Eastwood Leisure Centre opens in Sheerwater Comfortable and safe independent living 'Hales' older people - Woking ...

Page created by Marie Townsend
Eastwood Leisure Centre opens in Sheerwater Comfortable and safe independent living 'Hales' older people - Woking ...
Eastwood Leisure Centre
                                          opens in Sheerwater

                               Comfortable and safe independent
                                       living ‘Hales’ older people

Winter 2021                                               @wokingcouncil
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Eastwood Leisure Centre opens in Sheerwater Comfortable and safe independent living 'Hales' older people - Woking ...
Eastwood Leisure Centre opens in Sheerwater Comfortable and safe independent living 'Hales' older people - Woking ...
Winter | 2021

 Introduction                                                 Contents
                                                                               News in brief
                                 Welcome to the                                Latest news from
                                                                               across the borough
                                 winter edition of
                                 The Woking                                    Eastwood Leisure Centre
                                 Magazine – your                               New centre open for business                  10
                                 window on
                                 Woking Borough.                               Victoria Arch widening scheme
                                                                               Update on the highway
                                                                               enhancement scheme
Winter is almost upon us and most of us are
gearing up for the colder months ahead. The
                                                                               Introducing Hale End Court
festive season is a time for family, friends and
reflection. So it’s a great chance to look forward
                                                                               Old Woking's latest extra care
                                                                               housing development
to some of the exciting projects going on around
the borough.                                                                   Money matters
With autumn being the season of change, we are                                 See how your Council Tax is spent
thrilled to announce the completion of phase one                                            t

in the Sheerwater Regeneration Project. The new                                                 p

                                                                               Civic Awards
state-of-the-art Eastwood Leisure Centre is now
open for everyone to enjoy with inclusive leisure                              Honouring outstanding members of              20
facilities like no other.                                             1                    RESIDENTS
                                                                               the community

Why not wrap up warm and get out and about toF
                                                                               Woking People R
                                                                                               of Faith
try out our new public arts trail? The 30 minute walk                          Explore the work of this diverse
starting in Brewery Road and finishing in Chobham                              local charity
Road is a unique and exciting way to take S in some
                                                                               Discover Woking's Art Trail
of Woking’s art culture.
Elsewhere in the borough, Woking People  of Faith
                                                                               Take a stroll among
                                                                               public art
                                                                                                   iconic pieces of          26
have been working hard to deliver community and               O

religious harmony, advancing the education and                                 Why don’t you...
understanding of different beliefs.                                            Find job seeking support                      30
Now with winter upon us, these colder nights
                                               mean                                                                      A
only one thing, the festive season will soon be here.
Discover some the great events and activities
taking place across Woking to celebrate the festive
                                                              Contact details
                                                              The Woking Magazine is compiled and published three times a year
season safely with family and friends.                        by Woking Borough Council. A total of 50,000 copies are printed
                                                              and delivered free to households and many public information points
Woking are committed to supporting our                        across the borough.
community in delivering these wonderful and                   Editorial Team: Andy Denner, phone 01483 743026,
exciting projects coming to fruition.                         email andy.denner@woking.gov.uk Quantum PR,
                                                              phone 01233 500200, email charlie@quantumpr.co.uk
That just leaves me to wish you all a safe and                Design: Quantum PR
joyous festive season and a happy new year.
                                                              If you wish to advertise in The Woking Magazine,
Andy Denner                                                   please call Andy Denner on 01483 743026, or email
The Woking Magazine
Editor                                                        The appearance of adverts or loose leaf inserts in The Woking
                                                              Magazine does not constitute an endorsement by the Council. The
                                                              Woking Magazine is distributed to households via Royal Mail. We
                                                              have no control over the type or quantity of other materials that are
                                                              delivered by Royal Mail at the same time.

 Front cover: Freedom Leisure                                 Some content within this publication may pre-date
 instructor, Chris, taking Ben                                current government imposed regulations in force to
 through his paces
 Inset: Hale End Court                                        control the spread of Coronavirus.

www.woking.gov.uk | 01483 755855                                                                                                      3
Eastwood Leisure Centre opens in Sheerwater Comfortable and safe independent living 'Hales' older people - Woking ...
Winter | 2021                          News in brief... News in brief... News in brief... News

 New hospital discharge service for Woking
 A new hospital discharge support service is leading the way in linking patients discharged from local
 hospitals with borough council services.

    Dedicated council officers will work with patients who   and Wellbeing, said: “The service enables patients
    have been identified as requiring non-complex,           leaving hospital to settle back at home with the
    ongoing care, to help them easily                                          peace of mind that they will
    access the support they need to                                            continue to have access to services
    regain their independence once                                             and support, despite no longer
    back at home.                                                              being in hospital, with the aspiration
                                                                               of reducing re-admittance numbers
    Upon leaving hospital, Discharge                                           and therefore relieving pressure on
    Officers will assist patients to create                                    front line services.”
    a bespoke care plan with individual
    goals identified, linking them directly                                    The service is funded by the North
    to council services such as                                                West Surrey Alliance Board and
    community meals, handyperson                                               offered to all vulnerable patients
    service, social prescribing and                                            across North West Surrey needing
    housing.                                                                   support on discharge from Ashford
                                                                               and St Peter’s Hospitals, Walton
    Speaking about the new service, Cllr                                       Community Hospital and Woking
    Debbie Harlow, Woking Borough                                              Community Hospital.
    Council’s Portfolio Holder for Health

     Have you considered                                       We will remember them
     volunteering?                                             Join veterans, serving members of the military,
                                                               cadets and other organisations to honour and
      Volunteer Woking offers a wide variety of
                                                               remember fallen soldiers on Sunday 14
      volunteering roles and options, making it
                                                               November 2021 during a Service of
      easier than you think to find something that
      makes a difference and fits around your
      interests, skills and lifestyle.                         The ceremony will commence at 10.30am with
      Whether you have an hour a week to spare, an             Marching of Colours. A two-minute silence will be
      evening a month or you would like to support a           held at 11am before concluding with the laying of
      one off event, there’s something for all ages and        wreaths.
      abilities. Here’s just a few of our latest               Organisations or individuals wishing to have a
      opportunities:                                           wreath laid during the event should contact
         Brockhill Helpers                                     Pauline Jackson by emailing
         Brockhill sheltered accommodation team in             pauline.jackson@woking.gov.uk, or calling
         Goldsworth Park is looking for volunteers to          01483 743025, giving the name of the
         assist with their tenant days out.                    organisation.

         Oxfam Retail Volunteer                                A two-minute silence
         Opportunities to work at one of Oxfam’s retail        will also be observed
         stores, either on the shop floor or in the            in Jubilee Square at
         backroom.                                             11am on Armistice
                                                               Day,Thursday 11
         Woking Sea Cadets & Royal Marines Cadets              November.
         Uniformed adult instructors to help with ongoing      We will remember
         progression of successful unit. Available             them.
         Monday and Thursday evenings and some

      Interested? Find out more about these and many
      other volunteering opportunities by emailing
      volunteer@woking.gov.uk, call 01483 743851 or
      visit www.volunteerwoking.org.uk

Eastwood Leisure Centre opens in Sheerwater Comfortable and safe independent living 'Hales' older people - Woking ...
in brief... News in brief... News in brief... News in brief...

        Boost your immunity and get the right health advice this winter
        The NHS is here to help and there are a number               close contacts of immunocompromised
        of ways you can help the NHS help you this                   individuals
        winter by using the service that best meets
        your needs.                                                  frontline health and social care staff.

        Flu and Covid-19 viruses have the potential to            Covid-19 booster
        increase pressures faced by the NHS, it’s therefore
        important that you get vaccinated if you are eligible.    Covid-19 booster doses could be offered (correct
                                                                  at time of print), starting with those most at risk of
        Those eligible for the free flu vaccination are:          the disease. This will include people aged over 70,
                                                                  clinically extremely vulnerable adults and those who
          all children aged 2 to 15 (but not 16 years or          are immunosuppressed. If you are eligible you will
          older) on 31 August 2021                                be contacted in the coming weeks.
          those aged six months to under 50 years in              NHS 111
          clinical risk groups
                                                                  If you need urgent medical help go to NHS 111
          pregnant women                                          first, available 24/7, visit www.111.nhs.uk or call
                                                                  111. In a medical emergency or if someone’s life is
          those aged 50 years and over
                                                                  at risk, always call 999.
          those in long-stay residential care homes
                                                                  For more information, please visit
          carers                                                  www.surreyheartlandsccg.nhs.uk/winterwellness

         Get your Surrey Carers’ Flu Jab Voucher
         If you are a carer looking after someone who is          that you are known to carers services and are
         elderly or disabled, you can request a flu jab at        therefore entitled to a free vaccination.
         your GP practice or take a Surrey Carers’ Flu Jab
         Voucher to your nearest participating community          Find out more about the Surrey Carers’ Flu Voucher
         pharmacy. The vouchers provide the assurance             at Action for Carers Surrey by visiting

       New Beginnings exhibition returns to The Lightbox
       Unique works of art from the Women’s Support                centre support clients to recognise and
       Centre will go on display, as the ‘New Beginnings’          address their needs with the aim of
       art exhibition returns to The Lightbox.                     reintegrating back into the community
                                                                   and leading a more stable life.
       Showcasing the diverse range of artistic talent
       displayed by women across the county, the exhibition        It provides bespoke, person centered,
       features work submitted to the Women’s Support              one-to-one support to clients and runs
       Centre, which is open to all women in Surrey prisons        a weekly drop-in session. Support can
       or those in contact with the Criminal Justice System.       include assistance with housing,
                                                                   accessing benefits, parenting,
       This year’s theme ‘My Hidden Self’ was selected by          advocacy at court and signposting to
       the women and staff of the centre.                          appropriate specialist agencies.
                                       The Women's Support                                                     Hope by Alex
                                                                   The exhibition is open at The Lightbox until
                                       Centre offers help and      28 November 2021. For more information, please visit
                                       support to women at         www.thelightbox.org.uk
                                       risk of coming into
                                       contact with the            The annual art competition for women is run by the
                                       Criminal Justice            Women’s Support Centre and supported by The
                                       System. Staff at the        Lightbox and Woking Borough Council.

                                       Japanese Cherry Blossoms by Ann

      www.woking.gov.uk | 01483 755855                                                                                     5
Eastwood Leisure Centre opens in Sheerwater Comfortable and safe independent living 'Hales' older people - Woking ...
Winter | 2021                          News in brief... News in brief... News in brief... News

      New electric vehicle charging points
                                               Twenty new on-street electric vehicle (EV) charging bays are due
                                               to be available in Woking this autumn.

                                               There will be four bays each in Church Street East, Oriental Road,
                                               Maybury Road and Montgomery Road. Another site is yet to be

                                               It will only take a couple of hours for the 22 kilowatt charging points
                                               to charge up to 80% of an EV battery, at a cost of 30p per kilowatt
                                               hour (kWh) (based on a Nissan Leaf 2018 with a battery capacity of
                                               40 kWh). The new chargers are part of a trial funded by Woking
                                               Borough Council, Surrey County Council and Enterprise M3 Local
                                               Enterprise Partnership.

                                               The aim of the trial is to understand key issues relating to on-street
                                               charging and the impacts of installing chargers, such as the cost,
                                               policies, public support and maintenance. The lessons learnt from
                                               the trial will be used to inform the roll-out of charging infrastructure
                                               across Surrey.

                                               These points are in addition to charging points already available in
                                               Brewery Road, Shoppers and Victoria Way town centre car parks.

                                               For more information about electric vehicles, including a charging
                                               point map, visit www.surreycc.gov.uk/electricvehicles

 Have you heard the word?
Did you know that Woking has its own talking

Here at Woking Talking Newspaper (WTN), volunteers
record articles weekly from the Woking and
Chobham News & Mail and editions of The Woking
Magazine, providing a free service for the benefit of
visually impaired residents of all ages and those who
have difficulty holding a newspaper.

The service enables users to stay in touch with news
in and around Woking, and provides them with topics
of conversation with relatives, neighbours, carers and

    Access to the newspaper is available online, via the
    Alexa app or using special equipment that can be
    provided free of charge and is straightforward to use.

    WTN is actively seeking new listeners, so please
    pass on details to anyone you know who may enjoy
    or benefit from the free service.

    You can listen to the material and check if the
    prospective listener would like this service by visiting

    For more information, please contact WTN at
    info@wokingtn.org.uk or call Tim Harris on 07971

6                                                                             www.woking.gov.uk | 01483 755855
Eastwood Leisure Centre opens in Sheerwater Comfortable and safe independent living 'Hales' older people - Woking ...
in brief... News in brief... News in brief... News in brief...

      Planning Inspector approves the Borough’s future
      development policy
      A planning policy document that identifies future         Planning Inspector has found our Site Allocations
      urban and Green Belt sites for future development         DPD ‘sound and legally compliant’, subject to a
      has been found ‘sound and legally compliant’ by a         number of modifications.
      Secretary of State appointed Planning Inspector.
                                                                “This is a significant step towards the adoption of the
      The document identifies urban and Green Belt sites        DPD, which will provide a positive framework for the
      for future housing, employment and infrastructure         future sustainable development of the Borough until
      within the Borough to ensure development                  2027 and safeguards land to meet future
      requirements are met in a sustainable manner.             development needs between 2027 and 2040.”

      In the report the Inspector concluded that Woking’s       Following its publication, the Inspector’s report and
      Site Allocations DPD is ‘sound, legally compliant and     main modifications will be considered by the relevant
      has met the requirements of the Duty of                   committee before it is presented to Council for
      Cooperation’, subject to his recommended schedule         adoption later this year.
      of main modifications.
                                                                To review the Inspector’s report, please visit
      Cllr Gary Elson, Woking Borough Council’s Portfolio       www.woking2027.info/allocations/sadpdexam/sad
      Holder for Planning Policy, said: “After a long and       pdreport
      complex process, we are extremely pleased that the

        Council commits to Anti-Social Behaviour Pledge
        Woking Borough Council has signed a pledge, committing to support residents experiencing anti-
        social behaviour in a consistent and dedicated manner.

        The Anti-Social Behaviour Pledge is led by national     a recent
        victim’s charity, ASB Help, which actively promotes     resident
        the rights of people experiencing all forms of anti-    satisfaction
        social behaviour.                                       survey. However,
                                                                we can all be
        A key part of the pledge is to continue to              affected by
        encourage the use of community triggers, a legal        incidents of
        tool which empowers victims of persistent anti-         abusive, violent
        social behaviour to request a formal multi-agency       or threatening
        case review.                                            behaviour.
        In signing the Anti-Social Behaviour Pledge,            “By signing the
        Woking Borough Council has committed to:                Anti-Social
          promote awareness and publicise community
                                                                Pledge, we
                                                                believe it sends
          ensure the council is legally compliant and           a clear message
          embraces the spirit of community triggers             that we are
                                                                committed to
          continually review and learn from best practice       supporting local
                                                                people and creating safer communities for
          work collaboratively and strategically to end         residents.”
          anti-social behaviour
                                                                A community trigger can be invoked by any
          put victims first and deter perpetrators.             resident or group of residents in the borough that
                                                                are suffering from what they believe is anti-social
        Cllr Debbie Harlow, Woking Borough Council’s            behaviour.
        Portfolio Holder for Community Safety, said:
        “Woking is generally a very safe place to live, with    For more information about community triggers,
        84 per cent of residents indicating they felt safe in   please visit

      www.woking.gov.uk | 01483 755855                                                                                    7
Eastwood Leisure Centre opens in Sheerwater Comfortable and safe independent living 'Hales' older people - Woking ...
Winter | 2021                 News in brief... News in brief... News in brief... News

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8                                                              www.woking.gov.uk | 01483 755855
Eastwood Leisure Centre opens in Sheerwater Comfortable and safe independent living 'Hales' older people - Woking ...
in brief... News in brief... News in brief... News in brief...

        New strategy to support residents’ health and wellbeing
        A new strategy that sets out five key priorities to       The strategy underpins the Council’s corporate
        support the health and wellbeing of borough               objective of ‘improving the health and wellbeing of
        residents was approved by Full Council earlier            all residents’ and demonstrates how council
        this year.                                                services impact the wellbeing of residents.
        The Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2021-2031 takes         The five cornerstones of the strategy.
        into account the actions needed to support the
        borough’s most vulnerable residents.                        Support and wherever possible, improve the
                                                                    mental health of residents.
         Health is impacted by a wide range of
         circumstances including where you were born,               Identify and support people experiencing social
                                    grow up, live, work and         isolation and loneliness.
                                    age, as well as access
                                    to, and quality of              Reduce obesity.
      Woking Borough Council
      Living Well in Woking –
                                    health, and social care.
      a Health and Wellbeing        These wider                     Empower residents to live independent lives.
      Strategy 2021-2031
                                    determinants of health
                                                                    Support the wellbeing of carers.
                                    can have a positive and
                                    negative impact on            As part of the strategy, an action plan will be
                                                                  developed to deliver these priorities, whilst
                                      Councils can influence      supporting diversity and inclusion, partnership
                                      these determinants          working, resident engagement and utilising digital
                                      through its role in         technology wherever possible.
                                      planning, designing
                                      and developing              To read the strategy, and to find out more about
                                      services for residents.     health and wellbeing services in Woking, visit
                  1                                               www.woking.gov.uk/living-well

        Get ready to nominate your local sporting heroes
        It’s been a fantastic year for sport. England’s Euro 2020 success buoyed us all
        after lockdown, Wimbledon made a welcomed return to our TV screens, and
        hundreds of GB hopefuls competed in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic
        Games bringing home our biggest ever medal haul.

        If that wasn’t enough, Emma Raducanu’s surprise             Outstanding Service to Sport
        US Open victory catapulted her into the history
        books as the first British female to win a Grand            Community Contribution of the Year
        Slam singles title in 44 years, and the first qualifier
        to win a tennis major.                                      Team of the Year

        Whether track or field, pitch or putting green, sport       Health and Wellbeing Champion
        is back and we want to hear about Woking’s
                                                                  Nominations close at 5pm, Tuesday 30 November.
        personal bests this season.
                                                                  Award winners with be notified during December
        Nominations for the 2021 Sport Woking Awards
                                                                  and announced in the Woking News and Mail in
        open on Monday 1 November and this year there
                                                                  January 2022.
        are seven categories to reflect the borough’s
        diverse and flourishing sports scene.                     Terms and conditions apply. To review the
                                                                  award criteria and make a nomination, visit
           Sports Personality of the Year
           Young Sports Personality of the Year                   For further information, email
                                                                  sports.services@woking.gov.uk or
           Inclusive Sports Award                                 call 01483 743804.

      www.woking.gov.uk | 01483 755855
Eastwood Leisure Centre opens in Sheerwater Comfortable and safe independent living 'Hales' older people - Woking ...
Winter | 2021

     The Eastwood Leisure Centre is now open

     The new state-of-the-art leisure centre in
     Sheerwater opened its doors to the public at
     the start of October. Take a look around and
     sign up now to take advantage of a range of
     introductory offers.

     The new Eastwood Leisure Centre is a £26m
     investment by Woking Borough Council into
     improving the health and wellbeing of residents
     in Sheerwater.

 The state-of-the-art facility, which includes a 25m
 swimming pool, teaching pool, fitness suite, group
 cycling studio, two multi-purpose studios and a flood-              sports hall, 3G pitch and grass pitches on school
 lit 3G football pitch, is now open to the public seven              days between the hours of 9am and 6pm; and
 days a week.                                                        dedicated use of the pools at set times, which is
                                                                     agreed a term in advance.
 Operated by Freedom Leisure, the Eastwood Leisure
 Centre is open 7am and 10pm on weekdays and                         During opening hours, the gym, studios and ground
 between 7am and 6pm at the weekends.                                floor café are available to everyone.

 Visitors can enjoy daily access to the pool, sauna,                 Leader of Woking Borough Council, Cllr Ayesha
 steam room and ground floor café serving Costa                      Azad, said: “When we started the Sheerwater
 coffee, or become a member to benefit from                          Regeneration Project we made a promise to
 unlimited access to the gym and group exercise                      Sheerwater residents that we would build the leisure
 classes. The expanding programme of classes                         facilities first. We have fulfilled that commitment, on
 already includes body pump, body balance, yoga,                     time and on budget, and I’m absolutely blown away
 pilates, clubbercise, barre fusion and spinning, with               by the level of detail and quality of these facilities.
 more still to come.
                                                                     “Our aim was to develop a community hub and I would
     A community hub                                                 like to thank everyone who inputted into the design of
                                                                     the leisure centre, which we believe is our most
     The Eastwood Leisure Centre is a shared community               inclusive facility to date, capable of supporting the
     use facility. It took just under two years to build and is      diverse range of need that exists within Sheerwater.”
     the first phase of the wider Sheerwater Regeneration
                                                                     With two Changing Places changing rooms; a pool
     Project to be delivered.
                                                                     with moveable floor, hoist and privacy blinds;
     Bishop David Brown School has dedicated use of the              accessible toilets on every level; and changing rooms

     Five-court sports hall                     Accessible features and facilities throughout the building   Ground floor café

10                                                                                 www.woking.gov.uk | 01483 755855
Group cycling studio                                                  65 station gym with the latest Technogym equipment

that can be partitioned for different groups and                      Freedom Leisure Connected Membership to access
activities, the Eastwood Leisure Centre is by far the                 the new facilities at Eastwood Leisure Centre.
borough’s most accessible and inclusive sports facility.
                                                                      Did you know?
With almost a quarter of adults and a third of children
now doing less than 30 minutes of moderate intensity                  Incorporated in the footprint of the main leisure
physical activity a week, the Eastwood Leisure Centre                 centre building is a brand new canteen and dining
offers women only swimming, adult swimming                            hall accessible only to Bishop David Brown School.
                                                                      The school’s original canteen block was demolished
lessons and a range of low-impact exercise classes
                                                                      to make way for the new Eastwood Leisure Centre
to build confidence and encourage people to start
                                                                      car park.
being more active.
                                                                      Eastwood Leisure Centre
Cllr Colin Kemp, Woking Borough Council’s Portfolio
                                                                      Albert Drive, Woking GU21 5RF
Holder for Leisure, said: “We are committed to
                                                                      01932 960994
improving the health and wellbeing of Woking’s                        www.freedom-leisure.co.uk/eastwood
residents and helping people all ages and abilities to                @eastwoodleisurecentre
achieve healthier lifestyles through the provision of
high quality facilities.

“This is our third leisure centre in Woking and the
second adjoining to a high school. Please make the
most of them. They are for you, and each offers a
range of activities and concessions to suit everyone.”

To find out more about memberships, exercise
classes, court hire, swimming lessons and more,
drop in to the centre and have a chat with a member
of the Freedom Leisure team, or go to

Woking Leisure Centre, Woking Pool in the Park and                    Car park with disabled parking bays, electric vehicle charging
Woking Sportsbox members can upgrade to a                             points and bicycle storage

                       Teaching pool with a moveable floor, hoist and privacy blinds    25 metre pool with viewing gallery, steam
                                                                                        room and sauna
www.woking.gov.uk | 01483 755855                                                                                                       11
This year we can be with friends and family,
so let’s make the festive season extra special!
From fantastic shopping to a great choice of
things to see and do, Woking has everything
you need to celebrate the perfect Christmas.

Join us on ice at Woking Shopping this Christmas season
to experience Surrey’s newest ice rink! Our ice rink
will be open daily in the new Victoria Square at the end
of Commercial Way from Saturday 20 November right
through to Sunday 9 January.
So whether it’s a perfect day out for all the family that
you’re looking for, or a special treat after a long day of
Christmas shopping, our ice rink is sure to bring a smile
and a lot of wintery fun to your day!
                                                                SANTA’S GROTTO
                                                                No Christmas is quite complete without a visit to Santa!
                                                                So why not join us this festive season in Central Square,
                                                                Wolsey Place for your chance to meet the big man in red
                                                                himself and his cheeky elves in our Wintery grotto. The
                                                                grotto will be open from Saturday 20 November to Friday
                                                                24 December.

                                                                         To find out more about skating
                                                                         on ice or Santa’s Grotto, visit

                                        IS IT TOO EARLY TO TALK ABOUT PANTO?
                                         Oh no it isn’t! This Christmas will   There will be singing, dancing, a live
                                         be made all the more festive with     band, stunning scenery, spectacular
                                         the extra special Snow White and      costumes and a laugh a minute at the
                                         the Seven Dwarfs pantomime at         New Victoria Theatre this Christmas.
                                          the New Victoria Theatre.            The show will be running from
                                          Starring the uber-talented           4 December 2021 to 2 January 2022 and
                                          Gok Wan as The Man in the            tickets start from just £13 with offers for
                                          Mirror, brilliant actress Harriet    groups, under 16s, schools and seniors.
                                          Thorpe as the Wicked Queen           Book your tickets now at
                                          and hilarious comedian Aaron         www.atgtickets.com/woking or
                                           James as Muddles plus many          you won’t be able to look yourself
                                           more talented people.               in the mirror!
This wint
         er will se
                  ee the w
                           elcome rreturn
                                    eturn of two
                                             two seasonal
events in B
              eet both llocated
                         ocated on Plough
                                   Plough Green.
The first is on Thu
    first          ursday 18 No
                Thursday            vember fr
                                November      om 6.30
                                            from     0pm, which
sees the swit  ching
          switching g on of B  yfleet’s Chris
                              Byfleet’s      tmas lights
                                        Christmas lig
                                                    ghts at
7pm. Ther
      There e will be
                    e live
                      live ffestive
                             estive music from
                                          from the ‘Ukeaholics’,
mulled wine and minc
mulled              m
                    mince e pies - and of ccourse
                                            ourse Father
Chris tmas will be in attendance!
Christmas               attendance!
On Satur   day 4 December
      Saturday    December is the rreturn
                                        eturn of the B     yfleet
Village Chris   tmass Mark
          Christmas          et, held
                        Market,  held betw
                                      betweeneen 10am   m and 4pm
it ffeatures
     eatures a vvariety
                 ariety of sstalls
                             talls selling Chris   tmass gift
                                            Christmas       giftss and
goods.d Ther
         Theree will
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                       b rrefreshments
                            f eshment
                                 h      ts andd liv
                                                livee jaz
                                                      jjazzz fr
                                                                om the
‘Bob W   ebb T
       Webb    rio’.
                                                                         WELCOOME TO THE GORDO
                                                                         WELCOME         GORDON
In addition, the Ma
both e
      vents. F
                  ayor of W
                  her inf
                           oking, Cllr Liam Lyons,
                         ormation is av
                                                 ns, will open
                                       ailable byy emailing              RAMSAY
                                                                         RAMSAAY AACADEMY!
info.byfleetAG@gmail.com and on the B   Byfleet
                                          yfleet Amenities
                                                 A                       Gordon is incr
                                                                         Gordon       incredibly
                                                                                       ncredibly e
                                                                                                  xcited tto
                                                                                                           o shar
                                                                                                             sharee his pas
                                                                                                                            sion ffor
Gr oup Facebook
       Facebook p page.                                                  ffantastic
                                                                           antastic ffood
                                                                                       od with hands-on ccooking
                                                                                                             ooking classses tto
                                                                                                                     classes   o help yyou
                                                                          grow yyour
                                                                          grow   our cconfidence
                                                                                        onfidence in the kit chen this ffestive
                                                                                                          kitchen        estive season,
                                                                          what ever yyour
                                                                          whatever     o level
                                                                                       our level of experience.
                                                                         The Ac  adem
                                                                               Academymyy is no
                                                                                             noww open
                                                                                                    p in W    oking
                                                                                                           Woking gTTo
                                                                                                                      w Centr
                                                                                                                    Town        e and w
                                                                                                                           Centre      e
                                                                         are rready
                                                                         are   eady ffor
                                                                                      o yyou
                                                                                      or  ou tto
                                                                                               o join us in the kitchen ffor
                                                                                                                kitchen   or something
                                                                         There’se’s lloads
                                                                                      oad ds of amazing clas    ses ffor
                                                                                                           classes    or yyou
                                                                                                                           ou to
                                                                                                                              to book fr  om
                                                                         baking tto   o suushi or ssteak
                                                                                        sushi       teak mas   terclasses, tther
                                                                                                          masterclasses,     theree is something
                                                                         here  e ffor
                                                                                   or e very
                                                                                         e one. Whether yyou’ve
                                                                                      everyone.                ou’ve got a ffull day
                                                                                                                                  day tto
                                                                                                                                        o spar
                                                                                                                                          sparee or
                                                                         justt an e   venning tto
                                                                                     evening     o drop in, clas
                                                                                                   drop          ses rrange
                                                                                                            classes    ange from
                                                                                                                              from 90 minutes
                                                                         ttoo full da
                                                                                   dayy e xperiences, wher
                                                                                         experiences,    where e yyou’ll
                                                                                                                   ou’ll be g uided by our
                                                                            alented che   efs tto
                                                                                       chefs    o build on yyour
                                                                                                  build      our e xisting skills,
                                                                                                                  existing   kills, or cr eate
                                                                           brand ne
                                                                           brand    neww ones.

                                                                         I’vve llearnt
                                                                         I’ve    eaarn
                                                                                     nt so much w  working
                                                                                                     orking withh the best
                                                                         chef   s andd rrestaurants
                                                                                         estaurants ar
                                                                                         e             around
                                                                                                         ound the
                                                                                                               he world,
                                                                                                                   world, but
                                                                         also fr from
                                                                                    m just
                                                                                        just eating and enjo
                                                                                                                ng good food
                    S!                                                   every
                                                                         e very da
                                                                                   dayy with ffamily
                                                                           top llearning,
                                                                                               amilly and friends.
                                                                                  earning, and that’s
                                                                                                               ds. You
                                                                                                 that’s what makes
                                                                                                                   You never
                                                                                                                   e cooking
Join this ffamily
            amily friendly
                  friendly e
                             vent on Sunda
                                     Sundayy 5 December
                                                   e      at
W oking Leisure
         Leisure CeCentre.
                     entre. The rroute
                                  oute starts
                                       starts at W
                                                   king Leisur
                                                                         so eexciting
                                                                               xcitinng and so much fun.
Centr e and goes ar around
                    a ound WWoking
                               oking P
St art with a ffestive
Start           estive warm
                       warm up before
                                 before setting off to
                                                    to run,
                                                       run jog
or w alk, choosing yyour
    walk,              our own dis
                           own      tance by taking
                                distance     taking on
                                                    o as many
  oops of the ccourse
                    s as yyou
                           ou like.
All those ttaking
            aking pa
                   art will rreceive
                  part        eceive a medal tto
                                               o celebrate
                                                    e ate their          To
                                                                         To book yyour
                                                                                    ur clas
                                                                                           ses, or simpl
                                                                                                   simplyy tto
                                                                                                             o find out
                                                                                                                     ut mor
achie vement.
achievement.                                                             visit www
Ther                   Christmas
      e will also be a Chris  tmas F Fayre
                                       ayre in Woking
                                               Woking Leisure
Centr              open
       e which is op pen tto           Christmas
                           o all, with Chris tmas crafts,
                                                    craffts, games,
  ace painting, rrefreshments
                  efreshments and llots     more
                                        ots mor e tto kick
                                                    o kick off yyour
 Chris tmas in style.
Prefer tto
Prefer   o sstay
             tay virtuual? You
                 virtual?  You ccan
                                  an sstill
                                       till join in the fun
                                                        fun and
earn yyour
       our medal virtuall
                              y. Visit www    .wsbhopsicces.co.uk/
santafunrun ffor
santafunrun      or mor
                    more  e information.
Taaking part in the Sant
Taking                  aF
                    Santa  un Run will help fund specialis
                          Fun                      specialistt
  are and support tto
                    oo ver 2,000 patient
                      over       patientss and their families
                                               their families
 each yyear
        ear across North
            across N      W est Surr
                          West      ey.
Winter | 2021

     Comfortable and safe independent
     living 'Hales' older residents
     Introducing Hale End Court, Old Woking’s latest extra care housing
     development featuring comfortable and modern apartments offering
     flexible, care-based, independent living for older people.

     Funded by Woking Borough Council and opened in          Hale End Court is more than just a housing solution.
     October 2021, Hale End Court in Old Woking features     It’s a community with communal dining room, lounge
     one and two bedroom self-contained apartments to        and dedicated café provide ample opportunities for
     assist elderly and frail individuals and couples live   residents to socialise.
     independently in a comfortable, homely environment.
                                                             Patio doors open out onto a communal courtyard and
     Extra care housing is specialist housing designed for   a first floor terrace, providing plenty of opportunity for
     older people. It is similar to sheltered housing but    recreational activities. A hair salon adds to the
     also offers help with personal care and household       creature comforts available on-site, as do the mobility
     chores. Extra care can be very suitable for residents   scooter charging ports.
     with higher or changeable care needs whilst still
     offering an independent living environment.             In addition, a support team deliver an exciting
                                                             programme of events and activities providing daily
 Situated on the site of a former car dealership, the        entertainment, as well as supporting residents with
 four-storey residence, provides 45 one and three two        their health and social needs. Meanwhile, a
 bedroom self-contained apartments. Each private             dedicated care team will aid residents with their more
 apartment has a modern kitchen containing washing           practical needs, such as liaising with GP surgeries
 machine, slim line dishwasher, contemporary wet             and health care providers.
 room and generous living space. Meanwhile, all the
 apartments are adapted and appropriately modified
 for secure living with devices such as door buzzers,
 accessible bathrooms and emergency pull chords
 fitted as standard.

For peace of mind in an emergency, help is available
at the push of a button, as each flat is linked to
Woking Borough Council’s community alarm service,
Careline. Emergency pull cords are fitted in each
apartment and residents are provided with a
personal pendant alarm allowing them to get help 24
hours a day, seven days a week.

Residents also benefit from on-site care providers
who can provide comprehensive care packages to
suit individual needs.

Cllr Debbie Harlow, Woking Borough Council’s
Portfolio Holder for Housing, said: “With the average
age of the population rising steadily, the creation of
independent living facilities such as Hale End Court
is absolutely vital to allow more borough residents to
live as independently as possible, for as long as
possible. These fully equipped, modern, yet
affordable, dwellings will provide safe and
comfortable homes for some of our most vulnerable
residents, with the additional peace of mind that help
is never far away should they require it.”

Hale End Court has been fully funded by Woking
Borough Council to support older residents to
continue to live independently. It is the tenth
supported living facility in the Council’s portfolio of
affordable independent living homes

How to apply
There are still a small number of flats available at
Hale End Court, if you are interested in applying,
please contact the Independent Living and Extra
Care Manager on 01483 743922 or email

  For more information about sheltered and
  support housing in Woking, please visit

www.woking.gov.uk | 01483 755855                          17
WE PROVIDE SERVICES TO OVER                                             100,
                                           £83.3M     INCOME FROM COUNCIL TAX

£111.3m                INCOME RECEIVED
                      FROM COMMERCIAL      £10.1M     WOKING BOROUGH COUNCIL

      COST OF
                                           £11.1M     SURREY POLICE             £649
      SERVICES       £18.2m                £62.1m     SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL      K

                 million invested
                 in the Victoria
                 Square development

33          Million SHEERWATER

                                                      MILLION IMPACT

                                                      OF CORONAVIRUS ON
         MILLION                                      COUNCIL FINANCES
ON NEW COUNCIL HOUSING                                COVERED BY ONE-OFF

                 IN GOVERNMENT

                 GRANTS AWARDED
                 TO SUPPORT
                 LOCAL BUSINESSES
                 DURING PANDEMIC
                                                         IN GOVERNMENT
                                                         GRANTS AWARDED
                                         TO SUPPORT ISOLATING RESIDENTS
                                         DURING PANDEMIC

18                                                  www.woking.gov.uk | 01483 755855
Woking Borough Council has published its draft accounts for 2020/21. The accounts
        include details of the Council’s income and expenditure between 1 April 2020 and
      31 March 2021 and will be approved by Council following an audit which is scheduled
       to begin later in the year. Key information is highlighted in the infographic below.

        If you have any comments or questions about the information published below,
                        please email financialmanagement@woking.gov.uk
      This infographic is a visual summary of the full Statement of Accounts. The accounts
                       are available to view by visiting www.woking.gov.uk


                            RESERVES          2.78%AVERAGE
                                                                                       MADE IN

                          £37M                 INTEREST WE PAY
                                                ON OUR LOANS
  £1,681M                                                                      £18M CAPITAL GRANT, £325M BORROWING,
                                                                                  £2M CAPITAL RECEIPTS, £4 RESERVES

                                         3m 8m                                            3m           PUBLIC

                                          REFUSE                                                       SAFETY

                             CORPORATE &
                             PROCESSES                                                    9
                                                                                          m         LOCAL

                            7m                                                                     ECONOMY

   SERVICES AND                                             PARKING
COMMUNITY SUPPORT                                                                          RECREATION
                                                                                          AND CULTURE
      www.woking.gov.uk | 01483 755855                                                                       19
Winter | 2021

     Outstanding members of the community
     Outstanding members of Woking’s community have been honoured for their
     achievements and services to the community at Mayor’s Civic Reception, hosted by
     the Mayor of Woking, Cllr Liam Lyons.

     The civic awards, which due to Coronavirus                 Young People’s Civic Awards Scheme
     recognised the dedication of Woking residents
     during the mayoral years 2019/2020 and 2020/2021,          Celebrating its 25th year, the Young People’s Civic
     were presented by former Mayor of Woking, Mrs              Awards Scheme aims to reward young people who
     Beryl Hunwicks. Each winner of the awards,                 make an outstanding contribution to the community
     sponsored by The Ambassadors Theatre Group,                whose work or achievements may not normally be
     were presented with a glass trophy, certificate, and       recognised.
     vouchers including Nova Cinema tickets.
                                                                The judging panel included representatives from
     Speaking about the awards, Cllr Liam Lyons, Mayor          Woking Borough Council, Woking Youth Council,
     of Woking, said: “On behalf of Beryl Hunwicks,             Surrey Police, Sport Woking, and the voluntary sector.
     former Mayor of Woking, and myself, it has been an
     honour to host and present awards to these                 2020 winners
     exemplary members of our community. In different
                                                                Samuel Fox – Outstanding Contribution to the
     ways, they have consistently gone above and beyond
     what is expected of them in their school, work or
                                                                Samuel is a dedicated musician
     private lives. They are a true inspiration to us all and
                                                                who has given selflessly to
     excellent role models for other young people in their
                                                                Woking College’s music
     peer groups.”
                                                                department. His performing
     Eminent Citizens                                           ability has also brought a great
                                                                deal of pleasure to the wider
     Each year, the Mayor of Woking selects a resident          community, including playing with
     who has provided an ‘eminent service’ to the               Woking High School’s Wind Band
     community and appoints them the Eminent Citizen for        as principal percussionist and
     that mayoral year.                                         performing at many local fetes
                                                                and fairs. Keen to inspire the next generation, Samuel
     Former Mayor of Woking from 2019 to 2021, Mrs              also teaches drums to a number of young children.
     Beryl Hunwicks, selected the following local citizens.
                                                                In the face of personal adversity, following the
                        Alice Potter – Eminent Citizen          sudden death of his beloved father Colin, Samuel
                        2019/2020                               demonstrated his determined spirit and pressed
                        Alice was appointed for her             ahead with Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award
                        outstanding contribution to Surrey      expeditions to Brecon Beacons and Dartmoor, taking
                        Police. Over many years, she has        on the role of team leader.
                        been a visitor to custody suite
                        clients and provided chaplaincy         Megan Hall – Triumph over Adversity
                        work to the Christian Police            Megan is a compassionate young carer to her father,
                        Association.                            who also manages her own special educational
                                                                needs and disabilities. In her
     Paul Rimmer – Eminent Citizen 2020/2021                    spare time, she attends Woking
     Paul was appointed following 31 years of                   Young Carers’ Group which
     outstanding work for                                       provides advice, friendship and
     Horsell Common                                             support to local young carers.
     Preservation Society,
     including working with                                     Despite Megan’s medical issues
     partners to develop                                        and with the support of her
     Heather Farm and                                           peers, Megan completed her
     Woking’s Muslim Burial                                     Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award
     Ground and Peace                                           in 2019.

Lilly Poulter and Jai Kothari – joint winners of          Jamie, her sister, has a very rare condition called
Outstanding Achievement                                   McCune Albright Syndrome. To raise awareness,
Lilly is an outstanding Woking High School student        Tyler has become an ambassador for her sister and
who represents her class on the school council and        the challenges of her condition, including eloquently
is an active role model for other students coping with    delivering a speech on the topic in a school
Dyslexia.                                                 assembly.

Outside of school, Lilly is a dedicated volunteer at      Compassionate and determined, Tyler always pushes
Woking Gymnastics Club. In 2020, she passed her           herself to fulfil her responsibilities both at college and
junior coaching exams and is a registered junior          at home.
coach at the club. Prior to this achievement, she won
‘Recreational General Gymnast of the Year’ and            Imaan Kashim – Outstanding Achievement
‘South East Regional Young Leader Award’ in 2018.         Imaan is a talented and dedicated
                                                          classical violinist and guitarist. She
Jai is an exceptional                                     has attained many outstanding
young chess player                                        achievements for her musical ability,
who won over 20 junior                                    including studying violin at the Royal
tournaments in 2019,                                      College of Music, being a member
often competing                                           of the Royal Concertgebouw
against young people                                      Orchestra’s European Youth
up to four years older                                    Orchestra, and performing at many
than himself.                                             venues including appearing on
                                                          Britain’s Got Talent playing with the Chineke! Junior
In 2020, Jai was                                          Orchestra.
selected by the English
Chess Federation to represent England in Greece for        Nominations for the 2022 awards
the World Cadets/Youth Rapid/Blitz Chess
Championship. He also plays for the Surrey County          Do you know an inspirational young person who
Chess Association squad and Surrey Border League.          deserves to be nominated for their achievements
                                                           or support to the local community?
2021 winners
                                                           The annual civic scheme is open to all children
                  Keshav Raju Meesariganda –               and young people, up to the age of 18, who live or
                  Outstanding Contribution to the          attend school or college in the borough, and
                  Community                                includes the following three categories:
                  Keshav is an outstanding
                  Goldsworth Primary School student           Outstanding Contribution to the Community
                  who, inspired by the efforts of             – includes work in areas such as helping older
                  Captain Sir Tom Moore, organised            or disabled people, working with children,
                  and undertook his own fundraising           fundraising for good causes or getting involved
                  challenge to support the NHS                with voluntary organisations.
                  heroes fighting Coronavirus.
                                                              Triumph Over Adversity – includes endurance
Despite busy days of home learning during lockdown,           and bravery, such as overcoming a disability or
Keshav and his friend Nikki cycled 40 laps of their           helping a parent or family member with a
school car park every evening until they had each             disability.
clocked up 500 laps. Their efforts raised an impressive
£340 for the NHS Charities Together.                          Outstanding Achievement – covers excellence
                                                              in many fields: sport, music, drama, visual arts
Tyler Hankin – Triumph over Adversity                         and particularly less academic subjects that
Tyler is a hard                                               are not normally recognised or rewarded.
working Woking
College student and                                        The application form can be downloaded at
dedicated young                                            www.woking.gov.uk/ypcivicawards or call
carer for her mother                                       Woking Borough Council’s Democratic Services
and sister.                                                team on 01483 755 855.

Winter | 2021

                          Getting to know your local
                          policing team
     It’s important that the community know the local policing team and who we are as
     people away from the job. We might wear a uniform and keep the Queen’s peace (the
     historic role of policing) but we are all human. Here’s just a few of the team helping to
     keep you safe in Woking.

     PCSO Naz Svyntakh                                         “Neighbourhood policing has changed a lot since the
                                                               ‘officer on every street corner approach’ of the past.
     “I have been                                              We're smarter about what we do now however we're
     working with Surrey                                       just as committed to working with residents to create
     Police since 2003. I                                      a safer borough.
     have been in
     service for 18                                            “When I'm not at work I'm usually doing something
     years, though it                                          sport related. I'm a keen cricketer, playing every week
     doesn’t feel that                                         in the summer when I can and I'm also an Exeter City
     long - I still clearly                                    football fan so enjoy trekking across the country to
     remember my first                                         watch them play.”
                                                               Sgt Sarah Wentworth
     “I joined Surrey
     Police to make a difference, by bringing my local         “I have been with
     knowledge, my background and my bilingual                 Surrey Police for the
     language skills to the role. I believe that I have been   last nine years,
     able to make a positive impact in this way. You really    Seven and a half of
     feel like you are part of a family when working with      these were in
     police colleagues.                                        Woking. I love
                                                               policing Woking as
     “If I had one message for the public of Woking, it        every day is
     would be ‘treat each other with respect and look after    different with a
     each other honestly’. It has been an absolute             great and diverse
     pleasure working for Surrey Police and serving the        community to
     community of Woking, and I hope to continue for           support in my role.
     years to come!”
                                                               “I am a keen footballer, support Aston Villa and
     PC Tom Hinch                                              represented the Great British Women’s Police football
                                                               team at the European Championship in Prague. I see
     “I have been                                              sport as a key engagement tool which we
     working in Woking                                         demonstrated recently with the Kick Off @ 3
     for the past year                                         tournament we held at Woking Sportsbox.
     and really enjoy the
     variety of policing                                       “My role is to lead and support our team in tackling
     you experience. In                                        crime and neighbourhood issues which have a
     quite a small area                                        detrimental impact on our community. I work with our
     there are so many                                         fantastic partner agencies in Woking to solve these
     different and varied                                      longer term problems.”
     challenges, types of
     crime and
     encounters you come across.
                                                                 So next time you see Naz, Tom or Sarah out on
     “I am a Neighbourhood Specialist Officer which              the beat, why not stop and say hello? To stay up-
     means I'm able to find issues which matter to local         to date with the team’s activities in Woking, follow
     people and take a longer term approach to solving           @WokingBeat on Twitter or @WokingPolice on
     them. It's about going beyond the initial response          Facebook.
     and making lasting change.

22                                                                        www.woking.gov.uk | 01483 75585522
Residents: Have your say

Earlier this year, Woking Borough Council committed to establishing effective,
two-way dialogue with residents and key stakeholders, giving a voice to all members
of the community.

As a result, the Council relaunched Woking Residents’     Masterplan which will take into account the initial
Panel consisting of over 750 engaged local residents      feedback received.
and created an online civic space, known as Woking
Community Forum, where all residents can have their       It is anticipated that the draft Masterplan will be
say on the Council’s activities.                          presented to Council late spring 2022, before a
                                                          formal in-depth and wide ranging public consultation
The Community Forum has been used to publish and          will begin later next year.
seek views on the Council’s draft Housing Strategy and
Economic Development Action Plan and more recently        Once the formal phase of consultation is complete,
two significant consultations have commenced that will    all comments received will be reviewed and the draft
help shape the future of the borough – a Masterplan for   Masterplan updated before it is presented to Council
Woking Town Centre and the Council’s corporate            for adoption in 2022.
priorities and financial budgeting.
                                                          More information on the Masterplanning process will
Woking Town Centre Masterplan                             be published in future editions of The Woking
The Masterplan will seek to establish an overarching
vision for Woking Town Centre that will enable            Corporate priorities and budgeting
sustainable development including new homes, a            consultation
thriving business and retail destination as well as
strengthening Woking as a cultural, recreational and      As part of establishing an effective dialogue with
community destination.                                    residents, a comprehensive consultation and
                                                          engagement programme has begun to help local
It will provide a long-term vision of what Woking         communities feel better informed, whilst assisting the
could look like by 2030 and beyond by working with        Council better understand the issues and key
residents and key stakeholders.                           priorities of local communities.

Informed by robust evidence and wide community            As part of the process, a series of in-person
engagement, the Masterplan will set out detailed          roadshows are being held during October and
standards and principles to guide the day-to-day          November 2021 at venues across the borough, led by
decisions to achieve the vision, such as building         Leader of Woking Borough Council, Cllr Ayesha
height and density.                                       Azad, and Chief Executive, Julie Fisher.

To begin the process, during late summer a series of      Roadshows are open to all residents and
virtual workshops were held with Woking Residents’        stakeholders. Dates and booking details are available
Panel, who gave their views on the current                by visiting www.communityforum.woking.gov.uk
development of Woking Town Centre and their
aspirations for the future.                               Complementing the roadshows is a questionnaire
                                                          asking residents for their views on the Council’s
In addition, face-to-face meetings have been              future corporate plan and priorities. Whilst anyone
conducted with key employers within the borough to        can complete the questionnaire, 3,000 copies have
understand their future needs and wants for a             been sent to randomly selected households across
prosperous future.                                        the borough. If you’ve received a copy, do take the
                                                          time to complete and return it. In addition, a separate
Once this phase of informal engagement is                 consultation on the Council’s financial budgeting is
complete, the Council will embark on drafting a           also underway.

                                                          Feedback gathered through the roadshows and
 For information on the Masterplan and corporate          questionnaire will assist the Council to develop a new
 priorities consultation, please visit                    five year corporate plan and key priorities for the
 www.communityforum.woking.gov.uk                         borough.

www.woking.gov.uk | 01483 755855                                                                                    23
Winter | 2021

     Woking’s hidden jewel

 Woking is a diverse, multi-cultural, multi-ethnic and multi-faith community. More than ever,
 understanding between different cultures, ethnicities and faith communities is essential.
 Here we find out about the work of local charity, Woking People of Faith.

 Promoting understanding amongst the borough’s                                            “At the heart of good
 various faith groups was why Woking Borough                                              interfaith relations is dialogue
 Council helped establish Woking People of Faith                                          between real people. This is
 (WPoF) around 15 years ago. Under the motto                                              about mutual respect and
 ‘Diverse Beliefs: United Action’, the charity’s purpose                                  mutual listening. It is entering
 is to promote community and religious harmony.                                           the world of the other and
                                                                                          engaging in genuine
     Key aims and objectives                                                              conversations about faith.
                                                                                          This builds trust and creates
       Promote knowledge, mutual understanding and                                        possibilities of working
       respect of the beliefs and practices of different                                  together in authentic ways.
       faiths.                                                  We listen in order to understand and we understand in
                                                                order to make a difference. And such dialogue is at
       Advance the education and understanding of
                                                                the heart of Woking People of Faith.” Rev Phil Simpson
       different beliefs including an awareness of their
       distinctive features and their common ground.
                                                                “Whether working locally,
       Promote good relations between people of
                                                                regionally, nationally or
       different faiths.
                                                                internationally, the object of
 Its members include most of the faith communities in           interfaith is the same - to get
 the Woking area, whose representatives explain more            to know other human beings
 about its work.                                                and respect that we are full of
                                                                positive similarities, while the
 “Why does interfaith work                                      diversity of beliefs and
 matter? Prejudice is the ill-                                  cultures is part of the beauty
 founded perception of a                                        of humanity. The more
 grouping. Once you know                                        involved we become in interfaith work, the more we
 people as individuals,                                         recognise that ‘the Earth is but one country and
 prejudices fall away. So                                       Mankind its citizens’” Simon Trick (Baha’i).
 interfaith work weakens
 prejudice, not least because                                   To support the ethos of the charity, WPoF host many
 it rapidly becomes apparent                                    varied events and activities including topical interfaith
 that the ethical values which unite faith communities          discussions; online international cooking lessons;
 are more significant than the theological differences          football tournament; environmental work with Horsell
 which divide them.” Philip Goldenberg (Jewish).                Common Preservation Society; ladies’ coffee mornings
                                                                and discussions; and Faith in Action – a series of
                                “There may be reluctance        interviews with people of different faiths where they
                               from some people to              explain how their faith influences their life and work.
                               engage with people of other
                               faiths, maybe there is a fear    All these events, in their different contexts, reflect the
                               of proselytising or having       learning and appreciation in which people of different
                               their beliefs questioned.        backgrounds participate together and provide
                               When we are firmly rooted in     opportunities to remove the barriers of prejudice and
                               our own beliefs, we are in a     misunderstanding which so often divide communities.
                               better position to engage
                               with people of other faiths. I     For more information about Woking People of
                               have also found, through           Faith, including how to get involved and details
     interfaith dialogue, my own faith has been enriched.”        of forthcoming events, visit www.wpof.org.uk
     Kawther Hashmi (Muslim).

24                                                                          www.woking.gov.uk | 01483 755855
New burial site and wetland area within
Brookwood Cemetery
As part of the ongoing restoration of Brookwood Cemetery,
7,000 cubic metres of contaminated land has been remediated
to create a beautiful new burial site and wetland area.

The new five and half acre site will be used               Woking Borough Council’s
predominantly for Muslim burials as other sites begin      Lead Member for
to reach capacity.                                         Brookwood Cemetery, Cllr
                                                           Kevin Davis, said: “In July
This has created space for another 480 individual          2020, the Council approved
burial plots spread across two grassland areas which       the Brookwood Cemetery Masterplan and
are linked by a raised boardwalk and complete with         Experience Plan which set out a number of broad
contemplation spots and benches.                           policies by which the site will be managed and
                                                           developed in the future.
It also features new planting and a number of
unusual ornamental tree and shrub species that
resonate with the cemetery’s Victorian design, along
with native shrubs and wildflower.

Ian Tomes, Woking Borough Council’s Asset Manager,
said: “It has taken us three years to remediate the land
which was used by the previous owners as an illegal
tip site. With the help of a range of specialist
contractors, we’ve been able to screen the material on
site and use it to form two grass covered mounds, the
                                                           The Mayor of Woking, Cllr Liam Lyons, receiving a tour of the
tops of which will be used for internments.
                                                           new burial area and wetland led by Brookwood Cemetery
                                                           Manager, Avril Kirby.
“The boardwalk design also takes into account the
site’s fluctuating water levels, and we’ve added           “They support a vision of a sustainable working
marginal aquatic planting to enhance the                   cemetery leading the way in heritage conservation
appearance of the wetland.”                                which other sites will look to. I think these latest works
                                                           are a really good example of how we intend to
As well as the provision of good quality grave space       improve the site while also retaining and enhancing
and environmental improvements, the £800,000               all the special features that make Brookwood
project also capitalised on some of the cemetery’s         Cemetery so unique.”
historical features, supporting the council’s aim of
transforming Brookwood Cemetery into a major               For more information about the new burial area,
heritage destination.                                      please visit www.brookwoodcemetery.com

7,000 cubic metres of material was screened on site        Raised boardwalk and contemplation spot

www.woking.gov.uk | 01483 755855                                                                                           25
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