                                                     May risk events and key themes                                      GBP
                          Risk off sentiment has been the theme for April with safe        The Swiss government is looking at a 3 stage exit from the
04    Manufacturing PMI   haven buying the common trade. As a result, the Swiss Franc      current lock down to lift coronavirus restrictions. If all goes
                          hit new 5-year highs against the euro. Volatile swings in oil    according to plan the nation will be re-opened by the 8th of
05    CPI
                          markets added new pressures to the negative outlook on the       June. The shutdown of the economy is forecast to cost SFr5
Tue                       global economy prompting further flights to safety. The Swiss    billion a week. However, despite the negative outlook of the
                          National Bank (SNB) has reportedly seen SFr17.1 billion wiped    economy the franc’s demand could remain high if the global
07    Forex Reserves      off its foreign stocks and bonds due to the appreciation.        outlook remains negative.                                           CHF
                          y New economic forecasts indicate that the Swiss                 y EUR/CHF could continue its downward trend with the SFr1.04
08                          Government expects the economy to shrink 6.7% in 2020.           an area of potential support, beyond that the pair could
      Unemployment rate
                          y GBP/CHF has risen close to 2.5% in April and over 8.55 since     become vulnerable to further downside moves.                      PLN
                            the lows of March, currently trading at SFr1.20.
29    KOF indicator
                                                                                                                                                             Source: Reuters, 2018



                          Economic data                                                    USD/CHF (12 months)                                                 CNY
                          Base Rate:                                        -0.75%

                          GDP:                                                 1.5%        1.00                                                                NZD
                          Inflation:                                          -0.1%        0.97

                          Unemployment:                                       2.8%         0.94                                                                SGD
                          Trade Balance:                                          –        0.91
                                                                                               M    J    J    A    S    O    N    D     J    F   M    A

                                                                                                By Boris Kovacevic, Currency Strategist – Central and Eastern Europe

May events                April review                                                              May risk events and key themes                                         GBP
                          Concerns about the first attempts to reopen the European                  May delivers the final data points of 2020’s first quarter and
04    Markit PMI          economies and volatile commodity trading have limited the                 will likely determine the impact of the ongoing Covid-19 crisis
                          potential for significant recoveries of the Polish zloty. The first
                          marginal monthly appreciation of the currency against the euro
                                                                                                    and the global economic downtrend. The Polish Central Bank
06    NBP interest rate   since the beginning of the year still seems to suggest some easing
                                                                                                    will take the lead. New insights may be uncovered in the bank’s
Wed                                                                                                 current assessment of the domestic economy with money
                          of global tensions. Against the background of recent economic
                                                                                                    markets pricing in a 54% chance of the first rate cut within two
15    GDP Flash Q1
                          forecasts of the International Monetary Fund, showing the Polish
                          economy could contract by 4.6% in 2020, government officials and
                                                                                                    months. The Zloty is still quite sensitive to global headlines and     CHF
Fri                                                                                                 developments regarding the spread of the coronavirus and
                          the central bank have collectively taken an expansionary stance.
                                                                                                    could come under pressure if first quarter growth estimates for
18    Corporate sector    y The central bank has followed its first emergency rate cut
Mon   wages                 in March with an additional cut, slashing interest rates to a           the Eurozone paint a pessimistic picture about the health of
                                                                                                    the regional and global economy.
                            record-low at 0.5%. The NBP launched its first open-ended
18    Net Inflation
                            quantitative easing program that could amount to around                 y Recently improved US-China relations failed to manifest in a
Mon                         8% of GDP, as first calculations suggest.
                                                                                                      partial trade deal. This could cause an end-of-year sell-off,
                          y Industrial production fell by 2.3% year-on-year in March,                 which could result in a depreciation of the Polish currency.         CZK
18    Industrial output     the first contraction in seven months. High frequency data
Mon                         suggests that the economic impact of the current lockdown               y Looking at domestic data releases, corporate sector wages          Source: Reuters, 2018
                                                                                                      and industrial output will be closely watched, given the
21    Retail sales
                            is still not appearing in the recent data points.
                          y EUR/PLN is currently enjoying some buying support in the
                                                                                                      newly found weakness of the latest data points.                      AUD
                            region of 4,51 zł. A fall below could open the potential for
29                          depreciation to 4,48 zł. On the upside, 4,64 zł could come
                            into play, if risk-off flows start to reappear.                                                                                                JPY
29    GDP Preliminary
                          Economic data                                                             USD/PLN (12 months)                                                    CNY
                          Base Rate:                                             0.5%

                          GDP:                                                    3.1%
                          Inflation:                                             4.6%

                          Unemployment:                                          5.5%
                          Trade Balance:                                              –             3.70
                                                                                                        M    J    J    A     S   O     N    D    J    F    M    A

                                                                                                     By Boris Kovacevic, Currency Strategist – Central and Eastern Europe

May events                 April review                                                                  May risk events and key themes                                         GBP
                           The Covid-19 crisis and induced risk-off sentiment have become                The Czech government has extended some of its emergency
04    Markit PMI           the key market mover in Central Europe. This has largely                      measures to support small and medium businesses during the
Mon                        overshadowed domestic political and economic developments,                    economic fallout. The recent Government bond auctions have
                           especially with no central bank meeting held in the last four                 seen strong demand, suggesting that debt issuance has not yet          EUR
06    Retail sales         weeks. After cutting the interest rate from a ten‑year high at                reached its ceiling. The humanitarian and economic impact of
Wed                        2.25% to 1% in March, monetary policy has taken a backseat in                 Covid-19 crisis will remain key drivers of the Czech Crown in May.
                           April. Recent economic data releases have been more resilient                 Market focus will nonetheless shift to regional economic data
07    Industrial output
                           to external turmoil’s than previously expected and capital
                           outflows have started to normalize again, helping the Czech
                                                                                                         like the release of the first quarter Czech GDP and the central        CHF
Thu                                                                                                      bank decision early May. In recent days, the global currency
                           crown to stabilize around EUR/CZK 25.40.
                                                                                                         markets have again dominated the shift to safe currencies,
07                         y The International Monetary Fund has downgraded the outlook                  from which the US dollar and the Swiss franc can benefit.
      FX Reserves
                             for the Czech Republic and is currently expecting an economic
                                                                                                         y Recent statements made by two Czech central bankers,
                             contraction of 6.5%. The current data is still coming in with a lag
                                                                                                           Vojtech Benda and Tomas Holub suggest that the CNB
07    CNB interest           and is unable to show the effects of the recent lockdown measures.
                                                                                                           is still not rushing into deploying the quantitative easing
Thu   rate decision        y The Czech labour market has stagnated in March at around 3%,
                             defying the expectations for a slight uptick in unemployment.
                                                                                                           program. Especially given the room for further rate cuts,
                                                                                                           that are pricing in by money markets.
12    Unemployment rate      The Consumer Price Index has slightly decreased in line
Tue                          with the recent drop in oil prices. Inflation has grown by an               y Second order economic releases like the purchasing                 Source: Reuters, 2018
                             annualized basis of 3.4%, down from 3.7% a month before.                      manager index for the manufacturing sector, retail sales
13    CPI                  y EUR/CZK has appreciated around 9% in the last three months,
                                                                                                           and FX reserves could be seen as leading indicators to               AUD
Wed                                                                                                        gauge the recent economic damage.
                             the best streak since the financial crisis in 2008. The currency pair
                             has encountered some resistance at 28,00. Recovery attempts                 y Recovery attempts coming from the Czech crown would only
      Preliminary GDP Q1     from the Crown could come under pressure at EUR/CZK 26,90,
                             given that the Euro has enjoyed some support at these levels.
                                                                                                           be visibly under the assumption of decreasing uncertainties
                                                                                                           and first signs of successful reopening of European economies.       JPY

                           Economic data                                                                 USD/CZK (12 months)                                                    CNY
                           Base Rate:                                                 1.0%

                           GDP:                                                       3.1%               25.0                                                                   NZD
                           Inflation:                                                 3.4%               24.0

                           Unemployment:                                              3.0%               23.0                                                                   SGD
                           Trade Balance:                                                 –              22.0
                                                                                                             M    J    J    A     S    O    N    D     J    F   M     A

                                                                                                   By Steven Dooley, Currency Strategist – Asia Pacific

May events            April review                                                    May risk events and key themes                                        GBP
                      The Australian dollar bounced back strongly in April, boosted   The Australian dollar is likely to be driven by news around
04    Retail sales    by a large jump in global equity markets with the US’s Dow      coronavirus and its economic impact in the near future.
                      Jones jumping more than 30% in less than four weeks.            The Reserve Bank of Australia held steady this month after it         EUR
05    RBA decision    The Australian dollar, with its key exposure to commodity       cut rates twice in March to a new all-time low of 0.25%. The RBA
Tue                   exports, is closely tied to global risk sentiment.              also launched a historic quantitative easing program.

07    Trade balance
                      y The Aussie was helped by retail sales up 8.2% in March        y The Aussie faces some tougher data after an update from             CHF
Thu                     versus 0.5% in February in preliminary numbers. The             the Australian Bureau of Statistics found 800,000 jobs have
                        numbers were driven by last month’s panic buying, with          been lost in the three weeks to 4 April.
18                      supermarkets sales up an incredible 22%.
      RBA minutes
                      y Australian employment was better than expected with a 6k
21    Employment
                        gain in jobs defying expectations for 40k fall.
22    Retail sales
Fri                                                                                                                                                       Source: Reuters, 2018



                      Economic data                                                   AUD/USD (12 months)                                                   CNY
                      Base Rate:                                         0.25%

                      GDP:                                                2.2%
                      Inflation:                                          1.8%
                      Unemployment:                                       5.2%
                      Trade Balance:                               AUD4.4 Bn          0.57
                                                                                          M    J    J    A     S    O    N    D    J    F    M      A

                                                                                                By Guillaume Dejean, Currency Strategist – Europe, Middle East, Africa

May events                    April review                                                            May risk events and key themes                                       GBP
      End of the first        JPY started the month on the wrong foot as market volatility            The trajectory of the Yen will depend on two things: the spread
06    lockdown period in      temporarily dropped and the coronavirus made an                         of Covid-19 across the globe, and how quickly the global
      Japan                   unexpected return in Japan. Despite a significant ‘recovery’
                              rally in stock exchanges worldwide, the global appetite for
                                                                                                      lockdown policies are lifted. Without evidence that the virus
                                                                                                      is under control and the economy back on track markets
      Summary of opinion      risks remains low. Turmoil across oil markets combined with             can expect volatility and for decisions to remain tinged
12    of the BOJ April        growing concern about the economic impact of Covid-19                   with risk-aversion. The Yen will continue following investor
      meeting                 underpinned strong market demand for safe haven assets                  sentiment, strengthening when the global outlook is shaky and
                              such the Japanese yen.                                                  weakening when there is appetite for risk.
18    Flash Q1 GDP
Mon                           y Japan suffered a second wave of Covid-19 cases forcing the            y The Yen will be sensitive to any unconventional spike of
                                government to declare a state of emergency in some areas                volatility across financial markets.                               PLN
21    Trade balance             for at least one month.                                               y A global easing of lockdown policies could help correct
                              y The drop of US oil prices into negative territory triggered a           the Yen.
      Flash manufacturing
                                new wave of panic across financial markets in the second
                                half of April.
                                                                                                      y An acceleration of the Covid-19 outbreak in Japan could            CZK
                                                                                                        have downside side effects on the currency (especially
                              y The currency faced off against the dollar (¥107-¥108),                  against USD).                                                    Source: Reuters, 2018
22    Inflation
Fri                             resisted the UK pound comeback (¥132-¥134) and headed
                                toward its annual high against the euro (¥116-¥117).
29    Unemployment rate
29    Industrial production

                              Economic data                                                           GBP/JPY (12 months)                                                  CNY
                              Base Rate:                                           -0.1%

                              GDP (annual growth):                                 -0.7%
                              Inflation (annual growth):                           0.4%
                              Unemployment:                                        2.4%
                              Trade Balance:                                   ¥4.95 Bn               125
                                                                                                            M   J   J   A     S   O    N    D     J   F    M       A

                                                                                                        By Steven Dooley, Currency Strategist – Asia Pacific

May events                    April review                                                 May risk events and key themes                                        GBP
                              The Chinese yuan fell back towards 12-year lows last month   The Peoples Bank of China continued to provide support to the
04    Caixin Manufacturing
                              as the ongoing impact of COVID-19 hit global growth          economy as it lowered its monthly loan prime rate.
Mon   PMI
                              expectations.                                                The PBOC cut the one-year rate from 4.05% to 3.85%.                   EUR
06    Caixin Services PMI     The weakness came despite China’s move back to a more        y China will be closely watched as one of the first countries to
Wed                           normalised state as the country returned from its medical      exit their lockdown.
08    Trade balance
                                                                                           y The CNY might remain beholden to global, rather than                CHF
Fri                           y First-quarter GDP showed a large fall with growth down       local, growth dynamics.
                                6.8% in annualised terms.
      CPI                     y Other data was also negative with fixed asset investment
                                down 16.1% in March and retail sales down 15.8%.
15    Industrial production
15    Retail sales
Fri                                                                                                                                                            Source: Reuters, 2018

30    Manufacturing index                                                                                                                                        AUD


                              Economic data                                                USD/CNY (12 months)                                                   CNY
                              Base Rate:                                        3.85%

                              GDP:                                               -6.8%
                              Inflation:                                         4.3%
                              Unemployment:                                       3.7%
                              Trade Balance:                              USD 19.9 Bn      6.70
                                                                                               M    J    J    A    S    O    N    D     J    F   M     A

                                                                                                         By Steven Dooley, Currency Strategist – Asia Pacific

May events                  April review                                                    May risk events and key themes                                        GBP
                            The New Zealand dollar rebounded in April after falling to      The coronavirus outlook seems brighter in New Zealand
06    Dairy prices          decade lows versus a range of currencies in March.              than in other parts of the world with NZ exiting stage four
                            The sharp shock to global growth caused by the impact of        restrictions on 27 April.
07    Unemployment          government-mandated shutdowns pressured the currency.           However, with the currency closely tied to global growth
Thu                                                                                         expectations, local news is unlikely to be the major driver of
                            However, the big jump in global equity markets, with the US’s
13    RBNZ announcement
                            Dow Jones up as much as 32% from the lows in mid-April,         the NZD’s performance.
Wed                         boosted the currency.                                           y In terms of data, a jump in inflation was overlooked with
                            y The NZDUSD jumped almost 12% over the four-weeks to             the collapse in local demand likely to drive deflation in
15                                                                                            the future.
      Manufacturing index     mid-April but only recovered to levels seen in mid-March.
                                                                                            y The RBNZ next meets on 13 May, but after slashing rates to
                            y The NZD’s best gains were versus the euro as poor data
20    Dairy prices            pressured the single currency.                                  0.25% and starting quantitative easing in March, we might
Wed                                                                                           not see anything major in the near term.
                                                                                                                                                                Source: Reuters, 2018



                            Economic data                                                   NZD/USD (12 months)                                                   CNY
                            Base Rate:                                         0.25%

                            GDP:                                                2.3%
                            Inflation:                                          2.5%
                            Unemployment:                                       4.0%
                            Trade Balance:                               NZD 590 M          0.56
                                                                                                M    J    J    A     S    O    N    D    J    F    M      A

                                                                                                          By Steven Dooley, Currency Strategist – Asia Pacific

May events                April review                                                     May risk events and key themes                                          GBP
                          The USDSGD fell from ten-year highs last month as a sharp        The SGD was initially weaker as Singapore’s central bank,
04    Manufacturing PMI   rebound in global shares caused the USD to weaken.               the Monetary Authority of Singapore said it had moved its
                          The SGD benefited due to its close exposure to global trade      currency controls to a neutral stance.
05    Retail sales        expectations.                                                    This follows a move to reduce the rate of appreciation in
Tue                                                                                        October 2019.
                          y The Singapore dollar was pressured by the falling oil price.
18    Exports
                            More than 5% of Singapore’s GDP is driven by oil refining      The MAS, unusually, manages monetary policy via the                     CHF
Mon                         and exports.                                                   Singapore dollar’s valuation.
                          y Oil prices plunged below zero for the first time ever last     y The USDSGD is likely to be driven by global growth
      CPI                   month. The massive fall in demand, sparked by reduced
                            economic activity to contain COVID-19, along with increased
                                                                                             expectations especially through the lens of COVID-19.
                                                                                           y The Reuters 12-month consensus forecast, as reported on
26    Manufacturing         supply due to a dispute between Russia and Saudi Arabia,         2 April 2020, is 1.4100.
Tue   output                produced the conditions.
                                                                                                                                                                 Source: Reuters, 2018



                          Economic data                                                    USD/SGD (12 months)                                                     CNY
                          SIBOR:                                              1.08%

                          GDP:                                                 1.0%        1.43                                                                    NZD
                          Inflation:                                          -0.2%        1.40

                          Unemployment:                                        2.2%        1.37                                                                    SGD
                          Trade Balance:                                SGD 12.1 Bn        1.34
                                                                                                  M   J    J    A    S    O    N    D    J    F   M     A

                                                                                                      By Joe Manimbo, Currency Strategist – North America

May events                  April review                                                    May risk events and key themes                                      GBP
                            Mexico’s peso plumbed record lows for the second straight       Emerging markets will look to global developments related
04    Manufacturing PMI     month. Emerging markets kept under significant pressure as      to the pandemic for their primary steer. The relaxation of
                            data started to show the devasting blow to the world economy    lockdown measures would be an early sign of victory in the
07    Consumer confidence
                            from the coronavirus pandemic. Adding to the bearish            battle to contain the coronavirus. Material improvement for
Thu                         backdrop for emerging markets, the IMF expects growth over      global markets, oil in particular, appears to be a prerequisite
                            the coming year to be the worst since the Great Depression in   for emerging markets to stage a sustained comeback.
12    Industrial output     the 1930s. The peso and other oil-exposed currencies suffered   y Upside for emerging markets appears limited with coming
Tue                         after the price of U.S. crude plunged below zero.                 data likely to highlight the extent to which the coronavirus
14    Interest rate         y China’s economy shrank 6.8% in the first quarter, its first     has damaged global growth.
Thu   announcement            contraction in decades.                                       y Oil remained around historically low levels after sinking         PLN
                            y The IMF expects global growth to contract by 3% in 2020,        below zero in April.
22    Retail sales            the weakest since the Depression.
Fri                                                                                         y As one of the year’s worst-performing currencies, the peso
                            y Mexico cut interest rates again in April, a bold 50 basis       has depreciated by nearly 30% this year.                          CZK
25    Trade balance           point reduction to 6.0%.
Mon                                                                                                                                                           Source: Reuters, 2018

26    Q1 GDP                                                                                                                                                    AUD

      Jobless rate

                            Economic data                                                   USD/MXN (12 months)                                                 CNY
                            Base rate:                                            6.5%

                            GDP:                                                  -0.1%     24.0                                                                NZD
                            Inflation:                                            3.7%      22.0

                            Unemployment:                                         3.8%      20.0                                                                SGD
                            Trade Balance:                                      1.94 Bn     18.0
                                                                                                M    J    J    A    S    O    N    D    J    F    M       A
Don’t let the currency
market detract from
your bottom line.

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